HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-05-24, Page 4'NAM.
PAI.Z Vois it
E ARE OFFERING Special Values in Ladies' and Misses' Coate, These
Coats are the season's latest styles aud made from the finest materials.
There are plenty of coats to choose front in every size, and you will find
• he •vaNt:s offered extraordinary.
Tricotine Coats
in navy,satut and greyx. olers„inole fur
trimmings, flower crepe lining. Reg,
prices from $28.00 to $32.p. Special
Navy Coats
lu the season% latest styles. These
Coats have fur tuffs With satin °Searfs.
Regular prices from $21.50 to $25.9(1....
Special ,at
Of kasha cloths 44 tweed, hi tailored
yles. Some have fur trimmings with
throw scarfs, sizes from .14 to 38.
HER? YOU Alitt
Special in Hose
Pierette Silk Hose in The season's lead.
hng shades of paaeb, black, nothing,
champagne, parchment, evenglow,
• shell, nude, iris, mauve, etc. Regular
$1;50 value, for
98 Cents
Irish Linen
,.Pure Irish Linen pmelling with colored
borders o puig yellow or blue. Reg.
'„plo c per, yard. Sale price, per
23 Cents
Men's and Young
'Men's Wear
We carry an Op-ta.the.minute line of
Men's and-Ypung Men's 'Suits, 1 ap.
Coats, Hats, Caps, Neckwear, etc.
SAM SYNIPTONS c:1-• for any ether ee.spose. The elese•
I eases.:
111 FAANy CASES eiatikin ie aud wae ineapsteatai ae, i,..
„ da, lettere patent from the lteereelse ,4
1 riiitiii_vaiih. tor a mood Builder t04! ifild 11103 impair:se) mei Win 1.":',
; An 41:laconic Cueulitioa &illy Recess. I 6.,°veinelent, sia a nseeprefa asso• ise, l,
amin stela The sate inifieWe ')F zee
li in matt ca,vi,. of anaemia the i stations iS- foe_ the enteetainresset of
1 mall -atom* are alineet the F31i1C. 1 th::1 public' by educatioaal sind reu.;/=
'ate seffeeer geowe.rede and is k,asily i Cia programs, et ee ima by what BAL. ,
i tired after the leust exertion. The 1"stg1eilts' believe to lie reazonable ies
1 al -petite ix nekle and the vatient t terpretatiou of the Hely Sertpturee, (
1 loses; in weight. Sometitr.es there ' te) The fact should not. he wee.- l
" artreee:1;elav•Il.
heeic;andieefitilefinoilevi,aa,si;i0,t,3e lookeej that all the statements af Iva :
atleirrer the svinntems beeenle thare
..ersleeureed aril often there are faint-
speetor Ellis, aforesaid are beaesey
and goesip and are witheut foefeies1/2
•ne eitelle. Ali +his shows that the (f) As to the statement of In.
tion fact
Dleed th'n ersi seaters. and at the
Ellis that peeve
e -ere fires ee•raaosa 44 this ee,eatiee being U.,(-1 l, the station than is au.
specter naive in
'.$•-:easelle take pr. Winimnst %oozed Iii.ttH3 Departloont. 1 votild
Piel" Ville the nett welMble blood. '1nY hotklternationol Bible Sille
builder awl nerve to knowa. Ties tezn.ftsti*.:Aisisooweelartitei:disbnyotelresco.onetide
sole Nissl'en of thee medicine le to
Mnich the bleed. and svhen that hi 3. Considerable of the eoresspon.
