HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-06-28, Page 8- MXT STAR 141URSDAY. JIINF 28th, l9ft I !!�_.41�:�-.-__77 M": ... -_ --*'!-- of suatke or who fill ,�Mr pulpiti in — ----.—., --- �___ --1 - -� -- - . . . 1 %Af��2_ . b I mamummommeammomeadia4WINFor"*Nod000wwo,ogi§40044mmis ___ ­ . . . I 1P It III_- TTQW^ - �y far too sa any inutaftem 0 - Alu" - NOW It 93 a quite ripe time for the Com- f -------, , , I 0 1 20011L� I'mork ,cro-si-writer ta sit upon hia(11, I Sunda ' I-amhe3 and do some long thinkitig,� ,v- o4fternoon I TIESmIDAY "UP far a $5.600 kere, a W.WU there, , 41. 9 U , A I I and ca Vihw-yonder, haw a darnedly '89 ISABEL 11AM11-710M, GaIlvicA, Oat. A _­­ TO ----"- . Mg Julluenec, in M24ing flAbby-sided A9 .1 '.Wall�,tFi ft the C-011*1111101) JWpple, I aj- I'll'IWIWMMii**#$PA*4ilOwAiii*044*AiAW§igi66FNiiWA00804*;g '�W;WW;110iNiW1j1qLW11i I ­ - - bure 40 readers of ibig papi,r. , 11.� t�,,�Id, M, tin thy g1lava, I 4, " �c I�P;144 that i01+6""Wou v;bald arlsts. . WISSIVIEC . I Wo are blowingtoo anitsiy, qir=but.> 'i WIAII�Wld riwp( arlskl� TW great work that war belag datio by . ­. ­­ b1c:3 lu "Ory walk, of lifo. But the I .PM006 I days for those things sliriuld be pAr. Andlo"ts otsin" are liresAng burd, Stel-hel", t;lItskip Of thi�� V,lr(w of fljk� � V 1%r 'I raw 0, down pretty well to the ebild- To Alrav", thev trt�w lbe kaes. Isola- hk whivil behad, been deAgnated, Jux-A 20th-30tht 1928i 1 h0d YCAVS at UIP lilloSt' Life JS . tiraw"eiltbe argument'itivospirit otter. ; : hor ,W01? 1111"k the vk1tiry Won, .4 _9 I, In even tile longer instances, .N tulo foreign Jews resideut In Jerut5a. LT, �1 ,nnf n. #1 a, i h". #h, . 1.1 4. 1A � . . �v"vvrwa iRrinuors.rAtia, MiWHU A ,,.,h9l6 -= .4n Nor Jay ibine a—, 4in�i-n 141M � "4 -.) 0 pv� 4.1 VVVu T . 2 .1 1: . ,1 ­ �V 44A.VV . 94VIIN XAM . Q&Vrwvl�" 0. ; I I I I I I a - Christian -need 0 about witil a billp ariluins.,, ivork will not lie done 14,14w and Epirlt they ve:�ortet? to . COCURANE. XCAVIVSKAQ11 . qQ. JAINAXI. % 11, �� I'll, - . . , ) � I ;Mt I long drawn face the *hole of the Till thoirsdit"jil illy 4"rowil. filte slietbods Of Ovea'aming him. As FRAscus. FQAT � . 1� time wo do argue that our fikees Pro -Goorge Reath, ill the va,�*e of tile trial of JQ511s, !ssosy RETVRNING BOAT sTOPOVI""; AT "RT LT OTXI , . ., I . urm for bressW, ni - 11 ,WILLIAM-11ORT ARTUVIR, U11 , . - I ** � . I situation deserves, and our yo g r were lirollglit who actrused. him of, . I RAW% , . � I � - , I , 0 Dt ion# 4rawn halt iss viveh at3 tlii� I "..-� . I I . P�!!Ppft. ,Ser" �W% un 0 blaspbeilly and, treason against his . � 111111111 on a . � 01, , r. neratiou are fell up (right.,,,�,W. ]VILAYES station and religion. The,]Agh,...prles� . - _. . . . .- . 1� . 4uakow_ ,a . . .. . 0 .�,-��, ,�.,,',, " USDUR AUSIFIVAS OIP ­ ' I � I-Asso I .., ­ . ­ . 100#01 _ *�AVni1k_jW_"V4M. .. "D -Vxw � � , () 4"104" give us Of TJ a visaiwe to aumver Ma � 1eC4j44on*f W$j�;:,'.,;�,. � ciations ! I .� " �� at es an4 our pulpltx�. tyi� gave $fephen . � . � I . . W% I - __ lyspirit that Vve � � 11 t "', 1 da loss Caftsists R11008ten- =aYtit�10il4atijoitiplor:italjtjilW..!Ia!�,-atvuser-s,,nita�ulair4iowaefel*-A ais-_ .1 . . ­ ----- .... ­ I � � __ 1�14 J , U M , , , �._ . _1. * .;�:11 �"' . t e.;i�,W.1151"01[ _­Ral. I— 77��_r ___.-7_._._-- 11 ­ � � � .. 1.1- ­ . 7 _�::��,�_ li"I'Af -, , -, -coo Jim -44tylk-VA 1 _177— ___,= -1 _oMe 10 - -1 __ - ___ - -­ - , , , , 'I , d tarJVar­argW la� - .,&Z- -1&--t .lit;-- no-l��V-14: UR --- ­ - __ -Pro ln0ffVfID0tM=_f . .jV0W"jT f� " .. MurvAlIew fW - vffpiximwif ot� -4111 flihi "Tholi, W,ig ire. -Ills I f I I I I , I � , , tl� 4-- "ISCUIT-0sm rV I ath, upon PlaYN, games and yeal(,d. -%Ve. would, �vj(,I& ourselves W history og tile ZOW1511 ,nation, sbaiving - . Isictusivo prico . I0. � -1. "Ok 1* Th* Idonadlaft 3hr#40W.Whoat company. Lt44 m)orfa, sod almost or entirely of , Thee that Ave may lie str 11 Aecomraodatlon, I Q gthened to What U41W)wledge he bgdi of the Scrip. I froin To,,nto $1500-00 'Ov 4'w_or Re"t" ! 11 : , 0-�,_ � - 1. I . I I blowing theatrical blibblesof amuse- Aght agatisqk the toes that ,4. tur(w wbielk they all professed to be- � . . 11 " ­­­­ - ­!_r:!��- 13ro wate _. Ing to enti'l I . � � � 1; � " 1. 111 11 I— ,I went, to make full houses roar, yell . P bur Sent& In, JeS1115, Rove. ]Re Pointed alit bow tile pro- - , veicaptivi Voider and Reservations from H. C, 330t=189i I and whoop like 4 lot of e from PbetS wbOm God hid appointed to . To � i I name we pro � ) I WNP41t, 0 d t a Y. Amon, . 0trattal Pawagtr Agent, Canadian National Rya-, Tordlltl) � I P, POLITICAL sonlowhere, and entirely . � I . teach them bad, -been iperseauted and I . I . . � - # � � � SOCIAL houses., we have builf #1nd 441eatod , 8 ht 1p,9 . . . I for w-orslap to, Almightv God, ,und S- 8-, 10480N VOR AMY t 4S slain. Then Ater Aulsheill -by tellbs&- � I is SHORT _ � __ . I � - - . � BlowingBuhblesi i1r.