HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-08-23, Page 7TUUSISDAT. AUGUST Md. HIS
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Sunday Afternoon
a Sy ISABEL HAMILTON, Godortch, 0j.
timoositemit_, Vik.wwwwws,wasiosomplow...4•21isimaima*
Jesus. stand &mime us
In Thy eisen owe';p
Let this time it worship -
Be a hallowed hour.
Breathe Vie Hely Sierite-
Into every heort ;
Bid the feere arid sorrows
From each Pout depart.'
WiWam Penuefather.
e thank The. otirSather, for the
ony instances in Thy- Holy Woed
of se-adfastness of faith and strength
".un4erbtter triaL Miy
, we derive hope and eourage fromthe
erpresence of Thy Holy Spirit within
our limes to that we may seend and
br sent in Thy service. In Jesus'
name we prey. Amen.
8.8. LESSON FOR SEPT. 21te.1.9.28
• Lesson Tepic Paul in Thesisalon.
INS 111111LY MOD
Could Not Steep
I.esooa Panelize -Atte 17:I.1S.
Paul and.fide*, when hailed before Most men believe that they are
the megistrates, madeno menton of "supporting" their wives and this
their Roman citizen ; but when, gives to the man a dominating atti.
Heaven interposed in their behelf etude and to the woman a humble
and e*used their persecutors to fear grateeteneee The man dee, "meet: fruit or *ay other dieagreeable thing
mid give an order for their liberation hie wife in the way that an employer Iffieoliell the
sink drain thia way. ,
,wotor- "lowevome. ,
vitt with this little convenience, Ne,,.
body airs to dive into the sink efter
such rubbish, with his fingers. It is
easy ta work the watery put of sour
* spoiled can of tomatoes or
ep ure from the city, then supports be employees, by providing
came the time for the injured ser.e. work for them. rt* married man
ants of God to aesert their rights. with a family loses his wife, he finde
With dignity they refused to be thus that he has to pay much rnore ta get
ordered out and required the mag- lif h k t •i.
Style eXperts say that skirt; really
eve to be worn longer. Even sport
Aids are to foil * awdeet four inches
istrates to come themselves and open "support" hia wife, and the work is below the knee. Afternoon skirts
e prison doors arta eonduct them not done so well, end there iit not so
out. Tines would their innocence be much intereat in it, and no eontribu.
publicly acknowledged. Galling as Von of love and spirit and atraos.
this woule he, "they crone and be- phere to the family and home life
sought them. and brought them out, m of which 4 wife puts into her
nnd desiri t em -to depart out of the housekeeping. forted afternoon dress i semethuls'
dbl." Thee took their itnio,to leave beautiful attitude- for * -wife mw in our wardrobe. -
now that they' were hele in awe and to teel grateful to her lord for the Lace is used a great deist alone foe
respeet hy the authoeitiee. Gaiter to twine r vid " her -43 t it I evenin dr a and th f
are to be longer and fuller, and an
Uneven hemline. The modes are In-
coming more feminine and elaborate
and the sports frock will be restricted
to morning or sport' wear. The snore
ne p o es u s un. g e les e more °noel
the house of LAI*, they held con- fair for him to feel that he is doing it afternoon dress, and aa trimming
. verse with the molter,* of the newly noble charity in "keeping" her, and with other =aerials. 'Woolen's are
founded Church of Christ. Then that she should cringe toward him a very popular. They may be warm
they went on Thar we,' to Teelelonie little bit on that *count, for hot weather, but are sleeveless
cu -the Ifillieleutl and most populous it is partly this lila of love- and 40 not earl fur much UMIerneath -
,qty in Northern nacedonia. It
would, theretele, be the headquarters homemekingeewith ell it meatus of them. If you buy *woolen dress, got
nr. E. AL Alierame, Melon* Soak.,
Uwe wag Imelda SO 4s
vrerk of say d.
nervous Seaton eras neriely
wreciaeleereoulii not *Jeep ague,. 034
wu treibled with odd sweat., end was
eozepelled ite ea* sof* a geodpiut
ol Nth. night -
, Medical aid lamed of no Ogle
ai tor ithirAlt eina' the , beet of gime
Itiek triad te, be* of your well 'know*
-Ober liking bur . hot* ir vie
nu erg they did ,111 you sissim ter
eeT 'Moire T =not 'try Gent
'before and ,erespe-ires _et Zees; and
be money pocket, but 1 did net
believe in Vitra Istedleineat but thalre
rime eeeethea myielf tbat one should
get the bed -on the market to get the
• `beet rceulto:, win Alwe71 recommend
your inedieine to ell ening, Mena* as
I know they too' will get the termite
they wisher, ,
Priceet0e.,iperhozatiall energise' or
' dealers, or mai1e diroet4on reeokit of
.price hy"This V. OJee Tiheittele
item*, eliet,
itr 4i4flototivot
Mont rent St rune
boo off the Square
--elobece Meet- ate Iry fleeing
• Paesenger Soots
•' Passengeri called for in only
nett of the town or sit
traits* rt IL T. R. or CP. It
•....... ...„ . . .... Peroote
Prompt Service and
Carerti I Attendance.
