HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-08-09, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
.4.11011.0.1111.• n nulmo A
•\RF, YOU 141111NCI
- Highland Ljnen
••• • • 7 -
Cole's Book Store
.: We :fa:livr, Mc, Kat 8,,,tr...
,....',....4 t J i.: : %la aKI:i Cilo i.:3 z*,').-,;...'ia Nr. aed Mr.. Itt-ask,9 Settee-, of:
WireOtial, tiilltd on ikiinivea in this i
Veit:tee- oil soodoy test.
Mite lentil -firer Jetesett ii *iiillihnir 1
fereeile ia Toronto, .
Alis4 filion Matit'eneie Be visithag a few (Lys with inn' bruttite, Mr. Jita. I
Jackson, et We)ir.erburn.
eitt Iimp,on rani4 13 ViOiting b1.3 Mr. an Mee. ll, Mel•aughlin, to
terercr iin Toronto, ierouto, are heitteiv visitors with hie I,
, Mr. Jori Patton, oE Tiramine,' cal. i ;intik', Mr. Rat. MeGee. 1
I ei on feierele in Kintail late weer. I Mee, T. Stretigitan, who orent Litt l•
iw'"1 "", jtu'' 414v4k' of I'DY"I'" MISS NOBLE
reternal to Ler licone on Sunday. e
Mr. E, Bell, of ToroGto, is here tit 1/
reeeeent, tim guett of 143 ttistere, Boti•h Exchange Bleck
Mettlemes Elurly, Hill arid Itaitiity. .
At the communiou service in Ittion
Mittel (lune+ lagt Ounree", seven
flamer.; were added tothe chureh roll.
Mr, Dila; MacKenzie, of Toronto,
1'3 ViitiithiS• iiiG tuz,'71e, Mr. .111o. Cesvan,
Mr. on 111re, D. GM% a Detroit,
ore ree gietete of Mr. Durgan
Moo tilete, Camettell, of Chathern,
h entire at the Leine of lace nieter,
etre Daewoo 5leeLennart.
Moe Florence IllacDonalthof Tor. Zgro,• N. Rill and Miss Sadie Cart
%aflame 1405110 141 Lectalsh.
onto, bas joinal her mother tit thole ,t,,Ivroceitt,,nutbc
tahririnbrt Ettlievr a8PtnItEgloientgEla.
• Rev. Mr. lateltie, of Point Edward' ala•
FW,Q3ip.lel the pulpit in Aohileio pree. The junior and intermediate bible
•byterian church on Sunday. clotoes of h:noo United S. S. plan to
M. Wm. 51antonti and family' of• bold a 'Picnic sit Itlenesetung Pork int Mrs. Ed. Elliott aud the two youeg.1
Wedueeday afternoon of this, week. • iest of tteott•ise Cteherine telt
Now is the time to have
Oil*, titite, Needle*, etc.
• 1'
ere' couree in egticultuee, returned On /
iereitty and 'WAS a weeternd gut ,.. •
with his parente, Mr. and Dlre• Thoto
Wiggins. Mee.. Wiggine, who bad
tan vieitine et tho home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ittoble, of Myth, •
aecempanicd hint.
11141 -erten, vieited at tbo home a •
. 'flua oeeneairmcmorial sole:leo hold but and Jack Elliott, era:vett en I
!Motley by motor et the home of
Mrt. 3.1. C. Bracrenekt last week.
in Ball's cemetery on Sunday evening
' Mines Margaret, Label: and Drina
bt Campbellwho ve been visiting was e a en ed ah
nd eetvee „e. An Elliott, having motored all
. , ha '
Intereet that the way from Calgary, Atzer have ,
their grandmother, Mrs. -D. N. John. wlYfill1 ro htnQeuPehaltIvon kteheep ''''rtg a ehort vielt with relativea here,
:lone, havo returned with their fathe this"Gods. .
tney 11 make t.1* • acre" in proper condition.
er to Toronto.
