The Goderich Star, 1928-06-21, Page 3MIT —,P, - THE GODFMCH STAR PAGE THRES JUNE gist, IOU 10 Pains In Back Ne* h" orhood News Nuggets The Lawrence Deep Waterw Special Prices Construetion Wotdd Make Central 11ravloves of!!! sied"s voradon ft"Nifte ricked From Our tXC 1112mve Canada Vocal Point in Great Industrial AT Mrs. X Biwa, 41"IM111% "I, Expansion, Sayis Plvf. Goforth, 'Welta.-161 Ud gone t1trough's "Al �111 7, Gas operativIl. ullich left lue with * bNA 9 - rest daug A I , New Express Agent #Iter Of Mr. and My�i. , - In M c E WE" mACS) i4 the bacu. I uraffl� �f Helliall, to williall]; Ar�?In- HE NSTINATE.4 A FOM MILLIGNi 4 1 Mr. '-%7. s. Eaton, ttf Orillia, hits baij 11f,* anly *art of Mr, arid POPULATION2 INCREASE�11 "After #Yiur lagay diffevat rm- been � aV �Xartbj , . ointed V*nadian National arth, a IN uxes wltho�ut gettieff any rolief, My 11 res% agent at Exgter, suecteditig by Rev. A. �Siipelxilrx who, was rece pastor of Ifelismil United churclis at th Would Ilecome Solvent and Western Farmiii G Nitter w6d me to tvy DOW# xid"y tvansfevred to -Barrie. Pillp Us tbk inatise f(t one, Wclo-�k 84torday Would Be Able to Pay Off His Mortgage roceries Teas Y had belpea ber ool=X New noiQrs afteill6oll, June 9th. 1111 took 1, box 301 felt 50 Imuch Li6ut. Col. X. S. BUYS. of 824� Engaxtment Announced 413ut Greatest 1knefit Would ]Be to better I took three more. forth, received the information dllr- .1r. and Njrs, Robert Holmes, oi Central Provinces. in? ek that he bact been I obacco D Goods 0_0 past we Palmerston Boulevard,, Toronto, f6r­ life, ry tb C ftt I too'k, theqi Awl I have Ileft owraer(!i,41 Law League of mealy, *at I I I C(,;M. Ragement of *ir daukWr It waoi a very interestifle and -hl. of the AN-Ailabl'o pawcr frola Niagava , �iv botuerea with my back sinee-11 Josephine,. to Rev. Gordon WNS11:10% struetive presentation of, tho XlCitiou- Iva$ !,I uso�at t;,he­pre!�ent time and B.,A., of Cadillac. $ask., foriaelIlY of a tntna _,D* ner Wedr I and econowie features of the. St, the commission Nvero loolihig aboat in Ordination Paster IAbibeth. Out.. tile Inarri496 to talve Lawrence Deep Waterway Dievelop- for other fiources of power. Tho 40t, all 4rilegists 01 The ordination of Mr. R. argele, place qW1v!t1y this mouth. ment which Prot Goforth- of McGill hydro electirle consumption had. doll. dsahM or wailea formerly pastor of Old St. Andr&wls I A-feirkiager-Weseloh I University g4wjo�.tlw gathering of bled ea& six years and it was ex- dimt 04 1"ptof church, Blytb, wits held in A411M An attractive wedding took placb Lions and Other eltizens alill melaw. pectod that there would'he a 811ort- Call,in and look them'over celbr Tbo T.Mit" Oil WedUeSdAY, June 13th- Mr. Gr*-- ro of tile cou.0 counei also vj,%. age, of 600,000 li.p. in six vearg' time, oie-has.-been pastor of the , .01irtOn- an Saturday evening, June 9th, at 8: tors ro ingh r 1144, or' a shortage of 60,000 h.p. in Montreal IiOv oelovic in St. Peter's Lutheran church 'A 1, , at ------ bum C�011 T4 iwteiii Auburn Baptist churches: f0l� . .00 the 0 n! I � meettlA 0 0 e- alotio'by 1,93L- It was estimittedth*t Torouto, Out. Zurich. when Miss Lillian Weselob, -months. V it daughter of Ur. and Mrs. rich I s In old at Hotel unset by 1945 the whole Of the four million ouligel Death of W. T. Ifearn Henry X� Weseloh, becatue the -happy Thursday evening, June 7t tot 9. horse power WIdoh would