HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-06-07, Page 5IV W"A A a
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111014 ,$,25.75- Other ,,&V�a in proportio Z I ; � .�. .1 11 'The New Sun-imer Dress
� I fl.
CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE ' I . . ; Material
Gcd;,iich � � . I �
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� w. , , 0 � � Phone 90 ;, � . I 'f hio is ,a spkmndid fabrl(� V"I Caruphlt'�,,, I Ivaie Ainil
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I 1_1*1_11111__� � i Spec * d Price, 49c per yd.
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. bspector To�iltesigns After Nearly Forty -Three Years!; I .. I I I I
, � I �___�__ . .
1, I . Service ' j . � .
i . . � , tie Ift 0 0 , ,.. - - - , -_
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I i -1 . I . - I -1 - I COUNTY - TO� 131PROVE, -CAMBRIA - ROAD— - t�_ ]__ - I . b
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- I
. I I . � C641101 DefOrs Matter of'Grant'ry to Western University I *.� A splendid, waterhal for Clffldruaf',� Wtash �
, "'A � I . . Hadwment Fund . . I � Dresses,
. I 4 .
� ., . . . � . . ". ____i�� . � � . . 1. . 114_6116i�� . small dainty paitterns. . . �
. � .. � T,hQ HurM'COtk!ktV Council begalt Filed, . . . I . I . 1��.. 1. ... , I � I ' '' ._ 11 I . 4,
I its, June deliberations on Tuesdayi Re tile port,. . . . . 11, . � . WINGUAN -HOSPITAL GRADVATF.9 I I
Stekiloon in'� the Council Chambers, and ,Huron botoiiiary � 11 I
. b0weea the t1oll-vuships, of, Gro and . Left to right they, are Miss Li 111an Heth�rjl t�n; Bluevalo... "Misa, r Our Price, 25c per yard .
The clerk read the iiiinutes of the 33IM4. ,Piled. I. . 1. . Ariss fleg G. .41ma, r,m'�, Dung-amion, kind �. I
Janual lileating-and,0after Calling Collill-Q, Armow. . I I . I 1
4, ' . . .
� ro?
. I" War Cgrreipondenee re the return � of 's 4 . . . I . ___,_�� ,,
. . V (ten HaYs addrosse4 the, the inmates ,front rl rlda� May 25th wai 4 red -let- Adaviia, superintendent of t1le hospl. . . . I
. . , the * Ontario ter day in the liveA 'of at lcas� thre 4n instrumental 0 . -
'Councillors. In his few remarks bo,Ar,yluui to the 0 tal. Followlig . the presentationt = Ali I , I # . .
'. .y piled. with th-4 . Of t cl , ,so P
referred ta .the financial standing Of of Refuge; Aurdii County House PeWes, the graduating Class, of came a roost interesting addrass t 'ek" .
Po'c -
. .. 'Kat . Spe al ices on
the County. During the. ivarpariod' Correspondence re � . Winchain Cen-aral Hospital, when tile a Nati%nail';ig�uthoui, con I a lire. . Pr Laa, tes
. the Council -act d "' � the - Western large auditorium of the town hall, 'the ,graduating nurpes by Rev. Sid. I gram. 1. . .
. ' . � I *99 .
de boy.5 over4cas, ge. two . . , I _. �
' ' � COUnWhOVrowed. $430,000 for which asking, the Coil f ad, and 'The, grzAduating, olik'ses ivde 11W. , I I .
The million dOlkirs endownizent lated *the nurses upon the profession � - �'
Ile UnlYer0ity campaign to rai . ney. Davison, ill which, he eongratjx- � .
plipp�. with tZ WhigIlAnk, was filled -to capaci 0 SUN and , Wool � So its
'.1 � - th bl Witness the interesting event. tyritia. th�-Y had Chosen, and referred to ally embowered witu flowers, th-a , ... 1. . I � . . .
. � . PY issued debentures due r4tvarious 000.00 toward oty to contribute $7,5,. 1928 graduating class were Alnih] Florence Nightingale as the guiding 'gifts of relatives, friends and ex. I I . . .
� . a tile funds to" W ilaie, PrM4 Dungannon; Irene Collins, Ar. lamp .and to nurses as her followers, I -theso bqfnp� prev.uted by I � and S I.. �
, .* periods UP to 11988. ,heaving interest ill five equal Payments of $15,000.00 mow,* entO,
_ -ch , Pat* weaters
, at five and- five and one-half per I ea - 'Filed. I ' and Lilijal. Hetherington, ".1,1urses," -aid Ile, ,imirister not -on.. the nursQa-in,training, , . . .
: -cent. who, with tile . . . .. . .
, . At th4 game, time they had Notie Ichairman and Laard of diroctors of I I . . �
� ,a from Bllievalc,' -Who 13 -resented -4 Very 4y to it`�� Gily but ilail'to the 0OU1,41 . . . �. I I .
I $4.0,000 of brlQe dt-bentur.es, the first ,.of the dismis the Sheriff 'of Huron Pleasing Picture iipon th6 platform, land his best wi the hosPltaio O,-(IlPied zents upon the *,____,�� . - I . � �
I R0,000 of which was. Paid ffi 191% � 841 of the turnkey j,L dress,ad as they,,%N,ere . s that .
� I with the remaining $20,000 to be Paid ttbegaol' SenttQthecoulltY�Proper- uniform � � in their White' th'ZY slibuld ,have, tasl;� not accordinq I Plctform. . .� . . . . . I I . . . :
I y committee. a, and surround 4 by a ban - to their powers, but Powers accord, Aftzr tile close of thoprograin, the
. � I . .
