HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-05-24, Page 8. eor and eves oecomparded bet bis Edward Mole, of' Sealerthr; th"' DM"' We Av4-81-1• thein 3 63'Ce was i'aleWhig 41, aeminintoneee the `end pleasant' jOUltOrt forme:, part At the week. The W. M.S. .St.. Andrew's Un- Mr. and M. :Clayton Load.. of :De- - Vsk. tlOrdell. They, aletr.,14.10 It/woad:axis. Rent7 ataadia, De„ • `7*--4.---:---.161*•:e troite arrived Item at tho'. end of the' week» and are. visiting frierale' in this loeality at pretent, hfr. Robert MeLeod, of Strotford, ertivell herc at the end ortho week, intending epentling few days with totrente on the bans line, After a dainty' lunt.t itad been serve ett the young people dispersed, Treleaven-Ifigains..-St. Paul's glirart ehurebr Dungannon, was scene of a yore interesting event 7 a.m. Thursday, „May, 24tit., In when .Elizabeth Florence, o daughter, of the late Robert Inn and hirs. Higgins, of Dungann Was united, in the: bonda of Wig 'Mow to Mr. Harvey Treleaven, of the' tete Samuel "Treleaven a Mr,. TreiCeven, also- Dungann The niatriage eer41131021i VOA .fasped.by ReTri. PotrY, rector of Pant's Anglican ohm: Dungannon, and Owlet's ohm' Port Albirt, in the presence of a, f with h. te mid Ur:3. toted :Ross, ef gaest$. A goodly number Of Orli° .1:31.1OX431110/3. erS Nvere. aloe present to witness t lee iranan era alynaatea ea aana„ ter,emony, betit briide and,bri ter 'T.,etillet ild-X-enzio who has ir,on gr15°111 "4' "t"plY14 st?" corthocl to bed for @Ono tate, are plectimt lpow' that lie is .Intleh, Orrve"1 41r.fl tiett be is able to bo out :e0ers mice more. . det a ineetirg of the eongregation of St. Paul's Anglican church, which was /mid tbe polo.* hall on Friday` -wiling, it was desided that the en. Total garden party in connection 'with the church woold be held toward the end of ,Suly. The district annual uteetirtg of tile West linrea Wonlares Inatitute will the •hride end brMegroom, with a fee be held Tat the enantauttity glri frimilda of the Termer, leing pre Plyth, on. Tuesday, June 12th. SU- sent.' 'The talil.;cti (oration • were i alarm ba held at 10 flan. arid at wlette, Aft''- thoneymoon 1.po' u.ta.• An interestie and Pro. and Dirs., Treleaven will reside Stable meeting .lanntieipa d. e Dungannon. where:14'i,-; Tr'eleforen Mr. and Mr. Harry ,afelliollen, of a successful ...1.1istehant. 'The be8 111140y, were gueets on StottlaY with wishes of itost.,ol friends go. Nylt Mr. and Mrs. George Free; frt• fir:. the twirls. wo0 the Voyage of th conrse of the day, Accompanied by 3 ,1 rineene- Mr..ond Mra. :Free eta Miss Ainia ' ' . • Free, they motored to Seafeathr 'where' they were guests with ,114r. and Mks. 'W'ekley Free. MITCIIDLI,..41:roannel walls ;41)mitty..04`ownlae4"Chryantrifeoiradt.01;hhioes1'. fgreapl'eal;'tr•eigseivdeennt'Yltfrs''°;:irditnhg flI 1.o Stewart* has been diSposed of to Mr. tgt/ighattei`rii..'Res.,('Dffrkaito. Charles courveisier, who comes from A,‘„ • „,,„, 4id on Sun # 1,;" Isovaty EV. gear Buries Falls. c‘-1,1ti,' ala,`-avtt" Mr. Courvinsier Med his eon na tan. Intl sairmia )14F/41011. mg' in %heft hew , in fuotivrilif ,colt;otm takan -1):"'"aalen 'and..ave ne'v roakr''' the greater "rarf'of MS' rre thoThAuorgegooriulaott.*hvInutobilloilutehekol"wona....-orviolioireaeisP411:11°Xio14*14*; 191311T1411.-. H'A‘'erievteith: An: the a 2n, nly ore ri- ,earigarm• 411.••••••• Bed Spread Specia1 • Wit;te kOnfiliJ 13eJspyaciS of WOO Weight, a dQuile warp %wave. They ' $9 launder beautifully' and easily, size is 72 x 90. Special value, each-. ... . 