The Goderich Star, 1928-05-10, Page 4retteke PIT; THE OODERIC STAR TiltellO, y ZOI., 192e Lovely New Afternobn Frocks We have reccIved a new sidpoilont 0PG Ladit6' ani'Mr,isc:,es" aftemoon Frocks. They are individual and distinctive, as well as per. feet Iitting. ii,eyeloped in smart materials, styles aid ipecoming shades. Fashion de - dads include flare treatment, neat pleatings and beautiful lace arranged in alluring man. alter, sizes for Ladies and MineaS and the prices inederlQ. It is liouse.eleaning time and you will --Rsivirtnyirteir-nzlhingsrioy--tlic-Thmtvr-- CURTAINS Scrim Curtains with ruffle edges and tie backs, suitable for bedrooms. Special this week 'at per pair A 4= • a • .6So • ..Weliave a Mire range of the, newest Materials -Ur 'CuTtain-partilS;tiittaiiirlly' the yard, Art Sateens,.. Chintz„ Cretonnes, etc., also Sunfast Oyerdrapes. • LADIES' and MLSSES' COATS SPECIALLY PRICED FOR MAY SELLING During MO month Aof May we are offer- ing swcial values in 1.odies' and Mis!,cs' Coats. These Coats arc the season's lateat styles and made from the finest materials. Touches of furand scarf trimming form most of the new trimmings. - er:r1 1, -,••••=s - Teenlay afterire eeerei eteerew's teealenee 1,twae reirdie red hy the Rev, e". jeaoke, eraeter cif the Neeth Sem leeoce overdo of whieh the demo: wee it vac meee. aseeisted by the ,Re OM, eh Parr. The pailbearers eive PR MOnril. Wrao Bailie, John Duet° James thalami and Matthew Date Inteereent was mode to the farai plot al hlaitland oeraetery. Y; e. Caueed By Bledder Weaknees Are " Wreekino Health of Thousande w' Who Should Be In l'rinte of Life ly, Daily Annoyance, Troublesome Nights el -ARE, -103 wielded lo our iaot kerne Mo. Wm. C. (nark, father ot ME'. Wm. A. clad:, of Trafalgar awav Oa Monday, April 30tio et Port Huron, the bode" being ; brought to Goderich for Interment, 1 ilia funeeal taking place fora the sotho reeidence oa Wedneaday niter - noon, May 2rol, to Colborne cemetery. The cervieea were conducted by Rev. M. C. Pam paetor of Victoila street United cliurch, and tile pallbearers were raembera of the Canadian Order a Foreetereof which the deceased erera:tn. Iteerrn.1;:leallnal7on,Y.1".kW61. "A"thell arnli . 0 mutt. Noleon Armstrong. Marti Albert Barker. Mr. Clark was bo In. Irelenti in 1855 and came out t Ce.nada when ho was a child, 11 lived at Seaforth for te number o yours and then moved •te Goderieh. He enad-leeen in-111-healtbe for- over year and he and his wife moved t Port Huron to live with their den% `ter, Mrs. Myron Irfatthews. Beside his "wife two doughters and three MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS We' have an up-to-the-nrinute _Sue of Men's and Young Men's Suits in the SnitahlatO latest styles awl materials, single -and double- -- breasted styles. We invite you to .nonie and look them over. akillmsid~o16.111111~M~NONOlanals,ligielala'ammammaimarnalm.s* SHOP -EARLY .2%.T „,,,ADNEILID 1 SHOP OrTEN AT THE STORE THE STORE WHERE you ARE 1 %Own LIU WHERE Y04,1 ARE INvirEn TO SHOP 'WEST filDE OF SQUARE PHONE 418 GODEISICH INVITEES TO SHOP TII OF REV, 1AS. HAMILT011 Neiego man to thruet-Iiimself fore event, the quiet goodness ef charace ter of the late Rev. James II:mitten, hest, had it o tastiest limprees on the the ladr who Ofterwatls.beenrae his is Oh, may we triumpb U. when all Ain IL .1. Gledlulh of, Los Angeles Ed ronton. The eame year he took q post graduate couree in Edinburgh.