HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-05-24, Page 7I . . - -1, 7 �, -A I - ___ - - � __ _ , � - __ - ____ . I - - - - - - - - - . —Wo"AP- I � - .I ­ -1. .­ -_ ---- - — . - __K_ I "I - —_ --- - I - THURSDAY, MAY 940k, 1929 -1 I I - — -_ , - -_ _. ,�=,!_ -� — - _T_ __ ___ . T" GWZMH an . . __ . �, - - — - — _- - - - . — _� - — , i#WNNO*,t*;wiiitf,I out by Jesus *heis he ,,"id. —_ — - .4 I * I He t Ile, Ulkf Wit" 4V 11121FW�11�11111E!11 - - I � jriia ,(oie kt,�h, Jude. had b), In,,-lsl1r -0 - ;�_ -- '94 9 o, ('h�;in,b dilm.1plev, p1tvigeJ a I -6 t � I j.j�j itis li,�;11 ,,,%?i vicv aind he ha;i lurnord .� , - I , N � - - - . . Sunday oqfteornoon aiiii1r;-loiAt 'Petil I I' ;;Y' L111;3 1'.'?;_� WV ik ," 10 thifit lot Ssi'lili" -1 Wy ISAREL HAMMY, Gvd,ricfi, &J. !", While as yet he V%" -4reruiagly oa ill . 1'X;16iCW.A Fb:4;,j�,k#Yk�8J'*,-Xjk,W X 6 0' ,� ,- ui.th the vt,hef,;�� Britain Fa%ari il"ce Tteat), Will IlWet Goymnanv ��J f!" t't�%,j I , _ti4i:W;"7�, ��, Iaht,'� - . x _igi1111, , ", 44:- ;AfWA- JU-1&4 left 14- Vihaps the ui,illl Wtor..�,3t.ex owli, In. a cpve�ja cn?u*�,s of %Vt,�11, I 1� ��,!,­ .Ae';Y , _-, A I ! I , -.1, ­ " ts .11 - AdA itril"Mrit to "u , � - A �Eltvv -e- Mv broken 1--�ay Cws I gzvo " ,�_, ".J�, ��,Q ,�'i'�z ". '�No .� ","., i �C.­nlpttvy, jczui &-,O�Utcd 1he V'�v 4 ; 116A;�A jfk�4)is the tot I Voull"Iy, k - fft** tealit tenn�s rnatihe.� betwi �1 , r trip EM cc Vv#r, It. Y,m, for pig tak,�,, cat, QrLd flVC ; ,-11 --- 116'" _3 kJ, ­,.!c,' 11 4 cappei. i J..'11gland Cnd aw", I li(wift yim a 4441aful b"&kJnyoqtj�)Q%Aixy. , V.LJr,;, r�txiw"Ai w1por.'Awe J the uccela. FV. Cie Fngh_'�� '­"� "'Anil az.� they did cat, Jes�lj t,4oj, �01,ce fKi� ,'-.sc A�4szi�a C,%lat)-:)eel�aku, WA11116,1V'n Qijr;ht 1�"J'It.ol, ) _C'i t,4 t�zlar.�r Ani oft the s,w:,-c-d rhe renew.! �. 01 1--.,'0 ,%­:�.Z, D.J,,-,, c ­W In uv�,q 084,�, 0 blead, and bless.,d, an'. brala, it, (1114 lhiti,-h vorkign �,*,� k4l,�41,v. kif fil(� Va. Aw " -t,, C&B LINEISTEAKERS' That br:ng�� inZ� wondrmw3 ,�',"V�, W ua.:� aa.0 4�;E('W4� �)rdiu,� to wtp,. - tile FV4,1111 , - ; " kl,V AiA ret4i, -L.".. team %Vaa ,far t.�Jql.v tfie S , t.an, ,litril 1_ vie". � . I .411, ��*Vk:htc;3 ,.44",J. rj'"raslecs I %l ,,v,- 11 gave t� them, and suz,0, 'faLe, fnt ; ited State,1;1 pfo"A)sel X k ,)dtl�jw.%Var. i 'k,t Xack Way ZVOTY Night N*tW*,N* Then in Ilis li.i­tds tile cur.) It � ral-ea, i iswanwaue vzwy L�4o�, this is ws ba(h. I Althoagh the 1,creiga Sezrefiry sue- 1% plck,vious nc4m mtlen Suzan­,� " 3111st nictl - , n�i n , in the 111"t, A ,,, ,,,,,,,r I " 114�; a9k 4t � tCOL' P:�rt llvs� 11 nu, -- - A, P& ti ft, text ,f Buffalo and Cleveland i , A -it' ll`410 ' _te`lk?�; - Anil 1,�'ioXtltp cap. and wboa he ge,'-' s onl,V 4011e AU � tioll I 1, And God aniq ;L . .d ; tO Wait OtZt,�t,'� JC� 'W�L(t . � h , of thi, &af� tsubmincki to him , 11911tw(light eh,-napiawbip, P alsed, , J OA - I hati giVerl tl1aaI.,-,, lie gaV�k it to t �'?�',' theni oft Volk UrAlEffilod ficillliq4 wla$r4 UnR coisfort. , V, I io U0,1Xly ALA441 itacq UWAr nand$. 1� (), �, b,3ut betiveon JininlY M,4,trnin. �; at"$ to"" thm Ensure% 1�"wA1N1*4td10;1l1r411f11V. 1; . White. kindness in Ills bosom plw,wd,� 1,alz� '4-.��,� *.&vj,4�,,o,1,a TO g1va Ljjj'a I ard they all dfaill. of it. I �, ara lmpGirtant interpretations unit re-, % it, ., - "i'm And from Ills lips salvation flo,.wd'. Wunoy. And lie ,-,aid unto thvw� This 11114y servations whi'A will requiril lQngl.hy bara-llittinv cqn,jqj�atl, froal 'Vap� ,� uIrdtAw tabiou WA4p dtokir. owdlitat ld, vww 9 3 , , I , ftrhl�#. C t"QW111it"W"M Atkipw4v k%o couver, and Sazanl,y !,tand,,Il. c1laul, . QS . $Quo " -1y. bloed of the ncw tmta­aeJ1t, wi&-,% is negati*Vcnk�. Britairk- declines t�s re. n, ha" UOU 1x)stp,_"IQ,1 tV:eo tital�_Ii "A"aw. lojA L � * :.1 I)a VK' aftOrnoou of tile first 6 I j! My bloed I thus pqur fortla, Ile evics, I pio. � � To eleaty.,-,the Eoul in slit that liez; ; 0-C .-W *Catu" tile j'.6ciples went (" ZIA ti'd for many. . ro-awe ovao fit any part of the world bccauso of bad weatlier. it is hOrt'.1 � - cotme.