be avail - music MeIniniter, s4u forth cullle`tO G0derIclA'uadQr t 010 from the St. Lawwuee would be J. McEWEN After about a mouth's lllnes% Wil- bride of M -r. Arthiri r t e liam T. Hearn, 4f Toronto, father of of Mrs, P. 4. Mainingov, of 114%tingg, auspices of the God"Ich Lions 4-lub, needed. , The power Would not be LAIPMA JACKSON 'A -'T. 0- 0- 1 lu Dr. P. Hearni, of Clinton, passed 1;cbra$ka. which fixed - the date of his Visit, ilo developed all at once, but in bloeks THE SQUARE 1010DERICK, Instruction given ast eorner or Daylleld and Uri* 4`wI 8(ktu yl, Julie P& 4964 Id U convetilept, for the of.power as the Ind tri I I that it wou us a expalls Oil Ry. on rd# Road. sixty-seven, years, Mr. Rem is memborfk of tho county council to wQdvall for M ()no of the prettlext of June Well- bear hial, and alsop invited the Whig. Under the heading of industrial Tivod by Ms. wife and threo son$.. D4 Julie ;�results, Prof. *- Goforth, IN igs, was solemnized Saturda an eafor , A a ' lubs, both pointed, out and Mrs, Hearn motoyedt. down on "Ill - , da., second LOCAL NC&ADIS Sundpy and, remained un 'I after the oth, at high lioon, when I Of W h sent a e ation, The that the number of people employed moved by Lion litayor"llacZwou and jouraoF both were. mildlk intzroat 4AU . and Mrs. John Cro- 'POT thousand ed, though critical. _0A the seceW4 -F. R- DA.RP Vrr.:_ ghter of Mi inner and address was tb It open horsepower used was F.K.Onded by Lion Ir. U. Mitchell. funeral. Zier, of Walton, became the bride of SIS �V$r to ar% - Workers and their families on Lions Vanstone, �d I m, and both Wero T013tIeSS. r Ott tile fouftb to the pu io on the 3a �� e Wingba th v Erigagerntrit AnnQu 4 D1 tbve. faintly Ituprossed but limp George 0. Brownr Only son lot ' vt e era of the Lions Club. okad this basis for four million of add-' :11 worer oUlled an and, Barrister, sollottor7o*tdc), Ilubl(e. rto.. nee of and Mrs, Wm, lytb. The r Of r eltiZenji availed the 'Best rof $eatorl silecessor to , L 'Mr'r and Mrs, A. Nv'., BoAcom _'i)rot rfoviii'ie'd" a an M- tional Powor'would Mean an inerea$0 responded briefly. Reeve Hugh Hill, �14Z weariness. phoneol ogice, Tile $qutM'0,VorIch Hulkett" alimiliftes, the engagement Of eeremony W ev, selves of the opportunity to bear the in population of 7,700,0ft ThIP. fig- of 061borno, Lions 11AV8008 and Rev. So this Is Amaricas sir." said tho. their 4aukhtok,- Laura- Marjorier to ins. Abory,,or J�ulnlrn. -on the ure, given. out by some; the speaker j. N. 11. Mills tIlId: othol-si also spoke Valet. 4411ancy made XT, Josoph E. Lyon vreh 41) e such a stil, about Columbus 41seov. views of,an expeft economist their havilig son 9f Mr. a7id Ch I ile virs.. Harry, Lvorli th important subject of the- St. , Lswr� "himself looked upon as an exaggera. briefly. EAN"sT At- LF -F- e Inarriage to aoi4titrft enco do-velopm , out, tion, but rpvc� AS his, own figure- 4,, - t)II-riAg tl)6 serving Ox tile-vopy ON- ering It. My�wordt I doWt see how iWo , services tommell take, Place in huo. he could lgiie,avolded itl" Hoggarth-Ingrom the 50th anniversary of th4 present Prof. Oofovth clkssed'the deep, -'WA- 000,000 inaeatig in population. T)ur- gollent, meal �Llon C. It. Saunders 16 Xing StreeL 'Iding of ing' the years- 1920 to 10.04 Canada took t Junity singing ast, Toronto. P. 101tiveh buildi" will be4leld at Eg- terw4r 'project with the bul �The marriage of R10y'Leone, eld. 