HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-05-03, Page 8;
Get your clothes Presied at
'1,1Z901WAN'S and there .will ‘ i
. be no; "perhaps" ahutit the
result, r
, .
Expert Cleaning and Press.
ing of Ladles' or Metes
Ar, Iv 1 ,.4711 , °Amon ettendsd. is gosskierea very late,. (The pre- riates to district convention Mrs. C. is in exeess of $11,500, the cheige Wear
neeting of the West 'tii'aiivatiesb In 141! 10 cod -wiliati aod weather have C„ , Birtrivn,' Mrs, R. iMeDetuild. Mrs. [ranging from $120 pei hoor.,for the
linen Company hist„Tuesday, retarded torowth arid as a result fe. ROSS And Mrs. rt. A. Meltenzie. smeller otatione to $500 Per hour fOr bodetich
Mrs. Doble. our aisistant rosttnist Reale ef tho lehfot ilekts Ord ;MOW- Tho secrete:60S report show -6d wsus.., W, E, A. 1? with 'Ai "qt • $2850 prompt and V.apert Service
Frtath Dry Cleaniag Works
fr.ss., starteri her duties in the pegt OW6 are not locdoe . I eessful year. . The street limhts are 1 telephone charges. This i's being. itont, i.21. ii, vuo.0.7.4:0:t
The flautist choir in, the,,Ndlinge
C4 the 444,0! init a the Wel°k` . 0,6tststor tualefoss" .3roxenz.le w*,as , paid in advarico until- xugamf. a 40a2rtnet 1,3, on. ass„osmelit a, 25 oente,.. , ,
. . ome,.. here on ,ation of fruit was givento Codelich , 111(414)1)01',
nt to Clinton hist simd4,0vening Abfloonxdoery4na!tic,orrariaoefoarntnalgahettletspaletizrtoisII, iniiinntfoittiticifins?nrilgoit.it 4t0041ercensilsi 4100o,nnterint,, LioAtn taturnioeeting. of the Goderich i -,---...---,....;-.......,"*"
took charge of the services there. b n FrulaY. night last a I
Att. corooluo, 1.10$", of i canton Datil. Gerleticlii Where he bad nntial;- bOnnee in thd treasury. . inotrosn Was 'passed to 'PAY' the 25
$ eaning on tviends al.d torwei, gone art onervitide Tor the tle cents per member which the various e,....
oemeva/^ of tonsibe ;Nre trust lite I AIVIONG THE CIIIJECIIES I thibv are'asked for to meet the cost N in -
"tV'elt iho_gusots_ of the latterkt sister, by ihe family.01, Mr my 311,8 A. )3.
Ur. and Urs, Paterson, of Tor - onto, ee kiolip:hufid veek.inind mu enjoyed Goderleil Summer School- ,----f-,--,Varnlor$e -now -19 ilte--tinic-'10 -trio
raintrinees the former ,part Oat 't lift m, y etmthitie to nnprovO . eir the b"adeast• .
, , . *cowry.. , . ',July: 10 to 23 are the dates of the Fit rnzture
Drigadier and Mrs. T. Zurton; dir.o Cyanegua for destroying grtrinull
the week. . ' the failiitil .sei;;hi'. iii 0 T. 11;ov: wt;irt ; services in the Salvation Army ejta- : Campbell S Drug Store.
\veil.. the former part of . renthtnit „ 1. 11041 ,,,,R. ihaii me,iiie;,,c or isional commanders, will cooduct: 'Nog POI!. •,, . Don'tr.r, i , buyare. ; otgan6y-, newca.
* • • e ,
A Indian' nuartette Mrs.' Swami, gor 4. few ',-.. tlikr.i. Duas hi o, t del on IllaY 5th and Oth• in OW Mall' "` ' N '' ' .
ricite,, ireCit anti/ you
Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Ilill'and.Miss Sadie tame fi,oni Staelley 'two ne:e (-Alpe i ing:4 at 11 4.04 and in the evenhkgs hartuavloaell4nitilelVoitrtnesur1;7:rel:ulYteiskit:ohasneedi
Clinton. on Sunday Ovening.
