HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-03-29, Page 8WALLPAPERS
For better and bris4her
• biomes.
'Rennenti;'oer "the Early
Bird'g and make your
.election „wbile,
stock is Comple,te.
Vt.tuPli tiga our patterns
attractive and priCe.s
Cok's Book Store
So the Nexv Spaing
te• s,•,t
iritursTar. MALI% One Wine,
Friendo, erem neaforth vielted T.
• -end Mrs. Gray teat weele
Mr. Iteneeell lane and family intend
lcceving the farm in the near future.
. in the United ehurein which wee a
reel auccese.
A naby daughter haa arrived at
the home a Mr, and tern Geo, Ad.
anis. Congratulations 1 •
Miss LollChurch, of London, ia
sanding a few weeks with her coin
Bin, Mro. Earl McDonald.
A few of the young people took in
the noneeI Gederiele at the Oddfel-
,t, lowe' Hall Friday evening.
Owinn to' the bad condition of the
reeds they were unable to hold tier -
vice in the United enurch on Sunny.
Mr Itobt. Hoy, Jr., And Miss Lizzie
• Johnston, of Goderlele spent a few
einys• with Iffr. one Mrs. Robt, Ilon
nen el nee:Le;.,"t. cree ;:r. -e,
c-• - nei L 1 i".14 ..0
toga 3: etnee Ten bee il-4 :ttilr..'t r..1°. Lenin encens
genne t i eent Inn
Le e t S 3 t:..7t1",OLV t.'*.traTil tit0
Ma'. lent ineeLeari, of Terenne le -e.cecl'iel'IC2 t'th''''' L'..1.1„sta-ielie
..D 0 0 4 4 .0:..
i Ea :in tj Ed at EVe 3 in, nirittaills in) 'With i tie . fOr a clay (a? teen wenn,
ellen Fiene Arelnere went to ente
ma el Laelaiene foe tho weelnena. 51'.013e tecledenlYet01.2c`cs,....°E.41.&" inclill:"eteiletiftairn
erne Leis elenteenzie, of Port Al- ie0 C.4, the tree innate.
ee.rn, eentat the wcelnetel under. the
eerentel even (Feces ennthen ceereseendent)
Mien Aineeta leeelnit. wile In.; 3V4I•etert.le:nelWte-c3-4k,,33'wereaitt.te•wen 'va4
boon eurenne a <ere rear Iturenin. 1,4 it , • • ...„
Dere, newel/. tint: went. ,-;• ..P1P4..**4.1..54,44i.,010.4.,0*-,
Cwiene ta the condition of the
Aoneold Preobyterien enuren was not 1Virc-'• Wm' '143V413(11 a't Prese'4•
keld lant sooda. azgc. 0.. E. Frratt epent the erect- !.; ck'fon ainord Q0CrielizzEne. 042 tho kai:AlOOLS woe
1,1,e u. ie. ,w. 0. hem .tiw gaeeh once et "eenniennitele" eetil elr. and •
• eir. and Inane W. G. May, neet con-
reetninn nt the home of Mco. Dunuan. kaleelentana.
Meternen.. The rill eaR =I an. Dere. el. &well end eliildren ree'.'eneelon Wane Weevanosin enterteined •
Dunned by•
.ieneee (nen, which were 'furred to tbeir borie in cAbovtit (n; ,-.4avofirtei7zollz•t;t1itionirhoznrolorndas tohtireltrornallady,
very amuseue. Two voi•g interest. Thurnian lat.
inn papera were given by^ Mrs. Those Mr. Cban, leiviria retuamtel freert • E°nt EvInk WaGereesec vno bad been
eZi, 174th t.le.iit and oteer rola-
en elneneenzie end Mrs. Dune Die. Detroit, last nilluredav and intenes to • ,in el:0
nee here for the past. three weeto.
nen, in tome anzio. neett Mth daueeen.
lead°, tbe evening* cerviee of the IVIEe and ri.tvo. Front aro nneeta ce
,w ithe time b buy°
Sewing Machioe
tove, Neczlics. ctc.
