HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-04-05, Page 8- - - .r_­� - - --,.-. . . 1� - ­**����: - __ ,-�- ­� ..... � ., - - .1 I - � _ - _ � ' PAUL'If', ,'1% . -0 X_—_- � �.- - ­_­__­­ - - ­­ - -,- � I � t" T I fk —i —.­­_`� __ 'OVERICH STAR # - � I �_ I � 71 __ - 7 - ­­­_ �­ - - - TT�ViZ-�, )A C . _ 1, V� AUPHL --�'h, RQ"� I - �� - I - - . 1. �P-___ - ___ �� __ - . ­ - -.-- - , -----, --::-_� - - -----z- - �­ �� ­ �­­__.. . ` - -1 �­ - ­"!T!!�_rr!!n_7" _rtr:_r=, �____ --�--- . -a, - " C -W -400000"Oft . - ��- ­__ I . - - �!�. �____ ,� — ­ . - �, F,,'L'Zo� E)"'I X �!� "O"', (%if',�j ;, ­ !� , 0 ,--- - �, � ­ ,�' _W,� �,__n (_� - . 4.1 ­ 1, �� A fji4 - �, ��­ ­--­--- —­____ -_ _­ ____.__.__.__ ___ . , ­� � - � I � ­�,,-__, U,o T,n�­u�Q, G9 1�,r �af?- . - ��el � 1 -'3 tD 'I " , I ,� 77 __ ;]:� t�,ia "-1 ( '10 Vc 41" " , ­ ' � ' __� . _ . i't �?, _1 I �_ - .. ,___ , " 1'i� I. - ''_i,;, t -kV -The Danuer Age" � t , . �� ��, . I ,I ,,,, --yr,.,j, MY, � 4 I o"a �., " " �C, �.,Cm; (" cco, ia hln dilau,'Ibt ca tor, I . . , __ 1"_1 i, , , ".- 1� ­_ '. 1, k , " I � 44cug,vbl,� v) fcco 1,&,-�:-4 from the rmg- 7 , I " , .. I , , ", I " - , 1 OV40C -0 0 _w _,,,_: U� ;�� , ,,,,,c .--. tLe ;f "I": -, - "I_,��' 1;�� t -', ,11 ( . . I _. - - ,-, "_ - .-f kcv h,2,1 Ovet. Mm ; alwa.v.o, in ` I � �w4-. (-�,, T_w "", 1- * I .?`!'V.- :,-4 , I .� . 4 - I , I .1 0 " fl. �, ) C 'T � � �� 4 ) -�, 2 S , -, . h� For Most t-2` CEIL to, re'aRz-,!0 110r; to =0 Tam- ., I , .�--tr­_ Men I Calxq bzAcd with Pax*2�,, ,,,,,r.,r- f- -,- ') V'�r , , . . j 11=r1kc,ep frcsla faw Mlyco 0-4 , .1 '.), ,, �. j)"'I L'tt�,-17�� _ ", ":'n's, E-,�?r�4(-,-"; %unn..I? ho w�ai 4 f * ­ � ­ , � ____ �. t_- . -e. I'll - I , , , ,'I,- -(�i , (-1117,a�"jj (��j ,'t'C'e, 1,11'j, j�C,zlIg', 0i J�,Z�cr V,r� � fb= dayo rarhF is a vx�-,,)7t-.,rj 1,vry,1 fl,;_,nV th= ab-'arlij - f� 'j hor comin��. zvo. the cepawation h . . 11 , " � � -icag.,� b�'Zlo I �, � 0 i 1"Id eastmj%­�n,�!­C,.! - I � ",(r, 'F�Vzj r -a wbleh Im'.1 V.. 'Ner"ICA o� a*aw�Wons 1,1ro. D O,Mll Or 1003011M 1431 , � . C141A lu"Ido Ini"70 vi,rcer or LtR'U. Tb5ty eaLco,,dch ji_,q� .qnd ' tilt, karc, ifw i�vz-, ra �� rac,4 111��Opoil tr,-� nd � 1 1 1 � . ij ­ a y(m lu-�� .1 ,.hQ!d hina '.','C� '4:t '-Ir-,"I w-3�_-jl, Un� need, ef 110r, tut it h- touthed %I, ja-,C:,-, F,­h� hnno � A b ­nd rlr� ah.;ayv, )%anro TAZ�- - N'OUC06 i4l ,11441c Life � , , . P .W, I � - X�nnmorC4 eyes rvin Vision. Th, V I i 01 lr� � T , Irt"t M `mg or th- 1- __�, .0'e, in nsluao' , " . *e,.110 ago � nt") attra"l;- , 0 ( �MAG a Q 4&21-,� � ,,;(­�- 1r, h�'A 1,C-1�er- - VM3 dio� . With rm - . t110 VillItO 11019 Of hi3 b2nif3hMOnt, li*- I Is . Itit " . ,� , of tlaa,-o V��.,�t '20. linovs, he land learned 6 coo how 11t, Is goo U--- a tt litek a i � fl, -v zv� fl. ._,f�, OUCT tr.-041agrd .;-(-,n4 tha (damor of her '"llyolcal love. I ; "t"I Irii 0". ' ' ' . � . at � "' �G t­�:to OS -OU Fdl,',2 V,10 U(Jt!CL1j UU?la t.orly 0110 ..� I Q . I PURITY FL UIR � th,,� r,,,�%' �, i )]an iot,l in 0,!`r!,t,C351,T0t" SYN111t,pia's n!i Va-.-.icnc ' had failcd bina. 11u., ir ' 5�3, bud,n disillmVied, lie la�,d return : ,( :,-,I . " .Oil TE- A'66 � ,;� O dim .11ad I it, ,AIn&,3vch- `�-,!aaa ia bzw% alzd 40%,741 01voul,a frOU1 t11G 11010caurt og VIntadern, tn thr? I 4% 8.,::J;^0,? k ,vo�;qt.�fop c,w760-o-c.�ip R,�n,*Sy Flovi, &�I�, &,�L,. .-3 � th (lim '(1104 1 � - . _�CMV�Fii�4;1;1 Vi=t IMUZ; CO. T,r�-UJ. T�v_:;:,�,, Aj=-rCA1, onzya, OW00 1141 r1ni-Al III I i X �, f twaeo With �%'K­l ClMnt,v 4t iroque,1'6 L',rd rQfu,-,o of her irnl3-the oobee of her _ I , bio f -r; T�jo,)u P'.1ta:n­ '4r - . — �_ n,f,,_i , r:m < the bul!el U mUrya, 4'03ttpr��.Up- love ­t6 find regret -a veiled ". � — . L, Red R(2ae - Orange- Pekoe 0 ' " A jo�m � shriall I ;whi-b hod s�ei 1141 lice. T�(,jj . -_N?"­"Z1t�'.'sf % - Z ­ - I 1: - - `r':`HQ irrit'lbilltY ,Iiil Ing grom. tile chaiaV� in him; ta� learn, If I � I 1 11 11 11 I I I . " with raueh ,,--p.,InV'17 ,,I miry lbnd., I'Vel. a� Y'Srcc—ohonhi at 0, , I OP Quality - 11 . I to a 90%jtjl, of t boy it, 11 .*OrK 1?1*1' - - I .rOr'n-fod itrz ty IM h y that ahe still clung to bor iaemarie�, I Ir I _�T .,)* .0 � . 