The Goderich Star, 1928-08-09, Page 3THURSDAY, AULIUST toth, 1924 THE GUDERICII STAR
DIAIHRHCEA „..,,,,:,.......,, 1AI 4iiiiiiii.,u4.,•‘ rtt:,4-criksitteely_. ftebioig
Vain So Sad Neighborhood News Nuggets Ceder t'orieideraiieit NEED RICH BLOOD
, -4, jolet meeteog '',1: vie , • ea(' .. hie leely lamed lir. %Whatley° tato.'
Re/iii. N= It. & Roa,.A. 1 • Picked From Our Exchanges: -1 i : ' :--- ''''' I' --
Yeas held in ihe town bell eeeeeilo
to taka "'la t'lla'alar..1-'•41 t '0 Plo'e•-a'.= Juet kcatre stao 13 a veer ii%
!'cnuileit and thc ll-im,•4 of .1...s.:..1.00zwra . l'iiii, a Friend 1,1141;e44
1:-.' '„tlic> ,-1 (4. cit.! tows when every ueeeen ?Tie..
beyj voli -. . . , S'ilinbury. %H v7.:-.4iciii,:.'n i. -.1f us; 6..c.I'01' )1 help ami etrengte in Geo Ionia
, ,
awl befog* I Wow it Its was. t, ',440... anti t p• e. .„ - 4 i, ea,,d breeze:, 0 ee,
blood. I wait to 011t 31.44041' 1 %laden- Mao L'a-Mill Tax Rate RelPh WAS Mitehella. eldeet eiii.evia • A1r. eitanbure-„peicited out the eee. J • 'ea--al",..O-a°°' "ea -
me kica a 4,..ese at %Viarten teaeriayera ate aaatea ta 4ault bail ehe lived until a'epaniebe.e tee .t.i,t, flora ate, ,,e-earaea..atan..0..1., t;1' t,r.tlliianiiianiul jigliS 1,,:alaolli4.,),11.41,1/4‘,Ti
Chid Pasesd Shod •
pay a tee eaee of ea Leone iii tee ede thie yaar weeti ilea.: eelematel Lee peated that 32 whidara win te stin... ,
a bleesing hcoeuee thee. envieii tee
bir thie year, an inereese of 7 mills ' 1001-11 oirthdaY. ilia to orhourat.: the' Stlariller Va2a" . blood, give etrength azi restore tem '•
t ovee last oeee. StrildniC the to:a ra,t-) , 'Oath of Lawtence Melville toi el *fel there iS ao Place, to lad ; te the ciehing eaves. The anaemie
1 We leo/deal nen: le eeid to ha ralohY t Eeafoilli lee:. an Oa and valtled ei".' them, The lean leee.1,.-.. outlinee LT the • girt woe is languid geld aalet tee melee
I reeponeible for fee big inerease Get, leen en Tueeelay, Ally aist, evhen Mr. eem
led te eet Wei? epanien le to eheee. teat eeela ma t.eaaaane; the:
niatren whooe health fails as sire r el-'
flelweenee aleivine peeved peacefully build a twee -rival addition at too ,
Mr. Edward Irving , leway at his home 011 Sperling Street, ..soath east eorner or the present dies naadte nao„,e0e. an out*
Mize deeeila. ii building. one room oe whieli would he ore paeeeleabame plat; rine are kit, I, . death of Mr. Edward Isving, following a bog illness.
poor health for a, used for the eri'mary roorn and the. valuelo becauee ill -health iii g4le'r
until a couple of years adiro a resident cd had been in
- a uurim county., occurred on. Friday, i manta. of years, but on Monday hist , other for- Math- sellool pure,eses. `the and.women is usually ebuscii „by peee
auffared a stroke ftom which be never council, it ie expeeted. will deal with blood or lusenheleut blood. Iteieeto' .
July 2oth, at the home of his eon, Mr.
' Med. Mr. Melville' wee a eon of tile matter at the fleet meetim al e
.14 1 mu. bur Ins bba snow, - David. 170;4, Portlend, Oregon. He rO 1 L m- .1 - • 1 — pea; eal.'e firarCd a 11.4e3,414," U.) 1,,T14'04 1'
born in Brooldin, Ontario eounty, 711, 0. A. CO Alumni, of Perth. Buren and, --..-:.77
eerele of othera, why tide youT. • at ----
%aursil b. ae.oe o
,saa hilt an Mar arm the. sea:std. wow ' '
2_,....' . wee a former. resident of Turiberry . - .
the ate Menne() eirl le, and wag i Willeb i8-- or August lath.
