The Goderich Star, 1928-08-09, Page 1BUY AT HOME
Alamo spare out oi too,* kelps pay
Sax oat of town
Local Patriotism Is Self laterest
artentanNINTa YEAR
Sulneriptiant at a year in Cement,
1%50 a, year to tr. at. pangs.
Coed Wart promptly don* at
Roaamasehr Rohm
"Re Hose •16041 Priiii4"—Tel. 71
UODERICII, ONTARIO, CANADA, Pritunsimx... AiX11.'S.T 9dr, 1.92S
Doublemileader Baseball Game for Labor Day in Goderich With. Osiers of Toronto as one of :Contending Teams
etoi Young Birth I3 DOUBLE, HEADER FOR ,:nba end Wee J. atteuleye Taianiot, pEopLE WE KNOWFerilent lien daughter, uneaten
Pigeon Club held tilde fitet iligat nut nntitmen ern in wand port irdr„ I Miss Jean McLean is speneing nav ,r, •
_ .e.ettara —
Sun Life Assurance Company at Canada
IR; teta Sou Igo As;:;oei.iti'rill ur CancoLt paid t.,} puiey
)114,1tILT., ia =attain:. noneires'end other beneate tatteetnet, Tent policy
tti en;. The trialis lif tapir peiptclim,
.14 riprrsodatp.-(s of 1)011r; h•gleler$, who died, during the. WV,
kk'C-luaany P11,41 t'1;1Flti,,,. Policy holders did not itve ti
pasucht traploki-o(s-,, Ple money payaw anger neer eouteee
'is (shine a chalice to fai;se,th..y kit babbitt natopentlence Wr the ptilicy nada vlikfr
theyskIPPort lho. fauna a tne Paler lender wile dlese
Phone US
H. R. LONG* District Agent
Stocks! Bonds! Grain!
Market .finetations suppled. fur any listed stock. Orders sot first and P. Cowan and P. Atork- the eeeond 4 o'tthaela so that ball Cho% Treifry, Otterville.
- linger second, Aug. Sth, A. Taylor fans will have a reel afternowaa -G. P. Parsons, Toronto.
, ef foe Gederielt Horning •
via* her nr.€.1 23 srentlinet, a few dep.
yreing -birds on ,taturday test ,fteia The ()niers
t Mr. anil, Mee Cbae, flareeak aid
Will Perform int 1,ocal
vacation in Mithigart.
, ttnattant, gen pigeons etnee velea$, Inamond :Hendee. Sept. 3rd 1Mr.'si' lid Mrs. Fenn. Smith, Leedom i Mee Ethel niandy is visiting winetnatuditon, non. iiind 4,,au, linti, 1414
c(f at 7 a.m. and tho arrival a tilt)
;!airr. and Infest dean Gunn, Iemden. _ . reletwes in lealketton. ,Noriniin, fre pebeetaten, 3relr, Sum.
1 w. pubtade.....0374era.14.111e nee evening tl the, completen peteel•Mr• Anill 111'2' P' C' lIemieraen, "It Pedetich Castleat of Hamilton; fen Ma, lioneal flume. Toronto, arid
' W. PitIdado fi00-200.40.2Fl .
meat of tho Higtewity. which is to be IDegietratione st Tourist (*mit eisiting friends in town. Mr. Alev. Hume aceompanica by Mr.
In eannection with the centenary ;, Ale and Mra. Thoa. II. Fiona Detiotin et
; birds Qs Gederitat ie as follows ; ena nat. South 'wits WI from TI3r, Aay at the bottle og
W. Pitblaao......000-802,..10.11 ;Luz. veltaratien of the Huren Traet rain Mr. rind Mrs. in E. Rehl. Detroit% i oreo over the week.end. ,
IS. G. aleliae....aladtaa..10.07 betateu Labor Dan Sept. tine ;nein! Registrations at .the touriat eamia Mr, Ilene Munro, of Stratfoni, ri-se 1 Kenneth Ctawn;rd, of London, were
id.,twiin,*; .. ................... 1.1:01•3,i ,notentatenter kisotaii gime wilt e.ti1t.1uwrinn: ;Olt past week. include tlte fol. a holiday vtor in touts, i weal end vieltore at the hew of nit'.
, N. McKay On1.400-11.a0 played at tao Goderirh besebell diet Atise 31. Biggar is holidaying, at .J:. P. Iittnte.
Mr. sad Mrs. L4sIettell, artttteil,sToroiedl. Xennebank seueb, Maine. Mr. Attains was up frere Tevento
i W. P. Johnstort741-0S0-12.n0 P.m. mond with the popular Osieze ea Tor- 4 Mr. out alra. J. H.
J. Mutat. et: . : .. 918480. • 1.05 P.nn onto rie ono of the contendin teqn10.131r. and Mrs. E. McCormick, London. , aro dondoyin4, in town. Ito Torento wae annorapinatel bet Miat
.Etneet_and Jaws, eaten, of %wore over the weekoend. and on his return
The next niOt will Im-I fr"an Riteh" Mr. j. B. Reynolds has conttletral ar- Miss DL MeRim, Mrs. A. McKim, Mr. Arthur Carrie, of Torente it
ener on Sat.urday„
• n ‘ old hear* b.ere.
Abrame. who had been visiting her
Another Burgiern rengorierits for them to etene to ' Annan, Orit.
