HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-06-07, Page 1. __ - � .1 . . 11 , I �- � .., . ­_�_,. , . "I'll, ...... � , mm� I 1 1 � ­ ­6-061L� . I­N,_�_ . - �� 1111121111 0 1 - . - � __011 wmii ""� - ­ -- = , , I . , , -­� I . � . I I BUY AT HOME � I- I .1 .. I .- .1 RELPPAYYOUROWN ,, i * - .d&- I I CALL THE . 'STAR— "".== I I- 11 ­­­----- I . ;. P. , 1, tor GOOD pRINTING I t � � i I � � Afoney *pont out of town helps pay I � W I I - , � axos out of town 0 'I ­ ­ - � a_ , . , - 1� I I' , I , , I I . I nte I` A 1111"I"k, promptly don* at I Local Patria6im Is Self I , � I , I L14 I .1101 Ic it'. ; � Gooli W " Irest � , , I - 11 ... . I Roo"neo# jtQt,1#. I 04 .11" - ­___ - - i � , . �Z 7 IP - �­_____. __7 " . . I I I '.":_____�_� _____ I lk Home of GW P"", .71 � -,--.---- ____ - . . . . . . - 1 =�=­�, �,;�� - �� Z - - � � __._1­�-9=-.,Z-_- _�-7-:-_:7ft77:��-!Z� —,, 18119TY-NINTII 11-FlAu I subwription.. $2 IL year ill Can&44 _)EP __��_Z �_ - - � "I � .... — _, _­_­ �, ; � 1 4450 a year to U. S.poiats. I G01 vICII., ONTARIO, CANAPAl THU I -­�._-, .-.. - __-.1 � . ­­­'.., T-'SDAY, JtWri, w1l, lw,)"� I ­.. -1 . __1. '.-- ' ' ___��-__-­­._____;�_ I � ­ - - �. ______.;12.-;:� — —.--------- —�­-_=-M_-z,_=—�z,_-___ - 1. ­ ---- 11 IVALTYR .N�,%Fjtr�, I,jb;jj% . . . 11V Z­­� - ,-­ �- I ---- ­7-!-m7L,==� -- I —, ----- ,.Ier. I - ­ � �-­­ ­'_­ ... �_ � —,--- -_,, _- � - - Arran -gem, eats for iaking Over of Childrenps tvs 4 111 ...... . ___ - I., 7:-_--7:---- ­7�= 1 == �-� _;;;—­-=--�_� anelter are Before Huron County Council in Sesslon. W_ -_ - _' .If�-J, -..r Ift. ­­ 1-1 � I , ­_­ -.-.I-- ­_.. r=��� ­­_ --,,,'Here This Tylveko � I 6�r �- . ay-LAW'No. 130. 01P 1928 ; - _­._��Z�i�_� =:,��-- ==,;-2_-_.�___­­___ ____ . . ASSUran '_ - I . � N TION ellie herl� onjuly �­i �,_. .!Ul' . "­_____­ . --�­ I , , ­__,�__ i I L Vv*!7 . 0 1, , , �­__ ;! TOW � . - ­: __­_­_____= t I � '�­­­­­­ - --- ­ -_ - ­ 4 , _� - , 8 n Life go Company'* Canada — e , , %, I ; r NU WAD I and R,:­,Z:arXnj�, X,V�4Ik-[,,7,, . I - , i Are Now KX�fi ,� toll 89d the, -,-,augeVn C%;!) of Ilan . . a/ ____ 7 -'- - 4 i e , I - . ­_ I � A TWO-WAY ADVARA'Ge" � , . ' Two hundred new ... h'ing*& 490, 4n reporting tho,- over in group, 5. Ito..,,,, an,, j�,Iln I I , s of the (*Pilerjen fire � nlatehe* will be played . ' , I , .1 I A policy in tile $un lJfe Assurance, Co. removes I� ,, ­ ' 1�,_ 11 � I I � ll�ave recently ro�eived I that A%bielt as - w, I . Ife � � . I � took Place the "Ole be c0l"Plet,A 'elitten � ' ,Ttlim from the Ontario, (.1()vpvAmp MI% . bY v8 - bet, I jl�ft,i "I I ,ut, . , group , t1VO grcat,Qectfes: tile f0' ar. Of living too 10119, and the fear Of ,lit- a wcded with a '. % . .. . . I ][JYLAW X4 t. , ja 4 i 1,, tn�),� j 1p t. rae, titiantity of;2 11 Wso, 'no - tor'd item wa$ headea Wri 11111.4 flnN " - . . ..., I , TITE � R. C. Rays, sr., ,of Gederich; R. Van. water ill tile procesi. At the foot of �, 111W. 110 Irater," and U,city telowrW11511.1 'a� .h Illy &I. dying loo soon. . � I � (PIR1110ILY174IN tip � I k, .h teani to, w eonU . 1-1 -1 ...... 11'. ---:--- A Ulan rtVeS_tQOJ0ng, if4in old. a, I . I T -11E Ti AVV -st0ne, Of Winghaill, and L X iCarl. �, the sto7hiwitfl.he floor and ,%tair stop, RaPer completed tile $core. by adding Dowd of 10 re�mldent Illate jilelab�rrj � I ' ge,,14 is. dependent. � He 01? 4130011.111LIL .1 .. .1 I �,-ing, of Exeter, are llnlnn$� the litIm- re eve � The . � t dies too soon, if ' at de' Mli, lie lias failed to provide for his I �� .__ ,� �'ber. I I was liur'ned thrOugli, but the damose r "NO Ilits, NO EVrors," 'flip w , resident 'professional . � f the __ . � .. , - . . I I A lly-I,Mv Til PRtkVJI114 I , I � to the rest of tile house was Inainly no hits beeauso -Ito water supplS� �i�4s $tratford IV,& lin't Country (Iny) � . . family. , . I I � .. I l?1*xI)i4 olft Mr. X. C. Beacom New .. ItIlat caused by amol,o. , available for u4e at these I was 4PPointed - ,% � I . , . � . . , . . I country a% a vefer.:e ;nd R. (�� - It provides . 'it, , f; . I . A Sun Life Policy is twico.bessed. TIM ERECT It A.); OP ,A WIANDST.LNI) -96001 InspCetor . DiOrictor-o"Vention of Druggists :'firesi'and the t V paper was eorreet, ,. A. rules ,will, govern 4ill competi, f0r the ;%T 'riii-,,.%-nill�(i LTVAAL 1?�%Jjlj, _ Thia (Thttrs4y) llftQ�A(l I I AXT �. in SQ04119 "Ag vixors." On Tuesdsj� � flon% . Following Arp � r : holder's fandl ­ ,eft �Jr, E:, Ill Goder.10h, L ., tile OfAee ,, . . . . . � .Y, in case of Ills premature death. , It provides 1. C. Beacom received the appointment The ast Week , j the *194de Played a doible lieadex,*. elected for the c t geswo : W. . I for the holder himself if he lives to bov old, . 11 W11SRHAS tite To%vn L -a joe jAvllj,r (It of I urrell it I * * , Public School inspector of est TIMM me0thig � of druggists,, following a practice game tile even. f A. Johnstone, Linowel, 110norarT . . Q I .. . .1, I � tile l'in1lis known As tile A:;5XIcultural Huron from the 0 r District No. 22 was lug �bcfte- A figArette stul� .drop. President-, J. A - ­ y 0. �' . : I i. 0 1- . 1. � Park Ing- between llaei�ouald .1110 ounty council, Ills r elk I � held in Uode. '' $chinbein, LNMowew, 14%dou. Street$ lit this T . . , ��,;11 , . I o%vu ,of rxodc.rjeh. 0 coulmence, I May M$t, 0. .. �_ duties t ast Thursday, � red between ionic boards back of tile president.