HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-08-23, Page 6rur stx.1 GOD ERR STAR
Tor a cool refreshing meal "You tome beerde''
*re. e.ataerer: has told me Palms in Back
!what ties new skss ceme :or,"
"Yoe le tee wee, Weil, 4,1,* -* •
Otg tea *ad malting a saadwkla with
di. bacon, he peaked Jews her eep*
**My, Bin hunery) lbw geed the 1/
'tlinresioPrilteic" tullodo:i,ichitaairtlegaitiwn' senses tea taitees1 But aren't eins dogs te
;gravely warised :
. "*?il itnitin4 4lee Querrler, if Yeil • eNo,. they were fed this moraine:
I bare some flab after their wort ?"'
e te the rms. ' *IL IL 1.4.4 °N.Y.'S"' "all ff 1 feed them now, it would snake !
• h.9' 344 .linia't "134 walka0-411 bid Pao th.lask,a almet teem how we. wouldn't reach Elltsra**
414)484;), Mr. Swan. More 1 he. via aftamoish 1440k. iffl *0'"'"" I* woo before noon, end len worriece_yra
came a Immo teacher, and my user-
, Pahl he WI* hoo*o
k afraid we're going to be too late as
al welfare the ebieet of your Wide 4 ,,,,,m4,,, tow sew sigormis w in is.
tude, 1 lived tor thtee years with eee 1 she meted up, puzzled at his tome,
wounded men. A notree life le at Pik., y, you so he, warn meedine
• stale. is worth snore than my re. Oleg seed me to try Doss beelyeeno setery involved. It's only
puteuen.- ,
To Garth.he said abruptly: "Cole ea
Pal NI fur had helisId her 1141146 amatter of keepiNg„ the wound;
so, Z task box soei felt to 10:04 elailLut
ambles or (Ku" for me when you, ere read
a. 4nd P" inY kit" UAW Z Soak ANS mon.
milk or cream w:PZTen ittlamtlIngd iv32111! "4 I" /Ala "trir f°114' $19 441 hi" a c°aCessi°11 t° nuike
you, ban Quarrier" tie began. In clean, bright ilhaninats
la wenn shelter up this coast tonight „
TRUERIAY, AVG1 lard. int
Orange Pekoe is
The moment had come. sontethimg extra—A Vacua
Ty at the mortified mix- likaa r ask then *ha I Imo sot bow have lied to ou-lireg ht on fro
and 11111111ar * Try it for innekeoni, sionery, deped at the floutinvot his lasthexed with say kelt sleek"
fallgegUiriAlIVI1010 voliut ',rotor for too or tor" snow to avoid the theeeterted collie.
ing Sfjpere
Y .' g Y
• blil 604 li tell 'On folo pretensee eller, she mused Aland, Noel he gov., 10 save. hire -for he WAS a gallant
"False Pretensesi Whet do you- ect. Year lif""° eoldier-and bas suffered."
- Joao Querrier did not Beet the
' hutlieritY, who stepped into the *oft
trade0house. 4111 chilibtj " I mean?" She was 'curious but nettlis. Ignoring the inference, Gerth 'Pees. wide, the gratitude, and the love
441141 ar alanaa tutted:
Voirrosts 14111401411 TO ALL FACTORIES lea' tbe elated 6uthtla harried to
, "Shell go, *hell got"' be announced eed hie point, for he saw. to hits JoY .thet Simile -down on her from 'Guth.
1: IYIen 170011
otApitit stimulanie,
Garth: found ban Quarter at the l'Aet me "nit on ray coat 'and Wel
Mission sehool. Entering the build. talk outside," slits
lug, he stood for a settee in a door, • So they wont to tho clearing
way and watched her read to a grotto.. "I kno* well whet I'm tekle* h
o the waiting feetor,„
'Good! You'll take good 'are of •
• Mr*
1 Cm- S4 a 41 haVe been the 4ause of your Oust his story had' touched. het% lee's OAS.
Psim 1ff Thh
her, I know. wish you the best 011 beat Goo 140#4.41, missionary people.the thence to vaise eigorty-nroat have Dem eloomed_for, • eat: he eentinued),.