Mr. Gco. Dean's buildinge bad a tree, in time ter the epente,7 es
Nif,,E ' narrow escape last Saturdatt about 4.5'.*"
141 t e return trip, be. •e
fore the end of the' mouth, to Cal.
4.30 pan., when lightning Arno; the echool. Mrs, moat tereta A, suatess.1 4th con., visite4 Alte and Mrs. INtian led cee relatives Nero on nIontlay. i --
tettmilosseesatottfrenotemea:necr osilinves tublike:71;o, reillgeo.r, aro le_olidaying at their, home ithlrnativextfoo lit:to:Di:a statue evialltoithen vdAentPehe:flehtrZ!,(1 ratb°1* °Xeiting ',led 1/11s.
Timiritie Canova a and family of D tr tt, o r at er, to . ately,
. et a an eanor
and Mrs. 'Elmer Shackleton spent the weekeetel. in Goderich with
edeiting friends in Stanley 4). this The Girls" Gtrild held their pienie at - to hYdro %vire 4inil thenecot; houso, riftrzuert rls biddertidt o: tdhe fourth 0051005. end Mrs. Mat. Shackleton tam day Mr. jae. Wilson, with Lis anotber1
week. and father, aloe Mai. Stoll and Mr.
Port Albert last Friday and reperte end from hydro wire to telephene, tsho afaortass,Zst" eons:le:over hslodeinleerantieeeet week*
Mrs. Grave Webstor, of near Luck. fine tinie• . and front the latter set Ore to the -re. Avil'eter Tliggins and .son, F, Wilson, motored to Vitoodstock an
house The family wore en absent one, land onethaff mileo south Of WIng". jaeltie, of Detroit, are visiting the Monday to spend the tray with thew
PO'CO, 18 ViSiting her .daughter, Mrs. Mr. ond Mi Cassidtt, of London, ' ham. Mr, emigrant and his tot Wil- .tedyet parentstt mr. tend Tors, 'John relatives. theme ,
'Thos. Blake. spent leet wok svitb tile latterta sis. !smoke and were soon on the scree ,
at tho thne but neighbors saw the i vete loading' a lead of bany in o menary. for a rOW days. Deltoid ItleLean, of Lothian, and
wick ezi Monde/. , MeIlwain and Mr. and Mre. Carman was done the., Visiting hie grandparents -here for a ter, Ssa. R. Ne of Chicago. arid Mee
ful teacher Durnhi
Till'iloPON, Martelpih, tau
Blankets and Rugs
Special Summer Sale of Fine All Wool Blankets -1n file new and
desirable over check. Blankets are fine pure all wool, whipped Din* and m
colors, Tan, Rose, Blues, Pink, Mauve, R4se. SIZQ 72 x 84. Stun' $4.95
suer. Sale Price, each•
Only large size all Wool Rugs in Brown and Gold. Brown and Blue $4 5
Plaid, hinged, size about 70 x 90. Value $6.50. Each..., • 0
Viyella Flannels
Viyellas are •unshrinkable and fast
colors. Displayed in a fine range of
colors for Dresies, Coats, ete.
Curtain Drapery
50.Inch Silk, heavy fish .net weave,
• A.rab shade Silk Drapery, warranted
aura fast. Reguhir value and • price
•$2.50. On sale, per yard -.4A
ttliaster Charlie Anderson is visit. Miss Allco Shepoord and' brother, lightning roa on his barn, followed n a el y. . rri e ou Sun an blot. Mrs Melvin T II d El
uite a number. from this neigh. ter, Mrs. ROO ItteIlWain. •
and ,were able Ott extinguish tho . j'fied adjoining, which Was an aPier6 I Mr. Herbie Begley; who bas beeo brother, Dr. john MO•
Lega, and toe,
t f h't I d t tb 1 d
ood attended the races in Gale- Tile bootee of Mr. and Mrie Retold flame% before ony
tonions down when a mann of beee attacked
eties Bernice Blake spent part, of Feet= hare been bleesed with 'the • cam °roes * od • couple of veers, returned to his Mary eLean, called on. &mob here
The two men immediately unhitched
omenHamilton on Stmday lest. and at Loyal On Mtinday.
