HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-08-02, Page 5Atait ST 2ed, tees
petrify et. otherwise et the prisitiewo neatly *Loon sieve the lee!. ti ii TOURIst comp pt-oireAR 161
Summer lisitors Stop at .:
H0_7. gATHEa NEE IHat
t'zipa(1,1i was bound up ill Urge ineas.1
dea that Ow in0ustrial welfare !j
toq..1.e.1 Mr. itrewitlee, and it woe etatertent vas iionied• •
Attain Ibigh Stauderd-
bor Pere This Seosoa or
the I'm
tire with the agricultural *Ware of "Tia "eklY. 134"" 4'7arlaag
the west. 'Summer Dress Materials
BATHING CAPS, J,Q1,,:ev oda they eve.: were betore ;
Alberta was looking to .the future ia'-)th tYP'41-gPhitiallY an"t"ad" A;leilereit hos a emell tentler carart'! •
ORANGE and LEMON DRINKS with optimism and eo!tildenee, and in eitt'e'intd4aalltetre3,114tinlenYti boalevyt3 itaz!:;ot ra% WCF:t
At Clearing Prices
LIME JUICE the. belief that another splendid her- . . . • e • , d -er r b - , t' 1; enooll go oup of azo beeneo (1)w.i in
•••vi,st wa.5 in sight. iotte gong Ietwar it.1 y yeat, ...4
, i bigger succesees end le the netter re- : tow a tbis tietoon ei trio oxen To roe:,
FRUIT SALTS TO COOL THE BLOOD .flimion of loeal and uatienal out e 'Oettnaiolk there is metneo ;Ai -pat -veto.'
SUNBURN LOTIONS and CREAM . Tilling produetilin figures et'
Peace River Country
, 11-v St t1 "1 t315. c!'clit I''' -it ir (!r•-•‘-` .• LOT L.-% oilo.:.z, Dimities, Pobilleslicon and Raypir.-,.
the look.
In clooing Mr. Wynn, aeknowlesigCo , to vi5.it ilits cantp. eee wkat is gflyikt 1j
1 past 20 years, Mr. Brownlee prophe.', co
= lewd that in another generation or so, "" •t a accorded the a -socia - 'I Lx; to III • t • t 0.
tier( by the Canadian Daily Isiewspa. LaA, it ' is surprisirin tho number at
(the at Peace River country alone pers association, the Association of Sottrist3 that are takino advantage!
:would be produchng as much grain us Canadian Advertiaerso the Wouten'a of the epportunities thai'the town re ,
phone so ido;s tt.
o whoiwiTogahAeliltNtoatay. rress Club. the Canadian Maraufaet. offering to theee tratteient visitertni,
ravers' sosseocattion, stud the mesa re. to make them stay la Ilederteh as. [.OT
, _. 'producdt $350,040,e00 iii new wealth, 1
!while 20 years ago. $00,000 !acme of pjepse.rtutir.tives of the C. IN. R. and pleaeaut as possible. t
This surnnier the eaum is in_elturge; -
land under cultivation in the province Of the total attendance at the on. of Mr. and M's James Johnstom who
Weekly Newspaper eop e at E mantan T
erforted 0,000,000 'bushels of wileat. 1
.vention, 97 were front Ontario, 62 are rendering to the campers the !rose
0 feeeoroew w .0 tteTretirliTai3ticritnifirlletag lig:: Nal: f„):"1 AlltTita' 4it i'r°11 Pa5k3fgranc; iiiervitl, P:t3i,i l‘t.,T: Vino% Nor
- - Brownlee, and ilea
triet alone lait yetlyeleogaedc1401yertio1;04,0:9:-;;Ialitvonitlimae's. on . en as a e vet he or o se, is n
b a Atli charge and looks after the tour -
Premier Brownlee Gives Address at Luncheon, 9,090,000 builiels of 'sheet. • tat kitchen, the grounds and a restato
* Tho province exported in 1,27 be. I ti Among the deleontes to the convert.' rant, Nerd& is loeatee in the park
who are
wen- by Alberta-Divisioni-on-Resources-- - Twigin--1.75;Titfit000-0,„d 100-014000- "-111M-5•"1741'wifillen /' 99'''' IleMe-- '"44'"4112g til-Mr•*-IglInn' II--
, * erating or re resenting their own pa. the eamp Is (Mite a favorite spot
and Problems of the Province threads of wheat from 13,000,000. pers. Among these wore Mrs. A. IL with tourists and all topeak highly of
. acree un et eu tivation, yet exPerla , ke,vhstards, minor ant proprtetross of atoommodatton. *The nomber of
.....,-,.. .1.... . ..7"....•1• deelared that in the reaee River t teo '
Pincher Creek ol,lefon Mrs. E.. eampere varies from day to den, but KIDDIES' COLORED SOCKS. Rcn° Sc and 40t• , c
bit 3 .
