The Goderich Star, 1928-08-30, Page 8- , trap" smut limy 4JJI 111111101 ".."-'711119ZDERIcH 14"A"" , . 4 li. % I IV 11: P_ i C,••11 . . ., . , ••1; t'g Now is ttts these to hego a ! ,,...otoli, eirt',112.• t .. 2;J: tir..-1 ,.> School Opening Sept.4t , -.,,,, Lel^ : (now( ern -...• .e ,,....t...., y leer SeWillg 5.4(littie • ; _ , I tleil in Ow ).-21...ic-_,:‘, i•n.,,i oni.ta -, - .,.. tto, t? -. .iii,. *lid gi: ;:-,,..--,1 "IV; i':,.; zi”t',7: OVERLIAJULED , miff*, otcr,4, IiIr. -_,. loy i, 1,1-:irA.11.;,t a trfc4 iiic:;:l S:io.tti: i 1 ittze.fli"*. Bite, Needle?, etc, et...ter:nu 4 S7C0.1iEg i. 4 4' A ' eeinevere-e in o. „ li , end net o. A, E. 'r',:i >LT:LT reel 14 .y.i, t, le? reoe.in•iee, Mee 121. in Alp eel leetisis i.niehoe 13lech - •• I !I, lili-..9 In -e'er Any.), (, of Grate-,...": tee '. = (Glen lir erne- teed Mrs. Won( .. tt ,. t - rale -alley tied tale% of Caeae. Mien,- i. . 9 ,149991••••••••••••••rry....,--. - z., ......L„ -,G,..7er ' -1!•!••• ,P.. .,wrl....„.. i ' ' ' 4",1!". ' VIF.4414.01111400.1.1141‘ ' . , Mee) Evangenne Itese. of ',New lee- . e- -------- .-- -- - -- . '-i;Ca!a; Mit7.3 leedi.-3 Cartee, of Aubeeee Ilie. :ale, seeet rridee' Pee. .C40.C.::::$ 11;C:1 gleSqie Willard. of Grouttski;.,,..v.-to.,.,Mk. tir.,..4 !us; kott-trt vavi.g,:-,().„-, ,- P7,. 4114 5Ire• 0- U. 'lenioreyvef e.'-',. tree (thee soletiveo ia D11815-111.1(SL, \ ,_ : Catharines: _ Mee ised ,, Nye/ John eft. are" Mee. MacNeil mei &legit- _ iStrano arie Metoef Blythe fteve.nnti . toe- of ,,e'avnia, 1 -..les wereevisitillg r.lit . - i Mrs. T. D. *Tome. of Stulbury; Niro! tete 11611W of the letly'a parents, au.. - illeneld Glettara, of Toronto. 5.t.p,a Mee. ... Jo3eels Sestliere, Illyele • te-,.;6 for the fatieeol of M1,S.4:0+ DUNGANNON ' ts...`37u3;thibvr'S41°4 Mit*" .D1c1111("414 °II ' =7 , Pottle Wiggins visited friends a - , . • i Mona FOre:it er.W Saturday. , Rev. Mr. Ebert% of •Barrie, whe ' elaas beets summering ie, lierteneelltee, - • Mr. and Mel. rest Ine,•ere vvere re- nnorlt,INI 41 r..,144., MI ry...ibinn ryty rt. .tent gueets witit Mr. and ntra. Chas.`'"" .-" e"e"-- tyternon c Urea, DtIngalliMa On b WI. 'Altou.• ' day. He -was accompanied by tied Mrs. ri?ed, ROJS were giteets evith friends a roint Oast Sk rttiaren Mrs. MeKaY, the latter, ' ........ OA 1.41.1ealkOW. . . AlUBILTIVN intent a few ("eye last week with 'eree ....7.711..4.1.41!!5•411?...eltli.ftire.Wavt--basi-Imiel°8r.-. Iti6euals" -414'ntra.$111„dr. ratentranlidurvil;e6r-.041, •,.. ---.. --r. . 1111 I 119.9111911119111141944.99 We have all the Text Books: Collegiate, Public and Separate' School, also Note Rooks, cicribb. lers, Exercise Books, Pens, ink, _ Erasers and all School Supplies - COLE'S BOOK STORE MISS NOBLE lativee-here, -...............----- - a nen tractor for dr 'log us roe a. It, • .• . . end litra George Cowan, Dlyth, . "7 -1414-A043et4 '*,-100 "3111;. (31-4004 Mr. mid 33t. Audrey, of InJ wadable. with k er two eisters, Mrs, Ferris and eoottelian ted teen& in Tineetwe (leder-kb. ' snout BeeldeY with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Seint and famllen of . Mrs, Day, of Port Colborne, rd. • Wm. Straueoban'e. Wingliern, wore Sutsday gueste and with Miss V. Augustine, 1' 19, veturnsd .... ,Mr. and Mrs." a Plaillips spent a. There were fourteen Ieft the Me. or d Atra• Themes Wiggins. * feom New Beeeko, p31:4 of IASI NVCOR ViSiting friend.3 in 0,P.12. station lila Thursday for ear. nfr. atul Mr% Vero Cunniegheen - 'We extend