%MI* breaking with the Swans -given the "Think what his bitterness -hie
twee ply bor. ;She ta a are one -is Teeeedie Dae,_. _ eyebrows -in- horror -for .esszza•nto wthweaerolthuira• inIrNeettleeiitootituiei rnie mee,nie.e-it purpose oit_sak
• *
"Mini; al. disputed paraPet \and r shell. i
' --"Swiiii-twa Ife-iTifiCiieildn't return
4‘,A4thi' Contemptuously grunted, halal •
They lied talked little ,..through i ed, I understand all Unit Their-' ine hie loneliness -his despair, when of uses for Dr: Thoinast Ecleetrie Oil..
"W4hy, my dear maul" she protest. 'to hear his mime failed him. bug., the house and stable there are scores
to the miesio.'
the other. "We'll send over and get 1,• the, mettle cen't hurt mei .an it' 1 (10A1 in his need, she turned to 7 allotiler," ' 1/0:50t' oehetleiellfgattnis' h=earett
her *belonging% Shell spend the rest 'first miles, the thoughts. eif the mom tradalltaild• Waal.* 0 the Ito -1° :Mere Yhes a must iii tionn guar' trots° rtliaroo4t iene chest; Horses are
111144)1 toe valualee to the Swans for Skill of long tr,sining, she hae gone len* `toward her, he he MO have lovhd him great1y to ciefehd hilir mente ;ma iniehaps as *fillet man.
of the winter with us. But she's centered on his protegee with the He sueked a deep breath and rierel Oyes ee she eel& axon li t
111-e- liable very largely to similar ail.
them to atick to their, high horse, into the death, of -Etienitiets wound, e4Etienne was not shot; You re on ste well.' • kind, and are, equalry amenable to the
Thee% he over tiering to Wheed10 her and Garth bad had no heari eo miely Pelle welt to belP sieve a, friend--.. 44He threW /Mar d'refieh: healing infinePen or this the old reine
1 into coming Wok." in 'their Jemmy for eenfeesfon of friend who crawled with nee on his ing the .litlea, IiVin15 iI0Ut1 ne L. followed Shot edy
o•well see to that. 'Why, they did, mouth oe the Big %wow, he on., broke his arm and got him in the with a gaeeed DUVII; it le strange thee years. °
whihli has made thousands of
hope, elie won't.", '
gene movie duriege the past ty
his duplicity. Ind ette::, off the • beck through gas and Shell ilre. They to my shellehole, and started book,
X one arilmns. , . _ ...said. ,,it „means g day on the gale' e ,,,,,c1 4'1/ knOihT 'how "t0 teea- at hu8ekilreP°Pi I nouneaci that it was tilri6 t° re3t the che4' . iktit he "Come 'throne*, Can ' rin lighting for his lifie oh Hearer .
As she looked. Up, 'aware et • his discomfort, for rnu„ But ha, i; my vorludinkinotartro Starttlin 71 to teertzkedogs and yet the tsupper prepared by you IrneSS' NOW It 181 - 'of Wounds?". ' -
t 4 t ' ti , bknetp.w. Oh, thee'll be beck after
standing hr the fire. Slowly elle log of hie eyes then looked into the -
of the mall her *newer, she met the Ceres plead. . .
