HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-08-02, Page 8•
OMPOOliiPOOOPOralloam,---:,-Ar vox
Highland Lhtlete
0 3007: T.c.:Z.N cla ;.', ' ".•., 1'. ti. McDonael e, .• . i fk NO. s'',1:' .,)
' '3v. -....,7,),:y57 Ilrli 173 1Ji,,31. 4.27 tiicif. ,t,..:'./.1;..'1 in Trolawai.•,
1:Ii3:1:3tC, 5r:ha ac:CtD. )1 gi...'..p sate out thai,.1 ti: -..-i t.ii' iii:e., Now is the time to have
ia:, ens ne. tee WM) efi 1\17. Cr41 .'.;Wi'' !.., .';‘,....,:upsnii.-..i i-: 41 14"01,,., i., ,A •
, , • gli,.3:-"Y;;. P. V0mp':n11 ca reenley vane Corn ennned A Stialf.'.;=•.V•Aii" li'‘.4,4'; your ..
' Onneelin reir. clod Um. nlormas Main. nat rest,' i 07. Jaren) 1it!' Ca WeitiiAiiitlnAay ,frwikhninAre a(nonettooo obkekwon,i1. Sewing Machine -
reeen, of rineneine; Mr. Ineerett inieve 41411/,
ef, Inerenn; lereen Ireue and, A isciiiet. uudev ttra
;none 07e:e'en of Lefiehrn Miehe of ta:e Vadiefeen neee
ncnr7 Ileovezi eg roa ll
Apnea n000nnyo Pas. ON. Belts. Needle% etc.
.....e......................,—. rhea upwatne er Mee eneten pneee I
• • •
teen -eyed flee-meter:6 eeasine eneleee
, DUNGANNON inmenegi ricia-.41w.g,
Vellis4 neenborice Dio.ete
Leonine mei `Irvine Ledy 440 belie 1 i 1,11n- end !ten 'W. 1•11lie Stothere Leo •
„noyiree with friends in Stratford. l rIne en Ve:oler lio weenie item Tern
- 'nit; and Mrs,. H. niedy end *many ' opt) '29 c'ag(V " ii'iliitW Vitil tha for- '
' meee pareate. Poetaimater Ord Mi:J.:,', _. '. .(,..w, „,, :.' .',74,67-7,1„---,-, ________
----------,,,---....... _ -
- ' . illnoditer:i.s.sizzchiohyliattio oonneeouriehlii elidayieto ;nosed L.:pair, Tao Wind ii0Vga TO the
inungarnon, return.; eiral gavage, end Dr. Reid and
whre &of wife who were on thole way to Luce,.
• . ...„.....,...,-„,
1:1;')" Sunann' vnth 4134t:e3 C4 * a Ineothere, Ilene son Jaen tedi nee fx.);,
DMZ'. . (311:110 aa lie ies'inlinlaying at a bio' ct7T;,- or. Dr, Reid, eside :nem
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stothere end .eoelp.
..,, 1 Enenk, waa little tile • woreee The
-- 'eremite earetoeed to Point. - Clarh on i Mtn Letitia Durnirs, D.A., 02 Feet ,coente, which wee numened elmoat be -
1 • TRY L/S FOR STA.. ...st'Indc47-t. • -
• _ Deacon Cave wet) up from Toronto4 with on4etieco in
TIONER.Y OF ALL =. 'for a v.-eel:no-al visitor at hie turner
.1 will be a gene.; %:":1t1) $1Cre Doter, Mre.loorito obit their daughter, nire. Mc- •
, • KINDS. • • i Dir. ad 'BITS. Niekel of . Stratford, --(Dr.) -Hell, for a sot time bet= Kim, teeno driven to taeir &oblation-.
: were- recent' gavots at the honto of reeirin to. no:arena te obit ber broth« : in mother .erir. Dr. -and Mrs.. Reid,. -
iech-.4, ler, r. Edward Denali], and family. I whe • al•0 past middle life, will not
e Mr. and Min. Body.
Colis ook Store ' , , i,...,-,_. (Dr.), Geerge 'reser and babea retre. Biehor, ond two, . amen, i co-ei forget their narrow eseape inrera
. eill fji:le,aoltl,naarlIthrtai.lictl„aoysirn wph. pr... T, teci.it tildotitigeionnutAiorzn,eld 41:Ito- tiglil 1.0Tpaltaidhlilit' .i8wflonftnr:
sl Mies. Beth Willis. of Detroit, le. bolulay et the Nino° a her parent% nileidireturned on ittooday to- hie home • .
n,Jr. -and Mrs. Thos. Stethere. The.
im iillsonburne The cross. roads, nt • '
One A. nolidaying with her ' gran parente,
tri wee made b motor to Selena both Duirgennon • nncl Gionn.'s Hill. •..
