HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-08-09, Page 4DACE FOUR
.1 moor.
11, 11 11
See, the New Fall Styles
in Satin -face
'rid Flat Crepe. and Georgette in the new
for Fall.
In white, short sleeves, teg. gal -
Special for theweek. $4 95
lentir,rnoreil IrorWrirr".
In circler to make room for Fatl
Goods now arriving, all light sum.
trier Dresses and Ladies' •a rid
Misses' Summer Coats am being "
cleared at greatly reduced'priees.
e. I
en's" Sticks, fancy sik arid lisle. r,egular 75c and 85c, -Special for
, the • week.end
IINV4T$40 TO $111.00 'WEST SIDE or SQUARE PHONE 41$ C0DERICH INV0146 TO *511°P
Trir RSDAY, AUTeth,
I I-
Kodaks„ Films -
Developing and Printing
Eiatifinni Mock
porarily attaelled with the wordieg MUSIC Ile eisel SCHOOLS
preposed, until the bronze leate
would be available. The cost of a Mr. D. les ?dolor Appointed Mesta
eairrt gatee might be $300 orteo. lustrnetor and Mr. A. C. Jackson
Janitor for Central School
1101TH ST.. ARE CHAMPIONS The regular fneetuta of the Godee
7 ropriehr_the,,,st„tbise_udnietro seeltie_ourevie „YerianrirtZ -4TufrrielneelstdPeayeebisTlieenvteEtn:ingemesit-BhAncrageridlairVtliantenciliperTeittruensut:
team WW1 the Huron Coinity chem. Wee "Thomeoztrelillere-Carrie,-Cutte-
plonship, Last year the boys took and Wallace. '
' the cup, which became their personal Ube secrerary's financial statement.
property, aed on lleatday were euc- shoved expereutures tor the ye.e.r up
ceseted la •razening Seem the Clinton n the eno oe July '1O, i,.,(. The.
.teeirt by a. 15-14 score at the Huron report of the pancipat ot Central.
County finals; The local teem at scaeol showed 0e Wye and 81 girls on.
. to Seaforth, evhereethe tlayeotee tvere the roll in June, .w.an average attend.'
held. As there were only three' anee of e5 per emit. A renr.bse of
teems competing, Wilighem, Clinton accounts woe referred to tale fleence
and Goderieh, it was neeessary to committee with power to ply if
draw for a bye, whiele North St. Tama found garrote.
'Rentar,keble Lady Elephaut Trainer With Sparks Circus Clinton and Wingliam battled in :the A report of the scheol 'marine.
Bret game, ivIdell resulted in a win went committee recommended thee
CO.A.U.NG TO GODBRICii FRIDAY, toles their cues. and making each one for Clinton by a score of 10.7. This the_eeeehing of musie in the Goderich-
. aelaGeisT le Performt at an appropriate moment
and a the same time, seeing to it - was a real snappy exhilation of soft.,
ball with .the better team winning.
.Iozto ,Carl of the Sparks Cireue has that you are teat trampled upon,
perhaps been justly called the most maimed or otherwise injured your. teell
ter, and wereeseeti°eeexeeeeePeyeTelleY'llar eepoee
coset I ; . ,
control of the masters of this strange than the elephant. Of irethere .
Winglaarn-liouston. 21); llingstant
daring woman in the world, beeause self, you are aceompliehing whet, any . ilee,up
she is tho only womanzn
who has ever Woan will ten yeU is one if the I
i Clinton -Dale, e; Gibbings, if;
seceeesfelly trained-. a laege herd of most hazardous of all featsehecaese Glew. ss; Farnham, 21); D. Mathieson,
elepherits WithOOtt tltis.aid of man. no animal of the inenageries requires
rflb; CNarters, ab; MetbiesenP
Pines, cf; lefeIntyre,
Added to thee '111. s'. all of thmore careful or incessant watching
and =reeve arte Tee Sparks Chem, are raaoy other lady animal trainers
Which is to exhibit in Goaerielt on with Sparks Circus, for this :Einem , urfe;y1S'ek4Cee°eGri'ell
Friday, Anguet les has alwayshoorite Mar. Sparks seems to, 'have epecial. p; Masctn, c, ,
Copelm,d, if; Vanwick,
French, se: Dunn, ib
ed posseesing the atost rearvelouste*azed in Wild animal 'acts -for in- i
stance, Madam Harriette who puts °
treined elephants pes the fate of the Seere by innings t
before tile imbue ow they are awed. Iantle and with the same degree a Wingham--Q 1 2 1 1 0 2 0 eas 1
-0 1 3 0 0 4 0. 1 1-10.