- it. ' ,:) Thone 115 , - - � H. R. LONG, Dittkiet Agent . 'in "Sept. MI*- 4 good represontat Wright# Kineardine. I � . ... ,, Beacom Drs . ion, with"Po"t, ..... IS 'believed t6 have been vleo-prealdent; D. IX 3100-ney, usilt" I .. 'I - �: I I MIM NVIRMINA9 the sald park 14 4 Fleltrs sou -in -14W. 5teetlngs I responsible for the start of the slinill land (,11tib, (*koderjeho seeritavv reaq __ I - , - I 1� ___W� . , �____ � �- , - used bV the'eltizertS Of tho �qahl ovi-Iii � Deafher miss Burns . were hold in the Calloo Club room$ .t _. I - = urier; W. Gvelg, �eaforth, Dr. 3(c. , IF— , . . I . 't reere . in the Masonic building, and special firO wl'iQh Was tb0 cause of the allivin, . . - I �.�­­­­__77_ . , , I � .... 11� . .Qf Goderich as � .ation arti, . Many �rlends Vill 104ra. with sylo. sPeAker$ were . ' �ruck and Cue, Walkerton. W " . I I , . � ANTI NNIMBRAS it �is note ar" as follows.- Present; AlosdaY morning slid the t . . I . . .0 Pr use, alld en , en � f R. ljvuut� Ilan, - I tile P1 t�or Pathetic interest of, t1lo death at Day Conditious'in Dry vAo ,over,, and , I ­_ � : 5 ,g Stores. ,I)y $()tile Of the brigade went do% nd br. 4. X Grohnals" Blue, I I taid Parli to erect a Kingston on Tuesday or,XisgBilrbs, Mr. A. E. Rae,, ,of Woodstock, and Put out the fire. The hook. and lad. Water-ClUb, Goderl�`h. elveeutivo. 1. . � . I -1 AM . 1, ,'wIlRJtiq1 gra .'itand. � sister of Mrs, L, L. Knox,. of.town. Drurgists Research Bureau and plan der wagoix 4.4130 responded to the . 'zone _101.0__-;� 1� .. I . 'Pandstand at Mril. RUQX,had beell witli,her sister Bell ng by Mr. o alarm (but Wig held 400 the Vietnr Records now on safe. � 'AS the P 1 B Imar. of Toronto, way tG I I � ,� � Stocks-,! Bonds 1. Grain 1 � -PA'Sent ADD VIO prenalses Is Ili a very., far, 'a nulowl, of weeks previous to Follow] supply an ,extension. '. I . . - . 1, � . � � unsaw and 03118'el'Ous coadllion_ ng the liusiness me Clarallbell's Drug Store. I . I I ladder to reach . � . . . � . AND WREREAS the Ooderlell Trot�� her death and Mr. Xnox,ha� gone t,o there Was i dianor at Hotel otings tile roof Of btr. Sedford's To __1_110"*__"_;14 I I Market. qU0t,',R1QM StIppli0d fb�: any listed sto k ' 6 thm and Agrictl Bedford . _c -: Orders. ,turat Assoolation have , Kingston 10 the faneraL . . sidence AMONG TJM ClIVIteligg . . " �.. pro .. I . � .' ' ' I doirated to the Towti, tile �snm �qt One Fire Started from 0oggre ,. . 111rizes Awarded 1q Ladlee 1. � ' 011 West' street, which had taken tire The W. C. T. U. will hold it. � . . . . . mptl�y executed, on To Montre4l and New York EX-' . .d � Le*g . a regu. , , ronto, TlIdtfsand Dolials lkst,040.00) to be ,me Tile ,ITO d4partinelit , was . Dowling I from" the Chimney- By lReARS: 'of the lot meet,W in Mae a ., I - - - - . I . , ,to d"fray the ivast R er�ethtp the ,�41tj , valled � .. - lie ladder and a Rarden 11036. the firo day*# June 11 X 3r Rall on U44. . I � . Rvandstilid. ! I The rosults, of -'the competition. 11, was Put out. The -brigade was call'od thi, at 3 p.m. . . I . I chang�s and Chicago .aAd Winnipeg .Grain Exchanges I I . . out on Friday .,morning to extinstuish the Ladies' teliguo at thO Royal i'-aik 60111 the, dol�kj having coulplet. Baptist ebiireli, June � . � " I I . � ,�! j V�A - I . I -_ ,_ . . % ­ � I I . � . . I . XIND WRFMAR" it %val be nocessary a blaze in -a barfi at tho tear of woo- Bowliog AII�y are as follows. 10th. Pkett. I : I I ." - . I . . .- I I I . L, I,Ysu(, ilebentur E; of tbe Col Orat on, Vicar's Shoo Stove. The firo- h First ed their work there, e ing subloct, "Are we selling our I . I ,_1 � . I I I I . . � - . . e II eaten its U S; cap. little need for their sorviees at AIr, 'birthright for, tri e,12's . , I I . . I QftPe Towv of rroderleb 0rT, um in . gd .prize, $26, won by Valencia fl I I . . I . 1� ­ . I Of ieven Thousalld V 4 'aY to tile roof, but the tain, BITS. X, NOftel. Second prize;, Vedford's, the fire having air Services, next Sunday at victor]", I I . : . DoIjars (440,00i . and Nine, Hundred Prompt action -of the firelue'a with $10, won by Blue �Streaks�,, captain , eadr . � � � I , theproceeils or t,he the chemicals saved furthe . . . . street United thurph as folli) I . � ". . . ar � r damage. . .� I . . Huroll hivesiM, 6n, ts, - Lim,it eid .1 40le Of tilt' Old debentures to be i 'i It is thought th 1tiss R. Plante. Third prize, $5, wo;, boon ownwulshed, wat 10, - . . I . I I -- by Night Raw,ks; captain, ,Mrs. R, Masour'y . I .. . .1 . . . -41 �' I , -, - ­ -_ , 01 �It - , : . olled for the' ourpase - ot"'erect lot; le at the outbreak w" prichfi5toric, I (6111i, SaWath School. Public wor- .� , I ''I 'Aid gilandstantl and- none other. . . � �. , Royal Bank Boila 13M .Goderich, � I 1.1 * � - . 4, started from a itonjive nearby, , Between , four and live bond I . � .