HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-07-26, Page 3WOMMOIEs.010,,v -AP
. .
ealiTeeeet;etthi,V eette ezel•
hi the Brooder,
of Disease
Half the ills of life are caw*/
ecostxratioo, therefore, regular wale
of the bowls is the fouudation. of I,
health, la other werds, keep Your bow*
nattier aud you won't be leek.
ere the remedy you require. They roey
1* eately used at all times they act
mildly anal thoroughly, *ad it is only
mammary to tele ORO Or UFO at night
to cause ea, wow, eatisfacterY Pl9ventent
in the morning without any grmiug or
alekeniug effects!.
Pries 20e. a vial at all druggists or
.deeIere or mailed direct on zeeeipt of
priceby The T. WI= Coo Ziroltad,
'Toronto, Oat,
narrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Me,
Sticcessor to Killoran
Monet)? Office, The requare, atodertelt
Barrister aid Solicitor. •
i0 Etna Street East, 'Toronto, 2
"relephones Elgin 8416-811.7
• tellDLEY E. HOLMES-. •
Barrister, Solloitore Notary
• Public. Conveyancer; Etc.
Late House Simeon New York Oph-
' ttudmie and Aural Hospital, assistant at
moorefleld's Eye Hospital and Golden
square. Throat Hospital. Lonclota Eng.
53 Waterloo St, S. Stratford. Tele.
phone 267.
At Hotel Bedfora, Goderl;la.on the
evening of third Monday o. each month
till the foltowtag day, TtlondaY, at i
eighborhood News Nuggets Ne•_ Main to: o.
• -- • • • • s hO'Vl
't I 'tete t'i ea AVeteliatt ie. a graduate of In Summer When Childhood Ailatcot ;
Are Moot Dangerot
poof Icooi:oir:e, 1.`tiiveroi.o
• icked rom Our Exchanges!t`'evrc:g.l'-.7'.11''21i'ic:'?aPnqnzTElit'esralcotri''°'3.. 5-1,,T210FE-3 L')
•,,, ,,,,,,„„,„ clod a iiceotiato of Ito,. Oivii 'D, Ala in ohe lollop rear feel
Illattileall ihearell o'2 Canada. Woo the that tho.ifvoo a thc,sE.. Eitrie raeo eta
lava yeer Dr. Aeeteleart tale been art efeetmeley enfe aierinte tee 1.1oz v000- ,
irterro, of the WOteon Ileopatal, Tor- fit,91.1riefu• raSttincillicitrrtrleatQdiec,.nonerircliirathoflzr4:•,..,
Jo'r.ath of iLLek.s.- swittei .jeffcr'y ijiMitilE3 CI- little eaCa OVO' ShrilMpv. la
mos eace.a b.oatioe the mother doe.)
: mai, of London, Out., has been an,- (.41 Luecday zrommg., joy LtD., /42am took a wellialown 'and re* riot have a ode medicine at Ilona te '
:Ad:itus, of Seafortio the marriege to church. Seafor,:ii, of Mo. Jelin Shea--
..umfriced by my. and Mrs, Willi -ant the itutoral t"ei. /two tlt St- ahlr-0.4. vSretc,seetclnd Jell,ci..nts.acgt3eleasieoevetlim:likuttel,s:o. :, teAieevtotrteiaoletglet*r.outtakhit.pieteage iTearableet,?
take place in August. han. who oossell away very, u(( t1 iiert Ju' 170 Dt 14,er InW. 1.1.7mt ICcolectelonally to the well child they toill
Clinton Teacher. at Founthill " lb; wawa() tate soonoday moat, July ilicau street. Mrs. Jeffery, who WO ,,,.....„,v.„0. 4t,..,14, ,,,,...,..,..____.
' I 1 I ItCrinletu -moos was sung by i Catherine Bullard prior to tier mar. Sotte's ha"sto ",,i'll'n"rnXrTsiouil.7. nA,,31sz'oott,f-to4,
olhartnletteatekWIlie netvz•hora Ialee.'
t Mr. A.• F. jolms, formerly of Clin. - 'It 1. the remaine were g riages 2/20,P_t tL-ZO76Part. Of il:Or lik
ton, who has been principal of the pea. Fr. Gaeta; rated ,
Vineland public school, for the past .-al.'d to rest in ,tot. Joules . cometern!r:
ear Winthrop:.",,,, She. at,of , ;, orti.