last week with her grstulmetlier, Mrs, Rift, of_rWee oohs during' illo Inlet the borses thinkin to et th
'Ilan Vasty, of Dentairmon, emelt. neat?' congratulattone to
Mr. and Mra. Audrey Teeft, of both' • go,. Monday. Autust, 6th. was observe rein. The horses became furious with
DUNGANNON before en g g //e awaY I al 34 X W I
y • Waage wAS den , but itt GoD
ERICK TOittriN-HRIP 4aughtere, Dorothy and Belot. re.
r. and rs. as, i eon atid two
Canbore, were guests of Mr. ond Mrs. (Too late for lost week) ' ed aa eivie holiday in Dungannon, . Aim stinging of the bog, rod eery The Goderich Ite, Hospital Amen. turned to their home in Ceelieting on.
les. Culbert during the week. Rev. Mr. and.'hire. Londe _are at Mrs. R. E, Willof Detroit, le a soon 'began* iimensible, their bodies latY will hold their voter monthly Wednesday after a very pleaeant visit :
Rev. „Alfred ThomPson arid thoir cottage thie week. truest with her teapots, 31r. and. Mrs. meeting on Thursday, Auto etttli, at with relatives in •Str,athroy'and eat^
heino lite.rally covered with the bees.
father. Mr. Tholopeou, f PstWe are glad to loamy MrXAoltIce B. X. Crawford, ete, congoorn ono his eoneeteee come 2.30 r1.01. nt the home ot Mrs. It. '11. tow. _ '
aster at eed a ------------------------'e
t pelted to preteet themselves, whiter 4tit con. All mothers aye eue Mee and Mrs.- Rt M. :yeomen,' and
Alt violted Ittre. Wme and iale to be 4 g 1 hi Alt v
arouti a a n. _the d•4 h t th I tiu9lted t° attend
• other friends here last week. 1
nes mat the peathot eeleenow guest. at the hoine of his failleV, 1112". Y Y miming ng mese vett n family, together • with other retativeet.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon WObeter and 'visited her stater, Mrs. UL jas. Girvin. R. $.4. Reed of Godorich.
'Toronto:mid Miss Lizzie Webster, of illarold 34ellevain on the orrivol of it tO her home In Dungannori after medial aid wag soon obtained. Vet. her son Alden last weer .
1 it savin A-
oond neat by, t e 'teem flee,
solvoS front the attaekity the bees. ,
held their family :picnic Sueset
Buitlict•ibeaot Ort Tuesdar• efterrioon. The
" A ee, fee Dane, of COngratUlatiOnS tO Mr4 and tIrs. Mrs, ltionaro veturned on Saturday Thole tatee vent er„ the house where hirS. Anon, Of Godetielt`.. Visited
Towlmoweealled on friends here Sun. nem gon, spending a font days in Ashfield •
exinary surgeotee.frozn tlelgrave arid Au
day.• ed to Godetieb ItIon.
Meseta. Harvey Anderson and Pal- The Glad Girls" Guild /odd their on. end Mrs. G. M. ltleKeriie telt. Birth were tuitunoned. arid
Vt31. 1day .last°4tdas lei the horse
natal picnic at 1101t,' Albert Priday. cd the ter111Peernothet, •TI1011ine thing possible clotteeto relieve the'suf.
