HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-06-21, Page 77" ­7w7v�­77­i_­77 --- � - -.--- � I . "r ,W­11l� , � ��� . ,Rw, � � -­" --7T'w-- ---- - —, - -­g----­-�,.-1" -_ - � — -- � i=d____ -, - — I I I" - � ., ­ , �,�, �; - - �, - 9�;* 1111111110"Mill"i- - ___ ___ ,_ - __ . . . - I- ,�;; ZZ;.- - � � � - -- - .- - - __ - - - - - . __�_ THS WDERICH STAR &� I - - TIFILMSDAY, JUNE 2t3t, M."A .. - _�_ I _ - - ., ____ --- _ - - ­ I � =' - -__ - --- - - -_ , I .. .- - 1.11, 1:111olIN11111114140- 1. I 1. __ --- � I - __ — i - m - - I — ., - 0 fikft*jit-kfassateas000* I � ro VHuron I Good Road$ Commission A I mi. 11 100j - I . Ic .,.' A , I I Sun day itternoon �' iled io Ordcr ­_ - - ti,constructio -1 1 4� � ;111 a program mateirally -Curta ­ I I 41 .. 011 -By ISAVEL HAMILTOX Cc�',��cfi, 0,10 -� �w Avoid Increase in Highway Levy* '40, jj� .. *-1'*kJ*4-�:-- F-,.; T:Wwkw*%*#**��Wxf rotkw��,j��Vi -�­­�W-Zw`�'#AAA*VE W.W! ­­­-� I . i I . . 7N., -0 0 (1_1-,.� i3 nol&sl. "n iltw_,,�, �f.! - t �, 11 - i��-n C1 --,'"-iv ar"I 10110y V � -,' ` . , --.', 1131c,�,��'ru,, tl�a� jv,,�u3 11.;vew III lc.'-3-�, � I.,j M''I J -, al�c"'�,-�4 the Lost- Motor Trucks Cheaper Than Teams for Hauling, � V '_ ' ­ , - wl'h GC4 �' - �_ A lite C(",Z._,J,11, nour�sh�4 (1,xil ��vd 0"Ma-i'C' ai'd fzwk�z , , A'� wit-klk)m'a 1��,IY twast. pa ni'mm", bnt Sni;,q passol b^,,_�� cn:71- rom j(,St Z?,?,JL�a 1. th , _8 � ,�V _ 'I ch 1nfQrW1kt'*n f 1 # %, . 0, f, .1�11 3 eal)it, V hor goad-inw-fure let uq, I I al k)� , .1 I �, 13, - _' wee fi-,c-l� 1),L' fed, �� M."ma-1 Jw4vftrc�, aM. vvtr�t bar� o ;�: �- Trip to Michigan. 11 . T11V -VW1 Iliq — . -_ I "k, . J e'aRed, ,� , fAr'st (:P11541U3 I;— I ,An(i r gu"'Ianc., 901, . .. � M- ­'C'. 0 S�1�11,i3 - -1 ­ '� , (41. -ial_- step't be lod. J,4.. ��,44 �._,, 4-Q ICINgkiago pild ell ­­ ­ I 1-11 . I ,, ,,I 11 --- ­­­_­..­­ , I , if, I I (if tho Vngarb world. Saul 1,0 Op taired, wbReh was ucef,jl in 'wo3fil!-�4 I N, 1. I 'rac, of AI-,X3naVi'3-' 1�.;IVQS Ild so:� '_"17 Vouil Road* CQUAIWISS1011 )a in &Q;d.nc 10a Cw � �10 1P . .fw *5, . . , ,:,, .lattc " VIC nt . ,n �tbr,u­ Ill- Tlie Goad Rea(l, ,(,011,111ISS. _nladQ .vk,,ur c"nailliss'.4 � Nve 9 -,jq MAYER - IfallaRS7 volinection. h) Actq 212:3 re . ,011 Bnee j)-Jwh*1-,0 Of Pla?hinvry. ValuaUe a�, . .. . Flavor winsl It h*s W011 Moire - , 4" , r. � Q TbLo, 0 God. for tho n.,,- read, "I ,-ilia verily a man wwoi cm a Its first rerkat as follows* i 141-ii)Xalation wag alsa gline"I ty , X. I . !, I �eginnius iA io2s, the m aliaten, I I I sur�in?u given in ThY,1101N.- word that' , born in ur.ciis. a vity In, Ott- tile I iearn�ng of tlaek- prwtisp ro roa�� "' - I I I .. it ve tralli lip ", 4 - 27 -wo, vent'. =0 IN Ounty rcr,n�s vys- sigrm aud in tile 'applicitioll-f-1 -eal. I � , ,$ Com FlAes * 11 I �Ilfld in the way be,ilpl Again in vernAl. people to,W61ox � J, I ci,�11;11-1 il , g . . t. �, " I ), .1 should go that, when lie 1% 01-3, I.e. ,,Th,,�-a t'w eiiieZ Pont.-tahi said unto tem. hap be6n going evi as 1151131, and . chlorlde and otilor dlXt i3aliill_ I 7��;iopie,Ftloa� . I % * , ads are all in as good a eolldi- "u'4 . . I at . . q I'— I � - flic, wav of rkhtplw­ ', Mai, T�11 ',), -I, " � will be found I" .Q. �,ntv tbnn a RG"winq " 101b To, _�' '9116V tonstiuctiou metheds thga to $my other ready.to-o icereal. %k noslo. kay till$ tllou�ht - fi&I lvdf�- f 110 saW. Yea� And the chief vantftin tion as the -,evere spring situation �'v'� ­ I 11 ". elit in 'he -Arts Ind winda of n'll tO � pusv,orcil, Witli a g4noat ,5uGi O)G-ned would rwrmit. An expe � Witure 'of C'n bridges, 01m., wcre also,of iliter'-st, 'I I . I � . . whoni to') 1-4riletion of tile 1, 0111N,r I." , I tbis freedoln. And Paul s�ld, Vilt $42,9319-6S has lVell 111,14,10 to d3te, a " 1hey ure adopting on vome.roads a ­ That won4er flavor'. That extra F t , . iiitandard grad3 ot 60 fect in Widt1h 1. olitrustcd. In Tn,us Wall- i,1;L1 pl'a.�,, I waz frao lifwn," if be woz, a Jpt I considerable r',�rt 'of NVIL"Ch is ll-� !giving a 10 -foot sboulder whiell Jiro. . -­ I . I - - done tvides a3fo parking sr-ace� and pQr- 1, � Cr � -- �� --- ". , '. - Amen. i how was It he waLi L-orn ou�­Pf Jr. - counted for V� grovelling work � i-spne'so Kellogg originatea ana 1 I tuat-,l tit th( mits of widening the'ravoment whon S. S. 1.ES,q0."q.y04*t VIX Ist. 1029 &a. 4%Way In ::� U0111311 C tV -,zi � ond of 1927, and during the — Les7oxt TOPIC -The B3,01y 14M.