HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-08-30, Page 5et_
THintSDAI. At inieST iwee
;en to latoelf ire toot anon ee tee,: • BAYF1ELD
,„14 44. 1440/ 4:41.i.44;
All Public School, Text Books and both v'"';'-'44 4`"" "4011 • u31' t1rnt Mtt'e°
*-4,4 4.1).trill4„4 wean %non. lit c.. nett" fee
teeete,.. pun.), net i on; two weeke.
safeke if I kit rt' tV• %IAN ' JOhil Macheli, ef Lentiot,
• ion 44,,,,r4k4i4 4,.4 4i*C44 tee a ;nee Mr. ann Min F. A. Eeiwiteet tee
inner. 3,teeeen 61.:ki eturalky Loa,
, trw Mr. teed M* VaStaleecani :
:cement. nein-tens e.,ei toe woro lone, eett,if konnine, eente"eieitern ttinFe
ltece women -eta, kit J. J. Moser rtee-e;nter filvoole in b en ler:a.ot •
eate nenteeto.,. %tr.) reconeteed
t4L4t t-Cio bk. plueed t err. lereie yenned caned oil cP,1
teet-o. hao need. -.tenet) lepetza weeen etierde in the Vjahlfro tiFate-eat,'
• I, !,adepted. iOFN 11‘ wall insident here of pen,
'flan s and Parker Fountain Pens
Public and High School Supplies
Scribblers, Crayons, Loose Leaf Note
Books, Pencils, Rubbers, Water.
Uoderich, •Phone 00
Ineee Tiatier to riV3c3.4 years ond now rereden notteareeto,
ten; et nee p -ewer iteucte ou berme Mr. <10ln Ehei,banit end tetet '
kasge‘r,:e autg tia4 torm etnne1 CZ,A-t ij,srent levo covet or
Men goan r.;> 1,9, own uri-,,hu..;,:-.),Plast weeit tho village enennoo
before eestral tentniel (.!Y3 ti do (tier& of 'their youth, they beet:3,4o
J. ettie oteed itientetor "will 110 iTaVtiM ra4t101t3 Pet't enareet
quitted to enfeeee two at. Tbe interior of nit. Andrew's
Cur. tlionlinte ,1,100 of a low epo.,-, t eil chureit is being redeeeratea at
on Iteaye St., 'Where tbe Water gene- present, the ociNiVO3 of CIO VatttWct
end. Anther a catch barna sbould bo Sendasn being coodutted in the
put in.or the spot filled in.—Reterreal town hall for the morreng, serviees.
to the pulnie woks committee. with Mr. john Morgan - ane wife, oleo
power to act. ; their 80111 Ohl" Wif0, Of Cleveland,
Conn, Munnings referred to the spent a week. in the village, Mr. More
cm...tenon of the eilent polieeraan at gen bang nit old Rayfiele by.
the iatereeetion Of ilalhittoh and Vioo ett", ty returned heme Wenaescley
Eerie meets. In the condition it was of 'net week
m ite was a menace. Either it enould t Rev. Mr. Winnfield, of St. Helens
be removed or fixed uo This was mrcuit, occupied the oulpit in St.
Government Clams Sales Tax on Gravel and
SAO f.T.9*_1V19itliciPal Pit.!
referred to the publio*.works cent. Andrew's tented chuielt bet Sone
mittee. day, preaching two able sermons,
eve -Turner -mentioned- darn the roorningt-andoeveninge Rev. Mt. Vale
fountains on the Square O.'ere Rood. exchangmg 'pulpits for the day.
Enquiry (Or 5 Acre, Industr:al Site .throw gravel into the basin and this 'Wright, of Montana, after
The town bee bad all sorts of bother John-Tippee in the viltage, left
.ing. The difficulty is that cbildren 3Ir. and M. Win. Tippet and Mrs.
prevents thw. water getting ernay. spending a month witlt Mr. and Mrs.
u th tut in their ho e on Sunda last site nth
Park liouse to be Ready for rennant hy
Elia of Month
The regular meeting Al! the town
council was held on leriday evening
ilth. inst., ail members present keit
Couns. Lee end Sproul.
