HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-04-05, Page 9IttESIAY, AEIIL ate, a: ;
airrl:'e in the Heart
arid Nervousness
efts. Rene le. teliirley, BM. No. 2,
.elbieman, writ -eq. femme
reemernete Milieureei Heart wed Nevve
Pete tee bielly.
"I hate twee bothered with „paine in
any Dealt and netwasnere for rime
time, yes, for yeare, rend the least little
thing woula eat lemon pius and iieeellee.
"1 tried a lot of differeeit Ineeielnee,
but it seemed to make .no difeeremee
oven went to our doctor, but fl
an that needed -a. rest, but 1
4idatt a, 4-ee17 110,a one !Idle ethree
years ()blend she didn't require much
$(14aet 'wieder while rooting in a lum-
ber eeemp the fore%flen. told me to try.
4-- -
so I got a boa1L1 before it waa nal(
taken I foend that ray nerves were
beginning to quiet down, and the pains
were on gone from my heart, laid I
could lie down and go to aleep without
arty fear."
Price 50e, a box at all dealers, or
mailed ditect on receipt a price by The
T. Milburn Co.. Limited, Termite, pit..t.„
ii:#3WE'VeiltiEditilUEEtil.XSIEVE,EWCirit:WICVniA*Iiii.U.ViliktilaNWillalihillE She cabled weight
Afternoon P'
With j; s Cad AND
/AR cliALLEs
Wee band Tablets v;(15
Wy ISABEL IIAMILTON, Goarcr2c4, azt. , tc •
• tte-ele Cettilte Page! wee- ttn`
; th.t1L.1 k.t. f ')nabLI
1 onessAtennneeettaanteteetnAwneneenelOiettexoti ewnetatetnaweeetwRiestieinietel n on lee:ember a c,,q11.3 .-_-.1as,z so i in r -2,241:12:1, su,,,,,l,„r;
i My Gene be oo thy guard, -.Christ; nor is there a faith co feeble .i.Inna age' 13b(s ‘Tar'' a ; f3111131' '''''a7'1.-Twc)%"; ! Try:711:.0317 i:1';',...1101'.1,1„.e.".;e(1t: Ten thoueand foes arise, that wet not justify an aptetet tit , ---etitiny ia a mild weed t'e. to way t the neeeekeer vi the F.,,,ilitotayrot
she leoked. , •
g And hosts a sins are pressing herd Christ nor help.
To .draw thee from the. skiee. When alone with Jesus the .elleci. i Just leek nt her new. --1e ever a i ilte5taita ne-el CI' eeetee eteete
Ohe watch and fight taut pray; pies inquired the cause of their fail- eteoraen lied aperfeetfillgiaulti•eueKla,ev:hreittlt i tvitill.cottITtiT'ttatFt;'an.13711Iott:ri:
he ,ci..c:4tilin.,,,ytl:
. Tbattle neer give o'er; • tire for they had been given power 'it -elle ia the envy t
Roan/ it boldly every dee.
t • And help divine implore..
. Neer think the victory won,
Nor lay thine armor down ;
• Thine arduous work will not be den
Tin thou obtain thy crown.
• 'George Heath.
g Almighty God who elesirest that
all The children should be like Thy-
• eelf, fill us with Thy spirit that we
may be lights in the world, helping
on the time •when Thy kingdonfeof
righteousness and peeve may fill he
whole earth. In Jou' name we
pray. Amen.
• §. S. LESSONFOR AltRt .15thel9t
Lesson Topic -Transfiguration and
Lesson Pafisage-Mark 92243, 17,
18, 25-29.
Golden TextnetIehn,15:5.
About It week after 'Jesus had talk-.
ed with his disciples about his edt.
ferings and death he went up into a
mountain to pray. He teok with him
the three disciples who had been spe-
cially prvileged to be with him when
'he raised 'Jahns' daughter from the
eked. During the night the disciples
became heavy 'with sleep.but, rousing
themselves they beheld a glermue
sight. Jesus was • tranSfigured be-
Hutu ad Ors° Liverg
flack Stables, Etc.