Cart,er sang in the thintist .]ii 4.11 pen; Mesare, rverile 104 Bastin: , 4t,,,,7_1),Lle",,, i,' __,. , .. " ._ s...ork,09 me except tnrougn life window. , I
'retort Detrolt. ard Alen front the' 4"h" 17-'" ju'ul°" enure."' WC pOSitiVelLy 6.4 V e
get our persoos. • •
Tho,11Pv. Ur. Goodwill is in wood. Oodericli Collegiate. They left en, Sunday, May 0thr. /0 teen, Mpri'S I.oan 8-"---letrlis rkt-relv at'''net: fere,e youmoneyi, The finest
stock this week attending a riteotioq Monday .to-- resume their respective Sunday Club; topic, "Uneonsmous i
lion of the Presbetorian thumb,
of the Synod of Itrimiltee ond Von' thltiOe. . .,...... • . iience," discussion opened by the 3711"„ !To not go out beyond their tin..1
eat Coati ."
Furniture at the tow-
,. Mr. Percy trinnigan, bride..,e eon. 41,,,s,,ti,Lr. 415° Mil3shm- taati and Clans f anemz dentb`
nana cemetery during the last wool:. emirmence his ditties for the serleon. "
111(We WPM bet% meverad bees rit• tree -tart left On Monday' morning te ...-.....s. 5 P.m., Church School. 11 t 11-hoh.'"4"..m.4....-.1..-e-w____ .........,.....,.................,......
• . .. ic or IN Coll- ,
and otherWiSe 11110T(Wing the appear. 0,-4. ni,ht. MOtire nnit Harold Stewart, ' The fourteenth artimal meeting of ,
for the nurnoae of (leaning it. up He took With blitt it n88101144, hie,,.. thicied by the Minister. -
Balketle till Shoppe 1
I once. /qr. Jam. Stenehouse will Join nim bfaitland Presbyterial Society of the ,
I The •Enpe Trinasnort ComPanY* of Inter. Mr. Finnigan ie a prefeesion. W. M. S. of the Presbyterian aura
i London, bee made arrangements for a n t la line and iii kept lmey due. will he teM in Knox church, Tees. .
Ott thellroadwily of Gederfek f r
their tracks' to tome to the 'village on ing the Autunite**, months. Ile !started water, on Tuesday, May 8th, morn -
Tuesdays and Thursdays of vial work this year', near London, ing session 10 n'eloek, ulterneon LAO,.
tweetiinlife of- the Soo, Michigen, returned Hener Fowler, of thingannon. and the W. .3t* 8. van ' be celebrated.;
.. . The nbuTioge fo announced of mitim vvening session 7.30. The golden
' Mr. Joseph Carter avid his partner. Leon Fowler, only daughter of Ur. Jubilee of the Teeswater teintiliary of
I tO their home lag 'well. sifter an ex- Mr. JAMPO G. zuging, younger son Among the Spectra. oPeohOt8 Present
in the village.
tended vielt to the former'h• parents
Alum bow Giodys Taylor um oriel. Atm. or. f anininglanu, of Min:SI
3faater Kainter pawaon, misfts itt_the.,ehap.x/ ol *MX COI ege, Tore fr'am the Ueneral As5emblYr
land. The ceremony was rformed reeeat °111.nliaatalier tt) the Went Mrs. E. Evans
,,, W. and /Are; G., Figgioe, of wee, will be Mrs. D. Stesichan, Toronto, a
verDeaaprtyistsuenlidurcayli.,. ItUela..y.T.6thA.. .41.0ihnual:
Laura Phillips of the Collegiate at Cofnlizmegmeeetontliateeititvierittivienx tolife tnhreeerenonce_
t;oderich; spent the week -end at their. eton, It. A., nastor of Talbot street
,resp_ective home* _rf„,___. ___ .teffetin_g-Phtties.,„Mr...inul-hfrei rig-Bortisb. -elotrat,,,,Londoni--will-prene
gum lvdt reinde tn Port (Ionian% at, both serviced. ?Sr. Johnston is irt
where Mr. Figgine has a lucrative the largest Baptist church in the elty
position. wiz/ a man of spirituel life, power
. Word has been re;ceived by relte. ,fla(1 a Preaeher et the eh' g°31/eL
tives of Dr. Brown Durnin and me. Hear him. Mr. Walter Chalcroft, of
Duenin, Who, while here on a visit tendon, will sin g both times'. EverY'e
were eummoned to their halite et foto illvited•-, -
Great h'allte litnniailliki Ming. tO an Services it "Victoria street United
accident winch betel their elder eon, eltineh next Sundo as follows: /it
James. who wits eeriously injured, e.nui Fellowithip: 'll a.m., woreldp:
when his bieycle wins in eollisiott with this' serviee in honor of the elderly
a motor ear. The boy euffered a people and fare Will lio eent for them.
