HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-06-28, Page 5a ONIURSDAY, JUSE 2�th, 1028. THE GODERIC11 STAR PAk43 - : FIVE Tr �7: %V07is" and &h"ri Poultor. -who are Uaving this we*k. tinel-Reviewo prejeeea" �11� �Ardiwlt in N"ember 4A hkit 3�eiir.;�fluroa jj��ad. 1,11 wjrd Therk� is r--iliew new field of tabor- mr� a 1:0 '"MELBA" PArig audNew Yotk (Zavd,.ft Vounir prellidod and cAlled on, Mrs, xicharj�jvn was Win rivar uun- i, an-otizer. ccLitvst in tjjA Lek,.j is wat-ini a big hit ou the seviral of the invrdbtrw to *jwsk�i� 9*1111011, flulon County. Qiev otting tho estra fetttrrb, wieml,­l All ri-spilidtd, F.V"kirie of Mr. Ptjul�:; f1vt years agu, and livk-A, ill that iig�-, cif thcul" C�awreil amollir the ditrei- 0 in abititiv ite a preat-her atia %ish­xli�t for sonle tiice, The Ciraily, al-:�ent cunadian Market. See Our' lay of I.itig him. ervery buccess in hii new';Ej rlsided in TA%istci4c for 6"al ade page of 11ba ,�kwr. om3 f�ce Special Introdwctery Offer charge. A Pleasing fea'Cure of the...J'Y JAYS, where Mr. ItiMard;rm �ikk� i ticket to -Cach of the firA t(.n L.ov'we Face Powder ................... 75P. is the presentation, of A; Wirwipal of the iwhool, About tbir,!� correet coluticna will lk� given, In r gold to Mr.' and Mrs. Pout- V" " Ago t9l Of thO Ilig PaCAdC, 'Ill, 90tw I %i�y finally w3ved to the LoVaie Pelfun, e ...... ..... 'Onvegation and a jwft�,; ltw whoce they have reslklod 11 1,*- it, wa!3 ftah"d th*v theri� ker from the c "o ard I)jn(,il Set, al8j)r book endF. ffolp r liao� , wi a Both for 75 _ :� cicr once. Mrs 1%.� - op w, r', sevielitcon vior(ls in whiat an Shamrock Linens one of the classes. Mr. Jobn Young 111e�11W of Chalmers chureh awl al- letter had Liecu iu,,ertej. As it K411, vrewilted the purse and Fordyce %Av3 tooie a great &al of intress,, in pens thero aria 0i iixievn Jity"Vent 'Clark the gifts from the jla��S. 4fr. all'Pf*�iS Of 61101 work UP Until R WOWS 83 fllori� are two, e%tra lettevg, 1, var ago when ill health made active in one word. and Mrs. Nulter both replied, thanto 5 , . Get t1le Seventeen ex- CAMPBELL'S'DRUG STORE � Ing the people for their kindne&-,es parunpation, impossit!e. Surviving tra. letters and have your 8Wutio--i in' MANUFACTURED BY Gode4ch Phone 90 -,,to theill Willie in their InWst. - Lulleh Uro two� sons, Rev. John RiehardsDn, The Star office. =ly, as the ten wai served at the close aH4 a very of Prumbo; William Oliver Richard- ets go one to vaell of tile jjr,3t tea son, of Toronto. Mrs. W. RQN, Col. neatest eorrcet So 1� sociable hour speal. umbus, of Pittsfield, Ill.. and 'Mv.9. N. lutions. MR. Celebrate 40th WeddWg Anniversary` Biown & Sons ASHFIRLD e.Lanuway, of Goderiell, are daugh. �ro have a numb02 of friends (jr,)p,l Johfi -so CouNjy COUNCILLORS prosperity in'tho new Sphere- of life ters. One sister, &ITS. Gcoige Smith, in olk,thera,-and-give thent U PleASAMI Air. Dimean McKay, Jr., 7S 'home 101 C'sigary. Alto_ also $UXvives. Thg, UOLD PICNIC h Upon IV igh QU �hAN�D $A "n6 'y mew erl 0 '-Vii, , the Hitfou Qun t t %iiZ Councif and friends held their annual It is t Miss Isabel 31iiel)onald is home, sidence OR Gr�ut street "t 2-30 1%%Ou' fell to Mr, and Mrs. 4. It. Grahoul, on 6 low several months since., on trom Stratford Normal Sqcho4l. day 'afternoon. Rev, V. T. blooney Saturday, June 2,3, whiell wa picnic at jewett's Grove, Bayfield, on a similar occasion to 'this, very strong ' officiated at the service