­ -1 I - _.- ­ ­ � ­ TIME I . . - them that tberliutl betra$e4- lind-iiiiir. I � I , -1 RELIGIOV which abould be used and, looked up, Lesson Tole. Saul ass . . � . S , (T 6001sen. dered the Just One Whose coining bad . / I ,By N. SAIRD . "I on as "the place."Ohereon thou stand. Lesson rasstsgo-dets V54; , 8,9; �beess Prophesied, of �old. ,qVbcss they I I —Make Your Rqe9erv;L010lt% Now. - � . ! . � . I I . . 11 I � oat is holy ground." Those -condi- 03:19, 20. . I bear4, theso,thingst they "Were cut to ! �_ 0 , , . , � . I � tio,ns are doolorably irrovorissit and, Golden Text�gcv. 2.:10, , � - .".., I .. I I I...,.. I. .1 I - � , . � social h6lpfubic:io, and -tbor -heart, find -they P'nslietl on hisis; e=M=Z�=��,=_T=,_. ,---.-.---..-,. --"L--,— I __1 . i � . rAitor I'MI ftr, 110110fic - 141 Are disgracefully issibeco](111119- to On- Whoix the nomber at the disciples with ,their teetll.00- - Professor 4Barker "ixieb, eat" 7� r � 4 i .. �_­ . direction of Rev. X C. Parr. . other and made you a joy on ti0r,any - ; � . � . I � aids, aloup a number Of 1103 .Of lightened Chriatendom, . greafl$ Illereased &I disagreement ga',V-91, "Passloss, raged- against passlont, wishes. � ) . . ,4 1 *C. was , . I spipething, of real worth to the mar,* Not so Ilialir years ago I bad1ho a ur heartiest good . , ros The evenings this year, as Its. for. hearts. . 0 ..&�: , I . I 'Alive OVC48,01114117, 'during the; 30]6, of 0alip reople, bur country ensure of �en$oyfssg a Chriatmils nebrowo, It n.o,j to ,the,'bittor that open I to tho . , than 111 ,, 0 betwee" tile ore"I'll's- An(l' tile and v0alon aaalsist, reason. Their mer Ycai�s* Are e n tois occasion r ones, amusing to � I . I . They snarled -will, be -4 damp Aro "t blessing through many years to 0-0mo . I I years, noticed .some groupa at cbil� and .people migh boye an enviable ,festival in the Clbf of , 016velalld� lit,10tS were distracted, toril, Ivith r4sge, . for a long colatinued, happiness itsid ., ?W1 . � , dreft, stad ,even aide . tlle� rare Of ill($ -,Vldows had b0c'n In' gi�e4tly exasperated, . This first Monday night. p I 14, I tll� , , bure. !before them, , I . The church wait large, but plitin, and trusted, alld. tile complaint, was that like bca$ts of Prey. III ye beach on to you both, and Nvisile this anniver. themselves - blowing soar, bubbleo, %The natural slant of the oyA the the ratherlsic 'was a ilss�ked bouse, I On Tuesday evening the president Z, . -with too I I of 'In In their monagement of afrairs tout- $10 not.10 0 '� � . g straw% or the Old-fashioned focus, of the vision, the ideal mind- and the TwagrAps kingthy and , Mul; tills? anger wo 41 sla., 'Of the London Conference,,Rov, W. 1,,k, v3rY may bring to you much thought I flay PI1*s# An4whilo the, babbles did bent of the co . llt� to rlboso. of their own Their .hour of defeat was - to 1 sea' McIntosh will give the address; On scelus . poral parfills - * I . saloon, simil, Is always lumicissetv high istWord. But ' and sense and outlook that : took hice in thesnalli4T.1itt . i y'liad been showit. This he, hour of, victory, They stoned J.' to Rev, J. E. Lloyd, a strangely similar to thatof 80 Years . . 10TO It, walk or vocation in thislife. Tjjoro' son.eORIA heareve Ing brought to tbO 00tice 09,010'tWelvO death, lietually vomialtillig,issurder, as . . hrb, yet we trust that you will enjoy, I Xbott, �nd there W44: IR US life was towArd the leaders. in any -or every' Orousrh4t,414 entire evolifni- a per. nallon"lli - . I .ry word 011st thp - called. tile. people together asid* , It W TCOrned missionary from West At- I Ill my ,own home we Were taught forev the common individual looko to. ,Whole atuse4t)bere, wng upItftinA,,1n . "494111it, the ROW4114AW,for the- %o the fullest. -measure the ba! . . . .4 they . I I'll, 48 well As oth-% ward. . fiholve(l them how tb4ir- work was t1W Sanhedrin to put any one to death rica, win, $Peak,, ,on-Thurafty evening PY. I � , to ocalItomize on SOA ..the MUD he Votes to -Parlin'-- iii0irisir., It- was distinetl� under- . , Rev.,,T. 1. MaclCay, of the Church. of confidence �of veterans in the fiela) 6f � . . ­ � ,or things" , I 89PPOW0 010114V thOught meat, to the man who has been made stoof, th4iQ should be 'no eneore& and Preaching of the Oofipel, . and that it Calson'riArra $a , I � .r-, ys:.OWe can Juage All.'Xiitlosts,'Torossto, will give. ,tho life, and long, I Olt $OAP Would do more good applied a Judp 10ft no. time, to 4ovoteito tbc` 44mlls- howliewe -inuat have been the rage sp ssing, and -God's raln- . I : I , of our Courts of Law, to the tills Is Only 48 it 6bould the, for those- .later address and- on Friday night, Re.. .Wation, a ble Poa�, . .. � � otherwise . and sometimes I th, -who boa been hoss6"4 as a� lend, thin .4 . 'Ing of daily ratloxsii� � They. there. Nvl)i( - a joleson 'Saallearlis. Ill to Frank Langford . , . will SpOak, I . :._10,."