!siting with relatives in twee;
Goilerich und assures. us thet he will i Mrs. Buzzer, Owen Sound.
- Ryan's house was entered by min:ivied team to nompete Ilfcalnst tbN1.
..,,. On $unclay •evening Mr. George have no difficulty in agrargiog for a , Mr. and Mrs. M. Cooley, LentIofl. evattlyirt. tAhileae‘veeFke.regnasd Inn! 4feaSe_tityttfort), tiltirtiocilt%RtiellatirtartnonfirrzteatriasPowiltt,
• Din and airs. IL Stokes, Lenders.
. and $10 were inissing when Mr. Ryanintark. state, ,and Mr. Keenolde is on., Dover. . top,
Miss Minnie M. Campbell, B. A., of
of PrldnE u0 4 window and. dresser The coutendere end be 4ithgt: fon Mr:and Mrs, fe. We Min. Port Dover. Mr. and Alm. Geo. Stewarteat'te. nine volgtitItt nissileIttialleetturgasetin°ter %Val
' drawers were rantagelted. A wateet Detroit or trim somewhere in :Caw 1 Mr. and Mrs,. P. P. Irintiree, Port ed the florists' eonvention at Remit. node wead deplittotent.
rekurned abut 9:80 p.m. • (lees-orb:4 to scents as =rung a team line and Mrs. )1. WrIlrame. Port Dover' ' Miss Audrer Cook, ef ntiltont. 18 ,North Bay Collegiete. is spencling the
. . .
Bowling 43 possible to eomPete With the Os. afr. and Mrs. 3. McNeil. nitride. deiting her friend,
p • Mi91. exonn tnnt ' venaainder of the vacation at her
Recent winners at the bowling ler& There will na two, games, the .J. Claxtoe. Sarnia.
greens were E. Pritliann and R. Bis- firet at 2 o'clock in the afterneen and W. F, Miller, Sarnia. draws.
Miss Edith Ward, on Windliort onto marking exeminat. ra papers.
home here sifter havime nieen in Tor -
in town. .' danektor, Joan, of Elmwood, U/111
and. F. Toole firste,Dr. Hall and P. sport. There is a' parse it *TOO, Ihe Mr. and Mrs. Tennant, On Solute.
promptly ekeoit.ted on Toronto, Montreal and New York Ex-
, can second, And Dr. Martin and divided four way. $2:n for the win- Mr. and Mt. T. Payton, Stratford.
choges and Chicago arid Winnipeg Grain ExchangeS Numby first. lesteraas. a couple of ners irt the fivet game; and $150 for bfr, and bfre. Pinch. Toronto. '
rinke were in Seaforth, antl today the losers and die same ter the see...Mr. arid Kre. J. AS.
Hinlibee, Iona,
Kincaaline tourriament. • Di vielv of this arrangement-, tke Gordon , an, te
(tome players are taking part in the end game. -ub
Itv Ki
pron Itivegtments, Litnzted
Royal Boo* Goderich. Ont.
Phone' 430-445
Private ;Hire connections with ail leading Stook and -Grain Excilea
:Goderich Take Part iir even ng will to andin for Clintorta ,F, B. Anderson, E. Beltyr, Mankato.
b- and tattoo. Mr. wind Mrs. A. MeKenzie. ntratforn.
'Coninetition tit Toronto Pair „ ... , , Miss Line Bowman, Mee. N. A. Bow.
I The *Goderieli Baud will again take •
part in the competition for bomb at elaimed than'the report as Published Miss J, Mitchell, Kitehener.
- man. Ititeltetter.
_ the Tor011te fair this year. The pgst lest -week does riot do titstice to Miss mt.. find. men ratnoon. ?omen., mon
vneektend they kid a busy time, play- Lillian Plunkett, the -Amer ,oa one of lit Reiter E. McKay 4 WADI)
ing two •Foricette sin tee Square, ono the- me, ate we ure Ineased te Pe- Couettand. Nebrrisita. •
• 0 . t
buadtty ee ohm and ee secend Mon- 114 the coreeetions Wnielt );Ive* Melt"' Mr. and Mrs. ea E. Allen. Toronto.
, I dav. evening, bide, playing nor the kett mentions.. nneete. eta° _the
TOWN TOPICS raees Monthly afternoon. 1110Y are of semi, at Ak4u4n =An mutton a
;at: lUisS -GledYe Seitz, Miss •LaClaire
Coolett. Galt.
Lost _
IP6T-- excel oiteitir-te two slate .............e. - , and. a Toronto visitor who was pres- tween 10 told 20 anilos an hour and ur. iand, Attn. C. ntentoold nannia.
It-dzete •eat ,-, ... giving a good account of thenaseives driving, -the letter states this was be- n/n. and int.n. n. ntnNoii, saratat
and. dress goo . e we ,., ,e ,
•env at the races conratented on 'their
Square and Saltford. MRS. JOHN .roan.14'ees flout Picnic
At one of the evening
STEEP, Saltford. LeaVe TIlt1 STAn The emplonees' of the Dominion 'find PlaYing.
annual picnic at the Palls today., 4pho tioln was taken, realizing" 325, which
*past week -end a collec;..
OFFICE. or at MOND'S STORK !Road Mac'amery Co. are holding their concerts. tie
IPST*-kin bfontlaY, Wo.terloo. St.
tbe trip to Torpoto, The following.
