HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-05-03, Page 6H1. PAGE Sit TEAis ood tea" Red Rose Orange Pekoe is supreme In clean, bright Aluminum. Men Marooned By GEORGE MARSH CHAPTER ILL (Coulinucd)' "Re wouldn't dare fight pa --shed blood on this leap:" "Cameron," said Guthrie, and the' *litter returned to his eyes, "I'm in- a*duned to think. that the company bad better avoid ally attempt at force writh an overseas man with a riattti- lilted mouth. IIo's apt to run amuel» .to forget the war's over" As he aitudie(1 Guthrie's •brooding *yea, •Cameron knotted hi z thiel: -brows, vaguely wore that the near on the face of tho spea;rcr bud. ;prompted the remark. Well, however that may be, l. ` u a as t - Netiirc's !Oven Remedy Urns teat 'tnN rr4.ensv TO 'rialtE ire. mutAte. 4 box. 71,,a ,.aie re/Wetly {or- CQNSaTI PATI' THE GODERICH STAR 1,eerheee Fee' auttaitivit ty 1;,i41."6; ..(`, �. 1G i iptia,a faction_c -' 1:3 it 3 , -.' u�i?t :t Ce ;.h. 1 le tt I`:> .as el hi:. Poed weir r «(., a e creamy (au"laa,l t3 the e (rLst, I1 i , ear as a act tirt', •a., ani lie seSsh1a t) ser 1)n( Li:1U RI )t , ise,15-0 rirtwip*t,Eli to tna i'au C < "' ' �. -M. /, t 47 (ie ,U.' iiaUi'atr, l'i a k3 ' 6 k:) ad 7 tEE•C•etiun 4i 4{,i,thti, 4,a.F1, lIrl i t � »i.]J � 'a`ll6 whether she '>vlJl' n •i o, a huua,eri dif ev. ail in tie,' to (.e a c `i' elle e tell kr l a l?�liilnion, ('wales t oti ni•tale4 U-1 1 -,:z. -.1.3T" 1c Ant 11 ^`err ie tebill where levere n �,.. it til hie 7 .., ai a t.3^ L?7 re' dot y Oast, 4;44, to Nit 24.•11 his' t`m li a nest mo !toe ee this tate-rude fermatas ';(.Z,. Viso Fil.ais3 ,nasi' rcildenf(1 vile stn :fee. ,rt 1 II L hl '� �' . aft u , Cherie* had ,.ry i,lma, tu.x> Tien faun to i, ':utas,' a R,,, iii 19 f+hai,2 with his ee'cre"arr;elb rated him mei the low voice E"i Jo oeer tela i, vtnl Ci the candle, (,aTt:a k��'^tiler aekeai "Is hers cora'�t F" inriy wQk'heai is 1Ju3i3. ii t e. mcg sir. Swan? Oil., it'c .1I • j I'Is(a1 (S;nra4ctet4St naiIb, it a l aF'' a ti t •e' Ccod fie'ur^" And cE » .- feelf'` }in a different single �t�-i ea Zell rest the vii grentic(l mires; ,e'(,us3 i f :a tier.. she wrote, had net of to take [;'rhes e..iC, L,l hal. i. 3,2emitioged ie health, she was a ini4..l- R " l;o you nniaid tall nna outside ent Chet lie wait still ill. Ile hie! -Sl Swan fears that your _ broth tekel that cold, cruel ni rile Why de et, sit,i�re e of sae," Gaon snot give the ceuntiy near homy a flung tit the figure in the door oe cis •i+nec, vitere hia devoted family sand a nno-ed away with the felrl. w .8 brotenelirartsid girl mined fair hinn., eer_se(1 what hall pa. sea, " y (til sat If he could have seen how aitanclaly i y.tu,• good brother hal already poi Ethel hard taken the blow. She wall ene(1 the cler}sal mind," letiglie tthowing n brave face to the gossilis; Garth as they waked slowly to Eh G.-sageuoirrg everywhere. but haring.clearing. "I'm leaving esirly�tone l a wounded heart. tha,•y called her r(iw asci came to aay,,good• one Wide". s .incl, of eoutae. people. , The moon was,. up *nil tea rie were nH,atified, but she and Clara si:le-lon;I giance caught the sobering were only vaunting the days when OE her face. She was looking t dour nl�i -Garth would return to them., straight ahead and. the light which Mie . finished with: `'Ethel and I., drew a shimmering trail over the ere like sisters, inseparable. And "rtuiet surface of the Albany^brushed • ' .. i, -,bier:-heavy hair, with :sihvei: she's ca proud of .Citar]es new_ilQrt[r,. Th nk (Y Yta she stud' the other day, 'arou're 'to b