'd harge 'Of �tomtv Mi $410 to (Railway and the liist�more population than alfe,gaine. 1417 3adville tin Suud4y� Juner 24th. In the Canadian PAcif an(l at the close the National All. Transcontinental, c.lio.sabsequent his- i1but these years were the -period thein was sang. Lion Major was a'. the'vear 1845 it.Prosbyteviiiii. congre- _77"_ vati'�A was!'form44 and Itow Wiltlau, tory oflwhich justified the Judgment the complete collapse of agrioulture. 7- 0rrallalyl. lately. come from r Perth- of those who advocated these pro- Now tboro was'a definite movement ifie piano. so Otto Notary, and went an Vey,, o�r. Etc. sllj�o. r Scotland. Was I dUly ' ordained jects,as wise forosight, toward the agricultural areas of the _p I" the groat n6urisher Sleo 11J.'ro STRFrw -that the -preserit con- -to, conside ritbout peaceful t1006 the and Inductpd, so , t� the, oftect of the dcvclop� west, and Mr.. Coats, the Dominion 1% Wence 'ment from isevell, points , of view. statiaticiani gave it as, his'.0pinion, faut% '3114 iIleVw1Vo,rw V.Teoation hits tiovy been in ox child Will not thrive. At namely the eff�et on ilavigittion and that the',Iliift from the farm to the Powders,, -will destroy worvAs ni'd SPECIALIST -for 0 Years. �and af. Joinji With rat1her Ilk P delve them. from the systeiv. t e �ffect on 4grliculture, V :wAs over. This being the g e r cot on the 'llydro-olectric, the all future Industrial growth would torwahis tile, ehilills Tea . t. *111 be an- II- A� W� Irwin, q ieopnt grortuate, in.; _,r fr the 0 ot ' I ustryo, the etTect on Ahe bal supplied by-immigvation, disturbed. The. powders -cannot th- "a" 10 ays of our railway oonstruo� IDR- v; J` a Faculty 61 Doutistr rall a 0, e nelal factor and the in the 4 jure the, most, 4 and itr4i 0 gh elicate/ b5by rAft �HAOAT. aecid 7, Toronto. ba . ed to, in - ayr, EDAL lte,6f h4k.profession 41, f4ttor. During his tion the labor brou t bore10-r thAt there is othing. so, oftoctive, lor ro- Late HaliFe, SU1180-00- Now Oph- f6llow the e work drifted back after the employ,! 'health of M, worm -worn enterod into that afternpow h torin the thalmle and Aural Upi -1, assistant -onf. in 0 r Ch. r , . r, 91 _ - W ba Dr. had Ifu'd a long oonvorsa ion .1MO , . Clt* -with ment was gone, because this o Infant. In Wilighiml. loss iif q. Bye,;J1OsPl1;a1 and 00111alt partnership with Ills f;Aller, Noorella , anager Pargons of the 'Godeilch labor did 'not take to farming, but, uare Kroat � Rd tal. tondon, VAJ;. s,5 Waterloo st,1191 $tratrordr. Vlarke-Car I tic Irwin.. : wh6in he -had learned with ploulLv vf Industries going on A very bore4 t1bglishwan, attend - elevator from -tralot ;M traveling from qonsiderAble. of . the r Viewpoint a , f. the the l4boy, that would - be brought ed by his . , / . . trad 'At tiotol, i3edford, 4l., oil, - tbe y, I I OrUla. W1101 I - r .." I I I I -.,the home of Mr. and shipping, interests � at 00derleb, � and to Cavaii(M for the constru0ion .,of the New` York, to C' Ili ealnir of,fbiril Nionday nt eal%160nth Trick, of Whit"liurt*b, t1le I an interchange of views had,. lie watorway would be. absoviie-d and ro. On I tile fira�lday of ilto Tlilway] tIR the foll"win", day" Tuoaday� at �i Ca Very pretty weading on thc,liglIt, been 'of III b�nefit.,r , nIn: :1., the �courltry� Itollsw the, Immenso chalip"o stelae of a mutil ew Tuesday, June, Oth. When their seiond . 