Tann Jen:, Ainnit el 211u. lees
fops* -.11111OMOSOmb
Blankets and Rugs
SPeeial Summer Sale of Fine Wool Blankets—An the nev.7 and
desirable over check. Blarikets are fine tune all woo), 'whipped singly and in
colors, Tan, Rose, Blues, Pink, Mauve, Rose. Size 72 84. Sum-
mer Sale Price, each -
20 only large size all 'Wool Rugs in Brown and Gold. Brown and Blue
$4 50
pwa, frin„ed, size about 70 x 90. Woe W5(). •
Viyella Fianna
Viyeilas are unshrinkahle a
eeiers for Dresses, Coats, etc,
and at Curtain Drapery
50-Inelt Ireavy fish net . weave,
Pisplayed in a fine, range oi sAurnabfassit'.adellSegitarD.ryarureY' 'awndana.purtiecde
Mr. and Afro, D. J. Craw o witero they took the train for Chi- 0/1(.' concession north, are conceded to —
Ont sale, Per
Ya1.44.. $ 125
1 1 I
! thee home. a ha, parents, And
Mine itAsx., Horton..
WESTFIELD 1 Mr. and Mrs, Wra. Jecimom of RIP- eago for the remainder of the Jour. lb° two of the worst in this district, den patty, but everything went ineine CARLOW
Mtn Samuel Mormon le visiting a guests with Din and Mrs. Cunning.' katoon Wall a carload of horses is Sint ' et ti ith ehowers riot come in the early morn.- nur,day evening.
proper signs Are ere e on -o . Mrs. Will NoMillon and family, of
ley, were visitors with Durtearnion as the view from oversr direction is nicely notwithstanding %hese appar..
nirs. Colin Careolielt wee a Torone relativeo on Friday of laet.weelo L. new, ef Gaelic/14 .who ent ,
ireir obstrueted and those fa au. ant hindrances, whioh proved eo ne A numeer erom here attomea an.
weer, them by auction at ills ;rasS er side of th?. 40tatt7 highway. Had inn hours, the turtling e011,1Mtinity Allis Irene Stoll is on e. vieit to her umbur.rnu,n at1. e:tra.spee:r:1-:aarret
tat LI it itrAt wean Mr. end Mrs. Chas. Elliott were returned LI fortnight age front Sae- thotity should seeeeto it immedietely blessings. in disguise. Hun OW litivnarY servio°3 et Inlehaish en
Mre nen hIrs. Norman Sanderson, rteet. Ernest Boyce and Tars. lives. WeeinesdaY aftelmoon of next wok. occident on suuday, oxid I'm wonder garden party, but. these havinn been
BegtiOn. there would have been no with haying operatiops to attend a• tear Colliagwood,
ohi. home and. reiativ4a ,Bou a9y, p.tAirents, bir. and Mrs. W. G, Bogie,
tbo bottle of Mr. and Mtn Wm. nice hone, of Biyth, for u foot days. last
fermi Dalt a male south of Lanes, on, there been "sto " s,nc at tbis inter- ehureh (now United). She Is ,sur.
ManY from here attended theefune :711e
teglests eir. and Mrs. te4rei Stow -
Part a nnicage, %vete nine
vi.Oted nSitriday With Mr. of Durham% were lit Dungannon an HO la also offering for -sale abont 20
is that the oecuparits of both car e es- brought to an abrupt end leY the rain, era/ ot the late Mrs. nander, Young at elre, Lawrence Gray and tandlinre-
'4114 l'Afra' (7°°' IT°Watt Friday for the garden patty 'of St, cater' without more serious injury. all were free to enjoy an outin Ane Laza on weebiesd.ey, turned to, their home in Stratford ot-
head of two -rear -old steers.,
Mr, end Mrs. Haines,, of Orillia, Paul s ehurch.
