The Goderich Star, 1928-05-10, Page 61 -1 ". -­­­ .., . THE CODE r, S"FAR NAX 101b, I*". 1"T1rUv,W Q -,.a eastvrly brette, A? (r "rUlfli- thiii-O)l, yeic a:�t &�.ww to tile' &I ijv3ww� If - erjey workcd W) the rhaftnal t'4 thO W47, as *&014pift, ill *.lat Co'jld be P.N.-': shells, I ell?" Ile was co'llwivui, as 1",m3t, a COMO Ok IWWbatss chilled frimt hiss.Utvr, in the Fight!' et the curlesity kn tile -,YC3 We 11 140[lEt Of Gutbrie, 11wm WvOld W r,3 lei- the Alitmi*ki fox trade tile . 1, of Re, 41ellau Ile faCC4, as tbvy GentsSmart Wear '-welconle, V;.Yda, t!"C'uIrb this Wecks ¢dr 441A %pring would] hardly to duR - C3 en jw) se-aryca cbeen. ',of the UZI mr9per, ht tied XCOW11 tO C11 tile West coaA, A% SQE)m as ttey� drawicd NO k%mr. -YOU ,vberioh, 01 113 h�-,mrcornios­nO �Qy kul Alilt their wintcr supply qfJmUA 0141k we're vtratci. We pay t WORTH WHILE in tto wistful eyes lut thir girl illo geese, Ile Would 'lave a talh, withfusuega." j O vialtc4j. All that rvinainw to ililyl (1,rallan, and 111oudier, at Attaw,,,- "But FPu WbUka that gwile on Jkj HAM TAILORIR6 now won the me Maury of a devotion— %vapiskat and Norilkavo imiski­­ sou left a noto at L� jk-wsn to M440 in Our C-wa lmmolatIN3, �comlllute. Poor littlo , Ud"" P'ticulle, Vve wer" rant that effect. ­ I . ..... Ninda ! I hore to me�t Mr. T=gbing MeDon. 1151cl)-allum aril] pay for that ttuff OUR SMCIAMY is good, tea 024 Ani o avd the, Uire of Etiemlo aid, What did you thin], of him, —it would spoil in tie rain.,, Utood on the 4wre-,whi!o the vayag- Anuej "Well, we don't touch a iwwa AW specw Okders to your Measure e-00 lie's a big man,%vitli ricd Ora madO thO Boat fast to its buoy. Ilair, isn't Vie`:,, ­- . I A ), Ver lvache in the north. By the wayll, As toke =en paddled in, it was evi- Red ROft Orange Pekoe is beig, strong Ulan, %vid where Is this dent that nowsawalted them. hair lak fire. Hees face!" Anne "We isil h;4il from 1.CHA^S* BLACK .14 11.90mQVIS.Z.,happen", said Etiellre. stopped to shudder. "He got do foundlond,111 St. john, Fele.. best tea you c4a buy. ''Marie vorl Oh tscitel svlen allu .1 not craz 'face all taw, frow.hm Burt But X4)QAa1d?" THE, SQUAN Phosw 219 GOVERICH 4*1 14 mour. I "Well, he bails from there, too"11 Jr. bright Afam i"m "Bon �hqr,. rgilea- r1ut*.,1&,,4 pP00r devill" tbought Guthrie, was the reply, but friom the tau tapir, et IL L: "W9 LEAD". no be 4PProadled the ebattering ,branded for lifc'with that grin ! bis''00 Guthrie caught a look in th 17olann On thQ beach- "What seery d Then be asked: "Wha came ashorn face of the companion of the spokes� �OAN on your minds? With blia?". man which belied the accuracy, of "oh, dev -bave come here—doa snug" on, the bay ­vIWu, M..,Iuid our, I - 3 The Question was, a sional for an the statement. "You say, you'll sell 1;" the W4 r in f6fit -of Ain, • meal" cracdold Anne.. emotional outburst from Narle. "DeF us sonic shells?" continued the backs wliat. you have to Sell, "I'v""t inen?" were bait Men. 51'sleu 0uthree. One speaker. . fens," ------ "Do -roan is bees boat—she was ,:bees one, wid do barbe air, black "No, we can't give you AUyln It And as Garth -stood pondering, the here. Vat one wid ?e bad face-- beard. he try