'Under th4lloading of the influence -As tothe influonce of the develop- in coadit )03--4n just A f, Z � Goforth B1 did-blo Weakness -years - that the telephone daughter, Lavinst Jotill, bjoamw the oil navivatipA. and,- shiptibig,_ Prof. roont on tho.railways, Pro lii4d �out that the work Of -con. CHIROPRACTIC bride � 61 Mr. Alfred, James. C)IlTkt�'of rooforth fointed out that by 1934 the poi will lias helped bring allout olaplet. striletloili, of the 04RNV WOVIC, Awh�rstbulrjr_ Orit ;4ev.. 11. whit- new, W 111 ould.be oi ii Ild Matters Life Miser el and da MI * r in 'haulage y 11eld of the 'Un h, offieriflaa.' ed, jj�iag_25 foot or 27 -foot depth mean a large increase lie In. fhe smaller-, - 1"'LVc;" PTt'&-CT1T1C)'K`�Zt` The st� ited obure DRL tild. subsequent Indus. %town 11OW,' carries pretty Prille.p�f 6f' -$�hool Itesigoii down thio - kkos to � Lake' On%rio�. the, ralINVON's Z Vall uoyonce, Troublesomt, Nights d niett WWI development would mean, the N. .kTXI*4$W y/Xiss..Worsell wh� Inri'r Them.'remaltied' tho restriato much the �ame up-to-daW 'Dow 1146 boen'pr, cklag tiVes of Thousands - I ?rG ore. It t Chiroptact9g, and Illera )6tween'Pre'secitt, and . Xofitre4l; be- aam�- The; railways would show' a r B y es as , e, ig cl pal,o� BlythXontinuatioii $chool fo 'real them was, A depth 0 greater inct6as4 in, ligulagg ill the Writer Who Tells NVIl. t I t I rierVollS PI9eAses,, thi Oast nuv*er iof - yeais; tondoreil I'll. the east on account of To Do For Q4ick Belief I Th%olcb to Long Distpeq, athermy,. EloctrO, -her: resignation, � to tbi� Boiird tit its' thirty foot, The canal for this Te�� west than Manufteturers' or AvIlQ10- p,quipped Avith D1, a ould mean as much the competition , the * water routw Stricted ate� w I . 11.'r k, sokaolies,, Headaches, Pains In salers! warehouses 4ro Orao- 0. tl TvIagilptic l3ath�s,, ri8otroill'o, peotrier last mgetitlg" She; has been a faith' eXCAVatloo sima, bf I Treatments aud Chir,00MOtl ful. paluttakinir teacher and t)16 i6r. 'as t116 Pan the east. but 'feet and legs,. Nervousness, R6311103g- tidally at the storckeeper'a offlee bourg__2 to I , skild 7, tO V P.ft suits, of , her eff art$ were'sully niani. the formation.: of three lakes oil thil, creased industrial activity but scanty urillatioll elbow. The time, required rivliir With dorovift of the -Avor at mean increased business fo wiess, frequent "0001ing riday arid. bV, 1%101 fested with tho ex4minationii each tacblne� Occali. liners would still ways, and r the rail with burning and' pain, getting -up- to telephiln6 an order by ways 'of the njore and ThuraftY afterno-Is $04 Waco hour's -g to .5 afl4.1 to Vp-m�", year. The b06,rd'regTota, losing her Make MorTtroill thelt teriMpal,! as course hO14-their winter' 0 ess in nights-aro sonie t0u- Long Dlstailco Is noN� ontr from the.-StIff. tlXd ty blesomo, signs of Bladder Trouble ail. Pq,,ofr construction of an..:oegin any. ovint. 