- t Ills ordination took. place the some 1 day aa The Oliver,' wer$ designated for fl India, Dr. Oliver bein Wet, unassuming manner, his loyal - y to •hie Mosher, Jesus Christ, and tis interest in the welfare of his oek and° of his fellow -Christians. • who passed to hie reward on Friday , s s o T lives of arose th Whom he minletered life partner. After beihreemedained in spiritual thiogs caul ern all in foot Mr. Hamilton event ,to,ohloreiteba, 0 • hg cent 3E' eialter two out of thste—ef men and ;waxer of aratuee years aro tvouliled with !Blade . der and Uriaary Weaknese, ' Ilactatelhomt Nervousness, frequent; niglet risings one burning Eerie:et:one throughout the day. llreec condi- tione not onto ie raisevable, but they eap vitality. undermine . Ireeith, <Ind frequently lead to most painful operatione. In order to swiftly relieve and eonifort even the most obetinate dietreesing of these conditions, a well; known Chetnist has recently deised a on Sunday next. Special Mother.f E greed new treatment—called Syrol Dar .serrlee in tne morning +Inh oner geed' druagiet Sundae' school will have neepecial -can now summer orrn binding guar- t Alorners' Loy prograta in tile tucer- entee of 'certain.. eatisfaction or nom Kodaks Films 1 • Developing and Printing• , •H. Co DUNLOP THE REXALL DRUG STORE Bedford Block Goderich rn money back on first box purchased. 1 Baptist church, May 13th. The S• yroI Tablets come in plain sealeel . Pastor will presto). Ptorning, Union • vacliaoes eontaining two weeks' Sun- meeting with Sunday school at 11. 3:11v of trentraento-and you ate inv. Mothere' Day services. School meets ed to try them at once without slighz- at 10.30.. hvening__ eubject, 'queen -a est - risk of cost -unless - pleased. -f-lesther." 11. U. on Monday ,Dr. Messina will speak on sons survive, Mile ;Matthews. Arta and Elliot, of 'Port Iliete0; Chnrree of Clovis, Cal., and William A.. o Goderleb. One 'brother, Alex. Clark - a success of life without moving far Italy. Everyone invited. o from his native village of Donnelley. I Services en Vietoris atreet 'United e Hite aged father, sisters* brothers, church next Sunday as follows: lo e I if husbands went every place their • wives told: them to go thece would be 'fewer divorces but more widewea. • wife und sons revere his memory and a. Fellowship; 11-a.m., la -others' eirefish the thoughts of many haPPY Day Service, nundao benool and f clays. Few °business firms have hhd chui..eit worship ,comaineei; meth, of Lynn, Man.. also eurvivee. Thos present for the fimeral from a elia tench were err. Erneat Mis Anno Clerk, Mr. and Mrs. Illyro Matthews. Mr). Rae Clive and Mr Don Fraser, of Port Huron. " roreoveing from e Three good audiences greeted ti e production of -Peg 0' My Heart' ▪ the Opera. House last Thursday,. Th ruly be woe a pastor who all to Goderoelo and netetivo of Benroilier e John Blackwell is still with the cow- speaker. Each mother present will s Messrs. George FraSer alut 30senb The annual meeting of the London • . under his son Herb:it:VS management, the united church' is being held this • Dann asatre also his old eneldoYees, receive a flower; 7 pan., Worship. n Neuhew. The business' continues The bran& or the W. M. S. of last week's issue. of The Kiricardin •Neens referato",the death of- hdr: Da vid Thomas Gledhill, of Kincardine a brother of 4rs. Oswald Wells of PEG 0' MY DRAW righter worlds and led the way. Mt. A. S. Gledhill, of Hallebery, and Nebo came within the eircie of his ae. where he epent four years In home • mmintrance. He was the' pastor of mission work. He then returnecl to p • Leeburn and ,Ilnion congregations Ontario and wee settled in the Owen c from the year 1895 un till Deeember, &um., Presbytery, from which he 11923. when he retired from *Woe came to Huron County in 189ee to o eervice on amount of failing health the eoreeeenittiona Leeburn lkod ur warfare's past,' axe brotherer "We wish also to express lour sym- , Citizens of Kim:Ira:no and vieinity atley with his widow and faithful wore startled when the W0.14 WAS ao- onipanion and helpmeet who so ably nounc d I Th mi helpfully shared to the full in Gledbill had Nursed; away in tleatir at 11 his