-,. ought man .gs entirely. ovortwov'ked, . _'h Jilrised laboring servatits to the Young .. I � . . I - I ! ­ I r too# when lookitigat.soulo of those or In moral and social, reform, to. the A RoMer - pf years Ago I also, oll- fore illrvetvIl them to g0lecl` "COV011 a mob,of purdevers." ,,The$ oat him On Sunday .afternoon a special 1)16 who have yet to fave those pro- * . . .1 ­. 008 of Children* It lookell like a M I cepted as a leader loyeit a Christina . 9 .program -ot. tliq vied of honest repOrt, full of the 1101Y 'Oat ofthe 00,: and stoa�d:,,Islm. and consecration service for the students bleins which you faced, and who vot L --�_ - I . _Ad,.aome fe'W years a OP things future as woll,as thingspres- by village of'Sobrissgv1IIo,.OR Point oter this blishicas.11 This' To- at a roblig Ta St. United church,'with. a, _ I . I **#*-*0 w4' 0147 40- -tile wItilooses laid down their clothes of th � . 0 musemept. . and-: teach6r in spiritual matters, Wapeelleal church in our own, near- L sa0m, Whom � I . �Yple,o.,Of.a Ghost -alla ITI . e school will be held iss Victoria 4r5 untried in respopsibilitiek which I . - t.i and' , all's teet, whose namo you have so nobly proven to be a joy. 4r� � . . I , O 1140XV bubble" Socials being trfed ellt. These, with some -others, .eve the eutite ro collusion4atlon pleased tile -people, and %vos. $4ul,,, As they - tolso:one, f4ltbta I . closing P , 1410� .11 . � , . I t . Amu gram wpa, seat uplift, Is I �Tally'lts the evening, - To Increase some, of the haox y misso .� � � 84 younger And Older U010 the finished pie of in 9 , re� T,be. .c4 ... � : . � jA* the f1surols, And Sri; ,order to raise I , twire bit the sercen and 101 ued throughout with the tiler, Wide tbelrcholm'Ther first to servant of Jesus, obristj Goa is p tering ,to the schoo,l will. b� of love .and good will,, and boat wish- I . � , � - I � I � ,the life of. tho ommosis man or.wom- oPIrit of Christ'and Christma% . es suoh as you enjoyed 80 year� .09,0, ` . ­ � , . . I . 1. I I . . Our be ell0cli was, Stopllclll� Who wag (11ar- pa -ring another to take up, the work, done iby, the Ladles' Aid of the Xorth we 4esive to . present to you a. a a 80th: . . , � 1. ­ . %O*e monoy, for the church, 'Which an, and. if those leave upon us the (�houlil .be) sanctified -owpols avo acterIze(I as "a lis"is' fult- Of- fd'Ith ftn4 carry It further. alsaalso'die, the. mar-. iSt. United church, while 'the, Mllets , � I -Vioved quite successful. . ron )us, I ask, iii All can. not a place for the ridiculous ,a-.qd of tile Voly . . ded -by the V . �., � . 1. .. � � . I roast, . . anniversary remembrance these gifts . � ... I I . But I do not Do � , ' . , , Ghost�,, I tyr's death, Of him We'road, Mat -his Will be Provi . ictoria St. crvent hope -that 70,4 11 . . I . .. . 1. ". . . � I . �rpoj$o today to gr._ do . .ere, under the 401OP's, of osserikilous 94rrylsig.oss WhI4 ' we From this tbatei when '1111molly U461 zeal for persecuthij, tbe:�cburcb, led Vnited.6hurch. , L . . - And with the I I . L . .. .1 I glut elthar pro'or eon far the %o h qyl,�$ ore anytbilift loft for the ��Quoistl� see Much nearer home. fillix r�.qtared, the cause of the Go§x*l him from, ,this' tinse to ,,maito havoc I � 0 . . . :.. , Signed on behalf of Mother, Broth- . I �_ . . - . � :: - _. , . � I lbulshlp,'. But there are ninny other 0 on an to, fall back up Now I ant � ve'ry sorry, Mr., Editor, eontin "The woril, of of The church T4XVjtRS,k1tV era and'Sisters an Fai8:11Y - . .. . on? 1.1f ucA to prospor.* CELEBRATE 30th AN d '. . i - - cn � 'entering bxtb* -every ., _.1L__.1-"0" 1. - - I..-. kialls of bobbles which Oro blown to- those. on hl only air bubbles, that I-boA dropped 4 stitch right . God gre%rkll Amongst the ssunib.erwho house and hall � =!M�,�. I -1_1. L .. .. . .... , iidmels� eons- On , the evoising.-of Friday, June �. _ I �. .. . I . .. =� �� 11 . ' sig well'tisid " � ......... --------- .. . . �. . � I 4.1ky, which are d4lared 1w a$ Many wbat 6 is there left for the.com. ho,r6. I have not been in the beat of h"asooldlselplea,,at thlabline In .T�rip� mitt,d th 46th, a large got6oring of *out I . . I 1. . Villibow tints as, the former and the man individual? . ,,, o , ons to prison.", '9110h gent . 1. . I ­ . I.,. . , "hoalth this s,oring-'Isk rart way of salex Wa.4 -a gro4t.. multitude Of the wa$ yvattl, nobler 1. I _� ­ ,� � I I IIVOS of which, are *boot .as short and It out iogW� ­ I a cause slill 06C sWy relatives and frj�osids thered . . � !:., . . � e -bee away � prles�is, Accordingly It, *4a to W ON- ealled, Saill to MR str I vice. ,, . , , � I ga 11 .� .1 , ators, our-$udges, our an excuse 41id 1 ilatf br�v d 1, , atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Jag: IT. I I I � .. . " which came to nautht, -pud which .ire teachers and preachers; and .others from home A couple of times, soutki. , 11 . _ I . I I'� I ! .1 :'I", :�:...L .. of sit squoh. *01� value, and us,efulneos of like kind, would �ahow't6 the com- it ist I b OL'$ I . - I 11 1 I � 111.1 � ­ 1 U.