Embroidered Unetu,
Cot 'Work Valenciennes/
Feeley Lamp ShadeS
Mr. and Mrs. Joe (4arter and son,
elf Port Elgin, spent the weele.end at
1 Mt Carter's hamis in the villince.
His *either, „. Moe James Carter, lie*
ibeen ill thetmost of the winter.
' (From anoOktv emespowlent)
Mrs. Martin, of Whiteehureh, is a
1 visitor at Mr. lei'. Phillip'e.
A number from' here attended the
funeral of the tate Wee P. frame in
Wingham last Friday.
An epidemic of movement& rleem,,, 1 rectum4 ekull, which rendered him Any deeiling to come for the servke
logt U1IC0118eieUS for several flays . the 'Item riotify the pastor. Sphjeet.
.44....7. it°u,tre,. eva„tiltiekinfth4re,".,1,1,,s, --e-e- drunt of one ear wee punctured, "Daily Strenith for Daily Need."
--- -' --Ir` c`-'''' -.1' which caused lee* of hearing in one
ear and partial deafness in the oth
11fre. R. Harrison and babe. of God,,,/ P1'1 And him teg received it
*rich. are ePeadini* f
t ew 0,7'4 with , wound. Ile hiel returned te con.
her motets, Mr. end Mee. R. 11. Rut.; sciousitem and hope* are now
i entertained for 1 comolete teem'.
The *et rament of the Lord's +Sinn ery. et feet over which relathes hem/
it's Her Birthday
WO; ior.got khg.re.I it
Metz you thick of
Gratig3 CaJs.
Cole's Book Store
!ildneslofInlay gads
ed lq 2cd
trot, sweat •
he i* te sail on this Nieuwe,. is tsit-
Lame nag int his parents. Mr. and Mr.. ‘,..ott
Godsm.k.h If onus-
Alit of Ile
daps with her un
and Mrs. Win ea:,
140111 Alaterta Backe:
list week-.
' Mtail 6t. Macdonald. hr. ih,A1
• eas horce f. the week--eibl,
Nee Kier (lark.
r.4s4tie h•oNg.1 net.
Mr. "4. if
Tee school -in khit- 1:i
see.ri 1-1:J new
bawd. Aire being 9utu.
Sit Leer.ati
fryen 1,1');Ptitre
Windsor stud Ripley,'
, April misting. 44 the C. W
0. t...a3 teii4 at the bre of Me:.
si.,,org 'Cud/none
t4.1h frirrida trt Elmira.
Utatholland and
itato I...we...heel 41 • Chevrofrh.Jt
are buev them' day* attrrjj
fiktring sail tertiliser.
i 111.avk'e-41.tte of Lochs h. 4.n Thurada-i
• I :Mk. tzfTv:rt$.1 of 41.1.h.tielif Pre,1 -•
D'eN3IILLER • , teilan riluceit cif Sunday
- .,.' l'Irs r 13r.r.1,krsAi kill .4eninn.
! tin Thu.sdsv. April 26th. et•
a tuiCt ,,ee:etieg exec piece tkiel
bets zahigi-,9 ;44n -et tn gozee
ffireicti tbe etteier,. Rev 1. te,hilAir°. Fei.Rue0n, lieeeF
1)1°14h:1114o '''i''.13°.5?;11C111-'!!M41111111'''41-1-111‘t ?;111t8I14ze'1111411:::'
THt 1222
Ate -AQ tsi,eet brelo
stette crepe. Tit terent.,py pirr,'
Now is die' time to have
Sewing Machine
'at fe, 01 is, Belts, Neeciles,
Relish Exchange Mack
uf the 1.! or. Meitien3 -. "11/3' Musk' awl I( 1' lietwcert the
Cciderieh tp. ute Loa aF
ts were preveled ISiiss Rune
, strata and
• suppertir, garr•Tntr. lingerie and
ho:dery. on ll'canesilay, May
from '2 to the.home of Mrs.
Straug tkninluer.
a ow villogilunit 4.1,..inity ars invit-
ed to attend.
Mts. SliMlavl ShtlIll'OOCI and 890, lIf
*Zion, rirent Net Thursday in (lode.