'The mayor reported havino receive
03 a letter trent Seeretary W. P.niare
rite et the Binewater Highway Assoe
able at ttie peesent time to *yet'
themo-This was referred to the de
mance committee. tamper with them but was !Jointed
A letter *ow the ;Valor. cif C4o3o-` out fountains would still be needed in
dian Municipalities reported thee .at tile Park' - •
the recent convention intnetneg Azter the nassino of tne bylaw to
in.june the' association nad eulepeed raise money for the grandstand the
a p c ona s, et., to y
dean them out. d T t b "niotored to Watford Sunday
two ays eron o a r Jte pro- tend the imam], of Mr. Joluistoree
•fountains jOst off the sidewalk on The thne foe summer tees 10 Mrs. A. Reed and son, Pole and
the Square at the head of -certain days is about closed, ae t'he schools
in, daughter, Mrs, Smith, of Owen
streets, where they would be in the aro ntarting next afeek' rene Sound. and Ws. Pout Reede'd Lucke .
light and children noit t so eikely veei ley& crowd °*9:* tins 5urnn" I'm% were guests of edr. end M.
have enjoyed a pleasartt time and are Thos. Anderson Sundae*.
sorry to have to return home to their A number from here attended the
respective occupations 'and duties. .funeral me the late Mr, W•rn. Male
The tirize Itsts for' Bayfield fail hjugh,,,of Lueicnnw, formerly of
fair are out this weele and the direct- Teeswatere which took place Saute -
ors and officers are ,preparing for a dayninterment being made in Dune
bigger and better fair than nver, zuenee eeteetery.
Dun -
which is seeond to none in the coo- successful miniverm.y eervices
Don t forget the date, Sept. 25th and
Fineet Veleteei °Innen:ea in
Ti!URSDAY, AUG• 30th
Mint This elecat
Atteentinn "
Afieracor.. DANCING—Evenirg
2 -BASEBALL asmEs..2
2.86 and 0.80
WoOtt*e fieRANtill LASS11-13
vs. etArnete. RADIO STAtte
1 Band Connertt Sunday
; Afternoon Sept. 2nd
F On Beach at 3.00 p. rn
; Tun CLINTON1iiau AN
Le camping ttt Bruce each with
Wine= friends.
Mr. owl Mrs. Johneton and (leen
The dern suggested placing *ink. (ceding on their way. i , n. -cousin, Dr. J. Woods.
dation, (tailing rattention to the feet a resolution submitted ley the Union council adSourned.
. that the toien's contribution. to the ae. of Alberto Mumicipalities, then, with
sedation for the year had not been regard to inunigrants who moo bee nV•ineMientilertelain
paid. As hills too the litereture is- eome indigent witiate two noels of Mr. Norman IncitavoIl eteent
sued about the Illuewatet. country had their hviival in the notranion .Can-: couple of 'days last week in Toronto.
new to be paid, Mr. Harris geed for ada and aro liable to be deported by telt. Wit. McDowell one Miss Gla -
"payment from the town. . the Deminton Immigration Depart- dys are visiting in Toronto this
• In discussion it cote out that the went, ell charge:4 or adoeneee paid enene
3027 centribution had not leen paid. by znunicipalitiee for the .tetneorany Hazel Potts-, tof Blyth, spent
*-A collectioh toward it bed been made relief of such indigents pending thew ,geneen met -other cousin, Mrs. Waiter
and sontewbere nr the tneiglinorbood deportation eirall be annul -on/ by the "000o,
. noo was on nand. It was necided Dominion Government aren reimburs- • Mise Rose Coventey, of Winghane
to pay title amount over nod alseee, ed to the namen.pate, eoneerned, was the guest of her eister, 11%4 J.
