HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-07-12, Page 3rNt; UODERICH STAR PAGE THIPA
Ir, JAY. i t Ly Uth, Iv -4
W" My Eirm"n
DIARRHaA ew kfvAth Caaw Throu"Ji C�1'8- 4 kffn-oandTher�a
W" so 8" Neighborhood Newl"S Nuggets
r-4, I P
CbNd'ft"W 8ked Specia rices
savi tbat LwZ�n
has r,�As�)n to
ift Harry Nelbitt, & & NO. t " v3"
ahsal" ND Writa-411'"t Fail Picked From Our Exchanes' t"-a!"Aal i., whn".� V., 2.(,2r TmrWn ')P� t')P t,
ljr� WiManis' Pirl� pi13 ifla foz� LQr. inn- 11.
b#4 with She, %V33 .1 V�T'V i ri Act. r &,l
I itl i47 to* ;X*#7ew girl '0, -
d4wranott, and befors I it he was eter W;I-on of West Toronto. go.luie iatk) watn"Inhand, va�e!l V. JC�4"3
faashlg blood. I wout to our ^"ciue Ru,4nec,3 TrP.nsfvr Pt E% A , f�)und Wmefit fcam Dr. WiMavns" Me TV NIS
tw =a gave him 400 of Mr.. James Lawsc.% of Exeter, 1133 Death of P. J. Evans tirs r'? lloox mpmoy, tho ct��% aud E
disposed of bjB, Jewellery business on ille death of V� J� vwanv, 01mer. pin), 11iHs. I was a oul-TeTer with�� the T),Irrovior wm*vlf the wrda�a-
era-tops and pains in;ory month 4=1 IN
gain street to 'Mr. Fxed Itabotligeo of ly Pf Cilod2rieh townshir, Occurred 4 V,72% to ulovi� avurj W,
tin hol-de, of his daughtert Mrs. W. S�. 811, 01W, d3Y WlIeU, I VMS VOY'V 31Ck
Jeal.in-s, Vaucouver, B.C., Thursday, ettl4eri fo� 11,
Death of Geo. Underwood , a ftlend eaale In to coo rae, and sho �. r () re,, Groceries eat;
June 1_)SN. t'Mr. Evan� bad not been gaid. to Iny motimr. "Why 1"", rrp llv., Qf 60 liner*
There passed away in Turnberryj a?rJvC3 0-�J tw(
on Tuesday, July 93rd, Oeorgo Under- in the best of health for �some scars Williams, Pink Pills, I Lmcw tz"Ley will of Ube, (%ma'al"m vael! 'I e flckA. Tbero
wood at thQ� resi. and for the past mouth had been fail- do, her a World of Xczd." The �Csnit were 162 on _ 0 N
in his 73rd year. th . 10'�JtV%kt'40 1`JXJJ $00
dene; of his 8011, XOSOU Und,-rivoad, ip.g rapidlytbut had not, been confined was my Mother got SN boxos aad I an tbo �%Jejjta, the ma�a4ty being
Tobacco Dr --A Goods
where he b4d been residing during an to bed. I began their use, anil 1 805n f -)=4 of llritt�h birth, tberoby est-,ANISIII�
for atlout tw I
illness lasting .0 months. �vfltvhell 31an Invents Ucad Light Tbenefit from them. _Vy the time I had Ing a record for qw? lailividual
Adjuster ltoten them all I felt an alto�tothor IMP dot%lag at the maritAw.0 Way-,
*4 a little l4tor P" bim another, The home of Mr. and Mrs. 1164erti ur. Jas. Hill, of Mitchell, bas au'diftbrout girl and no longer ouff�)rA luce porta this year. aw"
*uil half an hour after tlte s"d don to of � invention to prDperl China, Dinner We,,
X, Doble, Wingliam. was the scer _y adjust car head from cramps and Pains.
ho got relief and by the fte he had a Very pro �Iighta, it is claimed to Inqeaae l4lit Then a few yoars ago I tras at. A recent reviston of the Cast"
tty wedding- on Saturdo�,j
tAiit six� diisee kw X&O like, a differeAt June �40th, when their daughter, Ella, 1 *0111 twenty to thirty per out. non- ta4ked with infinewi , and Was sleic regulationa now enables tourlsti, to
tre. This machine.71S patentedand for Six ivq.Rq. Apin. I starteal talz. bring their aporting eQUIPMOAt W i the
was united in marriage to Mr. Hug1l, glv spectea by Ron, Geo. S. Hearr, Ing Dr. Williams' Pink Villa, and camoras. Into cawida without lew-, Call in and lool m o#er
This i woudorW bo*ol tomploUt Fawcett McKay. Rev. J. Scoble, of was In! their
xmsaf , b" bomon tho market for Delgvave United church, ofiloiated. Minister of Highways, while in AMR- again they brought me wood h%olf1l. his a OcDwit on account or
� I all recently. I am the mother of a family and do dutI31110 V411n) with the C&II4410A
q_"r 0 ytaro; & �ju o4y bt The Died at Ramitton ell � I . I Customs officers at the bor4or. M
If. 3111bum 00" .. t " Toronto, 2R!�. r, All Zacklin, an old tinto rqsldeatt Elva J840 Ramsay All my dv;fti work-, so you Bee I have
Ito keep in good health, and depend the present time thei change In the
of the locality of Brussels died Sim. 4,110 Ou'utlen OAV414 AV.% upon these pills to Lwon we so. Now re-,ulotlous will intoet pat-ttat"O
day, July Ist, in Et. Peter's Semln� RalllsuYv Only d3ughte1c Of Mr- and I 'alwava recommend - Dr. Williapm.3' the Vaolflo Cout. whore, galt 04 J* J0 IvIctswLIN
ary, Hamilton, to which place be had Mvs- Ramsay of lot -"5, con- 1. Mar- Pink PR4 to any of my, ftlenda who spr1ug sporU are In full sw1ut.
