HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-05-03, Page 5rg THURSDAY, MAY 3rd. In2e, • •••••••• TEE GODICIIICII V/ row. •••••••••• ChOit:Sin. the retertis fromzh.ProPrommihl WU- 61414""it taut P4141 ss,r‘11'1 1.0.1 ‘Nv•Iirviit 'fund materialize*, will nevi:, if. otiViIt dread "t Viii k•t-gi 1UrIttii has IirlariOned &tki1,11tris sti iilariti tit the things neeeent ranof ;;MI),(104) yr., oledn4ellowed, arid ..en 1300.00Q. Hut it has Oren tat,.ii reseeera dies chez, ' deitie be thy teeserineent than ; of ;allot. 3. ieesee ,oseeise ..•Ira trXrvi twiner aioobtance; 1,,.• teeeeer that a 1e4t Wi.; wren I) Moo iv. A )• ; • 1,1r. fair? DS:11,910\e: 4;014b thr 1?)•?-• a, pieri iteve. unteiveasel, wide- I4 s meet 4Iti tacit. L.o,4;e. ve:.ons4, next step bail btet, • f Chriet's thrieeeheadd not ies rxide tO individual vithena loindiAkt, over modernized, eep gractiea ' total of $1,004,000, 40,M.•Ilt see-eat:Leo much raere auitelale, eziee:, fait that the 'city. tbreueh re-, iefacteree vefined polleirol. ealci CQn,,cribtiteri $;;5,Q0 faA "RV' . whleh rilav, op r.,"nly net, be inec'e,,e41 ' ,Ape aPPeet new is being CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE :irk 0,, irabihva fer a few rtiainaee 143 rie tee WC' esCaeqell rirlIntie$ Ues.;)::11, 21EgUtiOlIS JrCW44)I1 81,114Eiy, bljt wh1;;Iii' Ontario foe individual eounty really rasa not. of aceess:tes, envie,' totalling $800,000, Thie. with a Pi 1. to me eehreeesalisse ems nava eel, se.4 tonal appeal toi be made to friesnh; end four-in:ale of see reseateana (Jaye and graduates of the ISniversitee ; of no mode in this likartjculavly tito, glitt)tS by cities within the 15,hes.Seen ;gov and ad.:reread modern eleee CoUnties,whieh we hope ayactrati ase” Hut. uorsonallse I do not believe to an additional ;200,000. will plea. VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE 'I' turn from a path or r.; blaze iividea that. With tall our improved intedis duee oltr objective total of $t,tiaolloo Housecleaning Needs HAND LOTIONS, AMMONIA, PAINT CLEANERS, HAND LOTION', AMNIA, PAINT, CLEANERS. etc. Ste display. Ours are right. For More Thoughtful ltitimentsi (Ily N. Baer) For The Star, Goaerieb, Upon our chronically indifferent, lethargic minds, scarcely anythimg makes much impression, euepting those things which we can see and bear. Our mental scope does not h be izit the til' the 'visible. We can appreektte noise, -011OrgYr tumult, commotion, church suppers, bazaars, Movie tilinn and such- like, but we hove no ear for the still small voice with wbich God speaks to our hearts and souls. Nor do we understand the power of those ?nighty -eurrents which :weep to and fro, and, like forces of gravi. lotion, or tkrobs of electricity, leav- ern unbeave. and mould our hearts and lives. We can understand the uoise--ber which we are etartled and turned for a moment. but we fell to understand power of ideas which compel assent, convict conscience, centred actions. Iola changethe hole course of humanlife. and which •may rouse us. in the calmest end most deliberatemanner (like S. Paul) to eve have followed for yeare, and 4 Model Theatre WEEK 011 MAY./ TO 12 MONDAY and TUESDAY DOLORES COSTELLO in v oistering football rornaneee-a ' glorioua story of a glorious ehi--a, ' hobnailed college tale. Nee, •fer. ioue, fierce football and fun, in "TIIE COLLEGE , WIDOW' MERMAID COMEDY a "TOE LITTLE RUBE" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY RICHARD DIX and MARY BRIAN in the picture of an ex -officer in the Tank Corps who smashes through °position and Sanger th succese and, t e.girl of hie heart. • "51Xla POWER" CHRISTIE COMEDY FRIDAY and SATURDAY Tom MIX rod TONY- THE-11011S.E. aviolang romance Of A high flying • esorpuitelier. A story of love, laugh- • I V It a LtY" ter 11114.1 1u1-htnin: en • VOX COIJEDY • • "'WILD PUPPIES'? ' Matinee Sat. at 3.TIO p.m. throw our