ministerial labors, and With 3 o'clock, Of late Mr, Gledhill had he daughters, commending' them to not enjoyed the 'best a health, A Mid during his long reeidence hi God. Union, in the vielnito of Goderielo t •oriel he mimeo high place In the untiringly mioistered to these esteem and love of • the people ler con gregotions for twenty-eltart coaerieh aria the surrounding teen, timers, Failing health moment:4111m f Ito tease from • active serviee. Ott ' e hoe; Rev. James' Hamilton was born on the retirement of Rev. Dr, MeLeen u, Oetober MO. the second son of from the post of clerk of Huron o • Rev, and Robort gamilton, of 1 Presbytery. Mr. Hamilton was Owe- b • Motherwell. Ho revolved his editor.' en to 1111 this vacancye and he faith. R tion ot the nubile sehoei, Melee -welt, fully kept the theords until the for- b the St, Marva High School. the Mite Motion of the United Church of Can- iterS0 of Toronto. and Knox Col- tula• • •love. from witich he graduated ir 'The late Mr. linurilton was fuer- I 1884. In September, 1886. he woe vied in 1890 to Isabel Oliver of Avon.• e link. who •with two doughtera Mrs,. F ordained in the Ave/thank church. of which his father WAS platter ter fifty. lhlorrioon. "of Kincardine,. and Mre. F.1 three 'mare. When he oraduated rt- town, ef Windsor, SUrViireti RM., • • frekA1 Knelt ‘Where he WAS a• no deceased Is elee survived bY two 10 week on Wedneeday and Thursday, May Oth and 10th, at Woodstock. Mrs. R. _ .of East- street, Gederich, was appointed as delegate i- to this meeting from the Huron'. rej PreshYterial herd in. Wingharte two h [weeks ago. •• ' • • d 1 North street United church ser - day and Saturdiree ond a Very mte esting entertainment was whie Was Ores.eotedeleyeStirale ,Gibirey , a local cad% -As PegoSarah Gibne was winsome mid cbaiming and t; reran of interest. and she certain' made the part a very attractive on . M e e took the part o • the 'haughty Mrs. Chichester an carried off that part very well, Mi s Evelyn Reed took the part of Eth the elairghter. and George Jenne that of Alarie, the son, both wit much credit. 111r. 'armor's we known talent in actingeshowed to ad vantage in his part. .The farm' impoverished hey the failure of bank in which they hove their say ings invested, decide to take in Po to behent under the arraneement made by her father for her educatib and thp 'reactions of the variou members of the leanly to the iro petuotts and happy temperament o Pe aret ti t Cormier Bennett, the maid in th household, and George 13elcher, th butler, were both vero e;ever. Fre y , •vices Sunday, May lath; • 1.0 4.M., re Y s e. f tam., Sunday School; special Moth- I a . er's Day program. 11 aan., Morning s Worship. -7 p.m., Mothers' Dar' set. el vice; subject in Song and story, "His I 1 Men's Sunday Club; topic, c•Respon- ibility-," introduced by Dr. Messina.! Mission Band; Clas.: Meeting, 3' be God of ell comfort, who comforl few weeks ago be -suffered a partial tb 05 in all our tribulation." ' stroke, and this is believed to have •After the service in Goderich the been the ultimate cause of his death. reneral proceeded to Avonhanle cone.' The finterul, under the direction of tory and tem Mr. Ilanfiltonts re- Pertetengore Ledge, L 0. O. rvt of sins were laid to rest beside those intichoedecensed was a member, was f lkia oerents and a brother just held 'from the Chord' of the Mos- nek Of the ehurch, Rev. Me. Hogg slab, of:wire:11,111r. Gledhill had been 1 Peaking briefly in eormuittlot the rector's wardeu for years: Rev. T, ody to the ground, The nell-bettre H. Farr had ebarge bf the service, vs were Messrs. Thos. Cale Robert j during which he paid the highest avidson and George lifellevoln, of 1 tribute to the worth a deceased in helot eciogregettion. and hieesesol his chureh, home ond.state life. The reveal lemon% Ed. Show and Arthur :pall-beatero whit- Messrs. R. B. Da- ulfcird, of Unborn, vey, Peter Shielts..1. 