Montreal St Peet
lust off the Squat e
'Busses Meet all Trellis und
Passenger Boats
Passengers celled Icir loony
part of the town or all
trains at T, R. or C. P. R
Prompt Service and
Careful Attendance.
is.. -
.our Livery and Back Service
will be tound up-to-date
•lir everV respect
spew. •
Your (.4trottage $olicile41
h •
pl10,810 Mottreal Street
over evil spirato. Jealln lus an- in tonne -
swer showed them that great end nething to get eeeited eliout
difficult duties require special pre- -all Ale did was to tette .on weight
patation and self-denial: "This Lind • -filled out the bellows in feee, melt
ean come forth by nothing but by
• 1and chtst-nnv • :tinny, weak, run
cd; alse ieveg aniteeetttlee
ee Peteeeheet ehter elle agree.
ment 01S251 Jeerer, tee Nereb, Weet
boundary of le'ietee xerth AarrIva
6,616E1 2v.1 wea Peviete
WOULD MISSIONS ;ciereill women .on do the same and A"PUTA'S C°4' Ilt(II/1-(*Th" •
P Y . V.
Q.. -What ie tie -- t e -
' gain a clean, clear cempleeion at the tioltoie mheri"a ettle`d"Ct* -Incant.w-
A group of men in North IntRa same t:rne.
were . sitting. watching another man eleCoy takes all 'the riskeen"aJ vitte7oe,v.th9e14grcitti;1111a1P211(spsItlertni:
crosstng the street with a bfinten on ttet ieneetee guarantee. If after• dished a new hires buil of output "
his head. He had .lost one a hi o • - --- - '-
taking 4 sixty cent boxea of IlleCoy'r. reaehing fOr rin
sandals' in the water that lay in the ro...4..zornadoessccOedelsaeg
road where he was crossing, and was Cod Liver Extract Tableto or 2 one tons. This -P.
dollar boxes any..•thin, underweight az the best nrevieee year, MO. by
man or woman doesn't -gain at least 27,832 tons and eel a tow high
5 pounds and feel cent/A(401Y catisfied math in the hisnry of the develop-
ment a Alberta's +coal raDten It ia
eestimated_that_ le per. vent of the .
al/unable coal reierve a the world in
in Alberta. Of the relent /renew: 1
calculated by neaeureintint, more •
than three tallier tons are zemlean- ;
thracite or high tarbon bittiminoun
ine9e.sTeldVlanibtroaandlunt hate Canadian.; '
etarding not knowing what, to uo,
for he ceuld not lay Inc burden down
to recover ;the shoe. He wan a
caste Hindu, Hindu, and the group of 'high- with the marked improvement In
caste men weeeleinee, jetheewere.laughe healtheeyoure druggist-As-authorized-
ing at his predicament. At that to return the Perch:Ise price,
moment they saw Dr. *a went Ask H. C. DUNLOP, CAMP.
known. American missionary., passing BELL'S DRUG STOPtE or any good
by. end seeing the Poor fellow in the dteeene. ,
middle- of the veld, the gteat man "ee-. .
hastened over to him, Picked ult the .
-shoe, emptied it of water, end with- a - WHAT OTHERS SAY
cheery word restored it to the grate- ,
ful Hindu. It was on amazing thing Old Age Pensiotie Would Make An -
to the 'watching men that a "WO. other Addition
&vete" foreigner should so stoop to •
, (Ottawa journal)
r. .
nerve. It was a little thing, done in
the name of .Tesus. But -there Is it Under the Mothers Allowance Act
Mohammedan convert in North Ina! $2,000,000 was distributed in Ontario
today who was in .that green of iase year. When people coalman).