entire utmost energy into a path entirely untroddeu by us. We can appreciate drams and Wades, the crash uf battle, and the rush of mighty hosts. But the upheavings of the froot, the balancing of the clouds, the mighty changes of vege. tation Which come unseen, and un- felt, attract very little of our otten- We wouhl give plenty money to build a church or put 0+ steeple on it, to varlet the aisles or cushion the pews, to develop a. big procession or a costly banquet, to work out Climes for a monster convention and briug in (so called) speeiolistie "epurters" to expand themselves Midi a few themes or topics, which have become saddled upon their betties (like" the A, B, a childhood), but we are very slaw at speaking a word for the Christ who we elaim :fence. our scientific •°logic°, We Vint can aunt es, and t e 4 ever map out a more Pane and vale meemarY gratld tett' 'af $2•04/3000•t 4 reed to get tiles* would he then enet ' In '1c:eh-ling te ask °lc'. eeentie .3 .! sherdv to "Believe on the I.ord Jesus the thlit'e"tY ;constituency for grants, it was considered that Ow ; Vliriet." , amount to be wilted *mild be owe HE LEADETII ME etned by the student enrolment rt. life leadealt ine. It man not be presentative of each County, its polar That altivays to my nifty]. His way is best. ulatiou and estimtited wealth, audits geographical proximity to the I.: ni- Perhaps. instead of pasturea mon varsity., Ire rendeth through settle barren made in the Wyoming cemetery. waste, Seine Ione, and dry, and dreary place on a five-year In each ease the grants are taught payment basis* with: Where there is no refreshing stream, *at interest. Middlesex County is Auel yet because Ile leads the way, asked to grant .5100,000, or it211,000 I I Im and per annum for five yeavo. The It may not be that always Ile Counties of Elgin, teent, Lambton, ees t, sunny aye S bes in v Huron and Oxford ave neked for lead Ilia child. grants of ;15,000 eaele or $15,000 Per Ile knows if sunshine, or if shower, annUm for five years. The effeet of STAR Par.P. rtr 41•••••••••••••massialarlaVanka~la r baIities Every too air and Warmer an will be busy cleaning and decorating during the next few weeks. Should you desire to purchase new Curtains or Drapes for yobr Windows it will be to your advantage to see the new materials and made,up Curtains we are showing for Spring. . Special Values Summer Vests, Comfy Cut and Short Sleeves, only....29c each Ladies' Supersiik Hose, reg. $1.60 pair, Wearing...P.19 pair E HIBBERT Phone E6 F. E. 014 mist, er eloud, or storm. is best, these grants in the matter of t.tx*,; , To help MY faith, to firmer grasp tion is one .of less than one-half lain The Fire Fiend Takes TOR of ean.. Going up in smoke, As a vermicide an excellent pr,:' On His eternal love and power, Ason the local annual asseesment. made us free from the awful sins And just because He holds ray handi4t.. This will not 'work a hardship to I pration is Mother Graves' likolna which linav crashed the souls of men. I would but follow II' d. c' anyone, awl is a muelt fairer way of 'Amber Costs are Incresred by eitterminator It saved the lives We walk and work by sight, not by Re leads, "Beside the watere, stineh annortioning tbe 'objective than to • r Platee,,,,,,,,NO•snotenc,../Werw•Ateml•~4:Wat" est Wealth carattia' i Forest Fires. of countless *eltildien. not always is It so 'pea to e et mens to SS 0 Mountains Splendor Open to Motorists *. Iola% Forests. faith. 'We de mighty little. toward devising broad and liberal things, but break our necks falling over each other in our hurry and craze to build 'gaudy fitianeial steeples to show to the world our Christianity. We ea not depend a great deal smelt the working of that spirit which werks like the sunshine and the rain, that rives fruitfulness to the soul, and, like the eat south winds which In His blest will; . amount by Yolinstary subseriptione, dust likely,.that my way mese* be although there ere friends of the i . # Along the surging. hissing foam ' University whose Ine.MIS Will yenta' Of waters, troubled by some storm.