The Goderich Star, 1928-09-06, Page 5THE/twat, SEPT. ath, tees. ANANIAINAOISIAN Fly Tox, Flit, Flyoide ..eielemene -- At a later interval in his slikVeits, Mr. MEnsa nracit reforobtO to the eusideu dentlt of Mr. T. el, Bethweli. the vice president of the Goderieh cannsittee, who hied put his vai•Jle Sure Death to Flies beau ethd mind into the budding eta! 'the eairn and pillar* at teeterali. Mr. Mat.Ewen referred to Vie ayes - Save the Woolens from Moths ,;,ertee ehe platform of Brig. Gen. eCeuicksluinkie ehoireieri of the 11.1 1110110AMAIONAMINA THE GODERICH STAR GR BEND The lacomparabis Sitee Commiesion: of Pa UlAL ceapLa„Math Destroyer cheirman of the Stratford. This- Ciaantittee: and of some of CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Codudch *ON TRACT MUNN ',the Huron Old Hoye a Toronto, Mr. • MeLaren, M. Floody, Mr. King. who ;were anumg the Huron Old Boya whe •,,always tool.-- rea active interest in • _EGoderich, and on their betalf Mr. MeLaren would be called on to ea,Va ; tete wade. Mr. Louis That Dal, Of Weiland, . epreeiderit of the bistorieal eociety or halm Province, expreased his kappa, *as to he present, as he .was hernia L.• Illuevale and the start of bis dram. dal career took place at Ooderieb, to twhieh he Mlle on excirelaine., 'been given a dollar by his father. i Hie transportation cost him 35 yeas ea . e ii , L ii. I end with the other 05 tenni he bought P. f 0 .... Honor rain To 0:sneers o. urea -track, &pay , g dli f db ht h purse an t en Qua e a riot - Speakers in Labor Day Program . ing leftato put into it ana a lean purse had'heen thareile gine.). Mr. Duff emphasized ehangedcone a,- ••• A ditions by recalling tbat news of the lifr,..„William...tataphell Ihiveils....Gaderieh .., airn. death of William 'IV was received t hike oat weeks • afterft iieeilieeed;- but the loyal settlers were summon. The Largest of Six Marking Hiatorical Sites Along Route fud4111Pipel !itn.11i:g. agiget i 1,11, of ComPleted, cheers for the Queen, and the Canada Pavement Through Huron Tract H Company. toristruction of the oroad, he addea. an outgrowth Hui.- . n was iyeeselay last -was a memoAtiY' rable ' an axe, rests at tett of the -stones,. of the wae of 1812. Pinata, both fee ii terraory eorianesed in atriat Surmounted by ,a limon leek,. Mayor plane and pollute. were awe end used to Kw niniWn ao . ,,,,Ae zinon 'Andrevt, a Stratzoru, Presided at Gait advised tbe sale of crown. lands Teact, being observed as ,the oenten- this earemany, with Senator-Raukin to get mane few releataileti al *' ary oe. tee tie:lemma up. ot 'We tract as epeager. R. litonlas Lem, eeeree Glime moaament in and 0,1. tete llama eemu, ante inentee- terY of the general committeJohn e, psac. Greenock " alt ia "s 1 tatty, Inc day .roarlteet toe oillieuel ed a wreath at the ilase Jethhe calm. ihe sad s It Canada an but 'lar-e the hearts opening ei TAM ,last Mat .ea the pave- The Monument in IViitchell honors moriunient of thousands, and as well in the Rua. .114ra which completed the „paved • the mums a Col. John „Hicks amt Ma on road and tine Iluron react, filled highwaY. trom fiemeeiele to :Montreal, wife, Eligaliethogrst settlers. there with pros eraus ho woe, 'tt'ne, tiKrntiersi Historical Someeer-hret were present at •the en/veiling, a dire Dr. Willieer Dunlop, Gsdt'a lieuten- teok the matter em and it was on . eek descendant, Miss ...elfelheeand the' ant, the. speaker declared; *as the ' their initiative that the project 'Aire wiaaw of W. W. ,,Rieks. ,MaYor eh. foremost enan of letter* With ..pos- a-nch a celebration was maze& but .Dfutton .presided. er. ,,G., Sandereent. slide exceation I Sar jell W'lle • the toxemia