HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-04-12, Page 6eee eeeeeeeer. —
tau*, six
011111111OVINIONVIO1114VO• „Ow •o-
44.-4 gr.
tt is the. $election of rlebwestern wheats the finest
grown cit tke iirable$---that Osee.9 eXtra g4vour t hrCai arid
taw, 2.7,-rizittat elki*Ree-3 tocakes and pies, made front
Sea staNp ,fird „wr 700,reci:pe Par*Rour cock i3s,4.
shoo. eren tee leaetre, Teresa. Waged. Gams, *lathes.
iii Cc
i.,,;-.13arth Guthrie, Ca.
radian war vcteran, having to live in
Ore open irai ev..:tunat ofwealtoned
brags, is facter of a Mason's MY
post st• Elkvan. Ile ui back
front the conflict A -nth a permanently
sorted face, which he realizes cost
'him the low of 'Iris fiarwee, Edith
FOIcetter. Sir Charles Guthrie,bi
brother, is A monaire ia,ar Proil-
At daylight the challenge 'of the
eireclale waited_ the pleeping man
'W itit hair -circa on more intil baclr4
gm dog squeezed through the lashed
ttnt flop to brval: into l'orious.bark.
"Shut unt Shot! Etienne'S drove
ped in for hreakfast," veiled Guthrie.
• Prettently, weighted down with his.
lond of wet geese, • a bent. figure
' pushed through tho alders t;teconman-
lei by the leaping Airedale.
' Cirood morning,.Stionnel You had
m bold night of it in the emelt."'
The wiry half-breed. enthed
lood on the platform above his head;
• 'and grinned. "L mak good camp leen
ebr Isprueo,Wid heeg firo), on' roast
cater _cps.
to Euro
"was o
<mod It
tourist Third
•cat the rapitsis of -Europe -4o
•."'euthetkels-,-thelsattledields, and
• VA spend ria your ocean, fares only
Ocat of tot average vacation.
•leiliageanaditua Tad* Tourist
•Third Cabia, yeti ge te Europe viet
illieSt.Larnence.,,latiternighty water
"bmieverd tOrairepe." Your State"
011141116 eiry andkight.
folgodbut Ted& quality.',You havo
plietylaftleckenace. Thereheomes
eMeg doing every minute of the deY.
torgeositart TOM
coo t
With difficulty the men boiled their
tea and a kettle or goose; then, to
avoid the ilyhir sand went into the
. "We ought to be starting for Elk -
wan, Etienne. i don't Illte to leave
her too long, sick as sho
The swat feet of Etienne Savanne
grew grave as he nodded.
•"She =mire 40 de snow once
•"That'e why I hate to leave her
alone with old Anne. I'd never for.
give myself if-" Guthrie paused to
store at the tont wall. ,.
The black eyes of his eompanion
softened. "You ben good man,
luveleti'.. Oat gig ,die long ago een
de bush,"
"Yes, the condensed millt has kept
her alive --but rhe should have gone
to the mieeion at Albany."
'filo other shook ids head ; then
etrucls a match and lit his pipe he.
foi,o replying.
i "WI-, are new matt itt deco- costa-
' trete, You don't know Whin eritirew,
"it Allretiee.--witiout you...eat° no be
,leeopy." .
' Gurlirie reddened 'under his deep
tat; Ile knew only too well. "But
1 they 1VOUld liaVe taken better care of
her." ite protested.
Etienne elotoly shook his bead.
"Too late, *Slott. She live more
long here dm ttt Albattee."
All day while the norther fleyed
the -west coast, Guthrie and Etienne
Oveesed and salted geese. 3)eep •in
tho winter, when the earthott bed
drifted book' front the coast. the
treOPP. 'freml frotn the salt by ladling,
would be a Not:dome thongs from the
fet intoten .±- tho eormany's stores.