0 a ace b-_,A(le fliC, manzing valtie of Dr. . he w I � 4v�- W , 11hu: the wobtGoe ( a mactaive, 'Vro unm,lrrQd face Nyho; 4b ,. il- � ­ ,�,N ' " .1"th'o UI1ATAr-'f',_ had carried nvvay hel, heart into the In dcaia, byighg AluminzZin l 4 � .,t I .1L;1 , . A �,.,� -. �� . � �_ , � leonine head %vahruat to his gace,� IvIIII& ii-av, to many, the truly re- maetGtrom of tile ca � �. _ I , , .1 I . � 11-1 � . ___­� OrM . _,;;�, ,.131 jtzjs w a r. . I � % , ­-, " - -*v , ip.- ,11lac., of URATAP 'Inal . i '", .� -W-W I While from " 1p thr , t Qama 10 .j?:able, ,,, ,Y ra Ur the through tile months to follow. A re - 1 "4" ". �. .11 �'?, 1, - -, I � 11 ,,'I- ' ­cl- ,� 14 Ing so nervouslv in the hilil'-' -7n, I - �i ;A1.1 � L�- .1 proven by many yearG Of Stle. lie pletured July 'whem be sailed into Fort Albany lative,! �Ix �. , �. i noises. . . �. . . V( V I " ". '0 j�j, .1ely, ,r tile ocene, at the 1 1% tiorim � I , "I i - Icing a wet i ceo,ful use. ,is I -1 I Ewporto from, 400tors toria Station. Old comrad S 'follo"v his year on the client west coast,iv, Orderly -No, � r .1 7, _ Vle" in 'his York bout -with his fur paclas, that's the f�lolfca­a 1� f �� , gh it j�j a bucl 113h�t," mild � Ord users -awce OR= convincing c - � it! � r � .1 I �. ,q ovi. officera, there with their ,Godspeed, , . i -il ) � V .. - I tbp in.'In, V scotch gentleman. Ile's VM no 0 gt� �, Ji , _ _T � "fr; fhrlillld I o the railildcace: "I "ever found anythint#, to fhattinnr in a group, up. The mail he found ,waiting his, his 1AII. I .1 4 r _ 11 i Ili tur3ts avain.41f, St ining fly of I as , learby, while he . t\4 ­ ,z , . I .1 built 4 help My �, , 0 until I tried URA. taIlro-I . arrival brought the news that lie vm3 . .If 4 �-,7 -to 'I h o r'j t Ill' t - balry TA with family. � 11 I ,,I,',, 1­.,..!!.:!,�'!!-!-j:!!!!—__ I . i r . , - 7 ­ I ! tho - ,nt. - I t 1 ir t�;? 0 4f IF,) P I d � IRL" "UHATABS" ore the - best A'To tlalnU that I can hear from you i now' brother of Sir CliarleD Gu..,..,, -, _ - __ ., -0� - 11 7' � - , - . I - - - agafn$` Tiling -for Oladder We4knbss and Ir. . I I- " t, vev so seldom -that is what mahos it so I announced the decision of Ethel ,and , 00 leng , D Me IF Z - . th of El Ve, bont body, ryt-Amh 1 have ever tried." "No hard." Btbel'wa3 onyinm -,---- --jX-k!,%. EATS SAUERKRAUT NOW$ . .. r _� . , ,f,or ... av�.A�gu*t ,ivedding on the . . . fA I 1% � - bend nronxiod One 11, ._'�!�_1;4.�,,� . ­;,t�"J':��4_'_ f r, - While the more baelcaches, no mora paln, no With a thruGt of th6­6151,:`�`�L-:-Z'­ " � ,V,�AqWp: 4welt at lt,iigth �!k ;� . I � .. - ";17 I ether rubbed. D al Jo's earsk mor., daily embarrassment or "Got. FEM YEARS YOUNGER : � . F ,�f � . r0melubered that the girl jVQ-6- f,j�,-6` on'ili6 0'66-1n�04tUN 4 st�eh '4nd dis- . . �. � I hitbrip's Maw', we I e , I "I . . � 1,0 I - , we again with TUIFT-UP-T11911ts. I now sleep. ,,, ' posed of his health t the casual sur- ,%oir I- eat even sauerkraut and . I 1� I - , e' ,o,1,jndI bore the unmistakable marics of su'f! I I'll, if � I I . ,I III, honie-eowir t"70 ar` bg'forp, ullu ger, up in the morning u Z foring even" at Parting, $t that it had been fully restored sausage and feel fine. Adlerika end- � . . I The ter sp 4a f011bvv ng his land. -,mp-thanks to had, from nli I .. I / V - URATABSV�_Tjljs babit. Stoat, on his left side. A year by the year in the open, . I . )'Is difeaming ' Is anIA?JUR evidence ! had failed to The last had drawn .* bittor smile ed stomach gas and I feel 10 years I � I - .1 _� , . reconcile her.' The for. _Davis. --__ - � � * , . � _, __ ,.. .. . I ­ -.1- - I ava-lacen. Ja=4 ,check- was 1. -still -u � thing -r --_ -from ... the -==--who �read . - _.rXge%­f6 � . A X . I 11% a cant 011) life and Will- No niatter how long You 11, youug,er.!!­Xrs­X - _ , 111.--_ ! ��, . ­_ I ­ 11 ­ ­.- 11 131 . i0s; Ing- � j - isel large. _ty0VbIW'__b OR stubborn your case eous. I I . i la. the personal affairs of the writers Just ONLE spoonful Adlerika re- . . , - � . , V I of ,is attar 6 I ours With may seent to 00) a ton -day tost of ."It is �tougb. Therp,s only the. and a line for' the� lungs he had lieves gas and that bloated feeling 150 b 1% I., Et el. innerq ; is a nikv, rOun- Dr- SOUthworth's URATABS, offer, Christillas Mail and a slimmer Packet i brought back from the Hun drive for that you can eat and sleep well. Acts . . . I I * ions It old 11 % gain he rode comfort and relief -and you I " " 6L can up the coast from Albany' So, they were on BOTH upber and lower bowel and . & T 7-- I . . in the make tile test -Without risk of e(sat, rep ',%ut thOye's_ aj,�V;iys - the'.waiting,in Xontreal. :were they, for removes. old Waste matter you never I " . " throu c eorl, thousand ,I il , P 110 bad I the Channel ports. , � - I . . - 4 , f� " I 1 i .A ,I . final revie Oji rigado, - ` fOr any good drugl4st �WIII supply Chance of a canoe I or dog-tearn being . his return, to bend him to their p6tt � y I thought - I w � as therd. No matter What . I . 