The Goderich Star, 1928-08-02, Page 2„
.1.1-ea,:a 7 : • • ;
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1 TIM tIN'TOLICIIED MEAL 11,c:Zu:::::.1.-.101 4,,,i, caeeet2en. Dee VI!: ei eatetea cletzetetes layeed a (era a t heateaeaea=tatee.a.........eitt=aa'. eget ."'''113 • '
4410rafirli PlikaeP is only the name given to a sire 1. tc, Et Zi .,Ei, irt,tr',., .....; -., 4. lksz.1 4u.,..,C,aq '. 4..:.-,3 L'..,t.e.,a'..r.1,:ael r.17.;:, retie, ,
of leaf -Some geed, many poor, Wang. Pekoes teetele Who eat kimilge=3,-. ViZcii, Fuca ecace eceor -a, eetere even ee,teere , ie.: etanetatean. er.a. caaaie la neaten- '';, LI mart .
eru s ear
aro sold -The most economical and yet the finest ot %he 'lame , te, eatece trate ta eeenalitig eitee , tee, ete eat...e ett tea 'name tae veiseo ne li,. ,
sseaci aminesect:tea etel tao Mir.a =CI peeeit ate I e • '
flavoured IsoSALADA" Orange Pekoe -Sealed In 1„ D-4,1.0:„..., ,ap,r),,, .eatas eicalal F Lea, LA`, ezliteZ: I faltrirtg:7..) 541 a ,rfiritt:y Vr-'`..lrhint:ttd:r:4 At.g: :3,13' tlit,:,:i.C.!
teaecag see:gee:eel by taaeo Lot tas-a• Lao ate- teelellea saki taeate.a.-- teette•
metal -puivi-fresh-deliclows-43c per imlb. tele matte se (awe haled, ecterare 30ein Tame tee reenseeratiect eta, taw etrenese ise army la COZ:nC Crp
IP 111, 1.033f1 013-FOZzt:.' the e ceeigang Zut2,7 4,aut,1:za az,Q .11;;;;„ eautenteeetta,„ jee, nee
trouble that sealer t.a. reveale'.- in a eaere? iever ape clIlarch pa:- 'i,titaete teezainetrio-aaare,
!ittr,v,?A eeetoue nee. w.saz. tau Va-awSLIZ let et Vi) at that. thlt (4Q.4 oak;
. with violent headaebea andeeettan alea,a eon la made to receii ' Nave, aa7, Many detr:C.':',3 tat:
aatner =Anna ..symptoms, Lose af ellaatea Plaza at easaas banal (not lealt Mee ttbele1 Pat ail4t. 4.41110,«
a)petite, the a marl oe %anima.; etas in. recoes heeds) n ate etaaleh Pe4leai,tee% sott nnnnath
is a byrAptom you aare uot lemma wanted teat rawer. But God M bubble blowing" wcia.
ibi.stEm) 4411
ollow. i we chotad lite ouz in every wall: and anan or womate or order man or if
TO eeeret ot a good epee:Me-6mi vceation a',! Lie that which lie by leis . woman, to be a Christian becauee oe ,3 ThE snurARE . , mem 219 - GGrtEttleil '
' aeacret of aderar,g welleals to Iswea UP ' beta' kinut inla iihrianted into -Mr' Ow Becial fun -that lie or site eau get - --,
ling and patifying the heene gie, era. sso dreaag ja,,k, too,. • Come nova play fair. / Luow ot n ,
the quality mt to bloat. By enrieh. i very sOul, and the •question is, Are Out of ft. Would yoa, air. Editor 1 • "W E LEA PIS .
liana' Mit lane milady streneth to; How many mese and Welnen,, how,good many pe.opie \Imo do to mime, eataaaCiaalCh
... .• a :the enfeebled organs of digeotioteend i manee young men tied women, can tut it'o no good. It's a good acu ormo!.-
. enable them to digest thoreetaltly the i Goderieli set to the forefront, %via way of gatheeime some of the young -
'food •eaten without tanniarg pain tie jean otter up twortailye and accent. er enQS ,(aa IS often eiriati into tee
'.dire. Proof of MO is raven by able to heaveue the- heartfelt prayee, fold,. but =slang will neYer remove :
• Mre William IL Kelly, • liangetott, Ida coul-stimingeteetiatorty, the opti.. the stain.
