HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-07-26, Page 2nee .1", • nne
4414440.$44010440nn ,Vg• _n....i0.1e.r.onsaVLONNOno „
' 41011101. noillfor
eop Cool this Summer
Iteeritio-"ther out of the kitchen
Innsup hungr3r, children,
Pleases everyone* Good far all"
. 0.1-
!Pee teent take Finn away. The rant. ii,
Ili one nelestren, evee prominent in tlie •
atTates et Monet>, wet boogie; up 'i
,egron v. --hen the rrainieter coefeesed ;
g nen te leas unlined by xeligjma fer.
Vol' ira committing the erivnet ben in i
:exam 'quarters it es thouttett title fan- yi
aticiere mighe have been played upon!.
tile peliticalt eraloics of tieneral Were.,
cAn4 with the fdea ef ;native it op. f
• peat, that the Awing had a relielotet i
.i inetivetiett. Atthough title mizzen- I
!tam boa net teen efutfinued in anv i
esporiointo (twiner. several atnests t
'neve tren made by the none°, but ,
.. (kneed Zertneite, Chief a Police.
eleellines to CC1 tile identity of the
' new • prieenere, -Ins elan etatement i
benne "The iuvestigation .will coutiind
' Tee m:lori tlie eame nue flint bee mart.
ed it Inthertonttbat is, the reapenal-
- bility of, the Catholic clergy." ,
Ittilia Survivors Return lime
,- The lender of the illetat,ed. Italian •
MIT SW 1411111110
Mra. A, 41. Miro% thellIt eke, Easke
Writec---"Lait sumer, my lethn gla
was cutting teethe exid became very
weak with Ow *ffetJ t iiiardiaik
(Una/ know twit what to do for her
as ine couldn't retain tjtbbg. At
bet -one of in: siigaors iv,54 to tan
'Maoist in soy
ettion he returns to Italy, er; D. per. wiins X "Mara be tvithout it where
there are ebildren.'
eratzcurthe. ezittebetween toed wheat wafer miler exnedition, General Umberto
Nnbile. la sore of a court-martial
VISITORS WELCOME TO 1444 VA.CTOR,I1ES finietery matter for any eel -amender bittsf,y hothead went to town end got
1-„ -,
rt• -„.1-, nada __- - 0ase 1•.•••=0•••-•_,,, qttle, end the very Stet dope helped
- naval vessel 'oho loses bis ship is ber wonderfully, zed In three day* alto
ourtemartialled as a routine tricana win tall ono the *na vow
ORID EVE of determinbag the eatise of the loos. erannieg erouna u well se ever.
'nether this courtnuartial will bet Put up only by The T. Milburn 004
Confined to this proeeduee j knotvit Limited, Toronto, Oxit.
only to inner Goverinnent eirelefi. ••• - - nee_ •
Two Air Ventures
Tbis past weelneriel saw the staxt
and finish of two great air ventures.
tnxie was tbe COMMeneernent of an.
ether Frei elt Attempt to apoo the Ate
tante Oevrin from east to 'met, when
the emplane La *agate hopped off
them Breet, France. with Lioutimarit
Paulin Parte, Pilot Marmot and Wien.
lose Operator Cadou board, and
the Other was the arrival of J. H.
Weave MA' Collyer zit Nevr York
after eirelhen the world the reeoed
time of 23 day°, In Mere and na.
The Frenoli eftort is more a telt
TEIVIZSDAY, 3171.1 Endo I9gg
nn'trtnnnet-.."" _
Vie -torts. • The 'area et forint
land in. Bilitsit Columbia, dedicated
to future foot pruanctbri
000, acres. accardina fe (107era-
'1i meat -report
Calgary. - Illans. two uctively
under way by the no:leery Tenet:nee
.1 Grain Catepany to build o. seven
bunked tbousana bane1 elevator
an.Vareconver, It Is anuorneed by
A, R. Bette. 9Zanager Of 'Ike atm-
, Pally. Mr. Betts neal that an emi-
,i %gently suitable .eito had been eeenr-
ed ott the north enne,e, anitronintat-
,; tele' eptersitie %Mora elevator. •
Fite *eclat traine carrying
amuse 1500 plitexlme passed
tbrough Montreal recently on their
way to Quebec City earl the shrine
of Ste Anne de Beaupro ale° vieit-
ing the amine of St Joseph. la
Montreal on their rat= trip, Ther
were, from the eitureh oh: Aitlaut
ene-ely City and under tn caxe ot
Pather names In. Curry, parlsb
pritht, were On their -manual pil
grimage to thew eltraten.
