HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-08-23, Page 2- 1.3.c 9 r I I II IR. II RI IIIII • Only teas growaNiZroatt kit Aim asa Iond OM need am Palm Mend — the llavaur k therolare tialser, vain *want and asaall mem delIdena than odor tam Only 430 sr 4-111.--Inty It at any pommy Maras OiLi 111 'king% 040/ TErz GeDsitica grAR _ Jima aamamormaa_ _ , tees 33 theuge they wire icicle of the' years in the past, the oraceptionallY 1 logieI kecomes grotessioe. and OW., bur weatlier Maw the exert of /34-,i', courage* the mete mediocre .elideteti; nig *perste:me boo exabled farmers . from phylical trainiag,- the article., to tut and 'tore practically ail of the' declared, JE grotte. in root aad groin crop* the! fere Holds** Dead i yield protheses to be more Doan twee Dy the death ef Viscount Ifalesne il all, s'etait Prospects are beight fosr a on Sunday at Chien, Porthehire, ecet-peefitable season.. ?land, there heso imetsed a inen wae was O Rust Proof Wiliest Peeheps teredited with tbe rserganitatioa or,,,, t•I'h4 develetment of a. grade the British Army in the nine yearalatcat that will be rust resistant is ' preceeding 1914, and the eenecquent a rrospect of the very near future, /ability of Great Britain to send a i according to Mr. le N. Newman, strong expeclitioniery force to Erance ttforninion Cerealist, who is now in tite within a few day* of the outbreak of West. Mr. Newman is looking into. , the that Wee, Yeto who, tieseeding the situotion of "Reward" wheat, ttsc Lleed George, was treated with the , which is not rust proof, but growe ea , basest ingratitude by his Reentry. quickly u to moture before the rust ,No British statesmen contributed meson develops with the humid wea- more to the succees of the, Allied ther. This year "Reward" bas ken .. in 1915 he was treated an if he were' farms while 467 farmers are grow,. eause e said Mr. Lloyd George, "Yet soW4 on 400 acres at experimenta l a traitor to hie native land." ling lefrom limited samples distribute During the early part of the wer ed arnOng them. The septet so far is . his jounelistie enemies otttaelteil Esla Stated to be most encouraging. • dane bitterly for an unfortunate son- . . tepee dropped in the course of a speech some veer* before to the ef- fect tDat "GernmuY woe hie seiritual 11°Vinisee. ount Ilablime was 72 yeariedol and had eniotred excellent health till March of this veer. I I I nutty apples -in the Okanagan Valley, Heavier Croe fit Sight British Coluntbia. (Vinson is, how- .Reperts from Western Canada ias ever, divided ato to the ameunt ef da- diceee a yeevat. (mop of 500,000,900 maze rosulting from this cause, some lboishele er more with haevesting ol,.? growers holding that it will seriously • eietione geneeet!theougeout tee esemeeeffeet• the uut_nber of fantrgrade att. rt ProVineeE.!, The crop of other Philo eldliefeet. oats, barley, rye and flaaSeed, neCidieti* Drivers Penalized •arrill be between e00,000:000 mai 400it In a drive Against rnotorlate who 000,000 htlahele and the value of II'broke the traffic hove of the Prov. Itlin ere° te The WeltwillaPPrexi'' ince o Qllehee; 601 automobile drivera mete $75%900•000, based on the re° were ebarged with earioue offensee, eults of_ the Ittet three years and pre- ,203 of them easter their heeeaes eau« tient eticess tolled and 8a0 being fined during Ten Minion Tourists eheee 'days last week. The Pr ev inc la 1 Department of • ObloPle Celeteats Criticized Highways for Ontario 'estimates that The svorld's "mad MO" for swats more than 10,000,000 American tour- ing ehamplonshipe, as exemelilled,he lets will vielt Ontario Ibis year, and the OIYMPie garnet is eeverely criti- spend Approximately 460,040;04 in eised by the newepaper Otiservatore the peewee. An influx of 2,500,000 Romano, the Vetietin organ. While vieitore from other gauntries le ex! Praising. "sane and normal" physical eteeted, 'bringing the totalirtizlitateto exerciires, the newspaper particularly revenue from tourist OAf 0 asaidled over-eMehasia- of *Porting *100;000,000. 