veer Kilpatriek and Misses Olive aud All lied a good tiny). ereeeonete, ofocanton, on o neer, being oft .4.1e t.whol be.t.cts Asulleesetnaffixtow:,,01130Osiodletruieoht,
Elsie Andereort and Moe Kilpatrick alt. atom soonneto and son .ofRerton, of Goderkii. WWI a ond he‘l'e'z "•'11alllf° tea" "at or
eek. •
vent the week.end at Loudon void t s d t •
.Ietterstell. h g guest with her sister, Mrs. Comnbel1. herses having ani etre e to ge
son un ay a o onie o
away from the beee, tie in trying to ! tuniz mantle Awn' or Ito= SOmo
oO •they becarng entangled in a, spent the wsek-end with Mi. Gladys.
se/4nel oeteppaeo,. • at the benne.of Mr. aed Mrs. Alter:.
oIr. beanie Igo/twain end his moth,. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Elliott left lest
motored tie London last week, re. week on their return t�.
• Val.
turning on Sunday bringing „hack lev, 'where they will remain for the
Mr. and Robt. Davideort were
gueste On Monday with thole' conSinr.
titre. S. R. Stothers, who with her
three little daughters, had spent July
on the ferm, left Monday for Guelph,
the' will visit a schne betor° wi..t them Mr, and hles, Jos. assidy,
tr homegointo Efssex. ans, *loin. has taught •me,
Mr. and Mn. Carmen Stothere andomiley's house in 'Dungannon. We
vibe, of Pico" are vending Part of are eorry to lose bireand Mre. Oirviri
their holidaya with Mr, end Ofrs. from oor midst,
Henry llorten. ?dr. Bailie Stothirs
VetUrned to Wbodsor Saturday. utptliere, redo tig: xreriaienirk4,B,anertitsge8WIrlt
rY to one
o bed for
Mrs. john Saututers had. the mis-
fortune to fall Tuesdar 0 lot
euettinting such severe
leee that she was conti
•n few _dap', with Arm
ode Dart, of maim, opent part of
tide weekguesta of lltr. and Titate. Col.
vitstanciing range
I•. of disencttve
Models in
in all the new
trends of Fashion
You are cordially I
invited to inspect i
our stock.
Several from Vner"VilliLge took in the
rucee Goderiele last Monday,
TAM week Mr, and Mre. Wm. Waite
of tioderia, visited their cieusho Mrs.
nine 'Wm. Good, of ,Gooterich, Wnt,
the guest of her Cousin, Mes. john
Wilson, last week. •
Quite a few limn the village at.
itentied the memorial serYlealzt
leemetery last Sunday evening,
The former at of the Wee
wire fenee..'When 'Otaleased. frointhe Treble. '
feneo they, seemed to ,lie partlyzed ' Master Charlie' Diitehelf Vints a . . ...., ...... .
and. unable .-to move. Injeetteris of bran new Itieyele rot, pessingrifist etto ' .•
FURX ,1*. 7": U R E -
Fraterdi Director
deSt being Ane a verY pleasant thote -
was eut
1 A ?limier from he attended the •
Kenzie of the 4th coueeeeton of Ash. Gd
Amoral a tile ioto Mts. Doneld . oo
• Furniture
Don't buy arty Row M.
Furgiture, Baby Car..
riage, etc.,until you
get oar prices.
positively save
• you:nosey. 71:e finest
, Fortuttore at the loos-
est cost.
Ott" thri RtOrtrilkat. of uoderob •
field, on ' Tuesday • to Kintail cometery, Rev. Mre„Lundy, of the United. '
oilicieted at the house anti et
t1zetaveside. We sympathize with,
the family in their great sorrow, •
tons were made, and While at first trance exame. . "
their reeovery was not eOpectect-they Mr.. Will Loos end -Mr George.