40 LINEN TOWELS Pure 1,1i3;11 Welt Huck Tawas, won - ea lettielere and splendidly finished, good w•Aglit fine and durable, six for • ... ....$2.25 MISSES' and WOMEN'S COATS Tenured and Semi.Tallored styles, in stylish ma,terials Tweeds, Trico - tines, etc., soinki fur trimmed, some with touches of contrast irt stitching, many silk lined througout. Sizes 16 to Specially. priced 310.00, 314.00. 31340 and 322,00 VIYELLA FLANNELS All colors' for tliCseason, and white, _ the Flannel that neyer shrinks and , • • a .• , improves with the ,washing. They come 311 incites wide, for` Dresse Skirts Coats etc. Per yard $1.5e .erit PRINTED cRusEs , Silk printed orepo,S- are: ann'emely cor- leet. A very large choice dainty patterns in every shade and color, also black and white. .2 ranges, at per • 'Yard- • • ... $1.00 orni $1,2S„ KAYSER GLOVES • Silk GloVeS With the new WO in fancy, from this' world' fainOlis 'maker. All • shades in Mocles,Tans, Greys, etc. yard... .. • ..$1.20 and $1.50 • o BARRYMORE RUGS Every size in stock at price away below catiogue. bury:, Mra., Crartston et kdrt Arthur- Mande, at limns, and MO. Gee. *POote, Of Montreal. one daughter.; Mreet. .0. Virtoe, lived* an ,ceased into ine1023.. 14i: sand: Uri ad• Torrance Celebrated 'their gol*n well as church cirelee. The wineo bridtrioeiged 'very hharming in a cu Mug' ensemble costume 'Of baby, 'Id Poiret twill with black satin a white trinuninga and hat to mat She earrte• d tki shOwer bouquet of pi 'roses and moiden Fair fern. Th u. wedding on, Chrlanms Van 194, at Oh home of their daughter, 3k,s4 ,George Foote, Who then , monied in .Toroxito, when they had a happy re-• 1,:s; munalsonh' Bolfd tohneirwafaerosdialy; apt:n=4111 R. short private eerriee being heid at t bouer, followed by a public ser- e Irke WeSley.Willi3 <thumb. rie, a; Rev. J. E. Hogg,. assisted by. the A. A. Holmes, conducted the sex-, vices. The wardihr, eleriCand treakt- aver and Several' memhera of axe county council were present for the oublie serviee, olso rnspeetor Govan., lock. Settfortin Registeee Coats, OotT. trnid-•--bltICenzre .adjoUrned to of revision of-AsSessnieat r9lr. . May 1th special meetin,g to conSider tiie boilding Of, Amon' bri•V gee,' 1 elOt-focit, •nine4Teot and $ ten -foot concrete bridges,' lenders td; be opened June 2nd in, Lueknow.ot.a o'clock Pen., On motien of IVICKenzie and Sollivem aceounta were passed:, Sawyer and 1$,Iossey, No. a grader, cottada Ingot Ir. on Compeny. .gratier, ,a185; :Gordon Ritelde, erecting' teuee rifeltitkre; ,a18.15e W. G. AndreW,i fan,, $24 Si; W. We sacks :of -salt. $1.50: aoard ;Health, April meeting, $10.50; expenses to Clinton with ustiont to County Home, g10; Ono. Tigert, tile, 53,; 'Harold Tiger!, au ing stone, $5; G. Barger; patrol, • srtow and graditig. -Otify2ae IT. Par. ger; Petrel' Med'. gredinti :$2(7.2.5: zilch, Ay ./olinettationatroT end' grading. ,Seteetit Frank Willis, patrol and grAdhlg $7.25; INTelson Oraliton, troi and ca•adinn„ $11.25: 0.'Fieldee, ' potrid end:grading-. aleat -afiltoo ootricky. 'hauling atonee' a045; John patrirTc,gredinge $7.5(a John S. Jertuatrinte, eteem werk.. S1.4110; ue nd • ericht. Eiltor. exeM.P.P. Creditetia e an old personal fribed, anti ntenie $ others from thp OUrT0111341hifr were unattended. Tile chtuch wit hcautifuly deeorated.for the oecasio with flowers and plants. After tat teremonY a • wedding inoalcin'St wa .80rVed at the *IMO Of the bride Motiter. only immediate relative,t,.. o poiroany, Sheriff Ilflildreto-c Cat. IL • T. •Ranee,. Cr. Shat. Dr. Ervana, J. Seott and 1. Wieetatin acted' as prat. 11;arers, eAll tbe reembeee of the fernily With the exceo+iim of'.rolin. of v Lnfhbvidge. who seen+ eeveral weeks "• with hie OrlOrd'S dreine the wint,ir, n ore pre -'•"t for the firmi•sl, also *11. h'IvZ.;.21.1-':.