- 1.0. Dairld growni'Do, In hl$ mviisobi it being the oc�aidoss of ! TrIel-7-.11-M .. . I � I I . .1.1 � an the 1*1 I . � orth and oaaf;14., It ' av enrolled I ough Y religious bent (,not too 'a ��commefitokr " sovs on, tile, sts'(feliseut their 30th.ayiniversary. Dinner was W . I . f6re-mentioned. sonp, bubblq� moss, individual semo V441, lossonq of slo'bout and, picked it y S - no. Rev. Jus. . I . I 11 . . I r . , ; . _p again,,asid 1 40 - ,that, "the Witnesses laid down their served in the dissing­roor I xatulfe$ own Rel"dy . I L . I . J101 the field. of politics. thera. 'Are economy, Of lion-extr0ligance, ortho have. soift4bat reltiforeed the' most pril) Young lady'to look him Out And I . 11 � . , � I . .1 L. � I nani_i4adj looking but ath6rwlae' Moro: honorable filling. of . their fav- Wearing, parts of the Oarment with )10111,41n, Along in his aollA faith, in clothes at.ft young -113411'O ,feet,. %VhOso Foote, Exeter, gave ,a toast -to the . . A W= fft TAB=-ZW TO T . . � � I . . ;.. I useleog bub Ica ,bloft into '�air. 64 .positions Olt . liame wat, .s4ill." ,Such is, our 1XIs- bride, dud groons, it being responded , � . NON -HABIT VolkMINO. .. . I � . � the- or . responsibility and much stronger cordage or sisal whieh� tho , 'Old book," and th4t "Oook" as I -OfL onto' , ' . ­ . I - 1 uxuall� At 0out election time (by trust I . - 11, . . I toriquIs calm, yet thrilling way of'In- to bY Mr.,J, W. Sinith, Tor ' L' ' . - .V4.4"a 50c. -4 box, I � I : � . � . n and'out some gc�a I procured -while visiting among It stands, I . I . and the , rest of. tho evening lvas . . . I � I . 11 ­ Oil And ever� Political pqvty� are stiff sentences to. those who deserve 4 Olitarlola western, pentit. Another man ,(older thil; trodui�lng to. b -Is tread0irs Otte, to whom � I . . I � I 11 ,� I ftion .S . I All , � my, O,f I curwil spent in music and 4peeches, Xisil $ i . . . 4 : lhese�'bOtNs iloatoa to the ,winds, them* the orlm&w4ve z�wth _3111V Re -Mr. Editor, it makes and an entire str int4r to .me,, unt! , assity-whetber us unfolded In framilton. 41od:�,.Mjj& Weekes 'a mg a , - � � . ,is Country, y, V � - ., , - ,, , , *ieh have not'only'the4 gfilsdy,'4p� might soon: be .so owhat 1. issesit, or as established ,duet 91 14(o I Z &-I d I Q A to] 11k , . � . ."� I 11,�' .0 , in reduced, me sort.of"Oliamod to see the IIirg6 nowo whom I believe to bo� A thor- tile -New ,Testa with Miss 0DhtS '46 PI 1. , I /1 towet but give ,promis6 of, -at Butthose on the caughlossed seats ate' *mount. of this stronger sisil. which ough.. %tistlan, living, ,in - - 4'small in the world, afid- �YrQugbt Auto the'Lro- I � �_,..",�111 . . Xri,k Foote also .9nng a lively solo. r�., . , I..,:!, 1.._-_---.=,_,. : .� , , , , ... . � . I st.,80*0 'Usefulness dusilog election .hot doing it,"by, quite a safe guess, the People seem willing to, offer,r Alglosikv ,thinking Ana Phraseology of Another event of the evening was- a * _ .;­ .. . 4-C ,� I — ­ .. , �_�_.-_.� - . , ise town vorth�osist of bereo,but who had 11 . - . I .. , I i . L ,. ... . .1 PaWs, but aeldom. bbid their And the common individoul takea no.. (free Of charge) when we got down 'tot Toiad usir. of sily letters, .until ,Cbrlstondoui�"Olwes, lmoro� parhalv* P I . 11 ..'. I I � . rosentation of a living room suite . I � I . I I I � . � .11, . I I x6linto the Arab, session � of loglAft. tice and runs the, chance. , The Sitiig* to colifil � -to 411f thci other dpostle.4 togetbi r. to L r, d Mrs. arriso . , ; . 4 . .� - � - .. � . I I I : � � �, 1. . I ­ 1 -4�� lential hiAtt, tn heart talks, quite. recent r, 'wheri . several were 04A . . 0 M 'an 11 n Mt$ .1. �.�. - .. . . � I , . , I . �� . or, oarliasniiis "i -� -.' tion is more serious end alormingly relating to polideal, joatt6rs, - soetal handed 10_11sxs__ls�� -his, ,as, - Acts 2300,20 - ,. .. . . ", . ,� � 1 ��. : I .j.. .. My e4nald Opinion Ig:that,it takes grave than many of "our People .,*em function.s, or 'work, or, or (and I well as a1viesid of sily own, was very , Thes,61vergegar6lakelifrom . ' Lorne Thurlow re4d. tho,addre,�S, I ­ 11 , 111- . . . . to think, And' . , a speech Vaken entirely by surprige -Mr. Har- I " ­, , � . I . � VA, I �, I . . . I . .. a Man or woman of the Younger k R1ad,tq,mvqt ine, and caRle -the a rison replied .1ft a few, words, thanler 'WI - I � .11 considerable .senora- blush to - say it) spiritual - life. . sid, r 00* 141101W. 114ul, when it prisoner lir-1102111% . I � 1. � I - itVe And 010491 StAininti to AbOind Up bless do not realize it at OL14 and. sooln 0horch"Work.,in its varioustag,a.vlir- and time. He gaid.he endorsed Toy . . . . . . I , . Ing' 'them for their leautiful gift, , , � �/ 1 r. � . q . � . '41 and 04try,thoinsisten to think it's just. WAF; give4_4 chance, 'ma Steplsess� bad. I I 1� � . � . . 