HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-08-23, Page 3THUR8DAY, ALOL ST tied. tags Mesa* CatMed Tanibie lialleelsi urZel..51 Te' bone, ea leo beak et aq met amt tes mg woe. tees ohm *Mem I wee Sewn to Iwo ray wort. Vest 1: mead get maw of teem beated wined be more break eat et setethee *ea "I nes end teat way Wood soda ettrientmg sail te Neighborhood News N ets Picked From Our Ex I 1 lab limmillionm 71 11 11 , 1 On 1 NMI Tall GODERIGH STAR 1 wAs imity mums the towa people wag se the ner ,111111111111111111111/118111111111111011911111111111111111111MMIIIIINI.1111 re net I neat to tell yea." co•itie • Men fireltb Comm Tersest' telag see Mr. Baer. eche thing bee e'er • die • De. 11/111isatie Ptak intle vatted.). revolutionised earl itobodt son towns what he needs. teed 'w- hirs. iQiower Stiller. Leurdete N. Se ‘, body kaows sem what he notate." toys teat swim, in her lifetime she 1 Special Prices lass ream.* to be thankful for viket 1 toiret we remember Bier AT 11 Dr. Williams' Pink Pins did for her. leentiett thet „the wofd 'nuelmente" wa- sh. soya :-.411 was a very daiirat4 trot in s thettonery end the con. loci Kagegeoteat Asewsuiced . brothers, George and Fred Hardy, a . girl going Moe noinanhoted. when f OW ParultraPhil of his lateet effort Mrs. J. Crawford, of Blyth, an. Lindean• 1, first found beesilt from Dr. Williams' itnet!ai!de,', de not seem to have a. very flounces the emtesement a her Meant Carmel Mos Dies la Atte daughter, Vers. Hill. to Eric, only son! Amideet PiXs..A loarotsatImiteravieiffmtoreotrhwolotith lotroaennTim.. Kieovveietwil4f apareisoeittiotw-dasp eo,..Thnti.., I 1 of S. end the late M. Bower.Latvionde, euebted Hogan, aged ee, of mount rwralialearte seela Ve around at ily wen PeoFle as a whole, or eve* of London!, late of England. Thel Carmel. was tamest instantly killed au, one day wben I vfas very eke a aprolatornswod tit: r:eeritnafiguee of them. de not thew'i Anglican church. London, early - • and five otedher ace. aliments of e co_upe i friend came in to see me, and aho said i need by the Boole marriage To tske place in St. Mat -- mother. elihy not try Dr, evin. ionfrbztowotouoludopsdissesetrhetioravrodtemeaento. in September. , were innir when tne csr enema, to my into a cement bridge at Corbett, tent lams' Pink Pills, 1 know they will do The Tema was no witness at ell need be eine.' t'ci tit- ., rieve Re•ualost the town line between Stephen and i her a world of good' box. The verdict is given of "WHY about 1:45 .hittnideY my mother got six boxes and 1 began 4 almost without weighing the evilence A re -union of the Grieve family rieGisivra. morning. Auxust 13th. The iniiiied t their use, mid I soon found benefit W as held at Bayfield recently, when ii • By the thee e bad taken ,et alL The masses of Cansdian neo - splendid day wee spent by the imme. are: • Wm. edacKeon. driver of the I from teem wichine, bruised aml shaken UP, J0e. i them All I felt an altogether different inotletbditottgo bk S Li ea ev" ee *till" utetitnegarahtins, Mate family and relittives. Repre. girl arid no longer suffered from Regan, arta injuries; Zack Morriesey, upon your life and mine, or unoll sentatives were present front Toren. . to, 'Stratford and Settforth, and 20 sat bruised: Oswald Hall, bralaed awl cramp* aud, pains. . led I vat very thong" i food down to a wonderful repast. eut and' Dennis Doyle.. heed 111JUries.i Then si few° years ago I Wee at. their life and ours insofar as dealing a baled reneely am I tiot net • 1 Death of Former Clieton Resident 1 ticken with influenza, and was Wyk with one another. srd one another . with time way moren"e Ensagentent Announced The following refers to a former for alit weeks. Again 1 started tan; with all eothetreedheerebe.eY making one ' Motanfactured etejebyeriner,eleaeme Mr. and , 1drs. 3. A. Cudmore of resident of Clinton. Mr. Pay Imola ing Dr. Williams' Pink PMer and etellemixonerv!otonoeireaoe7o. 10.13 oze mmaissetet: of ON uguted, Toned*, Oat. Holinesville, announce the engage* the dry goods business there some *gain they brought me goad health. e e" . (havelo t ht of) th plaint ilium- e- -..