Sion took place on the poor succees subject to suelt regulations as the
the earreaSSerS held met. 'Powell. government may deem reasonable to
who bad dorie some a ,tia canvassing, meet the noriditionn-Reterreel to the
vowed that he *Enna tem. -undertake rateciel committee.
it again, Pone. Vtaille WO 'it would Anotber leder le•om the Unien' of
not be. fair to the general '.taxeloyer Canadian Atutdelpalitie.s repotted 'a-
te take the amount out of the town doption of the follow- s I t' • :
treasury aa the geheral tr:X113r got Resolved that this ,conrnntion record IVIervm BleDowell. ." '
ro direethenefit from Me toueist tra- its protest against the demand.rnade Air. and Mrs. Oliver MeBriee, Ati34
fen the merebamte Whe neleved •-di- by the Department of National Re- Edna Maiden and Miss Good, all or
rPet Shonid vontante much venue or Canada for peerment by the Aubarn, vUited with Mr. and MTS.
111r.r1 111r.rgily.--0O2111011171* ICT111111111gS. 1111111ielpa11t4eS of sale.e .or Oroduetion . Gordon Snell oneheenday.
. spoke of the solemild navel -nig -me tem- tax on sand, gtavel or stone taken The W. M. S. Westfield Hinted
teeiel netted be the antbeintirme better. from municipally 0Wrted and operated church are havim their enisstomne
this =neve then ever. 'Reeve 'Turner pits or norarnea and need for munie Sunday on Sept. 'nth at 1.30 p.m.
said it was net fair to neeenten mein- nipal purposes in the construction of Rev. W. le..4.1p, of Anburn; will haye
ber of the 1. 'n eounell ,p:o ril1v1 roads, eidewalirs, peesonteuts, bridget eliarge• of the services at lielmore.
, soliciting tubscriptiene, it ehould be and other mu/defend 'works, on the 1 Mr. and Mrs. Z. L. McDowell and
up to the unnelmnts, ground that the ruling eif the depart- Mr. Geo, 'W. Snell npent the week-
. Another letter elm ranter ottported merit nhat such -a •tan is payable is end with the letter% brother.! Mr. Silo.
grieving received was ,ftoen ,firm •of not justified by a propertconstructioe stein of Detroit. 'Miss Minnie alai
real estate brakerS iiv•Torantentore bp- of -the statute, and tarther, that the niece, Elsie, returned hem with
nalf of o client, for vixen Ineen had inmeeition of such a nat.by. the Do- thein. ,
beep asked to purchase Ave acres of minion Parliament- ete The Misses Murlel -end Dorothy
ground upon evilloh to ,bniki,,a mann-. rkW:ped. and, ,operated lundertalougs Lamont of Toronto, :who, have been
tfoicturing 'Tbeir xecodientents Would" be an unwarranted interfer- visiting friends in Myth and Auburn;
will be a railroad •or Sneilities -ence with powers granted to motion spent the pat week with their aunt
• ' to von in a railroad speuetor ilietioado polities Under approorlate .1)v:0/hula' and omit, Mr. and ',Mrs. jas. Tun-
ing and unloading of nroductsno wat,- legislation would *mount to an ney. also their eousin, Mrs. Wolfer
er supply, preferetely ortetean evens, interfeeenee with the .nownrs granted
but if not, supply of *t. jeast to tom- to munkipalities under Appropriate .
menee with 50,000 goilano eday, provincial legislation awe -.would a- -CARLOW,
running up to 4 oevelc potnt -df ap- myna to an interfereene with the
11100 -
proximately 100,000 gaIlons Penedaer, powers -of provincial eeenedatures in
day with „tier sister, earn Amos Stoll
Mrs. Ernest Porernan spent Mon -
facilities also for the eliepoeal Otago legislating for munieipal mstitutions,
water, as -it will onlyebe need fenetool-. envult repugnant to the letter end , elle Misses Sorrows, ,ntildred and
in g purposes. The brekeinge tem spirit of the British Wert& ,tnitterica , Alma, are' 0/1 a visit to their greet,
wrote, "We are contnerially recelOing Acte—Roferrod to sPecial neternittee, Mrs. J. McBride.
is, Sunday.
Mr. and Ws, Bert Taylor and chil-
dren spent Sunday evith their hunt,
Mrs. James Eisley, of Londesboro.
Rey, and Mrs. McIntosh and fam-
ily, of Milverton, visited last week
with Mre. lefelnearihn sistex, Mrs.