Patrick Street a IOWA' beaded purseti and this year the, wivee and fortifies
OIL hetween .firitannia Road and St.; Olatita has become an annual event, v1-1 it° derct-nd to the exPens?,$ Of
• Finder Please retura to,STAtt OPPIGRal of the eatPlorees are alio taking contributions also have been receiv..
Rewnra• . I P re 1 t b-
SqUare, Ooderieb. S. grey, fur cuff 4t the river
monads want on Inn morning and they will pend. the day
oft teat. Finder please leave at THE Octogenarian Mens Club . „
Sees, or with Bandmaster Wilkinson.
ed; Rebt. 3/1.,cKay, N,elson ;
A. M. Itobertsen, St; A. Cltrystal,
2.0e. Further Contributions may be
left at either of the neweitaner of -
STAR oFFitaii, , I Tke Goderich Octogenarian Club Another Version of A Dungannon
di s s ttnint will leeln tbeir animal meeting in St. Accident
LOST. ---A gold wed ta; tar . u .
.4 reward to finder, Please leave P t *ek' Park on Thursday Aug. t
tie, neesoos The Star is in receipt of a letter
at STAll all'Ia" _ .... ., ' •• eightylt' at
t sy : a. 3:s 13;lrilti °Tr° -o-ver,' w- hose' fre,„Ill Mte• 311 -aria A. Pillill"ltt with
,-.-:, unknown to me, but living in town, a Which occurred at Dungannon Which
an aecident
—t-5-11/TICE TO CREDITORS' nantes have been omitted, or who are reerortee to tie report of
lege-GE-it; CREDIavieS, ' ,,. cordial weleome is extended to could w4s re orted in our correspondettea
- and enjoy thernselveS, front that place teat week. It is
itnenap • DICK BLACK, convenor. '
, ..---. • ' i
All persons having claims egainst the . WANTED' . CLEARING AUGrION SALE OF HOU
Townehin of Aablleirl. ferrner, deceits-INTANTED,-Att,jance housekeeper. ina . . .•
ma-who:died on,oreabbot the tOtiltdaY , woo(' limns: lvo-"rinkiren:` Apply' Nye hove reeeived insteuetioue from
of July. A. O., 1928, are nelaby notified ROX 39, nAft, ,‘
estate* of Robert Reht elatea late - FlaRNISHINGS AND EFPEors.
fore the .4tb. day af August, ir.s. etiolphient, for
particulars- of their .olaims. Intrrie-1,,"• epra.ying trees to destroy Tuts -
Watery atter tho Is,. mentioned elate *odd • moan*. COL. LANG. • "Ulterry
the asseta • of the said estate will be ,Oate" Cottage, 'West end of ellsintAvet
-distributed among the, parties thereto . • , .
entitled havInte -regard- onlr to the .
• Library and Dialnit-room.-1 green
chime of which notice shall have bon MAKE!, MONEY tvetelier arntchair; lettlte wielLer Vat
*received. • --------Selling our high 'grade 'Fruit", 'chair; 1 recRing chair; 1 tapestry Oern
'HAYS: and ' .Trees,. PloWering 'Shrubs, Shade cheir; 2- rugs; i titanic walnut table;
. Barrister& Etc., •• Tree. HardyrRoees, Hedges,. etc.' wastepaper nasitet; 1 stoup statuary;
Goderielt, . • mead roneressteie in full, cash 4 curtains and ringert table,
'Solicitors for the. Executer of the ei,•ery week. Outfit fur:Maned. . zoom 'extension" 1 dinner Wagtel ; .
above mentionedtRobert 'Reid
D, alcDONALD, •.••
to sell without any reserve at U19 resi-
der/co. NVeilington Street, Goderich, on
eantateneing at 1:3o ebarp, all the eon-
not, at a rapid rate. It Also. states ntnt
that the Ford eoupe ihtwhich Dr. Real • ohio
and Mrs .11. Cronin, . Dayton,
was driving was rait turned upside 1,,,fr an'd mrs *orris. ninnot,
(town, but ou 4te sidee and that Aire et '
Reid was not uneoneelons told' e.r.LIALteil%nr45* ntlt°11L1
the gifts that elle vas not hurt. They nataelt"teea a„etunnt .u°14 *nand
wore driven. to Inteanow to their Own al; "egtt's n'ttle't
home the Benin dn7 an is shown by a 'Tile. folloWing item from -The Re -
letter from her dated, THISonburg Ulna Daily Post of July 80thewill be
and stamped there July 80t'h. The of intereat localla, as it Ittentione
coupe; it is stated, witS driven to the some Goderich people being in at -
local garege on its *Wu power and bteenudairtdeuayt at
vuoeunglino: Baleataa. p_AaHlopit.
not towed', AS reported last week.
Cox -Smith deal of The Post for the summer is a
happens the Regina Beach correspon.
A *very pretty summer wedding fernier Goderich lady, Mrs. IL P.
was Solemnized at the home of the Clearilniet formerly Miss F. Ball.
bride's parents,. Huron toad, on tarsal:Ilea/Mtge is spending the sum.
Wednesday, August 86, at- high met acason at the Beach, which is 44
neon, w hen Florence Georgina, miles froze Regina, and there aro
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James about 500 cottages at this retort,
While during die sumater Months of
enuth, was united in marriage to Mr.