For an instant, as •he Waited for t4T°1;(ve°Ceeicaemn'adartlaht4ranis:allewiaetell°,11gIvi-e413calutirbiatai°1111
The Province af Ontario Bullti.•
pretence, lie :mid; "it le. rlot Feb. friend, and it mae znean his life_ 4,e---eeeeee -ie.'„,, Joan turned sei:etia ' I Mrs Cameron he felt that over the Ifer dark- brows coritraeted as .elte. ,
new, but I helve returned." * your eoming."' ' ""'"" '''-' ----- ---' ' v'' ' ' '
vou • '
4 ot tea, ban Quarrier should he fold Mot the pleading look
•"Something le the metter?" she lier tr uld d
0 0 °Yee tone o a ,, the facts. •
.• "Ilut you, whet' aro, you here? 'Why "Of eourso, SIM will Illake ti fuss. "Well, 1. helm you, get •lier,' • - • • • rmer etse-I don't eee-'-. -
POidt liPPrehensifelY. 'Whet has "1 want te go; -the trip is sloth mg. el„,,tee„ er1„eoe broadly Os . he I With the *id of cedar kindling* ehook her head. "You sold 'Etienne thiekening nig•ht as elm eahrgentlY1 ing at the Caredien National Wahl.
haP1)alied " raltwAhld - . It'S Oc.izig'' 'We"' willulee7"-it-nieene ,.:747-01‘ Ziii t - ' carried On the sled, he soon had. a fire was hurt. Now you say it was some You have wan. fru give all I, have teen contains 54,720 square feete
"Etienne ohot himself."' leaving the mission. I supPatie." "'""'" °"- -- "'n. I under the teakettle
. .
did Yee gone," TO it will look immoral -your. Behind thecounter Garth"•0.0 YOU realize how you have fig. rq,assmos hteontakm,
"For you.' going -fro oeVo a Man's life" he 'eurled u or: a bundle of blankets for noreu your passenger, Mr. Exile ?
, • said,•
"'Ver ane.tii go it* Elkwan ?" Dae. eavagely, 'but for you -An ern
ed. at the idea, her holed Ionlit her' teem, with a life At stakeiehe plead.
forehead, while the chatterine 'is there Any choieere ,
drat crowded ettelously ortmod theme She sn•tiled wistfully as she gazed
wante you, litiOrZ 1114V IY‘ over f * • ,
tette/tie-and You know evolieds- lave hire° got •to ge. It's in me blood
everything in your kite -handout to' help them -the wounded."
' heart leaped' it the' words. "To
. ere lielp the etre:lg.-4o help mi --is that
in your. blood, too, ban Quatrier ?"
she parried. • .
• Again.:In cergrol of himself, the
. „
-Mated, Guthrie,' ernotheeed his own
e emotion in this. thought ' for the
= stricken .friend Blirnan) for when,
belted Ilea to the WM he 'respected
:end the girl ho, loved. And he won.
,edered what ;would say to him
when she leareed of the deeeption.
That elle weuhl• haveepotne. :et rend -
3l, had •he 'told the' ffigh. he had no -
'dote., het the eocret, of Galbraitles•
nreeence Elltwart was truet, este.
vouli Re had *tedda.Creneron
that the erew of the CAW had died
to mane At Albany, /teething Mc.
DonoldWas a deed On the *eV
_ up, the.- toaat)'40art guerrier should
eleerri the. truth. : •
IA a io0h, .faith! ° Guthrie'
sndly shook his *head. "What must
rIng*Ift and ' , Trio to. convinee you?"
wept.* ettiele erbe:;' . mede. no • answer. ,
• ' Loekiette up, Garth's**, bundled in
111141117EL :cep ',mid emit emuch toe large for
.,ohaie41. ort, note blocking thetr
"You are . lig on -this mad lour-
• ttert" the s 411 voice of Swan de.