. ulom, there were 13,000.000
%liable ot eultivation, so that atioth.
or generation. or so should one as
(Weal Teteltbrook. The -Mercury, Rodney, there ie no time when the veto is
. Man.; Mrs. A. V.-14Jan, The Trfhune, deserted, There are some visitors per pair. Clearing at per pah...„ ,
wneh wheat gtown in the Pante nsiStouttarille. Ont.; Mrs, Alice C. Go- •eve*. day. On one occasion twelve,
, •• • . In till 'Alberta today. idy, The Yarmouth /tight. Yarnmeth, ' tents were pitched on the grounds i , LADIES ) at. Wools BATtuNG surfs
lifiemberohip xn.C. W. N. A. is Porifing Ahead, 1 N.$.; Jennie A. irrasee, The Eastern 04. the Rubor Park looked like a
A.nother funetion at which the Chronicle, New Lialasgew, XS.; Ms. miniature village.
was the dinner end dance fer whiehjElotira, Ont.; L'A/rs.. IL A. Nieholson, -register \viva leaving ainip. Thi is AT REDUCED PRICES
roe weeldn' newsnaper people were guests 1 M. S. Rester, of the Elmira Signet,: -each party of touriote is asked to
Af*er Temporary D
...........,....,.. ..„...... the *Wanton Bulletin trua the Ed- I printer and Pablisher, Toronto.; Ma done for the benefit a the camper so
oThe member% of Ahe • Canadien government to the weekly newspaper 11101W11 Journal Were litiAa. nig M. Melling, Hawarden Pioneer, 'that mail may be forwarded to him,
tiwho editors, wad tookttbe to evet also was hthetal
held in , Itaonalfi Kawardeni tank ; Mrs. A . E. Calteire•i•lost articlee veturned and tor * best
Alteekly :Newspapera Aosoaaoo opportunity
thank the,Albeeta men m particular lidtel. Placer if -iterate, Picton, Ont. ;of other reason% Um numeretts to
.attended the /annual meeting ' in Ed-, for the co-o,paration they had alwaya "A hearty weleorne was extended to "Ilto neleatfleevs of the C. W.N. Itet mention. In the eegistratic* book,
;4nontert A117 41h anauall, had the giverk his vv.:ern/nein where mattes be visitors on behalf RIM daily va. for the 'etril-iipg year ore as fans% ' ate the nomee arta t‘ddresses of tour-
,;pleastwe of hearing an address from of provineitdoconeern were in hand. fes by' blro M. Dine% managing dire Presitient, It. B. Ansiow, tnnePbill. ists from varkme. parts. of 'Canada,
• erender Brownlee on the resouvees - The prase, deelared Mr. Brownlee, 'eater of the journal, and telegratible tote 11-.13n first vice president,. Beth and from almost 'every stale. in the
.and problems a the, province of An! was. still the .greatest single vitalize 'Meetings Vont Charles 'E. Campbell, Savngtolluncen. B. Ca zotPermid -.Iiner United -State% odhieh goe.s to silo&
. here% which was. oilvert at a noon- ing fate niothe upbuilding otaa •itt-•piddisher of the Etillettn, svho wort president, Malcolm Mat,Heth. Minter- :that qoaerieh. net reeebot 'from thot -
.lietilar up to 4.o.c per yard. Friday and
Saturday (cinly, 1:QT
Plain Silk Broadcloths, all shades, tigured
and dotted Voiles 11,4) kured
Foular'ds. Regular up talgiF- per yard.
Friday and Saturday only, at per yard-
. Figtired Crepes,- Figured Celanese 'an3
striped. Broadcloths. • Reg. up to Si.
-g,....H11311ER 77:
• Next Door to tile Standard Bank
,,i• . luncheon rite held dn. the Macdono4d; their '6101(14 bead of humini. re-101ba- -,-well deserved trilnite to tbe weehlY 1VIAVEICM•ti4
-.- . • Juet out *of evartositn.e ;Star report-
' . to maul a Naay.
' I• gosPITA1.1 orV, tr1.54.'5titbernil*ogffi's).--AsTil'eulinile-:L6a6y; -
convention tendered by the Alberta the' weest eeditors in particular Were ..tr. DeGravezoinanan'ing•eptor. They %Idea. Renfrew, Ont. esummer retort and -a seatndid plitto . .
t !Division of the a W. N. A. ;The in a .astnt6gic- position, berasze Of in MS remarks Ille. Innie rtia It ' DONATIONS 4TO MUSKOKA
Provincial Puloliniti cemMisaltama Dealirtg' with Albeeta and its 'Prom' - opinion thatteoritaitt of the weelto s rit"Tuesday a mit; sum 14.ilpat-
eett000 ler, when Visiting the taartP, eheelted . The. treasurer of the Afashi,dta Hos. 'is net something tied la miereir to he
osotel. '• • .. athi° *411"i*/** readers" .' •1:• :Panora of timed% Mid exPreseed the Mine Lizaie Weloster„ .of-Ilod
e.- '-ze.it•Htliglatekila;43 ofoocral:Lietttreedxettrot..,,dtI,txt,: C000nott3=iived ',1ge 11i!oeirgugwraitzle; ht.:?deodrofeiroliort ;jos lAnbtre erxemtefol,To lit,
with a splendid niece of nuhfirity Albertans Were never considered ano. - teat of elle atino. No weir.ove4, id...1es olive „Andomotowm 'Graco?t;larquentty •mentioned. The Chevrolet cotoributions.received In Goderich by your nun individual ease it will do
•,, ' 1m 94f, filora Pq 'fe11.017-'0111`smAnt a*ad "x't Blake returned home Moloney frOTtli e next he line ant was foltatved tha Field Socretare of the 'National the mile. So universrfl has been the,
outlining in antrodive feller *mere of (1.st in enlarging on the „elni ,
Alberto. 5 advantrok.s. - , " . .1.'hetr Tretnee, anti he fe.it It 'natant preFeina, me her. ;feet the oestiebtiloneeivob-k.tc. '-PitI. the Saila *nd Stuilebakere 4.1fure 131411itarivar ASsociation 1 ' r • . euceess of this far-famed tomcat/ .
