HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-04-05, Page 2iloetilt.Vit it n
t;ttftERICII ,'tiTA
it;07 K-,?.Ut2r and bri,,,,..;:tcv
, homes,
llernentlYer -"the Early
Bird" anti, iliac !..vt.tr
celeetim v1Mk c ir
stock is complete.
Yout tind our patterns
attrutive and prices
Ofilf/WW.I.VMWI 1 .
Cok's Book Store
Sce the New Spin g Wail
pricinic :rots s-;aforth vieited M.
and M. (tray lest ween.
Dlr. Remelt leree mei family intond
leaving .the farm in the ;tear future.
great number nttended the play
' in the United eleurch, which tvae,
real succese.
----A--baby-daughter 'hue (arrived -est
the home of Mr. and Dire. Geo. Ad -
ems. Congratulations
Miss Leila Church, of London, is
spending a fety weelis with her eon -
Myra. Earl McDonald.
° . A few a the yourig people toolin
tile donee ie Gederieh at the Oddfel-
lows' Hall Friday evening.'
Owieg to the bad condition of the
rends they were tumble to hold ser.
vice in the United church on Sunday.
M. Itobt, if Jr.,• and Miss Tashi
johnstan, of Goderiele spent a few
nay° with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hoy.
II; WriiIllehardaoil,*of ftJ1, is
a visitor at the home of his tether, I
Mr. Thos, Riehardson,
Mrs.M Armstrong, of 6oz:cll.:b. ,
spent nevem3 dans at the home of
her 4011, W. Dnistrong.
Mr. Bob Bogie, Jr., loft, Vine:n4e.
dav for Midland, from where he 'will
. veil when the season. opens.
Mr. Leonard Crawford underwent
• an eopotation in the liormital on Sat-
urday, and 'b . -making n goo 4 reeEri.
Mr. Elmer Aloore's little daughter
hen.•been ill the as week, with
bronchitis. We trust he •may non
be better.
• The little eon on Mr. •and Airs.
Percy Grabant became la on Sunday
-with bronehitis, None Monary WAS
called and under ber ear,"b ha e re.
" Miss Bertha Foster while in Loon-.
ington was eeized midi an :Meek, pf
uppoidicitia and underwent an open.
ation. We are glad eto lawn- that
the is making a good recovery • at
the how of friends.•
end Mrs. YiFhiter and
.Mnizlleft the vicinity for their
home in Abernethy. Sask.. last Pri.
Way. Sheneardten knows Mrs, Von.
teraa goodenehthbor, one who woe
alwaye ready to help -wherever help s
t 1, •
Lt...le tee &LAI.? j'171
1,0,1 Li 3. 1101.;:
at.tc,‘ r. 11:7.tC2
• nen Lan MacLean, of Tore:nen
einitleg relatiene fre Kg•ntall.
Dinei 1,:teea neekene went to
neirre ineelaiew fee Vie weeh-cl
;q Jt1n1',13(21.ieire.l0. of Poet 4
epent the einelenvei under t
„ eereritel even
1 Mina Alberte Penhett, tele) le
teen - nureirirt a oleo rear Ilunnzi
Tron agale.
0;eirage te the condition of t
eremite, tbe evnining corvice of t
Arileld Prenbetezian church wae not
neld knit &May.
..Tne U. in W. 0. livid the Meech
" riming nt tne borne of :vire. Dunean
lowered by Iriste ionee, which were
Meneenen. The nein on! wan an.
!very nrnt3u. Two veryinterest-
ing import/ evere- given by Mrs, Than.
C. Maetennzie snd Dire, Dune nit!.
, Lerman on whet bas been clone in
Parliament .thie seesion. 'The teener
gave her paper on the Dumiaion
Peekment, ond the latter on the
Provincial. Mrs. Dan- Mn
rend a letter from bliss Agnes Mac -
Pined, whieli received hearty ap.
Piazze.. It Wan decided to hold an at
home in the Loehalsh hall during the
-Fleeter -holideye,-At--the-close-of-the-
meeting luueheou was -oerneci.
NILE - • •
inn twee thove tnie tennen.) i• pne
nte ite ter a (ley ce tree ennen
In benthy tne name Ail Mee tree?
In- of te reen te cep- tne ;lane when tine
ice en the nem breane.
b'c' (recta tber ceerrneoncleat)
Dire, W. E. Pattereen veal he
1311)31'2M it.'.5t S17Ce17.