1. .. . 1, ". � , .. . . t banners In all AOL Iam .not iod fieldx aud, fusictiblis of the prei� letters throughout, with the only ex- b6en years before, to, etphsln the WhIch they bestowed, upon them. ! A, 'i . �- i - �� . . . and through the hall$ of legislations, 'willing or preparetv -to take a back elit age. This must lid ,be, it cav- feeptioli of � an. occasional iword In things whereof -he wa The, address read was as follows: I , �i� 3, I �,: . . , . I � � I a accused. lie � I 'W�� �� � . ". . I I � � I . . today *146,Lelther #alit al, 0 At in those statements. But it is "Act be, xabi-044., There is,* soro,-�. some of the, letters (some people fald, Of - : . es" I I . � . � . le ,,social or 0 lifir zeal Ill, Dreventing the %61, To fiest Jaines'and Ida . I , . ,i I 1. . I velltious s, and this (in A, isist. the men who�koldpui upper floor.% In thine "seriously Wrong with the whole Would say cuss�words). I explained lower of , . . �, I I .1 1. , , I 0 , Ohrlst, of his conversion, ,his On this btappy occasion of tho'80th I �! t I , . . � 1. . � shell) Is Just what Canada, Is in need a great MARY -circles and K' : .. :� , . I 0, great machinery or mechatsism of our,pre- my Vosition to� him, and will also try bA tism ,11. �� I . I : . - . .� 1. � , . - .. of toda3r, plote 00A Any ather 0110 many '1411tittl0a who ate lorebig: is sesst,dpy� church,, and it behowea,-ev- and define myself to Any , Wier llk�- p and Ills call t6 preach to the P.susiversary of your marriage Wo I I - I ". If ... . of I I . I � , 10entI1,00. � When -Ile tal4f of hig, filter- - . ., 11 : . . .4 . dealro,Ao, congratulate you uvo* pill . - __ , . . � ;,. - I . , tb*#� . out ihtw the VurreAtR I hin 'and 4cvery'A6a,4er--�-.In,- 'reader of Vio Star, ,� . I the success, happiness and continued -_ __ . NNW- I I � . . - of Malconitent or0 , Chvigti 'View with IsIR r4rd the mob I � . .. . , � I. I . I I Our leading advise'ra and xup6-r6. And ,dissatisfactlon.. it applies and p-artlosslar. and4vory 'oulpit. throiloth- . It Thuy,be. tk failing'. but �0 far as I ucted"VOTY 'prosperity of a happy married life. � . . I I ::` , I " . . . ors art tva, loose-Jolfited ,to - fill ,fit* 14 along a 900di3t number of out blils'lorld to sistreltd[eeo,assil uss- I �� vacua sr � am , coneoietidd 'thore, Is Much a& -be h'M$e'4f ilad done, as one You have beautifully ok:�te�n.plifled tbq 1� the .. i L I - 1. .. . � . %% siblY more particular] . , I �� 41 I - Sanhedrin, when Ste- truth Minard's onemy of , . 11 .1 �o 1 $ , 1 . ,poxitioxis entrustcd ,to them, and lines pos ... of the enraged . � . I . � I , y to covov the 4mon who' is � usiderminlair .-ent. profanc� nor age� of love ,,dnd fhe Aivinefiesa of all theumatio. t . �,�$' 1 , roubles. -1 : ,� " I , 11 , . . .. , belther stculstr,, suoral ,nor rjlig� ,silaries, lixity in SablAth observ. our holv. faith in tho1undsinsolitals,of fil 'us * Intended wbatevi ]),bell. Wai atossed. 113pt 11IR-work 7411 marriage. ' On this happy -occasion ' Aub: it In thoroughly "_ A. , � .. - ­ , or, -Any I I . I I . . - I . . :. " . � ; , I functions � are th�y, holding up 411100 04 liqUorlaws,and. a few Oil,.. tho rolielos; we pelza so dftrlv, - If. ... I in . which. -1 have ever uU- not yet AnIshed, and bls.11amllss-�Itl. health and the health of your family I .Oftola. - . � .. I . . ­ I I 1,:-r.-` �_­ , hollor, A*4 i4olul 'i4lue .which 'ert of Similar nature seemingly 1 -really did Act know, Mr.,Kd0hr, : on I as 'been tineture4 with thi ins, 1hat d'tiy. . p I 1. i , , : - nOW ,gathered about,you you have, � ; . . I , Uld * up . , -from not iQould I at first th Ve liveth long who Ilveth well *, . . ' I � � I . . I $*rtoost in coUlit'riell .Of gaudy tisoUgh looking blX%leg ink, that The same pursed thing. But - when I , 0 proveA, in the highest �vaya the best � , It eases the paln,, supploo - I 1. 1-1 I I : . . . '6ye" lesser litpoi4,4o6,i,lia�.,,'Cktitt�jit i6rtain viewpoints,, but not the VIOW Star Might be. read t4watimos by usean -dawn I say vlain do n) and � All othei ,,4r,,, short and vaill. ., the , to* Puts, riew life . � � : ­ 1. , I in . thlngq that life offers to young poo- 101n l I . .1. - :, Of theavorgge, sound Ing, tonil 'He livetli longest *bO coo tell 14to , tissues. . . . I ". - .. % t4d4y. . � I Mg to Rialto a 'home and to , . it I , think, - people outside'and away from �Godd- that aonvoys Just,what I do mean. pie stsrtl . . . � ItiOna' .. . , V tiie , 0107,4,, 'And the women who Vion, individual who earns his bread A oh'. k imagined, of ,course, .that For illustration, wh6u: I said Ameri- Of living -meat tot. heavenly 911111-" Uphold, the true tkaffi of Was- - . - Rub it in I 1, . I . . � I . I. ilei"t to ho"" th.e� sUping of, the dos. an41utter ,with muscle greage. No; the Stairi like the Signal, wasoxilk a. can people we I � !�7401e�tQd� ' try and thrift and to, convey lia�pi� � 61. - . I I �, . ... , tbiNit of our fluiltuciA moral. social not ,by' An,V Mealis., The common" kind , re a 'd!vW of a long .. I .