munimpahtieseahmer .the lel,P,, Was the speaker. I. S. Ford, the Tluren Tract had produced. -Mr.' route ,ga behind -the .preteet whole. who -hes ,completed ‘,50 years as a Duff urged tthat a proper path be heartedlY and the moteilit was hi ..eele- naff,r, challt-411-tha-tear941-unvelled the made to the Dunlop a is Salt - Six hraten traxv ,weethy. of the ,eaaeseue ,Cairn at Harporhey, al mile west of ford Heights. To show wh'ence eame histormar -cairns were unveiled Seriforth. Jamee Robertson, POnada, many *puns of muniziertelities in durbig the elliy, Inarhing •historie CoMPOnir commissioner, unveiled a liuron and Perth, he emoted the emits on the highway. a } cede% in memory of Col. Anthony Van manes of 'Confide- Coininea 'directors. Zululand, _erected by the townsaips of 'the cairn at erytogles, east of the - ., tlehotem,m1Balcker Srelien, elacKillop, eae aieltillop, Tueiteremith and .11tilleit Hallett, , Wince a Shakespeare, is on the anchatd, Downie, Hibbert. of a log building occupied by Sella*. •mad‘tsl,astilwilaofetlealiare #1. Nall Mo..' Fullerton, Logan, Mike and East. tkal $.04* aura Boa ,,,.fsdk zzeort ta Mond Nvas with Maceenzie in tne ,,,e. haw. at, bellion and it is sidd that on. that aca century ago. 'the brick tavern iri Ur. 'C. all. Robertson, .M. P. .P., in succeeded the log dwelling -sten e `het count his son refused military ilea. his addrems, paid tribaUe to the•Stralh good repair, though' unoccupied, and °ca. over ford Ilistofical Society for their part his grKetKe. Ninety Years eater .the .communier -is .pleased to its interier, With hugo firePlaces )and ' in binagn.rating this day's eelebra- a naeror, r'enanacene ee the 'steer, was fhonor aim as a pioneer .and road 'Vino and it ' i. o On , builder in the Rutin Treat. Mayou viewed by visitore on Monday. 7 triblite to Men Ilite711r. tamp, the va.sfeee.3100,4arse to .itete,.cehee" I W. H. Golding, of Seisfoxth, presided; ‘-trean, the Mayor's father, andeother a little plot has beeit Iiineed in, 'a; -aear•aotith :llamas 'McMillan! .14.. .P.' aioneers. Ile also -1.6 feiseid ' to 'the wheal wen rbe eareeme .ehe.rapaine of , eouth „auto, as epeaker. • " . the pioneers of this eatrilly. Their 1 Tile Clinton memorial, on , the, eependiture seventy years ego bythe Hum' County Council of hialf a ,deseendants are scattered throughout .groionis or. St. Pena's • church, is oix. Million .ddliars on roads. Theta' awn °evade ,ana ere, -trwiteli :awes an -d the .site of „the_arat.a.hitrch, 1835, arid must. belie been men .of •wonilei the .hurialeataundraeotatheeasioneerea--0— even Anstrelia, wily nine veinal -dim sion 'hied' the results had eustificel tu hi Perth: ail eveiglenta of leerith -,ArcithiShaD Williams was sDaakac their With. hna soon Masexope ,li,grent :Wero, A, twee, -old ,Iohn'.Refeeford unveiled the ee ATAT: 1- A. MeLareneefeho was .called Daaa-aset, z.,..gerantan au Dora °awn; Mayor H. -IL :Cootha.presiding..:, on .to spefrk on behalf Of 'the Toronto 'Newell, Dr. S. Silcox. •of '!StritOrij, Mr• .0eei,,Eg at l'eelaglez gays la* lluron 'Llid-13oys, sa.hrhe ainiost"feet tereriting. Instorietil ..details of the -wee chairman. 'alai the epeakerevere like aadressing the :Gtiderich, !Mealy pioneers of that family. 