HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-04-05, Page 7Til:talSP•XY, .?i4rRII. [3th, 1L' THE GODERICN ST Raw Cod Liver Oil for Chickens and Stock LET IJS QUOTE YOU OUR PRICES CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Code: iclt - Seini-Centennial oftCi, Rhone 90 fiiWu.il.Y Pleedit Merchandise for Easter Week Mr, John 'Elliott,. Ti. A., of London, Gives Reminiscent . ..Address at G. C. I, Last Friday —'...._--DONALD (NOW REV. DR.) MaCGILLIVRAY FIRST PRESIDENT "Godericb High SchoolLiterary and Scientific Society' geld Its First Regular Meeting March 8th, 1878 On Friday evening last. the semi- tube teacher in the Collegiate. its Lon- centennial of the Goderieh Collegiate don, and maintains a keen interest Institute- Literary -Society- _was lit. _ in the work of the -young people, acid tingly -marked by a nodal program his address was marked by quite a for the regular meeting of that So- bit of good advice as well as being e}ety, Theassembly room was beau- reminiscent Mr. Elliott said "Thea tifully decorated •fnr •the_ _octalutLin, preliminary meetings of the Literary• • the school colors, white and blue. ::Society were 'presided over by Mr. The enogram--opened with- an. lid- Strang. -.The -first regular meeting dress by . the president of the Socie- was held 'on March 8th, 1978, with ty, Miss Delight Muteh, who spoke the president-elect, Donald McGilii- of the nitivities of the Society wild vray, now 'Rev. Dr. McGillivray`. of . who extended a welcome to the and- Shanghai, China, in. the chair, John - fence. She then called on Mayor C. Robertson was the first secretary. MaoEwan to act as chairman for the , At the next meeting; just fifty years evening, • - ' ago. my letter of congratulation tent Mr. MaeEwan is'himself a former in from Belfast where I was teach-• student of the school and the pro- ing, was read to the society, gram was in the band of ex-stndente. "In the fall of 1881 on niy retun1 Mr, 11Tacfavan filled the clothes , of to thee• school I became • president, chairman in pleasing. manner. In holding the office for two terms, my hisopening remarks he referred la last ' meeting being exactly 46 years • congratulatory terms to the 'inner . ago, Alex. Sheppard and Stanley won recently by the president. Mise Hays Were secretaries during my 1futch. in the oratorical field. • and . terms. The original of the program • then introdueea a program which was' for• that last meetinc I have now, full of interest. that by Carrie Williams as secrs- The first was a tableau sang• 'dist • tart of: corn. After congratulationa Naomi McDermi 1 and • Mr. laud ion the very successful term just elos- Sturdy, in ctldefnshieflea eastumesa ,ng there followed reeitations by treated before the fire-vlai ^e, sang,, Filed Blair, Tohn. • Elliott and Tames • "Love's OIr Sw eel; Song." :the s.elee- : Weir, songs by Tom Henderson and tion in its -setting being a very pleas- I Harry Horton, an essay by George in'* nhigthee. •• - !Weir and the -ever popular question ' Dr. ae B. IYhitel'v gavea reniini-1,1,1' Drawer by Dr- .Stran'•.'-',---•--• - -- - •eert: ^ 1 ddrees• felling. of tho. early - Among theses his ctrl associates slava of ;tt•n Pociety si'4 of illy; (eine; in the school whom he. had. been able election nth *r''^ c(•}."''n1• r^f " `'"lit i» i to reach and whey joined him in . ,. some .of the, debates in. which he, teelt �. greetings-ta the :Soe}ety. were E. S. part.. „i Iia>;arth, B, A., of the Central .4 snnsr'hy Mice 11Ta ^caret 11,;110.n.,1 t r anal late Celle - Hamilton. Dr. Geo.. S. Weir, of "The: Swenteet Stem?. `Ftp' Teat" in I J;ondon; John .A Taylor, B. A., school •n en or 'i nvm- • P• was t th 1 stm• o u ) .inspector, St.: Thames; -Rev. Dr. bei recd a'+. „nenretevste elle:' f"n', 1 Petrie. D. D., of Wingham; Rev. W. and: Miss i'trilsnn x=eai onded he. the 1 R. MIntosh, D. D., of London, and 'repetition of a verse of the sone. as H. Johnston;. •of Exeter:' .A re"trel feature nt the evening's 1 entertainment. was the addesee hv.