HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-08-02, Page 7r'AY. etthettese4iLleer.
a a •
Sunday Afternoon •
Ty !SAHEL HAMILTON, GouVert, 011.
otef "
zee_ T. eee tee eeziet ee 1,:2'Cir,'LLPYa r,-;•.Se11.:2
, Ave etieteet eg, Ete.3
-49 5-,1,:c.:R
t51_4A.E.; 010 '
teaee nee.••est 442:4 11$ V.$6$ii6-3
r.r.,) Him eft, eeeee t•T,:egao i;•? tvaec.'?„ 0.3.1 ii,.er0.$00ij:3:6=0, W. tarl aaft taesse;
Arel et -vete iravt ihe love !, ;. tine iitee tepee LID4C0D06:3 tE$4:-$14
etteenta Lorene peel eve rse,•;, teak a II$4 .sarses ‘a
nieeltr iR-7•10a altieve email time tee upoettes teetea
lehee weete. enz(tiy bt S nER.
Ilente FR • 1: teaeStsIa terO•t• imereiten yrVelgs?. SOOZW1
We praise. thee, O'Ged, for the bless • et "er vi-m;laue oug
siege that arc were Chriet Jesue., "ct 'a; 41e, lie wee.'
emett 1.174e vro.3ent threugbeut
T•hou lent eonanceeled us to ga iuto
• the workl and !weevil the 'gospel. the. lei-415.1dt te.eaVetunity raeirg•A
Je‘7117,hi Mane us.cntelient to Thy will co that I:esd Gentle)
we retay share in the extenolon of Tby t"Iteet‘e "4""* Imo tglgs
etesamoseheee came the die.'
kingdom, for Thine own nanie's sake. pee,inattence pettatn &MS Wilt0
Amen. .
S. S. LESSON FOR AUG. 12th, 1928
' Lesson Topic -The Council At een.
Lessen Passage -Acts 15:141.
--dcn Teet-John 8;36.
The two foreign missionaries, on
Heart Palpitated
Nerves Were Bad
Had Dizzy
Palpitation of the bort is one ot
the most common of all hetet trouble**
end many people gre Itept in 4 0440
of morbid fear ot•death, become wok
worn, and inieerable, Irani weak and
dietyspells, their nerves become =-
limn and Veen cannot sleep. ,
Mrs, doenlierilienosie efanitcieraninge
Oet, welted -0'e was very poorly,
having pedpitetion tho heart, and
my amerce were so bad could not
stand the least einem X also Jlad awe
Odle end felt as if X were going to '
drop on the floor any moment. I saw
advertisement of
ao I determined to give them'
I got 'a box end eluding them doing
me gooe I continued until I lied taken
ive home ond tame omplete rellete?
letillennes Keart aue Nerve Pills are.
• 5011,4 box it all druggists or dealere,
Cr mailed direct on receipt -of prtce bee
Vlie T. Millnutatgo., tiniit,ed, Toronto,
Ont. -
Ruin and florae Livera
flak Stablas:Ein.
MorrtV.iyil Street • •
too off the Suitare
, • Abler,o.
:SVfl4 lttST;CLASS 11105 READY
ne$ites ?Skeet oll Trains and•
Pasoenter Boats
Ptiteseergero calle'd for in any •
vete nt the town for alln
troina at 6. T. R. or C. P. R
• I ieoUts
eientriph .Service and
Careful Attendance.
net ieeery and flack hervice
*ill he found up-to.dote
In every 'respect
veep -eh
veer Potrotioge Solicited
Phone 107 • eineireetStreee
1..e. thee tweed -esti. to ortrietiarate 1.1
nue. tney itinerace.d the
teinotien • nett:eye yen unerrea
went their vieuninnese to reiee the
matter in dispute Lo tee apeenee and
A. eetusetime. Mime ecalows
is tee record oe the tirst internal dine'
maiden that twee° in the bosom of
tee church.