1 Melbourn ItlfitoreeCox, of Wingltara, Julyand August the week -end pope- dlr. wad tirtl. 01.0.,..11010“.4.
son of Mr, arid itlreeSarimel Colt of lation at line beadle numbers 004 and ort Alliert over ate itolidayn.
gown; laat 1, ii ;ti i, tamale, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne ;Aiteheseriand
Miss Kate NI:''ataee. veturned. ltIre. R, altteb and Mitts Jean
from tv pleasant twoneeeted visit in Muteh, of Leamington," are vlttir
Toronto. at the homo of Ale, and Mrs. J. 13.
talls$ Ethel Bidet. oe, a. two. weeks' Match.
vacation with frieentt in Toronte and Mts. Into. Latirence and' daughter,.
Muskoka. Mary Ste heve returned ate
Mrs. A. S. Neve% or Detroit, te re. tot' Wang motored from Goaorientm
u.newGindtr ?lbd. riettarnatancea thia week Fault Ste. igarie, via Americau aide
Aka. Donor,. of Toronto, la Remit
isra hdtaaekho4litdatalet: the guest of lila eou-
Mr. awl Mrea E. T. Watson and
*untie: of Ilealailton, vletting re-
latives in town.
Mrs. 'Edward Barton, oe Toronto, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. &to, Knox
Watedoe etveet,
Mime Lily and May Morris, of
Detroit, are visiting their mothert
Mrs. A. Morris.
' Miss Annie Netvoli, of Detrtit, is
visiting. with Dees Gladye Murray
and other friends.. -
Mr. and Mugford, of Detroit, Mich., are s•isiting at tko
of Mes. A. Morris.
Miss Helen Humber, of Stratford,
spent a few days with her Cousin,
Miss Edith Humber.
Miss Sadie Hahne • left today on
Guetts at the'bome of Mra, Me-
Illwain, Newgato street, en tho hon.
her return to Kitchener after spend. day included Mr, and ItIrre William
ing season Goderich. Blaeldoek, daughter Lent. and aon, .
Miss Annie McLean, of „Riplen .laok. Mrs. Stewart dad Mr. Sta.aley
visiting at the bowie of Mr. and Mrs.
Noreian ItIcI•eod, Elgin Ave. G°esbrt°rtu'udilee'ltf°41)f onVia°1d°,403rWelcint:hgadm.111133
Miss Betty Pollock, of Sault Ste. Mr. Victor Curren, or Toronto, Wan
Marie. i$ Vieiting at thiarealdence of callin • on old Merida n Godericit
and returning to nitride Itr the lett:
Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Shaeldenen and
son. Benson, of Crowe, wore Modlan
visitors at the tome of Alm Shuttle.
ton's parents, Mr. and Mee. 'Jesse
Tilt, of Preeton, are epording two
weeks with Mr, and.atire. A. L. Max-
well and Mr. and Mr. .W'. W. Tilt
and son, Billy, or Blain view also
week•elld guests a 14r. awl Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Steals, of Kole
ono, and Mr. andltre. Geo, Campbell,
and two children, of •London, wore
holiday vieitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jesee Grey, Brnee St.) Sind
other friends in •Gederich. nay re-
turned hotne Monday evoning.
God ta r ce.remony wits
formed by Riy. Parr. The 'Regina Ileaen, Sask., july 14L -...Lona, is etiendiag a season with, her
" nouee was prettiln • enecorated *with Titraa generationa. of the •Cininpbeli- Stundnantltent Mt* thdadlitt. ow* 14' °411441
gladiolds and sweet peas of various family held a flintily picnic at Regina afte and Mrs. Fred 3Iunro ar'n1 thin, tett.. Port ' Albert eit3r" 4
e rte. it per. etooe, Little Misi'Anlie Davis* of 'Win.. He IS brothere ar.4I OlstOra her% ale
410 )111 r on Traftiltrat stmt.
REAL ktftLLP i% ittitritAgal
Start now, .Write to -da.. , pairs curtains; 1 blitek walnut
n. nt smut & ninns, Ltd. chair; 1 wicker tea stand; 1 'pair babe
-,n moons, bnc, • • , wales ; add. . dishes and glasses; 1 rel
„ . wool rug
-,' Lower Halls. --One stool; 1 black wal-
-,....... - „ reek; 1 child's tricycle; I exprese W6g-;
I FOR SALE OIC TO Itgl4f . Mit eupboard: i tole; I cheir; I bet
, Life Ineutance (SIM Igen, aoehlent, VOlt RENT. --Store
auto, etc., Insurance. - on. Wen Street an: 1 dollar house; i rocking horse; 1
Fa. Aoply ALEX. SAUNDERS. 1.4eire "eaeriegel 1 ttlicre;
stand; 1 Steinway upright piano; 1
01200 will buy A two-story brick
house and iarge tot. residential* leization. 1•110a SALK-Seven room white brick Plano stool; I music stand; I chum
ga.binet; 1 square nrallogany chair; 1
a1500 will buy a fine 114 story house, - 'home, good location on, North mahogany and brocade chair: 1 small
. good appearance, partatr. furnished. street. Modern convergences. 'Apply arm th,itir; t ebony table; ornarrients
Tgood furniture), ' conveulent to lake a' G" N8WraN" The Squate' and dune; 1 ,poreh arm chair.