The wind bola into the bight, but
wbee the_ raen turned oat ot •their
blanket:; At sunrise the 'blew Vtal$
•o Wtg
ocout Tramo
e.Toroisto •
411e: 41 . 1
. ,41m 1 1 eee
Parifir litre** Am.
At noonthe peiosn'huntere launch-
ed the catioe and tirielog her .thro•ugh
a quarter see, pushed down tito coast
for the shelter of Akimiski %lea.
Thov were rounding the low headland
or RIkwan point when Gortit. slaving
•en +he hew, weearoused by' an eXela-
I itinthill from the stern man.
I"Look! A bentr Etient” pointed
his dripointr. paddle nero4n the yellOw
*Pit to 0.4 shore of the island.
"Shitevreelted-somewlierol Dey use
do oar," ' . .
In tho eletance, crossing to the
xitoleleed. Guthrie mode oot a beat.
"leey wove to eel" cried Etienne.
"Ilov see tle canoe!"
Ft0131 tl*,, vlaft. •still ,miles
nlimoail a Putter of white.
4411V1111I 01)11141 nt) 'With 't eut or. the
14,4 tilde of tlni point," and Guthrie,
whoeti thoughte wore at Elkevan
,ehoso eyrie were deisten by rear -
fear that in bis absence tragedy had
had its griro way, lunged viciously
woll his paddle. •
• To the nuiet watersheyond Elkwari
'point, the two hoots a preached
COSINE, so moci.
s'•,:let:riVt::fe'Tt,7"133.-+;:i :41 DEAD WOOLD liONE
.tho Iratzi war t
tm:13 c,! -;It tale L....i..1. eceeeeleel
' tLenaelogiy ot the 4trarc..e.4,,, lab 3
1w, eerunand r.70.1t WC1 natAc.n.• toll-
ot-rc.:1 Vim.
. On: cclnince4 as:tem on fn
H-,:,•03 f,.2 ti... iOntod. We left 7.•:'otl
,'I-Ceorgo 44 befct'e yenterdny, t',,v!
,P- wera et? OLT Jiinti wilen tho i7,1c.t-,
straci: las,' It crineled our torlcle•
land drove ,t...1 ottriott o•tr‘,on the bay
We couldn'',1 bead into it."
: ''fou v. -co Weil( to get unbars", ia
that blew," m141 tho amp:Lined <Nth
rie., 'Toil' boat must- havo get -a
' polonium et t.boziv date" • •
,,ft did, int We -Aar!: at 115,A Vail,
• and roanecrd to sret most of our stair
Ioff bor. "fives flii*merni7, we fell
into the Toa ilals of !draw.
"PiratOl'atitlifi exclehaed,
"Oh, Arztio." orotested .tho girl.
' "that'o hefily foie. He paid for
what-- he ••-telee Ond :helped with 'the
last of thastoree,"
•Who :Wee teeyeeerheta frame."
• "They *ea in a 'little sistv-foot
power sehoner.- the .GhOs.t, Stelointe,
ond the lealie was e red.headed ruf-
lion with `it mutilated faeeeelior.
Oiler •::
The hitieteVee et RtiiMirie -•StiVatille"
Mewed es they roetthe baelovard
aloes -. of.:: is chief. 4310011.4CP na 1:
Pat" saiCivz balf.hreed .with.0 ern
that raa* .ititt swprt :face :with'
fall and winter
t botlicrcEl with cevre colt;
t cooda so meek
I wr-,-.11,1 taw.11 c3,o14 not deep at
1,,.1 "A f;;:.'cri t9ld tee &lout
Dr. Wood's
• Syrup
ca 1 got a bottle aod svhen east balf
02 it ran taken 1 had stopped ceggb.
lam, and 1felt a lot better.
er since then I lawn never bcea
without a battle. of 4Dr. Wooae3'ht
• the heuse, and 1 can highly xeceramead
it for tielegite and colds ot any Mull'
• tadttlic" Ergo bail,
4ve,; put up only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toroato. Ont.