'laughing men. and was won to Christ about high taxes they should try to
because he wee -startled by that bit realize that Governments ate-• called
fore them. "The bat elione not up- ;of service. That missionary bell upon to do thipgs in these days that
on him from without, but out of him lenetnd.thit- seerek of greatness. Mi were unheard .of some years- ago.
from • within" one commentator re. and the other missionaries haveetonel
What Non.Productive• and Costs
• marks. The period Christ had now to India in the same spirit that Jesus
reached was a critical and anxious himself told us controlled llie life. 1 • (Forest and Outdoors)
0 •• oneproduethre lapd actually coats
one rind he sought strength by pray- •
er. His strong cryings andtears A 'Real Asthma Rellea-Dre JeD. -you money, no matter whether eeu
Merced the skiee; they entered int') Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has never 1 or someone -else owns it. This is a
the ears of the 'Lerd of Sepanth and. been advertieed by extravagant 1 fact. Every non-productive . inre
statements. Its debts are conserve- 1 causes the taxes on other •property
"for. onee, he appeared to be what.
00* 00.00................000°0°.000010000
”0.040 *000,00,T0040.01.
was--the San of the Coe indeed, when 'fudged by the ben- to oe higaer. makes roads a little
efits whieh it performs. leenect real longer and a little poorer per person'.
. ante ans, lave, fl (10 ast
few years, greatly inaensed their
investmente in fereign countries...1m,
til the total investment is valued at
V1,862.000,000. Of this sum, $722.-
200,000 is -invested in the Unitel
States, $118,000,000 in the United
Kingdom; and $522,220,000 -in other
reentries, ..netably• in eiqutit Ameriva.
Interest and dividendrereipte on
Canadian investmente ,abroad eave
been estimated at S03,000,000 for
1920, divided as follows: Frem the
United Kingdom, $6,000,000; friou
the United States, $34,000,000 and
from ether countries, n23,000,000.
Q. hat ate stem of the -Wolfe
:Age in England. .
It w1,4vonv very powerful and • relief and
. permanent, ImneAts when It causes. poorer . schools. • It meane --
i (1:'Initclirlieihiel','I ell. s'ee.' a Ca.illian 'ila‘g.,
reed to behold that great sight." 1.44v68 permanent' relief in meny eases business men. Business men, house -1 mal -king it as the place of worehip
peter writine afterwards mekes a where other so called remedies have wives. churches. children, mid, waee-
strilerg reference tn.-the experience utterly failed.
on this oeeesion (2 Teter 1:16-181 ''' ' MEN MAROONED .
N • ective. end nroduced its im-. vou buy the remedy and you will not less business for the grocer, the! Ae-A visitor 'to the - ancient
pression upon those who were privit; ha`ve cense for disnnoollatment. It banker, tile doctor, anti au (gun 1 b unt C.uthbei t at in 1..
eornert alike all suffer erne elle Wolte's mother.tbefore :1!'e inw..011
Wester'nam. where her Sell Was
• land. It is .important to you Wet
n",3.drir WV were eye -witnesses of that every acre of land in your con- hiloalsmt.eciiltetet<cidnetldy, baeneauAsretrtiecaun titiltavgd
his =testy." (Continued from page. 6) inunity be productive.
__,-. • _ . States was a co:sharer with Cana
le The Pulpit Comnientary
read' that ."aftem Abraham, no Per -
'we clocision to remain for another Tar, . .:
1%lunicipal Economy Recommended . 1 (le
I it was felt that it would be fitting to
victories, and
in t le fruits of 'Wolfe's
,Tinages in their history were more Guthrie wrote home, and without re- (Financial Post) '' •
honored and voiterntod by the Jews net, had sailed out of the delta of The suggestion. has been put for: I have the two nags fly side by see, in
teen eme,e, nne Elene. M„ th 1 the great Albany with Etienne, bound ward that Canadian municipalitieb the English, breeze, In Chester Co.-
, es, e Should for the next ten years under- thedral are two flags of the Royal
eivee of Deer Law. end Eliteh tee, far Elkwan.
tined end loor.le,. of. their nrcipbets, I •
Thew,. two had 2,'-'4 only in life Melt- , ne.N e'netts,z, ene
led the wet of God. thoy bad at the; etekteee '
olore of +1,e1r Ffs sn S.a. been telein 1 ,ieeee'ee
i o liiineelfeby theie 'I' nix!. in eeev ere; ' - eelee'e
markehle ard : singular ciremostaii-
eeP, r'rent the sents of the blesqed,'
qnd in their vesture re' immortality. •
Give first aid with
Bathe the face. and
Minardta Liniment. (r(
if thereis &cavity in y
the tooth. fill it with I/
cotton soaked in
1Winattrs. Relief is •
quick and sure.