to trees m A remark, Skeno turned and joined bis After to Years of Asthma Dr. X. meMMcDonald Hal Ila! Injun call of, - Etip e. 4e foome- was Guthrlo's turn to smile. "We � it . D. Rellogg's Asthma Remedy Proved arootprlle d; ­ Qavftaw�." The bla;!k need every Shell W0,170 got" 110� men, walked to his boat with 7i471 I he(ira 'OV04 of 04 comel, iw of. Al the only, relief for -one grateful user, Gutbtlb-afi� V­vifirof Etlemw Rloncra--at-thu muZ21 e Runs ed, ig Wearing his service stripe. The -and this is but one case among many. "ticanc started lu!=- fiisl*4- with azirer at the memory. of the Strangers, "Our shells would. dulausly at the speAker. J "WIM! Day try dot wid you. does n't fit those -cannon of your, sailors. launched their boat in the , Little worder that it has now W. By GEORGE MARSH "Wimt did he wiln0to allYWiLV. rising tide, and, poling it out to the come the one recognized remedy on At He want tall. wid you.. georl'111 The sinewy fingers of the We use twel�o gaUgegurIS With We, deeper water, roWM away. the. market. it has earned its fame He leave breed worked uorvously, aL;, if 6 shot. At close range it gets more dio.11 Old Anne handed Guthrie a grepinx ror P. knife. handlo. "Vat I geese than this big �atuff. So the meinory'of Ninda was to be by jtq,ilever failing efectivoness. It CHAPTER FV Albilly mission, who was going down folded shoot of paper. opening it, yo„ flj�. � �jfa%q"?,t h$3� (iAlannded.. mouthed on evil tongue the coast and out of his life,, as the. i,- reno "MoDgnaill gets �emmlth a Lewia . .99. The.story Is earning it to0ay, as it .has doftfor Little. did those-wbolnGarth Cvutho; - ­ . 4,The Hujsonos "McDomil! 1141- H41 brql�q ift Aame. —firea-* buist iiltww Rock and kills- a . was going -out among the Crees that I Years.. . It is­the- -gnatest 90thma -- ­ io,*. - tray 4*Wavlos", - from the Arctic, lingm Bay Couli)a0y, IN4. "he talk ver',eross to do black Word halt dozen. the factor of'Rlkwaim had taken her speeific ivithin the reach of suffering had brought to Albany. in his I through the soft September weather. ­ •# � I I" x0ra boat Sense what Is not of ? ­1vo hee- mush Tak he was littlt�, , " you V0 got Levis guns, oil In 1vom. her 11111Y. - XT W4 the kind of.'11"malloy, until the Sting of the first norther 40Tbls I$ to 'you A trip to the boy, jl�iq XOT)OU-41% di'm all peore of 41) t' qo readily Ul eved. Oudg.. -friendliness to ntrangers might I ruptly demanded Garth. , r. '411 0111 In down the wind. Mit tbe froy t I r in days orf drudgery—procjout3 ilayq owaviesi, return. There would be. tolich by that walrus-f4tcd geologist, toll b �t., "Oh; as! We're heoled, if you 4, the coolness of Swan, the neart rends the island after the stuff left on the 4lo-1 vuen. Den -dey paddle out " nation tet try missionary. _ I A * 'Ouarder, without doubt, 41A1DVMT='1N THE STAR lost ftallt tile 90000 'hunt INIllob was no return.to the * - 0 bent."' ople should take the Is$ 0 X n 41ir 44 published 4 it in AlliattF;soon it, n0nrInr, its end—for the men from Quarr. or. I can use most of it, a 4 lood pnwto! ►MPTIonold qoAms to run u out of the bay." west coast for Joan Quarrlej pli e will havo St, 'T r It on property of thy, whole