HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-07-26, Page 1BUY AT HOME
Money:pont out of town helps pay
taxes oat of town
Lceat Patriotism Is Self Interest
Subscription: e2 a year in Canada
12.50 a year to U. S. Drente.
CoolWork, promptly eta le at
Roasormitls Rats*.
"Tke Hese ef Gmml Priding" --Tel. 71
wAtirEtt NAVITti, Publiiher.
New Grand Stand to Be Ready for the Banner Race Meet Here Monday, August 6th (Civic Holiday)
I 44111414.4.44.-l44114 &lest daughter of Mr. and M. A.l London; Mr. and Mrs. Cull McDon..,
Wilsen, Indian Head, Sask. Olddald, 'Grand Rapids, Miele; Mr. and
Sun Lite Assurance Company 0? Canada wen& Gederiell extend eongratted M. K. W. Manse, Detroit; Mr. and 'Closing Meet in of Successful 'ern Jaen ' eteDermid is up fraityt
In 1927 teliteun Lae Ascioeiation Co., of Canada +paid to living policY
holm nutoring_polieles and other benetits $28,691,551. Tlibe V011ey
holders aced to enjoy the fru tz o tt pt -
To representatives of Tolley holders who died :luring the year WU
the company paid $13232,6:18. These policy holders did not live to re-
. eetve payment themselves. Tho money payable under their podieles
N giving a chance -to those, they left behind.
Sun Lite Policies provide independence for the policY bolder WilO
flvea; emote the family of the policy holder who dies.
H. R. LONG, District Agent
lations to the bride and groom. Mrs. J. Wilson, Detroit; Mr. and i Weekie Event a Goderieh London on hi$ vacation.
ItIr-s. N. A. Meyer, Detroit.
Chautauqua Not a Financial
. The eighth annual seesion ef the , b visjunt
j Miss Margaret Connell, of DuitilaS,
-Miss Evelyn Mack.
Success in Wingham e Summer Samoa '
Goderien is not having the Chun; et On Friday the 11CW executive -of the • Gederleh Sertener Salm! of the Unit, Miss Sinclair. of Ottawa, ie visit
q this •ea the re eated defieitse eummer eenool for the ensuing year iced Churalt which has been in session Mg her teeter, Mrs. (Dr.) Macklin..
. to secure sufficient guarantors. viep time were iestalled bY OW Iten i with a grand rally and closing service! visiting her sister, Miss Edna Hogan.
'year after year making it impose-M.01=a elected and at the evening ser.1 this wok was brought to a close ,: Mies Eliza Hogan, of Detroit, is'
nringhem tried it again and the event, Frank Langford. The new officerslin the North St. United church on ' Miss Evelyn Everett, of Water.
'Mack Sox With Tunney
Mound, Defeat Kitchener
Glen Tenney, popular p
,the Black Sox, Pleend one
games of this season he
nestle ev nin whenh
the Kitchener 'Interne
exhibition game at
Park, whieh termina
on the
a to 2
itcher for
et his beet
re on Wed.
locals met
iates in, an
ed Ina tint
tame town
walkaway, but
mound, their exe
ut to be a distill.
°eats stsrted their
st inning, and se-
der of the countere
en four men eretised
he• Kitchener teem
run in the foutth and
h. and had a wonderful
IA tie the score. With
the bases full, Tunney
lett when a safe hit would
ged the situation: Tito
ere -Zoete ftb; of;
; lioegle If; IfendOrSON 114
ss; Hoolier, rf; Beiltein, c;
closed last 'Thursday and The .A.d- i are; Honozary mettle:et% Presideut i evening. The auditorium down, is visiting Mrs. Arthur ettrry. score.' 'The visitors
vanceelimes in reporting it, said the lof the toztdou Conferenee, Charirrinesain.i ivua7'w"Yell tilled, and the eerviee Was a , Mr. mu' Mrs-' Oliver nuellanaftlileannA wwlittebt Ttablelesetteefee
event, "front im educational and; of the Huron 1'.. 'btu, p,ast: 'tu,
pectation turned o
most fitting ono to bring to a close 1 sore el Toronto, °r° '.1,1 V'
- p easureegiving viewpoin is a i e , . . e '
qualilied silences though by far too I president, Rev. W. A. Dreamier. Ihe eummer school. Itev. NV. An in town. 4
stewing M the fl
--Plione 115
E. J. Rouiston. Avkonet treasure"' Smell, St.
Damning, Beniniller: secretary, Rev. was assisted by Revs. W. R. Alp, F. Saunders.
Album; M. C. Parr. Goderieln J. L. Mr. ate Mtn. Jas. Pole, of ApPin, elle
in the third, wh
George; and Rent C. P. were callers at Victoria St. parson* plate. T
Report of Hog Shipments for - miss m• Hattie, 00etrieb; raglan,.
" Clarke. Following the sermon, Rev. :Igo last week. brought in one
Illonth Ending June 28 Miss M. Clarke, Goderieb; librarian. Prank Langford, One of the teachers Mrs. Catharine Babb hoe returaed oQpnp°oTtutrihrtyllin
Goderielt-Total hogs, 48; select Miss V. Sharp, Dashwood. The ad- of the school, toriducted the dosing letting one out and
bacon, 19; thick smooth, 2o; lights viaory board is tomposed of the fo - raft. Ile spoke of the work that to her home in Toronto after v
ee had Item done during the week, While Mrs. Wm. Murdock, West St. struck two
456; eelect bacon, 141; thick smooth; rich; Rev. M. C. Pafr. Goderic• ,
and feeder% 1. McGaw -Total hogs, lowing:. nen c, ne c itirktivetdie.