- Albedo fir; Honored heel atan a a so eaely et , walla elwoye r *roe t fl 'a At..... V rar3.,* ,..-.. 1 .
;01. ' ,,,I liker imeettinetion revealed' that -18 W..1... i'40kest............„.t„.„,..v.0 oa thst 'every one .afilleted with this die-.
t 1,1 • t o ' egtenhe - 1 erre o no4Wit a ' ' .
eaulanteihn in embarlting atrairralhd.' *I • t lit iffi4 . 0 ti-ri . ``'''''' ' '''' 4 :M.,,t1t, "II anakes .of :tars, moSeln of the styles Citotiorleh Organ Ce •
bate clii4ono welicortted the vtor's, - - Welcome tif Province • ' or, Brake ' Merida. . ' • . - 5 00 louse (meet 12t.! to Itimeelf to. try
red Tornbull„president of the Ale virr,reereid,-prarinee a onoorbol000to , , lintinxamiort, wetn '44,1mts!'"T" avA•rs- 0106'1 seen oroutel tosvn. ?nave parked ott 4.0x.s. Whitely tuul mgrtiu....
Jand exPcc$4111.'410 Id6aare fait 45'' Tie ovinoPeculiar Preblertl„ a,"(1-na'lr'rro- A 3 -vele -aloe en .banal of the ..Prot We regret vary meh to report Mel Anettiertinterestontot seettott ;of the C. "Wurtele , ..o . 2 00 ' --/--e-r•r ter • -• -
r ruirl.g! 021/
klbeeta; sPid 'Me. Brownlee •faced , ' It glhe et -anti tliating tie preset* seaeon. .1,.. M..lelabee, Dag. ......... it 00
the local bodoo ,ro, ,kaelee• tnie ztaittno Tier •untiellatrintlinr VI teem 'veasOrely %tinge oeis-exteretee to the vismoreolor Fereilms Sine% ao.a'N.14.11wAvin HeargAregietoatten beek tu3 the cane= :de-; Huron II:Signal *Pub- llo- ...",• . .2 09 ' For UPliollterino.'llooidelne
the honor of the ;Canadien gonvention. 7,errntir, 4ftor toz'veameion dp.a Te*. kw '114nor ..1.4tatit t*overnor ,b46.nerb, who was talon to ;iondt n hospital ". ' 'to It ti t f 4thel II C D 3 ea I
II. G. McCrea.of Ifanna. neeretery. • and Refinishina.
, , . -., . ....,.......,....... _ ,
n.tirerirtiextbs •' aigt '-'A.":\TV.$1114*-tbe Preaulent or .tate tfr:rtreatment. ' • ; „recto:ittiemony career) make. 1
•on moue „Mrs, Z eter ildeEttan3 nil . A larae rano*, of Semple COVer.
' treastiror 'of fire Alberte division, - ' • ' oseoeuttion, onotooiteSSIIV 1:41•S'IllaTt4S.,
_ Atlategl , .thilt the nospitality •Mrs. Wesley Alten.oeill ehildren„ORI case it ;was found that all tommente..L. r.1.13alter........ • .. ' ; 2410 j.
tea. they weutooetways trentare. tot „roxned bora staeby„ ;my diseatisfaetiom A Wage , nem- E. albvelerul ....., . . . ... .. • - .3. '00 1
°Inatagl-g Aimee Weeks. with relatives .hein„, atee. "thafe it eing not ore-erbrd Aol*:indhzto Miss lvf. at. Nteiitar, ,-, , . . , • 1 too P. A ZINIVIERNIAN
inns carried. .
Neaten- St, •
, paid a high . tribute to the co-eperee „ tin Consent/44w :-Stege .laakva -Lendore. who lame ..annat the vote oil Vim letup NVIM ' of the armor !.betno A..' Cornfield .. ......• . '' II. Gil/ :
0 tion extended loy tier daily' rtewoonte. The ,previece, even if _not ...ottio In
ere of•Aiberta to the Provincial the .pinneer sta,ge, was oet leaet only "3e'iu 411 -"1111111)411. Wa78
weeklies, stetinnjithat they worc. earro anew out oa so• into the oonstrective, emulate*" •Ivir. 4v. yon, Lerne -.Lefty, , vr.,." ,,...,, rat ..w„,iwo,„..g win 7 . tior off ezempere netpreseed thew op- 1). I lie O'Brien.- i • . 0 •• • . • . 6 '; 3 00
ready to teennerate in every way and ;41.tildnig. step, and there were 01 ..•tNt..thiaty4, .i)ritarle, 2214 a .rineitta- t,,,' "'"„,,,"„'9 ,,,,„„, - '- " • AI nroelation of thca camp as ',being "ti.). P. 14',. Carey....,......... 1 00
. ,
wi.h, the weeltiY•neWspapertr. .431.11tving those 4 the entrion•pioneers oac. to ,,to,l.piOnslet at 10344naliggi,:an ,7:4V..4....AN . .I'L`t14,1411-t'erlvaurea,,,,tz°171pIteluit,l,v, IX% :w111.o, ,anothiti• party V; omthe TU. 7.1. D. • MenTanui ' . ' ' • 1 00
of the EdMilatIll Soulentioteoperillell ,filtininied userped the ettrnte.ctoteh and oapeder on ;too nd0000tan. ,33,4,etin..irriid ether relottims( ere. , , . , .
