The Goderich Star, 1928-08-09, Page 6netne.erAldiaeen‘ • , • air,' • viik7 :-.444r` / t • • 0 • • • • $:::%:•iz4nAna.,:,A4:0;:••4 kriV.V.r441617111A404;t1111;41/411 Innie St S. 1,11 [ I 11,1.1 I 01,1 11 pill I 1111 I 11.111, I I 1 II. • .11111 I I I UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO E ARE YOU A GRADUATE NURSE? - The 'Univeesity effete four eeurees Ifor nurses. One five-year comae for the degree ef B.Sc. tin Nursing), ine, , two years in Afts and the yeata in Noma' stud Inublio IRAQI, Three one, year comas Sr graduate miens lid - ug to the certidcate in rieblio Health. - tn.P.II,Nae (traficate ed Ieetructer su Nursing tn dnI.Nnt and cellincatte in Inevital kiministratioa tOJEA.) . 'reek nertakate names ate reteeeete es the tea caeite et luta sera. 0 ••••,PIPP.• ••••-•-•=4 act aentenel tenzetna eteee ta- g. a. R., tenveann, ranee etenee.ar, teeeep„ Qa72Ca• Men Marooned Ey CECRGE MARSH •ir nnIlAPTURNI bl nsin I in dil nise" Zia, 1.vai waning in the clearing Slie looned equarely in his *yea as 0 g n • • when shot loped' up, enured, looted at she said: "But I dtu not believe you, lee: curiously, then pawed her joy- Mr. Exile iuilY with e*ore feet,. . . larith a nesture of helplessness, n•e **Shot, you latow ette?" And slut Insieted. "But how tem e to prove it rubbed the yore of the wrianlineaire- I •to. an• unbelioverlehe • • , del°. Iler oyes clouded, hliens walk •'Ire Imo o good •memory for ills !along Ste shore,• " she parried, and led ,triends " said tiarth, as the doe leatt- ',the way, Shot+ circling her., beggina. • .girl. _ _ tit in tile sniper around the- eleaaedi for -a frolic. - "You're trying again for the spring "I think It quite wonderful, thumb, trude from tbe island?" site tented. Abet lie should rementher me. Ha "Oli, with Saud there, and the echo Gartb's mouth curled. "Hi: man- shall hold, the hunters who crossed 1 lenew me but litre days. ' • of his spirit voices in their ears, wo .ter .know you no looger." Anti, the the strait."- . ' factor of nAketat ermined In thealow "Then EIkwan vrin have a wonder- • color thot touche4 her temples• -the fel year?" . • s• wift 1lickerh heavynaeired licti. . nYes, the best in. Its histore." . •"His master had reason let remota. „Bcouse a its now iactoret her the guehts who insulted hint in hie • --- •"Because of Etienne Sevanne and own home.' - • •4. ,, Sant Semen" , One of his guests," eeun'er,3," 4 No," vehemently, "because You Guthrie, Koala an angel of mar'Iv eY• a went inland and found Sown, and had :anion forget the visitation of tea . th,.., nerve te cress the ehannei LT?, do we?"• ° through the ice in a York boat, teen And the other -nu ungrateful teek a' long chance over the new ice neandahmonitaie" to reach the islend in title: Me. Cent' ee teed you, east neent let wai a erea hnewah. • ,,.... ...h. ....he-h.:h. , -.otter*. il.-- He glanced sharply at the- clean 'gal/ores • Tortures Profile, erowned by a plume of wind - °see aa, I ou re a doughty champion." „, "No, rre only a nfeir critic?' Inis. If.' E. 'Wallace, "Oranitenillto ate ramp !utifairnt! . • °May I never have a iairer-nor Oat, .-evritesi-ennE have suffered tor- Unfair? What do you, Mean, Mr. tura from besdaches, even fram the Eetieen • time X we.° '0241.-..ta iehee...!, aid had - Size had given Wit his opening.