been. taken, only a few weeks ago. r1s, occurred on Sunday, July Ist, In may be sieldy.11 0 — M904 at TK SQUME GODEPUCH
Mi. Jacklin was in his 85tb year and jilmarftlne, where she had been visit, Ii you are aufferinp� froin am- irm- Vauvouveir,--Oyor
had long rosided on the 2nd coucos. Ing with her -aunt, she Was in her. dition due to poor, watery blqad. nv trackage Serving the ports or tue
slou of Grey. township, retiring to twenty-fifth year. The funeral wag weak nerves. bagin, taklm� Dr, Wil. Vancouver district will sibortly
Brussels about 15 years aqQ. . held At tile residence of her parents jams' Pink Pill& now, aril tote how have been laid by ilia CAUMUM R% -
Engaged as Principal for Blyth on Tuesday Afternoon, July Urd, in- your strength 4nd heal W14 14ilway. ocordWg to a OtAtt-
th v�'Ill im- moat Uotied by the -general WuPer. Port `XcNicollo Sweeping, out acrosa ., Agent wIll gladly ftivo yaa t1la4tratQd
a Oro an full inforratign on the
School torment being made in Illuevale, com- prove. You, can got these pills tatOW04t Of the dietrict.. , orho 'LaRe Huron, through t1I0'9tG%t S')al liter, t d
At a special meeting of the Blyth etery. through Any dealer In inedlelne� nV trackage, Is deoignod to take tare of 0=11, and out over Lalto t9up�-Vlor, Lake of Days. Ask him f;,t a lls� of
'Dr. N 'r 'n hotels and cottage$ fro'.0 NVIIJ411 to,
school board on Friday night, June XeLeod-51acDonald at 50 cants a box froil, The Vil. 41'Otes4r and llerrual growth ju th4 greatest body of fresh watt
29tb, Norman Garrett, _w�o has Non Olobe, Presbyterian churcho Toron- liams, Medicine Co., Drock%'I116- 'Unt- 'trade throUsh Vauioauvor and a1w the, world, Your dteams, thareforu, make your selection.
principal of Wrdxeter continuation to, vma tile, scene of a. quiet wedding In w0Aw*X,-d, can Inatoriallm 4114 100TO SO it YOU
0, . a0th,
on Saturday aftern June 0411 upon the Canadian Pacific Rail,
Ine Vast six years, WAS 44n. greater part of his 111e.. As a young 'Irou movement which this Year I
-caged as principal of Blvth continua. when Verna No arle, y goat, daugh- Iman, Mr. Paisley was'a wagon mak. has rowbodothe rowr4l of 03,000,00(), Way, Obtaining all InfortatitioXi ro-
ti4il'seboal to Succeed Miss worsoll, ter of Mr. and TXTrs.-D ac oualli, jer later b4coming a successful -build. Xarding this wonderful trip, and fill -
who resigned. ' . : . Wirghativ, beeiime, th �bride of 31r� 1111i contractor. For many, years ho :411Y asking tual, for rosori4tl6n%.
John 3%ravi, McLeod, soll'of Mrs. J *%was license inspectoi-of Ruvon. Court. John Walter, co-proprletor of the
It. MoLood, Soutl%ampton, Rev, go ty during and following the opera. L01140ATIMOS vfth,�ftjortba non. SOCIAL "I NOAT321IN
A pretty wv4diug took place at the Lean pfficiating. The y con 0 tion. of the Scott Act. For a quarter J. J. Astor, arrived ill Montreal WOODS
Wifigham; United -church parsonage trip on the Great " Os 'In of A. century ho had lived retired, al� lately whore he addrosaad a gather- Doop in the Pwcrt ed 0,). -OwNI
on Wodnesday, Juno 27th, at 3 o'clock ay , t YOU,
n iioir retmu v,111 r,--,?Je in North auspices of -the Na. north country, 4114don by pine topped
I . 4 ways enjoying excellent health. Mr. Ing under tile
of Mr.'oud 01-rs. R.:8. Campbell -was -was prominent in Maso�Ap Walter is covering the Dominion chain of sparklirifS 'blue la4es khtYwil
when Autle Bligaleth, only daughter Torou"'O. Paisley tioual Council of Pduextion. Ur, hills and thick virgifi' forost-0, lies A
married to Mr. Andrew Benson To. Submit Bylaw For Now IfIgh oircle. and always took' %n active, tiver'Cauddlau Pacific Itallway lines as Lake Of Lay,c Almost ualmown,
School part in municipal affairs. Political-
Stmghiln, son of . Mr. and Mrs. J. . and will make hd4resses In most to the outside warld matil a faw Neqrs
godericli. Rev. Bid. At a special meeting'of the Vxeter ly, be wos- a Liberal'aud an ardQut to the larger ottles. He Is the 11(th eSO� lake.; hBV0 bevowe tile
Straugban, of, r ago, th
110y Davison conducted 'the core. council on, M6ntlily eveltingi July 2nd, Admirer of Laurier. He was a life. member of the famay, being a summer playground a,.' vaeatioulSta
Mony� it was decidea to submit a bylaw to, long Pre6ytqvlan� Besides his wid- direct A",ce'Ad4ut of the famous and tourz.'sta.
Teacher iea.ves for Peru the ratepayers Of Exeter asking I -or. qw, Mr. Paisley is survived, by fivie John Walter, to be 6W4O at this The Lake 6f llayq dintikb ii 10TVC
xisa, Jea-4 L �$20,000. to erect a now four-rooin high dalIghters, namely, IMrs. It. il. DUP3. aewspa:per slace 1785. enough to enjoy i�oluslon'ind tvholl,
,Dve, a daughter of �Jr4 school, Dr. H. J. Browning and Mr. more,, St. Thoma4;'Mrs. I)ou Bowen, day of backwoods'life-4f that i3 dc.
and Mrs'. L. Love, of 'Andrew Street, j. . 0. Stanbury representing the Washingt6n, -Ch� Ohio-, Mrs. Paul IP
04 a. loug trip -frm Ontario to sired. If plenaurej gayety all -I 'Jv)y-.
