HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-06-21, Page 1 -r- .1 � �; -�.T�- ,WWTK---T- I—, - 111..�
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. I 1� - I I I � I I - -
. 11 I RUY AT HOME i � �, . * F 11 . . .
AELP PAY YOUR OWN t jo JC 46,41* 1 IC I 4
4 1 a I I ,I- I
i Money S ent out of town helps Pay I I
I paxes out of town I , . (b b 4 . 1 I 1 ,,
,� �1 t 1 4: 1 - ,,ti., r
1� . lu,, Local Patriotism Is Self Intircst #I I ) . I . I -
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Suo-l-,a4ption- $2 a year in Vana4a ,, I - ,
. ISIXTY-NI'N611111 tv'R GODERIC-11, -ONTAR10, CANADA, Tuur%,S�I)Ay, JuNL., �Jlst, lt,):Ii� , , I
I � - $��,50 a 3rear w 11". S. Points. 494 � %V'At.Tk1kt NAVIEL, rovdZer.
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I JMriChp Minion Day, n I ;
.. ,n oual , B ig Event ia- ' " � Do'
.Inter A aseball Game Between, Ontario and Michigan Champs Mill Be 8* I
I . - - fdwdayjily Zdd,
Z;;;��, ,-:-Z----�----=;:;%--W ,;- �,- -- �: - —, — L-111 - --- I -1 1. I �.—���--i---�,.-----7�;;;—_�7�;-- �-==="-11;4�7 .-.... -:--- �- --
irw�� I 1. 1. I I Mwlers to Holil Rink, Tournament , � ner I ' -----.-:�Z; - -----=1
I -
.. - I . "Utli, at hrtvvva:*�
2- ��`hv%v lwbae of Mr. anti mra. Shi,rWti�"A t, 1"
, �:,$, t I - 10 riveir 1-41C
t, TOWN TOPICS The annual rink tournament ofthe as I "lVi"T -rzor tilat� 14 t,o;. - P �, Aviluall) Wighta'at.k.inci xvilfre-,J �
I - t2i for tho Val , Will I* ill 4*11fleld TP.
I -�-- I— - )i U. Reid. T%.�Xvnsftip i
'11� �. , — Coderich Howling Club will w) 404 -- Convey tba gravQl J�jqlj - t . QMV,�entiktiVVS :
. - any of Canada, " . he n.wtb �' AAid0d, T. A. Camerou ,unki jltr�F
. ,. - I L Sm. Life. Assurance, COMP � reh Dj�streyeoi, L' '. sockties Z*lUend
. -1 --�- -WillisAvesley- Chu I - V L'r " �
r 0. --tesday. Juni�,,.�t, TJic?,!;pioIe.of,t1i(, �rj ' . Tat'"titit 4.14rch-, -. -- 4, -. -
I . I .. 1. I ! . . I L - � , L f'---- '-'- .. . j -VJJ�rje it, j*,ta-U.'L.,
, , ,
I ; 4 TWO-WAY AUVANTAGE I . I � Atan early hour,this morning fi.-,,�, gikwes'wAft start At',V39 ill the maip-1, dredged, aQross to_ thk�, ji, 1111th I t�#& ., tit. I: C-1 P Stinklay, worl . . GROW' 14ne. 44'olb,�rne� Thalliav, Wii. I
�, I . *. I I . � . :' of an unknown Origin totally delitroy- Ing. The, Club Is looking forward to the river break,j�Oter�� 4t� thp . "if IfSt 6161110ta '�011 9114 Xk,'� -T- (%31101114, %VeSt�.W"� ,
, J[Akj�,er 11
-1 . being pre. I xv) . g�j he Loy�. I P, ,N�k, 11�*4 Wano,qh. Jebtl webst('r upi 5frj"�V�i. - ,
. -' " � -q� life's !, ed Willis-Wes1k,sv United chur0i 3 , cil`le' 1� 11F"�Vfrl wn-lw MI , "' - " I
� ,v in the Sun,'Life Assurance Co. tan . a �' 8 large number of bowlers
-A po&. , lere an clovator �=Qas .�i ,
. I , . anti, I)ja
; : tres- tho fear of living too lowg, and, thi�� fe.,lit of � di'latoo. I . sent and a goAxI -tournament. Thp,�� will b0 installeA for AialiilfinW L 'the ii r;.�, .N a, 111lth,,rNx4; fMit WayallosX Saw
I two great'spec .: " �, 'IT". aft"I".thf We And &11111 band, at- M00'�R and Wri (). Q. Andersin ,-, , I
, i I
I '001, ". , . . I Past principals!'Xiglit ,f' prizes are on dir>play An the 18tar Nxin- gr�vel and loadinR onto va& jqr ,nded.the service. of the 11�,kptZs,'Tk1m1L*ryy, nenson ('rtljok% j lanq
Aying ,top s . .. . , . ', I � tk ,
. : I - A niall liveR too lGngp, if in old age, lie 4, dera,nleaL H e ' Tuesday xiigl-kt wa�i baat I .ows. I � . I shipiplent to eustelnor3l. Quit,�- 0 _ba"Ji L
"' � large amount ; lehlaurlth tile Occasion bong tho all. 31r& J�svolh Prye�-eqridxi-, 31orr.,�,
, of str%etural, steel or- no Null I
night at Iturou Chapter, Z,IAQ'J)&L Mr. V. H. Humber ItAlring 11
. or his . 0. *, R. L . parade of these bQikla, A. Proavr aild 31r,j. Willnlrg j-1101.1.,.
� dies too soon, if at death, lie. ha* falled, to ProvW f � A. Al., and I'll the 11VIQ post 11rSt from Business , , I (valent foundatibyls has 41)�c3d,V twill 1! %he address t4 tho swietivs wis giv. florsoin; Gr6, William Tornbull,
. .. I
'. I . � . . , , I prirelpals of, 111qr 'he I aw:.' I �
. - tilliily- _pot Chapter - I , As Will ''be L W'C'n 4by I'M almotiaejC�. i put lip in connection %With t a ' '- I
- � ,, with � "n-bY the 145tOrl 010�ReV. F. CsF,l� 110`116*114 1'. YoUlIg Nnd Mrs. Vharfel -
I A Sun'Wi-P46, !�' Wi 'a- , vides f6i tile , , ,-x "-tell iusj�6ut kltrox� �
, 60iia �e Q*& eueVdQn. a non-reSident6 wei,i) Mont on page 0. of this week's Star, t1d e tiltit
I It ", IV 'N!S%ia tile, ndlistry, w - 1; 110tto while music appropirlato to the Mell`Wain; Iflytb, William 13all�%,k
. � illy, In CaS4 MUM* It prov . present, A degrpoi was ,beautifullyl Mr. 0, It. Hunliber ts putting 6n a tiv 1 ill bo'i*� event W38, allug MY tile choir.- 51r,, And Mrs. RoWrt Wightionan; B,rulk,
�. liolder7s fau . � , of Ills Orem, ileatr rd'as operationii. ,��. L
� for,the holdlar I - , elf If lie lives to 'Ile old. 11, . . and looiprev,slveb� r,gt, on - by the, paut clearing out sale starting o1i ,gatue. - �,, Elliott, in speaking to the Orailgo SON R Cardiff and Mi-& Goo. spar!" 1
$ ----- '' ,)w �
... In, . is 1. .. - 1''.... 111. principals. day next. Mr. Humber announcea Prk'sentatio-A to, Miss ellougher. I men, quoted several articles front f �09- I I
- . ' - ' ' '' ' Ahat be Is giving up lusluess fee 4)n Friday morning the commere-1411 . Orange constitution, which point out, I 10,
. I G"Ter"th' BQW10ftat Bifth L . , , ties that a Candidate niust, ANOING THE CIRITUCHE,q �
. phone 1�, is . H. R. LONG, District Agent � � good, and the peop% of Goderich Mill students of the C,Oil�jgiate rnstltU6 I the quail ,
.1 Three rinks Of* the G0110rich BOWI- be pleased to know t'"t -this 403ve aaseMW4 in, their rpoin prior to the , .