- "I • • lee9ine &meet duwderlign'h On eTer mean; Joan ttuarrier, tbat you. have' Tieing free trot. them, • shut yotzr•. heart tit the truth," be III read,. a whet plunged • an Impeteottslen • "Ioneati . that you are tooling late witinghoe.ts -dead memories; that you will not eee-understand-e"• in his eagerness to elatife her %Islet of bira-eerese the mentory of Ethel with whole, in spite of his nenints, he still seemed hopeleesly• involved. Garth' limp/doled --came to a halt ,through sheer ene tees ef emotion. . "Cent, vez -ventilate 'tee good friends -we are: nIreEnne? 'We need friendehip-underatarilinne tai . here • ete this lenely ease. Can't we -like two getd Oelaredee.--hold ta what we e_Daeed, Itelpleee iri. the face of ner shaeedion-iter evident eoilitietion THE GODERICH STAR iC!. neen't we held le earfriendeitip." te be ligntly haeartien, I Leave, ea nee ititioat, eetectena ens iviate, Me maiiialry laatCie t`,) i; i Orl illViAtInt“ES7 Catill i."3' tho ereal.e. ceetly the bay et:nen:ea Hr erna feunzy a eteetet ty ia tee, ea again L. then eine. Intt wnewt.Tea; ' Ha teat, it, At the raw pain in hie neve neaptat. teneteeeereeneese" eyea Jeczu teaatetena .141).3 everted inn Savant.: shock: Me ineen Only -tee 1, clew, a5 it etarried by what elie caw. • fart:ally tatelcang eneert P.4.41ifilt,•3. la e:, seateeea in el; of evotee inflea, Lieu:ea ia beeltelete n i "You emelt; yeti olaews twill neve dieue, and dean, but, :to wee eteneette. ray friceniship," be said telealy. "Pea pinneus ef a. eeanterntrone by tit :coating down. the coaet in Inebruavy--- seheneer people, sx,-.0 grcm then, de to ceo my -friend, entry II" *teat and confidently tee:rectal-a non oeYotee friend will ne very glen to 'inseam them the deg titever enead he cc° yoten leore the tins:: eaugnt them. Guthrie TIIUSDAY, ArtlInnT t*:h tient eta BLOWINO SUBBLES nepeaten, feting into, teed elan el think the men ie neeeet, !' tCeetenacd frem vane 2n. ean• ea 2imany ieetancee ehe elaele nye. tarecia Aceetica could net te ej Lewin eadee tfie canepn of teeina aeitnavera for a piaee tor tereanite t'f! ;tore if it were not for the au - e eursed aggrandizement. min en- e.i.eacitreerh. of althy imener- open the i!etaple righte of men and women. eln i? the swi.nt of thy fan..? then eat neaad' woe. (teens unalterebie ticeree 1 At tee neer of tis miesion, Glto Illot. his rentetam: geod-leve Wan a mile . o eereoealeeno like a comae that the ' , hentene gave her shook like a loaf in tho velvet Fro Ileadacket for ethers, so deeded ta t - hee r had niaislied the four n* N^"d*ther *era'thith -dotal ar , that her:brother bad been the cause italfiativedloality. The Of Ids ultimate break with Ethel Itan Qat. • emfeet, Guthrie walkegi on in eilenee. MOSQUITOES BE» BUGS ANTS ROAMS moms ve e r nes t its.), Night on LAKE, ERIE !‘ AIM Wyatt!, trip Ernst oe Wrote sivimtral• dellabdul break layout fourney.. • c& plumalwrziotERs: *nett Way tverY niskvistwesi, lkilfaleind Cleveland ..„„trr.... alas Otto avollara dromarasea =206-Coatalaalasataalzie Ivo hos te Coonostioei at CI:wawa foriekSlaiiotWit Detroit mut Altlall•ifew DailiServte• gay tit to November 1.4tIt' Lowing es MO P. 14 ,Antriatt at 730A. Ask yaw Mot spa allelailtaailat, fat IOW* Olt C.8 14011. New Lew Pan $4,50 S8.50 AUTOS ,CANIKIED 1,11.50 AND VP "PO Cavallo& alai Italtala Too* Caoplary Woman Oa INdisto ava DM" Desk. gettene I I I II Promote the Safe of the Highways tide 'dolor ea your whodeldead Am IOW Me at your Mai station 1111611rway lialety Casnaltue 710 AM Gab. S. MINIM. (hosiosit. .mwoovrio• e - "My friend," he repeated onclee his breath au he followed nnot beet to 11 Etienne end the waiting dog teem, "ray gidenci-nny woeld." "lieu by hour, over, the