(144Ain7irerlq:ortl,!-V.'„ Iii'lt-,L,41('Iivrt"iiielv."°1;ItttitIr ,. etampbell ontok Mrq. li/Nell,o-ialif.- Me, It I'v. ,and Ittiss ,I0s4dO", MaeiDonald: ", riteilifil% Interment was made in e: -Hayfield .e'eraetaino IVIVNICIPAT, COUNtrtiS . ,. Ashrito a Cotiricil met on iprIl ard, all room; ot bets - present, emotes 'of afarch n. 'meeting rend and APPrOV.0d. fal reo. le tion of Andereon and •Sollivith, Moo- - el by Stierwe04-: and MeiCenele and i riisolvedt N That i council purchase a O No..5 grader irate .Sa‘Ver altd-Mas- g,..Sey and ..a No. ,t1 from Canada !tot 1 s Iron Co On motion of SolliVan and Anderson the following bine were or; ; tieved paid: C. N. IL, freight _ on i grader frame, $5:24; P. Murphy, pe- e trol, $4.50; R. Dawkins, patrol. $12; ,. Fred Zohnston, patrol, 118,50; Wilson / Irwin, patrol* $18,75; Herb Curran, i patrol, We Jake Stutter, patrol, all; ,., Chtis. Ritchie, patrol, $181"John X , Foster, patrol, fPli Joe. Dineen, iin- A trel, $71 , 'Nelson Oraliatua Patrol, - $5.55; John C. Dalton. Patrol, .81; ey * WV d' Dr eon • petrol' $I- Gordon i re ell ,, t. t , , Ileid, patrol, $1.50: John ICilpotriek, salary, $12.40k Litehrgarr Sratinei. <Printing., $7.50; , idualeinal -' World. Eallinlie$, giV191, john Mullin, sheep 0 a In. $10. RIO-. Jelatstrat, sheep ,,, valuator. $2; Rich. Johnston, patrol. * eaa..50; Thos. Ferguson. petrol, $7.251 Win. Clare. petrol. $31,10; Wita. Care. 'bah tine. S. S. No, 0. on iliiiit, 07,37. Council' sot Artril, 19th ett 4 p.m, an time to let job ef oneine, at Vein_ ti tyre hedge. On mitten of Sullivan n imeet May 20th at 10 o'elock as cottrt _... 0 11 y, tiet)3 s , at a pan. at the home coot/filen Order of Poosom Silt` -ett's Institute will be held on Thum. reetebee of toe Ii ' e Alton and th 1, '. Mr. end Mei. Famish, of Atihdeld. et Mrs. 'W* It. Stothera. Rail call*" vi'vitirs awe' four sons, Albert ore and mr. Fan:isles sister, nets, Grano 'The PaYleg --ef feaajar the ensuing Monde. of Seskai'obewartt Samuel.° arid their mother, wore guests of Mr. year. 'Topie-A review of the Year's Goactriela and Itichertf. of 'Colboreo Milked ef the Rase Line, the former wet* hY the president And saeretarY. rid Poe thingidiere Mrs. laixtoit 11111 part of tlas week. Illsa Greets MeNene.te, nurse:•in. of y,flitio,,,, Tiro wolotns wet, A ttubiie eitteeteinment •will be tenininsr at the General liospital, hroneht th rp,00.,t, ,,xuti bitterer. eel: he d in the Foresters' Hall on the Toronto, wos 4 recent in.itor , at ti 4,11 glav 4,'"' 1 110 + It 41 MitPh evening of Ala 25th, under the Ana., hOlne Of her mother. Her brother, o. =14,, oleo of the Orange Lodge he the Doctor Hector MeHenzio,, or Imo cfoctomll41. tnterment being made In Ypung Poopin of Weitdeld. A gond near Calgary, has also been a visitor tho. Colborne eemeteese, at his former home, but left ter mot- MCRIOHT.....aTine eon -Inutility hes or this week for retitle, Avhere iost another.. of its older eamerin 10 he will locate. having disinemi of ide the passing Of Sane Cheyne, widow p pritetice at Milo. the latii 1Vlitirlot tieurve atIntemee, An unfortunate accident happened whose death occurred at her late te- en Friday evening last in the eourse sicience. Huron Roma, oo Stiturdey of a game of esoftbail at Dungannon mornino last The deceased. who agricultural park, when .Mr. Harvey was in her ninetynitat year. ho Treleaven had the ligaments of mut The lete !Ji ». %mow was born 1 of his lege bedie torn near the knee. when Ito tollided with etitother plav_ tame Is expected. A Vardial invite - tion is extendcd to all. Miss Fermi Thom had rather an adventure last week.