HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-06-07, Page 21b
J%inft and
boebw of
M0 40 A t"J**#'$A1LAVA0
0SO-40004 b4tsU'Cbt#4W0$
1�4WNY millkw* onjoy tfw frag.
4144W Of "SALADAPP f4w jj sm
t 0"to
of ,�40lh Chum colt vw1p AVOID THE PAINS
j A0014"iLly re) W,,rj� f `C =Vo
if 1'311 slid tentor tjj�, OF WieuAlAusm a
)140 Of their countr-y jjVW��tr, 4,f tilp t,51),
00 ucdcr E6,ora) 17 IP444
ttat#r) Blow rfiv unly c- Gents' Smart W
atkn corVwq
is tile
VeOphr suffer, 41, e
co"I(i be aviadc-ij by, &Uji, ln;th OaZi T,2,��o 0
krw UP the Wai k1wit'd bat HAND TAIL
imin, uawls and can cn.� covre,-te(j to rejil rge �4
,g�� .ff I
C p Maeo ia Cu:�. ow -I Qp
iy n t)ut 4 syste,01 I)y pj,�. 'be tvath swil Illake Yqu fcce'" wace
r!Z-bing ary� purify4lig the blGed, To 00 pr�-S(%tZoR Pf tho wotai cbint OUR VECIALTY
fieh. red t?.�O, Governnitnt
OdN no k'051trol. Tho trutz, fa 'A
[) Als�; to, yow Measuro
r, j%7jIjj, the W110113 iYujil and 'not r3vt of it! pop
ijn4f pink V! 11%
'It I V bioa truth, bu
Tiw;-:0 144* ato3 �y make Hel. far��A,5 anV41in&, said by
driving �ut jull
sqqatioa"4, d -le RrrQrj�ors wk.44 Oro would k a
and crZat.,fig a of robust Lft V, al:PPOSO, if he willod, thst na_ CHA;*. BLACK
ruf. ME! drove a vial? whiyn janijer thia
ferei`5 lra'l te-'447 to Oze value �?j Dr. 011MCO of lNuor in O� T. 4, da;�, THE $QUARE Phow 219 GOVERICH
1YO)k3ms' Pink 11MI. Asumg t�tera I that ti *M ISQ, "C"
4 icre were Uck AHpo (mor drqui, "WE LEAD"
t4 31r. J03. A, Wally. Bobcaygeon, under tile (). -T. A., in 'fact tj,,,,.tt i
—r -A NQOr SaYaz—Aa a %voVkOj' in the. 1111119s Were well-'algh, Ideal puder, '04
%vopids fOr Xear$ I Was expos.,d tq �jjl T, A, and that a veritable orgy of F_
a 9L- ion, and proclaimed I til ReCOUnIXOd as a TWIdITIR Bl)e(4110 for
resty.1t waS thut 1 T739 finally laid up autos, bad sprung, up since Aeg.'iyupfinn of W&mu U 4!t�
411W, of rough I -,71n,,
ry Wegtbe2o, The drunkenness, and 4runkew-dr; tion, Or logislati,
e tro.' i I
a # PMO %wre
'Fir coll. hard!� ductiou of Govern, out Co tr 1, i Graves' Worm Exterminator brig
I I... I li at- at A
10 01 9 0 0 a fter the singing of tile National,
Wag George Celeiraies Xjngla dinnerin Among the sta Ond W33 C�ontx wd t,,,) - W-3. nj,,(jj. it threp peop et to a r proved a 1;4on to sugaring chijjren
Birthday clue S"Wd to have little. or no ef. cOUP10 Of OftulsiOrq# tj1v probabilitieq Anthem the gatheiluir' disperse(L everywhere. It seldom falls.
