HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-07-05, Page 3T
THURSI)AY. JULV bts, 1V2S. iftL wiLmAlull 6L,AK
,,',Bladder Weakness,
maft gmt "W uttk am I
summm commAllff Neighhorhood News Nuggets Daily Annoyance J
Mrs. Th",)ire Juvott, Autbovy, Outq, Q_
wriM*:-o1A*t Fall I U"Tly lost my Relieved in 24 Hours!' its"
LtU* gill as A@ was suffering tenibly 1; a
grom surpmer watpislat. Sba boosaw ficked From Our Exchanges I I
wry sin auawftk; ladito smuto, Chemist TAN of Great New Remedy
ud could hardly walk across: this Tom 'that Give4 quick. Vertain Athef 'Ireosure IT
without falling down. At last Jay Win. Neu as at Ivincipal ODf cq the fire was unknoxvr. luvitea All To Try It the A jj r it kj
3aOber adviiied nle to pt a bottloot "Itel":411 school veath of miria jtaft Kerr 0
While seriouqy it negleeted, it ii!
Mr. Witi. McKay, who has been Tito death qe;,,urred at tile howw% of., wi%y otdinaril all vasy ulialpor 0 I(ex
PATIRW21 ' of thi Ifensall Publie Mr, and Mrs. NVm. Nelk-nald, of Kip�- quickly viieve Iladder Wvukn,�4s aild
School for over thirty =, ball, we, 1yen
J� on Monday. June- 25th, of M .9'Irritation., Paiwi in back unkl down 0 0
signed and will now a well rin bet kSlrdyear. Mias- XorN. through groins, frequout daily an. F40
earned rest. W43 a well -"own and rcspecteil resi- noyanee and troublesome nighp��by Gr
BurtrowArt dent -a Refisall for a good m4my the pleasant home use of Syrol, Tob-
i or
In St. Pulls church, Wasb,.tgo, on years- lets, which any Soc-41 --druggist, will
$aturday, June 23rd, . Zurich Bay Is Fatally Burned furnish in iwaled Packages contahi.
1928, hr the
Venerable Archdeacon Burt, fatliorof gitiffering front burns recelved ing two weeke supply oil guaraut�e
tile groom, Miss Katie Sinton Cowan, when I can Of coal Oil which 110 WAS Of 3110110Y IbUk 011 first I)OX PUTC1185-
of Seafortb, Ont., to F. A. Burt, man- fboldin ed, if results Aire not fully satisfw-
g exploded, Morley Sitimon, 11 gtjj�,A d"Otatt e
of tlit- Spruce4alo (branch of the ve4v old son of Chester Salmon. of ory or,, 61N.
ana after sbe had tOAOA� it Ia* "I agetinion Ban4. ttessO
voin, t K; Matter" how atubborit, tttm
049 W" sellevelL Zurich, died In St. Joseph's hospital. I of bow long standing your at toll U -0n.
I aw found it a V40 nmeav folp Hiorn Burned London, carly Monday ifternoon, -1111-w �' . 'L%utwo -
ersatpo, and would not bO Without P I v shed June 23th. C480 may be, you can easily provo tbo t
Thel largo bank barn, str4i value ot Syrol Tablots in a few days' io0s, Gte�
bottli To He Married IA England V 40110
pen of Mr. Walter R. Alll� I time—aud you,are -invited to do so ot 'ovxx
ler, '10'.41ts
of it in % the YAOUN folp 440, and 11OR
thing.11 14th con, of 1147, two Iniles South miss Constance Charlotte Charleu. without slightest risk of cost Unless
Has been on thO =SrUt fQT Over fa L
of the Zurich Road, were totftll� do. worth, daughter oil W.- and Mrs. Hoc. Ot 0 �W4 to
Vitro; put up only bt The T. 31ilur# stroyed by fire on Saturday, June tor Charlesworth, Torou pleased with results. Start the test 4001 stol: 'is, ti�tt
Co, Limited, Toronto, Oak Uri and Mr. of Syrol today�and von may look for Is es
Ift, at about six Welock. The cause Louis A. Maegay" of Heasall, a for. improvement Inside of 24 bourz— to
mer ftilliant graduate of Clinton Col- ask your dru jotor
_4=4� i !