ou• t Livery. and neck be'rvico
▪ will be found Uneleedede
ie *veto respect: -
1%44w '
Your Patronage Sanative
Phone 1.07, Atentreal Street
frairily life and Motherhood, which it a little lerge as It is *trivet hound
r ngs own. e recogm'tion of the °ern tt e
et the Jews and a good stortingolace d t hik Ul
Stiff, crisp silka and satins are
Wed in the full flounced evening
dresses. Gay gotten prints; are corn-
ing inn) their own. Woreen And girls
are wearing dimities, lawns, voiles
and printe like our mothers, +mileags.
made up in all sato of &Ante styles,
thergospel in 10erope. At what- value of a womares work outside the'
ever place Paul found a synagogue hoMe. In 'business life a woman
be went to it on the Sabbath der. expected to work for hose than a man,
After the way they 'sod. been *bused in tessellintmwhere she b Nee of the
it Philippi it took some courage to profession—and in the store and of -
peak for Christ at their next 01430r- flee. There is 'some justice in this, in
tunity. NO In wilting attirwards tem where, a man *sentries a
. o e Theseelonians refers to tide
saying:, "But even after that we
had euffered before, and were shame-
fully entreated, as ye know, at Phil -
Uplift we 'were 'bold 'in our God to
!speak unto you the gospel of Goa
with• Much content -101.m (I These.
For three successive Saisbaths
Paul's theme was taken from the Old
Testament. He reasoned with the
Jews that 'this joule which preach
unto you, is °heist." made it
ere Wein from his Ittiowledge of the
,xeriptures and from Ids own exPer.
, lence that it Was necessary -the Mes-
siah should stiffer and die, and rise
again. "The great objection which
the Owe made against deans being
the Xeilsish‘ was his ignominious -
death and sufferings; the erase of
Christ was to the Jews a stumbling
%lock, because it did by no means
eerie with the idea they had framed
of the Messiah; Tau/ argued that it
—*watt necessary he -should suffer; he,
could net be made perfect but by suf.
entities. Ire IOWA `needs' have Ouf"
teredgfor as, beeause he could not
oteerwise purchase our redemption
for ule.and he must needs have !pen.
because be could net oeuere
• eeee imely the redemntion to us."
(teem Matthew Henry). '
in spite of their prejudices against
heavier part of the load and does for the porch, for hourie drams, and
things which could not be Milted of even for the bank. They are the very
a woman, or if a men has spent long- MiniTOPM Of expense, but Meetly
ler In preparation for the eob and is 00eme to ereeei wince they are se gay
mare of a specialitt or more capable. and Prater,
and there is reason in it it the man is .-.. 0....,
the sole !someof interne for a family. croztoREN
But very often it is =Oise especiallY Will Rogers luts the following
t the woman is as eeprible and does say *haat child eare
as good work-- and often she does "Being a ranchroan and a farmer
better—as the man. ' and ?also a child owner, 1 have often
Nan and woman, in the home wished that when one of my children
ehould 'realize that homekeeping oiti I got siek I could wire or eon up some
no slouch of a Job. It xequires brains government expert and have him
and experience and much labor. Bee came look after them. Like I can do
sides this, the average homekeeper If one of my cows or pigs gets ,poine
puts much into it. much of heart and disease.
soul and taftmehoues effort, which "If your fertilizer is not agreeing
money could net buy, with your land the gov‘rnment will
The ,dignity of homekeoping. and send ,a specialist, but if the food is
its inestimable value and necessity as not agreeing with the baby why we
a background for family should re- have to and out what's the matter
ceive greater recognition, else home ourselves, and Tots of dines parents
life-ethe basis of national welfare mean well but they don't know meth.
end human welfare—will go on the "So f am glad that you people are
rinks, 'Women will not forever be interested in. children. Course they
the "patient demi) animal who Is. are a lot of trouble but we don't mem
willing to threw her heart and pout, to be smart•enough to find something
into a work 'which is not appreciated ' that would lie %Ss trouble that would
especially in this age When she is so replace theme*
eripable`of holding a high place in the
business.world. COLOR ON THE TABLE
ethristenine of thieJews believed on
• Priner Paul and loined eompany
with the many 9ent4es,,both Men anti
womenwhowere converted /luring
there weelcs.