� Other well • remembered studenns en Elliott, ..A., of London, i of his day were Judge John D. Swan - Whelan I; of , Ii Iron, of ,Kamloops, B. Ca Judge Alex. of Mr. 0.•M. Elliott.of t�wr. _ • , brother Dickson, of Sask.; 'F.. J. B. noncan, The speeker was a former student cif the :Proudfoot Duncan law firm, of the sehool and took an as;tive part Toronto, and 'John' Smale, of Cali- in the. work of the 'Literary Society fornia. Many •others•hnve passer. in - in its early years. Since' ;lir. El-: to the other life, leaving fragrant Batt'" retirement' from the a:tiu. du memories to those .who are left." e " it ati cravat -1y called of tea nig he is .sir 1 n n The following is the list , of gaen'.tly. called on .to act as a substi- b Chace of USED IT will pay you to select the Used Car A. • with the same care and you purchase judgment as you would show in buying a new car. 13uy from a dealer who has a reputation for honesty and fairness . . a. dealer who -is successfully selling a well- ' known and respected line ofcars. We can offer you better Used Car values be. b usi- of Chevrolet cause of our volume ness and because we are building for the future. And we want you to buy your aide car carefully, because a satisfied cus- tomer means- more tc• W ") :usnlitiin -the profit on the sale.. Come 111 and inspect some of our special values before you decide on your car. H G •fSON 1924 Coach. Excellent $550.00 h .7r7 shame 1927 Coach: ' •\ good $625.00 buy �J 1"ORli) COUPE. Balloon, $ 150.00. Tures, 1028 PORI?TOl3ItING, 1922 $ .65.00. s . r CHEVROLET BMW GRAND)... .. • $100.00 }OCH -WHEEL PIUILE13 50.00 MacEWAN & TEBBUTT Chevrolet Dealer's FRED ROUSE, (Meehania.. • the • Earth has arisen from sleep and the whale, soft blowing, Are ',sweet with the ratified music of beating wings ; In "the wooded vales end the tiplande the robins are ein;;ing Ageless refrainer that have haunted primeval springs ; April has broken the boucle of the tyrant Winter And harried him ;each. to the utter- most northern hills, _- green -clad army of buds to answer her calling And a golden vanguard of roils k- ing daffodils. - Thus is the earth arrayed in a robe of wonder, Woven of blossom and breeze and the drift of rain, Gold of the sun and scent of the fresh ploughed furrows,.• 'Thus is her beauty. revealed to our eyes again. Fitly decked for the day 4f her Loict's arising, Her voices chanting His praises far and wide, Who can doubt that, somehow, our earth remembers ' He walked in a garden on that first Eastertide ? nered Fancy Scarfs Silk Gloves hioned Silk Hose Figured Georgette Scarfs French Kid Gloves "Orient" and "Lavender Line" "Lavender Line"Silk Lingerie Vests, Bloomers, Slips and Waves LaaeC'ollars and Cuffs Faneyr Geor, et�e V'estee Fronts gale a lame assortment of beautiful Flower's, suitable for. Easter Wear Phone'8 sffilcient to seeur supplies necessary. cal instructors t work for the fort school year givin hour lesson in; each lie schools varied for the year. ' A it was stated, is it qualifiations pons structor. The Ho Club urged.'stron of having qualtfh singing in the set suggest CGtnnleri:!n of the fall term. 'P'rincipal Stonel the advantages of as n way of inter could not be intere jeets. and suggest of Goderieh Clint F. E. NIR R' R T TBH trompoiummoimangoaPorowilt (We invite you to call and see these new lines 4 officers the Society: their interest in the •urogram., first otli of, r Donald McGillivray, president; R.1 After the . program the executive B. 