aerie en the distreesing sear -items dence refers to the activities of file
t1IItjei,r.nrAaits,oeortv7i,tnhzelevrillois. eald Aesosiation nvier to the
an of radio broadcasting licenses
I.psaa,raer, shankuti. Nene wee end is therefore not relevant; three
eeveees,"Allont four vertite agA I be. items refer to Vancouver, five to FI -
tine veil. Much run down. r could nionton, six to Saskatoon and the
riot (et. One? uor rest, and I grow so balance of the corresnondenee to
• irvong that the smallest things Toronto which may be divided ne tole
would annoy lee. Eventuelly1 grew lows:
(a) As to programs 14;
co weak that I did riot have strength
fb) Interf•wenee
to move about 'without help. I was 44
jeet a mieerable evveck, and Weenie (e) -Miscellaneous az
very much dieemireged as I had tried 4. "This eerreenondence may also
many medicines which failed to help ha further divided as tn tile meatere
me. In this wretched state a friend of the enemlaints as follows :
urged me to try 1)r. Williams' Pink (a) 11 comnlaints that the Assn.
Pills. I did so and before long found elation is too frenuentlY on the oir.,
they Were helping tina Gladly I con. (it) 19 enninlaints that the eft,.
timed taking, the pills until I fully tions of the 1. B. S. A. interfave with
regained my health and strength and
I have eince continued in the best of
health.' Later met daughter became
etesemie and six boxes of the pills
restored her to health, strength and
eolot. Naturally 1 eanSider Dr.'Wil-
liame' Pink Pills a bleesing to weak,
% . rue down people."
Yoe tan get these pins threlelt
reiy dealer ir• medicine, or by mail -at
rio carte a box from, The Dr.,
linmc Medicine Co., Broeltville, Out.
cisee Central, Toronto. Cantin is
seine Sweezey for 82,000 damages
alloetel to be due because of fraud
and elsceit on the part of the defend-
ant regarding., the transfer of own-
ership of the Traneportation and
Power Co.. LTuAted, a compeny in-
eorporated under Dominion eharter•
Cantin alleged, he was principal
staeltholder oe the iseued sheits of
the ceeetnnv. Counsel for Sweezey
deeleeed thet fhe v:et of surnmors
had been , itrinvonerly served in hie
client while the latter had :wen tete-
wearily ir Marva nn a visit, In the
et R. a tessets,.
Sweeeev s torinsel. ft le submittee
filet Sweezev is 00 teeident of On.
114•410.01:41PlogeMikenogleaqbangl01/1"011100.* torte, thet tre'esteit est ettientoris
• eloaesnc Ctrntt. of action and tbat'ite
defendant holdea property in On-
were,..ereaseetollew„ste Presidents_ --11"4 staticseandefotethesesreasongethesveri
me, Iv -Ingham; firet vice-presi- ehould be sot aside and the action
dent; Mrs. It. MeWhinney, Dungan. dismissed, rkatyk Began; counsel
nor; &world vice presid(nt. Mts. A. for Cardin. infirs affidavit stated that
Practically 'Equals Her Agricultural dent,Arkell, TeMeswater fourth Aerie) recently' tiurchimeel for the taw -
vie° president, Mrs. t:Kay:Rine:ire nose of ere.etitae therein a eteeprett
achare Divesels; third vice presi- the defenciont owns erenerty la On.
dine; fifth viee-pvesident, Mrs. Dr. uNee *ad 444'bie eeeidenee is in se.
Simpson, Rintail; treasure)", Miss tleteph's." Ruhr, Counter, One. ated
Norma Nicholson, South, iKinloss; riot 4034 Peee tafeetaiee. Motareal
terreis. louring seeretarn Ure.• Carr, as 011)1101(1brillr. Cassels,.
'Magnum; mauling Secretary. Mrs. • "
• Croerini industrialism of Western Provinces, Will Have Influence on
Their Political Thinking
MacTavish in
is a Wilolo` has not realis-
edthe significanee of the develep.
mein that has bcen taking 'place. in
litaniteha, 'quite apart front ininin
'Until a very few years ago Man
toile's interests were exclusively
agricultural, whilo Winnipeg Qxisted
as Is distributing centre for the
prairies, and wasltherefore, as keen.