congratutations to Mr. -1,;setov. .i., 10114 POilltS in 019 WeSt. OW family veto guests on Sunday R. 3. Wiggins' MIA Min Marearet Last week Mr. mei Mrs. mink ROV• Eric Anderson, West 'Monti. At the home of Mr-*. C. C, Drown. pollee/ie. who were nuccensful to , „ - e " ..P11 IMMO 1 11111INNIMIggi"7 I 911M1.1111111 1 1 TIIVikAV, AUGUST W. 111.46 11111011111011119•940999m11 SALE of BLANKETS dmomprou4411411 -.91191119911119 Good 'quality, Stock op oow for lagter use and share in this extraordinary saving. Pure Wool Blankets, finished separately with pink or blue border, tn ne largest double bed size, weight about 8 lbs., Size 72046. On sale pr oF 70 70 A+1,40.1 BED COMFORTERS fl rtira WN13 Srdit) bowei. env_ x -pia; veeeeteetatio cittee. '',37,.60 $6 25 „for ******** . *** - HEETING . cr. BOSt quality 7a.ine1t unittimehed Sbeetitte, evon7.1;aavy, thrkid, and will bleach per- lectiv, thuu mill price. Por Oa agc KID GLOVES Vali Rota Kid O1o'vo3, soft, neuel. ful estanne Uetsio fasteners. 0 to 7-reieo. HWY mie$2 50 4 4• *44 • QUILTS white Crooliet Cotton Quilts. welt finished: and nice weight, Made from supettor qual. ity 4 -ply eroobet, elso 7-8 x 84. $2.48 AUTO RUGS All Pure Wool, in fancy Plaid Patterns and tA tn tg gn (Li gn heavily fringed Size 60 x80 at each, --%4P`20"09 eFIV.UV, 44P11 "4", wo, ACHESON & SON StnUICY Ot4Mpied their old home for ton, SIM preach in Knox United Mr. Jos. Davidson left on blriciA7 passim eeme elms to eonnecee .- n 1 re retort time. ceetton eeet &oath morning. for the West, where he will spend land of Ancitigon re ew of _Tame kelerie-velieln lideeNVOS-It--ITUdft11011- , 011( WAS the guest of her uncle, Mr. to, were goosta of .1. 1,aat week Miss 3o' 13 of Gado- Mr. and Mrs. P. Walker, a Toren. the next' month oer father. lile. A. lithe Aneb Mac eise d at tea 0. A. ce Queipie. ,., er It -i ie veturne to or_ twenvilier,garees. with tee, abe,weees. course tn. earl- pentrod- -rang Very etfectively dur- of f rest, and gyre to.this tentr2 the , > . of I R tulture neilt4''''`/'1111131r5U4 br them ing the service °Tile Holy City." u37310 of Iningannon,„ after the town I p, which was a favorite selection of the of the Same name in the north , , i7 ivid Lockhart. itteKenzto, and other friende herelast Strathroy oneMonday etfter erioyinf 'zoo- In winio, •wilo„ With We. deceased woman. Many very Waage Ireland. Kis cast year.s were event f' 0 • • h • d •' • I 4 geiwtor lave been painting the reboot Misses, Arnie and rimer Straughan Mr. 'William inteeereld, "reds and dougoter, Bath/ ek De" fel floral trieutes ex -pressed the sym. in the district where he nes engage , eser o week. Ar 4 • 119991 R()CERY &luring the pat week. ore immunise thie wool( with their trait. was a, weeloond guest ovith re- troit„ had epent delightful holiday %idly of friends. The remairte 'Were in agrieulteral purrotits, A.bout the 17 Last week tXrs. Arthur and lker molt, Airs, m00% of Thames. wives el the vicinity or Dungannon. WitlkFMr. Dna Mrs. B. O)%nWft)ed• interred in the *Mew pho Dun.i'' thee of the 'World's Pair ite event to' I tor Service an ity r.P.4-silTitrBIEUr D147144 VZ 11 . , SIVORWOODIS ICE CREAM, IIITIORS. BON BONS. DIAS ,C0PS and BULK . trial convince you. • returned lest, week to his home m nnoe cemetery the panhearers Chicago, whers re;noined fnmity land her Illeee. Ms. Yungblut, olio, ., . . . . Mr. and Mrs. ll'icitord Bruce and git , . Urs..11att and ehildr'en, of Toron. family', of West ,Wawatosh, oat Detroit. Mrs. Witlil mid Miss. Beth, being twO brothere and tour broth. many years. Gie his veturn, to Can- I visited friends in Zuricb. - 41.0 village, were in Donates) last week month with her belies* Air. In Seott, David Glenn. _ e " partied Mr. Leveree Pentland, lir Ma- Kincardine; Edward, of Toronto- Itayfield, Kinlough and. - Teeswater, Mt 'it Peter Harrdin, ado he was engaged in. business at I *aerated -Mt Sunday. 