arid hit wrpl- forti t a niv 8 S Wednesday. The day was 14e4l ior-, hints, were thrown out that . in order Miss Mary Forguson, of Goderich, e h A Or ary of - their we& is , visiting her auritt Miss. �Tury ent was made in the Presbyterian ding. During the,day Mr. and AW. such aa*event and there were about for a county councillor to be expected to do tho be Stuart. vometery. IA goo present to take part lij the Pic- A service possible 'he O_T, _ J- ­ - - ­­ ­ - 'Gralurpt had 9 bevii visiting - theiro j)TtT nd*­_th6-'l0eal-- represent ti a for --this_ nic. The chief feature of the pro. R11OUld' if not then - fully- qualified, Mr.- and 16s� Hugh New S.14 0 home in A51ifield township, Anil uV. WaWther I Imitate twe x� YOUV,r Lucknow, spent Sunday with their TOWN TOPICS ou'returaing r home found aboat tnir-! presentation 0" bi&411- iniple set bj Pre. tiful Westminster e sop, Mr. John McIntosh. most beautiful line of Irish Une'n. hime clock to decessor in office.'and take unto hini. tY friends.und relatives gathered at' warden 118yes, wha was Illarridd to. self a partner to shata Axis respongi- We are sorry to hear that our (Continued from rap 1) theirvesidenco on the Hayfield Rond,� Mrs. Nellie Stafford, Napier St,, 'on bilities .,ad help 'him cagry.on the teacher, Miss Plor4k Andrew, has To- highway, was fincd $2, Under tho!wbo bad come to celehrat,4 tile event, Monday. The following address w4ii duties expected'- . signed her position after beifig here Game and, FIsherles"Ad, Win. Brom- with tlipm. During Mr. and Mrs.1 read by Councillor H.,C.,Cox, Godo. We are Pleased that you have prn� three yors, The,good wishes �:f the toy. 110ert Johnston and Albert Eno Graham's absence their home had vith township, ana the resentatiou fltQd 4V thaf advice and exguiple and section follow her. were fined $2 and costs each. Boi. been r Prettily decorated with irle, was made bv Councillor Cs. Inglis, have in every Sense complied 'with thp, The Womeres Institute hada very "ry Wilbert of B xeter, was flued *5 peonies, and roses, Nvith the diningil we are striVing to procure for our customers mer. Howick township. The address Is a specifications insisted UPoni and we intprestinst meeting at the home Wf for sDeedtne, room tablo arrayed in ruby ;knd gold. follows 111,11-Y 1101)e� without makfn� any Insin- Mrs. A. Sackett, when Miss twily Bowlers Hold Tourna..leut A delightful wedding dinner was chsadise of the high�st quality, absolutely John J, liations, direct or indirect, that your Guest spoke. Afier the program, a On Wednesday the C--oderich Lawit served, a four-story wedding eake -work as our Warden has not been dainty luncheon was served by Lho BOWIlAg 4010 held their Warden, Annual rink having a Prominent place,on tbo�t�. 4epeudahk and moderately priteJ, olud Dear War4onr-Yout UloW-mei1A`-WQlI and fultIrfully Performed in the hoste6s,: tournament at the greens, Pletou St. Ible, This was followed by speeches, bers. of 'Huron eount$r tounall thfiik 11,46V, that we mav look forward to There was a large representation of.and toasts. The toast to the couple Whelk wo offer you this the'Proter. Tile sacrament of the Lord's gup� towler othOr clubs, and was proposed by Air, T. M.Johnston, occasion ',slid t1lemQ.8t evoll. better *ork for the rest Of the. per was dispensed at Aslifield Pi%s- a from. various pporturie f1mo—ogwr annuil plenjc�_ year on the principle laid down that the day's eventswere. keenly contest, of Clinton, with Mr. Gralinia ulak;ug to tender you Our congratulations two beads: or whids are byterlan church last Sunday. Dr. e4. � The trophy was won by a rink a sultable reply oil behalf of his wife ;Z4 one. t!