globe, it bung coneaded by ail show- the large and ferocious group of leo- 1 cuotet,
men that theY work _faster than ever pads through their paces as nonehm-
, led, edacated anA introtineed by this_ pleasure es the averagp women, 11:11 t Umpires -Barlow, plate; Beatty,
dt tint, Miller at third. ,
stated,,is in a class by herself in a off 'Kith the winners; Clinton, with
In the afternoon. elorth St. plaied
dalede lit& woman, esaseeue before evertrtlay life caressee tut ordinary .
house cat. Beth of these remarkable
eteall 40 ft. vine with 'half a dozen of i and fearless women war be got , at the the score etanding at 1544 for Neeth
these tremendoue animals capering performance in this town, I St. The local team were in tbeir uss.
WHEN WAS GODERICH about you, -executing Imposelblet eSeets eari I* secured Cireui Day ae ual auudition, and, with the exception
stunts, toyer allowing nue* of theAnto Coles' Book Store earne price as at or a. fees bad breaks pla,yed a geed
aarne Redden startfed septet for
public schools bp undertaken for the
coning seliool year, a. half Lour les-
son eta be. gine. weekly in each of
tile elbUeS at a. time coven -
mut to the principals,that we accept
the effer of the Home end Sshool
Clure and a the Wittiest's Institute te
contribute to the cost end that the
seeretary convey the thanks of the.
boavd to these, two societies foe their
('oroPeration. This was adapted ana
'efr. D. D. Major was appointed niusie
instructor at a oalary of 3110, the
School • management committee to
complete arrangements, .This
was moved by Trustee Cute seconded
by Trustee Wallace. An e,merelment
that Mr, Wilkioson be appointed at a.
sahn7 of $300 was made by Ttustee
Carrie and seconded by.Trusteo Mil-
ler. Trustee Thomson voted- eay,
,along with the mover and seconder of
the original motion and the amend-
ment Was ioSt and tbe originat
thin was carried and tht9 same
fishing village on the battles of Lake rhould any of our subjects or serfs _, , -show grounds. rattea were
no -
C FREDERICKVILLE ? Iltlxun' let/I'll/111.14i the tuPlie a tbe refuse, or neglect UP
. Town of Gosierica at them OWI4 COO of ',their respecture tribute Mato Mir J. H. Hays end C. H. HumberGelder- onto as one ef the Conte:ding t -earn. s.
, !North St in the first inning,
stole home before the catcher's eyes. n a. a ' ' a cethese
when he rn reeeXisendeC i'vribth reeeoeffrel 1
Mr the amount ,e* ---------Te . • j- '' -:.-
4 urnig s . . .. t 0 stx h, four more runs were to'-
. when five men cressed the plate. in rt:
:on:Rion of .caretalter of Cen-
t' d '', • forthwith t * •n f o I
Etten the Yeterart Wine Campbell orders they have se at Anianc, ir,ed . x o take aki „r in a . .