.0 ' afeliainneyeAndersoa - v are a I ' • - Grey Riad Reunion - s Len -e„ sWeittoja ansfe \Ilea :Fo'l:a.'e',ete en '••
i , e . , ge.
Illre Josetilt W. Walker - 1 - A crewel of about 500 members -of value of. Dr. Williame° Piot: r,q1,.. li
an 1 Morris- and in 1017 retired to.
tkisgat:relief "4 bY US lb" 1* bla :Eln(evele until 'two. yezera ago.
sit tax dorm he was like it different
Margaret -Ann Scott, wife of J. atlio Ontario- Agrieuiturel College Ale She -'w;..'I first usea these Dille,
wonderful bowel compiaint A quiet but pretty wedding took.
y bv bon on the smut ger piece at the home of Mr. 4nd Mrs. erh We Walker, leassed away _on. theinemni .Asiioeietime aesiaing in the wheli a young girl, for ia• to dewing :
t:60tveirrnigt. Trol'inurnatInenirIntells; AOltIn:7; 1: ;rruueeentresae:TeM1;eleVell'ililitieuen'aNin°Ye' E.Ilig telel.eryt%illt tie th.eitei'lesnearIvuer°e'ree'enitantluiveaviit
0 rail , ;put up only by The Jaha Andersen, Wingbaint at 12 1 oa. 1
' -Mlihnalaljoe .theita4 Toremio, Oat- elecia satiirdaY, JulY 28tht w lea
-e..= ra. - — r----1' " '"' 'Weir Tifilidaugliter, Gelt-iiide'Irene;alootonasho'had-'goile- to-vieitewitbeherOurdayeafternoon,-Tulee-28the.feretew estee, teat we. eteea.thair.ariuyt, jilting,
LEGARDS wee united in marriaP to Archie Me. daughter,. errs, B, Thompeou, 1 annual reunion of the associa- help. It was then I found' Dr.
— . AL C
Ki T f • al v 1 The cereal() Y Weiwanosh, where she aueered a fano den. 'There I4 4, a big program of limns' Pink Pills a friend 1411 't1
F. R. DAiretteW. wae performed by Rev. Dr. Per1." Ti, from INWICh She did not recover'. Mrs. athletic events during. the ;Afternoon. And again, now time the girlhood ,
--- unee, o ue a e.
Barrister, Solicitor, NoiarY POMP'. Ewe Wi
of St Aridrew's Presbyterian eliurch Walker nets 72 yeaes -of age. IA basket Inneh was served in the stage is past and, I ara a *ether of 1 THE SQUARE
tie. rim.1' Death of Wm. H. Delbridge e'rentili';• . four children, subject* ts. at the cares t
Stiecessor to J. L. UterineI.argest Fish Caught In GeOrgian and woreies ef the home, Dr. „Wile i
Phew, or &mice, The square. tonlerieb Death of Exeter Nonagenarian Mr. Win. 11. Delbridge, a prominent
The death took pl• Hams Pink Pills as- the only tilde I:
Bay in 40 Tears
--- - ------t-----e- - - , aya in Exeter- on teaklent of t3Ohorttei Who Oellt pr..take to keep up trly Maith and.
IINEST M. LEE. alondey, July 80th, of one of the old- ticallY al' Itie- life on the farm on To Ilmiry Kelso, ooteran principal • . e_ e . . .