42 .0 ii Gen. Cruicksheliks oua Hen,' je 1), -en* -ru-4" r William K AS fellow dritfzens therueeif itrwas'IttY Monteath.enMonteath.1, 'incaid, -vratilen shanke; win) eghtted that the $eti- lean gime he had -wit -00detio. he of Perth, -unveiled, the cairn. ' 4r41 hedY had 120.partin the mem- , meal, teanslated.theeGerman name as always -erilayed eoreime back. as the • leric Sethae'h ciiiin west rif 7Strtit- givinlielit -seemed a mue brietter arid ford, corarriemorates'kedreW anieZva 'eh air little pureetere than any. t'llird ,of Freedom." ,:lerorn the close Vgere Asti, He Closed with a tri- ,seebat4h. first tamers in rtiactown_ of the war of 1811 Until 1828, he re - v4 ship, 1829. A' voncrete log, eat .by Lealle4ei ',2inelleigratieu Canada ani- - t- - - - "iMirtedAo only.10 ca.1,20thousand, but , whor t itteleamiti thegreat- - --a or eivomr-geawere Mei rtioneeof from .1.$31. to .1851, otter completion ; the country. •.• • of the -Huron -RoadaltaiumPed to 00,-‘, ,• , . Hon. Jamea Malcolm,. Mitilstet of 00 'a ' ' .e. 'Trade sand ;Commerce whO com organ itt. mg "The eDomiuleti anis niade iv, start hom thv..nueen hecdeee drevo. a -^....ie at saullar weak to this," he said in veal 1 fleo -i- r et, erj..ilee u4 . e ri o a en o y . nefeeence to Itite..nicroorial, "and Sidi Street Volta. God muse ,or 'who .ore interested are Gjetial highly pleased to see .that 'the loe /mgedthluri t4`14111/4"1/1"Ind men a Preeentegeueration Friday,. . - be encoiuraged ,tky zevery.znearta in, our a nteam railway, a tel ap me or lor's Coiner to liolmesville, ng and evelon AUSTIN WYLIE and His Famous Golden Pheasant Orchestra n ay, pt. 7 This merveliate *rehear: is peeitively the bat big -*Mace tion tide season,. They are • famous radio and recoding •of the finest to play here this stets. and without a doubt one Summer. Saturday Night Darin 1! " Begising Septionber 15th v GoleltItlal &ea» WINS AT TORONTO Altogether a eery Coed Pereerate *am A Very Pkieaat Heed to Lhasa To. Sees hedge , The Godorah Band took thira plewe in Close •C'et bend ionipetitioe - at the Torontii Indatatial leer week, ! First wits awarded to Petrol,* said- zenei Bond tW. Teylor). eteeea te Port liever t*(L P. Aeeeletine) aW4, third to Goderieit (Ma Wilkineora. ' The prises are $30e, $200 and eltie respectieelY. To test picee was INorthern World Overtura (flare -veal and the judging was dene by Litet. i .r L. K. lIarrieons L. R. A. el....of'lem- den. The critieista of . the playing of the -Goderielt Band showe that they obeyed very well 'indeed and some are wondering why they were not pieced 1• at least in 'second place. The errtie , eism is as fellowa ; full opening. and pee 'fate!. : fare ,effect.' - liasere1$a.' effective. At :letter A. the theme played nieely • good counter melody set It oft Mod: erato ehords very clear. At B the theme is given out again in another' • key. Notes very nicely accompanied. . • Very effective indeed. Not sulliele.nt a hreate made before letter C after heavy crash. Break again disre- garded. Playing is not etrained. -Quiteanaturelee-Staccato-aberilarefe- a feet! good. ' So far this is the best enditiozvof the movement. Playing fcallkAaggameg mquieter but the tones eomes oearin „ .000 012 (g)-—,41 through. The Reindeer Dance is 440:11:1T, uu0004 17,,;*bfalkags ii141Yeare well*cirsereP.dueTstelet General hires 000 011. plaaing. aliFitervcrof tre atigerlitle3 Urimiree—Legg arid Dinsmore, eh end observed. Best rendering of the London. V t far. of leani c4MO: on during the evening reg sustained eliords just right. 'rho hue toe VAinKOIK eintbratien Wan whole playing is clear mid levid .pretty well over by tnat time. The playing in the waltz is very vette teld and completes the effect. No I It WKin-at.Ifabpurke7 that the al- rough playing. It is being played In clot opening at rue pavement between an engaging manner and great care* euntou a S(.LZ02a IvilIell eo p e ,evinced la preparation of this move - ea toe paved highway between laode- meat. The Eskimo Pant* is being's rich and Montreal, took piece. The played with restraint, yet effect le . muef epeaher NVKLI the Hon. J. 1). bright. Quality of tone as good and m w a pax a ate to e work done by on. G. S. Henry m extending the Iliad 4yStOin, and, out.. c e,po icy e governrivent leas Pursued. The sum of e17.000.000 well answered. The eerie quahty is 50c. VMS event in need maintenance and goad. Good worlt in strident bars PAGE PiVE SPECIAL VALUES FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY 40 -Inch Unbleached Cotton for - 2 .yards 25c 28 -Inch White Flannelette. Special pricefi 7, per yard 4/1 41 Ilia 40, 42 and 444nch Pillow Cotton. 