HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-07-05, Page 1I—— __
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I 4ocal Patriotism Is Self Interest I ) I i, L__� . 1' �
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I $uIxeliptlow In Canada GODERICK ONTAR10t CWNADAt THURSDAY, J MY 5th, 1492.8 . %VALTFR AAKEL r;41�iher.
$2.504" 6 Y11,11,r � 1.
sl%Ty_X.INTlL YEAR a year 0 V. S. Points.
I ::::1: , I 11:� ':. � �, I - -1 - -� - - ---�- 77"��!�------4�'-7"-,---,-:-:�-�-��------!V.-n-r- .
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# 9 I Day Celebration Attracts a Large CrowdMI10-victoria..., atreet United Church Celebrates Golden Jubilee
Dominion 41-, _______ — 4-, �7=2—�__:z7_ `!"M= I
�, _:�—_� —
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.--.- _ -...".w i Franic Routh, J. White. and 11. Leg- i lain,� Iwar port lluwn� Mich., as the mia.Aon Conducted by Church 'Arilly brWgroom, joun F qj
I _-1-11"I _ - ; . jenlipg, of Wi� - �
_ , , , , ;;R_"_W, I g in maitJ I bifili Wc�cN - Unable to be shippett uk �.'rus�ders Whot Htld in
, i.. interment Was niad'a '. ."q -- -
In, and Vurbara hefrig,%", ef 1, a
� —.+. 1 their ,,tarting rw:ut, The otk��,,, vavk� St. ksearvlea Church 0 Z
,; Un Lite ASsufance, uumpan,y Ul bil"OU4 I .". . ,� I �
,I, I � ,� f was trom bre,&VII10 anj the Llildi -1:3 0 Alk� 'Kide, hill. a;giu
row I injured at &WAlt Gilvie - � 11� � � 0a Sunday morning, July. 15t Ut Ureunw,ra t13 16rill a�.j Qj3je f Ir the,
I!, , . , �,4. ,, were relegied M C�k a,m. ()jjj,q zvk) , "tow, b4dal part'r. xvsq, vl�mlng �Ar'j ,qr%.
'! I the 0ght ",%,IKk.8e�-vl^.0, tile
. I I I Rj
'1 , , . , . . , . I 1. I . i Walter ni(,U, of Goderich town. L._i . " � Vrds arrived bome and it is tfiought �Hd`�d 4' 6,1,1�3 were g0wovd in' grkl��, an't W�)r,j
� . , I . I .. 11, . � tile 11.ev. a. .N. It. A11119, Qxti� I
, � ar itAX Rkl) TO LUAVE AN ESTATE 1 � was the vietim, of a bad aeci- L "� il I " that. they also ran Into; a stor-m. `l!he Rin0ly vve�"01,00 to, tbo� ul&lIlmra *f,C10raaji4_ I uquet%vt roses alld-sweet . .
�11 , -at of, tb ;� - , . - �
reeel 0 carefli 61i- ' softIL)all -at Ptitt&'X -Bill. �- 119--WBW mlt , utter .
_i111._,�1.N1- -.—,..-. : , , � N - �----Cvusa(k - _Uew_rfle,,� , Ception was heiij i'l tj,�,j
. �1
� . I � I I I- � 1) * A. - ,;. , �.N ' F :� ,,___ I%— - ' - _ I ship, I Qn. �Wednesdsy while playing I I airb n fivois a..5 fellMi�A-__.
_,�, � ,, I � - . - - , -V'- - "" v Omit i.�_ ---?itbI%d9-----a6 "-027 -781'jt�-ftpl. Army !Icll
) Z , t at qu , tIon, Una sb(iuld, . i 1 thk� cll�lw 0 , -4
i This is an inall0l' a " rli;4$ ilt 'S'L G parisb� - Ri—t f the brideld par
th albsolutely 11.0 depeud,�iits, eat for POVtOVA Ifill, alld 40111d" '[Pitblsda :o.-'.tm.:'.. 49.707, 10:10 11'40A 'VV I' 0- ;: 6 1010 young
i _* . I Adoration, There are lveik few men wi ed I'lillf a North - St.. player running _ .. .. I comm6lick'a 04,4 17#5,�t ,,,,,,,,, Alz�,10 , e011140 left j)y �,I(Aor -4
I and every man with 40pendents ileeds to leave as large an estate 01% I ., MUSkO
I wit i �,Pitblti,la' ..,..Qn--S0Q �, �O p.m. 14110 C , tion. 0 T116 Sunday LOX' cl trip- to � ka4 Tjj'�l I)rido
- I 9.49, woe aradross-"ij traveled In a blue g5on of er"pa de
I � I ussibi I - d ones, There are always debt%. home, He received -a blow Ili Abe I I" �.v 4. 310vicar ...... UK -041 I , (J.150 Pan. b jk�j, " 11 ,
� � 11 ,, for the Protection Of his love .1 . U.4 +A +.t�" 1,0 ' . U" U T -U ,,j- A 4 " " Be �( hx4r,419t.,
I a ay, funeral expenses to he taxen care ox, U1114 vullmile ealie-ZO. Intel, 411 WsM 4 P . . 11 At -at "u" P-441- by the Vrus#ders. The ovIoning ser- Value with Milo but and hla&, satin
of adjustment. One sure way of was taken which sho.wed a I The text iliglit will bo from Cof,%_.;�I,ee of tila, mission.ki,o, hold,on �9
!. r the family during the period I . a - un. coat. ,Oil their return thQy %%,IZI live .
. i 11 I IfIr .*� oil .11, %1-111 to Honsall ell Wednesday evenin4 to ef I I Ovening, prayer. Oil �
B I,% by taking out all In 0 1 i wall v*1 July 14th. . 'day . vvening,-a varied service of ill, Toronto.
: .for thes' - surance Policy. 1�'2ye&low tile left eye, to be broken. �'... ,
, � . maltins provi Ion,,, TOPAY, I . I
. _ I _ 11 � .1 -
. CO S. - lv_c. T. U. Convention at Clinton 1.1 I . . To Protest 01mo . Lreaking and slogiog� eem-neneing Pr6entution to N
I � . r,% %jjr
I I . Tile thirty-firat annual convention il. : Sox journo.pd. Immediately after the regular oevieo, It, was a great ,ati i.18, t 3,1va.