- uf. their doing eso, who. will haye an rtuniey or =mug voluntiery That ale eermits to eome this WaV^ oppo. But while a. leads Ini tear no litarki« ehontrabutions and thus perpetuate Upheld by Itis Almighty arm. t e.r name:. on the records of the University as benefactors. He leadeth me, for His name's sake, In naths of perfect righteousnesa, The eleven ehaetered rides in the eonetituent enmities, apaet from Lon. And wnys of neitoe, don, i.e,, St. Thomos. Cliathaiu, breathe upon the dead seeds and In wisdom, He (loth lead me so-- Windsor, Senile Woodstock, Stint. rause them. to burst forth in living That 1101101f. ea earth, to WaY 1r fora, Brantford.' Eiteheeer, Guelph. beauty to bless this old world. And means, Owen Sound and Gait are being ask - vet --the most effective work is done by the sower, villa labors in his quiet way, by the unseen toiler who works and is forgotten. by the man or woman whose life, real soul life, is not entirely' or almoot crushed out, by the strain and excitement of burli- ness, elide sport and 'executive, but who am' take tints amidst it all to Should claim 111v affeetionror eate.ero, t.,c1 ee make meielaual °Tants nt one And as lie leada in love alone, -iv, avows for five yeere. I would but say "Thy will be dote." 18'70".-tey N. Baer. Eveser County and City grant will, ENDOWMENT CA51PAIGN POO. Ilt.°y131:lairtilriawnomer:3yt)11‘thir inedstetlitrQnsl:Tfi.le.:.Pn9td.4: WESTERN °nett will be pernetually known itt the sneak the Icia41y, friendly word, and tjnarceesey of Weeterti Ontario. meet Gift of thot, Comity (14' City. That I migat all Ills nature lialow, nee per eapite oe twenty emits On the eve the eampaitert bee tile the. 'Sndow. give the weien handshake or lend throughout Western Ontario tu Meetinea WLU be;„ held ththegetout norin, thoughtful.. helnful expreseion S1,000,000 toward . the endowment 4'hi3 q01,"/' which. theGolden of Christian fellowship. wbieh this fund•which 1 nee.essary to the stir. Zulahie Motion Pictures depleting thel world Tg so sadly in need of. "And they that feared the Tend, reface often one to another,” -and I'll be safe in guessing .that it WAS Other than some coming athletie stunt. snort or hull -fight, which was seemingly filling their' eninds. The. *Grid today -is -perishing -for emelt int vival of the institutioo, o statemeht work ie the varions depar'mento has been eddreseed to the citizens of the leniveveity, will be ehoven aea the counties within the university. rettreeentativee from the Ilrtiversn"f eoristitueney, givina' general out. will ddress eatheringq and oninver ie of the univerkity needs and the oneemone. eeleardinge the institution preieet tinder wer •to trivet. thm' and its services., This statement is as felloey • krowledge. But not that alone. IntrS of the V v • ; ENG ISH I She ie more likelY going to her deem Ontario were erected, but no pr0vi- People in the Iliated States Veil for the plain want of proof, of the ion wsie made then or subsequently their English by usirig :too many , • offectivenesseuf the -eordial Chri- for their maintenatice. ectives and adverhav thinks thriven: • thinity is holding out. The profe- alive that time the. demands ir000 la Mason, who write entettain tale • arammerimoosairamaioiaramaralearmaimoiriera • . , MAY 14.14647 Seat plan now on sale at Dunlop:; Drug Store. Evening -one ,abow only, starting, at 8. pau. