HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-07-26, Page 5During the meal I happened, in a she could not see where he got his or's report a July atli and recona • . ter ot my meeting her teathee, and to value a•nd ten me. I told her to be requested to send in a statement Mcitlern Rush- vs. Oldlime Friendliness almost at his Mlles.+ ttpPortutute aell •the °thee that L neither now or or the amount •of the outstanding camel way to mention to the daugh. education, mid the younger lady hail mend that it be Illedniut the collector THURSDAY, Ji.'1Y 26th, !WU - 1 ..111111/11.10 HOT WEATHER NEEDS BATHING CAPS, ORANGE stud LEMON DIUNKS LIME JUICE FRUIT SALTS TO COOL THE BLOOD SUNBURN LOTIONS and CREAM CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Goderich Phone 90 BLOWING a THE GODERICH STAR •••••11.0 alio ate handing over their •.-hilaren'trouble I see before me thie tame i,-- reeatir part te ett aeteet to you. art depending upon yeu for that the man alio cows Air the ale fitiai O, smith, le reatee tate . the maintenance, %indication and bigger share of the expente it mill eale a titiable on Fast ate erten Elite. •' of the faith t4' whieW' living. Hot, liever mind, Mc. Etheta lath Vaughsta, ree,ritot dwellinguu they nave meagre clung. Bot, as fate : you can put hiin off eemelitta. ritir3 Analetea sta frem R, Aitken. to e would have it. Pies ale elwats tookaa iellow n;ka to ii;:w eonsilereale of it tater orange on Market stew.; ftent ; - 'too mueh uot eitough. for the doer ,minik intitstor id' ether peak afire, Ellen %%alb, to re-reofdlbnc bell rang and my lady ftiend. ha i (pr-elly good too). The family cen• en Nevin street; teem M. W. Ilea - (what E, it you van it? oh, yee) a:onsted ot ate husband anal watt, and ell, to met a garage en Trafalear : albite" and although there were op.: the wife's ntothevawito made hoz.- et and to xerair reef and make Ina. atottenitiet. the conversation aie-0 home there frera the nine she had terior changes en dwelling en Ste :raver finisbed. , But I did feel in our been left a widow. Ma wite end I •Pattitk Meet little short comings together aftei. t were spending RIA eveniug. there in A eommunteatien from the 1)e wards that I still enjoyed 'her confi.1 the fall of that year. The aged lade meet Publie Works ef Vans a via; ette,a, Bet en am mates brief ad.' aud her hueband had two "fathexa cement stored in the town freight), eke to this, or anY other teltTher ? and mother in Israel" treat taw early „shed was reeeived anal Oka. Anoth-; 'tvhom it may fit upon ***draw few.' bostood. Rod alwaYs loved to visit' er letter was recelvea from the er night dates and You will feel mare I et that home. They Were UOt mod- partment statin.' via the request far• like getting out in the movning, and, ernists by any inmate or chance. but the placing' of a chain along the? ' tiro you to run a few blocks evith. lee it :eatnas. Atal although neither:greeted. This was Idea mid a, resa.1 the ring of the school bell will not i they stood by the Book and that. Rook. ilanding doek at the harbor would be out year breakfast and, it will reflect!' +me' of them had obtained (scarcely) Pution passed thanking the Depart.' aetter upon :our latinls, Men girls ' the' educative ehanee of even their anent for their action.' indeed; bet blowing too much bull. day - abut neither had T. Mr. Editor,1 A number of ageounte were pre• ble. and that is who; well, just slip in , salted and referred to .tho finance A eoupIe of days later I was taking another earn (in between toed at my ;committee. Winter. with another fiend but a few own expense). TWo ladies, I under.1 The finance commatee renorted es 'I th untr where Wat also -stand, were sitting together a few followo : We have examined the • .1. utteeteeneageaetempletintev.eekutigarandtiteseiratieSome•oftlieir treaeureratestaten mit mettg the aforementioned school, the grand- talk Was about Mr. Baer's letters in expenditures for 4the mouth a June aarente also laving in the same borne. the