As MalcdY King George telebrat. 'mOn and PrOlgliicllt mllitatY aul r�ctt and the best emmuragovent fl!o VOUN be that during those short
,his �sj t jjr4 bittildAy .01, june public le4ders to veceive, honors i
.x - X41 I; I ...: floptor save me was that with th. terVIOWS two out of the throix
'Wcre, of I
�. At VY
kril the
to 01m . ri
Of 4111
A ou,
ko, 1.0y
this plossuroo rMV
a Value. Ptrl� r_.
kirl, flit sow J
ph c61MCvt10n._AV1tjlj40 � Kink's birthday comi)Mr Of Wavill waitther I would be TOCOW", either telephone or tole.. ph 84vo e Porest"t Pays'.
te'j 4st were Sir Allred Xond,'_Sj� Rjil� better. But instead of f.rptt announcement f, tragedy
and Blade, an( HiRRIT' NORLEMAN" ter, I grow worse. jw� jant- 0
bY I Col. Sir -Tames Win. �� TO I big bet. dr!"k-, -the drinkingo" of coiirso,-�be
naut, Who wereelew US 400Y i0rowdy, only daughter of 'b0di. s were �49- - "
ated to tile -Feer� 'AT Y swollen, and MY less so stiff caused by Government Control.
�ge. %-Vetat knight
&4 3 , hOOds fxOrO COn' -T- V. CrOwdr Of Ott%Nvu, Assistant they "YOUld 'hatillY r3u�PoVt MY' hody. True the fofts and figotes, �Prespnt� I he V est Street
ir- farred on rpsidentiof Australla* New Sc�xetuvy to the Gevernorq 1, At this *aga I read that Dr. lVil.
eners led Wore form, Idable efia,00, but whon
qt� Zealand, Uh0desla and'India, Who is -to warry Ifon. 414mes. Re". 'lama' Pink Pills Ai0re reCOMMeUded it Was 'Governmeat'Contral t4t Was
Int , Vftlile-Coast to Australia. 21011 Well', Son And �helr of Xord WcTr for theum6tisM (404 4ecided to try I +41ked of it w0a the �brnrohirT rof.the" Electrical Shop
tr( sedles oecurrin". 'he ,
a Of Wastwood. Ine engagement his them. The results ware�bayegd ra 'law) or the,gettluar vound t I into.
' on formally extoeetatious, After 4 . tioll of the law, that
ia- durfuK attern 3 ti), fly froM tile :Pae� Announced -sud the k tow weeks, tue Was brouglit out 1. Wo carry a good stock of
413 ifle 4COUSt to onohljo it is a. relief to weddingwill take place in av;j in swellink had - dio4ppepXed, apd. th
-Ott e. as being Governiftent Control. where -1
Wo passenger$ lilts cov.
LO' 110;lv that a PlanO fArrYing two Aus. In Scotland ll� It was the 0;. T. A. provisions,not ctrical App
the XaM Tho 'Young Couple will five woro away. Qnd rie Rome#
g� trallans and t much Sooner than I e ected all tra. - the treakln� of that l4w. that was Fixtores, etc.
$h cred 'POS of rbeumatis,m; had dion I . brOttght out as being 0. T.'& Not
- MOO, Taues The Adit winter when r went � into
the n'bared.
of five ease and after a d4y's, rest start- i3vort. It% Goneral, 040 Word of Vredft was given to the
N ed for *0 '01A Islands en route to The Toronto XlIpja Lea the Wood I took 48%Mply,of -0r. Wil- Pergusoli adminl4ration - ter an ex. We Specialize of
fs stIM Tialms, Pink plits, vith me� and. th fort to control the liquot trafkc un.