1- --- ­ . .­_ . I � , ��, . lied, I . �r ?. I I huekle(at. thii memory of V � , I _" �� 11 lkql� � . - I Tie e � ou on guarantee of money., back jr sent t1wough between, times, .you have tried for your stom ; I . P FT., 11 11 I I So ways-sbape him. into a business ina- ach and � , t -am 3 ­ Shot, marchineith battalion head- not sati Try URATALIS todayl write regularly ;and I'll get them In chine, like Charlie -when he' ]lad bowels, Adlerika will surprise Y011- .. .. I e, I N" - t � I I quarters Ill fuf0d Rit and wearing - afied. . . breathed the stinging air off tile ice- . , I 11 ',�4. . . I ,/ ` I time. In France I'd often get five or CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. , �� . 11;111 I I I a blanket withi Nvouild stripe. . big man at the hospital t,alked ' �__ six at once -and read them in their fields of the bay; seen the caribou -;� . . I . � . . . * :1 lihe*a order.., _. - . .--- ­­­ -..--. _­ I - . I . - .- . . ... , . ... � , . - '' I \, At the timef his discharge the father to 1110 this morning Wfore I ,drift,across ,nameless lakes atAawn, ____­ 1-1. __ - . I - 1. - f surgeons had 4cen their heads over left. , � , .i . I I %�.v %,, `4, . jF11_1 . "ITO not out of He said," deliberately eontin- "Oh, you -'mustn't expect the let- camped under a canopy .of star S . %i . I 1, I * , - i , I . I ,his lungs. the uod Garth, "that, it was 4 year in the ter$ I Used to Write, Garth," she had While the aurora. blazoiled the north,, HAIi PAIRS IN BACK , "A , . � . . - v� A -, N- I I Woods yet," lbad been told, open air for me, or . . . well, he swiftly replied. .. � wakened to the WCUCOUS ,eho'ells of � I I % '_ I . 11 J.�, 4 V I � . long rest In t,open air, or you'll "No," be said grimly, icl,�o learned the,,Canndas vnd wntched the "War- . . . I % 14'z I . wouldn't give illuch for ray chauces.o, - I . . .... , , , � � I 'Oh, Garth!" :Slowly the blaLnd . ,,you.. aut- �. I j . ' have troliblo -iv that -chest." But a , not to expect that," . ico" rallv thi-ir legions in the 009LD HARDLY WORK *I - 'I, . ... .. . desk in tho of at Charles Guthrie . ,. . .. �:­ � � . . . I ­ A . _. I . .. I .1 � ,,, � I .. . , : I head of the -girl drooped. to, his -sboul. know whv.l - - unift? How -�blii'rred, after this. .the � ,1;1 .... I 11 I waited hint anke bad kept his own "Yes, 1, think I knajv why,- . I . .... ----q . I dery as the pained eyes Of Clara met stoodj avoid, g . They orce i)oignant memory of Ethel 10al- Afr& Mchard Lay, Dreekenridg�, . 11 I , I , , , . . -1 , � __* , . I . . _1. I - I I f collr4el. , er Ing . n each other's e in conev was growirg! How petty � . I I , _il' � . . "You've-loslVe Years, old man. ,, h, �bandls shocked 166k. . . Yes, Que., writes: -111 used to have such .' .1 I I I . � .. I I their unvoiced mispry. , , P"med the obsession of Charltm pitlilm in my Wirk I could hardiv do my I �, . . 01 . I 4,N:� I "'My Podr'boyl Y04 ----!YOU meanhe The train Was about to start. A Outhri� for money and power to the � . � I tl;� �- ­ I . ��% , atei ,,�othiar had deprecat. , . � 11 . I .­ , his nu., -lalist, . .. W11 .. .. . . .. '4�> .. /.Itc .%% r I � � I . . .. . actuaIIY drdered you ,way -for work., The imrst was,my washfug wheil - I - . I ir, ed I . I . a wavp to his friends; a- grip of the man who had,found in the -peace of I bail to Wild over the tub, I � , - V'j,"il I I ,� . �s . . / X � . . . . . ­' 0. � . . r� . . "Yeu'r,� twe-SIX olad have a lot Ycar.?" stamiliered the incrodulous. hand for Charles-, a huir for -1. . I I I . � . I . .1 � I . . � � . , 4 ... t - . � I to learn." Charles, , the the West coltst an olliate , -for his I tried % grent many remedies, but. . I . '. I I GarthIR aim shienberded the quiver. � teary Clara: and he turned to the dolibt and disillusion ! . . th" , . I I . I cy dit'40t seem 'to do ifie mueli good, ' , � , I . - . 11 i - _. I I Hot blood I darIcieted Garth's shoulders of the girl,. as be ary-eved girl,. "Good-bye idear. A , With no attempt at defense of his I � �.. .. � 0.11!h . , . . .11 ., I . 