- of on tlut RoultZern fow"'. of 'CilieN. on cwxly part of wlutt,r. A heavier ex- I tmssary. The re -4 authorliticS In t nohod-.v else has ,ever equale.dl * Movo 041k 11110001W . . The moditenall hove p4rdlturo for 1.1rag.4ing has been ne-i , .1 . I � I . - I � . can ScaT Aind thme counties fhowo us every c3u, � pig 40*10Y x1olloss,41 roll*, � Saul. I him. Tell pinie. art thola a Routa,n ?; Ces-Ury tliis, year to get the roads in- I sideratiou, and %ve ,are much indebtee �_ . Flokkis 40r. littofor lut flav" 1 Le�--,son pap.sage-Deut. 4-3-9, Phil. -onditiou.; An,iUsPec-!to them for . . � Tradition has it that big, PaTenf.q or to a silloothev Q . their kourteaY. aoi tvislis"" I"iftlio" 4wavot 13:4-6, Ms --2213, 27t 28., 13 if, neirly.all t1wroads 10 . I : 1gralld arents were Gallloans%and h4l tion INar. made ( thq past month machinery U316)"14110i'01-411 41,da 4A.A..dia ,MEL "A I ,equoll GoWn'T,!Xt-W-Ccl- 12:1- : ifrom gorge cauce or other. been vow. by your,collimission with the view of I'Purebased as follows-. TWO, trucks " , . I I 10wiclous for I"'Ath,, Ahmor or *� tha v took- I determining tbo Nvork neceSs-liry for . - 1 rte- with Perfect', , t the, ;,ouo wcd truck for maintailker; one ,� 99" Urpakfokat.� Witk vallk or croauk. . ffe cannot st� lc,o [ polled to mierate; and' , mainteriance and cons;ruction -for - I . �. I '' , Avy ille tiate of Saul"ja birth, ye -tractor, two case 18.11.0 W, , � �4rmju or lkoviqy *"*AL I ­ . oil]- A I lio their residence in the PWrau vitV- 102a. on F,ebruary. 2a the co,mmls_ Rualley 20-30 % - -, - - � � orow at hotelso. 4140torlIss, Too** if Is reckirad to lia-ve been in the 1, of Tarsus where. inally of the &�wz of sion met In Toronto and inspected. tractors and one Dominion -HORO , . I vame de6ado,as that ofour Lord him- the'Divoersion bad Sougm; rpTilwe, Considerable expen, taursats. *a Ain - various trucks and tractors and other Power grAd" , C 0 R N , F L A K le S 1041.4cam waithy . . .Mf. But all tile cirelinistances' They thus Cal -he, though retaining a t was Proposed to diture, will also be. required for to � I � X411agg iA _' hinery which I . , Lou- 11 � , I , . , . . which, surtoulAded the, cradle and in- _aT attended,pairiog and remodelling the count,v . . - 4an, 0jillovio. At- ... Ir . k "braw, sn' buy, 'and 4114119 the week - . . . I ­__ - � ­ Tr ­ � . fandy of the Infant Saul wererwIdely ,Gioewe�111'etheifr Y'Ilaliive towmtoe. Thas Mae Good Crushers, so that our macbinery cos' ts I ..;. .1roshl . I q1 to t- in ijessiono of, the Ontarlo . 0 o0in . I ditrovent Vow those amid which hiq it, w4s, 41hopt 'Pau). -clainif , the Convention be! ,for this YeAr Will be - considerably . 1. 1. . .. � . WaY4 . - � I LGrd bad grown to'biiebood. It Nims AffebreN# Of the Hebrews" (Phil 3:51. Itonds Aosociatiou rig, *igber than usual; - This county bae . . ­ . � . � L- --- . I , I __ . � . !! i! t!_ How botlaimed to be a Romag'clti_ held there. A -number of bltiirest� followed tho pract1w In the past of . I I . 1 . I . . - lug and irstruethte And apers, and . I � � � I � - ff , . I . 11 I I , 1 =7=7;:� . supposition. How , using team$ . I . I I I . I ' I I zeli is based on , � given On rhe import- L almost oxclualvely for L . L . . I . NERVOU STST911 . ilia -father or grandfather, obtalutd addresses 'WeV( 'Such Q:tlierlence as we . L . . . .. I -CORN . ,� , -1 � ­ - I ance of high -way transortation, Z bauillig, but 11 11 - I � I , . I : 'I 1, tbe.Iiigbly-prlzed distinction -We 113VO , owdeputyministeraf,bave, had And the experience W . . , , . I 1. no - can li val I X. Smith"00, n ' . . I . , 14 -As I .11 � i NOUN 'I., of ascortaining'. : - - , set! the iml rtance.of neighboring Counties shows thal L . � .. .. . . . . . 11 . IT -�Zrz . . I I . I - , .1 ­., I . 1 1 -did - -as 4- citizen of . I hwo - track 'i's much cheaper I At, 0" . "N I . . .. I i_ WAS NFAILY IN I . - 130t belong bighwa�% stresi �r( . Ililg by . %, Ay4f - I : :, I closer relations between t 0, DoMrt'� I . 1, ­ I � . . 2 ilil . I I . I I � , � . I V 11 - .1 , 0 fraaeJtlse� m4,y Ather In 1027 contraiits. w6-4-1et by tbf . . k* -_ . � S!