HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-08-09, Page 5TH Ra DAN, AU tit sr ta b, tjS HOT WEATHER NEEDS THE UODER1CH STAR % T. 1,-.w ,-,...8.1,..; l'ofttkArf Eli ilaj a tire" W' A. relithshht Siaas Mh 4 it :Silruh.41101, Pititeilii„lletS;sitSKeitt,t;"1;111SA! IR . aae. e . a of te mediae bit thaey, ,, Alien • seinetiting to lead the newcomer to Li!. 311, Tont plays 319 , uec.. pc,wney . - • th•;?. ieeittit y 10 it top and aels whet it , Rev. R, !:. fial..-s, pee playe hit3 .k itbiatachpVitalitrighanittriftwpiongothsedry .1,11i.oirrio..., ali about end to impress him with • Bathe Fleming - ...-eae, ..- l: With Slit Hoesch to l'erforat at . BATHING CAPS, ;the faet il a Cenailiareieni and an int- ". tpeeial eelatienehip *hr are to be'Ji 011ITITARY ' tioderiels Pak. ORANGE and LEMON DRINKS. ,articfuetlAT:iln,c-wheittolcyt'dutTim!ult.yikla,::1, .t:-'0:"hl•-;"i:.---,--1,1`,.., %"14,,r3,,wptioth ,g,,.;e4.4..!::','-i',',::,,,',°';', ;.' teal attraetien for tha Go:lei:hit LIME JUICE i lassoed of the tiudikiliy fate,' teaniu.' Voir i3 prinked isi the high Some:rig FRUIT SALTS TO COOL THE BLOOD ian Cenadian Club in Calway. 1 " ai1J:1 01 " M I'', te, V. teireye itincee Ott heee. 'sat riaT, t1Z7 a Part,h si tirhsh ' _ • Banff. We ,1011-Irt:tirlii-i-Itilfeal'at Illia tints • 6424.011z• At Vita thQugat he wee matiterai - 31 crieaeliet'i indszi3t,xial, • ..-6.0.•.. . SUNBURN LOTIONS and CREAM ii onitiou0:1, i'vcetDtelliielli il 140,0UrkItttecai,13ilaet f:..,:.),-rtu:egrt..,iinitraiLA1411100{4113 Silf•iniiesi;30„43“9 .1 tt,I,I."Ii, itatte3tra;,.LA4.0d,J.at'IrvCoti1,,c,:ztill sist„c„719htl,:i; : i to?, INNIW•-•enii)illegtiet841hecenwl.3t1,t,nvYk;itlitgltiT, •ix.").Lgzito-'701,‘,°10.,er:tc:,'1..vV`;!t elriis reitre: ',. faly t%:5 ?ICI beetle the tr1e is Mee hatra .. resident of , tieder2ch and las (paced Gordon, eharepion high ittraPhig hcly ,' Phone .9.0 isceT11 t0 be making 1»g strides in Goderich ; ' • • - growth and, 'there is quite a problem . in seine a the eities 'ef Provitlin; fielletvieerailiNniZ"r larTn2g4e° llf eliirelellat ei4' Ol'ilate:an, Oft Varct.nte.,1SINil N'5-isll aek'efe, • ..,' wheels fast enough to keep np with friende and universally held hi ate ',.pally her and alas Mr. Sam Hwee' - -.the growth of populittion, but this highest esteem. Mr. Oawald Presletee•. High Jan -ming, hate-becis , •.matter of eilacation is something itae carey was tern in Guernsey Se -1 wili snake a eeal attraetion and will be,. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE . 4ttlinaal inetitulions worthy of the can- s which the westerner ROMS to regard f prime importance and cduea- , tres in Which they are built are the eel. lend, Englund, 72 yeaes ago. eoming '. soluething.new in the way ‘is a.,aeatee,,:, to Canada when .). lad. Far a tinv.)liei stand cwt. They will brisig see here i th ,,e 1 ,eotte Rockies T * .,,,..„,„te„,,,„bs.„,..febur,t1doeratilno eiLet,-, II, neleasd. 0 itorrrqh3a0etirroleitteutusp: c()„,Thc.arir,;,,,,be,i3,i,„ 4.4.4,..44.4..144!......e..f. . rule. end out on the preiries the little t rich. Ile hail a long arid honorable; test in the tug-of-war, whieh was net ,1 -1.--,-2 houee itsapromipeett, more so business career ill this team and was 4. 