I - The purse: in' the 2:12 and 2;20 . D • the drcussion -on Weatulat- h " t
Data Not itementher Ilut.Harken t And whereas, the --saidetittrott eerfa and ellen?, of such eoptung,ous re, KeLo $1000 eache mut in the 2;80, .,
=woofer areerva NJ444‘1.4:0,1,11USU. ' mittee as to changuig over front an store le
lied, leaving^ the or 12-7. In the tral sehool at a salary of $480.
hind, a*dded six counters to their .t ill ete 1 out by. tee. holier- in-
dey night the Cletton tepies„btatt\es
TO 'Whist Proclamation from The have,. in a ,most rebellious marmot heli and vows), thOM JraptedlOSOIY to OPli. , • 1 , , A , 1 , 0
Maue the sugge,stion' that they colder . seventh Clinton came up from be- Iteplecine. of 2te feet of, Pipe in the
King .0114 Governor of the ProvMee commenced to build a road from their he perparea as' parchment, and fore . V' t- * ' h I b *I • hi 1 W re
le v a se oo m el. w at as -
or Huron. esteld fishing village to the foreign warded to our Royal - Palace at Tor- 11 )J 11111,111‘ PrkrrrIlMrit With the other menthere of their cone.
........• ici4,, oe Butted° .wherehY it is leeliev. onto for the purpose of granting fresh ____ eying North St. mie run up. pm e ru... 1. , 1- fe f aolbs at
evening program to an afternoon ,one The sloals added anotherthe ,Metto. ri. o
and expense; whtch tnetructiorts• and said Cousin. John he ellen be, Author. rich. -Clerk, De. W. Fe Clark.' I Ile pronosed a, doable- header. The fourth_ fraMe Was a bumper, , fackson woi; appointed
In iiiir-rtr'atiliitio Aro asliba the clues., ed the Said Povinee of Huron and leases to freeli • thelwleernerveafereeed...6. the
Goad Progress Being Made In -Plans- , and leaviog elm evening for a. band eighth. and Clinton one. leaving. the •
time- enetten wag Goderleh called the fishing village of Goderieh 'pare Green under our betel at Toronto r' .leret ':ente3tnittee to has....e. d cf
Feederiekvilleee told promised to Mettler win increase in trade and. aft. this 22n4 day of I)eceneber. Goiter ch Committee liteet ,Again tattoo Goderieh, and thie matter final score at 16,44. North Street IZe°13 Y
Mender and Central Ceonmittee !was leften that way, the Clinton come , were without Archer, Baker and Me- •
awe the answer in our next Isette. fluence, end probably become a large PRVDEIRIOK. faewar. . 1 mittee eto let God 116.11 know, before tetanus. who have- been eonnected
'Even Mr. William Ceturetell, ninety- and flourisbin:g city, tontraey to our This document Wes published in r . ;the -next nteeting of the cemmittee oh 1 \viral tlie team all season, but who finisila ')hri'erthat:141‘liis;1 1.1.6elletile`°"-tehee;1.
four venrs of age and all, Was not welirknown wieh and intention. The Huron 'Signal of /an. Otte 1853. . leather progrese in arranging the fltionday nialit next. were uoable to take
traare of thet name luvvnig even been ' A 4 wit r ele the Sitid StiVect$ aud
i part.h, the anal with shellac and varnish was accept -
d The redecoratioe of the eehool is
our relaters have been any better able litt*
1 NV,1144 great indignity' the tinessengets • . . , Tract wee ma, et e oeeetheg of re.
other nest in the Htstot'--7;Hke Association Preusseuthettvies 'telotbees -6°%.*verl ,..°1...°1116.461calea;
_ _ , _. . no. wae a at par e wonoyuldotankut ,
tTroeveereend seeemirtilrel gi. nreArellYpfahyeeedrdthelveele. „
nag gale crgem4 • keening. t - ''' •
es $ re ins mg o e a
to answer the question, hat here is seat by our court to thous posittvely ' ewPi et he 1
the enteral document, or ratheiset -OM ateeaentat their waxing anY
of it, iteadeg by to ItoyalaArms and --etbout Five Thousend Witness Pae4es '44 "n 'eeeeert" eu • 'eueed4Y ..(1The matter ee on ale linfie.' titer
the initiele F. R. widen In tine ettlee , road than the one leading to our Roy. rine z,eitts • evening. Besides , delegates. tate le Huron eounty and lt, W88 felt that wi o • va g .