� , meat of Highways and the'11111411101- . I . . . I � . Could Not Soop . . I'll ee puichued by Saul$ father . ­for,,tworkty itenta Per YOre - � . I 1 �:Z%.�1411� .... ' � I'll � � - I � , . vpvo !an Illuminating county - ,� I . . . �� . . ,*�t %, 11 � . I S,ehrl ayg, or obtained as'a re- palities, and g . �erleral. mile. and other counties show cost 0 1 . I I � A.ftle for 8 OL'SOVVICcS. address on'ioads matters in I I L � � . , .; C. A hauling. with their own tv I . I . ,zk- " lir im ..i, - .1,411 11 I of which no, C ticks a! !J % , . 1. * . t . �f, �J. .11 �e remains. The father Would no � Safety on -the a1gl1WAY8 41— , , are I I I . I � I . I . . � . � *rites ;_4 1 At times I iron Vllablq to 40� � Ira( U Among 'maul * _*�. - ­4­6....,O­.*��,A,-­�� .----�,��-*-.! , ; � I � I , I � , A., . I much, attontio r other froul tell to fe per y , .! 1 .- . I . I IWO& of 00 MA4. I I doobt, ,be, glad ho, �Ould piss on to hi.� I mattcrs,,�,and much'Of ititgre4ttOthc Inaile, -A considerable number ce . . ­ ' � � - ­ ...- . . . I . .. . . p . I 1, pr6tectloin in the perilous - , r tbi. I I o., -#-.- __.��.... __:� �. . I s have been ere . � � r..- r. .- I , L . . I system r was I "iftearly on, lifth, a towliship­ municipilitiiis WaEf I road. sign' . I . � I . ar 1� R , . . . . f"My, oervoila - . but the _ discus- cted __ C-.TiT , _ � el�l _ at ,nti.t. r raV latinity--ilcalth iard h. qi,ille,', , t1l. i . days in whiell tho�- lived,- riventionly0ar and among 001018AAT190V 01i"TIF the'street. of 1"'gillondville � .. I y "it fover. infantile p3r. � . sed_ Vill),­roports ot'tb(i Co � Wr P1 fliva . , -ade no, 410erblice, from twelve * � N_Qd, I ll� N - gvrlus �(l typilo, . "I t I WrOokpil;r ' could uOt sleop'nights, And possissiofi pf,,,cmch m. are-being,place 400 feet we, recommend that this At,oet b,a I m3N.* Qvcr be WitIl 61y and Lyuar,- �rt I . I I : Willi I tro hh�,cold, lMe;ttsy and was in the training which h0'90,vd'to tbo may be soon iin,4110 1s9190 Of the Una- g -'102P 3urface-tr4ated with tar Re Motion. r!a': . . . I � � Ah-A,li, - didorders and ovklr ; �ublea wl (,oritract. Record level TARWAY 0TOSSIT10- Darin , dunl�ller I I . L , dompolled, to lie m a mfe, 0, -04 Part icipal World. the . yment �aj ,ji " q R . ' - t1hirty atiltr dirwages. PROS should . I . � . , , t? 4 � 1 _61ft . , I accounts' by. �Jf.McAi,r­ johnstollr and , llael;att, ,E r - � . I "Itug boy wbich .was, fts we S11,111 t,h6 pa, , ftned gn behalf of tile county, 0X 6 barlule�,�;q to - . . ; ' . ' 'of eaeh infght; s6c,, the ordinaTy,tTairling Of oveVY -and the Canadian Vnglilc;er� . , chomae has been,adoDted, ratbertlla� urging tKo oompletion of the work at . J. J. IlAYE'S, Wardens bo Idlied. Ft.Y.T' gqult,�t's. I I r.- jApril 10 the commission left by our � 'G11 HILL, Colborne. TV, : licople but ntra &%th to lnuLz . r . . � r . Jurap, witif to each phAtrol- � lito . i � . I mcaical 4ia seemed of no vuvail, hwish.'boy. , . � . � I art anAnspection trip to theko0untiea- saudlinx a Ontario X)eparttuont. Of ilcki 11 Hill, -we rocinninond that this , . - '�d b"0114 Al, . ' .; ' AS, � ", .r,,. F. ,XLOPP. roa&oq. math% nml- It, " OR, M � so 'by chauea, and the bost of good; � - * We,'read in Deut. 6:4-9 the WOW6 mjb� and Wr;jshonaw man. The w1rit bi completed, if Condition$ Par- - fli(q4 FJ',T.T0% !,� , f.'agi..'..'t, . � ,�. I I I . . of St, Clair, Ma�o, - , jRQ appIleations of delegatett Mr. Tout has occupled t1w pigitioll' a0 . . I - . ., . . I t? the Israelites pur-; Highways..has advise& us that it I ,t� 0 11 � . . luck I triad a box of yourmoll known which, u0ses $DO to ehigno, for the . I-Ait. nt,av_ t. .inle s, s11r(1.­..4Vt. . I r . . . . - �Jiay war* to in the State of NJ . duty of this eounty to see that all � from the viflage napector-of West JbArQu for I � . � . I . I - concerning;'Obedience. loose of observinf, the niethods in uia, '11101 � -,of'Belgrave astilig ,of I .9 bere , _. . . . . . - ' C111 ito cot onthe tond ,for Improvement to the To , 11111t � I fen I . [on Road are mov. ad And ify forty-threo yearn, colnit' , , I I I r .- V r. :. ..' teach tb6 ccimmandmen% the' Aa- in thnso.vnuntie�� and PA-rti arly . . I I - , 114, 1.4w.1texI All Jt I I . ­ � �g' �rdjljgently allowarice by June brid from St. Alar 8 Colleglato, InItItute" ' I .. I I I I . _. ­ ".. ttites,' and the jodgmeni examitle .tbp. types 'of-maebineril in ed a* the �road ge, between the village and tile r IIJU411-,Q�11 an (-,o r . I I . I I. 11 .. . .0 .1 . ullto� tilt � -they inight and noticed have accordingIv beer we recommend. that where Ito line filled -the Vogitioll of I- va in,%, cai ,611. 