Git's Smart Wear
Made in cu.. own oliop
Aba .t•Ifecial 0,-.-detn to your Moasu7°
11 "w E LEAD"
401:10===a0=0( .011:20=.4
as(0•10armnIfetatmfadin0.Plnia 001101100.
A.T CLINTON man, O. txandier (lin H. Gibbs (II),
The Huron Canny NV. C. T. U. B. tinnier, A. Gratin -is,. M. Hudson,
held it e 3Ist annual contrention in H. johnston, Lawson ill), I. Lind -
Ontario street church,. Clinton,. on ,say (II), Ft McCallum (11), L Me-
, Tueetlay, July 10tri, with morning, eaugat, Nictle. M. Pickett, C.
'afternoon taxi evening sessions.. The Radford, FL Reyneldt, Rent:nada,
ptesidents Min. A, T. -Cooper, wae in (lin G. Buinball, B. iiharp D.
• the 'chair. Encouraging reports were Smith, Stewart, E. Thompson, W.
received , frout the departments of Trewartha (H), If. Tyndall, E. Wet.
"work. . •
W. Farrel, J. Fitesimmonee
, son, J. Doherty, J. Harris.
h di oral Eddie and all the Italian sur- e g g utile hoax wove e nine y est
poluts in the north-west et -Canada 'lin .1Virs, W. Hiles of Clinton, andwas
Men of re g es Tim addrese in, welcome was given .
As the Canadian, Naticnal Wahl -
-Premier Museohni -has ordered Gen. da la dint d'
neaten with his 1122112 t( Iola week. i'. 02 to return immediatelyt mid rn ot n tta tThle then attereidi bt) y•,,i xpl:a. via port meitaeout oat, ora tbe
onng In 04 irem - Canadilin Paclit Ian Med II t ` A. 1 1. °
leatit three yeats rafter a engt y ft.
erliment will have tbe taxied burden belp has been sent out a d the East- British Air flare. aye ateammin the tomPanrs lake was cornducted by nirs. T. li. George. tion is celebratine its fiftieth birth -
Taus tbe limited self-government they are on their way. / nxesAponde to by Mies Mabel lkillie ot
greaten by it un ban failed, for the ilan'esters Wante Nem Both feet were broken and lie stoeeric.... t Lie aftetnoen sesmon day this year, a comparison a tile
. c e ra rou e
of Leralan, field secretary of prom- 23 wooden buildings, 110,000 square
eial W. C. T. U. Min, Downs and feet of floor epee,
first Exhibition as it was in 1879 with.
tent now be accepted, tile earliest reports from eecretaties end treasurt
pretent, at kost, mad the British Gov- The annual call a tb West for bad a bad wound in tbe Otoniach.
t('( (21(1 tope letter -enttten by the fished to s ply 44,0? men to help Britain for the eieveted Eines Cup - the head. of the Lakes during the that of 1928, is interesting. In I8i0
date beteg Awn 9. There win he er followed. The question drawer
eising this etere the Wafd, or Nation- Provinces. ProspeOft for a satistact- le II°P° fel' the Beeeed successive te"tee will be res1/413eti thIG 6eamn there were 52 acres of ground space,
one mile of eart4
The 2,000e:tine air race around G. servieenbetween Port AteNicoll and
at again controlling Egyptian affairs. ern Provinc a of Can a aro 'being
Ateoniet hoene C. 10, *minim WAS seeondand etstanat, nitinroeitl, to ee,,, McGuire, Brussels; President, rthoae drse, etebiept sat tse2n6ds6nocc 1Tv tad aly0 ;0:150 artnindd
Premier of Lapt to King Feed, ad- harvest or crop of file theca Prairie roulted in the victory of 'Captain W. caning treason, Through Daesenger Mrs. Ail en rendered a duet. The
allot Party, by its extreme commun. or crop have eel om been more fav. ..12 IK He covered the 1028 course at Einm !wen. Sound Mar 7 and from
IL May 10. J Mrs. Davidsee of Goderich, Mrs. A.