. o 'They are espeeially -good in sniveler ,
three yeare, has accepted a poeition hankie Inc v; p _
ifo who. redeeeased ;Mu Nehrs ago neat eameetoan. ta um", 'beeauso they regulate the bawele end ..
item:m.00e deughter ef the late W;1- • keep the atemach sweet -and pare.
as prmcipal of the Pouuthill school ,P°1-410 Yearl':
at an inerease in salar,y. i lInvelts a MemoriatTablet tliant and Eleanor toil:tat but while L,They ore sod by modionc, &aim, or
1 *e.aCt quite Tacna Vie family mov-
• Business .Change in Locket -1w 1 raily papere of recent date inake 13-'' --- tox.iin" T - lee. . 1 hv man et ila ecvnt4 a ofar eree-, Ttv
. Ur. Harold Parker, who- has been ‘erc'df.ebt;Iltheee I%s"torici.1.Sietta"adinelall,.111.olul tie:eclat; 'Itt'te&tollWr-1.-tv1)".1.• ttl-ht,‘I'A. 11:4"ani:leV: i' "lie VOlnlitit.lin3-7 316diliii° Co" Mut. '
Kfilep, toel; place. Mr. Terme:* ore. Lee ' - . • . . .
anechartie at Mullin's garage . Luck
'now a for time past Zoned of .Canada in jasper Park to
out the business, taking poesession on
Yeart hus-''h.Ougue commemorate Jasper House. The !deceased her ha tire 14tears. Three t --eteateeeereeeee'-eteete----tateere-teeeeet-e. -.-J.
one memorial .vears All). ett 3"1”,-4 P. elle woo uniteel 21st, 102S, the (Tatting date at Cola.
Monday of last 'week. Mr, Mullin Ines paper:: go on to say:
eves unveiled on Sunday last by, Mrs. 'in n'arrice to gr. Jegteeh 'who now. Ivg,,e•
had the garoge about two years. . 4.. Applicant? must bo those cou-
R. IL Enight, wife a the eupermten." motives her., . .
Announcement tkoii Lolete No. teete
The engagement of Evelyn Adonis, ood C. It. V.., Winglinro.
O f Seofeah, to Jcbri Gordon Mcliero Laid to Ret
thiropraetor ono, Drualess Therapist,
chronic, bet:ante and Nervous Diseases
Equipped with Diathermy, Electro-
Magnetio Etatbs, Eleetronio Electric
Treatments and Chirapractlo. I
Oftlee tioure-•••2 to 3 and 7 to 9 p.ma
and bY appointment. exeepting Monday!,
and, Thtarsday a.fternoens end evenings;
:hike hours -2 to 3 atvl to 9 pe tat.
• ta1dy in Attendanee.
Residence and °Mee -Corner or South ;
SI. and Rritontala itead.
AV 1
Live Stock and General Aitetioneer,
• Hamilton Street, Goderieh •
Sales made everywhere aiLatfort$
made to Film you satisfaction,
Farmers sale notes dietaiounted.
• Auctioneer, Eldon St. C.oderiek
will conduct and arrange any' sale on
the latest methods to get -best • reeulte.
.See him, or drop a card aiad he will
give it fromediete attention. Poem
ales a specialty. •
;arm, BAILIE.
_ . General. Conveyancing done
• Oond Cot:apples tteoreeental
Phone No. 298. • Oaderich, Ont.
Value et property !floured, up to -Jan-
uar)", 1.91o, ea.C.ift.975.00.
OPFICEItit-james ConoollY, Presi-
dent, Goderleh; Jas. Evans. Vice -Presi-
dent, Beeeh%non; T. E. Hays, See.-
rrease Seaforth.
D ,Emons-n. F. MeGregor, Sea'.
forth; S. G. Grieve. '1/4Vintiarop; Wm.
Wrin, Censtanee; George McCartney.
.Tuokersmith; John Petals. • Hartnett
John Bennewise. firoaeoagant meetly
°bum, Brucetlekt
AGEN"Tee-.T. W. Yea, Gederieh; Sandy
Leitch, Gibaton; Wm, (glean sy, SPA -
forth; Hinehley, Searerthe
Policy Helder4 eon pay their asseee-
meets at It (Intro store, etoderinhe
lcA. J. Morriale's Clot:eine Store, Clinton:
2 of!,_,' H. Poeta. Reyfleld.
' rittz OMURA-NC'
Have it attended to by the
Established 1814
Read Mee t Dungannon, Ont.