Ire are pleaetel to nee Bar. Elmer
.• Alton able to (Jut again after -hie
ilmted by Alt, Jamieson, of Tereete,
Dr. Ritchie brAtig in London.
Dfre. A. Challenger, of aiderieb,
spelt met tbo neek.ond with her
sister, Mrs, Stenellouse.
Mr. and Mri3. Wm. Walden, Zfiss
Madeline anti Blaster NA spew;
Sunday- et the- hoine a Mrs. 'Vital -
don's eister, Mrs. Vert Vincent,
Whrle I' 1. 14 11.
Taylor's Mr. O. Smith. of Brussels,I
met with (mite 4.1 serious accident,
ibreuliing a bone just above the hip.
ef"i„he u!',„14-entnisinfirilY'e6aLluiellietfiter 11711(I'11.31415" 3 SIte'eWr2"11 1r1 et InekdetC't. 111;11
blends extend hearty vongeatula3:, elreTtil3g.,a4milodunleeriietrliZAP:4wit
Liens 11241 best wishes ter futem Lep.
nis. Timis. McLean le emeated to
Mr. Raymond Finnigan unloaded i " .61"Pg t°
ear ,of fertilizer in Iateknew Jae: 5r4aY thls diat4et have been
. disposed owing to the prevalenee1.4
111rs. Jaek Swan'and fain- .5evere c°14€3*
illy ndatted relativea Itiole:,r loot 1 Mr. and Mrs. G. M. McKenzie ate
.1 Sunday. tended dhzinei eereieo nt Clinton -on
1 d
iWi. War. MeConnel, who was elek ' uT," aY IIITAM.,":31 A - .0
for a few days hum week., la able to Proall -14*on• s'inPenea (4 4 1/4C6'
ou again. tills week to Mr. Jne. Bennett, o
Urs. John Warier andPeter, Port Alleertt for 3 g004.1 litme.
V isited Mr. and Mrs. Iiavey Maize Oar* 9114 3Irs• Vraah Glenn 414
on Sunday last. • -- - - -- two--eltilarett were- vest
Empire Shopping Week in Canada
Buy Goods Made in the Empire
Speciall Prominent This Week
ong shutiin.
g on SuildiCy
Mrs. Horton. of Gefierieh, 19 4.
Mr. and Mrs. John BI k with the former's parents in Dun-
Mr, "and. Iltrs.: . Herold Tigert and
ehingi visited Ur. and Mrs. 'WM);
The farmers are busy gettlym Rasty ono day last week.
vest at tlio home of her »ephew,1
r. Cyril Campbell. the crop. S.ome are nearly through Mr. Mid 3Irs. Durnin, of God -
Mrs. Hunter is spendino, seeding white others hove just start- erieh. visited. and Mrs W D
e , tun and Orville one day last ireek. n ;
some tine with her dmighters, Mee.,1.
. Jenies end Mr'-. Alex. noelcott. Reserve Friday evenin Ma* nth,' Mr. and Mrs. Tie Cluonney, of Bel. Mre. Eohilea Maine and dough.'
. for the play, ,icrailb3rwe&m:isp te grave, visited their daughter. Mrs. gttin't,inli5t3„."2,„P'`..11,f.„ig,81,,,n,,P! t,,,etur"d on
Mr. liobert Vint and son:, Arnold, he presented in the church sued ut Rey,monti Finnleati, on sunday ,iatit +71;;;;_ii„,,,,rizz.,,,fi,z4.0.4: ..,,,,,,,,odni:„....0ent;.4e1,0
. •,.45f; larnock, called an' their friends 1 , . i n , h uoydedd l'
' 'Of Windom ll'Ir' 4114 Mrs' NvIa• lirv* Gsrace 11111 by the choir of St. An- I Mr. /1, 11:: Blake 'has been tinder the "-in° e''. "sio-iel'on-; 1;;;;;;;01,74-7e7d:. tile
i 10 t ' * • th 1 ef 4 W
of near ForilYoe. oPent SunllaY nit rar • of th9 Earth," Which was pre..' Very few bore crone Anything on Obtained iminedinto posSeSsion; ' Reiritore4. both of Detroit., The fun -
three children; Dillieg Dorothy and ,
Jack, vielted nn relatives M Dungannon.