Elkwan. AS the Not drifted I 'I alm's prices to *1 to by riArlit." launched y" man! You've got as much Would be the O%Vtl I He bad left beri Ow night bofore, my return home. Have made an In- riA. 1: that -1 4 Goh, w, tile don't a. you Then, the thought of one Vbo, had the scuth channel of the' delta esti by the elation her promise 'ventory, B i-ok 3*arf St be o'e, right bere as we have, but if VIU West mot. Poor, loyal Nindat You're Not So Dumb the wrub-grown abores of Albany lu- to writo Illm by the Christmas mail 4' whaler.' ftlenr play straight, we'll ru aromed. And, always, as, le Tho f4co -Sol, all.", 4 larJ, 'Guthrie's thoughts traversed bad W014-Ae's a cool onel" comment- ev,,* to su hroat, Bron, "in of VIA seen and understood cam'o like a ifer from Sore T' C)4, - or inetthe '"�c clean air ftom the spruce. the days since. the -atorm and the strove to analyze the natuiv of bi . Mii,­q - )��,rdenod. The blue eroq of the sall 1 04 Guthrie. T, all, f chitio, Cough, Bronchial Astlurlik meoting with Etienne 'shook his -block hea At .1 ;arrb.11ead Colds, Adenoids anti -the girl. baick. at -the appeal 6f her .'$en. d. 1,He go. sawolhe moonlight, Tier flne, dark, Cal response to thea 11 jiq ftas%tt chill -gaze of the soldier in."a 01194 Ut the questil ,teal dot stuff$ h that -ves . with aw. Tonsil Troubless'wben GOOD results o stoat -all,do -for on 4i,,,,)1cDono Ha! H4!-�-wooeb tion, unwaverbig store, and. from 4yed meeting of Aldiniski." mutual appraisal; the reaction in the she. fsal& "Good-bye, V46111 are guaranteed by using Xrs- 4bill1l life --the Wall loveliness of 'Elhel, "Not If. 1 krlaw it! if he thinks "It looks-Alke. 4 lively winter to I r �Spaiifs Tonsintio. Try it. with her shrinking from the unpleas-, mind of each man was identical. -be continued (To ant—the inevitable—lotruded with hes going to got 'our share of the us, -cb,'Sbot'.1?1 And the factor of You way—but you'll sweat sope. the knowledge of disillusion. rithol Ak-ImIski hunt, hd1J1 helve to, fight fol. Elkwan bent. to rub the e4ralof,)Js Now, I 'Vant to give you fair 2 was growing so vJ it. He'll find' he can't Mug vs,' re- dog. ang Tow,, Some of your peogle havo quo—so shodowy v to_ IM11 V l0tcL taW life ad. plied Guthrle,'wlth increasing ,reify come W as. this summer of their ovM It war, early no suUterfuge—no tion at the thought of the high -band- October, on the .vest accord. There's an ]Wun who elairag 2V :601- tole his daught-tv-11 oten noreift.... And yet. Ethel,would. wait I.td methods of the unknown. In the coast, hunting weather. when the KO +he 1—ther of Sir 4harles Outh- lid the N avid $04 09. lit north. a, cache.was Inviolate, a so restlessly crossed and reoro!�* 1%,rhittf That Skunk of an Ojib floq�nee 0., Limited, is engaged .4 -14I. -himself, with 'a tighten- -stores of Quarrier Oil. the Akimlski " the wide flats between the tiara. I He tells you that?" Guthrie Kootenay Mining C, Iter and the sea, In f the lips; of that � he had no Wa0b had not b0011 Obanlone!, '.on �,,aud the dunk; in siclmned at the thought of NiadV4 in, one of the most important developmClit projeCt,7, ate a! I cached, to bo, recovered flocks a thousands,, endlessly. rose mentory being �made 'the catspaw of & Doiluld"s npIlkopriation of them ujlt�er iron) the shallow$ to skirt for a Indian ges-sip. the interior of Br.11ISh Cofumbia. Z , The York bout. reached the. each "That's.wbat he claims, It's n the c'r,�umstances was a distinct space, the rim of the tide, only to one Within a short time ilia lake level Itinnel Will read avatar. tsf the bay As the sun lifted, Put he's got it in for settle agaim, ond� shortly rope4t MY busluos.s, its objective and Kootenay Flor.ence,.with mill, dight, , . ,inion t] Guthrie started where a. boull thrusting - seou launchink of a I It the height 0 from the tent on Shot two V00"s0 anise and ing for camp. out 9 !.A, $ . . . lifted his lowered 'head ba0ded by the turqp-IWen which held the four bags, filled with geese. Then he -to: the benb figuro� Xbl• swung rounif lor eyes 04 the, ground. do �mp What Were, they, afteri : course, lor V claimed as his tan .in; June, d; said Garth Toe up ---'for stuf1r. an IiA Wn111-.Q 'httf t low guns, 08-e- et 11 -ad "T, with I these ui�Q Abno0d Shot, chained. to 103 stoke— tinuo Guthrie's pulse quickened, at the came Corn Flakes sire. not one Amer- tlioU4hi- T%Tt!ai� flay te,%4- +1%.ha �hi.ft the 01 iWs favorite breAf"t cereal .,"�" but tlteir Savor and deli -L tful 4rhi)o go ver, neware faknous the . w4 corld, o More than t1.tWAWq1*oP10 0430Y ► prefer thein every 44yo 110*46. them. * X4100, w. ruler A or low thi trite' a lb W V V A 'V a 6sk A-hulso 1 4 bla, !died, -evidently waiting for the. own. I era, ",-Yoi a0eb otat of. this Etienne. at th You're sores ,� leat me, da the talking", Etierr warne(l 6iIWJ;, Uq he . 4PVoachod t!Qu 'I -the ea.mp, Suddenly breaking into a restin tun, lie shouted. 'Stop baiting that fing" do& or I'll turn III- loose on ymtifr 1113 111 JV. — -,, . reuu,- projupwa zap ",fust }tell him for me" Mr, that Ill give him to Ge dog 1hows up at the to. lie shot" - ks 16-�a tough ohl veteran!" '4 -LdAng� Re"iliedale, tense as a statue 14 tall. up,­'bVistling his" 10.� He's ml- overseas MAXI. )or thrit'Indiap's throat out in p" re's re's another. matter; too,-," con. 0-sirtil. Owhea your 00,010 a Elkwail when we -were, down, ist. ons of . them,--fellew with 'Standing but a reAoh :a- young or of the sailor t*s are famous lot fosse(, sand, into the of the th6 Iflint-like 1i freshaos011 Tho -PO- sailor t4 and Spilled indi; .0. infuriatvl alr6l.1416 straining at his ,ju5t tell it* iurAr-66" VM0 hint. .their V�**Aftfw Uvor ),cash. , 'keep away fro� 00. , "All right! ''Turn ball loose," LwAa 'gob, you -11 a for IVAC14 06wow the truolatent reply, and retreatingi. 116% sailing With milk or e"0001 the sailor g6eked his shotgun.solloonor, 11rd hoo" %"01L A blest "PVt down that 900- "VOU 'ybimg rough. 