"Who t
"Yes," todtled Guthrie. "Your
pirate wssundmittedly the famous
Laughing' Meleonald, The Indians
call him McDonald I/a Hal' because
of the gehr..from that scar." •
As Ite)0oke, Guthrie was aware
that tho gave eyes of the giri were
curiously; tudying him -the second
man with qicarred face she had met
eleee hiribirovreek on the west
toast. Leinctively he gtit the im-
pression 'tat those sober eyes had
theroseivelleaked suffering-tra.
.gedY. Thiblood roihe to ids forehead
as he wet oft: "They think he's'
sort of 4 sunerman-the Indiuns,
geke hyp ized them; hut," And he
met the a straight look, 'you
say he t You. fairly?"
"1 thin Id," she said, and, as
she turkei oase lock of chestnut
under here while the color show-
ed faintlyst r temples, he wonder.
ed, *Jed read Ids thoughts.
• "Treed sae fairly," exploded the
heerdet ,4'Areilt I tall that, -;-9
"Ho rimy men were with him?"
roughly hterrupted Outlute.
"Four. There IAMB an Eskimo,
too." *
"One thit. bearded chap?"
"Yes: The others,..I teak to be
gethrit nodd(41 to Savanni.
aThat's,t1re Newfoundland syWalefr
-who beeeitt bine into the bay last
year," b seidf then coutinued to the
stranget !Ton had tho honor, sir, to
meet thunart who has stampeded the
fur tree' frau) Whale river to Fort
Chure He tools fifty thousand
della .'nth of fox out of the bay
lest y
"Hu Why didn't you drive lihit
out , t him?"
Gut laughed. "Axreeteliim for
what? lie bast as much right here
as w Then. you know. there are
not who would relish the job."
" the jr,h: Bahl / thought
you f men were --
Th aker 'was interrupted by a
voiee doily grown hard with int,.
ratite . *It's getting late. My
not Guthrie -this Inv fts8i$t.
'tinettrlvonne. You'd
sten :e meet. ,• You'll need the sail
▪ !won't, make Miran 'hefts*
Mr. Archibald Qtrairter,
steoetiSt. We've been prospeeting
fotiren and eenner on the.,, cast
cot,'" , summed the other, visiblY
mewed. "This is my sister, 11diss
•o•••••44.#4.4a,••• or.a444,,o o
room called faintly :
"Islial Mat You tonic bac1:1 It
oes long tang"
"Yes, Ninda." He bent over the
cot where lay the wraith of a gig in
whose faee, thin to'emaciation, great
dark eye*, glowed feverish'', as she
libal t bin i her o
Guthrie drew a their to the 'bedside
lay en the coYerlet. The fever was
and took in his the hot hand which
It was the atom, hint s -t o
wind. We could not travel."
The hfueeblack hair, heaped in
braids on the pillow, accentuated tiro
pallor of the dusky skin, shot over
the high cheek bones with the flush
of fever. She had felled rapidly
since he le% but in her hour of ex..
tremity elle would not be alone. .
.. 'TIM g0-,^110 more?" she whisper-
iNdi,nszrhing his bronzed fuee4
• He peek hie - head, "No- more,
• Anne came in with some hot con.
doused milk. The girl sipped a lit-
tle, then smiled at the pitying face of
the man with Its tear furrowing the
right cheek. '
"You here all tam now,. Aida
liken" ,vyiut a sigh her eyes clotted,
As Guthrie left the room, he looked
back. On the pinched oval of her
face hovered a smile.
"Where the beet, Etienne?" he
asked, *huskily, entering the trade -
house, which stood in the clearing
outside the dog stockade.
"She come slow along the' ehore-.
uot far new." , '
Guthvie went down to the landing
to moot his „guests. Tho lack of
-ammo- at equarterse-at - Ant
thought embarrassing -vas now •a
amerce of satisfaction, for there
would be room for Miss /barrier .on-
ly. Iler pompous, brother and the
Vest would sleep in the trade -house.