f that t f the hightV lir PCISitio8S Intl. which had much to do
e 8- 'th X rth St '' 'nnin the ch•ret- whieh teeehers would be ineeiellelefor
sterd :or rer‘,derlet Re; we eoproso. al Pelage at Toronte; and 11) )1C0\ . Stratford. Mitchell, F.eolorth, Clinton after this .part of the ceIebratien es' pionship. The teams : • ' re-apeointment to the staff wes dise
we hey° head with great horror that • ^---* d eGoderich, there weve• several tamed of, the age limit heingeset at 65:
.T .e. edly eausestie effigy of our Royal /ler. grandstand at the ,Agricultural rives ° t e vamens townships pres- ey to. come on to Godetioli or Clinton 111); C. Sheardown, lb; llaelow. P; E. '
es Greends was in use for the Civic•Holie 're at the gathering, and their et- as the .case malt be for anifternoon Weetbrooke c; J. Sheardown, 2b; L. . . , EI _ urn
The board th it esti° ed.
the ilegetecolL,the. marhetalaaee ea day rtices and many had to belurtied
408 'to be ltung to tee croeetrees of . endatifil inclitflatv tidtat r are in celebration and spend the evening iif Westbrooke; If; P. Sheardowra ef4 E. eyeless wools be eopene from the
nt4ed, so we do no't 'magnet many of
. • I tz t. 3 ptogram n connection with tile cen. 'Stratford plane a veterans' reuvion game. Barkei did the 'hurling for e*/ 4 e
,serfe befovementioned have treated „ •
C S twined of the ,opening of the Huron ;.eoe ray sheardewn advanced,. ar war. es the
noon of Labor Day« item of, the locale; white 'Jim
dkneeded fih t b n
large part of the crowd would bona- I Godericlea•Pridhara, se; * Iladdehe eee
$0111,1e ot our sou seas t/h/ orioet Nolehs Every, inch of space ort tint new` au f- h .
PitocLARkrioNi , and Verson. - of the lower thrao seats or soiePirommn sided direr thr Mayor Andrew,: of that are isroposed at historic spots •'McIntyre, lb; X. lelathiesort, p. worm
'Frederick,. by Abe grace of the Canso+ lied whereas' tete sato sores Ong th, wo b b Stratfeettevrith aploeimately tette' along the memo. store by innings
the Province of Huron, to oil to'whottl *in hie most Unnatural vermilion' by field, Aral ther4 were ert.veds stand- potted that he bad eaceived word
tbese preser4S4 atoll cee. our Vice Regent, Thomas ?tiered „tag hi crowds e the races from Premier King stating that he to the site of some cairn or other I. Clinton" -T 2 1-2 1 0 1 0-14. • 4:fa4mor.i....., go
form of historic marker at Goderich 1. Umpires-Cotites plate; Beatt)t, at
celeheas the other town, nm,t eeeryone would Sheardownerf; Clinton, Dille, et Gib -
the 'said village 'of Gorier:id, thereby awIty front the stand for lacli..of ae. sympa dy e ea o system, no child mut he healthy.
t t ou commodation Tbe baseball stand bon an wa ingeto 40.0Perate In ate' be specially interested in witnessing bines .1f, Clew ss•
• o er re es orm E erminator
Farnham 2b" D M tit G v ' W at *
eaurnng great eontemp ° r er° also was crow' 'tied with. the axe t possible way. The meeting was ere. the unveiling of the various eairns Mathieson, rf; Carter„ 80; Fines, el; is an excellent medicine te destren
(1188 CO811448Y• King fuel Govetnor of subieets haste heert aided end ahetted ths.efewVICW ase or•peo-phrettra.abigabe the itfeit in a iulanee. sieretaY VariOue suggeetions were made as Goderich-1 0 2 5 0 4 2 1 0-4,51
this veltr are lo.oked Altogethertumae the best well e 11" e e a e P ° and tte to location. Mr. Connon point- , -first, hiason at ti4d. {- Amor
Oreetmgsea s Jones, who has moot Melkiously and e
Whereas certain ef our serfe and . traitorously conspired t with said re. in the Assotiatien's history and ve- event as he will be in Europe at that ed out that the end of the original I Immediately agmR
seet the ae, evs - ' • ,
other sulajects tesitting within ktalt 1 bels in expreseing their own free collies of the day. would vuri close to lime" It ie ale° doubtful if 1t011, R. Huron road was at the lake frout, M. C. Piltrf on beliaH of the United
mid Proem° of Huron, •Itave lately! opinions against, our &mire/d
an, $8,000, so that a tliC8 St8:14118 Will he ft. Bennett aed Premier Ferguson and The fIrst field of oats was mem at ' church, ,presented the Over 'ours to
tontetrined our sovereign will anti I which said Jones has this long thno to the credit of the Association. The H°11" W" D. V ul" v141! he ribt to. Lightbouse Point and this was 118 Mr. Earl Weetbroolte, manager of the
euthority, and have traitorously and i post aided, abetted and eontfortteallte 41 15 was cloudy for the most part but -eeTeh Aa .an eltereatiee. thte s tcifit" doubt the enetof the Huron road .• He , North St team, and in a few.words eo.