----... 1.EGAI, CARDS , r. R. DARROW. Barrister, Solleteor, Notary Public. lite. broker following the collision bs- Pink Pills to sny of MY friende who garde, reY best interest, ntibest con. Suecessor to J. le Killorau Mrs. Moue Simpson cern. tbet every man lute hottest tight - The death of More Elizabeth zee. twee. a Milton bus end a C. N. R. rosy • ed engine ten days ago, arid never ral- If YOU. see steering from- in -y- ''ton. to alt that which honest labor, ee-- Peen? 97. Office, The Square, Roderick . , ment of their ekiest risugIttere Mare years ago, first, with Mr. Hodgme. I AM the mother of a family and do ion Hazel, to Geo. Delights, only son litter with Mr. J. Wiseman. The all uty own work, so you see 1 home lusted fact. as it stande out in that of lir. and Mrs. Z. I. Ward, of El- death oecurred on Friday afternoon to keep in good health. and depend Booke.frone, Geneses. to Iteeelationt in whew The ,ouirrisge to take place of Mrs. atone Pay. Stamford town. upon these pins to keep me so. Now ,Peseelee. In Pratellne and in teaching h d • Inv best re. quMtly the latter part of August. ship. Mri. Pay had ber right hp I *Inapt recommend Dr. Williams McEWEN'S IN Groceries Teas Tobacco Dry Goods China Dinner Wear • Cali in and look them over J. J. MicEWEN TIIE SQUARE GODERICH EilliEn 1,EE. ' rett, wife of Moses Simpson, oecurr lied from the snack. The deceased dition due to poorowatery blood. or honest busittess, brings to nine lend "Now. thia thing is wrong. is ute serthrients and feelinge, which thin • T-0••••••, , at her home in Clandeboye on Wed. tidy was been in St. Davide) audited weak nerves. begin towns Dr. wit. only that and that elone, but the terly, decidedly, eind elaphaticalle, eountre gen 111 Worn to collate*. was ut her 114th year, and had beezillYed In the Niagara district. She is name rine pins now, and note. how principle 30 atrangly eumbseleed by wrong. Here tiVe PeoPle of big. same Telenhreies Elgin 8110-8H7 for Mine time IR etnerived by 'her husband, George •your 'evened,. and health will ien. the old Man to son John as the latter bread. noble miodO4 brimful of ere Barrister end Solleiten. nesday August 8th efrs Simpson i0 King Street East, Toronto a • a tountrY1 Amthuta Overcome.....Tho triumph 0 rP• s rfilstm wee Pay. and one daughter, Mrs. James ro y ewe ventured into the world of fortune thuemem, grit, aim. Pah, 4B y Mt meant /mete chokefull of pas:abilities, an educative owe asthma has mowed* tome. DUDLEY, 0.•110LMES,Exeter, where her girlhoodi A. 'Impart, ae visor* vas. me Pthje• end can get t.he" wee spent. . ' ter the accident, Mrs. Pay was ehows 60 cents* box feta, The Dr Willienen moneY oulth anY eviler in inedtchie, or at and dn*nce.• : meke it honestly if you .ea fl n syetem of whiett we are. proud, 4 re* Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthroa Remedy . . bits ever known. Lettere reeeivea . --"'" kets of AMerican-Canadian financine sibilities of any; previous age, and ali ==_--e..._ ----et- ----e- resident on •Saturday morning Aug by a broken steel proieetion. t 1 _ SPECIALIST' lith, when Miss Sarah Ann Ilutcht• eyg, EA,., NOSE, IIROAT ; ehison. Mise eluteldsqn woe a doggie. daughter. of Zurich. had a dangerous epees a white bead, our formerly' designed 'Pre, free. un- dgrade their possible achievement to 1 Cauadian National Eehibitiott