. I I ..,..3" � III III I I .. Of the Huron county women's Chris- I . - , . � The Goderich Blael, TP oi 0 X . ,
I . - - 14 V -If% r- t1j'.+A.,%+ A~,"f I w,'o,hl Al., rolwaAr'"a ,,,,, ,,U,Q,n,d,,A,,Y, Older. Wbalt the 111emben-4 ot the Ag�
L 1 * . 6 0 plan 46VmPeK"4%%;W 44 U " .... 11 �) � -L S
� r1101120 -1 11.7 1 � . P . I '1111. .. play a salleume game of the 1juron -eb. gressive Biblo Class of vietovlc A.
I in Ontario St, United VhMh, C ., Vountv Lt4gue with Heasall. Tile mls*n service In the, chur 1)4f- chluveh ealine In a body ta hor lome,
. I + --- - ". � , tho,
I . . 4 -- — ton, ,on Tuesday, July 10tb. There irg tho remainder of the weoL ,Ir on Ca,
I I __ - 111111111; 11111111 III 111111 I 111111 :: ;; .0brig road Inat Thumix,v to
- - . . . .. 11 _ :; ### . _. w T n the.vaoriiing,com- I . 1. 94100 was played but under condi- w6rk- will be carried on chlaily apend tljo,eveiijn&� vith. ,jer. . I . I
� ,� .? ____ , _ �' - ' ' � ' 0, and in tue; afternoon tions which should not have exiated. -and GrAvul sant . A. P ea
.1 , *11, --I ' ' --- I : " L . ,. � , , encing, at . I .. The baso unlpfro,� loopresenting the in SaItforJ, Molimillor I social time Was enloyed ani 4 1 .
,,�'! . I . .. . . 1. . � � . . . at 2* a -in a evening at 8 o'cloO.;- Henault team, Proved inadequate in Baud, ftlaoillg with SuildaY, July short program rendeted whj,ah ,eon,
. * I I 1: -10'N inf: he a spe r will,be-Mra. A. A. . -giving decisions, and as It wa% the stb, thP,y will a0Ace"tT4tQ eutirolyolft slated of solosi duetts, re,adings and,
. .
� , � I Stocks, 1. Bonds i t..xra. 6; eorge, of ohdon. , .. --- -- , - Me tilvIned out to be nothing short, the town of Goderleb, and seivlcoa a short gpeech, by the loreildent, Mt -3. I I
I . I I . I * " , , .+ . 913 will be hold regularly each everill R'. 11. Roid, at two close of 'which tho
1, L 11, .. . . I I . I wills Winglism Trophy I -11 - Of a. farce. The managemont of tho leiluive. followl addrem,was. read IiN� Mrs. . ,�
I I . � . . . 0`11 I WILLIA31 CAMPBELL Black Sox have Mod a *4rotest With Ot 8.00I Pan, in St. George's ,
I � . � ions supIplied for ,Lany li�ted Stock' ()rderS ' . Three rinks of the Oaderla V6 �� it4rou County The mission will conclude on Sunday R. T. .P Illips and M,ra. It. H. Mew .
I i I Marlcet. quota.t. . -1 I I . I . I Ing 'Club went to Winghum on Wed. "Grand"Old xolm�, of .004tricb, who the s0arietary of the ! I Im. evening, July 14th. I I
. . . . .. . . � . � I . . I I I I velelirated his. 94th birtWay lost sun. Lealtuo. and it is oi that I ,d her with ,a alit-, umbt,olla. �
. I . � - - mptly executed on Toronto, Montreal,and New'York Ex. no'sday and took part in the andliolL . te action will follow. Tho um" Cuests, at Uotel Sunset ,� I . 1= of the class,
I I I pro . � . I : I . I tournament. A rink skipped by Torn AAY, July Ist, MT- Campbell still medW f I
I . . I I I -Sujjsr�%t Deal, .
. I �, . . . - McDermott ind Including Thos, GIA. C`0116111111t$ to *AJQY fair 'h�alth and pire-in-clitef, ti:. L., Dean, also hai Among the guests at Hotel, Mrs. ohler. . . .
., . . I I � � changes aad. Chicno and Wiunipq Grain Exchang�s . qlaintains ju interest in niunic at mado it report. The local team )lave ,itra. 4our ibrothers and.alstor;l of
. . I _ . ,.. . . : . . . �, . . �.. -I.... .11 .. ,� . 1. . . zier, J. S. Swaffiold, and V. ,Cowan. 1p . are 014 following. Mr. and I We, *,
i . . . .1 I . � won, the, trophy.- The "Other, local Afid, Political, activities. - - - 1. bDon plVing , real rood bassball so, Goo I a Bible X-13.os Wish- to, .. - - _
. . . I I i, I . I � rge Watt, Wiwsor; Mr. J;� M. the, A4grossiv -
. . .. . . . .. I I I. � I 11 . I -.1 � I I . I � rlxxks ore a4lplrd by A. Whitesid, I 1 1.,.,4�� far this season, amd the� ,�iave no in, Laing, ,Toronto; Mri -Gilbert Temple. express to you our love and esto-Im
. . I . . ll , 'slid J7 , . I tAk,, . on tile bappy occasion of your Vo. . .
. l . . Bro I tentions of having their prameq' ton
. 1. N-' �., ; . . , phly, lit they. wore not in. X.S., were married at; the parsonage on a burlesque Sorm, as was dolia it 'Voroilto,* Mrs, W. A. Gumt, Mrak . p We .
. I
nts + imited . of Dungannon United ehurtb on Moll, Hensall. I I
. � I iik'- Hurbil "Inve"stnte . , L . , tile prizes, I I W., M. Oarlshom Lendon,* Ur, A. U, eOut Marriage to Mr. Ohl r.
i ", I I I 'The Dogs Are Destructive I I day, Zilly 2ad... Rov.,`4v,-A,r,Wn1her - rDral-w"L WindSor; Alias, NavorIna All. wilgratolate you both, tkud, *1811, for
(W, � . . . ofliclated, ThI -couple were tin - Voy.Johnston . ,worth, blips A I gnas Dean, I blis-i Flov. you long life and happiness. Your .
