HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-03-29, Page 3)AY, MARCH SwIt, 19Lr mr. GODMCP STAR
wAs AFull TO uT ; Neighborhood News Nuggets _� �._._.
11114ESTION s6110 A delightful surprise when you open
W." J. (Mathemv, 15# XQ*jjk 14., Special Prices
11idifay, Picked From Our E
)w Tia!(� I xuffi�vd fro int indi �.0
Iff, AT
�&ad %wi affaid to vat I ba =1 So)
at t,p trjld a I Alii, T. 1141g.Aon, it for abi�ut twi4 'N:c"ns,
and *he t5ld me bow iaiv wwij ti) t%,T,,r al, a) to tv_t; to Iii -a only b
"Itt , Th'- _13,� -0
'"Ith tile "no tubir "d kow cm sq, Rr". IL �r. il-c�eo�srd McEWELl L7
Cilifflan faiiii iin 0'e
.0th. at the. a&o of a4 IN
11 veers. Dc--cagoil, villoce ma � �"il varccciell of
name was lltjrript�, Ifirty(,x, 4, 1 Par:�mls,.Waljwr Nit tjj!jq
born in werles I eas
2 12,1
FARageutent at t1w jalti�,s stre�t '171lited,
=h paroonage, Fxcter, at two
Oil Wednesday afternoon,
alefth, aullounce th2 enga�,C-
I I-Itil, whea.Mss Jean Evelvil 0 UAY*ER TO 0
of tile! bacco Dry G ods
Mr. and Mrs. Ale%auder iStowa%,,�,,
Qt, Sk
mout r only diughter, Annie Miai�HW"lj;tr, 4iaugliter of Mr. Jolla ext ft Mae, to 31r. Ch(�stor It.
of 11,xinop, the marillgo to tili,p. the lot,.- ilii Walper, of 1"Vetter, W. -s
unRed in vulrrlago to Air. Frflnll.
place tbD latter part of Mareli. Reith raracuu, 60.1 of 51P. and Afro. Marked "Chinaware' and find 11). the
-Rll��;A her, tLonina vinner Wear
:RL , so I took two bottles, and Engagement arr
,vvr 10amuel F, ons, the eewulouy being
regret W day I JU 'as I Mr. and Mrs. J. 0, Dochorty, PW age a delicate i ce of 4hina.
4 perforilled by ger. J)" McTavish. PC
sun lasppy
to say I can tat 4nvitting forth, -Ont., amloulluc* the, engage. C#nadisix Team Victorious in Trebles
n,ad 04
0 11othei"Od With ludit, `UOR meat of their only daughter, Lulu M., 153
To4runniont lea Florida in
after. to Da: A. Willard Coon, Norfolk, Vir- I Call and look them over
Pat nri only by `Tin T. :W.lbaru Co., ginia, son of,,$Irs. Vooll,grad the late I In the � greatest bowling contest
Li%jted, Torouto, Out. Rev. 13. AV, Coon, Peterboro. Out.. ever staged at the local lawn bowling
-rinks at Mirror Lake Park, Florida,
the marriage to take plate -
li in April. qu'et'.1 tho -Canadian team front jk1ughayn, Blada"Or Weakness uplawful, illegal. illegithilat %, il.,
lsiitfSlCOntario, lei A. bt. Crawford, tic. 110t, prohibited.
The Late Thomas 31cCurdy feated Cluts. G. Blake's Chicago Getting -a Nights, Word :Study J* J. McEWEN
Jq LAVRA JACIMM A. T. C. 9. P. "Use a 'word thr"o times and it, is,
Mr. Thomas McCurdy passed away squad 20 to 16 in 21 ends to win first
_4� %tructlm given, 14 Plan'L Resliloaft nt his-- home iR - Exet&--Ou Vr=d5Y-,
._r_.:.... 1. th� 'Irish k
vouthes4t corner of Baylield anti Bret
QUIC 11- R8jj$V$# -_y0%jM" --het U"u0roWO--O9V -Voeabll� SQUARE-
tannia Read. March 1901, followlng� an illows that Government Officials Secure Itiforma. lacy by mustering one word each day.,
tion Re New Poitollice If Von ire Words for thia.losson:
'troubled -4*h burn.