�, ,., . I 1� .. I Phone* 430-445 , . . . AND N11fir , tli�, f4� lq_L 900ing on the -Gree" . )Ltoyd' Consolation Prize, $5, wO� mcallbors*of the .0 � red t Ship at 11 4,101- and I P.m' The as- I I . , I . .R&ks it 14 (164 allic *, . by Lucky Strikes,- oaptaln,. BIrb. B , 11SOale Ord ' tOr Xvill have, elkarge of both sel%v ees, ;. - . I I ' Ith 11 lea4tnk $totk ;&04 iGralntxchailgas . . Goderloh, St. WarYs, XtPponj Londes I , f Priy&tc wire tr"Ae0io6xw, aid elebentures at one,.tline , Olt from" serviops in ROOX church next gab, � . . I � I A, , I . I � . $11P tho s;� Wedne,,z;day of 14st week Harris. Xlghest� three .0 It I I , .0 . , and, m!fike the win. - . emee"Ath I - - � . , I'mble by yearly suals durhig Nvere Cawan ,_ natitents 9.3me-9. ra. W. V. Saun- � I , . ­ I .1 . , debt top, the prineipal of tile satil nor$ in lawn. bowlinq, tour �* S5, Won I)y AT ,boro, Dungannon, -114noyer, $eafortW, both will be 00!lfte4d by th . . '. I I I .; - - I , , dem, Stvatford� Auburn, , %It, Luckhow, t Ister. Subject$ of sernioi � . 10, into - I - . a. period '.of titteeA aud � Newoombe, -,, Us, I 4,11LI I . I � . . '", ­­ -_ --- I . � I I - ­_ Te5n, being tile ,Xartlil and A lati Riehost Individual, scovc�. ,,qo) lo. Ivingliam, Listowel, "Faith and !Lifetlt -1 p.m.,a . I I COURT OF 98V I :­.,Vn-e.N* ,of tho-.% . - Xaxwell'. Istl Pritchard **Vou by Mrs. � I � Walkervil . . vublor. I I - �.­ . , $SION POR SA,LB Ott To �R lid flvbelltllre,�4, the Bert Harris. TAvl3tOck, I)lVtb, 'Clintoll, Credit4n, uble Viltues,", SaMoth school oud � . I I �� I . , .ENT said ;yearly ,Sun,4 iming tor silo), Cold Bowman, prid. On -Priday thp. District Aloting West Huron I Soafortb,, 31itobell, Ki � -Bible Classes a � I I . ,RT � T,PJh,,I,., I . ... .... ... ... '"'I'l - ''I'�91,11111.!�,�.11--lo'.1-11'..,--,-.,--,.."�� resomfive nolounts th4t, tile aggregate wiu;ier ' Dr, Rold, Woulon's Ins . , nuardlike. Wal. �, . � cou - OF uVisiox--co FUR iz,NE tore oil West street. alvable I Ist 1. . tituto . t 10 6`0100L. . I . amount % 11 eatill war.16r prin- - � ton, Carlow, West bloakton 'Exotor" . ---1 "::��', t filloro,4 46 resnect or. � 1. ­:, 1:11 ;;; I , PA*, Ud- The district, annual lueeting of the Toeswiltori Chosloy, Woodst;ek, ple's $0010ty or -tile North St. Ualtotj , I 1PONNIN.SUM . I I I . .: .NpPly ALUX,,SAt1.NDERS,. . Ott And �on Taylor and No The njembeis of tile youllir Poo. . � I . — , , . , , . . - . I . li the satil Rip. � I I . 11111 �Z;kj,i; � I - tie I Illbo as neariv an.possible 13r Moudl%y the wj"O"'wevc West Huron Women's institute v,111 le , Toronto, , I -­Sevoa room while brick � 11, I oPher and T. Sisset. Guelph, Flesb6vton,,! ()R tile tNvelfth (I a *.,, o f June .,it tile. 11, le Amount Pa.-yablo in ,ca(!)l ,, * Ist: T. 01ti. be-beld in Blyth cominuliity hall ou ,C4rV:JIly Ron , broond, Quell I � haurafl.30 Jill. ill, the Townshto 11all, �' I � good location on'NortIt ; I, I , r four , .Jer and V � - y $alli Me church biwird a .very Interestitig 3d. , . . �L Carlow, a R 11 L Alouse. 11 [I. teen ,vours of thi s;xId ­AfOrklltigor�� 9nd, dress �oirl Mon k Qhd determine complaints *,C, 0. NEWTON. -Squ r ' I � . . .1 I Air. Trewartha. I . e� ' wonderful addeess from, I'disa Item Thoulv,�76;1, prilielpal i�'C ,� Ileld to lle� ourt of'ReWslon - NvIll be street. Modern convemeaeo,.q Apply eri, , . . Adlir ises . . Tuesday, June 12th. Tho, morning, etc,, heard a. day Mnlng givqn bi, I . , session will ,commellco at 10 0,01ocki Dria. Dr. Gabriel Maguire, I& R. .0,. S, the , I L � 'D WfIELIVAS the total ainoull 1. , , . _. 7% 6 a e�l &N Men's Club - .. - Nt)rmal Sehr,o"l L at C :;; I , � I 1 , I I 11 I - �', , =!,!;!:::! � . . . I _. In eollnecil'ilm Nvith the .1929A6sm4ment, ''I - � ,�� ..... � ,, .1 - oulrea By the 4%IunlcJpa1­ t rA- � . w on t 0- u ual business will,- he It, hits' woll4nown subject of 1. 'ho" ta, . . Act behig At"the, % ' Chin4i Miss. Thompson gj,vp I . . . It'll of file ,Townrmblp.-Of colborde., , FOR Sn"Z­T,�'vlo 11011ses, corner 'Vic- "- L�f, 0. 1027, c.V.. 233. to li� tal,t;ed an- Men's Club of Nort Pre' , Ter ,, ,, . .� h strie�t transact d reading of reports ,from historic Masonry, in Knox charchon talk in tile, form of a -trio tlivoijIgip . , C., .1. H8TffE11I.-,1V-tvX, ­ - ' torla and Napier 4reets�. Seven au'ally by spl,,bI I te for PaNying the I Unit;W church meetba.X on Sundav,,�� .a ralloges, election. of olrieors� etc, . . � I i an(i J,ntercs,t As, -h.,1weltiatter fr6wartba. of - Clinton* ,as , . I.. ,� . Towftship clerli� Y ,jayril 'eight4j)om and, turllaees; A�lso said del; a ra 'the address was given by�Xr. Woduesday evening. Dr, Xftuli%) the Country, explaining tho n1odea of, . . 1. r . . , tornoon $0,9,51on at 1.80, A vand spoke foi, thv�., hOur3 and. held the trAvol and, l, 11 , I e�,11'1`�VOOM 11011se, on Newgate,street provided -is the still, o $761.10, , . V,p N.:W, � I ouskollis of tile .."00TIO, 1� . � . ATOVINcr. : , - ­ 1) 8%1IRAKAS: the-amilimt. or tile rliouta orograin has -been Prepared, 0�0_­, .o y mou prosent. She -Also bad Several girlj dre$80 IV, .. . ,� I 1. . o the D A Nfe-Lilroll E$fa e. Apply'A. . AN tivo of the wegley-Willis. 'ch;r'LLIZ. the of -which ,will be� an Ad, Dr- MliguitO has tvilvellea extiAnsive- tile native Chin6o elistaillas. an -a . . I I I K 4013qikiaph, A, %� 4" Gode- N -hole Clinion. Mr.'Treiv,artlia. too 101b,tv"'T"Irs. rudwards, -of Koniq . , I 11 ------------ ­ . �, rich. * . I . . � N, ratealbio property 'of the t1.,oN%*A � . I 9VING.,AND ST4) . I . 11 , . . I "I 1. , Ina I I k as his dres ,ka. 1.101L In Africa and thQ East nild the many souvenirs of thai country. . ,"OV, , � I Q,% � , ii �apler� r e,odericill, acepral ,r to tile last re -t b" - !, , jV1 . — I . 