HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-03-29, Page 141,11.11141114.11•41444- MilMommenr,•-- - • OUR CLUBIliNG LIST - sae.. youwoomiThr and Trouble— leave your Saliecriptione math THE GODERICH STAR obertc • . *. . f "MMISWMC.CO:MMIN,mult—r- A Calendar for 1928 Te Every Salrecrilorr PaeOslif in Advance RLPILW NOW 'and get te STAR CALENDAR 841)1411`' " Ye" in' "" r'GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, MARCH 243t14 152S Si it 1 1-..NINTII Alt $2,50 a year In U. S. paints. WALTER NAFTEL, Ftittli4her. • Goderich Collegiate Institute Celebrating Its Fiftieth Anniversary This Friday Night at the Annual "Commencemenf' of the School Sun Life Assurance Go. of Canada A TOWER OF STRENGTH Life Assurance in force-. .$1,500,000.000 Dividends to Polieyboiders •increased for eighth saKgeitalate year Phone 115 H. R. LONG, District Agent • Stocks!: Bonds! Grain! Market quotations supplied for any listed, stock. Orders promptly executed on Toronto, Montreal and New York Stock Exchanges and Chicago and 'Muni - peg Grain Exchanges. .Haron',Investmenis, Limited . Royal Bank Building* Godeficil, Ont. , Phones 430-445 Private wire connectioas with all leadiagsiesk and Grain Exeltangar FOR SAL] FOR SALle-Yellow Rtfissom ttaveet plainer R.SW,d4, 210, Colborne Munieinal. se,41;1 ' Imes. Ontario variegated. Grown mot, Anita :Canadian .Govern, '11.4‘nt Stanched No. 1, W. L.: YOUXO, R. R. 5. ;o(Ic•rI(11. Phone altle, Carlow. AVALLII0ABD ers nod builders., save on faidor,,- encontis, .Wallboani kiij' footnoting Board stilt:MI(1 for all .nractical pur- nose4. EASTERN FACTORIES DI), Box 21t-0, tiontilton. Ont. - WYANDOTIklil Partie ror IIATtiklING: J. S...ltartiriss, pi - '1i1 Dorcas' breeding. 63.00:for 10 W.. DEIIN, Box 233, floderioli, Ont. FOR .SALB.--Whito lilersom, Sweet it It I Ooderical or phone coo ring II • Goderich TtvP. ° w"Ahout interest, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pon -fernier particulare aPply to --------- Clutrer Seed. 1101371. W. DODOES, AUCTION SALES ADMINISTRATORS' SALE, Tho Adminioteatens 4in the 'Entale of Itn, late Elizabeth DOI will sell by penile auction at 'Me premises. Bri- „meta Road, Goderieh, on . WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 41.1t commencing at 2 o'elock sharp: winy; Lot 3, subdivision 1, in GoneesSion lo Me Town •of (toile, mituated on tte south side of 'Britannia Hood, At the oaam Vane and place the fol. - Owing forniture will bn sold 2 dining room tanitm„.6 Midi* room atoll% 1 kitchen Min.,. 1 sideboard, 1 4,111tbee, heater With oven, 1 'Happy Theentlt range, 1 Iron bed. mattress and ,kiprings, 2 womlen beds, mattress and Borings, 1 bureau: 3 %inn stands; 1 chest uf drawers: 2 Whol-nots; 1 iaftrgerator; (Mlles. sealers. cutlery mt- mon e rous-oilte fureiture, cash; on pro - 20 nee cent. at the time of pura . a , a e /0, twee wl 1 ayi.4, tease In 1 T ti i 30 d TOWN TOPICS Rev. G. E. Rose, D. re. Calbed to Ottawa Rev. George E. Rers, P.D., of La- , chine, Que., and Illontreal East, a former pestor a ham ehurch, Gone. rich, has been chosen by the rongre- getion of Erskine Presbyterian chureit, Ottawa, ta succeed Rove Dr. Ernest B. Wyllie, who resigned his post us minister a few months ago. W. O. S. S. A. Track Meet The ninth annual track meet cl the IVestern Ontario Secondary Schools' Assoeiation vall, be hekt in London at the University of Weateru Ontario qiintl- on Saturday, May 19th, with senior, intermediate and Snyder events. Entries close on Saturday, May 12th, The publie and eeparate echoois' track meet will be held on the morning of the same day. St. GeOrge's A, Y. P. 4.4. to Repeat Their Ploy "Seven Chantea” The Young people of St. George's church showed go0c1 ability' in their first ottempt at dramatic wort: ,scorte weeks ago, when