‘or concerned in agriculturo as the
smallest prairie hamlet. ,
That vondition has changed, Itt011.
ROAN industriet output last year
praetically equalled her agricultural
Prodnee, and the industrial, output as
of« much varied natur,". There is
SOUDAN. in non-metallic mineral
proilucts. V20,000,000 in flou'r $19,-
000,000 in produetis or tho packing
'houses, $10.000,000 In railway 'rolling
stock. 5R.000.000 in cheese and but.
ter. til.000.000 in jute and paper bags
and $5.000,0041 iii eleetric newer. Ile.
sides the. iten219 there IS a papOr
Mill producing :IN tons daily and
other plants producing steel pr -
4111.0131. distilled Melt %suers,
clothing nod various other products:
to a total of nearly $200,000,000 an -
madly. -
,Statistics am dry reading, bui, in
MacLean's Magazine)
this case they haves' o. signikance
that is Profountl. Idanitoba, with
her mining and manidoeturittg 18 -
is not Manitoba the prairie
agricultural province. *the charm!.
ter- of her thinking, political and
otherwise, will change materially as
tile new conditions become „ better
understood.. Manitoba, nu a *sUDUtIF
smeller earl°, now has everything
that 'Ontario lms, or Quebec. It is
significant alto that Saskatcliewon,
at present o. purely agricultural 1)10-
Y11100 as Manitoba was a few years
ago is heginuing to think in terms
or lifting, provincial distribution of
deetrieal energy, and manufacting
industry. What Manitoba bas in the
way of cheap bydrolower Saskat-
chewan plans to produce by central
steam plants located in the Bienfait
lignite coal urea, where coal can be
mined with n steam -shovel.
• Officers Elected and 'Resolution
• The officers eleeted at the recent
meeting of Maitland Presbyterial,
10 FRIDAY, MAY, 25th, 108
11•▪ 1
ma o'clock p. nt., for the purpose of
111 Organizing a Dominion Day Celebration
• • H. J. A. MacZWAIS Mayor.
Godaricks May 22n 1928 1102.
1101101M1110111111111111110011" 110101011101411
Khaki Pants
Five dozen Khaki Pints, well made, heavy weight
duck or twill, cuff bottoms nd bell loom sizea
32 to AI6,
Men's Khaki Pants, good strong make, cuff hottotnA
and bell loops, sizes 32 to 44. Special. ....$1.23
Painter's Orelvile,-Mert's white Overalls, n
Smocks. Speciai price, „ „ • , , „ „
Ph", *4 M. ROBINS Th. Squat.
Morrison,. Rincyddine; SuPPIY
secretary, Mrs. G. Douglass, Lucke 14.tuporrs
now; mission bend eecretaryi Ur?. Pio ANSWER. GOVERNMENT':
tainklater, Teeswater; library and ANS
literature seeretarY, Mr& J. I. Elliott STATUTORY DECLARATION
Wingliam; borne helpers' secretary, -• •
Mrs, MAIM" Molesworth; glad tid- ceestssoss
'lugs "(9'1411' Mll' 1)"terileitb 1-34. 44110VINCE ox,rmtro
grave; eie.ceirte ewe..eirsre were -
tarY, Mrs. 11. moGte. Wingliamf COUNY OPCARLETON , wils
young AVOTileresecre-
Dungannon; s
tary. Miss Careick, Lucknowr life
members secretary, Mrs, j. J. Elliott,
The following eesolutions W21.'0
adopted :
1. Ile it resolved that we acknow.
ledge our gratitude to Almighty God
for hiGhloving care, and all wise pod.
•lance bringing us through a dies
• ressful ,year, and that we re -affirm
our belief in the•sovereignity of God,
in the Infallibility of the Bible and in
the doctrines of our ehureh as set
forth in the Westminster Confession
of Faith.
2, That we place gra 1•Ce(nril our
heartfelt thanks to thet council ()ewe.
tive. the highest court of the W. M.