'As soon %a development ery.F Lady lu'Attendailee. Om '111att that should have prompt attention vessel vos-diftriplit froth we now often made -at a that r *fr. a started the 0, X.1t. %van d be, golvont r, Ttelden4 andblinjo Corner at South daing waE _V r6 Vefore' thoy reach a. without bapgIng' up A ulet we allowing of As to the finan6ial fa6toi P L, Ilia gSSe1,,­ th6­*Uke st" Iffid, ItrI11100111 d to the o total stage I receiver# the mitea eburch.parsona Wing greater length. in propor Ion . oforth pointed mit that'th No,matter h apef,. I halt,, on-Viy-23rd, I t1ary Alice 'size of the vo$401'thiark 'Would be pos. imourit'already a ont by'Canada bn ow stubborn your 6. AVCTIONOWN0 An4ots6n,,daukhter �4f Mrs-'r,Elliott i1ble beeah-golng vogseL, canal system vol be - taken into may, seem to be or how many modt, -d w With - the- consideration. This - amoonted t6 icine$. you hafe tris Ithout, rosililt:; And tile cost of L6iig1DJd- aria the -latq John Mliotti of �Vai`it For Ave months of . the year. the -d6n!t think tauce messages Is sm4u, Wnwanosh, biiicavt�, the bride Of $goo,000,000, so; that &r � an addition- �our condition Is hope - years Io. ' ""Vir-hinivo -tried than is gcnorally,�up TMNIAS'GUNIAM #P -'would -60 tlosOd On. Account'of iturat ponser6liences of is often quite W little les'l . ­­­ - ­ i I-expondituro-of 4200#000,0000 esg.or the Tit OmeTYv $0 i4iAer v. unles! h oin MI imit% , etc') Ada Would secure an asset of double posod; Live stook and General Auctioneer, Xonitgomerv. and the late OZ. b - ide With' the world 11amilton I street. -fioderich Montgomery, of East Wawanosh- shouL bi f6uha-a %iana of keo�ini that amoinit'r this r �bolng her half -of the sliecfal� nevy treatment of. ar 111SYROL" TO)- Call our Manager rind sales made everlywhere and 411 0001s, it past, Smith -Goy the route ilpen for a longer period the estimated,4806,000000.0 th, abk up the rate- to points, Inade to �Ive-you satisfiettoo. Esti- presentand future exPendItures on lots. tes diScounted. At oloven clock, �on, the, morning 'than was possible at pkesent a Atrict guarmlie� of picIney Parmers mate no -11th, a quiet blit rnntWof ttle sa-Ang m cost of.silip- the system which would go to nlalCe on Yqu are Interested.1.44 Of litondoov, June merit of grain by the St. Lawrence up. the deep ,watorway was 4ostimatee, -back on first 'box ERT VtOBERT90Z Pretty ;.wedding. was. solemillgett 'at fro- do lit)t yce'eivie awl it and satlafying t1ker parsonage of Wyburn V.. Sinith. Deep Waterway' varied m 2" 'At. ood draggist Will rup- A1,010"Per. E, rdo;'st.. qxoderleb Irotor. Of the' bushel to, 6 nor sixty years we had been try Teli0f-Ank will ennilatt 0114 arrange 00Y sale On _Wilig'ham - Baptist cents A, -*A, cents. The r lijy'�ou wit "Syroll' Tablets - itt church, when GeorzenA Jeanette; S'Peaker's estimat'd was cents ing'to divert the natural north 'and gog* oontainingr tivir the latest inotbOds to 90t best results. Sbel. south traf�c to east and -west and the sealed, packa, Voungest daughter of Mi. and fdr,8. a bu apply., If Tublets See him". or drop a card and 1he'w1lT weekG? SI Illoanswei to the question would St. -Lawrence e 3 Waterway Dovel John Gay, wlia united inmarriate to woul rolief lhaide of 48 hourm filve it immediate �%AttoAtIOU F&I it Ili Mr. �ilot 7tho deep 'Waterway. be injurious qp*nent woul stallizii the east brIng. gr�at rovoment �Ale.s a specialty. -ChArlps V. Sml�b. eldest,so and a Wonderful imPI rind Mrs, ,am. to 116 traffi� of places on the way and vest c . the central prom YOU OATONAL KINS C60411ANV 4ft* tawin Smith, of Win$h vinces wo e Industrial, focu3 of two lweek�, which %rol aged it. Aluir, �a at, pres�ut eng. p, tev 'NOTAIM P shipment'of.grain, such as4oileriell, PoInt-of the continent. pleased. -if tboy.do not hel' ti The"hobie of Xr.',John Muir. SeM� u ng A 0dr the opeaker said this r had not been ' owing to the lateness of tbP 