'eoropetition, for 'women, deploring the fact that the games in which they tn. Son, Scald on 4000 • i gaged were not always "appropriate As s reault of the unprecedented to thee! _natural dispositions angel& Stiti scald Wee The Ott -Rat -14i Ot-the vic- &bake: ackgrouiid p4t.'0.),OH..NEW and larger ErskineSix in tlie foreground... a lias everything 't• eo ott s ete • minutes prpstigo'.44.7.$ years quality manufacture. Driveit 104Rttle F. H. WOOD & SON DISTRIBUTORS. GODERICH Mait in Ovando by. A •New• Bruanwicket light Fire,. Isoseee New Broawiek is experiencing lighter !osaea from forest fires dole yea than ever before, according to aeompilation of returns by the Forest • • Seri V;Ifi °e"retTlit 411.14211A an Ilea. eh oho s at Idle Ira been reportedt„_.:tilhertv - r loss w o an e Isrooge to private preperty, euelt as houses, cameo, fence'', etc., was $2.125. Favorable weather and proautions adopted by Forest Service have coms bitted to keep losses down to aminis • , teem. British Immigration Live Topic Lord Levet; Chairman of the Over- ' seaa Settlement Board and Ong., of those primarily reeponloible for the ` 'bringing out of 8,000 unemployed (miners to help with the Western liar - vest, is now in Canada to study and discus; the whole peoblem-eif-inigrae --- time He had a conference with Pres - BOY SCulress BIG. ADVENTURE r Kin before the lettere, deroarts 1111 DIDN'T MINK citZIENTERY RE atuavio Jehe reeiser, Imams-- I am a retuned ssiolier, M4 whim tame hems hut usirmes seitssed grestkr with. itrossesey.T. doom said it us ohmic sad did net Welk it amid be obeyed. Martiewar, be dieland as fur gait' s weer, bet did me ito pod. Oae dey the druggiat ass if bad ever triad • THURSDAY, AUGUST eerie 1028 011:3101==i01:20 Gent's Smart Wear WORTH 'WHIIX HAND TAILORING Slade in oar owe shop OUR SPECIALTY Also Special Orders to your Measure CHAS* BLACK 'ME SQUARE Phone 219 GODEitICH "WE LEAD" usms: AORRO: tOgfrOi ' VNA--,FaaNN', aaaaela 'EmpiThere is a simater und-ieurreief re a, verse grave tseere7.e:e. - this ngitat4en. aid all who stand ,for Empire eolidarity and eafetv 'should understand that here is a thing tette untleystoocl—end ogee Mr. BenOtt has dor vIziell to reounce in &Unite - FDY-TOX is protecting millione of homes frora mosquito invasion. The [entire borne- rate be freed front pies- quitoce in two minutes. Take an ime I proved FreeTOX Hand Sprayer and stray FLY-TOX• toward enti rerainst the ceiline until the finely atotaizecl. stray reeehes every part of the, room. Mee rtray the Melting's, ;Insole andetereeoa. It es abaolutelv strapless, safe. frse'rent. surf) and ' Pew to esp. FLv.TOX is the scion- ' tifie product developed at the Mellon Institifte of Industrial Research by Rex Fellowship` \Every bottle guar-. anteed.--Adv. "What do you consider the value- - of kisse"• •. ee "It's worth about its Atee value." JOB PRINTING AT TIE STAB • fle %easing The harbor is safe and caps able of floating teasels drawing ten "Oe reeenueendstbm beast% or twelve feet, of water. This place a bottle itad lifter I had tor" it of* will ebortIteebe connected with Def - IN raliet le Zs,: "to 149r., teto * railroad, preliminary stepe eels “netro Arilloteri vinee having been taken to that effect, ea e is needed to develop the resours up °sly by This T. MOW* tets rid, is the To one who has been accustomed to who boarded the C. P. R. Vancouver, the- pure and bracing air of the sea a - Toronto train at Bamford Junction, visit to Goderiett is St great pleasure meet Darer Sound, ripped open the on account of the resemblance Lake mail hags and. rifled the letters for Huron