S. of the Presbyterima chuveh in Can.
oda for the splendid service vendered
by them in the yeers since disrmition
anal that 'ert) re -affirm our eddidenee
and lovalty in their leadership.
8. That our gratitude be exoree.
eed to all missionaries engatred19
servinr, our W. M. S. for faithful
work during the nast year.
4. That wo lovingly record our,
deen eppreciation of the years of
faithful service willingly, given bY
our beloved. reersident. M131.Perrie -
P943 Mr*. P.. E. Coombe. vieesnreat:
dent. Their gentle tact, rejoice,
wisdom and-foretight hoe added so
mueh to the euceeesful development
of this organization.
5. The eneroa(hment of the worli
311)09 the lord'e Day is hemming a
great menace in our land:- thrit we
urge our rnembsrs to be over vilieert
thnt the Sabbath 1)ay kern: holy.
C. That we go on record as ilc.
olorine the growth of the liquor traf.
Ile. That we eernestly solicit the
vo.oneration of all our WATTIPTI in the
teething of temperanee the home
ehureli seliotil and that they en.
(levee *11 legitimate means to 1.1381!almut total prohibition.
7. That we desire to extrceA true
nsofouttil enrrow st the bre lo) death
Much 13tle rif Mr'.
At'Wovehurch. earnettness
Wean? *let Low be remembers
ed be the Prombvtevisl anti we extend
orte by -elite er'llrifitbr ZIAP nor.
1v)vid, Roy, J. 1'01144% her gamin: en 1
*he n
ceereeatitot where she lehoettl
ee zealously. and It 103' width that
prprotlk,v of the Preebeteeioti
vigil A ‘011%. tl-is reiollutietrt to fhb
14- o'••1 '',41; the auxiliery
'of W. M. SI 41 111;hiff.rhumh,
Te- tim hook..to.(01 et New?
"he Mee torsi eras „„e“*. ,S1(WifrA lord chtssitel pewee
footsie noses rtotinegl ' tot we etsoree: Filoratietsel fer topes
f 4144.14% herpt) and neerereis relolieiree
**0 Ole„, 1 twratp.i.tiplt tqfvft te,1401., (••••0-44vAL
VI' 14 •7.1,1‘ltoe ,11A1--(ae‘-m •' fl )C-ileoh
r !tr.+ ,•.*•-, .4110124 roylvrAto,t,I.,„ • .flor,r,o,„ tst„,
<, fo• -1,..44Noktijela fr,rmti fito, fottrot
*No ow if 1.4 11
-3 °`' es'estiem 'WM++
,4 see se.ere ts-est ,(»stoso ts
Iffc BT , r"`" hr
"els" '‘. #'"0 r
•41i'l 1 eer*,-", the Teemrt)
uress seeretary, 'Wes. Davidson, z \traitor Frederick salter. of .83
Wertibiey Drive. Toronto, in the Pro -
vine. of Ontyltio, Vice.Preeideut and
0033 '1113 Manager of the Iriterrietn.n.
tlible • Students' Assoelation of
Canadk, dettoreares t0110m38
1. It ant Vige-President end Gen -
prat h meager.. af the International
Bible StudentS' Association of Cans
3. I have mien -midi earefully the
eorresportderree tabled by the Depart-
neent of 'Marine and Fisheries irt the
house of COVM0t114 in response to
'the reonetd for said torresPondenee
liv 'I. S. Woodswovtle hietulne, of
Parliement for Meth Centre Wirini-
neg on beholf,of A. A. hearts. Merits
lar of Parliemeet for North Winni-
tee awl find the lettere of Dieietored
Radio. The -meter .S. j; Ellie, of Toron-
to (ordain statemente which . I de -
clam ere liteorreet, vie :
feS That we employed .100 re.