° Rearing sonic' idisturbanee amongst the Young fowl Golf Season =IS iliF,RE a told ihreo- ref Ciol 6ra:1e:a $2Y00 e.a.e7a Set &of four „$8,00 -GOLF BALLS Spair.Nnir ..75e Silver Kings ;.75e .Green but M. .. .50e C401741k• ... • • • •35,0 ..(101.f lifigS at popular priCore ouf eirieie white the UN in • complete. Cole'siooit Store ,( .h....;• 4.....,•1 a , „ .., .. DUNGANNON ii,,:!, t„,4 ...,..,1:-.3i'.,_; 11,,,,p4i,)°h'2'.1'.;.li ars4 Moil. Joindino natio A. tly; : k4 , ,,, I AL, ,.1.P....ti .5 1,41,',3","'. 41 ,ivt‘ Ili ‘t , ,,-. '' ,r.,3. .hfcC,) C"..0 clato ii cii5::;',,l! 11:ililltk:liallua:hrealleardoontlY. • k.r so, Now is d7 tiaras te hove yowr ,41, with trtemti 4, outi., Sewing Machine ... OVERHAULED etz, 1-4.,b,. of Calk, vi•,,Aectl 1,7,2 4 .5,12c3 Elatqw 4.014,4ell. of tliJ,!, iew r:vori• !gra. ,J. E. gi- i L'ZitliA3vwv,apatrivtift-41::',..alhveattliciiivit.eloo,f2;teci;i: C.- 1)atts, Oils, Belts, Needleo, etc. . alto, J. Ar.::!o.....-71,, of mytt, ill 1743. tho wee%'-il •-• it,,r. ii:.., El2,U411;,014ilikla. ,,,. c Ji.1•tirriikr.t'74Iii(!reeldlyb4i71 bten falltgtol.;;;3', MISS NOBLE ,..:.,a 1..mvo, r. azon, of myth, kal'.'esikord and will ct,aintenvo kb till- ' 11:en 21C%t TIICA' 134tish Extlian;-,,,-, Bio;, -k Mr. and rlre. Geele .-. ine 1 -1 a " nr:d illi, 1. F.A.3 J. Coll., -.4 .0 ,d'...i 0,i au-• ' Xir• aai 2,:fa-,s. lichtFitsg,raid, of tlw r'It-33e1 'Elv`lil"."`4 ut. U(.410474:14. ...............................................6 illiatiola• V.:15itf2E1 a tii',} homo of hoe v5rAtcd„.nt,„t,„„' h9,t,',1,te„„,')*1 :414 "1 ilL'o. '*--•*---tt''''' '' - , .....,-.- . „.--..-.... ,'. Ni's. ii., ZV. Carspb211, on ,flt.n. • ." `'.,'"*„ 7:: .'0',".,"z'• ,:r."Iiigghls, whim.: nri,-..riago to Mi.-. - Dlr.alli._ i;lere etranlogtmro ' Lintrvcy Treleaven, f.i"flurigaur.on, is onap•s:..rmailt1 olz,Ictill;, •6110:tor,1011:, 1.11,AteirMilte,011, clei.IdStifanrilal.v1Y'ar,crtizve:lipli!;ve'ifvetri9to Tt..4.-Irl'nt;-4 tr'irt?,,,,Illy1)„1"‘"3/44aLlt g'''',„tiii:e, "a4tr67111,1:,h 71; Mc:Dowell s mother, Mrs. Clubs, of cr s o rat -1-1‘" ra t . i . , vran a vere haste; perty and germ -.., Helene. . Mr. Jolm Glenn, of l .ng Dremell, ci were enjoyed during' the eouraz. if i 11,1r. Williaa-CiVightman artd danceo. VAICI a 31'Po%.ond guest at the born of I the evening.. Male Welles, who hau , ilixtie of tW,,, formerts nephew, 4,t1r. ter, Orsee, el Delgrave, visited at 742t serist, Mrs. ;lames Stonehouse. . bar of tlie ehGir and also as presi.. Ms brother, Mr. David (0..nn, and hisbeen au Active wokor both a@ a mos. Vaal WI3latman, on Friday last. • . 111111.31)Ai, M 24th, 1928 WEAFIELD Zr, Jan Win,oar.•„j; J. Gent of, tile A. le P. 4.1 was mad.3 W.R0ny arid babe, Wilson onti Btss Wilson, of Auburn, t tlo mcii*rit•o a knasoula Pr"z'; at the horof the formors were Sunday guests at the home of and 6i1«er pie plate. The presatta- Icennotti nennett, tho formetta brothay„ Igt.„ win, wit., ten was 31,13340 by Miss Ti, Brown, no visited se ' Winthrop, on Thursday. . con, excellent e4cmpbr-el-addresses being Vit' in tile Westfield United church, t Mr. and Christ's church, Port Mbar. O Mrs'..