These Jews endeavored to persuade
the Cheistiaus tie Antioch that it was
nccessazy to obseeve still the prinei-
rite of the Jewish religion. it
.'"as a grave cotitention .end. required
eireful handlieg for on it slependid ;
hreioch end tne new mission needs
if As strict adherence to rite and
.•ereraony was not essential to Alive-
aou OD these Jerusalem Jews
d it was, "Paul became greatly
zoncerned that all further progress of
.he living and lifesgiving spirit wee,
adult sacrificed to the dead letter.
Was a Titus, young, and manly, and
free, and pure, with the love of Ohlist,
burning like a flre On the altar of his
sol, to be held at, arnns length by
some unregenerate, Pharisees ?"
(Cannon Ferrer).
When there appeared likely to be
no end to the dispute they agreed to
eend a tleputation and submit the
matter to the church at Jerusalem
sod esperially o 'those Apostles who
had compamed with the Master.
Paul, Barnabas took with .thent
Titus, n enieircumclisecl Greek who
was a, shining exaniple of the power
tx the. Holy epint to save a Gentile.
e.s teey joumeyca they took ceder
opperainat, to tee ot lee conversion
leue roused great ere
te• teet and joy" anioug the Jewish
nevistians. reatillog Jerusalem
etey were receiveg in a tospitable
...eatetilenaly mariner by the dunce.
e ede etzeteu wey they nad come awl
ete... a deer aeount tue spread of
• e..sasper amw tXi, tierrtlrea.
.esr,etit tee strict seet 01 the ellen-
stet aebertea theirheliof that • all
cteeerte should be brougra under ene
Atter oe the law of Mimes. The Mat-
wae, prieately oiscussed by tne
hoostiee and elders, wive much dis
!)al.1114, 'Mlle!) here would not imply
envy words but rather aneeerateeri-
tete y ou Actor pert. Ireere. was oue
ytaer there who was much interested
phede Paul and Bae.nabas 'for he,
loner, had nau slimier experience awe
knew ox a certainty that God entend-
ied salvation ier Gentiles as well as
eitevs. ha had seen defiers etinverte
nil end heel •not•thought tirdepedient
cr necessary to impose the •rite of
eiretrragisift on them. Peter remind-
ed teem of how in his preeeriee the
• Holy Ghost fell on all them which
hieed the word. Atel they of the
ciectimeition which believed were
astonished beenuse that on the Gen-
tiles also was poured:,out the gift oe
the Belly Ghost, or they heard them
speak with tongues, and magnify
God" (ch. 10). From this he ar-
gued that it would be erovoking God
if they attempted ea impose rites up-
on those whoi,. etideettlyhOod had al -
11 11_
* .* +.10, -18040/110.*
-Wr the
l' \Coe
GA I :DEN Lein it 1,INEene , • They eve. made zip et a tateet 'owe II
ie 1.4a:ri. Yalu: ulzi"'" i5 Vata 011.1 it, tied comp -est,
tune tenee 141“"°, •°°4 14" AO4"°`" tame to noel tee aeutterreiges.
eee tette Teneeest teen,' ene teneig Theve ei a liege eoefect, to teed nee
fatg-' VI, a.m. 0,-.0i0-.0:ieid.r:04, 140i3 te3 pot' ti.:± • _iitkinaillo reenter, mei
,0476110 triL,Aik P41,1:1,14re.is Crash% Iller'sa
.ssee.eCaralli; saws sex 4ss.ea4, $.ez,r.et assa
Ze 4471,01.U; 1.4 epee teen
Owe. parrYs. rat:4Q test) te.eoacr ars:
mit la ea;;;,s.:•:3, edlea ileriekafq ssessy Asa bona or tea cakes. •
tett wet tile tomee.tieeana tine eutnee •COltoleleti BD LINE,N
v. 114e iciay untie tetatetoery mins amt., e'er coo° time we II9.N-0 accesterael
eireepne JisergekreSse-11014 -15U el/melees to pink, lavender and green '•
ut.eta;.u, Dolapez :mu Japanese lents 1 le -teethe glee. edge :began le ineageh:e:
tam; eau li U3.,U5 und 0:$$XC0NI8 and oviii" window .etatainee dippleetieg ts
g4141:"&dl5 0441. " 00ZelL "412r ''nelelees I eenventional white or ecru. Lately
snail seinets to held the tea cede ev
lemonade glasses. utand is teen.
to hold the azietzet tray, and k hes a
speciel Eholf for tile elate olt.