Star. (Now you see 'you eannot us audited and found correct, and we Mr. N. Baer Continues His Dissertation on the De-Illoth grandfather and father doing' trust two women to keep a little fool recommend that it be filed. generacy of the Times rainistry work in their home church. secret). The more elderly lady said We Imre examined the tax collect- ,- . • • the grandfather ask me, ."Did I think ever, bad ana, and that wasthe rm. taxes of anti var. '4Ve recommend ' there migbt be anY PolSott there?" son whtr I waa maltreg such a jack- that the eomplaint of J. J. Hoggarth e Sixty or Seventy Years Have Brought Big Changes I sod to both the tether and the ass of 'myself through the -columns regarding, his 1028 business tax be grandparentathat lt was not for me of The Star. and The Star was also referred to the'ahairman of the COM - Which P4r. Baer Comments on Quaintly., to say, but it was atwaYs well for making a similar nintlY of itself mittee and the tax collector to adjust. Christian people to keel) both eyes printing the stuff. But for the con- We recommend that the complaint of My clear Mr. Editor, The 'Star.— Since my -commencement of this let- ter' I have been away from home again. have taken in qtate consid. mine bit of eeveral eities, towns, via leges and country scenes and life in casteicts immediately >associated with the (reading front the rev4sed ver- • Sion) kidhood years of 'my life. I , lave looked over several aaurite - which were, seemingly, the pure joy of my life ham 60 to almost 70 years of itastgote days. Some a the real thillgs 4 those days are almost, obliterated and some others greedy marred and there are • atill some others that have clinging to them much that gives evidence ot . being the same old thing, and, what did you say, Ina Editor, "bubbles?" Were there any bubbles? Weill I should say there were Why, •if I were to write only a small fraction a them down bere, you might 1111 your paper for eat. years and then some, and some pretty slick, gaudy looking bubbles too, can tell you.' *Some- times I "really was forced to wonder (since too. was away feom hotrui) if there really might be any One at all back home to keep the log fires branded up and thetegas gathered, It certainly' is most sickening (wAre partieularly when fellow is feeling somewhat sickly) to sit upon the front verandah a friend's nice city Intase, which has become to- rrid& into alinoet a public thorough.. fare and also e street air -line. tios- two two or three stations within your vision. 'likely a motor sales across the street, and to listen -to and rest your .eyes upon that boa - and ears quite open and alert. The ao a lea 0 a mig . au g 'g 2 ' ltttle more to make it accord with a great queetion of today, "Can the add. thee' are not the first and only tome tax be referred to the cludeman streets and highway traffic, X 'water' Now (as in review), speaking of But now we win go baca and pick or to adjust. We recommen4 that the gripped halide and the stern ex;• the radio, or the gramophone ,the Up that "stitelate-but they both had the solicitor brig in a written report pression of nty one-time kindly, awe flying machine, the automobile tie a 'solid grasp" upon the Eternal to tae council en Friday, 20th, on mo. • lea somewhat carefree friend of oth- by fax too many instances), but the God (and it would he better for the tion of June lithe regarding obtain- er days, and regretfully feel that radio is the most particular and church if there were more of their jug. advise ot matter a appeal things are not as they once were, but many real intelligent people bave kind now). --Well, then! much a 'the against decision on the M0141101144 gather faun the occasional hit and lost their eads—almost—over this en ng was being pen listening • e e miss chat, that the fine big car is confounded radii) business. But, as to *at dutiable mimic. But as the solicitor, the mayor, the reeve and practically new; the one he bad was can see it, the man who talks to tie everaingetaa