turoed soldiers to eanvasn fee naniea
eo lire ,,petition of protest. The fact
le *hot we did not emoloy uovoner
flint all The work Woe dorm Atoll, maul
voluittewily by woltera ,throughout
'Canada. some of whom were mem-
Whom were (41175115 indignant et the throughort Comula from Italifier to
id) Mass meetings were held
ben of our Aneociatiort; entire of •
ortion of tho oororomoat; 1384! 340030 Victovia hy eitizerts, trades and lab.
of whom were ,returned soldier& but 'Pr eouncile. hiller 1111101131. farmers'
the emeessseAtesetorors mossy** orettnizettions. lodges. and religious
hie in Toroirto torrid not. et the out. 1"6"1P1'10-14"45ireVirig-4egret'llr The
ode number more than half a &ravela4hfl of tlw ' ' -
No one ee
received patratt toe sees r
Inv ritt000 to the
tom 9013714,0.t, lel A monster retition eigned ixtr
45h090 neredne, of whieh . number)
yeer That, p is net true ae lossoed 82.408 siettified they ore owners of
obtlemtnasttnettettloavo8;2.91'2. ;1t1ilittlitiolvehiibsoide,istwtes %%rho revolving mete, online upon the
tvernipr to rer1PW' the licenses foe 19-
.' to rut rnmee to the said peti
tees by other then prover 1110:10.4,. f0tuntimipti Biblet Students' Associa- i
fel Thot it is um' trUe Viet rij 41°AnNTI)163518Atrktrtg111.11 suktrin de'Llat'
eroreeare the lets" ee teeeeetae,g, ,,s. 'tion eoussientionsly Unloving it to
11oli**Inets6dftirT29th'i97'111:trbe true and kenowing it is of the seine
1;;leeterironaeon41foree rod efct 11 11 made by virtue
wombs is meant 413.100.4f
o, I gif the reverie Evidence Act.
trtien4e1,nSOoiai i:O,h4rdy: 0.e, ISECLARoEli More msat Ott
vinie;;l,:te:iir,tzt;ttlnrllein the Cunty of Celeton. in
sit.1 iiailvotti.v
the Province of Ontario, this
thee, nrefese tit believe to se tessfe
or,;vtietll12t(w1S1 iley 42
8Miahyer,tA. 73., :M
30 111 iniererettot,L,seyiooged) Osmond P. Ilowe
nrslon. nnd19447! '-i •0 #%' thei it o• iidavi1enfih
all. There should Ise no eleectiott
W' r"Salt"'
etetement of thine honest beli.fe. • The resolution h eein referred 7
env or -capitation trearkardhse•
however. it is nntrue that all eu res Itning been missed by the Boerd
of Trade at Saskatoon, wes in rnint
urritoraros are t4v ouph ri flaws, of fort %mooed by a FIMAWAratherilm
fit- 1. ttirt.'te'Uthe)111;r•t't inil'bnIttitrit..611.trtitet v.* sin'tr'nh"hts't Ils1"1'n't."11:f Ihr'embil"'rlard" it''ri;t1(i;:
as (oilmen ' nurnbere 12.
wiluitakW, tail:: 'a:IC'', its28
odaks, films
Developing and Printing
ord Block Goderielx
tario, Inipsrial Order Da *ktei:s tif
the Empire, held recently in -Hamil-
ton. as given by our delegate. The
largest attendance on record nee
present at the morning sessions.
One was inspired and impressed
tile varied stetivities undertaken and
•aceoraplished by this great organiz0.
tion, aud with the efficiency and ley-
alty 01 the. Provincial officers.
The educational. child welfare and
immigration word; wae reviewed.
Many chapters had adnnted seatiels
an remote districts of Northern On.
tario. sending flags, calendars and
libraries, and keeping' in touch with
the teachers end children, many of
whore Wave foreieneee. A set of
Dental Misters,' Readers bad tweet
vent to ROMO of these schools. This
the re -elation of °thee stations bY work was much impreciated by the
radio fans. respeetove. ee +his interest VaS sove.