'VOR. M ,— I su '00t, "Happiness tbro�gh -Help- A11.1pitios, are cordially ries'lie.1ad to tell,of Masonic " I . I , 1, C 1-'1L1-';1' ,' I FOR M iiUso 11111 streot. vIsPd asse,��,mpnt relt thereof, ig �,�4 invited to 51`0 his. The meeting was e *016n ,,, - � . � . HILL THE ,j%1OV � . i� 730,674.00.., . . .. ., fiilue-9s," And �On cOnclUslon of -ad ' t-1100 Sessiolazi Din r uad r t1le.44 . � FJ . - anadian :ploli,. 1101; I N . I dr0s, was tondefedu Ills - no will, be si:,rv. torY and -ta'aditiolisi ,as_(*erlsbpd in Of MISS � Roa A-Adrow, I I et-rs in distailbe in-oving. ,&nylvhere to Mier. 110telt, w1rod for , AND ME= 'heart vatwof '04 by, the BlYth .bralich from. 1P., to 1110!%,��-Iar distant pf4rts of th4,oartb . 11 . dleetrip range all toodern, ,co AS tile awaulit'of tbe thanks"lly the mejubers of,,t 6 " .MI I 11 anywhere. Darje$t speedy Padded 'Oesio lat$e, ,14, and good - lavenlell' existing debenture ilebt or tile. ,,40411 pireat 31r, Chas, K Club. I ." and- ih� reasons olf which "IA d bog,$; got TI(t 4 ,�lio by.,. Aff, ' " I .. , van$. Extra pad Ing, eove-ra. and felts,,'F oeafron.. " Aluir's ! � . i *pf , thrit;, masoill I e -bases ""oil". ,. I m � I wti�rytlll Uunicimlity, Is , AIR% U. T. PATIt his 4501, Alaotas. . I P . . LIP& Pros .� I. ,*f In 1good 'e�ndjtlol,4 .maS.' local lnrpi;;��e W613,926,40, (ex -f I$ Of 00111V for fufQIt0J,0.* TvV6 expef0wed In l., I vl"Mve (it I For the four � 0 , On. X ;BAHC LEft, Nlipjet ,,;;tre f � . . I ; every . �� .. ,�: I 1'' 1: I;i 11 11 I I e went, debts' oeeure(t lky th-timo WIthln`a­i,'ieek '--MRS J'J6 rMLIOTT, Seely._'�reas, ancient ii-Ight aro juog Interoating,l . . Camp,4011*$ DrA3 AtOX4. '� . 1111P. All -loads � 111sured. IN10 , "r ;�ii sp"Jal aets, rates " - I ;I,',"' �, ­ L L , I ill�ill����l!".....,.,...".",Illl",.,,.,..I .... 11 N : crating -No waiting. I 7'', i I or. assessm-'sitsi, I Oslorsa�d It ed'Ons to Play I I I = . . � .1 I Before moving � I : ]!, i ,; , , I I 1'1�1! 11111 " — I! lie also bas many curios gathered'on, I I I I Tir —farnishell wheroor no- Principal -6r lotorea is in 'debentu'res of tile said Town his travels, snake Skills, 0 Tha Ladies' Aid of tile - I write us or wire yind reverse charges. I , roarol. 1wittil, Arepi'vee. ,All eon. at�rftr. I - I of C.odo-! Rere Dominion Day I 011ie of church 4re hi - � to � I � � HILL THE NIOVER; 110W Otilde"R&M.,�, veplences, Sult4 . I . I rich to tile Amotlilt of, which be Values at $1,000, Africall, 0141P9 a baza ' . , V) vo young NO e '. 4 -he Atntileliyal -444'bearini; hitere `�79M tir and 111 ' 'o0aSaf01'0--" A Veal,treat is ill store for the knives, etc. District ,00pilty Grand Atrawberry social on he g. I . : Ilion, Oat-orlo. I I A " W. THMOV�Ft,irlt, ,8t ,at il,i,q q)or lefut', . ,t . I 5. ffAA � ,, .1 . __ men, limIr . 04010R.- ('001101 - fit thp .Ctirrinrallot" of the (5%) Pet 00111111a shlill be Wgued w4th- � baseball 14m of � _­ ., rou � , of . 1. � - . I ------,'--- --i­� Town iif.fjod,�vl , - - the town and".41strict Master A. J. X40KAY pro0doll., Bro the old hospital on Stith st.. . . . I I . .. M the oas6lng I . Z;Z===;=:==___====�=�1- 161t..;.E�-N�.-$It-r4c'nie4�cott(Age Olt . ell enacts a,.4, ro�llo,�-.-3- Irk nno ve,kr tro )-t. tills An the announcement that tho Oalers, Major presid6d, at tile -g - day. July qth, Keep this In - . . � - - - � Vt. � I I ARAI; 19 i . . -t. , r_#tln while mind. � . . 1�,W, , , " uiodero ,c, 011lenet% top 21'. 00onc,il Qe tile � obe"14008 _ I . , � " ­ J Qlj`ebp,� COV#0rat1,011 of ('10 1, 11 e tor t or� Whicii 11 . I. . 1� - . . A, b , Walf a . . STATS AWIll, IN8UJtA-,;,0,V - . Ttle INTOW BF4ALW; 0ai0b of Toronto, and the Risdons, of Do. the audience (late I .. 11 -o��F-St, �Appiy it- oov I J��. the Town of:Gbaorloh I Ili* sum,,or not I 0 Via 160ili, ling and a I A4M$ HON,go'' , , 1IISS'%%M a %ic- Onall raise the'snin �R% '8100,91I 11ad shall, ��M da",21, 9 . #olt, Are. again to ,appear in, 00do. fe�v words wire spoken %f lVar. gro. eOU ` .0 ,�-, 10 ,.*11 I I .4 E -1. 4 �Jl',,� Grovery 'Store.,� . I ­ Sevell- Ths"Wand tho T110b. The or . I I 1) I 4ST � ��, ,T,AT,t, F �'. 1. I, ': � a 'AEA& � """"I.. 1�1. � .- I ­ �. . I � or.'a 1. I I , � , �:A RT. . , Ia. Nar., , "Ille -9011fted Dollars'.'�o(.$7i,.)WJA� f9r "I'Ite of the'J-i� esonec ' of '�tbeii* two' *v- R- C1 McDernlid. � At the, closo wilfhold . I I" AN �', GIN � . 613, . Olt 13F ' ' , I -N ­ � � flix- t"ibi hore"'during tho grootolitilar RICH X04 11121 -C. 0, 1P. 1. I � _._-Z . 1IRT."Thre bwvohli� ,, n U,� . I .. � A? the 111117PO86 O't oreellog a,goinds-fand n 1,4 Y AIR tboll. . � , 6, oils6s , it 't Ic f '. it,"- VOW9 Of thanks to the'speaker and I I %VI 11 all , re servico . . � , I pal#bfatlon will be romenite . . I I Life Insuroxiee (s' ,. � wl the lailds; kao-mi as '"0`01 �t the , �)r .n and parade on. annual chu h ,. un Litt t potlern conveniefte %v ; Code . To , tQ thit nilillster -and board of Knox loth, to. St, Sunday morning, Juirto I .. I I )), aeoldent, .,XT � es. , a 11 tile Agrioultsir- ,fifteen veors if Ill , *T"" th& three thou nus w'fi tur0o church were passir the foriver on , . . , - I , 11 ... at M,rk situm , , , , , , , . t . . , � mutt), etc., insurance, I located. ."M . . . . . . , a -in tbwTiy%"I,br:.1,,1)fI r- , ; saad falls Wh ,sunu clica t I - . , 00 � Creorge's vilurob. Rev, . � , , , , , I , I - %,cry ropertle's for4 .1 - � � , ' 1"l�n J)"wee" 'Nae'DO"It'd -land Man ". a. Far.h. of 'the sifil . . lilifek sale., - just: jo. ­i�._M , , ilebeotur,s Put, to see the Cana'dian team - oat th ' mr� mills will be the voliki � . . � I , ,:, I i .Dr. .BW . I . ,. of the,. I � 81fe'1% and the prooedi f.rom t e the motion of Wor. To$. 