Park level thee is beneath the human. I is 350 acres In extent. was born near Leelcarde in Durham nth, while driving on the BlUb Wee The children will like a' sandwich tratnelled Canadian-A.eneri can mil. or a Pee Mouse Surenen erten York 00- ter of the late -George Iliitchison, and accident early Friday evening, Aug. wade by combining strained honer Americatetanadian constitution. that is beneath the intellectual, that i thalmie And Aural flospital, assistant at . . Barrister, Solicitor, hietary Death of was s. A, Hutchison ing 'where to put the bus off the Medicine Co..' Brockville, dnt. but make it anywaye is a principle ligiOus standard that We ars fleeting, has proved the- most positive blase t i from thouiuttida who have tried it HONE 27 HAMM et S. STREET. Seeforth lost an old and esteemed highwae when she was knocked. down , • . and a preetice -which in tee open mar, high eelove the attaitunente and pos. Bing the victim of asthmatic Attacks Cotivoinucer. Eta. ' Car With Dr ind Mrte Cowan and Picnien ••igf Made bV eCnnbilling bard le largely ignored iti its first -counsel, driven With u nrianelal strength . f t ti 1 hi It 1 • y orra a es mon vit e aye* no Daugeter Turns Over is beyond even reckoning, or estimae d cooked eggs 'said title °Dee% Chan and in its meond couneel is being room. foe zubt that bere le * real eee,,,e_ • borne other blither. Mr. P. D. Hut- Dr. and Mri. II. Cowan and infant salad' .41reseing. Spread b tw the ingredientsi and . Moisten with Ueda ealtInDeo at Doted le amide age tion, and yet a people who are willing „ remade 'Get • it todav front your een Agetosinn puma onereast uemB to step down, to lower themselves. to ' . 1 dealer. DR. 10, J. R. FORSTER. , mon paesed away suddenly at the ter Highway north •of Gran mooreateins Eye 'Hospital and Ciold n County in Dia Squere Throat Hospital. London. Eng. * en and peanut butter for the woad. 53 Waterloo. St., S. Stratford.. 'Fele- Death, of John Kennedy in n new light sedan. When pro- c d ream cheese an green pepper ceeding alone the highwav another Phone 267. " h ed f the pion -sandwiches, are suitable for a, ter - At Hotel Bedford., Dederick on the e. 0 Kenn Y, one o - • motorist suddenly 013peared frona a evenifeof third Monday of geeit inoittii eer resklents of Culross township, lot kete.way and ran ieto their front noon tea or bridge. Chop green pep - till Rikfoowing dent Tesday, et 1 25, conceesion 10 Passed awee' on fender: eausine Dr. Cowan to base er fine and mix with cream cheese Pan. • ' . Thursday evening, August 9th. after forni a thooth este' Add papri- control and his car turned turtl% ° P t , in Se orth 1855k an znoite o d d t thee rg Othertiao stwisted and hmt.1 on rounds of brown bread or bean DRUGLEeS PRAMITIONEtte Culross 'when he was two Yeses Of The passengces were nehert except i bread slmeci very thin,. Another eimi. cetteohiA-c-Yeec " an illneeseof two rears He Was horn Th 1 t windowS were broken and ket snit nnd PePP" t° ne 3. ePtea age. His wife predeeeased him by for cuts from fieleer glass about the ple sandwieh spread for tea time. $ ' Int 4. N. A'lliCk184'sflx• - about four yesra. Surviving are six head anti ming, lwre, eowsuos head ! Made by creaming butter and addtng Chiroprectoi and Brimless. eriteearest, , - daughters and orte son. ' Go er e . , aed shoulder hit the windshield with horerAdzsft Sauce- chronic., oroanic and Nervous Diseases, Savauge-Holland enough force tb shatter the glass. . . • ' Equipped meth Diathermy,. Electro- The men -lege of Gladys Jervis Hoe, Emanuel George- im Reichert Pass \moSnetlis Baths, gleetroitio Etectr c BLOWING BUBBLES oreee-eete era atereeeneee, land, youngest daughter of Mr. and Death came aa an evenue to rs- For some time The