teulted as follows: Hon., Preeidents,
election of officers 'winch followed re-
ornment, are reepousible lov the fail- tjon that Incon acreage of the tiniss W. E. tSpeener, who led rho A ra°, nit -,,,,,,. A. T. (.o pe, Clinton; lst Vice, Mrs!. firteoacir.IYspia:.;:demnillesPeorminazalcveldt 11.)ottaidids*,
mrs. 13:80.e, xiocvree: :f000be,oriountifeualueorearliceeltanodfs .
eil on average sliced of in miles an I rattitteNleo
istieeedeltude, together with the in. arable and if he estimate of the
einiciency and corruption -in the Gov- Northweet Gu1n Dealers'
in,ure of Egypt to establish n stable prairie pro niees amounts. to 2:1,- tle,zei until the last lap, was third, teltaelles.. ree're...,1,...el'a tlr-' 11/117,-L, 1/2,42t„ • A. IL Lloyd, Wingharn; 2nd Vice,
lo v e Rumen% rrho Wafd Party has 558,000 ticilis, is cornet, all previoue with a time only three minittes slow. itatakne;(16; wort" ntutin;lt" Mrs. 11. Bender, Blyth; ard Vices pitted and the admission fees alOne,
the ettendaree of 2.000.000 is iantlei.
ow denounce the action of the King records w I be broke% er than Captain Ilopeti, rom ou g Miss J. Murray Exeter; Cor See'y, will amount to approximately n400,-
etitifle then eporting affritr, for nu an "attempt to ratete Greet Brit
wind' preperattone have been in pro. tain." and . unini eato has been in.
finesse for more then a year, 1101, sued appenling -to the people to sup.
Peet:fete le built to stand Tough port. the Wat'd in the "coming len
t.--xst:ier rot only in tint sky but oe flight for .nationallet principles."
the eurtnee of the ocean, and is ens
equinped tvt h wirtleeft outfit -cap- -"lean President Shut
able of eerelett end reeeiving on bath .The aseaseination . of GeueraY
hero met PhOrt wAve lenetbs. 'The Oheetton, Peestelect. of Mexico., it
night will be nutde eta Bermuda to .the moment when he was realw
Nov Yell; era then to Newfoundland the =Intim of his politleal
and back to Franee, eviler near pawing revolutnn in
"ht. two thillea Anne partner, that eountry. At. the time, of the
etnooletod f4,10 eineethemeoh meet, • murder, the nOW pvesident as being
thictly In monoplano with folding feted his frien s. when a
'wine& Unity, :mean littera mov fortheivouni mart, named Toni aporoached
Atlantic taut 'Peale trips. Ttiev nett: (Bretton to Enloe, Wei $ me elietehes,
toted the previnua tvorldtencliteling' sr° emPtielL f'evelve lut° •the Gen"
time by nearly five days. oral's bariv. Eat for 6 netionor the
uthorities. Tenn ould bane- been
. . Egrotion Perliatuent Abotithed • • +ern to *note% b • the enraged • told!
Kinn tuned ()Knee ;bomb,. lennotenriekerf tinning; no it wag,'
$0• g the 1...t..ot1on parliament for ut hu' 217211' 'badly miled tefore the
Where Newspaper E itois Met
hettaelionaidlioteliftEdmontontaa in the develonme0 of 'Edmonton, titc
gtown in populanty as the ateettng Cagital of the preterite of Antetta,
went sears, se it was not suquisnet, t? oiler int guetts xe found beneath the
place ef iinportant tonventiane dRing th4 a great metropolitan hotel ha,
terminals. has now been oemnleted et. E nt•tt lc if
1SO ur oc ensal , Ree. 000.
The Toronto Maple Leafs fought ose in Toronto. The tractor Is Sec y, • *
Sport in Geller:al in Montreal and will 'shortly be in Miss A E ',Consitt,--Exeter.