-a at 'Cleveland for I-Ske Root% , i I in this thd_`%q It ISX;ealed, lle=3 W ru�,O�vu � ins;ructiona auOut, Verity I 8ay uut--, you, I will dr!nl; where Ittr vital intmeqia ari� eon"11111- ta 4tage th-3 fl�ht one, I Vttwx *ad roiots NV,tst . I I - I . Ild h � Vona hu,- I.1'a.,U Nyllere thl"Y.FaQu Ila more of tb,� fruit of the vine; uu. (,'it, and hitit,B that this Is the 6.1t;1Q, night th!'3 A I eavert's"'eterpal grace revealvd. '(1 'b""""" tit that dav that I drink it now in the attitude tile unittEl 'States UK111110% week. . Daily Service MAY Ist to Novemlset 14th � , . 4- 4 kt-%, QS in WL ,1 4, O'. I at 740 A. Nk, John. Morisop. , "so ot wcurinW a , ome ,z) 14aving at 9�W P. M,, Attivin . tingdont ei 0oll . I,$ through tile Monroe J)oetr-Jn,,. " 'COO raeln't, enthusiasts at- ,. PRAYER `3$4 0`1 Nvalcil to ride into Jerusalem tended, the' openiug_of tile Uroato . _ A& jaw ti�!xt ogent or tourat asm7 ght -for thi,- Ill til,ate,. ive Lval,e -tacal tainute, ,11r. In John, chapters 14-17 we haw Chamberlain makes It clear that im, tienson, when th�� rattgo � ' ­ . Alml, y God, w�� bless thee horse racing . - Jl;r ti�hls i�a C 6`11 UA& . . f, holy religion, triging us to now of. k;k:"Q.A1,J. 1-14 went and found things tho'discourse, and prayer uttered on IY on the, condition that -it is unkler. , , - r . Low Pave $,L50 041 forts to wider and balder enterptiso, rvxi,w�ly, as lie ajq ju(ticated and this,occasion br Jesus; and then fty stoed that violaticn of tho twat,v ty r`ag06",ad4�`ti,o,�'n"," , W"', I New , t.U,X%! 1,11ty m,Va ready the ran�v, an yal". Afterwards they tiny country roleasei other national . VOTIM-0, t, . .- I . ft'artag, Of_.hjSL , LS lef 'i th2 lkvon $850 L that we may tell every uv,ju in thj Passover. � heart 'thvrt�, is, born �41� wa-Vae great itstival :of r roonx and. going out fro"L 4ligatio-i1q, tow#rd, , nffcad. L . I � _ 11W. Gf tboy ,entered the gari)�n er, will Britain sign the twilty. tho 8!e'u'ra'"Onoahbiltet.g. 41,Slklii)l�51-t'*�ll�%.""Ill'! I I L. " , ;rs *- A -No up 11 : "I Iingttontunttva tll�_ mn� .tul ' h� ci L, AUTOS CAUX1190 .3 unto,him a Saviour. Thus wo, feed 11'1�1'1.811 Year unicu comliteAlQrUed LLL ­­ . I flu the Sol) of God. His flosh !" Tneat TAIL' Ive0,110 ot -,acir L nad of t e one. At the entrance he ,11rInlitIv# Rate Vjscov�rvd I I I %U cit"1404 a" waa* TooAt - L ' ou "'On' ,-aid to his diselpLast "Sit yo here, A race of hitherto un nown. prini. W4WenF^Jkt4"AV*.W;Q0,W I X. . . i -4YJ4lAn oonaaae, . k, _­­­_ . in -deed, and his blood is� &Inl; indeed, . I while I wil, and pray youder," lie itive people I 1 I � and except we t�ot his flesit ,a f 4440 large ulh.-wr room fUrnislied took with hin, tile three who , which exist.,d in Nor. V] . - 11 L ad drink , I I L I 1�1­ � i;.11111�_-�.* r I I . 1� 11 . . ,­ - . . � and Preli=led 1011 tile teast which was had thern Africa at least 2�,Qoo years I _. L I 34i440:044. . I I his blood,ve havi- no life -in us. Qui , � : "I , I forbid that we should .telory, save in h4lown 4.0 �P.4 ..jiseiples. may spen his glory on tile blount af ogo, has been discovered by 4)r. P. l� ��. . �.; � �'e.� � � . � beell'in'tnQ L holue ot Xary, tr&� 41114VO Transfiguration. In tbie $fkarful. C'000er C k ­ I L W. L I the -Cro$S L Of our Lord � Jesus Christ. I oth. .,01". well known geologist. I .�Jjlj L L L � 0 1 1 � is , , I .11 . * - I Amea. . I . v4v,oi Jolin Marl:. I crisis in his life, .T�Su� w.aatOtl his The newly discovered race probably I . ,!1Q!1,111,!111!J­ 11 'J: I I I - =9=_; _7 Z, L , - . ' ,.-!!,-.!!!!-��.��i;t!."L"""*"0"4 .. 1 �!%� . I NVO read In Luke f0kands near him. "My soul is I ex. IV, the anceator of the Italions avid L . .� I'll . I L I . L , I I L . I I �(Izev. -Toseph Parker, D,D,)4 Z4,X4 thaz tile diseiplc,s, most ftely teeding'siorrovifal unto death; tarry Spaniard I L I to leave Vancouver for t1to Orient, 1. 1. I L. ­­ - I . ­ � I...... I 11 I , L I I . . A. S., E E90N FOR S'U" aril, :1929 who" 9et1jng--Wate4 around, the ta. Ye berQ,L and wat , ch. is . . _a arld other South, I-Wro. I 400,000 bwohels. has been Imadei. I L bli? disputed, aiftonr peons. ptcord!ag to Dr. Cole, and Is . &�b L ,11ils sliipmcnt Nvill be the largest I . . . . Leaso� * Topie'-sesus, Faving"Re. w " � , themselves 49 And- tit- wout forward a little and . . __ 1W ­ and I I I , ­ . . troy&). . . li.ch, should be greatest, with refev.. to r.,-Port0d to bo,the most Important -10 . 