Exeter, left Monday, July Aad� foil scbi)ol board, walted on the council, Bowen,. Tecumseh,' MA- Mrs. Will nrussols, Belgium, forty -muskrats ous coillpationsillu_ 11 y.yuj. )141 l,
Telera, Peru, where she will teach the Suck, Oakland, Calif., -And Miss rsa. lately. left c anado, o, . , c. P. h, , v The Wt few 'Yeam -113va
abd presented the resolution adopted' , board.the goal, there are largo lukur"Ous llotC4 brought to tOim#dw6lloTq
children of Imperial Oil erAP10yees- at the last :meeting -of the Board of bel Paisleyr of Richland, Park, Mieb_ g, s, 11arburn -bound for 'Astworp. —ultra.modorn�Nvhoro ignif, tonnis. many new oonvonIOA03 atX4
She is to he congratulated on the up- Fdoe + also three Solis. 0. L. Paislev.: Olin. rue. tinal destAnzetion. Of these W4-
, paintment, as it carries with ' , atloh. The requist., to 411 ols are bowling, aw. in lig may neeunv Y,)111
It A sal� $20,000 for a now. public schoofrvai ton.. DavI4 of Montreal, And Steivart mals is atarm neajr Bruas wh
ar.y of about $2.000,with'all expenses rec.eutlyturned down by. the ratepay- of Toronto. -they wil-l-forallbe lracleus.ot a makes a Ile �eet e -td to a perfact tltov, .6wn
The tt
0 a, her P nid the ratenayers ari'now asked 'bile bauilled � by IV a
paid and a wald'to keep h use f rta active to 0
rsa musUrat farm. W Any Can than ational Rallw, rt cularly a
inhor new home. i to grant* the money f 004E AND -SEA the c4nadian Pacific Fxprm Coto;. rarge, number of homo-101-
or a .-new high
school. vote will bei take during the entire voyage, the. �ng people to WIXOM city ljf6
Death. or Mrs. Gi(ify The n On Rally
'July Rrd. A. Well Advised floliday Tonic From animals were fod two ounces of Its higher east of livinst
The death occurred Thursday mor- with kat
The Maritlies oats and fWr ollUes 01 carroto doo,4 not uRike suffloic
ning, Juue .28th, In Blyth, of A.Irs, I Death of. Ivirs. Jas. Sutherland daily with* water once every two pew.
,Gidlyi in her 69tli year, �;idow,, of;, Harriet t. Dent, wl4ow of James Spend this year's vacation by the days,
the late, S1. H. Oldly; Who for iliany Sutherland, died on Sunday, July seashore. Let 'the seeht-9f the pine Home-lovIng people, are A6 -
years conducted a, tallorini. . and gth, atherhome, Uensall, in her'03r4 and the racy tanj of the balt n Saskatoon411,1.�, bolleve I have turally strong for tht� hoT40
grent's , furnishing business there. i ea air when furtb0
.eAr. Mrs. - Sutherland had been -a bel� to- fill the dayp with wyous round a wheat w1hich,, ties, and for keeping: up i,
Mrs.G.idlyls inaiden na-me was Rehec- i�sjdent of RQnsall for.over 90 years. health. aerveloped, rust�, friends.. Long; Diatance,en-
:,Ul,�be greatly
had been I ables thc,m to keop 14 toijoll
cW Taman and she A real She was born in Embro, -daughter of Ocean p unges'every. —gollIng, reststant'!, Seagor.WUeelori
dent of Blyth for many years. ;,Col. Sohr) P, Dent. Surviving Are m otoiing, boating, tramping. Somo� several times winner of the Inter- -with a wido circlo, of friends
one eort and daughter� : George 1. thing to do every national wheat award. He went on
minute. Pioton A the surrounding terri.
A pretty wedding was - solemnized Sutherland, postmaster at Hensall,. Lodge in Nova Sootia, !A a well re-, to explain that 4thOrugb he w tory, XXA4 the low rat�s AV*
In the -vestry of Ranleigh Ave, Vnit� and 'Miss Ilattle Sutherland,.. al,.io of commended resort. hotel, Plenty, of quite sure that thts now ty" � wh1oh An Inducement to, do SO.
ed church, Wingh4m, oil Saturday, Hensalh There, also survive two sls� other iteconnnodation too--co3y fiarm he developed from the ldot% $train
June 306- at 8, o'clock, when Mary ters, Mrs. A. U, Carroll and Mrs. J. �Ornes inexpensive woodland resorts Would vroteet crops In the province L, ven. wbor6 circutusitancog
from rust damage, be 4W not,tbtuk carr:� town-dwellera alwl%ys
E. (Mitriej, daughter of Mt. and Wrii. F. Scott, both of Woodstock, and, a, or oligh�ftil. haven I a an the sea, the ieaollottioa of, � tho
George. T. - 161iirts6n, ot - Wingham, .brother, Hi M. Dent, of Suabitriy"... shore. that 00'*botit woqwi be abao&441Y
tree tram ruot um4or 411 conditigivii., ."home'toW41 of friends mind
Out.', became the bride of Mr. Victor Alyth Assess�iellt, Aipealed to Judge Any Canadian Nqational'Agont� will 11owever, lie *olleldefed from the neighbourals always pred�
'Ont, son -of the I gladly, give you information about
A. Wilson of'Weston.. Voll6lvitig many 07,prossions.of dis- 'possibilities of our Marl- results of his experialents that. wdiritheliesnofths! ftt, Sind they look for0ard
am the holiday n under the worst ocinditious, business district. to talkinif with them from'
Into Mr�' And Mrs' Will' Surgess'Satisfaction Over the assessment in times. Write 6r aSk 'for jjjU trat-od ove
6:1, 1 11. 1 BlYth and -efforts,by the village coun- literathre. .a such as olase of 1927, this wheat 0vSrI"AgGrand0r,1,w%r� time to time, by Dis-.
I -oo Hot*
oil sitting us a tourt of iovision to .,Would u0vW.:J*t6TW1y 1:10 dow*l A roodorn lro-pt tance.