/torn and wharf. ' 'ram SALE -A small up-to-date house Veranda. -Three large -grass mats;
81200 win bur a good house and lot tu an* A
Rritannia Road; 1200 down Pagment, ter sale wall eerden, eke con- 2 low wicker &teen arm chore; i large
bnlanee aame ee rent • ventent to sehools. Square. ete. Terme rocker; i white woven arm ekair: I
colors. Tho beds, who Was given Beach recently, The beans of the dren, jean, Betty and Jack, of Torort. Mt and Mrs. William Wallace ant
away by her father, looked 'oven, in a elan ere Wititaia Cempbell, A, A. to, are spendirig Itolidays Goderie1. neunee the engegelnent of their
gown of beige lace; shoes end hose to Campbell, D. A. Campbell and T. G. daugliter,_ •Emote, to. Robert
match, and she carried a bouquet Cant/tell, all being present at the Miss Magdalene Bowler returned te
of Butterfly Miss -Dorothy genie. Born in &nee County near her home after Spending_threa weeks WallaCe Paton, M. A., of Arden. Ont.,
with hor mother Men arery Bowler,
r. an Mr
auggie and am, son on tbe late Mr. and ales: William
Wee hriciesmaid, mat Wentea 'gown et f.askitteltaltk mapY yeara ago, Mena take place thelatter part of Aqua.
Sinithnef Torouto, sister a the bride. ' int Elgin die brother -3 eafila tO1 at e m it lattialt nt PidsthertOn" dig gin11}Sett2-
, E. R. Tweedie, of Colunibun
visitors with Mr. end nfre, Chita Masi. .....11:, 4
unto who has been vielting- Ina
/near' brother, Campbell Tweedie, Elgin
Mies M. Boyce, of Toronto, is visit; imp.:
unfit. Mr. and Mrs. J. Iteronio, west visit tggr,_f3rtri:. 1 YaS, kgr.
ing at ehe home of her uncle and i.; - -4
Miss Ethel Farrow, of Toronto, is lUrigr81.1oTtnTdie will
je"in him thc" f"
*aet• . a trip to Atlantic Cit:: for retain -
spending* a week as a guest at the Mr. and Mi. Peter Steels, of Tor -
hone of Mr. and Mrs, St. Wargo onto, and Mr. and Mo. Fred Baker
rtlen. ann little son of near Budington
ititss Annie Campbell hat returned are sponding a few holidaya at the
bridesnitud a pearl bar pmt and to Me Campbell, Disley; Harvey Coma. to Toronto to resume her work in tba home of Mr. and Mrs. Jneae Gran
the beat man a pearl tie pin. Out -of- bell, Stoney Beach, and Ross Camp. °Rice of the 'Railway and Municipal Bruce St., and with ether friends in t
town gueSts at the wedding included bele Dislen ?nova. 41, E. Knudson, Board. and around God, -rich, Astdielii, Luck -
Mr. and Ntri3. W. W. Bugg,. of jack- D. IL Pearce, George Scott, P. Smith tot, mon, Grassinn
Mrs. C. Ilanintersher, lee Crosso, wives. The grandmothers ef tho daughters, Gladys and Phyllia, are Organist D. Campbell of North et.
and two now and Whitechurch.
ton, Mich.; Mrs. E. Stevens, London; and Jes Seaford aceoinpaniod their
Wis.; Mr. O'Brien. Auburn, and family, Mrs. Wm. 'Campbell, Mrs. A. A. wvilitkisr, in Detroit for a couple of United church is taking his holidaya -
Mrs. C. Cox, Whitechurcle . A. Caniabell and Mrs, T. G. Camp- and the work of rebuilding the organ
Mr. and eMrs. Ross E. youn4 and will be •gone on with durIng Ida ale- "
dust! ohittiri over •flush arid ing their oinea fleet, Digo*, where ranit Floredal v h lid
carried a bouquet of Columbut roses. most of their ehildren ale° live.
Mr. Erron Wilson, of eGonerich, Was Those of the second generation who
best man. After the ceremony a were at the picnic were Mrs. C. E.
dainty. buffet lunebeon was served, Knudson, Saskatoon; Um F. O. Me.
and tree happy couple left on In shod Cool and Mrs. D. H. Pearce, Regina;
motor trip, the bride cleaning a rose Mrs. George Stott, Keystone; Mrs,
.flat etepe broadcloth oat, with P. Smith, Disleye nine Joe Seaford,
accessories to match. On their re. Jean Atkinson, Stoney Beach; Mrs,
turn they will reside in Whigham. Craven; Mrs. Dan McLeod, Gode-
The grOonta gift to the bride was an ride Ont.; the Misses Jean and Mtn.
iditialled blue Onyx ring; to the Sherwood, for a few days
belI 11 f Di 1
daughter', of N'orth flay,- am visiting same. bliss Rae Andrew will ogle
in town %vita .Mr. and Mrs. Thos. date in his absence, tieing a piano
Young. for the aecompaniment of the sing-
Messre. Chrystal Archer and mon Ing coniteetion with the seevieed
woe will ally wee 1.% atort, house; If desired. Apply BOX 852, Go/knoll,' white woven table; I green table; 1 Guests at Hotel Sunset . , p ,
`small stable on tot. Small down pay- square table; 1 wicker stool; t mat. id t in 1 de 1 and were surrounded by more than a
' ueste
lots: areal' dowri •pityment ''n'alance . in a cottagtror email !louse up- I bare baskte for dowers.