J� fAustr4f."i". This ffiono. 16ad the International Leagve With J%Opt njo in th , 0y. ,
m plane, the southern cross. gominand. X01, -and -Montreal has noffed back , to tt boat of von4j'tjog. �fy dor tbo'law, *XcoPt -by the chairman, Wiriag of All Kinds
v Captain &C0004 plate by VirtV
0 eA 4, e:Kpfilauee should ilv,- enco 'wbo 44muientea,on g
e �f two Wit$
0 44ho, Unto of going to prOS& - eve,* tha _*eekond. 'There'. A)A'4t 4hef vhqumat!�, " �uftoer%u todirlthOW-ft, the E�.Hniates given on
eflOrt'. W111W werb io tile irood, olie, being* on,
miles 1� 130; JOUC�4n 'get -these pi'119 through MO-Q4110.4ation'of 3,000 permit , . business 41strict. Wad
04 to be, 'Practically -1, 0 4010 that the maple Uds bave a or.
4 soutll.ca5t nof the H Pnv dhoNr In viedieftle, or by r4,411 A.t abuse of then). A app
Half Islanda raro' prize In Uft Boy,, D4Idu1AlOX*. 'To
the A modorn Iloo-ilgoof Hotel, WOrk Guaranteed
oil tile scoolld 116P over a dist41106,41! lander, who is liaskinji in the 3 bov ftngi-The'Dr., willian)at 500 rootn% padi With bat)t,
lut by -4 -_
34o"S 110d nmiles. ese- - Intrapid , O'hiAo of le-0mbig with an 4verAgq, the visitors xe
avlak ara equippe of .424.. Untef Irmaglao that the � Very sWple Famout Wstaura�i i44 rd4sio
0 48 0 relapses baft� *6lll(i :, MeArthar
ma0ving Quit transmitting so which bO Nayrliiish the sopmon wait 4 .88Q INO 09 thece a tion � O:t tho liquor problem also Writ %014,
or go 146 be'es about Tuly 100L a
aveva 03olishi:ig Government co Moni 8*0 Wes St
Jur! POR the j�;hlnk the GOV I—— rooet
The international W46ourt izham� flittesO General orgovelit. t at rou t
71.nkllr 1011ONVing tbo .61 "J"01 IEV,
qlai.Oo proced. plonships at Autell, Franc it - unless "the, - Govern ont
Of Continue The, v4tirfle dictator -of P'ek
of the $orje3i0, the re wo
urO (I"Ar-9 00' teMaindbr of their -Ltd provide 'ma , in, change the Rolle , and rin in line
1011,0, Journep 4 4Y suvP*ses, One -of CaPait4l Of China, Cb4itr Tso-lih, was ive our
1114us Oppose, till' n t
and, _f lhwrp aud ra4� thc� featoro& dedw 011ild-reli Cry
0P) Ptalqoo Are hen two bombs, Worq jjurl. threa-Uaders tag Ili 4
vicking lip tkeip 11105- markable, form, of , Eilgen u FOR. -FLETCHER"t
eloomett I i'd at WO kall ay compartment whij,a Pled.kepa the p at' L r L to W Won
youlig British fstar" Who at the tim� On routo''to IT M]
;f r�44,jftg to V �s$ IS, in t1lo, ontlo
Italia LOAt tO` WOV)d;l ' ROWell 6 take uj�. his tbese lWs, �ax�d, 48 - e, AIS TO R .1 A
!N0 Word has re final 4uart0r3 tborb. , The , attempt , upon foie, -only pne
been roCajyed fVom round. of tile -�Wom�n% single& obam-, the old mars settene made a pos-
h6l',s, life 1100 groused sing ideronce to lifiything lodyOnd