wickedly eet at nought our orders,. Met fetid rebels under the veriOUS Jilat 8* thiS Vas; tOrtaitar AU advantage, as tall' was mstructeti to Mtn e o also pointed out that the original en- tongratulated the boys on them "sue-
atimuch as tro. Of OW eleaeure„ ineeftietions and.ptinishmente, thet we, in when the sun did peep out for ehort govetinnent officials toparticipate in
s, tvnace to Goderieln planned bet 'Pr eess this season. Ile also made re.
etvueted them to bun ild railroad feign our judgmertt, have thought proper inttirvals the erowds on the stand the celebration. litela George d „Canada Company was along Britannia ference to the sportsmanship that is
our Royal Palace at Toronto to 'their to Acourte them with, since we 83. found it very hot indeed. There wore Her"' Minister of Matosays, an
Stewart .4
'Phone 105
road, thenee down the 'hill te elie liar- between the teams, which was one of,
s'*fihAI eended t e throws of said province no accIdents no unpleasaritness 414 perhaps' Hon. a. 11. efontietle provin
t. bor. by a roedway long educe elhetled , the motirs of the games held from
arty sort Slime disappointment was eial into t
treasurer, will be preset he lake and tile original village year to ear. On "behalf of his fele
tato the present tittle.
henceforth and until the day of judgs of littleness. ern, tit eel ix t tub:let:Fags ehttlet t:/tIteet'apirof;realiyne!, °Ili/ a° ut the, harbor. Mr. Rothwell
ae eat, ptIongrnetsnstinvenlatnntrekryfogere would be either in Harbor Park or on cup Is. on dieplay Pridhams' win.
mating tanned the hest location for a cairn ed the committee for the cup. The
low p'layers, Mr. Westbrooke thank-
graNeTtvdkotirltn&?rtticii:toNevcfAtit.}Yaantr NaVR ;111=7: tiG
:Ztt 111116 teittledliTnet tti Irialt ;Int
who were unable to race
e Ory 0' elatte there a the opposite bend where the Rooker- ° dow.
utent, CIO TOM% of Goderieh Shall no were nine tontenders, Donna It Carners• eas. 4.4 ofShakes care, an
Ps tee need to be located or in that vicel The North Ste United ehurch team
ludi a the tate afornoon or -
longer be known by that Dahl% hitit won, first money, Lade Helen second, cane fie e • mity. Manor MacEwat suggeeted are scheduled to phty lAt Grartd Bend
t Goderten. 1.13.0
Headquarter* for. )f shad be styled and designated in all pearl Peter third and May Pitt -ii eet4t lwelung
. guests of honor wetad aneen . the the Squore as being the most promin. on Labor Day, Sept. 8. They win
our reaps, deeds and papers„ as the Death Menke. The remits wove - • ant place and the end of the present 1. emote
CAMPERS tad TOURISTS iVinutge. Fredeeiektille. And fur eeflowe various ettirns along the highWay aa Huron Road hightvey A th
no er suge to. with other teams fox, the
elmeamonstim of the London Confer-
sa. eat
11* thetteore shall he lawful for our Donne Petah
__ r Itrt, Al WrIo 1 the procession. of s urban. ti /IT f
Quality Groceries. Prices 1
'Sheriff to suspend front t e trose- le. Galbraith Appit.