4114] oie Dominion Dav, for no Girantid Fcrces Muit I-Iave Operated to °Raise Strataleahrieliurchee. and one canaot Se 1 the eenter member of the iirm of O. silvev cup donated by the Huron Old t Rooks Mites Into the Air" stretehett and Mall settlements, wit11-. brokers, tlieousch the preiries, with their vast with which lie bad been asso- i of the Gederich Fair days. V F ewer and Sons Ltd, local stock Bees' Association of Toronto, en ono!, out getting some idea of the versa eiated for the past twentyefiye years.' St. Helens tied Zurich sehool feire t real problem with which the church, I He was a valued member of St. Geo. i at whiSh had been scheduled for the diaVs ' r' fa"1e11 ia bringing. c'rdinanC•e, °I. Fehi.geha.aliureli. and -art hbe- time -a- -his eof--the-Crederielt- Fair -before it-evaae At Calgary We had the pleasure of i eillemateelihw. as one of tlie wardens of the I known that tie, dates were seine to 2Surviving are hi wife, One c s 1 onflict. have teen slaineed to ether tigion td"tliesd-eonitilliiitiese e meeting Nellie McClung. the well-. i t sister, Florence CereY, a California. I days vo Out Godeirch will be the cue la known outlier aud publicist, who I and two brothers 11k and Eugene, big event, SCIpt. 17 to 19. breezed into a home where we hap- i of whin/peg., anh a family of- nme. ,--,- , ...., ..S..1,....•• 'Pelle(' to be making a call. She is a TRU BEST- I naave, rif this oati of -Ontario . the embodimene of weetern fteedom o s Te_evvarig:e Of Saekatooni Harold, a TIIE CIIRAI'EST IN THE END I cam lstrs. 1.c. 0. xeltuet, .1 7.alls alieut the ridale,af, he eplaines was formed. Duririg the carbonifer- II"011vevood, You cannot get Jersey tains front All the western cities have fine deel f Chi M abil lc i 1 t of of manner and hosoiteliter. • or -vim Wilt the pYtaitiiel -A much ells period, as the result of teen -len- engin. rs. it 11 g 1 i c . a Holstein OW. You ‚4 I10' get 14 41 mere steeendoue problem in the mind atom preesure exerted front the west, '%neouvert touts, of Besewood, Min rartmental eaten canductea leir the lif a. E. price. of Boston, lutes': gootl servide from cheaply built foot - of ;eau Wato :has e. on the ahoeky Moult- the floor of the oceau. began, to rise; wear. Teday the merket le full of Hudson's Bay ComPany• taul Eaton's anrds.R b rt and -Philip of town. The treeinaking some invasion of the ter- c e 1 kJ -ifu d ft r goods just built for profits. •tehaa he "How did they 'happen. 7" elewIa it rose through the millione of ' Seed rocks, which years which followed, uatil there was the • funeral was le on es ay a .e e w . h • ' ' St e aun to keep the best at the When elnle etratThritoro also in Winnipeg- -re usually stipiitiee 'were formed un- a great swamp, where Bate dinosaurs building of the Hudson's Bey Cnew -Wonder-4'nd Problems of -the Prairies - Western Cities Malxing Rapid Progress, But Toron Going Alsvad by Leaps Ad Bounds • neen' with om- lowest possible prices. . _ der Water, piereittg the clouds at a wallowed in luxurious esiatent Then pally cost five millions and emoloy- GeorePess ehureb. in whielt the 'teeter, Although we have made nustakes, Pion 86 1- 2' ,ot on, taro, almost three milea again,: at the end. ot the Age of ROP- Rev. a'. MX. Mills, was assisted by rabeve sea. ieve, and not only one Or Wee. fhere Wag, motile. tremendrhus amp° Peg ItUtObEW 000, Patoyes haVe' -0„,,,,,. r„,.,on ma and ven. Arehdeacon ' we claim 90 per cent, eurcess in give e„ ell:I:id:ail, c:nriveleagn4treryth-ehs: •the '1111)111 1. trisitors,- the gre1,1108 aeius. if ate 411 14 use the eispression, erisete folded it atil lifted it high in nee sr, ammo, tke .plarinea norfiejetu:ITurpPli were Judge ,Lewisi and hiestire. J, meneYe hatai PehtS,:hut, a:whole- gee of IMAM- -throat, width cramiled up the rocey Ralph egollnineaYte,eatI`iniTkIe cilleidene° el .:4;0;nte-R.s7BGa.tielmeoaraokisT.lece. wpuniltle-beie:Gre:on. °gut:Ise., flui reffeft kirbiiildirtg a foe pyramids the air. No sooner were the moue- snaeonsa arca a Awn/hobo park W'll" ais mid Dr.