He would take (barrier in to male
and the others eould eat With Vie*,
, 'Mid then there was Ninda.
Guthrie fiercely resented the pres-
ence of the people whose boot was
slowly approaching. the landing.
Why had they ,been sent him at this
time --these strangers? ?Mk beard-,
ed nos of a geologist would spread
himself all over the place, demanding
attention; would douteleba ask hi& to
go to Akuniski and save the stuff
ealVaged on the beach. Well, he
would mit them offeeeeeeelee
ono. But the sister seetued e differ-
ent sort--tnice e"yes she had, straight,
direct, but soinething - sad Omit.
there; a sense of humor, too, for she
laughed' Oat in Qtrattier'S' fete at the
McDonald story. So the free-trader
was in the bay stilt? Strange, that!
Dut he mean to wader there? If he
did, it would cut into the Christmas
trade itt foxes -would be bed for
dont font men were rowing, white wrote front Albany'? '' Elkwan. Daring chap; this Meilen..
two iloirros sat in the stern. The hithrie milled into the anni§ed iiht who wo he, ,itioyhow. ?,
crout of the heat ,Vqsted oft their oars. ,, $ of the girl. who seemed to en- The arrival tit the boat cut short
. the diseomiltuee of her brethert his rumination.
"Bello, cannel'
Guthrie -answered the bail, and You're ninety. mile* from ',41.1banY. "I see you brought. plenty of food,"
• • 'within hailing distance, in tie shin's An Quarrier. Row far 41h1 you say
Anglo the Tambora came un with n h4st ean't be belitchea lik6 14 en*
uld depend
1 the lamer eraft. "You've lost your e It woon the wind."
shin?" he toren. iert., as he glenced at the eun,elemee
• Tho hiookehoorao•d: ligure hi tho !what he mitcht find at Elkwon Ied
'stern of the boat, ignoring the slues- gliviP •ter filliSti abruistlyt "'Follow
tion, demanded: "You're lital..sn' t iteto the •river• emiirli. Out ae,
Bay people?" . 1
•mrnoilittionl are limited. but vou
"Yes, we're bound ° to Me 1.:Iktran ... 1911'frime And delivered of this
just below here. You've Jost your
*Those wheels are
t o aligrartentp
A teolible telYn Istaizes --a Italie levies,* istetl-
eirelimg 01,0 loves :les frora tytulitig ?toe al roh pur
tAti041te err 'make :trto ineeterg only.
lUVVE14 if the tread doesn't show it to your, tye
AZ/ --our experir need tire *nen will usually tut ire
the first signs of trouble. Give us the ohmic* to
illeite you the prim of* new tire.
Wheels tfo get out of alignment. Catch it before
it. gets 'really bad and you will lower your tire bllis
snd get greater tire mileage. Let our service smo
check up your tires every week. Let him test tire
pressure Atntl took for hidden trouble. A little care
may save you half hour on the rondside—and
knock dollars off your running olstr.
with rk mete) of hie paddle, be
lila the boats.
'MN about my stuff over on the
and; it'a very valuable?" rolled '
ardor after the retreating eanoe.
ou can send mon for that mid
ng it ta Alban'?" •
commettted the teeter with a smile
as the sailors, under the direction *
Etienne, began unloading boxes from
the heavily freighted craft.
.7 Crrya 4%47,, as hue
Ezc..., led 2e way APC033 the (
• 413
rat 11 ktort, uno
con3;2!,:vg NZ.? awavv, ITO
b.Ouself erobarvaszed-at
I f, r an Tlarcat3on f tha
t9 i319 goent,
"Wss Qi3CLIVZor," be goroed b;nrelf
bore a vez: del; chi
Q; e laratiSe-it in unfortunate v:o aro
no crowded, but r have no other L'eurh,
IVa givinl you nine"
Ile bad clopped an be °poke, awl
ctorod down at
ii .ca; ranea9ins; then'
continued. while ter rtuOtioning eyes
studied his free.