Right. > trees ot the beforementioned liagetaff Lady &lel"
all and every of out:. subjects who O'Neil, Sat -rile.
Fresh Fruit rind Veget-'
able* „ tall be found guilty of contraveniug Pearl Peter.s es....9
'this our ordinanee. And whereas. te Thos. 'Yearley, Urediton. '
5! Jon ilttlt and lawful punishment Of emit 1 May Pateh.e...« ..... 4 2
et Jones, fee hie treasouable aetions. wer Bower Bothwed.
ICE; CREAM eof our 811/li will, have thought fit to no Bey' 7
e1/4 remove him eveln the Allot of Vice I sh00% maearthate.
Milk, Bricks Tina Dion ;tepid, and have appointed itt his, • 5
Jerry the TramP.....
etead tRIV .tlettely beloved and trust., pewee, mehhehn.
7 worthy toilettes, Ben3anun and Mu. nestle cevattaa „ ;a. ....
Furthermore seeing that our hot. lead Rowe, M.P..
'mentioned beloved eoatin i9 8 111311 Xewtort Robinson.
e Cottrteettia Setviee. Where
4 ,
eieartiittesft is Paramount.
:lea eor Service and shijay itY/I,O has gamed front his oeqUaintillt. Hal Paris dis.
yaaratu. - • ces the appellatier, of "lier pain iter. MeMaituse Goderich.
. e being peculiarly appliealde*,to his Minnie Grattan.... • 8 die
1 • 4,
3 4
0 0 CS ay eee P Still a further euggest on ert
ed at the inYteasection of Elgin avcet- Ashfield nship
Mitchell; 3. W. Beattie, of •Seaforth; imp and yietoria street. 'the litstori- council. owe Lill 04,4 ism, eit, 'mem
TeinspitnetenetieovnasalaisrAstno tehonneldeese present, 'minutes euenter °Vitt TH
mayor (Jambe, af Clinton, and G. L.
PrIVS0113, of Goderiell. It is probably TIC
'that the day's; program will take her- e t mbeelesting watt anst approved, on mo- AND F
orm -of historic -marker and to report %we 01, stamen auessocieenele„
ly definite shape at 11C-Xt weelesleteet- at the next meeting. nee ot tno old age pension was teen
Gederleit was represented at the A decoration commIttee tvas ram. read bat no eteuen tatane On motion
matting by the following: meeer ed to consist of Dr. Graham, Fred 1 ot artetwood ana is511514.?WaS no;
etarEtvan, Reeve Turner, Councillor Sturdy,eee I). Croft, A, Potter, ' culedeo take a policy wan lite. woo*
Munninge, G. L. 'hastens. S. I?. Croft, Platt, feet. Parsons. and' I)r. Clare, • indemnity ompany ot L411184141 insur-
e'. G. Connote A. M. Robertson; W. IL Fellowing the euggestion that prizes mg Ingnuayd and nnages agamt
There waa considerable discussion
felt that, this matter could best be
as to the exaet schedule and it Was a pair of pillars be erected at the en- 1 , ....--
trance of the Huron Road into town , once.
In the girls' finals held at Sea-
1)4,1- a tbe end of Huron road, *which
arranged by a small committee r. Connon claimed would be at the forth, Wroxeter defeated St. Helens,
and in the final game Brucelield won
which would bring in a report at the intersection of Huron road and Bre. ,
the 'earne place. at 7 o'clock next called Huron roud north of that Point. take pert in the finals at Granditlende t
.Brucefield will also
tannia road, ne the street was not fr°r° Virr°"ter.
next oneeting, which will be held in
ileelitted was efnuPosed of br• S. Sa• maser eteee e''hat a claire Illeleerere°",1. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS
g, 0 of Stratford:, Mayor Mutton, of
esiti3n, we do °tact and ortlajn Time: 2:16te; 2:15%; 2:101 thib
ttl,tee' geerleltitie.t'airtli:::1; kve'el?; anidh m2 t hgre/ ;tent eNsteelnst itxast tgim.