Mies Mary Clarke, xegistrar, ove a
sleep hogs, 32. ,Auburn -Total begat Gowan, Meth; Rev. _James lc: elle;
168t heavies, 4; 'Nara %Wriest 44 A. Switzer. Xirkton; Miss Claire Me- report of the attendance,
that there were 112 delegates?Intviettgv. Howson's mother, Mrs. Strang.
ily of Newmarket, are visiting Mr% line.up:
Mr. and Mrs. F. Howson and fame. huit.at.erd, oche
on County -Total bogs, 5680; select bytery young people's society.
125; heavies, 2; shop hogs, 7. Uur- and the president of the Huron
194; select tame 56; Ihick smooth, Belgrave; Bev. le R. Connor Bi n
pies. 'W. A. Alp gave a review of .the pro- Will Longmire, of Niagara Palls
gi '1'4 gat.",
gram carried out during -the session. N. Y,, of
welk-,ulaundt et,
Mr. Langford asked all the students home of hi Well
bacon, 1884; thick emooth, 8213; Ilea- • to come forward, and joining hands, Mrs. W. X. Bates is enturning to
* •Go
vies, 180; extra heavies, 14; shop Boys Lear Came
they satig at% a 'closing hymn, "Blest Toronto this week after visiting vela- en te
hogs, 241; lights and feedere,, 6$. The boys' camp at the Rotary site, Be the Tie That Binds." tives and Wends for the Past month. td;
Kitebiganal, six miles from town. en .In the efternoon a special consecra.
Ill, the Racing Circuit .
offering $1,040 in purses for the 2.10, ors have returned to their homes. school was held in Vintoria St. United her son, no
church, conducted by the Rev. D. Me- Lonmire, William St.
emner, of Brumfield, president ofl Mrs. Rai Rumba% of Montreal, is •Peintment, The 1
few people attended the programs as Bruceileld; vicetpresident, Rev. len
Ret 1 the mime conducted the- service and a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
a wbote to make it n financial sue- IL Ain, Auburn; dean,Cured the rem '
• Stocks! Boncist.• Grain!
Market quotations supplied for any tided stock. Orders
promptly executed an Toronto, Montreal pd. New York Ex-
changes and Chicago and Winnipeg drain Exchanges
Huron Investments, Limited
Royal. Bank Building, Goderich, Ont,
. Phones 433.445a , • ,
Private wire eonnections with leading Sot* and Groin Exceanget
rieb-Mulciter: ffb; DucqUct, -
anderson, e; Archer, ss; Carriek,
1111116Yt P; Wood, IIadden,
heardown •
m pir es-tiRoeding. Kitchener ;
ner, Goderich. •
Clinton, July 25th -Clinton tanee
ut, from behind on Monday night
vliennthe local baseball team wort
from Exeter in et fast, clean game,
the score being 8.6. Botit skies
&owed some- good playing. :Stock,
s- for Clinton, pitched a good geme.and
ill had strong support all though. El -
Hatt, Hawkins and Draper all exhibit -
a on ed a good brand of baseball and Van
hero Hoene on first base did some fine
g ex- work. Crediton .plays on ,the Clinton
' diamond- on Monday; evenitue next,
• Harry game to COMMenee at six Aar%
WANTND.--An exeerlenced maid for .
;" general housework. Apply P. O.
, Box 656. Huron Tract Centenary
M 'WANTEGneGood napeble maid A meeting is being held in Seaforth
I...m...0 ..... ... .
eeh wanted immedio.tele. Apply at this afternoon in connection with the
TuE STAR °PPR:E. , centenary celebratieri of the construe-
, i tion of the Huron road. -Mayor Mae-
. , liVANTED.--4- oureber of bright r"og 'Ewan and several ethers from Gode.
ee Y • Then required for construction rich are in attendance,
work. Requiremente; age. about 20 .
Years, nreferably some nigh semen Weir -Wilson •
education, willitig to be ewer from
- 1 On •elute 80th, in St. JOhe's Anglie
borne, minimum weight about 00 lbs.
Steady work for suitable eppiments. 'can ehurele Indian Head, Sask., Dr.
Beet. 40, STAR. • ' APPLY al! aelle LirBlaanirktrec°Inat san. ;.f Blair,
Good onetime for edvaneemeet.