Star has been \Office hours --2 to 3.and 7 to 9 P. in. Mrs. C. II. Holland, of Seaforth, to Wye the offering • of Emanuel G. eavorecl with a series of articles by aim dy teeointenenteeceptene Monday Mr. X. Ross. Savauge. elder SOD of Itelebert. of the Smith Boundary, anti Thursday attain:lone and evenings; Mr. and 'Mrs. F. S. Savauee. took staioey. Toweehip, on Thuscleim y, A. Mr. Baer, male of which were spe- cially interesting, dealing as they die Office hours---2.to iestati 7- to 9 0Mace on Wednesday. August 15th. at 9th, at the Vt. Joseph's Hospital. with old-time conditions and making - • Lady in Attendabee. ,,,,,,, the home "of the bride's parents The London, area 44 Years. 9 months and Residence old Olnee-,corneo or u---- leasin references to old-timers and serentony was performed' by Rev. W. te days, Deceased was born in Sten- Ph . grth St. and Beitz.noln Rood, mi initucric Mr. Baer --- / •-„ AleCTIONEERING IGMAS DUNDRY & SON. Live Stoek tuni----Generae Auctimeers, .for Buffalo. • met with an accident while turnine half a :a can 'no' c hen e those wheee P. Lime. assieted by Rev. R. V: /twine ley and lived ehere nrattically all his o.se . of Centralia. Later the wedding We: and was well and favorable e' drawn meet?' contrasts between old -tune conditions and modern con - lento motored to •Stratford from 'mown by all Whose le came in con- iti t 11 t th dv t Ah6ut three "ehs "` of the modern trend, and we suppose • which, olate -the bride and groom left tact with. Elgin Ave., Goderieh Beadte.sehaeaheee the corner of the Blind Lime and the 0 I le bei agent now wie be Tooke Saes mute everywhere and ell armee ' " Zurich Rood, when he was hit by ae - - wade to 'dee yon-satisetetion. • A very quiet wedamg was solem.back and drawing crimper s ison Farmers' eater Notes discounted. nixed in Trinity Mite andthrown out r4f his rig -with lag church. Blyth, Satur. the result that he had sevetal frac- - between the then -modern days aed ' Phone 11% • • the le od old clays of 1928. We never day afternoon. Aug. title at a °clock, tured bones. including the hip, end • supposed when Mr. i Baer started his 'DOBKRT AGBERTSON. by Rev. W. B. littwkitts, • when Mee• although taken immediately to Lon- e . .. Elva Schoenhals, daughter of the late 40n, /ailed to maim recovery. ,Series on "Blowing Butibles" that he le, Auctioneer, Eldon St, iliOCIOrien would have nomuchtoaresalf..ionaZiwo "will conduct and arrange any sale on Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, of Dodo - BABY'S HEALTH are re • our a Alather the letest methodseto get best results. ...; p., and. WidoW" of the late Mr. GUARD see him, Or drop a card ' and lie .will Ed. Schoentutis, 0Clinton, eca f b - what variety 04. Straw 4444 lie IN THE SUMMER give It immediate attention. •Farm the bride of Ur. Harold Maitland Bete. . . ............ uses to keep the bubbles bulseling so Sales a specialty. die, Auburn. They were unattended. perpetually, The letest installment , The suinmer months are the most and --4; dangerous to. children. The com- a h * brother, we find we cannot publish in lull on NO MATTER WIWI YOte ARO . ow ball:trio nypir-,--. Miss Ellen Beadle ' NOTARY 4 V "*.'4"..... ..,4,s...... Choke, of Auburn, were wttnesses. . f which ee account of the wee in which !so many SmoN6.,-nie mem-room . Wei, BAILIE. • . Stator* Lions' Garden Par eye _neer holerieseinfeatuee eolie;eediaeletiefi- sertettioe on modern businese troth - 1 " 13EST 5ALC4,401 t d plaints o that season, 4:4` locaLnames are interwoven rn a d F ARE THO you eAm woe • NLVER FORGET or. You are sure „to need some bandy *weedy for Sunburn, Detect Stings,Thorn Scrstobee. Sore Pisces. woim,Imile has been provd tab. the beet. Take * eit yore SO. leo Dower oei Sense. ammtvlirmilmaimilm3UPC THE ERICH , is beneath the econoinieal. 