• . Ont., who sayse--"I vannot recent- indetle. life-inepiring follotvohip, vath. • Since a was but. a young boy •have ,
77 ---:--77-77. m"---""------------ enendatereaiirtlifainstelanka-Piileatooeaut.-readiogeitefromeimelLoyeleafiejaej tried to five a Christian, and h ana
LY, sufreriag te euve tut lreetite" wanee tattier ar.a Matadi:net 1 evoidd never advise tiny yeeea are
Made itt etee wen slaep
$o Speciel °Plot's to your Measure
4=0- . 0=0
- 1- sailladnaire
S ou e Sought for cluea.tion of *rid d• Y se ex 1 fluted° Thrive
B h Id B 114.
highly. I bad been bat -mired with int It'faelX Wollat Da militia:I nate the Vota sorr To sa that v eir eat' - •
IpStion 11 a chrome form gor !made bY, rue bnieble Mowing mum. nese is -ate an awtas mess of the anadkan Success ul at ttlYmprad :
extinct in Norm aineuca \vas remov.
'eat varn14 turn flour. 1 felt aS alive tweets caws, orders or' teeter*. my fault, other. But l•bave elways Olympic Games • suronsea eNen
atul Soul Upuft Rather Than fol. • most ten yeaeo. Everything -I would role mid 0, go rituals of about OM or tzansaction, and some few times not • The Canadian athletes at the All danger ef the autialo becoming
stomach all the time. I folt tired Pertly or entirely ea ameidariee Ilis week are of any good at all, he ewe b t 1 t tb established its buffet° pate az Wain -
Commercial Value thou gli there was a big ball in my 24 otaietiet Winds are I unctioned the "enviettort that if tairist and themselves on the opening day ot tee td Iv/len ae t;anac11311 buveriir"It.
sy. 1 doctored and tried manY meal. ' Oft a short time ogo, in a• little ished cempletenese of this lifces world. Undoteatedly the outstanding mit Duty ewes ale butralo
y a eas Q mg, eir ov,ri
and weak and 'would often turn eliz. our (longcd for) Holy Chtsreh. ean tne tult satafactiote the -fin- against the cream of the athletie wright'
not oecome extinct, Dat tney have Ina
creased so rapidly that the Govern -
eines, spending many, many dollars, town not 60 miles from bere, a widow needs and I think the Word is dis. Canadian performance was the equai- ment has found necessary to send. •
but ta no avail. One day I heard a , past middle lite with an invalid =least cit41: Ihnla ene point. ling of.the world's record feet the 100 into tae tar nerve ta Shift
• , lady' praising Dr. ...Williams' Pink [(laughter upon her bands, hereelf a And for this reasem, *lone, have mixes, t.o 315 d b P 545" he'44
.con s, • y ercy . ,
r 4R 4. • 44
g s
PilIs and I decided ta tvy thern. am member iof her local Woolen's Guild Always felt that fraternal societies, lianas of , Vancoaver, wben be pipped teelesayee Reporte indicate
In ontsittung Article on owing u ea
a et more than ;riad, for soon / foundl or AM or swathing else, said to me,
0 I 'cal, Soma an e to a touple of months the trouble had invited as visitors to a neighboring.
P l't* I d R 1"o" us relief, end after teating the pills for "A short time age our branch were
dieeppeered, anti now 1•ean sat di town's bianeh, ;and a cattalo of dis.
Miter, Tb e Stale In spetating 'other false impression. It in not kinds of food, and have attain my old Wet represeatatives bad the meeting
Of ababbiat" in their telation to °du* education by tiny means, whieli is me a an s a .° in hand t There were a couple et
cation end teacbers arid Nell Parente* leitolliaa, degrading. aria ruining the • Send for These Health Books verses of an opening bymn, end. e your hearteee also, ean star. Plul Edwards, the &mita A British flyir.g csaier aeac cd to
misrepreeented and also depouneed,l the damnable, and degraded use Ao the Blood." and "What to Feat and brief benediction, the entire aftee. thus, and clerga as 'well, whose, ana, who is racing under Canadian ..dthoecilletillt tfornledaonn ttit°tIft:ty?-itiveirtIser--
1 am -quite frequently misjudged,Ipeople of this fair country, but it is lava Ueda' 'Melts. "Building Up' Prayer, and,. Outside of a neve are many professing Chris- '800 -metre expert from British Gm -
mid, beentuee 1 loom not an education Wbich it is being pet In so very many
' Row to Eat." will be tient free by 'noon, en*/ tea -time, eyes deiroted to hands are tied, whose souls are un- color, won his heat in the prelamin.