beats to the great waters of cash as the train aped through the the ocean. The traveller may view night toward Perry .Sound. dinneilee takes. Ontario and Erie without from the mail car memo. the tram mese emotion. Thor are merely had etimeed, the edifiers etas a car hares though vast. But no one can' and headed sentit at. high. 313eedr un'' VLke Huron without feelings of aware of the fact that the owner of the sublime. Its magnitude and pure in the car and two young' friends were pursuit. Murder quickly followed. water. entitle it --t°' the appellation OS - A dozen miles down the road' the Inland sea* When seen On still bandits' ear was. ditched. One of Ineenintr mernalee the houses and them went te a nearby farmhouse . (Meets. on its .banks, reflected from and got Thomas .Tockson out of bed Its transparent bosome-the beholder] to toy, them out with his horses. The la' lost in admiration, 'Again. when other rnbber apparently hid in +he agitated by a storm, the rolling of bueb. Juet as Jeckson stinted his its great waves, as far as the eYe cnn horses. the pursuere dashed un Omit- veaelt like the furrewed brow 'of an one vieible robber Immediately Chew forgotten. .9011 cal the S110t, 1*(1 of the mdse. I A Zbeleofts Tomato, Oat. a ees of Huron Counter, of whielt ,Gode- terms po this itation. 1 leg that the elm had been et° eer The entree giant, present a Beetle not sotoi gtin enti-his-firet shot killedjack- No teeeeeee teem teteoe eave merica without seeing Latta ing youth& Wolter Laird, aged 21* Thiren, fe, Visit to the Valls of lire for Perla to Sign tbe multilateral Jobn a 15 -year old Boy Scout, 'end Houghton Loied, aged .12, treaty* etit,I4Wieg WO/ ktt Ide more of London, Eng., now in Canada tor a though erixted oele 'with o monkey , by is eensidered indispensable inipeetant conferences have been and two months' tour during Which he wrenele closed With the desperado, l• oY all enlightened travellers, few ap- will be with Hon. Robert Porky, Min- hopes to see the whole geolltr1'. He ond ..olth000it tho lernier reeeived 'Pear to. be aware of the beauty and Wet, of Immigration. A general etts- 'Worked his 11710tr across the Athmtle two, bullete in hitehode end the letter I grandeur of this great lake. It is ing up of any restriations which apply, and hopes to work his way across the one threueh the band. best the des. the abode of innumerable Ash of the to the movement to Canada,' of British D ,olninion, ., eelsete fellow into insensibility and Attest description. migrants and facilities to eticourage --eoso- e held him for the pollee. An intAnsive Te the, people in the adjacent epee- . their coming Wile the PrlamPal Plea ` The Treaty to Outlaw War egareh is being made for the missing 44'4es-whet* time or Mettle do not - put forth by Lord U.Vat; ift his 'con' i PrebiwihererRetinogn Luiz pale Canada, ha to lhoantl.dittiteteheled.r-oleueetillinvile,e4'rythitrodtheoettisopurttrih- Huron ofoff-aertri ip to the AtIonaix Lake fereneee at Ottawa. It is understood. Paris great Attractions in that one of .the proposals is. that the t will ,sign the multilateral treaty out- of Feeler Sound. The motored Mal summer w its salubrious air. The %woe/lee now accorded the rigelcule Jawing war proposed by Frank B. tete° the now 'el John Thlraveki and 'videos of the f e‘ f I h ev rs o ow mars y turel Britialtertt and the measure of i Kellogg, U. $ Secretary f State his home as Toronto tri ' Minn es would do well to reotort to nastatanee even theta aheald, an a Most of.the world's great powers will *.