AseerIOSt. Aleru lx;.ace roma6 and
..s'AeOteo 4.4else cozokars, aria ;venire Pre-
eviae WV joy (aAeti new clay.
we have teen accustoming ouselves
to colored tabledoths and natezins,
but now comes a new invasien-col-
Lair art 10 14,04 ZOlasure-taere are ored sheets and pillow eases.
the most come -hither benches, some For ages we have thought of
emipie velment Jerouree, SOrnh erre,O0r* snowy bed linen, eau °we ateop in
uteiy trimmed Italian, settees; end blue shentst The answer is; people
;sere is tne son wai, etre bird luttris the are doing it. But it is dieconverting
game; vide on as pedestrai. What to get in among km, Wearing leiSa-
,s we use ox the geeing glone, initeely Inas of a 'ictshirig color. It makes
oeems to know, tot it WOOSberaInTai one stop to think to he sure the fame
with the eon hig 0 p
:..reteae 303316* monize, A lavende,r nightie among
Fitr -allcirraQes' s are re- Nile green sheets, reminds one of
in on it and its us nd oetie "shades of ni ht" hare
fleeted in it, too and it adds 4 eliarm- heliotrove hut how ean one forecaet
uote to tee tittle, sequestered what voter sheets a bostess is going
garden. And we= the moon shines. to offer, and how will they go with
teeny on in you think that glory has your daffodil yellow pajetime? Life
slipped down out of the heavens into is becoming constantly MOW compli-
Your wee back yard. Other garden eated, and the last etrew is colored
zurniehings are the Emendate Urns elteets and pillow slips.
and pots, the fountains, figurines, the i If your elects all happen to 1)2
stone lantern, and the cool rockery. 'white arid you want to be in style,
The flower beds of the moaern
you bave one trick up your leeve-
garden Are not formal, as of yore, there are dyes to be had in the mark -
out follow natural. Imes of curves etel , -
'with no square corners. Around, in • flews
ano our, among the shrubs and nowt Paper hat boxes, almost as gon-
ers are flagstone, walls, meee erem goes as in colonial times, accent.
irregular penes of broken cement
sidewalks imbedded in tee sod. And ePoarnYthWe teeter :iremiPes hthaQcteadgalins;,
back in a silent corner, where the
and it is not staticient of itself (as '•
Ibis is a Irturty• world. A
testis longest, and yE the retreat elle small eat was) beemese
ie most eecure, is a little ailed seat to venture forth Th
trip. It is not appropriate for WORLD EVENTS is by no media over. e bitter man ee years ,ee is aseseel. wide, a
**Mote. sr* the erlitittal corn
Oakes. More thin 111000,000
people deity demand theme
Serve for lunch and dinner es
well aa hreadefitst; Ile* the, kiddie"'
evening meal. Never tonalt.thiels-
but extra. crlip. With milk or croalln
-fruits or borMY sullied*
Order 'at hotels, Testae/rants. Mal.
Uri's. On dining -earn Sold by
all grocers. Mode by Kollose fit
London, Grit. '
That famous "wonder.
flavor" has made Kellogg's*
the largest.*elling corn flake*
in all the world. Millions eat
them dail3r. You'll especially
welcome their delightful extra
crispness these summer mornings.
00011.$.“ *we.. ..1.4
r ,
. feetingsein tehat country were some- bale player te an eela man" at time '
or pergola. here is a spot to rot . (Continued from Page, 2) '
a Sunday afters r 411 oeeesions. . • .