• hard 'over the 'week -end and are homeditiney attaebable, te one or Treas., Miss Mabel Bailie, Goderich;
4 Goderich; .Auditor, Miss Robertson, '
Goderich. _ is a good deal of similaritY, Plitten
For Itoth House and Stable -There.
t speaking, between 'human
now 'firmly entrenched in the first po- more of timse traetors winch, each Y. -e y, Miss' 13. Jaya, Winghant ;
• sition of the International League at can hold An, in Innen nye of freight '' L. It B. Seen. Mrs. Geo, Johnston, tan ,
header with Newark on Saturilann ftetnlete Mr. A. T. Cooper, of -Clinton, gave beings and the lower :mime's. Both
the expense of Baltiniore and the and can be as swiftly diseemzected-.
They won the first game by three to • . The memorial service at the close.
, a short eddress on law enforcement. are subject to many Ailments Arising
from inflammation and to all man.
nor of cuts Rea brinses, Dr. Thom -
Montreal Roy
els. Rochester ,did not Thee are expected to immensely
mune much headway in, the double- expedite the MOventene of O. P. *
Eolectti011 is an entirety re -
two, but dropped the second four to Immigrants are cowing into Can- of the morning. session was conducted an c
one. Far the nent three days Tor on. adal at record135r
rates etnee lately And Mrs, A. E, Lloyd, of Winghtim. liebie remedv for such ailments, and
to will do battle at Montreal and with 1 Canadian Pacific eteinnems from Four membetn. were on the list,
good gay Great Britatu -me Bumper are - : The evening session had as chair- etteett,nee,.. e_ he
mishaps in both human 'Winn rind
the lower orders ef animals.
a little luck and some
The whole- sporting world received shiplootie of close on a thousand given by Mrs. II. Fitzsimmons , and net ----
a stinek when. the United States . f Mrs. Corless, several numbers be lit -
sporting euthorities . banned ..Big laborers of British and North Eur- tle Billie joe Johnston of Goderich, 41
Bit? Tilden, the veteran tennis play. °Peon °Oak aud lte TirnStlY gehlt tine recitation by Geo. Henderson of
nel,ninst Italy in the final rnate'h of °uteri() eed the maritime prove
it e • •
110N. S. P. TOLMIE,
'Who resigned hie seat in •the Federal
!Rouse to lead the Coneervative par.
ty in British Columbia to ,,victory
'should bring home SOMA nOiritA. beInging them over at the rate of man, Rev. J. E. Mere. 'A duet wee • • • , - eteeetee.‘7
er, front leading Uncle SAM'S team in the leaden the Prattle Provinees Wingham. and acomplehensive ad -
with a fair ropordon. going to dress by blis T T. George ot Len -
ti e interzone series for the right to /nem 1 doVarions reSolutiona were brought
in by the resolution committee,' •dis-
' enssed, and adopted benthe Convent,
meet France in the Davie Cult series.
The tornolaint of the officials was Infompeat ,„„ Despite the heavy
that Tilden rontinued to wreck the movement et immigrants to the
amateur status as set up by them af. 'West during tile past two weeks, Dinner arid eupoer neve served by i
ter promising to regard the rules more positions areopen on western the members of the Clietoutnnien. '
atealnst wtitine for the.press and ZIP- lams than the renews awl. em, i
rearing in Intro. Perhap they were ploymeat ,agemies, eatt fin, imai. ' EAST HURONENTRANCE 1
iuttified in takine seen a den. hut it gration and emptoyitient officers Among 'the ' Entrance insults of
iO almost torte -in to cripple whatever .state. ThOUsands of vacancies, the . East Huron received are the follow- ;
chant -en tee Vetted ntetee lied of rn- offieers saki.' had been reported. • jug:
enverner the coveted tennis trophy Likelihood of Vin earlier e.onurion- ' . Blyth 1
i over the Provincial GevernInent In f lin '6. ... etsnent of enedIng . operations is At ' this eentre Josephine Weir
r3 ,
the General Provincial Elections on 04.04,0 thts. a -nit; is ovor Gene wan. generally eoaceded in the weste stood highest with 630 marks. I.