14 Shelton. Jobn ehmenntaa of lerieinti common ao brothera mut two sisters. L. S. Ham., wont rejelnoionr_o.usshithru'a 131._ ilton. of Grate: Dr. W. T. Hamilton. el A. B. Baird. p °peer minister at of 'aronton Aliso Margaret, 6, 3 I Christie of Boston • ort of NorWi h. England, and MHz Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Hamilton, of h Galt, and Dr. and Mrs. W. T. llama- 1 g ton, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. 1 Morrison, of Kineartilue, and Mr, and Iii. 1), or, we i c ." for the funeral, which tool: place t" ehr Monday nfternoon. A private ser- vice waa held at the home coodeeteti. by Rev. Mr. Clarke and Rev. Mr. w Ncw Discovery Limbers "Ern tip arid * a Qt e ' •••• • Jo Even the Creaking Ceases was held in North etreet ;United x church, where a lave number gath- ee Yes; it's true- world vogue- ered to pay their last tribute of re • - speet. Rev. Mr. Itogg, of Clinton. s Says...Now Sti Joints Must Go! ' • ' OBITIJARY Blackwell, hones Farrell and J. Ar. iiiitage. Floral tributes from, friends far and near*covcved the casket, hieDOWELL.--Teo death oicurna testifying to the high esteem in Eaeta-Wawonosh 011 Sunday, May -A -doh -"leave Gledhillewas beid err a Of .ait old and highly respected citi- community in evbich he lived and an in the person of John McDowell served se long and faithfully. his year. The deceased man gravid Thonts GiedhiL. 'was born ad been inost active and enion-xl in the happy, industrious village of ood heolth until about aye years Bondi/ere in •' Colboroe township, go, since. which time Ire had to ghee near Goderieb, Out, sixty years ago. p work, ie survived by four He was the viaok eon of ahiroheth Rodges Thipas Gledhill. The Gledhill fahuihi: emigoated • from Leeds, in the inittli of'lltiglatub v Alother's •Sernion.9 11,, Brigadier aid Mrs. T. *lotion, Div- " isional Commanders of the Salvation - Army, London 1)ivision, condueted - 1 Y the services held at the loeiti army a i hall an Saturday ond Sunday. On -1 Sunday =ening the Brigadier had charge of the in nthl ti , ' 0 rt. s 1 the jail. In the evening he conduct- . 'lee —7 RY— S_pari s Grocery Where Cleanliness is Paramount SI LVERWOOD1 ICE CREAM \ , such long personal assoclatierrs, Mr. ' erse choir, a pageent arra a lady• Brick or Bulk BON DOM; iutd DIXIE CUPS BRICK or BULK PARR'S GROCERY .The Store of Satisfaction Hamilton St(reet, Goderich Phone 146 Sturdy hs the portly gnerdian of Pe was a very interesting cher-motet an elleil—Serre -as-- -chile ,h Bent. Harr Creighton as Jerry filled out a ver the subject, "What is Godliness?" I ed a rousing salvation meeting, on I if, • This meeting win) well attended and TO EUROPE 1, • those present were greatly blessed. FROM MOliTREAL• „ 1 There WAS a good atteudance at the regular morthly meeting of the To Liverpool W M. S. of Victoria street 'United Maye.31; ' innedesa JA11140A414C:1,141 ,t1C -11 4i) 'LING •;#' church held in the baeelnent _of the -.NrIOY '1"x°. 22.'-"".':`':.'31tiC,Itaitt'g. omotbere entertained thieeeTlabY ,June if) Joly .13 Diolio,s of 1.,NIferri:' e Band 'mothers, Whieh there are .. • eiee,,eo„ree.ii d church- sn- Mr when '''''''' t cede v ------------ skfter the ri ; ; ...us.