7 'a
enquiries' for sites for noenufatturers The Water, Light and Baena eonn Mr. Harold Maeda, tie Detroit, is
in the Province of Ontario, anti -wean, mittee reported as follows: nnte Ca- on a hohday with hts relatives here
desirous of sulmaitting to our many and at Beemillere •
nadian Canners, Limited, has Abipped
. ellepts the opportunities that lie 'in ,2000 easee of cenned geode tuiongh Mt. "hn• McKenzie and Mr' Dun -
your vicinitn.' .. ' - the town freight shed and intend to can IncKey, of Kintail, visaed with
This letter iti being falloted up• make another shipment about the end lair relatives here and at Loyal on
A petition from resident s o noturday. •
(In '-..1.•• ef this month. The buildings „Med
ford street for a street light AV40 t 0.- 0.' sanitary convenienees et too net- Mrs' -1-/' McDonald and sea RD4S-'"f
ferred to the water, lignt dud harbor h .
co par ave een move o k Ilkr-
k h b d t tb ' leeterboro, are at the home of. her
tommittee. • inn - Pareets, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Erring -
tine fire cominione reported as dek; ton, on a holiday visit.
.A request froto Itaitiand Lodges -
No. as, A.,, P. & A. M., for Pertniseion .lows: We have passed all application lilts. tRev.) Boss, of Round liake
to erect a Masonic sign in front Of nor eniklinge permits as referred tee ,missien trehool, and et former pee -
the tnniple on West street woe 're. nnor corinnittee at the last meeting, terts vvint here, culled on a few of
/erred, to the atubite works committee. her old Mende on Thursday.
We remit -mend that no ceder shingles,
Mi' le, 6 G. Itumnall, *Ito ieetied be Owe within three lot s hem the: vtoitie,„
tetrs. Delbert Hot, V. 10 has been
cheques in paymeot of Ids indebted, her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Square. We recominemi that thej ee.,..."n
zees to the town, ended he vas urn chief of _police be instructed to attend Lenne Clark, for the pest three weeks,
, _ returned to her now in Louisville,
all tire calle and -enforce traffic login .... - .day.
lotions. • AW., on rri
If you use Red Rose Orange Th o
e _ owlets 'committee Deported as • eliss Marie Maedel, of West Moak-
,Pekoe Tea. in 1928 you will .follows: not the mortgage of a4,500 ton, •Oh a visit to hex grandpar-
enjoy Canada's finest tea and has been Pine
Maeda, and flise lefaedel for
materially reduce your tea ProPertY den:4111.w to the bylaw. The
e .011 the Park House ants non aunt, Mr. and We. eteaul
a few
bills. Red Reda orange sum a 3000 has been paid over for days., , .
M Ann Mrs. Alber,t Glen and Mr. the W. Mt S. of' Crewe will he beldtat ,
the property,. whicb is being rebuilt —1". the home of Mies, Sant Sherwood on
PeltOn !Mitt 1011gOir bewails* GODERICII . ONTARIO
Its additional strength and trjeroth' Parkaanueoannoritito. Viet the •
- et f etu ng Company, titongdttetirt Scratch and child, of teem. Sept. Oth. '
it pent the wee tend ' ii, the
foremen k 134 Mr. and MVO. lemmeth Campbell 1
... r ake it go further. Litnited, has been patel the eum ot 111°411er and' familY, Mr and dangbter, of Detroit, spent the I. 'Phone 10$
Aim tit '
" Every packageguaranteed. 9e000 )on the grandstand contract. George Mete '
s.ye The total receipts of thy. new grane. The farmers are all getting Wenn Mile John Menary. ,.
o weeinend at the honte of Mr, alld
4, _.............x...............„_.„, _nano stand en Clvie kfoliday were $771;25, with, their 1111 J( so many arc Mr, and Mts. Mat Shackleton'"and -
took threehing their oats at present.
one hat/ Of Which, sands, has been sort, Benson, vioited. the latlynt Par.'