, est residents of the twine in the Per- 'which bo 'died. Poased awaY °I1 Ithlira* °t StVatherni4 r "114 8411°°10 °"n sittireriVili%titildantbey• la'ilttg•veearrirg wfaelaiereza HURON COUNTY SCHOOL FAIRS the long distance championships for
Barrister and Solicitoref Mrs, nos, mart", aged pe day, July 26th, aged '77 years and Somule goes the honor dime/king the
Telephoues Eighl 2415-8•111
eAcir, ?BM
Special Prices
Groceries Teas
Tobacco Dry Goods
China g Dinner Wear
Call in and look them over
1°43 Street Bad' T"r°11 years and 7 months. Several Weeks three months. For a number of largeSt Saillaell trout reported having %other doe to My atirlee tliesa Following axe tha _dates of the hAoltittatil:70:: Wtoormleivio:initl,izaenddeeladeidc:
h aif rtu Vara Delbridge served as a MAU. been eaught in the Georgian Bay, at 1/Ms.-Allow thev win iind Apia 1luron Comity reehool rave for thie wmiitiho telonitke;illfeLr:nozoin
aaelegtee. soitonoe; Notary that tirae she has gradually grown
publie. Conveyancer. Etc, worse.-- Her Maiden naine was Sarah
PHONE HAMal.TON STREET Breani and she Nita$ barn In Cornwall,
--- England. After her marriage 013
SPECIALIST lived in Stephen tee she and her bus-
P..J. B. P0119ean, band, 0 predeceased her thirteen
veers ago, retiring to Exeter twenty.
EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. elOtt Years 000.
Late House Surgeon New York Oph-
Mantic and Aural Hospital, assistant at On Monday, July. e?, by the Rev.
Mooreneld's Eye Hospital and Golden lean Lehmann, Marjorie Jean, young,.
uaro Throat RosOltal, London, Eng. eat daughter of the Late Remy a
Waterloo St. S StratfOrd, Tdo- pair and lois. Fah., late et. Leaden,
phone 267, tint, to Goeclen Willson Willis, Dee
At aiotel Bedtoro. Godettoh, on ---the
evening or third Monday ot month troit. eldest son of Mee and Mrs. Wal. -
WI the followtna daY. TUMMY*, at .1 ter G. Willis. IStaforth,
Ap.m. Died In Mitchell
'CHIROPRACTIC The death occurred in Mitchell'on
IVIonclar night, July 8Otle, of Mrs.
DTWOLESS PlIAGTMOSEn. loeeph Itolph, mother of Mts. J. P.
e Bell, Of Voronto,.apd a former well
Da. A. N. !ATKINSON., known 'Seaforth resident. Mrs. -
to fell and fradture her hin and siriee oilier for toe township' of Uaborne least in the vieimey of Lions Heade in cl a g
S t deeieb Township
arid for et ti yeara he occupied` the 1,the last 40 years. li/r. Kelso's repta
' zegeoe's cbair. During the years that , tation as a SUCCeSSfill fisherman IS Ilte leIne eaer or )0 lung .$1t.
, cente ai
Yon. Can get these pills from 0.11,7 •4ePt. 10th-Vfia-na
Huron 'County wee under the Scott !well known throtarbout the Bruee box from Tie Dr. Walliez • See114.. 14th-CiltIl tilberne Township
lieense inspeetors. lie- was a Mem, has spent his summer 'Vacation, and , -.-- ------ — --
-.---- Sept, liithaeSt. Helena
Oo., Brookville, Ont. Sept 17the-atelifield Township '
Art Mr. Delbridge WAS Ohe at the nenineula. where for many yeaxs he , Medicine
her of the- Enniville eIldited ehureli tit, was therefore not surprising when the day at otayeem on thou, ro-tue.,n- ' SePt. UltheaVrexeter
`and was, in aolities-a Uonservative. i word was received that lae had land- tome it is elatmed they were erowd. Pell Esiatbtellutra:litea
1 'Recent Wingliani Deaths ed q trout evhicb tipped the scales at ed from the road by Another oar at
pounds. e Its kngth f 8 was ",e eet poirit Where there WWI a crosa ditelo Sept 24tha-Belgrave
Among tecelit deaths of Wingbatai '84 a- Sept. 22ndeettliel
ems, is girh 0 inhes S
404 which caused their car to stop eo ept 26th-lIstorne TOWZ13 kii)
people Were the folloWing: Mrs." inltt° feet 4c
Arthur Lawlor, of Wingbana PasSed the length of ite head was la inches. quickly . that Mrs. Campbell WAS
4 William McKellar, NOM for the oast-th-Crediton
away at Eldorado, Ille en July 24ehr 4 ra 5'z to 0 ao was Proti 0 . vorown forward from her It, strike .