. X. C of Regina ana former rest -
The Seaff3rtil Ass6ulatian aro day morning. and most cf the camp* tion service for the members of the s 1:rts.thsv:eli-lrdirtett t(11.1 t!! T U
217 and 2,23 trot or pace at their
raee meet on Wednesday, Aug. 1st, The onip was the beet in history and -Tavisb, of Exeter. The address to Evelyn Poole. oufeatteaondonr,t o
those in charge are very well pleased the studeuts wee (given by Rae. jt spent_ e week -end the g f M
and' with every class well filled the with its success. The Program- 'was•Small, . and Mrs. Parr at Vtetoria St. par -
the Bayfield Road, broke up on Mon-
onMie are assured the hest of racing' very effective and all the boys say
The horses are now'.4 Exeter meet they had a wonderful, time. There
and will move Seaforth for Aug. was a softball leaRlot at the ciunp and nd Maste
irtey,lewflieoren tleteeydi,sive
1st, then to Goderich for Aug. 6th, tbe congregation and Rev. W. A.• . fulyilIde000tobhenet
ingAitililev°.rtliattlivnTfoill•Idtdg=1 5°1;121gses. r torene0 D100R07 a
• the "Sons of Resn capta• ined by duo. MaeDonald • spoke to the Sunday
Seaforth Association again offers a Savage, „ of Listowel, were suceessful
the track record end as the eaces-are nue, Points were given, for the school, while in the Victoria St. visit velatives.
zatih- _ 2,10MailasyGervaaliaSgteiregmaeleirveeitittelito%m
silver trophy to the horse breaking in winning highest place in the lea-
Lloun", hellilses gilirr,t811Giv(Itinetilfgr
held under the auspices of the Hoanin steal, edtteatidnal, secial and epiritual
ton Di & A. Association, betting Is attivities of the boys, and a shield rittellyoljahnedr..t•eecetIlite theernaugel. titre :ashateineationberlpeenryged in readin
was awarded to any boy having A to Sundoy school. Mr. Edward lteneau and Mr
tat of twenty points, made up of five On Saturday
Applicants for Position of a very interesting' Dara, of Detroit, Mich., w
Children's Aid Inspector ' points for each of the four division% meeting was held. Althouth this guests 'of Mr. and edrn. Wm
The Children's Ain Soceety of the A _medallion WAS neyarded for fifteen ee„,„
...........e had not been arrange,d on the one day this wee ,
peints. AI tte d ' -
County' of Huron held a special meet- fel,uhrts unnmdbao crest lleaox ...w,•01,0 won program, there was a arge A ..1i - Mtg. Seery Galbraith an
ing on Friday afternoon last for the al t'e alsou a nrmber8 f medallions and :owe .to hear 'Miss McGowan, f
purpose of appointing an inspector to gedst.A number
puQccessful -ilsount 131)eirethi• .ttiz Ifio.trhetrixneetnitebeeartlioliaite.:
,° Lester and Jack, of Lo
callers on Mr. and Mrs.
succeed Mr. G. MeElliott, who has 're- was staged by the boys on Rotarian torte St. parsonage.
signed that positien. There were 34 nay, in which each by took part. le °and the Holy Land, Mies M -0 -
Mrs. Lumber, oe Har
applications for the position, and et- " Gowangave to the students a very
dstii * f her e et -terms" and Panted IV Mr. end Mr
It consisted,efludian war dances and -
ter mita consideration three appli-
riston, accent-
etion, wore Huron and Bruce League, on natur-
e= at Vie-
' ed Seaforth Golf and Country Club'
two hoes nlayees in the first game oe Perth,
. Gaultier
ore the NOTESi ON GOI.It
- Maitland Golf Club playera defeat.
,thtseraefseurlttbs being
&tee July 21et, at 'Maitland teolf'"Clute
as f°144tevlitland
,`A. 11, Evans IL M. Jones„.. .1, Jas.
t toe nom) oz W. E. Southgat.e 1 Don. Christiart..0
Donaldson 0
%tallier on Sun. Dr. Aberhart....1 Bete IL 0.
McDerntid 0
f Columbus, Ohio, de C. Greig.......0 ler, W. Reid- ..1
acation of several Hinthley .
likely. that Mrs. Sauvage le C. P. Clialtman.ee
1 T. IL Patterson.°
•him here ea a few G. Ma:warn ..0 W. P. Saunders 1
Heating .... . .0 W. 'A. Coulthurstl
. Miturice-Crawford, 111-igl-teneeteonefl r"---Bodt°121----.-7*
re• week -end visitors Boren ,......„...0 t4. Flahiff 1
. Mrs. Oecar Witold%
MdDonald, B. A. of St.
d being•a sister, of Mrs. •
• The return niatch is' ter be• pl•
August 4th
on the ' Seaforth 0041%1 Saturday,
4 it 3.814
d s•tudent of St. Peter's - • '
The drnw for Garrow cute firat
London, was last week a Ili ht to be played byAu usf4th is
he home of Mr. Jas. O'Neill, g .. g 7
- . as fonowe ; •
d street. r
his family at Grand Bertd, as P. R. Darrow
in the service at St. Geerge's
S.•Hardy, of Mari•on, Ohio T. Pritchard
$ been holidaying for a montil P. r. CareY 23
Tele, Patterson .. 23
ch on Sunday morning. elev. R. C. MeDerinid • 18.