**: _ a.. _____ the fountain of health during. the ilftv-fifty beet's. be extended to Britieh - artiseles, and that for each one corn- gatherinParis for the eerettreny on , . - be Lop esonted when the signatorlea IN teAr VP YUKV. , summer season. ,Yole would there re. a shattere . „ lug to a farm one should also coate August 27th. Great Britain will send Inteeesting t Pereernebs . Reprinted cru it hi 4 frame This is the true antidote to the **knees of reaction here to tide proposal is not to a city. It would appear that see Lord Gushendere, acting Secretary. for I from sn. Old flrodorich Paper very favorable. The attitude of Ca- oorrnany Foreign Affwittiris, and bothFrancoagyd, va.ttuerreope s of 14502 the Style h't tonert W"autengleasndtedleartsykrnegd vebsrat43,ttiaog:. nedion organized labor is aolverseetethereee whte gedixe.,,theynaat.7, . • photography, in 1852 • There are severs', lane towns, on while the municipalities, tepecially in the West, mem to fear that any ex. vet to uphold the poet. • . , , , foot of the lake. Goderich, the large. 1 teneive influx would tend to increate '. Enormous Fossils Discovered _ Ceomie of an advertisemoent illir2a est 60 mils up, and the rising town domestie unemployment met the les- The .fessilized bones, of the biggest Goderieh paper of June 1 th, ii; mtorxce., .wind.doutot.ti,e,ss._00ringe up.,with ponsibilitY of municipal governments animal, yet reorded have been seems. , Ditguerrutype lollteneSsesl J. ._ . - - --, o mear qui . la further up. soinIT t,OWarde those out ,ofework. * .1 ed by the expedition into the Great Coote ,erel A. D. Darling would. re- the progress of population and rail - A leserear old farmer, r. O. Shank,' Gobi Desert of:Inner Mongolia, head- "potful'', announce to the ladiesnmi roads. • - A 19-yeateold farmer, I, C. ' Shot*, I ect by Dr, Roy •Charonuire Andrews, gentlemen of Godeeich that they have . of Atimboteca, OS miles north of ka- the man who, in 1928 found the dinetaken rooms at the Huron .etotel WIIAT Of -ERR SAY , monton,_ won a first prize. for wheat.osituregUe which. it is claimed Were Mimes Gentles) where they are pre. , Xi grown in 1927, and a first prize for ;ten .millIon year* old.. ,,....„1 pared to too impressions atm the, . -Trade ,Retutiv. ishow . 1928 Mite at the_Edittonton exhibition I Dr. Andrews femur a tieW . AUOP", latest imptortneto; sete eatmeeee to onada .Nettre, Port ,,,iropo bold reeentlY. This young mare after. sees and that:rands of relies of Stone say that bane .svor been token 0 ,n. One* test of tooietical policy fit the one ear's course at the Alberta Gov- "Age culture—Crude implements use two light. If not Imitable there will need for it, the condition into which of children it will fit arid aPPIY. Need for the eorfainsoetentokS:phoothie torfowAiir 071ton:rower! pbye.rhthaepam2e0n4woolloyietahraobiattedo. thvebreegdi jOsn. ; be no charge. Lihenearea ed 004 grain on a /atm of hi e own at triot then was ewe), inhabited;, taker in fair weather. Call and see Conservative, policy of industrial de - Athabasca, ., . ,. . ,., desertWhere alined eon. spec mens. • , vexellinellt WAS very well illustrated , and in open competition now R is a .,, . , _ in fe., Berateure se twin% epee& lee with ether exhibitors in " the Pros tinuout sand kenos make life *Meet Formers Were Opposed to Katid pointed out that while two-thirds of ince of Albert*, achieved the success ionpoeeible. Traces of human 'Where Improvements • our exports are natural resourees, noted. , . 1 dating (heel 1510°° year were A. report of a public meeting' tit' the four-fifths of our imports are Matra - 0,4e 1("14' Dr. Andrew said ittl" arriva 'eliabitants of MeEillon townehie factured roducts. Ttde plainly man- ,StatistTifItteretotivrtillt14&;da now lin attraPrrititri peThgdibelvettgrathreenotils'el '' Lake Huron, port Sarnia IS at tee held on Ma", 29th, 1802, 10 take, into ifeste the' Urgent need. tor developing leads the World the-Per:gine-WM of and neve stone Ages, utilizing hone,1 tonsideration the bylaw passed by our own indestriea so as to exportet nickel, -Asbestos, hydrieelectrie