, wbat euayeu by the notion of the .,,ge.
on a quiet evening or In the, hat -box grip, which loolte the rampage. on Seturday and are King, in inattitetieg Iiiiillitch to fern% ----et.. ..., .,....
noon, or between times Wherepulling like a drum, the teavelling lady Matt now four dear games 0E4 of Beebe a neutral cabinet, but they were Eel Come Aro owed by the geoeure
wee" • • elirre her big net and her vtardero.be, ester, who lo t a tiaublo lie der to
If You haven't a back -yard garden,' eilete„,„ e eee equal , 0 $ 3 ouoed toethe highest pitch 'when' It of tight bootie tut ni one need be
PortIone of Montreal Royals. The Maple Lora became elear that tee new wonld-be troubled with • them one. when so
yet, start one toddy...Mother Nature ene-ee nbee- "eual
telt tee rieu wren an average ot 014 Preinier, Kennet% would attempt to simple a remedy As litillowayet Corn
is no respecter ox .persons and she The big bat is meth like the old-; while Rochester is secoed with .534 form a Govenntent compoeed of the Remover lo available.
will make the holly nodts bloom test fashioned hat whieh Weller used to to Montrears .534. old coalitiort, natriely, Radicals. Deem er, teteeetheteete
as bzilliantly in your garden as in wear in her girl -hood, It is bergla. Gene -TUIMOY provtd his right to ....4.. .....1 Slimes, and Mohannuedans.i
anyone's ning to he trimmed with ribbons and i the title of heavyweight chant/Alm The King is expected to take siren.,
You don't know -what you are mis- flowers and wreaths and stielt-up 1 of the NYerld by defeating Tom hey- , nous; action to eeteblish peace in hie
aing in a forlorn, "gardeuless etate. pins. And the decorations are not ney, New Zealand Maeksmith, hi, the country, .
.140 110t grine if you cannot spend a fla
titr appliqued 'down either, but eete •••eseci of a lifted' rotted 1,
lot of nemey on your garden. • A
;lace for the eisplay ei Weelth, come hat 'leek quite like a timer garaeth tne mite. lie never was ti Mau- Fifteen patinas will Inge
gailn etand forth atul make the big match. Turniey ° has, now 'retired! • Nations Gather for Treaty
-erden ie a love -some spot, not a
Mother Nature and. she will smile ,on Kellogg pence pact efitlawieg
Another thing aboue these big hats, niller or •bone-erusher of the type oe
they ere not cheep. Wo saw one in Jack Dempsey, but he is a flee Eh -
nous You do not have to court her when the variety; . eepresentativeel I
the shop the .other (lay, priced at $30. bee and eportsman, eerY.lierd to une
with riches. Arid do not eake your meet 'in Paris ie Angeete .Mussolini 1 ,
garden titio serionslye Do not expect But they do hOre ROO expensive Ones, derstand, and one of the meet unapt will not bcden band in MIN his 12 1!
te be done. The joy de a garden is The big hats are Made of:regular predated Of champions. • ture, however. es he has too much to
14,4 treat in the Peppermitxt4lavored
suganteated jacket and another In
the Pepperminalaroced gum inaide.a.
utmost value in lOnd4aethig delight
Cock lw Electty
Wnsh by Electricity •
• . Iron by Electricity
Cheaper than Coal or Wood
An electric Vacuum Cleaner
removes the* dust; a 19'ic3C4il
just moves the dust
We guarantee all Hydro
Lamps for 1,50 houro.
Walk in and see display at
The Hydro Store
For Infants and Cfrildret4.
In Use For ever 30 Years
K.evers heim
Give that eel with
iteinaters Liniment.
• Both* the fete, *ad
ifthete is *cavity in
the tooth, fill it with
'cotton looked In
lAblerdlt. Pellet 1*quick end sure.
The Great White
11 in making it -not in bonen it And ate , .
Britanes Railtvay I'rouble Ended do to allow him to spare any tiii0e,
then, there is always anticipation. the smallhatn.
After many months of discussion; eltsiledeerg It!l% 11 win probable.'