1fdop. " D�t ve years ? Where I's,, 4011- voar is not so JoTtg�,, He 1001j: hor in - -rioild of mine hail tivil Doan's I . I . I I 014",�% �Vll I aed to his brother over. her - . (Continued on page 7) ' 44A f - � . . . 1, � % ...7". 1�� ,t� *,04 170Ur monev be 'I. . golden . , . � C ", - � ,,�� To I ... ., . YOU a if in, boad. 0 .� � Ms Arms and kissed her. But the . I I I I � I " , � liorp. . . . I . . Kidney Pills %nil told me how muek� . 7' _� /// - '. . 1 Sace he touched was cold. Her a ' S . I . I good ihey iia(i done. lip, � . � .1 I . ,�� .m .1 � of W 11.11 lost five years?" " yo rin An Oil that is Fanious.-Though r I only used . � I . I I . 60% r'p hung stiff at her Nldb. ('Goo(j_)� ., * . ( - - 4,c�� , Garth," protested Clara. * 'u',& - ' - : I , __ ­ . . lie lilllrtC4� . , But u look so fit -so 1. 1� . : I ... �M_ . � 91 . . . -'jYou',(,.'e Y, Canada was not the birthplace (if Dr. theni. a .4hort dino ,wd i.trud a great � �i4 1. ­ I I- -d I 1, � I , . . . I . - . "O'll, voli '�,Ivv I apprs,clats- all FthAl,�' be repeated. Vin sorrv.11 ,change, 1,1 � I I . . 11� "..;a . I thrit, old clip". Soothed ihq-, Smug 'ecoveraii All - your weight. . ­ I . 1. . .,.- , I . . . .. ... . 191' __ ,� . % � I I I . do� t "(1 Jbye. Garth," - she faltered, Thomas' Relectric Oil, it is the home , j ' � I � 4 I.! . I . . . . - I . . Tood Do='.q Kidnev Pills -do not act . I , . . % . . . I . I ., . I . I Cligi-les. 14MMineceRsary far me un 4 derstand.1-1 . I "Thiq, I Suppose is the efid­40vc 10 pound. Frwji on'. , " . I I . . � . - I . � I � . I , 11 to reoe,it II00roud I am ,of Your .'And thP Weddino?"-Ethel's.ques- you.)$ . � � I . .. .st 1here its good name.was .Spread to the bowels -azd if a laxative is zeedo4 .� . . . 1- ad to . . �Ientraj and South America, the We we would reeommend the use ot� � ... . . tint, eyes lifte ,nis. - . � . . -ecord. but yn�know nothing about -up Indies, Australia and New Zealand. '15c. a I I . .. I .1 I I St . � I , . I . � . . ;­ � . .. . . " ,"Poor dearl. I wouldn't have the Down the Missinsibi to Moose,. . Milburn's Laxi%.-Live� Pills, L vial . . . , I . � � � I � 1. . � . a" ' . �, . I I the businjsg vvett and I want to � heart to take vou iii) there the coast to Fort Albany, the .man That is for afield enough to attest.lis at all dealers.. . . . ( . . I . . . . . ,, . . . . Eve you i'd a riltion to inarrv.11 I It Would who had gone into the north to find exceller,ce, for in pill th . Pried 59e, a box at I _i,-,� �' %--o I L . I I be unthinkable.". He - grilvely Shook ese countri � . . -ue, r nd acknowledged bo!� his h - . � . 11 I I Ti ,r'nr0i, . eo � I . . . 'n�nf'tho -Guthrie Stool ­ ead. . ­ blein in separation, was tompanidned - I I - . . .1 . I . Icnew notfil . ' . I all doaleTs, or maile(I I . I � � * I ' "Up V . � . I . . . . , I *rly,,, wj�4- crotited -ard de . hieto?" She turned on him b - e -O - ,&"-- . . . . . . . health and the solution of his pro- it is on Sale and in 4er I . . hand. . . I - . - I . I , I . . . . Oon I - i. Oonip, Vol- . , y ,doubt paid self-censu�e It, had Nur�' n-w1lom are they pperat , U00- direet on. receipt of , , . . e .. � I med by �Jjd,hiergy and'obilivy pf -tear Ili her eyes. "You can -live 'b,eW unfair -brutal -this 'wrienching �ing today? L I I I I , I I � � . � I I . � I . . I .. : . I I . I I I Chnr1ejj,,qutV.P,. bad. through *WAr out of ,doors here?" - -� . himself from the sure appeal.'of box Orderly -A follow who hhd a golf I . I price by The T. 2M- ' . �� ,i I . I ,� . � .. , .. . . I eontriact;i,� xiJ4 Ids. brother, o milm- "I can't loa.f hore-1 must (.]a sorne- .personal charm. But In fairness to ball knocli;ed. down his throat at the I I . .1 . � ­ . , . . . . I � ,I, George� ars . . lionaire.., Aiii1hen there wds,19thol, t"hing'. . And a, friend has ofrered'me the future, it was Imperative. - A link . . . I � bum, co, IAMRA -.�-- . , . b. 'M h, . I the -ce 6f air� S. 4 , . I ­ . � . . . . . 1 4. . . . I . � . . I . . I I � . . 11, � i . . . . I I . I . . . . � . . waiting, � Siii �stiead of the summer c1lil -and work, too. yeir would clarify'llia vision -prove Xurse­-m-And wh��s the mail wait- I . .. . � Toronto, Oat. � . . .. . . � . . . I I I . .. . . 1. .1 in the open , I ji�,an which the doctors U17 on, James 'Bay.. liver- been. offer- her .hold .Over him unbearable �or - - :. ,­ - � �..