0. K, Saun.x throa arb requested to, meet a . I � USLF41 Y4�1` Inal1v - XOT � T C a - be'sale ."alt" be sigue(I tj)y tile '%I,'lN�or - Optpoiters. Tho in lalo" D V co ' liers .and �IL -J. U09AW and tbo latter t their . I I �11 - 1. , � . , �, ()r 00 del�etittireR,i�,iierein.,.ftep, nlen. �fa'ovporutton . - of. tile . q, Domilpion D " I . . � -17" , . of tile: Town 6i ooderic.11. luittee have gone to considel.dblo ,ex. on - � I -5 I I Wined, .411011 be sed for the - of Wor. Bro. Rov., J� N. H, ( Trail, - , 1% *torY ied' Wkic house" In ; I 11 'T I m6tift I lodge room$ in, the. udoxa , P � odor� � . R. 0 MI DIT68S. pose and none lither, � � said pllr�., 01' by some 01her.liersoll ituthorized ijy, pense in hilnging those toams back ARM, 'Refroall . North street$ at 10,15, 43.i "191thil: I fluippedi With -doe lot. in good rest- . � I � . law tb ,siga the ,Saint,, and also by thy - ments: were ,,.served 1 USC4111, and -both are. Ili better trim the lecture by I 1. ;2 , I t. 'Ili order *to �I§g t1l, TreasariA�. of ftc,s.ald Copporatqpn, akid than � , attend, dentlal 1,00010".. Important to' sell t NOT'ICK IS 16 �hqi_alvi , brethren cordhilly InAtedn'to, L '! � -IMI N to, 4111 *---"--- 0 ion their first appearance. " the Ladies' -Aid . � 4,1-4A estate, Price foil (Itlick sal pe*rol� "K claims. againsa tile " , _.�W_�­� s'llit )MI the Clerk Mall atfach tIlerelo the eor� The all" I � i the church,. But for tile : IV, PRICU, A. V. BARKER I I � , . *11 1200. :1. . . ­ cEltate of, Theoplillus gelft,, late, of 14e . porate spal ot the municipal-Ity. game %Vill be nl9Y9d in 1:116 lifternoon. Sopiolt i I I � lood 1% story house, two lot, � � __._� � weather a much largor , . 1. . -ta barns, eonv�uleht to. �q(tua�re $Jo7j'l �.�'boul tile 22o& (w Or May, A. . _____,�� debefitureV IjI0 of . . I . � -110 ......... * , I "19 -of S' at tho� Ageloultural, Park for a prize trathering would undoubtely. haito, � WAXTF�D: . . 4; During the enrrt,ne,%* or t unt Avoyr4lZie C. R. , " . - nw. see' , t�N s, abil, %1:11, - �e 41tford,.. Nvho7 died -oil - or 111i�- lie said I � ,. - . 1 und"t, semalit- 'It ,011, ralsed, all- $�a I been present. , I . � SO . . I I , . , 'i� Ifith . D., IM, wi)TNO.-A "'oil �Illqlllftl � all,v by. $ re fili4a 6o 1 1 .RX * ., . . � , . .1 � 11�'. - - - . ­_ ­ I __ _ I I I 'Ouse., fte ,lou- 191ledi dulY 1D1i(A*fi,- oo -or'bef6re tile 'APA)1"FIC . - - I � 1% ,story holf.4e. Xlectr) !t� and Ito Pf'oseAt SITCh''01alais to tit(, . .1 kelQ1 rate on all. -the rate- W. X S; Solidtly lit North S. . . waler In _11 .: � �_, � -.able prapee v in the.SaI(I ()Or --9Vf3lRAT;-----"tr7-.", Inr(hy, ., 1 $700. . � . srpalllstabje,-rj�ittl 11 . . . t pop,,vlloal I t. " : P. in. ,,lid B. c(GIULe4go I . 3unp 121041 10 , . I . 44 Church . 402& to Mr. 3114 Alls, T� N. khprest (.a(,;3* . I ay of . at the, To�j,.ij of Gollerlell the, Via, . _ - � ­ 14, . 1. . -June, A. 1).. A 'Ifter PREPARE POEt ARIf, CAl1RM9,_l*,n. .,$ A meeting for the Purpose of or. eArthul, Jolin a ond'. Both , Sum or ' T*. 0. Nelvoll), . , V C I (1, I I . . I Neat ontlavo. fine apipparance, 'two' ' 4-41 4 ' Ite the, FWoutor . of itho, - said - t 1701410 for tht pulp Thli 'iiervices ", ifi tlie Xorth ei anizing a golf league of the club� in dolllr4 %vall. -, J . are. , , I . lo , , Q1110001; due'lli-oaolt,oftlio s,git,yeus Alf Toronto. .,I 'Son W. 'MM. AbIly others, 1 J�Slt about estate Will Proebed - to. - dWri)bu$e, file ' '-- 440"'he alret-tioll 'Of lalgest j!'"111 . I ose of repaying tile United church - on Sonday, last were ; . I I , . :1, I I. I stro' It, Yin � : blieffl. I . . I 1 As'O 'd e Inercial 'art And advertising so , : or P 'no Pat *lid lntenst,,Ju,rc��poeV,or , � . I rq,tS.of tho.W. .state,havlaS rog,lird Nice �or_ uce 7counties was YNM-At ftmthil I 'arm,;­LVge number, f() ,S1 - , the 'clalins of Johlolt �notice Polzation, serving -large national ait, the',521(1 debt. � i 1, Alan'. fill A"llur. � r elces. . r � le 4t ' _ - in thAT0 Of ,the Womon's Missionary hertht Huron and Br , . P. . I "' 'y to ve breli received,- - - - Norfistirs. enwallem,11,1 artists fr.,IOp,( � Thjq slioak6ra of Aho, da U k , tra . i slatlPrIltpr ,214 � old at the Walkerton *�Golf ilfl��,, , and N , .1 For all liiformatloa� write I . 11 T I Ila Society, The Y itnd J tie 2"di, (O.Nll, � . .140004 , I I I see ) at 00detith thIs thirtieth day 1110 "Slel-PNftill Way" earn as lagil as Iday ior t,.y,,14w,n,',11-A,t.l *ftke� effect On thc' wfte Xls$ Irene Thompson, p dr . of ated . . , 0 SM.( flievor. I Country Club May '31st, with repre. '1'eo. A. 60". .. . � ­ � NOXI . I . D4. Im. . 8M. weekly. Riudy trallil"K, . TIBAD'a first rin*41 sentatives Prosont'from the Searorth . . , . . - .1. W. Ail�JSTRO %layi A Home of tile Normal School ht, . DI*D I I - , 9-qlat.%, 'UNYS ,& ll.�Ilj-$i . If ,,you like- to'dmw ,ivrltC� for N Anil second time find ChengtiIi Golf iind ' Country '..Club, oltow.N,.��fn np . . .1 . - 1,404, . . ,o PlOvNionniliv, p . - I by .th CO China, and Xra. Langley, Alattland allwtioll, Q4)ljlik ba. I a5,4i-,( 0 lihell. Of of Chun'T , � Godevio) �n.l 11001ill't- -.10NEM-130TIT Co,, .Ap,ehlga.., thp r,rirq)nr01q)n. - Oolf and Country Club'�nd Bluo Iva. .. .