is•s Dorothy 'Weetbreeke arid Mitie P. C. Chempan.... ...... . . .. IS
elma Cheer are at Stratford at- E. Beacom e
entatives of the •North St. United 51iSS el', Saunders •
nding the Summer Scbool as repro. Don. Christian 16
" 20
17‘tfee t " Ientediate- and teni:11e visited a
Pees" v le •-• ly followine the eddress ear. Lange r• • • •
pageant yen •
cants were selected, These are Reeve ,
Indian council fires. The trave s ut coun ry. m d ere R
ted ery turesque spec
WAN"TED.--Teacher toe union S. S. dents of Goderich, was united in Mae. Turner of owt4iiti, dwe
texpeoted, to JAS. SPROU , It. IL len 3, • county Iva be referred to the Gov-
M. C. Parr, of Goderieh, took charge:
Auburn.• ernrnent; who will make the appoint. of the camp' service held in the "Long eta the week. Fifty-seven reeeived weeks it is
' b tbe ried ont. An athletic meet was ,also
lax e es These tack and It ford presented certificates to the eten
to commence September 411h. APPIY Was verY effectively car -
dents of the various classes vrho had Mn E. Tvveedie, o
*No. 17, West Wawanoste Duties flap to Miss Florence en Wilson, Edwards and Ur en aY
stating experience. it ay, and salary I recommended for the o ce y 'held cn Thursday afternoon. Rev. completed e get amount of work due. is in town. on _a v
ned above
em. ., Tweedie will. join
LOST. -A gold wedding ring. Suitable rnent from the three , nt 4 House" yesterday morning. Additional registration at the Sum. days.
koticit- aL., reward to finder: Please leave _... a •
11 . "with ctli,elleepgairturrie eefesttltraettog tae
edary Mcleihnon, Goderich. . •
of Detroit, w
.- _ , . . ee , , at spna, ppm& _ ,Huron Lodge ..
Offic s Installed. ince Selma include thaefollowingtee --1,4n, and Mrs
•- A TTE.111"1011.-we start You in bust- , The inar.allatioa az OmearS 04. ur•
Annee McKinnon, Goderich. ' with Mr. apd
A, zee ness and help YOU to succeed. No . et dn N • 62' 1 0. O. F . took strong, eutered Xitchigami on Mon.
e experienee .9a „genital -need04. Wee -. rule Si" Qg TQ E'EN. T ;tier at aoadfeallowst ban on. motet 'daY for a veered ofetwe wseks. The miss Annie Baxter, Benmiller. Mrs. Crawfor
teurnishe'every I • ,8e. , TNI: RENT. -Store On We . . y
st street. da ev ning as follows: Past Grand, girls vve.re taken up uta 'Rotarians' Mise Donee McClure, Goderich. winnents,
th ag„ Nana r wilt cal:
..Z.....+on you versonally and athertise for lou JI. npply ALEX. SAUNDERS. M. -Belle; Noble Grand, V. Dun
te.; vitt.. ears early- tins rnortung ne eacle car tar. d• p‘ Hume, Goderich. elr. S. J
and fornkh references. Write to our , von SALE .-Seven 000m, white brick returzrdiswtitreth its allgotment. of boys; -
i looking to a full two .
Velma Brownlee, Goderich,
. Mare% tin
igen Requirements must be honest Grand, lie Johnston; Warden, D. Met The,
London office, 210 ROYAL BANK OtIAM- , et. 410use, good. location On North ... c or, G.Martel Brownlee, Godericete
ridu t G Newton- Right Seminary,
Milian; 'Co
Beats, LONDON, ONT. I Street. elodern cenvenliences.; Apply olitTorter Noble Grand, A. El'' iggin- weecest ilr°graml• •. guest at
Gus Worthy.
OTICX RE DOOTie PRIVILEGES. e - - Bowra; Right Supporter Vice-Gean , 41"LYW'"%jr "" CHURCHES Stevet. S. -White, Elinwille.
N bl G d F THE P.M W, 0, Brown, Ashfield.
10. 8. NEWT0N. The Square. son; Left Supporter 0 0 , ran P cf slertivn.AleDonal
)FOR SALB.-A lot, suitable for build- H. Barker. Left Supporter Vice- a
-• Miss G. Delbridge, Elimville,
Arpileattotis for <Booth •pnIvileges at ing a cottage or small house upe Grand, C. dutt; Chaplain, W. Farrovv, The iepairs and rebuilding of the ' Miss Brock, Elinwille.
who ha
4th (Citric Holiday), will be receivea price reasenable.
by 'the undersigned up to 'Wednesday MICE. Enquire at s•r.ta --•-•-•, • it °' ' L. ler are to be done during the month Of Miss Johnston, Goderich.
• son- I G C•Stokes; G. G., J. A-few-
geere. Amnion I cswhi 8- iuttirel d
'Agr cultural Pare on Monday, August on. Convenient to factories and C. N. R. .c, A Q M obin L.S4S , ti //amt.. Organ in North street United church Miss Hunter, Elinwille. ,
4i5.00 ,tor Death, not, enseding as feet, --- -- tary, J. C. Carrie; 'Recording Beere. ..,Services next Sunday at Victoria Miss Dorcthy Wes
, Miss Leola Bern, Godenete
tbrook, Godetece.
evening, .eargust 1st, at 8 o'elook. Pee ..- toirthe; Treasurer, W. Abell;
kltea tharge for larger booth. .1 • rot.liNtit, tary, C. el. Rekie District Deputy •St. United church as follows: 10 a.m., Visiters :
n. window frames and sash, seine . edeereh &hoot; 11 eau. and 7 lent., Miss Amelia elaenlwain, te
Chureh Worehip.