�ttjer tb4*n Connors, of Ripre AMr. Williams a 'fts uia wish -you uluchha:opmoso, rAhe� va allipped by A. Whiltosides, and,,cow. and 'himself. Many beautiful Iwl cdonald, of Luck- N'�e rogret very inuew that we call- now, assisted 'Mr. Ritchie at ibe Rev. posed of Thos. 'Glazier, Robt.'Slaseti; were received,, among them being 6. W ampoo you at the ceremoliv '16f NvIlina, dinner sot, a 'Br- 0 R ­'9s Sh k IDODS hanging the_'Cralle" 'in Your now �iees an Friday, Saturday and Men- 3n.d R. 0. Reynolds. Besides win, white And gold - �Om% but we. join In day. lung the trophy. they wereAa-warded gift front the famtly,� Among the Mod, t "'lot be*vlth the wish that reea Armchairs,, and eata, one receiv- out of townguests, were Mrs. MCF11- el., Tha. re your 'home life will prbIve 411 von ex- J)V�ESTFW one 60 -pound sack of Tout.. X R. TOY, at Seafortht 'Air. And Mrs. Goo, You way rely on it, we offer the, best, Y04 r�,�K oy jUj9;y,2,,t0 7 pect And: hope for And to give you Whooldes rink won second, and Te. Duncan and Son, of Ferndale, Mich.; some tangible eviaence of our, good Mr.,Geo. Snell, Sr,, was a. Ayitidqor ceived as their prizq, wliokor tern Mrs. Walker; of Detroit-. Me, T. M. w1khes for you and Mrs, 114yes, we visitot last, -week, staruls, It the Second event W, Uc� johnStGnS, of 0inton. and Dr. MOM ask- You to bang this clock an the - Miss, Margaret Clarke visited lost Taggarts rink took first 'plaqe and, Graham, of Harper Hospital, Detroit. We Are Always Pleased to r Show Our DAY' 004"TIM'00 r0allin. your new home. so that evety Week Wiltit'ller sister, Mrs ., Marvin Albert Tolor-won second. Dr, lie. Mrs. 0rah4m. was formerly Miss, Lnj� BILLIV DOVII and 1ARNZ R.WT fline you look upon its bright face, McDowell, Tairgari's prize was.a wicker fornery ma Johnston, of �Goderieh township, Merohandise'. but Quality and in 4 five dollar Broadway reilow)dlth or bear its beautiful e1imps marking Mr. Win. MOD 's, be l Al"I ' . ,.,YOU MAY owell Attended' the and Tbylor pyrex casserolp. T _ nd after h6r marriage resided 6n 1 'gh intimatO backstage' romance. tile' PASSIng of thnP be Tot Uritted, -Church Presbytery, at Grand 'Ovelul event Iwas won by Mr� Ro'bt, their faini Ili Asbfield. township now Distinctiveness Sells ZOOM Vllatuiink the sdreen's SW of Pam� ininded, of the genuine feelings of Bend an Thursd Bone, of Brussels. the Prizes being ogeirvied by their son, Perev. The also And a leborus Of fifty I beauties. �gerod;;will, which prompted the gift, M A I AY., ailv6r broad trays. nthor rumnihers of the - faiiii1v 'Are tip to A. r rk nd Mrs, Albert Campbell an yo�­4oVt pilos, irld thathave -characterized our so� . I J.' M­3Grnham4 of Harper Hospi-I 4iflons in thepait.. I . I family visited on Sunday with Mr. DI H.j top- -inav we pxprv�& son, Japtes, who was vrosido h in a homely 1. Cook and place At the home oMh; brld9c, Vic. "general manairer of the Fast,: goin A, howdly wb �Mr. and Ursf, Fred . way, toria St., at hig Compnny of Columbus, Ohio, passed R "TUFSHBAer 'or A "POUMS In_ _ canjus -anit:-Mrs.:Yltzgerald, ofAshfield. A -quid but -pretty, tooic a, Detrolt,'ar)d Rota, of town., One U*09 ; And B.B UgUNAID C6V-IBDY wt as --4 Milton or a Burns family visited 6ii Sunday, -Vith Mr. h noon on Widnes, �.V Gear "HIGH, SPOT$" Might say it, none the less siti. and Mrs. K. Bennett, 4f Winthropl., day, 4ime 27.tk wh�jt Rota blaude, away Ili- 191$. Mr. and Mrs, - Henry Hoover, of only daughter of' Mrs. Worsell. and Phone 86 VEONESbAY, TIJURSIDAY., A man, a woman, and love, spent a ebuDle of days at the Worsell, was united,in MAITLAND LODGE ATTVND,14 ..THE CASH STORE 1110 late J'r R. marriage. to Ve=ofi Stevens, B, Ar Make of any house a home. Slytbl of Mr..