The Great White
there illustriouq and elorifled saints '
(”yrno tO C'snV(,)", with -the
God ingarding th• dieeese entail he, •
W0' to aceompItsh.at jerusale
The fevered 41' ' were - etly
affeeted. Thee wel ed With fear
and yet with teeth/es for Peter ex -
Pressed a with nrolo e their stay,
ornnening to, build tem orary shot,
ten for their. But iri reality he did
not realize whet he was proposing:
Moses ard hnd eorrie and
gone end now, the Fathi*. Rimaelf
i:oears Witne,'q nliriqt. He <14n1Irnw
hint to be hie beleved Son wed dl
the ennininnd: 4,1Tear ye him!" It
ie "Firer his teachings as your Man-
'tnr ! Hear his promises as your
Friend lin& Saviour! Hear his emnteee 4.
How to rejoiee. to remitted, to obey ! ,
'Upon their descent frotrf-tbe moan-
tain work . was -waiting that the Mas-
ter alone could clo. An epileptie boy, •a w
go the strietest economy and make Chesire Regiment, caerien to victory
• eerieus extorts to lower their twee; on the day when Wolfe woinhis bat -
Such a proeedure "Mild not onle add i tle at Qpebee. In one of:hh9e- the
to their •eredit standing but place body of Wolfe was ‘arefeliVom -the
their bended.„.indebtedness he a heal- field of bone: The stains still dist '
thiei state. cernible tell , Of the life blood -of the
Sure they're
different! Kellogg's
Corn Flukes* hawt
a delicious flavor no
one has ever dupli.-
catt-4. They're klever ,
always extra crisp!
itek e't eeiete
Try atom with Mattel
of an entry .fee ef Sikand fulfillineet! Bay and Cedar Point.
of certain conditions of resideieset Ritirtieltette-entegeed an
and tultivation, viz: to reaide on, the Line Steamere between •Cleeelatta
homestead.for at ead six months ill and Buffalo and the journey by wa:.
etteh of threeyear, he must have! ter makes a beautiful and restfui
erected a habitable bouse thereene change in any rail trip.
and have at least thirty wens of
holdings broken, of whi,:h twenty': "newore When all Men spent: Were '
arres Must bo cropped. A ieduction, of you." Mao beware when no mem
may be made in the aren ofitreaking` speak well of you,
vele. Almect
where the lana ie difficult to eultne
available free and crown, lands. • women display more backbone thew
every provelee bee le an: eetuhlielied fad than
. Jury: :twelve people Who tell
telegranb systenvir Canadul ,ituNe. Which lawyer impressed them
1920, 107,970 eltreeiril...huel. eaere- favorably.-
; engeo Were -sent nrid received. Can -
ado. has wireleee statimiq frem tee .
' (mlf of St. Lawrenee te the hena or. . an So Nervous • etsl-
Loco Superior, told a Federal chum
Port Smith', Ilesolutio Simpenin
Wireless was tompletee to .the Vole enyone tele to me, I uas no nervonee
Normaii, etePheeson and Dawson. vi'l:Ittl :.l.:titoildilltY.hist:rellinedrec1:110wot:debtalVt:
1 Oh, Dee. 5, .1924. First apPlication..
1 -of wireless to a moving train wee on _rime"' - Wm• FallY.. .