IMUSIC leglate, wore inarried In England the
lost week.
LXURA 4ACKSONPA. T4 A it Engagement SCHOOL REPORT$— le*t,
instruction given In piano, Residence Mr. and MrS. T S. S. NO. 71 Colborne Ur V
Thos. Harvey, Zxe
souttleail. corner of Dayfleld and Brl- The following is the school report vatelomi 0% to 7 -
ter, -Out., wish to announce the jon. U i
tannia Road. of S. 8. No. 7. Colborne, * dointes Ole 30 two
gagement of their daughter,, Mildred 'tiXt'at grew ove I
Maude, to Mr. John W. Batson, sell promoted conditionally. Jr. IV.— fol:
TXGAt: CARDS' toll ErAmersonDurst, John V00
of Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Batson, of -Elmer Lee, *Harvey Ale- os't
Toronto, the marriage to t4k W114511111n,80" 9,13, 430
o PlIc, Michael. Sr. 111,Ruby Hutchins. 000 .014
the middle, of JuIV. FAw4rd McWch40I.' Jr. TIT.—Dot,. T 10% 03. sj)et�tjp
Barrifiter, Solteftor,.NotarY Public, rkto., T., A Suddolk Call tit cu�.' othy Fisher, Verna Hutchins, Elmer ot.vto
Samuel Vonstone teop't, .
, of the 0 Fisher, Harold Stevens, Sr. IT.— gug)ot
Phone,97, Ottice, The Square, onaorfoh
�sliddeu Sam- RubyY�ung,.Xorma Le6elprank me -
raberry. received a 1A0t'.WV
W0 1% have be.en bothqcod 7nons on Tuesday, afternoon, Juno 26, Xiebaql,� Ruth Durat. Jr. IT.—Oubv U *e v%O
ERNEST LEE--. when he sucmmbetl to an attack of 'McMichael, Arthur MeMlcliztel, Lor- -wit
VlwaYs with a, am. in my heart failure In a gravel pit. Al.. �rine Fishe�, Leonard Fisher.
VarrIA00 and Solicitor In, . 1) rri-- teo
for yea% though in his, 80th Year, he waa most 44win Lee. Velen'Fisher. tevo
10 King Street East, TMAtot, 2 Ocaft 11active and 11i the 'best of health. *.M. UPPEHSON,
Telephones Elgin 140-SU7 "Swee Wing par
t of two Teacher. 4
Ropper-Itobertson, tU tae. ()jXM0
1"4 bottlesefRi0aygeme4y iodvoll . -
1W . S. No.' 17, W. Wswantish arid
By E.. HOUXES. any and Blood Purifier I,got The United thurch, Winglium, Avas Y.
oirrlstor, soumor. Nota relief." OT
TIVDI, : Ithe scono of a pretty wedding on Aiihfield
t a o'clock, June, exammations, Ste%
Public. conveyan6jr, R t C. Saturday, June 23rd, a 41 '00
POO -No 27 HAMILTON STREET hr, iwhen Elizabeth Viola. d'sughter of Jr. IV.—Anulo. Sprout, 70'. Carl
1* �' 4,1
Port, Boiskr, 0XI,
Pn w 4 Mrs. Goo. T. 'Robertson, was Finnigan, 61; Lenore Stothers, 604
Married to It. Rossql Hopper, of Clifford, Culbert, 60,- Stanloy XcGrai-
SPECIALIST, G41100heelt laduoy ltemedy�js Wingham. I The ceremony was 'Per- ten, .56.. Jr.. IIX.—Mitrg4ret Elliott, to
'by Rev. Sidney Davison.
wondmf4y healing. erbs. formed OU Braily MeGratten 60- Russel.Mc-
DR. 146 mineral drags. X0, guess Iness: Charmes In Luckbew Intyre. 69; Arnold I Ofver,' 67, Sr. IL'
ybu're 4WIllie, Sproul, DO;. Harry Gjrvft�. 50.