'laving occonto ers.,in.law, 31r. mid Mrs. lobo Mooning, of to, 'returned. home after selending a Sunday at We home of Mr . -and Mrs Preshelerion ellorelt at OrOSOnto Tile dim), school, spate to the Solely the Melo of *tllo loglyti_fligkor:,_.m,...Jelkk. lxkr--dtlkr-'bvlit3kL/Tikkk'kV.r 11- land, Pat Lambton, awl George ft. Re rentainea le- neeswatereuntilteis i brieklayers expect to bo ot work on ecbool of Knox 'United Church 'eat Jawee Pltiott. ---- too senior noon). wifile miss Durnin win, of Dungannon. - spring, when he moved to Luelmow, expetted to resumo her duties intim in the dam or John. D. rather- which was hislunne since then. He _ Sabbath, it helm the -Snottily MIS. Mrs. Edwortity Lind two children. it soon. ' Last week our village eiustees ex. efonary day, Of Tos•ortto• have boon guests at the near ftiture- her pupils will be sone ford, which occurred at hie home, VA* a man of keereinsight a4 311301-' ; • tended the cement sidewalk he front , Mr and Mrs C M Stroughan and home of Mx. and Aire, Chae, Alton to blow ehet ater health tie present ilth conceesion of %fest Wawanont, ligenee, well -rend owl nillat luter'esfe i ' of idre., Delee's and Mr. Vitae; tobern: f ify, , am too a a r' tr 1 alive last week. ' doeo not Permit of her dtling so with the township losos one of its pioneer ed. in all' publicaffairs, Of a genial ', eons lots, p Iliroug t odor loft -week to visit biz son -in- at work winie en tante. wnev ale WU' e. 4 nes a 2. . , g t v *th hi* -time ' where his parents 'first settled, on sorrowing wife nrho was Miss. -314g- 1 the gop feettine to see 4 orn ina ___ ...0., ,, _ _ .„.. , ,,. iiisnitiengttuhreneir tatiorns aenrdebreefyarsollty.the and other relatives in 'tete vicinity. Mr. anti Mre. Chao. Coogront and 150* e William Henry, Plesitertorn D. 0.;., balm; disposed of Ins" basinese at the M(1 Xt. Je toss, of tonna Lune leo famtlY, of Ashdell eeent Stnaday at !L'sehoet 11'111 °Pea Tliatatlasr* Soh* Bleideelfanditon;_n ,--Pkteee'01:117-ribput- -:fear Ago, • hoy 1%4 at_r. Tkoinas Smiloy loft on- Thom. the beginning. of the tem exalt is zens. The late- mr. Rutherford, disposition, he mhde friends where- ' Mr. Alfred Aeriultb event to Are. f‘mv kket vireek* b del" Of lost week for 'Calgary, Alla fotniehing substitute'. for a tort. wlto -wee born iri lialten‘ county ever he event. Re is survived bY his 0 Ikt wt. is eer. 1 S Stingi-tnreilang is the order of the nomin from Scotlitnd WaS itt VIVStritlett. of A011field, old one leuely ill. The last reports wasthat Silver tVeilding...-A very Ivy . g , Mr. Ana Mts. a er, o rt . attended the futtexal of the tits Ain n 'klivtorrAlrexttlinedteilelortexleartzetie7teikievilasiltteihrige tYasysi°1111feefenE0406: rasatv:atleIset u."Nut:`,,ataunti liam Mallouet int Saturday. Permit 'of their harvesting the grain,witielt coutinued to be his lionte for art 'and Mtg.. Stenheni.Stothertro Bone father. ivies returned .with thelll Us 114t$* Taylor celebrated their eilver 1%Yr, and illts. Xroderick Ross with wid. oir is ACV Oragoictity eat eattho rest or his ifee, After eot, eren, onnon, anis Mrs, Joseph Stothere, Toronto for it, short vlsit. !Wedding. A very einoyable after., ,.., ' ) io. "t 04 rtgi,lutdittoottlio'n'raeo ietneerienced in Me of the liret selmoi ill the eome Myth. Mrs. B. McClure„ who passed ' efr, me mes. eeeepe slaughter and neon and evening were spent by Teta.