1. � . . I ir ouildlien that r � ugialthere. 'The countie� ill the State! 15. public- school, . ng,lish waster for th-1 ou..fai 1% motilk,111,1, .. . � r ­ I I . . 0 , ,. I ,Jr as bel. and. in\- science and U y . . I � (,.1ySe.rVe to rdo thern. .. , . ,.r of"MiChilran P1.0 I �J,V,J.giv�n the owners afFected. The aP' this situation be examined ,(,%it. I'll, flif_ . I . . , a **��, ktf �thi t, L . I . _ �1;1� � . r � � . r I r9-ei-,n1zo Ilepartment.of High- I . previous nine, years., Oil the oeca� , .9 ,wrl 0* . . . I . . r . . I r, rom the Acts of. t' he. Apostles �aii& porl,�j,s. further oftiiioed in meth -1 . . . h , auges proverient rriado _Xlext toilt. ;ion 0j,hIs resigning tile St. 1.6irys, ,0W(%II tlia,�*s till 1*�J:Ixkt. you i �;111 . � . . . i � , -, I . . ..� . 'r .. Paul's Epistlefs We gather that Saul's O4, ',f maintenance ard eonAruetloia I ways has beeri giVen..'to t a �l -_ - r 'bi I U lj,!, . I . , . I ,, .. q NIVe baVe , of & county byla,�Aosignatifig tlw , ty-RUS110TTATION TO, ;6sition Mr. Tom was presented 'N%'It1l JiL'o ii'l �J'Qqt 111�111 t I " . I r I - - . A I � . .r. - edwatlov � wO not7rueglected' along jollowing-.- roads tis.,vourlty roads: -. . . I INS11% CT011 TOUT' a very appreclative'addrebs from hio. "Veiv f ew � mon nre baell(k)"'.11.�.11 r � . tAw of such road.4 'ft, I I .. . . . I I ; , 1. r I - lineo. as, tAl . "' - ­ d.. All 'of r . . 'toy a fine .911-0V Ah, well a � ribbit t I . . . I . �r I . . "Re aght AccOrd" ntbor I flid, ivorl . . I . .. , . I . thesp . pl,-? in I -4 - I .1 Ill; arcoloplinled nlllw�,] tbek. 117wit . I ., , , . : 1. , Read in, tile townships f Col pup I - I 11 .: . I . 4 .. . ' ­ ­�perfect ilianner of the law thei': i-- XiintnTized. ard:1 . , .0 0 one Jump beh-hul. � - - i I �, . I I � I r r ilig u th,c I _on ,%, at $ L), 'ell from 'Carlow to, Huron County Council Give Him, a tea'serVice find a, testillionial, s)'(1411,4 Speed, WhOW f X 16 1 � . , � .� . . I . . . ... I . of tile f ,t,,,,,,,, (,,rtA ,22:3). In PhiL., n1u,ch valuable 41forrat�tion wa . Q� ,lborild'und Goderl ad. .it r _ Ing Of r Air, VC e Ill- - : - _. 1� , . . . . I r . IL I . ­­ � ­ . . .1 � I �11' It - � , I . I I L ,,� . I - Huron [Road, 2.. The to Handsome Cold -Headed E000Y.. , pra's work In. th hhx . . .1, . I I . �, I I , I . . . . I ai.54 lie tells us M, was very much a I I . I the ,r. I . -tdrms.was pre"ritted"bim by 0�0 - b "' I : . . � � _ ria �tter i"g fout ,box�a 1 ',can.' , � � ��t�_ . - township � of Turnberry- .frow. . I . I .. Care .. , , est � . . I I . JOB PRINTING -AT Till". WrAft .1 . ZY, that : &Y L aid Ull �� jow�-'fcirculncisbd, the' eighth day) i . I . . 11 .'­.M**­.'"�� ­­ ' ' . L'.W*,**_�" . ; � . ., . �141111 Xot , oftho 4took of1srael, of the tribe of il M' eter via the second . I � � ­ board, - - " - � . I I . . . , 0, y04 .r aster - araorig . Vrbos& Plapils Si�ul BI' - 11 r ! ---*--_­— � _ .r . .-.--- L 1. r 1, . . � them, � 11 I r . .. I , r r irlarain'-an lJob-oerv, of the- Hob-', waj.onrolli.a was; the. fainous Rabban)o6ricession, G. The road ill thr, Ono � of the pleasing, events in poll , . _ . .. 11 . I I - ­ . . � I r I . . Bar 1. , . � . � '- , . , reWs;. as touchille tbo, law, a Marl- I doef'or of the la,* bid township of Stephen easterly from nection ivith tho'county oouncil,*nleet� 1. Its Quality Sells It -The fiet th(tt , I I � . � � . I � , , 1, I 1`1 WA only, sdkry-i: aid jot try.thdta . G� alle I "a the. L- mLralla to coli, Ing last week was. thi� prasentatfort :nila,of intelliment PqO- - . . . , .1 . � Persecuting i - .z4bong all the poople." orld6n Road at,,Co I so MI'lly thouso. ,� . �, . . I befow and eeeoupii'iots, of Quess and. , ,sc,q,; concerning , z6al+ ghto6ils. In �Xeputlltiorl of ­ this eminent Saulie- I c$ssjon xoritls 2. and 8, . bandsonle, fle continue toriloe Dr. Thomas'. r5t- . r I , 1. , .. . n pogliet, ,bufr:1 di n abbing the rl At the scot , thence north- to Inspector Tom of a -I- , -to � . _­ I . be �ionej i ness, Which is in the. law, blameless," Arlst, sat Saul of Tursus in all