I - "I RoyAl Bank Building,:Godcricb, Ont- I Goderich seems.to'have too many , at I ,air. Presence, Mrs. Oblor, at our class oil
4. ,. .7-.. . � I - . . . � Phooes 430-44 � 5 11 � .. , tended. lThQ bride *ore an ellsomble All,event of interest took - ,6nca M. Robinuou, Miss Iran& r . , ath afternooits and at out ..,ioobl
0. .. . . . . � I dogs, particularly tilop that are bent olre rib , Plata at '1110 Salbb
I , tions with all le44ing Slo-A ancl Crwiii Exchanwit - , on baing.de uctive top pert of navy blue with bat of ra - tile Victoria st Clough, Walkorl, " Mr. H. Fleming, �
.1 j I " I Private:w1ro Condo . . ... � 1. air ro on reet United ollurch on Air. S. 0. Flomilm-
. ; "� -� , ,,, . . � y`iw boA and Ted fox fur. -She carried a. - .1i., W111480C.1 Mr. 4"lifillnuett ml lm4o 0 :
1: ,, . I - - � morning of tbi$ eek I _-.�� I .
. � � Wednesday L � -Ruth, 4 �_-4_
. I I :. �010 1. ___ � ,- . . � - . � bouquet of Supsot roses.and valley Tuesday' Julle 26th't wl)-*'d Rev, M' C' Gerald 10. White, Loadow, Mr� James I
. . . : . - � - I I -_ , * - several dogs got to fighting in the Parr uuitc4 Elizab3th . augh. - .
I I I . L I ; - . � --...-; " I . - __._ lfliei. The bride's father gave -bar RabortsQu. MontreaL Miss Carol Me, A bazaar .and stra*�qrry .social
� � 1: I ., - � : memorial plot in the Square, and be. in m4rrlage� A roceiption was hold ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Johliston" Arthur, Toronto-. bliss Ruth 0ibrwil, untior tho auspices of the Ladtesl� A14 ' .
I �. � 1PUBUC NOTIC4 , �no could stop them, the .
.: . , I.. ,, 1 . .. I . I . __ --- A�_ I . fore anyc at the horde of Mrs. DOU414 MoNavin, Britannia r0ad, G"Ortch, In m4r� Brantford; Mr. F. G. McArthur, Tor. of the Baptist church Nvillbe hold on .
I riago
. � : -. ',I NOTTS, . � - .. I �. � beautiful geranium bed was practi. Goderichi An aunt of,the lbride,' Mr. to Rftert' A10 Hoy, 8,1A Onto; Mrs. Chas. Phelps, Detroit., tile grounds of t'he fornmr honplt3l, .
. .. I .TO "'.10-L"L -deatroyed� The geranivins.wer 111-1110011y
I . . � � .. I .. �', . � . . . '. . I I I cally, I I . 0 and Mrs, Stingle will live, in'T ro o of Mr. and bIrs. 'R. or bls in Varlq, Albin, Mich., bliss ,corAIDT South St. and Britannia Itoad, , -
. �� , Notice 19,heTebl given. that Cloroace Band P,reseat,,Fj" Program,, , torn up by the, Toots and in several . . .0 lit , Albert. !The bride wits dalntiLv Mary 'Gearsloy, Urbana, Ill.; -Dr. and on July Oth C0101110110419 at 3 00104, . I
- - _-_1 I . . . __,Po�oy: Shlelds of the �!`Mvtigldp or . I I . places there ivpre,deep holes acratch- $outb, Irdran WviP Camp Ope.t gowned, lablue r with, hat to . 11 I I
� I gay a ,eorgette Mrs. Carr, Misses Dorothy and E,Iiza- I .
. . . I � .� A-slifleld, III ihe coulitj ot,_, liaro I The,Godorleh Citizens' Build 0 ed out by the L dQg$. ,. ' The South Uuron', -B6ys' Camp motch, and wore a corsage bouquA of both Cavr#-Torionto; Xr, alid.Mrs. j. The Women's Hospital Au;.011am
� Varmer, IVIII a very fine program ,,ou,Suuday evell. I ..
Igply to the r1la-men . I
I � , .. . e . .. qeiied .At Grand Bond ,on Monday rosos,., She Was attended by Miss It. Ralne, 'Toronto,- Miss Betv w6o.� ocard Pitty at tile pavil- * � �
.. .,. 1. .of Canada, at t e next session thet'00f, Ing, They wore'issisted,by the choir - Many Pe*e Here. � I tvadell ,Roy. of Port Albortj stater of � I1111 b0a," �
... I . . . i. I tor a, bill of dIVObee from his mrlfe. w4a registration of fifty, which In- doy, -Toronto; X Ion on thos afternoon 6f Wedneaday, . .
. I ;. Irene- Hazel Shlelds� of the , or boys of St. George's. thurph, who On ,Monday the'.tow.n had its shAre , the bridegroom, who wore a pretty' r,oneel, Detroit, ,4 r. .and Xvs. Lloyd July 11th, to be followed by a uovel� I
� ,T. ,A- * V,q A .
, . . , t0ed and, patriot numbers ac- of We number of holiday visitors, eludes boys from Grand Bond, Park- . ., �r ,. .
� . . _ ,.G,
I ,4 �� , 'Godeolell. In the County of. ur i on Sang at hill, Zxeter, !$eAjorth,, Clinton, Mit, gown of peach georgetto- with hat to McKenzie, Boston. Croak) 'Mr. ,and dance at " . .
. . . .1� .. : the Cound or adultery A, I es r Ion, collipanied by the baud, Tliero was who ,came to help colobiate, dahoda!s , obell and London, The camp, covers match and had' .% corsage � boudliott, of., Mrs. - tY . � . ight. . I . .
.. I . .. 1. . Da txi ,it the'.Town of rel, in a_good� number in the park to listeu national holiday. The local hotels N. Axford, Detroit. Mr. X, A. I
� I - +4, 11 oll. London; 'Mrs. V. A. Rod. - SPECIAL OPTICAL OFFU2
, � : %, of 'Hutooll, thl t the areas of Nrth .Huron and Mid- r0sCs. F red Dickson, of � Port At, Mitc,
" I , ef to the music which .was well received. received a goodly number of the �j .