Me and Mrs. Robt. Buchanan. na to their borne in Rostock, after a cos of the Dungannon Branch ot the
were guests over 'Vie weelt*end with I }jr. and Duo. Hem yundt return. The alma Picnic andar the wield-
Worne Inetitute was held on Wed-
Designetiori of Alss... Dorothy a ter ample euetne had been one to George Blue, of Araberiey, cal-' ter a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mtn
Douglas„,The preshyterr Mffit.. the good thinwkich were nerved- led. on, hee, old neighbors on Sunday, Percy Stewart. '
"it ti ba ---------.. th r wd
noday Afternoon with upwards oe 40 .Tuly 2Gth. at 8 three he ,Luelniow Oiled the euilitoriern -above .ror the Mr. and Mrs. o *stone
Mr. :mil Mrs. Wellington McGill pleasant volt with .thow elauglitere V g,
in attendanne Genoa Softbell Presbytivian ehtuth under verv Proerare until every available seat lir. end Atte. "Arthur Uteri MIllazja °Sir"m•
ff tiveit tbet no traeA of worms iw
Powders . work so' enine
tend family aro leeving for their Mt 11 Redin
home he Sasnatoon Tintradaon Mr. and Mrs. 14'. Rose attended the wore io * i o ion 4 I and Urn 'Will 'Watson and two °bile
p ur rig t tornoon oy ease ces, t ie occasion emor the was occup an many roma lie e eel) fund Thawa
; e pets vase y
Mr. WM Howard, of Parie, the anniversary serviee Aeldield Pros* 'Ater on there were rxe4S Ior every." Oenireetion of Mies Dorothy Chrie. standing at the baok.., The Pronrem deen spent Sunday at Grand Rend. tut sois without being • percept.
one, with prizes, after which .suppor tine Douglees its a mieeionarY forthe was tour -act eemedy-draina, -The 'We ate eneexed to state that Mts. ible. They make an entire aria deep
agricultural , event hyterian -chureb iLochalsh) on Sun-
forelen dent with Formosa es her Road to the City" presented by the A. 1V. Young, who lead her tonsils ren sweep of the intestines, and nothing
obeeetive, The seating capaeity' of i A, 'Y. Pen., of Ravin. Erma begin. moved last welt in Wiaglialu liosin. in the Anus of a worm can find lodge
the levee andiforionl iVa$ taltt'd to ping to end; the audience, followed tol. Is recovering nieelY. ' merit there when these powders are
its utmost to accommonate the large wito elle keertest loterest and with nix. aed 'Mrs. C..,A. Robertson Ann in operation. ' Notion; could be more '
oetthering, of people who had assent.: Mixed emotions, the slow deoeloP- Dorothef, Christine 0.114 Martbo Pat- thorough or desirable titan their en -
Sunday with. Mr. roleresentative
Maitland Henry. 4ay cvenurn last. was served by the India. A peanut
Mrs, Wm. Fothorgill and family. Jean and Ross Whitely returned to scramble for the children et:titled.
et' Londeeboro, are vieiting tho for- their- hone 1n tiOderiat townstiti en oanieh excitement among those who
. mer's 'sinter, Mrs. Atka Melecovell.. Saturday, after spending" tho weenntook part.
Dr. James Campbell, of St. Lett's. with Mise Dreany. Anotht'r
erir accident is reported. ix
Web., is visitine eurbrotherei Measre. M. Roy tenants is here with his which eilr. David -Serene of the enel
W. a end ff. bl., Campbell, and other-, fairdly to enjoy a weeks* holiday. eon. a 3,17, wraminosk goinded with i of reichnowe but also from an the moral lesson,- which Makee tine piaY lneetioesclaY emoting near Be groom.
,_ i Mrs. Harris and children had been M. Snyder, of Bennoiler, both ore' einigrenotrens in tbe surrounding so popular with the public. Al- eft, and Mrs, Gordon Quick and
friend& , . •
Mr. owl Mrs. It: Gardiner 'and Mr. here for a levet, previous. • lauding in the ditch. 'The latter ter ootaltree The refasten of summer thoueni there is a beautiful pathos eon. Onle, and Mrs. Floyd Wilker.mn
end Mrs. Fitegeroia, of Link:owe vis- Mr. Chas. Teligtapson and sort, was badly beoken. un, while Mr. itowors with which the „church was rinunink through the play, it by no and son all of Lemnington, visited , etc.. -
Red „with bit and Mrs. Cantnbell on moon, returned on Sunday to leme Sproure sedan was also 4aleaged doeoratocl mode a,,,, rerv; pretty and reeans Inas humor, TLEI attested by Mr. atuliWe... Paul Maedel recently.
attractive setting /or thy. entire ser- the frenuent outhurats of laughter. mr. told Mre. Jas. Wilsot of C oh •
. flItIllY'` • ' don after enjoying the past ' wee , , 0 -
toe and Mn;. Will Taylor nail fat.- with relatives in Duneannon, • viee. There Vas but one thine, to Mies Mabel Strinner (as Jet Sander- Anne, and two childr.n. are visiting
I f ' f ti lil T a Ta C 4 perfect 411140ing, arid that wag the eel), at the Cross Itoade, carried
bled. not alone from the, cengrooation merit of the story Trith spiondid attended the garden ?arty on tion.