I— . L- — I Ing QlAh attended the annual rink does not mean the reineivil of ,h - have beforo lie vlay Ile adulittett tA The Prefttery of llulwrt is'link-et.-
. ., -- ''.". ., . I I L' I L Ira closing of School for tile holidays, the society. -In 4 Very Striking W'W io!r today (Tbursday� in the unitel
-1� -'-- = . I . ... I - -.� tournament of the Mth Club held self or family from town. Xri Hum-
. 4 .I .. - , , ''. , I I I . I . - . there on INVednesdaY afternoon. One bar says he Was, born f4 Goderich 4114 i and, presonte4 their. testh6A Nis$ pj, he enlarged oil th"Q- 4114 brOuPtilt Church ut GrAud Read. � . . i I
- ,
I . I I I I of the rinks, skipped by A. White�. intonds to, stay tberer4, J- Clough6ri with po engraved pon forth the fact that the. Orange Lw -We Buren Deanery Local Council of
. - . I and, pencit, set. All's Dolfg�t xquil Is foundedou the principles Of C1XX,J3t,
I I I 1 4 . sides an4 includWg Fred Built, J. Young Peoples Service 4t . made, the presentation on behalf of -and if the members of this society tile A. Y. V, A. will picule it% (,*tedoi. .
; � - � . - � - - Brophey' and Robt. $all - 011, - .Woa Portees Hill .� - . � . i
11 . ,tocks. I 3 * nd I , Graml . . nat I _ - up rich on Uouday, Ju4i I*iad& the evet%t - ., . .
. 11 S 0 S third, prlze.l the PUP41% bliss� cloughol, thiial-,e(l are IIVI119 - to the obligatiQfts. as taking plaeo in Havbor Pavk.
I .1 i I . . � . . . 'ving .
. I L '' . . . I � I � . ]FAlther Goodrow"'o Picnic , . A special young peopip's service, them f9r. thell, gift .1114 !*Oad wishog, they should do, then. theY it," It Next ,Sunday lit, the North street
I -Maiket qquota!fions supp.lied for, ,any listed sto&� Orders Alve'rsdale; - Thursda L yi, I under the ouspices of the Young Poo- after *hioll everybody, Sollied In sirg. the true Christian lifes I . I United church Uisl X Ilume A44 , �
� . , Juno 28thi p -aw acted :
L I �. L . L . � the,day after the South Bruce 8 �e's Socletv), -was held at Grace Un- Pov She's W$olly Good. Vellov.,.11 NV,Or- ZVOtillOr David Spr w will slow a beautifal
L , I Y' Ited C111111704 FdtteeS Hill, On S111144Y Iv;'S"Cloughorlitas resigned her Dogiv '118 master of ceremonies, Miss 51. ClayL
. : 'Proal tty execut,M -00 Toron,to,'140ntreal and Now, Ybik Hx* , Plection. ,Vadies, Softb aid visiting (1001; MOngemot of "The King of I
P L . . I � I all Tour'11,1- afteradon. The address t4 -w- 'Uethreu were present tkom, Toronto,,
I , , L . . . . . . .. 3 the youni tion on the Collegiate Staff as eo , � , , L
. I I ' i - " ' I m4Dtit-Walkerton, Kinearditle, Ber. folks Was ti'Velf byL Ml�s uljlOft inercilat waster, to t'llce-.a. -silililir Loudon, Roinolka, clitatoni Rivertop, Love My shophera iW, by.golunod _ *
41 , aud Chicagd and Wintilpeig"GrainE ges, I The Services next Sould
. angea, , uhah ,a I
. L '. 'L ' 1; I . . . -� vl01 - Polvii E1910- � Ron- X 8, MUtinj Atutdi, of Goderich, who 4po , 0*4 Poextion, at ,the Collegiate Institute, DentAiller, Nile and Dungarmoa. y in V70- . I
. " I .1 . .1 . I I.. . I . 11 I Xbiistor of.Agriculture, speaking. , "Following Christ, ' 4"" ft Thomas. � , L, I " . . toria'st. United church Oro -as, tot-,
I . I 1, I - . I I I vent ." . � � Driter-NeXinnou .
. M .. I , � , 11 .. , .L . . I Supper 5.00 to 7.00. ,Convert, Hall, The's ice Was.gato 11 . I lows: Church School, 10
I , '. . . .. , I ery acted - lit COurt ' . A proittY wedding was soleiull�;e(j axa-,., -Wov'N . .
. I . � . . I . . I Over Collegian ordhestm, =%S This Week; I a I. ship, It aan, At this kirvice the,
' * . r 0. * . If Railkey, prealdoUt 0 t 0 OUn pool James ttil6y, Of '90'3forth,L appeared t thei nionso at Tivorton, by Rev. N.,
. 'No Octasion, for-Auxle y - " is voclety Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will , �
; .1 I l. 11. D, Sinclair, an Wednesday, June � be
- Young in the 10041 police court on two char- � , adlnialStefod..' 7 J'nla. 80:
�' - u - Investment$,, .4.1m te, , . ple, t While 4' chol ,
L R", ron, d ' d I p.m. %"� .1
L'. I I 1. t . . 4 .. I I . A eablLl-gram Was rec�!�ed by Mr. people le ' in the sokvleo.of *,vzalso. geq,'ono for rockless driving, for Oth. at 10 a.mo when Alberttl, -Alexth. 1, vice Will he 4 .8 ociAl feal;urg � of I
. . 11 R<jyal Bank, 9 jd' g, Godejj4h, 0.rit. , 1 Z. Toul'on,Waftesday -from Pekin, Keepin 1)
. . . U in . . g Itight. Up,te, Date , which ho'was fined $6 and costs and pon, d4ugliter of the late Mi,.- and ,,Song "I"d story", L . .
. I . L I
. . . L I
I I I ., ichipa, which was dated June 14th . Mr, George Stewart, 1i 4oll ifioris for obAructing offieQrSLia pursult of Into Mrs. 1Zah-,%IJa.Xerarl"0, of Kin— , L ChUVC11, JUne . , .
�� I . . . .. - , I.. . p,haper430-445 I and WhIchIcad as follows- "VAJOR lias added another ,aipl �V L .t, Xft. A. UcKinnon, and litece, 'of tile. North St. United
. I ,
. privp * I vol�ueirli6jpt with all, fea.djog Stci;L- Awl Coin 1.2=chaingem 'o ement to their. duty. On the lattor count Ile I ,
� at wa . . . I . I . I /. . - L Aledical College. corpuloncement o- r- h I cardlue. wa� united in the holy band,3 Wth, 10 aml., Aten's Club, Subject : ,
I � I .
. I . .1 o I 1.0 ,. I I I �. I L I ow.eg.,josterday �e , is greenhouse equiplaqat on Bruce was assessuld $10 aild gosto. Be also Of matrimony to J. Waltiand Driver, for.diaeussion, %ovoroment cion. I .