The fine weather le giving them A entte eh. end oeve, aerne Grate of
received by the town and deposited In chance co finian up,
ty for stoek ann. inside depertment. were hem in mho% church on sun
20th. day. Rev. Win. McDonald, of E'' -
About preached impressive non
About sixteen of the Canada Life pions. The local male duet WAS
officers ,and agente enjoyed duck misted hy Mr. Alex. eteNaye of Para.
a; -
dinner lefise Perguson's boarding mount, who eontributed been solo
house on Mendaer evening of this
veenkeee'SPenaes- and songs were en- ut ettrb S/4.1.1". - *
toyed till ten o'cloelt, when all left, GODtRICA TOWNS
Howerti Hines lett on a r nent
having enjoyed, the evening. together 1 Me'
PORT AL13ERT harveeterte exeursion to visit his
on Saturday. .
maendoifamnril.lydrao:. tetlestk,h.er, Prenk Hielm, at Snows,
BlYtRetiv; tvMerre• twhiecinitt•o
° Mr, and Mrs. Roy Petrie arid fam-
ily spent Sunday with .the Partnere;
parents, ear. ond Mrs. jno. Petrie.
W. and ntre, jade Ashton and
efainilYt and Mr, and Ws. Cecil Ash -
non, of near Clinton, visited at the
home of Mr. George dishtort on Sun-
Mr, lames McMillan is talking of
putting up a new steel barn after
having the Misfortune of baying his
barn burned while threshing last
week. Although everybody rtiehed
to the Ore to do what they could it
was impossible to eave very mud,.
ley potting wet blannets on the nose
it was saved and the long pig pen,
but -some irnplemerits and numerous
other things Were tdestroyen
- franikAitrahingtini visitcul
friends in this ViOihitY last week.
Mr. Movie Cowan, of Jersey City,
visited at the home of lite father last
week. L "
Mr. Sock nnaeDonald, of Buffalo;
spent the week with his mother, Mre.
K MacDonald. ' •
Lilian Mackenzie has return.
ed hone after viSiting friends in
Montiedlo and Arthur.
Die Prank Mackenzie, of McGill
University, Montreal, took charge of
the services in .As'hinelti Presbyterian
church on Sunday.
tdr, john Maekenete And Mr, Dun-
can MacKay haVe 'MR:mod home, of -
ter visiting friendenen
BlYth and Seafoetto nt • :
The tr. V. W. O. held. their month -
JY • tneeting at the home of Urn- T.
MacDortaid last Werineanay. There
was ao,large attendance and a octet
intereeting program WaS pre13021141
Mr. Ir.atte Vransten liao been busy
this last weektethreshing in this die -
Mr. Albert IneQuoid vieited his
daughter, Mrs, James Little, of
Lanes, on Sundae;
Mr. ond Um. Aubrey Higgins end
son, Jackie of Detroit, are holiday -
The regular monthly meeti»g of
Mr. Will linevitineolettnelaet week -
not um West. •
Mie Haws galled on Mr. J. Ben.
nett on Sunday.,
Rev. C. Penrose, of Vernet preach.
ed very able sermons here on Sunday.
Ur. Prank Dunn and wife oncl
Mrs. Carey visited Mrs. J. Beonett on
• Mrs. Clout. klawkine, of Wieldson
fornicrly of this place, is visiting old
trice& here.
Mrs. Nixon Dougberty, of Godee
rich, is visiting Mrs. Nelsoa Grahem
and othei. friends.
W. and Ws. Howe, Wee Bt Smith,
Mrs. Margaret Pennabaiter, elaugh.
ter Edon, vislted Mise Burrows on
40 -Inch Unbleached Cotton, 4.
for -a is 25c
28 -Inch White Flannelette. Special price
per yard
40, 42 and 444nch Pillow Cottort.
Special value, yard thiC
364nch White Cotton, heavy. quality'. 1
Regular 27c. Special ,priee,, yea.,
Heavy Bath Towels. Reg. up to 69c On
each. Special each 00C
Linen Lunch Cloths, 43 and 52 inch. (IC
Special value, each - We.PC
Next Door to the Standard Bank
ited lent friend, Mica Cbristinet Robe
entente. one day last week.
laze Herold Maedel, of Detroit.
.s ent the week -end with hie mother,
is...Matelot, of Bentniller.
- Mr. and nfre. ta, aC1"4:43 and famine'
of Ifolmesville. visited with the eat-
tex's mother, Mrs. Percy Nt'alters, on
Sunday. •
Mr. and Mrs. L. Itreeerts on, of Nia-
gara Palls, visited the fatenetas bro.
then Mr. Mae. A. Itebertson,
• o ay
to_oetteente" .