XYF:,� BAR, NOSE, TRIOOAT� Painful back, theumatiomi or Mr. Fred Stanley, of Lucknbw, has
te Honw Surgooa New Yoric h- iqold his Variety stor4i business to Mr., U.—Oltamli Uischman, 67, Har -
Vat any kidney or bladder ills, givc, "James A. Geddes of Kineardine, who 'ley Sproul', 64. Daily., Work, � Jr.
thalraid mod Aural HOsPItal, 49sist4a
oil tW ireowtk4ible o14 mcdici*e unio Sprout, 76; Lenoro Sto
moot �jo Hospital and Gold has taken charge. Anothor business
-by Mr., Donald
Smiarp Thmat 'Rospitah'toondou, Vng. a chun" is tho sale thers, -68; Clifford Culbert.'64, tan,
53 w0forloo St, fl, - TO -, - Carl Finnigan, 49.
'10 MacCharl4s of his grocery business ley MeGratten, 49,
Dedfotd, Goderl,111, on tho
At - ituiel, ot each month with King d3r&., Wing�am, for some
evenhig ar
tjX the following day, TuesdAY, at I time,
71; Arriold Olvar, 00, r% Sr. IT.—Will vu a' n A**j u riti
Vhova 267. to Mr, Marl� Cassels, who has heen Jr. III. --Russel McIntyre, 71,� Mar-
garet. 10,11iott, 71; Emily MoGrattep,
-7- P.M. Charles A. Rintoul Sproul, .98, farr GI In, 64, � Jr. I Is e R
—41minio isgulan Harry
LAG The death took place on Saturday, Sproul, 75. Num1ber I -roll '21, Av�, L 1AAA I T Z
0111ROPUCTIC KIDNEY June �Srd, of Charles Albert Rlutoul, eiage attendance 18% F..MacIVER,
'dence in
at his rest Wjogham� Teacher.
DRtfoLt�S PJAACTITIO'.99R., -RIEMEM Rintoul wao.bom in Lennox County
and had been a resident of this local- Dungannon Bons FoRmhtsTutin
Da"A. years. He was In his 66th PromoU*61% exams of Junior room,,
NO" Nouseho'ld panwd* is ity for,28
Year and ior"the past Sevgral years 8. AsUeld (Dungannon'Fub- Royal Bank Sultcfidg
had been in poorhoaltb- iie School):
C*rofvle, or"Unle slid Nervolls DO Jr. 111, to. Sr. 111, (total 7254 pass
Equipped with DlathetAILT, Electro. ouch 420—Carman Haines, 606; A no Telep
arr"a. Bedard
happy m4trIM
mapatio tiaths'. Elettron 0. Electric A very oinal event Young, 504; David Nivins, 4783'er't,
Tre ents . 2 d -ChlroPraotlo- took place * St. Peter'a, R. C. church,, Whyard, 463;. - Alva Nivius, P 46ja
-0 a ourg-4 to �3 arid, 7. to 9 P.M. Drysdale, on June 20th, when Rev, Thornton E;Gdy,. 452, Sr, 11,
L43eptlAS to. Jr
and poiAtmotit'.
L Father Jos. E. Gerard, united in holy' III. (total 625, pas � )—V r
$876 f1st honors); Audrey Congraln (Ist Airerage attendance 15.1. ADWRTISE IN THE STAR
. ...... wedlock Doiothy Bedard; daug4terof derson, 490 (hon,); Beth Par1c, 479 honors); Doris Swan (Ist, honors);
and da a ternoi4o irita eveninism I E MINE 0 na n.
0 0 to an# I to 9 1). in.
Mr 'and Urs� Jos:�S, Bedard, and WIL- (honL.); Myrtle Caldwell, 4291 Jilomie Thomas Johnstone and Donald, NO, BVS814 GRANT, Toachev. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lady in Attandantle... I;trd DuOiltarmia, Son OfLMr. and Mrs. Million, 413; Melba Fowler, 384; Wil- Kenzie. F.'CAMPBE1411 S.S. Xo., 11, AshAeAd and Colbot
Joseph Dudbarme, both families, liv- lie Reed, 333;' XejyIlle_0;:dbprt, 990. A SAF9 AND SURC
Ai oi� ing: at Dryadilo.