pro-, lerlY to countir road No. 4. We're- 014 -headed tallot suitablY 0119cavc ectric Oil opealm VOTUI) -a fqr !Uil. . , I " ,., , � . believe' in ,patent m6dicliles, but I hilve . . , ny yeais., Xuch thot' tommena tii�i: the pensions board at The presentation was accomp-A . Well Ile , _,V,'1i4 51ilceAt - A , vaff � . . I ... . " " � . - since. conviricied'Illyself that one should � Eveil Jewish boy, at the are of - *0 bability fOrr ma . be . petitionod,.td,r rkonsider by the following -address - I aling officievkoy� - f . . � _ I '_ ilned da 1 g these years'eart- Ott . . fir d it bat; grown ., I .. . , begaA.to study tho' seri��48 ,With ,he lea T ia . I st introduce Steadily I rr � . . � I ' parelits %�en tinued,14 to polic tivol � , � ; . I bi-i i A=atttr of pension -Tor Mr. Tank Mr. J,, E, Tom f ,,, o*In entirely to It'q , .... I I I F .. 90 the beat an the,visirliot to get the in. the home: and P ) be till the -last, 411-cssell- the ���� ... .. 9,14AUIT f ; , ,- I 1. . beat result& I will always re6i4mend. X01- this -hp�_would doubtliitis , 6S.AnOwledge aiiii.,exper- Neah4n ofTWI.ox�tor, and .that 'his inspector P411C Schools. .� . F, d C. 00. a bo,v, .. � . .1 � yol; medidito to 411 aillog frialadst. 0 . earlier tb ttlal part of nts of - bis . stud I . onsiinx -be substailtillIlY IXIMUL'd' I AVest Huron 1886-1028.. manifold usefulness n relieving 'Ali 11 . : I . . �. .. . I ill g�t the result . o have learned 6 recite Psalfilg 113-118 idAce, The eff, . y of P .X ah6 - "I'd )Dh-- $1v - . I � . bealing sioltliess. As a GPe(4fic fOrl . I . I . i I- ow they too W was .permanently, I , . � _ I I . - or less trace-'Xr " e n ,y - wish.) P 4, � 1. . : " .1 whole, or,in Part. At six he would the scriptures are m6tL I . bled ,a6 .,A ,rgtjult. V . Wei flid %joritbera of the Huron clitz, 'burns,' scald% UU4 varioua in 0 & . r. � I . . . " � . . 1. . . I . start to go to JZ I'vineyard"'az Vbe ,able in every Rpidle'Which he wrote. I' griously disa "Ins its record is be- .. 0 . the . h' 0 . I , ­.­,� ­ I � . Dd� per, bl�i 0 all4ruggis * , rabbis etma'a -their. schools. At. tell To . the day . of his death he - upithicic wounds, 4nd he receives A' very County Couneit,in sce,slon assembled. flan"alitory p - . . I -1 11 I .. . ,,,---.. PrIie5i . ,at I tile, ad`vatit� I sil �recommend re�elved . . __ � . ­ . - � �. , deti,lers, or'mai Cot 'he . , =. , ,1, . � I _ would h hw- denied nor,under-rated, �meagte� p(M on.' We with sur0riseAnd feeling.of' yond .yeproach. , _-_-_-_-1�1 -_ 11 . I I . - , . . �.. I I . . � I �- �Obura Co., Limited, At tbirtei�n 10 w4 , Tow, � - � , '.. I .. I i I r. 7.. ed 4ifoot. Oil Teedir agixi,to study th�. L I ant bi-, opti, , - tesionatign . 'Which - was, I i � 1! ! !32! VP . - 0 ­ �_. :___ - .. , ­ . : . � � nico bi That, )uld 'by a sort of age;; of the J . that tho Ontario GoVernino reitret your . . I . . 1. - ., , . ­ 1. I- I ... I : . , I I 'Son ­of thoo, . at's tioned to amend the -existing Jogisla, -vepa to us on this ottasic 7 I , - . ... 1. . .1 . I ______.__­ ... . . . -To . .. . . Confirmation "become. i 'Condensed from Carion Parr, �n*in.qpoctor I . . . .. . . � . tonto, 10,04. ", " I . mty.:�&, earl- ', , ­ Life of $t, Paul). . , itions so that the. fines imposed for in- -' Having lmown' Yofl> as � � . . . riandim,dft '. At tW't rina tho. � time of man.v .of I'll 0 & . !� . . =_�__________!.=�*�� Comr o traffle laws, occur- do O%lr I . . I I . . . I . � . ��� . . � I I . .114. I T jei4., he. would .marry. ']During, many .� I . WORLD .IVIISSIOX4S�'7 . ' - fractions Of th - always loolckd f - , ­ I . . 1. . � '. �. . . . . . I d -be ralikei arriong � I . ring in tile county roads, -be paid to school days, we I . .. .1 ­'. 11 �_, . vooro .be--wnhl - c *,"i: I - . 01 . � I � I I .. .. I . .- . , . , 0 � the "Pulpils" -of -the viso*�, . hind bo It 'is a very easy thing'toleomii to the county instead of to' the, Ideal Avard to'Youl� visits With Onsido I I � A 11 I I I . . � . ..., ..., . : � � .. Ir. -$W ARTS � these spleAdid.meetings- and' sing, iftnmicipulity ds at pt�gent. 00 'that In able, pride. and pleasure, And Whilo at, I I I. . . . Irg.jInly naeupied.wifb. MWI�traditlnns ,, , ar with I . I I 0 . .. � I I I .1 * . of t1i . o-fathors-" It was,ih, studiel, Jesus shall.reign wheree'er thf, tbo.fature,ifit is deemed expedient that time we W�ro not famill, I 1. ... 