Wm. J. Thompsor, Auburn, Pres.;
V7m. Watson, Vice Pres.; Jamee Giro. ,
ain, Root Director; Directors -Wm.
McQuillan, St. Helens; W. P. Reed,
It it. No. ft, Luelenew,%Harty L. Sal.
keld, Goderielt; Alex. hheholson, Luck.
now; Tim Orden, R. R. No. 7, Lucie -
AM; Chas. Hewitt, Kincardine; Rat,
Davidson, Dungtautoo.
Rote -U.00 per thousand.
g g e •
Engagement ilont of .1comer National Park." airs. Cars Crash en Zurich Road temp at nenteunthtaoaear
M . s nown a,.
r. aM
nd rs. Kora P. Drobiner,_ef Knight is ot former resident of Sea. an ThumJuly
day, licourseThiis ks the asso
lth, ran euto
Dunnville, announce the engage/mut forth, mid is a sister of Mr. Robert accident occurred on the Zurich road chtte ceourse.
of thir daughter, Elsie, to Mr. Era - Met
, uiley and MrsA
. . D.Armstrong, two eud a half miles west of Hen- gaullifettarnintsingsliaousIdtheifirgIuvreetitioonn ,
11tre. j. S. Evans, of •Clinton, theHall
• Dater's sideroad struck the •cer driv. 4t the conclusion of their cacao
- •Gowan
marriage to a elee place on Aug. 1st. I A pretty wedding was solemnized
en by Mr. Ern Sitaddoek taming east, Only onscholarshiavail.
5. e' P is
Engagement Announced , at the home of the bride's parento, an the Zurich road. The Sbaddiek I
Mr. and Mrs. Frank IT, HurIburt,i Mraond Mrs. John AL Gowan, Allen... C\1'was driven into the diteh and for the year 1928-29.
Barrie, announee the ' engagement of 1, ford, on Saturday, July 14th, when Was damaged G. Tile total amount of the echo!.
considerably about the I
their eldest daughter, Helen Gworida-1 theiranhip is $100. Payable port in the youngest daughter, Winnifred front end while the other car, a • fa!! terin and part in the winter term.
coupe, A
line, to Charlea Edwerd Cerbin, B.S. Isabel, ibecame the bride of Mr. Ern-
was not much hurt. Mr. ., of Clinton, son a Mr. and Mae i est p. Hall, of Toronto, eldest son a Shaddock and Mr. Glazier, another a Applications along With elcar-
aeter and other recomraendatio,na
oecupant of his ear, Meeived several
William Cubit!, of GuelPhe'the eater.' Mr. and Mrs O. E. Hall, of Clinton: should be mailed to the Ontario De-
rioge to take place early in August.i The Rev. Mr, Oliver of the Presbyter. minor cuts and bruises, Mr. Slutd- I
Called to B. C. Church dolt is able to be out again but Mr. Partnaent of Agriculture,. Clinton, not
later then August 15th.
;ion church, Allenford, performed the
Oltazi'er. who reeeived a deep gash in,
Rev. A. C. Wishart, now of mo_ 1 ceremony. .
his neck, is still in a serious condi. i g. If a number of applications are
pastor of Melville church, Brussels, Getting the Fonds
the applicants nopear 'before a tom-
L-eod, Alberta, and a former popular I ° Wiughara Lion's Club are very tam. -None of the three occupants received it may be necessary to have
much pleased with. the success at. a the coulee were hurt hitt received
has accepted the 11 to Cooke's Pres -:trainee in order to 'decide the winner,
byterian Church at Chillievack, B. C., ' bad shakingu
I • It is unnecessary to dwell here up -
tending the street dance on Tuesday
.sra. %I July 17th. About Loeo people ;ft- Exeter Girl Saws Parkhill Lad From
and will assume his new past 1 a -
bee on Aug. it. i tended, a larger proportion interest- • Drowning ' , rn the advantages of a eht1rSe ht ag.-
riculture at such a well ;known insti-
' ed spectators, who enjoyed the gay Miss Dit. Z . r g itutiore There should be no ecarcitv
The Death of Hairy park scene. Towards paymg the play- of Lr. W. Vt. ..taman, mayed a very
num part in tao sthlsg, sx a Ira, of suitable applicants, Therefore. it
The death is announced at St. ground equipment recently installed t"'"' is honed that eny boo centemedatietr
Louis, Mo., on •July lith, of Henry in the park, the Club will have appro. lad irom cireesenno at ierend tend on entering the O. A. C. this fall will
Clark, fornaerla of Winghom. He ximhtely $175 profit on the evening's 4unday atternoon, July 15th. The
was I
conducted 4 'pump business on Vic- : sport. ma, avow eour ' eeiese ot ago, make an effort to win o worth while
t .i street,moving to St Louis' Dr. Aberhart 0 Otfi playing with a email saiezoat on the ,
pens ee : scholarshire • _ .
about 1901 and was a member of t, , oreaawater east or. the. pier, when he ' .