I I . I . in 3920. Of the $880,000 dqbontures Froul. the county -council of W .of flolvers, mid. ferns. 0 : Ing r to their taskS. Nurses' hand re, guests of honor of tile eve , .3i54*1nch,eX'tra heavy B . . I
�, We havepaid $280,0ooi-leaving v. bal- Worth County re big . out. A very interesg o I long re- . � lach
� anco of $56,006 to ,be paid this ,year , hwdYs matters, 041Tied out., with Mr.. m WAS fcrGuCO books ivere. Pro,-2ntod by celved Congratulations froln their . ' .. - -
r I From, the Department of ,the'At- oi- WinM,iam,,p,,es; J. A. Maciezu; Miss Walters, assistant suporinten. friends and rolatives, who bad .w.se.n. 'I ,0$3 e ... I
. l and Ili 1938, This leaves -in all i do- torney General dent of -the board dent, and Miss,A-damq, superinter,* bled in, larga nuln
� . � benture debt of $76,000. Added to W* , to'maaer submitted of d-keeton, occupying the i . .Ira) n1ld, 4fti�r. D -Ic
I - . ( A * '. SP cil val6e . �
A - this we have' Oil Ith reference "to an offico. 1-4, the T'he chairman In b! c1lair- dent, tk`4e being for general Pro& words repaired to the couneil chgKow : I � . r I
r highrOs dab't' cOurt house for the Police nlzigfstreta� ixp & o0ening address, ciency. The gift of a, ten- I 1, . ..
I . . a c per v;a I. I .
,00, Filed. I ressed his Pleasure in welcoming Iliece wan made by Dr. Ulirgarot Cal-' Prepared by z;zinber of tha- A I . or I
0 1 Which j1i :Pound figures is $50,0 . , dollar g;)Id ber below. where a banquet h t 98 rd
voilleft*8 1 . .
I which is'to ,be-, p;dd this year or else so large art Aud' knm aiid vxterlded. der. of Wingliam. Lecturer In- Ob� , Hospital Auxiliary of I Wlb-,hard. ,a L . I 1. .
, dealt With, in som I Correspondence -ke obildrenvs Shol_ coogratul . atio I �
I a, other 'wAy- -The tell matters, ffiaid on the- table., chis ns to the graduatingo stetrics, to each of � tha graduates, as I The room lool I !�!!!!!!�!!�!i,!�!!!!!!��!��!��!!!�!!,;"!",�": ... ........... ai... 1'. . I
�., 11
; :_ : ; . , wuvdeft .,exPreSsOd - the VIOW'that th6 a 'Upon - The �haft3r bccftsio�. ['a prme or av - ced very b1autiful witli -_ . i :! ... i .... :, , I I- 4 -_=,��; .. .. ... ;=,
I : ., , tax rat6 would have to be. ib"o From the clerk ot Middlesex Coun- Prayer ,Was the Z b ing obtained dvor 9.0;the Bilits sh,lded %,01th triolmings of I . .
, �
Used, - o offered by Re IF, I per cent, the, prp4e),tation being , red, white and- blue, tho tables It.ing , -11 ...... i ..................... ���!��!"! "" ' ' . * , '
: ty TO'boundary bridges botw�en that W. Schafftc% rector of the- A Ir.
. and Pay as we, go. :The gooa roads. county and -Huron. Filed. . ngllcau, made by Dr.. R, C, � Redmond, Who
. question is Only in its infane nd church, Wint;hnin, after Whi I decorated in white 4nd blue. ocou. .
: Y, a ,� A;altpowled ern , Ch a ,� l�Avl�� an instruqtive address . on the PYjn�' the end of the roolit W, . . ! . - - . .
- . the county council is not Alatitied in op%rtmol t 7 wps r2rdered- by Miss " elosp Telatidiisliip of tile M a ' q%s one .. . I a I . .
th � of the T1Ix'6rav
� ." - - I 'a 0 ,a pleasing sold Fe Es HIBBE'
I I . carrying ,over! and addlagto� gto4t a � "lla return th receipts %f the an- Sarah XaCL eific, I -pro. lougtAil"3'At Which were ,qLla' . ....RT 1.
. t e highway � expeZI41- . ean,- Winghoin TW.k fessiou to science' and chemistry. gr;aduating - cl I -ed the I I . . . I . .
_. � ore - ass, the auruo�411. ,.
I l ung men Who wish !a on t1jefcoun I follo -, 'Mrs, -the *ultra-violet-rav
. ty the past year, w6r Aved by a I -ading 6 oie4tinning Phqfle� as , . 1, .. .
. to carry on the work of � this countk Filed, . I�Tct')6nald ,�nfl a Diane duet lbv th,j . its e6ect, � . and training, the doctors of the town of . . , � THE CASH STORE .
. . . � . . , .� I _q � I � I � .
� . . I
� . ; � .. I - 111)OU tl� * bndy, also tile, Wingbam with %en, wives I 1. .1 ,
in the flltllM I W"q's HaZil 33randon' and llessje� Control of diqease by. diet. reforlin t-1 ' * ,and. the - oi—� - - 0 , � � =11., ; mml I � I � I 1� 01111 11'�l III _5 � 11��11 I 11gl;=1
. . � . � In referring to' :thw. Childrexes Vroib tbe Clerk of tj�bjoe re, tile Aib�ll- AeTI. Slanev Davison pastor to the .fact that the 'primitive g i superintendent and 030ist.-Ut supur� ...� .�� !� �Flt�& b6 -,!;! I .; 1. - ____ I I . . . .
.. , � . I , . I - _-1 � � ... i, - .,
� , -1 __*_1***"_#____*- -4'. _*��,*"Irm . - , � .
, * She blade mention ' f ra-�eg n1l nd a ghanj bosl*41, confectioners, . I . .