Canon Farrar Imes: "Few indeed
were the untroubled period* of ruin-.
f+try in the life of St. Paul., The
Jews from first to last—the 'Tows for
whom be felt in his inmost heart so
tender an affection -were destined to
e the elnerue and. misery of his suf-
fering life, At Antioch and :cruse-
-fent -Jews, nominally within the fold
of Meet, opposed his teaching and
embittered his days; in all other cit.
'les it was the Jews wbo contradicted
and blasphemed the holy name which
be was preaching. And. at Thessa-
*ice isa had yet a new form of per.
secritieri against which to coritend-i.
simply * brutal asset:It of the mob,
hounded on by Awe in the book.
ground. .Tealous, as usual, that the
abhorred preaching of a crucified
Messiah should in a few weeks have
won a greater multitude of adher-
ents than they had WOO during many
Yors to the doctrine* of Moses -fur.
Joule above all to see themselves de.
essreetreeeeereeuers~wiereirereirerert prime of the resources the reverence
e-te-eee-- mut the adhesion of leading women
-they , formed an unholy alliarice
OS E with the lowest dregs of the Teem.
Ionian Populace"
I 4.
Conk by Electricity
Wash by Eleetricity
Iron by ElectricitY
Cheaper titan Coal or Wood
An electric Vacuum Cleaner
:41110AleS the dust; a broom
jtt 111(iSPC5 the dust,
Wo guarantee all Hydro
Lamps for 1,500 hours.
Walk in and see display at
The Hydro Store
Thie, Apostles, were dwelling with
one Item and his house war ret up.
•en by "these lewd fellows of t'he bar -
rt." Not eyeing them there
eieir suede Jason and settle of the
Christians rantive and took them be.
fore this rnegistratessand claimed that
Paul raid Silas were guilty of tensing
an oprotir and also of treason. Ifo.
ever tho Maglstrates contented them.
tilives by takingeneney pledges from
them that they'd keep the peace And
illerdiesed them. Paul, Silass thought
• this a eufileient sign that no more
- Mission work could he done there at
the present. The brethren, there.
fele; &Wel-Means to teciire-tles
eseape of Paul and Silas by night.
'They went to Does, and findingthere
• eynagogue they Seined themselves
with the worshippers. The tweeption
given them rejoiced their hearts. In-
stead of arigrTh
ilY rejecting e Me$'
sage given by Paul about the Itles.
eiale they daily and diligently steareh.
d out for othemeelves proof e forth,
rginnents advanced by him. The
result was thab many Jews belicved,
as well as Greeks -men and Woiltesit
of the more reemeetable classes.
Jerusalem `Confereece (Continued)
• I cannot thi3 week do more than in.1
&cote the outline of. the great re.
operative enterprise on which there
representatives of the older and
• yeringer churches have emberked,
Whereas eighteen yenta are/ of the
three thourend delegatee en(' visitors
at Edinburgh mile tient twenty
were members of vrhat were ;IWO CR1,
U"I1VZ Zikeet1,1,:
ihundred end fifty men and women
It present come from the ee.called re.
teeiving countries. But. es the Bish.
CASTOR I A 'tTclogiir:uztvVeti (rt wtilrls Tori
I flamer, I filth Comm issioner for Pal.
Pot /dots *ad Childreft ',aline, WA, "Orraprit) 1/6 /meter CAlti
tisilForOver3Olfeet* vr"P 'leek to fmr"." it' CUItoal
Mut formattriee the Emit reel
.41verms be4ts rhereh. meott miptirte ir5 freely les its
tee ewe eon. "The to* et the 'oodles
lignotese of
THE DISH SCRAPER ' regard as a beautiful set of dishes,;
One of tbe most ail -round coirven,. forabothuet apathird itrau$ being- saalidcles,ebble;
lent attieleshi my kitehen is thelittle cause
three cornered rubber Plate -scraper. atindsvntiayet
t s, of
thewholesale lines,ehouse.lwtwiatbs
It has a handle on it and I keel*. just
oyer my 'kitchen sink, alwayillavoitahnian . tP 01 ad!: yroissabitdrredeaCourdattioinusii ann.: theteyslee
rfietasCligimolligtinerverrytbienrg'; iatnd in „push. would, be considered anaemic. Color
Able, And seems to adapt itself to all has come into our homes with a flair
sorwtsbeontelivadsbuisnegs. vegetabies, I use it Ahnitdherbtaos thinevahtedvenfterf pdeinacineg. rtettobtilee:
to peke them around.,end scrape off mennteadnidningcoristaerbvelosfmt.oaay is_re84,
theefirst layer of dirt, just in 4. gen-
eral way, not handling etteli Individ. ed in loud eoloesee rose, red, green,
um vegetable, It. _saves the bands, oiThaengeta. bbliesatt,kunin7 ,itsueffusledi_antarstrotrn9gm.