Heavy Silk Marqui9ette Drapery in
soft ivory silade in a beautiful plain
even weavi.3 and double edge.. Speciai.
ly pric4.,d. in two widths. .4o-Incia,is
SO inches wide ...... .......$1.2S
3ir inches wide, 2,f4 yards. long, heavy
SU" and wide deep fringed bottom, 3 ,„
designs, very •ertective. Each $2.400""
Ivory, White and in, new plain and
appliqued designs. Per pair *
; .$54301 lad $6.00.
36 inches wide, double thread* neat
lace edges and in four new pleasing
„desigus,-Ivory and -White. iterS0c.
per yard, for„
. .
Every popular size in stock, in new
patterns. Specialty priced for Empire
Week. ,
values.styles in Ty,reeds,
Poire Twills, in :Navys, Sands, Mink,
Prices range $12.0Q, $14.50, $22.00
and $28.00.
Extra quality Unbleached Sheeting. 2 -
yard %vide Canadian Sheeting, heavy
and entirely free front filllng. Per
yard +,,,,. . .....
411C11 finest quality English Bleached
Sheeting, per yard.. ... .850
42 -Inch and 36.inch Hemstitch and
511Petior quality*. Palr...
Size 72 x 9o, large size, in the popular
krinkle weave, nicely finished and of
• splendid' texture. 'Each... - .$2.25
• ,Patterns right throUgh.to the back, will
, give no end of W.Oar. New patterns at
per yard... .' and $1.50
.'49tard wide; Linol'eums, at per square
yard.... , 4., •. .95o and $1.20
..ew V1 !„, • { Cftr; "24; e 43 eW," H01- °I lot fortnerly owned b M • J
tut lAt hY°,1iir e„e1).rilIP :0110411°P°' t() .e.e° Mein Coptains aYboutz'l -tflere .. • . •
• ' h 4rusvi 101C too t p ay, • . „
and adjoins David Glenn's land. Ile ' • •
her parents, 1%11'. told him Job). sleott^41.1n. Go$erieh last wee.k. Ail the land around liese Parte. Tne WaS froni. his late hOnte
/Campbell, and her eister, Xrs..laeo!) roprt it tsplondid piny anti the rain of suedes?. wort ,1411 Ur. Ades. iley, after spenting lLI harsday atternoon, interment be01.4
/.1funter, of Zion.
pirtl well.taion. seeding Ott few days longer the Winter With tiatlettert Ann I
f Mr. tuni Mrs. Cyril Campbell find "A' „ .
au( ohri ), b r/txt)ouy nlapy frion.43 tni 3-trtt Dianginlrinit last week and will ' 37* lit)* " 11
ers. w gi en on v n v s e r
't Misses. Weida. Winnie and Hilda un utirkeeaveenc penn,r1; were. 11111
to see Tile) 2ut moth here , Ter. some thee 446 44
Ile now ,es yrertan tourco
Mrs. J. Crawford is a gaeiit this 4 pan. Mrs., Jennie E. Caesar
week -end with the latter's parents,
ri and Mrs. Robert, Doak,
Brussels Post Peter Retied '
all colors one sizes of Shades
made op. hent hi stock. We...•
make any size of Shades to
order. Shades put up Earyou
• free. of.. elairgt....„ Kirsch cure
tair Retie4 all sizes.
d Sh dnie
In the Wm ow a e tie ne.s
over 40 3.;etirg.
.Smith.s Ar t and Gift Store .
E.-ast 'Nome 10 -,ti
1 Watrotii at Pert Huron, ii I Wyoming eemeterY,
tetnraed tO altkerlinitti°1 eddi 1 a eol-nuniz d ilyrd fel/1113' 1.04)eci tg .Cletiell r
g te ot severs. weeks.
'week With her rinughte,r,11.14(110st 'daughter of Mrs. Annie park! daagilterl 3`lis Mal?geret Filidhltql4
'Willis, of Detteithaving In d- tim ley, of Dungannon, Wan united tri the of outlook, Sask., are- tha guests of
trip bys5mottir in etiraPali/r with 3les, holy beirds of matrimony to Mr. Rob. ..,...Mwrnt iri)iiiet wM2e$11trotal:IL*1.14h2e1410.14dlz.oes'
The 'directors of the Wrist 'Wawa- f ceS,eion of Ashtield township. The Intend elle-n(1111g tlie sumnier in Gode-
svS, 'Laverne an4 aensqu Pentland. ert Fitzgerald, of the seventh c; on.