got the Bead sled reeled oil tap miles. no good was the gong x op keen Viet five !Treat huskies for theetrain that the men left their %%bee only to stretch tboir lege. The forty miles to the Big Willow river slid past by earlY; afternoone_ann thajeungry_enen eum_ -messes, - ef---corneeetoneee--of ethe eel in to the river mouth to build a scnools in our ' neighborhood tire from -driftwood and bpil their nettle. - • Twentnr miles nircetty acrose the stritin the grey Akismiki bille-parted, to form Seal vove. "I'd give a good (loot to know how they took the news over there of the loss of the northern .filr, E'tiennen" said Guthrie, busy with hie •plate of beaus and bacon. • "nlellol There'e team coming in over the ice. Won-, der wile it is." For a time Etienne etudied the black object through the binoculare. but When the kettle and freepan had been stowed and the sled 'cover re,. lashed, two rifles la theit skin.caees rode by the sidee a the pussertgers. A mile from the noon camp at the, river the sled. evidently beaded for the mouth of the Hapiskati, fkeW in- shore. "A hunter, front de Nagai:au. We weel tow hear how dey wear on de schooner die Chrietmas," The dog -team slowed to a walk and shortly were within aneolting dint- lute been 82104 as a•tolltb. 44tteee .ode O.:tumid dollar modes of traitene theer almoet shouldh X fitiek'ft glued •you 00? decks without •answer, •eaceet once, leaving• l'euthq oetlt w.""~ faintly, be ited heard oomettung-like stranger hurried. to 'the sle4 from when tee eaee 1104 reluctantlY real plan, but American and Canadina .peeple. have swivelled it abeat and • defied it, until almost tho half a our eople aro getting nearly all of the read without losing but darned lit- tle of the meet and all to the detri- ment and 5woat lose a the other half, who are fools enough to andle • long and take inn The raergere end' amaIgemations Of . our financial corporatione to tle3 de- triment of small hamlets and small business and amen men, the uniting and coupling un. of our ;mercantile und manufacturing- concerns the 1 glenneing together of all emelt' busia Safe food Wive cia 0 DDD AT Toes a shreds of whole 3.vheat • Fined with nature's health givers1 Delightful for anylneal - ivikISCUITe:& The shredded wheat week • Inerrops IMILCOME TO ,A14,t FACTOBJE8 ?row I do. not, anovve just bow the hide frailty alter' at; afidif we bave ani tes-1n hie-partieuterebranch of -the -wisdom Atoll Within _Pun ,floodiee we' indleato an eppression, to the vilktge but a stoners throw • all lento were not aressed, even, not any mother .and grandfather, that Jacob church nress, but I balm zeeet a num- will not eStaVe from the ceinvielieniaT the aural at our deer, and, that bei of so-called ladies in tliat city, that rootlhen and Whet., that Vend- ing- Vie .bulablee •which the average I halm to ile6i oft entirely tend borrow - tell you, tome. of tbose ladies, would Thanking" F.b:•F• ° Isaac. Ind Abraham and Mali N. BAER. Poor more thantthe taw allowed, I geese.' and num and a 'Wester to the rich maul considerable fun is poked a the were notejdat (from the new reerielen wbich this eoUntry eatt ill afford: for zome-time-ago floor moppere, but ru again) no foote, no matter how big arid gaudy nook. man Wows, the fdde reniains that the tome more So make an ordinary lit- '(To be' continued) average nuin in this Oitatty is still , row and a damn erten Indorer hl am tie mapper fote my floor if I had to t , _ C" thinking) than he *Make he xe. or and in o ...ehurca fete . The mom /nen Among the stalikrati housebold 2,0111e* Use it. Modented 'well. E guess not, Your 'Home Medicine ;mete - than he etriegglee bard IV ;hake eth- of that congie ion eh Id b dies that should always be on band in The Indian Had Seen but One DO4r ou ,the eeutrinntr, believed that mime clueleittle.