. I - Aho count" . ..
. � .
. .., 1. . . Nw, A �- . . ., . L � . . . .. . 'every available spot dlesex Counties,' Jha'�Wjjj pirettor bert,,uslsted the bridegiown. After -4 . gins, Toro High gradej hom waright, gold.
-'D�, 1M, tourists, while �, eou,:aer re- . pins, Ml�, D, L. Rod 1 - .,.
�. , � a Has: Car Stolen . I Is Rev. J, X 'Calling, of, Grand Bond) �ii. w4d Mrs, W. J. Hurst,.Parla;l11to,1-. filled spectacles with boat Oat spherio .
., I . �auitave the corluion Ve' ba
I . . t. . . . IUYS & HAYS, ' for pionics ,was taken. The
I I .1 . .. I- . I 'Birristers. etc,, I Mr.,H4r.Qld Xqwcombe'o.f"towp had who is-assisted,by Lloyd Vighoffer, toriled to t e hoidio piii)y the lirlde's and litiva. N, Grallaiii, Palmovstrin-c4l lenses $Or qn.ly $4.00.- All otbov � �. ,
I I ,� . I tourist tamp and harbor parkwAs a Pared 8 . I ..
+ .1 .. , �. � Ifamilton St.,� Goderfeli, Ont., ' I , wit a W dd I_ per W43 , - Torontim . Mi. t style of frame and WASA at 10WODU , -
. . . . 1,� ; . . his Oar stolen' ,Oil Xond4y 'ieVefilng. rendezvous for a large number. of Ofbtitqliell athletic-jigdsr,�.Zogena $.Vvo 4 _ sup
_ . I I . .bliss 1. Remiseyside,
� .
� . . .1 �L . . . Solicitor tdr thff Applle.11it. He - vita at the4pavilion durin Howey otWeter, nature stuily,and ..t btj. aii� J�rs�Hoy will re'. I and'Mrs. Ford X Xtrufmar, Indiana. Priem Eyes 4)xandlied 14y our Well - .
. . --1 'okers, ivIdle- others. gathered at .
� ...�. ''. � . 11 : I . -__-1 ,.I . I . I L 11 - - - -- ivening.'and � 9 the 01cid Paul � kovey; - of Cli I side. at Oshawa. . . 7 . .,
: . I � . . . . MOTI , , When ready� to go,'homo., ,the �beach and .alOng tho lake banX , . litot, acqu*tic, . I I 1. . I I . � �
. � 7� 0- found tW.,car gone, , He. Immediately � I . . 11 leader. The registrar Is W. ]Barb ' 11 � . . , I Mr. Hu bson, with 28 yo3ral.�Oxpor-
. ., .'�,, . W4, � polls. - . � .1 � known ard Painstaking. spoolallat, .
. .. � � . I .1
. T , � � 1. 1. I __,_.� - ___ - I—- . no, ' � 11 64 North St. W. M, S. � Groas,�Flomhig I. . .. I
, I � . .
. + 1. . I . I � I I I . 11101).- 1+ . I �
,� .::: , IsM __ PULOVE itifled the 4utborltios;and, wordwas "T-66 Big'ParadeL , � of SeAfortb, and the business 1. t -4 , ,
, I ,
� . ". , �.i . M. � � ienge, 1 years gomi. g to Godeficia. I
1_.__..� 2 � ., � es of the district. Teji� 'people'� of the t6im were ger lt-A. McLean, of $oaforth. Oth- , Miss - Jean Helen Fleming, 6116t- ,The very beat All optical work und at
I . I. 110V,�G � . sont� 10 cong'tabl ,The W. X. S. of North street Unit- I '
. �
I : , I ad church met on Tuesday at ' . .
� � I ,�, 1- (11ML 'DUE - lit0VOIL ,(4nadian plQb- As yet the car has not been fouild. awarded prizes, in tortnection with &S.As'slating in the 04mp. ord 'Aevs. Orn"'On. or of Mr. and Mrs. O� t, Fleming,; reasonable. priom "Two days ahlyio ,
. ,�. 11. ,_ ;e�rs ln--dlsto,,.neo',mo*lno,'Ani�wtLere to "The 'Big Parade" contest which The Duncan. MeTavish, of,.' Zx6tor; Shi� The program bad Won, aTrangod by jt�C., of ..Windsor, and Mr* Phillip -Thursday and Friday.. atily. 10, 20,
L '
I -
, I � - anywhere. eat .speedy padded 5%poed Cop," 'Oeti.Motorejole' ' pot of' Creffitoni and Mrs, Nir. A. Holmes, who ocoupled the ;a, of Toronto, son of sMIT . 1. �
. .
. . I Mr. and -Mrs. it; J. Gross, of Mow. .
. I I I , ZE, '00VOr, , Star .held last, .week, ITho -winner$ I and �E Hiscox, I .1 Narcros Gr& R'S AUT wQTORF,, Goderich.
I vaus. Extra. W is Ud felt$ A new nl6torqclo a� lellveredto are Max Cor'llfieri Prank Allen, lad- 'A, H� Fost;ki of Parkhill., .* I � chair' during . the, Arst . pavt of the T -, , '' 'r , .
I .for furniture, Two experionceo men tho. Huron, Coutjt3r I . I
. I . � I .to & , ic W 1 �. meeting and conducted a Sible ro4d� . I I
1. I . , 31 v vh h ill adeau, Xean, Abell, ' �. I i .
. I ,over trilp, All -loads ' Insured. No . bel Bisset. Jack r treal, vers married Saturday after* CA" OIP THANK$. .
. -11 ,. . be used'by the c Are Defepted at PortWo,Hill, - noon oil tbv jawli 6f . %he r, leming N a �
t -g. BoMre moviltir . I .* �- ,xviall to
. 11 . ounty.poli�eman in Mri. Sillib, t. 0. Riibertsonj Tossle Ing. in which several memWira as
. . g--4No' waltin , �lp, 9 Vtokere and son. .
I I , v,Tlte ,olinst the count: In ill I ' ' me of softball; sist-od. ' �` ali jho�e v0to extend .