they Wire the emu. edy, "Seven Chances" in the parish. hall, and many who missed ageing this very . entertaining production then will be glad to know that it. le to be given 'nein in the parish hall on Wednesday, April 1.8tli, 4nd. no doubt, $ome who saw it last time will want to see it again. ' River Break -Up MIS Made . TOWn Water Sup* Dirty A sample of town Water taken from the town flail tap and sent to the Institute of Public Health, Lan- don, Menai 22nd for test; is reported on as. good, with an absence of colon bacilli. It is since that elate that th,e break-ue of the 'c'vor lels re -4* 41'n town water so discolored. Samples of mills and -cream from Ideal atlaten ...114.0 .mm1 WANTED ANTED. -A man Or boy to.do gen. ern) farm work. -Apply at STAB OPP/Ot for address. , $3,000 A, LtR Establish yourself In a lifetime bus: - mos youe own. Our men Make itprti to $3,000 yearly, you eati ite entun. NO experiente neeessarY to *tort retailing our al guaranteed lines of llottschoid Tea, s, Coffee mot Pooll Products, Pleasant, bealthy and dignified work. Exelusive terea tor -y- -in---yottr-gEstriet.--Writo-for particulars. CO..,200 Wan, - snore. AVel-, TOrentO1 • REAL ESTATE. AND itt8_vp4iNc.1. .orsolly& SON. Aurtioncera. or OTICIE To OftEDITORS - 1111Z AlratiSTItuNti IVO/kb riSTATE 'LW:. DAV-. Solicitor$ tor , • Aion iNsuu„woo mme,y, A4rionhilcittor.. (iolectch. thit, • A V MON SALE OP '.110118raiOLD e.„. -.kr (+lent and Auto,. S ur •4 46 4turtxtruar ,ttir purtaelgt. avia.„ •a!, s ave are dlistrueled to sell he puldle „.. No better plaee'to puteliaao property onennn tho non", en nn n of any kind. _ n or s ret • Just a few of the Many listed; Tbese ' ' -wet 'P St°te' " t to AI gel 0 'a ' : SATURDAY, alatiCii :it A geed eonerete bleel trie te_441111°.n.C.I.,144 44 .''el!3.4.• sliarp !how, gurtige4 lots;_orko.$1,20o. . „, tiranti piano, a urst slags ' A eholee new .Thodera designed . red Instrument in sOlenditt oirepet' 1 i- bruk 410u40. evellent 041.1difilott, good teritoid and ellfkiVi ienOR43041- 141,' lire: 1 tar e =oak sideboard:, 2 round oak 14/c4ti°n. fun .2nuclexn Prteu entensiongtAbi 6 di tin. thaire, es, 1 g . - Good hriek, house,,,,modere equipped,- ' wr Clvinu*021!.411.1 nbif,orm .roexer mtge. argestio • riatmtge.1 near :Square: prim eiz,000, by .or,a, e iron bookt and Apittors: 2, Many other Mie brick houses, inenni- t g, . „r„.., soul , a 0,, 4 1r0 hook 15 10 ; 11 6°111(1 4:)r the heOt statteber mid 'elver:. -small Ituffett o number of good ran* bowies habitv:,* Mathes ,cabinet: dressing table for ea 0,, seine of Menthe hes,Mli_et-111 tour beneb.; :tot, or shelves:, 001.1per ite bought: oritearera.100; 42,1ao: wA***4; boner nod etronn washing machine if.1000.; ,81,100.1 81200.; $500-. ;old wringer: 3 opener ou'etowe 01111 Flans: , iptpp: ? ort,lvtnizod wasli tubs owl sp",14.1 tor ,(ititek .940. a ;Item..line assert, eraelei. ititehen labia: 2 rural borne, about IV.,4'uttlesifront (lode., window screens: kitehen eitales: lawn rich on dna Illue Water Highway, Olose motve.r; garden tools; baseball gloves: Lo school, not, too far front town. for ,grapSte and tinware: numerous °titer rualnetts Or latiering truth, with auto. or 01441114e • Tho -re will be no reserve on atrytiling mrse and .buggy. as It roost oll sole. nerea of land in pint,: -condition Mowing done. mostly wovea wire feria; •TERSIS.