"She came here a the suriug trade
--every sick -would have flickered out
in weeks without mover food. Old
Anne and I bare done our bent, but
eanned mlU nd broth aro all wo bad
for her. And ••ow it may be any day
-I was terribIv runtioun about her -
to get boroe. You noticed sit--whou
'WO not yea?" •
"Yes. 1 notleed
-for- 'know yon iiero worried about
something, I'm no soma.' Mr. Guth -
:rte. We shall ba a great burden at
such a time."
No, Its not that, 1 have room
'for you, and the others don't matter.
But It will he unpleasant' for you
• In the house."
Miss Quarrierk,straightened, thre'w.
bock her bead and held Irlerribar..
tossed glance as she quietly said :
"Would it help you to knew that I
• was it ttill'34 oversea m through the
last gave years of the'wer?"
Ile went red under the deep tan.
She would not mind Ninda, then -
she. to whom..egoftY and death hod '
been commontilacos. •,
41 am glad -you will. understand.,
You hee-she, sonieheve, • wants me
with her at the end -fears rit not be
there. Vire nromtsed her."
As he snake, the quizzical look of
tbe girl softened tO one a pity,
"I know. 1 willhein you,"
* *
• treder a sky floohed with the rose
•of the rertheire twllght..'Jean, guar,
vier end her brofeer stood on the
Itiele-sluire of the Memo, whose Bat'
surface' might and held the worm
terkee Of the heavens. On guard be.
fere fhe factor's house, inside the
stockade. lay the frrent Airedale, eet.
tsfied, einee his intrednotion, that
+hese petiole vesee at Elkwan with
eee consent of his master, hut nure-
bor, nevert.lieleoe.. a demi 4i411ke
'the *nor -with ,hairo fete, who bed
eeeedeitteinet tomee tee est% of the.
l'ermor maecot ef the First Battalion,
"R°Yai 141)4oE'Vs'
• eemetinivell•
: 11.A,IreT• 1
Caortgistm 112.1e4irmi Asaoct
• Discovered early and properly
treated, Tuberculosis is one of the
most curable diseises. ,111any deaths
from, teibereutosis omit each years:-
. Putting these statements togethe
it is evident that either the cases are
not being discovered early•, or theY
are not being properly treated,
• There are no. secrets in the medical
-profession and so "the phyeicians in
one plate have the same kootyledge
as pliyeiciaris elsewhere, hat the phy.
• Stolen cannot help the person) who
does not come to him.• •
Those who follow our advice and
have a complete physiear examine-
tieleeeneeeeme Alien- retail
nhysicirei nhl.ouportunity to • tseovev
Tubeeculests. Calico, or otherdie-
easea at their earlipat and most our -
able Steen Those who have not fele
/owed this Advice should lauriv some• .
thieg about the earliest eigna of
Tuberculosis, so that they may ee.
cognize them and secuve proper od.,
Yice right Way*
Not everyone With •the folioWing
symptoms, has Toberoulosis. but the
presence of one or More of them is
slifficient to arouse susnicion and to
send the person to his family !Aysi.
clan to find out the tatiSe. Pehty
Meanslosing the opportunity for
cure and, at the same time, ention-
gers the lives a others.
Any tough which 'persists for a
month or more la auselicieue. .
• Any cough accomnanied by a slight
fever, eat -Ocularly if it recurs, is not
to bo disregarded. ••
A general feeling a not being
hedor without the toss of
strength or weight, should always be
Blood spitting is often an early
symptom. It frequently *ecurs as
the first symptom in persons appar-
ently well. •
Contioued upset of digestion, par-
tieularly if accompanied by a cough,
else loSs of weight require investiga-
It is better to be alWays on the
erift side. Pay attention to Nature's
warnings aid Preserte-yeur health.