'Dickson; lst vice; Miss Maggie : S.: served lunch to the school board, the Blair, 2nd vice; John C. Robertson, I staff' and those taking part in the. see,: David Bruce, trees:, , program and a pleasant social time Mr. Elliott read freta a letter ot• was spent, at the conclusion of which Prof. J. C. Robertson what aptly eiitj Mayor Ma thean_moved.the thanks eP �psressed`his-own-thelagbt - ;-o-call-to the executive. "Fifty years is' a longe time to re- • tain impressions oi: even so import Singing and Manual Training ant an event as the founding of the pro _Proposed for Public Schools society then seemed to us.. _We aiever' _.. p dreamed of a ju'liilee celebration but . none the less we gave as`hnuch stir- Eyesight Survey and Probably Den - ions thought to the constitution end tal Sdrvey'of Scholars to Be• • r .a if Made P first .s $ A the0 d o f th e! i'i theelection h we were establishing something• that would endure for ages—and perhaps The regular monthly meeting of we were_ the Public School Board was held on "Mr. Strang. gave us all possible Monday evening, present Trustees help and encouragement in our new Wallace, Parsons, Sallows, Cott, enterprise. It was really the first Miller and Neftel (in the chair). s'tirrings of self-consciousness its the This was a busy sesison, with two school. Up to that time the school deputations` waiting on'the board, meant lessons and study and; exam- one from the Lions. Club to go fur- inationt. We began to realize. that tier into the arrangements •for an eyesight and dental survey - of the scholars- in the schools, and the oth- er Club ro the Rome and School erf ?at with .reference to the taking up..of. singing, with a special instru'etor in the seiseols.. Trustee Parsons, as chairman of the school management, committee, ness." reported havin't met a, committee Mr. Elliott smite -Of airsinterest, from the` Lions Club, with iefexrence taken in the.Literary Society meet- to survey of. the school children as to ally mune and an average attendan -e of tat boys • Requisite on the Farm.--Uverw (fliers from la- and 158 girls, 87 per cent. Penny' farmer and stock -raiser shouldiktete undertake the Hank deposits, $94.12, 3i;2 deposits. a :supply of Dr. Thumao I4eleetr e t weeks of the Miss Hume supplied .ire days for on hand, not only an a ready rentedgr >r a a weekly half' Miss V. 15atsen, ;41}sa Murphy half for ills in the family, but beaau,.,o room in the pub -1 e day for Miss G. Sturdy, and two' is a horse and ea tie medieit w et ant $300 to $375 days for Miss A. -Elsley, an(. Meta: great potency. to a subatitutto fnrr ,., M t ' 1days for • Miss C l4 at- sweet nil for horees and rattle .af - •vornment hi an , Redciitt. 3 e I , ilable on +•ertain ! son. Non resident fees. $0. I.fectcd by colic, it far surpa es i any - cd by the in- The principals'reports _ were', thin,,, that sap be ulminint ee o and School i adopted, the supply teacher,; to la t efl,ength.o£ shirts is to some extol the •advantage 1 paid and the suppl}es' asked fur to . •r instruction }n 1.0 obta}nrd. it \vas stated the \\ie;•• left to the discretion of'tht n -e fret• cls but did rot ;dots o£ •('cattail school route he ,1p- Su- thin is (ih •ctetiun, __ till the opening 1.cncd from the top but nossihla haa.! ;'-" "�- ,'"'•" • t liceut:•e studk end- needed' to b lats. use v,fevrr:l to 1 encd. n:l motet � neatre manual training The eeeretah r „repo). pot li d e•a: ting pupils Who for Moral as 1d8ti,dt. total -for .'