� . ­ ­ � I _­­ . � . I . i I I .am 30#10us i of. taffy -fudge, <Politically) ior Way.froiR the goal, that was the real . , --*— . I , nega and love.inta the live$ Of oth- ____ _____ ______ I I . � � I - GAnada in hand could than looks- to tile Platform and the, o, f�w of 'the leading lights iw and and exact o6siditioil of the American ''Wou'm , , , rs. You have shown how, possible I - I 14"wiShed t, . � : 'O NVISSIONS s - e . I I I . loatt tor,tosvis t1semselves.economiss, pulpit for some redeeming, qualities, close to thecolssity to". ,Bob I have people which convey and I I I - . . i - - I ) . � . . . ­ 1. .. .��,�­ ,�.11­.�= . , � I , . otifl. 4114 '11' 'has 'a it is to. Overcome the trials and difll. I . I I . . �� 1, I L - I.— . Z ;t I VACO, And W6 are ,found out my mistaken opinion, ona more thali that. the Idevi, It Is 'MY -Purpose. to ,allow how, cultles, of life and turn them, all into � I I . . .. 11 � 4 1 1-11 -1 Ighty big b4ild in ,tile game -of #ot- among thg'prisaltive reopleo'f AfrIc44 success and blessing, � I . : I I I . . L F* I ,* . no, ettiti. any oversupply bya long . I sil pose that the Signal too (bisdilis mi - thotolleb of x0e . we, see it with ,. V � I . I I . . . � . a . I a sorky to $$IV. it 143 May, like The Star, sometlmei,s tilik them there, -And in keppinx them - alehle- cast havegis. in- abounding ,evidence -'that God has . W . I I ,- 1� 4 . , Oil, % eak o,r ialaries it is tgo . llneise& In'openlag the heart, In break. I I � I . .1 be rend awity from Goderich. � there too, And again, wben I )love t1tion, and lit giving a crowned the past SO- years I � T ,� . 1. . . . � I..,+ - 'in resorts to: . I . .1 * . . 's rest Mr -rat to try and pull I have found out fortlier also, that said that the Ohriatt Ing (Iowa supers w9edded life with big loving- kin6lies 11 I.: . . 11 I .�. '. the Uqver,our eyes by!saying the Baeroa isarro* solfish OWL asitiont idamedly quea4lonable things, etc., f wider rasige' for the entrauee of the atid,11ftf tolider merei�s aiid that — _.. - . � e, . . . . situation desakods it, when any half. criticisms Of the political, social and etc...I Uzi only -saying just ox,,tly Wardraild tbe,Qw4isel of Light. Think hga,allisdaistly bleised you onto e . I I � ch __ . ... - . I -_ . �,X., � � , witte reader Or thinker knows that Christian church fields respectively, what I menft� for thpre'ran be noth. of these '141,11onq of' moll, in tli,14. V - �� . , - __ -, ''.. _tft*_!�!! I ___.11 %_ 7-__=.-;:�_;r___ i� . � ­ . . 1k, I . what -away Ing lower, moro issidignifieT and 'do, r-11tPOsts Of lIrogress,. for f6�W 4 V - __ I I ­ �__ :1 : ­ - I - . "el, � m(r � I I I " ; -- - -1 . t * . I e sam 4ve Va& the Isave also been read so ,e I � � . - . I . ,�­ 1. I .. . . situations by their owli handicra% 1K on, I � .1 . I I �.�_ ,�1% I , � 111.t I � groin homes, ,and, whilat I � indat can. tIasing than for a man or woman ,zatIout ItivroundedogIr lh�supers 'tot I I :�'..;­ I �..�.. I I and so long as, t1i * People 111tv , I . I � � 1: , % � � � � . . . 0 common whose nerves art-' I I I I 1. .1. I I dldly� 4sid sincerely doisloro the situa- ,under the muise of christ%nity A I as keenly sensitive to I . �,� I I ; . . . ----" .. I . I 11 41 I A -F . Are ftft enough It will not b6 long tion and condition that calls'forth lower hissiself or hersolf,to some Of Pala 49. Are yOnr own, %Vho have Ito I � � . . � 18L]ktED' varieties ' i i I . � � . . . r until it will have twho oltithed up an. my, criticism$, I have yet t eet . y tbo, sent -day levels. knowledge of any powor or guy Oppor- ' I ig6st grade �. . ' I I . I . O in in . I I I . S of .the hi . L.. �� 11 � .Y. . �� 11 - I oth�r hole, first num (there -was one wainan I . %aloalso Wish to, - thahk The Stay tllliit,V of Velitif'. and who, wbess. Vain 1� I I . � carefully blerided, I - Ii. i . I " i . L I a . Nuth of -ft same kind of bubble teachop whom r may speak, of agaht. for its vditarial comment on "Sen. tollellea theinwith Its Iron grasil, must I . .1 . I � . I I i , 1� ., N . 'to secure a finer, inore _�5_ � t . - 4 blowisir attaches to our internal WI. not all of VhOm standwith me solid not and Baer," thereby linking" .;I simis lie helpless alid struggle In Itq , I I � , : i I I I . uOr traffic. 19very half-witted too" in mK denunciation of the evils (as I great 0alitiefil leader And up viscous. leartid -agony until the pain has spent , ' 4 1 .! . or woman 06 tbey either Pro or con) gee t tin), which are japglu- the life, ft ordinary man (and Istelf, or is forever, gljlcIp� � , I '&tinctivo fiavour�-thaes . : ,in the 40 . . I . I_ . knows right well that it is 6slo of the moilly eommoi , ton it. . � I � I � ' �"i . . secular, social and gpl itual, front to toll you,the caudill'ttoth I hirdly of death. When 4 medical issafteomes - Gold, Medd .Coffee. . , 1� . �� . I . . � ,I 11110 . ­�z I most 4ceUrIled'detrIVIOnts to the Wel- . our grand Canadian country, I know If I am to'siteept it Ila a Calls With 11IR fine ,qelotloe omosig,st these I I � . 