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, all mate reserved--Thurday night no re- served eeate. Admission, nights 50e and 75e. Nfatinee Thursday at 4 pen. Admission 25e and Wk. . , Special Mueic. The Greatest Feature ever shon. Don't mists it or you'll ibe left out of • countleao conversations. sed workings and powet are 'the Univereity foy its Services have I of Amerierin speech eta The Centura note developing a eofficieopy of the eecilikiited. terintreates td the 'extant Magaine. F,Our cotalisnialgzeri It. visible growth and fruit. Aelething feint the student eotormet2t ,114$ don. stinets constaetly tegapt `ue iute sit- that is garbed with farce or SlIaln 144 prlative, by reason of' Competition te'u 111CIP400,1, not regereled as over valuable in the enrametit the indebtednese of the nounced upon it long h14.(e. .rorrir +fs' yOar. It at present totals ii The world's most lam tablY need* 84Pii mei. ' ful reauirement is not or the meat As es wens nosses. thA stoterit 'a aril bread that perisheth. Man 1 any ureorife osy7 fo less than the • o eyes of men, and heaven has pro- aelemeeee hos plot) tom•fia4,1 fo,Thi anti high liing. The Tweny.thircl example of pure English. itt all the Psalm is perhaps the most hozintiful a uag : "The Lord is my shepherd; I 4 -hall ot want. shallno me y rea oe. eu ehe Aloof; of. his tuition. "He uneketh me to lie down in; --"ve "tred it °Reel and haw tn the eo."" 'lf the student at 'Ver. 'oreen nasturest Ieroleth beiside I _ voile it aas failed. And yet with liero• vtad..trts' feet? mee'+. rein titer, the-stiirevaters. all the history...at:1d observation at our ene..ente nf thfr eilSt of their ,(11-1C,- restoreth soul:. +tee. meey nust thUh if In the twenty-nine words quoted, 'greeters,' 1f4 to 4'011+1b116 'ow'n tbe two most nrorninent adieetlyes.1 doo' eerie*. of ee hifeeer 0001110n 'amen' and `still: morelv Increase oor ATor** bv and girl in Western' thtv intensity of the rouns.they ee. otoorin „ • company. spare the reader any The Benrd of Govornors, In facing .ettesopt. to show What infidel% mays this ,prolderre. coesidered yerv E0r- nailer rinn waold do with these open. command, it is lust possible that in a previous age have men arid women gone to nresent•day extremes hz building up and staking their all up- on a most lamentably. rotten oisible show of the religion inaugurated by our Lord Christ, tvhile the sources of life and power 'are Most deplorably and shamefully nelected, These facts are no dream4 and every Man 01* woman with but half normal brain and meagrest observation knows they are but too true. The truth of Christ will make men free in Christ. and in that freedom every vivtoe ia &Maned and every power expanded. Until in intellec. integrity, intelligence and physical vigor, we erotic in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God4 into the measure of the sta- ture of the fulness of Christ. "But when I -became a man. I put away childish thing." And MY candid believe is. that St. Pool Weet from ehildhood tit manhood with just one leap, when on the road to Darrinsens, for we do not Icitow of hie eyee being. a Devolved up. baa.- • WARNING . THE CORN BORER ACT All corn stubble must be ploughed under and kept unds!„_ J±4 4W4t-jlfl*st Ileeithernediv-ptoirgiad-ifider. Do not use. a toothed cultivator after ploughing. Clean up your barn red. All -clean-up work roust be done before May 40th. OSWALD GINN, Inpet.tor. 41 tskekil, CALVIN CUTTS STORE NEWS Pastry Flour, 2444, 870 Piste Lent; 54b. Pail 89c Seedless Raisns* 2 lin:. „ ....... - 250 19c 25c 33'' 330 27c 29e Slmon, Cascade, 14b, fin Macaroni* 3 $44 for Honey, No, 5 Pail Pancake Flour, Aunt &mita*, 2 paekases for yrup, 5 lb. It • • 0 • • • ...... Cold Dust, large package Snap, 2 tins Starch, 2 ib. 4t4*** ap••,1..r.•04.00•0•0601..190 Sweeping Compnuntl, 4 lbs. for... .25c Hrolken &des, per lb. •oaoloo 000• oeso•oo ofsolad CALVIN CUTT Phone 114 ionsly different ways in whicli it ing sntnees."