1. ­ . Otir, of Vancouver this sewou, i SP * , i I . L - . I VW,� to the place of honor, 11 on. the ground, aa4 prayed that. find in years in explaining marlis 41111 . w the third largest -to anr country in " . 3 L . L I . Lel;stllt p`os9Q9c­_'Nt01rIz 14.17,25; z too, aono of then, was willing ta"llon it It W0142� P09440, 00 1001' Might - . � L I I .. � the history of the port. ­ ­ lof I . 0-36. . L . . A . vass from him. And he said Abba. ancestry. ' t � 41 Former Governor-General Honored I L I I . , 0oldon Text -Mark I 116. e the others aid things. are ipossible unto. N.ew Irish Parliantent Buildings i I 04tvit" " COW001 It"" AMMON. I . . � . . w4gritheir travel-iit4ined fc4at. in ;,�., - C"llvill WHIKK """A* Worse IWAT . 1. 11 When Jesus le # two I away this cup front me -. The Doke of Aberoorn,L Governor . �, L . Baron Bvng, former Govevnor- L 1L. _ - al ,anada, has been, oboven - wft~v"v wwplst low—MM1,10l L � . ____ ft wtb� Temple -or "ot Oeaer, of C . .__ John 13;1,20, We read of Jesus, aft thoo�nlajllll � � — " ­_­ all were seated noverthefee's not � What I L $Vill, but of Northern rrehAnd, laid the foun. � �� � � , , �, L . A : : rising and bq:I , of tile new Ulster'' V4r. I , I president of the council of. village . I . . ­',� I ..., .1 I L t"no . OL f6i., di�� 'e).�Vloe 'ji , 11 .1. � I I I � L . I ... I ,1_1)lQd 'e. L . X_S 'Tj � 1. ,� iftwaii 130thered- tQ wash tlf� -14186ples" feet, 0 � I 11 contre � IL iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilil d what 'thou N011,11 UN, 11ave here the dAtIonL S - .. I . tiravfr of faith, for deliverance. G*, 11nnient, Buildings on: Sunday, amid . I'll � � � � . washing of' the disciples, ,feet -was entL �� to succeed 'the late Field Xarsball : Ob I I . I I X Morrison sovs� "Undern h that, nictureq0tio � sconils of tsatreantryn , L I 11 :., . 1% F ) . #arl jlalo� Ra�l J011loot . ��� ; L I . I � .1 I . saying in the language of action'that O' TE BKOUYL ,there , 1p,�V-, millIons: of Th3 buildlug� will cost $2,000,000 to I 4 , �1� � * , also SUC, . - - 0 1. . I Will -r "eart the Sqn of man came not to be minw n t o % down. tramoved and inninv. I . : 1;1; .. ,. 1. . I .. . � L .. L. L . With, Lil e com,olete. , ­ .. veeds the late Eorl .11aig, as presi. L . IL , �, , : I istered unto, -bit to winister and that , .bl . the 1,i#,�anae, ' ' .. .. 'L _ � . dent of tile Empire Legion. . . . . L' L I . � , . I I . I . � the law of his kingdom was thla, I*w , a deqlro that, JiJS Germany Has Oonerat. Election , � ;. ' ­ I I . . � � . , 46 L .. I I . 1LpfUlneSS,$l, Filth v*!s wish and will, should bO Tbo ronerill elections in lGerluany � , 4 I I 0� � 'of he (Professor Gilbert) donen ., I . . . . 11 Had n1wizzy SpAis . . � .1 Al L',L L ' ,­,, ... I .." . V_'W� I , L. While they were citing the Pass. ' WORLD MISSIONS -e In full swing and uo to tha time �� __ ....... . . . I . I � I � 1. over, John tells Tis that,Ljl,�SuS *a,3 of.going to presq the Socialist party I ._­­�. �,�,�,,� 11 - , . I - - I - I I L I . . - . I . kta; misstonary conzareac ' wep,pirip - . . Heds Ecorrkuma I . I � � I I " . lre4dy agreed. to. do and enva. ^ iorlty of t1se Socialist victories have "ish . . troubled in spirit. ' Ife knew what 0 ,Bishop had made a gains. iThe mo. . . . Afro. Cloxt.ov, Roy,. Xflto�, lq,$., Judas had a R1016y, gavo tais e�perl . � . e wea Street L , , � Lot the 'e- I tite$' an(c of we -bat xpense of & z1v . I I � . L .-".k ahbrt time � ago J Vao h3 was deeply grieved that onfa* who 1) I Oest Plvaco5 of tne boen, gained � � . . W1 � I L, ' , L . -- I .'L eatly bothered with my heart, ,.I I hid associated with him on intimate Valedonlan coasps cam%4 one nigat,.qn Nationalists. That ,the victory of In 7 IN s .4 Less, " L ' . , . I gL4, . . . guld,not sleep, and would. have bald., terms for so Ion time, should evort u ounct ox caristian, Indiana eagag.(t Germany's strop-q.est nartv will do' � I —..-; . I � Electrical anop . I .1 dizzy spells, i'taw beenino 'PL6 run, rJoNV L be V�ret4nding to,be hig friend, in a prttye�r�s4rvice. 'A�ae neatop" volan into,a veritable landslide is al: � I HereL . ' . I . L " , "...'i . ' � 40WA.1 could not do my work, tore up t1lo I I . but Jesus gave : him ,an L opportunitir to , . BIbles, and b"baluge Tile in ,,and it ensures the. Lis a' -wrgeon's worid,prful pre- We carry a goad 'stock of . would just.