British Eaceenee Chen
•onniveat lies been done in temein tbie netehbothood for" a
Pi:Oho:nut thia acosion, The fanner evbite,
He returned:no lain home in Blyth on
Irar.e.b01 PaPer on the Ilomieien The lee is out of the river fer ere
'nertniment, end the latter on the other eel:Imre Tile ever, in flood. Robert Davideon returned on nat.
rend a letter from Mist: Agnes Mac- seers. --- •
Provincial, nem Dan monLean ntweva attraete a number of eight. [ urday trona Toronto,. where he wee
. in attendance at the annual eonven-
leiraileetchlehe-erezeived-hearty--ae- - nee. Trete wegnene -Inge -Nee -Tenn- teen on- tlineVenneleitideineinters Ailso.
nlause. It was decided to hold an at working in Detroit• the. east three elation. While canny he alee called
home in the Loehalohnhali during the months, returned to Ide noun, nn upon erierida in Toronto, Elora and
tenant holidayo. At the close of the neteennw. Fermis. Mee T. Griffin, of Aahlield,
meeting* luncheon was oerved. lei who accompanied him, returned to
NILE r. A. Jonuston, who has been**."4......4,...........
home ni his iheirthe Ins bOtee OA Thursday.
quite ill at the
' ter, Mrs. P. C. Weir, is, we are gene The seacion for raaking nuiple
Mrs, 11, McIlwain is home again to report, irmwoving. • syrup hs again arrived, and some
from Detroit, where abe has been
in this district aro .busily employed
snendinethe winter. Frank Mell. in making thio delectable sweet
wain is oleo borne from Dungannon. Scientific methods have added much
• We en.° very glad to see them again Mrs. David 14,Tair, df Port Stanley, to the ease and ennvenience with
in our midst. is a visitor with MM. John 'Toms, this which this work is now accomplish-
• The Glad 'Gies' Guild put on their week. • • fed,. but we doubt very much vthether
eilay arid entertainment ' at Port Al. ivIrs. Beet Sharpe. of Toronto, in these more modern methods now in
bet church and it Mewed to be a visitirr* Capt. and Min. Ferguson at use can add anything to the never.
good success as there was a good at- Proem% . .
teebeeforgotten flavor �f the swan
Sheeting Special 39c
free from dressing. Regular value SS per yard, for... even wea .. . 390
Very line quality, 33 inches wide in
neat. stripes, pinks, blues,. mauves, sand,
etc: Best English make. reg. 45c yd.,
for.. 30e
50 Donn Men's Hemstitch Irish Cam-
bric Handkerchiefs witli colored neat
border, special quality. On sale half.
2 for 25c
Knit from fine Balbriggan yarn,. long
and short sleeves, ankle lengths, sizes
38 to 46 , per garment98c
_ - - Heavy stanclard-clothrgreen-or-trealliT-
mounted on good rollers, complete with
fittings, 36 inches wide, 70 inches long.
Sale, each.. - ......... 68c
72 -inch Bleached Pure Linen Satin
Table Damask, 2 select 'patents for
Easter Sale only. Reg. $1.50 per yard
for.... ..... . ..... , . .80e
Fine double Damask .ClOths. {John
- Brown & Son) Belfast), sire.2 N 2 yIs.
Pure Linen. Special. Price.. , .$4.45
Size about 19 x 38, fine heavy pure all
Linen Huck, woven harder, new value.