­­ -_ . I . . I . .� I , , � . OTHER of George Alarsh's splendid talos of tbe' ed a �ob With the Rudson's. Bay Coin- . I . � . . I . .", — '—_ , , ,� � --- . - ... . I ­ . . I had insisted�l, had gone t6 work. pany.tf .,. ,. . I make hint a free man, i-rowdver, ! . , , - ­ 1. � . . . . - . . . I � .� . . 1 I .w Affildson., Bay, counqy—ivhere_ a . batfiful of " The firig6 . m? the.man lying in'the . .notwithstandingthe bitterness Of ber. - 11111111�1 ill 11111, 1,1111�p%' !!!!!!!!.!!!;;� I : - .". 11� '. . I .. � I- . . I .1. I . . I . , � I 11 . -_ ...- . - I— .1.. -_-1 AN ' Hod (36thtie's ailbburibod, destina- farowdl.the first mail to rea0i him ­ I ., I I � I . . o* , � tent 'alint �2 nilsively. on the thick I I � �. .. .. . I I . . . � . ... w1lit, men uard thopsands of -beaches. R1V`a1__ mine of h bc as he remembered tion been -China, the shodk could nor ir, the fur trade had brougbt letters :I 11111111 II - I I I . � . �. . . .. . . I .. .. I .1 . u bate r Ne fur'tiade. Inhospitable nature " � the . pain - thrust through him have bpen more profound .to his hear- Patently Dot those � of renunciation. 11 . . . I . I I 11 I . I .1 . I . ...- 41 The plunip hice 'of his brother . . . , . . .. . . . . .. ' I er% . I 11 .11. I I . . . . . . I . . I, I I . .1 � I whenhe hi k4t realized that Ethel -Od the contrary they� dwelt in detail . . . . . . I erects its barriers., Indian superstitions, 'are int&-� I . ce6ed fift a scowl .. . . ­ . dark of franIc disap� I . V. 4 . I .. I ' - never volu 44V Walked or sat an . ,on plans for. his future homecoming I I � . . 1. .. . . -1 . . I .� . . I proval.: Clara sat 6pen-niouthed, in -v and the wedd 0- ff g ­ I 1. . . . I ...... .. ... ... I � woven with .the keneral mystery of thelrozen countrj�. - . his right s e. ,Cowin.- from P. world . I Ing-. were gay with gas-. .1 . . . . � I � .. . . I %ere the blind and I , I . e . .. .. 1.)��'I,y 01 eY05, as if in doubt of his mean. rumor of a killphthood.for servicei e .. I . I I . . � � . . . * the inakin r�r* camvion,04�es, he , to I � ... I : I I I I , finportant parts as. the human rtielpints. . . had almn fcrFotten, the 'Shack. the Ing -then, thin in hands, stared dully the gov,rnment durinjr the war with. I I . . .. - ... - : .­ , . . I . . . pa, I . Real, i at, the tnblecloth, I I I . . I . . . . . . � . I � . on III eleek bad given b6r th, which the na'mo of Cbsvlet Guthrie I . � . I . . . . _V�' , I . . . . credulous, jr3thial rr6bed Garth,. . � I . of *broke. � 5 lci�- sip; related with frank pride 'the . . A romance of th' sn6Ws in which dogs play. a1most ,as '� br'kP . . e 1. 1. I I I I �CIHAPTM 1. ,. . ,. pltal,tLicut. Garth Gatlaile had ro- day of hi ... oriiecoming. Voisleas4nt 'You bmind yourselVI shesaid-at ,was ,being ocouplod. at times, t,, his � . � � , . ' . it * . � % I I , 're *Mnister claud banks ceived a double'. surprise - a decora, though It I­netth, in a -voice empty of .3motion. surprise. approached. the warmth of I . I � .. I . . It I * I � . ,Nt whe . Iffon for' gallnuiry an,0. sixty days, ight be, thisivid gash,"to "You planned all this- . . I . I % . I I .. . . fused with gray waters the sullen leave while his watin sid 1;ft Job upon dt Wa4 nevertheless tilt, for a yea to , qrii - 'away ,the old days. . . I .. . . . I . . . . . . .. I ,� I . , . I I ... .1 . � . ; home I 11 � iq service, the rideasurd of r -without eousult"lig lnp�-- 1. . . 1. ­ buy . monmd fitfully. Along � shom, I arm recovered rib I. doult seem to- count then."' Rising In the autilnin Garth had been sent - . I . I VA . . , .. . .. I ,. plover, sandpiper lind yellow -legs, its Arengib. This I jils,mi-inhopil. Yet U the girl who. north with Etienne Savanne, .n, vet, - . I . � 0 � 1, I .... I � � .. I I o .x4dwit and curlew fed behind the ro- I last - W413 patently the work of his loved hill,, t seerped il Mn'g,of Aver- stiffly, she had left. the voom, follow- eran servant of thg com-oank, to win'. - I . � � . . I . I . . , I [ Older * brother, ChArlegi Whose � Mori ed by the sympathetic Clara, I. � . I 9 . 