Next year you will add Illiee and a TEE BLACK DRESS ed by the Italian Ant -10
the railway dispute hi F,ngland Yert d .
new varie.ty of roses. It man seem a bit sombre, when
settled at a onference betw 4011 ibe. § ...--,-..........-......--4.,.4 i
., . W9.1.,114tr DEIN XS ' the trope are, 'ablaze with gay frocks railway men and the eallway man- In a few iiiittutee' Hine 'the entire
le lieytelee w131 3:tia30 tele forget .but just the seine it is the good old
a ma, uay a, )a, a -Ataildard arid it Will took smart wan age", 'when . an irgreement wee home can be freed of 1110qtpritgeOd
and reeeleed,winuoy all reilway employe
eau weet,,ele.e.I1 VII With,. enin impenved 11 '1 Bend
taieetg elate. item., tea. le, ea oat the roses' of summer are feded,
..,„e.,,e, use gem, tea met muaeeleuit: these .eoloeful, flowerlike gowns are eed0 including high 0q101 ti 'And di' Sprayer, ',Remy iqx.Tox (meetly to.
.4 ae. earthen pot. „exam tue pot SS wilted se the roses, , "dere, will accept a, reduction
Per eent. in 'Men* VMS etel) *an ies, ih the rIosete arIC1 Mr thr el.ervetv. I.
of 21' ward the ceiling. also on the 41 3(1
,„..o:a lane you .aietot Iron., tea, • Mace never seerne to go out of
n in order to hele the eallwaye ,
eeti put tne lea inra a. :1..0 it Eanot style end it 'never coses to be chic. teke it will not leave a stein on tile 111614 I
-ser use, inniutes on tee" tea ieeaves In tx season when everyone else ,is Ina of tilo poor edniemic posiVir tielleate of wallptipera. 1:15 r' or i
eiteriges way oe Imo. insteaa cd tem- eight. railtvis ' and lorriea und motor road
rtite.er,,!.,1?6en0,il,e,weit the pr_eseet. nee.
listen. tenure Mil il 3
te fAbriC.% Spray l" 11(1 until ell ,
t."'un ineeZ‘dianhaQiesernveolly.clual. lent"' ohne n sc:eeele: ed°aIni()Ie wThiathdP tilie ipsoirseetrteosheilnYglietr° n%eaee et
tee whicit moves have Wen . seuen. ful way in the cool, rich color of th0 effect of the competition eetweep the ,, mitiutee ell the mozoidoore
ast midget, sought to minim* izie thh'e ri.Pnaertl; °It ottIll:z eVrilTy r ;147 .111‘1131i ill) illiV till fte-b,;
v.!.. 3.
eve '
ens, or a little orange juice may be Blaek is stunning at the party, hi b d tile t b d ri "°41 win hA cle"(/' reet41111°P of
e an ur e s e ,,, ,., e he a e
h r tri wir o an doors ore en it- .e.
mated 'to tne beverage before the fent- elegant at the banqUet, at ease at the e0 "El . Y. l'e lie fig
te of the toads. One of the effects of
el, slices ate passed. A'bit et grated afternoon teaparth, and just, tee th3 settletnent will he that 100,010 ed or •eiosee, tti (Ir 10'.i to. beirn
stairdoe, FLY-Tox iq irtlgr'efir, 1'4 °I "
.ss-Olort or orangehieel adds a pleasant thing for the mormng shopping tour,
ataVOr. SPrig8 OZ =In eook
:nee give another flavor ween added velt ,ard for
preety for the day in busiriess, for train tra- 4* Yi fou e days ° , " 5055 °,,,_ . obeolutely hermlese to people but , ..
summer sight-eeeing ""
..rasilwoan yeahte,0 mr nw,aa‘ye,91caivt_,
Ltr9 Mir e death to. all househied • ineecte.t.
nigher r 01 Pee 0 Will II nIC°OrtIE Ever -1r brittle inineantted.e•-•Adv, 1
.0 lemonade or to iced tea. , trips. Vte efficient woman will neve be employed at Idest five days week- ---e
• ly and` perhaps in the majoray oe -• ' i
Ininch may be made with any com- e,r, nermie herself to be minus one tat
bination fruit juices. Some
thoughtful housevvivee iteep a on ot
auger syrup and a selection of fruit
Ames constantly in their ice box in
euniiner to be .ready to welcome the
tired guest who nappens to come
their way. It is a nice, hospitable
habit. Lemon is desirable in almost
every combination of fruits in a
rimoh. Whatever else you may have,
a seems to need the lung of the lem-
on. before it is complete and lemon
joke brings out the flexor of the oth-
er fruit Juices. A pink or green
tiuit color added to summer drinks
cheers the..eye as well as the palate
and makes them more festive and re-
To make ginger punch, flavor the
punch with preserved ginger and tiny
pieces of °veep and pineapple.
raspberry lemon and mint is r. tine
tombinetion. Spiced • lemonade is
always good. Grape drinks are nu-
tritious as Well as refreshing. Iced
mint cocoa is less familiar but de -
Found in the shops are porch GEE;
for Serving iced tea or lemonade.