- S. M. Field. Ilts, 'when 1111 need et Feetwear far the being in tine shape. lo '4.. ptiny 'enticed. It must have . tains uplifted than the forces of 40. pointed out to the visitor and the '4 "fl n Stunendous force which raised etrtictimi begat Ole 'work of tearing with 'its nrevielot for zoo, pienie r'teel4Wae here for some time before iamilY• s ' 'e Anniversary services will tie held in lln our 'ho e repair sitop eve repair ch'e -flePtitita4ittS. 110W did it happen? them down. Wind and frost split up II" f ther '44 td away assisting in son Louie anything in leather and rubber foot- St Andveven United °lurch en Sun" . ' f h tile 0 Iss along the lines f striation grounds and almoet every sort of er 11. IA . 4 • •• attention on nun, avid Ids 1' 1, 1 1.I1 ." • 1, I We heep Our Store coot But we wit t give every Visitor A Warm Welcome WE ASK YOU TO CALL AND SEE THE NEW LINES Brown's Shamrock Linens Bordered Breakfast Cloths Damask Dinner Sets 36 -Inch Bridge Sets -Benmiller Fancy Blankets All Wool, at Mill Prices Kenwood Plain and Fancy Woollen Blankets WE ARE ALWAYS PLEASED TO SHOW OUR GOODS H.1.1$ BERTH • NCO Door i0 tho Standard Bank THE CASH STORE •4- 1 lir":17 1..1 .oc.c. es s °seri ed in some of the end car rea 'them into scul to ed ""t in ITE'VAA1 V Ittib ln e ` rogla was hsra and Dr. Alia 3,1,..s. mole wear at reasonable pracea, ''.?(11 Is .1 4)-il *Ii ' : lie -mature we ticked up about the forms. Ttren Mr many tho'nsands of p r m rot v.iluatn we agoin took tho Moo, of;ireiterteall, wee bere for the It is a s ectal 1 p p ensure to us to ' over the loltes to Port MeNicoll, de. flaleraife - t part of our patrons, Come and see meet the farmers WII0 form a large .17,,,,..;.t.ita aistilict : ' Years, trait and silence held tileboat. Red Igia another delightful snit 'It re °awe insoiring to linagine" a motattaine in their "'ii GI ' P. =ors • . • Ville -.Shen the 12 4(1 wer(n't lien formed it ..he vallere P d ., resell -1g own. heatfial in -every way except that etre petBeBanrxrioN To us when in town. ;at all. 'Thai was Tong ago. beforehhe the heights with increasing force and lind a delay of a 10114)10 of 'hours . MR. G, M. ELLIOTT ,.1 "04 sharpened and reset. jeliv-"fiiii - end the heachimical ever teating the rdeks as the v ca e F Some •aiStance out from Pore Mali- The East Street Footwear and ' 'ilie • ' 'd - ' /Ad ' 0t • ' i f n • itrniirrilid in Crimistraati shme, ona theorem § of years the Ice a vatted, `toll 'wait ng or t e fog to lift so that atowarils and Elders of ITI tOria Repair,. Shop Ilie Place where the great 010t0TtainS L'eCeaeil, and advanced again. 'After it wo-u)a -be sate to proceed along the Street Chureh Tremor orle I OCIUM pposite Knox Church Goderieb tow Feend wee the floor of an inland countless noes the warmth eame ebennel 'the eaPtaht er1 the xemva" Connected 'With The Board '' sea, +rho eaetern hmit of this eea iterin "end the lee Xing vwen.. bac to tin the C P R. boat were were on, • ewes the Selkirk ranee, on the shores the Arctic, but platy of the glacien- la etal?h, MaePhie arid he ned nowar • ale '[U '1(l'4-4. evening *members of PORT ALBERT WIV. Ant,. Prop. , Vic - of the great creftinent of Cascadia. r'911 renraire and it has been observea maulers after Goderich friend