-iiave, to tiit aqvvx1._ Christians would not protais(� t4 nonsinatilin d a So,sialist-to ho.A thp. Sorlption now diSpenaQ.(IL bV rl*a'flfl�j. I . - ' L I L L : , . . . I - . � repent and thus save himSe1fL Xr,Dni , . , I � I. � . I'll, I 01stg At'.triffing Cost, th� nC,V$ I � . (�'erlunn L atL *A11 dn I r . . I L comMitting ,$%-_-h a -base evilne, ceaeo.prayinM they begaULtQ breal; *,ew Government, ot Electrical APPlia . I � . I . . I , to PRINCE MUST LEAVE ENGLAND more towards helping you get rid of I . I , L . : "'I.spont a lot of nionq trying dig When JeSU�� ='d, "Verily X, Say Imto up the churan', and finally set -fire to 'Braun. Pitigsiatt Premier, is �slated to 'L L I : L .ferent medicineo, bq vqno 61 them you, oni�, of you,which e4teth Nvi-11 the bulldii*. One young r44,4 ortbe ocoupy thnt posltiQn. L. Prince Carol '6f Roumrtni�: father,of unsightly spots and skin- -dispurves .. ­-Fixturos), etc. � � .1 L , -, .:­ .. L L . � , I aytiling yoir'Ve OVQ, L. I -L I 1. . j 01-11ked to do ine any good.-' At last L Celellr. than a r u, — I ' , I L me; qball betray me"'his woids'caus, -Christians 8aid: "Shall we. not Nerso. ation in Winnipeg ng , le act, to t ritain last weak I .Oil. L . . i . : ' . I L � . '07. niather adViVeli lio'Lt.o i*e ' Pd the d'sciples"'all but one, to be fight for the ho"a of God?" But a -0 on t a :cc uo&t of the government. Not only does this great healinq . to .1. L. I I . .1 - . . I I . , . The Norpp �elobration at Whini eg 'a We Spec' lize in , . . I I , I I � . ;'� L L' . be. ritel i overn ent's action was antiseptic oil promote rapid And .1,: I . I . L � . . I . . I . L . I . . . fillod with sorrow and at once they Senior Christian 'answered "NO, frota.July r?th to 10th next, prorflises, I t en ` on tba grounds that his con. healthy heoling In open sore�; .ind Wiring of All Kinaa . � I . I . L , I began to ask hji�, "Is it IVI Aftqr Jesus never fought; he died.' We will to, be the largest gathering of Xor� . .1 I I I I ' . L . . La tin4a the guiltv oile for appear�. die rather than ftshu" This was the I Id i, Iii It will be duct bad been "Irt'violation of the woundas, -but boils, abeewos "d tit. . E stimates give" an , 1. . I ' L . . � w,g4m, w , , nala rights, of Aliens and ,subversive' to ter$ that Are discharging al -0 almost I . i . -rces t�llce also SaM "Isit 1-ps -All li�glnning of the coaversion of Lhe 4� � 1;g, for thour r, . . applicatio . . b , , into _rn0,t,,n. . I . . I I 11 0 th r I Ility, all �their fail. piratea. At, a later day, a, a it i X .� �e reat- Britain's friendly relatious final a -n i . � i ! ediately ,relleved �nd vle� .1y - n . . L . V Sur of Rdu 'an . . I . L 'ark Guar-anteod - s I . � I L their want of no�. a a 6 'an . , are expected with the present government I _ led. � , 0 orweplans I . . . I . llre� in lo o. all the dooth of their sel. was being Mea ed for A . new - . . L L I . L All W � . . l Lf � L . I . . action I . . I . .. I - � I I : L I I i I . JSbness all the weakul-as of -their' church house, a man. said, to. the Blish- fr"O'n the Urited States and renresen mania." In skin diseases its F1 little 'L I. . .: ' I tativa rion.from Norway will be pro- - - " V, L of : I I � . , I ­r,.r­�­ r flo L L I I ' . I I less than magical.' The itchin tho__ I , -1 .1 1. L I.. L ­ ­ . I � . Every 7 -evil­,-thought �, _ they__, L P '!Bjjsh0'P, L,do you Anow. that thi, , " .­, Broule ' , '"ZoUla- in, 1IAsttMt1Y , gt6 ' hn��' I - ­ .., � - mPd,1,­­._tJW - ­ � .,. , � . I I ." L� I . . Vatnhq , 01*- ftemir- L - - I. . 71. . -11, �_ - ;:­­ . ­­­ I 1� , 6 I I faQ.h4- .L . op. holding a. tape -line the while -, ,�,nf,.. D,ranv of tile Cinadign ntill . I ., , FfA 6k. MeAr 'Vor , .. ! s hand unitpel Sti,tias, Bydo-laga;'nri Xoivieg-� W L d Vey. . . ­ . . I . . . . . I I vat fire to the old eburell? I -It did, ion � Soelletle.q. a;d. the, League Of The 'Geri! a pIAU0o Bronleklt vert few days. The samels, true of -Phone 82 - West str,40 I . LL I . . L � ., . . . .1 . ,. � thoucht, the� I r ever L %Aid': ' and from that night UtitilL X heard tho . V ColladaL I aL '"'no eruptiplis ,dry up, and 'Seatv ofr in a � . .. . L I I L I I i I I . T41voxy el�jl w'ord 0 L I , orsevnev of hav? .ft,pranged , Jr, which 'Baron von . R-uqV4,-feld# bdr ers' Itch, salt rbount, axk(& other . ", ... � � "I _. .. . . kzry preacher say that 'the blood I, I I L � , . . I I I - � i . Ev r evil thing they ever did. L , of Jc8us fn liold Opir biennial meqtIvqs , I in Xoehl, and Major Vitv- Irritating and unsightly shin irou�� I 1 4;:- ;= . � I . �. I t .. 