* RoThittr` ond Innate' with Me leseetme vetch annuity, Ixe. with bis brother, Hugh away in Lucknoto tin APrl of is. Jos - to children vain Miss Edna. Walden, itives and' blonde who gathete4 in ' Vii Oriorge !towards rpter. ti t'trow-b43roiont, itta-MtIch of had,to Rutherford, .and A. X). Cameron, late year, was a sister.. Ilia eve brothers, Imvi 3 r. trene o eon, C orenee miler R T bird Mrs, Black and little sett of Torento, the Past two weeks having been Just he cantrwith his paemsts and grand. so bY four sisters, Ws. Aettree G GI ' Mrs. Andrew ..5301V.- 11.0. WitS a little better. event took oleo at the lime^ of le Mr. Evereet. Mallough "ere' M3. and der Ot Present, the fine weathet of 80th et When. eight yeare of age dauehter, Beeste, Re to survived will W lk f Toro to nod Mrs. ert ay or,. t toe- • 1 ' 'hat was needed' by the- faemere to parents to the ftirllt near St. lielens, veer, amis. Loadaz visited with their gram. honor of tho floy•and to wish, Atr, and 16)4 ate o St.dlielene echo I fair., 0 cnt Mir; . - of Goderich, were the first pupils. Pre-deeeesed him. Ther wore. S0s- Wire Taylor all good wishes, Thee . tee en 011;1112o from September Ass en.fey0.7no plonfo Was held on eAll his life he Wan Activelzr interest,. eph and Jamesilllallaugh; of Dungan. ed i all tit affairs of the 0,111kreil and non; Brown, of Dultith- David father, Mr. Jinni, Nitaidert. over tlao * 1St's to *September 2.5tle owing to the Viredziesday afternoon at Harbor e ast Seterday 'very flue and useful presents ner former date conflicting witlx local Park, Godericti,' under the au.spices community, for maim", Years being Luclinto, and. Robert, of Toronto. sve*.end, , were the recipient§ of 'fr number of o'irelhug there "S Mid Mrs' Taylor, (formerly.' trio; tile Sunder `,Seltoof of Dungannon truetee of Ste ec'hool Mut seeretev. Pie Was the,feurile death in the Nal- "- tr of Calvin 'Presbyterian lough &mile- in the lest eight • a public meetint of the ratepayers of . eleeo efeleenten) were molded r.tiontior 11..eif--------'tinged ehurch. ,tl fairly large, crowd oosurer *II a ..101 Rev. T. D. Coupland. For ',ten years the Valation. Ar, ratutatag ta .tilelr talttleS toe otten, (T,oweng tutliforvesting and faithtut, Sunder school teticleers. Oa, Saturda„ „ I, Augu,st 21,ot.,...,iind was , 'There vies very little opposition ea- 4 vow cone...arse, era. rteesed *Pleat it".• "At 'the ree041".. Oleo lived in tho neighborhood of St ttonoweok. , ooKotio 5 Anu toteauing (Aim on in Later he became an elder oflite same attOnaea DY I " friend end relatiVeri A short set - entrance examination there wee no Ifocerte. -Since then -they- haie read; Mee ,401ao ShettPerd.'with tho.Vs- full swing% Gatnes and sports, in church,: and was 'elevens deer) ir IA' a ' lees tban nine palmed. .ed a sea sbeppmi. her daughters, who eluding softdmit, fade Vie afteenoon terested in the welfare arid pro gras lige, -was he'd at the home in Luck. the motion, Wit regard to 'having a ewente.ene yeat$ ago, at the mown. Torgt 11113011211.11:nest! V, 1t1 .,4.rae.,%!114 Item -dance 'taw" het edits (now, miltecl) ere, s a ontito, and the .seventh be