cool he had to go out far deputy reeve and the town clerk go just a little behind, the one receotIY where I can IOU Into his eye, eon another "backlog" and no ,sooner had to Toronto to discuss with senior Purchased by the very near neighbot catch his inspiration; op grasp the he gone out than she came with the counsel tbe matter of appeal in eon - whom he scarcely knows. The dwel- emotion.of his soul as it gomes from Stern talective. "I only wisb he could Peen= with the tlealichael ease. Hugs on his street on in prices rang- an earnest heart, has the Adio out- Pratt half- so good" end she said it We have examined a number of ite. ing from five to ten thousaod, turn- striped forty to one. admit tap with a eIneeveness, with a depth of counts and reommend that they be. feeling and emotion, a regret and Paid. ishings proportionate, garages about super -great mechanical science that three or four hundred. Ole° yes, makes it possible. But as to the sorrow. width has clung to me to this, The public WOrith committee re- husineSs. is prette good., etc. Hint- men and women who are so seeming- dite. it more a us today were more ported as follows; We have applied self end family all earning now, but ly, carried away with it, I 'have only fitted to approach heaven in an ae- tard.a to all streets an petitioned for. hardle enough to make tads quite this to say, That it takes darned lit- (notable manlier, and more worthily with the exeeption of Quebec street. meet, but hoped for a lane more ri.ie tie to seemingly give big pleasure to, of, our position as children of a king, This street has recently been gravel. soon, in some directions: Thought a lot ot people today. less of cluite. auxiliaries, and Matta led luta we recommend that It be giv- Perhaps next year things would look Now, I em seat, ve talk this way, aye air 'buibblee would satisfy our en a treatment of calcium ehloricla better. Get borne about 11 pan. Mr. Utter, but I always helieve in attal that the chairman of this com- Snao on the lights, gropose some- painting it as it appears to me. N. l3AER, mittee empowered to Mebane 40 to 60 -mile epin through limey cit .Christian element stem the tide?" ones have besmirched. of the tonunittee and the tax collect. thing aver the radio or gramophone --------- ooitting est about at high (To be cnntirmed), I supply of this material, rieeessara. and for another hour we listen to a as I can safely fie, and get down ' . We reeommend that the ap.plication lot, of a:limiting babel. sometimes a again without Ibreaking my neck. / THE TOWA COUNCIL of H. C. Dunlop' for permission to • f f little intelligible, quitefrequentbelieve m the thang -whIch gives sate none of it, and my vete,- pleasant vis- isfying pleasurable life to the soul Mr. 1„ I. Moser -Appointed Inspector store on aro Square, be granted, tee it is about over, as in the mornine instead a the timetable bubbles of Cement Sidewalk Construetion palaneae to he covered by head. We xecOmmend that no action be taken there would 'hardly be time to do which men and women everytyhere ,--•-, more that the simple handshake with are losing their heads and their souls The regular meeting of the town ' the on le notice from Thos. Gundry of the matt with whom t had hoped to ,over, and which are only. ailing the; council was held on Friday evening, the ainneerous condition of the road bave a 3ileasant, Profitable few hours. .glib • tongued slicker's pockets with with all present with the exception to the Maitland•golt rrounds. ' Bet business is. business, and a man our bard -earned coin, and our lives of Councillor Lee. The minutes of , 'ahe special comnattee repoktea as cent do business today without the with .bitterness, and vanity. to such the previous meeting were read and follow: Regarding the leasing of strew and the lather ard he needs a an mama' that humanitir today is. not adopted, shooting rights over the town MIMI) 410 of a lot of good wind too. or his .11,91 and that we are slotting our. A petition for