---Cesii .evierilititor bin the told • the dralned,- artesian wen, iine On whirl, „teathitiretory trims water,. good trait orchard., haddhich cOn41014' or (modern designel brica .111! isigtY st ON, AnctiOnerra. tRuiee, well arranged ;rooms, planned tegtetn75g,--ii:,',1,7f-01, tor omvenience, and compact, with bath Jai pAitxt kNos YALT/"1"Ttl" room, . an •Vitt roart ari • In house, ,sinks, suMiner k4toliens, ere oollent ,cellar, phone in house; . (lath, rinal mail deliverfe Pod .bAlik born, stables and sheds tinder , burn, with The Exeeutors of the esfaie ot the late fsaae Henry 'Young will bell br puler(' :motion. at the "floderieli lomierly Lannonn Rohe. ilaminon watersupply. fowl house., auto and . - a 0 P I. at 1 inviernent liouses, 0.00 aria tank °load.: In the afternoon, the following house, very neat clean yard, Titre farm lanadsla „ ehould more eitan provide tbe ,Entlre 'z'oroong ot LON Ninnbern live end r ovirw for a Maly, pay interest, six, in the Fourth Ooncession, Western Division, ot the Township .of Colborne, -on investment and 1.41Xes, and provIde err a pleasanter home +hen tiny preperty In the loWn. Pow, of entire property about the value of the iimprevements, and Ices than price asked ,for several town *properties. ,'Important- te sell at onco. Immediate posseesion given. A number of other fine terms for sale. MO items 412,000; 200 oereS .5000.1 160 acres.' 86500. t 3everala100-aere farinS 0104 8'0000. ; aerie at -60aererfartelie frotre '81.100. 16 acres for ta23000 et., Por all inforinatIon write or see Ja Wt ARMSTRONG, Beal Estee% 00x. 8P: Gloderion. fint, The present Mining Market wola. .dirful for buying. Your own feara are holding down prices. When your faith rit'rs prices will riee. Pelee ie neterrainen. by dermind rind amply. Intrinsic mine valets nave not timing. Ilon't play ink* the clews of the bear. You hen nothirog to fear if yott don't buy on merlin. Call end ene me. • NoRmAN LEWIS, Cor. "Intent.* and Newgitte Streator,. fiblderlitle Phone 476. J. W. CRAIGIE Real Estate soi Insane being snore partieultirly .41taseribei1 ai followin arritMENOING -at post. plant- ed on 111e.East limit of maid lea .said poet befog dint tiro/tit forty-three de. ernes forty. minutes Weld, and a -dist- ance Of twentiaeltaine and sixteen links front the Noriti West angle er sold Ita numberlive, THEME due south fortre six degrees twenty minutes Eng fifty ehains And forty links to a posteplant- ed; TitENOE due Soutli forty-three do- grees..aandfeetvr, nonittesa Waif; it n ebains and clot lints to n wist; .1111EXCE. due North' torte -six 4leg4ees and twenty ultimates %Yea. ility (tains natt forty linke more or lose to Um intersection with lite East limit of the side road; TilEXCE following said Eaat limit of vide road due North forty- three degrees and. ,forty vninutes East ten Cholas and eight links inord on lese to the place of beginning, said parole ontaining by admeasurement teenther t1ft worts anti four-fifths of an acre of land. excreting thercout those notations- of said lot Aoki and eonveyed to lito fluelOt and Aloderleh 4111 he vain premises Is a small 4,1'011. molt 17 401.03 of alfalfa. ju aerie; fall anal 1 &u:Ll4 etubble arid tbrs balance of the land tls in pasture. It IA Minato about miles from (hide. Arndt, anti one lune from MeGaw t4tatIon. Farm will he eold sulneet to to. 4'-- '1,1 %, malt at time Of pinehasa and the toalanee nft onve neo Interco!. Per tindIter paitlealarr ripply to I1A 6, HAY% 4'-- ile:it/10 Imiario. leeiteltero for V41141en, 61:,,N1)11V IS) SON, An-. i!'-.--.;. O Fn CARElf & SON Lai SPICIAL111111111 CANADIAN lltwmG mviorturrts Our best information regarding env mining property ate p1e33rtt fry remmaitteaten mem %intim Private Wire Vermeil** *area all LeediNg Stock and Great lataangee, Maiminge Tamale Nellabig, OODRRIelf. "l'hone 211 NGTIGE IS IlE1tel3i.,4114'EN to alt .persons lining claims against the. Ratak :et Ahoy Aiflt,Peoltwoodi-iate 'tett Town of irotierieli. who dial on or about the sixteenth day of March, A.11,, 1028. to 'forward their define to undersiond, duly -droven, on or before' the 7th /lay of APril. A. D., 1028. On anti after that date the Exeettirlx of the iaki cstate proened to di*, tribute the said estate 11111 ng regard only to ttuelt :Maims 1441 ha1I titter nr,4 , 40,4 and' 11.arte, llentliton tetreet, (toilette -le Dia, Solicitors tor Preeniels. •NOTICE' VOTICE1.