Sealy Racing' Asseciation. 1PUR ntLE,-ceed building miteriaL Grand Master, Major P. Sturdy.,
iMiss Alice ShepherdNile $
MOVING ' . trtm. srantling,eplanks and skilne. M. Reece Wrack Myer in - 1V1r. Bert ilre Cutt will sing mi Miss Ethel Tabb, Nile.
• SHARMAN, St David 'Street, tf Better Condition t Sunday morning in Knox Presbyter- Mee Dorothy Linklater, Nile,
MOVING AND STORAGE. -- The race track at the egricultural Mn church the following numbers : Mrs. Shep ter • e.
,FOR SALE. -Chevrolet Coach, in per-
tect conon. Seerlfice sale. grounds never vats 'in ,better condi- "Not Understood," and "The Stran- Dr. W. R. McIntosb, London.
eIILL THE MOVER. Canadian pion- G. M. ELLIOTT, Essee Ste Goderich. tion thah at the present time, "just ger of Galilee." • Dr. Dickie, Georgetown,
tune in distance moving, Anywhere to e -e. - like a billiard table, ' to use' the secre. The granolithk walks leading inom Miss Pointe Walter, Clevetaa
anywhere, Largeet speedy Padded*. ----eneeen
litssi EGIIllandcsWgititonweettl,°14ere e t fi
ve s. Extra. padding covers. and felts NOTICE e0 CREDITORS tare's illustration. Some good fast the sidewalk up to St. Peter's church
have been changed, the two old wolks
rt .4*.44444.444.. 44..4,44.4. races are assured and lovere of the
•• h
having been removed and one new iss / •
ing to the two front entrances. Bev. B. Barnby,
Airs, R. Barnby, Myth.
central walk laid, vrith branches lead- '•
every., thire 'All loeds insured. No TeTteetelt. CRCDITuRe.' turf. will surely have a great day's
crating -No waiting. Before moving sport on civic holiday, Aug. Oth. At
write us or wire and reverie* oharges. M-VrTER tiF ESTA'rE OF tee meetine of the Racing Assocla-
DILL THF hIOVER, Head.011ece, Dam- -11013E1IT REID,
, tion on Tuesday evening Mr .Rains -
itton, Ontario.
North St. United Chinch, Sunda Miss dean Barite', 'Myth.
- 1 •Aie per.ene entre, eneent en bottom, of, Walkerton. mei Mr. Geo, July 29: 10 a.m.. Sunday •Sebool; 11
REAL EsTAlt AND INSURANCE estate 4.0' Pobert, Reid. .1,tie et tho W. McCormick, of London, .were on. • Miss Marjerie Walker, Du
DorothyBarnby, Blyt'
- a.m. and 7 pan, Public Worship, con. •
W S Mrs. Sinclair, Leamington
hurch young people's society. •W. Christian, Jr
Mr. and Mre. L. C. Chapman, Dr. •D. D. Mooney
land enrs. Hall, and Mies L. E. Da. C. ,Garrow
•elite spent the east wool: on it motor • Acheson
trip V11.01161 eluskolm Dieted., and miss 0 Allen 26
• Georgian Bay summer riaert%•
Dr. W, ...•....•
.... 0 14 4 4 4244)
• Mr, tee Potter, of • Detroit, has N in, 23
' been visiting at the home of hie sin
P• 0 .44444.411404 04 414.14 23
ters, and will be acconepanied hone
• 27
haNbeen visiting hem for a month. W. F. Saunders •
gannon. •Clat*Ite and Mrs. Clarke and children. %V. Coulthurst 18
..ussils. v aeul t ,trft e. :al sinf • rectory,
aorfe seatat• neaoehraingtlatet, eilne.eti.r.Ciatioteabuye ....... ,......,•• _2233
els. their cottage, Highland GIerae Lakt; Jas. bde ,14
E.•V. Lczeeie, bye la
Is. Mr, Clarence teener. of eet e, eneenee
wags, Detroit, spent the week -end at the e"e' ene""'"e' ee° •. . 23
by his mothot*, Mrs. E. Potter, who J.. •Galt
" London Free Press: Rev. A. L. G. ra'1' Brown
pointed' judges. Mr. J. . wale or. ducted by the•Minister. 3 pan., Class
11111E 'ARMSTRONG READ ESTATE Terenvii111,1Pdiet1 oAiqii-okilreintoftirtrielit7ielta Goderich, will be the third judge. M L Lon • D tr 't
• •• AND INSURANCE AOENCY. • ef Jule. A. De 110g. n0tt1041 Mayor Sam McBride of Termite., hen St'aritngrituss
for Christian Fellowship will meet. • . ;
Miss Miller, soprano soloist, of Toe -
been asked to att the meet atid
otto, vvill sing.