. : ds or -wire 4nd rovorse charges. Pati. r ro4da this y1ar. XcXay, Xelth Colborne and Donald . � ne4nning gx Prayet was offered by ,AT,,. .jummer* home; 'Gi4ctich. Rov. 11. B. - 1,11�;114 q Pit gym-
. . I
. I .11 .� IiILL THE MOV9111 ReAd Offleet Ifam, The maphlile was'at the �Court House Murlson. Nally of the - Icontestants the North ,St. United church were de- Malcolm Mcnay, and the devotlenul- Ai3ley, of W144#dri *111olated. I The .vathy at tile time of tiv�, dmth at Ahle. * I .
. 11 � I ... 11ton, Ontario, . �. I I � and has.',- the. ,appearance of giving gave .in the Ti I footed by the Porter's � Hill tealn, ,On leaflet, "Jesus in the - midst of tom- Who I I VIQUQr.4'*,e,;P0e1AHy, tile members oftho .
. .14 , __ good wice. I It will be pot, I , . ght allawar, but failed esday, - 00hing, � b "de't � was given Ati, r4avriage by (110, Legion and tile wegtoell Gln,*
. - 0 1 t sither, wore *',dress Of Ivory' ada Flour Vills palolorfIx - Thql. are -
1�1 . , .; '' "o 1, . - #to to itiar); the words in the a4ver Isaw Wedh Rt'Portees 101,t, men life," was read by bl!A� Mar- . - �1, Mlian
, 11.�, NI�Tg ,at. ou*�', : _ -,.,. .. I I of, 90*18,.: �;,Tho , -St. are I
� I � ADMI 19,AA � mouts, while'several' otheis did -hot by a abote- I NorTh " g t -Itobertstih- lrliti last -chsptel, satin wlth� tulle -veil caught in7"cap also glqf4liI ,for noral t4butes and tile : I
�_ j,E o r , ,
!., , I - "I . � - .�.*-10 I . . .
. , - ,11,V TIMTOR% KNLV, OF VAJ-�-.FljneraI`o(--Ssxnuo1 Tickets , , - , allow -how they 4ot their anAwer, e ? Illy. tho ab-' of the study 'book, I !'NOW - Paths for viroot witli orange* blossoms, and she I .. . I .
7`�.�". ADA 'CIL L " .. 'I --sl of sonci� of their Pi Ober and t;"Pl0Y- Old -Purpos 9?1 was. reviewed, 110d tarried. a shower 'bouquet of Tog" , , 0 Of , �ca I P. I o � I
11 1 A, *11_�_.- $� ' �14 4. 11
W �'- . � VAOLE ftESID81N, Tbe'funeT jile 'lat - $a 1 They -merely put 'down the right,one. the 0 , .
It �. . . 1 4 mile era, Abut. held up.' oil under eon- XTS. U0161 c �d ,& very interestirij; -wa .7A. I -
* .� V, � . I . ,b M14 from hi's I . -that , ZIL es Tea _ and llly-qf-thewalley. $he $' 1 . ��_ _.. DIED_ I 1. . � � I
... � - . ,,, W ate resi- In the,,,, contests it is ,necessary
I I I the Admlols-' Vickers was,, Altions. The tesid�: � � -.1 . Paper on the hospitals of the 'Unit- I
� . . 111. . .. L a ate instrut0ed' , the ruleg should be ,road and unaor- I "d toided - bk 'her alster, Was I Bertha - li.AlTii%VAITk.-in.ilotti�rl.pit, on Rit-
, I I 11 ."On, rlda:3r Aft North St. -4., Sheardown, rf. Prid- church mission fields. ,,,The business g gawn. -Way, ,lune 20th, JPJ. James 0. Lallft- �
.� tritor of the Estate ot tle 14to Norman,donce, East St F othoon
. . ; ... �: : ties wi -,charge, , ,.as -the judge$ caii only, go bT , . go_ . . . . .
. � . ,- -action at The seivi, js in qj, th; stood,, 'L V $Pleming, of Windsor,. who wal -his 86thyear,
, , menonald to sell by publid'a hard, 86; L. Westbrooke, If, .
. I ". .: I . . . . - -on 0 -j� * I them in awgrillng the Prizes, - ol�. the meeting wag conducted by thti ed ih -a beigo lace droS4.,With picture w4fte., In. I , .1.
'. . : tho promises, Queboo St,, 00derieft, anadj4ji. vgion, of which the Ide I , E. ' M3tbid- President, Mrs, NV, J*.- Androw. It hut� Ilet ltov uot wa%-',.�Of Yellow (V%110,y-,-At Toppsoll. 4 . '.
. . I �_ I I i ' . . I � . I Nallus, p, Shoardown, .3b; . _, nt.. on 111hura4
1, " � 1� - S C04se membdr, with the Rev. Another Relic Gone, - , . . son,. 2b,l E. WeSthrooke, 4. BarlOW, was deeldod to 'hold the August -,$op. rosea -of-th&ipalloy. Mr. 'Lay. 4tine'028th, 1028, Nar,� Jjw� SoWer-
e . . . I C�klTeRDAY, 3UttY 11*th, 9 a i , � ,
I � I da noing * 4, � . . b%, vvlolow or tile late (;I)avl(,.,,i Caroy,
.. . I and lily .
, � I
� .l at 4., o'caack - c ,eon Jones Bateman officigt. -Thi-_,�`-Past�weok has seen the 40-o ibl. Lavis, cf. .# I tember meeting on tile last Monday C.inmoto 0. Fleming assisted . the 'h .
I . �, f , e all-lbeareri. were Mosati. Arks of Porto .ks, of, ,August. The treasurer reported - - Ili er 05111�.year,, � � I
I I - Lof 194 In the Town of Goderloh, on 10 - , I � �. I I
i . yp . . � molishing of one of the laudm es Hill -F. Doll, P; R. 111L I � == - -
I . -*.hIth there', I* -w-,comifibdilouS ffil" . "I d , W. Peach A I(Itton, the -town) when the grand .4tand at Ili; W. Hicks, c; 19., Bell, 2b: Giylno� that'she had -forwarded $207 t the I .