2c„ Special value, yard - 36.Inch White Cotton, heavy. quality' . Regular 27e1 Special. price, yard C Heavy Bath Towe4 Reg, up to 69c 39c each. Special each . Linen Lunch Cloths, 45 and 52 inch. 95 Special value, each E..ffiso.gRT Next Door to the Standard Bank Phone 86 THE CASH STORE abaence of slip-sbod playing. Band plays with aniplation and them is 50e• Friend, (i0e; Robt. Philips, 1,15e; Pastor. 8 p.m., Sunday School. good eansisteut -work. The otialitt Tokiddelli 0.1 Jas. Medd, $1; G. Tay- Note: The reopening of the organ chords before` G are effective and ion ell; Ed. Lawson, 50c; J. Taylor, will take place on Friday, Sept. 14. A pregiram of outstanding merit will be presented by Dr. Egener, of St. Critharines, and Mr. Bert Cut; of Wt. This will be the muaical event conetruetion IP the *province last 1 ceochet Sssa,ge awl not ovartione, year,.ho aaid.AMONG THE CHURCHES Band. eihnourished in their parts.. In introduciag the contractor of theepavemente William King. Mayor tiolaing pointed out the fact that lee 2. feet of concrete in 14 hours and 111minutes., a record which Z. Smith, deputy minister of highways de ed in a latter address, has ;not b equalled, so for as is known thro gee There $ no straining after •effseit, yet The regular meeting of the W. C. the one comes theough. attend is T. la will be held on Monday, Seta' ;Cal flexible. The ending is played tember at 3 p.na. had made history by layirig 060 j fully 'Vern 'god' quality af tone. Ileptiat church, eapt. lith: :210U%. ltogether very 'Rood performance. Plain talks on ;daily probleme. It is very pleasatt to Bette). to this goo see lid commandment, "Iti meat.- :Loll" mit the only prolanitylh Tem Goderich Maid ha 310011 prac- -Services in Victoria St. United, speedy relief to the little sufferer. R a Worahip, 11 a.m. and bruiees and spralne. Dr. Thoni ie g le eually reliable for mire throatiseal cesqt, % wean, rheumap tie ains. cute. ma the warle. Mr. Nang eXII t'i*:'nft fat severel tveeks and through eceturch, Sunday, Sept. 9th. Sabbath h of the aeason. • ExcelkChi ut for Croupy ldren — • When a child is suffering with mug it is a good plan to iffehleicelitomaa Meatier Oil. It reduces the Milani - the Voidness of 'Idr. Gerilan •Biseett motion and loosene tbe phlegm, givlea .ha j3144.P•41Sm fcc' Vac coaDcza- several oh the 121 2t1(( were held orachooa aan 10 n 4 pan. The ;metier will Preach ht tioit 67003M1 IV constructing e pave- hie lawn at Saltfoid Hui * beth services. Deputy Nrenister Saila expreed Teeleetrie Oil is reetaided by timely . latent. `Perm% response to tire appeal for 1 'Commencing next SundaY, Rev. 4. fatilily MOdieine ebest, 'than to Toronto wasaaale and eentriz„. str.,,Georges---aurolti-witt-pretieli , Li. wit easy to find your War into , thoueands rie an indispensable of itilite2 hulas toetneetluanoiitad traneportae N. ea mina B. A,. I. The reetor of latevairsTsetsarr.44=M the Mo inia er de•MA., roe* -fais'lt elle r.• that the7.4tlirougli u ions not—alreadY aclumwledP11 series of Siuiday evening seemone on trouble-ethe hard part in finditat the %tar we% as foliona r• Th Twelve .aposties, the purpose way Ont. -. 