Arltanh1a Lucille Eedy.`9271:114 'Park (ric.) S. S. N 5, Colborne 'St. to Jr. IV.4sabol PollocI4 R101110y, Foil
Designation So6rilce Jr. IT. <total 280,' pass IS0--41,6is AILON CHILDREN
_71-;-Toily. Vx6oman, bi.l. Jr
t a Jr. IV,,—Alma Dougherty, 8.0,;4. Zr�
AUCTION BERING Tliadate, of the desigri6tldn servia Treleaven, 206; Donalda,-Tones JOS- The following Is the esuJf
Viola Young, 1801 Harold 0.1nniga ' Promotion examination Of S, S. No. 111. to Sr. llf.-�-Ircne Graham, 58.4;
for lWiss Dorothy 0. Douglas,. . Of nt R"S
int. , ertha, Jones, 163 Firt4t. Class' 5, Colborne,, .- From. Sr. 111,.io Jr. M Xarlon,Fo�tcr, 52.4, Clarenve-Essev,
THO%ed -to
JAS G'U$DRY. Lucknow, who,has been appo R71611 80, i6ass 188*1-�-Billla 140. —Doris lohnstoit,,88.1/c; Jack Hunter, 49.1. Sr. 1I.—Gordoit' Polloel; 68io-, MILLIE
the girls' S.ebool 1.Tamauji, Formosa, 0, : Crqe Freeman', ft
r Q0 I I Set for July oth 75, , ; LW4. Horton, Cecil' Pollock; -68.0; Ittyrtle Voator, I
Live Stock slid general Auetlonee�# I WW % the Presby- Clure. :C60; Alvin Read, ft; Albert FrOmL Jr. Ill. . WOR
. HaLmiltoll Stre kt, Goderlob at Liibknow, the ser-� Riviett" 60. Sr. Printer (TOW IrIO) 63: to Sr. IIIi—Evolyn 84.0.1 gory Vrooman, 04. The high- I
Sales made everywhtleriand all ttfoitS as low I'torlan church
Vice to, be in CMrge -Of (Rev. 0. Jr. Dorothv Itobb, 179; Irvine Eedv, Girvin, 08,1 Harold Freeman, 50, Rdb- eat mark -6btainea In memory worlc Powl:
made to'give YOU S1tjSf9btlOn' Ma 115: Billie Caesar, 170; Donald ert'CO0k, 48. From Sr, 11. to Jr. 111. Marion Vaster, 100; In Literature— bt, 8 .
varmai,4i sale. notes 4190ounted. - .' I I A c0onaldi- 'moderator. of the Wait- Wolker. 168- Forne Alton, 164.L Alma —Apdrew Freeman, 70; Jack Cook, I Alma Dougllertf, '90; In Writing— OWMIN NO MA
land Prasbytery,
FmT ROBERTSON. Arderson. 160,* Violet trrin n. 158, 65; Grace Hunter, 62; Billie Free -.i Isabel Pollo_ , 8; In History—Tony,
PLOB . #;'
Round ro Ur18tTW$ Jei"s-W. a] . kinshayt Alchatd ParR,-148- Madeline- Cqpsar man.: 59. Jr.' It.—Pearl Huhtei. 1. 1 Vrooitian, 98', in Itealth'study—Alma,
knvfio"t-i.� 'rldork St. Goderlob At three o'clock OUL Saturday after- 68 (ab -1. L Prinior—Donald Itoss', —Clifford Horton�',� Beryl Pro. -man, 'Dougherty, 00, O.J.FINNWAN, XWXvr.A* INUGAR
a ilm 1 1. N or
w114'ropdOet and arrange ativ sale on noon', June 23rd, 'a quiet we Rar�vey Culbert, Vera Rivott. Viola, Frank. Cook, umb on roll 11.
the latest Mcithnds to 90t hP-';t reifttltl- OEM the capitals of ouroph—the took place at the 'home of the brldd'a' NIV1113. DURNIN,
c - dro" a Oard Rnd he will 'athedraj�_
See h1m. At attention MaPle street Clinton wholi
give it. Irmnodiate 'Mother,
Carrie Ruth, younge'st.daug9ter of S. No. 6, Ashfield NEW D
V.aleq a glleehilty. let spend on -your mean fates only CABIN UNERS SEA I ANDAR
6116011. Promoted from V.—
the cost ,of ga averago:,va Walkinshaw, waa united fit marriage Perilloo. Roach (Ist class honors);
Mrs. W,
I Mkinshaw and the late James 9r. nt,. to Jr. I
NOTARY PUSIAr", STIC on' rilit
Sailing Canadian Paclik T to Mr. T. Itees Jenkins, of Woodlarida -Bellv- Swan --and James Reed (2nd -
Third Cabin YOU .89 14 Euro" via Form, Huron road west, the Rev. J.
