HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-04-19, Page 21 11 IN
700im -Mom
C�i,, VerSill vim I) a Irgi-1, Wall, 6 il
`two fit thcl mlw 104 & �. led Whey Tfoiskis
i� IL-4 fie, it -,t a!ncd in this Vurlrt,%, tttf,
Ij vas^ lwti �Etiwcon Me kebevi-�- Onck Clot So Sod Men's Smart
, �!
J141160 StIntIca IVAIC11 CouldNot'sond
ca�)ItQt _1.famr!;s Fdrpaishlu=gs
") 0
I Tki- VIRic 101a� art 4iatav4ea tl,3� trun i10,5teirs-o JIU35L,11 p, T1111 3 all-
vx, susp,.Noup clatIWIS of the BA'v'lle' AM-.-�. A, Jula, Aligle VA -e,, Alt.so IiRisi c0nlplctely &stroyc�j L -Z7 fl
-�*i and U,�)th Latvia *W Eidlacxlia tv�o �-Cara I vrs co !�,�Utldiiy. The liotol itself jr
are llistily Xpavift It ��, F11) ,
r z *vl W orant1'A witu rly La�'�-.37;3 I v�ula U'A Vacant for the past two Ve"i
Y, h 43, "'y In tut cla
-WV;�'"W3 W 104 Will Uke 11%,0 Cn the Stores on t4o ground fip".)z VOW
W, 9
I 4alroittng Our Spe it
the vd,�ilml froutiop -in an c-frGrt to In 11:1-0.
Many QvMs of r.lt;onal,
05's IVere 6 -
in tiv
'NoWhWo 40 bat Ift a A'SALADI Afl" natkago van if4matien frml vl�krskw tilat �acu G�- 1,# 1411 Cnod, iii bead, coll 11ouse in tile past, and, it .......
vilm 4ro fftter to 'Illuil
W" low is CRA'Alcra Qvwn� to vl,';t " ono 47A�!;� favwito baullt of .13h, jollu'A."
ym *Win such high qualft chanven tu (k),tain lww ava 'T v . �or ot rly t CHA*. BLACK
'31a I roull q, anil r10 t
Ift alad be SUre thatsath 40011tyWill Cantlinwo leans, qu-6d oryinlen -fit expreswit that V -'o ta t�_%o Rma's Watley are, flic ' ME SQUAM Phone, 219 C,0DE RICH
th,�? ReA ArzWa rVing Aianoeuvrou Children frow =fForlawa I
frly, ono packazol, If It d"S not PUSO your'JOVC slivill h,, dlre,�ted agaimil ',he Doltie 109, from wornis by using Islillers Worm i
statimi in an elfort to sive-tilio fftmn� 4" AftET fteo to,-mq I zot COIA* Powders. a most offc�tivle vorwifugWt "W E L E A 1)"
VOW W" XWW you" you YON, "I"yo 5104 that 1poland'-br VZ�te Tclw 6&a ray tromblo. with, which to colilbat these . In -'442,1011a
Oers, the impres 0=0
tile Valtic.
Aates are poor PjaeLa to ot, V ling on helpless.
eve:�S,0!10 utio, ja ja the I the o d go but I"
is 311 ex'-�OlQlt worm destroVr, and f able j)j6._Rp, of plailto v - man's w -,-o but t
rovin oi� trial "Ails is .1 Young
Vane rmnl .. Con m I un"; t 9 0 'It whell. its quill -a
Indian Cowmbv_�Ion Arrives Home a household no i0s 1100240 4-119IVa �in,, -grounds. A rc-�%rd of Performance -old dfolits. should see tbat they do V0
�,.,S*ir John Billion And Ili$ Indiall prkv .10Q-.,,. b�% at other Will be used, �3 being kept of �eaeh plant showing 0015 and UnImt-1-
Volumission have rett'-,ned to Lou. 'Ilia medicineacts by itself, requiring the Yield of rIP0 for the f , X�un the high- sell
nil or z3ileil, �cst -,
don from India. Ress,rilless of %be 90 purgative to, assist !to and so two weeRs, month, Elul total Season,
zparo.parta aud fuel for llallioUs boycotts Filich took place 4jr�etl on molpt 01 thbrouglilY that nothing more Is do- -be
Geralons Coliquer Atlautt-, when the Conimbsion arrive(l. in the sired. sides noting -the amount of r6ugh
the Women. Indiall cities, It Is b0lieved t1w much rrice,by Tlie T. V.11. fruit produced, Thiv, study of the There is .00 Poisonous ina"01110"
140 flou.&t* MOM =053 00 At- Ontarlo!a 13trolig Afalep R031gAg bum 00, Limited. WHy TOP
.TME Performance -of Individual planta re- in 11,0110way's Cora Itomover, 04d t
Veals the desirahle strain to use for: r ni-
to we, - -8. otgd It s �n
Noup- 1% _&e, g - can be used witbout danger 0
Title ('kvall from cast it has c. -Amp, *nil whon it un
its maln, Usk the Co'Mmis. addit].Qx
M further- - -Selection WO'rk� i1n.