. " �- �p �L , . .. , 11 I 0 -1."--_.*_:
two-00ry., xWellh* 2540 And lft%, I I Purk was torn dowd; 3b; R. Hicks,'If, Harris, rf; XeC41114, trailout4r of the Presbyterial Soclo. I I . . I - � ======.
: ;1 i . .also a siball ffame 0016 suitable for 1. . the Agrliultura v been at the Job d; Johnston, ss. I I . . . . I 11,
I I 11 I I ga:ragq.; Thert-da endid ga a, 0ev_ . . I Fft� ZAL*j . -A pang of yacti. hiv I I I tyk . � I 9!!
. 11 oval fruit troalsf at-'erry I Z, ete. . �_ .. � .. . of clearing away tho.dolirls, andhas ,A X,ear . .. I . I . .. � I I CARLOA04-2 � so ... CARLOADS.. I
I. I 1, � -POR $ALE.-Eeas ror �11& hang �pu Drowning, , . - I .
. I I - ,The lot0lork li� one, of the best In A; � ,already.* begun the construction of . ., youjig�Beftnatt�._ � . ' ' ' '- - , . ,..., 11. . ,, ...
' � � I I
. � I � - 10oderk,li, ,land w6nid. make an Ideal . pbst,,. Barred ,1100 bred -lo -lay the now.stand. Tb' old:.:btaAd was What nilght have-. resulted fit -a A, �retty wedding took place at All I . : ... I .
'. ; . 'I isimmer. bome. Ali .three itillnul.-Is' athlid, Pullet$ last r rted1a.v 'built -ill 1887 a drowning occurred at the harbor on $ ., - ' I
.� � ,00t r 1,6 nd, wag moved t6 the ai4t; s Church, Strathroy, art Wed- .
. I I . . . 'Walk from nottil Sunki add a .51lort ilig at tbe-ageof 4% n . 40a'�er Wednesday afternoonj when-. Joan nesdak, Juno27.th, at nine 010106k., . . I I
Zon, MRS,. 9 I 011- I. . .
�. �i ' , . distinte trom the Itarbor. IhIs pro- .1 present position fiom the old cricket . . .. .
. . I non. Pliono, Dun lion 61 � grou ,n, aged 14 years, was, pushed When Myrtle :eap, youn�ger daughtee .
� . . 'era by . .1 . .
, �. -portv nifist I)e sold,to tlose the estate, . do . . S, '.
� . q nds. The old stand *111 be mis. Morga S H, .1 N, GLE
. � I TEAM'S. -Io pet, eent. 01 JAWC1101t; ied by maily, but the- new grand into -the lake b6tween'tile pl of,:Mrs. George 1jennett, ibooAme tha �.
. . 1;, �. . I ,orke to,be pald at time af.salo.,bal Foe SALE,, -U , sed Zlee,trio NVashing �tand will be. welcomed as an addl. Raymond Drennan, and 'only ,the brid,a of 'William,Louia Young, boo I .. ;
i � : an6e, to 30 flaTs. For.fortuor . NtAefifnd.� In t9plendId cIondifflon. tion to the man ci bul I sy all prompt action of Bert-9dDonald'zav- of Mrs, William. F. Young, of Godo- I . . I I
. .. . )am 001V to .. , . .lia'0!.r'u'� A, real liftrga.in. -Apply Dox 30, STAR 'girl's life. According . � .
. .: .� : . ed the young I .
.. ; _W4 & IMY9 . . . to oye,witnesges she wwr dressed in . I I
I " � H. . . I op"VIC8. -, .- - . I . as a necessity to t e I ii and t rich.- Rev. J. 1. Young, .brother of - � .
.- i Solicitors i6p AftInfAmtor, - I , . I ` - race meets and other activities th her bathing suit In prep the groom,'perfofmod tho, ceremony. . . .
WARFER) ' ,� 'are carried on at the I'll, - . . aration ,to .
.1 � , i-, T, IGUNMY & SON, Auctionepriii. ,.. " . - . 5 � . . The bride,.. -,who'- -*as glWn in mar- ROO F1 N G" .' .
; 11. -1 4 -1. - � . . I I . going into �be lako,at the beach.. She .
- -
� . I :1, ' - , ��� , - W.I�Z�'TED,- Sm 40910-Sa�age, . : � . . I : was - itanding oil the pier with tm riage 'by her brother, wore a L'o . . . I �
I I RV AL , . AND MURAXICS _ all all year house f)n of'rose beigo, with white mohair hat, I . � �
. .. I �, jj�I;llt lakq .(modern ponvenlencesi or, `Wigs Laura. Jja6jlg Savage, only othorigirl friend, when ,,young Drell- and white kid shoes, and carried a I . .
I j , . WUS A1130MRONG UVAT, ORT,%TS 'farm. Inquire iat p . Every Grade, Kind an4 Shade . �
. � " it � � . , ST.A,ft 0ppI(,p,% of Mr. and Airs. John, R. ,tan, Ilk fun, pushed hor ifi: She car" bouquet of pink rozes, ,aild lilloi'of . . .
I I '81119tAl' � A bter and or . .
. . � AND IN 44001 AGENCY. 1, , ' da' f Dungannon, and Mr. 14roi to the surface several times Idesida' . .
� � � I b ME 0 %D-4111fldle-aged Woman want.4 84VOCC. ID . the valley, IT -he bri ,,d was ' I . I - I
� . I r V rr � ,rjos for help brought Mr. ft�1)0113ld Mls,, Xathleo.n Cruthers, niece of the � . . WOOD or SLATE SLAB .. L
I '! , Life jnsupd��'_?§5i'jife), aceldent ' vne oi*%trwo 'lar#0" unfornishod, 'anklaft Stingle, youngest son , of ( . . I � .
I , I roonl� In%velt heated, Idint6vtable Mr. and Mrs. �thigler, of Cafloton. to the sconei who jumped in and ,.out,, bride Mr. John Redmond,, nopfww
" ., , , aulo. ete,. Ins.otalice. . I home with nl0ei family. ftard. Pop. led her out. She *aw..thkon to her of th; i4 ' , U1 us if you are in rieed of snyt Ing *0 this I Hirte � I
I 11 t... 1� oMe V(Iry i-licap . . h I. .