01 16*15 • ' 'watchful eve over the aetions oral! !ewe: Fine,01115Y rattan; secona
4, .
7.7•••••••••• Po•• • 211 1711=. 4••=
• r.". ft
Wi�i 'motto 34,11Attop _ CORIUM nur eubjeete Oita Part ef I gge Allertorfitsts Teddy Forbes,
11, 11
ur niers . . Pobert,mon
A h bi- •i nib gateway or front the Goderich de. it:crime and Sullivan the following - 1011,7
he offered for the bese decorated earns public liability.. On mama ny au- •
Niece. and have rower to co eet. A fourth, Made T go. The se -sults of t im meettn ea Y
A 4 a or ae wan o
- iegger 13 2 'G. I,. Parsons watt appointed chair.
Whittly. GoderA.
. Willis Grattanek , Iman of such committee and Mr. S. Ix
° " ...... 1 reroft Ere:otary. A histotical emu-
Briesae. ....... 5 0 5 ese n. Hoonvell. Dick Black, T. G.'
tato due by our said !errs.
"f" %awl" weru'as 1'41°1.'3 lastYto appoint a total cotemittee, air.
Nr8' 1.1 14.° 11194-g4t!' SttathraY• Initee was named co/vesting of Ws -
W. Ie Guy, .4eatortit. o I Comet] Wrn Bathe lititt A 'M
Ital Medarit• • • •. •••*•••••••4 5 4,
Te4dyPortiere.. o • _o o o .... el
Dunn ee& Copelau'd,
St, etarye.
Mack Togo- ..• sVe -6 4
R. Smith, Goelph,
I, Time: 21.4te; 234%; iettetes.
; in tht, 2.12 thrre were feur etattere
.and they anielted in the esentt oder itt •
leech el three brittle dividing the ;
'money srct•rdiestiv.
tetrl Prewar -,e
' Allen. Weteriete
lean relerit,"1. 3 11
le. te. tiona,h' (41, .A;t1;ift.
"1;.a!pk. „ . 1-
1'; Ate. No it;•h;;I•titt.,
Ft•It% . „ 4 .1
!;!1114.: "/
As+ !'4:e. 141415(646(14
4,et lottrift the is..44 were 11,,P, ftll •
S1111401. scattier. autnr.
ttiotatort_ Jeflores. J. W. flinith. Code
1 0RtIliotahnttgion. Walkerton.
W 11 1:rearh. Stratford. Timers •
- -'.to t d 't k WU were Meted id. J
to have charge as far as Itoltnesville,
from which point Clinton will take
charge to some distanee east of Cite.
As it is proposed to 'have a dinner
for distingeished visitors who may
take part m the upeoceetlings, wind -
meson and a ommittee was named 'lug 1.114 ete (301e1.tela ri reception e0,51,
to interview the bend. tranteo was named to omelet tho
- A meetingswaS iteet on \44 --j. !following: Meteor MaeFwan, •
m'n thie week in the town ell Gedevieh; 1- s' UM and teee of
on the et: di of Preeidetit lhosents with .0 olhorate anti Goderieh townshine re -
4.1 eta att FA rt, rd retit11 aver -et eesetitelee itteeete, 1). Ceoft, J. W.
tYa'-) shown. Pear represeetatiece -Craiele, et. c'. Munniege, G. L. Pare
iesea reinter. were. invest -it Red P4+117:!,11 Ro:.hwell awl G. c!onton.
preeeleet end Mseee tlas Ewan inee This dieter lebold k. l•eld at ants "f
te6te4 the desire cesesi•eseto as 'the fiederich .hetele.
