The Goderich Star, 1928-09-06, Page 6kkt
Aifi , -.1.
1r EAPis good tea!'
, a
. *Liaarartp eke.% at a lade
witra cost is extra •good
4"*"."1!".' " .•:""
eloan, brialai Aluminum
s ff1/44.'-'440q04P1011011.444.,0440444
theee, he, ehee, 'tel :4;
t •r:c'; • nuetestee
"ne the" eet te-,. de thee'
hence. i..teet eette esee.
teae ttcle ce-ee tee).
rC ete, vee' et; IMUFA I;
f.rle TOC2'.V."
CU.12:ta, laareeee het-L.:the; ae eta
enet 'aryl-440mi Nes; ie Nee eeteel on-
ly heep there owey •;:eora my titlart.-
ere. bee I've rot te ezze ra thece.
'ninth) sehete) the hatttehr lice. Ile
may snalet e, uoice. tza•ee,
enlete to. hcep him 1g
they hear him, it's ell ttp "Mit ue."
&Yonne took the. pipe from btu
.111°W:it and lenued toward hie chief,
the raueclee in his mart face) keetted
with the iratenvity of tele For-
Men Marooned
Was so Bad
i- -i0 n'f-.'• TWO t.1:lr'zY. igne e. el
t e e.., °et:a rc:i '._ an Q :TV , ....1' . ,• i.',
; e .e re eat lie: eta tee, Tee ee ,., • !
Child Passed blood ,nix, v.,-ci, 4
.::.1,37;,.-1 pay.
pesaleg blooil. X went ea QUI' 3114«kiete I {-1:rTe.-.•;,.t,--Lt,' 1011;11:1!101 hex Milo
my liar boy took very tail elite e....e. int,' the woeide" eail tee, hie.
veto taa gave Lim a deee of
diartimatted heave / l*Tew it Lc was 7 ,e elle: "Whoa his rece of: her tell
kilakanoas Nil, writemeehlhast Fell 'eel eitc-tehy an:, oeela clearer:, ., ,
Jim Item ,weebith R. R., so. 2, ;77,ughir:
I hail,"
"4'i -et hell bee rect.; Lee,t teeet
leeteretarily Garth Guthrte. etreet. •
• . • -
1 e.e. Itae nnerrinely <Ate lied eh:Ina--
V.:thee:el Ethel. lied dee gueese4, Ir.
1 tem etteee what followed," Garth '
replied. "1 lenow him. Ileare-brelte
cm -1w often ;Tette -of her -Ii weut
to drink. to .forget. Thee it happc,e-
a lexica the two men htirely beeatbei the man?" ' e.
"Ent after all. are thoy cure De's
sad a little later gave him another,
es the narroweee-tee of the half- and half an hoer after the mond dose "The 42 :u midence ,..eve
breed bored hate duthria'a 4113ia'alcal be go tenet end by the time bo boa it beyond queetion-the detereptien,
creme Then Etienne redd plowly: ; taken Six doses be was like a different bie bong here la •The north."
"You aro good frien' to me an' my eltillfs , c While Joan caught a few boor?
familee. 1 iC.0% doze poleece-if you This wonderful bowel eemPloint t sleep in the room of Guthrie whicliho
.. -say so." I X7has hetre on the Xnar"t eor had again •given her, tbe factor se t
two SO yeller put up only by The
-Slowly, ao be read ether stark einem:. I T lillb Co' I, T , beside the mwonselopa MOP IiilioSO,
-4Y--fg-tilt..01Zer lil,2„La wrta. taco.... . urn e imited, °onto,. OA. torteeed Iiings labored for breath.
eensed that his friend a the dusky ---------e- h ,• --te-h ..,'-eete-----e- Before she law down' the girl stood
tellAPTER XIII, , nuctra ard Pnelmeenia eeeee in. thQ their frieuilelup the eumerne quizzicully before the pliotographe
elan Ives brizheleg to the alear of demanded auerily.