11 ,* , . uu�,iej, ,%ad, Cle Sin, L t "a t L I . nll rqv;�,ded upon their moL arises front 411 n6vor had WirinitwX during the' week ' of the maurq1ce made L their bleS. 'L . . I I tt:t �__ � t�­_ . . I I 'L - I I _r �� I 'After I ' 11fka t,XlEen a I d6UP1 . 0 OfL -rpado, their �connciencei afraid. LX,0111' -peace in my. heart.". (Wected). ration, L _ � .L I . . epo'Chal flight ' ' . . I ; � � blues X began to fcol a lot better, 00:1 0 0 th y0i, I tF, I. - 1- '"' - gelob . I from Irelavd.to- the coast Of Quebec,L . . . . ,-w seemed safa fro . You can obtain Mnoue'q r,,nioralil . in an no .__ — L * Tli,�ro art-. ollout 73,000 tiersonn of was $0 b'k(ily'damagba When a Jartit- ()%I in the Criginal bottle 'It jnSr 0 _ . L elonfinued. ti)eli'um 4A4.td;dqy I ain in. . . ,tl,. ANADIAN NATIONAL BY, � ,. . I L (10,4rrar). , � , Dust Causes Asthma --Even a lit,� lqnivewi�jn blrtl� ond. orilrin- ,Can- ere inoellanic, who had -fltswii frop, In (I G . . . � . pe;fect bee-Ith analeol as well as �Tfie treachery -of, Judas' ,act was fie speck too Small to see will'lead to, to era drug store, It is Safe to use, ' . fly . i � I . I nda. of whom. 0.000 aro in the pro- New, York the plane to t1w and -failure in. any of the �ailrflvrts TRAINSEME to MON% � L _____­ I . 1 _77_� The walls of t I I if; neXtL I . � did. Nyhen i � was, a, �oung girl, .. ­M�*_WlmL�_-.�__ --1 - ago -010 Which ao words qan de�eribe. vinep4 *of' Unn toba� . Saskatchewan United States. Attempted a take-oR noted above to i1naossible. '. L - r . 1. L " - . .1 �_ I . � I � I r $ X - alwAys L4 reeonuneml, Xilburn Is WAY, Of CanadAfg ldadi,mg he breathing tu�bag Leon� � I _ DAILY RX011)T, STIND" . . . ;. . � Ileart and Nerve pills to MY il tract ,td It seems as if the very lift, and Alberta, froto the beach;, that all hopes, of get- IT', C., I)Unlop or & R. Wit'VIc Can J_'Up. , . -iPn04, social and sportinj 4lubs use Building 0e - , OW I've - GodQr.ch 4,200 It.m. 12.1210 'p.m. � , . . must'Pails- From this cohdit'on.Dt. I Nat6rs Rapidly * Ing the machine away under,lier n ply you at any time. " , ' ' . X, . I 11 . . -wer have been oibandon6d. �� Tile, _ 1 49 1 feel that. !" Antiot pmiw, tlalhl Red, Road Orange Pekoe Tea IT IX I(Ologg's Asthnin, . A -new grain elevator every tWoL po by, Stea L .- CliMoll 4.44 A.'"I. 2,50: 0-�.11. . . ". , . on�ouglt for Vdiat t3 . one �Re.jiledv L will be shipped nier, . .1 I '0 114vc�d,. :'Qr 4XvlUsiv4Y,,, T& _ A d cto d -ast 11 P, days has bep the ,roseord.estahlisfied Ymn-'hina . I ft.."O" ,.7. i �,-i - "�, n -, : . z 41 Senforth � DAM a.m. ,0.04 il.W. . ' ' ' L� � '�� ` . I ". . 4- . . I � I brings the, user to. perfect I . 1: '.I rt I tj)N`eW,yo&;��n_­ ­­�_._�­':I.,. . , , 11 -in, rwhEll 7,21 0n. ,",85 r,sa, . 1. . . __"`1 11 I - . pia. Y y . I L I I . � I . I strenj ' relieves the passages- and noinial 1?y. the Mafi1t6ba'171fbqt'P6oI.'4nci I _r.*LL,,,... I.. . 13 L. 'H . ''. 4krr. S I 1. . I . I '.. L I oil �Jiu( L ' .. - L - . L , Price all aealers, or finvor of R &age , . operations' began , tWA' L 200 Alon Tr*isp ,� a 0_,:. offle, 't�'Atfard I T.,* ami, 4.03 ima'.". .. I '. Ititt �h I . . L � - at ed, Rose Qr . eath'in . one)% A,-10'04ft� 0.120 p.m. . Ir is hrally established 'again. . . . u , g . - 11"Allin � A' b. � I - . �04,' 4 tiox . gth and Ininittiablo . I Ir , � , , - xw_., � ' - . iviailvd, direa on r"*ipi, of pike by ,Tfio Pdko� zaakat.it last longer, , , ds .of .testimonials v�ce�lved 13P Or Close to eightY new olova- qd miue blast 'in 'tile Mather ddh U � 11 Guelph 0.04 a.m. .1'650 v.ra. '. - � �: .L T. - Wilstati Co., Limit 4_T6ronto'L Ont, L 1: olnually , prove its . effectiveness, tor' pointq have been organized 'this mine, Uather, Penn'�ylvonla.''trapped , , : ­ A( Toronto ' 10.25 -A.uu 7.30 )P.M. , - . � 7 I . I I . I � -_ go faiether� atid' taste . year. ,and. new elevators will be or� 211 m�'n -PiL-0 of slate �and : 600j, &Uuts C - . ., '- I I %.. I .. . — . .