. . Iteri Air. iz%�s P matter of admitting iadigenis� to nt Wingh4ni Unjjt:� cbur�j ib�n aq. Who -live close to naturz and.natore � I t 1- I d of directors, Othor suelmrs, so t ',' - )rr,aWza-
� , b0g�itals.t Filed, , .
. the,fact that at pr r n,mistered the F1 I With Zet,boarth'I'Will donated 500 'all -&y OK IQnR will b3 t1w bleg,,st t
,agent there. was a 'Join ' , ovence .,Nightingale foodal rarely, if ' ' . I
1 - . society in the County'of 11urron, that e , he UaYor of Stratford' re Pledge,'abd thp, ure�eotation,of.dj 1 ' ever,. ��Vo cancer, small tables o Copied the rest of the havo c . 1%wCet lint a I verybody .. would ,, tion ilk this city..-Pkniftht King., .
aosumOd 'the responsibility of jook�; . P O� . , . .
.. . , - I beinjr .flR,zd witil ,�ela Vs 1. :
I he matter. of rotilining .-Ontario me . � Voom� -these. e time.,, , � .
I e I � C0014 formerly Motho., donations we 11LIve ' t
-House of Re. by Mi., I. A' Me ' . 0 and, invited guests ,of the, g
! t I A.'sylum Patients to the .% hnd m,-daig followed. bijilg mad A 8410 'by Mr. Gavd,on Rucbao�n, 11 _ gev� j. S. , 1 o, The, Wet Pri'40 list and tho:,bigg '
:_ , tive
I � )119'after thle pdor and'neiay children I Lean and Mits x, p. the, PropbeVsf.addrez - by X, ,. Walter I duating . V1. odiat Pastor, at --liens' _& .
4 1 ,
�_ � - -ol the County. Thig soole,ty has its -Uge. Sent to the -'special committee. -=Z:Z�__��t��___ . � .4 I I I .1 nurses. . BOY1161d, ,tit gild taf.r F loody. _or_hjjd-secrow - --,.. --- --
I ,;1::::!:!:j:1'1 :_____,�_�:_ . . .
� � , , 0*11billOOrs, looks atter the Interests From Haldimand '-County';re . the � I . I , __.:::! ..... :!�!:::::�:�:::;:;:;:::::!:!:!!!! � . ____._ . ------- lRuavile" attended the P101110 for tbe� .They tanit b6t tj&j or�allt�ntio,n . * . I �
. I
. .
I - " : 'of danger. ' iSent to ,the Go' I � ____ first tlm,,� with Mrs., 'Cook, and both -Ilart Arecroatli, , . ,
I . 0 the children, furnishes them -with large expenditures required for the 00mmission. . � . od,, Roads. ,the cIOSLI '�Oi his 'P;rljod"'�L of �e;Vjeo I . 11 I I �� . �
� food, clothing dod shelter jaZovincial highways. Sent to t a Pected a this meating , .
and see office. It As OX I enjoyed tile program I The'boys' and girls both. play goo(l..,
- ucation. The county council . I . lit 944 kindness and Assistance, that. has I to complete the work o -Bl�otst AT. Lee. .
� the ijr oil' a to Good, 110�4s Coin . Moved by CDxmWRor,s W V wished to thank the council for their- . � . .
( lolssion. I . r! DWOr JOsOp1l Back the veter4u of ball.
� .
I a home, kfio,k' as the N the boiler ,inspector re S I Organization the- A§Socfatlim; wash on hand e champion$ fit' .. � s
' bports of ,Henderson thai the Wiligham Sp iW- accordance
I - bag Provided n oil, , 'the court houso � n.a grant ot * 119 been extended to Win in the past. - I With the county. with t e'agroomerlt 0 . tayed, until the lost dog was. a alid We nre'ahviya tli - , I
� . Shelter, and hwrs , � the _Vs at eed Show be give rl �
! I , , upported,this borne, H fuge. Filed. and'tho`�beht to the executiv 25. Dr. Field paMtribute to the wotk', . hot. , baseball. -Miss 1,� Patterson, Captain,
. Ouse .. I 0 committee, Mostly routine business )va Mir, and Mrs. J. A. MoLoren WOM,' North Huron team. I : .
"th liberal grants, to the amount of _ of P of Inspector Toul. HooWing hion as a unavoidably. absent,. on account of, NVo always le,ld,,16t the othc� . !
� wi ,e
Araill, the Motion by C ' Hackett and all 'ass, of h which tile , . the death of a near rolotivifin-Ham.L, low. , , to, foj-, � �
;3,000.00 ' per" year. Of � -late �'thd , r County of Dufferin. re OundROM . ociato In the teame profession, the local' boa -d , ealth .... 4RObt._
t � Holl 0 . ,
the W�ste, of foreito througli cutting . t thilt 'County give a .1 ,oil Monday 4ternoon. All the melrt� ilton 1) n I ,, .
eounty:,baj ,become dissatisfied. With I Of, ,Vhr t1nag. Anderson tha � 0 f It -1 to 84)r thAt the -olost . .1 �
, I ' 10 r
"a grant' to the .
' - . , , and they were both much mjs�! If it wasn't for the vola Wo4thev -
11), the w4y � ir.wa,a, handled, .They. have - - I � I I . . r. Junior. Zarolors, of I ir.ie�dljy ;w'I'tions, exisl d A., D. �ftLe4ii s�d. . � �
. I tree$. Sent to� the *7 L'4Ck4OW,,'.'r8efit �� the, � � 1, � � ,
� ,
,,_410;7� decided to take �oVoi the management ela coolmitt6e. . � . 'eiie I e � e48� � � between the ,w#g ill the Chair. . . I I � - I` , wp Would have beatc-11. that Oiiftil� . :,
V . I ninittee, I I � ., Cut Ve teac ers, pupila TbO rc-polt of , Arthujt pothes; heA Huron crowti.-A. X. Porbe , . . ..