...a1t• ed in other Aide. i year to Metall. .list:- 2503`15;1. I W.EEK OF A}aJOL9 to 1 t 1 the noeeibihty Miss. A. Miley .wiute under .date • s. Seaforth end of Martel 30th,.testgninn her puutime MONDAY an TUESDAY Mitchell. schools g . time together to, as kindergarten teacher r t1, et:� e i . Sy1) a"IIAI'LXN n,pnoint an instrue, er, April 30th,. end expressed, her than,, ; The matters of 'usie and manual to the lderd,.•for thnughtfuln(':s due- pre:.ents a riot ,1f hilarity coneernirika training, were refeh"'cd to a commit- ing Clic terns She was on the <,i:h1T.' a tail.•:}foot part wha, pursues' th tee consisting . of th: members of the It was explained that. Mise i• l 1 ln1 .:.iii1. lint: into his native, jungk.: • s pool mann emen coinniittee land [had the opportunity of .aualifvin;t tar + haunt::. Don's mist .,. Trustee Miller to i ok into and re- i a higher certifu'ate :tt mat:amines.: +-rim AlISSI\tl LINK - port and was anx!ous to take D. before the • +1) t'11:4TI'.1• )X port upon. ( , ,, ( MERMAID Trustee Parsons Iliad some *artlr'lchange of re•�ulations. Miss lin 1., . 1 ` Nle tityl\i lF` itieism of the hoard for neglect of 'who is qualified es a kind'rel,l is n t whaol-nmperty. any comch.tun:;i t:a.. ,, AY and THURSDA'ti'• was crime. Man others cond!tions place E WEDNESDAY a Y - might, stand for something more in our. live% And to -many of us it give the first opportunity to prac 1 • vastly bet- ! n g e o•.butthe a ise, not oratory. 3 , Y 1 ter and more valuable art of being able to think when on our feet, as 'well as teaching us something of the cmulnct of meetings and public busi- Ings in' -the early days and referred to a notable program which was pre - e ert.'d in Crabbe's Hall, as the Va.-- toile Opens House was !mown in 'those ear., This was in the revere of a contest between shies chosen from the alt iot.y. - At that time tot - eyesight, teeth, etc.; and, as chair. man • of the Lions .'Club committee -Dr.- Field read a letter. from Miss. Hayhurst, nurse for the Canadian National Institute for ' Blind, .giving partieulars as to thetr_method of op- 'erati'ng, asking hove many pupils blesux were a: popular form. of en- there would be in the schools to be tertainment and one side presented examined and suggesting a prelintin- ft -tableau. "Reek of Ages," in which ary test before. the Institute officials Miss Nettie Seegmiller 'was shown came to determine those who might .have o si •ee sed to s xno ' os bl . The -other be su 4 have o <hnh•ine• to the rock. •The o hof dpp ^P r"asent!ng a tableau representing defect in vision. "The Slave Market" in which Mr. A . matioti was - made by 'Tr'ustee n3vid Perrie, now Itgv.• Dr. Perrie. Parsons, seconded by Trustee Miller of Wingham, took- the part of . the that the survey be made and that 1 auctioneer, end Miss Isabel .Oliver the Canadian. National .Institute. he (new. Mrs. ;las, Hamilton) took tin asked to make the survey`, and that not of the slave on the block. These the principal's of the schools supply tableaux were healing features on the information asked for, and that the nrogram, which included inany the Lions Club he thanked for their excellent "numbers. This entertain- interest in the matter. melt wag given in March, 1882. This wits unanimously passed. Mr. 'Holman, county clerk, who' 1 information as to dental inspection stated that 1i was the first ane to was contained in a letter fr(p Mr. •sign the constitution of the Literary Fred J. Conber, director of Dental Society fifty years ago, snokee briefly Services, Department of Health, �a n , t+r a moved a 1 m n xemima_e in mid m d Toronto, .addressed t0 fJr, Mabee, i yotn of thanur'1 to t1Xa. Elliott foe his who had made the inquiry, which tearer interestin' address. Insnector 'stated that in connection with sur - Tent seconded the motion rind the au- veys of school chilarert as to the con - (Vence concurred with hearty ap- dition of their