46 Nobile, relief partles from Nor- pionship; atto meats: ffelen Willa of much, indignation in most �011110SO Provincial legislatiolij -in a
way" Aus0a, and Italy", whi the, UMW states. OhCi ja� AI&O in Circle$,,
Ch OWIng to tilbL
w6uld suggeat thA trace h4a :beell the 80111i,filial round, Of the mixed. efforts. T-hLy Chinese, charge I f t fact that re4l on 'Iles ht tvo
Oita of t1'
dM0VQ11ed 44, the, whoreabouta of doubles Mrith 060het of r1rallce. Tha.1 4nese with, att he japw Jur�sdjetfon, ofP!NbeNf1edergI gover),,
to assassinixte r4ent�
the dir gible Italia allot its, qr6v� of N'00men% doUbjeo-tale'
'Vas tap tured.L' 'Chalig, but it -is asserted, the"actwas Uov`� I' C�Elliott Was brologbt. in.. h
,teM lost Ja the Antle Cjrdlq. �A, b
Britala,whea miss �1011nctt Performed by to the I
I _.. I
radio amafiiir at VoZil4sellsk, Rus, V th nis. '' Watson, , to bea men 4st scene, to mjudleate among
Ptob" the tontestantiag to -who was right,
Zia. 1011000d oil. 15,14UVday that JiL� Y`rm�h stylists. In tho - I
�Jals for the Bri
had, beavd� the mef;sq;e,- ,Italia. No. Cup t $vAeRler Ing e9lltell;ion that educa�
I Os tea ls"�, THF4 $PWM- MeDONALI), tioll wo8tbesolu on, oe,�oljtjlcaj -
�bilO` 9 0 R,Frallz Josof."'. The So,� youth 1111006it etty t I I I
viot'.40"vile Ciolnmissl6uja trying to aL 86vCre tra
lic even
vorliv, the repovt in t1li belief. that though l3ettr, a a' too
tile 'Italia , may'' haye Come. L dow;" In mliell tegiifg�
Prariz, Tosof Land; e The �,"Ci�fo Jen 'M
- 'to ass r et of a
vincifig rmanoo
pljog, 1�u e
Tourist Influx, oojvy. the Brlfl�h tort it-aveD Ale0onAld and h
4o1m. Buch4nui at r46 XaeX P
var6pni Traile and the X�Nv 'Tork-La� Angele.'a. bfk,�) tWa had, ouni unil 1� S
T6 Di 4 t 40 Need,T
4"Oointerm � has : -issued all 14 llow 66V and has� VaSS0dL'jgtO"jhe ost Writtep � the. * tempot- n� I rliq�id
ot foraottw Special Treatme no P&nf j w-64, Artw
whiell shows,thAt "0'164,000 utonto. 41111019 bull) mi Uoudoy'eVoning Of last at .0amilton, 0,dwia
fcats� *Oek 40W A101t ho.We
anada in Pyle ha�jjjld �bjs winners ilud and much in -
6A tere4 was� takon, iu,tho 6vont, Nji,
4scd �a,
k# wh&h ly'as .,wOn. by %'hillp 4 hie, songs: veto r to It to
114,� Put an. in- 'Priday laff s(oloj$t
f6r toorl st -hour grind MCDOW4 Is well known as 4
Poses, 041alas Woud
.�So of r rous Value of
12!)ior jent. ovp.j jogfX� A6 Square' 0ardon, NOW. ot Ability - no its gags*
it at' Alittli, it,
0180. allows that, the .,amount Yor I I hood, � Xi. Jr. p�,jj�m A#4 'Inviteg Alf Try Then%'
0 '00 'the Chair soiid, Migq Androwacte4t n�,
,0)dnQy* spent by visitors to Canad, Granville," 114miltog, - ontari was irk
�WlthOutCOst l(Juless
�wa 00v while ,Canadian tealiled With -Ptank.. mou IF% Jor, AjLr. MCj)Ongjd.'