• mended. eV° 'you hold Your xeptita-
- • - thin. so eluseply1
• $Y 14. liteDonald? Elie cried
I'M 11.0Ore nlOOP, MAU Ins aogovere is is my tirot ride behind OM d'ege "Yon said. lien fatind him -dead On the
nt to take tbe einetyemile no path and wanted to talk *bout them: sehooner?"
official% bad died On the Ghost. inoPecting ehe willow thicket, 'were nett:no:tie Pen net sur,-#. Etierm
'to Elio.* and the. siek Man who, The 'huskies, exeePt 44%4 VA0 Nitaa -orro woo ofivo, but very siek,.;..40Ar:
At noon. he drove his re re h p a, g m their harness, entifing e„e eneeen t t 0,
1 8 °4 hungrily at the odor of baton, New "*"" aa ita a a
team to the mieeion where bane that he was gone with zoat, was to while r came to ask you to go -to
stendlog 'beside her duffle bags, livait be alone with her through the lone- halP-°.
ed in Ow snow. • miles to Elkwen, Guthrie felt lie wire this friend whe saved
With the right load of tole Pe800n. - tie be had your France" she asked,
stronitelY diMdent,
gem, the big runner sled-itswooden laid the truth before her, told of the wide.eyed with surPriee,
abseSr shod with fee* whichslip ntor love lie bore this broken thing, once "Yes, Capt. Craig. Galbreith. Re
a hard surface with lees, friction than /wed ae Laughing McDonald, watt, took the *cote of efersonaide,"
steel and can be renewed at will, ing in such sore need of het /Mete- "Whew fie dieappeared after the
*ewe he sport for the 'Ave Powerful tratios, And reeeiteed. her ahsolution, moeeere ene broke he
doge. il/rheine, as ho would, to bring for kis deception, he would feel Mat *Iwo is =Worthy of Joan quer.
skill and Medicine tothe coor of leee with the woman who toed the . e
tlie guest at Ellee1an, Garth oped to worie. eel% the staric troth hi her • ti y,
reach the post before dawn, but much eees; , "But hie deecription tallies with
.depended on the light. A thick night. eLet mo igee she went op. "/ late* that of the 'Man *anted in Ualifax.
wouldslaw the' doge to e'relk while Cietor and Pollux,but that crown . YOU forget that I've seen.' him..." ••
crossing theJnouths of the big --rive cetera orte?" - e .. ,Guthrie **razed to the defense of
ers,:eveltere • tide' erecke. opened and • • seet amyl rAdo,,, he laughed, "and his friend,: goslippoe he, is the maxi e
eloeed over "night Ittel . thetrail led the whita,,rray one, is ,Aeneaeee.e
. ..14F;it strange, that a limn, branded for
through litinumeke ad ridges. bad, *Amino? And • dims' he run elfeY life with that grimata," he .Viendedt
going by day -at, night, heart -break- frau': eher like hie. rtamesake?" ' . . • oe, . mee irreltd,. gensitivk, - eonilos,
'tea promising to
eoltrou're not sorrY00-•etithealveeltt I': 5.1tkreadt-o mfaoag*,..haddeg4esnzrut tryth.e. 'Mom; What's won-.shoulj. go '• mad when •the Wife
Sta ific" °°n- he elierielted, as' I know be -did, turns,
• h wrapped her in robes and Ow* . h rrgelt: - . ' • in 'horror of ofils scare, to a lover ?
• ed, her bags. '' . • , :"-Wh*til* the '!xsoue of ;that :40Fir •°" Tell me, is it :granger: •
: She shook her held.. "Not 13 thee who groWlirlso.'pau" air " .. - ... ..„ . , ,, . , .
joist, Mr, Exile; I'm reconciled now . "Oh, that's Aeldirek If Courieftim its:xl.tie-AwrtitetulAtTri.,,.. 0. e,,, • elie obviated,
to the hise 'lit" the lab Arad or 111,Y .utilger.2 -B..nt. ' U19 110t ad: mu, els of a ,e.e. , • '
reputation. • It was 'a wild scene—in hero, two aitufdy lama a, Castor, *No, not If 'the num was struelt. in
the house % 1TheY even prayed for l'oe and Shot feught him' to a et:Masten rth, 0 'heat et ' P*4.1"11-41: Ohl/11th
When they imilized threats were inrce:"* •' . . ' •• • ' ,could strike. It wae retribution.,
toe.,,,,, , romehie,heree $;i7yrgir of the steam -"After ell Ife Was gallant sol.