11 r3l, alki r1m elass'honor-01. From Jr. 111, to St.
Ia. L 110
theftLawteace,"themightywater E. Hogg performing the -01170ATIOny. III.—Mary Million (2nd c Sg n
boUlovard,to Europe?' Your stAt0- Gow.'Wilson, ors) recommended, William Culbert
Gand C.'ontpatife.14 rod.io 1i cheerful. oiry and brkht. St. Andrew's United manse, Blytb, and va lklaize. From Sr. IL to arl
Phone I quiet but pro
'tty III.—Margaret Stewart (2nd clasa
NO. .- 2 - 98; Your ineils- are of the famouis was the scene of a ay'L honors), _ _From
Jr. Ir. td %r.*,IL—
CanadianpacjIloqwdity. Wujmy� wadding on Wednead June 20, at
I lsvff,�Xcs high noon, when Rev. George Weir, Catherine R61d, Han-� Congram,
PIeatyofde&kt%ce, There Issome B. A., united m' rparria 1 3 Luela; Bell, Kathleen McKenzie, Jack Johnston
thing doingeveryminutoofthe day. (recommended). Jr. TI.—Clata. Reld.
I jpjrj'j� 1.�N. (fft- youngest daughter of 11r., and Mt1j.
Af6XjLf,nP SIOTTYA -o 1.
*Y, . * . 1, From Printer to Jr. 1.—t.-�rna Roach
*cr ,Tames, T. Wilson, of F
ast. Womgano8h,
AN i, 00,NIPMN
SCONOM1141" TOO" and Mr. Win, Henry Gow,, son of Air.
14oLATELI I1O%VN PROV, 0 oftee32dar
In 4 And GobtimMit and Utz, Wm. Go*, of Imigt1t,
Ti To 0$3 THE C,
Itits r -f proppetv inqvieeif up to -fall. 71 0"t"16 Gooffrey-Bedaril
Va it
uary A very. happy and Interesting mat-
OFFTCOB441101'14 eanoliv, Pr
&S your kmi 0*0i or 1:1monial event.took plaeo-in St. Pet�.
T.34, P3111no ViPO-P
Hay8l sea,, PA3RXER er's, 11. C. thutch, Dryodale, when GODERICH,
dent, 110P X004, T
Rbv. Father J. E. Gerard united in
rmaq., sparorth., Gait 4
P Niel Lt. marriage Gertrude Bedard, daughtei
11vtothrop. Win.
forth" J. 0. Grip Of M:r. and Mrs. Joseph Bedard, of
4rqejrersmTth.* Int
wrill. constanep, aenrao MP-aVtftPV. 18t-4osepb, and Mr. Nelson Geoffrey, 14 4M, J00
otingest son of Mr. and Mrs. Le-ou 06
Gibson. 13ruoenold. UZ131XY�l on June 24th.
A09.*jT.S--J. W� TOO,
telteb, Clinton. 'ftj. r.hP$n!y'L ScA_ h1ft-chell-Itogatth
#%141 Ao*r dvd-ft" fir . YW -
445AMeth. � __ __ . - T_
Policy NoIdArs pa" villt.mplr a!
1 . at R. It. (11tt's ptf)re, 1*odf
101" H*
Have ft attende4 t6 bY th�
r8tollshed 1819.