- 'Vitt Ilell'aFt and. (it'oeneeic. • • good caste, Dering the interva ' between. acts Mr. Belcher contribute solos and Mr. Robt, Retry eorne solos, and M. Wilkinson was At th Piano for instrumental,music, Mis Mutch acted as accompanist for Mr Henry. The entertaiument was pu on 'under the auspices of .the Gocle "rich Baseball Club and a fair sum 1 added to their treasury as the read of the effott. thfinediately after the perform ance on Saturday, everting a Wove was given the •members of the cest in the Goderich Inn, Reeve Turner the vice-president of the Goderiel ditaseball Club, occupied the ehair and after the 'serving of delielOAS lunch. conducted a short program of epeeebes. On behalf of the Club, Lorne Young, Secretary, presentel Miss Delight Irlutch with a silk um- brella as a token of appreciation fer her services as pianist, If. N. lthc- Donald, treasurer, then presented her with o broonh, as first prize for selling the largest number of tickets. The seeond prize was won •by Mis Edith Lurnby. Words of apprecia- tion of the efforta of Miss Sarah Gib. WV. as director of the produetion, and the splendid showing of the cast, were voiced by members of the Base- ball Club, and were responded to by Miss Gibney and several of the art- ists. During the evening's perform.; once the lady members af the met were each presented with bouquets of flowers. AMONG THi. CHURCHES d. , - s ness WAS Utnaeted a good program To Olterhoitersomhumplooseninerp t.. was given; correlating of songs and ewe, I$, ,„ ,„,„„„,„,,, , „s„ „ ,xlintir,,Qin . :reacungs, with a few happy' t °marks To nviract-olositow fsle-orvoleaR.ev, M. tee parr. At the close nay .:31, Nloillit. - lee ing a ainto luneh was Jpott 14 1 July 12 . -.Niiimettosa. - . The Presbyterian church in this June Ido Antucorl'e(.1'.i.s tm.i*:.-1°N'i.ehlea)cratea. - ns and six daughters, utonely, Dr. lbert S„ of Mithigan; Will, John td Alva, all of East Wawanosh; rs: II. It. Taylor,' Godeincho Mrs. . Walden, East AVIrsvanoshe' Mrs, ing the early Part of the past cone turY. In liNigIand they were wool -e sent' Hrliong11, PUagannOn; hers* len manufacturers: Amerlea they • cameron,.Lucknow; Mrs, Nrin*/ founded teas in New York State nt, litelgrove, aud Ella, who vesicles and later in Ontario. They finally nell) passed away about eight Yearselfere £ffe roiir Jeese. Thomae, 'iii You. have:etre do- nowodayei -to ellairufate- the Presbytery. luni • ag limbo., up that atilt; fusto knee 30.111t charge of the service. Rev. Mr.' A hi eipieloo a hoif blot of mirode Lundy, of Met 'read -the scripture working substonce from a tube. 'lesson. Rev. Mr. Iorekm, Of Sea- ;o, Then rule it on the °availing part, forth, led in prayer. Rev, Mr. to Lor Input a quarter of a minute --or thlretnner, of Brueefield, sooke feel. of Until it etoake through the skin mid Ingly of Mr. Hamilton'e life And en.: hi dieappears on fie (Trod of mercee. fluente, he himself having been a in 'Bien read the evening newepapero former member of Mr. Hamilton's wi and go to ,bedo ermgregation in tile Ow_en Sound tie The domes ate that Your unsbeel Presbytery. Rev. Ur. Leckie , of having knee joint will bote its , Motherwell und Avenbitak, the pees -1 "aeon" while you are' dreaming'• ent occupant I the amuse -which was hi about the high feneve you wed to Mr. Hamilton s father's home, :AT •of kap atton syva reeraoa youngster. spoke very feelinglea Rev. C. b. I 'And in the Morning, say; one , Clarke of North etreet United Wlin has tried the' new tlisroveey "elturcl; spoke in very appropriate ' the West. Mane) (Mre. George, settled in the village ,of )3enpailler. o, His wife, who was formerly re -dwin and James. with their Zig. nu Jane *Clinton. predeceased 'Ali father, eargied on their woollen in by a few years. Mr. McDowell trade. The induetry still flourishee Z4.5 a man whose integrity gout(' not under the management of Ward questioned. It could be truly said I.Gleohni, rraeht, while a hey, work., him that hie word WAS AS good as I (4,1 in his father's general store in g' bond, and ht' will be much missed , mummer; At 'the early age of ohm. • the neighborhood. The 'funeral teen he eruneetO Kineardlne, aod to - II take place on Tuesday to West-, gather withe3OhiVIDatkwell nurehaeo id cemetery, , 10,4 the store and harness businees of KENNEDY. --Death