amied energies being up to the semi-finals with the finest The object of this flight is to sinew
flPyavv.,*;ICigallpte 114aelsIven inanteletk:',)ITItaltso-
The Dr. Williams' illedieine Clo..Ifinaneial colleens, and bow to raise tesponsible to the call of the Christ liras, with Starr of Great Britain.
other names, are an unnecessary hen. will compete in tee final heat. John :bat, these animals turned loose on
clubs. lodges, oraers, olds, chapters, J. IC. London, Great Britain'a hepe,
derarive and handicali to a Christian, Fitzpatrick of Hamilton also enter- tiihye :nocrrtenaeslizree.s, and est restore:" to
auxiliaries, and a hundred and one at the finishing tape i Both- athletes
be they either man or wesmare for ed the 10fametre final by taking. their natural anvirunmera, are stead -
Place to Legg. South Atli- • vitt •
"where your treasure is, there will tsecond
1 di bi f W. : Rthe6m. Finland was a very naPPY tance of 16,090 miles, in 10 davs
Vf *tete attachment to elota behind him. They ihotb move „ .
r tbings millet' the glib esantry when the incomparable Pa- has never been done before. and thus
-0-trattle men ia the world a,aainst tat it is possible tc fly °ye), the Sue
avo Nurmi and Willie Bitola were -dan during the rainy season, vyhich
10:000 -metre race. Nurrni establish- eountries,
prove the practicability of ravine
Arse and second resnectively in the ail -year alr :service aaweeo the two
ed a new world's =coed of 30 min.
tielyee s q o eel e
at mad entiblati into Iny face, that I glory and elie brilliancy with whiehit Brockville, Ont., if you nreution this i the naeney," and she -concluded by gospel becio s
atri down upon and againot edueetion. should be enshrouded. Education is Parer. saying, "I am sick at heart of this their sou
IThis is "altogether uncalled for and a good thing, a great 'and toble fac- ne. Willianase Pink Pali are eold hind of earrying on. Hero we are lost in •the
shamefullY unfair, as no man or tor in our lives and character, math bv dealet$ in medicine or will be ealottee so much money to raise, and . lodge, societ
1.vomon, daring my 70-yenr Itte, has
ever known me tof spealt againut cdu-
cation. arid I have always. used what
should be •used in the enlargement, ..ent sr ma . po paid. on receipt of if a person fads to do her share, we eco -e 0 0
the development of magnanimity of Price, •50 cents ' boa. are hardly given a proper standing, tongued ducationaliet, the Ionge
noel and mumosie, both within our- , Anal feel that I cannot do- it and do strewed bubble 'blower is puffing into'
. our faces at every opportunity or in-
, . 1resourcesa Now, afr. Editor, this is not may a opportunity.
for the improvement of myself,. mid torment of otit‘r. yfith whom we as.
the bettertrient'of those with whom lisoclate upon thislad world; and en- elevating nature that ehe a eo much pen Picture or a bit of Pencil exer. nie the Bloody and SankeY utes la 215 seconds; Britain had a I - Seort in General
in demand. • Nol not by a long, big deo,. loidowe mai ald svidowere evangenetio campaign in the United eeareseirtative 'in the final, A. T.
oame la tonele. Therefore X resent taltainlv not .to the graded levels to sem. But it is beettuse of her coat- i Never belore nas rile Canaditin
tbe very teeth :my sueb cbavges. 'which so many of Iur ducated wl
. rnereial worth and rottenly infested have a lot of things in common, with Stotes of America, I. with aefew oth- Muegriatre. who Cans* afth. Brit -
aunty Another fellow or fellows, but ere from the surrounding. vicinity, Ains etliletes, although not as etrong so many ef the leautata golfers et the
Open Golf Caamploteam at:raetea
Bet I Just wont to melte enoself hattadueated are nanigning it. It is value tbat "she seemte to be in each ie et grinds hard anywhere, it grinds had the pleasure, and, I think,' the in riansbera • as the United States,
ekeir on this point too, air. Editor, ea not always because of education's evert:siting demand. This is net A.S. harder upon the widow who :Ikea to Prot of enjoying, for about three ,made an exeellent showing on the world a$ it aid this year. Lso theoel
of New 'York won tee championstap
no ono need r Sk aWAY again with all* mind elevating, soul uplifting qua. it should be, and- i$ one of the most
.` maintain her standing in society and days (including a little sight-seeing first day and theee wal be at -least for 'the third 'Ulna with a s 'ewe -of
little- I could cotrimr.nd of the otaft selvete and elect without, to the Let., ties nor her meverful. f4Nstice
• " aphides on Canada's progress, and de,
" eattallite sataellekiag ehurch. But it is. not gospel. There
is nothing there to gm it vinelleta In the city et tee -epee
Even at that time Chicago was running events.