. ique, QUE., OtAnber, 190- Z2 It' is 160w ' 641.1spiintes, rod Uwe peptone, °tete
the Grand Trunk R. R. at, St, Doniin.' Th\otn::elrykin-aitsTeinbuteartelltn,d1.naokrei; le;:trin
i. in use on the Canndian National Sys -
41, NticveaAinanvdeNeteAi nsTDslItteha:ie:teAvio.ro:erlIt,;diTie'sslic, nointrilviiisti:,Ileessnt 1 0 rne 0 1.1-tii,l, ‘: irsziltlitu,t:eis:1:4t,eit(cts,•t:eits:1:iriN,14.1iiili,(iii.!1.1.it:i,..1.v.tiielloilift)eilGreatinatti:tridt;,pu. Ts .itvitiGl.
'j . - t . ' ASSOMTION i CAMPBELL'S:lit= SIOREL '
i Q.-t-Whateieetthe Canadian Autbere' • --
1 Aesoeiatione .-' - , .. . . ...- . - . et ..,e---ee-et- . .. '. ' - .•---"--
, • nt.-This *title iedieates tan orgarll*. 1 i N
i of several hundred and with a nuin- __et...et:tee,
to eh,: Art ie Cirele, with leeoticee
Sete When spoken To.
t 11 G 1
Are Courity Councils Necessary? • a en eneln •
(Collingwood Bulletin) CANADA'S BANKING BUSINESS
Down M Wellington and Halton 1 Q. -What is the present condition
counties there Is a newspaper diseue-
sion being waged as to the yeAue,
place and, needa the comity-eoen-
eile It is notetiatetteneither are. the
arguments negative to ;the continu-
ance of these small legislatures.
Much more interest would be some-
thing in their favor. A s• seen in this,
neck of the weeds they are a govern-
ing appendage that many are inchn-
ei d. to think could be rano...eel withent
injury to the patient, paying publie.
This much may be taken for granted.
ee. The vounty councils cannot be .
• They are too rtnaeli like the Legisia-
of Canada's banking eusiness?
A. -The seatements .-fer• 1027 of
the nine leading Canadian banks
which have so far reported results
ler the year all indicatalleceler-
ated paee in !Canadian,. businesses
and finance, and in most eases' the
earnings reported were the highest
in history. Vietually the entire
banking business.of the Doininion is
done. by ten; tanks operating 'under
Federal charter, with about li,F5O•
branches in every eity And town .in
eounted upoit to take the initetive. bANADA'A NV,lt1.1; PRODUCTION
/Le-Vs/int Canteles 'vie I nth -
her ofVho
local branehee Toronto braTtli
r Canadian Author. The Associatioa
1' President is Chas. fe."1). Roberte, the
1 issues an nurture and- atm '
holds an annual, Meeting,
• .
I As a vermleide excelleet ore-
neration is lefother Graves' 'Worm
! lextermiliater, hits saved the lives
of countlese Childreu.
I havin le me ih b:t 50 '
1 - - • •-, • •
The Clevelend end Buffille Teneelf
Cenmeny of*Cleveland annoweee2ilet
reductioe inepetenetememTteetes tee eon -
;vol. imug .
+Live Conrielneef_Noven.kotia whieh
$4.50 one wive and ett 50 num tr'
tleest—i-b-eanenti-fie—esqueezed out of the Pro- 'A. -production of wool in. eneuet
vincial picture by pressure from the
• I elected L,eguilature.. Their play ,at
1 spending money on roads, at mew -
1/1•0' school grads from Toronto,
a great sufferer from his childhood'. subdividing and making new checks
! had been brdUght by his distressed' und -other "matters 0 -ver ithich they s-to:480;d- Island, .543,832. poundee Noya
1,480,541 lbs.; New Brunt-
: father arid the d;seinles had been think they bave control. but have.,
Mutual Life
Assuiln'ie compa*
of Canada.,
Established Isalti
lilatil OtTicf: W M.311100 OS=
. 230 •
0 •
in 1927 totalled 1-8,672,760 pounds, l'eheeen Clevelonfl sad Iluirtilo. Thin .**▪ •••••.