When the dishes are . brought froni
the table. I set them undo the faucetrir tr;rng. wohralte.tItThmegayelbhmetsa,;:reotreonr.
mat scrape off or out each, hurriedly,
with this oftvenient device, as I pee ored. There are colored candlesticks
them up for washing. -Then r eon. fahewholend candlesraa paeentdtaiheo. 01b
tinue to use it to collect all the gar- all of one dashing color.
liege in the sink and lift it into the The bathroom andkitchenhave
garbage pail. thus refraining from
touching it with my bonds. .
If ever any little things, such as
lemon seedor refuse fremetee .11811 the bathtub and the kitchen sink,
.water get into the slink, I shove them
h magYtinggrewebnite7 yellow In -
over toward the drain with the dish stead
scraper, -push them about until the ....e... .„,
liquid has drained out, then lift them _ INDIVIDUAL' TOWELS
. ee-eee In a Auntie Where thOres are emend
e .
churches is to share, not to rule, for children, 'theYwill get out elean
tile oth4eieeery win erlir be pewee. towels more frequently than is twos -
ful ass he beitrs -the impress af me OW and drop them about, and then
Master's humility -0 .., the next person. Who wants a towel
is afraid of that .one, not knowing
I have seen no „sign of tuper.
part of the who put it there or how moiled it is.
lofty temple* on the e
western delegates, nor of the infer. A good way to makeach member of
iority complex among the Asiatie, the family feel a reeporieibility about African, Indian or other representa. towels and 41$0 to dirtingpish whichtowel belong's to which, is to buy each
tives. Bishop or Quaker,: Americett '
or Negro, European or Atsisstie; this 4Thnnher et the initillY 6" tewele of
ore different from those Of
company, even, in these opening kind and di
all the others. He can then recognize,
haute, displeys no cliques or climes. his own 'towels And hole 4 preprietor.
To all will come right bothe the Mat. ' ship in them and will guard them
words with which Mr. Basil.
thews opened is devotional veried.,„*1 more carefully. If he finds' one out
words uttered two thousand years' of plate, be will not think itbelomen
to someone elms and be afraid to unc
ago just down the white road leading
to the.Cardert. of Gethsenusne." "IreI it 181/1361f1 .Miti thiS etVe5'ioundelF.
went out as Ills 'cluitien was to the Itnree '
Mount -tit- Olienne-and -He emid-to Ilie - , -- - ' - - Ili 7:4'. ' ' '
cliticiples, pray. . ." • . VIVER
(To be continued) ' tdvdr need 'to be the deePited po
Hubert W. Peet ire Hon of the poor, but sinceita valo;
the Stitieh Weekly. *sue vitamin food lute been thorough -
....,.......,,s . _ ,2!trtl.mft ly advertised, it hes arisen to a high.
er plate in public favor. also in the
• perste' list. Ilut there is liver 0W
her. Do you know the difference in
trodity of different kind; of, liver?
' elie butcher telle me that veal liver 4
"First call for breakfast!" How tiwy
do delight an outdoor appetite —
delicious Kellogg's Corn Flaked*
Good for you too. :Always healths
fully crisp and easy to digest. Ells
joy them for lunch and supper too.
Sam le a favorite--comieriation
with liver, Renee liver leeks at and
flavor. To took liver, put it in a pan
With cold 'water to cover and parboil
it for a minute. Fry the fat out of
•the baton and cook the liver in it
lOoeily, se as not to make it hard and
dry. `Cover the lever to keen the
steam eu and'cook it through without
drying it out too much.
Put a ot poetry above your idt,
Olen sink. While your hands are in-
gloriously.busy, scouring last night's
stew pan your mind and soul can re.
vel in beauty.
Who was it calleci on you last night,
After f bad gate to bed?"
"Oh, one of the girls dropped lu to
• The daughter innocently. Said.
"Toll• her Whet I straightened the
' Today on the parlor couch, 1,
found tthe had forgotten
Hit pipe and tobacco pouch."
No ether gene Wets
^ Kekkiles tor Some end
epic/poem Kellogg's ore mover
tougliothisk--lotel entre *hr.
Servo with reins et enteropm.