'eeimath r teke art aunue the social. beneath the spiritual de. le411° 1.1 signs of god and heaven, The whole titilolyn iiinottletoenetanadian National Exhibi- sistern.upori which we aro cemandinei , .....„...e. ourselves is only "a bubble blowing" 1 system that will 'king us no normate The cheapness of Mother Graves' -ent good, °We a curse to the Ron., _Weer., ,,p_xttr_itilatti.0,,ranput, ,,s ....11 ..wiltddh tunic, a double curse to 'die social, eereeeerat." n'te " e "e gut et "'iv and a twiceolouble euese to the spir.o e"" Huai, savoring strongly of the el.]. • ADVERTISE IN VIE STAR cialistie, and even of the nuareltietie, .-------- 0-t---iLTOTARY PUBLIC ' . Swimming Meet end dysentere, come on so quickly odo, or perhaps we shim& say oh what ' Orn**A1 enPVerutr'll Ale* : A wonderful crow() greeted the thet often a little one ia Imond,ai Mr. Baer conceives to be modern bust- Oood ONYVatills, Reorosonted Sesfortli tiOrte Club in lie communitst Wort) tho mother. realizeS hi% I -$1-ll - nosh inethode. Mr. Baer is On solid Phone No. 298. Dederick Ont. effort ThuredaY evening, August 8th, The mother must Ite on her ffnard to ground, however, when he asks the lasieheetier- GE es. at the Lions' Park. The siget of do prevent these troubles, or if they'do queetion, -"If the City of Toronto and ••:••- •-_-' 0 •-* •-• ••••••*•-s• ';.0* --0---"--‘0•-• many young people taking part in. come on suddenly to banish. them. surrounding country bought all their ltfoied:i1P MUTUAL FIRE liegUR- the swimming events was favorably No other medicine is of such aid to goods from Cornfield's and Carrie's' .., 41-11* KIITY INSURED. commented uPon, especially the fact mothers durine hot weather 03 and Robertson's and Cole's, how long 'ARM' A:0 ISOLATED TOWN nROP.. that all these youngsters. resident in BaWs Own Tablets. They regulate would Eaton's remain: in business? 4' I' ERAV pawner). • 'Eyeteeth, were privileged in having the stomach and bowels and are ab.. These felloere are helping us to pay or value of ottertv insured UP to Jan- the opportunity to learn to mini the solutelv safe. Sold by medicine dealt for our improvements and advance - nary 1910. $3,018, 975.00. of having the Lions' Club peetvide ors or by moil at 25 cents a box front - inmate at home are helping ue to keep OteenFifee-eilaires Connolle, Presi- Brockville, Ont. Co., our own doorsrtards tidied up, are dent, (ioderichl Jas. Evans, Vice-Prest- such a beautiful spot for their enjoy- The Dr. Williams' Medicine dent, Beeeirwood; T. E. lleys, See.- ment. helping us to maintain our home so- Treas.. Sweforth. - " • ' Announcement' ''"'"ee ' ' visbility and our home life, our coun- OtRECTORS--D. P. *.StoGregar, Sea- SUMMERTIME IS SANDWICH forth; j. G. Grieve. Winthrop; Wro. Mrs. John Horan announces the trysides and oar home towns. Our Wrin, Conetanee: George. atereidnevi engagement of her youngest (laugh.' by 20AT:el"- te8„ eirooete / towns need our ourrounding home Tueeerstnith; John Ferris Harlock; country. We need our little luitn ets. Jobe Dennewiso, Droakebasont emorray ter, Marguerite Agnes to Mr. Grat- ' , . . .... . Sandwiches are popular the Imo We need our honie schools, and we Gibson. firucenold. .ten termini Flanagan, sox or ell'n round but with the advent of the plc- need. More than all, our home chive AGENTee-J, W. Tete DoderIch; Sandy and Mrs. W. J. Flanagan, of Strap* Leitch, elintOtil Wm. 011esileY. Sea. ford, the marriage to take plaee the. rile season tl•or4 is a special demand obe .. And. Mr. Biter goes on to (lay, for them. Dainty sanchviches alto "The trend of modern Canadian and lorth: a. Hinchley. Beaforth. • „ end of August , often form an imPorfent Part of the rn4Ati American tivilization is to eliminate, Policyhcoders ean pay their aisseee.. .. , .