has ienroved ilhdward Leslie.' A few` year; later out this town and communitY a he morried Mary Morgan, of Kilmer-. ghly respeeted citizen In the personl dine. Two sone, were learn to bless Eliza Jerre Gorsline, who passed the marriage, Thome Liori owl ay at t14- to no o et. eonanelau, Herbert Morgan. As the business grew a new store Ingame necessary and the preeent• Gledhill block was Wilt. During his iong tojourn, of 40 years in Kineardine, lee took an Mr, W. 3. Morrow, on Saturday even I "You'll feel So happy that you Wee ane terms of 10. Hamilton's interest and! last. The -deceased was in her ntnety-second year antLhad been bed., to junta into your sportiest elotheat loyalty as a member of titer emigre* ridden for ionne time.. Born of 'Unit- . and walk 1)441v -down -the street Just gatiou and official board - Mr. Clarke 1 to show the neighbors that you nre not as old as they think you are." Joint -Ease: They call this won- der working substance, for the rea- son that when ordinary remedies fail to Umber up the stilt, inflamed rho. mrdie Rant, or reduce the swellir4, Joint -Ease ,suceeeds. It's a good name for a guild, dean, stainless ureseription that in inGt few months has, -MOM to a Mild. tittle of people that lame. sv.ollen, distorted joints can speedily have the kinks taken out of them and work as smoothly as even But Joint -Ease is for bothersome, joint,t. whether in knee, ankle, hip, shoulder, spine or fingen,and for that purnose Its sole is immense. e. Dunlop anl E. R. Wigle have a bur supply of it and drugrnsti atverywbere report a bisr demand. eft Empire Loynitst stock. rear Plc. •aettve Interest m town and ehurch. , read the following resolution adopted ' 1 ton in Prince Edward Island, she He was a mernber a the town court- iby the session at a meeting )ast Fri- rioter moved to Napanee with hey oil for several years and later mayor day evening: 4.. * 1 awe the roembels oe the session ' Parents, where, after a few years, in 1928 anti 1927.- lie gave the town : toof plitehosntrreeectortidnoituerd heligmhraelp4pregia. i predeceased her some fifteen years quired in his businese. Ile was rec. &etre, she mavried Me James Kennedy, who his best at the ettpense of time IV - ago, About fifty years ago they tor's warden of the Church of the tion of the Christian character, stebrt I moved to Nile, later coming to Godee thleesiair sinee 1907, and a warm !sterling worth and the faithfue• 4 vice of . our late esteemed brother, band iktra. Kennedy had been !rich. Since the death of her bus. friend of the present rektor, Mr. living Farr. Aloo. he 'MOS a member of the tialtieevn;het,moefsenlirilneleilotron 4°A,10"0.1, lits,int!,swith her daughters, Mrs. Morrov and hospital and' &Mildew boards, of the Mrs. James Strongh, East' street, Retail Mereleanteh. Association', Kin. &option in Septenaerk 1025, and. un.I 4 til illness preventWketriatiVtliful year ngo she had a fall, which, be- online Club, and an. old member of in attendance at iitit-yanattaaa A MU* Of hot' Advanced age, did not the I. 0.":(1. P.. Forty years of a allu ' permit her to get around so •WelL busy life in the toWn of Kincardine was thoroughly loyal in seaport of t "We tvmenther with gratitude Ids She kg_ eerrvived by two daughters, selfish and kindly. Ile was a gen. devoted Christian life. his long and Mrs ierelealltotoow and Mrs. James. uine film), husband and father, and fruitful Mints -try of Om Gospel, bis Strengh. of town. The funeral set'. his family Wes hint most. He made entered whole -heatedly and ' with , neshies het isrent,, she which be WAIIS in full sympathy. the tnited church, tnto wide ha bad . 