. . . 11
. . ' irow the'De 4tY kinfilter'of �;&4 Coi . 4 . I e� '001111istaO$ Assistant Sanitary Inspect �r IV. d, Seaforth got some slivywelght fro'll - . . ( �. ;
. and maintenance of the Childreles . of Mr. Tom's ii Or .
I eationve .schoo� The WedneadaY morning sessi&i - . or te;. Re, has Weir ,for m far __�. I it;
- � grants for the pub.ic I rpriso When be � � �
. . . I s . I Shelter, as they were paying for'the and separate s6lidols to the 66unt.� , with the hearin . . given his best to the work which,was , i�as r#. went up agallist'Goorga, p'ergu$on According to tile &porti J00ril"ll" '..
. maintenduce 'and having no � say 1.11% � deputation trom, the Western, 9 eeived- and ffled-.' . Otiler' matter.4. .
. . . . . to' the maragiament. With this on.,j ,as follows., Public schools, ;2038.80, of the always dearest to hinij and in closing were btolig from Walton, George was ralszil oil 4('110$6 play
.. . . , I � Univer lie wishtd him ulany more .� . . lit 'UP 4nd discussod, or$ seldont 416 Y011111,11. . I ,�
* 1. . '. b�� and Separate schools, �91.68; inaking- doter the coun�' .. I.,
I . I in view steps -have .an taken' to sitkt Who appeared bc yoltj�q, of I - fhO favin and therefore has the st,ay. They Worild novel, finish 'a touilti.
: I algamate tile 'tW6 intordaii. tlic, . ' ell in connoeti health and,happiness. , PUBLIC S )_L_'T__E�-Cr,- ' Ing Powers, .1 mont if they did. . I.. I p ;
. � .Am a total Ili -all Of $2130,38. pRed. I on with the ol A I I I . 4 , - .
. � I . 4king Of .0ther speakers were 'Rev. 0. F. . I HER$, Mrs. Frankurl. formerly of Wing. _.- .. .- I .1 , -, I I C
. county and the Children's Aid' See! ' The resignation of aohft Elgin a grant to the Western Ontario uni- ko, 0. A. Robertson,- It. L. A.; Thera was a � I SALARMS hum, b ! -I'. L_�,- j __ I . . . . . � .
a" I .. _ ,-r,_ .... -
I Tom, Who hag, been the public school ,rt lit now of Woodbridge, calne �. — . . .. ;
I , Vetsity Endowment F1104, The d6- R'ar full'attendance fthe down front that burg Witi, I . .
. � . tY- Plans 'Will be submitted to the - ,ob '�Coulteg, former c6uncillor; W, memb/org of 'O . her rrr son - . j . .
. � CoonC r l.4of this gagajob� inspector of West 1ruron for the past Putation. was Coln aged of Professors .
The Warden raise briefly. re 9 Mn9ston and I�an=, of the Western H. ,Robertson,, �Couxty 18figineer Pat- the God irich Public Lind daughter to e"10,V the Picrib. for
. � terred , . orty-three years, Laid on table. Orson- County Treas ' S'bool Board at tho June meeting, the first thne; I . -
. . . 1. r. to the APP�irltment of a Higii, Coln- proof Sheriff Middleteri regarding UnivcrsitY, Major !Gordon Ili R urer ,Gor4on 01, Moodily Ili . , I .
. 9T9111 Young, and Air. Beavers, of Exatkr, at. The matter- of . Mr. D. Crawford. glillett (old bOV, � I
. I .
teaeNr,al salarjeos was cofisidered in attended for th6-iija trn-j e, --Ij, � ,
- Control ,ber _W46, of -i 'vlemW; of- -don, the trst speaket, - gavb ' Warden Of the county. , , AWIL r . I
stable to onforce'the Miltioi tL survey *asked by the-, Govormuout to ond Air. Arthur Ford. Prof 't STAN) y
: - former .1 S
r Lan - -, . �'. . IMA..
I �
r , taking I U*. . � .
. . Act. which -%4111 be taken' up tit � thl . he -6401 with a . The, hearty thanr Its of the Colin 4, ioQmmittee of the ,whole. applications 004(4 Of the time Ile attendad the I �
. n easu" Oil for Th-Ongilgelnent having. been i.e. school on the l8th con Fresh Fr I f
11 - sessi6n- The salaiy Of the eon prlvqalltlonai� ill S to clear explanatloyi of" the floafty,ory, gild tlie other visitors far the, splen- " talight by tile its and '
solicitor, the making of a, grant 0 4 avoid. escapea of prisoners. Making,. eond, - efrthe
of- plans ,and copies time 'to" $011001 Lit the Pr6sent Ceived froln all of the present staff, 14fP Mr* 31celintou. I . ),
. Fund Of A75,000, Will ,Ir win , costing $148. � . wing an annual defi it Of H ld'gathering wa�. extdnded to tl%O and the cominitt�e's recommendationr ' . I
. the Western Univorgity',.r Vildo sho i , I �
I h b $80,000. In order to carry 01 Adiear by the 'watden.�', Vi7s. E. W'. Which; ROAt. ItOlireg, ex-Af. P.- owl .rc-tir,; .
I . I so he be I illy property Com- r Ion it! isi'da *a_ . . Vegetables ' I .
the Council* I .. .. .mjSjjon'_r . I necessary to r raise, $100,000 annuall r irri replied on rbehalf df the' WOm That Was adopted. wV as :follows _' ad 0rjiAOm4 officer, was on band $vid .
I YJ en a Guild and the oiogritm was the teachers be re-ongd�rod for related =any reminiscences of thV � -
I . . The fo Rowing commlifiJe4tions Front the provincial seeretaryfs - and this is to be done by meand Of anj illfolurlit to,a close by sligifig. the Na. the coming term at thD followin old enubtv� Arriving Dalily - I .