the Dant. eantianatien. letnei In the village' ton homestead et Weetileid filo re 4 -ve0 ore on tle zee orn ear net eete teat MaTer Dural isteephae. wog entitle; mart wo one of ite valued three' Yeare. (The Amoral 'wee held. (twin Another correspondent) concession of Eget Wavamosli. ne-4144 been' tisitink relativeo here and pass ail too etigicly tete eldhlron, of ite members. Me was marrietIon now, and afterWards publie service t their presetit home on the ,third Luclinow -PreshYteriatt church. Mrs, Chas. Beadle VMS in 'Detroit heat wiehea of the whole COMaratlitV tk.,t ...tetorn..ed lad week t° their --ea after e4PPet wasnerved they re. Infie. 5, 18/7, to IStio$ Jane Durninor inst week viol her ion, Boo,, itre. extendeeito hir, and Mro. Taylor. Acme 10.,,tttlim*„.„ • tAirkteCl 'honks Well satiaited with tile west ivoolsooso, and last Tear they, Rev. 4ohn Pollock, of Whiteelmrele dle, The rowing wire attenne4 mr. Mr- and Jars. "meander. With the' kraleo.Ontlint. celebrated their golden wedding, Bie; .i. D-... sIttrvic. tobseAcae Mr. end Mr«. 3`. Caller visite(' elth end IN to. Belt TAY on BlYth; r, and.. letter% foothet!, ?An- IOEWrott or Two parteautirser, ittieaciivo homes Ades his 'eniclew, no , le survived Se ' -Paat etr. 0 on Mrs. Oswald. of Eiteltener spent lIteDowellti 1Vehtfleldt Mr. and Ia. Ifro• 07 M. entie. heautl' of tur sum, gourirt-eonut w.p.acy, 3!11 r)r Helens and 1/irithen, tor Of .Oungannon te 'die Mae of the itigh school :italic at ...-lisesedileni,t10.Da*goloot 2. ., ao D • . utak. Taylor Weettlel4t Mrs. ind Atm. Will MIMI' Louise Sterling, of 43uffel0 is enhanced b ' tix Many beautiful floral 'tributes; - 0 Mrs Itoi If. Munio..4-mitcheu, rieht glantek McClinton, oron ter Mrs A Campbell at the home They are . thoss e Mrs. SPy Hill, Saskatchewan, and one als.. and tk • , )1E1010, • • / T tee . were week end guests With them sisr- then, toned, in Dttimainion cemetei.er, the. • Sn lc S• A. • arlia Itna-ltra.-T• G. Allen,,for, to. ter, Miss Jane Thitherford„ of Luck. "Lir njseh at 1)04 Eigin hot Mrs. %odor. sr. littenst No. El lailotto were ittleldS Thoreder of in Dungannon preecni, tritI4 Thigh; ind three elanghters, op his Vaqitiell. He a'; oefatedesi let week et the home a 311-4 arla another first place in the hfary, at lane; Margaret (Airs, W. tee grave Dr .40"A 4k. :Walker' pasch - SPUR'S GROCERY. . ese.enee Or seTISIACTION guano, stnet-eeoe 146-600teleii DELIVER IN TOWN. ;WIT URe; sifratWoodfers Beds, rang- litho's* $400 up - wfale they bat FERGUSON AUBURN ° '14" week with but hr°t4e4 Wr;* Chus" IlitStitintrilegte atat gee- Horteff7 , of Oottericlt:'made by the fetwere surroundieg TinuninSy one brothete, Denald. of lYherealnepe4n3tr rntnifwitiaeltite. ' ' • Ain.. Auburn. . iltediutaiNel%rt:deirf:rttela1114`.. for: number Of years pastor of rg7:trfetfonuilth'11.7.8illiallf,"ri(v4 dies.' Carter and Rey. and Mrs. W. R. alleeft';:te41414r4":41„; IlItteitnt DP' ,gruarvAtIalnrstrailtInir TWhiellititaar, grimalklie‘no " Tbortitsy.Atp....Miss Janet AIN 1:11237,,tetr.e.„7. of.v1414tploy. To those 'sena have not.seett Psidne. ProshYterian church, Miner ) them It would be welt Wort* Wilkie to MAMMA, ViaS a brother, an lifatt niso dangitter of the tete Rev, W. Xt. 