somewhat. Tho accident occorred ot
night on the road between Carlow
and Nile.. There appears to be no
eo.USe, nor the accident. othev than the
hid thet Mr. Sproul beceate nangnS"
ed -by the lights ,of ttbe otther
Andnrson visited rot Sunday with the, n000ronoot .scoaoi)stkooshoo op• pretty record so far this Ye4V for tarp, hole allect to 'Smithville, noon Tionliitoli; .(LeztW9e4 Hen t:ee IG1'144*. •e!"11121/11 ha mild11:1 deatt 4)fhlth:t7ir B°5:1 iti - er our ' es:
vim ot man, tano eo soeteon,o,_oe o ...$3,, ! 111* g prre
latterre son; Mr. 'Wesley staeUheuao,' badly on SundaY neening, eau result Inhocire. $01fle Me3SUted , on. Wed. owing to the audden illness trnd sub- leilYsto-me, a very ram
ninBritoeffelde - of countin in orintaet with a teleplonte needal reeebed, the immense helot sequent death of the rattan's fatliert truly in love with jet, end Rienard nlis7elduswintr !limn VICI'4.)ni!enTee$1',/Vuesn° .We positively so a* .
**.kime. Albert Nethere aed . fentlier pole. of over 12 -feet. If 'anyone cah 'beat 41:Attlat;nt!itiee,sZedy.inDtrive Peatarrifertecie,tit, ilt;oi.egnayt,‘Aiovi4ztviraysittar!.(itheotto.Le.maileroonni: 77,3477.; He oasesj anion. at his eistenns- you money. (Av./Moo
heed entutned to :their home: at Mel- atone and Dontii.sot 111461 reitirn. this wei should .be • plinteen to hear ul Ae ta es oin, nee enot man iil nliteardine on Snuffer, • ' Futniturc at the laic-
*,..elqk with Gm formerni sister, Mee. home in :from:Ahem • Mrs. Peutlancl's a -re of o nloee 0 ev. . . c o ...
tont single rind double earletiee and, .The4esigaation eervice VMS conduct Mot at heart a dericnete,crook, who Rev, Colin Toting, ?.Dr;, •and soli. • OS OliS k
• MI"' attvi l'Itse141411r 41 eeurle.on--4Sotinday -to-their
ine, of Selmore, are •holidaninti with ldr. mei Mrs. It Roily and family,
" araieV a ° lat." a * * 7- oncompanied by Mrs.Gordon on- y aUte.
)33)3"ettee of the beinient pastor of the. through the pathetie erne in An ad- b . • . .
Afte and Mrs'. -IV2r4 MeDOWell. Mr. Sunday with. friends at MillbAnke. - eettnreentioeo. Rev. C. E. McDonnkin Minane 1,menne ere 'Shen has. to, mane el o -,t, i., " - Furniture Baby Car. .
IOT, and °that' Wends.' grant And two sinall dangliters. spent
:Manama.* McDowell aucl htro. J'aniea oa Jams 8 nova boa his. Al'etr., M. A. B. Pentiaari itas Draken the regret ve_fi rotten te learn of ' ' . . , 7
R4s, . rialre, etc., until you
will). with Mrs. rireDorfaId,. had been :ner choice eetween eeopert eennle'l i 57.'
mar What tvould othetevise bare beon son) the leading lady (a verY line
his parents. Mr, and MIT. Allan 11,1i.
son, and • other friends. They game
Don't 'buy -any new
Feed J. Otiok. Stretford. after a Pleasatit week' ed.bv.'Dr. Pettit), who expressed his wishee to marry et in order to win Inendersen. en • Mre, T.' .eterson. o
spelen t tho hone of Mr and Um . ef "Ile" °°Iers, 8114•Presol4 4 v"I' ... ...t >. , - .