,, are row belreved to iis-,on the raft° reigan, of Mile otored, to Writ
Mr. mut- Mrs, Rich. .Tolnistone oe to toovery ront the tetrible open', too ou Sattirddy last. „
Bluevale, lance, ' Rad the bees attacked Mr.1 oreet De Thompson, of 'Gttetetoit,
Itteiters. liotteed and Rar- Congravn and hisle•on filvteed of L • te • was visiting Iter daughter, Irirst 1litre
old Fulford. a Detroit, were week -end Itorsee, it Would CertainIrtietre regale- -vet', 'Fisher, last week.'
gues0.4s at •their respective home t nt izt their denzth. As it. wtis trroy Arm, Robert metliniair an&
was a guest on Suirdity at the home -therr,„ewnerewoa extratting: honey:at' rogrzt.. FEitGIJSON
of hie parettet. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. the time. Mr. Cougrem has had
Mro X. La Roe ate has rented. a AUBURN
oS. Andereon. of Goderich, :7;f17 tilttiubtathr.4buett.g‘eik witiptuitargtrafint"eeneersipcillm'e?aenllet 14oirot.weetteoi,
Anderson. • lortee of unfortunate experiences-, rie,1 _
Congratulation -a ore extended to tnerieg the eome week. his house was" eutro, Att for mental in Oocleridl, _•
hlto ar.d. LesIbi Schultz 341)Ontiite qtrvrt by lightning and tleo chimney- mg' ;ten little family a jolly vaeation flowt-Etor 32Itelhotgeonet 9
ACIV4:11* of a daughter, on Fridge'', rtonclted ba OthetWiee' ITO" dame Ser the beagh. , • ' o
Mr. and Mree Harold Tigert eatt belteved. thel,the iroltowed garland; of ffarristoto were visttors
theee ehildrenent SlomPatoiton. Wet 4 eteet Matter ,and entered the aOthe lanne of Mr. and Mrs. flartroy°.
.5ttulday viSitOra at the home of ttot. -ground. "lurk tbrt Week, ?ale Gene Fisher lest week. • ,
lades sister, Mts. Frank Jones: groat had a Erie Youtig horse !ticked Nr. and Mrs. Ranh Keever and,
Mr. 51141 Mr nook. AnderAnt oda anti it was neceseary to have- it' shot., eitUd, of Alberta, were oisitere with -
tittle son, Alan,„ of Detroit,are visit- there mood *war on sundtoy; *In reagisit 4Itst week. I ,
• WIII4G4P....1.16•4.a.
firm*• or 'Motor Equii)- • OluclOUROLOTU4S DRESSED AT
August 3r4, ege wee deo owing to thefiret, Mr, and Mrs. D. 'Willinge • and .00, . •
log at the home of. atter'S fittz. at ber hOme inincesatint 4- Wit. and Mrs. Kerb Motris, mad
mite. ents, Mr. Mulles. Geo. A.nderson.
Aohffeidt Mrs. MeKenzie" 'wally,'•
or Mts.' C. A,rItobertson and Mrs. A, ,1
tuarttea name was Mary sraluzteo Mrs. ItreZenzie, a Aeldie/ ; on Tiles.'
'daughter of Weald McKenzie, a oat. Aftao ,
ro hesattt for mantemonefter their aunts, Mrs, John and hes,. /044.,i
and Mrs. John Wilson a their Mr. and Idree.lterbert Stothers souk
familyevialted relatives in Bluevaile. two daughters *pent Sunday Zlata.
• Mew were aettonapeoled by Mrs. W.
* Mre. treason an R. Stotners awl Mrs. Jas. Davide=
fatnike of Windter, spoilt the week.
end siting relatives tri thie loeality, Miss Annie: Moore' who has been
ote, and otre, ee Medd and Otte emPloYcd. As maid in the borne at Mr.
and Mrs. 3. Crawford, is lisibiliere
twat Mr. Roas, of Dungannon spent
the wiek.eird 'friends- in Ing -'11- her home near -WhittechAteb,
Leamington. ' Mr, and Zara, R. A. McKenzie, Spent
tinting the latter part of last week the week -end and eisk baudaz at
Mr. Arthur Lawlor, of Wingliam. BrightPs (love, being guests With.the
tett relatives and called, On old no- 'former% eistet, Mrs. itobt. Nieholsom
quaintancee In this locelltx. Mr. *ad Mrs. John Andertionlaadas
Last Wednesday a party ,of the guests on Sunday •their eontitioo,ye
Matiorde fraternity' of Clinton visited Mr. U. L. Guay, of Hamilton, also hie
Morning Star Ledge at Carlow, on. two small children, Thome, nevi R94-,
• felling the thel degree on a vend,. nice. • .