Queetions concerning /Leath, ad-
dressed to the entladinti, Medical Ak-
sedation, 184 College Street, Toron.
to will lie answered. Questions as
to! diagnosis and treatment will not
be answered.
El1.1.11, AMU* 12th, 4'.•25
EAls good ted*
The Orange Pekoe, at a little
extra cost, is extra good
in vlean, height Aturnimen
Since 1012 when the Board of Rail. is more ta'x'iliallY
cate that they most '4ert'aittly are. ever popular "Number Three," as sh
Imown, carries on
way Cenunissionors organized a fire alone.
i n s peotion department,' protection
along the railroads has been opera. 'Olio
The comfort and service found on
excellent trancontinental train
Mg as a triangular to -operative or- have earned for it an enviable repo.
-ganieetiore inciutling -1ai1w1y.-eour.-4-tation with.eisedrienced traveller:i
3, n
fait, many of her patfote elee her
services the year round, always Veen..
pying the same ageommodation as
th would in a favorite hotel. They
mission, the Dominion anti Provincial
Forest Protection ,Servicea, and the
Railways of the eottatry; to reduce
forest losses along the eallway Imes.
tloArT:eadthtaYmoiulteghtlieliovourt aro 1. ee.ee.a thstp.eoe tome to know the waiters and port-
sectiongforc es
as eL4ctil:ai si 4:.$471e e sz8pe:Italtb:e23111°Ipaaavrtidr.Aocin:In: warsbeG1,14rfdod.r 1°Tth9hkeetl'e:tazarutellcoemmu7erlItEehnax:treshaeY137ng' °- 4"
es and other dredneinevnanwehoouvdeor this, and it speaks V
through foreet
Express is Cana -
ployeee are organized to take care of
r ry I
on_ engaged. On another 0,214 miles (lien Pacific and she leaves Toronto
Union Station every evening .it tune,
ROSOrYatiOnS, tickets and ail tra-
vel information from N. 11. FLA,R-
fires starting on the right of Wale
etneniallY about 0110 million dollars in' Town Passenger Agent*
is being spent by the railways to .to A Real Asthma Relief. -Dr. X. D.
safeguard Canada's forgets along the
97 per eent of the steam railway ,eeXeeiol°gg's y has „never
mileage in Canada under the Board's .... Asthma Ilemed
jtirwiehdalettibeans. t ii i i; co-operative
9 iv a rii, . , which rnieeenetesea.:livte ,iethtrpste nelesceitibmindYgss.;a:rebriveato tgnr e ab etl 1 t alil Aconservativerteet s .
zetion accemplithed ? , I lief and permanent benefits when44
Instead of railways holding a lea- you buy this remedy and you will ( .
ginrgatite as
ae cause
ercll lo°frette.e°11folluai-* ir glheievee pZi:lutenetn"t 4retisiaeP? pinintmmanenty. '
fires awl but 5 per tent of the area ---,......... —,..
oolin6taper.19206entinoelfustitivee eases where other so called remedies
have utterly failed.
years from
show that
burned is attributable to railway ori. t Sauce for the Gander
gin. , A F,1[111 Vey. had sTapeed 0; little
Let us tompare these results with girl. The teacher was quirk to re -
two States to the south, of us. We hulas the youngster.
find that Pennsylvania railway a Ave "Jackson." she srid. "no gentle -
responsible for 30-35 per vent of the moo would strike a lady."
number of fires and -area-burned. The boy waren ready with his re -
Again in the State of New York, 14 ply. It was:. "Well, no lady would •
per cent a the fires and 20 per cent tiekle a gentleman."
of the area, is attributable to rail.
ways, In other verde, 30 and 20 -
Cenadian Ridiways. I Gi,r1s1 Tell This To ,
tat ainr causes 'of forest devasta- .