--NorninaltIolfistti.of-AueaStorii-dalirtred V"- .re1134- ree" jente ;la tbere-Wilrbie-iie-ir: • :is a vtor at the h0,00.44 her 3)01...i tor' of St. Pours, church. Dungannon, ttL3 the pastor Bev, W. P., Alp, will tt c:IdsZ11; 11:Int3?!,uP•griittliTedti who spoke in glowin .terms of the„ DIM. ri Gilbert IsInt spout Monday . . Mrs, Al. Menary, who has hee,n a 1)ioaping rznly,„ thanking , the rfiny yawls, people OT true v enn y token completely by surprise, Mmade afternoon WInglunn with 111r. and nursing Airs. McNee, Sr., on the ;inti A. T. P. A. for the gift and also Or I rt irnt put on a. /gay on Friday night -which voncession pf 'West Wawanosh, for the kind words sPolien by the rector :BELFAST te attending 'conference at Vialker.. toleirria :wing ta hrlde*aleet. 3gloa althengli villo. • 1 i lit. and re. Dulfour, of Luria -tow. 0 H 0 3:'," Ill Q.svito a' the last slit weeke. returned on I resit Sunday evening. urn pridm* night, may ir,th, whew, • Mr. and Mrs. G. M. MeHenzie lInti 's, were tbe guesta of Mise Mary Far- crall °III 1 n Y* Taos ay to her home in Dungannon. not hoar It will want to go to Aub. Mr. land :airs. Eimer Alton and it 15 to be eereeted, . as gueets on Sunday the former's i eniMren spent Sunday evening . at e..--•---41,......--.0,-- • mother, iliire. Thee. llfeKeezito end i • An home 'of hir. nod Mrs. 11evid Lit- AsEtriEr D , bie sistr e, Miss Eleanor MeRenzie, '., tle,T.ht., W. X. S. mot at the home itli5a Lissm Stuart has returned evenitU. ' L., J . of ClintonTh . ey retuened the Kline 1 ars. Cyrii, Catnpbell , on Friday tif. ft?ift Detroit. Mr, aud MerrY otho reguldM. Aubrey Higgins and „•urd torttoon, instead f ardAell'. Vireat!‘ of Clint°11t W3S I ittle:son,,Thelc, of'.Detroiti'aru,visit. , . . Thsay* witit rtwenty ledies r•res. Ixolue for the Weel.-erid. g friends ln DWiffit010011 atul vid0- 'it ,ent, ••, _Mr...Tames MeAdam Jr., spent ity this week, basting tome to, be Mr. nuil Illrs, .Tolin u- Mid 211VEt. -5UndOY ;With his Parent's in Goderioh, present at the marriage of the form. titi NO15013. Wercin Goderieli Wearies- Mr. Frani( McLennnan toek four er'eesister. • , • .elay afternoon attending the funerel 1 delciaitee to the convention of the -Mr. and Teogo. Ross and .. „lof the late Mrs. ohn Farrish. The IVomen's Institute in Detroit. Mrs, Floyd Smith and .eltildron, of remains were, lakk •to rest in Minna ftug t I the Illness of our pester, 'Detroit, atid`31r. and Ms. Chas., Ross ' cemetery.•. Dr, Gee. liitehle Mr. David perry of eGoderielt. were guests on SOndav ,., 1 , ..1 Y \ , I i 1 P y.,,,,,,,i, ( c; Wingbarn, conducted the services 1'. PORT ALBAdca io the Presbyterian church last ;Sun- .3Ite Ill'aiker Murray has opentelhis tooth for the summer months. Mr. mitt Mrs. Iloy 'Petrie Tut Oginday with Mr. anti hire. John et. e Mrs. Jolut Tigeit visited lter 'eon, 'air, Herold 'Tigert, fOlt tt few **dayS. Mr. Neil McAdams' has.reiltia a`olin IlicOce's faint and bee ills aeed- ing finished, (From anothei earreeptiotlent). Rutty likkeon spending a fee f days with iter brother, 'Thomas. of near Nile. - Meet et the farmers leire ilnialled Our teacher, Miss Welsh, intends 4'1,30144growth. Oble week. Mrs. George-Ilamiltou is busy thie _ week treating his barn to a new Goat -of ehingles. • , Mre. jeramiall Taylor has Pur- ehased tt new Chrysler ear laet *week front 5tr. Slutev. dae' Hinted school was closed last Thursday when Miss' Andtew •ate tended the funerol of her grand- mother, the kite Mes» lareleeter, of Locknow. ' The May meeting of the W. 111. Si wa$ held at tbe home Of Mrs, 1Vi• C. hitteifenoie. Thera -were emir eigh- teen menibers