fully ae p&eteibletwith Clinton •e• The metter et tintezeiee. tee ctee-
not to 420n1120.4 in tbr way • f n141:0 t3c)n .2. o calea or %entre age cetolt
Otfildx1,, eeete.2ely vete, ,e1Crni.'neee it 3...,e3 felt reteld be eeelee
euhetantially rapyitrvted Gederich in 'taken eere ef, if a firet-elsse
5,e.,;1.ifitirntet (?te,!:ecute;tni-easntenntel Etat' .tattee iktr're. hrhi eeIhnelde
sate leere wattle be simple stotreltet tee
t' Nit LA h3Ci* 21;-Jit1t541*14ttpt i_441 -1.94v theff p
t1 -.1 r0.1 f •1 .rltie teem the laitet of July retetee_
I eeter Pete''eeiee. "tset, tem ehe nv*ilobTe (,r.
IT, .M:.tlitt th.t, 11-nt3!e1 neeet r...st •--
ve•ese, (toe 551.! OStInt tt * 74'4,014 1,h/A 04 I: 455ng• 1V!4.•i'6s
),Fi!tttt-s 17)• 0 -FA t,t.•-+- tshIttl. S. *MT tn titttl
.11f#c2'L."‘ “-"1"' Is • 07^h4", •^)er plifiir !revoke be ',replier! by 3- •
7wv., Vt. It!‘trola. %obit %rim , itf ; ..foritrol Slime i't.mmie•ior. 11
a to el :ea 1‘,. -melte wrribenreinesits rat ; verstilet neabably not hp available in
* hofl win•e^ trif% th- Ogler* of Tot Hia,e tilt an iron plate could be tem -
ter, patrolman's pay list, eaettre;11.,
J. 'Binket El84.76; Roy Myere, ezete.,
50; Geo. Barger, ess.,45; A. McGee,'
$200.15; Jno. C. Patton, $248.40;
Snm. Swan, $159.50; Howard Barger,
nston, $180,50; Gordon Congram,
$145.7e; Chas. Rilehie, eaill.7ti; R.
$ee; Ilerb ()Mean, $312.15; %nu
clam $170.25; Jno. Rapatties, grael
vel, $70.84 Wes. Twa.mtey, ea2tetti ; s
Thee, "Glenn, hauling gre.velee25.30;
tjI$on Ell atri-k g655II1Ifl. 12; 1(- .-
„ Alton, grading, $4; Atchie eolinete•re..
i hauling geavel, Setter; tr. MD( I
mob, Mauling iron, $10e C. X. Re
freight on ikon, esteeb; Jno.
1! tick, ealaty tt ism weik :l4,
$5.41.60; Atehne 'Ware, pay oil two
ulterte• $41IA14: Sasveer and Mae. ,R
ee,v, ,btede foe grader anti repaiett.l
„ envie; We 1. Rest', exprees 3 keeL
° efelt.e. el_10; , Tamen McCreight,
Ante khfini, ell; A. Johnetett, rheeo,.
velenta, no% !):41.014„:
visor. Setee„ Relewe trtel 7 wee -
event -at tee 7-.- 'g of neer e
e et Neettteet, leeenee, ittel
eeoleol Dank et Iittegeenen eeeecs
&Iv pee.ed. tIn moose et sietesm
and Mr be n * ..s'- t *41j.-,nrof,t1
meet Anaupt
C 1 lic1HINA1:11.
WORTS aid senses staweassiag
await you in Iturosse- wad,
via Consdias Pao* Tourist Third
Cabin, you aka cross the Atlantic
thin serwart at aussially low cost.
TourietTbirdCabhs appeals *sped -
ally to leathers, pro(sseors,atudattc
and vatotioulate. mat/rams are
alryt_bsiabt and oisserfal. Ahab *re
assoellost. There is plenty of deck
• spare, lounge specs sad opluntscitY
for rerreation.
rod Corninart
lave. Ilinstriam4lrenon.1111
es ri awe% sows, ser.
SNOW herldow46410.
3*. 11%M1*
Olonnil Apar. Oman Trento
C.P.111, flJIJtIg, Utast*
111011110111faWbVIST 1111AlelLIM111104