porere that and owe for weapons and using' the county council for gravelling the erf and newsprint. The dominion a" a breed otanialt horaes-ordonkeys-aa- leading -roe& throughout thiscounty, tphhecvletegeogi ugtreelattehaen ilstneicohendr.gorfotteelesi beeseotmeeeeottmetittie:400000 .0te great i nsteocip ithepossasimblee, it no tdheevisseamxneett:aspett?, number of automobiles atd the second eeaet, Dr. Andrews found Wore, as' -states that the following 'resolutions graoteet toal resource, and is third, large at the body of a full-grown were adopted in the production Oliver, gold are man. Teo vele« eeno was a full load ^+L Resolved that this meeting' hes aletehlum or a strong e beard with regret and indignationthe ginning April I, indicate that goods Good Crepe ta. Maritimes estimateff that he e0tfiti have worn decision the county counell bits come Ito the valuer of $302,776,481 were ens A surrey 0 ere eoneitimis tat top hat and *toed Under the huge t with ot to hi it The to with regard t� gravelling of ported end $284,11M0 were exeorte larger proportion of manufactured goods- from raw material, and or' - building up industries in Canada which may be able to provide a large er proporton of the manufactured goods required by our people. The trade returns for the first ,three months of .the current fiseal yeer bes . three of the Mari fine Provinees of . sr uDEB AKE R, • vasalttett,iaethvtgemiztti New . Bruns. eliecies became eXtinct, he sem be- the main roads throughout the eotin. riet4tiftztto4 large to and ttittAtlavoluseeitiozwelittielewnill;tientria14.paainversot Canad*--Nova Scotia, mow oordidently be expected this. Mail Robbery and Murder "d for sndt length °I time " in The Coat =steskr. While the hsty yield my be derhs at hay the opinion of this meeting. ought to Ihloiding three in boo prevented the council train int. sortiotehet higher thart in eon* of the wit revolvers, two. masked 'bandits * e WWI N posing. it, without Dui welnexotekeed r '4e*"6' concurrence of a majority of the rate - FAIR 11fRIVIAIDS MIMED FOR $50,000 SWIM' Ore or mere et the tire refine weavere &Nowa here Auld MUM within the Money lb. thIrd Watley erfarathen Retie% to be *tared as GNI osaadtaa Nattoissi richtbItIon, Toronto, Anattet Stilt and liontember SW The women swim first twee a 20.rolle roures and the Ant eee es smith Stay tainitotO Po the Ili -mite roe., for men +reek later. Out ot fatetime miertstent the dietomee has been onortetted es pea tee rsee. may start sad Oafish dirties reationehle dettight howl, and the seam has limia ehategett en that *11 rompetitore will he is sight over practically the whet. Above (at left) "Mel Ratite of ',Yew VOrk. Inwood epeeist oriole ettitoOr tit* year; **road front ihft. f1011110. Mt nifty* sort with a seed ehluleo. hallos the advaatare tralatat Tinder ",Iolhoev"114niaor: Med from loft if siliolVett fOl Dili v Itioe ANIker, Shltitintitan Milk how., s partieetarly haedeeste aid * etrtiolt foristmer; htljfer flo ts Urn Lee Irtierater rattfornta, houlfr tin disamr,,, =seresere fie tho PierdOt Coast •t 42 More and 28 mlontee: at otitrops... mew pewee pewee 0 ceieepoo roue, woo, et the nese wises et tit. Martatheo last year and regarded partkilartr *trees eiseteeder la the roseteeenome enoo„ ed, leaving an *deem Wane° for I the period of $18,658,751. In 1927 (—a There was a favorable balance for the Sante period of P8,069,556 Mid in 1926 a favorable balanee 124.828,- 802. It is quite evident there is not. the healthy trade condition which is &Sired seeing our exports are sauce - - ve ONNIMINICAI 11 ill= IV— "1 4: • • • OVER.'' THE SEA AND F • WAY wad 1, as, !we af rciuris lied obit, comsat' saw* et ho interest await iou In Europe vla_Canadian,Paelfie Tourist Tbkd Cabin, you mut cross the Atlantic thls stunmer at amminely low OW. Thkd Cabin