Ijarma, bc,3d of the Ontario blqAor sign Is ussurodof the good-wi Uotbois, do you think It fair to to this a stralu teat Is. conducted ta
and sa It suman ilk Int � A W001 V om"Als)-an, -))as Vpsigned, Ana, We R000peration, of. IMportalit, sections of
Old Age Pensions Sebovio Vassed Atvtorture your little ones. by forcing "Certain the SeMgatq of greatest
4eroplaae. This is Vie first time In flace'Will, be taken by Sir 1164 the Indian pub0c, the last eession of the Dow torit by actually -gr6winm plants
t 'at this 11"O'Niollu 100MO" )rayton. Whether or iiot ft WAVY 111,011 par, , them . to torte ill -tasting oils -when
(In t , Now Vinadian Trade Treaties from the selected strain Side bk Side
after mmy -hail FedeviiI, 1140leut, Ulluer' ZMs 8011=0 0050118x: thQY need a laxative 'medicine *1 cas &e stomach #A0
V-111. VP6104 his mut in the X4vw trade, pnvqutions have bee -4 70 years of ago, aud over May part!.. I)ont; You And that the child's drva� ""th* strains of other varlotim,
4 unit lost their 110s; in the at- vouf�e in not k0ovin, but it I's vr'bjr entered, into between the Canadian cipate in. usiona up to ttW aullual- t,og thosq Medicines; often do, inore (Issued by the Director of Publicity,
All take ovoi, Ills nev 'Government 'and the Govirnmentsof ly, provi ed they are WWh, sub. barm. than good? VolluDePt. of Am!culturej Ottavray.
Pt. The crew of the plane, The lih-oly that bQ,% Ire, is Truly Da
OMello WRS comprised 6f ain
Iterman Kochi, Gorman aeoo Om- dutle3'without 404y. Ron. Uobert Spain and Portugal. The purposo ja jectl and hate boon domielled f0% Gas, Puts, WOR008, a44' a feeling of,
Tablets are the lood- [Is are allnoBt cormllk
Jamts Vitz"laurico" of the, Manton, Vice-chaj mall of the Com. to farther open old World markets to least 20 years, ilk a -Canadian pro- Oro substitute for these nausQ04% tuliness aster ead
IrWh Free Mote Air Wrea and ar. 0118910",t Ilos 4180 expressed ))is do- Canodlan proquetEL I y the ew 1, 1 cc or tior it lisviaeneo Of MOOS
so 4,04 J� n a,- v n r ory� which has joinod dosos. They ave the very medicine An the, stonlaeb.
04 Von' nue-afeld. The ONective of SIVO to be roliev6d, of biq dutiet rangiomout thore will be an exchange in � the plan, The cost Is borne the child requires and are so pleasgilt Too nIllch aOld irritates the delleato
his successor Vol W named within of i4o8t favored nation treatment. oqualbr by the to take that thei are its eas� to, ad. UPROLSTM
thego men was Now- York, but th0- the next flow 4.vs. thrOple Gastrjtj& and dAngerous Ulcers.