0. ms, each with bath.,.
a 44- 1 .1 1 sooroo ivlrld� upv
adju t the complaints, a !Iumber of SUNWR COMPLMNTS Rates.- $X ara. I
01'. ratepayers, still unsatisfied, present- KILLUT=0NES..
-claims before Judge Lewis, KS blATZRIA Famous $1aur0,(%t4A(It%u01Q
ed their It is our desire at Also COF to-shop7
of GodericJI, At a hearifig recently. At the grat alkn� of illness during certain timel of Aul
Twenty-tbree citizens appealed their the, hot Weather giver tb6"little one the year to get aw4y from the (tin of
cases to the judge, Mr. Dancey of Babyto city traffic, and out to where the FROTIEL
Own Tablets or in a few
(36derich, 'appearing fav the UPPOI� hours he may be, beyond aid. I These slightest noise would., - The instantly
lanis and Mr. Vailatone of Wlngham,� Tablets will prevent summer coin- noticeable- We often think of being, ]REIN F_
for the council. The appellants con.
plaint if given occasionally' to -the aboard a steamer out In mid ocva",�
tended that the reevo, and council had well child, and will prompty ralloye where 'time hangs peacefully � upon 1 - MI CA' 'H
illegally raised the assessment and those ey come bu sud- - and the �Worrlos of life ET1111211T
troubles it th hands
after discussion,' the court appointel denly. Baby's Own Tablets should hygou% fled., We dre-am . of- .6080
Col& lqtepa�ted colds brought a time for Zlel to argue the ease always I)e kept in every bouie, where things', yet little do We realize that
and- on Hemoq%ges of the before. him. The judge these 4reams . can Como true if we
Lung Lungs which Increased in 811990W there are you= . children, - Thera, is
tliat it might, be advisable to,rovert no other. modicine as good and the -but pause for one moment to tiink.
jib opite of all ray doctor
to the Assessinent of last year. It mother lifts the guarantee that they What of inland waters? .11vto only
could do.
was further Argued by the Appellants are Abs6lutbly safe. They aie� sold think of thew as being fit for an�41or.l
-s or will the malled on and those wl�o delight in - canoomir.
Calid- 411 had �heqrd Of the that they -paid the cost of the Appeal by all druggis'
derful results obtabled by, - and. that, those who did not partici. receipt of price, 25 cents per box, by But of -steamers with broai white
It In sanjo
use of 0411a hor's Indian pate
have no right to share in ally The Dr. NVIlliarnall Medicine Co., deckat where we can st
,flqdth Lung Remex,so decided reduction. Ont, A little bO6.klot, quiet corner And give ourselves up to
to try it ... and now L Death of"Wlllk�Xv .1. Paisley "Care of the Bhby ill Health -and drearily tho"lit, do we ever tlllnitof
am welM,
ell possibilities? They do exist,
dosm The -death of one of the oldest, And gickness," will be Zent free to Any SIX
r on roquest and"think of It, for two whole daks on A., KIM. W11:8
Thia fine old Herb Medicine most 4peeted citizens of the town rnothe alil'*ean of your own, 'ernbarkirg At
of Clinton took place Sunday worn- ...... om"
-supplies the bl*od with ingo July Sth, in the person of Wil- Time Has Tested lit,,—Dr. Thritugg'
strongthquin5ingredients* E
market RMOS ANTS
neallng Up liam J. Paisley, in big 88th year. Mr, )�iclectrjc Oil has been on the
tissues. Taken regularly it wig Paisley's death. was the result of a upwards of fifty years and in that 1110ACMIS 310THS
fbrtifyydu Against colds, It qu. 'fall lie suffGrOd On' fWdYo which time it hao pr6ved ablosging, to thoul.
a bottle handy, ternal Injuries. Tito late Mr- PablOY out Cava& and its excellence has
bara at Smith Valls, Ont., later
monla;- hemorrakes, etc. etP broke his hip and caused, gorlotiq in- safids. ilt is in high favor through.
W45 ca;ri�d its fame 'beyond the softa. If GOD
m 'ng to Wroxoter. Ont., and hj '00 it would be
ovi it wore double the pri
lived in Clinton And vicinity f la cheap liniment.
_41% 700 for &W 30 Twg
Horinil .)%uohold 115nnsdloa Jis
Mutual Life.
Assurance Cow'Any
,,of Canada
D. 110ONEY" Agent
pno"In 250
E.�Akfl-� ST. : . Gompnclr, otzz
J. R, Wheeler,
Forieral Director and
Goderick OMATIO
All att"knac! to
tl:%y or Hipht.
r%nAto", Stoto. 835� IT00" 85511v
Cana&n homq
is passed the �Icirj of
i finer, richer coffee
--a cosee distili.
shod by inellow-
fragrance and
Ino)VO P leasing
vaeledes selected
firim the world's
twest coffee planti,
tions—hitrid.ed. with
inute me, ground
avid roisted by the
most approved of
sealed in air -tight
tins, mak� 63OLD
tho-, finest ever ofet.
td tO tht CAna&m
At4 YOtIt! g
.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11-1 You had rs two4arxill�
you wouldwt let krilf of it stand vm'.. Clark's odutd, Moat* 3 tor 2U.
mosimch M*At 15d &A
ant, bringinz you in notIft". not tealyl, ratio$ 270 Nd,
did you evot, think, of renting youll C. & a. Fish r4dot 27d Sao 14stasialt#4
coal blos gor, t1to Summer .1 Tito 14011,,V offailim. 0400
Hoat. V olks are in the nlavkot f6r ?UAL1TV VANNE0 Apo
alpty C-031 b4l, Isny, Size will do. If
10i 8
you buy YOU2 coal NOW, Yom Can 111. 1 2, 1W. 214 milytiold
paekwt tho. i-normy it would CO3t uo.to,: vnravidlh� 38fl
atore It until Vall. Priem nro ao#
nk nell elleapar 0at yon will 7011jjo V'rl �
rmtlrldally larpo returil on th� D�=O, CROWN FaVOT JA" Rif &AUM
that %yould othin--ovice lay vae-ast. sa, Wd.u--i t1kne JAm 43* 25*20"1*
addotzln to tho sati6faction 01467
cot for W11 into? tirno.