road on was reeelyed grounds, to • the militia department, itaholia are pretty darned ungeude selveS far beneath 'heavenly intended from rate payers on Nelson from we have had the town solicitor pre- looldng. • . levels . and makine: ourselves only a Cambria. Road to east part of lot pare a lease protecting tbe tOW11 and we recomtnend that this „lease as pre- ork with to act Pare y t e so c or e appro e Oh yes Mr. Editor there vtas a Try nekhrY to tile God we pretend to 843. This was 'referred to the public el 4 confusion and noise for seem- lady teacher .that I promised to fur - high? almost fourteen days and nights of the week. for eliaost the, entire year. Also, if it became necessary to spit. ore could hardly 46 so, with- out spitting into one's neittabor's face, window or lawn,. who may eith- er be too iraportant, or too common, ther speak about, and when a fellow attempts to speak about a lady, more gaatieularly egendoetteachegtoo. in, it• small Ontario school (prin- cipal, I think) well, guess he had better be pretty enteral how he, goes about it. There is at old seeing the+ for you to recognize, or perhaps ever if a woman wents to hold the good know.; mine host, also, se „much .ae, maces of it husband. or rely mat. site sorbed in his labor, his business, or , is to feed the brute. but Pvtant te tell his office work, that I may, or I may i-, The Star, that if a men would. not, see him in the laming, certain- , like the respect•and geodwill of any ly not ,et noon, rierhsins a few min- [woman, he had better begin firet t a utes in the evening his eamworn ex- i feed the brute-ess, too, and if it Invasion and countenance may beam should be ice-cream try arid find out upon me, while the family mity or her capacity for ice cream first, no may not take the otte and only meal rill: have the choker on your wallet together for tbe day, interrupted of tied too tight. , course, by a 'dozen phone or persenall _But I happened to allow, during my oils of evocutive. club or sport nat. ;life time, several of this lady's fang ure for either host or hostess a youti . hy connections, although the teacher olden -time knowing or acquairattrice. in question was not an acquaintance But after the evening meal, wbich of my own. But I happened to be has passed off quietly with perhaps a few old time reminiscences', mete vi.s,iting at the house where site room - ea etc., and she came in for her host proposee an evening out. I, of Share of my treat and she was real courte. as usual, am sick at head of rice, ladylike and friendly. Of course those detestable spins raid my mem- ate amid Iterate be else, now could ory fresh with all the lea tight's she? And if she sees this. never enmehes read from the daily while ,mind now. I want to get an illustra- waiting and honing for an evening tion out of it. tleasant shat with an old time friend. I had been , told by a few parties I reluctantly cement to mace one of that some of her talk and teaching the party. at the same time aully 'knowing +3, ot the alrerely high etrung INedmgmuirte iestrongly to modernism. 1:alter, if atm comes at you tension will have to be tUttled " tell her to come to me and we will , Rea Rose orange Pekoe "piek it upa where ::he so abruptly tOthee at near to perfection esin come too He at aY°g d ht 'lather quit. If her father sa aught as any tea can. Everything 1 i` • , d erha°°q Ite will be able to expand oti this too. Upon that tea expert* can do. to partieular evening we were all et superho in quality" :Savor 414:v111a ninihteedh,seill't 'un- make Red Rose Orange Pekoe ani vaults is dentin the great her few. little Plunges- hail modeer°11f. Re Rose blending room. t do not like .that word so well Try it to.kley* Plittspinthe -apt-Otero, as when waegealatifatettarle, bright, clean aluminum 6rntinn IreefiEni wrySh i• ten eesociates itself quite freely, with nd. packages* VOTiceS mndeein manufacture and • .