one asriton in each Anal heat of the 282, while Archie Coaiesson, 'Great
. damnable, injurious lind
J • Britain, Walter Hagen united States
atm chime maintains pate lather.Inore than a mere .namiec. with ;and MacDonald Snide New Yorks.
retools -rad, and an impure and heart.. *on.
rending Marano to the, Christian Canadian Sprinter Triumphs
chureh arid our holy religion. , , boards to set • up tooletentitrvek teoxpeeengt people,
a population about.. or over • 1,400,0001
late allotments, and e?ttending about 45 .miles 1, Canada triumahed at the Olympic 284. Compston, the British giant,
tied for second place with scorea of
Not 1 have not gone any more tuxes, to devise schemes for bubble °1°A.a the shores .ot Deice alielegan, Gemes at Amsterdam -when Percy led the field in the afternoon, and•on-
maze( than 1 heal always been, airblowing that surpass all former ef- with a. Width of city fram - eix . to •-atiniams,. 20 -year-old. 'Vancouver ly had to make par on the return
Editor, nor am I talking just through fort, But this is. not gospel, and it eleven rtulegt 4„b„312t ,„2,5U0 Mil" d 'V011tb. on Monday beat the world's journey to win the trophy', bat he
e„oethraetecdt bentaa win the 100 metres ehronnion- tool 40 over the last niiie holes. •
a hole in nay face either. I lthow in does darned little toward putting the atlataa oevca' " twttra Pa
fe upon that basis, and aaa'31t4.1, uttagtatovet tck:. °,-. ."Ii ehip"for Cairda. PA (askew J. ill The 'Canadian tennis champion-
Iny upper story just what I ant talk- heart and A
mg about. I know that whee our alatform which will of themselves , e • a 4 neea-o aaele Bata- smenter. by Jeep; sme play:d lsst wel.4: and
beidters, our financiers,. our men of and in themselves take care of eli ena Waal tunnels underaeath them - one foot, after a gruelling race. 1 eyerv title with the exception of the
for cars and pedestrian). But the . i veterans' singles title and the laelies"
enZtt batlysionunl 'maannd.os'el;ollnYngttlwweemisaer; Ill'U'ef%1 needs.
' meetings. I lave a big opinion that • . junior championehin. went far elield.
as +clerical eta, or Might else, they The eayiour's warn, "1 ray riot it the late- Messis. Moody and Sane 'Obregon's Slayer., on Trial
Miter Allisoh of United States,
want a man or woman of considere that Thou shoaldst taloa. them ont af key, could be Dertnitted to come to ' The slayer of President Obregon a title a
the workle etc., Oak is vent PlandY Chicago now, they would have to be of Mexico, Jose de Leon Toral, will be
alble education and they want it bee with Van Iran, also of the United
indicative of what- 1 mean. le i
-- ao"' rentsete trom the basement to the eornmitted for trial this week, ac. States, won the aeuble$ title froin
t . plies the human. •teedency. It hat
cause of the eommercial value which very uppermost story ,of -their nature eordina to report's from Mexico City. Caviar end Reiman:: of Montreal.
attaches to it and not because of tin
moral wortli and spiritual aid that pliea the human inadequacy. It im- al and artiricilt make-up. ; They It is not known yet where the slayer
plies the drirugi help and power te would bave to be re -barbered, re- twill be tried. ea it is possible *lathe n c States carried o e
should come out of it, and which. it ladies' doubles the nten's junior title
should be meaeured by. Theefore live in this world. /eat it certainly tailored, re-eolleaed, or pielpitized, 1 case may be transferred from the
and the mixed' doubles championship.