Special, 6 for $2.25
32 -Inch, soft weave, neat patterns, col-
ors guaranteed, ideal for children's
Dresses,. etc. -Spcial v.alue .30e & 25e
NEW COATS AND NEW DRESSES -Easter Novelties and latest materials in the new
styles just opening up today. One Dress of a style; One Coat each in exclusive
• designs. inspection invited.
ere el, ten nemee boded in the open sugar kettles.",
tendance and the weather was ale Auto agents
that could be desired. these days now, ainl all looking' for vehleh re -used hn onr foreftethers e
least Sunday was teview Sunday in Perebeeere• in the days. gone by,
. • -- • sehool teaebera (with no disparage-
, child,. Did it have Untried. Sunday
the Sunday seheol. There WAS a Mt H. K, Moorhens°. of London, Bills axe out 4nnouneirie tile 'rape- ment whatever to our peesent' staff
Mr .• Wm, Richardson, a nuinth, ig fairlY good :Mete/mice eonsiderinn le renown:0 old Acquaintances in the tition et the plaY, "The 'Winning of of voluntary Sundae' school tenele.
4 vieitOr '14 the home of hie Tether, t.e. state of the roads. The evening village these days. ' 4 '3".” vvilidl 'woo gives s° success" ers). The eontrast between the hos-
Mr. Thos. Itiehardson. • in :nice v.ne well attended tind Mr. Win. a', Seeneen. wen inn beet) heel lune' on the eveniag of PehrnerY pital and the day school and••che Sun.
20th. be the parish hole under the
Mrs. M. Arinetronte, of Goecelee 1 •n dy ri niened a very fine sermon. up with p1eurn1 pneumonia, we are ay school, was so great that . she
spent tieveral days at the li ome of en, r, t eane elenntyren oale teat pleased to report, is on the menu. t'ensPice° °I The A. n". P. A. of St.
around reul's Annlican church, The play was led to remark, "what shall ' it
her son, W. Dniernectrong. ween proved a, good success, every., end will soon be up and
• _ profit a child, le he should gain a
11°11 again lie given °I) IVImalev sound body, a well -ordered mind, and
lose hi a -own soul?" We went chil-
dren to .develop strong Christian
character, which can only be accorn.
inisbed by Religious Education, -(1)
Instruction, by biblical teachings in-
________terpreted in dally lifeeeenn By wor-
ship, (8) By conscious choice of the
"Way of Life," by looking to the
Lord Jesus Christ e'er strength arid
salvation and by serving Rim at an
tinies., She finished lier address
Mr. Bol Bogie, dr, left leeene0.
• slay for Inlidland, from where he will
. sail when the 01211SOU opens.
Mr. Leonard Crawford underwent
,..operetion in the lie:coital on Sat-
urday, and is making 4 good recov-
' (Ty.
• Mr. Elmer Moore's little claughter
hcm been the *past ween with
bronchitis. We trust she may neen
be better.
. The little son of Mr, and Mrs,
Percy Grehara became RI on Sunday
with bronebitin Nurse Mena*, was
railed end under her COre he has re.
Miss Bertha Foster while In Leann
Mena eeized with an attack of
Appendleitici 4nd. underwent an open,
ation. We nre_gladen_o_latem
:7•:',-----"edheririenalilin a good recovery. at
•the home ()Le:lends, ' •
Mr. and Mtn, W. W. Poster and
family left -the vicinity for their
home in Abernethy. Sask.; lest Fri.
day. Sheppordton nriows Mrs. VOK.,
ter aa a good neighbor, OPe who was
• always ready to help wherever he -IP
was needed. She was an active
retember iii the I:adies' Guild ot
Christ Church, Port Albert, and her
going leaves a gap which will not
eaellY be Oiled. The cheery faces of
the children will be greatly missed
• In the conunimitY and aebool,
Their many friends and rinighbora
thing• realizing. good prmes, We un- An . in Apre inh, in the parish hall,
derstand the farm liaa been :mid to The directors of the Bayfield Agri- nungeneen.