1011 adm Bee i"Xiow 014W. fooh" commanded t4 elder of the mistake about hotels, V446 1 *rautso three, strangers to the boy, as Garth -Ald,s livahinlr t reached the vamp. tars. "WhatAlThat's vhV aro you people after-'-trou- toil $0,14 by. WI a. teri. made b ble?" demanded Guthrie.. fightingfoee f 01, ILA his self*conftol. for tho badgering agg la Lo of, C0384 'his dog had left him hot. The man',siddressei grinned., good, naturedly and exwhdd band. Ir .............. ........... Ala his trot t4 004 day, Mr. -Mulso Is Bay, we ain't xurWn' away from toile, We saw your tout and rowed In to. get some shells, if you have any—to Guthrie took the band of the speak 0'.0, boavil", hullf man, with n be Tho anger left his W6 4a be said up, WA&A yVU0 W van?" Black lareault. er—own ' the Ito. He,a bit -1 don't' Ina 0, any'., boss, on- askim Von to ve won't stand tand rwmen on this I=Mkti 111* 00, so go! Waal His ltvf#ifte,: "Itight-0, I'D tell him. W010 Wa! M 44,11 said the big sailor, AYerhv his hand, which Girth shook. "Ili Rlid tomeet at reasonable Haddon' 36Y -man and one who wasn't sittin Uver Troub,le I Was So 01strey saw u NW To Stop Work Mt*- It, Nwd, Lu*rillr�, Qat,, VIAtev-16t 114w) k" irwme-1 f0t tWo je*M %ith and woo Oft(M ea distre!!",l I Imil to atop w4k, Ing. "t 1 ov(l of Ifilhirm'm pilt!" ffortl i friu"nr1 V,1111 had tri 3 tlrml. Au I I vould give them It ttiot glv�r tres10% entirelf pft4 Ir am now 00 li" rt(, IWO h"r #,"4 too* it ifit pn%1wr fou%ef;^*g try tit's *vi tier, 1,5 T10- T. M0",% 04, electric plant and Inexhaustible 'efoctric Power s'UPPIY,' Avoldl taste ifs plih as, m of tile greater tonnage mines, cr of the West Kootenay district, whir long life And high grade silver, productio.4. 1 . Kootenay Morence. 1" 1sted on the'Standard Stock' - Exchange; Toyonto; The Standard Stock.Exchange, $po- kanw;* and! the Vatcouver Slock Extbairge, Vancouver, 13.13 It'has bean, and is, one of the most popular issues oh the list and it is our opidion that 1kreased demand,, as the big bore nears its, 0*tive, will carryprices far ahead of these, how prevailing. ` -�tell L J on-- ,-- ai the preach, 6�itl oprfient campaign mpaign. and aid so because the have absolute faith In the outcome, , We highly, recommend the stock, at. present prices, believing that its speculative possibilities compare with, those of any propel ty ir% ti Prorinco, A"V 90NDS he&AOffice bq Fwv,%tv"" Owtftl Local, 0. P. CARR' &'SON Ud-o Godetich Nfw' t :CREATIO'NS, 44 A ARTI $14�ESLG I NEE HIS, new Oldsmobile is, motord "-s 90o& news for 1029. 1i goveals Itew.. and, Sophisticated elements of style- it embodies gew engineering ft.%tuo%. It Provides new niceties of appaintruftt acid equipment. it typifies tlH e wb&4 new "Spirittof. `the times—beeans* & regeeft this mastex.-touc.1i of at0it-41I&Mem On every hand, this. fine, edt ata pow price is exciting admiration Arte though you may h;kire formed the '�ijhestopinion of its. It3 4ty thougtr y*0 y have heardthethe highest prals'e., of jbe; pmerfatm. unde—w* urge, you tc# ex0ft bk for a Personal inspection. We wint you to dxpe--r� iefte the sitent, Smooth performance of tbt ftw SS, hp. bigh. comprossion. enghw wt, Iftat YOU to, swrell, in the comfort OE sp6dots mew Visher- bodies and in the lainy of away dtivitT, and, restful slant. WX will be tz SurPt iiad! to find ack puny-, factors of thorouxb'sotisfiction ire giz that toots souttlit6own, I A 6"ftoftt mftlors* OW& dret"Pit poyaw and' •ratayxt O&A-C affordkyou tbesialwett �n econ6mkol WAY of 11,00at y0or 2-000st SWAP( AT rA(TOlty. OS"A*A :Neo *NJ SPW, OLDEi Tilt t rINZ cAS I LE lt 9B ' LOW taicz M IrrDBACEWAN & UTT FREI) ROUSE (Mfthono ,v