CALL TO 11 2.r4 t'A94 �#-1 t4or mtU7 cxgs, 3 to, 2S lot NoWe
rAA 0
for Goc I Cleau (A, a�, 3 ftft, 2S#
IM126ft" at"" OL"'M "A"
instruction given in Pullano, Residence
%outhe�qqt porner of;%yflold and Uri-
tannia Road.
HarrIstar, 18011(-Itor, Notary pliliffe. We.,
successor to I., T.A. 91110ran
Phonool Offloe, The ifttarot liidorlch
io King Street East. Taranto, 2
14ul%Ey E. H01,11ES,
p.1ii,ostor, splicitor, Notary
Public. Conveyancer. 'Ete.
EN -R. EAR.7TS9.,1TH40AT�
.on LNew. York Oph-
t;jkjo ]House Surge
thainkid and Aivrat nospital, assistant at
Mooredlebl's Eye llo6pltal and Golden
fttarA'-Thrnat ffospital. London, Lne.
53 watprloa St. Stratford- TeW
v1bone 267.'
Doilrova. Goderbli. on the
ev,enh *of IbIlA Mond'ay of each month
t1H the folloNving (lay, Tilesday, at 1
Chirbproctor and orfin1vi;s, Therapist,
. - . Goderloh
�,hrfon4. Ginanso and Nervolls Diseases
Equipped wlth I)L(athermy, , Electra-
149netio Daths, 'leotrome Me4AKO
Treatments and . chir ractic.
7to '9
Offtee hoam-2 to 3, and P.M.
aadib Appointment, %,%aevt1ng Morlday
lod evanings,
Office hours -9, to' � and I to 9 P.- m.
qwy. 'Ladi ta Attendance.
orner of Soot
AResidenee ond 03" h
St and Uri .0,
Live.Steek and General. Auctionebr,
11amilton Strect,.6oderieft �
.Salesinade everywhere and all eirorto
Made to give YOU SatismQUOIL
Farmers, sale notes dlacotfuted.
Av;otlpecro Eldon St.. Goderich
v4j, conduct and arrange any 000 611
the. latest methods to - best'resialtS,
Bee him, or dV ard d he will
It Imm"Vat,e 'attea`616b.. Pat",
aules a specialty.
Genetlql GOTIvOY ftnel", dona
Good Companies R1�nf.a;eOte"lOXltL
%lone No. W& Ooderlob,
XILL01i NWTUAI, lRt INcrV11-
Value 0property Ingured Up to Jah,
11111711 1911J. $ . I
'0pplC1q1S_Jameq- Connolly, Progi.
dent, Goderl&,' Jo3. Evans, Vlee-Pre4t,
dent, BeechwOod't T, E. 110,78, SeO-'
Treas., Seaforth. 'IL
DIRECTORs—D, ir. MeGregor, Sea*
forth; J. G. Grieve. Winthrap;, \Vm'
Wrin, Constance,- George McCartney,
Tucker Inifft-, John Fervid, Ilarlock;
_JdM Vlonnewise Broadliagan; bAirrIdY
dmoti, Bincetleid. -
AGEKTS�J. W. Yea, Onderich: Sandy
Leitch, ClIntO1I-* Will. Ches&iy,
forth. , A. Ilinchlo'J. Scaf6fth.
Policy 11olderg (san -par their &"'a
'Monts 4t It. H. Cutt's store, flodoilleg:
A. I. MOMM's ClotWng Store, C11
riltz INSVItANC19
Have it *ttendm to oy the
W$T WAI$AN038 jUTUAL FH(t 111111RANCE ft
Estsiblished 1818
1(esd -office : Nagatuatto Ont.
Irm. 1 Thompson, Auburn, Pros.;
wal, Watson, Vigo Pros.,' Z&VIeS -Gir-
Xin, lon. Direefor; Dirpctors_��Whl,
-McQuillan, St. Helons; W. P. Reed,
it. R. No. 2, LueknOW; Harry . Sal.
kold, Goderich-,1, Alex. Nicholson, Lutlw
now; Tim Grifiln, R. R. No. 7. Luck.
itow; CM& Hewitt, Kineardine;
Davidson. Dungannon.
Roite—$2.00 per thousad.
"109. STOTHERS, T. Gy. AU10to
Trem 8"m�M_"
............ ...... ...
Broph ,
Tke 61k ;at
FIVIRMIA irectars
afka Eftlisileers
also Au4shate Service
Ordtrs care(Wly attt^ndel to
at all hours--nIght rr dsy. We
Are the ft!!1Wt0rs of P_0AAt6r.AV in
a04 for the coultity of Hamm
y1hopos. Remderce
of the locality of Brussels died Sim. 4,110 Ou'utlen OAV414 AV.% upon these pills to Lwon we so. Now re-,ulotlous will intoet pat-ttat"O
day, July Ist, in Et. Peter's Semln� RalllsuYv Only d3ughte1c Of Mr- and I 'alwava recommend - Dr. Williapm.3' the Vaolflo Cout. whore, galt 04 J* J0 IvIctswLIN
ary, Hamilton, to which place be had Mvs- Ramsay of lot -"5, con- 1. Mar- Pink PR4 to any of my, ftlenda who spr1ug sporU are In full sw1ut.