Prayect for You, --you bound on int• •
ing to driver and d°01'o• "Ituu awnY'r Khribr• Sho4 the hone with the Victoria cross -twice
• errand pf,retereY? In the tante of all
the stints, they'd let an intioctent: men -
'ilie-lisf*Sitit741f leriseier • care, because
of rnr reputation t, I must be **low, ,
ster to them" , •
She laughed. "Yee, I can'truthe
fully say that after whet my brother
told them, they think YOU area ter,
• eihle person." •
"Do you?" he .e.emintl,ed, leeeleg,
Meer the . •
A Ite.strul Night (
rAdd saloyame*". - ea birIf- ---------------------------Iel;P"e-u/le•
*vise you a delightful heeskiagoacjourstry.
Ithele wostZvery sight Setwown
Buffalo anci.Cleveisind i
Ceureakies Clevelend foetal** lbw"
Detroit sad PoitaneWase • .
DatlyServire May Ise to November 14th
Looriod 1*00 144 Miring Tx311444. Mo,
Ask sop Wee VIVIV VP Wale 61.010:
- fir VA* ViVC WA
14 OW LOW Fare *4SO ZS
ifir SOSO
east Tama* Ceaspair
us** saw. 14,
• 1. ir •
rt I 1
Sisiety Cossaittell
me, nom. GO. IL, HENRY,. efiewesee,
s'Nire11000" her dark eires fivisited urti
into Id% "not exactly terrible, rethey
...what shall 1 oeyteestiehborn."
atfaMie, Castor!"
Anti the huskies, with Shot *head,
galloped to. the' trade -house. There .
the...Cameros were waiting for the•
girl wito had, also; burned her bride
gee. Shortly, down the cliff trail end _
over the river.ke iece4 ., :the.
ferrying hope for Craig Galtawithe=
deep in delirium • at. Elkwan. ninety* •
•edit. mile* *woe •
.Mthey left the elver snd tnrnee
up thee mast. Guthrie's, anei'ous *Yes • Richiromts
circled the gray horizon foe indite. OP'ENING tar CS
cons Of what would ftallew the haste.
mothered sunset over the Keewetin FRIDAWAUCUSII
muskeg. rIX' days, now, the weather
bed softened to ahteve *era tempo*. ailit Hew VISCOUNT WitILINGDONAC310 C..CIL 1111
ture, * characterietie of %lames hay_ esessiseee heeprie corsessia Goo* ffiegfferekeo
Winter*, WWII aremild.r than those •,
of Die forest coantry to the scut*, IMOICJIIIM OF ORS? STIOU4N11114141. AIRCIAFT SHOW
end he prayed ter * bright, night, ele: alutoTAL Aut rola IAND t‘jr "ow pgoisjoirowom
his thoughts *were buy with the
tragedy of Craig Galbrolith mur 1000,VOICE ItXHISITION CHORUS
MA part in the:climes of this pitiful- • sseow000lih 3M.moil& Ale rues Mood
"4°17*11144 Itaistimilo Pogrom of Spoimi Costies liasie
. The dahlia he hod made beside
the hunk in -11w GliOitt-ance
-Iry elk As- WIL0****autairetiesas.
Oteiiesve Pridasi AW110 MON • 110.0aw • Dal Weal.