I 'L '' L I . . . - I - SUCCOS$full grfl� Street; in 'theL installation of a F rigi.; had'Ids (hAvIng permit cavaelled foi. t L
__ L , , l L " ':- "' �; � ; - L `i� u - doctors I . 1(uno, of tile Town� 0AY son of Ur. And Xrs� - Wm. Dri.v trol; leader, Inspec or . . �
. !-- - 1. I L. � . ' thirteen and tllr�O daire. This 4evice U the latest api ono year. ;F, c Tom. mission
. ., . I . . L TENDERS WANTED, I . - F Ok. ;SAt,]& . .L . nurs�s. . Pekin quiet. There is 110 pliateO, for refrigerators L ,, taki".'thc. I ship of West Waw-anosh, pald a fluo jer, of Goderieli. After'the cerollvon�? DOW, Clash for Christian Fellow� . I
- ,
I � I I I.. - ., ,�, - �. I I - - - ,-. - ----- oconsion for anxiety." . plate of ice, Tho witobine. whiellAs of $25 for being Intoxicated, Wit- the Young Couple motored tq the I 04, 11 a -al., ,F,lowor Servlco. Th;3 I I
, L -POA SALE ,, . ,tit t.q, t . a - U
0. -10" L tb1iiage PI, . fS located in I
. ';XD1"RS NVAN;TED, . . �ieuts. , . 4 , 0 ope!,a,ted- by ele4tricity, limm. Hamilton, -of Qorrlo, was cham- ifft
,. 1. P '. W To Hold Br1dgcL Tea hoin of 4ilr. Robt. . eVarlaile, cou., SuildAY-School afid tho'congregation
, 1 .50 for t monthly loteeting.Lof. 0. by 'Am. Led. With-theLtheft 'of 4n - fee gre . . . . . -
S—Pd TO , '�, 1111flON -010' 0 Tom�l 0 The , liar,- and generates ic �. of. the,. brides ,06io 4inner-viaa -Islll � Oalto for thts�-.sorvlee. 8064ker, .
� - , � ,
., � , Tenders adflr�s tht 41911- . Plants. *2 ]all . for 10 euts, A. Hus� the Ali;, . go this. * .-.On , N 0 " L . . . i
. �ed, wIll be,,recelved 11N, 'DCqnb1fonNV1c)? ,�Lvy 6 tre0t. meek ,Chapter, L 0. D. E., was hold menia when required, . In Way 'freezer and -was allol-wo to go on served, The lbride wore a dress of ltov�. R. A. 14undy, B.A., it . , I
. Coiftoulttep� 'Jill ft --p.m, '1� t_ , . � . � _ L . white satin with Chantilly lace and p.m. evening surviee" tonducted by,
: k 8 ol�loek �n ihe. Public Library,4n Monilay-wr . L I
L . .,� the atrilospho%v within the refrigidat- suspended Sentence after payment of -
nesfty' Juno --27th,' for refre,,-homot 110A SAG .- ;g,gs far �hatchln � yo L orang6 blozsoms and icarried a.bou- the Wotor, . .
I . - . 9 1111'r- ternoon, June 18th. Tho� Chapter .W, ing.bQ`X'i$ always, kept at acool �61ug -the court 6sts., A local ung. men ,L .
I Vootli, score-caj44nd conmslon prill- 'i L J.'JjSJ'.4. BalTed Roel�,s bred -10-14y tend lAolding a ibridge tea, sale 6f PeV;Itur(,,* .. , L , Mothetivt rosea. The young � ` " --*-�� : I . .. . I
'L :- was titled % and oporatin,iV f SN% ' JVST NEXT DOOR �- . '
1. . I � . , left on O, rolotor, trip to * _ . .
. . .Ie p at the Agrienittiral Park on ,16)y Ria Kill la�- f ney work, caud .1 a oar without a license. 'I Jill: N�JO,V L
L . ig -,� , Strallj.L 'PlIlleto last 'Te"Ir costs for quello
. : 'I. No tender ilm,ssho-Ily *vc,ptod. 104; tit L J.he qgO of -4111,-�mooiths, 400L Per .'a Y, etc-, at the P'tvilr Graduaiedat�Alvia College 1. I I coup 11 An ocean voyago aeows a lo .
I . . . , - gara Buftoto s,Nl other .volilts, the I
I . 'TROS, PRIT(VAIRD, ' dozen. AIRS,�R'L UNVU)SON. 1)ungan- ion on Thursday afternoon, August a - Attending 54th Anniversary . , travollinf. off . somotimesii but here just next I �
� . � . . Sdwyof CoMmIttee. L .1. I gold. Arrangements were m4da ,and ,Xls 'Cephu'Mask4l, Of Goderich,' . . . brNa" , JAL Q coaC
. . . , Mr'. J. ;t. page, I of moon- .
. � . —1 . , I- . . � -noll. p4olle bungantion $4. - , ioneral matia0crOf TWA grw oud -blue, witli frock, hat door the Canadian 'Paoi0a -Gveat , t
I . I com.utitteea appoliated to', deal with -Who was one of 'thirty. -one members Western Canada Flour AJtIJSL Co.? and, ShoLis to Sent.5 L 4, � ,.
.. I �Al66f1-(&'fjA-'LjS , — Of the -raduat,'ng claeg'at Alina ibol- I idawh� On their ve, Lakel * stealliship service pro
. 1. L .) "' * I B -A -By L OR ICIC"', f'ofl 1,2MUNDIAT4 Mc- this, event, qvillig t6, the. inclement . ,or ,b� � .,
. I -I)-'- I LIVO leiet �A 'Tholuas, to L VecojVd Y Ltd., Is'away at Victoria, B. 40.,-to,at- two, ilay4l inland ocean voyage across - �
I . 'A * ,11 S 1. AN . L .
� , LTICTIMN SALE-IIUJLT)j�z(,,� fly frool oanooXWS� oldoSt We,qtbbr L t at-, . tend the celebration I turn XV� and Mrs. Driver will rogl& H6ron's 'blua -writers,, through, tho ,
. I I . 11 I � a"k,b) here was. not the usual
, � � '
I M , Ore% Redueed 11 . I I . � the L e . annual Convoic4ttion on Oleba Farm, Ooderich Towilship.
.� . MAN11114,11M axl4� greatest .1 strale White -14`9- tondunco� -w$th the Ath Unniversary , ot fhe a0ea Rl4r and at�oy- " ' -
� . ill!p L J24 Qaeb�.nN* . ploma. at th L in connection
-IL I 11r� J. Purros. Au�1N,.w,pr', has, �m,- -b , . I I ., " . . I Al held in L CUllego. L aud-t toritnit last On Tuesday,:- �une 5th, about thir- IOVA01Y St.- X I . . I I . .1
, - t0veil J4,structi-pa'.1 frosai thol Coornill inurl%ber, ,We arrV-dl paranteed, "'. , w founding of the Bru�man-Kor Mll- of Miss ticKlmlon over tile broad'expause Of talm Su
I ' yore first in Catiatla. Ao adventise and .