infera that we are being surrounded re-Bible-ieed, and re bubble -teed," If I San Angel collet to a court in' Med- i
The United States will have to
(in a very large measure) the whola.
newhinery and meehenism of the an- with a flow& of evil winch the Chris -
tion has no right, has no justifica- go or a '
they could hold say M either Cla- I to Cita, • The various pocal par -
battle bard to regain the coveted lea -
Matti side of the Milldam of the so- Pcutowliat einaller OVA, ties' in Ialexieo bave called oft theiv s p e is roe y rem ranee.
ton, ehould have no desire to become t
Pale of Oa aPlaittni) Xtikalalthaataaala -tontaminated-Aelth.-Audarighteuponeaelenteraterwentotcasayel4rated
,a'bout like -Goderich or BeitimlIer. eeveral meetings in Imo -with the.pol-
itech ..10.,..or .Avoiding yireettliars',wItirthvirildent the yeterairtennia clummtor -
aitheir;""MiX peonfa are leilitisfial tele of the United States, avenged his
paint the church is losing her here were two men with a pewerfal. -Wee atmosphere created by the as. many defeats it the hand of the
dlegruletIed, disconnected. The al- ,dignity, is sacrificing her prestige, and emproesire maeculinity and em- eassimition of Gener Obregon
mighty dollar is placed on the ton of ,. , rene man, Rene aeoste, by beat -
every transaction, ond God and cod many of the olerga of today are pearauee., wile eould preach the gee- clears u. , .
. ing him after five strenuous. sets.
helping it right along: 1 took in a ,pel ard sing thegospel, with a vivid- .
liennessey went down befoee the on,
heaven are being largely left out of %%Tice oily a few weeks ago -ht ea ness, a clearness' an inadukerated-
Roumanian Delegatzon to Canada slaught of Coehet. however. to even
1.0.•,........ town, and the minister uess, an earnestness and a pewee,
the reckoning. No matter what the I se. t
WSinOSS may tie, so called legitimate, announced his subject as the open- watch many another of our today's A. Roumanian delegation of eight the singles matches. and theii. Cochet
end Borotra won the tatohles from
or illegitimate (1 guess there is darn- -2
% 0 448.1UrSe of a series of SWAMIS der Tilden Pile Hunter to take the lend.
ed little a the llIegitlyolte elasa Ilewl on the life of St. Paul. (A good secret of. And they
gy* wool o we to at ou e
d d 11 f d t the has reeently reached Canada for the
dia not mete , purpose of studying the system of
anything goes that lean afford to blow speaker., pleasant, wheat standardization adopted in this The United States must witt both the
polished and edut any extra effort to hold out the I
the eceursed bubble. 1 know the old , cited -4t man, i believe, with a fate gaudy Molting babble of Ste Paul's country, with the hope that it maybe remaining singles matahes to wie ale
adage, "/f you eat* be a booster,' ore 'before him, so tar as the present ataletie stmits either, But their applied to Roumania. The &Ugh. trophy, and as Lactate meete lama ee
don't be a knocker." Ent / t-11 Von tion will vita the wheat -fields in nessea in the final of the eeries it is' '
-- - il- - day church is concerned). But what -power was based upon humility,
right here It is not boosters this were the impressions:he left? That prayer. faith and -heaven, and not ee. Western Canaile and foliate the grain more than larear that the Feetichnian
' 11 • ' • ,ty nr .1_
I s.
4. d
The Know
What it's All About!'
/vas oelcapight Compaq ran an ad in
the maga..-ines that showed, a' lot of
pictures of (won women. Then it toIc1 wbat
All flte!te women, said about Delcolight---
how it saved monevincreaseci egg produo,
don -lightened housework -made farm life
plestsant and agreeable. It looked to me
ow though the women were as keen about
--Delco.tight-as the -mem -So this is et special'.
invitation to farm women to cone in and
find out how Delo:410A brings city t ova -
forts to the farm, I am the Dealer in this
territory. Come in awl sec Deloo.Lloht-
IRVIN JINN, Agent,. R R No 7 Luoknaw
PHIL Rep. Masai:ma
lb* mew ant' *NI lit
ArotrAinno 41 *Of 41n144Vithirtimpt
*Renee*. or inmerm. moron*
Made and Guiranteed by Deleolight Comptes)*
11•• mats fasanwant mess iriverairattent dude Aeon of defter
owal parswail safety tio Eked*** Goasaiisprd Time.