1INDISPUTAXILE; too evident to--
JXOAL CAUDS an sensation, -bladder we3kness,
The of -forts of the Exeter Cham. adulit of disPute. "I want to pphv
quent 4silly liana ince getting -ti
her of Commerce in -seeking to have Corns eripp 0 tile
nights, dull pains i laibacl;, lower 21. 70� some indisputable evidence.).0 I feet cud lnitiie
Y Ile Right 'the ]Federal Government creat 'a doillon and down through groins.- to lowQr the •Ialut� tuts you will never forget. A place
pultable iiilortofficcon the site owned where droams come true. walking a torture, yet sure relief in
'earrister, Solicitor, Notar, publid, MO.. Xggrsbould try the, amazing.value of or rate of, "Tho house hao'depiv. the . shape of 11olleiray's Corn . Itc»
sor. to J. b, Vlloran by them, have met with suftIciont on- 01
Sneem il mi,
M00097 OWco, The $quitre* uliaortch eouragement to warrant Tablets!' at once and see Nvhat clate4 And $E! not worth that much. Ask mly,Valladlau National r mover in. within revell of all.
rraut them in the, a wonderful ditTerence they
vlako ! money-,' way Agent for full particulars and known I . �y
Upset atomach belief Omit their aims in this direr- If this grand new.. fortnula of a well INV1FF1CA,0Y,)*, lacko of villoleney. t illustrated bOOkletmi It's wiser to 40 your
ods t
Ej ANUST M. LER. tion svill be ultimately successful. known. Chemist brings you the Swift He flually veallu'd the lnolffitlon�,v (It balk -by- our "o"gaael
• Throuch Mr. 'McMillan's active and d satisfying komfdrt it has brought " I I 1 7
Barrister and Solicitor Por Lafter-eating- distress,- gas, sympathetle Attitude towar,6 'ths to dozens of others, you intrely, will of h a t(forts-11 - - I
10 Hing Street cast. Toronto, 2 sourness . and bloatlng� the 4julch and, INADEQUATE, iMequ4I* to what
ositive neutralizing action of Bisur . town's claims, lie was instrumer.tal be thankful and very well pleased -ed. 11he money is., innae.
IT61ephones Elgin 8110,8417 -,in briving the government send two It it does not satisfy, the drug 1
is required.
ated Magnesia has m6ved to. be just speqiq for my needs.",
I representatives to Exetar to� that.supplied you with 11$yrol ,lab 4'auto
certain and gratify- investigate -,conditions report jctj�) is authorized'rxCBXTr.1V,,; peculiar ln.�x4a'
DUDLEY H'. HOLUES; right'L Relief, . to return Your annor
'Otary 'no, almost lostiIntlY. follows the their fludings.'or char4citer. "He was a rfl.un of
Barrister, S�Iioltoi. r, - money on the firet box purchased. I a, N I
. Public. Convojanoer, ttc* very first a few,* kents' Dejthor Mrs. Albert Cautelon IThis gives you a full two weeks' test VOVIV ecrtlittic h4bit " I
v flHONZ Al HA1,111moN snjiri worth -obtainable from, any good . I I I . Sr-rxING
The death oecurred at. her home Of '!SYXo1 Tablets" without risk of OUNIPOU-NT, 'having liblimited,
druggist lasts for a long time. This near Clinton on Tuesday, March 20tb, cost unless pleased witli results. If -powor. "God, not m4n, 'is omni o -
special Bisurated form of Magnesia, of Mrs. Albert Cantolon, aged, sixty. you, WOU141 know the joys of peaceful, tout.*v
Dur Ptorklaca Troubles only, does not i � I . b,
nine years. Mrs, Ohlitelon was only restful sleep And a normal, healthy . 1 0 .