11 . , I treating tide. while restles P�!Iv. ' Following the, 4is- , ter at the fur -Vast at the r4outh, of I , _1*111!h . . . �� . - I . ,ill , patrolled I Yes, It _;P_ -60- I I . . pint. . . "an . . ,D'-- plarshes and .e Vea, ,he cicatrix �with Ili$ 11, ro, by V w4a 811;Obto � .. . . - . I I night and, day �on government shell lealiv, ov �iefl f ' - mfeAllnjr� admifted'the mail ly! in Alban en the Christmas 4 be I ' � . . I Z_6�?W. I I , tet'l arid a flock' 't of i treal m6chine Shops were running covory, hql,had� an meeting he): I �'it had been brutally abrupt- the Elkwan, Wh a . between the 10 Q waft fro I qu . . . I � � . I � Ifiland� where mice -bunting haWk- contracts, for hoine leave *wai rare hard. Or turned his head, but the '11'� al-eping dog, 4s the Storm' drove d oxi the - I I . I I � I white river trail. the mingled feel. ' 0 0 * - , *;p . . arAQhg the Canadians. I plist. the tent in the idders. gut the ings .with Which Guthrie 0511 I . - ,awla wheeled ,end dipped low over tile � . red shame and the passlounte tears W,M-4-, - � .1. . � . � . . I . n1ternatfirp would. have ,been PildlesR I I watched the . �'. I . . I � 0 0 � I gii%sa Rats, blach duch, roki from a Thon lie had met Ethel. . ' of protest. which It invariably Indue- approach of! the dog -team brnging' . , ' . . I . letters of protegf. reproach, so he. had :W�,� from home-froin her -,were . . ., . . I iet " - " .. P061 as I .4 It avil , burdened. i1gure With a boy of twenty-four, who, ed. checko.d him. . r . Vill � . . .., . . . I .. . I . -A. 1+. 't.. A I.. &-....A . ,)A two years befok .. , -F -�Valeon,-r--waS__11*t_ - not writtPil. ThrKoAgh__Aha_-_s1_---_6- -the-wim9e ' .. :_ ­ __ - I . � . . � . . � .. . ­._­ _­ ...1, .. -ba 14 mel - . "ant Ono ..- . . ­ . I - _tgnt _,__,_O�� zn men lie - - � - __ -1 ­puffie-&-­s`eTf--aRaTys % I � . . I . '. , I � b . , .of n eollege senlollit a dic wiiiter, with their I I . *. . .. I wn an vilder-grown tongue- of higher 'ea Ills � a the . 0 fiber of luativ of the women Ile liness -and. introspoOtio,ri. _410 ]lad' �_ 4 . . _ - , . . , � . I . . . � I .. I I � . . . . - ambles ' 1 _M____-17_.�_ � -1 �! —_ . � . . I I . land thrusting seaward into the sb, of Plunders, the liour4 know, who patently ,cherished ther � lo"rried. tn d ubt both hfuisodf and ** - .. - . ..�. - = ..­_ . _e. ___ e w . . � I marsh. As the nian nea0d the. So young Lieutenant Ethrie, izeirs of their- flion-glovified, Sown- � t,;tbol. I 0 . I E s t a b I i s' At i n�g. � A , , N �ie o . , , . Mph ih the intervals be. . mri & - I , . ,dog harked, Then tilt, wounded and decorated for bravery Ing1j. In theso proofs of their saeri'-': . I I � . . S t . a n d a T,d Un, A u t om.0 b i I e's of I I I , I I I I I I .. . I .,�� and bVother of'the maker of munl� fico. fox +Ctinada,itud the empire, bad . 1, � . . I . worn 4 oftened 1, I -_ fxve�-n lier Visits with Clara -Char- ' . lb . I 1. I . . __ ". . ­_ � 10 w,higi rough tind sharp, �, lois--had been too busy -.1i appeal.-Ille"to . . ­ I I ; ... . . � I . . � � 1. I . � � . . � . I ­ - . - . � �, I .. ne� a " of - recognitionAtions and member '' a - vornment fares-d'itsolf upon the conseionsilass than ouico­�Garth had 44vertttely '' - , '. ". * -, I � , . of " ­ , * ", . . � . 'is, 4 + , . . . : � I . . I . . . : . . . Plunging at ,I, yLl"s a hufre alredille I boar( had� Ili tliwfia t6rise, dramatic of Guthrie AvIth a bitterness with .1 . I . I . & 0 - - " , � . I . a stalce" . , . I . . I --:�­ wriggled. all eestat.1, welcollic, to .'his! spent with the lovely Ethel Falcoiner which his philosophy vainly contend- ---7--=---tT:� !==7� .� .. . . . 1. 11 � . � .. 1. . � . � � . � . � . � � I.+ . . - ggoose­laden. mnster_ . - . . . I could- march to but one -fulfillment. Pd, Visheiiiebt as ,were her protests, , . . 19 . I I C "A , .. hl I . I I � . . . � � � . I . I A inanibiar At +the nursing car #, .. I I I I !Veslik . .. ce. . I ' I . I Iluello, 'ihots 'o' -in ,ps ,or- link deniftl�,. �vjjeti. in a moment 'of' -- I . . 11 I I . 9.. '. , � �� . I , I i id boylil With , P,aDized-by ClAr; I . . I I - . � , , , .. � .., . . . . . I ? . - . � Guthrie, Garth's ef- doloreAsi011 und disilly,40n, lie, bA , I % . 0 . I . .. . . . , , . .. . - a relief, . . . . _.. 6 . . i -In . .. I . . . . rilan ficient sister-in-law', the girl liad caP- Ruggested tbqt to -hold her to a proin- �.. .. exclatAntiou. . the . _l,. d * . . ... t stretched his, arms, for his load had , . ­ . I I I been lies, ,, Ile Wwq ranny Anil well days, found to III& dellght that the -made in 1416 to a man whoao race . � . . . . . .i I . - I' . ISO . I I . . . .. . in. bwer--- . Made. g , OV r Was rVesentahle nnd b4dv Sound. was I . . . . . - . . . Is 1, - often. Touq - . I . � fe 'an, Strongly motlel,cd course of true I e , sur� ' . . . . . . I . . .