11011r. c6st YO nothi sh your Ug Irtb, w4s the j;eefie - of A hMopy the experience of ;othtr plates simi- Prof4 Goforth dispensed with the re- 9-111-1-tofty, iratberltw on V NnTATty PUBLIC larly situated. The construction- of marks he had Intended to mako un, I36ft"Al "anilveyntleing. dow, �Jtln6 13tb,4wben the section men of the,Manchostor ship canal had liot 'der tile heading Of the international n ern or I S Good INAMPaMm iftetirreaafltda Telh 8 the Stratford--GoderichAivisioll 94th- had this eire6t I and the name was fat"Or'! lon'lpf Prof. Go- aro prom I reflovie g,ed and I)MOnt0d him with' tviO trua of both terminal points at tile At the conclus De TiiOMAS" EC E 1C qllandzomo CoqY chairai RiI a 111afk of Panama Canal,.- Panama and Colon forth's-a4dVess a vote 'of thaillesva'A an wV1 To' Gain We ht the estetin Ili vtbich b.or had'ulwnva had both increased in Importance. 11 1 ow been hold-on'the division. Mr- MaIr As' far do, Goderich -was concernedi THAY IT fIAS Dit.01 t0ti) Votl NEARLY VIM VIA AND 13 10-0,§� A GREATER CC% LER THAI VVER �IVT '16 F111t IN, U11 A:,r TeCenily " alallerannuated after 4 the, speaker.. pointed � out -thitt the or I, t TO FOR;! I�OMTC 4. &GaUlfilO IJOAAL�[VHaAT WEAK! Money Back L If You Dou!t 'OU QUj Y. servido of Over: 50 Yars on the line. greater part of, 'the grain iflileh pas. THE ANOV.* CONPAN It vae,fiat chested, mali Whoso ribs The Late Daniel Coward sod through,'the Godorich -elevators TAIINt A! F Mr., almost bursting tkm his skIn The death took place- in Victoria waaefor local eonpumption,in Wes - IN V JVft 't liess -ty Iw4ur04 up It) 33n-' doosiVt try to make himself 1001C like 'Rnspit4l, )6roudon. on. $atut-day, June tern, ''Ontario., ana 'the increased In - Oar% oth, of Mr, Daniel Cow4rd, of be Valut, r I proppr a real man, no *lie else will. the Otb dustrldt activity which would G*04"' ERK I orvir,015-Jawes C0111611N., Prest-, When any man or wornan noo& of Usborno -townslilin. 41r. created in the hinterland of Goderfell dent, Goderieb; log. 1Fvnn4. Viev-PresV more wolglit they - ought to, lie told Co�vard -wA8 taken to the liospital4he by the availaallity of more hydro xvort; T. r.. nays, Soe.- that thereatest of ail ileall builfler'; latter.p.art of Za.,I,and,umle would can o such tin luer xttael. Tab- Mar operki lo frews'. Liver r all Tk.. The Ileecaged was of population as to more than 00111,; lets. DIREGTQTAS-*9. -h10**rQ9Or' lge to Maritafot MON- pefiSate, for -the 1099 of export Ship - dent Remit rweat .9 povmr s ease united III, forth; X. 0. 'Griove. wintbrop "W", - %IoCoy takes all, the Or Ith. 0 gong ',and one, merits. Whe work . of construction Wrin, Constallce', 61 ita er su 'vo viz- Vt* "Of would, Itself cause� a large I fruokergin9hi John PPrrK Ra-PIC0*1 A bwitv Atwif Tinveg 0 1 A. . �.A 7 ilargo Xcr.nrtneLy*. tilis ironclad guarantee. It aftei IN or J. ff. ReUrs. HAY111514. its" it atten,14 to oy the, Bru IOU Brosil, 4PL- t .2f-- $CH - also AnImisawSwito Ordors raretally Attow-le'l to I at AT( mar*­Aw or doy. We 4 �r hoxes any -Mons(ey JANV. a rX. V . Inpu Uzi V A KIMW SAM �qaskatcll t or "youlan askatch n, an . Stwdloyy on. tile would undeplild,thio.Unifted is A Pow tww* and the incoming tiaMe. a pounds Omo The effect art agriculturt. wout� zel fWKW *--I&A st Vdm6utoll .$Nit Ad wl tile �_Tlw I th.