DR-, F-� T. It, ,von act as a, laxative. Ask your drug- ill a couple of weeks, flu* and . pnou- AIAXZTOX7R ORRAMCOMSTRUE
I bladder, start, this test today, Any
gist, druggist can supplv you.
monip 'doing their work quickby. good drug,- HOLIDAY IN JASPEIR NATIONAL -4 mart ec%JL
EY4, rAll, NOS% THROAT Mrs. Cantelon was a native, of the ` . ... ... 0
Late House Surgeon Now 'York Oph- township in which she -died,and had don. no -tvas n quiet, unassuming At Jasper National Park in tbe� 0
thalmic and, Aural Hospital, assistant .4 spent all her life there,. beillig, a nian and was well liked amongst, bli midst. of tbo� Canadian Rockies,, all
"Afoorefteld'a Rye Hospital and'Golden rfect vac.a.
daughter of the late HPnvv :Steen business associates and those with that goes to make the jr�
Itsiare Thro4t Hospital, London, Eng. She is -survived bylier husband -Ird whomile game in contact. tion awaits your pleasure. for EASTER
W Waterloo St. S Stratford. Tele- Jospor Park Lodge, an ultra4mod-
phone 267. 0 famll$o 0" five sou$.' Wilbert" of South Huron to Have Boys, Camp
At, Hotel Dedfora, GoderUh, on the Monde Jaw, Sask.; Lorne,,, of Indian. This Summok trio
hosteIrrk is the social contre of
pnillg fit third lAtoliflay ot each month allolis, Ind„ Rog, of StWey town- 0 iparli.: . Everyday about the lodge The, lIewest Mocks in Hard and Felt
04y, Tuesday, a ship; Edgar, of Det Plans that have been going ahead a d Alvitio.% can clalm: YOII14 at- th�'rollmylng b Detroit, and Ralph, for the last four or five weeks took dozen w Hats
TIM at home. One sister, Mrs. Go*, Mil- tention. There in tennis, golf and
ler, of Godevioll township,. also sur,,i definite shape ITllesday night, March swimming. 'If you like ito explore
CHIROPRACTIC vivo% 20th, when the ealnl) committee of the scenic .'beauty' Of the R,,;6k!es,
The bit thin iii
Alarried'Fifty Yea the South Huron Boye Work Board there is -ah 4bundance of. adventurous Ing Snam Neckwear'
'LESS PRACTIT1010R. Thot Years met'ifi'the Twos. Hall, Seaforth. riding, ainooth motoring and hpalth-
2 2-
F14 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cook of North Rev, J. M. Finlay, of St. Thomas, ful hiking to ill oviorl day with
I)R. A. X� street, Clinton, on Monday., March the ileld secretary 163116lis,
0KINSON. !, . of the Ontaric, happy t
miropractor nod arliolo,pw Thev TOU voys'. Woth B $pAng -top Overcoats
12th, colobkated their golden wed card; H. M. 9 At iniglit in At canoe, as you glide
They and their children spent
Goderieh a very happy Secretary Stratford Y. M. C. A., -Dr, over the �tlll waters of Lac Beau
Chronic. 0qattle.anO Nervoiss Plseasei. No aWoUnt of furnitM*," day to and the Ingham, of the ' Stratford Rotary, vert, the twin.Uling inulti-tolored SPECIAL MUM
7,quipped. with Dlathermn Blectrw howevitr Carefully select; Uide and bridegroom of fifty years and ROY Wild use member Boys" the lodge and soft dant.
Ata title Baths, Ejecittonto Electric ago!.. vote the recipients of many parliUment for Stratford, we
brer e won
letit ana Mir radtle: J C4 Cliff of Itsef iVe a to th. ballroom make a pie- A derful
handsome gifts, in honor the fes. ent, 1%eae, men, �Xho bqA
law lo, 41 n _y= L_
Jr. f t! �lveii=,ovcasidn; -and er i org
00113 We Years o expi anizing rand and
w hiondo
end byappointment, olcoeiffln were married in Goderich., township and directing boys', caulps. were :of "Clothes of
sififTbu *$day ft rtmq. Fildig enins-� look, and have ip,'neut most of :their married the.committee. A
to �) an n untold help Qual#ylt,
Office' hours -2 .4-7, life in Clinton. Of a family of six bought -.'CHEAP romedlesi got (0.