adverse a --forc4d Vie conventions are expected to W afid by the province ok territory, Minster as, a glass of water. Thoy V40d fortuents and sours, forminc 4 9"
them to ton island of Canadian Lilt BERNISHING I maou and often W
4 on the 10401�r or Strikes. Iteberg particularly favorable W the Calls. Yukon is second to take up tile -plant are the porfeet Tonicity for Alt the that 410.tiands the Sto
I sly Amos the Heart,
TI* Canadian filler, Montrose, had tho expots of Canadian wheat, mo- bia, which aftted it,a few 1110103 obsolutely guai4ntced free from in. It is genulne .1ony to nWect sualltL
Orrven1v on tile nortll'81140 of the than fiSh industry, but wjjl'alao� Aftet the,fir$t ))AVjng_ been DkItall CoJUm_ r"'
Minor Ai melits of little oliesp being I
Galf R St. LAWronce. OwIllp, to the TlaVTq%V escape from disaster all free Wimates, Give. 'ednCution or to treat with artifletal
sltuqtW� of this island and the wtain. tor cars ond agricultural implements. ago. J�Vlous drugs, Igestive Olds that cannot noutmOzo 00
ageit eoAdition of tho plane it is ber Journey from St. $61in to Liver- Oana.da's foreign trade has been Ili. Sport ;tV Gonoral Baby's Qdwn Tablets aectuo'plish Over 100 Mahoft and 'A bottOr VaY is to
pool4hen she struck an Iceberg last istojoach,aeld.
creasing at an astonishing rate. At- at 'Tapestry Samples to lrqni�your, drugmat. some 01$11ram
doubtf(tl Whether the fil'o" wil"'04C11 week. Acgordluff to to orts Just To Tito Stanley cup' )too jgoua to the I I that castor oil and other bad.' Atognesta (rowoor or table Aad toito
4 Popula� 'United States for one yearp, vath the tasting rem.e4fos can do, In fact 4 little jifter vach meal. T is tam
n quick jc: though tile Dominion has t114
Quebec lkf"O the Ond Of tile W041c, eoive(l frola 13 gla (I. T
West Press reporta state that
)f tile Captain coved tile I�CZ lish r o as they do not: but RIMP)o and 14"Penslve StOW4
I tio tion of, Jess thou 1000,000" its Tor. f4o they aecomp nor let.
to n Nv, York Hangars hockey team. 10
ftnadipa plane carrylor, eign. trade is as great as vmol that of save the child. exhausted from Its oweetoner and anu."Id'ean be dove,
Ing putik, when bo, steerel eil.vvon to prove Its value In loss t aw
anil another avitator f6r the smollor'of two, inas. tho United States The R4ngera w0ii the. serl4s from. struggle against � taking Medicine I All 'ZINN IAN
ehiller wben that country Montroal X.1roons by threa rpuneo Ave lronutes. In most Ins neeS, re
a Qroonlr jr-And late on, 00jAeS in
ote in tue Path of, tho 6111p, to, two. They relieve toothinj iTains, banG barn
suad-, bad 10;000,000 110pulation. ganntlyl Pleasant per 0
Ilegis to uso.-Illourate e
to Scotland tile Glasgow Mj�ieie Indigestion and constipation, breti1q, par g polialling does give vonderfal relle I ninoou ot
leer teai o cup Trom tij up�, cold$ and simple fevers and Pro- ton qlftgop.� 4"% your DOC r Or V006
soc in Nvon. th e # "
Moto heal lit r0freshIne , sloop,
Veltic before 118,000 spactatom
be ROugers -also head the learuo aro.sold b" Wicino dealers Or
from The Dr.
ii�d 'Offil a UtUe'luelt, Should varry 0 a box
S!, clue Co., BroclEvIlle,
oft the d6uble this year.
Tho W 4 be,
Rudderoflold, Town ptill r6t4ins, thr�
10.14 in.the, firstAlvision Of th Of, 10
lish sadver - League. althouA thoy -1 pei 103 e a - M To ins
After many years of careful so
arol only one Pt) -int ahead of. Everton, lee. -
Vj n tion a variety of"the tomato has been
Ith a ramo in hah(l. if EW'ders- <toveloped that possesses frot rate,
fiold 6, rrios <�O tho oun this, yo . ar Urld qualit�V and ripos- in theopen' In'
P0, 'o 1, -"1' mep Uats
isOL t�he' roqgue lch4fi�piiinshl*p, and from .96 'to 100 iloys. Tile develop -
the Gla--qW Ron.era.wins the scot� melit of this tonlat6 be,�an tweT.�ty�
0 tish L, tie chApionshipi It will oi&ht Years ago When tl ty
-establish a r L xe va.r! Sinee hreasted aniii double'breastea styles, in navy
�`jjfilna was. re gnized to
ecord in football history Do cc P0,99eu
-rown voct gray ch�cks;and
In the nVit.011 i6onaiderable ulorit. It WAS zeeno a e mdb
The Canadian marathon, r
bolveVer� to produco plants anil fruit
ull"Or, _s�. size.4 32, to,36, '-Special $1.75
are boldi& their, 6Wn in. tho long Sh6Wjn1,ZL considerable variation, 'Air.