Dr. o in. er a , son o .
Ab h rt f Mr and ovetemianchel and ten lute eite river,
Our Weekly
, a distance of about six feet, at a
' spot_ where the heater is quite deep. ...
et hile there were a number on tne Lessons in English
' pier and in the vicinity none saw the
attic sad tall 'into the water and had By W. L. GORDON
it not been for the quick work of
Miss Margaret, the eleed would have • •
undoubtedly' -met a watery, grave. ,• Words Often Misused
Mies 'rum ,
en and Miss Catnerine I
Wood, elresseel in their bathing suits, i Da not say there is no need
were going onto the pier at the time . ..
doing the work." Say "of my.
"of me
end saw the lad, whonv they at fir'
st Do -not say 'kW is one of the nieest
thought was a boy swimming, but on men that I ever lenew.". Say "that I
seeing him go amen for the third •
have ever known."
time, . Miss Margaret, who is an ac- Do not say "I wish it tvas true."
eompeished swimmer, plunged into Say "I wish it Were true .
the water and succeeded in reaching Do not sav "the data was present.
the spot and rescuing the drowning ed by Mr. Brown." Say were pre'
lad. She 'sairim with him to some um. a - •
sented." Data is the plural of dad -
e nearby rocks and -with great presence
of mind shook the Water from the Do not say "I can't em to under -
tad, who had become unconselous and usable.. L,
stand tile problem." seSay "I seem
consciousness was concerning his_lit.st the_ shelf. . Gant o.
tie boat. Miss Catherine Wood fol. , e. . „ -
lowed Margaret in a boat and Mr.! .. Words Wen M4sPronoulteeti
Bruer, of, Parkhill, was also soon on Pumpkin.. Pronounce the second p,
' the epot and took 'charge of the lad, dna not punk -in.
who is a son of Major Allen Canerea Laboratory. Pronounce the firet o,
'bell, •manager of the *median tank and not as if lab-ra. .
of Commerce at Parkhill. The little Chance; a as in "ask'? not no in
ea fellow WAS supposed to be in charge "at" • -
of an elder brother, who was farther .Conflict. Accent noun on first syl-
out on the dock at the time. Miss- lable, Verb on last.
Margaret later received a letter of Federal. Pronounce the er, and
appreciation from the parents of the not as fed-ral. • . - _, -
child and also a fine box of elem. Rept. Proloptiiree the .4' and not
lates. Feiends a the heroic girl, kep.
who saw her gallant action, intend Words Often Misspelled .
B1)001180 81108.
The kaolin,
rostra Directors
• mai Eallabaers
alair AmoIndatet Service
Orders earefully attended to
at all hours -night or day. We
c.to the inspectors of anatomy in
And for the County of Huron.
Phones: Store 120; Residence
J . It, Wheeler
Funeral Director and
Ooderieh, Ontario
MI alts prnmplay slittridtal to
day or night.
Ulmer, Wore og, .4444`
_ , •
"Put something_
• besides Air in
your tires"
116,awants to be
• p•uxnped into them too.
• Because they're filled
iS no guarantee that
• tires are fit forthe road.
They must beproperly
filled to the correct
pressure for their size
• and load. Over •that
• pressure* is uncomfortable -ander it, is expensive«
If you want good mileage, come in here once a
week! Let our tire man test the.pressum-gange
it, not guess it. Let him examine the casing for
flints, metal splinters and nail ends. Better ten
minutes wait at the Dcmain' ion Tire Depot than
half an hour's work on the roadside.
Special Prices
Gro. ries Teas
Tobacco Dry Good
Chi•na Dinner Tb'ear
Call in and look them over
•=,--- ----a-ea' ea--,-..
1 Lady of tilt House -Well. I'm sere
She 'knelt on the sed I ry to lose jou, Kato, but I supPosa
To lengthen and strengthen
And Prayed to God
thiehen 'emi Pna•"I,: ;ay li :a: Itnoggfeutr n4labrraitet; PI a°.