-Will the party wile- took ra the wr0tig tikateit 'front tile rink ntellse return Ilteln -to M. litiThr,11-, Netson St., and reeelve t tier own. OTIGE.--Partles having elean ashes 10 divose of ran And eeftVenient damping spew on Hospital • ;reminds. Mean osties only, BOARD' OP OO bit- - NOSS. Tiltil. Till.: MOVEII. • . . .....-, . ., Pioneer instance Str,Verti 0r Canada, taagest, Speedy Paddeit Vano, Nese- Altdpntent. totea Methotts. '1 'o ex- perienced anon, every trip. All Le•tds insured'. Beyond compare for skill amt. mire. liefore 'rou movriwrite 114, tit wire. and reiMrSe titO elgtrget4. IttVfl Office, lituniltou„ °Mario, .1.lanotta. ' ,...„._ IfILL TIIE, MOVElt.. FOR SALEiric TO RENT oustl; rt)tt fmt.E oN X.APIElt STIMIET.-Ilot %vette* Izeattel, wired tor eleetrie rauge, all modern eon- viellenettfia large lot and good location, Everything In good condition. Ii1118, X. BAECILLEIL Napier Street. . • , ......-.........a....... a ._. - To liENT„-ra, inuall beuse on Widder. eireet, Apply alltia liElaila lirie tamale Road. rent 11P,Nia -Ito-'11;i7s-f7ars-tatint-ovi:r'is?:. 4' flerat's Shea Store. Apply to .r,, IlEttri, Shoe Marchetti. -putt ItENT.e.alio3 wept Mit r the t... .......--. a e• house on the eorner $t North and TVelson strtadn, known to( tint.Elditt, or Jaekson prmtettY at prooard epee. Wed by Men. ipatheringlon.. APillY 1,0 4114). WI 1,1,1A.S1/4, . Tftnite0 for the Valote of W. If. 2.4ektatti, etoodi..in I onk or tionar14eree,bu2nittro , AUCTION SALES —1'41I'l-'4 ri-7tril'7W-F;:1tMr t..;1V;:ii r AND laitti,EallIN'ra, ' ..-...... At Lot Ur Gen. 7, Ilotleriett '11.wit- '11t1p, tar TitrllitY ePrill, ard, . . confiltenein at 1 'o'clock l-ltarp. 40011015tIng id the folloreine 2 400d Wait horses: 12- head of reed now...attic: 11 v•tore Mtge; ill', pullets, ... ty . - — ---------eneeseronsmoweamoorieo` Implementer -Rubber tire lop buena Portiand tinter; cultivator: feral wagon; walking peewit: Mote titainrao, Niaares=111airie attrwer: toilet r: eel of epaiee, e000 roo, cn'tnt t -'.1V-4, Ma lb. raraeily: rnsitage boa fa re with1 f1Iat tat t 4 f go,t Ret f1t awn ltdragemq v14'400E11: 14201, tittrint' or 1.6%1;4P neroe 'Mat finriTt eimpina Baser. noi talfti aim 01 444 sopa:atm': IT Irak CID! 4ittalitti1m. of nittral steapae cirat attaiiiitsa et at one tilerseal ewe,- rievert 11113102,i c,r licCrAv 11791ifilit 1 pro& 6-2 aloe, F31 -6a Taint at1_t06.1611a 4t54 4' thilr; t'l \ P'41.1 0.4 eteprieter f 104 f I, 'relitia ^a at, oar. e '_r -j ;it,: 1 ,,t tanaaifPIO ;eat me! eat r that A rordailli° 44; ttitt lie o. teintf,!.idow o.".4t• o (711,, .s0110 at teogli -.lit at, T4.11.41100 474,44 4,:a4 CC et 4,i-eq13ate if4ri4 11 1%1 14 1.1- e , ,,pt 1 ! . Atvta , 4,, *ent in for test at the settle time. with the exeeptiowo ItViO fOr or,R41-t, nre 1,4Fglittly below Mai. dud, show the percentage ot butter fat, pretty well up to the legal re. quirements. Canadian Legion Entertainment A very successful at home wes held by. tho3 Gederich branoh of she Caradien Legion last Friday even. ing 1b °Mellows' hall, with na at- tertdanee which filled the eesembly room. At euchre Mrs. E, Craig won the ladies' high score and Mr. Nina Stirliiig. welt both high *cora and lone -hand prize among the gentle- men. After lunch dancing was en. joyed, the Meliannon Oreliestra as - Mated by Geo. Aiwa at the traps, provided the musio. A Fine Gift to Alexandra Hospital Trebling -School The president of the Hospital Board, Ur. R.4. Megan', recently do- nated to the Hospitel Training School a. complete human skeleton. This is something that has been ro. ginned for years but