'Hrs. Meltoberts. of St. Helens; corio outiA dietince panoe. to, the late Hugh Rutherford, or St, Rel. and James* Davidson, of" Dungatnon. ley. Peterbor*, ontarlo. were married admire rt fa said that heautr ens. Vie late Miss Christine Ruth. The' el"ntlfatitY of many friende - Orantori. and Me. Paul Vivian Thorne and vitt_ mono. of Goderia. the bereaved family in *nd mrs. Inuk. raho contagious -Utak is, seeing one beau. ,erford, ot Lucknow.; Mrs. John. Lane, extended to their sudden bereavernent. - Knox United church. Auburn. Ont. 4' spot. leads tts. the. Creation of oth. of Kinlougb, And Miss Maggi's Both- ell Wedneedar" 44.14tuat 1l2nd) 1°23' In turned this week alma. then' honer. moon, which WO tiriOnt et Niagara ers, elmt so. our 'village 'will erforcl, of Pritish Celumbia, were 'Ens bride's 'brother, Bev. W. Ain' Palls .and Toronto, called lenon vele' soon 'become famous for its beautiful, *inters of neteased. *pm funeral, Catiadien National Exhifition • * Artallo. officiated* assisted' IV the tives in this distrct on Thursday. nowere, t e t sir Which was held from his inte home, Orandstsge is 1,000 feet long. set one mime al e wring a os grooms father, RSV, A..t. ThorMer. er a ea, *in t and Of the toe el:et 1:4MheeErwerrtenecif,Cmtsztm.watot! Iten6leeviabnattieurs, soy beets alteceolnytertzee,11:: sw:ideyepeon3dteuceteedf beratoteeverj'eteeit.odf.ehleVrehite-, o Sudburt. The bride, lobo was given. suet Pentland. for a few days this Igoe pereerverence - St. Helene, assisted by Rev. C. Guns. Westervelt School week. -of padre, blue crepe "with hat to 'retibyterian Aunt, Street, •Sunday to Detroit, Where he will To. bore. tribute to 'the vtorth and sterl emote hut roso sivo.t "Is and maiden mime lit* duties atter * very pleasant Taranto, en %Theidity evening; mg. irtg eliaracter of the' deceased man • suee.s..fit. volt" students, outstanding range = ewer in eetarriftet by Istr. lohn Strang Bleth. Ontario WOrn gOVM.tturadir.tRowier,.....A pretty 'huh lalingi Of Allen Craig. a former too- „. Mr. Leverns Pentlend 'returned ou • twedding d • ee tor of the same church, both et vt"*. -ex • 44114""v rue enss minute tass-ens • or distinctive - merit and earrled it bouquet of Sat. f bi Me -was possessed of n keen and well v leole, eves reettateene ge.e.„ New entehts,0Mcm.40171111rrietts.dAs ,013,srientlus,and. flar-uttifreannt d Phi nlarriseug M • "e2e* informed mind and a larg, gracious e ary . . hair tihrvt tied with white bridal in - r ilia tia mange* daughter of tha lob epirit. The gifts with which be ;was Liekeard, °meek. wo hrhieirukt. DreaneY, who has been angering Mi Ind otrt. rAlwarti Wowier of so liberally endowed, were not be - 1 Models in foe Rosiness Positions. FELT Iin alt the new trends of Fashion You are cordially invited to inspect our stock. MISS Mad IC AR Kingston Street Orin Thornier, Capite Michigan, bro. plessed'to know that her condition IViitchen. eldest son f Mr. tald brrm. DuegarAtom_ and Roy Rarebit': or stewed _in vain, but -veep_ .gratefultlie received, ettrimarty cultivate* a - end was gowned in tame yellow erne trimmed with aacraina, nr„, from su attack of pneumonia, will be W11� Rombeerbtrilideuriclitill,bormf liesilpooerart township. Deal/..erfullY annlied In the *Irvine of 1I° ither of the groom, wt.'s best 11111111 and emne- 7,1114 Inv.ved- ; Tx, • rtev Wm tretrY derly laid to rest in Greenhill come. hts master, The Dements were ten- AmolIPIAMINM4, „ it iiiritIialrt • ceremony* wedding dinner. was serf. who Paoffed away at his home Pot further Informatiter j. num TglIPLM,46000* %Cr k has had his vacation during the tended by and fdri!..loihn A. Mae. Luekenv.,, mot,* Augult, is expected to re- Doted, of Torento, the etter bet "5 The West Street Elettrical Sh We catty * good stock of Electrical Appliances Fixtures* etc. We Specfalini in Wiring of All Kind* Estimates given on • . applicetion , Ali Work Guaranteed turn to the rectory on Sutinday. Services in St. Paul's okurch,./fhich were withdratirt during stmence, will be resumed on Sunda next. Miss Edwards, millitieri who had *Peat pleasant holiday' with her patents. Mr. and iirs. James Ed. wards, left to visit the millinery openings in Toronto, before opening . her shop. Mrs. enewretion, ditughter of- Mr. hs. Elliott, is enjoying • fortnight's wagon -with friends, in %motto and la taking theeVitnadistts National Exhibition. Miss Celia Pentland is a. Visitor in , Toronto Avtibere she attended the felt millinery display. iShe will spend short time with relatives at Ilderten kmh berme She returns to open her roil. ran . cArt ur littery store.' . -Mr. and Mrs. CeoArwin left on Aione as stria !Thntsday morning) by motor, for a week's holiday trip throw/It ()marl°. They were accompanied by their "lair oksighter, Mrs. Donald rowleraeavei itheir grandelaughter, Melba. Fowler. 1Kieritteline, Viriarton, rlesherten and Barrie will be among the plates they will *Itoti*wartv.o.t. TRAVELUNG GOODS Our new styles of Beggs** particularly itnpress the experienced traveller -the bigh.grade materials, gullibly, workmentatip. exp.* rniehingoall combine 313 0135 great drive teind contplete eatiefactioe, UI? CANS.- orv.oe HAT 4313 $113..50 (11.011 SAG871.... - ..$1141 to $25,00 110gl'ON RAGS, LHATHRIt. SA to $ 5.00 „-- - - -..115.60 to $24.40 I*t us supply your needs for trowelling. -- • PCKYTWEAR Oer aim 4. 5. girt a proper fit. Wo Nat .1102,0 t) (tem from at manilas prices. YOU ARE iNsturi To SHOP AT • Ws Hern's Shoe Store I • NI Mill 11E111E111M 1 I Ed II Al 4 Pk*** 43,ro Mr. and Mr*. Jae. McEachren met • little daughter, arse, we g M re Ores with the WO parent*, Mr. met Mrs. II. A. MacKtmit. veer the week -end. )intr. elcrotehren returned to Denten ';.tbe beeinnine of the v-rek, white - Mrs. MrEatetren remained for it vipit. _ Mr. and 'Mrs. R. J.:Wigging Teton*. - «4 on Wedoradsy to their home at Toberroory, where the former wilt lOSUInt his duties as teaelter. after _ apertdimt the holidses with reboives - here awl at Myth, Ilse former's ' molter. Mrs. Thos. Wiggins, areore- _ ponied there!, *rod will return for eltort vielt. Pore - 'tee Pelee Owe invnitem 1)31 meresos. of ennweenon. et Coat iteoners1 H.wetal en 714.1/006!1, Atie- tisrd. • atm WilHatit Jotty% flaobi WO itortevw1 ettriolitstatity,i., Par. AM hire J. e4snoett4 Nethere. of noirrave. wit% tar letter's parents. Mr, and Mrs. ltithard Jelmetea. of a sister of tho bride. Voltowing the The Moak ef to ut ed at the home of the bride's sister, finckitowt, on Thursday morning, 9(1 moutgomeey avow*, Toronto. August zard, Carrie aS &Mind Mr. arid Hrs. Butchill called, upon shock to bis many friends. He had friends at Mitchell and Dungannon, been in his usual health up till Tues. before leaving Monday by motor, for der, when, after retiring,, he wos Montano and yrvomitar. where they seized with paralytic stroke. He will be guests with the bride's sister, rallied eromewhat until noon ot rod. Mrs. Setbecb. nesday wlven he was seized with the There passee to her reward in second ono end lapsed into imam. Stratford ttenend Hospital, toh Mon. aehnInnenn Uatil de/4"in* 3 day evening, August 2Oth, snothet of itan. Thursday. The Late Mt, Mai., let% in the nerson of Mrs. Morin march. 