• or possibly ectusty, bad streehen the tow, and wonaered it the great Mellonetd, m prme his ,serenteth, had totted a grave in the Akisimikt ice. • • he Indian had seen but One bona' and ttedeso he eaid e but the schoonee ere think be really , • The Present dog Mandate' eyeterit fn this country is of little okuVient va- lue to the poor men. Out immigrae ton Irmo and land establielimennt and • naithed, should ve. r said, Ur. Edi- your home medicine chest, none itt for, not that ther did J felt ot the mote important' tiimi DranTliontas' farm settlement plans nee 0 linnie or Idol% "oafndni that / ought to do eV, but no' on: else nos in relieving On and healing roots of the few' nairs I have left Ecleetrie Oil, Its multifold weft'. itseleisfid intitif en3trzeunt gt: plulaa0lee__e 1. tehicrkortueahssoinst lentrene ibayha'rat.ity,hythairoul7stinuctese no use to.the poor man, or wan. (tor maim fool enough or to -[f rigid at- tir, neaten' EcIectrie GU for 1211 1' higher Ups know little' *id home, No, the ladieW ad not either. iing eiteurnatie and ittatio pains, , care less about the serious dratenacke• 1' really do not knostn re tho' knew , treating emea throats e and elieste, • awndolutentdhieeesposno,f6theeheSu'rociraltnesesea47.10tilh rothertatoindlittg. it grkna4r4tiltuflyere. and ds laf laanotitsllyer,aibritrs! scalds, arta, bruises tion and inditeet babble Wowed ittfia-• their mothere' never sleeved them ' nheva,elletv nota they ever Inane it ? Aa in . former yeers. reducen , rail- tiots Ile has to contend with, atuf At; 1,2: eTtlt171411°T:SteevIltattll$4"Mtertfr(f orthiz" Printrtcliet"elbealll (1.-114tti-ltr NCI -J -411T- TAY8 "PtaensAwidabeNae57n1rErixtlt41. • "genualll! Caned San'autie- "Were Ito end called ,repeatecity nom the '.' •OM . 4.. o auee" • • ' • that 411110 died, So Soon. As he left timfation brim as by the baerel pi" lie.-4foug' the naitteeett "hahhint nolhe Gr Om* "The Judge gave Ine tan straightway lay down ani tho len, the the voice of si•siArtt• ' Ellesvan, As he aperoacibed..it wn'S' c•ached hie tegel 0 flour and they evident to the two' men tivet ties Ono started to Cess the twenty mites ox was laboriree under strong mite io he begged them not to tone him disturerntent of" true home lite. linear tnem to dee anytlarnar opoineg great portions Of the gloW., rfAV than the ore of virelieation. Tero dollars. oe ten days;" ' • • " ahent seven nighte of the week eget Itemart Cetholle eirieetbeod in eltetn Bride: "/ Dope you took,- the. halt of the dave 'at a hair-splittiner inenreeeee bee taken A St4tra:` • Or" money." . 'elfin, and no Jiving soul could tell one eene .Proteeinat, eierey, sit dinette' or - etbete whet they -ge for. unless it beleeene. no•ree ? . meat Ille lel nsihn 40"0 itt'ildead int"e -that grave. of white men. nate 41r4 t. (wird neglect of the. needful Beg inn* to ;natter bow gareeeelboka ' and his bond breathing indicate4 thee' alio was nattuted •by chunwas an III- things -4: farm, , ,. .' .,- - rho:: no =toter If some do go, prottr I he had ilia mueb. erosaelq. the steak, ellen trete_ thie north, bed sante They: ate Alm ear heepiteatynOf yesteee 1413, arref Maker' around thnough the i Staggeringeep, he gasped: "Da noon emdehrought ota siekfleasee were chhe ci I 0 1 olefin*, and alimilv te blow their alit ee saeeletrig of bubbles thoeuttningel nubblea to the shameful and otter arwaya burst Yon vet inn ur -eovair date. Ali g'onni, Methertar pleaaeh ,,,,hth.hthepeehthhishlt hiehhhhlid eatu. inalliqte4ce .of Mk. thee,ileautiful celor-hued inett'eta v Hal Hal demi-ean elead,"e ' would wooly beWitele him it .40 again ,,tette th Tlier altineva, buret. inn oe )iovrt, ..whotr, cried Govth. '114 gotton,- nt,,to thee setih 04 tee death- hhineeien- bun- lo•-• 4 ni Arian) htterh. hiftemee 7:8 -,that amine 4, you, copie from dere--Ynin see- fear ot tne. Ca* was. only a, etese•- l'un -T1 1341 etlh ereth-deatir gieene inalaten. that the seeming' 4°,r,luete:4n-thheaeri, aitmeedeeg'3'1"4.",s0:°v,Va 4.Oit14. 41lie elrbfri frrarM btibh184". -- dett?" demanded the astute. Etietne.- lgottea, Met...rumor,. eilpe 'air: ad. plane and Junto gad trIttter lead, them, Imo the tratt, vactilehle hung ean become. wealthy en a zew way,e, nheilfh tonne ItnenY Mows eente in lite e A eineWY band shot out. and; griaeing beak, mad hhe..030444.. to, et tau; 1:4 no,u4.104,44. theme Or ;bey gait- tle"bnikliter litre iflurt tim cooid lentlY Unettln/14 nernss* the, dusk fr'leue Aida„nee 7"7 •7�4,.4. liewtimate rotor Vitt. Traufwvs ato Frites' 'sfl men potation. or "You see denn?" Hoarree• miski moved oat: to..., rum*. taw titavet- it-wn'iihen- • kn.' da 4 big enmar hWelinnee Ont Innte"nt ertle"h4 ea e, the Itago.breed, searchingethe ero, •Soon. to laola. M14, the bertha ' and wgitta-ate. nte„ fe. rite e Indian s teen in an attempt to rebe ••• the Crates, shoulder, ehoole lenn haehhteolth e s tb4 geminate:we it ley "eng pr,teoctucoltiosni,„ Inticr0.51,vail..01fittat,hatesfente; trxtnert. ri..enlju hee0n811:3710iitiel _ the truth of liteeetatemeree, too,•sokoonay„ heatito ith ha lather 'words. so bipthatfeese on our vocable, and sneer natnern 'tte middle life a- t f ° baus, enaugx zr4sp .them. eed mermen- earn, carter on thlr: -4 see One dertlEruan, ausW0X t•l•'eaeb4,,..rr• eatzt.mlireill-e%e.liriterttou'o tilu!"Itilhltet =let ti,°',,ema.t'elrYutattaM4.he'efjattli;•mud unnerfante and dim' .1t•V; 't,Triii“ .2fritrtS;Iti ..ehen I yell," insisted the other, and one der. the nags. an a. fighting man. of tile dead, nie entail era filledatith cattily, hatfhtheeth 141)161_12ot, he een. teeetr.aed en ghter. eh! burst; dread' aincene and. theekttlfm, eniftea tet Idee °r t'w•G' ae,4, ' 111 letaneeet-ilan,‘ tch the ,YOUT1.1", • t'What flapper:9d Was this la= capote eash,. amt. the attha Wcabiowet UW 'no' atbencusre 7iiiiathozhh onitor to .F263,1400 eemingIy a the, memory of the ship fihe Lattouhhh. hmeiten" Bat: the tatTgittei • odeelmeneetit7 eeitted and nenend'Yeeel "ear Thet nnw AltYrntt9' athe.. vocatenaty et the last. et all: a;tainano ridirbeer there' are, i hot?" attended Gerfie. eenellongrig barret. thnneting treat. robe,' %tot -a llux tourist teamame &a- Paula "Ile die of• stela -tare -I. fook ant the Ortet. • . Of -.tile izast. u el et budder. • at boat," said thee. Indian with a the: foemeeeethh itemdesh,.. ,stara lath 4.1.157 4.0114. trate-eau:1.am ceeetar -ea mese levees wielt Savantre. • hia •sfatator. witne• sms, to, his ditari. ,iiting to us-. We. al,404 jogeta- ote. newiinfinen thee lagend;glee r. utea and tnesamenefring•orareetio - run. I we ver ba own. are een. iThe bearmreher ethe. blame harried. wortten. Nano, arp. nteautiten eegun ,i•eg ntohod,a41. ttztv • • .Qtbeirtt:ienaitilt:stfiarlinglightm°7,.spattinbeiltaa:111.rmiti'14. 