Life insurance (Sun Lao). derident Mies Armstrong, 113
to send in to the undersigned on !ir be-
fore Abe 4th olay of AUgnei. MI!
act us starter. elise M, Carter. &UM
' nartieuiare of their •elaline. beton meet
auineete., insurance. i EePtist eh* .h JOY 29: Moruinge Rev. A. W. Barlier, 13
. Rem" te're' eheee eroPerties for 'Ha". °ft" Ilia 1(14 In"°"'"n"11 dal° Harbor Work in Progress I "Seen: Great Vietertes of enelle CroMr% A. W. Darker. B
quick li. • Jut a few or tee mane the esepte ef UM sale estate will be The 3
;n41,0)11441 'mon the parties thereto The J. A. Vance Construction Ct. Den Geo ree Doeth will preach in the Miss G. Webeter, So
a ey red hripli house
fisted ; none% entitled Ii'. Ino recent only te the of Woodstock, which. has the contract ehsence of' the ,pastor eberine August .• miss A, Firenean. E
equipped, with fine lot in ituti reel- hecni for rebuilding e00 feet; of tbe mutt Prayer meetinge eaeh Thursday tiro Miss Jean IVebeter
c;afins rif WIllettNtOti00 Shall have
dentin]. It -nation. Important to sell te •received. . ' bre.altwater with cement, is busy at etned of Wedneedav) at 7.30 pan. nen Jolene tel, N
riarriPtem Etc., • work tearing 'down the old super. - eenion prayer on Prieny .at 3 p.m. in Mr. W. 11. Peraroe
dose ' state . Price for quire sale, ILVen end DAYA,
0206. , • • - . structuee and getting. ready for the . AlcHay Hall. - - •. '
1::114111V „s17,21,28L• twe lulu °lid: ---...sattritins...t.m.„tto,...nrw essastrnetton. 'This 300 feet will, 'The work of redecorating the in. 111.g.. Pile' SGinael16.
eitteerieln tint.. ' . • -, . . . . •. _ .
russets. home of the latter's parents, Mr. reel 51re. Geo. Doeenne bee .. e. eel
..e .......... '
eiorth.• • Dern Venn Glidclore and upon their re. Eleetric Floor Petiole•:et •
for rent.
, Egmondville. Mr. Glidden and Miss Ite.eteOdd ne
golondville. tran to Detroit were accorr.pented b • y•
Kona 494.
aliAvety. TEcr. SON,
nroso. Varna. Mrs. C. L. Moore', East St., had a ' -t1------
e, Varna. delightful stirPriBe last week when a St. GeorL,e's church garden party
Eavileld.•party -of former neighbors ard Intl- Ma ive.tut7- lawn Thursday. Aumist
in Cleveland. mate friends for Many years. cane inathenenattencententetteigenree-e, emelt.
rel, theiwt and eeero•-lier gietote uuriret ea`erdir
Ile 'seed- nettle. kindle° lights and • above mentioned liebert leen exten OtztWara etemnietnnortion of eterior lenox church is to begiii the Alvin X. 14ottA.
- tenter la house; fine lot; mall stable neenen--- the brealtwater..,:which_ vjari:ehtri t ena mie August, Mr. Ti Munroe to do
Neat eetteee, fine appearaace, two
nee: eee0. ,Many othero; ask gout
.• four-day stay .in Goderich. The •D.on't forget leteetey %%limes 'atm -
WLING guests were Mr. atul Mrs. d$. June, tion sale of new and used furniture
doubles toUrnatitent of Sr., and Mr. and ldro. 0. S. June, erre to be held on the lawn of Lie home,
Dimling Club was held and son, of Linea, Ohio. ;elle Juno Waterloo Ste on Saturday, July 28th,
the greens on Pieton Sr., formerly viceepresident and gen.T. GUNDIlTede SON, Auctioneere.
AUCTION SALE • last year. • BO
the work. Tlie color scheme was
---genet-- • We understand that Mr. W.1: Ear- laid out Vanderfein, of Toronto. The Scotch
•LleARING AMMON SA L;iht fee est has the tontract for dredging out the gentleman who- was in charge of the Goderich
the southeast, earner of the harbor the decoration of North street Unit- yesterday at
Paimee-Laree minter for Pale at ittgrensupoten
• including the removal of the pId Sao- ed ehurch and the Masanic Temple. street, with
ers particip
slaughter nricen • • •
For all Information write or tee ellen CHAS It. Wenn JR. • ti*. An •area 350 feet Jong and 150
J. W. AIIMSTrtOtertt even sett by petite auption at toe rest. it wide sve understand le to be!, IBRIEP TOWN TOPICS
itea,Egtato -the p t te e, dredged to a depth of fla feet. 1 front Pa
orty-eight pairs of p1ay.. oral manager of The Standard 0111.
...mite and bring your friends tu
0.C:dm?: ayn. rteitlioreida tos otiinra. ez:etr. smoairoo.
Is .1 from Cargill, 4 from jt
athig, 21 from Goderlele
in Bollard Reach for linteh. bridae. thetertioon
tho Blue Bird Tea Shop at Bluowater
2 from myth, from nito., pa, may ,t,raro an 17arv. much et, tee or *fowl: nieeoant
1 Is,
Toronto, 2 ;from spent their boyhood daya
Miler; ItaYg-MotitlaYa. Ventantlion,1 EDNItteDAY. Atetnier ist. Gnests ; The. Saltford heepital auxiliatar Lueknow,
Don Se. Goderide Ont Pr Pll rk .. 119i ne.a.