aud Mlee li,Tary Vint. stient 311 1°ee re e eau 'eh /AA 81* d
or ex s 1 shed, ip the young pet). e
pie of St. Andrews 'United church, 41
Bayfield. Arinfission 55 =Its and 25
cents. -
Next Sunday. the service ;will Ite
held tis el.ut•eit at „
pat: Solidity ,Seheel At 2 WM* IteV.
online(' to the house for several
,7....:::::. ,
The', merchants ot Auburtx.. will
. . .t .,t,t Meech. On the fol. ,_
laBe• their niaees of business,Ilied, 'ndsh Fir 'X 1, _ nipanY xneti,-,hride wore a becoming costume of "Kell 4144 V10111/eY.;
Day ill be obserr ad. SAnday,$ebool. months %I to September inelus.. `tory, Ali: T., c.. Ailen. with all mein- necessaries to neateb„ 8hey.were nni 411 11 of the Victoila Opera House
ar ornooni
lowing '18 (111., May lath, Mother's lne nt I P.m. during ort Tursclicir in the oitlee of the seere., navy blue with a sand hat and other Mr. A. E. rerte, sylio %seri to be
tve. 11. ISI nottee that OW 11(4.41.4 (13 11.. i, Present. irv,-Oditton to routtrie ;,ht,toldett,' After' the ceremony. ,llif.r. 1a Goderieh years a.go, was, in town
and the church serviei being held ',12-.?ing la ;changed frolh 2 1341140 I „„i1A),, sillieS; *4til,,X1WJP:01%,,p,itiims • wen set. And 31r.S. Fitzgerald' motored to the on Weshiesday_. It is A good litany
:together at. 3' pan. Tho Mother's '''''''.', ,,,,,
, , Gieo.;.. ' '. : ;', ,',.', • . - • • .
r Itly program ertli. be carried out ' l'170S OUS•Ilninnt:t-Vietgfllati,,,,,boor4 krs., Dort inliize is ,visiting at. the • ato; 1.-Tnrolleri whore a weddines thrt- tiees fife dropping- elf of 10311Y fOrin#
t.4001e, Of t1,10 bride's slater, Airs, Rich. 'years since he was in town' and he no. I .
. _ .,,, .,,. ,,
There ‘vin be onecial itinCite• ' (4)) 1118.11 to her bed throUghiliness. .. home of her parents. Ur., ;ind Whs. ,iihr ihrAS served, Mr. and Mrs. Fitz. or acennintarices in the interval. Air., t
. ,
Nite aro sorry; t( 4. stotn.tliat mrs„ :Jelin Glenn, where llie is under the gerald* Nvha' are both N"11; and falter* Vette if.5 /IOW travelling for the i • , ...):.,', '
LEEBUItN . George Ramiltou',is. on, the sick list eare...of ' a 1)1(1. '414 lier intinv
, . .
ably known .in, this dlstrict, will 1.0.. Chapinan Co., 'of London 1
xx.,, it,, -c,411.„40o orid oon, Frod, . tit Present. , , . •• , - ,. . ,- friends weilld Wish to. see her. -make oAde On ' Ole fine. farm of the bride- . r
P4. Sunday in Mitchell. ,. 1 'Ili CeDoiinel..of tile, eo8t ofece, .O,,iete 144014! 114,04,4 recOvere than she is ar,Oonf, on ,tbe. ;seventh concession a A '1., ONS _ 1 ,
1 ' €1,1111 UROADCAST ' . ,..
hlr. and Mrs. Ironton of Goderic'h, 1 114(4 4. Avila listened. in to the Liens')
called on relatives on Solidity. i eon in Gorlefic,11., . • . , „Mr. Willittin ‘Ross from w,esteru br the 'heet-lviahea or thOir nnln'roOs Olttb 104,1 4444 'broadcasted over tile
S))041+ the week -end with acnuaintan. 4°111g. , , Aktlzfieifl, .-WiAtl*r they, are . to' otved
h. b 1 friends. ' . in " "
, ,Ut and Mrs, W. 0"D11en and sere' Mt's. AlqPtgonlerY. of noderich...to,, ....1111n.a`,„.41," w -title a' 4"no4 °111,- 4,8 ro, - - ' .