Mr. Williams, ere or Goderieli. 'We inineeei nensetv 0 e- On the former ocea-
Mon, when it was nreseined. the
do not know where Mr. MeletYre le querade femme in the town nail* on evening wan ore' of •the coldest find
going to locate but wieli 'him SUCC045 th° evening of April 10th. Prizes etorrniest of the winter. and many
wbereeer he may go, . .• will be given for best gents' fancy who were desnroue of attending.,
e--- • costume. 1st or•,!, • wore unaltle tO de 140, Ftild Pt tee nr-
• CREWE ir.$) fancy roetinne. let WO OTwd. algo vont r oopat of theao it it, to be ,,,,,,
The earrners nre busy in this' die. eereie e(es.tinne• . There \Yin ;a-teci-! -Remember tlie date, April
!or b!st
Ds solos and readmen ewer nee •..
triet getth&g their supply of wood e evening, alsonen serve a .00,
th 'd t 11 ' ' 9th -Easter Sunda.-
• .
cut. ' A emlaelorin adults 50 rents, clilliiren Mr. James Stonehouse is mourning
5 cents. Como in. eostume line en e the loss a hia faithful White steed,
illeears. nam Sherwood and John 4
Iclipatrick, Jr., were in Goderich one .70, oe in t , Bess, who recently- passed to the land
°Bean evening.
day last week. . . where good !horses' go. Bess hod
BEI FAST readied the age of twenty-five years,
The April *nonthly meeting of the s J
W. M. S. will be held in the church a•nd. had been very faithful' in clis-
April 4th, 'A good attendance is ex- Mrs. le. -Zeinspbelf. of Dingo:elm". charging ner duties for the past
peeted. • • •1•1 V1.114.1g With her son, Mr, Cyril quarter of a century. She was a
Mr. and Iffrs. Raymond Finnigan C41'114'61(
• nd-$eu,-Che.eter,-spentnlast-Surida-y-_Mrs,_WJilter-Aitebtt
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Met. trl tieokeoW svitli her sister, Mrs.
Shackleton, • . Cecil Mullin.
e'er. Kenney Campbell, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Vi' n enene
Monday afternoon at the home of
It visiting his father, of the 12th eon.,
who is under the doctor's care and" Mr. and Mrs. John Mose, Dtmgannou.
also visiting relatives.citneresere. e4r. Pavid Anne n
A goodly number turned out last Miss Beth, of Leeknevv, sent .0 few
Sunday to bear the Anti address a days at the home of Mr. Elmer A.1.,
Miss Winehester, of Totonto, who ton.
was here to represent the Ontario Mr, erd Mrs. John Emmerson. ef
Religious Edueation loin:Children and near lemlough, spent a day reeeetlY
who took the place of 'Mrs. Jessie with elle leeter's parentn- Mr. and
Calhoun, who eonld not be here on Mrs. Reinele Nixon. •
account of illness M the farailynn _ _Mrs. Cyril nampbeie ,nneee ane
, Louise. are eperdine a fen* dene with
are sorry to tee them go, 'but nbati Ai3BURN the fonner's father, Mr. Iohnson
Roulston, of Olivet.
ld 'our ImelAs other's gain, We all Mr. George :fowatt is atilt carry.
ing the Mail for Mr. Irwin. Miss Ma ry• Vint,' Miss Violet
Fresh Car Just,Arrived
Phone 47.w
Goderich Marling MillsGo.
. Limited
Automobile Owners
• Auto Markers and
Permit Cards •
J. W. MoktVIC:AR
at MatViear's Shoe Store
P. O. Box 414 Goderich
Twamley and the Missee Tillie and
The Amen in the beginning o( the
week gave the syrup maker$ n rest. Millicent Hackett are attendng the
Standard 'Training Schoolfi whieh is
The Farinees' Club shipeed a ta-
loa(' of hogs from bore on Monday to held in Dimetenneen 'United church.
Toronto. 1 ,, BENTVIILLER
Mr. Eugene Dobie, of Brussels
The epeetal seiefees 'being conduct -
steff, spent the weelnend
ed by Reit. A. E. Poulter in United
With his paeenta here.