Departing Cook -"Oh, no, ma'am;
the wrong kind.
If you ate unkind you ore one of apple evutait:foreaera to l dWeauiltresisz:I: yorito,.
only been here two weeks."
pio fresh?"
....... a ... .
• Vt
Pirst Vocationi•st--How do you find A bank •advertising in au ex.
t S:crold Vateatioaist-Get acqueento 1 it whic'h it pays to be extrurnannt,...
• ehange says there is one commodity
ed with the druggist. ..
• 1 eourtesy.
-0 -.
Someone buggests the follzwing Asthma Brings Misery, hot Dr. 3,
O&M' D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy will re- .
song for a coutpanionate
ceremouo: "It mav be for years and •place the misery with welcome re -
it may be forever." 'lief. Inhaled as smoke or vapor' it
-o- • reaches the. very innermost ruossea
• Yon are not beyond redemption if , d the hronehial wasages sand aoothea
little children and dogs stall lake you. them, Restrtetzon pauses anal easy
breathing returns. If you know as
•well how this remedy wouldbelp Yoe
• as do thousands of tfrat"ftd usere,
there would be a paeltip in your
home tonight. Try it.
-.. 0
*Even 4 farmer knows thet most
wemen want their marriege -founded
00.0 rock; and the more carats the
rock eveldis the better they like it t
x.e;wre . • • • •r",liolemp.• be.
Stockings may lengthen, bet as for THE
; the skirt -it Just won't be long now. i
Indian Ilmbrellas-"Ase. the Mao
Who Loans One."
•The .Anti -Saloon Leagne--"99 and
44.100 leer cent pure: It Moots."
Dier-Kiss Pace Powder-PSave the
Surface, and You Save All."
GIlda Ginv-"Thio Dear that Made *
Milwaukee Famous." •
Cellege Hutraoa--"Not Lacarte itt
a Carload."• .
Last Drop."
Fokker Airplanos-"Gobi to the
Scotch Wbiskies-"They're
Voice." • t • •
Ziegileld-- Follieso--"His •Master's
Bootleg Liquor -"A ',Product:,
General Mutters.".' '
• Phoenix •Cheese -"Strong •as the
Aunt jeinima's Pancake Flour- I
Rock- of -Gibraltar."•
"'There in to Substitute for Leather." •
• Listerine -"The Flavor Lasts" •
True Story • Magazirte---"Chkises
Dirt" •
• Colgate's Toilet Water.--PWItat a
Difference a few Scents Daake."
• Rio Van Winiale--"Ageti in the
ling to theetesman Society for•Bluejav Corn Plestere-"They
Government- note the n not erne. Krow Their Bunions."'
whose first words after regaining Do not say he took the book oft but they ossifv.'"
a medal. ,
• COUNTY OrkeERS SCHOLARSHIP ne41°aIriert; alirennoet; e14.111tabeyiknfir;
y, no 1,VA:. Pharaoh; aoh,
• The Huron. County towel' at its . •Synonyms
•Jame session yotect $30 toward -t 1 Small, little, trivial. trifling, Might,
scholarship for a county boy attend- insignifieant, tiny, diminutive, min-
ing the Ontario Agricuiturat College. ute. • ..
This amount will be supplentented by Pun, frolic, sport, laughter, enter-,
a similar aura from the Massey fund toinment.
at the College. • That is to say the.... enexorable, inflkihle, unyieldlogl,
• Prohibition -PI* Roasted."
o -
We eotne into the werld
Naked and bare ;
ao throueh the world
Wfth troulde and :etre;
We go out of the %wet
To we knew not where;
flue do well horo •
And you'll do well there.
ing his first year at the College. This less. A. hotel man tells this area Gar-
ylvolty.. egotism, co'weit, leg at the veung vearaft before him,
of the first Fear expenses of a boy sou -esteem, • - -- • the judge inquired what tO.e charge
amount should represent a large part peeee,
lows : eontean. The policemen anewered. n ,
arrose the street eostumei lihe 'SoP-I
"Ithrei .-,
attending that Institution.
The .conditions are briefly as fol- 1 plate,iricki,ns"idfere,etaelitilb:rdaittAet.e'
perfect, tem er. Morn.' yo .