been. taken, only a few weeks ago. r1s, occurred on Sunday, July Ist, In may be sieldy.11 0 — M904 at TK SQUME GODEPUCH
Mi. Jacklin was in his 85tb year and jilmarftlne, where she had been visit, Ii you are aufferinp� froin am- irm- Vauvouveir,--Oyor
had long rosided on the 2nd coucos. Ing with her -aunt, she Was in her. dition due to poor, watery blqad. nv trackage Serving the ports or tue
slou of Grey. township, retiring to twenty-fifth year. The funeral wag weak nerves. bagin, taklm� Dr, Wil. Vancouver district will sibortly
Brussels about 15 years aqQ. . held At tile residence of her parents jams' Pink Pill& now, aril tote how have been laid by ilia CAUMUM R% -
Engaged as Principal for Blyth on Tuesday Afternoon, July Urd, in- your strength 4nd heal W14 14ilway. ocordWg to a OtAtt-
th v�'Ill im- moat Uotied by the -general WuPer. Port `XcNicollo Sweeping, out acrosa ., Agent wIll gladly ftivo yaa t1la4tratQd
a Oro an full inforratign on the
School torment being made in Illuevale, com- prove. You, can got these pills tatOW04t Of the dietrict.. , orho 'LaRe Huron, through t1I0'9tG%t S')al liter, t d
At a special meeting of the Blyth etery. through Any dealer In inedlelne� nV trackage, Is deoignod to take tare of 0=11, and out over Lalto t9up�-Vlor, Lake of Days. Ask him f;,t a lls� of
'Dr. N 'r 'n hotels and cottage$ fro'.0 NVIIJ411 to,
school board on Friday night, June XeLeod-51acDonald at 50 cants a box froil, The Vil. 41'Otes4r and llerrual growth ju th4 greatest body of fresh watt
29tb, Norman Garrett, _w�o has Non Olobe, Presbyterian churcho Toron- liams, Medicine Co., Drock%'I116- 'Unt- 'trade throUsh Vauioauvor and a1w the, world, Your dteams, thareforu, make your selection.
principal of Wrdxeter continuation to, vma tile, scene of a. quiet wedding In w0Aw*X,-d, can Inatoriallm 4114 100TO SO it YOU
0, . a0th,
on Saturday aftern June 0411 upon the Canadian Pacific Rail,
Ine Vast six years, WAS 44n. greater part of his 111e.. As a young 'Irou movement which this Year I
-caged as principal of Blvth continua. when Verna No arle, y goat, daugh- Iman, Mr. Paisley was'a wagon mak. has rowbodothe rowr4l of 03,000,00(), Way, Obtaining all InfortatitioXi ro-
ti4il'seboal to Succeed Miss worsoll, ter of Mr. and TXTrs.-D ac oualli, jer later b4coming a successful -build. Xarding this wonderful trip, and fill -
who resigned. ' . : . Wirghativ, beeiime, th �bride of 31r� 1111i contractor. For many, years ho :411Y asking tual, for rosori4tl6n%.
John 3%ravi, McLeod, soll'of Mrs. J *%was license inspectoi-of Ruvon. Court. John Walter, co-proprletor of the
It. MoLood, Soutl%ampton, Rev, go ty during and following the opera. L01140ATIMOS vfth,�ftjortba non. SOCIAL "I NOAT321IN
A pretty wv4diug took place at the Lean pfficiating. The y con 0 tion. of the Scott Act. For a quarter J. J. Astor, arrived ill Montreal WOODS
Wifigham; United -church parsonage trip on the Great " Os 'In of A. century ho had lived retired, al� lately whore he addrosaad a gather- Doop in the Pwcrt ed 0,). -OwNI
on Wodnesday, Juno 27th, at 3 o'clock ay , t YOU,
n iioir retmu v,111 r,--,?Je in North auspices of -the Na. north country, 4114don by pine topped
I . 4 ways enjoying excellent health. Mr. Ing under tile
of Mr.'oud 01-rs. R.:8. Campbell -was -was prominent in Maso�Ap Walter is covering the Dominion chain of sparklirifS 'blue la4es khtYwil
when Autle Bligaleth, only daughter Torou"'O. Paisley tioual Council of Pduextion. Ur, hills and thick virgifi' forost-0, lies A
married to Mr. Andrew Benson To. Submit Bylaw For Now IfIgh oircle. and always took' %n active, tiver'Cauddlau Pacific Itallway lines as Lake Of Lay,c Almost ualmown,
School part in municipal affairs. Political-
Stmghiln, son of . Mr. and Mrs. J. . and will make hd4resses In most to the outside warld matil a faw Neqrs
godericli. Rev. Bid. At a special meeting'of the Vxeter ly, be wos- a Liberal'aud an ardQut to the larger ottles. He Is the 11(th eSO� lake.; hBV0 bevowe tile
Straugban, of, r ago, th
110y Davison conducted 'the core. council on, M6ntlily eveltingi July 2nd, Admirer of Laurier. He was a life. member of the famay, being a summer playground a,.' vaeatioulSta
Mony� it was decidea to submit a bylaw to, long Pre6ytqvlan� Besides his wid- direct A",ce'Ad4ut of the famous and tourz.'sta.
Teacher iea.ves for Peru the ratepayers Of Exeter asking I -or. qw, Mr. Paisley is survived, by fivie John Walter, to be 6W4O at this The Lake 6f llayq dintikb ii 10TVC
xisa, Jea-4 L �$20,000. to erect a now four-rooin high dalIghters, namely, IMrs. It. il. DUP3. aewspa:per slace 1785. enough to enjoy i�oluslon'ind tvholl,
,Dve, a daughter of �Jr4 school, Dr. H. J. Browning and Mr. more,, St. Thoma4;'Mrs. I)ou Bowen, day of backwoods'life-4f that i3 dc.
and Mrs'. L. Love, of 'Andrew Street, j. . 0. Stanbury representing the Washingt6n, -Ch� Ohio-, Mrs. Paul IP
04 a. loug trip -frm Ontario to sired. If plenaurej gayety all -I 'Jv)y-.