. . I Department making Comment Olt and endowment of $g,000,006. P" . I .
. 1. . were'then presented, by the clerk, an( additional recommendations re alter- of London has assu The 'City tional -Anthom. . s4larles: Air. R. Stonchouse. $1700. Ajidv 'Carrip. 13russetA old boll. I . . I
I sent to the variouj Committoes , ati r . mad the regpon� I � --- * --------- # . Via., I. 11 Sh4rman.. %1500. Miss C*t : sneeked awav from the North Ifuron 'See our window and lat'lify r
From Mrs. Torrance, of, Clinton, M at the gaol, and returning the $1bilitY of raising one. half of this Conouera Asthma,.T& be relieved Rnmilto". , qJ100. mi"'o 'NV 1311113r tuf?-OfAQ3f leam and allied hiniqn .
, With "golith floron. Prot .If yourself. Prie.e$ right. .
r . I writing to thank the County- cojoicil a quested by Sheriff kid- amOuut,'Und It is Proposed to raiser from the terrible ,Suffocating dilo to -AS11100', `tlhqG L, Robinnon, Nioo' ' Itin.l. r
I . . . I expregglonj of dleton,r Sent to,the county property the Teluainder from the various Colin- asthme, is a ereaf. thing, but to b,N � Wilson, , sillellf -
I.. .�900; Wis. 0. AM" ;
. for, their kind sym.; Committee. r .. a G. . Rturdv, laughed he-.irtily wban Aljjyr Lot .
� ..PathY at the,death of Mr. Torr�yjee. . I ties, numbering fourteen, wiliell are safeguarded for the future fa. even $'950; Miss AL Illiliej' $11245- Atips IC. beaten. - SILVERWOO r I
� r .
. . .Correspondei�eo ie the appoilifthent The,petition of.prapor,ty owners of d"'ectly benefited front the Univer.. vroater. ' Not . Only does Dr.' .1. D4 Watniol' $095,' Miss h", 'Wigirins. Air. and Airs. LaOr lCenurdy Wero j 018 ICE- I I
. of a high constable to Act jor ,the ,tho, village of 'Egniondville asking sitY. The County, of Huron is AsIted' Xelloirg's Anthma Remedy brirg ; Miss VeSta, Witso". 110so. absent on acenont fr All Imijorta"t. r . .
: county under the Liquor� Control Act. unty road through tile Vil- for the sion Of �15,000, to -be paid in prompt rali '411, . .1 . .
that the CO live yearly payments. of 415,000. *Pf. but it Introd1wer, n MIN X'q"*nl �qWft; Miss V,' 114,1110ti. Ceremony In ihor xeo . . CREAM , _.
I Sent to the special committee. loge from Seaforth be Paved, Sent life for t116 ahlitted. $925" Miss X Hum*-. 8925. Tile in. oil thqf nnod.v hoilqAtinld . . ..
Frolo the c6unty council. of Perth to the Good Roads Commission. Professor Landon .wao went on.to . ..... ore of erpows aggratofe. $500 1 . dAvtlle marriage of 'Mis,4 S
Prom the Goder,ch ,.,long Club in 110 rk � tp ha I ' amok' Norn, X ned.v, I � rick% DiXte r CIUDS# Boll I
- `1 I
_ show t 'a systal" he r mg "' ' or' Air. Jno. Harrign" . Thompoon. eonvewr of 0a .
county ro extending ..% certain ,high- wo that the vehool fume, Vtolem emedy preeani:5 r�. W'qs M-Onv,tged ' MM. " .
way. .-Sent to the Good Roads 06m 1I to tittend A doing along the lines ehatid. attacks and often a Pq 0hrotakor of Vi,_tnt. . . I
� - viting the. county couliel ff'ots a, perloall, $long. ,-froqb" Boll$ and Bulk. I
I Inission. . banquet at Hotel 'Sunset on Thurs- general OdUcKtiolit. The other me and gr. W. i" fjollool 4t ipr#- 4-"Ittoo. jq smf;tjejff� � 0 I
11 in- ant cure. J. Roddoek's roqj&. tile liwit nlad"I tho Aco--latio" en" *--� � .
From the Teperial Oil 009patly r day,. June 1, at Which ProfeosorXo. borii Of the . delegation, also spolo . I ol at, 5�nitor at. 0slitral vehonj uroduco fov llol* sole d
� " Mr. John Joynt, ox -M, p.,
. surface treatiliefit of highways. Selit. forth of McGill University Will speak briefly. 0- , PEOPLE WIG ]KNOW W tcd- 0 no;i� i!1jiltor to b" "Id. lilt -tit I of th'. 'al"Viov., rl id I. manage. i . , *
to the'Good Roads Colomission. owille St. Lawrence Waterway, FR. put in a.word for tile University pi. fig avoe" SPARRPS GROCE'Ry
I I vortid4for. with duties to cooq;itma A noth, 10a foati-A Wnq tho 1"nov � 1,
. . Correspondence tild l4test returns oil. � . viOus to the address of Profemor Mr, 1169q Stnkea. of Petrolla, Was, All,wask isf. 0,0 . � �
4Kfor the Past 1O* months of the pres- From J. A. Wilkinson, MoTriston; Landon. The matter was laid ovok it week -end visitor In town. 11 The I lAttf.11 of 11P 1jLj I lortro 0t,pollonee of v"nne ,all, I., .The Store of $0isfokotion . -_
I . . ' . .Co. 0"V rposill-nof mlqnv of: -whool W00 there for the . I
, out year) o.f the Motheris 4119WAnce.. re: the tialisfer�of himateg. from the till the afternoon, session. I � 040 Misses Farrow.' of Toronto, Me seboohi or, -Oda , coration of first . . . f
. t - d: ty- I time. . I H"tOn Sttftt, Coderich
I . I Filed. I Ontario Hospital to the Hquse of Re- On Wedneaday evening the Main- waro. In ,Goderieh for the wook-end. tba walla of-vietoria telloot was left V 4 VA 'I Phone 146. 1 1
. � Correstiondemee, ro widening -the fugo. Piled. - . . -bers of the county council and Miss Adams, 44 Land With th" vrotl � WHAT THEY,AR SAu%ya I F . � .