--Selected. igght bo met; on Wing to reduce the storlent enrolment. This Waa uractically intriossible in view of the fact that thee weeo so mariv risking romlieation for admission. Inorea%- N. • • 'Atom 4-ltour motor dejour 142 miles along perfect motor roads hrough the Canadian Bark ls is announced by the Canadian Pacifie Rilway, which stats; that • the trips will run every in ; each .direetion front e,ither priff, Alta., or Golden, il.t., begianing tember 5. By this detour a travel. ler .0/411 1/SVO; *the. train finite at Banff or Golden, StaY the Ilight At Lake Louise, and nonfinite the motor drive next morning, rejoin- ing the train that afternoon. This new motor rad, ballt_ by the Canadian Government through • . . IteckY Mountain, National Park and Yoho National Prk, is a %.'ery magnificent one, At one 'obit it rises to a height over a milecsibove sea level, while nt the highest point it is nearly threeeatirters of a mile higher than at iv kw. est level. Nearly forty mote tains tower ilk the vicinity of the road, on Jane 1.5 and ending on so. and gigantic glaelera rarin riv- er;:, deep canyons and print al forests abound. Wild 14r-um game are also met with in atu d- onee at the roadside. Motoring in the Canadian lb:cit- ies is the tourist's keenest de, Moro especially after a rail journey. For this reason a se ole has been drawn PIT for tl$e $eams of 108, to .coinede tili the arrival and departure of tr at Banff, Field or Golden. The large touring ears used thla trip art coonnodious and c fortabl, with facilities or ha Reggage. Johnton's C I13401Io rib* from Banff, is the irat s suds *Sis west, Ile the cr OBITUARY John Mille, father of Rev. H. Mills, rector of St.' ilia the foee wee sureestod. but this George's churh. possed saway at his sivot1O flint one' chilaren of home in Brantford ,on,gunday... The 4- wealtire oarents synlild be Able to ;if_ funeral was held on Wednesday. I 'nil. onlv solutiori was e Doh. Messrs. E. Douglas Brown and 0. I. n00°1 to the Provineial Go'tero- Carel'', church wardns, of St, Goor. 'amt. the Cho of lenndoil aed thse zest attended the funeral, also Mr::. Fourteen fiouritioe -which the Univer. Dotiglas ilirown and Fred Stur- eity Sorsre4 far an endownlent 10,410 renresenting the thoir rind other of :19 .000.000. the interest ofl whieh organizationo in the ehureli. Our svotoe preta. tun necessarv enitual towrtsoeople aympathize (leerily With he,..00 ee etoeoon. , • Rev. Mr. Millie in his loss. Mr. *Mills The Beetra of Governors hove. leaves leis widow. Anti Jane Mille, etarted tide food by inaltine. one son and one daughter. Itev..1, N. dant contributions amounting to II. Mills. formerly rector of St. 0(10.000, The Poovinelol noventient wog tronroaebed end effovel tr's ways end *menet. for thr fondant of tete nreeeee 341141041/OSSI. *04.. nsotosp. 04 4 11V ItYlIVPVit+ for the peet tveo veore. rine' the interest on O.Z.,...ao01004= 4ts Illik 4,4'41 merit and the servecea of the ?Ionian 3nosee church. Brantfora, and now of St. Georges, Goderich. and Mrs. Wilfrid Serut,on, .Brarltfortl; one brother, 'William Mills, Mona Read, Ont.: two 'sisters, 'Mrs. .Ta'. Walker, Caledon Eat. and Mina Zane Mills. ttf Toronto. Mr. itilille WUS a tom - by of The Church of England and also a life-long minter of the. Or. attee Order. cr4_ DOYLE.--The death took -:dace , ".23d of Mararet] Doyle, sister of helateJudge Doyle, at the age of 87 years. .The haay 0.4 was brought to Goderich for inter. 441. Catholic chureb were held 'dt ht. Pet. ▪ oxiLlucs er'e on Tueeday morning V Rev. y /Capeau,. internient..being made 1 10 EUROPE .}.6 in the R aemetery Colborue. ' The pallbeavera were lileseart. 11. G. 1 , PROM IVIONTREAL Junto Letvis. • To LIS 0111001, Iletinolde, B. Dean, Ilalton and 41 • • BRIEF TOWN TOPICS VStly II JOS,. It . N11)111.0101' ilIon't forget the nieetinga in the • • May re . . ennuolotet „, • 51,i,y .!,!,), ,. .11.1111. 2t. -3.... .... : .. Montelic• ozuvation Army citadel .gunday,,,.111tY lune 1 . A, memo fitin when Brigadiers and Mt.. Mar..; 34411,„ 15• 311y 13 4. 