1 1 lr�, . � � I I fare And Prosperity of our people I birvo had many, kind words ten- plimbut or,Oth0VWis0)- t have "Ovil! people, be Willa to kWsie ost a worker � I its MeHOW, tulwavoured. 11 I � I 10 � . . � . ; (much less a peowe 'o - mtra( I I C, . f . I . �� , I ., 0 * f6w , � f 1*11910118, dered we for tlsoy�staysd I have taken, asisived to big. things :for if I had I of qo% ille opens up a tiow . I I I � I I I I a &W flaunt) and yet because Of thP Pra- *nd while r do, not feel at all plated might have eabbagod. them tong ago. VPAIM. -lie breaks down doomof Super. I �. � ,twoothness is We result 11 . � I i �. 4, Pers"Itles, -of nulnY Of Our UPPef-ten by"kind words f6f-my attitildc, 00 but "all is tot gold ,that glittersti'l AtItIon. Salle 19aften tile flri.-t horidd . I . I Of inonthS Of ex - . I � . � I... . with thol who like the damnable -stuff too well: sympathy toward truth and right. and 1 4% willing to stag 4low", And of tile <.*to , ,4 of I ., � � 11 . peritnent. . . .. I � I . $ -� .ss in tile vlaee� pioneer L .1 . , .. 110 Old 4*8 Is. We are obliged to keep, forcegof Me' Countless (for truft and righteous- once ill, a - While pick 'up the Rickel mission work throilglimit, the . � 1. �!!_,�4�1 , , , It V -AA . f, - n - world.- I I Before being subirlitted . 4 � 0 on the M_ all the timo, when the ness Avill take care of theyssselv6g in which the frenzied crowd lot tall I , It. ,, UJI) I . 11 . . I .11 ,, . I 111111 , - :� whole blooifilis husluess, 4 manufac. the end, 4alet worry). But at the their baste. . . n p� I T4nell . . . �, .. . . . for Public approval this . ' . tiss,6, Issip4ttatio,40 eXt)ottatjo . If - ­" . . I fitleSt Of IcOftft$ Was pass. � 0 ii � . , . _._1.1_--._ � 4V -0,-V - . __�_. ­­ - _ 14 And sardo time I OW I% inighty - � . � TOROV010 A Remedy tar ruarache,.40 bavo . . � - � , 0 , 1. I ,­ . ­ '"tr . poor speW But� NP"klsg Of the I �, . I" � r --dlier,�ation-ismild�-hav,t--b"n- -."tit-of-humanity�!- 8at_4_:aPprftI4tc� _Mr__-Ue.11Mtt,4X_waft_do_4 . .Z§ t(l on by'inany judges of , . I .- 11 . 2t -know the­elkr4ehe,As­�to- - -tndur,%-- _torture,. � . ..... - '... I .1 _ ... _", ,-:I Tt! _ .IV . .1 I smiken to the bottomless pit yi,,avgL I id6ly-l�---,�1--ll---.-,�z,�-----,,-, �� I . _11, � v .--_,_A__ I ,the kindly word that says --;;you Oro him ry , and I do AOt Thq car is a 40licate organ and few - 4 et .,> .1 at tasm _ ; .11 ! jkgM, , on the,,riglit blaze.. Even Gode- even kn4vi as touch aboutlRaek as I efte to denl"ixith It considering it ' . � . � - I YU19 . . �- I C I , in would like to know, but to toako MY � - VV_ I . . i. I work for a 1. I:.. - . � � OH ' su"r Any too well for the men we ,storo to maka a eertaitt inquiry, -and position clear about Dennett,' I will Eelectric Oil ,offers A simple remedy. - � : I . . , I 1 Not a solitary Ono. of those. thivits, *1 the other day� ag 1, ran into a f doctor. Dr. Thomag! Vach ana every One 9 . IT -M ., I !krt to, out counells ,or to the men to wias ffiaxsing�out spin, I was �ealled have to tell You another' 3%rft-,l A few drops upon .& ploeb ,�f lint or . I his uniqlWified end6rsl, - i . � I ­ � �. . I ­­_ it± P.d tte handinst out baek by the words; "Mr. Baer, Ave ,hater to be.16rever opinniss � , : , k a I ='Iet��, "I � "t". "., � 111111111 k----'------ ­­ - have Men reading these, letters, ,and & these medicated cotton, and plae(kl in file . I , Inent of Pold Medal as . . .1 � 11 — I L: . : I . 0 I � . ;��Z.; yatsis, but 61% yarn I*% I*e t6' Me ear will do nuseh in, refle Ing pain, . 1. 114ving tg� fiftestand, most I . I . I * , I , . . - � . , go ur hom . Chr a R rely--ir n_ Sabb I A ; I L, I - . :J , I .1 - *0 1, � � �11 I- " 1 4) Irl I , O I . io , 9 *mp r, *11 env fh J� 001011 In I - , . 'I. , 1*14 = 11" CAM im ttlrb - I I I , - 010 In �4,* 1 IV I 11 - I �k � I" 1, V oi� "' � - I I ' � � I I " � KPIC OF 11 . 11 � IL AL A I , I 01"A N,'il I , , I * I I � I 11 , -11 1 �,04,411 , I . I f . belltve, in the "stood old er had a car, asid"me other tarm. st -k-4-91t SCHOOL fascinating flavout,, ' - � 1�1 - , $10 g.tstltO tAl YOU I am with you yetys visen only an occasional lam.i- . Go le I i !- DIM 'It . I . " f, . LLIE �, book' as It statift right as it stands.o ets were beginning to Blvd trouble- In The eighth annual gession of the IN � ­ I . "' I lie Now, Mr. Editor, that was right in keeping boys gatisfied, upon the farm. Goderieli. Summer School will con. . Wsk I � I � I �� DNA$ your own town And a young business T . I*y 0 wshttd cars- Well theli'a Wilt here Commencing on Mosiday, - I- I Your grOCCr f0r� " I , I akwa"NON'T -1 06061"b" 4011VIN1101"""000"O. mar at thlst. Aad it his be not at. formor Itolmesville farmer had mov- July 10, and continuing throughout ' ' 4 * ,. Gold, Me,& -1 cogee., . .