Broph 0 1 Brft
'tit q -PIC"
L" ag
jaadl V=61mors
ofdflrS 4t1tWillly Att#Vjej f6
At gill h4Ur*_-ftle%t or day. We
Aire tlit i"#*W,01* of Aftstoroy in
ft *0 0* ow X'Ymo* 1�
M QUAIR WOU14.1819 Was $Ulf,=11200 at
044 Pdc cmft� the a it -at. United parzonago . XP, -
'*# ror
ple =Ukqt:� 441 on Saturday, June 23rd, wh6n
'Rev, C. Z. Noorhou8c united in mar-
rial; FAith, fron second d4ijkli r
d Mrs. "Pred oratth. and
� NS Of z
-1 ' ; U R A N C E 11. '6 f, 11
HPIAD OVVICL WATTS1,00, ONT The young couple will rdtide at Sioux, it cood intorcot on your
Lookout. h1VZ5tnUo%11;ta,1 liced this tollopla W. ordn'
D. DO. ROONK Agent -11 1,4�#tneral of W. C. Far4uhAr Vepo!sit a Nuful of Troat Foltz 0 In
PROV111 The furiortd of the'late Wilfrod C. your Cellar and YOU'll WcOivo c r
"arqubar, who2o dcath occurrod af- pound heat nent wintor. Buy nuV:
rAiT- 8-4. 66miten. omk. AU flaueS3 of V611113 moot'lls. to5k
tal �and you buy oil a low 'lattOwt auld,
I to from tho 1witio a his fathor �gct dividoenda In dellarn au -1 ltc^at-
j r. George Var"1911ar. of the Gra"i,
ead, reir Clinton, on Friday jart.,ji Whon you put money to woll", gor
jurn 12nd. Mr. Farqubar, who wai von 61:3 way you act a 1116,11 ra0 of
in the Wfilo of YOU49 1116L,419,11 intevc:t ar'd hold all tile rc�euwity. t�3a.
b6ne, in WS thirly-eighth M, 113-d
onjoyed ga9d h6altla untiy a ffw CALL - TIIZ
month!s ago and for tbo rwt mcrth
hN Conditiln bad bec'n er2�101 and in
cr,�,tr 61 All that rotill b"I dwto he,
nrew wora6 until the oerd eame. I It j!
o mirvivett ty hi3 father. cr,3 troth -
or, ("Itttf-tr Var�(Uhxr, of -F*51-,1t3 �%;l
I Fof 0004 Claxi (0A
oul Sister, mfs�'Jehq WkirfA, 0, Qwjf�'i
TI&I fp_, 8, yoapgP r6t, Stc-rim-14 x"41
fwo Follrot d-sughte"m MaigAro�
Je3n. L 81 cll'l YA- N y
or� d44 'Al:^ pswtl; Ma, Ilk ftA�vj p%o"
died tf6 3rears ogl- ft
&T� _7�;� _114
0 4SO&O.., ft
'PU00P tliat tho St. TAWToneo routt, is rapidly in- orclu
4creMaIng 10 r1OpU1&dt$P 410 that An ersk Of COA- MUsi
VAued prospolty fs,prtdieted for her ports, Is shOV-11 Ono
fjyl the *dffltlen 40f f0tir tOW Cabin &AS$ liners of the t%=
iftew "Duthvosll typd to the AtIntifio flmct of, tho and
'Conitdiam Pacific, 0
The, Duchess of Bedford, leadler of this. �nusv!ktta tha I
of t1w. lar*est lbw-rs to, Montreal, at -rived in that 32t wcig
at SAS 'V.im June Rile hav!113 COMPlated htk M3.114011 Conn,
voya" in exactly relen days after lexVing LAVerpool. walp
Tho lider is over 20,000 ton3 gwss register, Is oil ucca
ba"Irr, two4annelfcd, and ro'ca-mve'l rTno feet . 5a $*We
lowit *td 75 lett in width. she will cArry cabLq "k
Clsm, Tourist Thijrd (labin. and Third Cla�s p—o-ten. tho 1.
Iti each class broad deck mv4ce ig avaiNble, Caw
4YA w-tommodation ii far enmlor to more e!p�nsivo tcht�
�qoattefx on, Atlafit,'e Erxrl ct Mt Innit ow. TM tbrC3 (M!