tbe lioard heti always had so num other ma for their mosey that the purchase cof skeleton has been 'deferred for some. thing more urgently needed. .staff at the hospital, as well ail Mon. bow of the Boerd. aporeciate very mucli this valuable Addition to the equipment of the training edam). Tax Rate Likely to Be Higher The town council met on Fridan night last and Went into comMittee of tbe whole to consider the enti. mates for the year 1110 tie to Pronoom for the striking of the tan Tate. uw. -ing to an irisufticient suet being rids. ed the past two years in the ntrity of taxes the town timinces are a little behind, and it 'Welts it Will be neeen. sary to have a higher nate this year unless the program of work it cut very eevetely. The Matter wan re- ferred to the finance eoMtnittee and no doubt a recommendation as to the rate will tome up at the next meet. ing of Gm Connell. Marino Club Social On Wednesday, Mari 21st, the Mariue Club -held aottchre and dance in the Othtfellows' Hall. The va tiers in the euchre game, were, Indies' first, Miss !Ritchie; consolation, Mrs. A. Colborne; in the gent's cies, anat. Mr. Keith Colborne: consola- tion, Mr. 1Vietld. At 10.80 Steward Bonney and his waiters served Mach to-.125-eguestso aftett-whielt, dancing tatted and 'slated :until 2,80 u. 81. 'he tommittee wish no thank ell who took ,part and especially the ladies-. The greatest event of the evening w•as stop.4uheing by Wrn. which was enjoyed by all. Meade wae famished by Tom Elliott; and Ben 'Young, . - - The Goderich Homing Club, 4 The animal meeting of the Homing. Club was hold on !Thursday night, 'Mareh 22uti,when the following "oilleeraaatere elected President, P. Johnston; aloe presi- dents, W. Pittlad0 ond N. McKay; seeretary.trettsurer, als, E. _Mutch; executive committee, 8, Meligy, J. MooVieorr, 141.. Webb, J. Pellown and E. Laws. The following dates of flights hasbeen drawn. up: For old birds -May 501, from Stratford; May 12th, from Initeliener; May 19th, from Georgetown; May 26th, from Toronto; June 2nd, front Port Hope; .Tune 16th, from Napaneet June 30th, from Brockville; July 14th, from Cornwall; July 28th, from Montreal. Foe young birdie -Aug, 4th, from Stratfond; Aug. Iltie from Kitchen- er; Aug, 18th, from GeOrgetown Aug. 25th, from Toronto; Sept. ltit, from Port Hope. An invitation dance in Oddrellows. Hall for April 12th Witn decided on. Celebrates Ninetieth Birthday A pleasant event took plaee at the horne of Mr, and Mrs. Jonee, North street, on PrulaY evening, March 23rd, when Mrs. McNabb, mother of Meta 'Tones,. celebrated the 00th an- niversary ef the day a. her birth. 111rs. *Nab!) was tho reeipicnt of telegrams and letters of eongtatula. tions from friends in Detroit. !Tamil. ton, Toronto. Acton and Creerrooret and during the evening Wa/1 Able to earry on 11 convereation with her sent res/in Toronto, oVer tong distance t etilione. Although in ad. vonced, yeare she is Mill active and in good' health and has the 'use of all herafaeulties. Among those pregent at the gathering were her nephew, Andrew, Brock St., and his sone Amos Andrew, ef Auburn; Mee, Ater. wiek and tho Mewl P. and O. Hit. eide,awho are great nieco. andotwo little great great nieces. Mildred and ,Shirley Marwick; also Mr. iintl Mrs. .T. W. Taylor, Whose narents were frichd4 of 'Wm. McNabb during her rarlY girlhood at Creemore. After flit evening Pleasantly spent lunch rig; served bn bet two granddaugin tens. Pred..Eotson; Champion Orator, Speaks in Knox Church A. large audienee aesembled in Knox chureh on Sunday evening' last to hear Fred lnotsore the boy orator, on the subjeet, "What can a nom* Repeat Performance of Comedy 7CIIANCES» A. V. P. A. of St. George's Chock% the Parish Hall Wednesday, April 18 Cottsirs uses at 8.15 p. m. Atfivistion u Adults C;' -c C.Ztitett 354 peo-A,r, do to atom weal dist.Episkopel church, the Reverinet Gillette Bladeo, small package*, , • 40, tents, large cent. Vampbelna Pone Store. , ptacc.