e and . happy assomation the tomMittee of stewards of the Vie- A nunibtn, frau here attended :the le'lefoh stretehed Whitest to where that 'their move a certain distanee entialeeerlees ei, -Chinn ie tr-4411: IIII4 "Its eastern limit. from time to time." I with many 'Goderich people, erameers atria street 'United thureh and the races iii Gmlerieli ort Aug. fitte I of. whom have passed on to a ;future Id 'd ' ' M G lel Fill tt . . a is e " * family of Bellmore, are enjoying aree nroliiibler somewhei•e near Lake , ' --- • - e ers pal a visit to r, . . . o Reh, Mr. 111(1 Mrs Wm. '1' .t. and verren. irriwneti enunttoss centurlea The vvonder of the prairies! Those , we...r,hi. t. ' t II' ' horn to express t'heir appre ,ae rnit••••it 100 the eon' from Cas- hropense stretches of fertile agrietil-I'll"' whin A ve arrived in Toronto, ciation of the veined services lie has • ' ' - their holidays in their eottao heue. csdia until a bed 50,000 feet thick tural land with no burdett of forest to on the hast lea of. our jeurney, that, t8ndered the ,congregation as a niem- , Mrs, Albert Sylvester and Tom and . din of rivetting on some ber of the board and th, other ofileial Rose tma Mies IvadelL Hoy motored 'be cut down before" the land email 'he with all •4 - cal '1 IA f the roWin of Of the rie`e eitY scrapers that laze . Ire positions in connection with the to Stiratford on Satueday, returning riv to .... •. ...i.. . i ereps. What might have happene'd a'arag. l'Pe. ene was f°reed t.e.rea -church for the past thirty-eight ea,e,,,, 1 n is country i e TS e p mats . • _.• i. Elliott has found it ne- hs"""e* Friends. und neighbols. were very , , es rye; 1; --"Gn0011 1 "I this -f th fi t a 1 - that winw the western cities are ‚.ear', ite . erthe o - makine remd progress, the laneen cessary to resign his position on the to hear of the death of Mrs. LONDON ONTARIO ; 'mid settlere had found their way by it*Y. V065 i -the Hudson Ba out into e heart f Oilitr also ee going ahead by leaps and board im account of the coadition of sorrY teheeetaelal, Commetelat, tied ins fellow members potent McKenzie, whica occurred on • ea-- I the prairie landst ends. Values of sieveral thousandhis health, and ' ^amount of labor v/Woliaaidt au.nalvinetAbeenesp6, oilers a foot frontage in. Toronto express the hope, Which all join in, ;sandal/ morning. ' . Business AthillilligeAt1011 Cirnt$CS. -saved for these pioneers if 'fifty hld suggests that.if eotne of IIS could dig that he will soori be restored to health Mrand hire. Elmer Taylor and (TALL TERM Comwerri Anon 27t% ' route upon land all ready to 'be ti tad tit mo ipropertiee in Goderiela ' and and able to resume old duties. After family, of Coutwaisrht, are speruling Mlle fardellls 10 ' ' instead of having to clear the ',/ and dump them unto the triidst of teat city a ii0OMI time the following address a few days with Mr. Taylor's par it - -first. and what an inarlease ae onde we would be fixed financially for the was M read by Mr. W. . Knight, secre-, ents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Thos. Dixon. J. MIES TEMPUNI-1143trar P.rizing there would have bemit if the rest of am' lives. but as that iS not tary. of the Official Board, end the Mrs. Cook, and faMillf and Urfa foaeitts which at one time caelthell Oils nractital the holiday traveller bas to presentatioh of a beautifully engrav- Clove Meyers and family left Sun, - Model The r 0 la rich reseuree far tire genera- again. tiers, If t is ha ened we sup- tbeen isfe as retarn und -take op the daily ,grind I ed gold -headed cane was made by Mr. 14054A 1.