teeth, it was custom- s pietism. ustom-spietise. acv. for the dentists to do the work i The .presents, on a tifli ui " to gratuitously x The letter Continued, Maur 1't' t t'ei' wa • nv'iilnblc to take e her vel mentioned and the eonditicin Of -i It was tii(ived' by 'Trustee \ ti1.1 . , TheymO:t1) (,R1H 1'I'f • w to '1r� Fse i tc al k .1 s; 1 1 a (r even', f p leafed a laugh both sehoels was refersfed to as dila- eeeoncteel by Truster' Parent •e that the, high hat span rlt fertile gives yea}. • v' resiionatien bo, JR.t- i 1.. f_ Dick cleat.... Ors motion of 'reetee Parr,onx,' ed. from • April ;0th. end th.tt \ 1'. 1 islets, t !r1s anii. t:iirgles l''ataia� a, d e n byTru to ut the uo-' flume be engaged in her stead' ayott• its t!tn(• of •our life. sec acted Trustee Sat, 1 t t 5. pertycommittee 'was asked to make that the sehonl management eatna'lt- ,, TO l,OYI ` ' suvey of'both.sc `cols and bring fl tee arrange itntnils.---('amici. ¢ '"'1'l�ll, l r r , • COMEDY ' ' I. ,. i,TI 1 ••t?1 I P P l It Due ' N fns . h .l c ,decider). o , n rn on 11 to It was c at x t et to attut II report �" lir „, F •. Geed O, t[Il 1 �+. ' n before .. '� s v b ' '1 1{, P ' t.n line d ..som4 (.' puixiiments ' to '.nut both schools inn noon n T t b .>. N first class condition. T'his'•is• nettingt• rietay. +r,ie on notion of Tru,tee.i 1 the successful ono'• in last year's "At the.tsonclusion of the survey and work was made by Principal Hume. providing •a suitable date can be ar- The winners were as follows : ranged, I will 'be glad to go to Gode- . Diploma list, arranged aiphabeti- rich and take our eteehnician with catty, in matriculation and teachers' me. We will, if you se desire,, give courses, requiring successful passing a talk to the service club and giver in twelve papers, including Canadian. an illustrated talk, using still and History, British Ilistory, English. ,notion pictures, to the ;,shoot chil. Literature and .Composition and five dren and. their parents. The chit- other papers in the middle or upper dren and their parents could be Bath- school. ered in a theatre er in the town hall ' Jack• Abell, .Jean Andrew's, }Teton and the meeting could be held in the Bowler, Doaglan Clarice, Goldie afternoon. We carry everything Cornfield,- Meldrum Cutt.'Lillian Iyer- with us. All that is needed is tee are gusan, George Goldthorpe, Joan range' to darken the room. i, %e have , Groves, Grace Jewell. Mary Johtiaton, found •that • special meetings arrang- Laura Johnston. Stella Johnston, ed for parents are not well attended Dolores Laithwaite, Pauline Mefwen, and that beet results can be obtained Mary Ttfettay, Douglas Nairn, Mar- by having the parents 'colas to the :aret Itedditt. Beulah Sandy, Percy 'children's meeting. In ease there is Sliealydown, James Wallace, Mole no hall large enough to hold all the Winter, 'Helen 7avitz. ( children we will be glad to give the. C'• 0 rrtnterckal diplomas requiring11 programs more than ace. If the ?Fit;, in the subjects idhook keeping, [service club desires to have a real Shorthand and Typing: Viola On- laziest in the -children's; meeting, they baldeaton, Alien Oraah Florence Rola.1 might arrange to glue .prriete to the irtsan, Walter Ituffell. Bernie Tobin. ' boys and girls writ;iug the best (: ..if • A violin solo by hire. Oakley wort on the material presyented." a recall and a reading lhv hips. (Rev.) The nul'geetione in the letter were HamiltO ti from the "Ronnie Brier Considered favorably end the Lionn Bush" was very suitable to the peas- (',lab delegation agreed to eorrenpotel Ginn and wa: well given. with Mr. Conber with the idea of ar- A male quartettes compeer] r] . of ranging for nueh rateetigilp;r aa he .ii-"-;. (1. L. Sateelere, II. II. Reid. nuCgeeted, and the matter of 4keetal A .