- and Mrs� W. F, Camp- f Tojonto, only, son �Of Mrs. .0 ­ � . moxwm DAY home ST. 'MA -k yotj two. 0 ;rt th� � Masopi bell. Alice Th. c' Order its Have the hamiestllorA Stevens, of. Owen Sound.' RM C. F- h s ding,for . o -, . Mr. and'Mrs. Wm. McDowell, Mi%w handmaid of the e urch; tan was. 14;la Sowerby and Mr. Norman Me. " AKICep p4sWr 04 P1 orw street u pll;eQ the Principles on which the church s lClowell'were Stratford vigitorsL On UTOI�,-"Vdg the:* officiotin,�, clergy- fs,bazed, was the dictum of*nev. Mr. Z; -AF appy a life 14 thev were still t6e Plneipl�s oil which h6 church also .,�Ai�'ev6r. a manond woman lived. 901-v fligion and dogipa be- SAturdaY, man. The: bride, 'who,',wqs'0unattend-'- 'Mills, rcctOj of St, Geopgo,s.s, to; go about the work, Tilkso stood, though rL ed; WU� , g. ing the mernW6,rq.of Malt. *Oro, freed from, taxation and longed to the sph6ro 01 the ebui0l. S�gued 'on behalf of the Huron yen n marriqge, by ber In addTosM men Dr. and Mrs, Wip, Cari -arid Miss mOtirer, 4' land 10 _d ork (jAncjQntj. I gune! Cox, , Thos. ha''looked elickrining 4n a A for the great w n d94 and' visitors on Sunday " op too There was. go turnout of the Bettv. of Los* geles; Urp. Arthur ftoOr *T -Wbite taffet nd * it et too (I -being In altowl. Accepted Masonry). lbrothevs, nearly 100 York City, �aild with sit r tri;)�ings and veil of 'em, An *rvice Q*1 the addroas� La Vave,'* of, Now I a a a k r evening last Oil the occasion'of their 6 Arden was taken - completely Mrs. - V0 nual church , Parade. "Who is a . At the time Christ came to elatth Alice, and WO i i4orman Wightman.,. of TIM- broiderdd net with orange blOgsomi, Mason?" was t�e reetor's subject. b surpriM.and m4de;a fitting,reply, there were three orders Among the !by W. Bra. Rov.'Mr'. Mills was high - W nking fhe* council ­:ror their. kind �mins 'r visitint, Mrs. Carr's broth- Hei. bouquet was of pink Sweetheart The. -derivation of the word MAson J�waj, the Pinivisees) the- SA404=0 ly appreciated.' nd'boautiful gift' "I'S. Welesrs. T. N� and W.'H- Camg., roses, lily",d_th0;-va1ley'an4 fern..'and was, from Egyptiali - words, he ;,aid, and the tosenese Christ was fr01- words a The usual confetti was showered 'upon the -cou; bell, and. other -friends, She wore tho'gift. Of the gta4pl� a Ontail, meaning love, and "son I" A 'qU6tly board in. denunciation of the Provincial Constable Whitevides b ith diamond set.. brother� so that u'llasop. was Wlov., Saduccees, but no wo9d wearin i� the khald these days, bav;nr: plq,,And brief congratulatory addio$. white rold bracelet wi 1rhaviseea and A�Wardens 0. F. rps were,-fiTade,bv B r.