hilcor front Los AjI&Ics t , , k , . 'L
0, xelv. York
W. T. Macoun,.thc Doillinidn Rorti.
-a � Is still oy
and Granville of Ramilto tultmist, 1aking advantage of those
logging atong Ill fourth place with
variations, �started inaldo VA 0. d 0.0 - style with.
lAeborgall, Bellevue, 'Cott. g. selections' PTade from hea a c con kr.*.aj, button
of playlts showing early , maturity
stantinog.. Torovto.�nd Croni - strap. � Sht&s �f
CIE, Seiq� and- heavy yield4 - AfterL several gen4. Cordutoj
Itato6ut elbse on his' heols. Thp 336. b;4tions had been grown and Seed
yoatv� 30 to -$4. Specii%143.75
lie --o-'euvieg-A
'Place fn tot.41 elapsed - time. , The plants, jt.whs found that this nleAjj;�
Y1 TUnnoV11 hove eovered 3,fi'78.2 mijej cd of selection had so alteged the Phon� .384 M
tho trek.
*an Poot 06iloied. I , d .
Chuadl . a 1he Square
and fruit fr6m -the liQ) . . . . j
type of tho,,plants Uz
MISS ratmun, -sometimes'. callea
"00VInlior", original Bafliona that it WAS 4ecided.
4 the, !1goot )aureate of catift'da", who Benito Mussolini, Dictator of ItAlz to. call, the segregation Alaotity. To
lias Molt awarded �tl%6 Urne Pierce' la',ving the strange vole of 44ptaoil growers Particularly in -northem, dis,
Id! Medol.of tile Royol Society of leajj- n
ok�oxll` and Miropo, is groatl,� 'puz,� trfets� this Variety has been it
'aft in voccospWition of Me great Van* zled by his aetjons� , It, would seeAl it 'Possible for
"ll made
tribuffork to'Calladlau literature. that � be vionts to Zottift tile, _fjon vier tomatoes almo.�t as
to , 0%V
el, living in, More Tavored
x4ovig betW00T%.FO1.t)1d UVd, VlthUalija and t4* oil as: t
mlon, _11ldson $traltfJ.'� Ina -Re frIends . with Rounfania, and J,c s, urther improvement is,
In 1 RAO'
;V�-bOtfig treated f6k B601119 Hungary and blear up all other'dif� I looked for in consider. Clearet, Hiale'd
n .y. stations similar, t6 those
" ablv. the obes
Iludsou Straits two, dlree� Xereho ru ro 0, Ot_
U 14 tile t1lat V. u p n
art of
tious n4lby, tho Canadian , Govern, Tarkov. Xt owu
D. olloraw
has, long been lEp eryous Ue
DAL melit 04 to Coast and in tjj,,jt Ajuss
tho, Attant
the Gulf Of Ift TOXIC% The 'Call-
Croveritmotit Alp Noutd4jill.
bittgev, Influoncei, in the Wkans aua S A Wheik Spoket, To
ter enerally, but, it; *as
Oro 0 A
the 'Stralts. d_ a xvAn propwftjr,� it doom"r- "It actually irritated lue to lalve�
An" V IL 041111Y. with her equ gmdo . -ill ile 110% at
Ablo to estdblislt. t1iree Air r Force Use$. 01. fell, rant supports.
ad excepoona in uste, -fiavout and 'ftolended this, and 1 $oel won4orful
These Activities are designed fox, the garthauake ilk Hillgaria. ilqw."�Wm, Folly. -
pr10 oc navigation in Utz sou is a - compolmd, I of iron,
ft -itswith 0_0 lug of the llud� . southern' Bultraria suffered -from a V1001
S ItOMPANY UM severe c�rthquaku over the wookefid P110011009, cod liver peptollo�p iAe
rrw MY . Iwo now under colt- wid some, -twouty. . people nro report. The 4 VQrVVIRST bottle rhakeg you
Vlwkslkla ustouvots struiction 0 bluivehill..,
lod top-hava lost their livel-and'ono: sleep 1ttter apa Mite a BIGappotite.