Last Friday the young people en. church, Bereuillen will be continued
reeeetere, next weelr, the subjeets to be as £4d
themselves in the
MU at another nance. lows: SeridaY evening, April let,
• . 'TM: Unpardonable Sin:" Mandan
Mr. George Yungblut has renten evening. nIs Heaven interested it:
his house in the village to Mr. Dodds eft
) wie . Tuesday OVN.1.11g,' "Whet ia
who is moving hi shortly. God like?" Wedneeday evening "The
Men Thompeon, of the 14th eon- Unsaved Lost:" Thursday. evening,
cession of Hullett, has sold her fain: "A let o th cgs Iteligion"-Family
to Mr. McClinehey, who is to get Nigbt; .Friday evenitig, "A Young
ponseecion this, spring. People's Religionn--young neoplee
The following pupils of Goderieh night. Sunday, April 8th, morning,
Collegiate, Mr. lealmer Dawson, Miss "How to become a Christieit; ' even.
Anna Debit's and Mise Gladys Taylor, Mg, 'Today and Toniorrow."
spent the week.end at their home'
here. .
Mrs. Paterson went to Wingliani Mr. G. M. McKenzie was a week.
last week, being called there by the
death of uct, 4oustut was coder. end guest at the home of his mother
and sister at Clinton,
The. body was sent to Paris fee in.
I Miss Celia Pentland is having her
Owing to the fined in Clinton there millinery opennigs in% Saturday and
was eerviee in the Baptist elnetent, following diSys next week.
'no Ito:. Mr. Grade stayed hare and I 'Mr. O. Gfenn, who was on the sick
hndSelVieetS in the evening in the liet for a few days, is now able te be
Baptist church. around in the hou$0 again.
r. Dart 'teddy has rented Ms.
Try Our Winten's ARCH•ERZE SHOE
It is a wonderful fitting Shoe, made. with
Special Steel Arch, on combination
last. Made in Patent and
Kid Leather. Price $6.50
The-squavo W. HERN 43 W
For Easter Standay and all through the tlaster elerind we,
will have our usual woude.rfuf assortment of cut bloom and
blooming plants'ready for immediate delivery.
Pa51er both in tot and cut, cut Roses, Carnations,
Daffodils, Tulips, Sweet Peas, etc.. be hi t.;ood. supply.
Jt will te,,p/y your climb to can in a few days tram litiskr
Sunday and 22c our beautiful array, of bloom which wilt Pe at
its INA then.
GEO. $TEWARt flocrist
Mrs. Thos. Begley returned to her
home on Wednesday of lest week af.,
ter a pleasant visit With relatives in
We are pleased to know that Mrs.
James Edwttrtik_who_nAtinder the
doetor'S -emit-rase week, is now ofi
the way to reeovery.
'We join in extending congratula-
tient to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wiggins,
who telebrated recently the $5til ane
ivereary •of their wedding.
Mr. Thigh Stewart has rented the
line farm of Mr. Zritest Oirvin for a
year. We understand that -Mr. gr.
vin intends going West in the near
?ars. George Bradforil, Who had
speht the past week as a guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Istyan.
g-erieral 'favorite when she was in Mr.
Ideceure"seeliveree beenneonne-teventennener--Tra meg- PreeP • •
eocles house and is having herhouse-
hold effects moved in this week.
Mr. Showers, of Princeton, has
been engaged as cheese and butter
maker for the Holmesville Cheese
Association and begins work in the
near future.
The Ladies' Aid of the Vented
ebureh are having p. minstrel PIO' in
the ehurch on April 10th. It wilt be
Presented by talent from Brumfield
'United chunch and is werth hearing
and peeing. •
On Easter Sunday a special Easter
and missionary program will be giv-
en under the auspices of the ete.M.S.,
rt. whinch an taster thanneofferine
will be taken. An appropriate. ed-
drese, in addition, will be given by -----
the pastor, Rev. L W. Kilpatrick,
with the 'words of consecration as and music (special) will be furnished
Iin ibo yfcginindg,ngstriolunegs :and' byWtheearleadsoiesrioyitteh:epWorlit ;811.e sudden
eine. . Passing of Mrs. Albert Cautelon.