• et eelmice during the Inore 'tarot years. M d Th monads of our faith ne our mother.; raw it. at our grandrnothees • and o e • eatre • - • • their grandmothers and St. Paul. St. wshit Or JOIN 80 to AUG. 4 . pet , Matinees Tues., Thurs., Sat., at 3 p.m. Thiger ennaindvoterlisir Ileriolip P'awtt it. Well, then! I 14 themuconnverlbseatieorti drift quietly alone for a bit and then MONDAY and TUrISDAY tmeoncernetily• asked her if elle had Ailk - GEORGE ManaltFilt AND .. ever read a certain book (•ivtach had • 'came to my notice thin yen). She DORIS 1111,111 immediately answere.d •in the titillative • In a chilling fun drama of *oho and tive, but as quickly ome with the crooks. A haunted manoion, a .gang eounter question, "Don't you think, of circus erooks, make great enter- Mr. Baer, that book is very much tainment of . exaggerated?" I looked across the -"A THIEF IN THE DARK" . table to her eye, for only a brief spell . LAtIGIIIPEFir COMEDY . and ,aid quietly, "No, tray girl, I tlo ; , 1 I d ' • "OLD WIVES WHO KNEW" .` IP , . . . ,, . e „that book is exaggerating half enough." (And I began at once to WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY imagine she was Toping her emit - J01111 GILBERT deuce). T continued, "Now, mien. look here; 1 ant rot an authority (I• with Jeanne Eagels in it new lafonts tried to hold hei eye) but 1 ean point Bell Preduction. A worthy successor you now to a dozen, or a sore, if you to "Flesh and the Devil:" 4 a ..8 t...it , wish, of important men anal women, deeply abtorbing tale of the' Talamt who speak with unchallenged coda Iaper world. :donee, and what do thee ray? That "MAN AND WOMAN" .. ;.eoveral of the (so eallea) best seats PATHE ComEur a lemming in our Amenieta Republic • are departing from the funetmentrils 'VER TIIE DAMES SRAM man- fof our holy gospea" "Oh, ees," she . ;retinae "over there." ''Oh, Ste," says 1, "but over here. Is it not true that ette. FRIDAY and SATURDAY , :1071u1 a our own ptizerl institetione 'WILLIAM FOX azie &Offing front the fundamentale prettents an all Ater fest of favorites are getting aside ramie of the e,olul in a thrilling *dim -romance depict. :matter. ate ignoring eotme a the Ing Won't appreetetien et the finer meet of the world?" Is it rat true that some stub etetements are eett- tbinae of Life, fag and going ahnote every day, and • "Mtat.;OR FIRST" peel unchellenged, le it net, ttue FOX tOMEDY that our Few Canada is Naming "RISS IRK/COR" lenti upon the flail torrent the bee - :Ammo MK $014 Is lip_Ailt mpttist fts., T WO, h ts re+ IA thie idle tfieZ) aliffeCtiedet : Serve, , Why, llfr. Pathan, I would like to ask you, m all candor and sinceeneet, abottt hoW_Many people -are there lo Canada today, or, widen out a little, and say --upon this Nerth Americans continent,:thut are • seemingly satis- fied with the conditions,palitical, fin- I ancutl, social, spiritual or religuius, as • they present themselves to our vision today! Istow much? An I wrong when I say there Is not one wcommittee power A contmunication from Sas. Wilson with reference to the cutting down of a tree in Maitland cemetery Wan referred to the cemetery and parks committee to report. F. R. Miller made tvpplreation for permission to install a' gasoline tank on his premises on Victoria st. This Was referred .to the publie woeles committee. • rentleat from the Goderiah Musa out of teo. or one. out of Ba. el. one cal Soctety for pasnnent of "300 on grant was„ sent to the finance out of 100? This is clearly evident, their everpottere you east your eye, either 'committee. into the political. financial,. etc., etc.. The following applications for fields you may evisti to look. It is en building permits were received and right for neople and newspapers' to referred to the fire eommittee: From talit optheletically when there is not lane Hood. to repair roof of dwelling really anything optimistic to min on Huron Road; from H. 1VieVittie, to about. It may . lie ell right to fill ,...e. .....t a Your poolrets vial, shingle nails .when . • - iota the ehon windows, but • they are ' •- Can'ada's you walk around the square and gaze ': • ' e darnedly poor affair to meet yout beeker with. or even treat it friend to. 9 simple lash of ice cream, or. etick .