� . I I I . .. atures bj,oj,V , b3t Wind and. sun. prisinglY sillootli. In a niamick for- grossly unfai�-. now that - bo bad To- I � . . I . I 1. @ , I I. % . .Ld . eign�. to i6avlier generations, Ethel ture(I his, hiiiimnation at thAir flis-st � 1. . I . � . . . . . . . . 00/�� . From,#e corner Of thelight, OYO a, . I . . . I . . ze%r ckowed the cheelt bone, to � .the Falconer ]lad met the impetu ty f lneetinfr. Yoiith, war, and Urs. ( . � I I � I � ec'N&O I . � - lot . I ,+ I � 1, . . I re- ' ,+ I � � . 'de doors . . . � .� I . . I I tb0 ardent *'Oung'soldler With Guthr*o -,tail aoro tho -4ost. .. � . I . -. 'L Ii I lears I I. . ' � �. . MCEM nes - - . iva I I - . . I 1 I . Spouse eildally -frar . YS I I . I . I . . . placing � his Rut in the tent, Cho Ills 10. L The da f turned to hej- 00 flotsam of Wai. I .. ... � * DU JkA N T . . I . avewiere too crue Y Short to I Gicleat vistion',rindshield - . , richly coin. , . � -�-,000ia-llunter freed the jilunglli,�t dog. 11 seavvotl..,; P11,61pod. be, - flover'1101'sm, '' V . I I . � . . I ,w4sted. In a 'week she was we, , - '"$� 'r 11 . I .. . 0 fort ' 41iltinterior . . A, two-tone upholstery . . . . . . I ­ � . I . 'Throug)tout. the long hours. of the big TIng. I . arillg� know tbit U�jjej, too.,ww. hov, . b( .. � .1 . . I . . I .. . ,do a Orisoner at his stake, nose tar� � . . ad hAt burs. Ilut notwlthstAnd- I . � . 4 . 'but a few of its body'teatures . . 4 C. , I . I � . I . . . . . . I I I � tared bV the Scent, eyes hungry with � � , . . - � X!9 � . 1� I big montiont of doubt, his gray I � . I . �� . 0 1 . *, I . I ,tbe Sight of plissing,diaek and geese, I S:, I mo S, 4u�.ix rauelt to ,libysical Coll- I . I High compression Red Seal Cotitinental . , . ., 1. . . , Ll� � , ,the atiredl& ',went Tou'd at,his. release. :11 . I ditio lit vr�xpainess, Garth Guthrie . . . Motor (c4pablt of voy high speed) � . . . . I I I . . . . . � I While tilt, animal ,worked off Ills . � had v dlatfl? clung to. the dreams of -1 . ivettiod chassis frame . .. . bendix 4.- . . � 4� 11 C4, -N. V V cold ra - � .. - I . I . � . pent energy in thrashing through the. �� %. - , the fa tirl'be had takOn back over. . I I I I I , nl&rs and. long grass 4*n �(It " sORR 'Att!m after tho koldofi 161,t- I . .1 wheelbrakes . . , tht"mft.hanical(tatum - . . the vicinity _1( e, 't .,. , 4;0� . .00 , , I I _. ,. I . � . -of the eamp, Ids juaster started a fire 'X k ­.. I niptilti; lis, " . . . from a Multitude. . . . , ras'sersgej c4ws 1 . . 1�_�. . 'ThQ4, OtHr six months In the office I . . romps aNj,S#'X#X . I I qnd Put an a kottle of RoOse to boll- I ( %,-!., . , , . . . , . , I I . . I REDRO$E, � I I � � , . ldra with your local 14-w $725 #,, $21.9s -1 . . Alien went in eearelt of 'It ei6dar: W-1 1 and fswd� of charlom cruthrie. tho " I . D63M thei burant 116511 1 . . I . 1;3r a - septembor norther on tile west -� � '0. f lungs of tj�. returntiq soldier had do- 0 . it - . . . coo. I . 1, . . . . . . . Dutantdtailet . . . &Ivei 1.016. L#,rA*40-,o.#. . � I . teoist of James bay may blow for . .- . I I . , , velopod a, torAitimi which medical I I . 1k 1. . I . it . . . I . � I ,&Ys, and cedar kindlitiga kept dry in � ­ 11 . authorife3diornoted 84 alarmine.,A . . I Pare I ...'. - withwt abliptiotil . . . rosto Ext"'t . . � . . I I . . � 0 certain saritovium in the foothilla of � . I . . motto &Y . . . � 11; - � .-.I--,--.-- I ii-wi-IN11 07 -Imperative- 0 . - . �� --.I- , I 1: - AW R WIR-11'-f6fi-N—ive cut, . roroxt* . Coo*4 I � U t0At arO useful. -.-..,- 1 V 0 . 111­1__­�__ - , _.:7-1 1 -ft,-Vit ever notiq_d.,_11___.__ -CIM4 "'Im , -1 _______.___.�_­_ ayshes iviDre pur I -t� �.��t' .. � *;;­VAN1*. *1 ­ . all tour to I , - � I �. �. Or. ag , ple with duek. Then ovor-tho bay an i I I I order. got to weddiric in the spring, ised or bur�ed yourself I - . 'for *Mh and arA Guthrie . I I 11 . tobroken roar as of a thousand gunmi , I I ., tw . 1. . I - . . - bad xo. r,-.,, culoUaly planned, ,.va,j In- _'s knockillig the 0�] , counled AvIth rusts liolit si-nal. , - PC, -ell bru . . I I , , you nre alway I . 0 ,;!4 the turn Of tile tide, and the bar. . I I 4. .,��', I 0 - , 4Of Ivind and rain opened. Aloag I 101do benelics thoudered the surf. I � I .