Mama sod smote we sworn we intolotiog epos do isms irodplo-
ikopoodidils. irsoolooloal tit. piefors000.0 *041 aro Fifth* doir oara
old dim beds* Oro* 'rid *It* Iniestinuallp 41•44.0101 *for treed and
do woo dowedlopiog promo by 4401414 dioosormis of ostra 101114 Iwo
iolk is die iiro.
100.0.4404.0erroaromaiwiliaroromee. Year owe* Pinon#.4D•afor
rota, 1.110.010 aNdinorynor inossoMeophe Wet litaislr.
11,118/411.11111 271Zirrattagirt ONZIPripairten, Ulittnro
mut Mils Par Dello
FIRESTONE DEALEJtS NiseEwori & Toblhoilk ieptikt Amore. yononki 241#01640rAtr # $41.0itit se't h'7t tit, I., ve od, 0,044 fo„ obv. so
Wilson Ritoo.. R. ft. No. 4; F. H. Wood & Son ern4814 maim inlaion 0### 114`1041. X Wit - run., or nlay
W. J. Symoodit. Safford, 0,1 mom*. ertiontomeroa. innicv eat eehe e rim; pot up mar Ivy Ilki T. WW1
Vat ti Any We /whey upon innti•t :•,4, 1„.;00 0000 1411111/41• 1.1/111411
eountateis eorela in need of •tedetea
but, God only knowe, anoekers are
mightily needed and gravely irt de-
Lass than one month ago, bad the
pleasure of sitting and chatting, on a
platically. the Bible .doos not say Se, 'SCientifiC theelogy. e '
calla a finished eithrete, 'and I say ern- .pleasure .bultblea or modernized lee. through its various stages, until time.
St, Paill'eves, thoroughly and twitch,. ore college eredentails, modernmed r m e time i s e
thottght for that idea to 'hinge upon. ,-
not iloo.s it hand out any warrantable Thanking oou again, :.
N. BAER. •
.bee on 'oittgoing atehmers.
it' Is shipped from Mofitreal or Que.' • The Toronto Maple Leaf
e . . . • -a-- -e• eee e I '..--..--...-----e-e----
(Continued on page 1) -
Leafs went on -
Ideas of this kind are a good thing to .. (To be continued). ..
roar of them' were strange= to Me.
fold with myself). men and women, beable btowitte tate but theO are an- ' Powerful Melltelhe•--i'lle htialing : I
ace.ursedly poor thin' g to bring Native Materials Used to Adviantage 1
' Sunday afternoon, with seven old -brine' et pretieber. pooularito in oar •
into the elairch that are permanently
smile ProPer
concentrated iri_every bottle of Dr. I
ties in 01X essential eils are t •
/ telieve, from the nature tittle eon.
verreation, and the heartinese With saved. •• a . • Thelma' Veleetric .011, forming one 1
a personal aequaitttance with Olivia, preaching the. good, but they
who are . ef the most 'beneficial liniments ever I
are :offered, to the nse of num. Melly ean
'which all took parte that each one had I .
i The= are preachers today et,
neither all of another (Se +called) •yery wady (not alteaa. e) among the testify as to 'its power irt allaying r
although we were uot all of one,
either et the front or - beet: of their more on certify that ,
older men with not too many letters Pain, and many
than drifted largely along thrietian names. Tea man...
y lettere ot the they owe their health to it. Ito won -
rect. And as our conyeesae
s • and *ritual aspeete of life, a friend front are confusing, and too Many at derfuI power is not expressed bathe
thought beettuse they would some- and. deeetelet,
danietny aioappouitin alll4 Price at willeit it falle.
when It comes to SOME ' 4
'r.ti'Li 'FAIR DATES
of my own nuggested (1 ennpose he the back --aro
. 'Oat voice the general view) that 1 preaching the gospel of liriet, and Toronto -Aug. 24 to Sept. 8
go over to my toeitease (almost half a many of us are fiedino. it • out. Londor.-Sept.. 8 to Sent. 15 ,
1 But 1 believe in' placing worthiness
mile) and bring a -letter of uty own
short time ago, mid it readied to the Stratford -Sep Godevieh-Septala to Sept. 10
StptizitS17t to oSe8petIlt. i 910
as giv.en by 'The Star. . . '' wbero worthiness is due.
women eald, or did wbile 1 was gone, . sermon given in;Alltlanerdhalla
1 cannot say what those men and inspiring
but when I got back they all Sat 11.11,1 neve and atom -meat of the hehrero, Eineardine--Sept. 10 to Sept. 20
Blyth -Sept. 19 to Sept. 20
tile* and allietlY liatknad ta just tw° no there were three who signified ties- SeafarthaegPtt " to Sept. 31
Mr, Editor, that they ., mast either • et_a terz mieneote, emeelattimy.eaere. ,litieeleell-esSept, _24._to ,Seat,..2.4 _.