letter was'recelved from the' Strat-
Ilddy lit Attenflanee. It ne6ds the background five ore living and they have eleven ford, Rotary' Club signifilngi their Use Mrs, 'Sybilla, Spahrs Tonsilitis
the litmosphire, grandchildren'and three great -gra for C�vgh. Sio#'ohitis, Croup. Qin%,
Residenep anal Officommommi*Corner of South I - * - II& willinkness to rent their camp. Kich- NG
'that a children. Both eujoy Head Colds, tqrrh, Sore Throats HAND. TAIL
St. anti Rrilavinia Road. nly Colorful. lus- , good. health lgami, on the GodeirlchM4�11gld 'road, or money
find their fAoyid shopo t . they will en, to the board for a suitable sum to, be ail. Tonsil .1
trous hardwood can pro- joy many, more happ W6 Vedalize.11i Ifaild Tailoring
AU Y 708M. t0geth- determined later. The committers
CT10"t' ltv-?' Vide, decided to recommend that
the Board
Death.of Aft. Edward McPaul accept the offer of Xichiganii. for U R
•IrPONRAS uu..Nolty. The floor Inakes 'Si Ch a who August 17th to 27th. . The camp vvill IL %AX
q6efc and General Atlotion for'more than �O ydam war;' on of
'dii . The death of Cdw'aird MCFUUI, I k
Live . 16rence. 24 be under an exnerienced director,
Upoilitoo Street. Goderleh V Se4forth's most prominent and high who will be aided by trillued group G-ARDEN Cbas" la'
m -7 G -ode" Planning Mft, Ltd. ly osteempil drygoods met.-AfoM a landots. - Willile, - final-' dotalls. , have
----Sales ffilde evMrA10ere and a0�4- or 9
made to give you sallsfoot-lon. carred folldwinix a lwntracted-illness. not beo*n� worked out, it is expected NEEDS
armors' sale notes disootititeiL
in his, 78tH year;, on Monday,, March 14,at the Post will bz. $7.50 pox, boy, The' Square od r*,rh
19th# fit the home of his brother -in. The. Board urdaystonds that about
e I
_�ys,,� st lot St,�l
brit-AlT UOURTSU.N.. THE BEST THAT'S MADE lAw. P, 0. Ya,-Tavlshi on the 12th 150 boys in different ; Phone 219
4fts of the
Auklonr�-r, Vldon St.. Goderlcll IN EVERY GRADE" I Concession •of yarmoutb. The do,. riding wish to attend. but only 100
Always *A lot St"It, U199-0
eondijet and, it arrange any sale on lemead lvw; 'horn near Piefou. wll�re can be ncicommodawd, so any bqv.7nrWE
hne,f PM11 Q
"Ve lUtNt mpthodg-An. get best rMilts. he lived, until 14 years of. age. j1p Alitiog to attend should register. in low
t cord , 41 slid h st04'sor LEAD
9". him, air drop a et c, wbi I-PoeivPd bin e-vlv �"A.roantllo trqiji. tlip Il,ar faturo. Registration blahRt,
givo - It itntuedlMd attention. FrArm XVIr6Ae�H"r:gt*
ill hq rvitilAble in a She tial
�nlps, I specialty. it, HE ing with the Infe Mr. Vloulma",I-y, wl rt a IN CANADA
thpitip Any boy betiv�en tho cares 12 d
mereboonf. Cli of . all
be went to Troy, X. Y., a4d'loter.to 21 may attend. While tho cairn will 4 0 NO 0100 NEW
'NOTARY PUB1,104 ETC. &LU$r4A'r00 C47,41LOGUr-
kvirtinta. Ppnrpia, nfter�rards re. l- vrdov tl,,� immediate diroction of
AINT, UAILID. frninx f,% ortarsq. -oliere Im
a I, in -Extra Sale Next meK tarts Monday lopoln
-GODERIC H' fb(" South- ITOron Bovs, WorIf -Board,
)OSItior in ithe stovo of"the )ate PIwt, to attend, -not ba va�!*-s *AVA 4wro *V WMA" 9
;SOT TeX PUBLIC Thomas Xvdd. Seafortb, `- Mr. No- 'IN -N or Trail Ronoierq, Ary bov
eewrd convoyalleing d6p'� Vaill-'afterwinrils went into business within tbA vvf- limit -will'be welco-.