MI% R. Stonehouse, of 004erigh ° - " " beautiful and attractive appearance, grot;feation at toe fltep trurgattrit tee gree wealtn. ot hiseinveild faul-
t a Body. o Their height alid size is so great that . .
nievers. Z. • Te Stonehobse, Melvin ii,r A eir ...- e ,t, le. e ley Miss Douglas. ev.. n c er- or, .1 Jut JaMes (jack. SMita), who
re'vlot* .S. Morton Ord Re Harrison nert.°21" °ern. r°1 - ravege e°4 Poles ate needed te which to tie them tol. of Toronto. led in the eonsectan antleita to be a every- ervituble, old
1. on, erode, spent tmday with the In order to keep thorn nooro brooking.. tem oraver, It was very Siting that gentleman, lint proves that "ids bark
, Mr. and Mts. Matthew tg,
Toronto, attended the funeral of the ••
formes , 61e -ter -in-law. Mrs.. Alex. HAROLO BLACKSTONE'S
Young. on Wedresday, and called ors
other relatives here. • '
. , , FlifttlITORE XCI1ANOE
an d the Oth vonceseion of 'Rost Win- 1 _ E
armor's bretiteri nem: 'Ethel, in the . • -hackie o et thh dosignetion of .Olies Douglas% is worse than hiS We Ags Rath-
', dfn his boyhood days, on s , enSgnr an .1', maS eeetor of the emgregation, sheuhr' widowed mother, comvibuted. largely
Miss Erna Freeman is visiting
- Richard Park and daughter, Miss
Edna, with Mr. 'Upward Biagi, mot -
toted on Sunday to Port Elgin, where
v•eeltool, mut the Young was supp
lied in large measure by the , • e
. /lotion Reid and tannin. . guests evitli the iatter's sistere Aire, TrImutil
vieinity in -which Mr, Savage' silent 4 on B d M Th Mrs. nfelnerrel, the wife of a. termer leen. Pettier, as Sirs. Soodorson, Jet's
Shackleton, of Crewe, with M. an
Arthur an4 Margaret, and ;erne Sen W. len n.. The Conadinir Bade Soeiee ner daugliitet to choose wealth so as
quirt, of Toronto, with Mrs, John Me., 'Mt. Roavd of Itti$Sibilt$ Of the to escape the poverty that she her-
rn A bi Derte nese sell had experienced. Ties humor
Mr.. W. tottitht aed, two thikkeet, eetneeert thretomicil exteutive tfte to the po.tieevie eienteht by urging
I• iner3r, were gneete with Mr* "4 Mrs* WilinneY, Ashfield, were Sunday en.
tiguroliis vlsitinMeends in Mr aM .Wst f rie.:::;!dstt.s:eca;rsicAll84;:triAYitre.00rnect'o!ftrthtooTe:141Pr:fet
Leek of vonto. was the
Mrs. Ab.' Smith tettitned last week Benert Bind, of poet von owning Womeres Werk Beard, end, in ado haPPy-go-lucker, younn farmer'
i her younger cbild for treatroent. We was %Ade by them to the Indian en -
1 aro pleased to know. there is eons :oanniment uear Southampton, aleo to with her in the Mission .Dend and ally restricts ine affectione Toto
itproiventent in the latter. the Aso, natonooles, olnich wore iooth, Sebtrath Schoen white firt-eteroknowell.ge (Tiza 'Needham), Jetts saucy
SI • red 1110 late mat tin., Young -cousin of sweeteeixteen. Myr-
Featuring a most
standing range
of disketive
Models in -
in all the new
trends of Fashion
You are cordiay
anwited to inspect
Kingston Street
Electrical Sho
jOUY from Tot -auto, value she had taken made the trip in two tare. A evisit dressipt 31188..1)6°8'1.°e' made feetfnt 'Itua ladgin's (*la"'
reference to her ph' -'sant aetoeintrons great I'Venkra3SS h5neiris. hut who fut- weg* rt t
Mr. Frank Todd's Wnippet-six sea.
an turned turtle on the road near
Belfast on 'Monday, -aud Upset intO
the ditch. The ear was badly tireaelx.
4d, but no ono was injured.
of5t Pantlettlteeiti treg tifeted,,z'
A4 r e
underwent it nasal operatiOn, widen
was performed by n speelalist item'
Torftto. "
' Mrs. Charlotte' 'Smith spent Mon-
day afternoon as a guest with Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Wiggins. Iler many
friends are pleased to know that her
health tit her advanced ago continues
as good as at present.
Mr. and We, G. M. MeRenzie ene
etertainod as gueste Sunda?e, ties
of much interest,. A very enjoyable
time was spent. '
Lien Sunday communion servieee
were held by Rev. Wra. U. Perry at.
Chtist church, Pert Albert, at 1.0 a.
m. and at St, Paul's, Oungannom'at
11:00 rou. instead of at the regular
hours of 11 itoo. here and at 3 p.m,
at Port Albert. The vector, with hie
sister, Misa A. Perry, left by Motor
in the afternoon. for Galt, where he
will. join Mrs. Peeve., who las been
there for some weees, to enjoy' a.
monties vaceition. Duving bis
merice *ere will be serylees in
either the Dungannon or Port Albert
churches. Mt' Perry expect to re-
turn September let, and services will
Mrs. 1..., be resumed an Sunday, Sept. Paid.