Exeter, left Monday, July Aad� foil scbi)ol board, walted on the council, Bowen,. Tecumseh,' MA- Mrs. Will nrussols, Belgium, forty -muskrats ous coillpationsillu_ 11 y.yuj. )141 l,
Telera, Peru, where she will teach the Suck, Oakland, Calif., -And Miss rsa. lately. left c anado, o, . , c. P. h, , v The Wt few 'Yeam -113va
abd presented the resolution adopted' , board.the goal, there are largo lukur"Ous llotC4 brought to tOim#dw6lloTq
children of Imperial Oil erAP10yees- at the last :meeting -of the Board of bel Paisleyr of Richland, Park, Mieb_ g, s, 11arburn -bound for 'Astworp. —ultra.modorn�Nvhoro ignif, tonnis. many new oonvonIOA03 atX4
She is to he congratulated on the up- Fdoe + also three Solis. 0. L. Paislev.: Olin. rue. tinal destAnzetion. Of these W4-
, paintment, as it carries with ' , atloh. The requist., to 411 ols are bowling, aw. in lig may neeunv Y,)111
It A sal� $20,000 for a now. public schoofrvai ton.. DavI4 of Montreal, And Steivart mals is atarm neajr Bruas wh
ar.y of about $2.000,with'all expenses rec.eutlyturned down by. the ratepay- of Toronto. -they wil-l-forallbe lracleus.ot a makes a Ile �eet e -td to a perfact tltov, .6wn
The tt
0 a, her P nid the ratenayers ari'now asked 'bile bauilled � by IV a
paid and a wald'to keep h use f rta active to 0
rsa musUrat farm. W Any Can than ational Rallw, rt cularly a
inhor new home. i to grant* the money f 004E AND -SEA the c4nadian Pacific Fxprm Coto;. rarge, number of homo-101-
or a .-new high
school. vote will bei take during the entire voyage, the. �ng people to WIXOM city ljf6
Death. or Mrs. Gi(ify The n On Rally
'July Rrd. A. Well Advised floliday Tonic From animals were fod two ounces of Its higher east of livinst
The death occurred Thursday mor- with kat
The Maritlies oats and fWr ollUes 01 carroto doo,4 not uRike suffloic
ning, Juue .28th, In Blyth, of A.Irs, I Death of. Ivirs. Jas. Sutherland daily with* water once every two pew.
,Gidlyi in her 69tli year, �;idow,, of;, Harriet t. Dent, wl4ow of James Spend this year's vacation by the days,
the late, S1. H. Oldly; Who for iliany Sutherland, died on Sunday, July seashore. Let 'the seeht-9f the pine Home-lovIng people, are A6 -
years conducted a, tallorini. . and gth, atherhome, Uensall, in her'03r4 and the racy tanj of the balt n Saskatoon411,1.�, bolleve I have turally strong for tht� hoT40
grent's , furnishing business there. i ea air when furtb0
.eAr. Mrs. - Sutherland had been -a bel� to- fill the dayp with wyous round a wheat w1hich,, ties, and for keeping: up i,
Mrs.G.idlyls inaiden na-me was Rehec- i�sjdent of RQnsall for.over 90 years. health. aerveloped, rust�, friends.. Long; Diatance,en-
:,Ul,�be greatly
had been I ables thc,m to keop 14 toijoll
cW Taman and she A real She was born in Embro, -daughter of Ocean p unges'every. —gollIng, reststant'!, Seagor.WUeelori
dent of Blyth for many years. ;,Col. Sohr) P, Dent. Surviving Are m otoiing, boating, tramping. Somo� several times winner of the Inter- -with a wido circlo, of friends
one eort and daughter� : George 1. thing to do every national wheat award. He went on
minute. Pioton A the surrounding terri.
A pretty wedding was - solemnized Sutherland, postmaster at Hensall,. Lodge in Nova Sootia, !A a well re-, to explain that 4thOrugb he w tory, XXA4 the low rat�s AV*
In the -vestry of Ranleigh Ave, Vnit� and 'Miss Ilattle Sutherland,.. al,.io of commended resort. hotel, Plenty, of quite sure that thts now ty" � wh1oh An Inducement to, do SO.
ed church, Wingh4m, oil Saturday, Hensalh There, also survive two sls� other iteconnnodation too--co3y fiarm he developed from the ldot% $train
June 306- at 8, o'clock, when Mary ters, Mrs. A. U, Carroll and Mrs. J. �Ornes inexpensive woodland resorts Would vroteet crops In the province L, ven. wbor6 circutusitancog
from rust damage, be 4W not,tbtuk carr:� town-dwellera alwl%ys
E. (Mitriej, daughter of Mt. and Wrii. F. Scott, both of Woodstock, and, a, or oligh�ftil. haven I a an the sea, the ieaollottioa of, � tho
George. T. - 161iirts6n, ot - Wingham, .brother, Hi M. Dent, of Suabitriy"... shore. that 00'*botit woqwi be abao&441Y
tree tram ruot um4or 411 conditigivii., ."home'toW41 of friends mind
Out.', became the bride of Mr. Victor Alyth Assess�iellt, Aipealed to Judge Any Canadian Nqational'Agont� will 11owever, lie *olleldefed from the neighbourals always pred�
'Ont, son -of the I gladly, give you information about
A. Wilson of'Weston.. Voll6lvitig many 07,prossions.of dis- 'possibilities of our Marl- results of his experialents that. wdiritheliesnofths! ftt, Sind they look for0ard
am the holiday n under the worst ocinditious, business district. to talkinif with them from'
Into Mr�' And Mrs' Will' Surgess'Satisfaction Over the assessment in times. Write 6r aSk 'for jjjU trat-od ove
6:1, 1 11. 1 BlYth and -efforts,by the village coun- literathre. .a such as olase of 1927, this wheat 0vSrI"AgGrand0r,1,w%r� time to time, by Dis-.
I -oo Hot*
oil sitting us a tourt of iovision to .,Would u0vW.:J*t6TW1y 1:10 dow*l A roodorn lro-pt tance.
0. ms, each with bath.,.
a 44- 1 .1 1 sooroo ivlrld� upv
adju t the complaints, a !Iumber of SUNWR COMPLMNTS Rates.- $X ara. I
01'. ratepayers, still unsatisfied, present- KILLUT=0NES..