Saturtiaen or any day by erieciat re- chanteneing at 1.30 treloch sear% all reenter monthly 1..100t- sal% tt•
Oueote registered at Hotel Sunset win 11°14 tileiv"
1tee tenttente le the Melte, Ineludirre :
- .. en------,, --to-- -----„, per ecu., „µ 1 Vietraia• Day Pen redo tnele, wet D:
rteptioue oe noon -nee 0 lour earn. ted d intent,. lone *nein.. battery
External Striking Pund Gehl Donde. diargor, slave netvine nreeeen noel
Dated April 1st, 1028,1 mature Oen table. Ant of 3 chair4 4arat. replier. let -
15t, 1961. These bonds. tvill cenetie tete. i 1414 0s1VI; I Quehce beaten 2
tute direct obligation of Depublie of .rockint4 elial. %into 11:014,11 hod
Colombia secured by its full face and %wine, mattrees, dreetee unit stand to
. match. 1 wilite teen lied, Sprificp and
thattPes, Qw_ilit-N3 cook fAuVO .coion, rpe
' NORMAN LEWIS. e , !weenie ani wagning 01030t. .1 Ghia-
Ctn. lIathilton sue Newleste ilenani, 1 Wen 0 kitriien elialre, 1 arm
Streets, Goderich. ; etiain 1 rdrigerator„ 1 tildp. 1 porfee.
• Phone 470. jtion oil stovi,„ 34mrnor itlitit. oven; 1
F. O. not 768. eleetrte, evaelthie machine la gee,* cen-
- nlition, eillideenet teen i Little. 0 chaire.
V - '............ 1 41,4131. ,ielylr.velo, il"elelabs. 1 'tatty cut-
ter, i thigh tnialt% 1 White iNn baby's
. jo ilif• CRAIGIE cot. disiice. frnit earn garden bole. a
(Motif!' 40r Wdad,-1 NOtigOirllin MI D'
. by 12; Venires: 6 g;,,P,Pil IlitiitAW s'Ignolps.
: Nome1014 other articles, tti,',..0 rosnrvo
, Real Estate ad hograuce , on nnYthlyt ,ts tinny aro kneels 4istl-
. tan, 1
T. GUMMY & e0N,
i os Fe CAREY 41 SON Ltd,
Teloploone 230
include the toliewiug: Mr. nnci 03. d eardien
at the home of Mrs. Wm. Dave
V. W. Andereon, Canton, 0;110. Bar. 021 hure ay, Aun. 2nd. a t2.20 pan. Herman
Mr. and Mrs. C. It. von mrcr3,0mr,-„ painted one. of the Grand Stewards. Sorthe
and Mre. H. D. Ward, Toledo., 'Ohio; 11,tr. G. L. Parsons has Wen ap- sharp
rzzl.,ada in Ontario. feats
hy Hon. 3. S. Martin. Grand Master In t
Whelner; Mr. and Mtn W. A. Hamill!
Toledo; Mr. F. 1,, Dile Toronto; Ur., of the Meonle Grand TAM of Can' eve
and ',tiro. E. Newmann; Detroit; Cu
M. Lowther, Detroit; Dr. and Mrs.1 A tunriber of pleasure yaehto have ee
C. Adauire Pollee. Ohi0; MTS. A. 3, been in port during the week. The \,
4. from men lirehted with Goderich and geld it wee snrroullelieerte, dwae's eeol.
rom ' Seafortle
6 from Wiriohuarte 1 front onc- of the most beautiful ee&te t/loY NEW soon ofilINE 11,-Zramin
had visited. and Dlr. Jane. Sr.. When
. I from Petroleo, and I front . .
non. en the first event 10 retiros 1 0 S ,.. 0..1
nid Colwell, of Kincardine. den Goderich. They vioited at Thonearel
d Agnew and Smith of Luelinow Islet -Ida before 'timing* here, and will
fnal 10 to 7 in the eeetul stop off at Niagara Valle and Erie,
rit Harvey Roterteon and jas. Pc., and other points on their enteral- BORee
tt, of delyte, ,and Joint Beat and eel nlotor triP. W A TA toN.• - in 1 "...it -el. ao Al. Iv: i-.0It.a
int Iluddard, of Seaforth, were the SOFTBALL t Marine and ilenend Iingettel. en Tutne
innere. It 'teen- half vast 4 in . .ily. July ‘'itli. to, Ni0. twat :erre W. AL
Mr. Jack /tall has opened up a new.
Shoe Shine. Parlor- in•eoriteatien with
his shoo repairing busirms on Muni/ -
ton St. An omen in attenclanc2,..
Fleming. Miss Lney H. FleminShirlohn (the Virilliams yacht) has
Galt* Mro. Fred Drown, Woodstoo.1.-1,':teen in port for the past fortnight,
mr„ k A. woodo.ork, Toronto; mr, t and made a week -end cruise out arid
11. Lunen, Lotadlon; Mr. N. A. Brown 1, hack.
London; Mr. and Mee. II. A. lecen.,11 The last grain cee:Iteo to CS:00 int
Detroit; MISS Green Haltom, Hanel. Goderich harbor was that of t
ton; Mr. James etitelt on the 16th Met. The
Beige Emily 0. Daniel. Detreit; unloaded 1094130 &motile of en
and elf% A. 3. People, Detente Mr. and 128.000 bzieliela of oats for
and IiIrs. B. eleCormiek„ London; Gederich Elevator, and IMOO
MM. Ches. 13. 3.11;00(1'1nd. Toronto; de wheat and 0,000 Inaolo 0
Mrs. T. E. Ravie. Mies Mabel lintel, the Western Canada Flour MI
Toxotato; Mr. tied Mrs, Fitton, Sint.', Good progress is being niad
coo; Mr. and etre. 3. M. Reehardsten,:conettuction of the now gt
----. the the agrietalttital grounds
tesnAr4ed tl,at while net co
, y
Wetitorivolt School be fey enough advan
•erewd need; will be he
morniug when no eeirinfinals were. Ileteth St• 10# "lion 7 Weteen. iNe tie lini . et" enter' E• ede
completed um tho /Innis dterd votv The last of the Milted church soft- IllanO, It. Ne, a nee Rea el it red- .