The' porforinUnco 'Lwaa' Called a Ing i middl(- ago- a1bolents httadc-
'their Worldly good^., priAcd of, Arthur No 64, SouthAf. "d iD#46 debate," ov Another addition.to the piresto
he British team, vord-1 *4
0, X)f , accompanist
'414 visited 40 -United' State,, 1, California. In
Of a tj , - crftslng . i3ema V
ralliatle 414 two-thirds of thoger pad 40
Vsvor Act Koollfug rico, 4nd'Pator 4"Uzji; � ore.*V Uti-] Or�ojjtfc, with 01�,ry mOn-W116 notice$ such built too� Ile Plant had- to I'm
Seekoeping Wai Ayho'lod tile van of the triws�ooij� . e 'C46IN t.al , moupis, r jjjg in an
'anaft i orni gn,� Ila& "AddE-- '
In 8 Ails rLe �ed ,Oji, the platf _0406 sing symptoinsas La the incretuing oem
andL 4, for Firestone Como
itiolk increases -productio
i4jor in Illental 113co - for toore fban 2,09 no W1 I I
u. it dustry with i uneing 414 f06� 1011 TWO'S ith the $1010"fificall DeshMqd Treod.
Mateva, Cana Other is eryio wit tbroll�h 8
da its 440: -of the D104 10106 , Caw, $eeOj$, L drUnkf COMO scanty bgt fmquent o ly
important �eolltrqs. 'The, bancy crop b6mo',�'Und A" teleginin 714; new idd,
ThO 101nontort , Grads basketball kushOd uly th A'tjQn, L 4 A"
Xettj*..0'*Xf g' I, a hir 40% *act
of 'the DOminioA 1927 totalled' &801 *Oil the -04nadialt: 04%piou_ anit4ollOng iia gisle to the' Plat'Orig XerVFbus, Irritability and Lac "*P*tJ With 00cial Machinery desisned,and
JPL With Case , on U Inotor a�adqnt w! Vki--toue � to Product tire% with the most
jwenty-tht`ee�- nifflion sh Saturday k.. t411, of kjtjpd oud,injur6d e4u$�(l bv I h eMciat Out
f0rcg�-81oould t onge try the a
'Ofitarjo 6
APprOXImaQY $3,,, handing. Dalhousie, Gra& A 84- to 12 0 &uplWn,�,dxiver, And Ing Value of a e�arfomicgj methods, ftd
.000. Tho Province joeating 0t'rdmonton . This IftL tal"Ij dialogn wa$ cOr- TAUS.
liviest pro. Se0O4d,!:gn4 L e As a ddbato VA the Wbif tire to Meet overy, iro
dtte6r of dedidiiW. gitme ass,the L subliet or uquor Control it: soolt be 110�V tO'r4a"Yj tile txu)Y re ad,� loid j"4,
It be "o,'", your
houded the ljrt,an tile, he
lioney trad V41114 Of UjtL
Ualllt6ba, C'unta 'western team Won tw first of the Came evident that there Wa . ATASS has nearest ]Firestone dealer it
sorfas by 64 to 4. - hate for and, S no dow been. thorough!
494i"t Liquor Y Proven by more illan. iid-save s�ou r4on
It the J)Tj
tit was straight prQ'Paga d againtt vote pract5oe of Dr.. 11, C, 'South: ey with
chl"OF0 Dictator Itesigni, tebnf� teaut cujTe;,. * )R a Control; 40 yea:r� Of suagessful use ly;u
The AlCtator' . Jq"'I Viquor'Controji.the ollij Vol W4ttb�' L Iteroxt,
�Of 'Northevil. China, 0411Y defeat In tbe Sail round lit of do- q from Doetar.
'bate being what motbod q ;and
Chang TA6.1in, hap givon. up'llis pos, Of the Americo 26u6 D44is . Cup Aguld be users .4 "ItRSTOXX Tin 4.
adopt6d, to' lik6 61towiphvifteing"proofs d0AVANIr or,
Won aftor two Yeare dictatorship games agAinit the United States, towedy thee ok;TAglo CANADA, Umitt&
�j ondi.tion§.