NfAer ehips of tho Di'Aact'l of rl�!d_fbrd, 0-'w Under ttzo I
touttaltHim in the cNpt%M�Lnx 'TAM11 ef the Clyde,, ewxpt
otre t4h Doelt!s cif Atholl, VwheAs Pf Ci3rnwAl1O atod shtp- 1
of fiichr=d, PNc�
The fadved in fw:m
ro-okins th!s Pnmtn_--� rf rt -Mord on 64)4tstflins nAr. Ara
L"o Pe.,;UtAfl1,F. 1ur in4tafte, 'Phil# tho sbjes Soled
W1t---At% IM4*2rY vfdw 01-3wing thi t4ift 41r-%k1MN ftfflft
Abo Arrsred
3tra-15 PlAV9 in flo Clabill Dining P.0-orn &4
, 1� rolayo by uleans of z1cZQP"rfwA And afft�
ra to tho Tourist Third Cabin and Third Clast
gt3 and decks. Uud-i5peakerm stso aimpUfy. the
4s3ion '02 order$ to the forecastle, crows, nesto
thor Inter(loting facts $boat tht of
)uetc*.3 of Bedford Srot�&b ths t*jAr'Pr.arejjO§j%-
I Iat� tons CA6, and tho 186 foot ettel sbaft
'k with the owerfal turbilfte engiftes,
I About 103 tons. Ne"kv two millian tivets wero
Ia ttzo ellip, totalling 1,0900, tons in tbev"SeNts,
of the 143tes baving As Irony as 009 vivt,3 e*CK,
"o ad,�cnt of tho gte,%t;,r
35�lcnge7 and freiSht, tPrv2c-e_q =CnWncl, by tM
aian rtexiho on tht [X. Lawmerct ratlto� The
into of passerger niliingi Nkd alresl� been in -
cd tbjs mmilrer by 8pfeding fte "Im-nabotle, of
fl*n% a tour�fmtpkly bgtls t'3 mett thq
ted e%pm%loft of tvaffic'. ne 4.peatlrl�l elms of
newco:fti�ers to the st, Uwrencgo *L110i, MOrt b"Is
4 by the estaXan flatift on 61% ev?Tallively
%t eervlee. They rnia resuh(Irly between xontrt4l
S"d contivintsl xby�, t4slcumt( 0*68t 44
Cme AS tte P"# ebser riem 0
A qqiet but pretty-ivedding was
.0d at tho home Of LMr. Arth.
ur Clark, at Sioux Lookouk Oii Eat-
-Mutual Life
11rda:7, Juiw 23rd, by Roy. P� G. Ale-
'Pherson, whon DOAS Elizabeth ltosl,�
1B. A.,ditughter
of D.C. antlMr&
! Rom of Brusaela, was� united in mir. -
riago to Mr. GiftrA Swartnian, of
of Canttd*
the Provincial Air Foilco at Sioux
lookout, and ton of 0. X. and Mrs.
.ZorikVfrAn" A#
HPIAD OVVICL WATTS1,00, ONT The young couple will rdtide at Sioux, it cood intorcot on your
Lookout. h1VZ5tnUo%11;ta,1 liced this tollopla W. ordn'
D. DO. ROONK Agent -11 1,4�#tneral of W. C. Far4uhAr Vepo!sit a Nuful of Troat Foltz 0 In
PROV111 The furiortd of the'late Wilfrod C. your Cellar and YOU'll WcOivo c r
"arqubar, who2o dcath occurrod af- pound heat nent wintor. Buy nuV:
rAiT- 8-4. 66miten. omk. AU flaueS3 of V611113 moot'lls. to5k
tal �and you buy oil a low 'lattOwt auld,
I to from tho 1witio a his fathor �gct dividoenda In dellarn au -1 ltc^at-
j r. George Var"1911ar. of the Gra"i,
ead, reir Clinton, on Friday jart.,ji Whon you put money to woll", gor
jurn 12nd. Mr. Farqubar, who wai von 61:3 way you act a 1116,11 ra0 of
in the Wfilo of YOU49 1116L,419,11 intevc:t ar'd hold all tile rc�euwity. t�3a.
b6ne, in WS thirly-eighth M, 113-d
onjoyed ga9d h6altla untiy a ffw CALL - TIIZ
month!s ago and for tbo rwt mcrth
hN Conditiln bad bec'n er2�101 and in
cr,�,tr 61 All that rotill b"I dwto he,
nrew wora6 until the oerd eame. I It j!