.e.. *more that hlalr• a ora lone Ihe'aereet eloah Quareier Vtra: immediate hazard of his 11141 Guthtia S °you askt
gift, the I ',What -what do you mean?"' be which still stood in their placee on
Elheran and eeat•ehed the river -wet care, But. the prebiem eonfroutinet years of river mid coast and trail
elmite of the head, Felenne returnorl . was to become d Galbraith if he liv.
eem the poet Wh dbleu3
it4 ae Guthrie Wag =W Complex. What. tvitit &venue had kindled .
He reached out re Iong arm and took like the one he came hack to." eete ed. "It's not strange that he can't
pointed toeverd the adjacent eialt- forget you. Ho $tia renlernherS or
Yon treat me ae if I were -•oh. "You'ro very lovely," she murmur -
4, confused by her tone.
you'd not
bis dresser.
eteed in the mew ou tee vIc ging at I tette) foe dm aft) eleeenci?nt on her softened with thee a'ffeetion which two A.
to Old Anne anti We wife, waiting in 'led? Cameron would waate no time the sinewy hand of the other. - be heret-still remembers,
Guthrie's queatere. 1 in takteee possestion. oe the schooner "I won't forget -my friende; Vaguely her 'meaning' dawned on although he wants me to think helm
"vor. Leath night: 1-.atd ta bib:41/ 410 . and Its valuable orao, which he him. Searsh-to her -were an acco- forgotten."
,„ .., , . , , , „ . The wt faee of the helf-breed lade. Those straight eyes of her (To be tontinued)
So it teppen to hi'JIEUtiV:011:4 11;:•:•1ICA* taa disp)altion 01 tee lit With pride at the words, then never turned in honor from a wound. x Ile •
I Shoulder:, "1 get de bandage tram eyes 'clouded with mist. ur knew the nute all the mosquitoes In
Guthrie. blehhe de %wire= not .71,21e iauthoritios at Ottavfa. But the tuning away, he threw over his
"Me come," ineleted Old Antuet eStates of the deed men, eicleentdd I M'emselle Quarlier an' show Marie day 1 znet pm -that you •SAW beyond voue?ei ceT be killed. Simply take a
whi hCeill.." 1 VI-tom/sr ard (ars) bo:anged ts tas "Forgive me." he said. and his a
rFtLyY..:TTOOxX =Hamelin
"Sbe come vtan be ask, She ceme,"e wait oilicielly dead. Ile, a bunted bow to mak' geed eurse." Stphrea3;11), aft aier othf
'Iiht McDonar, he vete seek num I man. could not elaim it. "Who, be * * 0 0
. , 1 -the sears." '
• 'For 401 instant her face Wne rad. spray. It Will slowly settlteo to the
' the room with the Atte atomized
it in the ether lung now." ! with the mad desire to go to her- room, Spray the ceilings, hangings
y GEORGE ItiAS11. c
come, I go an' have a !cols et, de did not Ittunt. • I can her
She theerg de noodle(!one oef the i eide hie led°, were bie eon? Garth "His toMperature's risen to • 103. i lent with A look that stirred the Man floor killing all the insects in the
tame° the white Elltwan and watehed search of theerean who ealled !lime on the eupper dishes,
Agreill Etienne stood on the' elitY were veiling eborthr to the hay in room, from wb'eh Old Anne 1144 talt-i. this *mean who doubted him --hie
1 Thea Cameron had .said the police Joan Quarrier entered the living take bee in his armseerweing from 'and closete• 'where the moequitoot
FreteTOX wilthi laots sia11:1 th f br'es'.
bide. and also spray on the, screens.