Bayileld-laept. 25 to Sept. 20
of those letters. and you can imagine, , better resolves in un after eneotine
- -..-ttl:iL'enee"vthairizmosaht. p431tLicial'e tetldlenlatreialirtevb?-ea ht ,otSea"gio ienatIolerlIkolliftt: Brussels...Get. 4 to Oets 5
Dungannon -00a e
to well Mow the long windedness of aeree or among hers ineethlg,„ et Wingtaine-Oet. u to 'Oct. 10
. • the writeie Bat when / got through Ian. but the ntailelet gamic' was balite.. „ „,a-----6-"--''"-:,, 1 o
the oldest man in the 'emelt =al, i 'ironclad in &might eatueetnetee I "aweeteenet"e (Mania- wells Yonr
what good do 'it doa," .
"Yee!' It's all very, VenihftetIve4unb:i ltrolvielmliate.aptnertanefiseer nut
sgoilptitiiirletoh allt/NdiXt.4.1isvelt7retiontlIelrelte,17deiedtlesielaiterta;
' emiek response, "And ivhat goad does qemplinsiee end ender:to both! Mr. Gra. \ d • stuff.' a.
er Woman of the two came with a "1 eateT stand' ireytbinetleiti bond.
;.pubit at llermiller lateTY, and I fully '
°our elsureh 9.ervice do, what gtoeddeas ',pie, apeo. up. .ajoanana 'In thoir or. ,,.tle rer.,,eke:Itifort:hcaneglz4g13sille'leq: ol
1 ,,, 1
. anything do, for it's getting worse •,' tett.
.- ---1,----------
ile0P-0 L anked (a little later) in a rOomfat of ' paper.
predestinatioa ennite jeet as file at
?aal warala" "Bat 1101 on? 5101rsh' Refeveina to ray roferonee 6,1 tho c ,
•,, iplinvert '.
l,f.raitt another old mast, "Fez, hero 76. uennen on to life of at, raw. / my, . -1111. '01'1 feTh'w 1-1' - • ' al
•to',0'.. If more Christian i
wotati take the stand Mr. Beer is take , gowrotitie. "trove did son eajoy the !il 8°11-1114 .4.3_4°1 .•
! corrAinn tad. ,tilt „:„ , welw, I (...,aid, . •er - .40 .10.1......-A44,./..,-,...114
Ill Suet bet :Celt it soon would da ,
cartlea without a dieeenting voice a.-. but," C ; ' d ' C. - .. ' , filoody Lost nor Little OM
- , le,centime , -he might , flUIVIMEN COMPLAINT
•.e.eirie goal," And I'm glad to tell.; 'ft In hat.* 'fair te pee aa opinion :t
Ptio Mr. Editor, that regtdatiCAS was Evi this teas cel9t ttr. operirm 00. 0, tor '
. Right 'Limn the tentiinent whieli in.,
:mate eafely have modified the "mat Mrs. Theodore Rivet*, Authonn Out;
, paired that reseintion hinges tlua althea% he left and it %mai 'have ' wake:a-Pt/stet real I neeily loot my
I Ain't *riti ileanable failure of mod..