- . l, - =% mwa" W"Tll�., - readv married, I advioet some thor- ed to. ^ better f0m neor Clinton, but the, ",k, closing with a spec - 1, . ' , � . No M1 TM I . I . . . . . .1 .1 I W I -I-.- _0!��!!t:�,_:,._. � _�!_ � _ JAI ser . Vott Will %nd it the . -_ -_ . I ft .1 . as yet he had Ao eslit but sevftol vice on Sunday tvening, Thij pro. '.. , 0� I , -r U 11' . _. I . . finest, colret you Arm ft- I � . . � � 9 VA 2IJ92 156101 61 96.9160.1 'bog. Ile "id to me one day� "Yolk Voila this, yetar as arranged by tho , .. � ­ over * !!*,& I I- . at% as VIA 0 1 . #ft.& -,I rL L � i It 1. 1. �, i A _. -­ -, ­----­1L14t�­­­$__ ,r ,,,,W - ­­­L�L ' � . I . - ­ ­ L" WINN" r: -1-1-11- ­­,­ _, - - , r ­ r - � I .. I rr r I- I- - " " Voft' U youm- --- twam, I %OF "N'; . I V" .09. I "Mt" . I I 3 I - �&%&,ds, waft %am I � I 1 14ft d" MNOWAY . . 1Wr"PWW conwat ­ - T%V. Hom- f--Kn_-*� "w..4*V, OO& , - ,w",� � IN" , - - , � " L� . I.. - I�A_!"_ . N"Pot. TIMM .Wwww know far. B90r, it* golsig to take a executive is ope that will, prove in. I . L- I I I . � *ood' inaft to kitp his boys quiet on terestint *lid �isslitruetive to the stu- , NAL (' ,90Cr.gS,0D. � COVIM 111ft the farm. jar islir-t, go and ft say* 1 ­kyx erits. JL4 the morning immediately X-1m,ral . � . . it's going to take a damn xaml man following breskfAst, whiell, will lie V6I"14l0Di0AbUtft,VL' 'L,".,4),fA" � 4 1 , NUK in a Near c�r so." And I guetts, it served on the North St. United . INIVAN09" UNS, road _­­_ .... ___ 33 I � . d bits. but to go back Jo Honorabloi ehurehi, there will'be A worabip Per. ... . ... ­ ­ , h f I . Xft 3" X11"ll", sawor, ", Befusett—If 'he has the rmalifitations Jed conducted by the Rev. Duncan 11 A , . , - - � I . VANii:­411 A* 44tW*,PjjqtQ t$j �thw is�er4 mexft�V, Mt. Bennett 14cTavisb, Exeter. A period of biMe . � V"V"rftVft � . VW was & d,m good man when he went studY will follow, with the Rev. It. T. GOLD 1EDAV I I . forr - L .r ; 0. . I I an ting to bn a Ferguson, Leimint:ftft. who will, ''. . A -in sit# better until ht rta get con. *peak inn tht xub*t, "MountAin Top .1 r ­ . I L ct VIRMW dr;4 k agak " I , : W-- - a trol Af the 446"gm at Ottawa, 4,1here in thi� E*Iwrieliee of 3*411,01 A 4or't4l r ­�_­­ ----- - �_ - . - 4 M14Y )�A 180111f, hor* forAbix country re,reational oriod will be conducted 1.1 _� - =1 - �� . � ;, . , I ­�;11111 1--.1 - v_ot. Aut I isso-t want to mako inyare" by, the R,,v. M. C. Parr, Goderir+_,,'� - ­­­ ­ , , L' I .... I , - . I __ � I . .- . . . ; I I Itlear on this point, ihat 1. for ,onc*, who. is thit rftreatioftol loadov fbrthe� -- L ­ -­ ­ . _. fm��a N", - � - ___. L I r I Uve juot about lost all faith in *nv sthoah' &V. Frank Talixford will' � L . i I —'-- L' �. ; I Trall who ever go" to Ottawa, flik 9i" A ,courmits- training for lemer- �� I � § *%at is even .rAwh more fkrier.able. ship in young ptople`* work. The' . I J I h*Ve rr#tty ni#tb 10%t fftlth ift MLJRV study Owtses this year are *,3 fol- �, I , , Itow i of our srhml teach�vtand manv bf low,�. -fte 14ilsion& Im by Rev. J. �, , . ' f, �, f" latiled.W tlerry -Nhq ate, romitlqr L M&cXsy. Toronto-, China. by Rev.'� - I eall'od)L j"I .. titiAtieV �, #Te.�M our, (te,f) ft ,Vf J. A. Wilkft, DU11gll"no". AfrICA.fi 40 i - � !ilr�tiir,f- 0 rft�ntlld 0e thinds wwll ��i% J. F� Vpy,l, Argola, W#_�,4 Afiri�' L L ; b" Am tw IV* I ��,,Mr# fho. 4e4t1"if!A of etir 'Voulger 6%; Xorl,4%. 10,v. W. A. Xsel-MlI111A. L . I . *a*# task 06* "d an* ,ft" "'t, 1"?�&?*tlo_"*�, P"4 *Nn ,apimply mppl WoAi#vv,, Kore-it, Yovir. ee R I lllllll� lllhlh�_ I ,V reg"I i- , , 1. "111111 v" V4. "d, "bfW pk.Viftw. ' �` food for _VftVk"r and nWi voorttll-q 1-te 11-4ody for Noxt Yfir, by V4, Rf,,,V� I r — - I I 01"111111, I Ill" 11111" I" *M booft fI-)I^ 'k%* ?"O"""ior * tlol�% Of (glio,ip, rdmk 1.4- A %&&&�_ �___ ­ .1 - rwhw4, Tortmto-. Teseh%!r ## "'NorquawwL ,� 11 I I of *&a ,I MW ft 144 4wlw No weit 14�*Wfri­-, 0! 11-fligroh, ;,?WrIi1r#,v*V1�-% to Traiftirr, Viog 1wilry Rr4*rt,M.m*,i, 0 , - % L- . 0 k "d saw As Soho*& ft* my pbarw p 14" "*10­-"V�t of 0,i4fvn1A'nt ',� I Pfyvltykb� T�*V" *0 sld*.I,1.* w� " SKIN I . 0 n � . T% I�OrAtfe tetl �,� �� . 4ECIALIST I M JJAN AbM* sow *t � V"rp- V0.1 -h #-%r J'or+rjov %*!Nold 4,41 rVIRSA f4.r 7*-.inl*#o , . OpjtV," L** * ".0 1'. '" rrapy& ,With, Vith *ffrlW;0#d f..-,_-� Rf'V, J�rofs*tor NvWaon. of Toleolvito I I .1 _ � . --1.1 - I , "M ��,, 10 .4 *. . _A W . ,� Tlio #ft#"W0""R of tv W"k xr� �� I ftniiisol. aia, �, . , , I*, - _-1 - . OTA 1-0 "Mi!W0 givoik .,vor to rorroation strolor ttw'l _. 11 - .. I . I � I �� I i ___ �L I � .� - .%"..MW0MftNft�_.... I I ._­____­­......1.1111.�&�. I j) . I 1. '. , 'W""ll'—ftm-11,1100 - - _.0PWf"%__A%ft . I I . ',� ­ I _66,w I I" -A � v . . - — — 11�� ... ... 1, - - . � - ,­_�. ;4�-,,-.�.-,--------.t-.,-�L�...- ­­,�. LLLL . ikaL e � ... A_ - L. - - - ­ ­­ I i - 1111111 111111 1 _ � I