Mr, and Mrs. C. I). MeNaughton, Gracie McLeod, has 6 ith h
G at otel Sunset e u t ie
mem, ba!anee SanlehiS rent. In,. e - seat; I iow green ebalr; I. white %%emu score of grandchildren and one wee
sett) win buy a neat cott a et tier' I' • r • A 0
. • OR SAL ,- lot suitable for build- we; I cushion. i verana swing; couch. it:4101°11E 1 • '
. , great grandchild. One little girl,
S OM W er
-r , t.- • - , - on Con talent t f t . F' t It d ; 1 d • Mother all the• waY from Goderieh, drum Cott 'lave returned home after Mr. and Mrs. josh. Solaneton fLII4I
*lb& win buy A eery eeane on priee reasonable. Enquire at STAR stead, mattress dad springs; I toilet Mr. and Mrs. L. 0T. Morwick, Mehl!. 0 t t I 't h d
etory house. excedent au round. eon. OFFICE, table. with drawers and mirror; I blaelt ton. 'at. wee.k spent in motoring through children, Bert and little • Eleanor, .
n .0 0 v si er gran parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Won Campbell. Tlae clay etuskona. were in town on Tuesday. M. John-
dition; full ,modern equipped:, hot wa.. , _ walnut table; 2 ehatrei cello ante; I miss c...B. Davis, Hamilton.
i, eet of fire irons; 1 mahogany highltoy: n/e. and Mrs. O. T. Reid, Hamilton.
lent 10eation.
ter heated; fine lot and garage, met. ,1400h, LattE SERE t Feriae,: white enamel; bedside teble; ,/174, C. W. Banyan, nateano. ,was pleasantly spent with gamee end Annie EV:organ, of Walker,. fiikIrrsseteoanplei:Ig Inqn:10 ate
water APorts. flours Were paSSed in ville irt spouting her vacation at the ihh /be
Exceitent bowie full modern equip- p p • curtain and dra social intoreollree, the elders recat. hom'e of her parenta Dr and Mrs °dee e ea n 4 131 314
. . . reser •
ped, well decoreted, completely :urn» with the prettiest scenery around Second Redroom.-One large Mr. A.J. Marion, Toronto.
toted, ready for occupation; tine teem. Otkierich. Good bass fishing, Good small rug; I inlaid mace walnut bed, t.
Mr. Alex. Parks, Torontia
'tion. A bargain. 't et ea tt D t
WO elf* down nevment will hue a or six care. Will sell at re -reduced tulaid black ran. e,- r. t-maizOlt • 0 roit.
• haute and garage which will hold five 2' mattresses .and .4prings; 1 _ C. _ , __ . .
toilet table, dresser table; 1 Ina 14 black Mrs. E. u. Rance, petrotre
toed home ; easy tercos far small bale priee. Come and inspect the pronertv niainut twashIng stand; 1 toilet set; i Mrs. L. T. Pemberton, Toronto.
aace. ' immediately. S. HALSTEAD, Plpe,r'a large arm chair with chintz cover; 1 Miss .T. Pemberton, Toronto.
arms/ Dam, , . - Iourrgo with chintz eaveri I chair; I
white enemel teble; i brown table; 1 Mr M. H. Pemberton, Toronto.
Many choice farms with all neeca- .
, fiery buildings and othet• intorove- m I, small chest of drawers Mr. N. S. Howe, Bfount Forest. ^ •
events: sorar timbered: almost any 0 ING Third liedrooin.--,Une Veld10 enamel Mr• 811a idles' Cheadle, Stratford.
ling the days when they first settled Freeman. tam in Bowmanville. They ara hob.-
* g go
meals were enjoyed, under the shades trolt,
in Saskatchewan. Bounteous picnic Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tong, oe te3. daying at Lietowel and drovo over to
spent tho week.otel, with Llio Godorich for the date to 331, old
of the treee on the beach, and it was terminal mother, pos. wm. Young; Weeds.
growing duak 'before the party mot- Park St. "" Mrs. Hetherington, Keeya St, hid
ored bads to their western home. errs. v. A. n nir • . for pone on the holiday Mr. and
• a . ate e old Miss
,,,. onto -Rdtafte of itrant414 Are Mrs. flugh McIntosh an 3)) y Me -
d II 5
AMONG THE CH1JRCHE. 'mots of the M'sa C rt. s Bit
.-- `7 IC nz 'know. Dr Joan Me-
e le, of Lue , . .
Por all information. write or [tee , en. e
......—. . old chest of ,dratvers, ,blark walnut; 1 oar* raw 11315‘ .g. 'V* IdinfiY, 'Stra°°111" chinch next nda are nude t e
u y r Mr. G. E. Noble, and Mr. and Mt's. Goodhand, of Detroit; Mr. eanald
• Lean, Mite Sarah McLean and, Mary
• • Catharine, of Chicagor Me. Nell
rpriee OP location required. ticoVING AND STort-A.617iran bed: 2 mattresses and aprings; I Lta. 1_,Rade ardowitt,servicessin Victoria St. Unithed Ploasant Farm.