• . -
.endy accepted as his. Bo called
outitenecime ceremonies a yette mune
eie neck. of •diecimes. Jew, in the
eaot no well as in their' own' time,.
iad tound ezremoniai Laws. and ems,
teem oppressive and we !mow now
that 'Cutlet items natieeet us and they
nee' front the law and saved uo
. graee. By . such powerful reasoning
eeter made plain the • admission oz
the Geetilea into tho kingdom of
, grace. . • . •.,
' 'Some time ego there came a letter
front Fulaii, Japan, telling of a little
i incident wince 'serves an' a lovely Re
, ids:ration of a shitple :pervice. .
- Our missionaries there are at last .
,,, c•neeimccd in their new home. For .
-months before, they 'oohed • for a .
neeira in whieii to hold the weekly -
ichildrerea neeetingo. The neighbota!
,.- Ind been most friendly, but fear of -
the Buddhist priest ' was stronger ,
'I than offers of .. money or .personal ,
i fridedelep, and it seemed no though,
no place could fee source .
And then appeered, "The Wojnannn
.. with the Little Room." Site w '..eci,
Widow with yoretig deldren and lie:
!elzed mit a living by teaching•nowing '
r. every day in her tiny home. But '
i wild; olio heard of the :teeth she In-
vited tha missionnrice to nee her lite •
; tle reeve and sho • end the ehildrene.
eiieve welcomea the teat:hetet atid..tho'
e11199 se warmly that interest and
, %Pell -ICC 11570 iKete. :named.
•• When Cirentame havae, she begged:
there to ire .hee little. Item, and
.: etatin9 ate ogain ree Meekest the
1 terdaaer.MECO for coming, caying teats
tee Lae little CFSIO sr rererin te) kelp
ia tetiten week, but if tee ceuhl help
„ iv teed ?ending her 1,-4::::1110 it was a
,,t,>,y 194 re Fieelege to hcirsele anti
feeele. • .
. lee Mete: etese, NIrrithls.
ity ress o ac ccrepe
which is always ready, always appro-
priate. and always becoming.
Such pretty, filmy, silky thing% are
in shops these days mid almost any
cases, for full time. Rt. lion, J, II. 'CANADIAN NATIONAL RY
Thomas, I„ peorainent Blether Lener 0 !
Is1Nribl'''Fgal•;eflienlirnsztl thtl l'ititileeillgIstit 'TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO.. 111
history men, and their wives.
nd f itee h ve iven an indicator DAtr,,y EXCEtte. letieetiAst
woman would like to have a few of to tee woria unknown beforc-bave Lve. Goderieh 6.20 2.20 pen. 0
them to wear,- if Wily she felt that accepted a reduction of wages " Clinton 0.44 tr.rn. 2.30 pane
she could Wadi them when they be amounting, to e15,000,000 as their " &earth Gen" tem, eve pa,.
come soiled and keep them pretty af- contribution toward Wittig the great ," Mitchell 7.21 ean. I:15 p.m.;
ter laundering. Most dyes are fast ' Arr. Stratford 7.45 min, 4.03 p.m.;
railways of the country."
these clays and gentle needling will ---.. e Ititchend /1,40. aan. 4.20 p.m. ! .