the slster-in-Iaw of the reat worried about your ejo s. , g mit wee fine Oven to waste precious. Sir "}Iarle:t� Guthrie!' So volt see, time bringinlr us here," Garth, else is still the same old Ethel,' "I am stili in our debt, bliss, loving you forgiving all." Quarrier,''. ho sail, and as- he waatch- "4 e 3," the man who read agreed,. ed the profile of the girl walking he - a earner of the mouth lifting, "she's side hhn with its. straight arose and the old Ethel." And he blew out the: firm chin.. the realization that 'she candle. -lovas g Passin out of his life--.1;his Earlier, at. the ceureh of Englard'<.wonian whom chance had thrown in.. mission, where Joan Qaaarrier and her I to the tragedy at Elkwaioe.e. me brother wore staying until Cameron:: . swift on a blow. - The .i o d sense oi' • could send them to 1Vloosc, he had "lass, felt so •often in tlae �vs when ar said gotwl•by, for at dawn he' wata to start for t';1k,-avian. - `The manner o£ .Reverend, $'!van, whir opened the. door to .Garb s Week, was distinctly cool, but as he had avoided-Um'missionary during his year • at Albany, and (1e- vT c ea dawara A of rie nidshi rvi tin Pere 1? Rousseau, the .Oblate,, the inhospita bre reception was anticipated and .ig- tnered. The aittle man with the -pale :hair-and..eyes,. ldgeted-with- einbzu . rassmennt t, the-appearanice of Garth. Ma in doubt as to whether Miss Quarrier'a brother, would wish her to. See Yaau;' avid the clergymen, • 'uitii +as brave a. show of dignity -aa: his live-feet.four could ,eonnnnnnid in • the stnuttoinq of. the matt` whose eyes twinkled *Irani; amusement at the Tat'gsfiAY, MAY urd, lege ern Kee S tee ",I e`C t.:lrc3 1.x3 (C L f�Zt 3 1 1 r n•. leeZe c see sit Coogirl r . 3�:a C."0: 2C3 r Flint>• 3Era "��im:a you've :Tiede a ,Gonia?;e!" cet i 41tatiHk'1''Ci. `E10 deers that t:ith oi'iL: ogee, here." vee ' The girl loolicd sap as 61ne >:ul,'ucal. f 6 , ' r 0 re h tree f1E Rµ ears. ,Il(:s only :;^ieytin�q stn ' s iarotl,er--I iu,eee an ieseie a in ac0 "(t»L' v. -he c- i v ed, no ho CIiC.i, with dangeroee eolii etitor. After tiro?, ping that scared company Indian ii to a t..g of salt, according to bleblann, he gelled if there were any more slacfera who wanted to lauds at the his9 of a Hun slie}le-Where weren't any!" Guthrie sniffled, hie thoughts calor. ed by memories. "Vest" continued Cameron - with a ,eigle asaaro: that the man he mtdres» sed was not Listening, "it looks bad for Eapiskau and Eli;.wan thin yeaH,J' tater, by the light of a candle in the smell room assigned to hint by the factor, Garth reelead two letters he had found waiting at the post; The latter of his brother, dictated ti) his secretary, and txi�tiv t ten et - pressed extreme shock at the failure of the wanderer to return; deplore lila indifference to the -future ofIthe tluti:Se Steel Company and to iris own; con,lemned his callous rind ha. ayirentment of that lovely girl rho t:crshiped him;, had grown tor - eloquent in its emphasis of the :.stinetion lately conferred on the, :Wide. fondly in Charles' knight- haled, And resented profoundly the blot which its hitherto stainless o.. 5 ( Wba could be better on a fine :spring morning.a'biiiWt of crispy Kellogg's Corn Flakes* .:. w tb plenty of nice co+ l ilkand u bit of fruit, Good? Just r>> thunkabout it o you hungry! .r� R N' mir Kalltou', are the •.renin'' rileat inio4r cars llekesl. No tie,itlati.M.eattegg thlstiwrota• stair. !ia and extra - origami**. Never lidbkh, Del" it lunch, ',linnet. 'et With milk or suer* %*seat** hon.