IN tu 11 M ..K 1
his fine catch and he thinks that it ing her breast on the -beck. a tho SQ1It
P'°1 f Sept. 28th -Grand Bend
three years had' been in poor health, Neill take Some beating. . front seat. She did not complain at ti 00 co .. 12sntd--__DzAusrhi AT o d
died at the home of •his son-in-lew, rengagements Anuounced 1 the time, and the other eccupants ef Get, ero-ereneau
the. ear eseaped saith a few minor Oct. 4th-eClinton Toevin
Pred Carter, In winghano on Toes- Mr. and, Mrs. Adam. Stewart of Oct. 6t1) --Clinton Petrel
Chiropractor and Droottisss 'Elteraptst„
rhrome, organic est: Nervotts Diseaka
Magnetic Esther, Electronic ElerlriC
rEquipped with Diathermy, ElectrO" On' tile:Atha asca
Treatments and Clitreoractia.
Glace noure-2 to 3 and 7 •to i) p.m.
..knd br .ippolniment. X' 4 'erzfine. eloneale
and Tht.rediie artertio'ne etre eveninge:
Office lours -210 5 and.7 )ei 0 to 111.
Lail,v' 74;tcnIsnce.
Itesidenee 4444 481444 a South
St. ,stnd urtiamita,
THOMAS 61.11)RY. •
Lire Sleek nod Cirorral Auctioneer,
• Hamilton Street, '.0nderich
Sales made everywhere and ail efforts,.
Made to give lad satistnItiait.
Farmers' sale •nnins .41(4.1611feet.
001311,1RT nOontrreox. •
. Auctioneer. st.; 'Giutteleh.
van conduct and arrange etiy sale ne
the latest methods: to get best Vi"Stilti
See himaer drop eard.,and will
glee' it immediate. . lineation. Font
aides a fIPPeilitY:
...wwwwwwww. wwwwwww.Y.
NOTKRY puttvro etc.
DtrriliEV PriELTE:'
ttotiorst Conveyanring doaz4
• Good llempantee Beeeeeeeze
Phone No. 299;
. 1lae ste
one of the pioneer reekleats of Turn- the engagement i'if their deird (laugh. CU was braken and the` "1° haat*
Saturday, July 28th, at the
cited here on Edgar DaYniortel, son ,of the late Mr. •1 Y . en* n • • Argeb eeittlSe 0 e pron.
resident of Winiebain, o e
ut, gin the nuaniage te take pitice this CaMpbell din not complain ell the auceess of the and 'Wrigley Maxatlion -
Swim held at the 1927 Cnnedlien Nae D. D. MOONIY Agent
91. following a brief illness, age of d X Th in I) d f F
an Mrd. o AS AYM00 i 0 er- WaY honie, mreept to mention thet .
Bolt had been remarkably Attlee for 1 inet'ito, . her Throat wee sore. She lapsed la.. tienal Exhibition, it is anitaaneed; vlietio 200.
day -afternoon, July 24. Thds, Bolt, Riverview Farm Stanley, arM0111100
berry township and for some years a put they evert) Able to continue the
ter, Elizabeth Lillian, to Mr. Frei -kis
ing Wednesday.
Mutual Life
Assurance Company
of Com&
aststaliges issa
IXESD Oratee 1 00OIT -
forth, announce the angagenient of .
d sea to tineonscionsnesS on her Arrival that the Sul of these AVrigley nate-,
Mr and M C II 11
' boom and passed, rawly almost mune- torial races will again. be in eluirere EAST AT. CoountEn. (1 41
I ile Ohl that. a rib had been broken,
whieh penetrated the lung, Aire. of the Exhibiticri Toronte, when
their yoimgest daughter, Gladys to„
O. Rosa Savaugtee eldest son of ler. diately. When the doctor was called
and Mrs. P. S. Savauge. Seaforth, ealerbeu was yearaof age. stie
the marriage „to take piece the middle v°
was born in Mornington tewnsture
of August' - • County - of Perth and had been e• re -
Retires After 42 Year° sident of Winglioen for the past 80
Mr. J. G.•Sloroan, Clinton, who has years. Besides her husband, sho. e.
been VIM tne (Anadian Netional, leaves one son, Howard; a Winrapee.