preseeto as tbe day was very wet. •• ,41:31SURN hir. sleingled his house last week, the one ocenpied by Mrs. Do. bio. :tootling-0ml the wtlatiter ts ideal for viSiting friends M Detroit the end of - and Mrs. ••.,Malviti Deed and. vehildren, Girvin and. Doris, of .1.nclo. now, ' spent Sunday evening with friends, hero. • • • , . ' , Hector ittiEenelo left. on eaten - ,day for the Weet, went by too. lted eloreh held their regular Inonth" teoit, etre guests of the former't le' meeting. at the home:of Mrs. ATI* rentiter. Mrs. Irwin, at Present ; tukritnteie , • •• , that plants obtolited. teem 'etet ° are in ovi.lry Way 41ependat)11.- We have Giant Astere white, ehell pink. laveadete, rose, purple. erineeort and ntilt- Our Sitaitdragens alv im. moue, second to itone. Also a a very 'Wide rillge of the best Anrtuals and other bedding, ideate. 1.ettute, delouely STaiVART BROS. limmiller Numeric. 'Phone, ettriont „„,, ..• . sho went to ascertain the cause anti Owed a large American eagle, whooe extended wings etretehed about six feet, with a trap and ehain attaehed to.hie foot, trying to couture some of them. Ire reeented Verne's ire, t he.Mihinery -- , Mode for Surnmer . . ."3kirataed Hats for all otos. eions"- slays Feshion. Imes, l'Flowere. all the iirer ninterialist have tome hack hi Millinery, making it more alluring than ^ IV* aro Showing, large and extremely attraetive col. Ieetion of models foe early Sum. titer wear. You are cordially invitad t -t our etock. • Miss Mat:Vicar. Kingston Street Toronto in 18' t on Yong.) etreca width eillER thenknown as Little union OP showing fight. The ehnia ery While softereem enverely. he is York, With her parents she mewed caught ist the wire fence mid Mo. still able to attend to his business in +0 (halm two:ling; and Inter moved to I Thom •succeeded in vapturing the the store, and hie many friends wish Codeeichr witere she had resided for i bird and he has hint now a prisoner. for itim a epeedet reeavcry. th3 past lifteosix yeare. in rolielon - (Prom another torrpeeontlent) • , Graduation exereiteis of Winghnut 541(4 wt'Et 0 inee"her of -the, form.v art.. venom Harraaan a)Ia maws_ General 11nonital will be ht.11•1 in the " oatroran VeINNlite ehareh. now the ' erS busy reoshingling his berm this taw° hall. *Ingham' on Pridan M4Y 11°4421 fitlx"-t` ' tird" °lurch' Sh1714.3 . .4.1,,.... w25:atikreeatai8attet7Iirr' dwiabrannetaheretAnZosel 'E'Cli"revolsivee.defiriorenninl'am3111724 twiro"soeulse. M. VIII G. Strauglian 1,.. WIIMPoPilli4 ,lhvilermyk has been aeranard and tan Vredorick and Willintn, of town; tool her daughter, MR. C. W. Williams. thie week. ;4 -bile is cordially invited to attend. nitr dew"hter. Taaheire, at 10'11'4'. Iter Mr, and Mrs. Maris and son. Kv. A silver collection will be taken at butband predeeensed her thirty-two the door. The graduating nurses are vestal MM. The funeral leas held erett, of Dungannon, were guest* of mat Mrs. 0. E. Erratt on Sunday. Alma Free, Dungannon; Sties front tho family home on Tnestlav, Irene Collins, Arnow. and Mis3 reo. *he Ottrv;e0 helot votolooteiti he the Mr. George Raithby motored to St. Han Hetherington Bluevate. Dote .1» Clarke, a4' be North street Thomas on Monday niorning to visit 'rhe former fide:Ids ,of Mr, G. a. ra,Heckel eiturthar Tito eitelfbeereee, his in*otherelter. Wm. Itsittittl. - boynee, of Saskatoon, and banter wano` Measee. T. fr. Wallis. Jellies Mr. 4. U. 4ohnston unloaded a tar manager of the Stirling (none titan. a ....'""marpe 4; .1). Mermen awl of elieetriut coal hitt week and Mr. deed) Rank of Dungannon, reed with irat'''''..:*;".. I'voliVnt Ivaa nlatk• in,, WM. Craig is unloading a tor of much interest the ennouneement in te''' ma'itteril fentq'PerY, 1. cement this week. I mhost week's Wee of the Star of his TORRAN't*E.