(jD R, TOWNSUM tings. - The livin board from Ilia discarded the blue for 06 oulume'r 9 rOOni Of the home iiig brother, And the first priMlple Of of coildemnatiou was W� R. 14111iott, N, W. Tro- Keep in Toind the ArAwborry T�Zlti- was prettily decorated -for the occa- Masonry was to be As one with onelis lips of , the Ussenes. St. John, the' outfit. --sion with dark 'Oink roses and f017113, brothers in-tb6,OrAelI, or in the vords Baptist belonged to thly, order And And COupCilI6V'4 J-, Val to be held On the lawn at Grace bile decorations In tbe,dining, room of -the speaker! W- -13OAttle And Hugh Hill- ft- Unite4 church, Porter"411111, On Wed- w Is text, "First be re,1their principles were the Same iis axxx—ax volunsmoirt *e peonies, roses and orange blos. Warden r A., 4. Erwin 104V in. sirl9filir, neAday., July� Ab, Admission, adults weX eo"�IIM to thy brothev., those 01he Masonic order. Following -the .,wc4ding. core. We, elillarbn -30C Vnnonry . was . auclent� datffiq tielt After. the rebuilding of, the temple pay enveloves. Earo " 1 000 mony a buffet lunobeed was. served, sit least'to the time, of the building of others besides'those Skilled AS -opera- VAtCh4niCir bAtttty' ftldiOir, Zi;x, V;Nu boo*, me PlaY6 ' d ' between team cap Miss - Reta Graham is presiclin'g' J# r to, thf), wiring, brIckuyings which the bride and gtoom left �the. temple. of Soloplom wben the bv Councillor Hu�od 'And;,.T1x_ afte t1vo Masons were admitted Tirn"OP)i Xlnw). with Me former.tow -the entralies exaniinationsin Gode- oft the 2.,20 train f6r,N6.w Vork and thousand -buil hbrhood And g rich this week. Miss Bessie Murphy ders sornfiea a brother-lbrot . - radualiy gpecolat-� work; $nmmei amits zow totmint. W**4 11�;" in other pbints, For travellinil' the bood for the -OoninletiotL of -that p -4.t � Ive Mallonry,geew up. too. ma as voi learn, rutn"tinit Make.0 o, Pito.bing horseshoes afid Of Goderleh is supPly1fig for ller at bride we NYtitecrtall 11RIORMi j*AV9 SQNOKV�. Ar 1AT)orting events word also car. rO it dress Of MiSt blue 940r- wovk. Tho traditlor% a�d skill rq.*,l W. Bra,, Mills elaborated on the., Yj"ut_ _ ____ p -tell Masonty slAnds., S. Np.,C Ate ith sand trimmings, a coat of iWited -so thatWen Cvrug Ismied the, rinqiples for �vh Lou=. XING WISTV Toxomo.. decree, for thp. r nbirld, f t. d P 1 t d sses ariian' r, ion b Igt 0 or oil t� ect-biandoloth 0 ho ft an one t that these ivere the: 'Florence and Evelyn -wethy and 'in c ts, batl, sboas a So Ln and nd base XAFRIkING -Earl McAllister of Union school - are to U,4 Upon -their. return they Mrs. Helen 'Anderson, Of London 0 at 72 Victor. Ave.. Toron- giting on -their, entrance examina- will resid lops in to, whence they are -followed b3t�the. spent, the week -end with Mr. An .06derich the 'beginning 'of Mrs. S. J, Xilpatribk, this Week. We wish them -success, bestwishes of a best of friends, Tbe Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reed and fam- A strawberry festf4dl under the bride received many beautiful gifts, i� W .. .. ly, of . hiteehurch, visited at Mr. au'spiecs of the Ladies" Aid StidlctY ineluding,spveral substantial.chequeg. Thos.. Anderson's Sunday, rade of Taylor's Corners church will be Free Tickets Z0 I*te gig Ala a Misses Olbie Kilpatkick and Mar- hold at the home of Mr. 0. E. Groves . The cottest'for making t6 laigest I-goret Finlay are writing -examina- on Thunday, July 6th, supper served number of words. out of the letters in tions at Wingham, the former for from 6 to 8 p.m. �Good progtam at - first class certificate'And the latter Porwards� Admission, adultz 50 cts., othe title of the big,01#uro eoiming to fbr fifth form, Elmer, Iohndkn is children 20 ots, TWO Model Theatre next week# Wed- \_7 neAday. 'Thursday And Friday, July tryifig'for Ofth form in LueknoW.. 