„. ` eve. 1 - it'e ' merits at Calvin Cute% store, Docierieh; Dlr. and oir$• ""I'' ''"3""1-, .- . for the aftorolen tea, bridtre parte. curtail, eut out, crush, all these high - Ndw is the time to etyour winter ...coal supply from the Heat Folks' `,'Coaling Station." If an ocean liner waited until It needed coal before filling up its hold, • There .would• come. a dangerops A..1. Moorish's °lathing store. Clinton; lett. announce t e engagemen - Or *today night suooer. There are ly.prized, pleasureeenrichinge scan - or 1 IL Reldn, Rayneld. . their eldest daughter, Elizabeth Anna time of drifting' on the high se. 0 r. ain ames Storey, *Inge, sondwieeee „emelt the ehildren ery-onlialleing, lifiorewleing leetefite will like and elaborate ones for sip. an . advantages." This Princilde �f seas until help could be sum- ---.-....--•-:-' ----A- x t X Wini I , rot* tssulitaatcy IQ rd son of Mr. Stironel and the lite Mrs, moned: • lime it attended to by the dal occasions. Types range all the fulling at home is one which Tiv B.tar Storey, of litaillote the marriage to If you wait to fill up your bin un- wEr woman meg*. oge iesggeeggge take reaae the latter part ofnerwiwitonts . weath bad Augttee tvay from an' open eatidwieli to a tri. lose always preached "and the nrst fit come cpie decker in which the elices of message in The Ster for some/ weeks • e et si Yi u may • Establethed 1818 - . mebreed are held toetlier with skswers. past has been the elegem "Buy at be sending out distress signals, wad Oahe: Dungannon, Ont. . -On August 471. s very quiet wed. A delicioue send:etch which is near- Iforne; Help Pay Your OwnlitoneY toe! Wm. ,L Thompson, • Auburn', Ptvs4; ding was eolemnized at the home of e • • , Wm. Watson. Viee Pre.; James Dir. Re / a, ma ty a meal in itself consists of t. in spent out of town helps pay taxes nut Better "coal up". today. , w Ir. . ea , ulay Quebec City ' slices of cheeme. fresh. tomato Ata of tewn. Local. fatriotism is self - CALL TSB mcouilian, St; lielehs: We P. Reed, WItett Evelyn Adams, of flee art , bacon arranged in the order given on intereet. yin, • o . ' it, No. 2, 1,uetinow: Harry L. Sal. Ont., MS united iir marriage to hire eeid, Dederick; Mex. Nicholson, Lucke Joint Gorden MeDermid, of London. a slice of broad and viand und„ns 11. nmvi "m arilfin# n' N°. i'Llekn°w; Mr it d bfr t 1 err e o on Ma neatli the grin te meet. Serve te11 According to ere neer the country (b is Hewitt, Itineardine; Bent. David- ' „Sandwich with fraili celery or cold folk are leaning bad ways front the son, Durigannon. supported the bride end groom. Af- t. elaw towr neople. "A tuntber of years Bate -42.00 *or thousand, ter spending a few dos in Queoae, ' THOS. STOTHERS, T. (1. ALLEN. Mr. and idre. Meinermi11 left on a Try making' a sandwich spread of ago," he writes, ita pronlineet_ mgr. for Good creart Coal pulp and -all bran pit threaten bunt a' Goderich 4e.id to mei It Ci Treas. motor- trip to Montreal and other Prune 0110110041 Leese.- -eel-- • a feed grinder and a little lenton B' 'MUSTARD' Jake tumble ot an to teen: geode to' you points before taking un their resi. , • 111111000111111111111111110,011 donee in London, Ont. • ,,, add d Alt eagooiate, eood eeedeneit fer(he meant the farnung cities). It s phone 9$ ,,,,i, codeine, Won- French Seleolareltip e._ !other II. Beattte, who graduated with bettors from the University of ' British. ColuMbia this year, hos been awarded si sehoIarehip • of 10,000' ANTED . 