-, - R � _ prol)ortles for room, attoil as beat iiiall. A-.'- .
. I � I
'i , , 11 � (lulok sale. Just'a, few ,ot the many FFICE. FOUSALZ 01K TO RENT - home where she is recovering, from ter the' ceremony a w1adding'bioak- . Anything'and everthin H * ies I .
. I � I" , . .____ . , I 9 in oul der$- suppli
. .� . I . I 0 -,TED to ou"llaso for,cash a �.,_O.� �, ... �.,.A.-,.� the shock. I I . I fast wap, held at',the home of -the 1w;', ., I': :, . . , .. � ..
. W.i� mall BFUNT.-rSfore . 1. . _
L 1191,Vtovy I I �r . I
ly rpd brIA. Ifouse. modern 5 I � ...
' ',qugveje,ffl,njeeej1ttoj hpply ALr,,N.*, mv%mnns. . * .
. . ' " the I '
. I equipped, with One lot. In ood Tesi froim ilear tile FOR of' '8'V'P-q' *street- Victoria St. t,oses to Duagannon bridelp-motheri Mr. and 'Alva. Young . . �
_ -
.N � ddatial loeatlon. Importat : o sell -th I�Ater, Ailt lalad t 110 r fjrre(l oft, by votor for Toronto. ,vilere la 0 1k &0 I
.1 . , I t� W1 Ii 4dresq ST r. DON The Victoria St. United chutth, thoy t6ok the'bost for a trip down .
. .! . 01#140 estate. Prim Ior qolbk sale, stato" PrIcet A . FOR AALE.-About -� ac&3''Of Nixed girls' softball teaIn was .defeated by Goderich P ning mulls, Lid
. j �. . $1200, , twenty. � � . I 2t Alfalfa. and Timothy standing. the Ddtighmon. United church team the ft 16wronce, vimiting at Mon- � I .0 . . .
. 0604 1% etory bouso. tvv� lots, lanit - I . ,�. vepiir"M, Con. 9, Colborne. here on Tuesday overing, bp A $core treat and Quebec. The bride travel- � .
� MEN spare or full tlyup , . .
, * - t W-0 barns; convo,nient 0 IQ MAre, $05. XMN '011 NVO. .?1l;1n1_S; 1813, Carlow. , , . � -owed better led Ill 4 iiavy blue enstinlile, With hat : � I (HUCHANANIS)... -
rk -A __ g Powder, *Coffee, EX.; ...... . �h. and a brown fox fur. 0 'Phone 47 ' ' . -
1% istory haim.' F0*0M,1I htq��ajjd to fiell-B n of 11-2. The visitors ,sh .. omwerilso
O'. 'JI, �� , -*Uterin, houge; floo lot; mliall swblo; 111 I 013 preparations, Chance, poij ,,1_,8i,E._Sevejj rooly, whito 'briek bill][ all through the game and made to Mitc n I . . . I .
I � I I V00; I , . to build %big . repeat order busine,49, .4., , tholise, gooO ue good hits. The loeid girls woro, their return thAv will reside on MaPld . O� __ '' ___.� .. . I
., .1 . locatfort .on North so! Ar6 Grove. Farm, Volboim, town4hip. If - 11 I. .
I DoK 5. Goderlell ;dreet. 'Hodorn �tofkvftllchmq. Appl� 11lot �p to tbelf usual farm, but — , ..1,_-- - I— . �.
. Weat opolfaco, fine' no0earaom. two 'Write aNt 9 Otgor to _ -_ - t� =..�, -I--- I ___
I . * - I �. 2-t C. (l. .NFWTL)tN .- 1. ---.
.� . I&J." 00. Many others; Oak llbout,Sttir. , .1 194�_,__I�nllw , _'t.IV,�,.,.g�tL!IA,iLo,_,.___t__ .antlh"n�ukhlg -the 4-&mo-_A*,Du11- I I—- ______ I - - ----.-
-----,-�,r��"..�.-�-W,m-"--�11--- _ --; - - - �, --Z==.-",:---., .— I . . . . . ... ���� I'll, I'll , I .. � � . 1. - I—. .11.1 . . 111111)" � � - ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' � "'
� I - , 1 -2� Fatins,-Lat* number -rd; sale at SALVIAMAN IMAXTED.-We have an FOR SAIX.-Two houses., co�ner vie- gannon. The line-ulp ' __ ___ _ , . _ , _ , . _
: -- , . -
i. .
111"Mm"O".00-im ll I I
� Tmva
H on
nd d e t -
Gode I I
a 28 h dii I I
I 'I
. I
I �.
ks sta r- 1.11 I'
1,� s I I I
I I. I.
� . IiIA elght-moni and fil"llees; also 'Fwwo��������llli . owl 11
� : ,�i - , Godorleh. '%Vvit8 giving aj " . Ryon, Of; V, Roach. 02b; L. Reed, . P A .
. AbAfflor ptlees-1 ` -_ , opening lor -a live wire Salesioan to torla. 41td -Naliter -Attests. seven Allen, c-, 0. $tmilev, rf; A. Moore# P; ,
� -it see: . Dungstal6ii-It., Atidergon, It; f).
� ', . . Por Ali Inform;ttou writ". or , : Iftandle NVIitking quality,productq in .
. . X.W. AII.St8Tit ge to J. tt. pIght-room 111)11 .
I �, I . 0*0. � , , se. on NokgatA street , . I
: 11
� .� I . . JuAl s9tat1% , WATKINS 10051PANY, D00. J, Hamil- of tile, D. A, Uetir'ea Fftate%. Ap,pty A. 1b; & What, If; 9. Came, 81 - . THE a. ,,a VILIO.No GODERICH I
, _ l . '"ht M OMAR.-!). not. ton, ont. � 121-t 1. 1#()L9Tll0IlK,,1, it. 11. NO. 4. Oode- I Vidtoria St, 4d. Sindy, rf; � C. -Tow- #19 - ..
,. . I ; __ .1 .. �w ,. �.