- - ­� ten -7011% 'The - ma,T- rIa_g,&_ wlis�_s to return tho high noon.ork, SAturdAAohMne."4tqd 1, and Sao of -.11 0 of gtain, would ennible IW6 western farmers to pay,off their mortgairest, As to the Hudson, Bay -route Prof. Goforth Raldho had his doubts about this Toote but in any evimt tbe to 1V - i .4na mrs. a. �m- ou&uerin Pheaptst, route would take the traf- 'INSURANX0 for' '. Nova. Scotia. fie. 'AtItNelf-ClArtIS As to the hydio-6 leetrie factor tile Murray C. MeNeit of ontvilo " speaker pointed out that tile whole Cal., son of Mr. T. $. X01461 of clin- .,*bloom Thii ton, wA* united In marriage at Y11110, y0at-8 ot age WHIG 8tWaln 7 wu We * 1, of an Ft!51�% coach vithout baving the life Gut, is tifunething Of is 1-11,78tery. 'Ytt this ft-citutilly llsopen- ed, for n rear -whotl r.XS,.e4 AEV"'k "y on tile the CIART3 tres4as she la All X-RAY �R�011tlrtlrlii ( re tit) broken and two tih.q and. Vitro nve bvtii�r' -, 4T COUE8t, tut Ole gnsuvzfla Wre rot of A rnt'i"as nfkturp� i Childron Ory tot ruticum C A S Ir 0 Ft I A tydil 9, pm"kham'S Yegfetableftpund, INDIA V, 9!P.4F11A"_ 44*bVAr:6 C-11 f, T"RIVT-not wirerlinerm-ig ilia true epononly. The rareful 1101�zpwlfo ayld�tbe greatest corpora. tion both kettvo inoeomoeial buying, In getting tho molt torvice foe tile leaot money. They Aro both 1)argain bunter& NOW is the bargain time On coal. If yon lay In year vVintoen supply at r'llee, you [sot the bn?,tcoal. f0sh and C'Joall ftoni'the' nljnn�j, for conB:Jerably less than you'll get it a few weeks later tp. Yotel� need thp cont an!vlvay. Wily Uot got it ON yon? I!,ind 3l1dVnJ10y t1le neiVirg,�, art tv011 ? CA1114 THE Fof 6004 C"Can coal J0 B. MUSTARD c CoAt O'MPANY I I r 110 Arli_6h, on MAY 190, to Miss 011'. orina Curtisf daughter of Mrs. Chai. MutualUfe loto curtis,tifr us Allgeies, cat., and As0rance COMPRY IN ATrId"(ft Of the University of S*u- horn California, 51r. and Mrs. Me- tmeil lati�r loft Ontario in a Difelk. of ciftaa coach for Beaumont,'Tax", WhArb'. Mr. MeNeil has accepted a lucrative Position With M larger 11' . ATERW), OZIT PAIAS71, row Eleatic Littlit Girt Hatt Nor 0. D. 10000 Aged Thit littledaughter of Dr. anl, Mra. rltwnr, 950 Johnstono of Lucktow, had a t3rr&W en -cape front fatal injUtitS)CArl; "�UJT_ ldsIy aftexpeon, June 10th, when vile wa3 kneeked down ntd run olv& by bet. fathev, a automebile. 110%, the little I)Pdy, ef 4 child under thrre. ! IL y0at-8 ot age WHIG 8tWaln 7 wu We * 1, of an Ft!51�% coach vithout baving the life Gut, is tifunething Of is 1-11,78tery. 'Ytt this ft-citutilly llsopen- ed, for n rear -whotl r.XS,.e4 AEV"'k "y on tile the CIART3 tres4as she la All X-RAY �R�011tlrtlrlii ( re tit) broken and two tih.q and. Vitro nve bvtii�r' -, 4T COUE8t, tut Ole gnsuvzfla Wre rot of A rnt'i"as nfkturp� i Childron Ory tot ruticum C A S Ir 0 Ft I A tydil 9, pm"kham'S Yegfetableftpund, INDIA V, 9!P.4F11A"_ 44*bVAr:6 C-11 f, T"RIVT-not wirerlinerm-ig ilia true epononly. The rareful 1101�zpwlfo ayld�tbe greatest corpora. tion both kettvo inoeomoeial buying, In getting tho molt torvice foe tile leaot money. They Aro both 1)argain bunter& NOW is the bargain time On coal. If yon lay In year vVintoen supply at r'llee, you [sot the bn?,tcoal. f0sh and C'Joall ftoni'the' nljnn�j, for conB:Jerably less than you'll get it a few weeks later tp. Yotel� need thp cont an!vlvay. Wily Uot got it ON yon? I!,ind 3l1dVnJ10y t1le neiVirg,�, art tv011 ? CA1114 THE Fof 6004 C"Can coal J0 B. MUSTARD c CoAt O'MPANY I I r 110