the Valls
for the wining; spot methe lee, elleb self McDonald. trailing to find Me- ' love, the adroissiou that she too car -
"Double pneumonia!" Guthrie rent- ed. But no. not ,here, his 'word and rdrcilletiens P°1r a --le ' fratg:anwcae,eisaableo-
would Mari; the upproaehing team Donald's hob, which Garth Odd Ile tored. oNot a chance, after the fiu, , guest, helplees to avoid ' him. Ms futteT harmeleas:gto people but sure
' Dieappeinted, he eves About to return lied seen on the boat, they would MI- is there? Peer Old Craig! We've chivalrY checked his impulse. She i death to insects. Doesenot matter
to the women in -the house when his turally come to Elkwan to tall; t o the dozm what we ould." knew lie loved here She should have I whether windows and doors are open
keen eyes suddenly lit with excite- MAU who brined OS news to Al. She raii'svti ht 'r oyes to the roan fair nlay at Elltwan.
^river seemed to Alt>V0 a black spot. weeks in ,bed, recovering, hie strength. on knees. "Friendship is a vory real ler elesed. FLy-Tox is the scientific
went Far on the vrhite Shell of the . hany. If Craig, lived, he would be who slotuhtel. head in -heeds, entente Muttered words from the sick, multi produet developed at tlfe Mellon Ju-
ror a seat* the half-breed Studied Where could they -hide 4 man needing' thing to yetto " RheostteatercivoubyarRsait
"the barely' distinguishable 'object, constant care •if a pollee dog-teant He lookei up. "Yes, 1 th t 1 tit 't fi le * le
so roe . a c o ° con ne ant in isdelirium,
dgrereviart ftralltme. to
by Tit1);IF°eillizotweellilt.I.ndEusvterrYi41
Then he trotted to the (waters, appeared on the ice below the post 2 without rt thoneht ef tb,e 'cest tie yeti, rendered the bed 'he iv on itisieniti- The Proven Asthtna Iteniede_.
td -Adv
"Dey comet" he eried to the wnit. Etienne could be imetiee into bed and / brought You We thih"-e" '' cant. His lleavY russet hair. smooth- Since asthma existed there has been
Mg', NVOMell• oDv turn de beeg is- bartdaged to .corroborate the story
told to , , Ceme eon, but Galbraltieee vent to me Mr. Eleile. time yea bend. fr/hmed the dee heraldid remedies,
tan." eThat was r tl e .1 fine come 4 1) the f h'f no lack of much
a 1 r .t- e y e nurse. rem is wide wee
• When the hustdo Cute had traveled 'Wtat of hint? Acceesory though it' ahould feel ;etre of Me-411ov, thuthI Wideb stared, unseeing -Pitt tha. eellititee wortideets• rrhe eYeehrtowieg rePut
bete eeee but they helve proved shot lived, and
hurtled ta the waiting 'Etienne with the thou' it of Galbraith, V. C.; Gal. owed him", e it a ;la e in the
lloag's Asthma
• the clift trail, it a SWW wane:Guthrie the gray eyes of Guthrie lardened at 1 ot theheht, oray adlira—of went I mouth, simsay in its dietation. We4e-il -8;;t:linte.erlevhech no cother oao
of. the room. Below 1‘,ered the torn tpathAltlIt "%Pr, 3.! Eh Fs
forty miles einee eleyligitt drew in to made him to the crime of hie friend. weenie come
For an interval be west "We were -•happy-before," they --- ° 1:1.1e It has never. beat pushed
the donna! "Yet) •got .111111 here 2 braith the trenchtraider, winme name %mut, thei) 'c,m,t1,.i.ted with a look hoard -hira Muttipr. "X know --I Itnow b
'et,yre4C .