Me. B. s7ett 10 with his tiamehten ntineie Et:eine:etc Dna%
Now hhit tautt haVO
SeWing Madlitie
i3no.ois, Po, Needlee, ete.
DIre. thin wenn.
hp Mr. vend ra,70. Froot are gueete cf .haa anneenennee
.Mrs. R. nfaIlwain is home twin
from Detroit, where she has bee
enending the winter. Prank Mell
wain is also borne from Diengannon
We are very glad to see them again
In our midst,
The Glad Girls' Guild put on theft
play atid, entertainment' at Port Al
bort ehureh and it nroved to be a
good success as there Was 4 good et
tendance and the -weather was Id
that could be desired.
Mo. an Elebineen at preeent.
Mee. 0. E. Frratt opent the ween-
cned ot "Woennerne" whit Mr. and
Mrs. M. Jewell end ehildren re-
turred to their home in Calborne
Thurenay last.
Mr. Mae. Mina returned fcane
Detroit', leen 'Tiatirsday and intone to
eemein in tine nelehboehood . for a
Thn iee in out of the, river for an.
other seaeota, The r tar. in fiend,
rengove attracto a number of ingbt.
X. Fred Warmer. who has neon
worizing in Detroit tho nest three
nionthe. returned to his home on
Snaturday. -
Mr. A, Johnston, who 'has been
Quito fil at the home en his drineli.
ter, Mrs. B. C. Weir, is, we are glad
n to report, improving.
- • imynELD,
Mrs. David Mair, of Port Stanley,
is a visitor with Min. John 'Tarns, this
. week.
. Mrs, Bort Sharpe. of Toronto, is
visiting Capt. and Mrs. Ferguson at
, present. . •
I Auto agents aro on tho a-ounfin
these slays now, mei all looking for
Last Sunday was review Sunday in
the Sunda sehool. Thea was a
rairlY 'good attendance considering
Le state of the roadn The evening
service was well. Attended and Mr.
e. :rdy raelehed a very fine sermon.
t• rank 3fcIntyre'0 sale last
ween nroved a, good success, every-
thing realizing good prices. We un.
deretand the farm hes been sold to
Mr. Willianis, sr., of Goderieh. Wo
do not know Where Mr. McIntyre in
going to locate but wish 'him success
'wherever ne may go.
The tarrnera are "busy in this ens-
trict getting their supply -of wood
Messrs. ;Am Sherwood and John
Kilpatrick, Jr., were in Gederich qno
clay last week, •The April monthly meetitig of the
W. M. S. vial be held in the chive])
April 4th. A good attendance is ex.
and Mrs, Raymond Finnigan
and son' Chester, spent lett Sunday
eveningwith • Mr. and Mrs. Mat,
Mr. Kenney Campbell, of Detroit,
Is visiting his father, of the 12th eon.,
who is under the doctor's care
also visiting relatives at Crewe. '
• h
pine asers.
Mr. H K. letoerhouse leondon .3ino arc ()at armaana41:00 vespee school teaehers (with no. dieparage. hold effecte tnoyed in this week, .
ez: ne, or..d ce.erelo Vie reeiotile were
eleeed nor n time.
oar. end ZZee. W. G. irlay, nen con.
C4anion WOW; Wareanosieentertained
ne new og Z6A0iV et -lends on loaday
eveniegdast in honor of their grand -
e'en, Freels W. Gateman l'ILO had been
emese with tneai end feeler rola-
ti,e.e here tor the past three weeks,
Io returned to bia'horee in Blyth on
Robert Davidson retrnmed •on nat.
urday frara Toronto where he was
in attendance at the annul e,,onvene
tion of the Fire Underwriters' Arno -
elation. While away he ale° called
upon frienda in Toronto, Mora and
Fergus. M. in Griffin, of Anhfiehl,
who accompanied him, returned to
his home on Thursday.
The season for making maple
eyrup has Again • arrived, and r.ome
in this disttiet are busily employen
in making tide delectable sweet
Scientilic methods have added much
to the ease and convenience 'with
which ,thin work is now accomplisli.
od. but we -doubt very much whether
these more modern methods now in
use can add anything to the never.
te-he-forgetten flavor ef the seem)
'boiled in the open sugar kettles,"
whit% were used bY our torefathera
Sheeting Special 39c
fO PIECES OF ?-INCH WAVY UNBLEACHED $I1 ENT 3 NG, tine even weave 39e
free from dressing. Regular value 55c per yard, for ...