Good Compallies neore-lilnlej T)Pflr;te.l"f,,rm6t1on. ro V44, otc.,
in Staffa. where lie remained sevori
phone No. 298. Goderlph. Ont Rig years moving to 9 for in 1882, will be published iuA i0pw days. r
=--.11 1, 1 -,CIu
�_ . I . T . I Death of 1. W. Elliott . I .. i I - i . V� I
John W. Elliott, 4 wellknowti- cid. Chear-0 of
LIFT 7142: HEAT :wn of Clipton'..rdfed, very suddenly at them not)itiat; of Dr. Tbilaing' Rcloc.
A10HILLOP 511ITTV04 Flaf, IN'Rjn' R XT S tj. I)II it ,, tUf* bjj(%,� 01i IM
;Ir,,H-r vou i3A his home ia.V%torta street on -o%t of all Tito.
X11 I OWN 0-1W
A.N j COMP -M ACW NG'r COLO: ANID day evening, Dec. 16th. He had been inaro.tions. ofFevoid -to the ;;�iilo. It id'
FARM AND T.AOLATW TOWN 41140P- I%OMFOR about all day, at his garage a good to be found All every drug story in
"WIRF.D. part 0 - COM141A from oopnt to conqt and PIL,
n- RTV IN, f it, going hone between fiv�
value of property. inured up It# Jan- and six:' At about half past six he #oUntry mer.-.bantg keep it for sale.
ftrv. 101k $3.618.075.00. was �buddenly taken with a seizure So. boing 00311v. Procurable and ex-
conwoltv, Prom. and passed away a,couffle of hauls +-i'""Ali, uloll-rnto 1" "rice. Tani
Ofle* I e_
dent, GOd"Tich.* J1j-;, 1"Wims. Vico,i)e0slii
droit. nopepwoon. T. E. Rays, Sec.- later. Mr. �."lliott had bad a severe should be witboilt a bottlo o
stroke in November, 1926, from which
Treas.; "50afortil. Sale
Dinoorrons--T), V. Nfeelregol" Sea- he bad apparently almost fully' re.
forth; J. C. OrJovq. Winthrop: AVM. covered, although he had never been
Just his formor s3elf since. Mr. Eli, Our Veekly�
VtneY 4Z� Another oppottunity of Actud"i
Wrin. Cousla0ef" GcOr94% SkOf - .. Z_ �, Aw &C saved on every
Tucj;er,4Mjth; John 1,41ri'lls. Harlock" liott *qs a n-+iv6 of Goderich town.
your fovorili Dominion Store
Lessons in Eng!ish
%F lb- pound of 'Teti
John' Bennewlse., Broadbagan; Murfay ship" having,be6n A son of the late 4 Hictid of TXA at a very lots
Gabriel Ellliott,one of the early set-
Gib0oh, H110t,1011old. . ;�
AGE.NTS-4. W. 'Yeo, GoderiCh '. Sandy Kom. and was bovil, on the farm now By W. L.CORDON To. thwo W110 AM not
D -S -L. Bulk 53ci.,
Lefigh, -Clinton. Wm_ Mesu,.-y. Sdg- regular utorn Wo 00fielt a trial. X#001or tiso
obort Cole at the end
Our closo connection to the mar. D0101no Ig -l" uoo Aqc
forth: It., Ulnehloy, Sestforill. • owned
of the After his mar.
V ej a tanV-j thele i.
ffleotq at It. It. CtItt's store, "JoderIch;
A. J. blorrish's dolming store. ciiiiia;
or J. It. Itedd's. 1`11474014.
Have it atttuded to by tlto
A I wFAT 01AWAN01111 NUTUAL MIK 10111141149 C4
Established 1978
Head omca-. Duntaulkon" oat.
Wm, X Thompson, Auburn, Pres.
Wm._ Vatsoll, Vim Pon.; tames Gird
now- C
at 811 bovfrl�-U*ht or
are the investors of sk
World War, thit; went up, 1 6118
-trouth afid down another,
through No Man's Land, into the
entrAy's couittry, never stopping
until they reachiii their objftHve'?
V0011 fibd that 'the heat Folks
have the same pers6tent tw6thod
oteorabating the cold.
Their objective & a warn house auil
a busy kitchen range-, and they
reach it wtIt Prompt deliveries of
good toill.