itedway, formerlythe oldGrand Bees Attace Team of U,4..0.Trunk, xor tie pest torty-two years,
baS reached the age liroit and is being 'Thomas Congram and son, Wil -
retired on pension. mr. ,bloman has Id, of East Wawanosli, had an ex -
been baggage Man, and shoe man and -citing hour on Monday afternoon,
had heoome so much it part of this July 281.d, when a swarm of- bees set -
Place that Clinton station will hardly tied on it team of horses attached to
seem the same without, °Jake" to a load of hay. The two men et once
look after thinga, H will now and unhitched the horses, thinking they
might get away before any damage-
more time to cultivate hi garden,
. watch ,hae always been a souree et' was done, but in vain. The ,Animats
Pride to him, and can take things became frantic with the stinging. of
easier during his declining years. the angel, bees, and in a short 4.I4110
Mr. John Quaill, of Seaforeh, is the became irisensible, their -bodies befog
new man, . „ literally covered with ,the so/netting •
Death of Sac of gr. Boe,ei insects. Mr. Congram and Wilfre,i
were forced to flee from the scene and
After an -illness of five weeks, Sten* to protect Gemmel:tee olunged into a
tea Bondi passed away last Thursday
ae Wirgham. He was the eecond son
of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bondi. Some"
time Ago he contraeted poisoning and
was taken to a London hospital, ary surgeons were summoned from
where he remelted tor . over two Myth and Belgrave, who did evetve
weeks, butein spite at fhe best Medi- thing to ease the suffering of the '
caI attention, he did not seem to( gain dumb animals, which are in a pitiful
in strength, and WAS 'brought home. condition, the bodies, being badly,
Of late ne seemed, to. show signs of swollen, and perhape the heads eye.
- improvement, but the long illness peering the worst. Ie will not Os
proved to be too great for his reserae known for -a week or ten days what
' of vitality. (Services were held in will happen to the horses, the occur -
the Church of the Sacred Heart, *roma beina rare and very severe.
Theft, as if enough trouble bad not
fallen already. their house wee etruelt
by lightning durina a nem pier:tele
storm that swept this part of Ontario
Thursday night. duly 20th. 'Tho bolt
11 ,N11111/M,
ANCE ErtMpAre,
pond Mose by, doubtless saving their
lives, at lepst from a painful ordeal.
Afterwards they got to the house mid
received Medieal attention, Veterin.
. ..> - ,Wingltant, on Friday at 10 o'clock.
nervy in:4111EO • - . Interment Was made in the Wingham
value it p.opopty Ingtweet up, to Jan- cemetery.
nary. 19n4. vismsr5.oa. -
OFFICE114-444tr44'5 Enoniliv, . Preal• ...tta..s...,. 4...
.**,',,=tillii,''" Death of Mrs. Ate*. Campbell,.
dent, °arterial:. las. Evans. Vice.Presi- WIngloant
dent, °Stveltwnott; T. EL Hap, Seco •. • . , . e. hit one of the chimneys. smashing it
Treas. Seaferta. . The visitor to Asper National Park .The Athabasca River. from its birth. Folkswing what seemed a minor
. to pieces, but fortunately did not se.t
Dingarons-r). .P. arcelregeo.. SKIL. ill the Canadian Rockies finds that place amona the glaciers and Load& of 1 motor - car accident Mrs. Alexander fire to the, building,. Mr. ('or am ia
forth; J A. Grieve, %Animal: Wm nature has made a lavisifdistribution of this teem, flows awn first through "Campbell, of Wingham, died sudden- quite eontent to call it quite with
Wrin, Constanee; Georgie alerartneY. her beauty spots -within this. the largest Rocky C.*Orges and then through a wide, ly last Thursday on her way h4 me. misfortuile this year.
Tucker -math: John Eereis. Harloelei National Park and game sanctuary in pleasant valley. At one point it tutu, Examination showed that a rib lead ...1.•••••.•••••••, ,................mow.
Jobn Bliezieweeo neoadealean; murrae America. Towering mountain peaks, bits over a cuff at the foot of Mona been broken and had penetrated the / chtidtataa daneing contests win
• Gibson, truceileld. pleasant valleys and shimmering lakes Kerkeidin, add here at Athabasca Falls lung. Mrs. Campbell had gone with feature the 1928 Young Canada's DaY
AGENTS -j. NV. Yee, Goderith: Saudi , ell help to maW thie a land of teal ea. is one of the beauty spots of the famed her nephew atol . his wife to spend ' program of the Canadian National
Leitch; Clinton; Wm. Meanly. Sea- .' nbantinent. ' Athabasca Trail,
forth; R. Hinchley, Seaforth. .