. - " . ojllol� Days,-Afrinflals; Wodnp,Arlaym, - A 'TEID.-An Inspector or Superjn� "lull, . __.� - 40. 1 1
. � 1, -giturda�* or Any diy by, special rc- W N -- . I I ..-. _ __�� 01, 3b. Mrs. Stewart, 11b#, M� orr1q. I � L
,--,— _ ,
� # - NOTIC " ef� .1, -
I IMVO; 11 tendent Mr Huron Com, Child 10 TO CgrDITORS ClKinlooll, 2b; G Jewel, r if.
--'--'.'.- ___.____._______,_ reWs .,kid -Sodety In placei of il%tx ,V" M -IM I -, I -
�, : . � t. G. . , � ~�,,� ...... ��. lie 'eod, iss; Li Craddock, 0 �
. I ,I � � Republit of Colo%bls, 6 ,per -tent. E1116% resigned. Applications in writ- � OTI , TO 010)111010, j � D. Mubeh, P.- . I I � � � � � � � � �� i �� ,�� � �� �� � � � � , , 1����� ���� � � � I I
i 'W4Av-%ikT- IMMeivig rii"A ir.AIA Banda In& St -19119 ,qualiftoations and salat, I I I � 0
" . . mted, will The received by tho un.
I I I , Pated April lot, 1028. nisturr, .oet. 'O I
I flersigned u th" 1024'.4utio
, " '"' Utj 1961. The" botag will vmsti. to bi . P to July
it ,
� � .igia. 4� sooi . lble. - XMIT par-
- 1%
, * - -
. I '1� tute dirett oblig-stion of Republic of ticalira a,,; to duties expetted, etc., Avill
. I � rolombivneouredbylts fall face.And be giv#h by the elerk on. appireation.
. vredit. . I L . C -Ii, OX0. W. WILMA!%
. I qy
I � NORMAN LEWIS 6oderielt. June !!�, 10028, ,Glepu, Itupon
� ! , F 60C HaffilltoIll I'llId NOW90C _� __ 1.
.. , , I 1. 1. I - ...
. I , L Streets, 0*rith. I __ �
� I I ,
� I . . 11 ..
. .. . . � I I , Phom 476. ARE YOU THE MAN' j
... .. � I V. ft BOX 78RO I . ".
.. �� � . _ ���___ . of Motion, Ambition and ljil(lattvt.
� . .
..... I . ;;;;; . �. I — 'Waoted,lo. asMst lit tile dtvelop-
. iatitmf Ittsour.
..... ; 1. I ment at Vansdals'.%
7 1 'I receive fog, ya"r efforts
1, , RAIGIE - r"A"d
7 I : mr,ollent rvmunerxllerk'�, Thea
i . : J., W. C urile at otite to I
I I .
), I .
,� . . � I L G. NeVillo .
I , I � Ral We All 11mbee 210 Metrimpolitan 111ft,joranto
. I
. . I - - -.. I., 11 "I I I I I
. I - . __ ... _ %
� -
i " . - - - _:11:14=11 , '' .�
_�# I
, I
. 'I, I � , . '[I I - ,... -1 I __ - � I U I -,
, 0. Fs CAREY & S"N Ltda
I . V I
I TAv1sw# 230
1 '
j T V M, V 1, U B Ur I f, b IN 0 I
� janob a Bogy Mouth, in Police CaUtt
Notice Is Iterphy elve'll to all V"'3on" Thd Month of June WAS A busy 011C
11favlaq anv elalm against the Elqtatp. (d.
Wililint 0ark, late ,of tile Tow % of in Police Malgistrate told's omee,
I thero being a total of 69 Cases on the
(101le"Nell. Ill Ilm county of Iluron.
ElIginepr. vl"eaqvd, who filot. ,on iir docket-, all of %viijelf lave been dis-
abOUt tile 30th daV ot Apr% A. D., 02A. po$ed ,of. This is a considerable in-
to send thpir Naitivi tialy pajivotj. tiq erea$e over the' �averagn month,
the undomignpil. on ,or befow� tile I h
113,N of Join 10429, as on and 1� Aniong the etsm dealt With thd P35t
11% allov V�.at - , Frank
" - ore tile following.
, tile AvIralulstp. tor flll� s.114 Week
ristate rwill jvaivod to itsirl6itp jjj,-. Joileg, of -Clinton, was fined A5 ond
. . of flie ,valit *Pstatev. baving v, avot
f)niy tg Vie Pra;.,n,4 cf vvbjc�j r,ije liwall
eostg for parking Ida: car without
light!% Frank yontnna, of tmndon,
was smscssed $10 and 'gosts for reel..
. OF41P.P101, Off" .
lels drivit44 nt crediton. vdille ty. W.
Armstrong, of Lon&abaro, pid a
"'Atestor.4 flop tap
_______ - Aql&,�_InM?,4,�,,.
. I
fine ,&f $50, and ewtu for fall'url t6
grado eK*11, on June 28, John Ival-
i � ��
I I � �". __
� I- __ _ -1 I ___._____ft_0_i
� j p6r, 6f Exetpil, Wag. a,10C
111cled to) two
. I .. .. 11
!I mouths in isil for tc,epIR9 1904)? f0l?
i1r4le.' N%1. U. (;rarquiet, of .GoafortTi,
in, court on two, ellarges.1
0 __
103na fc,r taof ealrfying a di-lvee,; lie-
ii'-f-OvA, i;r WWII Ila paid a flne of $10
At ,torne repairs are- b6T9
" and costs and for flailing to neop
made on the line, the
� tb
I '"hen tnt"Ar'o a Provincial bigh-
i*ay, which CO3t h1m $1, and cwt,3.
I I—, -1 . � I � I - I -1 � I I I I . I
hydro will be off on Sun�
I !a 4)
day motnfiig froni 4.30ito
I Pigeon Fly Vrom0foeuville
The ,6o,m,eacii lrominpr figl�oft CN4
Open 4 hights Every Week .�
9 a. M.
I � .
WOW Coo*^ *
thI14 A 1*4 week for thok, flip:hlm- it
I 1111A fWenxtrakqed to have twe lar5t�;
� mat"MXy, One frova naim TAko 116tt i,
� *
Tu sday, Wedrx-%dviy, I hursday, Scaturday
Alli _ Mill
Wit 4i
I Oft Ikt 116th-otnal llcneb� alic,h�, "It"d tr, _-,
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