'were /unable to be present Ioh Tail& 82: Ainneek Chapter being 0 sig out wfidelity He ref ea' .to the foteh -1:0;en•E., /roe Geo., Heiman, 811 Dr. eight' of lite' la Dr- Betudole, woe. A,. C. Hunter.11; Rev. J. N. IL' Mille. of their reineieeis oaperienee, the pru- built eho road througli to Gtedereitilaael re a, itsebertetneh M.P.P., $3; ffe l'ailleehinethteheAyVa9astaleeso :rei:ee'rxtuhdethveardi:trei: Oreatelf3Vatait SiCha°1 'In larch a an nor' that few ,thangt •boorwen, '-e2; ea parsoes, $2. N ONTARIO •: have had to e made in it eet the m P. Z. gibber% Val *Geo. Stewart. ell; &mania!" took to Ohriet and with LONDON. Est. lea •ent ei urged the A it nrabtitt sr•--san. $2;1 gig.nal ~wee of sae ifing over the efiew high - n ng o. C "Ltd • $2: E. V. I-esslie, North St. United eburcia Services 5(J(2 511111, Commercial arid "1117. heave white' rkleni ,wee "e21 'Gordon 'Young.11e Miss 1de M. Sunday, Sent. '962 la Clas1 itiminese Administration .212 •etre eeacross the road, traffic, •was atie supoif.yorectopre mtroinwutdeeas ereabrolutile taho-raos; e eerentony. At 4:50 o'clotie 1Vire einith oftidially cut the tape *ad the, road was deelared epee. - • ! tranees add homes alotg the Huron' 'highway' eonnection with the 'Intel oft tract celehration of 1Vionday have • Awattisefere the best decorated an-: • • aaaaa the teenaining•hinterlands. been amounted by G. Laithwaite, putlie bodiee ,arta wANkt.,1,5 wee& •th ad ened ep er a up,” 1Gthlekich, an'follows: work. It:is arrtethiurthat ouot to he said, "there Avasmo, thing as Godermli to Taylor's Corner, Con: • at LIS -6'ciedt f: DR. F. T. ECVNER.- - 22S224: • - Cascert issett• and Oke. h I p Hon. J. D. Mmiteitheakhose father I ;snail serViee. elettri lihad never tt telepinme, -There .! asriao railway TO° 'Jelin -Void 'M. Trewartha anti • A. - comidillor -tinder Warden •ty. congrattliated aleseeMizeits of an was all heresehea I or efealitot. These - Fryfegle when Perth %arcane a coon, been lemma nil la communication ritatnesin e Clinton. H. Jenkins, Sturdy. G. Mahe and John Huller. .ancestor whose 'integrity industry 'ellen Caine 'wit 'Chair own resources ve fort rad by their 'Clitten• to Aima,Charlie Glue and alley latilt'hornes. in Zohn Dole. MIL -11Eilt COTT - ana wis"m 11411-11itILII fcagdiltiml fa2. luowin° theee-sownlitire Te or West' • •activities. oi eurther generations. • rtlee ceremoneaweeeeneeforot *ere," the htef - MISS GENE csoNNALN.l. risot:; ostid,; ..zintlarejswl rn.sjIly —ere is St wraereliness aanaounding Our moiler n itru • wined, meth 57 per cent. _ Alma to Seaforth-4. Beate, W. • Jamieson and 3. Fowler. Seafortli to 1)4b1m—Wilbant Deve ereattia. Stratford to Logan, north side, J. mg we want .provided for me either part of "the com- we 'have -become griteedepend- Jed „the citizenship arui left.a modes act. Eyes oT the...waled today are TICKETS -0o wed 25e 'by 'which we eanenottem oinalives, 1tunied !mon 'the dentine= Its 'pose b aeon lifeks,". 'said Major Sander- , s ilities are US great fox, the. young Stnetfc:ed • to 'Ellis line, south side, ee eon at ellitchelhellailt .the.firet house I cook AS the 'Huron 'Treat bad 'for W, Jacobs. - 1 in this town, and as somber) hilralighout his life in .its.hietater. e ,1, saY ci° I the pi.osim. e4treere.trzio„tecisa.,-0/ neSittagetfo.rd,, W. Hanstion and J. B. Special, 1,V. Jacobs, hest decoeatea ° we 1100 liret (Alicia poatommiter, the rse land miming north and south settled. „„a _ district councillor of Ital. And:Pas • There are vat :Iiinteelatale -yet -un- eue earmarleat gate -way hunt snoe- Math, most unique decoration and fieuree in action; R. Rundle, best di - pier of of hioneer relies. eSpetial, "Mies A. McLean and S. 