Very tine quality, 33 inches wide in
/teat stripes, pinks, blues, mauves, sand,
etc: Best Efigli511 make, reg. 4Se yd.,for 30
So Dozen Men's Hemstitch Irish Cam-
bric Handkerchiefs with colored neat
border, special quality. On sale half.
2 for 25c
Knit. from tine. Balbriggan.. yarn, long
and short sleeves, ankle lengths, sizes
38 to 46 , at per garment 98c
Heavy standard cloth; green or cream,
mounted on good rollers, complete with
fitting; 36 inches wide,7o_Inehesjong,,....
- Sakc-each..i. .........
7.1 -inch Bleached Pure liner. Satin
Table Damask, 2 select paterns for
Easter Sale only. Reg. $1.50 per yard
for...... 80e
Fin o double Damask Clotiii (John
Brown & Son, Belfast). size 2 x 2 yds.
Pure Limn, Special Price. $4.45
Size about ig x 38, fine heavy pure all
Linen Huck, woven border, new values.
Special, 6 for. . $2.25,
32-Ineb Soft weave, neat patterns, col.
_01S guaranteed, ideal fer chitdren's
Dresses, etc. Spar! value .30c & 25c
NEW COATS AND NEW DRESSES --Easter Novelties and latest Materials in the new
• 'styles just opening tip today. One Dress Of a style. One Coat each in exclusive
designs. Impection invited,
in the days gone :by. eland? Did• it bave trained Sunday cock's hense arid is laving her, hoz
flt1011 of the.play, "The Winning of ment whatever -to our present litaf • 184.; showers, of prince -tee, 1,4
rAneernir eequaintances in the
seniriele township. There is also one
. auryiviog. sister, Mrs. James Coxnof
• Goderich township. The funeral
r , took phiee from the hozne"of Mr. and
e Milton Woods, 4th concession
e t•of Goderich township, on Wednesday,
I March 14th, to Maitland. cemetery.
Rey. R. M. Gale, of Bayfield, conduct.
n e eovi,es, an t earers
„ , were four nepliewe: Wilfrid Me -
Lean, of. Goderieht Victor Elliott,
Herbert C. Cox and J. Leslie .Cox, all
af Goderich tonaship. Besides the
meinlbers of the family, there were
L. present at the funeral friends front
well. as
Lfruocmknesnizukankd. DauundgaGnnodeeterieahs
village theses day. waiai, was given so wean... of voluntary Sunday (wheal teach- been "gaged as cheese and Butte
, ars). The contrast between the hos- maker for the Holmesville Chew
Wm. J. 51+1”,:n1),. who nee' been ;Inn AMY on the evening of neeruary ital and the dey school d th S
Up with pleural pneumonia, .,are 20th, in the. parish hall. under the . un- Association and begins work in th
ay senoce, was so great time she .
non future.
planed to report, is • on the morel was led to remark, "what shall it
' P 1' .A h h. T Th Aid f Jib tt ea
trod soon be. up around al" arbear.1 he piny
eLadies'c e hit
again, profit a child, it he should vain a
e urch are having •
Wilt a b • - sound body, a well -ordered Mind, andn insttel play
nun Anril hth, in the parish ball, the church on April 10th. It will b
lose h's own soul?" We went chil-
The directors. of the Hayfield Agri. Dutiganron. On the former ova,- a en 'n
cunaell neetetv holio-,o
querade dance in the amen' nail' .ArPniTig 1,V414 elle of the coldest and b
siert. when it was nreseeeod. tho lriaraet:r, ean onlIT be ace ni.
stro Christian presented by tale° fre'M Sracebeb
'United church and is•everth hearing
Reli ions Education --(1) and seeing- • • •
costume, ISt Vii10 were des -roue of attendina, .terpreted dally dife (g ley wen. and missionary pepgrani will be,
the evening of April 10th. Prizes
will be given for best gents' fancy atormiest of the -winter, and many
in. On Easter StUld4S7 a special Baste
fnstructioYn by giblical -telchinge
'les' fancy eoathine. let anti nen oleo 11°°b••1° tog nebe, . en a. •
'ave. it be t " shin, (8) By consoous ohoice of the en un et auspices o .