- - 130V $9. ,,x �,, of fill; ,I'm Of (;Pdf� Mug, China, Rota. Oil Wedfiesday, Nla� 30111, Cb4ploa . � , I ,� t-ifflee 'Dayi;,-.8$ontla�,�q,'G"rler"tl;" Oilk , - . ,�.,. - , . Solicitors I& 0 I St., allcagw '. � J "'Ich this 211411 day of ,Nta arlos home on furlough. .. At the Coderich, 1111% 1 I 11 1, I . Wor, Ave., at 26111 1 � , vn two returned l"'581011. ter, Golf 4xind Country Clubi Ill, In' Ills 48th, yell" . � . I qatimlays, or any WedoO,.Aay I . .-_­�t_. _ 1111111 I, ''I �t. A. A., W.O. . day by�,spedit ii, _-==ttt,.!;�� ,an;�Ir_"-=,-,!�,� . � I III- I,',, ''I .. ..... . �', . ... . . . � quest. I I . . r � . . . LOST AND FOUNI) , . SO an ton and Listowel 1,N'l-­­At 0kderlell, ,ill Tile, . _ _9t tilt above rimate. � �_r��� ft -d-) X NlacENVAX.,ir, v. Morning Service 'Miss Thompaon Golf d . . , 11 11. J, XineardIne, Walker I ,� . . . . . . L, L Country Clubs. The San- Jilm, 3111'. JUS. MaIllu'a (" crallb. -wifir, . . - ___ .=1=.r_1 .�_ XOTICH - ?I---."-.,;-. �__ 7�_ � - -- .-..-..-,- � - KINON, Clert. gave a very inStruetIV6r and Interest. Veen Golf Ist fill, 1,110, NV � * ,, ­-­­._­__._ , 1­-..,-,1.r,� , --�_- � - _�� 'I I _ , .. . , ) 1�17 � . I I I -48e-4 . TAIM NOTION that tile above y(a... I . . � I WITIC8. . I . . I Is a and in tile evening, - Was not reprosont6d b IM401, I.Q0, he lie I 4 . .1 19' A�1' pOr "'11011-11minell gla Ing, address on conditions in China. Ovel and Country Clul) of Ran. . City of Rip de Janolr6.V - Ll)-Wr�'A , I District Of Ufttte4 Stat r : 1. . . PIM. 111)(Ter plei-40 leave at ,411.111 ov- true'cotiv at a Prollosed,by-Ittw %v,,l,j4.)k -Mrs. Langley told signified their The �llnprjl. ivill t-tho plape fram'st. I . .. . � of the mfsslonary�work that to Wing the leagw. A communicati ('seorgelf, elillrell on*Frldan June oth, I . 6�-.-' per cent Bxt6rlI4 rull. I - �N) Nvilo.Nr I—T.MAY 0(xNcga�%*�_ ,-L- - ' alas hoe""t-itex! JJ)t0 (. -Intention. of catering I ��� , ...% . .o",.Id&,JI1fyn, aild . e I I -, Take notlee, after tfilS idat I ' ' � - _____�, . was, -at 20 P.m. . I "d , fbAt � __.- 1.'�41101 �vffll be figall%, ,p,,11.4�4,11 by tlt�, Ift . . Ing Fund ,gold. h ad fl will F,WND.-An ;%,I. _ Parried on'by tile c,inivoll in China 1. I I I . at 170b. not be .responsible for anv (let) % foll- Uo"ll". Ilash 11-ght. counril of tile inunivrailli. (in thc, The servicei were conducted by Afu� read front the Southampton 0 b ) . I 1st, 1998. Du e . , Ann memlx� , . (,%,(,Iler eall have ;ivne Pvent of the assent 9 ,flie do- It; "31( RIA31 � I O ,, 05 I .ftifefci at The , eleetliA - chning to enter. A very baciltudsome I I I "V 111), . . J!tbN NOR31A my writtedetonsoerntiny family- -,;t-,Ir Offitil on provir,,,proper _ W. Alldre�v, president of the Wom. trophy has be "Ifiry or I . . � : � � 11, anfl on qIl.,%rxLl..,vIX- Ill loving ule I I I . 11 I beln�r obtidned 11101'eiiii) 4fte dontited to illo Ion. isur ijear sil;tpr. A - ___ ._ I . ___�! ,r one eft!S Missionary Pocietv.- and. the , Jargaret. -,yho trosed I Cor. go 11tiali ' (Agd.) PAT'HICK ICE. P -M, XiWor -l"19 Mr "' millfth Irrom tile firs publie,1111 9110 by W. A. Johnstone of Listowel, "%V.,Iy ift NN,Iag , Ift"d NtWgatO I (.oderl(ql. A . IN, , . lay 3 , X80y. ___�= , 71:,�7��� - an of a oboir was 6ompoged of 104ios liciall 11061.1tit 110,01fir � I , I " street , (; orich. - . " Ist, 1028. cotly 'thett'Of In TV' ,rioderfell ktar XPG4 which Is tobo'competed for alatnially. WIP )11�11* ftl � � . I . . , , 41% , a today. June Pill. JV41, ­ . , ­� 6N. �-, I I POL ZA 1*1111__--_� -nmys*�Pvr, tit Longley also addressed the hUnd4Y The loagde will ba ,known as the- p yo 'broken hpaplq. . . . . pholle 476. 0P.PARTINEMS111P. -_10W10_1--___ I ., I 0 (laIC Of ivivioll ro"hil(- � ' 11011 il'�Iqjhll 311st day of ,A.tnv j"., g� ' I . JVS"�(%V�l ..I. gehool, ,a tho Afternoon. � ,. .It left befillul Tiome . . . —::=__1__.,*-,_ . -�-__- i '-1%LX-VhlId1�* folding mrf, in , AND PtTRJ7lEJJ T.Al(p . -Th . IL and JVGolf . Leagao ,and. compris; V Vial lovell Von moqt alliellre'. . ,- . — �­11111 11 I 0410d Condition, MRS. geo" Flight I named eluba.' Tilt, . . . � ==:= I N4,411CF, is 11MUEBY GIVRix OrItAloe Poll I ,, *('i'l(I'll tittl e Fifth III es the ov . I N lat rimmil did or Alevor will , I I � It. wITT. Willian, & , . . . 1. Porgot �,oll, SLsfor (leap, I I I . . .."MrIneMili'�0 otiffitold 411,,,-W)utr,- ,Ind W. .%(A (M), a" 7"';4('h0Idl`PR fillallfied uniler t,lte on .. .: "- J. W. . Mlittalld Doll, who forinert. ­_­­_.___ t""'i""'lolls of the 'MUnlel0al Att. ,&e. The Pigeon flight V stroups were formed with Seaforth. � ` k, , I ba, 20, s, S. Saturd ' FaIlIv 'Missipil bv I � I . , N Carr P. 4in � .1 and amendalplib; th,4�� ty the esoderich I olui Maitland, Bluo Water and 1,18towel UIVINNo SISTI-Ins and 011011111.30,41., I , � !� DITSIM" 011 SALN.-�' "ehill lifir if'$. li . , Inder tile item noule, o � ,trgs for t1rO re4pilreql ton ,days bcrom ,ft. wiis won by.Wtu. b , I . CRAICHE r style� ­ Ila. . , — , . �, I 11it"ll IN atop 013ift", 11113 beell, flisciolv- cil. � .11� -_ ::`��_ �___ . . 1! . I 0., ; - I iped Haeks brot . I (late Of Voting to file %ijift nilk, 4, J4fj4v'1'-. " PI: 0, 0. lia not ­­- ­- - - I I ed. and that tile sald 111114111"Will, fro I i, allets has .1 . 