01•07"hattulirenlizel:It:anceeost'.431s.Vetclo, tolaii-ohhheteu4.1:::)",°-a toe f :0;40b•th; - • "Were you from?"' en:wield dn. r (wait tinrez, tege,,th,4 war own dooraten.. Wat coulee circle Suaticion, into the, Greets. • to the ' bid ulteati.. no. Indian gannet, d*s. as we ourselves. wiern te step from venue. thrueting a tees fferee with 44 nulibin. 1 eieltrte than wetter or tlier ftriagine,fierve , ennelen Wenner teenier. ever. • •eern 4ctird of!: 331.21 013 lame efinalmointner rag :the years' semnecilat :me we keens to teaffere our . warrar tete globe n ANT VA= ago -with-what tequiren neaa to ateg 'into, neign. haring town.- Ea, a. bundeed into - Your peekete and: ten it. nu& wateh 'Tram de Hapiskate E •go h e Orraring the disallow& tree fA, 11. ' • boittyt 0fuo 4.treatdedastomii0eurfoxfx4m tie An ja,e_ Garth. f.or. a whi4pred. council ot war. • main *Alt his doge, Etienne. galled t I itl" h tiled Efh 1 11)ft.s.ellOollbr step. the darnabift nolioeulau. eYc'•Ing You the Indian's eled. at the natore of the hulks, load en Anr eta. eth Lvoasky as if trou wom,4,4warniat. 4u4a au. The Cree•tedded. "Day not use ie now." •The sweat face the head man at Elkwan beedeued 'tato creased 'bath- er as he buried to Garth, and Wins- pered; • "I don Ink eine, - Set • Slot o <trio v • taln g an an- de a tat e Her -WO ale , humiliate* says. 'otters ler, '4. de gen eon hicea-nn-heette- ase.' we zway taut. nunnt 1104 oo • circle. thun! de boat'. . enuch oecause. of. tete teca of space liteeithe.t tem or. nea.rer tOtoe. eartm, bur. beWna0 0X anything, twit tong .nee hial„ nee • Win ithe trenzie& detertematton, at scene i they, hear' Mir longs 21 Pla e • laalf-witted Tx& t0 go one better tnan "Wee ee%. too farn Is nt th r It I o eo e. f a -wilted fool, tri one mare lineb'be do ode rs ambush ahot, trained. to sileneeeenteadd ha ',neat town. We waith a dant of a lot no. what we dor• invaluelle in a.iiights Watt:be hustles' of time, event a dale et a loc of - • "Fat going over to find out. Itne yeleing would, betray them,. ea they money, arenaa 0,,,,daegit of..a, lova ark. iiInt:inditu;y. Bouelier will wait for days. 7,Rore, laehed to the sleebe, eaeth and, llama gaa in riving and 1 They „may not an be dead. I'm 44Eeef -wdon, see nadlithe 7 male flying tile and dente its elevators, , dia feller teller to de abilp. Den we %viten we amild. ,eluietly and 041111.y. ao$uppoge eot eee a trick? suppose weft I tell. been* he la' de t'irat onde wanik a bloc.k or two and 'get the.' do ones not dead wait for der ireellame wid 40 gun eel,. Ides ribs. Ile space we need up= the ground door. I venehe, w'en we come?" • • . vex' seaee-someeing bad here," -ln all-siraerity Iltak,e'how much bet -e• "Well stalkdem seen see." warnea Etienne, ••••11•"*...• ' . ter are we tat' and 7 answer rnyt' • Dropping his mittens and tfelibere "He'a afraid 'of the devile,"‘ sag- own, qatetion, "we are not ball, nor, , ately reeehing tinder Ulm espota, gested Guth, tilleasing his ride, and a quint% ae aolid, sane and safe, is. I Etienne drew his Manning knife. regretting that his army automatic when vet eoubl transaet our littini '. !Coolly running a thumb over the hung neirleeted itt its holster on the bushmac upon terra firma. The 1 r edge, be thrlitn his leen inte Chet on rack at Elia/are l'hiS"Stalk on the whole thing only breed e eonteregte the disturbed Indian while his slit- shit) hod Etna of the Colon of a lanaseetestantion, unfriendliness, lute like eyes snapped as