date there. • lttre. Francis Rei o returned on Suite
Lag Tnesclay Mr, Wm, 3, trhomp. •day to her home In A11110,414 atter a
n attended the regular monthly week spent in Winglettn hoepital lol-
meeting of the West Wsiwanosh, Mut. lowing * critical operation on her
the' Atte Donald MaKelizret Mr" JOhnston attended. the general Of
'live of Rothshire. Scotland; an emit" tam atontey and daugetter Moo
*neer of Ashfield. The- deceased. Bt Cranston, of Goderich, also Mrwoman was . 1
.mhffeZd In Orborntobt:r. thltie5tirr"ahr aOf 1 ltragerdit. oTzetnel)14 XeirReaoMusilitet/ligslatenda
Married to potaid Matenzie ht um...T. Treble, on SultdaY=
Brat°14 1882. When' as -a' *hie"' 4xa lefr. W. Long intende otarting to
came to live on the farm On tompea. ahtenh fan wheat this; wvek, with(
Sion four. where elm coat -hued xne
so lualtY hard ittins title grain is lir-
Lidteunta her rf‘te rtrs. iree down and will be much harder to
moreenzie WIL44 pesSeasela of a win. cut. The straw is untsually Iva and
some peisonalfty and intellectual at. the grain well filled one itt tide t wee
teinniente•and bet kite* haepitaiitet • ,
'was outre'd au who posseseed her
friendship. Ai a :nether, she waa - CARLOW
RV. Her hosionld Pretkolsksed her in Sir. Elgiri Corrie, a Toronto, eel.:
1914, and her rove* soar Boddie,
ever kind and thoughtlet of he fame
In- Mil. 'She eaves mourn iter
Godetidi Frauh try Work,t
ihnintpt arul Expert' Sergite
" 4 it,„ vROOMAK
' Phone In" West Street °
Tins sitnoomesito
1.045.8 -five e011$ 2414 two daughtere : •
ual Fire /nsurence Oh ne is .0410 nt nose. '• denies on the lake read, Addieldt •
Ithe directors. • Air. and MW. Pere)* Finnigan and John A. and Domed, of the fourth
Last Saturday the bon of 111r..Geoo, Mr. and tift• J. &AVM. vrith thole concession, „Aehfseia; Hector a medi.
tint iittertlirghtifilirtItl.1°41LH'41:litZT zdZi" gill:inglIesitIrst,"v1,e'g t,t; CtiZt°61in.,.,,tirtabffiltetri:,;'' la
- the electric wiring and followed it inspent the day. •home, and Gage, a rittrae-in-training
_ tO Olat berm The &maga *ma alight, Miss Ethel Cztat returned laet week in, Toronto General Hospital. She Is
re no re oecurred
s . . to her home In Dungsamon following' 3urvi ved h tr tag gran&Mid ren, aI $ob
- , Last week the cable *long thit hill ik two.weeles' trip to Atlantic City and two brothavne,Roderiele and Murdock
to the tweet of the *Otter was auk other points of interest 131114 oee. Molten** KAU% and twci sisters.