� ­ , , , , , Packed in darnprproof ='i'-,- I � If v6u " - "' I - It m 1. 1. T�ebehW au. be.steared aI Returning-LoAve Toronto 7i'va- aanv . , . : ... � . : ­ lat*: , , lot, Lb' . . a . In bullf coa bodleg-ot thiVty_atne',lnJn' L 12.56 P.aj..nnd Q'0�,P,VU �. ­ . I -------- .. U Aro not alitiSfied. _'�&ith -Your "ted at nef"'ly 411 of t . I . . - � . I . , I I .. . .1 . - nuw# " . . I I . ild on it. I. L Ing theA3 X�nitoba, Pool P,IeVators a en overed 11rea-tiv. but I I . I . I . I �� . � I - . -ee,bundro SN I , . I L . * — . — I ­_"__� (svor thi A tuen divided into mine experts'linve given 0411-hooe . . . Parlor We, car Goderich to�Tvr_ I . L 'r I, . ! . .d I . . . . -_ - . fourteen cr at Lthe I . . 1, SWAAT$" I . . . 1� ­ I . .. . ews, are employed. of returni-mv any 172'ovitomb. :on Ituron Road (Provincial Jf4'frb. onto on mornhir train, and Toronto I '. I . .. � � . I L . !, . . L, ' P.W'� t �'�J . L ' . I ;', L . � . I . 4 ­ I L I � � i � .. AvlatiouLL and Conservation :.. Od L men to'the surface alive. Bureau ,yay) at Taylor'si Cornor,i . 41,�, to Oodericb, on r'.O,'y To it X6 . is� . . L . , . . �� . IS , pla�jug' of Mines authorities r6fuse to nd. . !. i . - 46 .%, . . . I a I I L I � Auto and Orse -Luvel 11 . . 'A 'I Each year 'aylation miles from, Goderich. change of cars between Ood6rfeh ana L . I � It/d"% U . * bl" VL'� . � . . � - greater purt , in the development van" the witict cause of the disaqtor . .1 Toronto. . . . I . . . I - I . L . , I I L EJ I . I I V %.,AN BRUY - , - conservation of the natural rc� until'such thue PS L tbay can - conduct - C;Oad�Ajilclj Cow$ for'Salo. , . L . fti-slobfm Q# , . L. �. I I 1. . . . I _. I , . I and a thoroliTh L ffiVeSt1jrat'on' one ' . I I .. . . J. A. LAWRUNCIN, I . .; .. . .1 . , - *14k, . i's that a_poeltot 0, gat L, Town Passe, ger and � I . . . I I , L Sources of Canada. Aerial tiansport theory s had Atio '50"tuagood Road mor-wo L Ticket Agont, : I I I 11. I . I r4antraial $t000t I . I . - . is beloing. to solve the most urgent been strael, at one of flie worki-Ag I : . :.. . � I . � ... . . - I 1. . Just off tile Square, 'A 8 I GG E R.' CAR, I . , I I . . 'Islionc P. - , . . . . .. . . . .. . . . I probleinp. of the- forester, surveyor, faces of the mine. wliil.i other,; 1�- . . _ L 11 ' . .. , I I ! . B.1L . . .. -wo0ogLst ,and explorer In'their work L _ � ­ ". .... , 4_1 n,t� 'i-ty, . , � in the, more remota , I red by .. . I I I U . slated the explosion was �cau . . . � .. . i I 0Y I . . : . : parts of the country, ft$� Well 4SL in 8 . , Child'reW Orr I - . I LL I 509RAL FIRST, CWS 'AUT04,- REA Ae I . 1W I . and.L unexp)ored du t. - . - . 'I L'OURNIN I FOR sERVICZ-VIT YOU ANYWHE . � I I I Eight. Years to Complete Roll Or - M AT40, W119S 101VAINT TO 691' THERE . . I . . . T . N A'?`"r . . the settled di.�tiicts, ,and now appli- . .. FOR FLETCHER'S ; I . I 1 . .. . I L 104) . cations of aerial methods to other It has t0on eiglit yeato to roln' _' L ­� . Tel,:603 r 1,4, - I . . I L I Hasses Moot all I 1.04"s mild . E . . lines of rasearch are. conAantly on. pleto the Roll of Honor WhiChL is to -1. � ... I., :. C'A ST 0 R I A .. I : I I . I � , . I Pam" zer, goat# A BETTER, ON . . largium the field of usefulness of the be Placed in Liverpool Cathedral,. . It ��__ I :i I � . . paste" gets Ca 1jed. to r In ady , . .1 �� L . I . I . L 1. - 1. . aerolane. , 1, .1 L eontains the naines of 40.000 Iolvvr. 1 _,______._,19 1 1 . - . I . I ; I I . . . . I . � _( I oart of the town (off all . .. ­ I . I 11 lapan Sends Warning I Pool Wen who lost their lives in the , I k L) - -Oiv OU -r W17 -1y I � I . . L ­ - . . I i �,Ffi) SL C, C 1� - 6 -, N S I .. tPAIT111 at 0. T. R4 at C.. P. R� I ... � . . . . . L . - I , . I . Japan has w�ruvd the Northernist Oreot Wov* ' The Volnm�y, probp.blv '. � k ; ., , . oapotp I . . . the largest of. its hind in the world,' � I L . Prompt Service tind .. � .. . I I I . . L. . . fjorces. at Pekin, China, that she will I consists of over 400 pages of -velluln, � ! A0 1. I 1. .1 �� . I H . . .1 tolerAie no extension of the present . � -, _: -, I . � Chinese civil warfare into Alan- The'froutf5piece wasL autographed by . ; ! . . ,, '. CarefUl AttendOOCO* I . f I I I I L Xinfr Oeorgo and poeli: page is illum., � 't m-Buk I I . L I . I I � - . . . 