By VjrtuL 'of, theii. Mir. Buchatlao's 1)14UL _W4 !A' b4vi nOv,�r f4undanYthing to hot
W14 left' tho, canital, pokiu$ for Ili victory over 00 FIL ed My -Case Until 'I trip
U04tjoll, _d Up
AMilghold at-AinL4,den, opho CauAdla* teant the ;lips wolltto.,
d's VoliWal a�tl#)no and, oURATA, S a TA134 , Ar,
Wnts of tho anclent ." 4'apitat I obleftio for theF %final# but the -Tilden jof education the "bopt thing for most Stiles Per J)OUW
ro Ur" $Pone -&a legislation, but thu Idett. Bladd,�r -Well re
lWalt1bg the - 0,0041 of their ii�.iv e0alod to have L 0 knes$ and Irritat
roastorg Very ot. tot $0 :mUch edtjeatft tjU bo,"
3411114 was tOO " for fhom. The b Ilk lidvbemted s
eanli. United State$* foant now sail�' fet, sed.), ."Na inore
Europe -to mewt t es 04 �W IV$ Il 'best na,ulora pain, no'mov6 daily
Junred 00�16 ,
ki the forturloltofw4r, the !�sld('AU th alOng� 'the 11"
'one games: fto I r the vljtht tr4lot so 0 Gettitig-up-niglits.
low,ttheless rmemed placidly -pleated Eu o (tau 2, 'he finalists' in 0 th4t it thesp principles WeiO 1:10sible I Jidw. steep ulidpl, and get up in tj
but 4 decision. in the North-Soilth to meet Prance for tho COVOted Da- of Ultiver6l adoptiouo.atly 131v or'no. inorbit so r .0
law would MOM 0 p6p—thaolka io
'Orldlet had been vis,coll tTofohy. 1g, full 0
ighting lbebisr valllod to or within, ratiler idu�'at Stul, but U-U.ATAug.it�lhis is- amazing eVj.
tes. of � Ila. 'G&ONly c4hant Gains the,, Laurela Ins the pe�plo to the 'delice
facts 'Of the actual working out - of
$11, &tau ("'obliam, fti janjous I)rl. i0overhment . -�, No Matter how loz*. you, have been
a I W provalls attio" t1sh &Viator, Who haS perhaps d lie lie Would tatp p political aetj t oubled, or'ho
Q (704troli so that tho,po'll.
0 0 , . . W ttuhboin your foxily
"m of -tho Gre Co 0290 . I Builds the
rolubi I in Y seem to be, a ten-dav to
at Wall, niore for the furtherance ot tolunlerZ i culminating ih Ito— a
eve d mult .011ill-ts iw%#A�A st
cial aviation betw a, tile stant tia, 0. Bdt s;6 S a, Southwtorth's URATABS oftera jeout.
parts of th6 RAtlooh Buipira, than tho inadeq of legislatfoij fort'and rclief—llolld YQU' can make
C�, uacy 9kam"04ved Thoes
it". colm was
r, ; any living airman, bAs Just $wAvvil XIv0n in thoir Wit propgganda, show., t40 test without risk of,_Cdst, for any
a back After janother long and quecpss. kilod *,druggist will supt9v Vou on
4 VW W" ink * largo number of auto drivrits. ERS Jahe , 14CEWU
Tito of t.br, fict day I
f Britain to South Africa, and retura, liquor in a the infiuqcp� 0, guarantee 01"montoy botk it t $at Broi., R. P. No'.
ul flight of 2211,00 infles from. Great' driving while under I It isfIV& Try UAATA139 to not $at. "IT01ILDIX V* 14. woad� 4 $on
that It is
anted by L*dy Colohant he bus'. illegal to, rive -a car in th
use 00 001k *it condi. W. J' Symouds) 841tford%.,
116WA rem out ond d Africa to,tbA tiola, it ailg
lit fid'ftid that jjjt� Icg.,
Other, V181011 AMY AeAPOTU 6A thO I jalation `d0*0d is th6 tOtAl �rohjbj.