�, I � , � I f � A mile bael. in the toe -Mag alders, in -- -' ' I I "A 11 � ..., , 1% low. tent anchored and propned % I 0-. __. � �axalngt tile pounling of tho lyin(L a . - - , . tawt lay w- ith Ids doc. I . . I I ,�,,'__ " . . As Garth Guthrie, listened to the � Is vlamor of t1lo wind. tile far drual- . 4- . Itcat of tilt advancing tide. the drivo I ,A Cho rain like maebille-Rull bursts 11 I , . . oft his tent, his thoustlits followedl- , , , . � - niglit on the gra,y coast oT tile bay. - , �1% 'how shadowy it sepnicd­�thatl * I ,Mr w1deh had (at%.Iht hial u!), a b f oy #*��~ -fteth frc)-m collego. awl. ilroprpJ Idan NightMIMM4 of Orime, and Slaughttv 3 UINA. c�2aTrpd oZ body-4i0lusion. TUIn Q,3610 the parting, and Ole f -d. Evon Ipthel cf�inmcd alladoxv,F- III- two clhastly z7L,ar-.­nig`htp_jFArea , a, OLhallill hor lant lo�ter twaogbt un tLo V,Tlrew and slaughter, f!,3UJ.hAX-rakv;jj,q vantt bl,' tllauc� F,-xlct Mini Fovt At- months of ajtL,t-�j t ,Is a 0 .k�,M *wl de- bAny lvwdly tt�o �,VCO�s tefcro' Ln(l c.p3iv,. filllowetl by�%Ctevvl ro the %Acl Mimi %Ph rom(rcc­rer�wot. 01. man lying in the'tent alkak;n bp the lin "'t., f0t, `�,�i�,l dr-,�bion to %vintoo agmil't 'iturva vetur-licil tilt',, f1co of Ethel I 11q' - � � I"Al' ,0, Whmu- lik, -- kad 0;41 Ni %vitet,i. ,p -,j Jjjq, return ivoull . ro (0'4 .�6 Mmightl at nvvvcca,�, 1,0 eh,�L­d at the tail of Mo hemc, .I 2 being WVI-JAcd to its pier. , 411t, had bLwn a I)T,)tld and happy . birnQomkig fk)r A103. j;ATtjj (,ju,* , ,hrle, f, V. & 0" Cut th(� thret, vvouod Ari i� on fll(� sleevc. k�? his tunic we�r(� rZt, it cnq)ty SY1030,1. Thtre, vertisi.IfA tt,� k, tNY inan in tb(, t".t oe 01par (Ant , 11!f mory ef tht�, ?%v-ment iohe" M-4 1, I ,st�lwning Lnt�:�i hft'l telep-ed bfr. an'l W 0 . dolln1twly jostponed. I � soro place against sometijing? Witt k5l dog, trained " a lmopy , . ehlrldt�iline# in 1918. Guthrie, left No inatter what your task-, MOAtt,al to make the flight lor lost red by even yo" 1re halul'in the Most triVial 0 i0juries. It holds bealtk-�"cl happiness. And A*for(i the wz`left the Quel*C Ifills and - btek your wotk-it hurts you to doauytbinX. t1tO Ittoa dripued in Uril tUmve, 110 'WMt I I fiedt. 11 on the road "to tho I However, the real danger lies In the Sh% 11'Zin in the Laurentians had heawt,", Wnit losions put, back Minute germs of dhesse which swarm into any break of the skill ond set up .qllj the briiWeight lie had lost, but it , POISO"Ous iliftetion unless Zim-Ruk 1, ApPlied. Zam-Ruk itumedlately WAs t�,14. Qt the t strict p6tolt, t 0410C:tbrie of old. burned tO A soothes awty pain and protects sgainst dangerous terms, , it ctli always t* det* Zby the sunglare front A10 mWeI111.18t. ,one W*lk('.d in Oil depeade4-upon to beat quickly sod clesilly,with fine new $kin. a .day Et - h.1ww't" his SuAter-in-law. That I ,Zllinner. thlough tile caur,-VI Spring-cletning time more Joulwew*r! you cannot afford to be Of 'Wk�jhe j)rAetfeal V,harlps dwolt sit �3 on his plans for hig bV Without this woudetfal &m.11lik. trl:�t­�,,tjc,,hip ill a ,-tj�e0etila'l brw�V mikv businocs. tho tho P'rc Also in cases lot ecterns. pimplr% "or'"'$' 'r"Petigo' ""gwotru' P'les- S , lt�-,X of G'Afth lit with fVAUT, - Jeers boils, abscems. poitoned- ­ " woui;A% ete,.,, Zarn�Buk is ;tuost "=,��vt�tbe bint of 0, 811190 vr- I -, 1100,41 t1w, conlprs of hia swthing., und ,eflicktions. . I , " , I �A lerlp"111 the older bi7tio'hor I . , '� -- L' - -- y6w 4" * 1AM * V 1wor %~ ka1W X$ or 14M � , Amunuded: f! . I ' , litl Z064kk 6M, To M 00 4%ft AN 0*AT4A%ft* 21118aft"OL I I ,; ,4prALjj t (. � b �,L t, . �tj,ij,,� IUO ,1010� , -�, G&OV" I . 1(tAr Chr'VW." the Innu ,,n # . 7joinr#L "I momit cer-tainly aln ill I ,ratofal f4 this; interest I I 11 � -,r-- lhe!,?, 06r -A tit !�ours, but ,It , , 'tit, off telling yon iteimc,llta��P.q� . _11 01-11" --I - . L, �,wiffl, atotidmoc tInA atffl-117.11� "th - ­T�# , -1.1—wshecon't-11%lif"L 11�0 �4 PF vm"V/ , I -.11111111111W I Tho 0"a"I "'Ar. &X,CWji,,&,. ,%ft"Aboo, 11aA1k,.1*1W ws"O, tow n. &0A M .Ull " M", C '. UW4 t.�Wsi D.Of ;w 34", 42"', . WAU . w = � I 496 I . 1, . . I . . . ,,, L 11 I 1, I � I 1, L I . . . . . , I , A110y Trwkf, re'W 8*d &V C.4k,lio".. C"ky ,I t&f I , M N,imp-0.1-06 1-4-11 - - _ - 1____ I � _ , , - I 000ftod % jo." L . 'TER GRAFo Dealer A—Amr GODERICH ONTARIO , or , . I 4 , .- i 1. �-M �, .=, 1 4ff ', � I , -,4, 1 11$