The half-breed nodded, thei with n front, being hounded down in his dire oyheheee knew hoe weeie lime-
thet hrouebt the blood .-to her face t: i .-it was haid. But ceuldn't yea teysgot an 'effecting relief and mak.
emotional methods. but has sim-
ile's ;dive'?" • . was known the length of the British
old bear it -for t'ne sake of -the ing ntee converte,
wide grin •tureed to the girl on te
he xtremity. Garth laughed asehe.ple- when you undereeeod. But it vast days? Handsome Galbraith -it wee '
• 1
wan, rna'nt'sellel" aa ho cosisted her elaualling McDenahl -on his- schooner • ewhy eironore tee demurred. ber Hea.ndsol: eltlrhtraitt -411ut ye%° --c1*- I -. Jebel: The wind is rising; we
Better Late Than Never .,
sled. 4"Alloi. You welcome- to Eike titled the police attempting •to take =the -wronger . • • ._ e
out of the robes. ' . ian the fullness of his strength -Me '.
417.m mighty glad Ito ,see you, Etl- i Donald Rthl Rat told thh • bahrtos Matter?. 'e'Cu needed inc,to helpyou.
, , "Etienre or tide man. whet did it I tovedehneeded., Your etest God I meet hug the shore. - ,
. enite. How ore Marie awl the eldelte,t mate who timpee, with Lewis e the took in there -when you. 'Jaw' Mabel: IVlaytee you will 1.!4,•Ve A.e.rVe
MI . 04 in 4',14113 and r came." • , ' . mer . enough for that. !
'8 Pa e V a saP "But I've done worse still. If the' ----e-hhee------e— , -
,, • • I f
hard ride lute night?" And Zome-he bad, merle her att az. te ehe iaweehn eeeeeseree i dfd nit
Oh, vcv The. tanks, You hew: with for four yore, 0 lie Ard him here, , ouht eabject
Joan and Garth exchanged
SSA--Zaa COSSOV as Well elSkad 110: te aura) r mete, but t eeent to, ggt •
"We ettrelY did," replied Guthele, *tau ehe ,kroeve, now. wee wanted iyou oat of this been itPe tee late,
"We tamped at the leapieltan." I for 'Murder. How was Ite to square Tit take roe to Albany tegkerroweo
"At Eapiskau?" 11315. 'eonselence with time? To Peer As Joan Qttarrier steirest at the
Geterit's.aumeekte evore of the Iran his debt to Oilbeaitli he not onIV had speaker, her nerorise steeeih shifted
At his quarters' and he 414 not ex- Pskel he to throw her reputation to, he rover. vitt dark "es tit with a
Vain. With Scan end Savanna he tim winds, but to defy .the law -twee
'hurried across the clearing. Ouarrior, vehe hod stt,,pod into his 16°441Cyloirrttrtzifratatn? wirrirrtehtl
desert him, dying', Year frieed?"
He shrugged horetesslv in the fate
ef her deterniirettom "Yothre in a
rough kanathing filled th6 l'001110 Garth Galeri0. wee doure C
3 r" tateo poettton. / had ne
'Without envie/orb-1g she placed her inightlx it with the eompeny. but osteptp, eehatahded, „henm.
oar to the. 'bread tbest of the roan theanthorities would ha. 'mereileseher hued in Aehetiee thstew, if tzter
muttering in delitettat. After a Then the smug Charles *meld revotin teeth. whet ehn doe
space she turned to tito waieing his "/ told you 'eos." S'1,1 ror ovace Tio tould ttot atts,tver,
Guthrie with Meted, 'oyes. .trad. 4194 :thought .of • eneheh whese teeth, by a vi.tilt4 tt „nide in the
"I don't quite understand. Pule? .Chtestrees letters 1"1 Ind rot ehhtt'ov" etatmehnese of the :girt of whom he
nittioet normal, temperature ouly edsince be fetted Zone, Chteerier on eta asked 00 reeete
101, respiration not high, and yet he's the AlhenY etearinietteelhe could .thhhk "I've got to feed them hers. Can
developed met:Made in ow lung. 1 Ileetnn for bee thelth heeheth 'you keep him +ardor an opiate"
can easily hear ethe rates:" - "But tett polistejworet find him et I
"Yee, he's 'under onte now. If he
'You mean he hea beaten lab fite?" Elktveni" Guthrie ,raseed f W Ii1IIO torows dehhhas, as .stme hehi i-
«1 think soi bet so strong, teat teeth. peed whet to. the erade-Itouse to ihare eiteseeseeehr to get un.