I a on, was a 01ptv eoplrolftep to nil,., *.This Horan . . I I
. ,road on Ithe lft*ly-addod *provincial From lie. Fred Martin, of Luck- 6filcials, ha*d their banquet con "erit at the residence of lit. liable vertiA- forjAnder,q bot Old Boys' AmuodatIont I
, - I i . h for 11 I __ . .
I I �, .1.1 ecoraf. ! i ! . . !!! ! - _ � i � -�__
- in, .-, _W_4)_MAt_4*A -4 0 o-- 9_1 e- r, V ff .7 I - 1A - �_-___.___ __,_,._,___ - - " ... - .
I rt!* -to #�L-. -_ 'j�j7 now, asking "for & grault to th . rveomkk_ twj" fta.— I "
, 11 A
�,_.�_��o �v ulj,0p__je o -- - - - _. - - - - j1d - we ��11 I r�!!!!! : , �
_1( . , . - - _P
I !�!!_!_1!!!t!i1__!11 i�"_!!�b�_!-!!!!! —tij, I -liow-73-ifl-ilo �yAA,riinki vs', - $90 i I _. W&ioh!s Guild. a ,1wft Airs. 'Clecit"Cox and littlb son, D pai-f, . k I . a I I .!! 1 t�.!_- �7=
Sent to the execut* committee, to tile 18 -upper, I a, I
O., I V. a An' This orlo6oal of irentral r . � .
a Ort n1d. of St. Thomas. are visiting at th" ,eboof ro. . . I . I
� rom .Dr. Emmerson T revious m of sp 6`6 es, with Warden )ionic of Mr. A. 1. Cox. �ed for the month of jqAV ao fol. � 1. . � . I . _, � I .
. LFjrjLj - - ' ' I I - , . -
account rpiolerpit for l"wil., llovq on the� roll. of _. - -1 . .
I �
� I'm IF -1 V Xtkn"Iallce an = as chairman. , I . , Either pis,*loj�, �Of Detroit- _ I � . I I
. -*the A Wis , . I I I I i
. 1alle White. Sent to inalled 111L , . , Pg.. total. '17.1. . I .
,,, �.
. Ndellhd' .e , I /
VU I Mayor MMEwav, thO first sp6altel" .. .Pent tile weeIr-end Wi. Z Ova.rilell iftffolldanco of . . "
committee. - - extended to the, council parontri, I lor bovS. 87, girlq, 11; total . 104, or 91.7 I � .1 . . I
. WEEK OF JUNE Ilth to 16th From Z .P. licaeorl Applying for come on behalf of tile town. Air. told Mrs. Wo3lay rilsber. � I .
I the position of Inspector of Public He nt. I .
. . . 1q � � . &b ols of West Huron. Laid.on t1io th Air. nod Afra. suidetto -wero up pe;ieal prinel"al of viotoria sollool' ro. � '. 'A .
� 0 told Of a trip through Michigan and frolll DOtroit over Sunday. Air. ported for �jay ng. jollows, nilpl on
I I 0001101m should be proud' of theit, _tt4 ia buildifiet nnother'nummer tho toll'.196i qI1.10. MI.. total. .161 * , .. #
MOPMAY iw INMDAY I table. I Ought that the People of Ituron gurdo I . I . WA NT HELPI �
, Returns of tile gaolor flov the past cottage at Xineardine. . .
. county and province. In all Ilia tra- ,fr. � tkild 47VPVaj?0 ntfondplien of bnvq. log. . I .. a
MILTO.N $IL�s I . of . . / .
� / .
'. in his Mightiest role assisted by, petty committee. I . - , I'VE got Myself i4to a 34am 1 prowlsed t 0
, � six months. ,Sent. to the county pro- ifel he did not see anything that coin- jr6ol Mr& Abranic inotored up pirla. 163'. toNt. 305. Or Oft "or liont. I I
_* pared Witt) our own country. T4rohto �Agd spent the Week. ponny Ponk tlepoolfq, X103.21� flo"lo . I . .
. I DORIS XENYON Under the head of Inquirieu Mr. lloeve Turner al3o spoke a fa�,v end with 364. Abrain's parontl, Mr. 1wr of iloiloalig. pt,�d, 11'rra. Toldift I - 'P*&Ught hotue offlou that 1,(I.V-ua U a �
a stirrifig, two-68ted drama of natur-o- McQuaid brought UP the' L'"O Of a words. Mr. Turner, as one ,Df t1le ,and Mrs. J. IV. Fraser. 40116-Ilf tutpi doyn I I . �
-nature. A titanie ronj tnan who had not Wen a resident of newer mertibers, of the eoulicil, ex. Mr. Alex. HMO was- In town tbj W011-11 11. Morob", f-4 davg for tftoo I 1. i4 thIS76AC6.0'Very'other wtek. . And .1 w I , I
and human or Misq .'A. W1,14 -n
� , V- fill, I , , I tit .