-. The service 1.1,33 in ebetOo IL W. Kuhlman officiating. The ot the young peoelo of tho coara-ta bride, who ratite in on Ow' arm of 1 gs.ti, n. nivrit particelarly el() mine her n-1 , al V. tr, p n* e . , of Mr. George Sehaefer, is mehino ter tulle veil. Court tenet% was rd.': men of St. Andrew's Chile an, c.,',: -[Detroit, was a dainty figure. gowned zaticn which. under tile leatterolito ia a sit»ple ire* of %cline flat crepe;j! 1 splendid prlygress. Mr. C.. R. Sem. Red softly at tile noel,: ef her head tiers, superintendent of tho. Sunday and held in place by a coronet of old „Reheat, preeided and intreduzed the lace and orange blosserae. Her only speaker. The Scripture "eaten Wan adornment was a ohert neeklace of read -by Mr. Jart: Aliell and the tiny rearls. She carried a Gilmer t young men of the Club acted an led- bouquet of 'bridal rosee and maiden - i ere and tvok 'up the collection, A. nair fern. Mies Rutlt Parkineen, i solo teas nicely rendered ha Mise (Twilit of the bride, wore rase nape Margaret Wilson and rat anthem. by and played Mendeisselin's *redline the sitoina and the hymns wore appro. illanah on the pipe "4 .;tui. Miss S. nriate ti the nervice. Who minister, E. Welters, sister of the bride, DIr. Rev. .R. C. IdeDerraid, led in prayer. Fred Davison, of Bavfleld, Mise Mr. Irotson hag remarkable ablity -Laurie Parkinsoin-Detrolt, eonoitnnif as an orator. His enunciation le the brlde, and Mr. Andrew Melton - very eleer and dietinct, his emphasin ahl, Kincardine, were the attendanto. good. Ile had his subject well pre. Miss Walters wore a pale Yellow ilet pared *rid the matter Wan excellent, crow and visioned un am bouquet of and he was perfectly at ease. With yellow nosea tind orchid sweet peas, stadi a steirt at No early, an age (he is Mise Parkinson SvOre it colt green only in his eighteenth year) Mr. Ilot. and silver frock of fiat erene And son v.ill surly come to the .front in carried pink Centeno roses and sweet MOM° profession. We understand he peas. Mrs, W. G. Parkinoon, mud has not yet selected bia lifework a»3 of the brlde, eomplimented fhb is regularly in attendance at Stmt. young couple with a reception and ford Collegiate Inatitute. Ilia home dinner at her home in Detroit, which is in Tavistoele As intimated in wns attended by about thirty guests, our last issue he is the champion boy The dining room Wan tastefully de-, orator kof °uteri° and won lint' place coveted in pink mid white and a love - among those using. the English Ian. ly centrepiece of -mink rind white tar. ginkgo in nu international coronet'. nations graced the table. Tim last tion at . Washingtere liehas also elimpoo of the happy r,014rilli an they 'travelled in Europe. . left on Saturday.evening showed the Mr. Ifoton is an exponent of the bride in a renc4eige costume with youth movement, Anti. naked, Why a strapped beige shutters and a small YoUth movement?He eomponed the Winn hat touched with vase. Ameng uresent tittle to the time of the down. other beautiful tato, Mr. and Mrs. Ina, of the Chtistien era, 4 time of Sorageo received a handsome set on ouste, and pouted out that Christ silverware. 'their many .frierels in himself was 4 young man and his Detroit, Godonieb and vioinitn join in apostles were young men mostly. wiehiog thin *nigh happiness. Mv. rehe speaker enlarged on the need to and Mrs. Snragqe will he at home to realize the brOtherhood of all man- their friends after April 1st 14 DO - kind of whatever Vitee and this Van trait. the feeling Which, taken uir by Piling , 'people the world ;over, would bring ' maitiehyde. Government diked. about. world peace, ard otrerigtb, 40 cents per lhe for Ravin Anon of enronnuneatian, treating fruit or groin, cembeena :nate terve. P and the oxtending of knowledge had hone bil. 1....