}, aiidtat Orstn aat hand , taa;tanatat., Oa .cars Said . • Ivy all,gveera. M,ad,er brlColatit ant. 406.1potaio.i• way**re-friesht .friend -a eumrude--."went west," ro- turnezl to bitty. The vivid color and tang of her porsonuiity-the splendid strength of her -.were stirring,, hiiyr with an eripeal hitherto unacnsed. Now that the brief days. of their Ctsmr ehia dos • . were over, the, memory of Joan t•"narrier's instant eompre. liension of the nature of the nity, ap proaehing 'tffectian. whish .Midas in-,. spired in hiss—of how tee salve of her sympathy'' had eased the raw bit- te d. And now this tfriendsh;».._ zrt nF chance+-w:s to be cut shots off by the well of a thousand miles of for- est!. She elalt•r.t eerinusly at the pian who, walked beside her. in silence. '1,0101 think sof von often up there with Etienne, and Shot, and old Atme." :she i:anrded. "1't seems' so lonely and so—unnecessary." tetBut eeeeeuof his ie exiled"". eeshall re. member yo," e-olI of us. 1Nitho"tt Yese it would have been unthink. able." . meeting. as wee dii !.^Poor little' Nin - de 1" she said, dreamily watehing the silhouette of as belated c enoe from the whitefish nets, drift into the 'path of moonlight. "It was tie art of Providence. I wonder," he hesitated, then went on, "if you would ed^tn_to.:semi word - of yob seri" to an exile, this winter?"' Re saw her hrowa contractin thought.. For a. moment she eeentetI fleubt, Shen tinned to hien, -tense: i illi hser..:earnestnese.- #'Pout .-are net Merely coUrteous_youu really wish to hear frons met" 0.3 Nor rye. speaks & au "It Seems So temeiy.:-And slu IT the wounded," ncessar ►' dded the man. They were at the door of the wise 'slate "Good-bye! The slays will drag up there in the snowy,waiting for the. Christmas nail," said.. Guthrie, Puz- zled at his emotion--strangely..reiue- tont tO leave ----heir--. wonderiiin' at himself. d '!Good -by, Mr, Exile' She" gave him her firm hand Hardly canseious: of his purpose, he stent to search the darkeyes, frankly meeting his look, She sinil'- ed, . he thought, wistfully as he said' "What you did for a comrade in dis- tress --he willnever forget, Good. bye. Healer of Wounds." Ir'er eyes widened. Groping . for his meaning, she . watched him straighten. bring his. hand to : his forehead in a militarMysalute, and,. turning, walls rapidly away.. Until his tall figure w -(s lost in the 'shad- o'ws, she stood, lira parted, wonder - tag; then slowly opened the door and went in. (To 'be continued) Iyit. CO.N1101'S VISIT Addresses School Children in Model Theatre and .Lions Ciu;, in the Evening; On, the -suggestion iii` she Goderieli Lions Club, with the co-operation of the Public, and-. Separate School Boards, arrangements were made far a visit to Goderieh: -by lir:-Fred J. Conboy;"director of Dentins Service with. the Provincial Board of Health,. and on Friday Iaat Dr. Gonboy ad- dressed two gatherings of school children in the Model Theatre, the heatre being' filled eaeh' time. The repetitioy of the program was made. ecessafy by the lack of nubile ball n Goderich large enough to amine. modate nil the children at once. Dr. onboy is. a lover of children and en- oyed meeting with therm. Ile show. eint n to the teeth and oflhaving at- ention -niouth, and the:way in will •h. eh ears. ;contributed to % w;en in fc. Regular inspection of . chil- ren'e' teeth, prompt attention'.to'Crl- ng. of Cavities when small, . proper iet and thorough °anastleation were - tressed '.es of prime importance. uest nt thenHLi nD e1 b at ithe r luirs- heon and the bions ^were aceontpan d lby their. ladies,'and