•F'. :purely 1 Jars. xtheineon, inspeetioui tans rsferred to the echool Gave a much by eeiat€d eeleetlorl r,aaneget. (-at core mittee, on motionl and renysiin(led in +tie t2 -ali Mill nth of `x euetren C'utt sinal Salim's. otter. The eingitii of Auld Ilarift Nitta. Palmer and Aire. Taylor, re - ;sew, null the National • i:the'.ta eon= i peesenting the Victoria Home and eled•:al the rwograsir. !Hiss% C. .,.17 -0Y. i rhaaol Club. urged the takiseg up of 111011.11°. Mitt Mouth -el anti fiir% major niagile ieeti<trctteatt its. tl.e eehunts, f ailed as aeeora:pta;loll. ` The 1, othieaa'II melitose Thad agree -1 - Mi . i_. M. iZelseet •art .;fc the t; C. to desaate a Ccrtairt ta8aaCCInt towavda I: staff, tha1;:J : the esaott:arento ,,ie 1t.; areae, winch v.. tld peeper ly be se to':be done during the [summer yam. Cott and Miller. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, . JOHN GGII.BERT': with • Bei slie l.eofe and Barbara La Marg' in the great gtage-auecese and cert 't ti'iuntph. Shall a man's •whole llf% be ruined by. Doe flash act?. Se.: . "Sll•, ELJi01,' . FOX COMEDY. • "IIEIt .Ill t'F BLACK EYES"` Matinee Sat. at i3Oa WAIL ('liming --"The Ressivrerti(itr.““ tion Some Interior I redecoration •• was considered last4e*x and put of: Miller's Warm P•nwders .nen 110 " till this year. The matter of chenging the water fountains at victoria school from ibehblers to fountains that will shut off when not in use wee left to the property committees with • bower to not, the eost of maktnti the change tieing 812 ' per fountain. A lat'ne amount of eater is wnated from the bubblers and it is . believed it lower water rate can be obtained. The need of lore tinders on the idewa,jk _nn > edtn„nlle-road ,n frr.n of Victoria school was mentioned by. Principal Stonehouse, and a motion •in!ury to the most (1.•11 •sate r•h}ld. Anl.' child or infant in the seise •,F odoleacence..who • is infested with worms can take this nrenaration without u enalm of the ctnma"11. end will find in. it .a .sure relief 'incl a. Tull protection, • to n frontthese de.i tt uc ttvi n tin pests. which are responeibie for much .arkneov and great suffering to kg - ions of little 'ones. • • Nowadays the way girls. drfess, it takes beard to make a roan of us. ' was made to pelt the commit t•. Places 1 some new cinders on: Brltannin road sidewalk leading to the sehoo:. . Miss Sharman. princinnl of Cob -.tial school, reported 80 boy3 rind 80. e•ir•ls ,on the ro11 in March. with an ern0e att n( ante of 79 boys ti.I 78 girls, 91 per event. renn" Brink deposits for the month. 847.35, 112 denoslts. Mise Sharlene also re- nnrtnri that. Mrs. Icdditt suppliedfW e7va_,lay i ,fere Miss. Wilson and asked the Boned to supply one baa- kM-ball and eight suft'ba11s. also the rubber tube for a basket bili, tied ',shed that some (1' the wineiow:a he fixed Pn that they would pull down. from the top. . Mr, Stonehouse. prd1incipal82boys aof `"ande-.I toria school, rep 181 girls on the rolls in ritareh, with .Easter_ lVIillinery - - Fiower Hats Smart Tailored Hats and ,Brats for the Kiddies We have a few Dress Lengths in Rayon Silk, no .lv70 ;dike. We invite you to can.. r 1 UNIVERSAL MILLINERY tI}erns 2�G North Side: Square, goderich :.Ideal P'Ce loor -Covering Bargains that ezf -:competition of all mail-order quotations. TM Compare our prices, measure your room, and come a -loo jog. We an save you °money. Fl� r Oil -Cloth widths 1, 1 r 2 , 2 and 2/-4 : yards, .price Lin leum Phone 56 • t; 52c per square yd' widths 2, 3 and 4 yards, price •. 9 90c° per square yd. Rug's now offered at mill cost. It is youlr ' opportunity to save. Siee our Wall Paper Values - TimAd Gra Coe u 9