Policy 110Iders cart pit their asaess- ,
meets at It. H. Oatt's store, Goderich;
A. J. hforrieh's Clothing Store, Clinton;
or J. ft. Reid's. Earned.
Hive it attended to oy the
WES WAWANOfiltlIOAL 011111411114 .1•40rww
Established 1818
Head -Office : Dungannon, Ont.
Wm. Z. Thompson, Auburn, Pres.;
Wm, Watson, Vice Pres.; dames Gir.
kin, Hon. Director; Directors -Wm: '
McQuillan St. Helens; W. P. Reed,
- R. R. No. 2 Lucknowt.iiarty D.
held, GodericN'i
h; Aler. cholson, Luck.
now; Tim Griffin, R. R. No. 7, Lack -
now; Chas. Hewitt, Eineardine;
.Davulson. I.)unganrion.
ltate-42.00 1)er thousand;
Treas. Secretary.
BrODi1611 BrO$.
The Leailisi
Funeral Directors
sed Eithshmers
elm Anislasee Service
Orders carefully attende3 to
at all hours -night or day. We
ate the inspectors of anatomy in
and for the County of Huron.
Phones: Store 120; Residence
I I. ft. Wheeler '
Funeral Director and ,
Oodericb, Ontario
All oalls promptly altoudnii to -
day or night, .
"mem sisip.Milasit• alitst
am I sate e payfrra racatiin
It is impressive to know that point kr point the Essex Super -Six
equals or excels any car up to $300 or $400 greater cost. 13ut cold
figures can't express the drama of this Ohio business man, who writes:
"lify Essex gives inc every fine ear quality and per,.
formance ability which our former costlier car '
gave and we saved enough to pay for the.whole
touring vacation."
$885 and up
Altces e, to, Wki44or„ moot e„,
4 'sae dor cars tot ftell *most Mosolut ept~oge Okorto k!torest
kmit*. 01,44
L 41. BAKER Agent derich
, 'The MiNeit MOW WAIT 1.
UST% coo wurnek TO .1
YOU suoutorer WAIT won.
Ap) to r our beetling Mont a coal -
fun of lient Folio anal yoa
1,ply your heat, lifere is the way ti
subtraet from your usual Wee tee tin
-! ceh1ai. Ilere lj the way to diviaeot
.! your orelinery coal coots. Tinre
no- "zero,' in the fiat Folks
.!eoteei •teeele. but they can 4314:?11411cne" ,f
Lazol aeleeer" with their eyes sTaurf. 11
.117o41 Ivalt, to ratl1tii4Y voti.7 wintee F
'pleaeures and. tali°. away it -4 reore'ien.i
• •you want tin !kat Pats itt yore?
gatt MUtt
For Good Clean Col
Wholesale Distributors
fli5a* '
SIM* -,-, 27
I ketselltat
wow* . vilgir
OMANI" 0611111110
r 00'...
Ail* 111111,1111b
MY 1,110,1N100 411401111
I AVICIUMEr DOMINION lirttitat N.....i
_ -..„------
' Omillit. Mood
Introductory kaiak 1111**Itts01 litto' 630
' AVM. TA 32
This bei tbsiterve. A OW. QtasEty 44
ilkistaad;at sad we isvits'"yes 4* to •
NOS+ 6940 Ibii 14."'" AI
itic 16,
Itrunawisk 4 This 1 . =.111114.111"" • 1
morm•••to• Donau* atm 1 Avitaft ' ClurfottWe '
hiltineible Zranti commit 1 oraii4 Awe's*
OLIVE p 0 A $ nor Toosittoo* 'r Sttlidtdili,
retie ereolotree
Iii; 2';Zoilt44340 Itte
faisaYg4e4t14 fOtlmiit—:at Kra a7,tea"se4t-i' 'tgeewe
cRisco r„), 27; *or Kailth 1
PIRICOTS mut nose
A , 2
&lvalve* • _
*wows a ritto*".
resaftrut xst '111
sus* Iffidits ast
to. 21.
C' TCIlloatti"E41-00t7...!.43 IAC *-$
I Ts
P,e1:77.:1 ----- --.-,-- , •
- *AN olo
C.�w 2 NO& 25*
Oft., Mies lbw iiiro diqb joi Clisseio
174 Mtg, 1141Avietts At, tie aft0010111 The