Old Age romionif for yuk Norvims, onstly tired eopie are Sur.
handrod morellor loss badly Injured
VOR -On has', entered, the )Federal. p4sed, mv �� rJVX , 0 JrQ�d
11061 'Ity lisf; is
liallnoss of thb as"fa 19 1,
gxplidned by,the fovtonato fact that hates, Ive".-now life 41ldpop-t
7 tho --eFoithqiiake- 11op'D . en . cd on -1 a I. -p -tit; 'not, Sd elQlouft.
,,,Est I aWshing a N 4 tttl Aut vi. ILI$ DRUG q!T61kt. ECZD% T
lie holiday whou most of the popp.
Ime of the VorIOU4 towns was 00
on the stroots or Vionteing in tile!.;
Open countm
06mh Oatr#ge In Italy
Ilmaliucl. of Italy
K Xing Victor Ei
'had a narrowosctlpefromdeath lost
week�whon a bomb exploded In the
atfoetS Of Milan shortly bdor& M
-1)tmed In procemion. A number of CORPORATION
people were killed and Injured. �Oil
his�'roturn to Rome he 'received
preat'4vatlon from the peoplo-ond
the city was bedocked with 11tigs and FINANCING
decorlitlows as if for a itattoniil fiete.
Shop$ and-busilleas houles closed to
alloliv alt tht People to take part In a
loh of tbAnksgiviot.
Securities, L dg.
polar, VNIP14krktions Start Midlaim(i unite
0eaeral Umberto Nolille, (it ttAlyt
him started onitix fli t to the Nottli serve Wes'terti ntswo wi&
Flying in tl tali" diri
115 f
ritlaid he� boves to circle the orth
an Une
qualled lnveqment
G o V* e rh.�a,
0, n t%
Make, Tea MIM al on. d Corporst
IV& Amazing and Llisting Wilef boods to Yield frova 4,400
From Middle. -Age, Ailments That YO
Vauie Daily Aftnolvall" and
fto V161 Force to 6..50'D
NO loilgl�er ll"d MCA near or past
01mo Of life Put UP with tho" o""'Ur nalUe on.
C S"440 Ind 6fteft emborra-maing con- May we place
fojo� Nw
tt t** ~ 30oft o" � ditions brought on 'by overworked,
sluggish Kidney,& JjJ9jddfr WCqknt8S ist
our maill 1i ? Compiete
V*11WAT-cm the ulm"N Sto %kh ift ard rrofttroite Gland, Trouble, with ing
404 W CA"tintVA their distm4sing gyrApto.nis 4of JAme-
T *V44fid-Nom iutvni*j&&Ne wftd fir 1,*ft $7.11 lop 0119jr liets. Pain% in V*(,k and -down, through det-a-iled information
groins,,Mlinty but fx�quetkt *nd burn. regard
ty 01
and fi"i4 Nirvoas IrrItabili AM Wit ing all classes investment
tom4ay teAb of r.
NvoVat tot yftw-*If t1w 1jj&0 P"* 8t)uthw&th*# URATAPS will colft. securilues
is readily 0142M.0
Viriml.be moot skoptical, of fh(3 VAVI
dwm t4l S"M tar 1wa 6W Y" Y"t Ift'at of thin gpftid trestrAtnt for their
�W !1p ft 1pi'" 1 W W#1'00 Y#W*U41 rxvtfknta� -case. able*
pl"*^4 rmef b of I'dm4e, r 4 0 Aniating ftstinit)ny 'of 1%ylicials
and usen *lv*i ptoofef
fht� rowor ot VRATAM to restore
;'Al"1*16 ." Qfi— 416 4 — I..
"1051 to - In x3r,14
inflamed or irritalfd Distiller am
t7tiftery 1`i-� A multittl6o Aof
shirming sink Ili* 'Of*m to quickly
f"l a
within two or 6M day* IN") More
PO wwv* r* i nr# more
emboorsooment or G,
. AV 1 rtw r4loto *�whflv. SM Ot 11" ift
Whilo row J^ fli!� V0,)0r*l
ll -011110 Of
KrbvTEJZ GRAF, hv"t
GODERICH, f, -0th
1`114k 'T7y
Midland Se"Cofturift
f"" NV
BONDS WR I E$rm, EN -r
114 R_ oyAl Book (*#hambetm� I-Andon, Csasds,