‘40 Juld e living in the NOTES OF GOLF -.net ned o would ave con - James Adams: , Mr, G. M. Elliott. Dear Alze Elliott -We, the stew- ards and elders'of Victoria street len- +timed'Fr any jetties the won- • The -4'#, ,-n mateh in the Perth, ited church, having learned of your WEEK Ok' ALIalIST 13 to es . aerful lan es, forma and game. But 'Huron and Bruce League between. resignation from the official hoard of ,•it lens rtser 0 he. • . ,Maitland and Seaforth was played at this. church,sfeel that we cannot 'ac- e.-- / •P MONDAY raid TUESDAY A Seafotth last Saturday resulting in ettept your resignation (without at - 'problem of the west '-h-e• surety tiesbut eis Maitland was up on the tempting to exprest to 'You in some COLLEEN MOORE that of assiniilating the large.ponpla- Mota here, the local players still measur*, Our appreciation of your the gifted favorite of. Millions pree tion of non -Anglo .Saxon origin into have'u-margin of one on the nund• faithful work among us, not alone es seats the picture with thesRvae lin- the life of and ideals of .nin . Angie. They hove tow ta play with Listowel,I a member of this board, but in all ing. A nevereto-be-forgottea wet- Saxon nation. In Calgary, oraeur re- width some thee Ago defeated Blue the activities of this -church. ante that might happen Waller:ale in tent trip to the West, we had a Thug Water players here. ' The results of Fox a number of years you have the world. . • talk With the inspector of *mamma= the filay last Saturday were as foh been S0441'etary and treasurer of this "RAO/MESS AHEAD' a:ad pollee. In connection -With the lows : - church: it pottier( which you have lawork of the R. C. M. P. 5 quantity of Us.1)ontildson..1 ht. M. Jones.. -.0 held with credit to yourself and to the CHRISTIE COMEDY' .litenture eama into them Possession it Ct. Youog....1 W. E. Southgate0 church. For a number of years you "ANGEL EYES" 'which was in 'circulation among the W. V. "Saunders.0 Dr. IV: Aberhart i were superintendent • of the ,Sunday , -,. Ukraniann of the district, literature; IS R. Patterson 4 J. Hinchley..., .0 school, for which responsible itosit(m - SAILLY O'NEIL, MOLLY ()OAT and almost red, tinge, The inspettoe en- Ir. A. Cotilthurst 0 Geo. MeTaggart I i gree, economy, literature of a seeialistice -t. P. Chapman Ire a. R. Keating le I the youag fitted you in a marked de.. the lines of so.ealled. Inolitical, silmer Beacom. a0 ae. , C. Savage, ..i. I your deep interest in the welfare of 'this WEDNESDAY and THURSD.AY almig LARRY KENT - - rraged the leader who autumn I. X. Flahiff.... 1,2 r). C. ROM . .. 1.4i I We, the members of this,board will • in Beatrice Fairfax's great'. roteetee. literature in conversation arifi glean-, sl. D. Browne...0 I, 0. Greig 1 'miss the benefit of your experience A story of heart throbs, an alestarb- ed front him enough to show Menthe' l. 13, Reynalds -1 It Smith.. . 0 mid good judgment. We cannot for- irigesituation make an up -to -the -min- need of mile real effort to allocate'• .._ --get your courtesy at all times and . •ute screenplay of these people of foreign extraetion 5 - 5 your fair treatment of all matters ing of the political institutions of ourt ors ,svent to Kincardine for a match' adviee we often 'found to be for the for diecussion• Your who come to out shores in the mean-- Yesterday a dozen Maitland play.; that came all "THE LOVELORN'S • . . best interests of the