• • of accursed gum. . . Cast your -eye. for a moment to the - scores and hundreds of monster con-. vettiorte that are filling this land from end to end, ahnost every day of the whole year, and functioned in all of -the,larger and most important and expensive cities of this ecintinent, • and ()there as well, reflect for a brief evil upon the enormous expense itg • volved at a function where tbings are - not run mien second -class lines, and ask youroelf, How far will a 100 Or 1000 or 10,000 go With representat- ives from almost •every land, as an ioniergehrt:thct I etIlteorynoral<oles, esvIthrt . 7ii, line of 4miernu active, every profess sion, every financial clique, even! s.o- „ cial and club endeavort every Chris: ; ga!slibleTwIttg italie imiost gataly btoking. ,,. bubble. while at tbe same' time (se- eludely) fortifying and estehlisbing itself one against the other, ' labor Delano, capital, capital against- labor, profession att its own behalf, busineoa against buemets sociability tuld fra Metal against church endeavor, :church effort, against aural effort; until this whole cone:tient ia swallow- ed up, is ewamphig hereelf in a de. plorable damnable sea of contamina- tion, oet, of which heaven alone can ever reseue her, and yet, professing, Chriotendom ia tawatro, allowing her - leaf to 'drift mid revirl Along in the came amain, Ieriding her bands to the oars or ratting' upon her own With A ealnt and placid eoun- ' you -could correct me hl,* telling me ; tenance. Most likely Letting at the cattle card tablea enjoying the sante tobacco. pipe::, pulling off the came etoppero, formai:et in every lineation - able annicemerit, reading the sante hlightening . literature, etc., and, oh yea I know what you were going to say, Mr. Editor, bet that in not what I was thinking ta)out. You thought you eould coreert me by telliug ma of the new club or goelety, or auxil- airy or tontetaing, that your oeopla were contemplating, in your elagelt. Why! you have a dozen or fifteen now, have yen. not? Mid every 41n0 . of them bee a popular young matt or lady president, another nice young lody teerets'ry tea° can read off the UOMO6 of the new lamberts et the neraber ef visitore. of the vatieuni cilia meete, etc.. roil oleo a treseurer who keret teat t .t. UriM hew much ,fil'onOc7 yott are fs,'' inst. yees 1 know. , feta tat. ehtireh. Pa ' Put I am not alentamite saw if 4°' °e labia of et tittle , Is taitte to get tie gay far r.i ftn Vi1141 f.0 kAne,n er eat I ..eilt take tame, flea tlarei a oll tea. Tt-' I ,terelty wetly tratlefied rilieut it, tiebt ' ; .11.6Tiv;.; make my peotitiee lair. arena , re el.--ey be te rerne. sad net attgett, • eetti r.etteiletiae ert,te,t,' Otte and executed if satisfactory to the Militia department. - The cemetery- and puke' townie. tee repoete.dt tare recommend that the request Whs. A. Stream for permission to cut down tree on their lot inatlaitland cemetery be left with the chairman of this committee with power to act. • That the request or M. W. Howell to cut down tree on St Patrick street and a tree on St. Vincent street in front .4 his property be left tvith the chairman of this cemmittee jointly with the chairman of the ' public works committee with power to act. ...We recommend that the papering and decorating of the Park Home be left with the chairman of this committee Mountain Playground 1 The 'World effete no more beautiful' ,uetts are telien by motor or on hone. scenery than that found in. jaoper. National •Park, that wonderful out -of. doors playground in Northern Alberta on the lines of the Canadian 'National Railway. Laket, rivers, mountaino awl glaciere, arid traoplendid labole gen matte all combine to melte jecper Na- tional Park one of the finett of tourist centres on the North Ameriean Conti- nent, And the canadian National Ilea - way have provided the tantoot in