the gather - g listened with interest and profit evalur. t. nt health oes instructionoa d ealth habits, resulting, in the ;wes- t of the adding . of ars to the eopee'taney of life. A riling proof of this is found in the perience of the Metropolitan I.ife service Co, which maintains. a he service for the benefit of its Hey holders, et the coact of natlt}dns dollars, and yet saves more than able the cost of the service by the ixreater average age 'to rvhielt their alley holders live on account of the etviee. Dr. Corboy said a. child should be ken to a dentist for ilia inspeet- n of the teeth. at the age of two tars, and twice annually thereafter. to familiar gumboil to which Hurst.: Mime are liable, be said, was evi- nce of trouble+, the poison from ieh, absorbed into the system, was mcti»tes responsible for lesions of' o heart valves, which caused weak.. ss of the heart in later years. The ut �kto apointed aiin extentenmovable, an the pressure downward on a seek poisyonous matter which formed at e root at, ;d eenscsl .teeth.,. would se this to tae broken aand'absen.bcd to the system and 'carried to the The ehild with a diseased oth'on one side of the mouth atop. chewing on that :nide, and if a tatboil should form on the other e, he he hab tnof bolting his d. The habit of thorough eher Itis face reflected his pleasure. "Ynu twill write then, to the exile?" s' teeth. There whims (-11 flash gleam her eyes, as she asked: '"'i'ouldn't it. be un- gratefol to refuso'so modest a re- viled from o"e who has rescued the shinwrecke'd'!" "It would be roost etograteful send metal." he lanrrhed. "if you'll write, .I'll l0rvA a little eoruee welting :for: the. Christmas snail," sed manse' 'Our ramie on the tree, with candles." "1rnread :t" a"Or'•oad till Christians Moraine. Then that and I rill. read it together :-.aur Christmas, from yen,” "And elle other letter?" she. quer- ied. tsvoiding his 'nick Cisme, intorr+ee"Thltine-ew"itli . t'heir� erltteis»ntaennd adTl"e and POWS of my distinguished brother's sloinee " voice "None stranthegely th%ttvvu as jshe gazed out, over the shimmering river. "None of. them," was: the quiet, re- ply. He thrilled to the realization of the ;absolute sincerity of his an. - sorer.. tytrithont mooting itis eyes, elle turned impulsively to the Airedale who accompanied, them. •'eGood-by. Shod. I'm going i miss, you, boy!" asy EitE'S a quick and easy way to make .haM.. furniture and faded floors smart and .lorfu Searfe's Varh'O-tc provides a hand. set' fin! of astonishing _dur*bibt t t_finish which , to- ho water, acids. abusive treatment—and dric in minutes. Slee this stykful, quick -drying finish at your Sea' . deslerail Then bu a tin and start to brighten up your floors urnituah( 'Wad wra 'w�a�atk- �to.dsy. j • J t n c e su d a g c ie in th en t yet ex lin h Po do SO 10 Tii •d tri tb teen 1I Sat i'n ear to ped Ott tnid foe BII*L COO 111Y; 11111111111 coon* 1 Mira s yPllfOst,wr -ameaser. dttalae Gila opportunity of tilting ,you of my at - 4 ie regard to 4 Dr. Wood's Norway Pim Syrup eeEs.ly ios tttiniet- .? oersted l .fr it 11,1 to revere + %nomin al yard that h ft mss pith a l,rowoli(at•, dry, hashing *nigh. {f eiAger heing begat ria?, heI11 sight and date. whir it, for twee, liner, I ,[ PIA t► y 1rtfi..fnl an !Hint's recommend ti!A i1ar.�rl� *pop lr11w.b 1 triol i (wall welfleffnt reeling., ((Met POW it jot 11 Vic mit,' remedy 1 ever one for t'olt._" �f Evtlr, W.,,-14" ' NnreNt% r`ire $r ,p e is .":"+: a l ! !., lamer fu!;,q;�Iy rc.t• brie. fiver~ tt•t (.:,e' j ( fl h� "t'.