eltureh. In the t h r ov ed and but - d on the fternoonh • whY. The. Ukranian, in answer to nlaY. 1 prayer Meetinge your voice wag of. queriete said that no effort had been' Theliraw for the fast flight of the ten heard in quiet supplieation 'for day for their home in Stratford after a two weeks' holiday atkehe lake. ItAYFIELD Dr, Newton -Beady leas purchased a new thryslee teach. Mr. Wm., Parker, .of Sarnia, eporie the week -mid with his parents here. Mr. Harold Pollock, of Toronto, vis- ited friends in the village last week. A large number of the citizens at- tended the races at Goderich on Mon - Mise Jean Woods, of Norton, is spending the holidayi at her home here. day next. Rev. Mr. Lane, of Sea - forth, will preach at the morning ser- vice arid lee,v. Mr. Perris, of Knox church, London, 'will be the preaCher at the evening oreice. Special inua sie Will be given by the emir. MANY MOTHERS RECOMMEND THEM toes Own Tablets Are Fine for Nervous, Sieepleas Children Fi oni Canada the fame of Bithe"S Own Tablets' is spreading over ;the world. Mothers- recommend them to 1 other mothers Mid wherever they , are tried nothing but words. of pruiee are beard for the pleasing tasting t the minor ailments of young childreu, little tablets that promptly retie\ e "Baby's Own Tablets, are one of t the best remedies for children's ail. i molts I have ever wad," salmi Mrs., Arthur I`, Allen, of Auburn, Me. "My little girl was, Orme and could not sleep• tried the Tablets and Was relieved at once. She 'Wag also troubled with constipation and nothing seemed to hen her. I had used the Tablets but a ellen time be., fore .her bowels were tegular. All mothera should keep Baby's (Iwo Mr, Parket and evife, of Toronto, aro attests of Mr. Jas. Wamsley tins -week. Miss Elma McKay, of Toronto, is spendiag her holidays with her par- ente here.• Mr. and Mre. Oliver R,hynaa, of Burlington, spent the week -end with relatives here.• • Miss Ruth Houston, 'of London, is holidaying with her parents in the %Ringo at present. Messrs, Laurie and 'Fred Isowlie, of REGAL comr.DYLondon, spent the week -end with "SMITH'S COOK" their parents here.. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Matte lance his arrival in this eouritry rose bowl competraori. winch is to be y war organ za on o e n aye Y ug. ov th d. 'Mr. and Mei. Bert Baker, wife mad n alt it b h d foe Robert Bailey 'artd daughter of your heite Toronto, visited friends in the village b ti t t 11 them II e 1 el b A 15th ro f 'lows : 1 the • community at large, • k ' ly oivert to all need. MOM MIX and TONY - You've seen this pair ManY times hat you can't say that yorihre really seem the at theirbest t'l you sce "HORSEMAN 'OP TIIF. PLAIN'S" "LOVE IS BLONDE" . FOX COMEDY • Matinee Sat. at 3.00 PM. • hration nonfinion Drat and fon the. Visa 11. Galt plays 'Mimi E. eel hoalth and strength, spending ter holidays with her moth - meeetrig of Cariedian citizenship.' lilies E. Bar; plays 'etre, c. E. E, hap. eed it:empathy have always been freee ,er e viee •-ea , 'This WAIS SOlhe years ago, and right mar here the %erector saw the apporttin« Mre. 'W. IS Saundeaa p1144':;reiectore. a 0 e ( t OlIr resighation with family, of Toronto, are gueste of hire. Biggart at preeent. 