John .M.Olneete. nia.naging direetor who remembered the Itloys. before the hamenton, .11oz, e•reetto to/Over, .tne 'al' 21-"-"IrzlOaa.1., tiro' " - • . "-"I, Sone:ea elle errotesitioro rrt, os t allilool L.11., Knox .........:.•I .... 1'00.
oo , Mt name ever =1'c:to volee."theirlvele 7,:t.'"ft. Vitheitler.,..,.,. ......... . • I 00 ,
for the previnden daily papers fhtailt- the eo, oart, arid 1,;,7110 lived ,in nioneer leo ..11210 ..iniptemiti hia .41wletioeut •at .- Mr. GeC.rene AU'S:heart, of flan lre-Peo. 'fogs- ' iiaeral 'Nuevo 1r/idle the tree.J. 3.. AlirEweri.:...-..,... . . It .t . ; • 1 00 ..
log the 'wee4ily"*Men for theft, Vein dhaela on the ;tonics ,df the Eti, askat- tee .goorsee -of .tits iialveLatts,-4kaieli .n g • , * 1 aintek "line folloo" 'while 6'uthers u‘nt- J. "W.' Arragtr6Tig.'... • . • ... . . 1 (10
-J,.:in Of - the eo-maeraJtitar-te./.. :the chewan. or!! the. Boot,- where vodoy, ea ..nsseoteoi Nati, only &tea eehon,hq :neon Seale:nth, vivo ttlfea gueit of illialiqs, Snift,'"evorreous treatoientae fom. -4.1.'"V'Veltrrettet .........',........,:• '1 00'
olailiPe, vihrell om-operatiert, 'he de- norgonaties stoat . .. eleited asolmontsin fifteen „years ago, fee:isle,. •Nte. Illinevey oAndetotan, thisilliitiretnid ea ,mm ninech. ,,These ex, .avi. Robins .....,.;.:. ;.; ..... , I
Wilt, Ora reeneet,.: eeeh leelleg that coneitiered in the 1:igliteof 'tails dovel- asinseetsraniestrning in, tboonun•try. i t Mr. nienb laatrrati. ateeematamne err retie -pante, autotoIthe town, -*rah .is.,neouitiry etietiebutione ' 2.00 . xit.,INGEt.,
clare4, 'wan rimed. on linateml:. goell- The problems of ?Alberta mast be ent lade* as.considered ane of.teeonnt• reveelc, _..,.... • . ' hiresattrim intieleossiblynleanlittle to ..1•12. Cutt., .e..... : .1 00
pa -operative rattier than icompefitive vormit from the •Pionner "Stage, arid In .a saltimeittial 'epeecin Ilean-A.-El,,IMr. and Mis.-DOY,mid tar. .brealh Meg- ,iiiiing. its hest 'for the .,witfare tad I. • . .4
• GortaltirroliVa dreetIngs : oviatten, . ku, tthe ,,educosoo et too litoueg ,.w.baci), air. sieilie Stet:tiers, of Straaileoeo, ausses aid creeds.- nitto are Taaran8.1
relations endited .eaoh to alecharge of IIttm influence slill "'kiln `ary those racemes at the oonteersitee on ,oeleet,t0,,ley, of iemnitian„,not Mr.' Jon. Aka- eeettentoeifothete Ltraftelerit. snifter:Jolt ,
11 0
its funetieue %The -very hoot ioosonne inorterra of tilt .t.rtiojhoitig. days, eeorged the manners (if the ateseciatotaty, of armee, ,ntetored, to footivilit tan oetetveys the beartieffteoppreeiatiort or
advantege.' .. ' ' . ..selitiee" final Melon -woe. -noto being nine esiternheetoonderful oaettisbilitimle.Pridan, retumfrag3denday. • ' linnfitters of 'people, representing till
'Pteinter Srrodiklee, inirtaliateet1 .lky . -popattion mdbissitett.„.' was the heritage of On puss% ...aenj..! was tome tpriet ofelast week, -otortor4lve to the ittfittitle a the town an . and -Mos. Larkin arid ,two chit- I . TO r.11orbault-gaathaalla4a
#26131.!MB I [ 111(IGEST smiles mom \IONICS:Oh,
.'for readhs. annegst the stanagennee- b his meta lafto Wm ginfeher.4!„. 1 * ' • . ' ' - odes. alateititno brother,. ..Matthew! ..N0R, 1:4 1 $11"1::'11-r-'''F'I'1144' groS91111a.ier.