Usuallyturn the trice. Vire Does Heavy Damage ' " Guelph 0.04 toe. e,50 r.m, , 5.:•8
To wash silks, dip them in luke .A. fire on the Buffalo river, two • " Toronto • 10,25 a.m. 7.30 p.nie'; "-
warm Nude made from a mild soap, teees from Buffalo, New -yoec. Iteturning-Leave Tontine 7.55 a.m.,
• Souse them around and dip them em State, caused by a blaze on a lune 12.05 P.m. and Wei Pen -
and down and squeeze them out. To steel oil tanker, B. lh McColl of Tor- Parlor Cafe Cer Goderich to Tor- .
rub and wring them brenks the deli* onto, resulted in property damage onto on morning- trein, and Toronto
and hang in a breeze to dry. amounting to more than e million etehrggeteleorficebarosntiehtTeePrialb.ottlio•Vich. sIri• ,
sate fibres. Rinse them thoroughly
If they dollars and the death of thine leer -
repeat the process and you are lekely wane i j
sons while twenty -even others. were Toronto. e
do not come elehn upon one witshing,
. BUGLESS ROSES ed tanker covered the surface of the
river for more than half a mile and
n ured. Oil from tbe damag. *phone 8,. J. A. LAWRENCE,.
to have success,• Town Paseettger and
Tichet Agent,
a number of vesoels were dean:eyed.
It was on of the most apectacular reenett___0-eenee_t_eeete-e-e-ene...
of dry, sulphur povrder; put it in a firE on the water front in recent
To keep bugs off roses, .get a bag
sieve; and sift it ebove the roses, in
the waning, • wilen the dew fa on' Years' -
them co that the eulphur will dick.
Paints Paints!
To choose a 'friend because he i
eonvenient or •rich or handeenne, rath-
er than knew& he is --kind -or-con.. .
geniat,or noble is like neleeting your . .
tuit to match a button, 1:ether. than.
a button to match your nuit.
"Your hueband wears hi o' hair 90
Leant ; •
doestet•eupport much fuzz."
"Well, be tieefere his hair that way;
The coeanel, he really does." •
• . - -
Cholera infantunt la ono of the
fatal ailaiente of childhood. It is a
trouble that eomea on suddenly, espe-
cially during the summer menthe and
unleoe prompt action is talzen the lit-
tle one may coon he beyond aid. .tbyes Own ?abide are an ideal me&
eine in warding of Mb trouble.
They regulate the bowel* and sweet-
en the etemach and tiara prevent tbe
dreaded summer complaints. They
are an alit:oh/to ego medicine, being I
guaranteed to contain neither opi.
ates nor nareotice or other harmful
(huge. They menet possibly -do
harm -they alwayo do good. ee
Tablets aro etildj medicine dealers;
or by mail at 25 cote a box from
The Iv. Metlkino Co,,
Brockville, Out.
Mrs. !Deka: • "II dont take tiny
;stock in these faith ones erougla
abort by the laying on of hands," t
Mrs. Wieka---"Well, dot 1 ceecti
enyIwittaly.,,eboy of the cigarette L%
t •
"F,ven if tete de.eo netip,e seedy,
tieel Apt if he eati ck. Ttne cant,
live Tout -e,"
Archbishop COSIO103 Lang of York'
who bee been appointed Archbielent,
of Canterbury. lie succeetle tlie aged
Areillisbop litiodall Davide= to the'
Primacy of England.
Gold Production Increams
Once again Canada's foldpeodue-
tion hae eetablisiicel ee new !eels'
record, In 1027 a total of 1,02..785
Bee ontitee, v111e11. valued a Ike
•etanzlerd rate of S20,671,834 pf.,7
fine entece, Wa3 meth $29,e09,404.
move lean t2,0e9i400. more then 197.6,
Beth •Quelere and Nova evetion mere
deubied 'their ouinut in
vele. while Ontatie peeduced leheiet
0e9 flee euecee an camp:eel with
el 'OVID in 1020.
Sterns in Surheiseie
Are you doing any paint-
° ing this Fall?
Why not have the host? Use Scarfe's Paint, Linateele,
more and lasts lOnget than other makes of paint. It takes
just as long to put a• poor paint on as It does a good one.
We carry a full line of Scar's Paints. This paint cove.o
Varnishes, etc.
We carry si full line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware.
If you require Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wirins or Entre
Troughing, give us a call.
Always, full line of Hard and Soft Coal in stock,
_ 0.4=4 -
The Itardware Store at the !father
Stare 'Phone 22, Hesse Ilona 112.