'Andrews. if you will, you can make light of "Your 'datkest treelble. via (Geo. Stewar GORERICO ONTARIO Thone 10$ -' lAp.Amtimtly at sterling nn peogrea. I known. ' o pu up'eith sate man, and played- a eareoepaet en !what the pioneers eitIfereli. 'You 1 'Itho eivey life of the lame Tenet, I May still keep in toueh With -year . than which, there is .110 ,12101.0 fertile • awn acantr, 'WhiClit la -i"" to cal"' -amid, atul none inbaheetter Iv more will call you blotted for haying opera ,Jaw -abiding, Progreeseve eitizene." ed it up. As a Cramellan, .1 feel•no e ' The OcitIcrich 41 ee tee cal le feee, ar° met greater tribute egin he peed the pion- iegi e pa g,arnte. 00 Awmatitieia eert of the Heron Tract .thaal for the of the tablet, wiu h is Ate follows, aro; boys and girls of their deecoulante to plains ete aatorieg edgedachncee carry on their work And open.14i the 'Anis titarltsAie locafion a the hog falther parts of this Dom/Wane betildiag ereeted bY Dr. Duo* IS27 as Iheadmiricterg of the Canada(,,,,,_ tallY for the celebration: S. Ne - Mr. William Campbell VAS ',then ' 1 (called on to unveil the cairn aturjust * • patty, ohm the termintel. of the road ;before be loosened the istriag aeliiell , en s ue rge rim) by John Galt tend 'haat tin. aillowed the indon jack to fall off the , _ • 0 122 if r a : aid, HATS d ett e alrettion of Dr. Dunlop, 182g, ,reairn displaying the tablet, .ba eeete i • (NV was the first overlatid corinee. Presented with a heatitiful haeket of .h O ea de , . ire viotet,,,,,,,itallkda Hum end ore. dear. etegint tittle .hessee Croft, Angela. 4e.r 'hie ball games at. Agricultural eras -surer or tne teoaerien committae. rn was towelled ra. ter Of MV. S. D, sroeteeheretaxa and • Park iti .theettftetemon, and on the -Mr. Campbell referred to hie imr,17 latforin ended at the tate a limn. ‘eonnection. with the town el Goderich WZIMLOF SEPT. is ts is • .her of the emembere of the Code:Iola and his intimate knowledge' ell the 1 Octogenarians' Club occupied Beate. 1 earlY.daye of the town of Kincardine, also Mr. John Cillt, grandson tit the from solieb Mr. eraleolm came, or Jahn Galt who _planned the original Penetnegore, as it was first caned, - S roa- iif nd n ft othiett :MONDAY and TUESDA Mira*SILLAD Td,MasGibmn,danghterotheaiacfalledricreiedDORS KENON late John Gibson. who wag the Arst aboot. "Mr. Canripbell mike clearly iECM lighting ,the *elves of Alaska white child born here. in September, and foreafully and it was gef much fs) fighting the'eseara' of Wall Street, 1828, and members of the town coma interest ler the audience to. bear one fzoiri miner to millionaire then back eir of GoderIch, 'Warden Hayes and of his yearn able to et, clearly ex. ,,to the snow -Alto waste*. With a iniembers of the Huron leounty coune press 12i if and on keenly to recall gteat love in bliewart. See . eil, Brig. -Gen. Cerdekshanks, eheir- the past. man of the historical sites commie- After the einveiling the band play.. don; Mr. R. T. Orr, meeretaree of the ed the Nationel Anthem and the aude MERMAiD COMEDY Stratford Hi5torkal Society; the fence tlispomett. "HIGH 01,11iLING" IVfayore of ° Seafortla Clinton and Between -the Vryfogie and Seebeck Stratford, Messrs. Floedy. King and • ceremoniess luneh wee served at )eter_SNESDAY •aleil THURSDAY Illieleren, of the Toronto Huron Old Queen's Park, Stratford, in eanjune- , copy and AILEEN. pnetqatx floys Association, Mr. le Blake Duff, tion with the war veteran's reunion rrezent the story of alareiteep Author 'chairman of the Itietorieal Society of and Mr. P. W. Bay, M. P., !spoke Ontario, Mr. C. A. Rebettson, M.L.A. briefly. At