.t. 'W. .A1INISTRONGt - - --41161. THE efOVER, 'Canadian pion- black walnut dressing table; I large : Mr. A. Lundy. Stratford. management of the W. af. S. Misa Gordon Noble, of Toronto, motorail atelean and Mise Melatata of Loth -
e, e. Mat Setate,.. . .eeta itt Meta -nee moving. Anytvhere to ruBt 1' x re; 2 smell nip; 3-- hand- Mr. R E. Wish.? -Wiartont - Mabel Balite will give the addres$ at up and spent the week -end at their ian; Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh and
- non ea- Godertex. On& MIS -where. Largest speedy padded pilule clialrs; crr!uoline rhatra; I Taw mr, and, etre,. ri: S..liburabam, WW1. the mornintr service, and in the oven- home, %Vest St,
ofih,,, tuys„...monailys, Nuggnfp..)gaylip ,vana. Extra padding covers and Wits lgoeu curtains: .1 quilts. two boys, Hebert na Fred, of Paea-
Satardara or any day by spacial re. for furniture. Two experienced men [ upper Halle -One runner; tviol text ing Plis9 Clar3 MeGn'tvany 0 rilYtin Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Datveon 14s1 mount; Mr. Jas. A. Thompson, of
see. .
Mr. and Mrs. IL Kastner. Stteitford, volto.hasoeuet reeentIy returped from
a trip t tho Holy Lend. yell tell of daughter, Catharilio, of Toronto. tvere . Toronto; Itr. Si. It eatetnitone, of
quest. every totp. All loads Insured. No pi table end cloth.
--,...------, t' --- — reatine-No waiting. Defer° moving Knife!, Room tupstairs).---etne en- .
Mr. and Mrs. P. Sou% Windsor.
ern ann.. INCr trip Mad 1.7111 also show coaturnea waiter, Nate! • / e
week -end guests of . Mr. and Mrs. London, and Mrs, Carloten IL atatm
Republle of Cotombh% `6 Iler cent. writo us or wire and reverae ehcirges. ameled desk; 1 eimmeled -chair; I foot- atnt a.n.4 Piro. 11.: G. Be -5°t1, -"-S--- .I = =11 la 1 ..= .
Dated April lst, 102,8: mature Oat.
External, Sinking Fund Gold Bonds. HIL a TIIE MOVER, Heed Oftlee, Ham- etoot; I nrm. vhair, one back, black , ti, mem ono curaos 1,711/01.Wili MK() Ater au- mr„ and n/ns. Ed. dintintnitnuld it -
r few weeks vlsiting Ler enter ann
of North Carolina, litho ail/ remain a
mon, Ont 411') , nelnut; i' rug; I lace eurtain; I donate Mr. atal Mra. W. .I. Davidson, Detroit dress meet interesting. Miss me. , ...-
.. • - liaeket anted clothc-' * A Et, 0 s g Gowan na a rt is d Irn f
. . . ',tendon, tt-etto U( t3 of Arn. me- other frionde tri todericii. .
Laugbihns mother, Mu. alentosh, The , Star svaa lolceoed to IOC:Zahn) a
lat, 1001. Those betide eonsti-
tute nireet obligation of Republic of —
Colombia setured by its fun face and
Cor. Hamilton anil Newgate
Street!, Goderich.
Phone 41'6. ;
P. 0, Box 768•
Real Estate aNa lassrasce
•1••••••••••••••••••••.•••• •
nIttna Beek lledroom.--dne irart bed; I, me, and dra, te, itutee. ;Toronto, turnitg thinro as she Saw thent 'and.
(Mei' the waelaeral. call tine morning from Dlr. J. Van
mattl,ess; rhos' ef orewers; mlee07: Mr. and blrit L. 414 M. Sinclair. Toronto. Will matte the corvine a very protit.! . Even, of ninntrnn ig nttd.tont.
hLtert wdlant frantaI I tr.-Want; Wand; Mr. and We. la. fl.,Dierrirnalt. Detroit able one. On Sunday. Aug. 10th, Ma rind Mrs. hnyveta N. 1\1 aftei mr. van Eva went to,
a tame roettine chair; raairs: _ Ilev. Donald MeLeon, of, Mountain, hnve an titein g""ftt) Mr. and Mrs- re n ne d d • i
..„., , , , . 141,,co seat cushion; 1 t'.4.rts-c,1'74yucTioN. eAtea °tit., will hava charge of tho terviee. Arguer e„ 'lanolin faae children, of ,, ileago ari d ut. nla t iat t m? -ate 433
, ;tains and &epee; small ily sereeng: 1 - . - -- e se. • Rev. McLeod is a brother of DIrtl. °A 13nz'k' Illineh'
titling bicycles on the side.
Cyclists art reminded thrt 'reale.
anaria writing (typewriter') table; I crelataren AroTIott MIX et ittinnit- Delmer Worthy, of lutirgiudto :ntt.,4e,.,t.cliee Pauline Manwell, Colbarne , aeon stupen one c lenges in t io. ci yt
;not atl,ona in tile way of erowtit but in
i Ali cioribrits of library. itrixlaslrli.f) IllaNrellil4 A%il'iltra?';"1"i town. Tin nerviee o 'A •• oG I c 4• entertained ilfteen of izer rirl , th° I' al' dIfter°4 "etkM4 d 611 eltY'
' * ;have changed ie enaraetoe. tan Van •
. .
igetteii7C',l t'1 piton, of ArIrma. Mr. Eouloton le needay &trot lot • ,
ttont; i tine wan gins% 1 ! North Street, et ,r e It n their holiday anti will to back for ! were teeektend guesta wita taro. II- and eee t ze oid tOwn ann ol
tond fileele
,, Kilelicr.--shie bitthen clock: 1 e'selc•
walks of Goderich ie prohibit- pack utanut; i arni 2 kitelien tal; .) . i tent b3 in eeeeda ee p,,oe. E, e. flown friende at a birthday party on Wed. , Enoty is a btonnn of nitt. intuited!