Norwkii, visited **with the formerto
grandparents, rift,. and Mtn. Paul
Maedel on Sunday last,
1 Ws. Agnew, of Cleveland, Ohio,
bee returned luutto after a pleasane
it with Itent parents -W. and Nes.
id, en. Vintners, and otiler friettde.
t Mine Amtie Minter. who with Mr.
ited Mrs. Ilulinke at Gueleet, iR
in( Miss Amanda Maedel, while
fotener ore invite, tbeir holiday%
it. Ruhnhe is a teacher in the client.
' istrn .k,,,- ,'t of the fl, %1)
Mtge, Margaret. Mitchell hag. ree Agiecultene Collroni in. teuelph. .f.to
tinned home_ after looting spent a., -Annie is fortunate in 'hayloft; siteli
delightful visit with friende In Tete $ good 'heme,stuee leaving, Gederieli.,
onto, Niagara Palk; and Windeor. 1 • neon 'oet-te .t.te
Mr. • Mid Mrs Artbur Maedel IOU PRINTING AT Tani STAR
, 1.
A shower of rain would do good at,
present. Al] the fanners almond
here are busy threshing; agood yield
is ekpeeted this season.
Mr. Angus "Gorcron Improvino
nicely after the accident he had with
hie 'horses getting frighteued. It
might have been worse. .
Master Bruce Bennett, sort of Ur.
John Bennett, had the misfortime to
break his tient arm at the . *riot.
Bruce says he is doing fine and will
soon • be at work again,
Atiss Amanda Ineetier visited her
Inetther, Herman, at West Mon -knee
on Monday evening.
WES neseie Chinholm, of Brant.
ford, is holidaying with her• cousin,
Mies Margaret Alien. •
W. P. A. Thompson, of London,
spent the week -01141 with his friend,
ttr.'"Will Treble. '-
Miss M. Atcheson, of Goderieb, vie.
••••••• ••• •
Geo• S ewart
ing with relatives in the Manion e •
O e ea re
1 the Omen generai account. We re. e
commend that then Goderich Mirele . d M It M. Young had as „
Goderiele on Sunday.
ei Ittr. MI 114. L. Quite a , large pumber liont here
"int • tv be Pn on theii pant, IT'Sitt" Ofl ttuicia M 0111 • attended the anniverettry eervicee at .
'We recommend that the Public Li. iticQuarrie end two children, of' New lelake's tjnited ehutelt lest Sunday 4$ EEK OP SkeleT..3 to S ,brary -Beare be paid a further stun. 13ruiravviek; Alre. Ed, Lawson and taternoon and evening, , 4444
04 i
of $600 on their levy. We recommend tw°- little daughtees, puth and Mrs, TOnt. Anneteon nnd bee0 A ,
MONDAY and. 11,IESDAY that the clerk be enipoWered to get Grace, of Duldsere Y . daughtere, Misses Olive tend Elsie.
.CONRA,D InA4t1, nnestend d be t hv
1 h y ave been on a, isit to beneonlj and Mrs. Sam Kilpatrick and mother,
setndersornenn IlidePtirienineniil. , 0AILINGs-
MARION' 1) t\ and the necessarp eseistance to 155U0 till Mr. ettul Mrs. Chan Yonne. eviiv_ho
tie offered to the' plitiliceret pan `I, n And Goneekli, inlienirhis mother io at led on Blies Arenee Match 0111. day e
lo ehe femme. iltnge succees 131r re -commend that the Goderich Organ
present with her datigblern eelie. laot
Sir James M. Barrie Co, be asked to pay all arrears of in- Tretliewey, for a time, ie hut:int&
li„ Cohlettly of unending delight, a tercet on their loan at once tend to ludidaYn no 4 BENNOLLER OIGGE,ST SHIPS Vitou moyrnutt.