Immerse mothev and sister.
McKenzie and Mise Eleanor Istelten. ,An ice cream social under tite nue,
k mr. and No. Thee. %visions ,hi -a 5.tit. Refreshmente will .ite served throueli Mrs. nreWhinney and Mrs. ed to $12n. .
The LT Miss Aver"' goPleted the progrem.
- CaulPholi and their eon/ 1)e. P. Centre. gentian United ehurelywill be held on Stewart veadiog the address.
e bell, of London. 1 the eltureit lawn on Wednesday, Ang. lodies of Dturgannon congregation, I n
0 Oroceede of tne evenmg amount.
John Seritugeout and.daughter Miss corostm,,g +of instrental seleVortst wise. Mrs. (t?,n) StroPson anti 1$Ira• Mr. and Mtn JAS. Hackett and
'many seviingeour, coderien; dr, and so.es. .uo.s.,breea Igo, etc.. onenea McCree inskong the presentotiort. .family spent a day lecently in Sae*
erie einent, the tune- Mr. John Matlock and Fern Reid wt. Is Giving up Business in 1Goderich
j tift:T. Godffidfir,eyouiletillti.AShileid, and Miss ititen
e tht church. Admasion, *duns n'ne, the Sunday School end Young Peo-
Wweittileb: bed in the basement of eireseated a tattler& and PU1CSe from Mr. - Altons .
Roy spent unday with
Mrs. Whitler, who has lite., a children 15e. The young ladies of Oen; Guild. reeeent during the twin her sister, Krt. .Tas. Ineeburn, of
Of Lucintw• itbr ame Weeks.' 18 nor enjoyable time und the popularitY of Jsud Mies Cittbarlite McRay, of, Pero; Dorn -To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Al.
iss ora o on te urn to Tor -
mite, having .spent her tronateot4at
- tor
support; aed prayere -br each of the. tin Esketek (as Lily Morton, the girl
45,000 membere of the society in Ca. from the city), whe truly loved Rich -
nada would follow her to her neneant neaten, proves herself an efficient
field' of tailor, „nfolnerroli also-'accomPliee for lihn in crookedness.
stated that Miss Douglne al:Torun.. The Doke (Otto Hewitt) the 'yeti'
ment was the 07th of the iniesimeryitnysterioue gentleman (in reality a
society' to the lame and foreign, tient 'detective) annoyn overernire by
On bebalf of the council eXectitive she I, oonsten,t snooping around. %Ruth
Presented Miss Douglas witir Bildo,,Ilontlarant AS Marie made a most
on lielutif of the 'Canadian Bilde eharming lady-in-waiting to Mrs.
elern bible in Amor (linnet, And Richard ;Tames. nudging from the
from the Deaconess' Board the den. nOMMOIltg Of the audience it seemed
cortese pm. Rev. It D. C. lir o s that the ansidered that
loughs a Erneardlue, ropres4,,ung. the individual members of the cast
the Presbytery. oneeeneen 000ir proved themselves real dramatists.
I'velso, Mrs. (Rev.) Perrin. on behalf Sneee en were delivered between
of the Preabyteriat oresentol a `book. acts by Rev. Mr. Townsend, rector of
and Mr. It. V, Me/Coale and Dr. the BervleeRingarf parish, and leev.
Geddes nude the Presentation of a Ernest Hayes, rector of Durnern par -
11 gil 4 Ne Tfte Lacknow ielt end formerly of Dungintrion. nee
tie, of Olititon, nisei Mro and Mxs. Vices Of the MiSSIOIT Cit014 of. Dun. S. presented bibre, um A, p. etrurnental piano solos and reaeling
. Funeral Director
Horse or Motor Equip -
Plara-lilyth 3210. DHOW* 91
die** en tioderiefi
Goierich Froth tty %di
Prompt and' Exotrtt Service
si. vaporvo
Photo 122 , Wed Stitt
SAU N DE litS?
as gueste on
loteklart and family, of Auburn; Mr, varied , Pregame will be " Ready-Toilear
Sunday, Dowd front 4:80 to 8 pane after which a Davidson, oreeented nurse, while
presented the Ashiterd congregation did like. SELIPAST''
, ,guest with' her son, Victor Whit!ey,ithe Mission 'Circle are antielpatingan vice werenr. Annie Mclieiy, of Nato Riverview* '
-with her sister, MSS MOM?. Vet thele events is beeoming greaterwith daughters of a former pastor tif ton, a soreon Monday,aulY' 23rd.