"It hits the big men hardeet,", he ra9"DkPidlli;07)ukl'ineesvel:liatInletr'ttri7;lembee; go
111111111We- t� keep. tali belied to tho bed."
taid - him up here?" Guthrie asked, "I'll get thent• over to the trade.
hotese as stem as they eat They may .
joan gate the patient a Itypetiere uN44,1* 1111,°1; "113' but lu-1 WAS „rot etav more then a night, but when
lade of strychnishand left the fO011it0 11341sPril 4 ttikSt fait to ilea hie hotly at the
meke some uruel. Then Gistlt40 'explained the nark
schooner, 01001 Want t4 se # Me-
"Ctaig Galbraitheatteualting Meta Etionte, was t* tday when the Police "legave Etienne his berdeaes and
Donald" mused Guthrie *loud. "Vett metered. They wottld vemt te inter. 'ehe,„,ed ttarie /mar tt adjust them."
gave all you had for Canada, and now view him, 'mad meet ieet lam in bee; ohnhat wonderfol fatalispirtter ,
CAMAS hunts you bc,lause *roman. .t !tick vat. Accordirtgly. Mug. hem ere, Healer of Wbuedsl How
without eyes could sea wsly your have the berdages, which Nisi attar- am 1 ever to ropey you?" He eel
scars.° hes. rior 'would nrcran at 4120. ready te from . habit him tho unmarred lett
On her retiree( with the reerielt• tett en. The ehilderee veuld &Mee to side of his. fele ouartering 'on the.
vent, Joan found Guthrie O911 ao bsoetteleed arel kit out of the v47- girl. 'Suddenly alto straightened,
ing with eonther eyes at his feleeti. "Rave Yen ever been heillY bark startling him with the tome/lee, of
her look.
and lter wide expertenco with jut The, holf-brc'ea StUi" ttd ehehing "Why- do yet* tit that wayd" site *
MP/ at hiontrial
. "Well?" he esttom.4 s Aseia. W. to botool4 hie world...- • •
army entrap fluielied taking the-pelee 11 stripped dowu to this If the
and tempetature of the man whoa notice found Galbeaitit ate: rIttwart
With her well-equtppci reedielee Ettellne?"
v4oknnied bir rioeaptiott. torniristolidt rtw000*,,d
preallaaat ciliates and chtle authorirog, R Nt A )1
AlerrItAIJA. the sew 10,001 fein et Vic
Australia* Sinuadron in clivfue ftC floaT
Geer,* r. Hyde,. IC V.0 , 4" V 111. RAM. rizt.•ti has
recently caflm! it the t'asedlan e4,rto nfMontt-oat,
Quebec- and iteettar, atter eneWelthe her wieldy»
Mlle* teem Portenteett. aniplend, whore .ib Walt
easteafewleaskt ,S('1.W1 sepul vieltee EITIR 0114,114/,
The Areteelle. tettOth le tee 'ergot,' hettAhlt4
hAki4 egolppit.i !kit* 11%314'1 telt=
teeenee eete; in.tee ft -4 11* ''11p -A letelteeterh
l‘hottee.e ene etete'.ee •!!,1 whlift
40(1401 t!1.:Ai+ ;4ot. -Ole 01.'044,04 hY Hon Toio-
Phr.1104.4411pter 4k.e94q941 with /42 If rooRnho
!oorfo 4.".•:,,itIlljeJ41464n iIt�
P.1111,4711,1111, e‘tliv110h4,4 A 'ter fiew talnIttce
alter the e.t.:-b-f.7:01.e trailer hot ho#14 molt' Pt.'t
her pletr..
tioclericti h.dutriaI Fair
September. 17, 18 and 19
School Children's Section .
-CtASS 50.