--Tho 'death oecurrtd Mrs. Simms. of New Ilitiniturg- Proraotion. 'width will occasion his on Aunilgiv• MsY lkith. at his home.- who !moot a week with her mother...imoral to Edmonton. The buglers Clinton, at the are of severttv-eillit, Mrs. WM. Doerr, returned to her ' o'billte of a man such ma Mr. LoYnee• , hole last Friday. I timaot fall to nuke an impression Mr*. A. V. Shpekleton send e son on' wherever he nem We extend eon - her mother. , Mrs. D. Patterson, are, fr gratulation's. ' up front Toronto at potent visiting Mrs. John $avage has estoblished et Mrs. Wm. Anderson's. „ a new industry for Dutgannoa• that Mitre wainehool beld lett Satur. r4 rail/hMe "Mid"' "r13? In til" of John A. Torrance, one of the most highly esteemed eititens of Clinton and a man who was well known throughout the County as he had tole.: en a very active port in public affairs for many yeare. His health had not been good for atone little time but during the most few months he had day ie LT. S. S. No. A iso that Isilem silting mho Praelired "it" 11116 6Peel* failed rapidly. lie was born in •Dtne room of thew faninus oongsters, and Welsh and prolix might have art ex. nnon three week@ aim fowl of tor`e, ham. moving to the townehi of tra holiday this week on Friday, MPV mother birds hatched 9out thmitsi teStaideY. County ilf...liurort, in 18417.1 25th. dewily neetannore widest have new rie was reeve of :enmity township ow work. ayea"newa Drug ot,,re. 1 feather* and ran 'weary the nerthes.'likeisher et the eounto council as eynuorrnn for orroonkihno, It one, retsehed the stage when they bawl far nine years, and was Ill valued I Tao Akar loather aka ban aye tiny rommituoioner Irma 1899 to 1902, at. ewes tueked ansergly under 'her, and taining the werdoeShin of the t nieroi Jo potti•ittly *waiting ,levelOpineatf, tY in the latter ;tear. Always tsk., biro. soots" already ape received ing a. keen interaqt in politieq, he l astveral orders for the feathetA was president of 'the South llukon baikaties. ttonservative Miariatien for cloven 0„.:emPreonatesetylvtipgiontitgo, emon;o121.4.Ett...cvl. esoem. glirronserertednetteso,eare,44itltietnlo,fot1111, HERNS SHOE STORE li Try Our Women's ARCH-EEZE SHOE ha wo.nderfni fitting Shoe, made wit S al Steel Arch, on combination last. Made in Patent aiid Kid Leather. • SPorirr W. 'Mose 43 W morwcmit AND TRAVELLING GOODS preeident *he My Fire house nets of the A. Y. P. A. of St. Paul"m• 4"I Anitikork rhoreh. Trommisnon. to khe "key' CerannnY. 1* 1:105 he WPP are numb„ abmit tw.ntv. nown0,4,41, pointNi Brew istspectot for $outh at the 14~ a mra, iss ntai„. Huron, vtbich posikm 'he held utttil bo 4n honor to %or flottitittor. ilfa4 1.:,j .1920. when he renigned Ili,teeteet," oe. . lasPettor of the hewof' lefogr lone, which Togititm re.littof•tt CAST° R IA For bibsso ant adurear-urth, And metwest oii 43* Retard 4 Maiiitrpm•nt .for *any years „ is use perover yeti" Torritol. i‘ Aorviroff tii hie ori•10.,%;„ :::::::;‘10ft".107:4;fol!" :174 "Itnon:4 W. *.f..1);i1 Myron bows Off, ffktyr. gone arra Direr flainsthte Ilershon P , r Teronto: r, E., of Sod, 7 11 Sparr's Grocery .4.1Vhere Cleanliness is Paramount 11111ERWOOn ICE CREAN.. - Itr)ok or Roik BON' SOO smatpixiE CUPS BRICK *trun SPARRI GROCERY .11* Store of Satisfaction Hamilton *toot, Goderich PION. 14. Furniture - • Furniture Don't buy any nese Furniture, Baby Car. rialto, etc.,until you get oar prices. We positisoly aav. you money. The limit Furnitureat the low. at cost. NANA ILICESTNEI FURNITINIE OMANI Os the ES &dn.