are pleased to know- that she is much each `oteasion. A oordial in,eltrition Lueknow congregation, Rev. Dr. Me- Congratulations 1 (
improved in health. and is able to get Is ixttuded to all to attend. Ray. Miss Douglas sails item Vane Miss Tillie Sherwood is spending*
around with the aid of crutehts, eouver on the Empress of Canada. on few weeka in Goderich with her gat
',. Mrs. R. A. AteXensie, who had , Mr. Jarnes illirvin. Nile, has. put-
"• been a gUest With her daughter, Mrs. chased the resklence'Thomas September 8, and will go to the Gide ter, Mrs. Jas. Barbour.
lgnEnthern,„ London,. during thi pot *WM *ode in the near future, win School it TIMM, ?orinosit, JaPan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Topp, of Tor-
- 'Week, returned on Sunday 00riftlei0 'become residents of Dungannon. Mr. Miss Douglese who, is the elder dui- ortto, ere spending a few (Jaye with
her horne in Dungannon. having an- R Girvitt will take over the farm ghter of Mr. Mt 15tr$,. George Doug- Mr. and Mrs. ,/its. Cook.
(Airs tether, who will now be able lass has hot I Yokr8 tnItcti*Tleo 43 a Miss Margaret Sanderson of Gode.
dm. tp. enjoy a weinearned rest. M. neacher nt ret. Helens and Rockwood, Ado; the mi.3ei, babel and market
,tcompanied Mr. R. A. IcteXentle arta
L47rit26 wItrimi 3Pell Sundayinrr,11-1;": Gie‘vin, who hes been a auccessfut af;(1_,, with her theerfni.1 di8Driti?„,,n tend Jiti/103 Alton, of Toronto, are
n"33 ""It(Me`' '"k -Int"' It'a° "'"r fanner ell his life, was for twenty. 'ztou Veloing gi•fir, n" "ueat,VvtilVISititg With Mr. and Mrs. John Mule
been fiOnntiicting hcr isecond SI*" i seven years a director of the West tell° tct 4 with vtaal 3110, '43
six weeke tourse nt agriculture. At w Mr and Mre Stewed 'Alton end
tli.e Oriterio Agricultural College. avranosh Mutual Fire Insurance :come in contaet. Her many fnends
resigned fret" that 'wish her Godspivd ard success in .. — •
!AN) years--ligth and itrei'it work tindertikri by her. The .ilve children vetotnat to their borne
Dungannon en VtidaY ot t1195 week. `°t/IC6 le" than i•
1 Gue1011, is returning to her home At leottlPhAYi Itsmint .
irtteell%Iltigabeiartttirtrele8galainutt, ‘IrG.
,i1Str. Pentland and r rank will ,:o for ;_this. tlgether va h his farm work, ,audienee also inrluded Mae Douglas,'
her by motor. Kept bon busily emplostel ife wo5 Ptitornal grandmother. Mt DorothY , „, „ ,,,,
Upwards of tifty young people en. tirement from Me office of dIreetow..
id - h• . Dwight% and her eneternsti gremlin- ;ann '."13' °clan neulbn.
ti' e . Is be t Carrick both in theie °-
reek bonen* pree ent on re re -
Fergus,. who s sup tlit tL - t .,
jvcd A vreirter roast at Port Albert Dungantam welcomes mull eititenses eig,htioa end both tosidooto' et 1141'ck- '
on Wedneeday evening last, when a those. end our wisb is that both Mr. 115!1,se e.,
, yew tato:table time was spot. Bath. and Mr & Girl:in may eneoy nreao . igtV. Irr. wanes, cf Tec2swator, fo
l irtt nos t c chief attention for samc
.: happy days of tkeir declining yes,3 . over thirty years a, pioneer misoion.
ivrhile others indulged in gar, s vta
..., in our peaceful burg, in health aril 'an' in the Peace p, wer elininiet. gent
sports. Dungannon Bachelors' V.lub quiet contentment. ia shert addrees in which Le spoke r
WPI e the hosts. The cross -loads et Dungannon's rwords of ene3Urasterrient and come
_i church ,011 tzundav sext 1.4 ....._„. main comer ,n*„5 aiticin thc env 02 mendution to 'Niles 'bugles. A emelt ,
Service . in Erskine, Presbyterinn
" smother bail accident on Sunday Wellecittal tletrInolV8a3od vSteeesrlioi,, ;
ducted by Rev. A. 9... Mellmall of iklaout twelve o'clork, when two tAt3
in Teestsater in the atevice ftf 1lr. Iceilide"l'e eC/lind 6t the In) It'', liorat,e Aitchelon. Rey,. Dr. Melk-3.-
volt. iu a forceful adirove exheincen
the eongreganon to firs their part ire '
etanditig behitel their repteeentstiee
We catty a good StOck
Electrical Appliances
Fixture*, etc.