emit fort and -convenience for the travellero in their wonderoue leg cabin hotel, jaraer Perk Lodge. Built of natural building Materials foiled in the territory in which it is eituated, jaimeaPark Lodge is proving a mecca for tonrista Pine and cedar. toga rough bouldera and other eatural bead - log material bay° been tatilized in the construction of theMain lodge and of the bungalows, epart from the main lodge in which accoraodation for the majority 0.c /lac guetts is provided. The result it a series of log cabin tomes, where the eisitorlivesataid mountain stirroundinee enjoying IhOralerous -reentry anal brCIth. in the healtlegiving mountain air, iv hiS 10g cabin is equemed with hot end rola running water, itteam heat, arid all the comfort5 of a modem city tatel. The ten eery ststroutultag jasper Park Ledge it regarded. el being the finest section et mountain tettitory the . world, Alpinists, who /aye compered ks ie pane of the glebe tome to matt Park end flail eieuntaira peela aw1g them on altiet the foot a ,man bas e'e yet teal. Naae but the agile tweintain goat laao zeateel Wane el' the bright!, end the leauntaister &Mal Of sew fietat coeques, fiat% them awaiting hoM et t5 -c -t. A suattl.:8a C east -tipped memo trate, with their nvelpittent 1.111kt wow diating.latit Winter vet ate:wale reel. the visitets teal %Ain a Inv mile' of the lodge, aed reatle stet ttaile %Ow beftt letatsby ritalat ef abaft the ock, within a alert data:tee of the peek they may with tuelindo tlasper National Park, 5,300 equate indeo in extent, heather= for other than the mountaineer, however, and for the man or wonted. tato love) stature at her bea, jasper halal !urea unlititited. Front the I.odge one may gaze actote beautiful Lac Beata -eta with•tto irriditeent, shim - meting greats end Mat to the Pyramid, .thetaluotler mountaino or to aft. Edith Cavell, .one of the. mot beautiful and entrancing of the Canadian - Rockleo' peako, A little Vay from the Lodge, along a eplairlid motor road, one comet upon the Valley (if the Athabaska, and , may eaze for mace dorm that' valley watching the otreara tie it mile on ite tOttuono way mail hidden from sight by • a tura around a mottataire Dere and • there the traveller will trots attumbling, brawling mouotak atom a glacial racieg on ite way to join thetharger Athabaska, while at various points, even, ' up to the tope ef some of the higher 'mountains, Ate stammering green lek, of lacial otigla again, above beauty ,tata de y eaription. jasper National Park, which breached on tae twin line ef the Carrailian National • R,silweett Is a tertitory of beatatiftd seeeery, of meatfive MOUlnailas era of 'marital goariete, Ameng the latter is Malie,ne reeve, wto of the ritaSt WOW, (Intel weitho of stature, a /rage rift la the -solid rock, in entre places elietet 200 feet deep, theettgla elan, tumbles a mametaat strewn. the source a whirl) it efill nave abet of a treectere. nate Ma de LOCIfeC3, etraniet feratatiens of emelt etel reek, the Ettuit et ettas et action by the .itatra, . °Mete met ant a kw et ate cheats of ijateter, and tee Murat of 'Canada eta ate natal Stites is teeting teelat !that hese le one et Natures finest piste ',Viand,. and es :tab, as irreetteat awl araluable &tett to the licentate of ;Centel*. Pact; FIVE 50 PAIRS Of Flannelette Blankets Blue and Pink Borders 12/4 Full Double Bed Size 12<, Nothing larger These are splendid Blankets for your cottage or camping. See them in our windows On sale. - FRIDAY -and -SATURDAY- - At $2.19 Per Pair We sell &runnier All Wool Basket Weave Blankets at milt price. HIBBERT - • Nest Door to the Standard Bank Phone 86 THE CASH STORE . _ . ;‘,„A to balm done. We recommend that between the eireus anti the town was the park house buildine, be leased to acitriairigolvcria.ndMosredondlacyd Db;puetoyunreenevio: james IL Johnston for a term of five rSars, to eancelled by either party Gotta that Bylaw No 13 of ltlati, at the end 4 the tided year or at any bylaw to provide funds for the crew. esix mitofnttehrshiAttichei,rdthyeeetrowbny to oivpinz triaolonkofbeartg,traul sttitiannal tatinage.riccuallt.tuital Water rate% the tenant to PaY SO The bylaw was read and Paesed, tin - per month in advance, to take eareof alai acatel tvbeeniepnuebealiet,Inadeastuopryervail itusiteeb oeittteoounr:1 Theaeounell then adjourned. fro• . The fire committee reported at fol. in ellineelenaYtekelalleTalgelisdearetaltaugha"net • ist amp groutd under directions ' The regular meeting et the Galata rich Women Inotitute will be beht lows: 'We have passed all applicae .