!roam. a :Toronto, have hem Yid:tinge .4itio: R.I. Aim 29.....FIlliense el. l'Itint'e
O -from Brea tbotPicton, accomparliellt fraltieg the. iiiit ef 'the tenniet one
, •
r ai, apar
et -asked- them to see twit thatee.tatiteeino.
. the theirtarn Ilas'I one who, whale 'Ind - -The- r'eseitrees or -A1b4 t
rewaPaPerS, ..irett Yearned I thew stenlieet •the maul awaiting :laeger . pormletioxi, ' - ' ,,,, , „Nips. Stephen IStroliera. end Efecebotho Zile -.tenoning have registerent at 4111.o/0watt:it-ay, "neer ante, for tne; 1 AVAt 2.11 f s41),Itt: 132 .: ;.'„ iwirli: .a81.4,4ilisttritUl
I Y t ' re1/4"hetull" :. izetemkleten. here, Ruh. sister., Wire ' Aug- 1:' i SPPt",, 14 • , - .t"aam
alwayoagleeiPseith politically lot the. :from 41tose of the antena‘were »still in *the edd
Two ennnealefe oolos•oes.odes, ..,.. slot Eiain„ MnI10 more visiting Imo ille.noto.tanop;: '
- by. his- integrity and statesnituflike, nor, rottroevoiee procdweii, .rg,;.0 oar
qualities, firelight the greetiege tifliis csareis and salt die/loins •of -Sri dar gr .medsialt, abbe. P41,.... They swEll oiriiit •Itspector
• o, oo i • Oast two ,,isteeks, leaving .SunnitY too Am: 4/11 ‘IfOresiii.:.'
flare.* lectitaa:'*?Ilausiea Fester onamea• ddronrel.Mrs, 4..L. Nanee, .1Vatford. Ulan: another stater Aire Itobt ' reed : s• -'/;--ii." "I .
, ,
. .
. . : Were an •examede iloT tesourees which.i.
taitie rapplause . from tke oateMitide.4 Stothasoirift make art extended 'atnit! ,Mr.sond Meifoodsl. Vance, Xercefe•Ont.
worionanus. '1'4Si:other's •at "Pietoe and Mrs. The., . tint . . • . . /,_ ___ o__ : _ _ , • . t ,......„,,,_, r,„• , . " .
arm. 4sr. or .Elgit. Mr. and Mrso Matto •
. • ;..alontionrif '
re .*:a.e•tf:e :.1.
tfilLoal;ensettzhatiornievotted4Ooh I ighseitigtou.0Aul Benson. Mrs, ;John. To /Aerofoil
• opirenefising !great oretentiel value,
0 Ie' • .. ,ea.
hfOl)n:faaaHrilfeewee."°•*:;.Yilti?dtY"'*neirt4141111:Ati beTirefildtve!.i.:1V11.7 ' 8. J' "*61„. ' 11'. 41:-14(1,M7Mhtene:S..itta:Itjta741.11.114nrr"11 'IttWarktPliwitnitti.dtIn1.-TP:p.021t:T:zr:i: Illi' Dii;11A;,171i.
Itua IP J Sept. ". . born. NN Of tlf art1fit '
• time lunetteen on the first day of the telligent and virile while Ilitavoidable 'nbsent. evere reful by NIT. t.oterOritt; secretary and treaterrat; E. - visitom wide pablieity se an ideal , „rj „
, D. A.. hittOwilltell Jallso• came. to bat lento, Mr.lerownlee pointed tent that av noper •oeaa rote% mein close than niEkt$.
•; *fr.. 4.1de t, " ' 7 11411' . . attinlit'dita
Mr0., •/071. Pleteher, of eroiteeinti.;.! alr..21-territY-44aitit,Allaneisektnid. Junalier curined from near .Dttngan-- A t,731. (1141‘.-.:ntt
. 11011SeSI
Then the problem of •411a.' eationr daiigm1elitadortitined alien&
Z$451111ELD ' Aftrnm rItnivg, ugngsaorrn; tat!! Lde:I;trriitat4t Yit..4twitgAratTrtivItil "tug
WEEK OF woo. oth to Inflt ro• ads, railwart ' and the /ike was
rnelleedoublY hard 1$ecause orfoe fact Vieeenf-the,print supody.hauses..en-1,• spent a gove days with her litrotheire lVfx.!.Ted....Tiltman, Courtrig t, Oat. zoo drove in omr„ R„Patete, eftea Ed.. :,.; 17 1 1174; :'-,,r;,r.,!,
. that-wome 600,001npaple.were spread tadained •the .foninine members Ofillelr, joint lleinay. 'llivaten'ldtibby •Ilary,:Nornia. tat, Parks ,and Mr. Ifoward ;Black) roo 2!) et. ,t, .20 moll,
• MONDAY awl 'TUESDAY ' ' .ftiitily over-, a vaet area. "'Ontario, ale .C.M.N.A. DartY die Imalleomintil, miss Albert, a -Beckett spend ii Pfoor Mr. arid Mrs. Stewart, ChiCegv). 'attiking maite a :large gathering ci' `s ' ei. I
i t d b WitIl oCrOSOTlaELdL
naee• m•Onn, e•0 annu0 al rev,enuleeeloirl"ittetastance.