'i nly"paptured first � ______�7� � in ilon , 'stu lay Tury demorallon or qn.1Ilnl,aV!O S,, lit t_ O the � 1, - I 0 - , I � n Whole five ulpizes � ; !!!!N . � 11 and after the 2311d Ily kJ April last. lit, In .at tile age St Dills, - el. ffl`%V,9(� toplehamea %vff1;"Ot Appeal* IV," , a I t Was 11 . tile VMPPA' 1110, fgr_Ru0Ji,X.,V, - ,yo t pi, . A .L. � -All 401A ' . .-t --- - __ ftrefed,011 - Ih �Irov;,_ -_ fmil,X-0-m. I 0A%__ !—A- V-1 .. Real.Wit I 1__;1.__P . �� I � [IV, .4— *..b,*M- 0_0 -M-1 _617yo_ _gtja_"�� - - ", - �';;". 777,40MITTV-8,14- - 4 ­,_�f­-, " ­ 4 - , I _____P I 11 0 I. NQ 117, .. . I one I , MI' 81I . ig, , tII3L: miles, and the Ill ds ��ere released at , E A I IN V � . . I I I IRA TAP, No! ir . . - I I 0- 4 wi` . . � L - I �.. "­,� I gle Vol,- dr thl% clet'lors of lito, 4.&,;Jl(I, -m. Tile atafiding of the membarti I . . I , � , . - I - - �1! - - - 1111111111111.1.,,,i ... 11111�1�111111111.1_. �� � '' .41 .. .r.; ".,mudlow. ]BADY ,01110gS 14011 ACNIMMAT1111 I)t,'. 'J'a"'ll Of 6,041prielf will'be talip" 7 mi. . I . . . I I .1 .­ 11 I . "---- -. S6.11011for. � on the to date is m folloWs., W. p. John. .. . . . . � ­_. !� I $311d PNV�(Aoil, ,1)),,law at thp GODERICH � -- I =====� , , LIVERY frrlm (-;ln3d.'I`s ollic.4f . ; . I — Tolfinving ston, 10,50 Points, ,ititb,wa. Pit I . I I � - _ __:=1 ... "I ... ii, - � . 4"d greltest lafln�; Strain 'wif Times -and Vignil flay of June. ,944. Vi blado I I . . ­ I . 11 — 1.111 %, �, ltellut(*4 , - .T. Me. . . -_ � bOrm tf� Leg- pylit,ly, ,,,(, ,"s' filat "" to "37, '011 close behind, with 340 points, I I 1)) I I ­ � - -_ I 1. w4re 130 paeft--aliv ""Impliehig ,it fliff hour �Of..Jjifte ear�, 150 points, And S'. Q. 1f,cKAy . I - 11010el' .� � 'S'krP OP11141 'Itil � I Orst In'(1maih ty arallfeell ;W"' pg. vintil *dve 11,oloel, 4l, thp atto*".),lil oight birds ls,as follows .. , tho, firsi I I 1. .. I � , 'allverlig-p AlIll l4p0dek ia the forenoon, 4"ll (,ontillzj., 140 points. The arrivat of � . I ' ' IN Is All'I'A-s. Irrmy-p.1ap . Catalogue ,of 111k, AM(* 11[ay, by [lie T()) � "Mro ',-,,,,,., Pofttlly 1.1.81111, H*ox' lowla,q be. W* Pltbl%do.......443.703o, 19.13 .. . . . . NV .' ` ­ 'C.N/ ' .- , i1srie". OW^T - W -EEK ` I I . , . .. O--$3. A�ton, Ontario. - . . Ptity, 10turnin't 6-111vera : W. Piftladfs ...... 4068480 I 1.1. 1 5 . . . . I 1. . .. I 11 . . . . aned Is' "' ' I ... . - Val"I'mr �Qifil.�ljvf,,�Ian *.a. I at A - .. , 111ler,.4 � , �, . I . � 111W '131111, "'Aae (It (lomor at Vlptfiria Meer* qn#t W I 11 O."t 'N -*"* . �! . 1JAD - , I 'W. PitbIsdo.,,...440-Qa? ' 12.m%; I . V I[;, . . � . . sues , � 11 `1�11_Vl(lr� * I P14111 , '%"I- "APllt'L�4Plk1rn1lWtr 4)MC il.18 OnL . �, � , . 10mN�!111I1r1rnn1 0"r Pens of heavv allis; Poll 0 -fork, 3ameg,% " # Pitbla(14......1,81-781 .14 �� . I I . . ., ;; llear. %Vfli ho af, riw'k bull Tho -.4.41l., W� � I'l-vill . .pp, . i ! " 0 _(t'jil I I . lae� %18 . i , , W. PithIsda, ...... 49-915 1 z WEDNESDAY � , " "rZY108. 0). A. (L Barged 11nekq. i5e . vie,41% . . 1 TWeSDAY0 I . ,� . fte foil0willit B?Iftdg hikvc bteft ,talled for redemp I - �, ,� 1, . PrIlina suh-dWsloll N. 9, 0. max4v ..... 710-208 2.10 11 . I . � R. C. W. t'ligline"si '13e. flop st�)Pk 1�4 No 2, ot AV, W* P; Johilston...424-31,116 1.120 . ,� tion an ( , I 't . . . , . , 101,011(101,011.1irril, fi,iraly and, repo from i'4 ak�1010il% NOW shop,, ri..;St 1,41. Da- W. P. Johu$tO"..:442l484 I , . d Art, being Paid OiT ,%-,, indiaited b6low 1. ­ disea4e. fL 4;. iG.ANJPI)ELr, 'IT'jifland P11tv-1`1111fulng 6*0r, D, 1). �Alooflpy ,. 1.25 * . I " v � StIRVIAPY 1,1311n. Auburni ()ht.* Mono T4011 elerk, Pri?41 %Veiit. The next race will be on Sun3 17 FRIDAY and SATUR . , I , DAY I . � . I I I I , 11 I . � ! 1"I. Blyth Afunldrplll� � Pollilitr 'Swill0slo" NO. 3. at the ftoill Namooe. I � - . . ,, z , ­ I I - - .. ­__ -_ - 1vTllllv-rP1ui;�hiq oilleor" A,,.Y. P* A. Vtn"Offig,% �41 zzaw I ===�_=,�:_ 1111 1, , Hawlt orglik ......... O? ... *....fi%%-- 1$38 J@ 16; - TWO liall. I . I -.1 - - Sept. I ."! mt����� R G.lT1P,l0ker.-,P0Jl,r,lPrk, 4,00, rlel4lrii� ra - .. ­ I - I—, ,,,,, 1.1 - . I � ' AVCTIO,*,; ISALES � 3 104 loly 2 I , 1_11� �___ %����­_ � Polling St1b=1IlV1A0ft xo� 4. at Qtq)1,11. The eoncluding meeting, of, St, "--------- � Caitada Northern pow,pr ......... 6 � A N OP (UNJUS AND relyral�i� At" ... . " . ,.XVCXl0N S,AL Pr`4' WtKon "�-"'(09- ViPtOP13 r4f. 0,100,,- 060110's, Mgliesn Young People . .1 � ePr. Huron A. Tufftora.- Assoclatl()n. was held on Mondav . I I -61,i 1938 *.@ lad, Tiov. I I �, 111,14. - ­­ I . I , jq,ll (5 1#3 MAY ­���­-_­­­�, RLOA __ -I , DruMWoftd1hvest*ent,g CO... .., !11 _ 11" 14 CIII.W11111" ,Vill, eh'tk. Avillirlin Stothem, is CARL6AK)S �o* CA' "' Ds' 111oftireal Apartment$ ........ � ... tp Nve are PA111119 IS-ObANNIon No. ;i, vi 0. 1, ev"109, MAY 28th,'ift thO Pstrish hall. _ _ - ­_-­­­___­_­_­_ 'i 1143 C . JOY I -led Z ,3ff. '.%VM, I'. NV(JlJ0n% St"rp. W(ASt ' _ ____­_ __­ - ­­­�­� � .) 16 Instrue I sfPept, 11 At six oleloc-k o, listiquet livals Sivt,n to - � . a I . *_N)Ibett to spli by to Ue alleflon at mbirning ,F;m , !ltv- $profit N"ilttlon, 1 1 4 VP 111VAIN 31111 Road, 4,toilerlejj, pill VVTk, (i It I Aterelity mius ................... sq fig folm e(% 11AV1014 Marl: � C 40; th" 111ftbPra of the poeletz so-sibor- .� � 1142 �a) '1#5 May 15 on . VA11fliv Slth�llftlqlw N6. fl, at Ntne- ifig aroundisixty, ,which 'Wat followed * � Northern CION1111114 pb*tr .......... 