, better indieeted our gospel.'" And a e little girl ** she Ina *uttering terribly
octl Chlitendren to /*nuke golid mut liuly e/sid "That is Sast the kind ot' ' bent' euiamte Nottplabit. film became 4
•laatiala Pr"reill in ill" tikti" 4thiPTelaillf.: We are gettikir nearly all ' very. thin and weak,. had rio appetite, ii
I- ` ' -
hverld for Christ, - the time. anti I inn getting sick of i';'. nad could hardly walk moor tlio redo II
ye into ull Ole etaahl and, There is no toed for the ,soul at all without frIlltio 41***. A.4 lad sty 1
ititeach the pierele" Where 1 alit. .. *mamma° And a !Ala -middle -age- t motheraasieea sito to rt II WOO et
Po*" that commt041 Itivtul! Whea!' man in the temperer retails' tematkt
'i they had became empowered by the . ea, vi'es,.it will take a great deal or ,
irtlh, Gtt. %then they theritteleee:aliat kind ef rreithing to save this
i had- partaken of the Christ that se'si;leottd,,* ;
;men free; It 1‘14:1!1 then thet that Ow a . few yeare ego 1 heara ti
; commateion ales eFfeerta entea aere preacher Jaye a *refit deal of his ger.
inot told fleet to nv^:il tnent!en;c'S et mon fe the theiatist of moving 11
1; 'Cle' Imes. **41 ft4re ion ee*t of eteet • ieStsoSintlest, the toeietesett, sht foa. .
ljelt41.iftir lerili .dorotiorL Ibter taere likestleta_ mai free eniritedoete ca ,
f4M to. flobt rninn A greet elitania eur Leta cheer.. alien Ise *VP% Iti”el
ilefro obil‘wirent er ON a big alto!. - ortn this tavth Nota,,, I 440 r't
',meet to met mars ;eau rest ''''!'4 ,' 1011 Ak? St!!t where he ttet hit idea nu l '
;ago mach 'Thrro tnnt #10; "hltt'M.:'' thrn#41! fret*, Nit T rnorot Novi 13",,"' imA tow oho kivi mei a ho asta !I
' - IriV011 Ow '14fttr ift411:" 407 0,341 io tInit Irv., from my 104.,ke iii7; , toilook
y Ne liftoff' tip trent the eiscth. w;l1 e‘s• ),,w0.„ I Pf.ft 111'14 4 t V'^ir 1" litrit"--\ r, . goi, *noi inno. 1111 TM I* '
( m1+1'41-110 tion or 1.1 61,04. 'And /Jr e embed teat met, from es milea Aeer e• woo etottee it, 4 sylkott lis=
An mopri tel. onvielr" Rival M 6s rIP ,.' ,. r ^ Plett rid 1.0404 to it ii, *4 Imo tor .
there woo Ow Mitts* tooth !hat e.14 001,.., lify 1,14;e'Downst-h *1.04 ' 0 •;..4 * •
Mien it Was dec-Mol to Lead Jasper
a'a Parkhedge.theCanaleart IC20101141
Railsaye mummer bowsaw itntei
4 jasper National Pada the Dative lop
awl betilAtra were Omen to be use41 as
building tuatetials 'wherever pyuible.
'the result has been Oat the gneste et
this r 14414, guiritutt hoe.% fitvi tont
bittable leg btleoslos* *t trifle 10t.
there, awl heti that thoegh these are of
log ten !Scot tht,!.: cent sin tem y cent,
feat mat eseseeetenett, Aft piwwiffn
snetcepehfan Isete.
lehae.thasie ere italmmes lei the man
pore * jingo bu,hiin irromrtrnrtr4 ni
native logs and booldrats. at,e majority
ea ;if olielterrefer eo f*
tb.4'r st4v A* rliArroiott ininiptirrrn
iwtoirk linretieen built "Jong th. Aft," 04
Li.- Hrowvert Mir iNuntifet Green
besirlowit art *mined in
few. au Anne in An arrnittpanynui
photograph, one eab4jf them carmen&
ant inspiring view of the mountain peeks
which serceand the Lrwl*pii evety direp.
time The eleiteateph *hoes Pyttenidl,
AVelttlf% named from the magnificent
Pyrairni Mountain shooing in the back-
jasper lark torte et mitietent 'tar grew -
Mg in nepolseatir with the hCleleynnt
• rogslic. snit twit $04.r me* out ow I hosaatele
tf ll'anethen find lgti,.4Stops srisiter*
enioNing 1444%1001lnu Out mountain
PlaNr"ood, Inver National Peck,
'than it Sala) PriUgne 11110.4 tattest, 'tot
cholideat nintintain olaystooteli
*ref it is *Ivo * pm* ***tiskrv 'offich
motel* ninny tliononinia nt iriki *M-
innie, whirls Urn %wow* aetheientia
taint. tri pep slum* daily visite 110 Ott
tone roa,w.Canadian 14stkinn1Rnii-