0� 0- . . . . . . . . . . - , . - . I Ruto and 501se Livery - awl habits like thise, the VOuns� SaIll .f;un.,, yes, I know th4t; it is quite to alapoint a traffic officer, tb6 east the gro# and important task with . ­ . I . .. ir all. the Lord . 0011170.0 Md enjoyment to your trip vast t est . I . .. , , work9 �, confronted. we bive I Arl � # . I �.. ..�. � ... , ni Tarsus; o-rew un to the dike of tbir- true; but'aft( will be provided for froul that which you werf -eats lbeeome, qatte � a . I � ... . - teen, , blie-Hig aya 4arinir our. lat.60 y - ' . giving you a dcliahtfW bteakin you. Jo r 0- . . I I . I ,. V n, Stables � - Etc. , , whlo� was the ,aqe at which a by .iieapa. It we don't works J`0,su$1 The X)opartnient of Pei , - * I . . . � * I -_ .1 it I -for 'Vill reiL�b anyway, but it will bo vexg 1920 - provincial woll acquainted With the responsibi _ A - I I . Rany � * Jowish bov. if he wore destined I 1, had deducted � the lftles,-of �otir office and fully realiv,e I .. .. �� 11 . � I . , , uncomfortatle for you and mo, lk bii�*��yi bill front the 1921 subsidy . C & 13 ILIN13,6 STEAT4998 . . I I � blontrisial. 9,004t - , . tho. position, , of a.rabbi, entered the w1jen He -does , reign - all over the , , - Z - . . .. I 0 . . I . . I . � . I � . isome treat master, The ,oil county toads. Together with lht that, vour woilc Uas been, a riower for ach Waly Zvery Night Illetweeo . . 1. . � Just oil, the $qmtrve . I 1; school of I world we havd to reflect, "And I Aid good In the assistance you have ren. I . i t 1. .. I :�i,. . I . . . � ',.'%. 0 1%. , ' . I . 1. .1 . .. � . 1. � nothing for His kingdom." 0h that 1027 account. the total to be met for lucation and, .. . Bufflalo"Andc-le'velatid.- ' I I . I .1 . . ... . . I . . t �­ the'prov$ndlvd. hiih%�aYS is $81,125- doted in furthering ex . , . .. . 11 w6noral . �. .. I . 1. '99YERA.,fIRST-409 A111105 RZA1.)y we might be able to 166k bUk and go. 'This may be provided for by this morali ltv in , � offee y" Unlimited hAdes, wudlog. hire'sab comrott. . .. FAR SERVICE -GET V00 1ANYWOOK, .. � What Is more.satisfying;After say, "Praise the Lord, Thad ray Part wad your Innstpheetacroauti ill, particular, e 10hebtsht'iftefri instltev. - . . ' . issue - of twenty' year, five Pet CaUt , I =­ stattwoml 4 nk infatol wilem dialail, mm . . I I .. P in it." There I many installment debentures. which w0uI0 W`i� have also -noticed that your 9. I 11 Am.) VIIEN You WANT TOAtT THERE . the bridge gaM6 thau a cu ar6� We Im6w � lout tsbinso wl& Ms. vq vou Will lmz " . . � . . - I I I 'unsfits meet all Tralas &ad , . � - or %two iif Red Roll* T�eot?, earnest fathers and mothers Who ,has been excel � .-,&,W. . _1 i -.1.41-2w" - _".-0 I i tost thc� County � of Huron $6,60MG diatriet. otionally well claimcm tuestaut . . . loolc- forward with the deepeO, earn- yoarl� for twenty years. The Court- blessed With teachers of a high 01- % Conatcdons at Cleveland tottoke Itesorts, . � . pissontor 11oats Millions of canadians -pro- . . . I I . . _ .ost"longing that.theiv children May tsr of Huron wiil 6 able VP SOCUIV ibre; thi's can be quite properly ,'to : p., Detroit and Points West . ­ " . . Passengers calleil for In AnY fei ft to .any ot go 'out us inliwionarles, and who, money on 'a 4.90% or lbas.' We T�� oolint.ed for bv 68 assistance ren I I.- . � � � . ri . � for $ill - D10'' , ­, rst-t`�146;ot;bor 14th I 4 I I . of of finer fiavor, retnark*ble teaell them from t116 beginning to . y $crvlce May: ­ I . I �' . I tPr11*r1t" t ITOT ! I OR! 011�, C, P. I t I eommotid.,1bat the Ontario Govern- dered iby you to the trustees in tile ' .. I- . . - I . $a � ,00 F , ii- .. . . istrangth and dustlesit VUr- look forw4rd t;o it, and.. rejoice when . otir . - - I _-.1 I � I � I I L�� . Depots. . I . . - d mont to, further petitioned to reduce selection at ,the teachers ayid y Leaving at V. - M-1 Arriving at 7:30 A. K - .