put to* *Veers telt. The Seaforth tion of U. S. A. ,Mrs. F. D. tideenitan legbaleh, and
truck with * losd of tile, on nearing• Master Willie Wiggins who vent Miss Aitiltie 141eKerill4 of the fourth
the top of the hilI, began to back ur. toe week•era in Goderi4, rammed concession of AshOlOtd. The funeral
TIte broke*. refused to work, and t on Monday, being accompanied by his %Ill ir°
the Ittatily boatman Tues. '
!Kingston Street emelt, w en * very use ,
if it had not been for this protection, eounn, Miss Nary Scrimgeour their butt ?espies to a dear friend t c I st Ono polo 'mous rooms or
ov INC IneliST
Atom Ser01406
./N atikW0044$10/
1 AftrstOPON 40134tggile
4000.1 woleaS4S,f&AS__,TAK MAW MP A
air Alier AWRY Pietotrtp-
%tie to
, 20111
Ormlo, Mr. John Scrongeour, mad his or mom AS X0110 AS INATTPAVil COW tAisil
ran safalrist the cable, which held it.
the load would have been destrored. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ellis &others end 'good neighbor. Otionly beautiful. a arr aXes' r ir° PII I. - .
-eOngor4° 1**1° "SeMbit'd t° PO We have on hod wee stivOrtment THIS ORGANIZATION IS, 2'41
- (Front another correspondent) tete on their return to their horde itt floral Offerings were went ae exptee. Carts, Ette diterent Woes ; 4160 HuNDRIEDS
sEe114fSt SIV1400:0 ANIMAiS 04
West Street
Electrical S
We tarry et good stack 4)
Electrical Appliance
fixtures, etc.
• We Specialize in
Wiring of All Kinds
Estimateagivett on
All Work Goorantoul
Frank McArthur
Phone a2 Woo Sims
• iholiditying in Welke . tietes here. 1 "ng in this litte XIV* US a c I. Our• Two PE
• Mrs. Zellor is visiting old friends Toronto, after enjoyirtg delightftd mons of sympathy. The service 11113 Doll Carriages', Car& and _ TPA O•
in this iteighbotihood.
bolidiy vrith their parents. Mr. and gondutud se the tome ano at the Rocker*. mese*eIaq . If pp, lead of any. Niff AMNON
miss ponny Hamm of Toronto, in Mrs. hos. Stothere, and other re*. geeeeetoe ho X4v Robeet Lundr. oast I ehis grandmother, Mrs. Thus. Straughe be held next Wednesday. under the eriek MacGregor, John , McKenzie,
Master Harry Williams is visiting • Remember the lee ream soeial to the trall.bearers were itdeesre. Rod, Pieces *re right.
............ le AT • ei•
'an. auepices of the Miesion Cade of the jengos Gordon and Themes Dicksezi; • Dennegegerensee _VIC 41:04401/%0460/11%
"RE nrw IV WIZ
Miss Derethy Wilson is with her Dungannon United ehurch. Supper
seryed from 6:30 to 8, after which a laid to rest in the family plot in Kin. , t
all of Ashflelit. The remains were i R NiTHEELER Seats on Sale ,Circus Day at Coles Book Store -
itioteies..in, Mre. A. Messer. near BUM'.
‘ Mrs. A. V. Shackleton ,aud dqrts Ale . '
timed Program will be presented. tail cemetery. 'those from a die- 11111011trittl FUSTERAL DIRECTOR
r , . loss e 0 Fri. tante who attended the futierst WOre: Same Prices as at Show Grounds
' lart, of Toronto, are eisiting at Mr , dal' ruara.iall, by meter for Lea hut- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird and Mr. aulne" Street , . ,
Wm. Ardereonte tatters brother, Mr. . O. Duff, ana Robertson, M. L. A., for -North Rae- re ' •---- zee -
ton, where, they were nests with the Gilmour, of Neuteileld; Mr. Cherlet Phones: Store 333, Residence 355w _ _ , _ . i _.,,_ c,
tor of -Port -Albert-United chureti, and .
wad Mr?'" Bert Mins 81°1 Met. Duff. They were aecomptinieJ on, and' Mrs. Roberteon, of Colborne,
daughter Anent e;undatt with atr. and by Mr. and Mrs. ats., Medd. of AO. Mrs., (Dr) Weir, Auburn; Messrs,
Mre. WM, Rolieriott,
Miss A. Oebaldeston. of Galeria1
Is the guest et her cousin, Mies "Ver.