'VO ValllaMo frabdrIgf and %v0son. Miss Aflr;�"Ilv ftw�. I
weeks, aq tb his ilower to commit blin council reeel -end, ,bellin at Willorham IV4001�1q- Xf-, Ptolloliff fAor &I
aijee by Poter B. Xyne. you MVSj his township for inore than, throo Pressed the view that the mon in tho rast week I , , ,doWc know what to say. it I tell tj � tro
800 thIS Goliath of screen dramas to thc 'Countv Ironic- The blatter he was glad to, bo able to Saturday night reportino Mr. Spot- ""- limbout how good Delco -Light is, no y will . .
. . "THE VALLEY OF THE, GIANTS�l Was discusted, but aption deferred his Municipality and bo ton's metting for Tito Advertiser. 1111�q Y& 1045 111'r -A Pod Vvq, 'Pail. beffevo m If I dotet get move or # tuthusi. I .
" I )&F.RMAID COMEDY � Owing to Ilia t1loo 'being before the 4 h h raprosen" Wvs. John A. Ifarrison and, 1!011g, ,,I,ft one o,id a t,41f (javq fa�. Vs_ I . C.
court'. I wit Sao Tile" an ceflipoge 1188"Imcd Leslie Evans and 0ordoft, are talgillo Aft'WIV, non-rephlont f4oes nold. %. totic-0 �Obody
110UMMIES11 � tlle,�011n-
11 I_ �. ill thO Grghound Lixelirsidu slid. , 0hi,no, 0 ,4 op+wml 4"-. o I /
I 'Cil. . I ,nlo it , vyilt Come in an *Sk sibout -. . �
, I At this �uhcturo Cauticillor Inglis onso-atif 1,�Vlatvaw frnvit Venoold I Dele6-LI-Obt 'A�sd thaes the bjj idea back of .. .
- who waited on the counail durl Ing flie, Mrs- 11"Ph A. Luxtion. fiv T1, thm ads. Get people jattrtita Tfita sell I ,. .
wgormoAy MW THMI)AY made a motion, veonded by Council P010,4800 KiligstOft and Landon, 'Visitive with Mrs.4firriton't- timter, "Veleld mail , an f1j'a ontifli a;4a 1
, , for Langford, as . foilowa: "That day, and premated the ples for a Mr. lirlicst C I 'fan Ij I
I SALLY &NEII, and OWF,.N M0()RF. , ,olboyno. of pontj� Oil. -wip A.44-ho.fonfl, ,
ac. I rl nin rA
VO n1o""1t,4tf01l.fVA%l Mr. 006ro- I
this county ouncil ftecept the resig- grant to- tm Western Univershyt Mich., WAS st Visitor at Us .home, St. 0"*ntton 4" avine oppfato r4lon5 a.114 � �
in a lavish and speeNculal. co�mlo. nation of Mn Toni as Inspector of I them a Dtleo-Lisht. So if/lmybody 6S any .
.,were also present and spo&6 briefly. Patrick street, for ,a few days. 110 11 SOW advettiling ideass 010se send theta slong. I
-politaft production, She Waa a dry Public SchoplijibAViest-,tKutob. In Th 01ler hunn1loft. o
, sectoting ' , �11,,ty,wiere *;t I voll"111A Ov.1,41 4t�
wanted to sing. Mr. 16n%7s resigp*tion at. t eir i'v� lie on, �-aturday, aceelij.
I goods rj�nk Who W the country could not retorted hor .
� A little clawn.but ttr noitrly fotty�thtee,,years Xg .in- clear to MAke a ,g �. Mek. vov-4111"'.. W-3, r-Aforrod, , "4 4h- , � I
Vate MiAe her into � but they felt at , rant, panied by, Ijr, W. r pt�sf pfmtliwon� envqnjf",)4� NO Payo but 10ft Of *Wa- lit the mean. , %
I e to men. . Becky knp%v� spe,q-or in the count'v* this ebunc-il � turned In a f6w Years* fline, for the thing, who was one,
W " XM L0119ley, of Chung C,Mng. '�191"'31'v �
when it,tam I . � lr6 that *hen th',"' TL A nvsi4ov nt ntor,jvvjfc _ovo raf,ap. wbile-�'stand by for (tirtlier srmouo6ewtato.p, .
� lInlittep to pap, /
I her merehafidiw� wishex to Mace. olt-reedid i�s of the 6makers v-,0 fn #his 41"cove cilr / � I
, � MPI)rb- sanie objeet, the council would back In the ,N*oj,,th ,,St, 'Ur , C re on - if fouild r%rreet, I 001M .
11110CICT" ciation of the excellonce 4 t,116 sor. them up in a splendid way. Thf'y sunday. was tile wac.�&t 'a �bu h .
� . . - ice rendered bV Mr- TOM �'U -'Ing M3 stated that they did not go Av,av 4ted ,
* V, , Mr. and I 4=A4;q__ � AV&#
I OTX � N LATJJWTj't,0XF,0Y ,_ ' , , Mrs� M, W. 1, � M. CULAU Doogannoll
"HATS (WF" 1phr terra of 4,,rc,. Wt* .i 'o heart.- Vexed - 6WC10l. Ot. Vincent ��E,l .T!1r"0V tit" noviv PT(IN10 I I /
I - . - I 0V in Wi6iftle Mr With ft COUIZ(il I)ff3llt.!� �f during fir,r visit in town. , / . . .
� . . Tom henith tild bcinP - � I Thht ft,nnual plellic of tbi zltlron� I DBALER
, tutned down, and In r � I I
FAIDAY WW SATMAY h5"l)inM!s in his rptirtordent fh;--il the WiOhc-d the melill onol"!!'o'-11 The t,Px,,igtknjent ja a%1nounged of Old Doyal Awoodstioll of Toranto wwi I I I � . .
I -rrg a nrofits*v me �1' ljorothy GfndyJ5 DIAW, only dAughtcri 1104 in t116 1,'�hibltfoq 114rlz on Onj_ �. - � .
af-five 411fies of a �huny andwell ,�,�nit m(arl. ,The crjumil bi7okt cut lkw?,Vplli_�t. .