`!a eleirta tie., 'Laoeted, Tetio+tn, Qat "Ire isn't what you do today that causes the blowout!" —it is usually something you have done week's ago. Under -inflation•- carelessparking thatpinches the__._ ties uialTs hitting rough bumps on higth. Balloons deaden the jar. But later—a blowout! These things can be,avaided. To avoid therm means dollars- Off the cost of rwaning your car. Check up tire pressures every week—We will do it for you. Keep. to the exact figures for the size of . load of, each tire. Ease down when driving over deep ruts and sharp ridges. Let us inspect your tires once a week. At least twice a season let 'us take then' off the rims and reale for insidC iu3u*•ies. .A Dominion Tire will stand a lot of abuse, but a little care Will add thousands of miles to its life. DOMINION in.., ..a„4 _este . H. J. FISHER o • • inspection hadto be taught to the child and spent in dancing, with Miss •Cannon of the teeth wa; necessary at the piano, ' to insure that they were in a condi-. --»• --� -- tion ----.- for showing. Another way in Miller's Worm: Powders are corn - which teeth gave trouble eves to the •, ;mote i' themselves. 'They not only nervous system. An inipaeted tooth, drive worms from the system, but for instance, in its effort to eat repa.r , t,•: damage that worms cause through, often pressed AO hard on •a and co invigorate the constitution nerve as to cause serious disorder:;. that it speedily recovers front the The dangers arising from a septic disorders of the digestion that are mouth and the neeessity for thole the result of the work of these para• ough cleansing were stressed.. ' site intruders. They do their work The visit 'of Iilr. CConboy in :eeseg-. thoroughly and strength and ing to the children. of our schools the; nese follow their use. gospel of a clean mouth should be of I much, Attalla and the Lions Club boa b'eNast res are anada's done' a worth -while service in taking Handicap. the initititive in having hint tonne to Gaderieh. At. the meetingof the,g a Snnoulderin„ Camp Fires Start Club on Friday evening ' a' resolution ` Forest Tires of tlianits :was na'ssed to Dr. Conbo ", fi •• • d lainelors;�=aFe Careful- an thee. on motion of Z,io»s Parsons and C. Wvads - R. Saunders, and a motion to. convey the thanks of. thee Club to .&Ir. Max -:'ore Well �t_ es. Make w f'or the i3 I � I' r Iai.e Ia m_._ _it n_ of the .Moe - .. Lumber Prices Model -Thea- 1 7'waa R3ghez, tae'°in addressing the children was passed arse; Costs o After the address a short time, was f Building are Increased by Forest 1!ires. . . Great MIL WORM POWDERS Rkt ancaHl i AE a twi'''t coNbIriGN b f� O0UGar ON tar ma annum* or sienna' fat OE$TORE THE CHILD To NORMAL HEALTH. ' NO NARCOTICS d7` res. 1EA5,ANT AS SUGAR • Good tistnessMet/�, mean Good $ USEQCAR-S iciiivRout (,GOOD business conditions ,.. high sales • records for Chevrolet cars - : sound methods of operating • all combine to make possible the standard of Used Car quality which we 'maintain. This quality standard has never been sc! high. . . yet pri,nes have never been so attractively low. Buy your used car where you can buy- ,with confidence. Our reputation us .- ---Cbevrt-dealax a provides assurance of loafing satisfaction, whether you buy a new or a used car here. Let us show you some of our most compelling values. su+wN, 011080N' )N' 1924 Coaach. Excellent shape' $ ( 0 >CIIEVI Tai ' 1gt7 coach.:# grat►d 5/5��!�+"o/�o hey 7 masts) FOItI1 'I`#lt^itl;1`G, laJlki'...... - • • CHEVROLET ItARY'441C-barb .. 00 »$ 1°°. c A 81 TE BU Chevroleti 1 FRED ROUSE,, (Mechanic)