: i'. w . I PVBLIC NOTICE. '�- ,;ol ed With the Maud ty,-five friends & �'
rj)rty. L .1 I '----1-,--0-- 1�� -11-� tprl�o , for Western -Cau� gathered '
Rion ot tho-Vreowtpry of Huron qpi,- 'L , c" "A�'1'0-gs,p-s"'g�"e�rnov,l'if ling cci�, Limited, ,a subsiftry of orlor; A steamboat exprog% ttlo
I !. Ship thl,eks. 0. t, loiruc, , �
. I -Od ('�tulx Dij\ - at the ho"no of Mks' :ftil)es from Torontoji is but ,a s1lort t4p to , ,
. . NoTim.-woollil th; pArt), who .re- Robinson, Lorne, to say good-Ilve'.. . .
� : auction, rui the preirist.%, nn ' ,py-111YARVI!, . IT p White Ship, ,tile a ;
- ailada'to se - Iiabl or p donated I ' by the Other merabors of the- arty, ivliiqh the -proud looriliga
.11 of, Q ,It b,% Ij tree. 1?11,411148 VOULA lie Onoml, da A%'lllfir CO."L Lbl,
L .11, - . I PAIDAY, JMNE '2001, , , ( . Avtoq, Piltorlb. , I I I I ..io . I , 4noved pleett4o light fro'm bn;;;N* Toronto Alma DalightbrA, an. honor abot to Present -thor 'Populai brido-to. I . . �
1. ---� h St. chorch .sbed, Sat� whiell she shared with Aliss Vo miscellaneous shower� I. , iirt oil a .
. I I . . 1: , ��% �- � ' L - ' ' - ,In Norf left Toronto. lAst Satur 4y La Ore let go, and away we st - * . . ,
OR X . ay, VOL of, I pItLeed in OL . . ., .
I -a"metwing 2.30 O,Ae,�Mt,p r1l, �... "co D. -0. )Kaiuia, president, 16. X The gifts , wore I
L I . . 'n, � at � urd, JUlleL 10IN Mildly return same -X,ewla _.rL X Oro. Mr. be with WagQVL delightful, crulso thot oazes, I
�. . Tho'. . I)i Qflwlt, Wown as Lanplii � LE On T,O�RENT, nds, of Galt. Viresident x - � figgeol
. 11^----111��L -------r�z.�;� 10 t4O StAr 01116e allot avolit fort,her the "Univiirsity . Wright,. director; Mr. R. G. 0. .,
. , -ell'ovoll. "Ituated,0311 thA J fill ieon.. AF1 4- I � .. VOR, SAL4.-P at,(f trouble. I I I L of - Weatern Ontario � - decorated iii blue .And white, - drAwn' brain$ and weary bodies, . . .�
I L field. Tlil,.i f 4 ,40FUntial 0,i)116 or forms � . - I , . was th6 principal spealize� of the c. . X o, Ruby. Itobinso * There Are two sallings 4 week dor. ' L
-i i I TtAr!t!etlVAvs- awly. to MARTIN ..,. ,, . Thompson, 9OVretal'�;' f� D, Ii, Walk- bv littl in and1iounny
� I building, 3391*', teet., Ther� Will aign I' P. O� L' 'VOTICI,1. - , . .. I ., . I . I .1 .. or, eastern manager, and A14. Athol Kino%ld, A Jainty, lunch. �.IVA 5crv6d ing. t'he- summer months; from 'Port.. - . .
, , a be. offere(i the" ren,tining, POL i UUM)RD. Goderlob . '11 . I. I .. LL I casiop, . I � . I
1. rtion of, .1 I., I I - , " . . I I . I Ate Quarrie advertlsit* matinger. by Urs. Robinson, . 5. LIXeNicoll ahol.'Ono from. Owen Sound, .
I .
. thp Church shed 31"Ist4a feet: a stovP : ...L',w- Four coulle. . NOU06 is herelly, qonc,q ROP�A,Of U09 Shipment$' f4r The party will be away about -hroe . . V and the' sanie' uumbor of eastward - , I . 1�
I I 'Pipes, 0111,hil s FOR'S&LE Essei �glvoll that, 01 .� At thet Top I
. h, ts and�otllpr furllisll� 1 4. 6t Ap -�N a%rfmcffipp; I',. R. pelicy- $111014. or tile To"wpArlp of X41;h Endhig Alay, 192$ we I 0 - sal.ling$ from Fort William and Port
. in 4.q ply Br �; I eJcs and Will visit other tr,iri',Ahd JuhnAoa and Pithlado,
11 . o,,Jt,q�apo , , the County of Hor011, "' ' 116;L Select' Coast tranelle$ oil route I .
, .ill j�rootl Conjytion.
.. _ G 10Q.11t. , . .k6lifleld, Itl L Goderich-Total looM . � W. P� JohifiNton and. 7 1:
. . A".%44.-PtirnTsh40L;;. �A I . I . I tt pitblado I Arthur. Few ocean vessels )lave L '
. - -
in . sli;1 build- ,N " FarTrOPT, Avill Oppil.k, to the Par?c,ament bacon, 29; thick stnoolli, .50; he ", Donlinjon Day S�OrtS , L It had theipigoon ft ( . 3 A L I
.4 . . TL I,Uft" __ of 0� lit 61't e Godirich move luxurious accominodation tit n
.� . I 6 Months' erMit '0A approvoll 2 SALU, �- Oft .ftp ,)Il?ut)� d anada. at the next SeS�Ion th '' L Ole I
I � . I FOR of ev t 4i, lights a -ad fc6dors�,-19. - MeGa'.V L' Atblotos.L Wh � Horning Pigeon'. Club, ,
14 - 1;1'� seven-rodra house, alooft, close for'a blU. divolve O are in trali for . Which, *44 those provided on,the S. S. X fitill, . - . !
. ' 0 " "'e",
�.. I notes' leffan�-. �, Jn, tZlo.tor., -�5ujnnw, bome., A� $1 Shlelds� ot,the 'Tol h*Ogsl� 451,t seloot--.6oloon.142 I '01 - PrOft, ,
' i Jo ,N�
I.L,� . �. .., I , " L- � -, X PV8VFq, At � - ,�'Sft vv, JkPAQ ,11aze from, ,his ,� Jotal L Ara . 1. .
� . , I ps,f t'li. , .v,g��r 209;"heAvl*,, 4JL'eXtrft the sports, ilia'Dominion Day- wljf� be, t�lt Rod W Satin! 6ri V WQ11 0,ond $, �S. Assinbolai the,
� . lw-:-;- ioly 0 Ali, � . - Goderlch,'4n. ,the Gonfity, of Ifor,6n, �611 , 1! solve as , ar�%% tho "winning'Oreat Lctkos, hot- the IV I 11 T`IV obal
s# V
0" i .1 thick sraootli�. . t, � ' .
: . I
, : . T" S,&" OF'- FA I ,(�� 1: .i��L.l " �f-i r)o�t the ground of adultery antr deRertl he;aiiei, 1-,.Abop-hogso� 36;'Jlght� and intor4ted by the Unfiouncomobt of Ill concerned, Once 'again � . I- �. I
I . Aual . — I . 1, .% CHENT:ZW-Uso.al; corner.. I L the sports conintittea'of the events Ids at.0 A which sails betwoon 0 aff unni'tanst . .
:..� I . I . IT 1. - Dated at the T,DN-.t of (1wilpriell. . feeders, L'Auburit-Total-iltokx, 428; lo'b"Ston's bird %Von the � X400.,M11110 . the Twin Cities, � , : . 2 d . ..
�L . 'It VOt, 04 Provillehil 111glim,lay, throo . . 01111'Bro6k Street$, XAITY� ill0fler1% - the Coblity nf Iluroll, th 'that are to take placo,in the after- I ' won $9und
myle,�s west Of 1110IML I Is 28th (Jai- r jsolect. blicon, 125; thick smooth, 257; noon. - The. meet is open to all and its I .