Magma Pans, who were on a mit ' t i •
Next Sunday will be the saeramen- • . Te vlierhaurit'Ssfit,il'uuffien . ,,
Kpf, 1,,f0p1,tu.s oi seonate,
3071 13't of love and new is tine clean off the baumeo of mortgage Mr. t1nd Mem Lerner 1:tobotoon,, of
eaten 'tension of Berrien most according to their agreement,
• -Sept. 12 ,
charming enaetermeee flie conunittee of the whole council with their relativee here, Aire. Ed.
July 20th front The Dominion Road Mr. C. A, Itoberteon, kft •lueedaY to , Aliss ;toles in Bartonville. P,' P • .
"Q 11 STIltikt" , reported as follows; Ito the offer of Pibhete hire. Mary Roberdson and Aug
3lise Gextruate npughton is Atilt- e. t 12 eiremania
Mr. Harold Maedei, of Detroit, is 't.t3ePilill Ili l' OPI'Pf4S Of tit '1
EDITCAIIONAL COIVIEDy Machinery Co, for the Maitland ltd. vire% Mre. Robeztson's relatives hi t,itit I ng in Boumilier. oleo. 21; riga. e ji iTtletriVee
, plant of the National Shipbuilding ChccleYe
Matinee Labor Day at 100 p.M. Co, we have notified them that the WnIters bias returned to. SePt,,29 , NOlitil.ilF11
Mrs' W• Afelh"in bud far yisitw3 Toronto with hie eon, Harold.
memo cannot aceept their prepon. on Saturday afternoon Mr. Douglati To Liverpool e,
Mr.Poulter, ef, Strattroy, io one, 7
• NORMA SHEARElit dttr. T. If. Mitchell meet the council 1611,otrennw darstdr31,1135fottenualpf:?1,11 °twat.
but we hate? requeeted that their MeGormaneand brotber; Mr. Breen
mr8,, Ant, epenlling t -he -week in, thie vicinity. seta, te ,,
Lntle Dorothy' Wore luta gone to toed. 2f mai:n:41:1:n, ii,Nelii,t4.g.c,,i,eric!.
!melons of Atholl
Witt George Sidneyand Ralph 1? 112 °II VI441"'17^1t•
charminglY eelf-reliant modern wont. that Jae. 2%, Strachan be allowed w dao at Ilritee Beach.
Pre2ent 0, Awl' dedicated to the telonted as follow: We r d art FridaY aft" a terY Plea'altt Ilene ---3.-fr. &neon inittartle 15 in the Gori. •
The Cemetery min 4 ar s eonunittee 1 el
0 e • moll who all leave for their homee
Ce00101(11 oSititrititt011iVine to ViAit her gratsdpart Sept. WI
,,/pf, 1;
' ... .:;:t4-1/1117:sh:
UM Ono of the meet diverting and , 11 112 hospital. having Inoletgone an teem. ii
remove; a tree from his plot in Mait- We the sorry to report that the - „en, „te„. se 1 liepiiii.i:,4,
, amusing Mule in yearn Yount going :tend cemetery ae refeeesteo. The reception did notntake pleee on Mime i "4''''''-'""
---,. • ,-A-- ---, Sritt. 20
to like touriel. emit kitellen aed eonvenien- duY aveulag' as Mrs' Thus* Wilsua '
"THE LATn'ST PROM PARIS" 'nee are new etnnitietet ten leleanding took euddenly ill at her hem* at •
IVIAnit.ING To 11P1r0a
PATIIE COMEDY Mr. Will Ititzgerald, of Detroit, oete 1,,
', tttotoltnboti 0111.iur-tkhon,thuisr°d'' iliati(ot:v21--:7nteinuirive , ePearrek,hikiteatietiaeel8eourtulheerr AthiepeltYyt/6.11:0'1: Ilditsittil hie [linter, Mee, Jae. Culbert. eeepf. 20 ..... Mine, ,j ,(J
"PASS THE GReetrie"
,eireehee and eve eodeet te have the : eotein and that ehe will very nem ne urt-atit ;•len Mr:inure
FRIDAY and SATURDAY , Mr, lece Aikete Ur. Albert Aiken i i;,
tenant in poseeseion befofe the even bteurble tct ts„„ta''' 't9,,,br,,,r nety„,,b°,1112. A 'aro. ec.41. ik„pilna all 1,1rold oinitecl
ne the anent% wo ere teeneg the , Der. anu torn ettaeir ottiruee oe et ----,,,----ns eentene tnet funday. ----- I - - • • • • • •• • ••••• :'• • ''' • ''' M.'1111'."1'.. I
BOB feTEELE 'to inittami
PrevineTiel Department of Aorletde Norndeb, eisited Intl; thr forewent ', tenant'. ''' Q.,' ,l'ik),,ate'e,:(341,13'"Y• ., i
enn of a famoui barelit—entitioen Ly turn inteetinate the caw% of the dee 2rinucaiitlolu, ruutnttis'yi'Mitv: e-elaulccitiM,, l'ostot„PAI/ .!etv'71tIrroliet7e..31me°Kneelluteaie. '''oAfct''Kaiiiiml:ele..aalelieu .:,l14l.'e'ill'.1r•eit.2
bull.INg pluck he winfs through. All bee !till bank. e 5C; 1h7e1 „n w.• Il$i , ,- - - ;..