11 1. 1. L .. . I churla. Thia blunt intimation by %tile inated-in gold find color, . . . I I I . . . . ... I L I . I ­ . L I I I 1. . Japanetkr Is almost certain to bring 9 I I L . I I �, -_ _ --,.----,- i . . . 1. L 001'L LI y and "ack betvicer I . . . . I . ... I . . .about a ,climax to the .lengthy ,41vil Tolar FliAlt'sate"Oul � �', _ . I , , . � I . . I L . Wars between the Ival e Italian polhr expedition 1111der i I 11 w111V611 fatind up-to4att d tit factions, . Ile it Tit . : � . 1*1 ,46VerVL re#ppet : . . . . . . I Northerners and Nationalists, and ("eneral Umberto Nobile. hap, arviv6d * � * - _____ I L . . - -**-%� - the eyes ofthe whole world are cou- back ht Spitzenbergen, after a 68. 1, . I "V. , � 1 . .1 . . .... � . "AHS sticcess of the new Oldsmobild- , . hour flightovor the lands and.watery �F . I vour,pAtronsto $0110too. I I 1. tred on a Aittiation which tnight re- � -. A . . . . I . X L I$ ea&y 'to und6rstand when you sult in "gerave possibilities. The of the North Pole. The air%flhip : � I , a�l � . � L , . .know why this new six was treated arid , . Great P6vers, have , always recogniz,6 � , . I I ! T. SWARTS . , Italia was used foi`thla expedition, . �� . .. I which � , . ;:�� 1, . � � . . ' L . 4 1 Oro_ waaw " I , i� � � 'i I I I I I I I *ad I I WOW , I 11, 11L I I I I I L . I I I . I P, . I 4t- � � , I I � I I � I =====�_�_=_ � I I I .1 I .1 I __._-_­­. I 1` 11 I I i " , I I I I V, A- I I I'l . 'i �L,' 'Phone 'I 07 ", "' ,%0t1Vf,J' � ed Japan's spe6jal position in Man. hhough not comoleted, %va,,4 '&I Street � how it was Perfected. . . � � a 7 I 0.0k.0 I I . . I ch -aria, but until- now Japan hau the first of Ito kind over that part of .;.__�__ - J I . _*O*_��!�!­ M!!!�. , It W41S Created 'Xpedfitally. tor tbose whow I never claimed Manchuria it " , tile world. New Shores. and bound. . -_ -1 -_ -_ - ­ ­_ ­­ , - .L . _ - I __� _�', 1. I . IL k truly no* Auto 1. . A 8 U I aries, hitherto uncharted may be . _. I � I L lweference is for hioblle.� It' I . right protectorate. rt will be re.r ! . 11 . 11 . wav devoloped to standards, Of qual, ty, style . me1mbered th.it , it. was tile clash of 111,20ed 00 the map before the elot-e I I I . 1111111� I . L . . - . , U S E, . " � . Abd Value that made ,no. 4ditkiflonSO With J I I afnibiflions and interepta in Alaniell.a. of this enterprise, . " . . .. . . . . .1, price. It *,to proyed by oytr a million Iftilell I d to ilte Riisso.Japk I. Huge Grahi shipment . 6 � . 4 . . . ria that"le tueDo I 0 'of .. . . . I kkrn,sl , , L. . I r.14 qn 'ov � - - - I ___ " __6 ,r.. __ __ . i�f releotlels tenting. And L froin the 441, The - I �� L rain 'R 1.11pimWIRMiall L ­­ ______._1.1_--.__-__1_ . - . I I'll __ Ito iwinn­ cement, MIS V1 51110 I e Uss, On-' - . . . .. � . - a . � ­ J -A, alifed-fic - . . itidly gr6windir vednii""Oh" ga, Al. . .� . 1. -,Spori JnL (;tneral . n � � !!� --W—_�_ V_wnt -, . i — 1, aiimwl ; , RV 40w, -d a rA Ind". L I . � .. 11 I I I 11 !Inc. 0 r of low price, ,.. I I Ralft upset the schedule in the I . I Ja toL W repeated. . I I . -raz mpw$ STORE % Xt,* now 111th tompra itigin*--embody. . it L. I . . . ­_­­ .1.1.11 , itig the oat adv ced eaturox ,of desip--� . 11 but Many galuen were Played over L . . I . provide& true fine cat swoothnessi snap and I . the week -end. Toronto Maple Unto _ . 11 . 00 I : ­­­ , . speed. Its itts ided c asis and silenced in. still lioad the International LeaguL� . I . L .. teriqrs create true a car,enviroiftent. Its . � with i633 and Montrwl is bach in . 0 -1 - 1- -1 modish Fisher bodies teveal a new expressioa - second 1144ce with'.5,38. , *)� I . I � - 11 ;; . � of fine car beautyt,vhile Auch features *I � - � 1rita a `tvaa verj� pronfluent. in th-e.' . Lovejoy Hydraulic Shook Absorbers Saw - I tenuI6 world On Saturday When the I . I , 'up p made a dean sweep" . f� . I ra4i,,tot, shutters contribute t,he fiftat touches * DavIrA C ,an, I . , I . too . . of fine car luxuty. I . . - I of the secolhEl round nam&j with Vin - I "I'll I.- L , . ­ IS fil 9 ear SellbW 10i Vj165 .