;no.it3.. for -a forii flays last I ' . . , red network ., st Setordaz. evenfog, . .
made- a short visit here last week. 1.1--v1ilting-fier cousin, Miss Annie ~ -2' A';`r• ;*;'
'Week. Ile we o the Dungannon bv.ab011 ' di ilttee. cidentaily lea ' I
The' regular Otoollili .nteethii -of heard- 1. 114 Choice prograni and in.. i •
mr,, mad; Frain, id winntnee, m ,Sturdr at present.. , . . 4 b „ , at' t t/nOIMONV On SUn.t st 1 . to . 0 i .... .. glied something of what
nr, • eing aeconioanied by Mr., and
,visiting his friend, Mr. Jim }torten.. .,,..Mv.. .Thsepit Carter and family i"
, 4, .4... og'labt Week.at the.home of Mrs R. *clief and , prevention of Wm' fin .
P ° 5trA. ROSS whccattentied cl‘ in en s. nstituto WAS ilitl Alt Thersday mons. international is doing for the
Atte. ,J., nicks end two children, of ' rot'', Pight. spent the sveelt.end.with fhCl( • ,- iv * "^- 1. ,.. ,, e enZie„. .. It being,the amisial The. P1 )4,1 11. 1. broadcast!" Primeasr3-
0 ,,, re atives in' the village. l‘f it '1- ' I
Detroit, are visiting at the. home 1, obert Armetroner inallec ur '
niceties', the eleetfon of fieleers look tile' ,-, for the /00,000. of AmeriCa's
Mr. mid Mrs, aeoi r korovd, , - 1 . Ur...414 XVI. nett! Xills, of Godc. io " Eh- ' .-- ' ° '" pee. with ...the - followin .estilti t blirtiL Irork for the ti d
Mr. and Mrs. T. White, of 'fletroin 31e14 gnent tlie week‘'end with rola* r .on ., e pungatruloo.Goderieli. atair , .
I, eS 1.n. the, emnaunIty. . Li. Pres? Miss E. Elliott: 2n4 vice pros , of the Lions Intonational, which .i.n.,
esident e. C. C. B. 4.. il vi re,f . fr band • Prey." On.. ql •
spent the 'week -end with Mrs' ' tiv ' ' • rontee has PUrche.sed a oar which he
wilL Joao la! '4a.gtyiagt a 41 $1 XS. P 1 Erown , St ee re x 0 00$8 IS A niaJor activity
White's parents, Ur.„ and ;Ars. Geo* ' • Mr.' Gereiley Tlioinnson loft the wililinti this o great e 1P-1" '44° Mrs.. R. A. Meltenzie- see--t•ene"' eludes. nearly 1'400 clubs ord i" - .
Fulford. 'Iltilliige this week for Toronto, where a *won. of unierk time,, n b t. fro. It. McDontild; directors Mrs. J d fferent dags, numbering some 50,
, . . , . . COrtrenienee and • . It .. • ., . , - Or n 0
xt,. god sestie left last tweilnes., 1e. 1g tegurd it, nittiatmn,,, , nood holes- for oda putoose, , I 4. Ryan, Mrs. r. toss, urszp• Ilmicii, 000 itagmbers,
(lay for Port Colborne to join the The former part of' tlie wo4 mt. 'Mho pest feweditys ,he e 4 MP. P. Finnigan; district director. „It is an. interesting; cominentary on
Str.' Easton, which"lie is to sail on . tl
Tni)n, Stroatt .wa$ the "est of his inlomelivelvietit 4ot 64etu ft 139Rn ,. le Mrs,, It. A. McKenzie.. oregraweein. the oost of .programs.put on for -ad -
this season. . brother. George. in the village. nrotind hero. 'MO .... ali. 011..eratIonn Mittep, Mrs. 1,1Thyard...Mrs.-11. A. lile vertising purposes -to linow ,that the
''';l'it II ), ' , en r;.. tut Iv 4 Dr trio farmers. gerizze. Mili. Donald Fowlert dole. Mist of .broadertsting this Lions' hour
Colborne helping to fit mit the, boat 4,....1
.....tatirra..vioratoisir. tikki
We have a aokftrnonee? attractive piOtierne
Now diet ,hoNsec boo is here, bciginen
year room with a new Roc
ICE CREAM, $Qc qt..
Afternoon Tea horn ,4 until
' 6.30 every aitornoon
prepared on short notice
S. C. W, Leghorn Chick, 15 Os.
Barred Rock Chielte, eta.
Custom hatehing, 4 cents per
ogg for 150 egg tro or more.
A limited number of bard
Incubators for sale.
Inglenook fioultrY Yard. ,
Ilointesville P. O.
nee till r .