.. .1
ed. An offendthee;
ers will e dam. I h
prosecuted withoat furth er
and took the opportunity while ha -
ietry ove anetion at Tag rea/. enc.- rem of Goderieh wormer Dr. and Mro. Hilliard end Dlr. ann and 11fre. Vant'wevy wow vialting,
iwooti. table With drawer- Qt;e2see end; ntii hn P •tebool. Bete Parr and fanfily aro on; thee. Wilfted Millard, of Waterloe. their dattiehtee at Bootee eo, rua tee
['board; 1 refclegmt4e; caal t.31 ing dente\ r"l'arralAY• iKt- 1523 rgay oft;
1,21 44 • Rohinaou, 'Waterloo St.
• it 2 cool erosramenq at Ina recionti (ante. all here. Tile brother arid inotee nee tin
eruttle; i'elotites dealee; 1 lnnz;ziaz et rair,ats (4 tie, tElow.‘ oins'Eltinginint,'t Tiro Dasinvoell chbrana banal will Neel
depend: 2 laarla; e.t.a ell date; fat /qr. and Mra.. Or fa%VrOtaee. way ouvvivore of a largo family well "
a eoneert on die toad; at Grand Venal ItTitligti9or 689070tteePiatrt gett3taTerygial7frY; 4114)wyt G11114'1°3 t5V7-41.
ief of hide. ,qpiti0r; beard: tuTo: t raprie":t plane. alatla wait 11,1cc„,,,,,,,A .
" . pr,q, vo: Ina uLlielfy 1/34P; 1 rcali r.i,e.tee; L4L.11 sunday eosztecriza are Ivor:44:i a 1.014Tasa., rutleanati, Elgin averote,
nate; 1 :arta.; bex; 14 taixo 1 AvEtan Vs_;. 141 13' 4 I A Vt•al
r/f attro,ct'cri rind a largo crowd le',
s.Itertntia; picteraa, toes; tenagicine; evit rentro Undo: 1 w:et" ra"Ita.'" `11 t 41. fVoltIlar3T.6:;7:tittto°
pop colicatiott igaaaiarntal neet. wietri. elieiroa 4 iiphoisteco 1 k, %Are; erIt')0Z
Tollspeowto 230
a , en hese en:tint:. (lining tattle ore Clears; I etttneard; t • or a •few days vieiting . liar frienile-
. ,
;RICH DATHING rnten neforo returning to Lod -Ara:elan IllintLIIV4fon.-ita tholq-,2-'d. (1:•1 team
!, Praetieally allete'a toneetace le meat eaten; 1 tindint rerrtdn't 1 -1)4 61 '"'':
nut oe ran?a,,gany rt r,ns t),,c,t tu tr,,,„., ,•!.-mt.,,, !sot, ter mete:ten „t'eerj ntel up to elate Gnat:go:n.11.4'5 Lhe l'arenteo Mr. and AIVIL N. 10110','diett. II DIED
rsis-,-1tt.iiii hi;', -i 44W,-, OflikVF* nateernte yeur clotizes. Itefeeetiateet Mr, nfoter, orgenlot el? Ittzeall 4..tttioy _ it s„,1 .1 7
lifitelzen tax rato foe 1029 le, 44
Ltd ler; nee: Zetta iiiewor; slietrsivoateakie Fain reek; i (nit isaiiroora r2t; I Corea Y GOI)L dey, Ana. '21.1td. 1:24. nt e a net
'can: line; ratze; cs.-"or-rAti,A.v; 1 vielnut inefteen fat; Ten Gcgez.L-11 r3tLivig icenea io Dtra. George Maelticar and nen, incvntrioo /iv; Me. .41 tIL3q.
Ch teL.eetreat cite, alltnen ‘2, p2ovinr: vely v4,Tilar tizerta came -zee Mex. Lave returned from a tine° a 1,5 Di4 Me ,c11 Ye a a. Et
nelielel 1,411tr ,t1MPA, co.,TaIrm nt9191'47. I.'" eane tette roontn eteeetha ro-ree %Week? Vi5it Witt). the. niaeVicaett eatiitten. 120 troller:a. Ate • Tecantsst
„rri:a ft -hal 6T •wiR);
y F,11101,1Z,1 :t (4 kV.) catateetiou. Spring 'testae .(-Ittleitte 13 tenOlaS 1113 hone:live, Eat „itint nttntntitt
lento Teen% aleattt20.0 rtat7a r•tait'' i Mee, 3. Het -meta Ezna retatnal aftee aett. eareate. Nee t t
Itetteet. Cara can atatte t) aupptyiest for hire, ot'artien lent fact,tti M cr14.1. Cr/
vatTial a few *nt Itenera nett netts den- "if 11 #!";.)rt, • t
i t34.!..%0•:,"
itta elea,,;14.,'),t1-;3J fee reset,
pleesatit 1;234't Kiitt.toce.e. Aleondento vv3orep 1:;',)nr,;"4,
ho Nanette CC, 7).19. vt.,,(1, f5A v,ivt, oty nialeg, eel Pentitiftil Jaak McDetrnin of Lerela(11141 l4 Ar n, -• '
13 leatiat • te