*,...........1*.t Coraduetor-allow old is this boy? Lady -Pour. Conducter-Ilew old are you eonnyl Souny-Foura Condurtor--Well, I'll let him nide free this time, but I know what heal gonna be when he grows up. lotuiV--4Witat le he going to be? brought the world together and tend- ed to barriers between race and rate and in foreign toUntrien reonle "mew' what we were noing one thinking about, so that only by tbe irenttiee adoptien of the principles of Cheistionity and tne acceptance of all Mankind nit entiale 00111d. We over. COM° the intjuenees Which tended to .S.Prligfk•Wtilterti Conductor ---Either a liar or a giant, war. vinlIteavItlinineir Iiirtide saluiermakIeann_Amt-ur fumble Miss Lucinda Walteri, of Code-. his Bale a Footweitr, to commence tich, enil Arthur Spregge, of Wier- on Tueeday, April 3r41 ton, ivero muted in marriage at 4:30 • 1, o'eleck in the afternoon of Saturday, Your Radio Licomet expires March Idareli 24th, in Detroit. The veree.31st. Renew et A tro 1/1'il1Biliv1 4 MonY, took place at Freston Mahe. SOWS, West Street. suro you turn to page 2. CARDS OF THANKS Nita. .1. 1;' tieets,i,ri mei Slit W144 to alma Mow Leartnit 1atik3 for tin, litany rli11linec,s03 and emr5'isio59 et' .sympatity votielo Caen., tem) reeetted 40 none bereave:neat toy toe donne et thele sole mot torethee. eniiinus.e f1. to toinreasootre for tticm to ,ltutiowl-,tige i6i111111$:.,9(7.3 intliCidUaIlY, they ate itetalate theia alt reey Mr. Itichey, • It. Rorke and Family, wish tO exitresn. thetr appreciation „to Criondo anti ne,i`glators fur sfoyl411114, , ii44I8 44 ntlitcss t.hisWii [4E14 10 -010 trier. SMITH- In • airriNele on Sattirdre.. March 2 lilt, to Me., and Air -t. W. Forint. 4:4.datt:iiitee. DIF1) ° WILSON:An tioilerieli on 1,naca1. nrinittey. belovee wifeAA' Jovial D. Witiont in her. elth. , • IN' MEM...ORIAM . • ,DEVIXE-liEllitealn havLrz merriorr of my attar methera Mrs. Itavintallerr. who passed aWay four rears aSe Moprh If too and eara eoUld death prevent. Thy day mould net .so setuthe spent 1,161 -was, der:iced. nut Goo Ind sm Eternal rest wan best for. tare. - oh how patient in ber atiffeeana when 50 hand tonal sive her eaSo Dud. the teepee of •the bennes1. her, grief iiiiiinaent nee meree. arnet!,, And let 1141P henceforth neo • our broken hearts onit Thee, • Her ilangliter Ethel and tirandilansider Malone Smith, stirs talaZrii,--in rend and loving amat- ory taf our ,dear father Mr filbert t..lioliter. Who paS8041 away at Auburn , ono long year aflO toitay, ,Xnril 3. tiorala we mourn- the loss of one so ihrar.„te our tweets are 144 tiitiain • To think tho ono We loVett- so &at Wan so ouleklY etilled antra*. l'''.'etto:olLigi‘YilkeP.• littil‘iVinkyti°11t- '1,1 11 tnk yott couet not site goot-b-ye. Itentre' yeti closed your 0,ye9, • 14indlY re• IISOHNITN441.:Ultli.lriSta:111TERS. Yi."Millia'T.adit Inviter Memory of ante tleareet,. 111011144', Mrs. Elisabeth yueginia, ttiliar;.ed 11115 lino one .1nr;taei,‘ nttilloint„.17, :friend, ' • • t lit' \51t4'131 • iine_of the tent whom nod eould lend. ' nbe Woe• P vingtigentle.- , . end' . AINN;:k.S Nilifittg lififfnet to (14. • 4111e. year ban 1Xisi404i. Otn, /teartq Stilt mole. As elate wipe on we 111193 her mem. lier weleome smile, tier love*. Tat*, Yii,0110 On earth count tate. Iler Id**. 