Exhilgtori Must be pupils atteedieg :the Public 'or -Separate
Soltoois of the County of Heron. • • • h-
elembereeepe in the Soelety is not ewntial to the muting of en-
tries, •
eteetentaelSlielle AN115, D1AWIN.'141
' 1St '2nd did
en of Writing, 2nd Class pupils $ /5 $ 30 $ 23
• ' 3rat 73 ' • 50" , 23
441 50. 23 ,
Drawing, tend " 'VS 50- Zi
" • Sr(t • " .10• -5
" 4111 a . " . 50 23
1 Spee
2 ..
3 44
4 It
. The writing eneeitteita.for 2ndtelaes'peplis must lie on foolscap
- parer.ond shall tenni:in il.) the small 1etterg,(2)- the capital leiters
- (5) two 'lines of.figures (the digits), (4) all of "Indian iSuramer," : ,•
.. 7 .•The writing speeimens for ard-ciampeplie -Must be eta foolscap
paper atideball contain (1) the sniall letters, (2) lite rapital letters,
(3) two lines of ,figutes (the diglts), (4) 'an at "In Flanders Pieidee'
The writing speeimens foreideciase pupils' must be oA fooleenp.
. Peeler and ,shall eontein (l) the email letters. (2) the vapitai lettere,. ..
(g). twolitsee oe tiguree (the digits), hie all of "My Native Lane." .'
• speeiumbe of Drawing for 2nd-c1ass* pupils must bee .on drawing •
. paper 01112 in., and' Atoll:Om:mist of a map of Huroa Cottage w1t9
' townships, towns. villoge. elvers end boundaries, . . .
.-Specimeos et Thawiug. for geenelasS pupils must be ea drawing
9V.12 ln., and shall eonsist of 4 map of. North 'America, with ,
countries, 42 chief eitiee, mountaireouges, large rivers, and bons -
ec-Splawns of Drawing.for 4th-cla's pupils must be on drawing
paper.0x12 M.. and shall consist of a map of the. Dominion of Canada
with lakes, 10 (eget eities, large Were, tounty ,town.- of Huron, pro.
Ilexes and districts.
:All specimens of:Writing must be. In hale except in 2M1-etase,
In which case -pencil will he accepted. -Cams may be used in the
map drawinge.. .
. CHILDREN'S WO= ...., . .. .
There will be three age divielone for each- elase ,of entries -(1) •
0 -ears and under. (2) 12 years awl under, (2) ewer 12 YO3re. ' •
Eatrlee meet he solo work ,of contestants
See. .• 1st . lintle . eard
• . 2 $ $ .
1 Blvd Ilonse, named $ 5 , 15 10
t'2h . .. it., - ra
.. ,A Taffy
•:• 3- .(aku ••... •........,.....4..-.-..:, ..... *4 4,144..vrirtv4..... eee--•-• -'•-•--15- - -•11). .-
. 4 ltisettits 4,04.4.0. •23 • .15 10
5 Mans " • ....4 ''''
. 3 . 10 •
,0 'Small (ales .0 15 10
4. T1119 . 0-
4 , 15
15 10
9 Bead Work 25 -15 ' 10 .
10 Colieettote of 'Stames 25 . 15 10
11 Colteetiort of Cottle 25 13 10
25 15 10
,I1Z1 iliallpleatikui!'et)oteelatVetlett'iseeeeihe ' 25 15 10
14 Initleult theeeeverie ea. 0 ' 15 10
1,1 Drested 1301!elt
e- ' 15 10
It) Ceocbeting tee
15 10
-v17 INteer.4prfea.1,,..04
%•••••1 25- . '' 13 ' • lee
25 10
tee %neer Toy Comtweetieet Work - 10
t,.,01 . 15
19 Ett.,1;.r CoAsiscttom Were • 0-
21 shereettere tanettaetten Work 25 15 10
tee parer Tiewerte Net conceals (ressee) 23
e , 13 lee ee Icier Fili.,ACTP, Le3! te)17..e.itre01.1
co, re.