o mirvivett ty hi3 father. cr,3 troth -
or, ("Itttf-tr Var�(Uhxr, of -F*51-,1t3 �%;l
I Fof 0004 Claxi (0A
oul Sister, mfs�'Jehq WkirfA, 0, Qwjf�'i
TI&I fp_, 8, yoapgP r6t, Stc-rim-14 x"41
fwo Follrot d-sughte"m MaigAro�
Je3n. L 81 cll'l YA- N y
or� d44 'Al:^ pswtl; Ma, Ilk ftA�vj p%o"
died tf6 3rears ogl- ft
&T� _7�;� _114
0 4SO&O.., ft
'PU00P tliat tho St. TAWToneo routt, is rapidly in- orclu
4creMaIng 10 r1OpU1&dt$P 410 that An ersk Of COA- MUsi
VAued prospolty fs,prtdieted for her ports, Is shOV-11 Ono
fjyl the *dffltlen 40f f0tir tOW Cabin &AS$ liners of the t%=
iftew "Duthvosll typd to the AtIntifio flmct of, tho and
'Conitdiam Pacific, 0
The, Duchess of Bedford, leadler of this. �nusv!ktta tha I
of t1w. lar*est lbw-rs to, Montreal, at -rived in that 32t wcig
at SAS 'V.im June Rile hav!113 COMPlated htk M3.114011 Conn,
voya" in exactly relen days after lexVing LAVerpool. walp
Tho lider is over 20,000 ton3 gwss register, Is oil ucca
ba"Irr, two4annelfcd, and ro'ca-mve'l rTno feet . 5a $*We
lowit *td 75 lett in width. she will cArry cabLq "k
Clsm, Tourist Thijrd (labin. and Third Cla�s p—o-ten. tho 1.
Iti each class broad deck mv4ce ig avaiNble, Caw
4YA w-tommodation ii far enmlor to more e!p�nsivo tcht�
�qoattefx on, Atlafit,'e Erxrl ct Mt Innit ow. TM tbrC3 (M!
NfAer ehips of tho Di'Aact'l of rl�!d_fbrd, 0-'w Under ttzo I
touttaltHim in the cNpt%M�Lnx 'TAM11 ef the Clyde,, ewxpt
otre t4h Doelt!s cif Atholl, VwheAs Pf Ci3rnwAl1O atod shtp- 1
of fiichr=d, PNc�
The fadved in fw:m
ro-okins th!s Pnmtn_--� rf rt -Mord on 64)4tstflins nAr. Ara
L"o Pe.,;UtAfl1,F. 1ur in4tafte, 'Phil# tho sbjes Soled
W1t---At% IM4*2rY vfdw 01-3wing thi t4ift 41r-%k1MN ftfflft
Abo Arrsred
3tra-15 PlAV9 in flo Clabill Dining P.0-orn &4
, 1� rolayo by uleans of z1cZQP"rfwA And afft�
ra to tho Tourist Third Cabin and Third Clast
gt3 and decks. Uud-i5peakerm stso aimpUfy. the
4s3ion '02 order$ to the forecastle, crows, nesto
thor Inter(loting facts $boat tht of
)uetc*.3 of Bedford Srot�&b ths t*jAr'Pr.arejjO§j%-
I Iat� tons CA6, and tho 186 foot ettel sbaft
'k with the owerfal turbilfte engiftes,
I About 103 tons. Ne"kv two millian tivets wero
Ia ttzo ellip, totalling 1,0900, tons in tbev"SeNts,
of the 143tes baving As Irony as 009 vivt,3 e*CK,
"o ad,�cnt of tho gte,%t;,r
35�lcnge7 and freiSht, tPrv2c-e_q =CnWncl, by tM
aian rtexiho on tht [X. Lawmerct ratlto� The
into of passerger niliingi Nkd alresl� been in -
cd tbjs mmilrer by 8pfeding fte "Im-nabotle, of
fl*n% a tour�fmtpkly bgtls t'3 mett thq
ted e%pm%loft of tvaffic'. ne 4.peatlrl�l elms of
newco:fti�ers to the st, Uwrencgo *L110i, MOrt b"Is
4 by the estaXan flatift on 61% ev?Tallively
%t eervlee. They rnia resuh(Irly between xontrt4l
S"d contivintsl xby�, t4slcumt( 0*68t 44
Cme AS tte P"# ebser riem 0