(e) 18 letteve tomplainiiia. ir* le; needed. Cantedianization work
terference with sermons ef a local wee being done nt loreee centre': and
Torento exceptive.ehildrer eeeistod 'heir ealueee
fel) *12 tiorsoletiitti' in reference to tier', The I. O. re B. did not
Wave, leneth 02 CRON being clorieed tate week &ready dene. but
a ttel"slgfestlonof the D,nartuent.
IresoiutfonbrtheBotitdofN111d130 aVOr;he.woet.rtsie;f4:g
Trade of Saskatoon protesting edelt e(l"es+ion, eornalaneed, by ti*.e
ogairist,etation WHO being so often 1. O. D. E. Porsarele hail been ei#91).
an tile Pin, fished in • oneenatitmel therapy ad
e'er")RaPlioatesAt le.eftuthreniPediisle°0141teriRtee wet!eeeelneeakers 990
Trodes Association tegardint" there tit to themselies throuah this tiler.
boneiengwtotivoe 00185'hstaitnionveuenifocuravtoirllganond p.ISventene7ialtbr.efevraetyrolv•Ieve,"rrredezi
eneg-etiess filet tb4 r. Th S. A. stet- ef +he T. 0 Tle st"."4 4.#44 toot that
tion Vemeonver 139 .ljTflf101t('I3. teeter fineeciel eialective would snon
(e) by Medical llealth be rentauwt--7 roplytivial nrovido4
ciffirar of Edmonton of. 1.4 „lecture heeeterjette end seholarshins for sol.
etatiree feet "canned fruite" and (pens ehadrer. tr'1 'melded them to
"yeteingeion" were obieetionab'e• attend our nniversities, also epahling
fhl Two items eontainire all one from each proVilice to attend
me. letters apeeetene ifl the Pr- sa Oxford and Cambridge. The princie
eriteeieine the Torr''" broadeaating pal and interest of this fund is beira
etation of the Aeentiation... used, so theit by. 1937 when there' will
,,,,,(1.11)1.7h, rot; pleatrtieir.smenfrtonriigsrtieinnol bhaevenoteinenoreexilealiugstibeted: tTheherfaunids
Aie"irend seope andviioastheabov
("Vi"rAr:11;t1111:v1 .7:fV8neiwAa4s°adet°te
e°vfstItl(bv:h47ern 1I1r°Ldtic'afCn4da QiEn14llcer.;Slt:tffhy11.$eh00Igirsthi9000801.51hi
/RI 17 O1tf1e,81^1q 'TO a llef"`"dl ( would go baelt aS elnissiales of Enl-
giOn'ef lit-thi-Y,idigibilifre-S-e
ior oheee tee neente of the erne:rams Canada.
and the hiblioal itteePretetione as Tile work of the Navy League was
areseeted by the epealters of the Akre else reeneloned, and the eare taken
sociation. • 'for the widows arid orphans. of Bri-
ts other then items' (i) and (k) til soldiers and moots.
in Paragraph 4, thege eomPlaints Echoes, the official magazine of the
totdd largely have been readilY :Ids order, had 5,000 subsersoere in un-
jueted to the satisfaction of all bY a tario. This magaziee, which ispub-
candid discussion between tile lielh
- eiesiieendt tocauuratalimasanmciagYaezuinriis an ex -
portunity for. euch was never giverperhaps, one of .040,,vost..into.reet„
_ Vial' VePPett-', to .1t941 (3), 14 big addresses was given bymiss
iolliagraph 4. 'This contest :INAS, put Bessie afeemareea, Toronto, recently'
911 by the western krodtieer, the 01-
giaoitn *off twhehieWhheiseti4Progeelis;trleginrr 11:Ciehitusililrsp:ntsieeyordrtatifobtra:Pin:QoNfovanhtacvvh,lesiIslintadot:iiaiiioituybgeVtliishkse:inki: oa.:8cti
distinguished and intellectual of ire
edneated evomen. is.the daugh-
ter of a Pattee family, convert% to
own niembets ate1 fariners in gen-
tr41. Naturally the 'Wheat Peel sta.