-.het• el ottieingthee1s34e.0cond dor ta•f .1.4..e....".e.ane1 ,lplali
tte, hof Eebrenefzre
elho.• l•a
ibtnapelis, and, fMoneletaedds thMe xend
t Scoruowthd-
Niss MT
g ian,thRe
ve the
nes s e y • it n a beiter`able to emmeritrate -any oievel- Isfeedinef, 3ider:Ziardie was the ehair. m car ell d ivr i - , zi Mrs. H. Stott. Termite. I stappeon,' whirl seine Intl never seen :i :tr. 2
. _ • ittelf of +the noronto Tole Atondry 4„-„„„.„, 0000 „,.., ooloo„, Mr. 'Harry Simons, Toronto.
"Norman gSweot, Diealr-
BootolsvaY is fritehlullY dePleka "Ill j Even Alhertee getter oroeince of ea., Me. 'Thompson spoke tier the, ""e e4 U". v...,+1,,,•Y v.. ‘,./...40,Y.. hereto:a. -Surtret we ehoteld notthecome Moe 1
. Idiseee 'Bessie and Selina Grantunli :°v•trinalla, 401:11Vfo.rb. toetteaesa note eleanlieese of 'the
" GOOD tairEeCKAELET" ICSaelolteliewau. hail '850,1300 'people Provincial Paper Wet Tao Mrs. . discouraged in our miselonary evert; Sent.
Cook, in a .sdirifilating ate* opraroto, en au owes lony,bortette doe all d the gem ts b r' 2.1.11 " ° • ae wrrzle " G *Ni
stageland. . The eitanour of vie teat • of gem ta, Alan we come a `1) " a- little Kenneth drItipley vi 'Rod Teta., 167S r.ace e 83' °W;j7t°' 1.41,0cgre, and Vero impresoed with the
Mermaid Innnnedy 1 ' *eonceittrated in an urea •vellien corn- Itiettott Vier Iterber EMt Tint, 'Mr, Misa Lotase "Nfac.donald, of Illatilltern, Mies Min 1,44r Dayton, Ohio. itove• could all5;ast see or oureelvea
"SIVIAlieD littOINTS" *km 'tbe trent, dew years. [UM ae. ono j
To 1040tost
021 Sept. „ _ Nfinttot....et '
3 I suld. .crp.rnip
To Itinitorti
; $pilt, .
t ••• Millitr$q11
t• • 1..1.....••• • ..... :Ntnithiairta
vvEDNEspiar *A/ THURSDAY tb"sfyittittutn,,,,cki oni raetlotyrnit l'aentroillice.14ra nP" take aamouttri branch eS (Clan-lhome of Mrs. 111.oC. Menke -Idle 'Ott relr-W. ft. Parnell, Nr. 11, N. Parnell throwh the Agit hat h h'
c oo evae. • IL .ANII
THE PAIPIlleeitlao Amnon
Amt.,: 10; .. .To: It.
Al IlAtro....
(then Ilid the northern leottifdary of eoe, 'Reeeeffeneeriaer and NitinAls. Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo. Clark and little J. Sutherland, Ea. earnprished there. They .also drove . • 1 1 fokl
_ Alberta, and this, he ,Wirtte'd mu, con- Mrs. Perrot Beker, the president '
Tean, of Ilaniilton; were guestt firittel ehener. Out. into ;Southampton and lad os leek
"THE BATTLES (DE CORONEL A rt*, g n "idiallMWneft! 10 ebb Valr leat
mama 30 townthips "futthev south Helps eitor "Oa& Bros. rata 15e .47.0 itre holidaying rit'lltasaga Beac"h. aer.117. A. Revell, Toeortio
end the FALKLAND ISLANDS!' ertirely •agrieulttrral In its develop- ,, al pane for the wok of 'F,r:_mees, Ettfbars'arid Billy, of Oolleolillirsn'e. W. O'Brien and"Mes. P.114+- p.m:. tired but much ;dowsed eolith I,
lattine •e1tent in arry %errata 'that ac-
P211k1P4te ‘t'° the :17re eleet.VRertv neteepapert.tattowelcomedrviell, wV'e,,i videters at Mrs. Kannetiati tee. "Wyanneitte. Miele
(The Epic >Tavel Draina)." !merit, It did, not
See the fleet In *tattoo and watt];
See this erent sea, viebory trona Vio ittsitii „hut did mnt „n.vently, enneh Iteol000rey ..te,oro. very lune% mieeYed. TIPPer Canada 'Bible Society gave all, 'Clifton. 'Ohio.
, es, •
• anti 'Mr I"W C Parnell, NeWbarg, Also worth eteing, ey, then re, MOS MARIN SAILL FROU
nd because Alkiertn, to'day was ,••` • re" .,X‘Virafd
• .