. . . "4VIII0. on - . rpasotl,We 'rontnt. Possession can. Ile N%Y, A. D.,. 1029; . . L . heiaVipsii a., two Mom of his flack-e4iWthird and -Tickets. parlor car,and boat roAor� "4 1
. . `2 , I -ft va to a fr6m. tiny C�lladlrlrt Vi401110, � , , I . .
I . TUMAY. JUNE 26fib, 91yew at oitee� Will be, rented elthpr L . ..", 1:.. , ,extra heavies,' shop ,60#lposed. of tho� gollOwlti,W: Ioq fifth. William - Pitblado, who Atap , - t n ..
� . ie.(61mene,ing at 1�3o Qiatp,-kbe raIIo,,v-,1urnls1hLd or, ,unfurillshedl, A-pply to, " - ' YS ., I hogs, ' .22. �Huron � Countik-Tet,41, , oecond in the - rate for the cupii.-had I tlekt�t agent "." L ' �J ' . .
�; '& HN
' 'IL'%y'
' L ' - . .
I . . . I �
L: ' :' ' 'I a-' ' . NN"ES14ply FAVAtIRE", I ,ciia�rl;tc&. ,efc.,� I . bogs, 7380.- yards. dash, 200 yards dash, one-half two birds take second and fourth pla- _____,__4,- , , . .
Phone 497, .1 .. , . I tfdck� mile d race, running broad- jum% . X00iiii In i4ind tile strawborry . I
. L L. 11"Imlittin . select bacon, 9192p
. . XJ head of cows- oun'4 cattle and , - �, St.- Goderleh, Ont., Smooth, 4254;L,'be.rlV1es, 168., extra 4es.. The sixth r�iio Of the se4son Utifo�,* fos$L �' - . L
'', ,.wnitiz ilalves; '" e 111';,�ig rrvai ort West Street., . Solleltor-tor tile Applicanti standing broad jurop 0 , bi� held at,
. . 00L MOT - UNT.-Store ,i ,running high Val M _
J"L _
to :125� lb& atel FOR Rr � ,�� . I:i,. - 1- I'-.,--- heavies, wAEf loglol on Saturday from Napanqes L United Ld _ . L
,se -s 0,,., Vi6_41" — . 16; shop, hogii� ago; liglits - I.- stafiding high Jurap, pole vault, L on libilrd(IM4 " .. L I I ; I �!
. . . jump -
, 12 : 7 )TICI TO C atiol feeders, $I. . I .0 I
. , 1.;(MV4 tvith littel, ot .�,Pply At'Ex. sAtpMERS. -1 .!�,
- . foot. .veral young plo c,lx weeL . I Z RTIATIOUS . . � distance of 240 infles. The bira§ church, GodorlellL �Wpi 1.
-1� - ,,k ^'- 1 ,-.4 , were' voloased at 6 a,m. and the at- � June lollth A good program wilt be ' '
.. Voll room WhIteLfirle Module, *01 be awarded for,first Prize ,,
I �N(48SPV�41qrt`is in(AVOr ol ft. Put. rwytv ,08 5ALH.-Se '
. new: good farm Wagon; 241orse, Oltvor , X 'house, gooll location on Nortlit .N-0T10E�,TO.ORFDJTOR&. , . . Guests'at Hotel Sunset ". , and Eversbarp ,Ivpcils for second. A given, coil�ljloig of �uartette.q. Solos, L . ;
. . 1. I . . rival: of tho, flitst Ane birds Is. as fol- .
* -ojf11#+- 2 new ilpeli �,61jes;, 2 sct,4 of street, 51oderli'tonvealledeeg. Apply �N - I OuestS. regi silver e6p will' 4180 'be presented to * . read. on by Major's
,� t , . s I I , stored at the Rotel' the athlete SeoringLthe filghestLiurin low$ , , I . . . inoo and select
: - quare. . 11 Sunset during the past.week include 'me . . . .
. %0iMetroPS. L ; , 0, G� �mNN-Tox. up S (01011 J9 HEAFRY, Gl�'E.N� to .111 $ix.,Ofeco 0 r e h 0 f$
� DAMS. -All, suins of s15,,, I . I .1 �ous ,linlug 01,13ins against flip ,.the -following*. Mr. and XrS. .T. W. ber of PO'int& L Firat'plfteo'ls try6rd: 11 Na I Numtors Time tra. Admission, .
, , ., , .. TF . . VIET unlier. SALE,w-nNv houses, corner VIL,; est,aloof Thqmas W. Bates, ileeeft,ged. Richardson, London; Zr.; .and Mrs. col three Points, second placiii . -V��
Clash: ovil'" that Ilmoullt SIX raoliths, FOR ,it who ()led on 6r about flit, joill �1.1y. (If ' pall.. adults 60'velitsf children 0.0 C,0110. .
. I ,predit %vill dbe given -all rurnishipy; ,,,,,, toria and Naplor stpeets. Sev, � two W P 'TOhnStoft, ' '23520-'028 - -1010--ory -- - 1. I
. I inkabMfp4per or n t'fspoobt Oro pop light-rovoto' allot furnaces; also Vol.v. 1148, to send the samw4lub, - Chas. Waldron, Sarida;� Mr, d A. J. points,anof ouo point for third, plilce. in . .." - 433-745 12.07* 'Tile regular monthl-y mekt!"i-af-of, -" " -- -
1; b� , oil torIbe unilersigoeil OAL.Or beforo*'i'68- Roberts, Windsor; Mr. A. L,'Ward, Wentworth $uafor Farmarg L iFi � 'Pitblad6 ,
ceut 1)(T al,0041, allowvd.for (tas0i on etkilit-room bouse on ,Nowgato, stree . th(�. . I I Johllston�,-. 4021428 12,16 the Women's Ilogoital AuxillOry %V'11, 11
I -L * 8( -h day * Goderl be hold In tile -Public Library LOU L
-credit ainonlitil. - . . of the WA. MeLafen Estate Appi. A- ,x)t . of ,Time, A. D� 11928. us on awi .L004021; Dr. Colin Beaton, IYetrolt. - Visit Tell , :, I W. ,blado....
4, ,�
I . N:S'JJEN �",J_ ft, Or Will!" Pit 208-038 12.24. 1
1 . . "A. R. TOW, .t,L - - , -T 001,11THMP11111. a. it. R;, ,r that�(Iafo U0, Adininistrat of Mrs, ditalph W� Xeid, toronto; Mi'. 1 On Wednesday- a flafty. of members W,. p. ,Johnston,. 280-205 12,114% Monday,: June lo%th, at 4 Tim.: A ��..
L4. R. N
. � f�ae.Nf . I Ate will proree(l to tivalAs' and"Mrs. W,* t� 'Ityan, -VetT61t* Mrs of the Juni6r Farmers' Assoelatio W . it of 1;004 attendance Is . . d �
� JWICP�mrlkars. , � �10k,� . , t1io salit Pst, 11 in P bin o.... , 20 4.93t 12.40' , - . 11
... 1. distribution eglirtl on- Mae L.%Tbold, Doti - .
� I I- GPO. ELL107T. Auotioneer, y' ' .