4th, Oth and Oth, "The Big Parade," I I Qaff tjAgy . 1.* Wirmilked Biwue,, 'Bernice Slake, -;AS ­ � . . proved very interestingp and somo Mary Hackett; Jack and Jim Curran. V1,0KI .—Mr. Samuel Vic'kerii sfurprisingly long. lists of words were and Tom Anderson are writing Sar 0assed away on Tuesday morning, at handed in, - Alex. MrteVicar, Light. tratle , examinations at Viongappon his into residence, East street' after house St., bad the ''longest lis� 'at ,this wLek. Tom Henry passed into an illness of two months. The do. ­6rds. '382, and was the first to claint. .7 second '.form on his Y6ar'A. Work. ceased was in his fift-sixth Year, Ids prize, tw6 ticketw for the Big Congratulations I and was -'born in England on,Xovem- Paracte, at, the Star I Office. Prizes of t The, garden party held last week ber 30, 1819. Mr. Vickeis came tp two tickets each for The Big Parade. Ing on Mr. Will Altoifs lawn was a Canada: seventeen 'Years, ago arid set- were wan by the- follm : Alex4 Splendid success. The, play �glverl by tied at, Bolintill6r, where he lived for jjaeVicar, 832- words- Marl6n Cal� five Years,' H6 was a valued elu- well, R. R. No. 9, t'oderipli, 112� the Westfield young folks was most ern Canada Flour words; Isabel. MdM.icbael, Clinton, it, oajoy.abh� and the tausical numbers ployee of the West ,were � well received. The. proceeds Mills, In relfgion tile deceased was R,' No. 1. 324 words; Glen todne, taniounted to.over $200, which w&3 a member of'St. George's chureh,and Cameron St., 302 words; Robert.wil- highly satisfactory from a, business was also 6. member of the * Canadian son, Cameron St., 301 words; Wipni� yiewpoint. Oidet, of -Foresters. lie is Survived fred Murray, Britannia road, 283 ,Starring Saint Gilbert and ne e 06 by his wife, two sons, Arthur and words; Stgnlav Taylor, Keayg St,, Starring John Gilbert 'and Rence CA7ULOW John, of towrt. his father and ond pis. 209 words: C. Laithwaito, 234 worda, Adoree. "The greatest hurana doeu. ter. of Xorwieb. England. The fune Ernerj$ McLeod, William, St.. 193 -ment the silver shoot has overAssb.' Mrs. Tom Carrot is on a visit to, eral will be hold on Friday front his words; r Uerbod Springr Maple St., (ed.11 The world's iilost juarveloys frionds this week -at Alliston. late residence, where a private ser. Eco- pietuke is great entertainment ifor, Wedding bells are ringing on Czr.. vice will be held. followed by a'pulhlic 0 :W1 sq a Fox Novelty roeU tbrde ------- C 4anyone. At eorn0s very soon. tvrvice in St. George's church, con - "KF thidtPAL *by tW 04nadjaw, Order of gpl 0Fj, Tftp -Nou.-I-and­ Admission Wed., Thur. and PA.— Z wrote in. Gollerich tbl3 wee jp- I'Mrs. Will Watson and his B veninks, Adults 5k, Olt lldr(m.35p� I Air- ane SON.�_Death claimed on bu k 'P orpsters, and the local -branch of the JUSt Receivocl a Sh* Ifatineo Thurs. at 3 p,.m.— 5ter, Misn ' 'Afaridn, returned on � Lng-on Ment of t'017 84ASWdiaXy Otte of tho well, known zabi. Adtilts.W,,Children 16e. flattwday from a very Pleasant V'S'.t diluts of this town in the. person of with friends in the United States, Magnus Swanson, who passood'away "�ATV�DAY stoing, an fat, west ai Dlj5 MO'no 'at )its late residence, Btuce street. TOM, MIX AXfb Tak4y Iowa. Mr. Swanson had been -in failing Rev. Mr. Poulter preacheJ Ills fg'rd* houlth for about a month. Ile was A romance of Wetftrn MOU 011id -an.woll corman on Sunday to a good born In