------- - • - tions for :building permite as refer- held in harbor park un the afternoon ted -to the committee, I of Atm.. lot. All families end fratitits 'rhe committee of the whole re. of the Bawl are invited to attend., ported as follow: we have appoint. Childrente spotte will be belil ale • ed Mr. a. Moser inspector 0 eon- ldrieaen* ,Plejt8a Provide lunnth nin° 'struetion of cement sidewalks at 40 t _cents per :Our, ' cfrom tohmo mpucnnlifitantiolonn ntooadtirtachmianyeloyr ADVERTISE IN THE STAR re 'the National Shipbuilding Cona puny plant was road and left with tommittee of -the -whole -emelt to meet text week. The matter, a shipping goods through the town freieht she& and l ' repairs to the roof of the building were left to the water, light and bar. tar committeetevithepewetatotaet. • The matter of trees dyine along Cobotarg street and Harbor Hill tote brought up and the cerneterir and st ,f4A sAILING11 look into the Matter a sate -rafting I TO EUROPE earke committee were instate ed to 1 Inetaletor AIMS Piton 11aNTREale . the cause andto remedy it if pos.,. , t . . To Clierbouroy•Soulhampton AbTleie council then event mesa commit.. F Yilltft: I' 11S.sts1114*.119. .*.i. :". -,, ' ....%?illtultlifilg ' tee of the .whole to appoitt an inspec. Aug. 8 . . .. , . ....Eutp*ress of Framee tor of the construction of the cement Aux. it 1 ..........:Emprets ofmazirt,11711:1 . sidewalks. It was moved by Deputy Atalais I ..., .. • Reeve Craigie and seconded by Coun. alas. 22. Stilt. 11.....I0m1i. °of •Atistrana eillor Sproul that J. J. Moser he aps .. yo the."411 pointed inspector at tIO cents . per eta. e . . . r. Avinte,..n, hour. ' 'Carried. • ' Aug, lo ...:Outaiess la llptItord • .. • tlenteere cussed and. the cemetery and parks; . . aae eattea.eatett those.trlla..utierntgtatrhe°itonleraileinegatnapell,ivgleragedir. ..tigg... _2111.. ,......a.talutelteste ,‘,11temetti,:tiiiiiiit comectittee were instructed to investi-. gate and -report. . • ' Niinnedsisa The following ,Moteono were ;re -41E: tal' tented. and . carried: Moved by .Do- • TO lionnotrn puty Reeve Craigie, - neconded by ; . CouncillortSproul, that the matter of tier. t .• :apt 1..........Monthaira issuing bonds to the amoupt of Awn III f ...... . .....itattro)..t $7.300 under bylaw 13of1028 .be re. ' • etouee-,, toned. to the unance committee with ..•• - • Power to Act. Moved by Councillor tiat , i ' :hat'. 29 . - . . . . '...Q!,VigiiiiI;; ' • • Bailie, reconded by the reeve, that Oana a' works, committee of July dbiaM EM e:. TIPRE. clause 3 of the report oftneaul1004%M-tr. AND me ., • anded by adding the nvorde "until I\%,'h SsER1°1"1M I" 1'4 "1 411. "14*•'; ea ether enflame= pante ere•examt I ALL 01111Elt STHAtiti1111,t1 MIL, 11101t ined and reported mem. taparlre' MONTREAL. .' circus made application for the Tent- Aimee Loyal Aortae oi. • 1 Ina of the agricultural park to exhi- e. et p Antal. General Armee . bit their show and to secure' Waned Phone Adelaide 2103 for Earne. The arrangement made . • . te li, 114. filtim, m'atoele. • 11.• • ‘‘t • °clench Race eet at Agricaltaral Park Monday August 6th, -Civic Holiday under andiNtees �f Goderich Trotting and Pacing Association $2,500.00 in Purses Program 2.20 Stake.Race 2.12 Stake Race 2.30 Class Race' Finest Track in Western Ontario 4. $1,000 $1,000 $500 New $8,000.00 Grata] 11.310 Stand GOOD ACCOMMODATION .COR EVERYBODY DR, lit WHITELY, President mt W. F. .g.4111C, Senetaty