Clintori Central. ,
manse' 42 Se'terthiY' ril '28t14 at 'WM. Edwin Wightman Zed grand -
:YOU ‘Yoiiici like to smarten
up tor the Spring tittle-
On .THURSDAY, FRII>AY and SATURDAY of Oda week we
Piddle Demonstration of the "4
IS. being given at our store. We cordially invite the ladles of Z4
' Goderich to call on any of the above days. You will be 4e-
- lightcd
44itit the easy manner in which this Ironer ,performs
doties,41trit formerlyivere-- a drudgery.
• On Mothers' Day, ,May I ',3th
Be sure and send Flowers to Mother on that day. There
is nothing you can sive that will give ner more plegsure than
a fine bunch of FlouIrs which can te pivoted from
GEO. STEWART'S, the Florist
10 if VII *WWI
It is a wonderful fitting' Shoe, made with
Special Steel Arch, on combination
14t. Made in Patent and
Kid Leather. Price 6.50
0 tem., Church Sehool: 7 pari., wor-
ship: eubject, "Christ the Light." A
fipeefid feature Of the evening .er.-.
vice is the dedkatory service ,if the
,new lighting *yetein and fixtures to
be turned on for the first time.
I mr will be obeerved in Knox Irnited; reel much gratification. , PEOPLE WE KNOW
rhureh /tort Sunder ntorninf at the Mr. and Mrs. *. A. *Kermit were ow., number if4 home fraykt Tay,
reirtib4r lipur °11' vii°r111/1- tei rt'cign-1.4"Med 0 WYerniair Oil well mitt* onto rniversity for the summer nr.d
Toenim lottle• yd.. ..,.., EN. On all' Ito the death of their brother:helms, MeMtion Cott plFo i54 home.
‘tilliti;t•on.Thilvringill 7P•117121"e' jilfr' if("' f)f ,P; Arm% eRdt'obenftwojnd` Miiv4:121)Algull'3Wothhi:!VtTI: Afta flutten, of Stratford, il a
The play. "The Road to the City."/. a ',bort inner'. The late Mr. ',Niclu *nest 'at Or reeidence. of Mr. and.
given by; tho Knox Iinitiql young pro.; eleen W.114 4 prominent oitisen of 1 lifre...C. A, Rent, i
Pifi ill Go' hall hilt Frid*Y nlitht witai Wyoming arid owner of Niche/son! Moil lfafel Chillers left last Wa-
n groat sotreosi, Thr 'WI wax Mis4I & t;rorei a popular eurnivier **lett on 41* -Y mrell'Ir Inr Petre'i"'I %i"it ileV
toorpriPiiirll " w're " Wg10,8iPI** ft44. YOltrg *WOWKW' MeAl R. MieNicer is
Prot ithroet SINS wisit• Lake Horne. Ftinte locoing in sister, Mt, tfrie Ce4^14fi*trending
titkre. ospreiaIty A. port of "Ibirk."/ taboo o prootiotort port in any room. Shp nOd-sumrtiOr openings in Torortn
0e S te
Violin. mouth ammo and torsi mode .; till.nt for Ow *Aforp of the *INV! this week -
*Ad reading* in between seta sir,* al44 ;POMO!! A hoot of friend* to moutn 7oit, h Iferalti3 A rew herh•.r• him,
olt murk f4.10?"4- Th^lon who tooh"litit 1,.•te Rj hli' , iii. ortiveit in teen. Mr. N. Preeieue, ,.f'
etc in O* play wore-. Mina JAI,- I was Nits f 'wildfire Nhilt'ole, fati.,Coderkh I
rImIllett. Milto Nark Tolthw. ally.... fee of oar loworintar. Mr. R. 4, Mee .11 Mice A Merlim. Sem Te.d. :IA Air .
s. ,
Mil* Wpproor. afrp. Win Strewtb,. hermit, two eerie outlive, Lloyd aftdeRritest Doak. of Detroit, Arent the,
tot Infants and Children
We are Selling -Out
Dui* the pi* Month each dey'S beakless has made bior
made into our Immersions atoekt., and w aiail to '
Still Further Reduction of
absehet4dy sad oat, and alt othoke lifte4
roitroloPed kis at playas *tick *ill
seem to bey them. New seeds as well
as the older awes, mat alt loe sollot poet mho
edv,itt.opportionly of a Efetione.,
harmanye Shoe Store
coomocu ammo