the 1026 priductiot. •Ily province:,
an inerease of 662,e70 intends over, is in keepiflg. with the trend to melte GANA
ireeel within the veneh of evetetnie
IA a
the wool din was last year' Prinve "WO an early .opening
treated tn use their powers en his Sailed Otte of the Delta of the Great not, is hiehly nxiieneiye to the tax 'wlek, 87372'1 Ih'.; Qtlebee• '056.118
; behalf. • Tho3,7 had tried but vain. natter. The emestien is how long he_ lbs., Ontario bs., Mani.
t• 1
Both the father and they said to The man who had lain beside his fore the worm will turn, before the tab' 71)5,6" lb 1., gaskatchewan
937,458 les" Albert a 3,033, 1 s 1 lbe.
Jesus that they eould mit cast out sleeping dog with his thoughts' while Geverement will see the wiseo.n of
British Columbia 717,802 lbs. and
the tlemone The father then appeal- the wind retired through the /1ders, affording relief to a: suffering- Deo -
Indian Reserees, 17,110 lir, -
-ed to •Iestis saying: "If thou canst hammering the aechored tent, and n1e. How lona ?: • -----
the rain beat its intermittent tattoo CHURCHES .IX'. CANADA
; do anything; have compassion oh us.
j and help. us." Jesus replied: "If
a thou eanst believe. all thing,s ace
possible to him that believethe The
'n""net ete""'"'"'""en great need together with the ege-
t/ S E
.Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
lion by Electricity
Cheaper than Coal or
Wood •
An Electrie Velment Cleaner
removet; the dast ; a broom
lant movee the dust.
We guarantee all Hyde() Lamps
for foo Imre.
Walk ineand eee display at
The Hydro Store
For infant,r and Childtee
lit Use For Over 3OYear
Atitecan teate
CgEtittu0 cf
! 'Wive Spend. Your Money- to ileli
sat up, and Placing the tandle Ian- Pull Down Your Own "
tern at his elbow, chew a.letter from'
ale' pocket and reed (Seaforth Expositor)
"Dearest Garth: • Distant fields look green, but they
, cities and majestic presence of Christ "I don't know what to etiy--4I'm nre not, always so. Where 'are the
' drew the father •and he exclaimed simple stunned.- Either .yoti nre local shoe makers of former days,
fervently and earnestly, "Lord, Llio. still ill -are deeeiving us, or take the Ioent teilors, the local machine
lieve. Help thou mine unbelief." this method to humiliate me before uhons, the ion' blacksmith shops .ind
utany other ,local enterprises? They
have lareely gone, and gon12 becautie
the people of the country., the peonle
of the villages and of the towns. with
inereesing transpartntion facilities
nrovided. thought that they ow bet -
tee awl Jaeger bergaine farther
efield. Has it woviced out that way?
Are wo getting better and cheaper
ehoce then' the local shoemaker used
+0 melte/ Ave we getting -better end
ebeener elothing than the local tailor
teed to nieke?. fie our muchinery
ore. liad leeolly cheerier Or better than it we dentations, ,Inennureg
A great crowd was gathering
, whet Jesus exercised his authority
, over the evil spirit. The demon tlis-
Played his melicious power in trying
to kill the bov as he took his depart -
ore; but the Lord of life took him, -by
your family and the world in the
hope that I shall voluntarily give you
up. Of course, if you no longer love
me, there is nothing to be said. Do
you love. me still, Garth dear? So
long as you do, I shall wait. •
the nand and he arose. Theo we :me "Devotedly until am wish it
there is no case so desperate that otherwise, ETHEL."
cannot be reached by the power of This had been her answer to the
, burning of kis bridges -utter aban-
. - donment of her pride, and he bed
.0REor, thought her proud.