truly Intlin • _ • eey and TOM }TOMMY Will nave bet- they added, and unless inuolgratton Bean (H), NV: Bryant, D. Carter (H), :
"tnn-n ------- tied foe the leteryweight champion- continues at its present Web peak A. Knox G. Leslie (H), H. Leslie, E;
B.0 C v tiv Vi te I 1 1 f th o ld G n Tu ne a tl tli
. onset a e cr sloe ewr e e n s the openhig et lettere. ons al
Lockhari N, Loetchart, G. Lyon (11).
t For. the firat. time in twelve years the eheulnlon Is. tf (nlaltto. tho favor- laud mar /pad Waidern ferment
the-- Conservative - Party • of • British - -- • - - •
11.iberel Goveranteat, and, =cording' 4114
on the. 'Pith the eliallenger nrern New Zeal-
Beeney's past reeord is one
•Cohunbia .turned tab/es
to the latest Retiree available, they 'Which pvoves that lie has more then
t v thi t tv etits een 4111 Oblitio4 e .
- Meatin, E. Miller, N. Naegele
• 't'
• ‘443d 614Ttbka"4'3* (B), Inehniond (H',, M. Spubt-tlits
• pavilion with tho Liberal's nine. The Ili° WimnP". urtr•Rnicn• ""md
• os ••••••,1•••••••••
D. Wagner, J. Weir tan D. Wilson
Symptoms Thee the • Blood is Thin At this eentre Vivian Tiffin stood
Labor Party captured. one seat ni thentnelvez *worthy or the sir Thom-
Fetnie, and there are ix more con. as Lipton Trophte emblematic of the Should Not Be Neglected . the aighest with 638 merks in a class
- ; that is seldom equalled, A. Adams
• stitueneles to be he'd trout. 11011elimepiornhip of the Northwestern
Weak, run-down, lacking strength,
F. Tolmie, who resigned Ins Rowing Astoetetion eertatta, b'. 41-1n. N. Barnard, G. Beattie, II. Beat-
, neat in the Federal House to lead the ranneeilut a tote!: of 100.7d or morn energi nue ottionsen, Ina ',suit eseeln tie) IL Burgess (tin .1. Bergman OIL
less, poor aelietites digestion disturb. ef. Cantelon, R. Chettleburg, NV.
I Coneervatives to victory, was, sue,. than eight+ ,,3.,+' ahead of St. Paul,
ful eittestin his seat, but their •nearest rivals. n- This • te tan ed---taese ate the Synipterns named Cruickshank (II), D. Deans (II), N.
by a great metority ot people mut Dobie (111, J. Douglas (II), L. Dern.
Premier MacLean who led the Lib. third year in socee9sion the* Winni.
eral tortes in Vietorke was defeated
with his comrades.
When the %mealier% ef the Canedian pianaeled and tutreteil roof of the Mac. -Belgian 4inancieeft nedY eund
t nave on oenen‘te y 2111: usi., o en. in (it), D. Putter (H), E. Fryfogle
peg has even the champione , p
eNtilliams. tanit hes. Theee tortie
plpirnineece 1)•c'ThrBoirligtaliht
C'ean"deaailor ancit you haVe any ot these sYmr- N.
pills correct the collodion described (11),- V. Pryfogle (11), E. Hamilton,
E. Jehnston, /. Kelly, K. Lott (11),
princet wilt pass through Canada in toins you estiond give these p Ludwig (H), A. McGillivray (II),
August, on the way to join bin ahlp, trial. Their greet value in ciisleistaottt: MeI.oan
i VithNi
conveatioa tri teeo.em Canada, that evety partieUlan ts monis are rest I.I tottem, who disoileared from o *11),kietettlfe
thtir thrice thould fail mem the Main and full of eunlight; its broad rotunda Is in expected to !Oen the Governor- of Mrs. Jianee A. Tibbetts, Halifax; RAO (Mk E. Rich, L. Itobertsort (H),*
&mein Hotel at Edmontea, as their thronged by outtontown people and by j. Schaffter (11), A. Shinn, IL Smith
week""' ele4rea ull me a tile entirely unofficial and there is no. int run denial in health. WY blood was (II), N. Smith (H), le Sneath (lin:
eon- donald, 'which lend the high standard of ..rhe direovery of tho remaios of
we'll 11"'"4""' 11453636r 1 C ' cr In ti 1 Beltways hotels in the Belgiati financier Captain. LW-
eidert *onetime of their lea amnia aim lan a nua
II.M.S. Durban, at I, omen% er. He thie kind is simnel by the- statement (Inn .T. Pattison • (II), A. Porter. l'•1.