tion tvon. This station_ supplies
market reports to the farmers. The
contest was en behalf of advertmera ceeiettanity. miss, &mho was loft
seeking a radio advevtising medium boils to1311 educutienal work cont -
woe not seeking adveeth3ees it did not schools under her jurisdiction. Site
and as CHUC, the I. B. 'go A. etatioa, meatad by ber family, she has six
terivass for votes ag did other at.de conducts )11103t modern school at
tions, hence the disparity in zeal poona, where modern education ia a
frirlilrminbee; apfrevgrased ettet station titshe44 Lit'neaatilltreim' panordtawnhte
orearetplortitutg tetotuilnitnsg
by the AN heat Pool they did not wish
Oath", discontinued.
7. To offset the 190111;6114s
mentioned hi the said item (k) with
respect to programs, and the petition
signed by 199 names I might state
that t
(a) The Premier, Members of attended in them gorgeous. awl pie.
Parliament and the Department it- turesone native dress. No IMO in ell
eelf voceived thousands of letters ex.. India's history'. elle said, had done 1
pressing approval of the programs as mueh as the neesent vicerov of
and regret tit their discoritinuente. - boa wits oeeomplishino. to smarms!
, (b) Over 20,000 letters express- late interest in •education in that
mg appreeiation of the programa land. Vise Marlturehy asked us tint
were forwarded, received. examined to forget that there WAR 11 great sit- I
and acknowledged by the Depart- tot yoke in india. which anoreciated
Vent of 1Vierine and Fisheries. I what Greet Ilrittein was doing. and
Pr(eent)lerl:rheeceli'verdesoavers,t185b080 ttelitterarne event Great Britain were doinq meth
.11ie the soldiere 0114 tiWir ivivete tient out 1
from all parts of Candle. on the to upheld Ilritish troditiotto.
Another resignation font the
teaching stall' of the G. C. I. is that
Alisa Berwash.
Tile Arthur Circle have dates to.
PUt on their play, "Are You Se
Mason?" in Winglianeand Auburn, ,
The regular monthly meeting' of
the ,Women's Hospital Auxiliary will.
he helei in the Public Library :done
day, May 28th, at 4 pm.
Buyer --"Why, this horse is so n Ju
I can feel his ribs." Dealer -,-"Well,
count 'mei. You'll find '03)1 all there.'
Wratched from astlima.-Strength
of hodY and vigor of mind ore inevi-
tably impaired by the visitations of '
asthma. Who can live under the
Cloud of reeuning atMcks and keep
body and mind at their fell_ efficien.
cY1 Dr. J. D. Xenon% Asthma
Remede dissipetes.the cloud; by re-
moving the eause. It does relieve.
It does restore the suffered to normal
bodily trim and mental happinees,
First Landlady -441 keep my
lodgers louger than you do." Second
Ditto -"No, you don't; but they're so
thin they look longer." ,
••-, • •••-•
ellieleason for the-auperioreesee
and durability of :Lowe-,
Brothers "High Standard".
Productr, is to be found in •
the purity of the lead, oil.
arid other ingreciientsusech
the care exercised in their .
manufacture, and theirte-
ne” t(0 which they *re
ground by very powerful
machinery. They give a
beautiful, protective finials
. which lasts for veers.
;Wise IViataltirehy described the navel
experience•of heeling a Ilitein teaeh. „
Harrhvitre, Paints, Oils, and Glass
Phone 486. •. We Deliver
er tell ng the scholare tbe etory Of
the It rehant of \Tome. She also
spoke of a meeting of the O. D. E.
Chanter held in the sehool. which the
beautiful aezdi wealthy Indian ladies.
radon of the Rioting down of the
statione expressing indignution at
the Government's motion.