1-ia0ly xi -nasal by Sons and Dauetsierie W4 OFFEII" $50,000 Republic of Colombia % External Sinking Fund gold Bonds pf 1928 - To be dated April 1, ibu Interest payable April 1 and October L To mixture October 1, 100/ , OUMIILATIVE SINKING FUND CALCULATED TO 13,ETI1tS WHOInn ISSUE AT OR BEFORE MATURITY • • • COLOMBIA: !The Republic of Colombia adjoins the Isthmus of Panama and hen a notiot line -both on the Garibbeinntlea and the Pacific Ocean. It hat an area of over 4'75,000 square miles (more tliari that of all the•staten on the Atlantic Seaboard from Maine to Florida) and a present estimated popttlo,-' tion of over 7,800,000. The country in rich in natural resources, both agricultural anti mineral. Amer- • lean &enmities have largo invments in, the mining, oil, fruit and live doe: industries, total Avert. can investments in Colombia being approximately $220,000,000, PURPOSE: The proceeds of tide issue will La ilevoted to railroad and highway conetruction pur. poses, pursuant to Law 402 of 1022 and Lawn 12 and 100 of 1927, authorizing this lone. 142.1*10110. Ordinary revenue3 end ordinary expenditures ut reeent yeara have been as follon,o . • Yea Ordinary Revenuea Ordinary Experalitureo . ...... „....$32,425 591 . 1924 32,576,680 1925....... . a . . . . .. : ..... .... a 45,005,038 '1026. 64,163,088 1927.. • I • • .. ......... I re le • GO 1639,09 In the period 1022 .to 1026 the Republic 4130 received treaty payments .front the United Staten the total arnount of $25,000,000. . , During the smith Period the Republic., in uddition to ordinory expenditures, decreer:0d' its national dweohrtksbo: more than $23,500,000, invested 10,000,000 initial eapital in the Bank of the Republic and the Agriculttiral Mortgage Bank, and spent over 1:57000,000 upon nafiroad construction and other puling' ' While as above shown there was in 1027 a balance of ordinary revenues over ordinary expo -ail. num the outlay itt that year for railroads and other public works was over 832,000.000, and exceeded by approxiireataely *34000,000 such balance of ordinary revenueti and the proceede• of the N5,000,000 loan of 1027 sopplienble to Stich purpoono during that year.. DEBT: Colombia'o national debt, both internal and external, upon completion of this finarteing nevill approximate $80,440,000. Thin is equivateet to lese than $1/ per vapitalwhieleia-amoneethelow., aesnt4ffoorreunyvuotuf tsty0411511,,trieo Of the world, and comp:tree with estimated figurea for' Argentina of $/09, ' FOREIGN 'TRADE: The 'foreign trade of the 'country hue ohown a steady ir.ereaset the fieuree for recent years having been at follown ' ExPorts Year ' 1 1022 $ 4n21,01161,2372 $ 51,323,547 , 1024 58,048,305o ,429,199 ▪ 1.023 •• 5509; 945105,1232153 S3 1923......, 113,338,054 82,110,870 1 f 103,043,863 1920 1027......... ...... . • 121,817,554 124,324,081 1110eig1tia1ty SYSTEM; The Bank of tile Republic, oraonizcd along- the lines of the EedeVal IlO• Certic System, is the tole bank of in;410. On March 1, 1928, ita gold reserves Were 100,95On of its rioter In circulation, The Coloinbian Pane with a gold parity .t)f $.0733, is now quoted at a alight preiniunt. All eonversionaef pbrioe into dollars in the foregoing have been made at parity of exchange. $21,440,345 . 23,170,028 00,874,007 40,3/2,000 , 48 923 061 The Deptiblie has agrecai to make applicatiori to Hot Mae Donde on the New Yetis Ott.ek Exeitapoe. Thene Donde ate offered when, ao and if issued aid meepted by tin and euWeet to the approval o? cooing), Mesetal. t3tillitan & C60511W011 of New York City, who as to queJiono. of Colombian law will eOnsult with Dr. Pedro M. Catreno, Bogota, Colombia. We socovve the tiglot to toned fin/i- seriptions in whole or in put, te allot lecei than the amount applied for and to close the eubseription beetle at any time without rootiee. Temporary Bowie or Internin Iteceipte ileliverabie in tile fleet inatanee et the tam of Ilalloarteo & Goo 41 Pine atein, New York City. Price: 95 and interest, to yield over 6.35% to maturity O. F. CAREY & SON LIMITED MOSOIlie Phone 230 23t GODERICH —