goderich on March 23, 1�51, Matterit. sirl in which the COWI)OY tittendance, taking for his. text Acts and was a carpenter by,tvadq, Ile MMOE sheltered harbor and unusual railway othing now in -the way, ofliaxard. vorse, "Tile Lord added to the"church ferian church; and, WoYiged to the A 0ce, and his wonderful $teed 911OW 2nd chapter, last clause pf the 47th wa§ A. ra o he Xnox Preb Isom amber f t r y. o0s stunts. daily Atiell as should be* savPd." Out i0atiltdian Order of Foreawrg,. lie is Wifificis Maket fte Port of God6riolt on taka­­- "DAREOP4VILV SMAR-011 zew pastor will be inducted on ZVI— Survived by big wifc, two soum, Mor. SWEAT RS Hurou -afto-of the mostdestrable winter 6torage ports ro% COMEDY day evbIling at Smith Hill church, A5 of Windgor, and Charles of Wing. for valft VeAsels. "A LADY LION" A very pleaaant social aveniogwas haw;.two bkothtrs, William,, of Hifni- beld� sit the township hall on Ivrhla,� ilton, itnd Judge Swanson, of Xam- Uen"s hiavy- Varsity I0 babor is the Itst to freem up in fall Aft4 first Mitt, S—MOIWay at 4.15 V.o� N'levening wholt tho '00jigrogatibil a loopq, B. C., and one sister, We. Pav- Thurm. atkd W. at 3 0., 1 ARA all -wool Sweater to 4pext lit spring. It ift Roces0le for &fly vesseig. It Smith Hill United ehuieh met to say id Cahtolon,'Of Vancouver, Ia. C. The DON'T MISS 1;Tjj9,8tG PA1,1kDEll fs"ell to Rm B. Poulter itnd Uri. funeral service was held on Tuesday is the most direct route front L408 Michigsig 'And afternoon, and was conducted' by the Coats with shawl collar, 10A91 Rev. R. C. menermid, paistor of Kiftolt falley block trim front, itt, SuPerlor- It is sitti0ed on both Canidistl Nth Dominion Da Celebrati 0 n_1 y Lucknow .j,,July 2nd, 1928 Afternoon Program Evening Proirriam 1 V. M. 7.45 P. lit� rtogram by ts"Itknow cjtjr��!�e "i WARaty Tattoo, #6 folswimg &A*fAk1qP&r1. W&%AA**wkA *#t, vm. Frognin by the W,* �mtkat tw My xlw� WAW10 40"w 1160C 11we koikwAal 0 06ky, s4 Lwkpow Citi, .3 -13a V,P. Lucknow. 84 ow -0, Aduth Sec; Chihiro * 2$c 11 � i "lo, A., �, �. w""wow" i*.10 Adodh Soc - Children 2se 4 "Street Dance Immediately After Tattoo thurch, *ad interment Wag made in searlet and black, royal Ana COVA41m NOW Rsilwqs. Maitland cemetery, The pfillbeArqs wer4� messrs. A. 0. xer�ehft,. 8. 3. and.white, afid white and' These advantoges hime mide GodetIch a pivotal Sxultt. Nelion Armttrong, A. Me- scarlet, SWS 30 10 44- f6int for teonornic 9tain disfributlon�ftnd jut 14til Donald,James e I mind D*vid 10"6011 for the proAtable opeation of grain. eltytfors. Sproul. r. s 's, of WA". Stirwaill Ptict $4,4500V & $5.00 Saa*..'s b �ot p pun, : 0 rs. Swan. Pan, and r. and Mrt. E. C. Atim-tell. Walkerville; Mrs. R. Yt� Robmon and Men"s 14aitt camel sbade M.L­5 U. Beek, of Toroftto, Wert btre for th6 fulleral. medittin weight V -neck TWIIAVDSSON.��,ht vsllovinq rc. Cost Swesiters made from r iR lownee to tho death of Mrs. tans. best qttalfty "Wool V;Afl% IAI'* d I and S-ec les wa!7's mothtr N from The Wead,.�'Nmk 2cutinel Ileview of Julie 22vid. The with, two btawtietWown donth cc(-afted Thu -day of M-91-garo't pfKknt,4. All siztg- LIA&ITED McAlli�ftr, wift ot the latt" �v', A her hi�,rof,, ROMPS FOR INW-STMT Oq _41 Pike $1,5 & $2.45 " 0 Grant litt, thio f ity. MW"!, Ri�h,;, T� ". W&m had been a re�liflrnt of the'r4y i A for tht raq thirty FewrA5 and TQII 11'e, A Am* PuftdLng Undool ew-04da 11 ROY W01 kw"Wri ftffl91)* fl!mf r 19WO!" q, 11 rc M. ROBINS