1. Applica'nts should be farmers• faateu.ltieexssa.cte.9. rpmretc.me,
. igt ; ..1.Y., Applicants must* he eightemi ,./., said the Judge tersely.
eons residing in. Huron County. i Word Steady•••
a .
se a word three times and it is ............---......----
TO HWY Hr."Pir
Step up anl pion your
bets. on the Heat Polks.. /f you.
want to win the main beat next win- •
ter order 'this therougnrod coal
now, Here is .coal that starte front
Beratelt and wins in 'a walk. You
hava an inside bet and can win by
'odds if, you stable- the Heat Faiths in
your cellar now. Here is a mire tip:
lucky student will waive $100 dur- implacablerelentless, cruel
. •
"Thirty days both September," FO1 G00•d Cleait 0:41
. R010iNy.
'Phone 98 • Cenderich
• years of ogee on or before September yours." text us increase our vocabu. Troubles never come eingly; they
lary by mastering Mle word each any. come in droves.
, Words for this lesson:
• EMBF,LLISII; to make beautiful;
, decorate. "Ito room was ombellish-
I ed with ram paintings end topost-
PENSIVE; thoughtful: sad. He
k lees popularity In Chime is bus
pot of a netioeal and world prefers
mice thlt makes Essex sake the largest
of any six -cylinder cat in history. -
$885 and up
pub& choke
The enormous spread of Essex success is due to an accumula.
don of va1ue3 never approached under $1200, which is per.
fectly obvious to the ordinary buyer as well as the expert.
At $88S and up you not only get the brilliant performance
and reliability of the famous Essex chassis; you also get a cat.
isfaction, in appearance, richness and comfort, never even con.
sidered within hundreds of dollars of the price.
'tom:a $oles s•a•ft PI -Dow) WO
courpE Vits (Ronnble Seat SJS Foam Root...ter 1;1015
All prices 1. o. b, Wieettan tames' erg**
.010,6`41 ed:3 fte evit.P deo of metre, ea *ie. se magmas*
cacao toe leaereee hamAllme earl !mt..* eav.
J. BAKER Agent, G • depict)
remained in this pensive state for
many hours."
..E11113RYONIC: -undeveloped; radio
'watery. "Rio husinese 10 dill In
the emtryonie Malice."
• FANTASTIC: odd; whimsical; un-
real; imaginary. "She takes a vertyr
• ihiltantle elet7 of life."
MENIAL; eervile; suitable for ear-
' rants. 441 t tvaa a enerdal task assign-
• ed to tne."
EFFICACY; !ewer to produce re-
• sults or effects. "We realize the
efficacy of prayer."
When televioioa eoraeo, it. will he
J harder to tetalie,
1 Applauce may to detied the rodeo
, torfOrateroo-Iiiit he aloo rolooes no
noel to Ea the grapholphone.1
' Now itOt the blankety-bIent: radio.
IWhat teat?
• -0-
Poona the way they ootand to no,
861'M of those vexes- we hear 6170t"ttao
radio most ernaeate from tbroato not
eoothed hy teeeted cigaretteo. i
` A g ol r,"..aw istopy,ro tlet have to
Wait :anti/ Tialloweon te ra.ze fcalo
of theracelvea.
,• ?Alt-Ilea/a the hay ?
:' %Vitt-Se:4a! 'Ike tilled's C.3110
tool: of roe,
• Da:ate:at reelta haee elk, la:ah tate.
ed. a Ciinten etiel has dleeideal
Ltwo,tc;ggel this onmo-eo., 33,9r1.:
•"Whooe ttOf`ea totiero:ote.o., v.Zoo
voso a gr1(-.11
nst-e.v Art cn row.,
- - • -- • - •
7 7., "9 SO • $ )
Cil.\0:ftj DOMiNiOtk 5 I OR ESIff‘ft
till( ie. wwk•v• *bore• -3,
glee1141 • i iLi
cootie , came
Waage Weettheir Sessostiose r ,,--...
Cheese gh:12 Pk(4.25.3
Boa* Pears
C46...11111111119421:354 . it i1
Mak 2,4•2111 Esnt;Cennell
• , Gestetneit-ills 210
ilskeapple Harsmisiode4,16, 53•11
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paned wheat , , VI% Ide •Allaftets ..,............Ziekte. 27e
role Towel ......... snip. 210 Gat:week Tle
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Mkry Ceth!A „ tjzeeireiraoltetfcr,
shot." 43$11. 1atZlit.u.,18e ;locos* 33.16.
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