. , the aPPreciation of journaliets and lidr. and Mrs. -Jas. Thoresen nriff ((hie tuna home, estrivinic there abate.
tbar trip and "nett. Mr. end Vars. I
various, fighting exalt enanouvre, erg! •firchl paler rrhichnbearretted be. the chill 'Two 'nelos be Ida. 'IN Mr. Webb. distfiet secretary petite "Mr. and IIVITO. G. LaMbeetue, Pleab a week and then motor home
Mee. Tot of "tne Brighten 'Ensign lecture, oretrepaated by ltrittern,' Mr* R.
eno Mralter, melee. Olert. • •
• retied ,t„.- mantrfaceart,rn Trem,n .pq,, • the gueets 'to nthe wee on, loehtilf of 'McLean s ott -week-end. Mrs, Rayter, Wyfindeate, Miele Larkin will ranters in Port Elgin for
bridge of a real bottle cruiser. Yon aebeeta,--whose prairie:eon was *prin. 'Mr. an& Mrs, Norman Pry.Vingliarn. ; ,
have never seen 4 printore like els vipallyeligricultural. and 'Mrs. -M. S.'"Rester of the Elmira elides, on Vedneeflay night.
one. . . Signet as -women operating tlidir (own
Misa Almi° 116(4qureilV4 af talak- l'irdiritglilWiqrsi'L411111eSrmiPthote Miriurnoll, '.
Pattie Come9Y Are`Industrial Conformers . - ' peelers, oxpreesed appreciefirendf the now, aria mise Tam Pergusoo, of „woo,- W. P. . I '
enteetainment -arranged. Wis. 7_,Sain reroderleh. tire %Milting at the 'home of '44' .
leetoreerline leA,rersono AI/tartans, proceeded Xt.1irmeolee,
, vete ,eonsinuers' and :ad prodpeers Mootef?Y Thylf...t-C4rtorite P...aikerravirs. etheir uncle, Mr. thus. Stewart. lir. •aniallIrs.,V1(.V1. NieBride, London, lo
Alag°ee."-!Ehursdal *133.1)* 014 eihera at came to matters industrial, W- o. noWe nt-Matutou, mate, ',vire. Annice,,carv, services, were lieu In It zOnniou o wemotan 044.
' S. N. Wynn df4Y-orkton, Soak., 'and
- ' ' ' " RANGEll ' r
, imakenal io seeneequence Aillertano *were
rrd iteeeettes,„ witooatt -lee eoteteng N.D.. Inannt..n.! Lut nuos.5 20/ tale
..Itt .0 •DII 5 en la_ _
b t t• 1 i'ontoillantip to Mrs. IT. 'B. Anelow, of cantlindt
...,,, ...o„.._ ...____,.. .e._ 1,.....„4, .. lit,...,, :15441111)1(1 PrnbYtOinn 01111'6 en Sun- MSS' Lillan''n Grainto'ne, Mrs. -Wilfred
der' last. Ittan 'It. r. IlleDeTtaId. of •Graystone. 'Preston; Mr. P. J. Lewis, i •
FRIDA1f; end SATULtatlitY
in a fovea:plug melodrama that stint( Much kende in return room) theatre iightful lurreheon. Mr. /toy •Salk"at :GseArmd°orineell'toll"ri crAeovellied irliwUrch9.°Iver.fola 11)1"Q' "11°' .
Mr.. ant1.11,Tre. Fred 'Sierra% Stur.ein. j
,the moot fundamental Ilinotions- M. Ire Vo.! not eoorplaieng or.- , . „,,, ,,,,,
sePret oY the . tenwention. otidite ,
o "Mr. ond Mrs. Harold Bogle and Tit- Mt. J. C.),Sweet, Sonia, Ont. ,
''uc-410. .111a/ i'•"Ieu,,,Y',,.4a,7tV.:1trIlintri:gRelreanites.10.1r.-171; tie"tillYr and Mr--Tchn KetriPtolle of Mr.. C. E. Welsh, Detroit.
eta* Jove and hate -In a eleries. of ling trey patieal ft, t
-tense drantatie situations. I asked Theta:ins matterniffeelli'lltentiell 111- .--- , RiPlev. and Mee `Sophie Kempton, of' Mr, Carl Macho% Brussels.
.0' I withal "elven nalber tarn.vto , .
ta'a prOM Pe I affair. Detreilt, were guests •cst the harm of Mr. P. Ilatletort, Stieetford. .
under itionallieration. . a The same day otettoon the Edmore
Mr. W. Riniatori, HinloY,
Ilicke7 re1/1""elt) Matit*Illa ' It VI.11% reinvkable that et trenerni 1 ton Rotarians lone -Molding. their reg. o........... -f. ,, .......
rintorlirtn. Kemptoir lag week.
Mr. and Nfro. 1.;dington, Weiland.
1.1atinees.-Thotes. aad Sat. at 11,p. M. a whole rote Peed fell. with the prou. Paper_ men •tiftelltliter _ ;
EICKEY'S PALS° traph of the 'prosperity of rot000loote ular lunchten. 'Several of lite rime-,
the convention'
"P()IIT A.11314111T 1
Mr. G. %V. Tutaesuu, %neat). .
Mr. Hs Brinker, Toledo, Ohio.