185 /I" thus u 5 us his Pentlend, at the advmeced age of /a 74th Year., betnt tw`t. °i 143e "ns" wen mai flea wegaths. she um been five daughters of the late Mt. end in raining Iwo* for *won two or MTS. William Mellough, *nett est. 'twalirrtitYeerettfiktlindof alteertrodkees.tiirlasweloliza 11"5 (!_tb113 e - tune tr61111 surprise. ..nhe had been a resident of -Pitiasr.0-1 Dungannon since the firerwhich de. PHONE 330 StraYett the farm hen* ott the, sit.th pit thaw' to g paring toneeseion of Asbfiell where shelf.%t r captefiatatan. 113 Dungannorns old arid resneeted citi- Ifulthe waand 4 bern 4t. DUnItallirnn ,110999/••• =PI lived since Mr marriege. the 1*'1Y3 A eels Nis.. of UAW. Corfu. MTS. Pentland was13 datiehter of the / teas curtail, late Mr. and Mrs. !tette Ilstalin, for. pe A, zimmERmAN many !revs reeklents the !seventh eonceesion of Ash.field. She wet Nelson M. born in Lanark County, neer ;fern*, - 1,;111.41110Cited. wilt her parent!. to Ash. fkirt;',oneetrs!ears agewaittirtrrnaVirl .Pentlatei. who pre -deceased /let Surviving her are homily of Mee. two eons and two daughters, of Whom were present for the funeral ',extent one Leone. of resee Rho 115 T"hrs ate: Leslie. Niece Iticee; :Fred, of Weofftekt: Mts, llarty 1).4. 'puny, of Toroato: and Mre., Colin r°1"144'11*41an("t" Wts3fle14. Five' Chest ate* greet eaving. We have -.Mot/sere awl tyro sutlers eivt• not., ▪ r74141ofen.:114;71;111;4.."torlf*T"tlotinon' iremnektsebel: Jiel and Tessa closiget.eolowo prier o .-...... Alt• "4. 4"1 74°1° 1/111`ma' Ift, It,Moken41- Get your, while this offer it good. rni, sea Mc., ;ferret NotiiO4. voloentro., The fatte3- 111 11144 Wegieraciav a terroell. tree. Oungeasse tteiteli OnITTIt. ., J. R.. WHEELER **vv. levee aseeher f irifiivit mot noirM•Are had fathered to pee their, '11M'4rrt1t resautu. DNIE(11111 • laet tritons. or rimmmet. 1%. Sleasittee Street A. Walker. A. . CalVe rttt. rbeepor *ere 1111441~0 SISSiw EDAR CHESTS amitotic . tboa't boy gory net,/ Pairnieure,, Baby Car. _ rites*, etc". ant'it yea , got ear priest, • , positively sa v e 4anailemey, the finest Ettrniture at the low. est cast* 111111010BLIUSiONE1 FURNITURE EXCHANGE 001 the knottiest et &Walsh Bald Tattoo Firemis Now for the GRAND bItto:tbtirsTe,".arc 18 Fall Season 7.-4111141$111-.7 At the Change of the t eason look 8:00 p. 01. • • ?itotzdolt: CalittraPipecoders, x8tetttat- oir.er your wardrobe and get your. Piowfodts tilso.ploy oitnitar "to and raged.. Kitchener and Waterloo fall, clothes deaneu Old Home week 1925 , 'Unveiling of Cairn to the mem. Goleta Frock Do ChaSieg Works ery of Clinton's pioneers will take piece at 7:20 p. m. Prompt mod *owl fierles 41M01.90:024 VROOMAN MA*" 50e0 Oaken. 2,e, .1,104.412 Wast atm* New is year time to, !secure it Cede, tars* .-tywhiortail r ttratar. Roe. 3„ • 19911499•94119119119111141 .! .2., SCHOOL SHO Tho time is here again to get your Boys and °iris pre. pared for school They will need good serviceahte rootwear, the kind that wilt stand a severe test io any weather. We at prepared to supply your wants with the best lines of reliable Shots, Oxfords, Strap Slippers and Rubbers* manufactured at the most reasonable prices. Our stock of Boots and Shoes for the working men has been selected with the greatest care. They are sure to give satisfaelon, and are here at the lowest possible prices. We will,be pleased to show our large range. GEO. Mad' ICAR SIDE 5QUA1E GODERICII Laiimmorammumm