gent eoniest o t tin it in fro
tor best comic costume. There et -M "Way of Life," by looking to the et whieh an Easter thazik.offerine
d t the • d thetheW S-,
eneem r he clate, April Lord Jesus Christ for strength and will be taken. An appropriate ad
a . • a a ort an yaery ng liiiii at sell n a loo, will be tiven by ----
be solos and teadinee mine rie, •
the evening also tea served t 1180
9th --Easter an a. lv ti d b dres ddit'
Adinisidon, adults 50 cents, children Mr. james Stonelmuse 10 mourning tinies. She finished her address the PaStor, Rev. T 'W. IC Ipatrick,
25 gents. Come in oostunie and en- the loss of his faithful. white steed, 'with the wads of consecration as And nuleie (snecial) Will be furnished
joy a pleasant evening, Bees, whe recently passed to the land expressed in the following linos: by the ladies elf the W.M.S.
where good horses' o B ."Ju t X t d
Mrs. he -nampben. of Dtimainnon.
aninvnelenetenwititeher- Bonn M . 'Cyril
• Mrs. Walter A lto•1 Apron- +he
in Luennew with her sister, Airs.
• Cecil Mullin.
• Mr. and Afrs..011hert Viet eenee
O Monday afternoon at the home of
Mr. and Mee. joint Moss, Dungannon,
1Fir. David ellen n .
iss Beth. of Luelmcw, spent a few
A goodly - number turned out lett.
unday to her the fine address of
iss Winchester, of Toronto, who
was -needed. She wos nctivo m
Ws here to represent the Ontatee
Religious Education for Children and
vho took the place of Mrs. Jessie
Calhoun, who could not be here, oi,
account of illness in the family.
member in Om Ladies' Guild of
Christ Church, Poet Albert, and her
going leaves a grin which will not
easily be filled. The cheery faces of
the ehildren veal .he greatly misse(1
in tho eommunity and at :wheel.
Their maw friends and neighbors
are sorry to 4ee them go, but what.
11 Our lass is other's gain. We till ,
Fresh Car Just, Arrival
Pliont 47.w
9Mlaelp• eme.11•1
Autoinobili Owners.
Auto Markeri and
O Permit Cards
• I W. =WAR
at MaeVicar's Shoe Store
P. 0. Dox 414 Goderich
Mr. George ziowatt is Still carrye
ng the Mail for Mr, Irwin.' •
The stornt in the beginning of the
week gave the syrup makers a resit.
The Farmers' Club shinned a car.
loud of hogs Om here on Monday to
Ur. Eugene Coble, • of Brussels
teaching staff, anent , the week -mud
with his parents here.
Last Friday Cie young people en-
joyed themselves in the Foresters'
Hail at another dance.
Mr. George Yungblut has rented
• bie house in the -village to Mr, Dodds,
O who is moving in shortly.
Mrs. Thompson, of the 14th ton.
cession of Hullo% has sold her farm
to Mr. itfeClinelieY, who is to got
possescion this spring.
The following pupils of Goderielt
Collegiate, Mr, Kalmer Dawson, Miss
Anna noble and Alias:Gladys Taylor,
spent the week -end at their home
Mrs. Paterson Went to Wingham
iast woek, being called there by the
death of her gousin, Miss Govier.
Tho body •wan sent to Paris for
Owing to the flood in Clinton there..
s no service in the Baptist thumb. f
0 Bev. Mr. Gracie -Stayed here and
d services in the evening in the 1
ptist church.
days At the home of litr. Elmer Al-
IVIr„ era Mrs. John nmerson,
Ivor XititOugh, spent a day recently
with tho latter's parents, Mr. and
Nim, Ralph Nixon.
Mrs. Cyril Campbell, Grace and
Louise, are epepdine a dpws with
the. former's father, M. Johnson
Roulston, of Olivet.
Alits Mary Vint, Miss Violet
Twamley and the Mise $ Tillie and
Millicent Hackett are atoning' the.
Standard Training Schoolfi width is
held in Dungannon United ehureli,
The special sovices being conduct.
ed by limn A. E. Pointer in United
church, Benmiller, will be continued
next eye*, the eubjecte to be as M.
lows: Sunday evening, April 1st,
"The Unpardonable Sint" Monday
evening. "Is Heaven interested in
me?" Tuesday evrinng, "What is
God like?" Wednesday evening, "The
Unsaved Lost:" Thursday evening,
"A Moth er's Religion" --Family
Night; Friday evening., "A Young
People's Iteligion"—young peonies
night. Sunday, April 8th, morning.