he bit oft the tteneh raitn-e. fight ire the dark, tf terhem between the veer „ma4..104, ' words: "You Ile! Moltonal' Ha 1 Etieutteavas ript-and he miseed the the hieh. The hoer. man It at • Hal seri' you to Hapiskuen You spik led of hia pietol on his belt, the drag ilince, because of the trammeling, ' de trot', or t..." and seining the In- tne the shoulder strap of a bag et eihetealirtg effect this kind Of tinhag dian by Ins hood, he made a quack Mills bombe. . , pass at his throat. I As they neparated.ftiettlio grinned tbhavir43,te datutrting 241 ihilfrildialngetedvIlvsioeun. re. 1 Overrated by the, fiervertette Of the 'Garth's band. "I meet you et de , raoned and there become eeteihnshed strangers, the undereited Cree sway- hboat, Keep 'YAW* de lee 'Au 1 freak attore if the Chtistlike 'thriggianized • ed en -hit feet. repeating in his seem- beem holler, eef dey shoot." ' • ttairit of brotherhood' betetteett the • , hitt terror: "I epik de trut.' You leo 1 i The idekef atidklutt dead raeu vial- ;Dear and the rich, betweela the Man,. to de boata-you seen' grottequee bat us Garth and Shoe , hWe go to a .beitteeare you ge ,:' made a., whe gobbles up, tnanipqlaten anti , their way 8"47 tevarl "'' blow* his teradollar bubbla where tho wad us," evened Etienne. !shore, for the stars were dim, tim , other _poor cues lure to meat a darn, At the words. the Indiatt's face wont peelibilita that Etienne's euspieirhe : ed site fora to Mow timhuernstoje grata "De spirit -t am Seare te go were- not unfouaded grew in the 11)014looking ere worth but a dotter. ,beelan he protested: lint the inelete tef Guthrie. ,f_uppose the -Wien /kW Eierele ordered bint to turn. his eeen a dead men. Thefe might have If til'e ehurell wet"- deueunee' w3 - and lead the way baek. tben n tight aboard while the,. rest eelnurage Tand ehl1e7.4111"1 feature 11P. It was tarn on the hunter, if his evere temporarily atihorn aften fur. '.,„"e!. ulete7'er8w4-75 8he woaid go a lettn' etoev, was straialtt, but bearding ai True Mellonald right be deed, but toward workike out at least ette 1 •waiting Ateteontild in his lair was not With the leader gone, Breault. deeper- !Is'art"-ef her ul3f-lelt. Mluf ruirlt-ten 101••••••••••• ate eitie es'bi teethe hie -re blowir.g ehly atlr initb ce at , might have evolve& this mherthe ifY 83 they deotaim from the waled hue some ef the ihatoehtm reegldesk, and it ite euree and ti "PINKHAWS COMPOUND IS WONDERFUL" Road This Letter from a Grateful Woman wow* oto. -"t think Lydia E. Pinkbant's Irasetabill Compound ia ul. 1 boo children el four are my raw * Wino boy vow months old o we/fiat, 231 sada. 1have bsCroekftat motto.% sad eireebely re, ofeeibisellt le Visit abe ems aerose the lee. t'ut Irdian woe dtim2" '!0 'tit* 1r°1/1441tiel' t`f thc° bend for Ntiaistau when they. met 4.?%,tut.hielihIPintUftkerweheerry emr at?? hz1r.03411h3eel. :-:11111,htat 'the Thhe' wive intinieters are preathing a let of Gun pm amidehut things tralh,and it is only occationally that inne , etrange had harpmeti hof,te ariloav a L,_,hiti.3 the mar.es listen t3.„good found Ce. company winterino in the tee, am.: trim.. Theta. is altogethet _tee much, of that „winch only, taffeefies . the li3. tenere. It, has but one effect, that . ef soothing and pleaming the Witte. The bubble that at this pertititlar ;, I. moment. sod ift this petncular line i In a ittY minutes, time the entire tor ministere and trash comet to ere ;aerie elm at. freed 4 neoiteutteee, most terribly.. touches upon wOrnert's ' .e.