erese"rhannel ueroPlallo a cellPie a General at Ottawa, but hia .visit is ICS., who ,sayst--"I was completely
tneethelpicwe. ' Edmonton eitireas who make this the /trimmest 3222 22, he recent yearsformation as to any other plaint Of thin and watery, artd my nerves eo
The hotel to lie name tnentettlates the
. , headquarters for many interests; its II Stolces (EL S. Stokes, r. suttan, i
nhe French and Belgian nuthotities the sailor ;wince.
mrsliar,12 tf Sit' Joim A. olheuelul° wil." tonventiete balls and Debit* **Wail are
beetled a group et' far tighten uteri la the still have to decide -whether he an. . „ . - . ,.......,....... ' hmas,d tabisail,otigidvonaost iltelp, :1111 taiti.oniieg.411: „rhompson
E. Taylor (11), N. Taylor (11), X I
(El, W. Thornton V. Tit.
hi .
efforts to weld all the ptottinees of Cana. elm,Flone and delightful, and its cuisine eldentally fell from the plane. or cle. „
pen the eexitt. raannde
d hlt
lo ing
(. IBI)r,
da e$i.1)0ltiaa
leted o.
ht(anf Mandan' hich hat become welt. lued to iBt theemuage that worms cause, use
•itntehueennwit,aelnle e Ir:nisvteaemtuAorind, e OItti•TfwripoitnS
_ aki!xelremsearvainrdeae oaf tahr.eC
a• nadi•
an Ntartaionctal. aorse
Oate-1 ereri
, ean
When went ram I would ave aeee..r
WthfnancierdprpeeePforehldrenThe-e prder(11)11712 1221 toghtIgot in tlle IrDNbeAn
vnartheoten,entire-yoAiri(dti4dme to try1)r WilFortuneGallahrNGrahm,,
HamsPink. Pine. x P001 fOrindtheyHat n) InHlH) tft dhrO (d.al t,tHisloLwore ieineankeiriarryayhd knxtbx ele •aCreln, teenial
d will eneourage healtlifulataen thesiholiik
11%st-crave flit, II. Newton, M. Wale
0 0 xv 0.
yr". Not -Steal Palle et Oman* ere
stewing ist popularity. both with
Caressifitexe sod with visitors from *Opt
=1tentellieg tli repast teem the
4 inatioaal, 11411y11 !tried elt,
peavrept. Nowt upon the inum. 4
aretwateenat *eine the ~ex
11027 fat *VW Petit lodge, tte te4.
voli7e• betel 'Aida It aituittot t *NO***
brunt Itatiimel Nth ;ft the 114400 el the
Comoillas Itortrite II Not 'opth, gore ote
sambere thiitowINtstwttiseeitsteotot
Own la pereviewe tease, leo the „nine
*a Irmo shoo • froinas 144v10+Acy
WO el the wirei*Areet
Careoliawe therguelves et,
hive heat rot *wt. fot
Sior NOM Sretteme. felt few&
dim aim moostsp! grie
012.8 in Cowi2. imam' tosatettice*
"eperatiOn a the digeStiVe proeesses. tewithevoman, pail have entryed nod
r ? - ler (II), S. Woods. T. Granger.
ear 1
Al a vermifuge it can be relied on for ea ever ranee. .
its eifediveness.
• "What is your trade?" asked the
can highly recommetinsnd the pillreasons to- k airtim.
anntme run-down or treated with IL Anon, N. Baker, IL Wears, In
their nervee." • Chandletehf. Davidson, L. Fallis, L.
Not only do Dr. Pink Potter (IT), Vi. Galbraith, W. Herrn
Magistrate of the przsoner ut• the Pills help the nerves. Their Mrdli fioId, F. 111221 1.12221, N. notkitn/ G. Kee -
1 deck. ' fintetion is to enrich attd inereaee theIl,Ans II. Maimed, L. Peltier (II), 0.
ant a picker."
• blood, and as the blood supplies the' b,....eteern• WiMains011. rt. Wynn
"A pieker, what is that?" '.1711010 body. new life is given to the tut?