� - I I land tv winning ,all fivt m4tcheo. . - ___ NaturiTy, All Al - I . , The Old, Country'a reprosentatives - I t... I .1 I L - . . _. I %r b Cook by McMeity L WOA sy Elothidty trot by Flifttrilrity CONVIRKIM01 L CLEANs QVICK Chesper thin Cod or Wood ,All Cie-etrie Ivacuuni Cleanov rentove� thd dtist, a lta�oln just lllovi�:i tho, dost, Wo ,gwtrawlt�L� all 11 �,, d, T o Lahnp,,� ittr t,�V,A'howlr"� Walk in arv,j � �_,�_, kfl'_,PL119 at The Hydro Store Ian At e N,VAAU "V .111, us 001st 111"011es .. buyers of tasta and discrimiattion. Theyllave inipected ft-4riven Priticall"rid said, "You can buy it 11sigger car,L but not a beirw ou Ill � 2 -Door Sedsm $11485 1 . . . I AT rAMOXV, t"11AWA, ONTARIO 64veyo*ilit T*irlisf t*4 8#,we Tioe,txws d6bi0l A(06r,l' 0WO 410fled ,PSYXWht PISR , GJWAC . . . &ford,* ,you tke siawlest, ;Wot "molt ecivilesioal way of boyiAg yisar 01i(SAY10kile 04 tiW0. 0,10.11-40c L , 0 LID S BILE *11111 FIN* OAX vt tow ps . -, , - - , . . ... - "? MacEWAN & TEBBUTT . , , .1 I 11 .� ') � I'v'M Rou_%� (M-echmni" I . I - -1 I .. - 1 I rutirw!eror. #,i"%-f*Af�UOTOtt�;:01'4"AI14AT)A- TIM GIVE CONIFIDENCE I � . TO YOUNG MOT14ERS --`-.1 By Always Xceping Raby'fi Own , fibleta 11% t6t 1110me . A Finiple and safe remedy for the common illis of bibyhood and child- hood should be kqt in evory hollic where there is either -a baby oil a YOOK Lebild. Often it is neq.qmary to slvt. the littlo Otw% ponle"hing to bre*k ,up a cold, alkiy. fiwor, vor."cet olnur st6math and banish the irvita. Nlity that aeeouipar&s the eatting 6f feetb. ,11*rjeLn""Od Motbtfn ftlWayr. ke'opf F _ I 716by s Own Tablet!) in tho horne vs a 4 100f91140 SgliinSt th(l UOVIIJICI th3t# P,�eizt thtie little oven en ead,lenly and , � Ow young mothor canr *6 rerir.*n� ,1� *My -tgfe %fth t% bon of Vitee ThIqU-to L at IsPrO end 1-M& for ORIa-POnd(I.1. 11, 11!1by1r, Owta Taflots nve- a mildbut' I 0fw"uAll lamifivo fliat act 10�tbvvat I ,rii�,,piwv nqd 0xly aT-p ab=la',,1yi PLIAX-I'ntr(d Ara fvoul corjn�en or n'�Ia�), rl- 14,4��mful (Ituac. Tboy iAsv r,)ld Twj� , n1ell"a'oo AAOL-s 61, tA, umn n", 21,'�.` , ,e."4m ; T,-.-,�! ffi-;�%l T'aP,1h,. �Ivfflint,�-n*_? V ,v; ; I'll" "_ 11..1fl lfb ;, Wa.v "I have been bothtred 44100YO wifit a pain in my aide lift for Te1ra, I pai" 11.8me,6 liking Pat of two but not holdi-tof Xidavy Rclut& atsy and Blood rutifier I gi�t "Sort permsylent rdief." Aft. At. Mrmidr, roft ,8015kr, ofit, ejalWter'S 1%,ifJftoy Ilet*dy ja *obderlullv hir-Ang. Iferbo. No vnin"il drogi. No Auto . WC4. It vou'rel botbtrril by, Painful tx�k, r)"funisfinn, or any ki4l*v or filliddt'r illo, give this sv"4"'Ft oM toeAkine a Wal. strMEDY On" of "to far"ots 601*ghee, tfeihsl HeLm_eltold M- ",dieg z ­­­ '' ' � ' ­­ 1. L ­­­­ __ � . .1 ,r I I I.. 'L � . . L". . L - I 11 I -- - 11., , - . ­­ L I " L '' ­ L - . 1. . 00001 I . . � I � L . With Spring Comes, Cleaning upL and - I , i � . . I � I . .1 , � I I ­. Painting , - . We carry a full Ime i)f Scarfl,o) flaint(s. This paint W.V2ri_, I I 1110re aod lasts longerLiliall i)(Iler ill, . L ,IkeS of Paint. h takc6i I . f . just.as foug to put a poor paint oil as, 3i does a g,00d one. , . . I . Why not haw tile liesto [!Cs Scarf% 111"thitq, Hnalilds, vartliAles, etc. . . . Do y6ti require a C'roani,Sepirato . r? If you (10, have it Ile V. Iowa, nuill1lor 2.5, V, hidt vve k"M ull to yuu 1� very divap . ' . I We have a nunil�er 4 viliije enalueled WIA statil's - which %yere ill tile ."Otati stillset that we are Qfforillg for 82-50 each. Thew can be made isito Dreosgeno also could , iw made lift China Closets by pladne, leg,,F UVJL,!r fJJ2�.lJJ.L 0 . 'Aneh Planking -wo 491 11ave . If yott require aq gooJ � I 1130,1110 left. , I . I , . Wo Carty st (all 164M of Shelf and "ftvy llordw*re. If you requint Mtobing, tkating,'FlecWrc Wkhiror F-Avt I Troughing, give us�,* 411. I AlwsyA * Ul It'" of Rod and Soft (,lood in tte,�'k� I "�!!t-;!�,:,O-.;!.O".to��-I..-"d,�,---- �o-,,,t�1!6*y.et.t"#,-e�10-m�#.-.-#"�, -.11-11 IL L40 ­_ . I ("I" H A 0.--- *a- w C . L E E , 'flto llardw.awe Store at the 11adwr 11 . 6"IP CHANDLER 14-014MING ftsid 11CATINn sOrt 11+t�lst 1",� . ficttot Ir -4" 2 12% 0 , 1, ,ON r - �4z, 9 � ..." 4��. V� 1- ��___ - -_ �­- ' - - V - I r - - L J_ � , __.JM_ - - . JA