Goderteli the vise ors who tries to follow hal own formula ti d tl were •entertalned at Hotel Bed ord Lr making love, ?, You it f _ .ne:,v4ritc.Eopp: NFznsnypbiterryoxialavietrei.,el.s, renaLatuYaihIfir thwaallargillo )7.11lieriev jpe• 'nbiriadg after the ceremonies before the ree' turn to Clinton, whore the unveilieg " gathered to do honor to rat leeth of timir eairn took place lat 7:30. ,PA'TIlee' COMEDY • annivereaty of the Huron re at and in comeetion with the corer:nation "SMITAIES MODES= $HOP • of the Huron road and to mem-2 Goderich and Clinton put en enter - terse of Get and Prior rend tae, alone4 tinment featutees which passed ofr ptjtIDAY •041 snuntar. , eers a the countri). Thete pieneera anceensfulln, Goderich having a tion- MAYN'ARD when they came to dais country asee ble header hacehall game tetweea Hie „ highwaye, no ramie no beldam „Osiers of Termite and tiae General. en A loot *Olin wentern with ; hat had a high at idirg.g. faith awe Tiree a Beate el eh of wleiell tile ksIore. There ie. never a gOIV 73911' ti t in 66d and faith in their tie30 allere 147 a (ache of to 2. otel ent in a MaYeeiell Picture mid Attftst ,„ tiny. Aet shealeg o progreas that Clinton rlomitle eand tettee and of them all is bad been made Mayor efacEtvan ecaa display of firework!, Thew was a ,iirnr CANYON OF AllVENMer treatedthe early days when a vescel ' large crowd ereeent for tee tall FOX CO/4 le " icatoing "0 btisittls of pain wee i!garees twee. Greer pitelice for the eow eneaEs wHo KNEyir, ,coimitIcrect ',ago veslell I71P VIO1--OLIN'S in tan games and he 'WM give Imre reed reining to Gederith bather ant seilefelid euppert ba leis team Matinee Set- at X.4*PL. tc!ksfls, of stagiest ocean elite beating, '•rile) gareee were for a, pateo coming Sena nee:eV/fags" ,.ealteeel 409!) telt, r_Lr olea, 5e20 ccoee itursg'3 13 e5 "BURNING DAYLIGHT" for Fall Anew shipment of Men.s 1. mid Yung Maie Blue _ - Serge Suits in the very _ latest, Styles and Knoder-- ately piked from $18.50 to $25.50.: • Hats with Sole, genuine Fur Felts and Snap.Brinte Semi Snaps and Fedor* Styles, and all the color. ings for Fall at $2.95 to $3.45 M.ROBIIVS SIPA S are-Phont 384 Stalker. Atiburre VI Mr, and Mrs. for Christian Fellowshm; Mission Hetet. "MetiPp, Auburn. It Veils, Bead; Men's Sunday Club; topic at etl; "yaBeice,"Itei and the eel. the Club, "The Influenee of Public lateing from Atiburnr Nelson Hill, Opinion on Conduct," introduced by "Me; C.:Weir, 'el; C. A. Asouitb, Mr. Geo. Gotad, 1111.111. and 7 pane '50e; Z. PliiIIips;11a: G. W. Public Worship, conducted by the Poi* Information writo j. IMES TOMAH, Registrar • 'x'arert Goderich ustrial Exhibition Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday eider 17- 18 19, 1928 Bigger and Better Than Ever The refole's Fall Fair EXHIBIT& OF Farm, Field and Garden Products 12 Lye Stock and Poultry Home Manufactures , Children's Work, Etc. A. 1. H. Eckhardt Prize of four -piece silver tea service will be awarded to the exhibitor making the Greatest Number of Points At This Fair Free Attractions Before the Big, New Grand Stand AFTERNOON AND EVENING SPEED TESTS ON HALFSILE TRACK TUESDAY AFTERNOON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.20 Trot or Pace—Purse $200 Free.for-all.Trot or Pace—Purse $200 - 230 Trot or Pace—Purse $200 Novelty Running Race HORSESHOE PITCHING CONTEST OPEN TO THE COUNTY Prizes donated by e. A, Robertson, M. P. P. 1st, $5.00; 2nd, $3.00; 3rd, $2.06 Something doing all the time Den't miss the hest holiday outing of the year Prize lie., emir), forme and di information from JAS. CONNOLLY, Nes, WM. GREEN, ht Vice Pre DR. W. F. CLARK. Stearrelle„ Ceiefidi