4 4-manionelaq at IAI E'laawl): Arftnirt4 FIfftf-if-31; q bY the btlSiMms irot tile minpting. Tho , I .� .., � , Ifoward Smith llaper� ....... .... 7 1945' @ 103 'To" t IRM1111.1i'l. XNE Nth, lippi.ilv-reltirninit . I(Prt,, Wer" " rer-tor, W.V. J. It. N. millo. oct,uVica I SHINGLES . "I . , . 4 1 1 11A�_-,Jal F$,jQ,:�. 1%4��S,_tjfpr. I offlef'I" 11. I... 1011ol.- I ISAI 6) 105 Suly 2 &0n: IT011 PIF�rk, lWid I . the thaie. fil the ablence of t1w pre- I 0000011110" I . . I single op Alm-w9eh. ,,I- 411oulde. f 1141A S'PaGlig, ­"I%.n. A'Allov �41164N,Ngba No. ,7 nt , 6.�(O. 10dipt, Mr. Ri K. Wur-tole. �fv,. i - 0 1 lipavy 0111wil , P lral,ac-.��.j, f llpltv� !1,Mf�0,t,,,,F;! 166,11v'q ro-iol'olep, rionarr of %villb An oke of the , '60ft t th 'above, atclititio!, ton nunixtem tLy , 10110e.* I sr-umcv. i 1-,.,1n"4 phm: I , M, anut #A,00"k, Atwk+l T*Puty�rpflwellwz flul(Mms of thPr Asteciation dwi*np flv�` * In 0-ddl e _ I Mills, in a fow Word& 8V i . - I ML'ntlolf Vvill`8110tttf 116 retired or replatefl, A ear(j. Ok Mall igwvlr,�: 11 Qla i2r,ap: I ll� ,(,! ftk�,e� y6foli: W018am; 9431 01 -Ti.. Past etw!en. Tito trc-asur%�. Xjg�q lul R 0 0,,, F1 N G . � _ _!�lr 0, fat Check Aliguld lbr jwwwat;Wi lealkl0tv fi,lw (*A�ld I folal- 11#4)p2t 31PRAY, Ifettin Mufft, i;Mve tho fin.1neinP ___,____.._ � . , M_Ath� of Y6ur holdings in otdox, to I bur-Alfilp ,;bllo for-fswulsajo�i: 1 %Vwpl� —_ , Tei -Vitt, sholving tho tot-i,,tv to U -S ip 1� I 1-1 .. 11111�� I lavOtrj, 101!%, Mt ihtfre!d re83!e ; 'AfTOW. 3 MVLA: 1 tA'J!4%_4r1,'_4: I C�J_�.J�Jfl.l S 4_14 Wmrait-w O'C' 0,11�3 41.1v f"y Xlvilp 1, , 8 eft tho! rederoption date, :t 1401M fp�lpo %E4,0: I pgr,�� r-fint'r, t, la.� I . fct"4. 11ap -�Iiiti�,03 Of flao r3ld Zmai , a floarialtihs conditil�,% M. to 01M1 EverY Grade, Kind and Shade I . - � ,� 95i 0.11 11 � � 1-1 - nPr-ulv of 11w 1""1111f,01 cllno;��,D�;;, 474 1, r 0 '! , wvrpfc�5�', 0-r. "Iya r,,-. #1rat"%, J % , �,l ,,, Of th�v CIIICefs for the tcamin., I Cft�Aljt 1i . - . �,�, 11 . I til&,-I!!o?: lq White T,,r11q,&fi'1l(-wA 6 f!d_ - �. 3. -f�-1111 T,�A'ln ,qt Ifn iolvl��Pi, En t;�,,, f6 -C1,1, VV'Iff 0651dwted liv thLn 6-liclirn,xan. a -V 1. � I I 4" 01� V'"C��a- C4 '11111"40,0, %1M,aQ_r4 tO 0#tPC:Jl ,I)t I, -2 r,�J",%�,;iv ,�4#) t3 %'All' 01-k ;�-��JREJIJ JJ;JVr_,1 - lflfli� Jon�alb-p IK,K.1�, I .Jrt;r�� . 411;;l �, X WC*D or SLATE SLAB 'i, r-4,,1 tsuri,"nv" qlid,��% �,;,Iel�; rop ill" 4;114 r_qii-��"jft-" Via f.tf WM-tcle; vice, pre.,,. Alftcd f,Zt7r-4` . ; �11&tQ: I Nl�iollll , fts"Ited t13 fpllowm- Prop4dont. 1,1,-I . I .' Ols Fo %^w 'A' RE411P & 'SON I ki�,s-itilpip: io VA r"I f'�,.w 1".q.1" I �,._If tf ... !,�,, joi 1100'' nac" (1�.' Zt�MMAV. Mi�S Cftthljr�jr�n ,11310;i'� C*11 us if You Alto ift need of AnYthing in thk line � � n4.�W-0 f;aw: I tk'!�,f,�;�Jw. ',�' 'Qt1f�kJJ�_.P,L C', � ,,, "")k'- (Q 194NIT? Of 0,100, �, I '! �-�? t1V!a)U0;,11,1 .Al , " �.­, S yk1N-A,4v,f;,1 fo arol qw,,W,;49p? Atiythitg and everth' A Hsi" ders" Suppliet � � I lum'ted �, - a rolvA�.-.-', (4 (?,'­Y�.)'. " , , I tRIMur,"P, MiF�i Cilft-Jyq Ginn-, pv�'01 i I tmquin-y­lb 4,Mok, n0l:4 , �i�" 11 ('r f1"` ­';"1"V MO 4C.15­1141.7'4�t lta('% cy-otaty. Ned Silo. Tho Pncoloqvoi� 1'..'".- !'!!!!!!!! Ing in 11 I , , T,',',�j;­'-­1 Y��_J-,Ct' E-,�rr�'Vjjtc)Dt?. I -AR il gu . 1! ,., — 11 ­._____.___ �i A,1 "t'. d;")044"V" t: ,4� dD �� .11 I - it t-- C-nnlmneA nr tht� %1%',VAknt,): alk"4 � � � - I � i� : I : I , . a � )t i,fl );- ib. I - S�, , 1i 4 t, �;11,111 �,r ,.- , It , I �, a r, t14 'I : I i i I I - - - - 'i I - . ir =_1 I � I I I 11 . I 11 I 11 . � I . � - � - 'I 'I 4 1 1 � 'I I I I I 1� - 8 's 0WA TP R 11 I � ird, i*,,( " 11 In 116 1�%. 0, TO - I b,v le rich iv , 0 ,b I I it 1+ I � I I _rl 1.1' !k% '". T1C.,Lv"",% I 6 I S�14� (10 folq J I ;f�,,1r,q%''.J D,� 2-, rt,,'�tqtj�,,Ii-.' h,��­I. r1- 'r.-.�tq ,,I N�"Ir -,g6..,a t�,;�T. ,)�Opi­pl - " � T�'301�'j'!� *r4i ,N� MA"IC TEMPLE jBUI P� 'f I 1.11 , — LDING � .%? i 'E'r'. u vr.._ ,.",$,Vr,t,$.,�".-fif,�OC,,IB16�ptio�?f�i�,)�,',�',I I " 'M tn, T, �, * ii 4k,ln, i .,.to! " 0 flf­'I,�­l MAI, of b-11 6,%,%_�� , , , ­ , -- I - :1 - A0 "'In, -i I S G,0'01 q�q, 1'i�_,i,t, lt_ � "', - GODERICH I . , � i v��,l ti',114. Thor r-;,m,3in;!o7 02 tr�� Goderi& P aning Mills, Ltd* , �'l f"', 6,3-14. (" � ­ ,,,.,.�,,,i,.I�."Il,Q.itgt.-,?�i,,,�t,'���z�,�3jlc �;p WA, ,C.p fr -,f (­�- �IW V ` � 1, 1. I , �� i , �1 ,11 1,!.� , V� 4 a f"I ,�.�--,;.Z T,014 Of— 1,,.�,.,_ ov _� �irtfll+, N r4mr-IN ol"'.'I " . � , J1 ­: � 't;61, - ,!, n1,2;t",rW, ZA M,T1,11, h:, CAC I �,.�i f,",ft,: 0 1 " , 'IV 0 MUCHANAWS) ._a��.,:­`:= iiiiiiiiiiiiiii�i���������������������i�i�iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiI . � i i''. r (:-,. + :��i -1 .­.,(�,l f��,�,J.,,Z,Iin-'V�-ar,­- , S .. " - - I 1- �11­%,-�� � . I I, 4 . .11 1�)Zjl 1� V, ME . I—- ___ - I . I , I V.. . , 111107 r1Ap,*fS?!A ,!.'v,,1 1,t.fif�a CAQ&i 11 ___ . If �-$ Nw,� � '4��,�,. :�, , 4'&�� �� I ­ 11111101=1100�_ -- - - , "d"' t'h" "�""Ct"A'l of ""­' � 4*1~ 47 )PfAwm" 160 , I A + 0 �, V,, LVOV, ��iifi^'�A"00­4" Vr,�1!!'_? P,cn;�M',1&3 A1Z,t,-­! . J(, I I wel".11i i-v� 4 , - re - .* . - - . . ''o'o f r - it� (.0, i , , "t", . ___�____. ­ . , . lioA 0 ihe P#trmr V.;,L410 114.1, . ­�_ I ______�l __1 ___ - - - . ... ­_ �__________.___ r - I