- ...v.- ..................,. „ ,,,,,,_______. o_.„,...eolete.1••••••••,.... .,„._ are motartans nom tneoe were extenn., It
x r. and Mr.. Victo-r Hoy, of OA. Mr. D. Brinker, Mr. II Brinker., 10
pvcr...10.JiLyr....11110 - '''''"""*"""*"--*'-'" ed a speticil itirvitatiem to attend zero
J -- . reteetoited friertels•beno last week. ledo, Ohio. -
• jprees party were 'invited also and co ...- • • land Path.
, i 1
J‘eonsiderable muniber -availed titan. t-
3dieo.Doirothy MeMillee is spending Mr. end Mrs. El. S. Monne, Payton,
. -wives .of the opportunity of reeing '11 few oftays- with her grandmother, Ohio,
• : thew the Eft:van Iletariane carry Mrs. aiibe Petrie. !Mr. A. A. Dieltiocon, Wilford. ,
tort. It wan n enappy eneeting of , 3diesitore Sylvester nn n Miss Lilly W. 11. Bartele, .-aginasv, Miele
A little atention inunedlEiely to cutting Sow Thistle will ' ! Progres , , .v .„ . Berry, of Stratford, area:lents at the !Lawrence W. Smith, Saginaw.
cottage OW. week. Mr. E. G. ::!pry. London.
. ...much intereet-
ogrees o the Co ,e , N. A. - ' •'
- ; 10 .- . N. . Ft een FiVII Ing . , . . .• , ' • and con J. E. Barkley, E. Barkley, Detroit.
lieevent minim; of seeds being .scattered over ,ys'or farin and I m c w N A bn j, ' h. Mr. andolire. /toy Fritclev
r Mr. and Mrs. A. Thorne, London. '
, ., d r reso since $ho he innin f returnee nom arta. spending a few mrs. M. xneuennm uin„ tx . la
'yaw neighbor's farm
mouths In :Vittroit: •
Sour Thistle is one of the most pernicious •trtedS in the . the ,year. After the official address
of 'welcome from nJayerilatoi at the ' '
ilOV. Mr. Xaylor and MIT:. TaYl°r Ilia' Ella Car, Dnyton, Ohio.
Donald, Miss Ruby NitteDonaldO
o arm Mae.
'Prtrrialea. It Im been on the increase. Flittitcr increase opening. cession of the .eoriention, and after, kete „spending, a few
- --- - Mr. Errtnli Shaman, Bay City, Mieb.1
means 108s of huareds of thousamis of dollars. ,Ge.". it under Fret -talent S. N. Wyllie of 3Oorktoo, : weeke at theireottage here. R. S. Branue, Cilleogie '
Sask., pointed out that since the first ,. Rev. Welter Ilawkins awl two James N. Andercon, Peaty Audereom
401Ite1l now before A gets your fuel under coittr4A. of the year there had been efeled NI !ilaughthra of ..1),IYtil• Meat a ie.:77 daya D n 14 A d Ill' A d '
o a ' TI even% ... to n ercom
JOHN S. MMtTill, CI, R. PATIiRSON., - the rtinle of the aaeoeletion oae new with Mr, ;014 Alm. Win. Grale Clneneo Edge Philadelphia Pa
"caret ' mentera and Id "second"! Mr. end Moo Ital. Hoy, are and Ray Smith. Oarnia,
men -there; tile mentherahip had mown i Mr. and Ativ, jao.;ohnston, of Aide- Orval Wiltroan, 'Oneida.
Minister of Agriculture. 1Aticultural Repseatative.
to 4400 old a cmall financial &Ade rich. spent Sunday litith Mr. utatwea. /Toward Eerie Gaviria.
_A 7 - . .-• ... ' end been *converted into a surplpe of llott, Troy. C. 3. LaChance. Detroit.
, -.e......-o. .1.-3I ----'
.. o
40P1y 1.0P111 IfiClaq OP.
.1, 11, otorKAS". Cetera! :Went
Phone Anot414e.:210.1
111. 11,, 1114, "Wont°.
oderich Race Meet
at Agricultural Park •
Monday, *list 6th-tivic Holiday
under auspices of
Goderlch Trotting and Pacing A$soldiation
, that a report ettightnne eent to their more will he tie, cerriee its Ann Mee. E. A. Tlateiltan, - ertoo-
y home eltibe. All the • 'men of tite.',12c ,t Juh
Starts Saturday, Aug. 4th and. Continues_until August 18th
(1, 3. /ambits. rovicon.
Mr. nal Mra, 1. Cordontaieto Dayton,.
notify Phynician.The good
iinetor lo altt-,aytt worth Ido foe. DA
lo is not nlwaye poseiblo to get a
to? Suet v.-Itert yon want him. In tomb
(neon, comma; nonce str000te the, fro
f reliable Immo yereedeet, aura ten
Dr. Theme' Rico -irk 011, whin is GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR EVERYBODY
weivalotfully text:live its Pennon '
flananateey onins ntol 01iIa cut
remit/lee. truitari and r,twoine, *Vol ' DR. J, 8 wijnny,
pycJcprco f tbits renoriok tito family I
It-etr,irei/oeo cavort o
4.x. tentto a fee, Ptesidtnt
ennaillan Igational Pat% o -
t3 1;.!1) •tlfje3. ealent.
$2,500.00 in Purses
2.12 Stake Race $$11:000006 I
2.20 Stake Race
2.30 Class Race • $500
in Western