'it f a CanadianCI b d hie M n AV° 4""Yknowingth t it i t n I - Wire. D. D. weniberehip in the Kiwanielis iniJ Mrs, Jas. Donaldson playa Miss jeSie ered onlv beeanse of illnese, and we fievoted 'hie energies to the Canadair' 'Sh,utldere trust that tbrough Ilina whom you (Itil' eerie o f1.0 fte • of tht, ePl's have so feithfully served all your life voti Inas, goon be restored to jour uo., Chile 'Through hia lead the Callahan Mies K. Hays. plays letra. Elmer Bee - Rey. George Richardson, wife and family, of Kitchener, visited friends in the village last week. Miss Lola: Elliott, of Detroit, ia HARVESTERS! 44,000 WANTED $11,00 TO WINNIPEG gchal:1111:11?IlleAteey41- to alt Calgary, MacLeod and East. PLUS TAX , 11111MUIPtiallt10-1111( oat pei mile to 'Winnipeg, phis $20.00 and tax to destination. AUG. Altirt-Protn Toronto,. Caledoit East, Becton, Mellon!, Collingwood, Potting, Midland, Capreoi, and South and Aast lit Ontario, alms Staticius in Quebec West of Andrews and Lachine. Atia Wird-AMU Stations in Ontario. Toronto, Ittelewood jet. *ad West mad South thereof. *110 Sellist-rront stationg in Ontario: Cannel, North Baer and South and Eact thereof. aprelat Tritino tor Winnipeg ciao** National Ramo* Peon TORONTO(tInion Station)-Aufig. st-12.01 co. (Midnight Aug, 2041s); 12.30 p.m.; 10.40 p.m. Aug'. 271n1 -2A0 p.m.; 10.40 pan. Aug* Met -2A p.m. and 10.4015141, From OrtAWA-Augg. 214st-12.01 a.m. (Midnight Aug. 20th); 1.00 p.m. Aug. *It 1.35 a.m.; 1.00 p.m.; 1040 P.m. Prom PiriritikliORO-Aug. *1St -12.01 a, tn. (Midnight Aug. 20thh-role tinditty. Blackwater and Atherley. 'torn --Ases..211rd',-42.30*.tri.ilididuigirtAug.22ndivia Chatham, Loadon,l/amitton and Inglewood. From 11114klelittiert21-Auff. taltrcl--0.00 a.m. via Gueloh. Georgetown andontreeeted. hawarogis Tipetins-ceintortansnienfientet eigre-iipeciat Coro for **mow and Onions Throw* on coin gal Vint* connecting with Above special trend. Vac &Wild t load Cann/Urn Nntional Agent Than' CANADIAN- NATIONAL 1929 you p ease neont he waI k- io the villege present' ine earth tie a slight token of our Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peek and esteem ? MayIt eerve to remind daughter., of Akron, Ohio, are visitors wet of the times von event the in the village for three weeks. .ellereh eerviee with old friends and m G ithSdi7duvr.: e,f The ete:tvar E i ill g thi etel eldelh of the Victoria greet Un- t n v a ey 5 vstee ANIGIIT. Secretary., - • Rev. ItIr. Parr, the pastor, made it very appropriate addreas and Mr. El- liott made a feelinq reply, referring spending a month a holiday in toe to his connection with the tongrega- village, left for her home on Wednes- tion for fortitefour years and an a , day. . member of the board for thirtY-eighto Mis. Henry Weston returned home • and lie expressed the hope, that he from Detroit on Sunday sifter a would be 'tilde to resume bie position month's vieit. with friende in that • on the board againeare long. Mr. city. . ntihse, 11011 '441110 1114149 otfitehaPvlienagenbtelnimni: t ouTriittsv1111% different points of :• ,is elive with canner ! member of the dwelt 104 the next., Canada and the United Stater) at pre- • longest term after Mr. Elliott, mime- sent. ly thirty-eight yearn. Mrs, Down, Mrs. Dreleolin Toro arrived bente pact proldent of 'the Ladies' Aid, this week from Sault Ste. Marie alt. ; nresented Mrs. Elliott with ca beauti- ter minding a month vieiting her eine ter there, Ilev. Rat. Gardener, wife and daughter, of Chicago tare mending the holiday° with 1114. .4414142 Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tippet and ; Wright, of Billings, Montana, aro ; t,,lottOri) 'With Mr. and ,Mra. Jew Tilt- , pet 'at Torment. • The tea and oak of balling and' oth or 1mnd-um& elotiiiiia held by th'e !Lethal' Aid of the United ciaurca fon fleatteedek, van a auceern and weld patron re. corge opp ng, of Brandon, • calloaguos. Man., is vieithe ting her sister, Aire. A, E. . Stewart Gordon, wife and three grandsons, of 'Midland City, Mich., ia epending three Weetta in the village. Mrs. Abraham, Of Chatham, After ee ..ehe The Cenadian .National Fashilatlen e.v.gt9rfroiA is Ile miles long. hate - Poe Upholstering, Ripiiring • • and Refinishing. . • A la-ge range of Sample Cover. irms carried. P. A. ZiMMERMAN • Nelson St. GRAND BEND SUNDAY AFTERNOON • AUGUST 12th ' DASIIWOOD BRASS 'SAND Concert on Beaela ItIONDAY, AUGIIST Ihth SURPRISE NIGHT AR Kinds et.Novelty and Priz Special° MustlifIleirya.the Sidon- -MacLean Orchestra. • A Nt.gublt‘prEisuelin.of Also and SterDancing and, Mouth-Orga Contest. Tablets in the house, for they are COME ONE - COME Mil, valuable remedY." Baby's Otvn Tablets are eold by eli druggists or will be mailed on re- oipt •of price, 25 cente per bog, by , The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville. Ont. - JOR TAINTING AT TAB STAR , ful bouquet of flower% 'Tho Live Steels Pavilion at the Canadian National Exhibition . Ceti- " Natio aeeereiaoclaten 2,000 head of !eattle • and 1,500 sheep atel 1,200 in the village. swine. 14141. THE GALE IS ON FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO /911-1928 ROBINS' ANNIVERSIRY SALE •orsientotkorvis...444,0A444 WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIAL VALUES ' ficsbt. &attic and flaurihtua,1 ''N'ota atel Helen, nail row (keep, al- ; t co M2113 S1340141, AA1 Wi3C;213III. 4.1T'1'0 1 vilittoral with mr. and 242i1.1, A. hi., Ele- 1 VliAl r-rEi S14311x,7 Ilnot. 1 II l2ze..!.(.101 Club held a id clauce in tk pavillioaa o2 M(;r1IN ; 4-r;21t. A lorigf:.:,..=fil wee ita rtttc,,,)1, am.o. 1344 4<4111? ovmi...:, f9 v.,0i3 rltI? i2R1 MI ccama Ni a lat,w nuni!Ty f...` • Ladies' Night, Toei,, Aar. • ALL LADIES FRES. Watch the date for "Circus:' Nicht THIS IS TOOK as far as you like! The Mere-- w4-4111 b Coro tmh Pa at no So° Etc car r you traahokirte'a' irhifeekuevreern Y: preaches this new Oldsmobile in value. Its voguish new bodies by Fisher, the di*. tinctive creations of artist.engincertl, ex- press youth and smartness in every line. Fresh, sparkling colors enhance their .beauty. Rich twholsteries, panelling' and , appointments carry out this fine -car styling to the last dotall. - A Vent floc $5 h.p. engine develops povrer for -every ne you *11 the A anta0a -calm Ishii aim performance without using sttecial islet Finger-tip steering provides exceptional handling ease in traffic and in parking. And no other car at Oidsmobile's price, offers so many fine -car features. Oldsmobile comes corn. PioevIcey1dr liteqUlyinoeadulict as ailake car should be-fOor Lovejoy abaorbers, vertical radiator shutters, feel pump, controlled cooling, rubber.siletteed chasiis and 'Silenced interior, rubber.core clutch, full ititortintiO spark, gasoline page and temperature gsstsge on dash, and rub- ber.cuithioned bumpers. front and tear. Conte in 80011. ' KUOW this or and know its value. A half-hour at the wheel will demonstrate convhmingly why snore and more thousandi are choosing this new Oldsmobile. - .DOOR SEDAN $1165 AT VAC:Vitt:, tiNTAP.10 'Cowered:a row ant Stem Tire Rout 000ted Macre ca.,Mooed pdvittei plea GdfrIC . stmla Md Cre orcvitisocel trap oj hoe% yostr OL'onetilt t'os taw. • .1,4* MacENVAN & TEBBM GODERICH, ONTARIO il/ED MUSE Mt-Ila3:0 OLDS111081 -fur FINE tAltailiAVIV