-. , )1. .1 I J?Ut Up. in �alUininUtn__�_ ,the wav olions 'for them to edipati ilifluence , upon them in your AA �Otir t2dZet dgent or tou (st agawy, -_ � the proportion of the' cost of provin- , It ­ . I I '' I . Proivpf Servb;e Alid 'ty' 01n. their lives to thO Preparation 90C "Iel' capact Y. . I the onlyUlaterial "I,ah it, . . etal. bighwo". payable Uy the coun. ofolial toy tidwts V14,C 6 0 une. . - I , J too tie . ties Ill no alre "" I . . I . � � Careful AttOnd4PM .. . a.: � such a life: sorviee. fr6m 201/c to 10%. UO 4`01ica- You' in ,your retiring days, w, Now Low F $4.50 We - - � . I I . . plettly P I rotects 17r,-*,' I Mr. t-ugene Stock." - doubt take v:reat pleasure in 1.1fow- . ,I . I . I L' . I 460"k I - I I . . ­ - . 1, 1. . -111 tiou of the Town of Oodorlcl[i foe th� � it -11 . �. I I ; � : ! . � , , '; - ��. . I ! a I - * - I . I I I I IV`- I I I I I I I I' .1 .1 '" %^0W*0%0%01N0� _A^��, i, I I I , , I '1� 1? � ww� ! A4 .1 I . . a enjoy= I . siv, 1; V U , I I C ; - za�4 W , _Jw- , �. I 0 1 — — I iniprovemout of Cambria Road, We I", full Well that service you, have 66 . . ' 11112110V $8.50 ... 0 � �." . out 4 Rack 6,ervir" . . I 1. . . I .� I . I . .. I' I . for the faithfully tendered has been gVeatly . AUTOS CAR*91ED $6.50AND UP, - . � � . ,recoramp.nd that this be done ivull I I I . .W - .-, 1. I I �, .1 .: .. . . I � C I � . . . rebate -due this Year. with Whom you bad to deal atid'bY Tho CWelftaid AW , . . !J . I iL1I!1,,f0A0*U`nd up-0-48to - � . apyri��eiated by those. in part' at I 0101410 Ttaotit OW � I � . I .1 I . its every respect, . I . I I whonts; r>oJ&MffMAviF, 104400 mflod, N. V" I - �i. . I I I ­ * I a.. The estimoteil Mondituren,, for the ,ratepayers, of the county in gen- . I ... -L .1 I . "i . I . ft *,%� V "'' , , . . ip, . 11 . ­ _ I � - I ­ "' I vour 14trouste S6114:11tod . 11 � - , I I I 928 are ati. follows : Maintenance- oral. . county 11 - . .1 I . Ing, $08,000; ailing and tar- We. th6 meft . . I -0, N `- ,.,.,.. " .. ** , '1111"O.- .. . gesiatfac, . .., . .r . . ring# $10,000, 6now Toadrs, $2,,500; council., feel that it, would not bn pro- k .. I . I of the , 1� I � ! -, .-...-.,i.l,-,I�tz�;4,�,.,i,i,,ti�- - , I � I lb mt , , ,I 1. .. A; N, ? 7, .: M , . . I . I .; � . I . - T.' SWARTS - . . . 1: I � #1 J I I - .... .. � 11 Ill lk.-� 1__Tlnt�_�� Aartirest strest .� . . 4ragglugi $23.000; ,bridg0s, $2-000*, p�r to allow this Occasion to Pans, � 11 t!t�,�M___��ft,?T Z -b �� . . �_ ­�#­ ,,, . I i-si Pborio 101 I Ack *r10%%1TT%1Cn= TV milvArf.g. -1M.500-. weeds. $2,500: 0 ... 4.1k,%40� name slight recognition of --,------ "L wl� I . . . I I ft". 11 "I I , , r ! ,_.__._._U`_SE � ____ ___ . . I , Int 0 : . -, Hydro'glectric. , . . I . 'ME Pzopws ST01M � I I . I- I,- __!" 11"!A* . " 11"t! _ Cock by Ektitkity I I Wmh by Zkd�Y �j Ire" 'by El"Wity CONVENIEW, ; I CLEANt QUICK ' Che*PW lb" cog or w0a � . All eltettic Vacullill Cfcancf renlovies ih6 dust�� I K0301-4:., just IlloV03 VIC dust. . , wo A" lf�Mee Al I I y I V tj . Lalllpsi,ft�r I'Soo houff-. I WAk N mul See ',FTT-!y M I - dft- . too 'Hydre 510re the - ___�_ . 11 " No , .� . — ... - . , : . OIL C0014L STOVES'' A RF, YOU tiritA Of Worrying with an U91Y, WY stOvc? A—& Uteri, doWt fail to see the ilew BeAutiful PERP80TtON oilltaagesl , . 1� Vinished in anow.white, lwcelaiAenmel., , with bOt in Ive himt, oven *A heAt jndiftt4*... sale and ebftftftIW to use, ,24 tnodels. from which to thow. Swift C00king - - - tatidgm inevery way. A mge thlit givtlk tht 10111tet wife I I sli the tooking privftes Of her (AY sisters * I 4 WA * kitchm -1tistax Pretty. Prims from $8.75 t6$212-50. Forfullwom. ifion write (knetalsttel Wares, Lilaited, Totonto, go " I , Awl"s P ERvEC-013 ON . . ; *9 angeS, I I -3 i., 0 *1 Burn � ,. I 4 111 � �_ 4 1 a . A . ita TOT)AY - - - - - - - - - - - F 11 "'Oki?f ,6"0M_**dVr&*"1,*A�T&-"*"� Is . I il 'W"p"Oftieg" *tdb6ret";"ft1F~-4 A - - - - 4 * I M"--- ---- �_____ ­__�­_11­­.__;­­ --- -_1-.--4.-11_--_.._ "I ­ 1�­­ ... I _-.=n::__4. 19 - ., I —_ '­ 000W., -_ 1j­r.-­.4�.­.. IA"040_- _­­ ------ -- -­ ...... � ................. �. - ­ '_ j I . - FOR SAVE AY 'ALIL DEALERS - 9 I 0. Ua. volar servico. It is Our great I'Vivi- .1 .ANFKZN�13�_ �*�11 ­ . Its. M- 1two aria T40abure to present to, you N"""��"=� - t - . rom 1927, M000;"total.. *17u,531., . Uotimat(,4, recolpti--2-Mill levy gs,zvmn, � rebate qnd sundry to- plutij.* sGpo- governinent oubaidy. 