For Good Clean Coal
I'm Air Wheeler
Funeral Director and
Goderich, onuvio
All C-114 1,T'noptiyatt'nd,61. to
de or might.
rhollow atote 835, 11ov!W 355tv
rimer; tea Alicia .1olinfe Walker, of
Words: Often Misused[
Clinton,.be lived for a few -years and
farmed also an the Bayfield line but
Do not say "vvo must Investigate
fellinh-p-I&-farysi in 1001 •thov moved
lid lavixy: -Say 'ate
oveo.11 or "instantly."
into Clinton, Here conduototli a
Do not say, "the table decorations
livery bar.". lnd'last year otldoil a
wolm arranged." Say 11t4stc-
oartiee and corvive, (1�qtjon. Ma son
Zoininir home during his Mile= ty bo
I)So not say "I adoro ereani pufra.11
with Ilia father and take ebargent
+hsi bus!"eag. For somp Mr.
"Adore" menno to tender divine bon.
Elliott n1ses mattoged tits old linmo.
Ora too, worallip.
Do not sav "will you accord ug
stead. which hod belonged to his bro•
friar. Thomqg4 Elliott. %vh&,%vnq acel.
thin at?" Say "grant us."
dentally killed fit 1901, until lie mold
luo 1111111T, say was not hardly
onouch.11 Omit "not."
to Mr. Cole. Mr..011ott la survived
by two 0611b. 0r. St. Elliott, of Totoin.
j)o not bdy ,, wanted to ce yotr
to, and Mervyn.'.4 'Home, Mrs. 14.
Say inuell."
liott died in 1920. Ito is also sur.
Words Often 3119prollolifteed
vived by six. staters: Mrs. X. W.
Lullaby; V as in llbv.11 not a.q iin
Reid, Mrs. Gporgp Clark, Nfra. V.
"it." accent fli-st arliable.
Chuttr ,Intl Mrs. J. 9. Harnwell. of
Napoleon. pronowlee lost two ryl-
Varna; Mu. Wellinkton We, of 5�%-
lablon le -on. and not Van.
forth ayid, Mrs. & T, Reid, of 1,on..
Aptivalvpse. Pronounce a-pol.-a.
"Pa I in
q.- 11OtT_1_4'0 Pg in L s
of"' ' la5t. avl�ablo tea arcent
mo lid
lgowjd. t
0 00 ill 't, 110tv 11 in "no:,
n as in ",qO,11 r ll(',t n5' V
"rulp'" first a
fumanin: V no in a
"Inay""Oticont after the s.
Warda Ofteu N19-op0lod
fleight., floe boiniAll. ottovolzat'.
fan; a. nAt .1. �Confolvtioufnv: -uv,
Ent 'nf,, PIajjjnQ0[;: ttV($ n'S.' I ",_ I'.
tvo 11111varklatle; 140to
phl, syltollyr.l.'I
I 4b, n
Z -teal. thiove. niticv., vul-pin,
pli-dor. donuoil, toot.
Tilreo6fteouq 14*41itc, unpolinlied,
,',h-lt�o, divide, 01100E dich tap,
ket and tnrdful blefluffig 030UC# ruttish- or"kisof Style . 1110
uniformity in quality ptichinello It 7
Wroi 1100SINS or 140204. X Pkis, 110
Salt j!1:ej1b& Ito forutse lot hair A.bact. ISo
0-16* 349 494
Jelly PowderOats so, ap
W410,0404 for XS4 0*4k W I'latis It F!"ts
5 Torr 25c' 25C Iliklltr, 6 for 255
Bl"Uitfl Orttehho=16tWe's
KiWr Snacks 2!w,13e
Pare TA 61 T
Quebec Milk 'fib 1 9C ts�
maple shollod aread
syrup, w"'O"
Wqlnuts,.�.. 39ef-h. V16less"o
witite tell 9C
tin , 1r---" 9tAnach 240
Large G401,00W*04.0040rk
Bottle 599 Cif) fee 4%)C I Preiid Se
,i ngs-
lpinesopie ",e Corn , in To,
Mustard .40,to
marmalade Stertwb
6a 'n -A
217c 23 C Jar loco& 25C
fietlt 191110ttt I%aZ*r 510des 35
Extra ble, Next Week Starts Monday Norning