4 meessitated Iter remaining in bed. matters. His coumel was according - brothers, Alfred and John Garsline. In manner he WAS unobtrusive, un - and latter she held another fall which gave hint a_w_ilitowlidge o.f` local ... I, had two" iv sought by many and •freely given, 100% PURE PAINT AND VARNISHES -1produdi.for every purpose...for every surface wootiikc s Presbytery is eufferiog the lose of FROM QUEBEC t two valued ministers m the resiona- -S EMPRESS EXPRESS SERVICE tions or Rev. Dr. Larkin, of et 're herboOrtr-Soolhoniplon forth, and Rev. Dr. Maefarlime, of may 13 June ia ereneeeee et owerolie t Clinton. Dr. Laretin is retiring from Me.y 30 1 .luro, 20' Billnress at Fro:leo • the active ministry -after forty years' Julie 6 1 „logy_ 21.. Elopross or. oeutattriP , service and Die Macfarlane is re- "ro cberhour0-800nOnKoll • 1, signing his present ehorge. Rev. R. oaten :class to Liverpool.' C. McDermicl will be in Clinton next fj,,,001,,rn:80,01,„mptou Sundao to declare the pulpit vacant, and Dr. Maeterisme oceupy the -eiity rehire 23 Mofltr-o'1 pulpit. of Knox ehurch here. Dr. Orees to Hamburg. xx,fune -,e. '' elonniatene Larkin's retirement -will take effect etedle at airtwerpeniel roblo Some time in June. . evroes to goblientimhdrg 1 IIis Grace , Arehhishop Williame will visit St.'Georgen parish the lat- ter part of June for confirmation. .1 The regular meeting of W. M. 8:1 auxiliary of Knox church, will be held in tire lecture room on 'Tuesday, May Dith, at 3.30 pan. A 'week from next Sunday. MaY 20t1I, Rev. A. hfaStuart, of Mitehelle Will preachiedrmiersary sonnets in Victoria sty ,et church at 14 a.m, and pan. hilext Thursday is Ascension Day. ler-SteoGetirgtos church -Hely -Com. munion will be celebrated at '7 and 10330 a.m.; and evensong wili be held at 8 p.m. The Synod of the Diocece of Huts on. wilt open on Monday evening. May 1dth, with it serviee ip St. Paul's Cathedral, London, with Von. Melt - deacon .Cody as the preaehev. The annual Mother% Ilay prag:rain will Te carried out in St. Patrielen Park on Sunday afternoon text, come mencing at 4 o'clock. Seveieei inl- dixosos will he given by theal clergy , and othere. Rev. J. N. U. Mille, rector' of it. ▪ George° climb, will oive air- illme • trated lecthre iut "Aeroes the Reek. les and North to Alaska," on 'Fume eley evening, May 22n4, und r Pie auspices of the Women's Guild. Ito. Dr. Maefarlane. of Clint11n1/4 will occupy the pulpit of Knox (bawl% 1.0ml Agents or Marty a lnart who worirdn't etako J. E. PARKER, Cleizeral Agent: "no" for en answer is writing 'ehe- phone Adelaide 2105 flues for alimony. ' C. P. R. nida., ll'oronto. STR. GREYHOUND' ANNEAL 1.01V ARE EXCURSION ' RETURN 7:"6:77'; 111•S••••• ii • I, • , , rap .00. THE BIG STEEL STEAMER GREVII01.11:ID SAFE, PAST, COMFORTABLE Roai_Trip WILL LEAVE GODERICIE Chte 'Way Virednesday lune- 6th - 9-30 a; lir« / • Arriving Port Huron 1.30 p.m., Detroit 5.30 pan. • Returning leaves Detroit 1 p.m., Friday, ifortr 8th The onTy'borrt trip from Goderich to Detroit this ceation. Child. Ten between 0 and 12, half fare. Vieit your Miehlgan.friends and see big and busy Detroit. A delightful trip over the great intematlonal highway of lakes and rivers. Don't miss it. Last trip Gederich to Detroit, Saturday, June 9th, at 8.0 Come and enjoy the fun. moontaur our OP GODERICII Under Auspices of Women's Hospital Auxiliary TUESDAY. JUNE nth, at 8.13e pau. • FINZielL'S ORCHESTRA far dancing in eteamerte bio new hall roma Three hours on beautiful Leku Huron for Rte. Children 25e. $2.50 ecials in Men's Work Shoes 30 Pairs of Men's Black or Brown grain Blucher, plain yang?, Box roe. Peaks Sole, nailed or sewed, sixes 6 to 10. Special $3.25 30 Pairs of Men's Black or Brown, medium weight Work Shoes, solid Leather Sole with Rubber. Heel, size 6 to 11. Special $2.95. 15 Pairs of White Knee Rubbers. heavy Soles, SiZe* to ti Speci1il43.46. •ne 384 M ROBINS The SirltlAte ft•••••••••••••VP.M.110....11.1rAMME11.010. el•••••=t1•41.=_.