'Played. though Mr. Robertson was bell LOW100 t7t15 played at Victoria ' 9 ' nen
keen te no on. Ifowc,ver ,it !att. on Tuesday evening, haween ,431%,v1, -7,,i4 ..,,,t1).1113;,11:4,.0;.,1,, ,,:i ‘2,412,1.
fitv'.311kasi ,,i.: tLotedowninanindrigVbicytobria10S.ti, stevettr:01. tie joiyiaan) 1.::,. 143:4111:;: %24.3::. Ivn:4, 4,,,e iii.v! •114sc.1..
us. 1:.:'Atlictierekidrstt.'14tCvittlalo°Ut8ip9itallYin1):11*t°1.iteg
Tollsh- 1T_Itotrif,w, in second place.
he•callt .,c.frGaoitIrr.lettG.owldotinioretteo atInrd3t ISnirCliGaligotho N had 17111011 wen tb,i0 game. they vjoubi , tuut:i r ..i.,.. .
• the :third event, with Huston and Dee, ot .,tiwtv„acidtle'entberteigtavtti;..1saN"ptilnly8,,oft vjhrilcabe:t,4,413,?:::.;'41';,:d..'F':ipit11,:E1,`%:.`1,1,,t.:11;';A:'..,,tif3'.'1 1,\Yir,i't'r.q..*
of doing, 1,Tortb ;a. wino tbe round, but iiY"la Nv "f "Ha 1:11°- Mell''''') ''"112* hti
O 30:tti: ' (filaTilunACt..115r-nSlifilir:1(15eitadoilli213:1143;c1.11niti5 el:1561:111:131ne: i'l f6Tar4ttizIol °trinuzainlit.3.ttrigeli:lio"tin21°11ttrYda tfn4lt:e. gliearicildli612v7o1 '111 Ateatte on, ...
and it inIsultiel in C. -Sweeten and C. tlePhaiii bt, gathe7ed in the rano- Union bod ;JillY C-Im. OM -
Apar brother. Intl. evIto
tIte first flares frames but Viettele
Atedetatd , ecomel. atel..Mettelayn tournament ree
wigniva nrst ani E. Cowan and it. the lead for ths fleet term franies nut it .4 three line.
•speted. . Victor:3 Vt, filtttiff OVOTY inning couret, :" +bail Vitatolt.. To.vr 0. 4.4 0 IDE,
.,C3 far the i'Disset sezond.
re for the,.
Viet:01'1e St.-MeLeas, oo: Carrell. 'eltdiet i."""R"P!'' reed/
few them Teo ntetnneet, of -tho S, f.-'arttlerigott," lf; Li, nandetnenn eleete. 'tele D'et"Ven. tee r nte et nee
• Y.-4 holding! a ,110Ott-tilacle .baking tele in- estrsft, Cln Johnston, Id; enaenten, Drolliern ei.3 regetine
elettoe, race* Cc Holiday to e
comfort feone tee new e
"A littSINEnS tit HOW, Ott
RflAsttlot Thueeday. A
SIRENGTet aed • eteatt ter nereeek Chatnee bat
• fAtt IfIt* totinteste Aileen 27te 'at the reedy...et:eon.
f: dil3t7s ti4 CiK113 P
J. VMS ittrniNr, offikottor Aur
evssege (4`
t O. . putt
artel. tlarlotia leniteel &ire+ interall M. Ssedereent e; Stewart, iltni;
'mint id. fete the etc! bydro *tete on the ‘SquAr e, tin ("J. -e; recnk, -In laT.im mop
ant arid &Age,' .idsturdsy. Attit 4t1. end CH *PIO W. tleCOrter. Vtliao Et: Porter. se; :,Poar PaNicr. M.thcq? +1041vs,;ZJ
gmey. hot vm. _es ss'ith maple syrup,' Finwerhy„, ab; Hsvrise/4 114 A. ninon ax, -.0 enV.rol into
centst from three to eevers nen, 'tf,'; etre, 21. '1„elterr (-Jenne matt oce (nen
Pavilion ;everyone cetypiA Ard !Ave tit rest treat, tent *Your*. It is tireletetene telt ktrei nil tto teitillece re ete.
elartfv„ Cleediate FA.Nibitier" play with St /teens foe the Weye "telotiti
it cat Intl, under .4.-00•-•,- North St, tutz;t1.0115 of this Etv,up wili vto t4( R:".1 r'et eV -et
negate later. evettrfront ig tee fades ION, Harm ditittke.,