-claims before Judge Lewis, KS blATZRIA Famous $1aur0,(%t4A(It%u01Q
ed their It is our desire at Also COF to-shop7
of GodericJI, At a hearifig recently. At the grat alkn� of illness during certain timel of Aul
Twenty-tbree citizens appealed their the, hot Weather giver tb6"little one the year to get aw4y from the (tin of
cases to the judge, Mr. Dancey of Babyto city traffic, and out to where the FROTIEL
Own Tablets or in a few
(36derich, 'appearing fav the UPPOI� hours he may be, beyond aid. I These slightest noise would., - The instantly
lanis and Mr. Vailatone of Wlngham,� Tablets will prevent summer coin- noticeable- We often think of being, ]REIN F_
for the council. The appellants con.
plaint if given occasionally' to -the aboard a steamer out In mid ocva",�
tended that the reevo, and council had well child, and will prompty ralloye where 'time hangs peacefully � upon 1 - MI CA' 'H
illegally raised the assessment and those ey come bu sud- - and the �Worrlos of life ET1111211T
troubles it th hands
after discussion,' the court appointel denly. Baby's Own Tablets should hygou% fled., We dre-am . of- .6080
Col& lqtepa�ted colds brought a time for Zlel to argue the ease always I)e kept in every bouie, where things', yet little do We realize that
and- on Hemoq%ges of the before. him. The judge these 4reams . can Como true if we
Lung Lungs which Increased in 811990W there are you= . children, - Thera, is
tliat it might, be advisable to,rovert no other. modicine as good and the -but pause for one moment to tiink.
jib opite of all ray doctor
to the Assessinent of last year. It mother lifts the guarantee that they What of inland waters? .11vto only
could do.
was further Argued by the Appellants are Abs6lutbly safe. They aie� sold think of thew as being fit for an�41or.l
-s or will the malled on and those wl�o delight in - canoomir.
Calid- 411 had �heqrd Of the that they -paid the cost of the Appeal by all druggis'
derful results obtabled by, - and. that, those who did not partici. receipt of price, 25 cents per box, by But of -steamers with broai white
It In sanjo
use of 0411a hor's Indian pate
have no right to share in ally The Dr. NVIlliarnall Medicine Co., deckat where we can st
,flqdth Lung Remex,so decided reduction. Ont, A little bO6.klot, quiet corner And give ourselves up to
to try it ... and now L Death of"Wlllk�Xv .1. Paisley "Care of the Bhby ill Health -and drearily tho"lit, do we ever tlllnitof
am welM,
ell possibilities? They do exist,
dosm The -death of one of the oldest, And gickness," will be Zent free to Any SIX
r on roquest and"think of It, for two whole daks on A., KIM. W11:8
Thia fine old Herb Medicine most 4peeted citizens of the town rnothe alil'*ean of your own, 'ernbarkirg At
of Clinton took place Sunday worn- ...... om"
-supplies the bl*od with ingo July Sth, in the person of Wil- Time Has Tested lit,,—Dr. Thritugg'
strongthquin5ingredients* E
market RMOS ANTS
neallng Up liam J. Paisley, in big 88th year. Mr, )�iclectrjc Oil has been on the
tissues. Taken regularly it wig Paisley's death. was the result of a upwards of fifty years and in that 1110ACMIS 310THS
fbrtifyydu Against colds, It qu. 'fall lie suffGrOd On' fWdYo which time it hao pr6ved ablosging, to thoul.
a bottle handy, ternal Injuries. Tito late Mr- PablOY out Cava& and its excellence has
bara at Smith Valls, Ont., later
monla;- hemorrakes, etc. etP broke his hip and caused, gorlotiq in- safids. ilt is in high favor through.
W45 ca;ri�d its fame 'beyond the softa. If GOD
m 'ng to Wroxoter. Ont., and hj '00 it would be
ovi it wore double the pri
lived in Clinton And vicinity f la cheap liniment.
_41% 700 for &W 30 Twg
Horinil .)%uohold 115nnsdloa Jis
Mutual Life.
Assurance Cow'Any
,,of Canada
D. 110ONEY" Agent
pno"In 250
E.�Akfl-� ST. : . Gompnclr, otzz
J. R, Wheeler,
Forieral Director and
Goderick OMATIO
All att"knac! to
tl:%y or Hipht.
r%nAto", Stoto. 835� IT00" 85511v
Cana&n homq
is passed the �Icirj of
i finer, richer coffee
--a cosee distili.
shod by inellow-
fragrance and
Ino)VO P leasing
vaeledes selected
firim the world's
twest coffee planti,
tions—hitrid.ed. with
inute me, ground
avid roisted by the
most approved of
sealed in air -tight
tins, mak� 63OLD
tho-, finest ever ofet.
td tO tht CAna&m
At4 YOtIt! g
.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11-1 You had rs two4arxill�
you wouldwt let krilf of it stand vm'.. Clark's odutd, Moat* 3 tor 2U.
mosimch M*At 15d &A
ant, bringinz you in notIft". not tealyl, ratio$ 270 Nd,
did you evot, think, of renting youll C. & a. Fish r4dot 27d Sao 14stasialt#4
coal blos gor, t1to Summer .1 Tito 14011,,V offailim. 0400
Hoat. V olks are in the nlavkot f6r ?UAL1TV VANNE0 Apo
alpty C-031 b4l, Isny, Size will do. If
10i 8
you buy YOU2 coal NOW, Yom Can 111. 1 2, 1W. 214 milytiold
paekwt tho. i-normy it would CO3t uo.to,: vnravidlh� 38fl
atore It until Vall. Priem nro ao#
nk nell elleapar 0at yon will 7011jjo V'rl �
rmtlrldally larpo returil on th� D�=O, CROWN FaVOT JA" Rif &AUM
that %yould othin--ovice lay vae-ast. sa, Wd.u--i t1kne JAm 43* 25*20"1*
addotzln to tho sati6faction 01467
cot for W11 into? tirno.
CALL TO 11 2.r4 t'A94 �#-1 t4or mtU7 cxgs, 3 to, 2S lot NoWe
rAA 0
for Goc I Cleau (A, a�, 3 ftft, 2S#
IM126ft" at"" OL"'M "A"