Friend of the young who loveat me; eth con,, Goderich 0., on Tuesday of
eeeeeare inyeelf to Thee, loot week. Death was eue to eneu-
Lord of tny life, I come." mania, after only a few days' illness: I
At the evning service her subject The funeral, connueted by- her pas-
- • " her ton Rev. L -We Kilpatriek, Wag herd- *-
on Friday at 2 p.m, from her late
residence to Clinton cemetery. She
is suryle-ed by her husband and five
sons. She was held in high esthem
by those who knew her. The
etch tewnship. There is also' ore
surviving sister, lefts. James Cox, of
Goderich township. The funeral
took place from the home of Mr. and
'Mrs; Milton Wood, 4th concession
•of Goderich township, on Wednesday,
March 14th, to Manned certieterY.
Rev. M. Gale, of Baytield, conduct-
ed the services. and the pallbeerere
were four nephews: Wilfrid Me..
Lean, -of Goderich* Victor Elliott.
Herbert, C. Cox and .1. Leslie Cox, all
of Gocierleh townshin. Besides the
members of the family, there were
present at the funeral erten& from
Dundas, Ingicnow and Dungannon, as
well as from Stanley tuld Goderieh
years ago. tem" being owned by, introductory sremerks Miss Winches-
Stoneliouse, she has,Md a rather ter drew a very vivid _word picture
more sedate life; pulling the plow a tbe contrast between a ndireleet"
dragging.the barrow, the light sleigh vessel, and an "neean ltner"-the tat-
• • 1 tie under nerfect
er the Welt swagon quite as eheee- * •
officers pine fathy of the, communitY is extended
lully as if in :company with another contrelitswinithartgr.gt course with 0 the bereaved,
horse. In her younger, ;days, Bests suing
'was of a pretty dark grey eolor, but, the' pUrPOSe in vieve of reachleg its •
completely white., Mr. Stonehouse Juan- the opposite-ntlerting nither e
of late yeare. had 'turned almost desired haven, or tporti .047,ine cdeer:sliento, enrAn.lifel -11
'reside t of Cederieh
o ; t,3 . .
e , . _......
will travel F spine time before (Md. a 0 menate to township, n the pe rso zi Mary- Aw
YOU would like to smarten
up for Easter and the Spring
tirne. •
Get, your Clothes Pressed .at
• VROOMAN'S and there will
he no "perhaps" about:
Expert Cleaning. and Press..
tog of La4lieens' or Men's
h ore° o lee the pI ece Of od Courseno port n ew, a
old Base. n all. She likened human beainge to Elliott, ewidow be the tate John Cox,
• these two differetie kinds of 'vessel, passed away on Monday, March 12th,
-The "Standard Training Scheele! the trained and the entrained. rein her eightieth year. The deceased
which has neon' bolding its *cosigns neneang' that a life that is wortn was married about ftety-nine years
in the Seeldne" eehool room of Done while must have n grant purposeno to the late John Cox, who wee a
d 1 who t f fh
serving as reeve for severol years
and holding the office of :warden of
Huron county for a term. Mr. Cox
tlaoses bave been of great inspire- one has yet neceoraellshed greet died nine years ago. Four daugh-
tion, and of much educational wilue, work. without trnining. Jesus "0:1- tors and one son aurvive: Mrs. S.