"How to become a Christian;" even-
ing, 4Totlay and Tomorrow."
O0o tr.
Dan Imi0Msm0 •
,Mr. a M. McKenzie was a woelt.
end guest at the home of his mothen
and sister at Clinton.
Ries Celia Pentland is having her
millinery oponnigs (at Saturday' and
allowing days next week.
Mr. D. Ol'erin, who was on the siek
bit for a feW days, is now able to be
around in the house again. .
Mrs. Thos. Begley returned to her
OM on Wednesday of last week at.
O 40.14.:00•Narge..
--Try Our Wonten's ARCH:EEZE SHOE
It is a wonderful fitting Shoe, made . with
Special Steel Arch, on combination
last. Made.in Patent and
Kid Leather. Price $6.80 *
The SI*" W. HERN 43 W
For raster Sunday and all through the Easter period we
will have our usual wondotful assortment of cut bloom and
blooming plants ready for immediate delivery.
Easier Lilies. Itoth in pot and cut, cut DEUS. Carnations,
Dailodil3, Tulips, Sweet Peas, etc, will be good supply.
It vfill repay our eliorts to call in a few days Ivied Laster
Sunda) and ske our teautiful may of Mown which will I,e at
its hest then.
GEO. SIT:WART, F7oriat
ter a piontant visit 'with relativee in
We are pleaeed to know that Mrs.
James Edwards, who was under the
doetoVe-tere lost week; Is- now oe
the way to recovery.
We join in extenditur coneratula.
thins to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wiggins,
who celebrated recently the a5th an.
niversary of their wedding.
Mr. Bugh Stewart has rented the
(Me farm of Mr. Ernest Girvin for a
year. We understand that Mr. (Ar-
vin intends going West in, the near
Mrs. George Bradford, who bad
spent the past week as a Runt at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ryan,
returned on Saturday evening to her
home Goderich.
Mr. A. E. Errington, of' Certow,
ton, Eir., at the 110101 4)f Mrs. Char,.
o e ei . We are pleased to know
that Mr. Errington is somewhat int.
proved in health of late.
The Walling Workers Mission lland n
,Erskine Presbyterian church. Duo, , c
pitmen., will hold* its annual Easter ' m
entertainment in the ehurch on Tent -
day evenjuk, April 10th, Watch for n
full reirticulars neat week,
A curiosity to the form ef n eick. c
en which is without eyes was betel-. 14
rf011t leCld incubeter last treA.
In other respects the chirken quite
norms!, but, Cr CGOVV`e it Unte'l-e
eat unlate the feed be placed
1 g . ess, had s as nue young, s neng an We are sorry to report the sudden
reached the age of twenty -fine. years, free. passing of Mrs. Albert tOantelon,
• • general favorite when she was b
quarter of 'a onfturse--- -SEn iiiits •4 'Lola' Of'why-lif, 1 e-onte." •-moteiteeriftei -enter' a new days' illness:
• cbarging her •duties. for the aeon ° • "necrate MYself to Thee, last week. Deatinewee deg to nnen..
Mcchiries liveter burn some twenty Was, "Training for service." ln her tor Rev. I. W. Kilpatrick, was- held
and had been very- faithful in dis- Friend of the young who lovest me; 9th con, Goderieh tp., on Tuesday et
Mr. At the evening service her eubjeet The
lane; rells'idezideea
funeral, eonducteedieri;,1)bylhrbeetzi ilzaatse-
.years ago. Since being. owned by. irttreductory remarks Miss Viri3ttfch $ YteatOlint
Mr. Stonehouse, she has led a eather ter drew a Vel7 vivid .word
more sedaW-. life, mil inV---thi-plow of thhnntentrest-betwenn--4--"direlentunisnisurylined-,WWr busbaild-ann five
dragging.the harrow, the light sleigh vessel, and an "ocean liner"—the late eons.