etruck on a feaeibie plan of prated -
ure, was ineviteble to the man who
owed his life to the heroiem of the --- --- --"- stricken Galbraith. Rut tho situ*. AN IftellfeltLY NM AN* DIPOINEN'S
tion which Guthrie faced, as he watch. , . 2 MIDWAY
ett the high barrens of Akimiski catch ' st MN* sou ibletertsialue DOOM AND 01410Dift Mows
end hold the veiled light of the 11P,
ing sun, might /easily result not only _• ACRICUILTUICE
in &newt from the tompany,but la *11 no 101111)411,01/4 VIM *11111,000 Patio List
in arrest hy• the authorities. Hit • rd intlauty imAptATHoN swipe gm Two g000to,
clear duty to his employers had de. " ilVIDIVICSDAY* AlleaUST 11006, ler *NM
mantled thet be report to Cerneron 10 fillien,,•001010410•1011 1. WA* 16111,16,
the presence of Laughing 111cDonald VORDINESDAY, SEPTSMINGNI tee OWN
at EMI/VIOL The informstion that nMad Iff$00101, el IftessestIs Daub
• Nucleon's Bey 'factor had concealed •111111es-Ceasoteasing st 141 Rai* Sharp
from the government s man 3118. •
Wird Of Mahler would raise s hoe*
net** neat in Ottawa, All this Garth •
Guthrie had seen with dear vision -
** night 'before, when he shared, hie
plan with Pe lent*, hut as his eyes --_
• reefed for an instant on the trogie
I fee* of the friend who. that de, in _
front of Amite*, hod not counted the
eut, there was in hie fate the leok
of $ man who would ropey to the
list farthing.. Ottawa, the compaty
he had served Os writ, wore noth. ing.
There ley Craig Siahlralth, ekk,
by the taw he had Merit (It.
aertitti-litatthlwg hirthrwaht wh*hem-
• sa had fought for the tratte-hiS
• friend. OM he wool") woo it tient**,
Craig uhrtakt lump hl* Mere, alight '
as It hwArtl. lgith the woman of the
Vest lwart and the skilled hands. lw -
was barrette saw Oar so...-Ie.as feet -
111 Alilaglivas .naloi trawl. 1folt
' oa, Oaths,* V. C. as yea habil at
THANIU aleat
whia. olim
Vit* SAND ww4
*post %nue
DM** seol
aver. V
Olaimile afaiisal
ae4 Trasiold41 ddll CAIN
Aooneal Nis
vewp e't
The throe danliitt0211 Of the Rt. }Ion.. Ramarry MacDonald, former
1. Peewit*. of Groat Beg:tine who are vellum; Canada with their
father. The thotmaph, token. aboard the Canadian Peale liner
*X10011011 name_ *owe: Zoo, who is a second year medical
• istesissett lebbel,*41dest daughter -the youngeet member of the. Lone
dims Cnone, and Sheik,tile youngest,. who is still at schooL
• . ' •
am by t410 ittPrettle grace of its Fisher body
tines -won by itt matchlen performance -0
won by am *need, its ecceisration, 1te strength, its
comfect0.0thousiusds have Wert won by the trew
It has taloa 1,777,1)00 miles of vigorous endue
on the Proving Grounde.long year' of scientific
investizetion in the:ft.:search Laboratories...the
inepirstion of the artiet and the supreme skill of
the eogineer-to win these thousands to
place_ Oldernobile. two, years -ahead -ire style and
There is in the new Oldsmobile every modern
feature -and Mere Fisher Bodies built of
neletted hardwood and steel give strength and
resilience with all of Fisher's artistry. Pour
Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers, an insulated
chassis, 3lienced interiors...give the quiet corn -
fart of a truly fine car.
Acceleration from S to 2$ miles in 054 seconds
in high gearl•00 and -.four-wheel brakes give
security in every emergency.
Drive it -mark the smoothness -the power -the
flexibility of the new SS h.p. precisiombuilt, six.
cylinder engine with OMR cylinder head. Note
the tore* of new features, including controlled
cooling, crank ease ventilation, pressure labs&
cation, oil filter, air cleaner, fuel pump, fall auto*
/ludic spark and thermostatic chergieg control.
Then as ft hu won thousands...it will wits
You, tont 0.111.1434
20001It UMW
AT receptor, 1011HAWA. DRUM
Goenewei Teen Ewa Sore rint Poet
Coloil Me/re own flo fermi ilavaew $s*, rfINAC rfade•
yrs or *vim awe acts•alea my of laplog
yaw fa Asa
FRED ROWE (1410efook
IMI S.9i..411111.0ME