is without doubt. Some disappoint- led" hi$ disciples, and next "trained" D. Dawson and Mrs. G. te. Pollock,
ment was felt when word was re- them. before giving them the COM' of tondon, Ont.; Mrs. W. IL. Main, of
ceived. that Mrs. Jessie Calhoun, of mand, "Go ye into all the world and nieroel Own; Mrs. Milton Wood,
Toronto, whn represents the Ontario wreach the, gosnel." eellinge of Goderieh township, with whom the
Religious Um:calm:al Cnnnell, would life require -training--(1) The Pro- rteceased lived, and Mr. .1. Howarn
be unable ,to preaent, levying to iln fessione (2.1.Financinl, (31 Conimcr* COX, Ott the Cox homesterid in God's -
nese in the home: but in bee atea(1 eial and {4). MantruaL workers. How'
tame Miss Wineheater, of the same muelt more in the field of Religious
city, who is assoeiated with Rev. W. Education, is training necessary
14. Kannawine M. A,, In., who is "Study to show thyself approved .un.
the General Secretary of 'Sabbath to God, a workman that needeth not
Sehools end YOUTIg People's Societies to be acilianied, rightly divininn the
In eonnection with the Preabyterian word of truth." Treinee tetinnees
church in Canada, and all ground for workevs are esseutial. Several pia -
disappointment was speedily melee- cee of instruction were enumerated
ed. She won every one by her bright where these studies might be carried
and cheerful manner and her optie on: (1) Standard Training Sehoola:
miotie outlook upon the work. ,Miaa (2) newel elasees in thurches. (e)
'Winchester delivered 1nel:tieing ad. Summer Sehools, a very vivid nor.,
aressee both morning vent evening at freit ef a -day in numener Sfhool. •
thurch on Sunday, and also at Crewe childhood and Itoluth.wattle a
In the afternoon, all of whieh seeved strong appeal for better teachers ef
•gannon 'United chnrch, on on aer, quoting as examp es,Dante!, .proin nen residento etownship,
Tnesdeer amf Wednesclaen Mareh purposed in his heart that he Weald
27. 28, came to a close with Wednes- not defile himself. etc., and Paul, who
clay" evening's meeting. That the said into thing I doe' etc. No
the eervices in Dungannon United being' given ley her. For tb,e sant o
cm nPlehilld introduetion to the religion (ether than ministers). Alit
work wheel, WOrd011e itz elaeoee dur- thet is milted of tenyone is to train no -
hue the threenlayin course of the that your service ma be of the high- w h h
school. In lier addrees Sunda.•
morning, Miss Winchester chose ae
her subject, "The Child," basing her
remarks upon the childhood of ensue,
using lie a 'tent the words of Luke
2:40, "And the child grew, and vexed
atronghin spirin filled with WiSdOM;
And the grace of God was upon him."
Also Luke 202, "And Jesus increas-
ed in wisdom and stature, and in fay':
on with God and man." "Let us eon -
we value itt". Christ, in his life
upon eineln eind in his prib to phi-
istry, intide MIA& of the thild. "And
he took tt ehiln rind set him, in
the midst. etc." Suffer the little
children to eonte unto me,. and forbid
OS 44 t
CMOS $0,11 MaY resPond "Here am 't assortm
send me.' A fitting story was then ent of Cliederlielda
told in which Christ was likened Ala and odd - Chaim etc. Come
the Master Artist, WM talfie to add e e
the. touches necessarl to . make the in and juspeo our Goods
th t when the call e ave on and a nice
portrait, perfeet, will e the niseour. and see our iraluet.
eged student artist slept, after eom-
;noting his part in the . production.
o One role Dry eamng or
' Prompt, and Expert Stole:
J. H. viltOOMAN
Phone J22 Wost Strom
e Free Estimates Given
Over 100 Mohair anti
Tapestry Samples to
-choose from
Repairing Polishing(
Idoneour pert, Ch'rist is ready to Iv
So in like martner, after we have
make•of our I e n. masteracco• renrintinv —FIUNENAL 1)MEAVCM
The opening elase in eorineetion
with the training eetiooi 'was hold on Basilian fitteet
Monday evening. At sit o'clock sup-
per was served by the ladies of the
chureh, as wits also done on each
them not, for of suet' N the Xing- evening of the course.. rrhe inelem.