& . "Webster, snow roads, :50,001 D. Dlake. patrol. 51/.20: Sam. Swan, ..Patror. S28;75.:' RoY 3r- N. Patrol. sum Herb' Cerretra. petted,' Se;1z• , '17,"MeDofiatelti'delieeriuge gra6ro- tenairs to grsifers and Vrae•,,Inntlintr -wire and inspecting fence; $10';', PuckingliaM, dragging;' "S10,95; McNamara, draping, $10; L'Vrils'olt dragging. 1; Thos.. abeektee heti. :dragging, It/a: Artioit Itroaeo, 4i,ogoing, • Py titerphye tiro*, Peng. genrk, drag in *51 wm; Mare, area:eine, aii; oe. John_ sotat ilottee. .0-.4!esotut, ;i.7 T. Damien. t.tr'"" 44V1Z-rSIS Xfones eniaok. ,OTOO •,,7"r!, IfilpatrlOks.foirerr. sant ,Too: IViee Orenzio. ear fere. Va.:Sion. ,Slimikettt. (ore I -love Oa. - Bylaw Inn„ dto Pro- eidt-, for exoentlitere on toernahin reeds Vra.3 'diiihr !wooed, ,Tren9ariir wee. instrutted , toe...lees:tare. S1500. ,te' rorotranneer, bore ':Ciettineil thee •.o(&. journott.' - Mel)nr,"STAGII, ' 'Cork * - ; "YOu say' that !this 'MAO :rnhbod yon -can yea tpopgnize thing of 'yours .1rere?7,- Platutkr: "Yes, this boodkerchief," Judge : "Dot that is no nrool-I hat one exactly like 1t."7 Plaintiff: isIces, your honor; i.waw robUd of two.' ' Foe Rheumatic Painsee.The pains and Alehe$ of &Catlett and Rheum*. tism .shoold be treated with Dr. , Thomas' Velectiie 011. The soothing and healing propertie,s of this lam - OUR remedy have been :demenstrated for fifty years. Cse it also for in. ilammatory pains, cuts, scratches, briiises and strains, either in human beings or the ION.n." A safe and SO1'4 medicine for a child :troubled with worms is li•fotber " Graves' Worm, Exterminator. Pansy Week Make-nxt week Pansy week, ato is the time to plant. 1 have the finest strain procurable',nOCv ready, GEO: STEWART, Florist Phone JOS' ' GOOF.RICH ONT. vrill put at nice crosesien Walnut Promo on y010 ittlitateadftrbefPha41)0reit w Bring-rows 7414)::11, damaged and' we will show . you .some that ore done, complete to hang up, At . „ . $1aCOO: . , Smith's Art and Gift Store 611Ming Pitufes for 0 vet' 4t(tYeikto Boit Forget the Big Chesterfield Sale at Wheeler's J. IL WHEELER YOU would like to Sited 11. up for the Spring time. Get your Clothes Pressed at VROOMAN'S and there wilt be no"perhaps" about the result.' . Expert Cleaning and Press» ing of Ladies' or Min's Wesr . 75 Goierkk Nadi Dry Claitg Works ° - FUNERAL HISECTRit Prompt moll Roped Service iliseitlitovi Ste t .„ 111, ,„. VROOMAN 'tines: Store 3W Residence 355tv then l2et2 • Welt Street ' -FORD PUBLIC NOTICE FORD t of G. 11. MOORE, and P. II. WOOD.: We are .4 f, OUNCING the opening of the Service Department he Studebaker and Ford Garage, under the manage - now prepared to give service on ANY MAKE OF CAR. hte. M.00re„has had twelve years experience on ail makes of cars, and had charge of service in one of the largest garages in London for the past seven years. AR Work Courrootood. Mr. Moore has also been instrUctor itt Technical School itt L°11411mplfores e teinO v le r a el y fFea r os , Ard Parts will always be on hand. Owners of Model "T" Ford Cars will be p;iven complete service as itnroUatrinin(4vPiteelrtattcatsellecirtvhaerNsew 14;rd Models now on dis. • play in our Show RottinS. St. Ashitow St. GOOD USED CARS FOR SALE G. H. MOORE F. H. WOODS Thone S40 Promo* sad Coaraeose Service to wt. GAS OIL WAtTER - AIR