appeals menet- sily troteachers,profeesorseitudeatio and Vacationist*. Stateroom0 OSW airy, bright and cheerful. Meals itte ercelient. There ir plenty of deck space, lounge spice load oeportuulty for recreatiose SuONOMICiit, sauna Au=124.26....0.1„. t. 77 hAteko Coma Atom, Ocean Trtets . C.P.M. ilielithoh Torsos* 712 Wail,D100114110T TRAM fasts's Alloittorty_thowiespi Pie* Zona ON*, ipoweirs',Clootiot. Arioeliololosswyrkn, Iy holding their oWn and with the parer& foreign made goods coming in at so ileSOlved that taxation without its great value it appears to be all too presentation' is robbers*, and 48 the clear that our own producers of man - county council have passed the bylinetofectured goods are not retaining the without our consent. they have placed [ hold on the home marker which is the tax -payers of the county in a toe- wanted, ition well calculated to destroy their 1 The Talk About treeelity of Status vottidenee In the boasted blessings Retied), i`onferrod ttlion as he' the Nhilliehlal To Wet with totiiffereici, or ,as Asterto,n,oredstwine tienonbezembyglrootesit jnotabide sotneone has eurtgested amused Wier - ante, the politica *gitation about bylaw. and express our' dissent from equality of **tug with the Mother it, and consider the reeves who voted Country, now again active in Canada for it are deeeiving the censure and would be to do this Dominion and disapprobation of the United *June.reeeeek., _...7_,e,.ele!ee..-.eeee-e.eieeeeee.. wee?!..eve ties, , Reeolved thet tide - meeting feel convinced that the grave' roadwill be no benefit to the farmers. who are the great matoritv, as well as. t116 bone and Ifinew of the country (but only to a few merchants and tavern keerevel. It will neither bring ne . one hour °nicker to 0 better market for our produce, nor to a eheimer market for what we want for home coreumotion. On the contrary were . double the amount tusked for making the side road invested in one of the railrosd companies who wish to ex - 'tend their lints to Goderieh, we weeild ' lirg a few raw have at nur command " the beet market in the Province. and -4 at a roost tbott wand very little exceed ,,, the price we will have to nay for tolls . for travelling twenty miles in the , eountry. ,[ The Attraction' oftGoelerich , ' The followine ie rot an extract from elute, Lee'S Hotel &meet 192R, A, mot 10 do rimorialabewarimi . literitture, but e. writteup by A travel. .' ler of the attraetione et fiefieriele ' 11.81""4" *het sod smeithrer In 1 rubliehogi in a Gederieli raper et , die Piersemintleireeeed left bald,. June 10th. IA52 t moms* Iroise la teettilesdag Ad** The eittistien e -,f tioderi, 7.1 at thts1; mouth ot t le' Ilirer'Nsitiand en bike fe i fv I Huron fine, Thm' e Istilc's 'beautifully otol Int. town is vett' loll; laid nut, fettle*, mouere being in! the contef., lhat it will be * ebte!ef f, itererteeee at Motile feint?, tild,..* the" I ten 1. re dottle.. The etoiettovi ,IW, Itiatelk appear to hate otrotirieetel! tie* by the judieioss mann*, in wheel , tee tame ilk tan, ant. It* w•Peork' ; ‘1,001111tiolv iiI4 1500 47 : •.:•apid137 'ill- , 16LE NEW ANDY PAW( P.K. CHEWING SWEET est d tiontone eltimNtr* koala that tin life of a tire depends AS much setae the Rea* lits the cords of the awash et on the toughness of the treed. To provide entre streuelist .itsmissa, awl loos wiaro stotia dips tlsa tordi of the cortaos le a rubber **Woo: Th satoratosand moulaka every strand of every cord. neleiniting loternal friction and this thousands of nib* man The Firestone Dealer layout locality will Away iterva you, mod Nava you roomy. InaltrrOWg /Mt as letlalasta tW CANA/34, 1414240 lismattos, NW. Mat MAN yap D. Preston. BMWS 71re ONLY Otlid4111,210 ?sus JANK: literillPtilt TESIltITEI; WILSON MOS- R, It. No, 4 ; r. R. W0011 0•41„ Toques 'to* 'r 'A ".1