., . I I r�. � r'� i*e N. 1 file tlleti,of. having tolt; Mrs. 6ecirge of the County of Wentworth arrived s, 0. MeRay...,i 6045-230 1.0,45 2-0`1�uollteal , . �
-;� ISALF �6 ,() � '4""'OE-House 01"N"I'ler ,Hit Lfor I alm aw� C. Hills, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. IL,X In. town and spent part Of the day u's DELIC301,18, ICE �
. . OD you, - I pj'ACI�$TON
� ,l FoRflot, uutpr - heated. w1re had notice. el, .4 lie then sball Ii. .
� .A-TJ9T'1()!" * 1as. MeVicar. . ... 0314320 1.39 - . . . I
I 413.3,14\4'; "a'all .MVIR eleetric, range, all modern convenien at AodprIP11 tw:q t MAN . ''..
: . 'S, I I ri - Alted -leventh 113V Myers, Allegan,'.3tich.*, Miss Xathar- here., They are touring this part of &1q. �31CVICRV... g7p.067, 1.301.14. . - home L
I I . .s, I Oi� of -� A. 1) . . ine, Duane, Detroit; givs. J. J. Del-' tbC- vountirY and left that evening for The standintf of the . niewbors 'in � Wavitatone's, delicious _mad'o
' . _ !IM, L lot. 411(i good loekttlt Juno -.1028,
� . 0;. .\lit. PONALI) NIe,l(&1',VZIb1 I Ift-wi,mVilhic in -gooll vandition- - a ''I ItAY9 & ff kVq L .
� - , ,0I!IPJJ;rR'j(� L .. bridge. Detroit: Mrs, LAI. J0OJ1in4 quart. 'Ordera de- *
� 4 . . �,_ ' . � MISS; F likebt on the next lap of the Jour- tlie race for tbo'cult is as follows - fee creard. 50c tIL . . .
. will Q011 11v PlAA:r alf0tion at h1i farni, -�. BAXCI`1411,1�t. Napier . � r fillo Bucenle Coiltn�, Mr. ',Iogeplil Collins, zt was held � In tile IV, p. joblistom, 4g5 boints* it' livered. Phone 2140., . . I . I
! ., . 'Con. ,1, dAVAT r1plil. �,q � . I . - - — I . 1. Mlininialm, tjli,. . noy. A banqu , WM, pi - .
� . TTIF114DAY. jimp WJb.L 192.R . I I REAL ISSY-5 - - ------ .. Detroft. . . . . . evening at the, Bedford Bot6l'. May- blado, 405 pointist J. Movicar, I —4,--14,
. ATf,it'40 IN.SIVIRA.VCR . 501 BUSERVE WEDNESDAY, 31111y it -
� . I � .. Mniffoeftelll"- ,,kt JA O'�,JO& -Sliarp'L I _ i - .. --- . -NOTICE To f,1ftrDrT,OR.ct. ," L The Cadw011 Dredging Co. , . Or XaCF,'wOn '-Vas Present And ex- and R4 0. McKay, 140 IWO& TAie F I .,
11 -1m1P ( * 9vPv rourns. '7 yeam J� T q E ARMSTRONG ' 11VAL EiTIVIis . . -. . r'bridge party and dance at the
I . . nil). . The ,Cadwell Dredging CO tended a welcome to the AssoclaVion. next race will. be from groolovillo on Pavl ion to 'be given by. the Womou'a I
. -allnut 2,000,111q.*'! pair of 1yov mart 11�
� � ;, G 1'6 �� AND INISIURANCFAA04 Notice Is 11prPby qIven ft) all opt"4nn.4, liavo� been driving piles. junipally Others Who spoke were Sheriff . Wid- . L.
f Ncy. L potirs .1une Oar& ' I I
. M Ih. � I - - . .
W, . '. �Pam old. 0iol# �' - ,'I will. 4,0 t�. 11111tving aliv Maim Igainst tile Estat'l, Of dleton avid A. R, Merner, Of 'Bolyfield, I L , Hospital Auxillar��. .� , , �, �," . .
, I I �-- 11. .: I .. - 'L - - . I . I
I . . laelc ni'll'os. Cvelra n1d."ollbout 2qoo Ure Insurance (Silo Life),. actilleal" Wiffla-M C*,Irk. lati� ,of tile To - --I- ,. I I -, North Hurn, Progressives To Stay I . I J
,� . - lance, I L wil. of 0 . M . � �. . � 11 - ek-wirden ilf Enron County, ,51". G- In ,Political Pleld , , SALE I"'StElt L
M4- I :nAr of bW mares 7 years 014. auto, etc., Insu, � l A.0dolv:011, Ill (Ills, County ("t Ifuron., . � d JL11118 .
allout Vill) ))is.* V P"kip.,iiif O"t ... al t_rs.lj!�; q(tine. veri�� tellpail pro . r"Irgineer. VleocaLged, willo (11011 on or ft, Paterson,. agricultural rcpregouta- T9 121st-Atiction ' .
abold "M Ib4,;i 1 Ifafelt F41P. f, a W Nip many to seAd thpir cl Appil. A.JLi.. J,) -2a. During their brief Aar in Political field was reached at a mea- LL rty , and ...
.Par.4 obf, , opertles for Definite decision t6 rein4in In the sale OUSDAVii
. . Ivk�, 3 % .4 re silyoulijile 30111 0,4v of five of thd county, *49 -unable to be residential I propo .
I ailliq to Town,of Goderkh -tho late '.
! I . .. bOr4n nurp. T i,parg olll,. I b0v,1,.jMl_ 1I$,tF41 * .. . I (filly PrOVI,:T, . . . present. Ing of the North Buren Progros;fvo household tiffects, ostateL 6f � 4 . . . �
I � Ug. a ,yfvir.4 0IdZ I' valt. OF hluo;�Ojill I" !%-Aory roil brielt hollso. mo,lern tile untlorwignpil #fh - Tenders for building a ,new �town the mem�ers v1s'Not .Calit' Association, hold in tile council Mrs, A. Jr. Graham, at Nile, at t:30'
� . . geldings. to arid I yew" nlfj� I Ilav 01.1"i. I rquIrped, with fine lot. in good resP day of Sulv. 1,12' On Or befAre file ' , SloaW,q orchard and vArlous places of L .
(1, 1'03rs fOldt I bav 9PIdlue. 7 years Ohl: ul,41"Patfoll. Itliportalit it) 410fe tile Aldmip "' ,i.tql . . .
� , - 8- - '"J" all" "eter ""t Grand Stand at tho Vair , 11ano re- P.m. 'T. GVNDR,Y & SON. ' AJAc' .
I . .1sifrator (4 fit,% F4, ftniber, Ili th6 town of'%Ving .
I I I qPuppal �Durpo-so lolarO, 7 velra Old; I 141oint, sell ft) "qf4fo '%I.fll nr,Oj'00(I fil JI'StribUie' t1li, Grounds will be reedived by the .interest about town. . I I .
I "Apner'41L 'Iffle'"Ho MbIre. $;r�y. $ ,�-eQrq. "In- 0,41AU,, Price toe ijulel; salp. Ad4oresm by Miss Guest- contlyo Sheldon Brickor, who was th& 001100vs- - � . L . .
� I . ; Town Clerk up until, 11 ofelock I I . I
� # . 812M. o-mols of� f lie -%q 1#1 eatab�. .1111ving:!eptripil Progressive candidatlir in -the byoelee�
,. .) ,%*C$,
Id '611;1 0111* i Iii'l*q ' ;4,13i,mr4 of -,*.1ll-eIl sho 041alf CARO OV THANKS . � . /
*� old: I brciwa JfloN,P. ' _ 000d 1% stor%, flonse. Uva lots and only to 4ho, . , noon on -MONDAY, JV1Vr25th.' The Goderiell, %VonieWs Institute tion Isst Sopteml)jjr when - , . Nvlittt ,to ..