44,000 ' ranee by the French Government for , post -graduate faddy it France. Be i will saR in September for Davie to i begin a yeseet course at the Sor- bonne. Atter is et son of Mr. and , Mee; Henry X. Beattie, now of Vare . • eouver, and a grandson of Mrs. Jas. fteettie, Of Peaforth. Its reeeivednis publie fteltoof edtication and took his , . . pee*. You •knoty what yet ware J. -COMPANY BrODrieti BrOS, flie rono-R1CH Leataiitt . Futtral Directors awl Embalmers alte Ambulate*Serviro Orders eerefally attended to at all liouts-niglitor tiro,. We aro the inspeeters of anatomy in and for the C:ounty of Huron, Phottes: Stere 120; itesilettee r, 1 7 ° 110111111111101101111111111111111101111‘ Entraffee examinations Sietfortli.. A Father Paws sneseeeseeteweesereeerwwwenonAitiene etre. Humid Neel, of the 11196 Lines 1 'neer Clinton, received the lad news recently of the Budder' death of het' , father. Mr. Albett Hardy, of Til - say. The fete Mr. Hardy was attic** ', while et work in the hereeet field on his farm arta enctumber before. • ' medical itici toed b• lta IVA', a higelly est/trete/I tesiderir; of the townehip Ope. 'teeing lived al. evot his entire life tete vitinityef Tendeay. Beiodes hie wife he !eaves tr. tenure their !nee ore daugliter. WI H. Nest. Of. nai toto S. A. Wheeler Fano al Director and Embalmer 1 . Wench, Ontario ww Ali c:t"g0 Vt..).„.7!:•._i to •"*,w. et•rniiht., 11100,,... tarot,* )1110 Ilan* 133w HARVESTERS For Canadian West mos greet yr toe to onto booed, bet tett west of $1,54,01:1) nue! To WINNIPEG n."tr"..441,e0tsettrrogiarteavanapecou% to cent ese mile, stooks point GI Wiarfirieg. _ • 411 Irratriatatlatal In Clotatio, Tonente end east to Hinettore Seethe rent, and Redrew jentc. '‘ it OW %mote to :Whorl, includhig line egedonte to Midland. Aug. .o.,4 Thera stations kt Oatadoo Tomer° end moth, twat end north to Dolton, includeta sdletatioes lee it Oitteato est tbe Widow Ceatral; Pete efeetteette:VAndtor, Teseitend Like Shore ; Gond Minor. Peon eLlike trie nr...i.d..i..N.a.omtih..d.e..ren, ..,w.5714e Ta.o.r.s.o.nn-it..ot.i.„ ewe endeDttiobge% Relree-.e Ai statom Mit WAsof 81.tt.... a..en-d--R--ee.o-f4We Janetion„ svetyaor Service Leavitt') Goderieh 7 a. tan. aad 3:40 p. Chilitrato N. B. PURITY, Town Passenger Agent CANADIAN PAC, 'Fi Taste This Delicious Coffee At the p. N. E. When yOtere s he EX. -and • you're a. bit tired and In need of refrestunent-come to tbeteational -Grocers booth in the Pure Food Building and eitioy a refuelling . cup Of Goid media COffee. Yotell like Cold Medal -thirty judges unonimously proclaimed it the most delleieUs COON ever tasted. . Every .purchasero of a cup of Gold Medal COffee at our booth win re- ceive a eoupon redeemable int yourown. groter at the purchase price titi (lento) when applied te the turfbase...elf-flold-Medal-Ten or Coffee. Come to our booth--driuk a enD of Gold Medal, Coffee -get your COU11011. Once you've tasted tile Aeliehtful' flavor of Doni Medal Coffee we know "You'll Drink It Maim" " ' •,'"" • 1. Ili Drink VilAisaitt" It is GOLD MEDAL COFFEE NATIONAL GROCERS COMPANY LIMITED Booth Nos. In gods 173 Pore rood Iluildior DOM/INK:0N57Ort •••••vellY, ebe 'Willfra *MOW owiw "01111011A1114 TOUR cupola • PIU1IMILYIK0 SOPIPL111111 AT D0114114101111 STO*1111 .M4D 'SAYS sown r$11111:1•AT*10 1,0tati 684 choke comeitio* lorfaatartritie Rogroaliltfat - LUCE lit POIratolii 111111)1"1:111 Raminst +011 1$46. 29t 1.41"0/4 111"' S42,1 JP." 21: pH* ateli1.12 de.. POWs* DM L'e.*%54s5*22gs East** 900. stfiriumnistrzsGtoil ciaTO iloeffiv2. VINZGAIII,„ aites' 44. infAstryto, BLIT Er R tr .1% WIAPP110 ). grzat.f.4.- 42. 110001101110K VIAND COSS 1PLAKES 9. In •Santaihricasys %It* CAM* Flash white* a PM&ze 00.0.140 ves434/4" :601*i-a raorii; 8.4 11,47mikopitfrg4i•I 1itsfAio*41414 ik 17. • - Leal Nov timkori ' CrIA arso PEAS lismt auk cam* 4444107 Learn* 2 reit 23* 'mod.39• .4/1a41141,11.' -