rer cent all azainst S per tent of our
temhe The crown pee' instead to the ' Your Skinny Friend
Railways today are not ineluded in
Education. and education enlYe v II - Tell him that quick easy way arthe----eni
travelling public and the settler,
aecomnlish here whet has been dNoni 0 Les° PutisP°t4ondtaskea-smo6relidy,fleesetillAvheits
with Canada's railways. --_ - •
. • Extract Tablets. • • , •
"Requieite on the Farm -Every , Tell ITIn that besidespinghim
farmer and steek-raiser Slierikt liMil t Co fill out his fiat chest and sunken •
4 supply of Dr. Thomas' teleettie theeks and neck McCoy's, will make
Oil 00 hand, not order.ne a ready rem- min strong and vigorous and. ere
WY Of Mein the fondle", 'but because him more Ambition.
it is a horse and cattle medicineof foAri, ,Aiborta s two and rno„
at tene A down gamed
a b. cline f •-' - Roger,
16 pounds in six weeks.
sweet oil r horses- arid cattle -affect-
ed by colic it far surpasses anything! ;McCoy takes all the risk -Read
that can be administered' ,
. _ ,, this ironclad guarantee. If after
taking 4 sixty cent boxes of McCoy's `
uNsuan A 11,EASA141T TRIP •iCod Liver Extract Tablets or 2 (hie
Travel "Vancouver Expeesev • Dollar boxes any thin underweig
From October first until the open., manor woman doesn't gain at least
ing of the next toitrist season, the Pounds and feel rompletely satie
with the. marked improvement in
health your druggist is authorized to
return, the purchase prite.
Ask. 11. C. Dtmiop, Campbell's or
an ood tire s
VAnOotrvel• Zxpress Win Write the
distiuction of being the most direct
link !between Toronto and Vancouver.
Until May of 1928; when the superb
"trans -Canada's resumes service*, the
Nit the peddles of the now fest.
tying Peterhore lunged anti swuug
n, the question ignored,
beyond the river volley the musk -
was smothering sun veiled in
bus when the Teterietro approached
theLlot landing below the huddle of
banning' me the high shore, which.
Near Elkwan. The problem of caring
Ise the guests which the *erre had
litealrlit, Guthrie had 'been swiftly
Milled from his thought* by solki-
tule,-for thorns he had kit at the poor,
a seek before. when the teceseity
for beginning the hunt of their Win-
ter *ripply of VOW" had eoniptiled
Ids ,iditkeece. Ile was overdue, and
Anne was old and ignorant. Ile
would neYer forgive himeelf-never
cesse. to be haunted by the eyea of
the drained priri he had:left in the
cue of the Cr ee women. it -But not
It *roe mithinitable--toe hideously
tragk' that it ehould bare mime to
ttr, sleet with old Anne. Fear of
ttie:' thing hod &peened him on his
simmer trip to 11 - Md harem.
ire threugh the last two days.
&primmer so the wind. The ache a
asw isestinsas through the Bret
wogs at the sanatorium had lent
‚pqanderstanding of the
"POMO look in the eve* of the.v2__n.tjfiptd. "'Doctor, I -regret thot I
wiiienever of necessity, he had • owl have to Pat you in the trade.
ot her. eves for a few hoots. in the hoot with Soli% men... 1 hare a
rttaturopii6W Aton"end' tg:ra.t 48:01wath." ji,1"; I "You" well ratmfor at tiui ger"eA.1
his hut. to turn hoot "Oh. we don't tNipett meth at it
you too Met* my slake rorafoitalde.
raw MIL
4,,athth, asspm tho p.a;1 rfottlr PlatieVt..017."
ho The /irl lauithtd "Ai aiator
legeosedll 411111Wits cos,"47:iffigrint):,..Dio„4""''.k.. • vet up Or three-renetha with 1-11+4-44;
aneomfortahle twohy-tire herth sin *
tekilkaf:111;.; rieeee nil Thr fm"- said. "I know shall revel' ea'er
"pebbly *Ileartor. Mr Gathirio "
had odwd hoe root magi
irwailhernwitilielmatiat117 orearr Guthwie• eye. sweleeted
eggliar a swarthy :fare in a min et her with a weiric rtlenre, Taller. he'
thought. than mho messed the host,.