1 116 e!.:11 of lit'atord .toii, divisional eptineandere in dlaniV, ItVirt (1111.1tOn. _ Will conduct, both ceevieete 'Va Itelfaet and Oreenael. ... ' The fire brigade were Mit for mac- •• To lielliestClasnow 1 lice on_TueedaY evenihg• . May 91 Ural : Tho Ilredneedasr afterneon half ellunediesa : 4101143.r: started yeeterday. Mot; aunt, 31 I July 12 • • To AnterptVirt t'llreneek) businetr places are .olrrving the., Owl>. 10 • . :4 .- ‘'' vellraimi half holidaY and no doubt mon win' To Leaden , fall in line in a tveek or two. !day 19....• ..... e-- • • • • ,• • ; ild.16'''il ivy. A, II. Lw, field 'ouperititens FROM 'QUEBEC , ' dent ofsthe Iloyal Tentplors of Tem.!' EUP1111144 E111111Ns. SERVICE peratee, Ihroilton, was in town nit', lin Sherhoarn.soniba torten week, the Wcileemeley eetrins; lie 1 enee 0 .. jam e..a..opreee ,,i sr64111401 Spoke at the weelanischt ?krill° 'in 1 '1/3Y `2A ' dines 13 1.:31310';;Ii 44 !omitili2,. North street United ehurch, and the Jna, go 1uan'.-ei et 1 ee2ia'' i frfilasenas morning 'atihillrrmi the 1. To CIICI'llearfpsontlompf ea i attire:1 of lilt tbrist titla.,..al beiciLe on ei i ei. f;,' ,1.14,, ag,,.,./, ,tientirw tempronce. 'iri•N .1 1,4 'flak '.. Vet . Spam and Ilrui«es,`Calt?.. To ill ierlieee 14ionthareeton iti nothing ist...,ttee fe' toraitee real ..... ... , ..,. , ,.„ :r.,•f, .1.,11,. • , • 0 aireene grin Ile. Ifeereee" I.:Are-sea- elec... e. ......,..,...,„......„-el.eie..11, • .;•$•„, .. col Of 4D;o1VV,2, ' fail. It tad I'',7Lic, At.; mcililtlr:: 11,,,, L,:',, livi 44,,,',.!,4 , foolla,tl a r, 1..14 viiiii 4-1.,(:,2 f,1,;'!, In.; 1 firesetel ileea clial 4ite, flee 4eas Ye . trek Easel ere roe tie .11 tales tiles et ee; . ie. eft' 14 leaeo. l'ori r. Pittlit P. te:Teel V14. ii, t eeelsa atiet, tte eSie..4. -¶ tlicn:, 111ilatls, ..-'10 t.;;LA 5./i11 t..',..;, -Witt.; L.;;',9 oleetieet lee le, P. M Bldg., Torentu, F..3-..vev. ( 43 • te Cppor owloh Wintry& *tr.& :hrt; ilot tido. 111000 o kith wane. lortkItit toward.* owns cuts through high rock wa is spanned at Intervals b ' tiny rustle brides, reminders; of +lap• anene prints. The canyon is deep and cool, tied the walk a tic nlin. utes is delihtful, * Lovers of nature should rise early ut Lalte Loniee to see the coloring on this gem of mountaio lakes, for the glaciers and high pealig are diffused • with euperb shades of rose and gold. A beau. tiful spot on Ude trip is Waptiti Bungalow Camp, a veritable vil- lage of eampe nettling on the shore of Wept* Lake --the bounce of the Kielting Horse River. TO,R11 MVO IT- TiPi Co foot *Otto et the AlcItIng Norte Moor amino. Lowir rIsIO-1Krory oroso et the rood vOgioOrobed mOrtnIfkonto of Mr libmisfooki Y lb tringd wIth thIrle wood* ea *born In Ole fit. sind The 'Voile Vanny Is beautiful tieYend imagination, a virgin 'coun- try unscarred by firc. Takak. kaw Falls are at LIU; end of the valley arid come tumbling' down `. in a lacy pattern almost 1,600 feet. The Yoho Clamp in, a few hundred yards away. Etnerald Lake, novel* miles from Field, le is iriaion of; sylvan loyclinep, 4114 chalet adds to Ito attraetivenetm. From Field to Goldn•the W3, follows the Ricking Iforso ltiver most of the way and the seenery in spectacular" the road .hugging the mountain.aide, with the river 'MO feet below, ugg .•4 • ons stments Funds &entity PrOvince of ta City of Loa Town ot Cale.; Heat; Canada NO Canada Gy_ • ihnanacorta ViSM01151 Amens Ms ..f..,6 General tit 'area- London Rea "arp..... Part Alfreti • & Paw ....V! General g Abitibi sw llaterite Piet e le kid 19 le 104.10 4.0 '1939 97.25 4.10 i929.412 . To Yield 7..10 1947 101.09 5.95 1933 98.50 1948 98.50 5.03 1918 100.00 3.53 1918 102.00 6.41 19-14 ' 106.00 4041 1952 103.00 5.7.4 1041 102.00 0.27 107 . 101.00 5.4/ Pfd. SIM, 101.09 0.3 Pfd. Mock 102.00 00 ' To ;phone Metcalf 1181. MI ROYAL BANK SECURITIES LIMITED DSFOR INVESTMENT UILDING LONDON, CAN.