FRED THOMSON, AND , ]*"" Thil MUM WA5 C.Iftied. ' 4%'OV t1jt,y are S, 6f Mr. and Mrs. Dobt. Hfhko� TA- Drday I-Att, an'd notwithannaing tho 1�1 Mfg j*,!,&L* I I
� I o!IV gj.,04 fel:no,��__�`j I iwi-AA046PA10 eftsi I
Nwre Konneth X. r.. . mz�mr � �
, SILVER XIN4v', Ine followink othep nlc,ii,�ns 1vot-t ,'(w�clv,,32ngwith ff��;- , ro"Bing LINT% 7 t,,iv�mhiv, to Itbat3ftw5r;, rjtiqte� Of the woatkcr,'�. I . ? � I
. t11 -^ft floillt %-�Ath- I . I .
� Ili a vivid- ctmy fbpt ffti, IV P1,61)l k1jaM ,I Tnm�rC�-v Tnsm i, �i q %ptiia hity".pr(io yaunpcst can a., M,y. arj wa-�k, a haspe-sucecsq. .
I rhm wmlt mr,", , 1� . r
aetEon. A ffica"nd Tn4ip 40S0,0 *;v Ifill Lft'?0 llrnffio ftmfl 4,n�.Fl t(,) the time v , hf4 11CA F1 Ank whotmoze, GC,720002 tv & �1?v F9112zol were valaabrc� ond uc,�- I I
I jp� btilp t,,) th,; ', fat at a , mmkiago to talic"Placin cil r? and .
'tzil'o an epie of ri,�r"r Apkl/m tmt (,f #�, hurvil oprent, fb#� ',4,k4VAf,,-1 nfl q cmanfil tar,'duft, � , ^1-'.M),, whl-b'w- I , S V�y i�.ful. tho emn't!3 vvov, all opton I 4004V �
� 13o"% (Joh �o tl-,,,�k dinner M, Mf, �1 M I in"OremCne and I
1, "ARIZONA �Njt;iRTtW, " "4 fit"i� �;t' AV 4 h�,,, 0 � �n ,'in, , , lt,�'!11 junz,� -- tho refre,�hr"'Cutn' �
I tel ,1tt1_n!teL' , �t - ��_�__. *_ I'll, I I I I I win", 4, tpp Lgnhmt ordz,�?. Elias coull, " .. , .
Hot Csy-,�-!C,1� I HT �
I I ,, 14jr 1
1 # ,�,-�-N& cY 11111.11"', r��,Nl .'r, ol� Wt�st
I ,- 3 i I f', W 1,�'F�T A 11K F� _7 �- ,,,, i n I " V6 -,1;#i, lkV V ,:�nn,iltl I mck , I I . !
I i
" I - il"�: I
, 1�1
11 : I ��
1 `1108 .
i al .
11 kr I
I I , I
, I I j
, I I I
.1 I 1i
.1 ,I
I _���
11 t
I h
t ,
ant ,
- I
11 "o- b( I
ek- 'oP
_,. 0 r , ,
_ ___ _04.4
A I -
fo owed b t
11 a h ad I'
I i
I 1,
V I 'r . � - I . 0,�?:.-,nl. Irtiv . R . -11 nq+ but f,*tiqy thp. rnooi faotf&,um J� #61NA'V F, K
, on, fjoling bim 1,e Y�!� �S h-11-", 11BRIEF TOWN P L J F- C T K I C
"TIURK11141; H01 A., , � -r)n' lf)uti"w hi,� �OArs 4 10,-'r TOPICS . I V.." Lpt��'i tca vac PL -ANTS --c*e�- I - . .
.1 J Jli'1,.fI(vkfm fllikt th0q, (Ulve?1 ImI11'"i 0 was V(la acll-�r �
INI tn:� I
118firoo Spt, Of '144 pm, jlc,kjj7e� Rw�.*4 ro I I I Ihf, jwyf, 11-tetl-k ni t�,,e #,hiM�P�,,nlq vel"'PIrIL ird no doa%t N�h� SYSTEA18 I
. .� �"J VeA S1. t I *;
, _�)jqh #)f W,,nv,h ' 11 )!L' �'A ') ' �If '%�;�L Am -"N fho A i.# %� j t! 11 . I ftonvcts Or CLONCRA11 It
�M i:^ .. ix)"T"P21 rn Torf0iv mrdll C�p crotk;fi.
� Cominjk�_,I$f, Fett"w "PRfrr.*' ,jW41#'?WA f,l rorreio"W'm f., �.;dfl, 41� ,ill., I., fo.Owr , - - _ 1( 1101116" ,
T, � ,-- *.rP_1*j11* #01ml frp� —1e., junt j"Ith, '"a '115 n'T. En th� , N(AFI�13 " I - , �JAL15 tmnd Gnwantccd �v P"IL-0 1_�F,��d <(_,C=P:1ny. I
. 11 r 1, , r " I I
I A f�u .1; - . fy in !, *"A iw�lw �% I" *"0W,4.ff:'*-1 (-^"_-f10 " ,� ."-, ,-i,-..�.,�-�,t,"-�l,--,—#"��-111I _K"_A_�,�A�. __1 I
i t4o r,-Ael AS it lit of ,r"_ �"t - 1." r". " Iie;, ?4 , 11" � .. t) f , , :
. I " , I" n,�,�� 1�,� f�q-j-�11 TI'a 1':,,T1_aL-_-n lft�,:��, wbofc�3r(" A � ",_�__tl Z-1 I
I . - " — ..___ I .. , - . . . ,) I . . . .
I .
- - ___ - ____ I 'A