West coast of, the continent, ra#ppitte tion 'Of manufacture and Ijal
4014t. new sit* p,% 0 of lifl.
ssellAvr vOutcs 80d *IV j .1104 buf, if . that bb the ea$L, it Wag
0 'YOU to carry"40" and broukhthis all-nietal selt strange tMt the whole Livening wtis
plane back to Britain without the, takeA up with �t
+ slightest Tailkhap. foropsganda, acaint
- __-evr the vtovincial JuLaAfIVA AmA A Y
So we Can
senteflCe 41144W to 66
ion rJay in sout Africa, which '�4 4,4-1_
Vol AMMIA411 1,14 T'Im
took flare the 1118t day in May was �Wlainlkt Juaiernment Cont= prc-s.
ble n'g
rdarki4i with several 211snificant sing for prohibition from theYidor-!
VrVeiit, It W&V # the darola Whir b the
Y"Llou size
6f balloon
sizes, All Q.-*
. I )low 9)uth Attie on Aar.wat h0pjf,,d
$alangidde the 'Union Jaek. it was
'the d y I w *j*n it wots 1,
The.vialtingpertovinen wore pto�
bablY wim in-takiot up -their sub.
seriptiob. to. c.ampAign, jund,4o
when traveling with kliddies-AW"M
if W e do
the a*ftioAjN9f tl* jjatjVeg�tbat tbli�
XCViPtiQYk MR& qww bx� the farioi!4h-
iruii out 0'
South A01can (;6v#tAnjeht blig, & fat.
�xrexter. irwoni on Al; hands timn
ing 45f"blank chetititt foring, blank
Pr�omixftory forms Or forms for ea.3h
aye got
we , can
![ thAt of the flat frictl6n, betwt-(%n flotr
jj And Briton. Sevtral Mob— demon
suhxffillti6h, IvAell and all 'gipplicd
fth""ith) 114thre t1e last reone, in
get them
4"Arklionst wtr# carried out 'by tht*
leolored population to show rejen-,
their dramatie but, the
Sub"lPtion taken, tWwy came right,
are a lot'
ment of "'w, fiat, and in MAWIV
the "w not was for a dolvit
�ffnd tU Union Jkk bo.fore
with the #xhortation to Irput 0*11
ouv, TtOrrinir fro ibe Verguson ad.
of balloon fire
sizes, 1TV
That -is just
AN, 01"tinst, t�i,
atitish flit ropresvilts to thig V*At
*Vidaro, the
ass"I&W Mach
ew c a n
part the
"W;"W Under Which, it,
Ifound f4om
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41 live 1100"I"W"With & Mhd 6t Iron W-fitop'-_01
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on member, Good. 0 *a " 0r Soft" riot *her
0 j AvaloW Amrialoly Psoas" low Vw6k s", I tr"WNA to "t at on,
Uloody'ears, ,year prices are ii T1W tAa;s1s6T# coiywil of No,VA A hi". A *#Vwd up so tap
4*01a rooso "t 14 4"Kitt, oft
Jmr* lot to lk�vow
Onlyone brand low, jilion 9111 tobvive" lit th# 1,0SIX16'.
with tho Abe-
tiv# Asmombly bjr Prom[" Rhoo"
ftfly this year. T%I* histo0eal vo�,
rbawAft. eav )W*4ro4 *1W Opi,
1410T years ow As OW"et sf*r
106thw Its abolitkm by botfo volit")
Portlos for $be PoOK fifty yoorp.
F. Ro, AtILLAElennoGoderich Q"Awe is anow the ovily or"Vifte* ow
hwhiKrums" f�roft
A ka" of kwustrial t*p,
ow 0M cmm"Y wilt 144ft vopoao-
11411tuffler with the a'a.
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Alearpftrat jj�
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bors of On NaGwrAl ftoob#r at NMNWW6&4d N* IW %* T,
C�nl000moft* of vwsb94 *be will or. CIA, Lftaoi, Tama* U14
problem of mettla
when traveling with kliddies-AW"M
bowl of X0110ges Corn Flakes,*
Y001 find them wholesome and
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