dom of God." He also made use of pricy of the weather nail the almost
the boy with the three barley loaves impassible condition of the roads,
and the few fishes, to perform the upon the opening night, interfere
miracle of the feeding of the live with the attencianee, but on the two
thousand. Vhildren are the nation% following days, weather conditions
greaten aeset, and the worldet beet improved, and the attenannet in -
heritage. The bays and girls of to- ereaaed until about 40 registered for
clay will bo the men and women of the course). After supper a sing•f
returned on Saturday evening to her! tomorrow. To them %nu fail the txoflg. was led by Rev. M. •
home i11 feoderieli. es 1 ehelehlee of the 4POillY of , houte?A Victoria ,street ,17.nitatt ebarCh, Gude-
11.‘ ,E• 4Mrliflgtoul eal'acw, cormitmity.' nation 'and :church. rich. Wednesday clOSAV3
visited his father. Mr. David Erring. am the child of today, saea one,
ton, See at the ileum of Mrs. Chan: "but the climb member of tomer-
lotto Reid. We are pleased to know yew." We Amid train the% Merl -
that Mr. Ereington is sornowbat inntally, pnymieally, sedan and epirit-
flatly. Mow much times thaeght and
is ineen to the relive:la edu-
cation of cleinivent The Walter
made a very apt reference to her
visit. Bret to a melees heseital,
dey evening, April leiths, 'Watch for wheel* wee ecpemped, and tightly to, Monday, April end,
proven inhealth of late.
'The Willing 'Workers Mission Band
of Etikine Presbyterian church. Dan.
women. will hold its annual V.:aster
entertainment in the church on Tees.
closed with a dedicatton service, 111
which all joined, for the presentation
f credits in tire leadership training
Mr. Geo. Tebbutt is having a rale
of farm stock and implement) on
week, with all the fittings with ch m
whied. Mss.Vatter, of Ilerimiller, is nbite
o partiodat$ next
A curiesity.tri the term .r etek iinevezt.i“on.intnhtlt, ciincenticeimconsuell .teinuie xtieirgi at temchienne3rof her ilannhten
n which is without ye, Was Inente ee - -e* ' (41.' °
from e, /Net ineasur last wenneel deetors, for the healing snit better, Mr. Eager Trewatthrs has pureltes.
Annei. but, a vitt aniedetr... npnonlateh.
eat ilinees the geed be ow" itoe, env noon ennen aisedisae equippen belongieg to Mr. Ain Jervin
Mr tunt Mrs, John Potter. of Tav.
A fIlMet Of MCIS1CS lUkIlltVeltMea, testhero„ for the menial eeintenment, i%aci mrt lett"'
with tho patient ening tirpz, in ones, t ;••••,(01 a f:•;uutisoi Wp14 tingi-to Ileintesville. recede fee ehe 11,
1411Hie, rn 4 fr4" mite' e'ellere-; like the hoimtet, mut, tiv, rehal. /1.6ttt° Mi" Adell4 Fift11417 °I"
eridt'll.ie tree eenteltet te the tenect fa th.e sPiritsal development ef the Mrs. Bennett has rented Mrs. Al.
n other respects the chicken iA Mert tb4 PilYsClad 1/°t/y. " n"t ca the istrn annicent ete, the
mouth. itt 1"eht et tir; tirtiet. tlarste c‘?,:tilthl 1.•
be rti, are vimiting et lie home or
the %i"kge. t3 to hAred. that, or tfto eoilen eur 18.0, Next she! l'he Ni°!ielt et the tnfte'el
Both mumps art3 measles be eni eonivered enereteng riteneeniy Theneden evening.
You will Need Sothe New
Window Shades
thif, Spring. We heve ell col-
ors and sizes in stock. We
make all soviet sizes to or.
der. We have the beet cloth
on the *neaten And use the
guaranteed snail:nom shade
r s. Shades delivered
and hung for you free on
Smith's Art Store
East Street Phone
nin,--thee-Win-d-rnw Sheet Business
over 40 years.
all assortment of flower trimmed
ats, Crochet ,Yiscas and novelty
,effecti in straw
Miss MacVicar, Kingston Street