1 woo!:-ont,t anti 10f! 616 TtleMflaY /fOr I giV- it!‘ / /3 woo!: Of MI 0 n i , 1111, MtP1111,S, 110‘11101i,Ill, Vtri
or tehieh Inakce a tt-ooti Weetetn thrill Tito Speritil (ermine() eipeore ar3 tlioir -tome. It in the test lap oe%elrf,rte.fh.oletteellindercoino. vtehtec .itmaill 7 ttostsiiii,,.. sof, ilum ercurc ;
. picture' of - fellow -en nee eat eentainieo eetenlee n teeter' teat f"-tromg% PAO, Of 1-150 '00'"" • - Ila-' Fja W." : ....)1. ;V• 5.. ALL 01111CII teCEAlleillint titli, fillt)11
FTHE ItAzka)Irs SON" J nett penes 02/ polft unifortn5 cutePtraFel u° '9u1-a'1"-
c.,‘,--,--,*-,L,...4114,-•ft„,-..•—•••• lho+, Ara/Toon and Are, el. 45. Ell-
11%1 IAL
will ser,rt /MIT tAttirk, left Moriday te eine, titre :
MICKEY f tinware() MAtnetIKE 'in ', T • • il. Tee r intlin to t. r r t ,$ .t. 43(4111 Ifelfr•at Zen - 0
Mn.a. ATI It 3tOft Ath..h,EOLI ' ' '‘ ' • '''-''''-
„mit.gtir.14 stinvice 1 !lei nuini.o. Wol,,,,,,, tt„,...1. mdtce 2-,1„g . -2; woar, 1:„:07ett Annual ei.:;e2t... rieNtiv.flos. Olive., Artelereet tip.eedol Glia,cre, .11,, l',1111141.Ytchir-tevc?rti,!ntevogsa7 Z;:04,1
)1431.t.rf 11!• •dteolVt1 * We, recernmenttnn tee
Matgltet8 13-61/1 $4"411 $it 0 3-00 PPP!, thet F. RI Miller It; tteartted vermin.' ce.ret
. - Pe eau -note ri eine • ad A Illeco UtrIll,i,., PIT,
, thil and !nee Alke fthatkinten C, In 11, Been 'termite,
all raw a gal—yet through einer Alt Ue6011 Of the trCeS zdOng the liar-
nreen• -*********7444*ImoiMNI44,. 4
odaks, Films
Developing and Printing ill
Bedford Bfaek God4-Zitch
onday, Sept..3rd
Two games at Agricultural Park between
• Leading Semi.Pro. Teams
sLEg$,. champions of Ontario
, . AND
of Buffalo, N. Y.
for PuPse of $150
$225 to whiners of iirst game $225 to winners of 2nd- game
$1$0 to losers of first game $150 to helm of 2nd game
In seven games -this year General Tires
have defeated Osiers lour times
Admission: Adults, 50c. Children, 25c
Thehundredth anniversary of the °patine of th,,
Miran Tract yvill he "celebrated on Monday. The
unveiling of the Cairn erected at Harbor Park to
commemorate this Centennial Anniversary will take
place immediatelY after the second hall gam..