_RAE) ...4kaNzahtse,,p.lefli Iglemr; ding of
fall paekee a fortnight be
Letter Tells of Wonderful
Relief After Taking Lydia
E. Pinkhasn's Vegetable
Condobon, Ontario.-"A.fter a se-
vere op_terationandstaaythftreae hwooce,kteal
L returned home
so weak that I was.
nimble to move e
chair. For four
menthe I wao al-
most frantie with
eaino and duffer.
until I thought
sure there omit!
not be any help
for me. I hadvery
. I severepainsinmy
et_ ; eankleft aide and auf.
fered agony every Month. Otle day
when I was not able to get up trly
inotlite. begged me to try your med.
My hutioand got no a bottle
of Vegetable Compound at or.veand
• I took it. I started a cecond battle,
• and to noy surprise and joy the !mine
In my aide left trie completely rind I
am ablo to do ell ray Work Without
help,. I ant a farraerei wife, so eon
tee I ean"t be idle long. In at, nave
taken 14iR bottlee of Lydia E.
Vegetable Compound, five
114110,3 of tee Comeetaid ablette two
hottlee Lydia 1.1. Bleed
eledteinr, end have *deo treed the San.
dive Wale"- Wee. LAJI.Z1i.;W.
roe bee ceenie tee, (Melee
Q. -What is the strength of ti,'
different ehtirelles in Catuale?
A. -According to the i last comae
of 1921, Canada hal epteifie rein: -
ions. 97 per cent, 'belorged:, thereto.
Roman Catholie had 3,38%030; P.m-
byterinns, 1,400.407; Aeglisens, 1,-
407,904; Methodism, 1,1 94;444; Bap.
tists, 421,731; Luthora e80,158 ;
Greek Church, 100,e32; Jnes, 125.-
197: Eastern religions, ,11(8;
bonito, 58,797; Congr st(nna eeto,
40,730, etc. .
O. What is the intent of ranada'a
Fishing Ground?
A, -Canada's fishing *en 121.0
perhaps the most exte vel in the
world. On the Atlantle rote name
Manan. to Labrador, th reitAt line,
.olt-Inaudinn,-1111.1(04 '4 ,itittl-in
11000 su
so c, and
1..* -
•0 not
04, 1,1
Of the
k Allan-
** ihe At
le by
art of
4, be-
quiekened the memory of tvlent this td t be? Not in one eaten And in nnles• The BOY of Fun
girl, vibritot with life and physical. +be past se will it be in the future.
alarm, had meant to him -this 'girl The Pun •of the smaller village has
wbour he had ,humiliated. Often, telreoriv eet. Will the toemn follow
etandng before her vivid likenese in ee:l if they do. whit will happen ?
his quarters he lied.e.azed alit the el- Will the, eitlee leee the country with
luring face. the faultleoa modeling of
nook and shoulders. and marveled at
the spell which 'held him in tho north
while with lovelinese waited hie re.
'turn. She still hod rower to titir
him, but his inoode of self-censiire
and remorne were short-lived. The
bargainte, or will- they go en the
prineinle that the vountre hoe to
001119 to them anyway. whv seerifice
nrofit by giving bargains) Sech a
8itutttion may seem very far fetch-
ed. but, already indications of it are
appearing. Let any eountry eustom-
north had won. or walk into any of the large city
(TO be contineed), denartniental otores and ask for all
article linted in one of the eatalogues
sent them by the mail order house,
We don't object to a inan having and they will be surnriaed at the dif.
a bated breath no hang ae he avoido ference in price. They will get the
baiting it with spring oniona. article and at the price motel' ne
eourae, but only when they prodece
the catalogue, and then they evil/ be
Men and women from the 1 Gent to a particular building to have
United Kingdom are always It filled.
plee•antly surprised, when
'lofting, Canada, to find in
Red Rose Orange Pekoe* tea
which the best teas in the
Old Country cannot 'turps'''.