She was held in high estee
. She
.fully es if in -company with.nnother koltrol,
or the light wagon quite as cheer. ter, stateln;
iimi:Agiecti uoiteerr;:erfpuete,.! i '.IiheoncoknnIlil,Tyr. isextendedtesticle-
horse. In ...her younger days, Bees suing its meneed.out course with to the bereaved,
complet.ely white. Mr, Stonehous, 3 t
of late yescrs. had turned almost nue:teat heaveoTpoosriMerTtihnee. inialleett:
the purpose in view of reaching its . .
was of a pretty dark grey eolot, but,
-will travel fu aneme time :before neat and thither, no trained officers, no A lifelong resident of Godetic
Ino' to. horoe, 0 take the place a nod course. no port in view, a menece to township, tzi the person of Alcity An
om neon all. She likened human beaings tn widow. 'of the late John Cox,,
••• these" two different kinds of vessel, passed away on Monday, March lgth,
The "Standard Training school," the *rained and the untrained, re- in her eightieth year. The deceased
which hes hum' holding its seseions marking that a life that is worth
in the Sunday school room of was minnied about fifty-nine rears
Dun- while must have a great nurPose.. age to the late John Cox, who was a
gannon United church, on Monday, quoting as examples, Daniel who prominent resitient of the township,
Tuesday and liVednesday, March 20, purposed in his heart that he would tenting as reeve for several years
27, 28, cane to close with nifednes- not defile himself. etc., and Paul, who and holding the office of warden o
day" evening's meeting. That the • said, "This one thing I no," CAC. NO Huron county for 4 term. Mr, co.
clasSes have been of great inspire. one has Yet eccomtlishen a greet died nine years ego. Four daugh
tion, :ind o ITMC educational value, work without training. Jesus •"ea. ter; and one son survive: Mtn S
Is without doubt. Some disalMoint. led" his disciples, and next "trained"
D. Dawson and Mrs. G. C. Palloek,
ment was felt when word was re- them. before giving tioint the eon- a Condon, Ont.; Mrs. W. It. Mahe of
ceiyed that Mrs. Jessie Calhoun, of man& "Go ye into all theworldand Byron, Ont.; Mrs. Milton Woods. of
Toronto, who. represents the Ontario nreach the gospel." All callings ox Goderieh townahip, with whom the
Religious Edueational Council, would life require •training—ell The Pro- ileeeased lived, and Mr. J. lionear4
he unable to be,proient, ewing to ill- feseiona (21 Financial. (-31 C4.111'11"'" ,Cox, on the Cox homestead in Code
nese in the home: but in her stead eial and (4) Mammal. workers, How
came Mies Winchester, of the same much -more in the field of Religious.
city, whols Associated with Rev. W. Eelucation, is 'training neceseary ••1;
M. irlinrinWin. U. A., D. 1D., who is "Study to show thyself approved us.
the General • Secretary of Sabbath to God, a workman that needeth not
Schools and Young People'e Societies to be ashamed. tightly divinirie the
In connection with the Presbyterian word of truth." Treino4 renteirms
church in Canada, and all ground for 'workers are essential. Several nla.
disappointment was speedily reams,- get; of instruction were enumerated
ed. She won every one by her bright' where these studies might be (-ferried
and cheerful manner and her opti. WI: (1) Standard 'training Scheele:
mistic outlook upon the work. ,Miss (e) Local classes. in ehurehes,
Winchestei. delivered inspiring ad- Summer Schools, a verY vivid nor' .
dresses both morning and evening at trait of a nay in Summer School ,
the eervices in Dungannon United being given by her. For the sake of
Aural on Sunday, and also at Crewe childhood and youth. ' sbe made li
in the afternoon, all of which served etrong appeal for better teacher:; of 1,
as n npletidid introduction to the reaction (other than ministere). • All
work wineh was done in elaeeee dur-1 that Is asked of anyone is to train so
tor the three -days' course of the i that your service may be of the high- lee .
Khoo). In her address 04 Sunday est and best so that when the tall we have on hand a thee
morning. miss whichester chose as comes you may respond "Hero am /,‘ assortment of Chesterfields
her aubJect, "The Child," basing her send nee." A fitting story was then
remarks upon tho childhood of ,Tesus,
using as a text the words or Luke
2:40, "And the child grew, and waxed
etrongein spirit, filled with wisdom;
and the gates of God was upon him."
Also Luke gin, "And 4Testl$ increas-
ed in wisdom and stature, and in fav-
or with God and man." "Let us torn
we value it," • Christ, in his life
upon earth, and in his publie rein -
Wry, Made much of the child. "And
he took a little ehild and set him in
the midst ete." Suffer the little
children' to come unto me, and forbid
them not, for of such is the Zing.
bb bib!