Ensile or hooey reltleti
• Oraer *1 1114014 04,0140440*
0* abiligotare. UN by My*
core. Mink by Kellogg le Lee.
• tie% Oot. Ahroye iontophwaht
Following are the detest of the
Huron County School Fairs for this
Sept. lOth—.Varna
'Sept. llith-Goderich Township
Sept. 14th-Colbo'rue Township
Sept. 17th --Ashfield Township
Sept. -1-0th--Wroxeteste
Septe2Oth-Blyth •
Sept. 21st-Howick-
Sept. 22nd-1ithe1
Sept. 24th-Belgraie
Sept. 25th -St. „Helens
Sept. 26the-Uthorne Township •
Sept. 27th --Crediton
Sept. 28th -Grand Bend
Oct, Ist,-.Dashwood•
Oct. 2nd -Zurich
Oct. 3rd-leeneall .
Oct. 4th-Clintoe TM),
Oct. 56 -Clinton Rural
The date of the Ooderich Town. _
Alp fair has been changed from the •
lfitit to the liith Sept, and of the St. -
Helens 'fair from the 18tit to the '05th
%theirs Minarors and
warm water, rubbing
tho solution into the
• aching parts with the
finger tips. „
Minard's is also spier.
did for spribirchiniiii—
and strained ligament* a
is the 'host, though tonally twice ad *Mr
MIDOLE expensive as !some Wide. Beef liver
AgEt. !bows stext_• pork liver le the leen:. CANADIAN NAIIONAL RY.
• DAir,y EXCEPI 2tielDAY
onto with Pinhbonts
, llyetncer, Albertele--"The Chew
et Life wee'the tumble with ine mid I
. . • ..• " . .'wsurart.detta,thift,
' andweskand Sin_d
' not elegy, had a :.
klanportdirmatvinch Assurance Company
.i ant fildng --.,
am's Vegetehle of Canada
.ydia E. Pinke
ompelend liner tettioettedi QS,
triti I feel like a lit'Al) Orr aill : WATL0tTaD, OM
nen vrotnan, X NMI
• ', it wivertined in fho 1 ' 0. I imoN.0, e . .
' ponies and tried it tt Ag ni
Lydia E. Tent.. , Proem; 2.30
heinet Sanative Wish. I have semen..
reeseled it to *Iota( women Mende*, , lees's, tiee, .. ,
, ec,...e,.
bed* DrolcrIL01517.
Wee Wm, GOOONSYs B'Orernotto Ah '' ,- -,..
Mutual Life
Goderich • 0,20 axe. 2,20 p,m.
" Clinton 0,44 a.m. 2.50 p.m.
" Seafoeth 0.52" fLS pan.
" Mitchell 7411 a.m. eery pm,
Arr.VAratford 7.45 eem. 4.03 pea.
" Eitellener 8.40 a.n aeo p.m.
Guelph 0.04 li,G0
" Toronto 10.054.n.7.0:0 p.m.
• turning ---leave Toronto Uri tele.,
leeee p.m. mud (1.03
• Peeler Cafe, Cav •Gederiell to Toe.
onto en morning Aftairl, and Toronto
to Goletich nu 0.03 pa. train. No
Ichango of cern between Gcdozitt rind
Town rawnger end
Ticket gait
ev •
isn't what ou do today
that aluse,s the blowout!"
,its =Wally $01thethirtg you have done week* ago.
Under-intiation--eareless parking t,bat piricheit the
tire walls -hitting tough burufffrowlaitTZ71500011.-
deaden the jar. But later -a. blowout!
These things MA be avoided. To avoid them nresna
dollars Off the cost of running your cat.
Cheek up tire preasures every weeke-We Will do
it for you.. Keep to the exact figures for the size of
land of each tire. Ease down When driving over deep
ruts and *harp ridgete.
Let us inspect your tires once a week.. At least
twice a season let us take them off the rims and
look for Weide injuries. •
A Dominion Tire svill stand a lot of abuse. but a
little care will add thousands of miles to its life.
H. 4/ F1SHEF?
amts! Paints.
Are you doing any paint-
ing this Fill?
Why not have the best? Use SCarfe's Paints, 'Enamels,
more and lasts longer than other makes of paint. It takea
just as long to put a poor paint on as it does a good one.,
We envy afull line of Scarfe's Paints. This paint MIMS
Vamic, et.
We tarry a full line of Shelf and Wavy lierdware.
If you requir' e Plumbing, Beating, Electric Wiring or Eave
Trongbing, give is a call.
Always a full line of Hard and Soft Coal in stock,
Tie Hardware Store at the Harbor
CHANOLlen •!and tirATI610
Store These 22, Reser °Ilene 312.