• ' ••4••••1.044p.A. .1
it Is$lt 4-As4iTleg SUING 7401:: fo"('‘. "4 ',
FLOW, r,.41, * r , e'.. . • ,.... ,,R T41.
, 0, I ^ A f.i!: 4..3 e ,.1 ... eels*, eel3 lie rive% at the pavilioo elm,'
Or tligtflot, t';,4. .' VC ., 1, ,I.' •-lt ., . : '',..: 14.t.' , , 'e•S, : 11 } ;Mr in Autroot. The Chgoter spot
...331. lk. 4" maiiter in ehaoilv., e ,,7' ,,P .... ' , '",d'... lb,,,• '•••. .,..., !AA.. ..`• 74 Ale*. ire,te ,Agiand •rv ea a tiolearatr tr)
it.tr...wio. 11011 today arliootoe./ ...tv it.; -.,-, ,4,1,-....;.,,,e, ,,,t,,,,,, .,..e..., wir,. • l! *h. orovie.tal stertimr of the I 4 t
'tkroinesdar. Mav V4, motion hro, 17 .., , . ,. • ...„0,4 j 4 ,•••,,,,,,..1 ' p„., n F, In ',author. AM her report •11
"..,) counsel for Robert tame. Sire. ',h.,' 3...- ... in., •... -;.. n.". -3'--.1• h.., - • Aw ',Whir. .:
I, An ortfor atrikiasr oot the *tit I #• '.' , • .1. f ...* 1. 1••••••11•• . •/ 4 renort of the eighth *31310 'l
.,itntr-na lured aaairtat !molt*. Nit , ,..,. coma. 1.. 116v 1.%r the proirrigro. rpotetintr, Irrovivorial ellaPart nt On-
, t
i.notr MAE.
The last' regular fONNIllingot tfir
:4;113104 waft h*Iri on May 1:411.,thi,
rforent. Moil. Harold Taylor, por4,
int. Plana anti bweineee were 0-
followse Vases for tkIIRTI rtiorsontrOl,
444..` to ht re -painted and friar win..
here a month to he reaprotaVe fes
kereing &mere gm 'tame A feriae,
&maker of 140 in, addition to SIO
oh -early voherribed wino voted for tho
Volitional War Fond. 1, O.
/f. r A ortynterinea entortainmeat
• Many people are almost erlis Vet
with corns. But it is needless euf.
terrine which enri be sire:3111y ended,
with llolloway's Corm Remover.
• "Why do you always speak of your
a bone.°
"Well, maybe not; but she's al
grat nag." •
Mutual Life
Assurance Company
•of Canada
fittlital144111160 ,
1 laterina10
DAST BT. 3 1 DODratrOtt ONT.
• •
.18ft!Tcti! $TR. GREYHOUND
innt Trip
Wednesday, June 6th, at 9:30 a. m.
• Arrising Port Moron LSO p.m,. Detroit 3.10
'tearable leal.to Detroit 1 p.m., Friday, Jane ath
The oolr b.lat trio free). GI& t it h to Isetred tine Mr(loo). 4 ,r.0,-
rtri between 11 otoi 12, tudf Vio+t Nuttr Mirhitr4it sods Anti k'
bir arid 1411,7 11rtrn3t_ A drlirhthil trip over tho greAt mtermut ,,n17
133*13*115.4 lotke Anti 3.te34, Po" f ruoo it,
7r�s t3("Yltst-P'h te leave& seterifey. Jeer oith. s '10 e
Come Mort '010% trw too.
Under Auspices of Womes's Hospital Assilary
11 ES1141., rues-. Nth, pf 14 34 pm,
71%7.t.1:51111R4HIF.STRA (4.1. siArtring in 'Amor', 'hit „en. hail
Three ft.,ort ore hemu,iful 1.61140 Hornet for &IV '..,14fr4n