Wit Specialize in
Wiring of All Kinds
'Estimates given an
• application
All Work Guaranteed
Frank McArthur
Phone 82 West Streit
- t• otbes. alio is taktng Ins ltoldays, eerigarteallmteirrtleo,,rernlineritethae ole
- , had gathered, -A rt.=rd eaupe, otenen
end driven by Dr. Reid, was rt,),:letd. in the. fort.* non& Dining the pni ost
VACATION FOOTWEAR „when .a '19ervpvt seditu ,nr/ctn, Prellixterian Mieliforiery end Detteen. entn"'n "" "Wial
teith " thP t6utItY _..t*hwtS; Nen Mies Dowries sittenileci the
"Pk Div reeekettt w VAS 41.Sc0111. t oon mot renotto *hero et etrtage% t rim, °
, P*elect bY her t"-"e"Ittle Cr°111 tin her bleb emitter qualified ber in en.r3 'Carts. r.te,,, to ilifterent calms ; also 1
Est GA Took lkwilist. UNA sic. 'refit *t* m!Wft
id rade of eKrik' yeAr for the gradiatien diploma, tiee !Dalt catgut", limy eats, and
4.4"'" Pi4e 'w"k' 19Ae alw* 1" 'Ang in this Ilite gite an eta
- thi VIM.'" in Irrnnt- inobl'fn for gereral ntefirierity. •
I6,01,11,1 awl iiftrit obtaiitted oaly after two oesee" !Retkieot H,n ,„,,, tketit a trt,,,,,
lIst INA& OA kis, Seitesomi. Lau rpm, roaehiart the seem, 41
th, actitiott. tho N4,14,41114 Owl 'Tht Att.^1401 rfert.V
Ante Gm., Usk*, ak,
WA hit,. %liry tools oissOttmoiht 'obra..,sa from
W. Hern's Shoe Store P4'vr
Saturday, August 4th
Our *eget stock of Fixtures must be sold at once. „
flotsam, the Sensational Bargains in Ladies' and
Selma we list the klferchandisaudiich will be on *der,
take and Mases' Dresses in all shades,' ekes
Ladide agnuda Ity.
iMisses' Coats, Kasha Suits, rjutfted
Suits, Slithers. Blouses, Sweater Coats,
Hose, Vests, Bloomers, Slips, Corsets. Bras.
siers, Nightgowns, House Dresses, Scarfs,
and Handkerchiefs, Children's Winter Coats
have m
d Dress
elpitio/ values in Meds Fleece -
lined Combinations, Shirt* and Drawers,
Wool Combinations, Shirts and Drawers,
Braces, Cotton Socks, Silk Socks) Broad.
cloth Shirts, low ries Silk-knitScarfs
Sweater Coats, Men's and Boys' Mitts, Boys'
Pullovers, Blouses, Fleece -lined Canbina-
Misses' Ready-To-Weetrand Dry Goods
Everything in the Store must be sold, as
we are giving up business Goderkh.
1 Ready -To -Wear and
,-,1e001110 wort found tot be, 0100r OH" ese! net Atop.,,pr (Kurth t' I-„
..arbcrit hod iwiA torma tapitkle sjivornAtiltre*IA'siliy Fridav evening. tie
Goods Store -
- arlio serawopsitirel hitilevoit; 0,NoteTi 10!ch oftitiNt O. 0041 JRWDry
• —rt 0-trkst.d..*-4 mr.inwo thwlePint t•in sn4 te!, . . HEELER
t...d tIl p, AAtiii*eicitti with st JAM whhit •A4.41 loth * teal &Olt!. rinvn irEwstit. 1141tIKONA
East Side of Square. Goderich, ont.
coon reentimi. end tossisidiat*ly tee* trivi.n. Or VAMP, it roast hitt it. lifesealles *root
fro ,Miwor ruts ond truism %. 11601% liFailt Olt Peoltrste *1,Ptor
iStIllir7 **At tibo two SA* its threwm arkiodoor party initeati ot a gar. rasa: *We 111. Rooliolwit Ugly