89,200-85., totali, M(109,8�3,�, , It will be noted thti., Z�7�11rjtruc- ion program has bee" materially urtaileirl. in order to avoid the�aw.m- ity for� tin Werease 'in the county oad lovy� We recommend a levy of wo milrd , to cover * this P�091,am- 3& teport waa carried in council. Tile Cood Ro:ida Comuliuslon made I ceeond to 't, Reeve Ilaelter Waal 11 the chairpa"n'd the ropott, Waa tat',-: -n up in coninfittee and alloPted, I The second report of the ,Good loods CoialrilgMon is as, followo -. Ifte notion of Nregaro, Snell And Goetz :11at improvew,ent, be mado to the ap- proach to tile Exotor bridge, we ro- ,nmmond that the-commisMOU cxam- I ine tioll of -a PV rly from- - W , alonit M8 ( township, we couneil landor the ­ ­ --- - of tba-aPPreCiAtion Of tile very faltll- ful &erviee which you 114VO 00 On' sparingly given. � our sincere ,wish ig t1lat you liaaV ' long be .0ared to enjoy thO I'01"re- melit you. -have rought and that t1lo qre,�Lqitntio� to you may never be- ,Olne All article of necon4ity to YOU and that tile rtreatost blelp,inz, to . I I . ,, ,.­,._..1,11�­___ - -.--4=- �__ - '. , _ I � CANADIAN NATIONAL BY. I wti, BE tdTOROWTO� TRAIN, SE"I - . . DAILY r�XCBPT kl'UNDAY Lve Goderich 6.20 aan, 2,20 V -1n. � it Clintoll 0.44 a.m. 2.0 V -10- "I Sonforth 10.159 a.m. 108 P.m. 84 '111"holl 7.21 nsn, =5 p-ra. Mr. Stratford 7.4G a.1n. 4.0.1 p.m. 44 . x1tehofter 8.40 a.m, 5.20 0.111" 0 , Guelph 0.04 a.m. 5.00 V-111- 44 Toronto 10.25 a.m. 1-30 Pill. , neturningf--Leava Toronto 7.55 0-111-p 11,,1.55 p.m. and 0.05-P-In- pArl�r Cafe Car Mdoirlell to. -Tor - ,Onto on yoorning traiti, and Toronto to Goderieh on 6.05 P. -M, train- NO c,illnigo of c-arg bot�vecn.Godoriell alld Toronto. J. A. LAWRMCZ, � Town Pa.p'songer and . Ticket ASonto 'Phent 8., . _-_ --­ ­ , At , FamonavilI6 �Wldqo and Mo(STOC. tion ef n1*011-1. Wo ic'-01-4,41-01ond t1lat .__,____ , . �*. � VLW�_�!�_ " !��� 161 I , finitf e.eliino k oreetcA tud that tbp il�fj&�45 111-'.� CIMMIVIC-41 tlr'C' �ltly nlrf'C _t '1' 11"If- CASTO R I A ! rpr'nivri to %Jadc. 11�,p %AOM"n of I 1. f,m,� MeEMbr'n asla �10,afnr_mrfa fbat �, .. tt"C'pwalrlo Re,3dtW,o-,V;4,-n-' � 70C 1"fonts Alld Childifto, , 11 1NlMqpeb�l � - � td, wo ret"C'MV,410int, tjj,,j,�, ("ou"m to do� � I" U" for ovor 30y*44* �frv-e till no%t T;Pnv. 6D ttp Rclr___�;_ I a ? OV302(lifure villa I E, to=zdivrdblo. - 1AIS � .4-twsig t i &I 11 , ; jf�'t�,r,t�12A'l frar,l v�.T`Wr.V'5 ftl 117'-'� � , .C, 10-9611ttuto ot 44" //,.;,, ?y '17� Ov"I. t -p ltj(��X,�,n � -,;mw,�-1 c.f 10­�an_,&, , . �Oilcli were in the 110ted 89119ct 01(it VIC .,Ire L Offering 'for $2,50 e4ch. I s , Can be illatle illto 1)rCSSerS, a150 Coltid 'lleo 11_�11' �V _ C",� rf Mr --no. Fonv, 11 r=t­10 C.�. . , _. .,- '', - __.______ I - ...W _ .- �w _1 .­ ­ - __..-..­.&.h.k_ 1001-4- * 0 1 - - . a . . & I Apik , 's - 0 i% " 0 111 Wr 't . %or 'as %rra sewan Lra ­(iw li,i, �L L'. .. " .11 . -_ I L . I . nd �p with Swing Comes Cleaning n ,a . 1�. . -U , !n ,ill . 111� 9' , * I I Painting - I V . 0 ' Vle c,irry . . ;,,� ftlit lilie, . of Scarf ls� Piihi � ts.' viis Paint . covere, Moreand'40 5 1611r t1lall. OtIler 1114�.L�.!� ()f p,ilint. It taNis � ,1: L ii . 'er 'ust �� a poor Paint oil as it does a 900d 011a. s long, to put . . � .. . . ,I Wily not Ilave tile liest.., -Ues Scarf's Paints,. Uhuaue.15" . " varnkhes, etc. I I 1. . p � I ,,Ill, Separator? if you do, , a Cre, 1)0 you require I Itave a tie v- lowa,l 1111911110t 25, W11101 vle �','ill �-ell tO y0tl I � I very Cheap, . we'llave a 1111111110T of whita 01i"killeled Wash st'luds I . I . I �Oilcli were in the 110ted 89119ct 01(it VIC .,Ire L Offering 'for $2,50 e4ch. I s , Can be illatle illto 1)rCSSerS, a150 Coltid 'lleo L . lie niade'lift Clilli;l Closets 11Y PlacillF, logs ut-46!r the.,in... . I YOU reqUire ally 6 'L ." � _ 00d 'o.illell ple if " ,Ja),iII,rJLVje Still t3a'V( . ounto left. L s We c$wgy a (tilt lifte,of Shelf $to& 11tievy Hardwa. e. - L ' I If y6u req,im Plumbing, HeMing, Meade wirLmrs ert"6 � . Troll*hing, give us sk calL ; -_ ­ I I I Always a full line of thyd #04 S10ft. COA1 "O v,tcck- I _-�_� � i, , . , L I " __�_ �!'"t� ""!!!�!.—""!tM��--�-"!!tt-"!h"MV."*.m4,.�".��-m!�VI&�--I!t . H , aft .() a C 11111011, 10 Xm. is SOMM . , I I 1(o I . ,I .. , . 'file 11,ndware -Steve at the 11artor ill� ,,� , *Hip CHANDLIK111I PLUM n1ma and WILOATMO ,,,,, Store 111horle 2Z . laov�-v 1hito I'V** .� Ill _ L� , L. .I . ­­­110� I!r---40WMF�-�--7-z-_---_-Ivrl,� , � W" ­� _'--,i4: - . � ___�Nr� __.A I MA