*Aso IN atip glad yes tomer mei Away made. The eyee ,••hich
Oft: supelied • *op beeath ha4 seemed black. be. saw vier.
wake frees so adjecent broom. Toaair. too. *hp wpm; awh
Why Rad They Brett Seat Hint at
'fide Time
"Yes, we didn't want to run thcrt
before reaching Fort Mbeny," re.
plied Quit trier.
"But the even weight will bother
Neu en theee tide...nate," Then he
hirer wistful face had been gr. re, vourtte.'
4 &me a went to a era4 of a. 'mall trediiiit post, Dlr. Guthrie," re.
vt.ii. tut ho would hi with her plied (barrier. magnanimously. "If
Ave the railways lining up irt the
improved scheme of forest protection
In Canada todart The facts hull -
Bladder Weakness,
Daily Annoyance
Relieved in 24 Hours
Chemist Telle of Great New Itenterly
Thot Gila% Weir. Certain Relief
Invitee All Try It
for :
While. serious, if neglected it is
now ordinarily an easy meter to
quickly relieve illivider Weekneee:
and leritatien, :Pailts in Back and,:
down through groin*, freiment natty
annovame and troublesome nights---'
by the pleasent home um of Syrol
Tablet& Which. arty good Attie/Colt
will furnish in meted packages con-.
tooting two wisilts" supply on near -
*Mee of money heck 4n first boy.
PilrelnOtill, if results are not tall,t, I
sat iete t tory.
. NA matter *tin etebtorp. trootte,
wee. or of Ito* loet eteniting yens?
rope ngty he, iron tom okiluitir twesvt
the +Wee of Syroi Teddete. in a few
' &yr' time -lust yes *re Invited to"
•,,rro so tokfibmit Slightest rielt if coat
jundem ,okbeeed with reeuke Start
'tn. test of Syrel today .apd sou may
i loak for improvement ;so* of $4_$;
homrs----ait your Ontoraist,
13Y A •
1 I
p r
:21%t "."111101,
1 1141.
=jet -,--,-
innettrottE this new Oldsmobile
a.00 was presented to the public it
• had put more than a million miles
•\behind it. ,
_ Vor twoyeirs. ilwas threadinithectraifin- -
;• Of city streets . . . winging along
. the highways , running the gaunt-
let of exacting testg an the General
Motets Proving Ground . . . braving
storms rind meeting ‘the trials of bitter
cold and blistering heat, of sand and
, .
indinuahaolirtd, tshluissb.
• new Oldsmobile has Come
. withliying colors through 1,177,00Crrniles
" — dfuplicohte, ere use as no OWnera ce
li such severe ,an ver
And this use proved that it possesses
competence and stamirts, speed and
smoothness'. . . power and accelet-
- Wont •
Oldsmobiles policy pledged to progress
_ has -achieved a new and surpassing
. sthani;d:ewsmo
rd n011avaiutbl
Tile is indeed nt Vine
j _,
I ' "
_r CeLaraffijiltoowtorl);iowCe.tt deferred porolp .210:
ined .MOSe OcOnoiniciii way of bosiog yoor
Oldsmobile on fisne.
GMAC. . . oderds 704 the simplest
if/avetomoriot Tow
"41)°R $1165 ...:42711.. r...'
e Tlitit Pleat Cars Or tow tame .
• liticEWAN & TEBBIErt
FRED ROWE (Nlethemic)
CVO' Glihril1PAL ' OCA/4 ; •