Mee Ball, at present.
Mr. and Mrs..R. Perbeton, of Cline
Zoe, celled on old friends in this vie.
itiro 00 S le. I t eluldren. who hod enjoyed a fort-
enti Mrs. Joe, Scotteof Toren. isIghttt holiday with the hely's per.
tot are week -end guests with Vs ente. •
1kt isties Helen and Ruth Bell,
, with their father. of Godetich town.
utn. They returned on Tuesday. 'Alexander and Rodeteck Yoatut, Col.
Mr. Roy E. Harris metered up front borne: MM. A. le- liondersoin Carleev;
Stratford on Sunday and was a gueet1 Mr. and Mrs., David McGill, Wing.
at the home ot Mr. and Mts. T. tee ham; with menbers of the family all
Alten. Ile returned on Monday. Ment **mei*: Dr. Hector McKenzie
being areempanied by Mrs. Hartle tine et Alberta, To the sorrowing fain.
ihr in extend4 the loving sympathy
of all in the iteighberhood.
Far GA Tosais. Boding, Soitim0,
Ral Iona. Bop. Seitsamos, Lobos gni.
Ana Coots, Trooks. me.
We have a very tares assortment to Axe* tr,-,m
•WANTED 44,000
For Canadian West
PIUS - , ).‘ tlekkormilsti yams *watt but sokipist
Almarieklanrimadasid •
15.00 ae. To WINNIPEG iiimhoutlizgiaciv..,
Mret Ohm. twarnley and dineter„
jame, **two la *dodo, 'Tomato asat east to Xlesasbas. Smiths Fails. bad Ressetealuots
04. *II* SloasY Mir" vutth 1%111s° 41 Betty, is wrisitiir her /Oster, Mot. team
and Mts. itnist. Davidson, They were' A& tics: Tom** to Sudbury. hstlading Noe Metloats to hiadlood.
Mr. and Ms. .1iro Mennen titited
Realtor. who is holideying foe et mammy. big. 23 la Oallitio ea the hikhigass Cigar* Pets Mar=t;Mlialsor. Reset Nat Lake Shore; (Mind
aererat'Inied bY hge"' Frank C-Iltle° cf Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred twennan lee";
Prom *mime la Catgut*, Totoato sad south, *tat lad itordtto Bolton. inducting all stations
ol fortnight with relatives in anti &nitro . law,. Lake Lie sal Morthira: sod 'Tomato. Nat sad DOW* Iltaiistaw
Me. and Mr
efich, vieltede 31 moos on *woo la costarlo west of Ilialltho Talk aid south of fludbwy sod. Renfrit
nin On WU
• Mr. John Glen», wlvir had vont the
• Pair two months iri thAjtanlinti. 14t
on Monday for Newhricliee. locker. he Mt *Ili 1431. Trelemel and
crai or to his ratro to his Antos t; At Lotknow aed Ripley. Service
anowb. Mak hare was ic •lira Metnte Posy. et
Rohn Itemise of Geilt
r. and Mr*. Wm. NC,.
wilt enjoy a short. visit wirh veTativeg.hntlitY f.,Ptnt Monthly *ith relatitee
.‘rewith Ms Amer. Mrs. James tIte. sottit the," • k -.tort at the
esstletsse. his brother. Mr., Doti i !cl, Mr. mr,41 Mr4 John Ileesty„
ill84:gra Ws Hern's Shoe ore P:r7 416"1" ath" "61 tret' Anti Ms* tt '4p,4'4p,4.!•;:-
hee metre noir tolmilnr. tilont. tiar, PAO.'
Mb, past est Ow O. A. et, with Mr, And firs, Stnnt $1)to
GM" arbors ha aas takIla a toarh- "' Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. Purim of the
Leaving Goderich 7*. m. imd 3:40 p, m.
*dal Cos
N., B. RARITY, Town Passenger Agent