41) piek eigarette ends in the entin syetem. Better. sleet?, eteadn Clinton
spring, strawberries in June, peaein nerves, improved appetite, Increased The highest mark .made at this
. • July, bops in Au. 't, pockets in win- vittore-all theae tan)* Vitra by tatv. centre was by Beatrice Sharpeetvlex
Intralani ,. It-- -rest -of-tife. itgrelneetttnillarden-PitilinTillbttntinenittobtalinnt-62Miltriirtniii a total ne
&taloa."' or by mail pont paid, at 50 Careabell (R),, ecomteion, J. Carter
mute a 'box front The Dr. Willituns Ittrld.)scrPo.lkesartAer,b1Laiettastle. In Coon,
Iltriband-It is a strange thing, 'al &eine Co Broel•vdle Ont
but true, that the biggest Aisne have t • . J. Demon. ,13.
the most beautifill wiees.
tanachans Art te any elttiOntlicliNs Sol toile et the peek, making the
f diststIt /*silty- spots mote net ovate to
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the *tett ttihtetAie kohee *Rh 'Itnentee Slit* wool` els coon* tenon
regittat SW*, it MOT Vat 411444 late reptt., - Among them „.Ne• 1,Irgie meant' ntallatie
slatted Woe* IthOoil *int 444,0« New lit atm,- the titter theism** ttlk
Soto, Atik, hfitatweeta, PP.% tt!!iq's, ttaneirt the t en*114.1 Rorkiel., fig/Otte It..
rteweeytreeie, lril see Mitterie tte, twee ken fee Of rosverenere min
!lit then` teittnen_mt initon ot44441.r:At'el•nrit anti trokilik have been
*ere from Qua**. few*. hot :40‘4 Sit 41%. ioototv ett tOli 4/ 11l,I.
to oo Iii*A4tehe: I'S from IttitishVohlevithti,10 tite teetiefaitwe delentitel heti
N. Mil front Allrott*::4tt Irme* , ith.40.1k40444, *
Oneonta fowl tato bolooro Onto A, Mori, .1-itoor Ot oho Ono t hit Alitilq tkt
*I4. renvilettn4 *woo. the ye* 00 the 00.4. hatioer.
ISeep spinurel rpotioot for the ottvw--. extt**44.1 !t..11111 moor, noilos toottiokit
trig irtritieltv 04 pope* rterA, 114o owyttnitwont 'fbhmobiok Neothelis
evieftwilt es A Mt, ea. . 400041.11 POO* V•64, ifit lb. 6614 in* 10910 tOrri-
Snrootiottoneliot t /median Netioftet froOno tio. Portia owl „.
total*. Ilbe lootikt4.4 lbelitirfbel KO, lergett 44 eittit t .0"••••
teeiirn them teday. Sold ur vadieine 'MO. D. Adams 31. Bayley, E.
1 . First ntan-Da you belong to a re.
Wife (pleateidne-Ole. iletteren,
• Amin organization?
Seurat -I. de. raf' married.
4, of AP2Itr,...
Mutual Life
Assurance Company
of Canada
esteemahte ttos
linen Orrice WA2-T:W.00. ONT.
D. D. ROONEY, Agent
Ilion 2,50
BAF.0 : GODEniCil, Or2f.
Special Clearance in
Men's Fine Straw Hats in
the newest styles, all have
fancy striped bands. Sizes
in the lot, 654 to
while they last
$89c, $L29 and $1,69
6.• • au
just the kind of a sweate
for the warm weather.
Large assortment of colors
to choose from
Special Price -
$2.79 and $3.25
ott, L ott aft, 5. Fargultar, 4111101M11111.1.1101.11111.111.
listheirt Minard's avid
wawa 'retain, rubbn
the *Mune* into the
aching parts with the
lottbaseirs is she *pis*,
aid fee sprains. hnsious
ea 'truism' iiipsoist*
We sell the
'World's Greatest lire
AFTER its introduction a little over
a year ago, today's Goodyear M1.
Weather Tread .Balloon Was quickly
recognized as the World's Gresttest Tire.
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F. R. MILLER, Goderich
'Phone 259
Daring st house *see* wok* st home