.4 161i Of TlArsos twd barns., convenletit to Squaw. '541013 hive trad notlefs, . I Oeorgc! .111.. a"If sIra. Itlellard 'Hooril .
orare. 4 years old. Till . . are -having Miss Vointly Quext, ape , �
4� . lare ifn 4tioil w4oruing ,Pondition. 11.%V(t : Itt otori, IJOUV, rleett!ie IJLIltq af)(1 I The low6at or any tender not - Alt- SpOtton, Cohsorv*tive . N. P.. for exp ,kuon to fr-;Pjldq L�
I . IIAVS 4t. VAIVA. . 0sq their appreel i
I r . flallp"I'Al ()nf'. opartment of Agricul. North -,iiks elected, was ofie and nPlOilior.; 'of flit' Illany 401gL 'of _
I .Vthl . -ablo: ture, addreps them in MacKay 11all of the Huro"' kindnosq allot svionpailly 0110%'ll tll(,ML at .� .
19plondid Tep and fePt.. havo nit he -m vvaf�r 11,�hiiiuspl 1180 lof;'small at. neicessarily xecepte& Vlmls or from,tho D
� +arl ,%nil artl a rwil proral lot, . . I -1 aft eCifleations: inn be seelt tpeakers during the dafternoon. , . .. , . I
. M", lie time Of fill, I
— 011ft-Will"I"A �, two Adroluistr mt t O clork's ,Office at-, Town
, , , TZZI.S.-Vivo n1nh1Ilr4# tt $700.1 - � soltoilti;6 1* flip , Thutallsy, 3unt, 28th,,at a p:m. Miss There was a three -cornered contest feath of Nlnl. Stoor(Al
. �.- - .- . , . -,. L atne.
- — �&--;binfurntshlnk - _ . - —,` - -- joul- 4 --- '. L 0088t ,%v�" brop n, Mr. Brickor took, 00", Mvgi Allill- ai)d for id'O l"anv
,,. gT oproved, NO Tot, W, . Wany7a Xs,i - % � L - TV_ ----.-- . _& -up onan Ontario at tile �olectlo'
. ft&o-, A d1wovint ut flip r.kto, of Ap. ppr , . . � f - J ----fi .. ....
. I 14 - Viiiethe )MUtiful �,ffot")J Iribut 4.. mppplall� ,
. . - .
� � . LL . telit "40 qP'Tivin, ,*,i" Prior �Fwft- * -- . 1. WA19TIRO . 1. . CHAS. - C. I", . 10, s' an. otter gra u%t4'6f-th6 part -in the alsiWgidif-filfs-to"Whethe I -- - VPftt-l;iiV--G0Ib0rnP-11t4MlX:( "-,O-- -
� . .-Large number fot sale at . 1. I I Chil4moik of Public W. oirks. (1111mve'r8ity..of Toronto, with po .eMSIn L 0_
00N.M.0 NIORVNITP".. Proliplettlo. sla , fi�r prices. . 4 A N T' . , PaNble I ,stgla- the Progres.Aves would r & 1) or, $f. I'"llpil'!4! I
. I houspolaffl. I . duato credit from Columbia Univer- litlesd force In, *be ridlng� Other . I l'ilrell. ,
P I .. *-�" .
� I . I R.,q. I. 11iii"Vill"Ati - . I all infatmallon vvrrlto or W Enquire lat STAR OFFICR. I - � � i..i--- I 810i Weiv York. She -wait for a time speakers worm Nrs. 0 a, Anfloi. . 11ORN . . . L .
� L--'- - -- - - - --- .1 ..
In, 111OD,
� , IV. AtTIN'Dily & 14AN. 'Anvilone49- 'I. AV. ARMSTRONG. � ' .-41no or t4vo Wmrder I — " *TOU.--At PAVAtp lvallentos' ly.1%
I = 1. :.— . to L ty_JU**4,�'J" a, ,a I .11 -1 I head ot tho Department of English, (ion, Mrs, George Lane land Qordon
I- - '! , pr e . � I 'enpral 116'"Itat, on quoilay.
L lifill I sta an
AD51INISTRATORIS SALE 1 60Y 8% andorl"ll. ont. or it, adult family. 1.41gilthouse 1116tOrY in Belleville, Collegiatc- Ltvmb. The, ofters of the asrmoelio. ]'opbola. (s
. - . Jill
IN VAT I . It . It, Mee DavR-Niondays, Wedneadayii Ilarloor. 01)(111 01mIg at'll, Tow!, of &0,4�iw, Anot active in girls' 5110ftsialld Inter- tion were elected as follows., Hon- r ` illb, to Mr. tand 30.4. L Aj T4w.
- ,3.k ,% 44, U-0 .
I , - ko Al?-Nl 'S �IAAYX ff ... Saturdays oll-,any diy by special rf.-' PRZ'004ble rate -9. A'ANY 41 IST.A.ft 4.01,1- 'tots. From here shi Was called to rosi Allaw.U0, a son, .
I DIED . .
I UAM. ArsillfINCE11 - ? Queft. . I I F11GE, L L . �dent# Win. . Rutherford; , "
L , , -- � ---,... L . I , I . I.., . I ft,tiVe fteV'Jee doirl"Jt the Great liar, president, Rod. Young,* first Vice- JmlI)A%L,qllddMIv. at ti,'wgfold. Koik.
10 are -Im4ructed bv tile Ad tlni7s. a 6 per cont. DISTRI(M fit! Ift 'hospital Worko food 96111servation" prefilderit, wal. Jr� Henderson; ,aenond fin FrIftv. junei I.'J1Jl'%"nl. J., 'Jifirliall.
*41 N1, I , Al P.0,00116 Of Wombi !1011 1T�4..%,r;%J�IVX' want- AppWationis'addiossed tothe and the organization of 103tit"tes .
. fratog. Of tIloL�f,!d&f#"of fl)O latO NOMAn Exteinal Sinking Fund Gold Voilds. ed tov 4;lideriell 'anti bbltrfet� 0) UnderAgned will to riecoived by vieo-president, Mrs, McCraw SOM- 11114rind of Ithada Bollie.4. lompply of 1.
� Awltonald to Sell f0i,v pnbl.4� aut4lojil at under tile Aftitish . Govornment wiry-tresksurar, F L 3. *6iiprlell TIP. 1111(sral(sat at RhIllitold.
rtipregpnt flip "old fleliableg 1,*onthill the To�v '.
.n Council jor,the rent. Curile; aud& (I .
. Dated April Uk 19,0281 tAsiture (let. X ,ew , . ,
t4le q)rMnfs(,-r4. 11101pe St., 1wilerfell, on . , uVsPn;p.9.,t.,�% q ecialitfe,q ntqv eol- throughout England, &014nd and -11-.- 2---,-��-����-----�--,-����.-�.-,-.--
Q%11714i V JITLY ifth. d I ing of the Park 901136, inclad- �, ------ L-----
-., � . U 0, .%, ... . Ist, loot. These bonds *ill Consti- TP41611R. all big selfom. ft'llisivo toe. Wale& 'Sho, has given special atten. 11 1. . I ---1-1 I ... � 1. I. . . L � .1.1 L I � . -=t' =�� I
* fv�illnplwh)W it, 2 Wtqoek tute dft'4�et obligation of Republid ,of pito1%,111 wst ,e4-inklitissi6ii-,+.,Mllilsolili, .1fit refrelilitfieftt booth. The tion to vorational gaidance for y . � . . I I . . 11
! I L10 Ift In the'to%ft �of 14011000t. on Colowbia'seenred by its full fae6 and fri If SLIVI llmv at be,At 'WIWI OfflApftfit to look after the Towtt people and is elm � I
I . it I .