They prefer Red Rose Orange
Pekoe becauec it is a blend
of the finest teas grown -put
up and packed under the
supervision of men trained in
the London. tea markets. r,
Mon1=.g3.,Memsc • C•Ms.11.•1•01.11•01111P
Chudrer, or
4•401.7•14 COUSWO, GtIA, Att0011047,
CHM* t411ite4 varrAtito wane IMAV
WOMIMPItteN 1115•6G11.t.: 140:91110ftLe,
140 E Rtiire tpSeelAR
miles in 4.xtent, the Gulf
renve, fully ten tinwe ti
other (Wean wetera c
leae than 200,000 squa
over four-fifths of the
fishing groends of the :
tie. In addition there at
!Antic enema' 15,000 tu
shore waters controlled
the Dominion. Large a
arena they represent onl
the fishing grounds. of
sides the Pacific waters.
Q.eaWho was General
Jamea It
famous, name in Briti
bistorte When' the 'Pre
came int° force in 1763 a
ernment of Canada w
from a militnry to a ea
oral Murray wan appoi
oieGeneral of Canada.
nineteenth, counting fro
; vein under French rule.
! under an exeeutive or eel
len and proved to hean 12
odminietrator. Murirtee
Rive? precerven his na
! CANADA'S liOlniTe,
te. -What are Cane he
A. --Ievetee pereem whe
: bead of a family and eve
,113 ei2r1tro72 &cal -3 4' are
c British cubiat. irt (21
7 jay (.2.1!.(4.
1Ictio0 01 159 a
•teetened as a boteeeterel
. •
• :a0Naft.Sqfpre
Mtn.- 1
ie a
of Paris !
rated I
tept,. I
VS itl 11 .
' ',.e- e----e-e.-----e e
ilil Sttorc, "I'lione 22.
el %wrath in. this eYeatteand- are
whit+ incinis a btPW cenAon Cm' tler" 0 Pi.
TR. AIN.S.,yERVIE.LEtto.„.1:0dRlyINTli
senpon or' good lake weathee
tees Mr, George. A.• Bonen. General f.ve. Godoriell II 'JO a lg. 2.20 P•etet
tn."'neh' et;.(:.15 1131:11; 23:::::ta7.:"'
()MCP,: tin(1 (1)4.km are now. under. .1 soltroptli nef 1' 12 411 3.12 pax*
tion in get flinin remit, foe only op.
ev111 iti en. TH1)iaet ‘f4m4reolq)leoittirinole.eni-,e-nee • .t St1 atfrn (I 7.30 21= ni. 4..10 taa"
Ilft;S:111:::;17:: :4°.:2:1 141'1: :717:7j°
td end newel tis reemeee, ftv=, ' Guelph 8.45 e , 5.50 p.m,
The Cedar Point -Put -in-line I 'e nett!) nine-tie:am) Toronto
p.m. anil fl03 p.m..
Parlor Cafe car, Goderich tT
Ito, on morning Crain, andt.Torcesto•
te Goderieb .6.0a p. tn. train.
. through coneb Goderich to Torentea
• F. F. LAWRENCE 8: S014
a 110
n 11,
al 111 open' 'about • June lst to
1(7'fft;o Clfivvhind. and Buffalo Traneit
compane /merlon :1 float of 21t"1221402'23Intweee rit.Vko*id. nnil notroo.
N.•Y Ito special aummer
schedule between Cleveland Fettle., ToWn Passenger and Tickets Agermito
41Lia. -
ave You Prepared,
Long Cold Winter
By filling your coal ins with the best Hardt
and Soft Coal and Coke that can be bought.
All our coal is weighed on your own scale (the
market scale)
2nd, Have you had your heating plant looked over,
if not we have competent DIM for that pur-
3rd, If you require any Limber, Lath, Doors and
Door Frames, Window ;Sash with Glass an&
Window Frames, Hardwood Flooring, nadia.
tvrs, Etc., we still -have some left which came,
out of the Ocean House.
40, We carry a heavy stock of both Shelf' and
Heavy Hardware, Plumbing and Steam Fit-
ting and Electric. Wiring Material.. Let us
figure on your Plumbing, Heating, and Elec–
tric Wiring. Satisfaction guaranteed.
TheiIardu are Store at the Harbor
House Thette *It
Air 41
• LI