YOU would like to smarten
up for Easter and the Spring
Get your Clothes Pressed .at
VROOMAN'S and there will
be no "perliaps" about the
Expert Cleaning.and Prss—
ing of Ladies' or Men's
Gederich Crutch Drt Cleaning Works
Phone.) 22 West Street
f ,Prompt and 'Report Service
0 Free EstimatekGiven
Over 100 !Vic/lair and
• Tapestry Samples to
choose from
Nelson St.polishing
told in whieh Chriet wee likened to and odd Chairs, etc,. Come
the Master Artist, who came to add . .
the touches neeessaty to make the in and mop* our moods
portrait perfect, while the iliscour. and see our-vahmm
aged student artist slept, after cont.
pleting his part Ari the production. °
SO likee manner, after we have
done our part, Christ is ready to
mpletis less of---Werki—
make ,of our e a maeterpfece. esegeeregg mon beamoft
The opening clings in connection
with the training school was bold on Hamilton Street
'Moriday evening eig, &dock sup -1
per was saved .by the ladies of the
ehureh, as was also done on each
evenhig of thii COMIC. {The indent.
dont of God." He also roade use of ency of the weather and the altrioat
'the boy with the three bailey loaves impassible 'condition .isf the TOOjil '
and the tetv fishes, to perform the !upon the opening eight, interfered
miracle of tlie feeding of the five with the attendence, but on the two
thousand. Children are the nation'e following deg& weather conditions
greatest anet, and the world'a best ,improved, and the attendance in.
heritage. The b)l's and girls Or telereased until *bout 40 r•egistered for
shanine,ar the clestinY of hones. Victoria street tinitcd churele -Gotle. I
day will be the men and women of the course). After eunpor a sing.
tomorrow. To theta 'will fall the song. was ice by Rev. M. 0, Parr, of
visited his father, Mr. David Errieg. n
but the thureh member of tonetr.
row." We should train thou men.
tally, phyeically, socially and Opirit.
ually. How much time, thought and
otrattunit&, nation and church. I rich. Wednesday evening classes
ut the child of today." eitys one, closed with a dedication service, in
which all joined, for the presentation
of credits in the leadershise training
ioney as given to the rellgiou3 edn.
ation of childree (The weaker
ade a very apt reference to her Mr. Gee. Tebbutt i having a cale
isit. firet, to a modern hespital, of farm ate& and imPleMent 611
hich was etpipped, and rightly too Monday, April ;Ind,
ith all the tUtingS with which med. Mrs. Walter, of &miller, is visit.
re invention and &lace tould ennig at the home of her 'daughter,
ow It. also 'with trained nurses and Mrs. Gliddon, 3r.
dottore.1 for eh* Iteehng arid better. Mr. Edgar Trewartlis hes PlrehOS.
Malt on the Phniiihnl body. We next, ed the Arra adjacent to the village
visit sns to a *ureteral.. 'mete -elate, belonging to Mr. Alf. Jervis.
city wheel, which else was equipped Air. and mis. John mum of Tim,
*at 1°1Z, tbet cwetiillha isttel% are visiting at the home of
A ceme etteessice hos develoeed tf
the. *Mtge., It is te he hoped then, le
with the patient ?icing kept in nese- III, F
n.0 alias (Ale% MON, rille3W.,
Roth mumps and meaples hare been et.
epidemic in tr2,e country to the nei;.it
!whets, f . I .- I p Mr. a .4 Mrs> Thos. J. Potter.
f the yetest of cur Ise& Nekt she Ttl, lkildelon utele et ‘nn "met' j
,_. ... ,,,, . ...._ ., ,,,_ „
gitt.,1 ts swoop? .(stA We i it, shade liehemille, meet* at
he the 1.1,91,091. and tho ?steel ...hente .of Mime Adella Finlay en
lure/eel with eterythieg neceiteney Aril-WM.1Y ItVeniMr
l' the evil -ilea) development ef the Mrs. Bermett has rented Mre. Al.
6 A
You will Need Scare New
Window Shades
thin Spring. We here ell col.
Ors and sizes in stock. We
make all special sizes to or-
der. We have the best, eloth
on the instkor. and use the
intermitted liartthorn shade
tulle r Pe Shades delivered
and hung for you free of
SWAMI At Store
—East Street— -Those-ha
"In, the Window Shade blairittg
over 40 yeere.
Wall A
Fall assortment of flower trimmed,
Hats, Crochet Visas* and novelty
effects in straw
Miss MacVicar, Kingston Street