. . w", 14 a Oillififfifillois frIM61 tredit. � Onlo. RAINK & WI,%lX%11T4,1N'. TO" Tourist Camp oroland, . irman of the r
. %oliell fill I . tl� � adjoin. cial committee on immi rati&�of the L CARLOADS 's iftARLOADS
� I . two-atory'. thvii'llinq 2:mv , L Onto 0'. I ing. Apply it once -to �-�— 1-�--�-.���--�..--��,--�-��-�.-- �
, � '11111 ifflea. I NORMAN LEWIS, -----r . . Ontario - Women"s Instftute& The �
: ;also a Small trAM6 oluh][6 14114%blo-fori
I I'M 'I'llere 0 mplen(ptl gemen, g*v I Vor. 116601ton�%ad,X,ewp,to , ANITOR W.�AN;R�97-�-� I , 1� L. KNOX, Town Cletki " publie are cordially -invited to attollil. I . 1,
.113% frolt frvil�. liicppy hilsilles. ete. ftee( Vh. . oy . . 43 1 Goderich. fteVWOO&W�[)Od . I . - I
'The, Iffe'atkin iF oiw, f0f thp fte-t P'l , Phone 476. - Applicition-ci A)v file puiltion Of �, I .
I I , .
PrI(Qt iiall %&:;0uh1 .. I 11 . - 11 � 1. L I I
. Ged ,e . arlitop or iraretak,vr (of Confrat ,!e11#JW --- :11 Tho Lorne of Mr. and 'Alto. 01. 11. '� I
Mali, an ideM 0. nox 768. 1 - 0 SHI N G LE S' " I .
110 VP 71fonw. Alifolt fln""Fl, ffilflWo'41 _!��:-�---- --LLL . ,- and ge'(walb. �%111 Ili;. l'"Mved, Ily file, , I - . - Itulabor, vietdria sto tvau the zenhe 1. L .
: . 450firmal lb-ifol SlIns"t allot a "liart � A --1 I , � �-- -, -L- --. -- r&L I .
� I I . - -- 1.144241 Pliblie &110(d Duan], lip W ! of A pretty wedding dn Saturday I W"
. . . ,diatinf-e friwil the Ilarl)ol-. erlig 1'0- ' July ard, 100.8. 1� I � ter -noon, Juno 16thi-wboa Mal; -,l CITY- I I �
%*,V,fV nlwA Ile sold tzo 0,6"Af, tho ("Atv. Dutif"14 to (15"AMPLIN" Allpw,f, fl. M9.
!. 'il-,111010 IN111 frnL at yolrv1j1-zs, 11. U UNOX. . L thera Wepoli d3ughter of Mrs. .noi ii .
.- vrjoo tit lt�� -paill af flow;. J. W. CRAIGIE ' 'r, �vllftisl Town of Cwderkh' the late Amos 11. Wood, of Whrrenv��
. r kiff'. it'll ,-Zsply I"tablip 1140.%,011.
. . k� Qne�l In 41 41VS.� 1,41r, forillot, pir-flea= 1; 004;)VIO). iffil. Under's ,tor Collo'"I. Sidelvalkq .00, tmaine the bride Of Mr. A-41! ROO F1 NG
-11, IaM. "Th, Ut . .�,-�..�1--�--.L�'-,---.1�.,.-.---.-- Tenders, a 411�C3 Sherwood,. -Df Aollfield Town�, I 1111111111111M
I � . IIA '�4,& IIAY,4� RW I ... . . . � -,-,---- I ddros"Ca to th" t4hip. prohiptly at 3. e0lock 410)), . 010M I �
1, ,<44;01144" A41, NiNIA11141-atop, ill Efte W IMMK6 9 , I undersigned, for �tl;OL eaq,"pe-
. [ , . ' bride and groom enterod tho M4117�1 Every Gra&, Kind and Shade
�� T. C t: -A. I 11 1,1,111 I *1111 1, --- I , Con of comimt pfftvalk� hio tho ,
trNbliV & ISON4 AitPff,-jnf-rr. . " - ' V. � C. 11,1111. �
� - - -
I - - L' .I.-.,- -Iiim I .. -i, . .1 : eviclio will, be to. raorn tionattended, and Dom
I P. - I - .. . - . Recruits W, � anted' � ," :L Te4t,)ivV,en(l,9UfP(t;o0aR O'clock P, ul. an " Hotta papfist niini:�terl pmTormtol Mo i WOOD,dr SLATE SLAH
I � li TUESDA,Y, JULY ata, n�,Z IMmillony. Tho brfdo wore a gown I
. 11 11OR . 3 1, of wMto sektin witia twilliant ulm - I CAR us if You are in need of anything in'thit line
. I :1 41 ,: At premwi6t thero 1�
Os Fe CARREN & SON Uds 1� A" Colu any fluron � I OW arl7olt. I ming. aud her veil of tulge wit% I
� --- � P - I 1. i ni Ately 42,Wa .eqn3ra ' foct �,,'f,cat-15 and orarzpp t1oi,pnis wag AP-. Anythlop and evarthing hii 8"Merx" suptill" I
�'. : L 11 i� 1. . I lox
� I Regialent I petwoi�ed for, - There ng ay t:! -� vanged In 'CAP effeet. 431AG earr��3, f, i� �
INVESTMENT3 AND INSURANCE I �t Tels or mort" I �, bouulut,tef OpAviii raqq And lily t"V;
L . I carnp at London frow .1
I Tolwpfiom 2" d! *40 ft,1110? 11CtL1e3at!1,7 &!Ctlpt- !J110 VARtY. MT5. L'Utei', Ai�',tvr 4111
) I ,� I
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�— 4' � JULY 3rd to 13th f�p L �! Lond dunry tho signitie of th� rcfli*�I. �,, Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd.
- 0 � I . ,Q-ifJC5�LgC,n.'J' r4lay 'OL S,e,�ra I -
11 i )r� , i
I MASOINIC , "JIMPLU BUILDINO . - I r6t lu -t'itir pit it alai# , I ��fer MrAl Elliott S.Inx, 110h rron*o�l
I GODERICH :� 0 ,. ' . &PA,V : at the Town Cloikon Oruco. '. 11 MN11 11`1� mv coaplo R'fe nm5d; t � (BUCHANAN'$)
. 0 , .W" 11 ONTARIO '� A. V. STURIA Maitic 1� 1.� KNOX. Town Clcrkl � 1k. VOM .0 ItAr 'arLd n4aa V;�. M6"# 47 01-Awer too 11
� 11 � E-11 1hC.".1, .
05� L L I Ggede-tieh� 02111. I olste,C3011164!01 r "370014, I .
I L I -'.. . . L " - - I I I to the h groop,n t,137001, 1
1�-17 -- W-4 - d —..�".,.�...,.....�'..."��Ill,,",::L !1''-,, I '1'41 T?'3,---- ' " - ----- -------- -
. � . J t, wbete 4 re,,Wtoia W45 -- - - tA�- L,���t��-.—�.. -
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