I:3 4'.i•C.111.14'.'All;1,y ii for cla2 La
eece te e a'I'317), 2513 lee
Mottetee letheetien of Eel/tuitional
• ...:
20 _ten Cattle 8 In
event. ee
...., 13
efeene,e, :teat:leg tae -h. Nee-Atte:es
ifet 1' 10
L311( tee ten
Ceileeetee aerhes (for 1,17,ne ,p:itr.4 ntze;
C.4 E::<;;:°•:,«M.T.1 t.'entre)leee et:44 25'
4:'t1.,v thter ,e, .... . ......... .• a
. tri laY,t, n et..*----1.ttite2 Octs eel Ntenee
rEtethilertiele ehrehhe e•
Wholesale. Diestributore
•••••.• ••••••••••••••-• ••••••.••• ••••, rwm•••••••••••,•••••••••••••••••• • • • 4.4.14,r1,
Lake Levels Higher Due Cerne ceees. t eoZeeing, b;lt
to Increased Precipitation nollowee's e-er,
The Chicago Tribune reeently pub.! :le -dee -oat-
lished the following devotee level
Ottawa. The higher levels in tile lf Shnt think 'r 'i Ure tr:steel et
lakes this seeson, eas been observee ebseree ecte ^... "1::‘ \V•I',.
b: mallet: verandah withoet their ,shoea,
• Despite charges that Chicago lake :f
tilVerSian 44.$ `.1tqL1L.1;2t. 4.4,0 -
shipp.itia on the great lakes, levels
are mete.). e e
Huron. Erie, and Ontario than they
have been eot .• ;:e • el. .
of the automatic gauge division, de-
partment marine and fieteriee, hero
cleim the higher levtls are, dee eolely
to inere.esEd teetural enecleitation.
Lake Superior is at pveseot two feet
higher than the June Teaho
Mean one Ioot. Eris 1.10 feet, "omel
Ontario 2.21 feet higher than the low
level recorded bsfore diveetion-
Ube Superior during, the " last de
Years the July level eve:hged 0.23
fete, higher than the Jeune level, ome
0.09 lower than the August, level.
Montreal harbor conditions atesatis-
faacyteinryx bdespitethesunlit*? level
When a women says she hasn't
anything to wear; that is, of course,
an exaggeration, but not much of
"Located in the heart of the
business district. -
Overlooking Gond Circus Perk.
A modern fire -proof Hotel.
500 rootnt: each with:bath,
Hetes: sass, slid upwards.
4 FernoushestaurasteedMeSie
aiS0 Coffee Shop.
Z4t:!It 0110000000 .......... 00004006141,
r44 r.K.A.ta-) 4.0•”0"..
t1 ILVfl?'! '_ 000333033333
reeeee 'fee- 00030300" +la
!Mt.. ho,.44 .•.,,
tat w eat le ere:, e r o „
.1•• nr:.
ri• eon,. ( •
13 lo
about this
of course!
"014 hello Zack! When did
you come to town?" .!
Runes had recognized the
Cheesy voice of an old friend
• OVer the telephone. ,
But Zack Iva's.' speakingfrom
his home one hundred miles
away,. Be bad given "Long
Diatencen' the distant telo.
phone uttniber,jind sbe had
connected b1. at once,
while he held the line.
Nothing extraordinary ,
about this. Quick Long Die;
tance service is noW practie
• tally universal. -In Most
oases, connection is made
while you remain tho
• 'Giving the distant telephone
number speeds up the ser-
' vice. We shall gladly look
up for youth@ distant nuUi.
bers you frequently all.
ALK about
tire values.
Just look at what
we have to offer
the man Who
drives a light,car4
Every tire made
• by Goodyear
Every tire. madel'
.o.f SUPER -1,
TWISTiC ords.
See these.
F. R.. MiLLEV.
For mervice twke, boy et home