‘"th III illIhn"eant leeleYeT.Oelt hitniralrees, *rid where a fellow touches , 1 nPreenehe tnran r T" I OA ni tett in Inn women's dress of today, he towhee i '10°78 the tan% 81e0 en the drarer-, a darneilly ttelirate bit of stuff, lees i ill not !eve a vtain en the yolk, atio,„ im t vra_ teading Ivy ttitily a ft3 nesein thr eleeete and on the ecreette. he not e But entv e few aroaros It w 1 deelichle ef nialleanate, heeling, or read* bit siemetimetin uneetorated as Ilmr,itlia, t4ne"grah' unynnIn -"Mit ail I aim, I was sotnewhat tidier, bait 11111''S e'' e'''"rel ore Illleni nOth the with the vindicative altittallt * k uttvly atomized spray, Within. * few. quite release riereireate in A nem. "Inulea *IT the ""iiii "4" i 4 thn '. lee city tCalsedisat took ie the mat - w133 be desia, regraielleux of when i f et. ee TU. -aslant day wereen'e Ott's"- l ther the wirelettat atal doors ilre OrtPtt !ee too-hteat mkt a,„ the theme! .lahlehe er eloirel, in addition to beim it*in. i kos.,-,...-vp.- 44- rm. 4,...,.. )40.,40 ito. toi,. Frxriox in triallwallt. A *NA, "aoptal. - litta givingamal•atirring. lutatV karvataaa la pool" bat *aro taitath ttl all hmtaaltollt 18/4°,44- Ilve' . err *Atte, guarantool.. -Adv. ,. A ••••••• . ADillti- , la IN ifTIC STAIR .,, whe count pre* what had Wien eut an Inie Ghost ? ('Te be coutinued) *barna, as& *abject& boo ptatty oto14 sr, satirely aahaostadt Ow 1 InAlte.1 it carry a tow Uwe and wee-, *hired sad wandered fast 'we far 1041 eleditattees wield be albywed 14 go. "Looted in the heart of the ' business district._ Overlooking Grand Lucile note A modern flre-proor Waal. SOO roOros; each with beth, _Retest $250 attel upwards. Famous Restaunint anct ramie. also toFfeeShop, HOTEL ILVE IN 1E, DETROIT -Mi • C H EV It() I F • nOlineing th4.e 1ST Ti[LITY EL 42K, wanother Sensational Chevrolet Value 4speeds Forward 44witeetBzakes IVrafit.cfaheyrolet presents the: New Utility 'truck. AI a Inerloced haulage unit embodying every feature. „ ' f dvanced engineering developed through years of; overlong* itt commercial car.huildose' and proved • by exhausitive testing on the General Unbars proving grou*tdft Typical et the progressive design ornhostod in this litosationeil new tradt 44a a foistoPeed forward treasraission, powerful MI* finseorhesi brakes, full Italthemaiug steering meriting front shock absorber wings, alr-bournitimat cushion* end- theme freed bilrepor. to addition, it oilers sit those 'basic features WItichi beett 40 lamely insisuoteigal in Chevrolet's treniendous sue, Clam tho world's largest builder of tocks....rugged ten *ale vidtbt Onoviiiee bitujii.type bongos •. springs set parallel to the load . completely enclosed a•alya-lrbboatd moot with air eleattert oil filter and nositine action Yana type Oil pomp) 4 4 thattiostatto control of water- efreulatIon, . low loading height generous road clear/nice and cciuntlesi other feetaratt Of temperable importance, Visit your Chevrolet dealer sant get a trial...load demottotration of title remarkable new truth, It has been developed to meek the modern conditions of business transportation and body types, ar* available for wirer, type of business. 44.s.sere Nee only • $665 • MASON 0141LY Al' WALKEIttatill, MOM Comailarat Too 10** The, &sort mat It* ESA, reevit.. • . &ford MOW tiorog APPwat aroarat 01.1 sloth OM sot tams** aid palm** *ay al &Olt on cherfOot ipo EVROLET WORLD'S, LARGEST tip/LDER Q TRIJCK$ macEWAN & MUTT 01" FRED ROWE Olihrtibssit) seam• 01114imail. moron or won", UM=